2014. október 7., kedd

138.) St. Petersburg - Leningrad: "Kronverk"; Soviet / Russian Artillery & Pioneer & Communication fortress Museum *Neva Brutal weapons & James Bond 007 agent "Golden Eye" movie

#St.#Petersburg-#Санкт-#Петербург,#Leningrad -#Ленинград: '#Kronverk';#Soviet/#Russian #Artillery & #Pioneer & #Communication #Museum-#Tüzérségi #Múzeum, #Brutal-#weapons. #James#Bond #MI5 #007#agent #Pierce#Brosnan  "#Golden-Eye"#film, #Tina#Turner & #T-55 #MBT, FV4201 '#Chieftain' - #Till#Lindemann, the #singer of #Rammstein (#Wikipedia)

18+Refreshed! to-130%-31.07.2022.:++++++:+:++++++++:++++++++++:+++++:++:+
Hu. text: Szentpétervár (oroszul: Санкт-Петербург, magyar átírásban: Szankt-Petyerburg) Oroszország balti-tengeri kikötővárosa a Finn-öböl partján, a Néva-folyó torkolatában. 1703-ban alapították. Korábbi nevei Petrográd (Петроград, 19141924), illetve Leningrád (Ленинград, 19241991) voltak. A helyiek mai szóhasználatában elterjedt a Pityer (Питер) név is. Négy és fél millió lakosával Moszkva után az ország második legnagyobb városa. A világ egymilliónál több lakossal rendelkező városai közül Szentpétervár található a legészakabbra. A városközpontot az UNESCO a világörökség részévé nyilvánította. source: http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szentpetervar
above: NEW! MedRes! Backward in 'Kronverk'/"Arsenal" before Petropavloskaya 'Monetary'-island
above: NEW!: HiRes! Petropavloskaya island from the westernern tip - Petropavloszkaja sziget a nyugati csücske felől - Остров Петропавловская с западный оконечности >Ostrov Petropavlovskaya s zapadnyy okonechnosti<  belowHiRes! Petropavloskaya fortress island    source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
NEWabove: MedRes! "Hidden ENTRANCE to the Safe/Treasure Room - A Trezor-terem rejtett BEJÁRATa - Скрытый вход в безопасную комнату >Skrytyy vkhod v bezopasnuyu komnatu<"  photo by: KK 
above: NEW! HiRes! SPB collage: Clockwise from top left: Drawn Palace Bridge, Peter and Paul Fortress on Zayachy Island, Bronze Horseman on Senate Square, the Great Neva river, Trinity Cathedral, and the General Staff Building. - De haut en bas et de gauche à droite : la forteresse Pierre-et-Paul, la сathédrale de la Résurrection, la rivière Moïka, la сathédrale de la Trinité, le Cavalier de bronze et le palais d'Hiver.
По часовой стрелке, начиная с правого верхнего угла: Петропавловский собор, Медный всадник, Большая Нева, Троице-Измайловский собор, Здание Главного штаба, Дворцовый мост source: Wikipedia

above: NEW! MedRes! Vladimir Putin at the Russian naval parade in Saint Petersburg - Vlagyimir Putyin az orosz haditengerészeti parádén Szentpéterváron - Владимир Путин на военно-морском параде в Санкт-Петербургеsource: Fotó: Sputnik / Alexei Danichev / Pool / Reuters / Getty

Hu. text article: Putyin az orosz haditengerészetet dicsérte:
Putyin szerint az orosz hadiflotta képes villámgyorsan megfelelni bárkinek, aki úgy dönt, hogy megsérti Oroszország szuverenitását és szabadságát. Az orosz flotta megvédi a nemzeti érdekeket az új tengeri doktrína szellemében - jelentette ki az MTI moszkvai tudósítója szerint az orosz elnök vasárnap a hadiflotta napján megtartott szentpétervári fő haditengerészeti díszszemlén.
"Nyíltan kijelöltük Oroszország nemzeti érdekeinek határait és övezeteit, mind a gazdasági, mind a létfontosságú és stratégiai érdekekét. Ezek mindenekelőtt a sarkvidéki vizeink, a Fekete-, az Ohotszki- és a Bering-tenger, valamint a balti-tengeri és a Kuril-szorosok. Határozottan, minden eszközzel meg fogjuk védeni őket" - mondta Vlagyimir Putyin.
Putyin azt hangoztatta, hogy az orosz hadiflotta képes villámgyorsan megfelelni bárkinek, aki úgy dönt, hogy megsérti Oroszország szuverenitását és szabadságát.
Méltatta a haditengerészet, amely szerinte becsülettel teljesíti stratégiai feladatait az ország határain és a világtenger bármely régiójában, magasfokú készültségben áll és folyamatosan fejlődik.
author: Domokos Erika, 2022. július 31. vasárnap, 14:23
Fotó: Getty Images - A kép illusztráció.
Ru. text: Телеканал Санкт-Петербург LIVE
В воскресенье, 31 июля, на фарватерах в акватории реки Невы между Благовещенским и Троицким мостами и на фарватерах в акватории Большого Кронштадтского рейда вдоль южной оградительной стенки порта пройдёт Главный военно-морской парад.
Парад будет включать морскую, воздушную и наземную составляющие, что позволит представить современный облик Военно-Морского Флота. Участие в параде примут 36 надводных кораблей и катеров, 4 подводных лодки, 7 парусных судов, 42 летательных аппарата, а также более 3500 военнослужащих.
Для тех, кто не сможет прийти на Парад военных кораблей и авиации, посвященный Дню ВМФ, будет доступна прямая трансляция в эфире телеканала «Санкт-Петербург», на сайте topspb.tv и в наших социальных сетях. Присоединяйтесь к профессиональному празднику военнослужащих и всех работников, чья деятельность связана с флотом!

En. text: TV channel St. Petersburg LIVE
On Sunday, July 31, the Main Naval Parade will be held on the fairways in the waters of the Neva River between the Blagoveshchensky and Troitsky bridges and on the fairways in the waters of the Great Kronstadt raid along the southern protective wall of the port.
The parade will include sea, air and land components, which will present the modern look of the Navy. 36 surface ships and boats, 4 submarines, 7 sailing ships, 42 aircraft, and more than 3,500 military personnel will take part in the parade.
For those who will not be able to come to the Parade of warships and aviation dedicated to the Navy Day, a live broadcast will be available on the St. Petersburg TV channel, on the website topspb.tv and in our social networks. Join the professional holiday of military personnel and all workers whose activities are related to the fleet!

Hu. text: TV-csatorna Szt. Petersburg ÉLŐ
Július 31-én, vasárnap a Néva folyó vizén a Blagovescsenszkij és Trojszkij hidak közötti hajóutakon, valamint a Nagy Kronstadt sziget vizein a kikötő déli védőfala melletti hajóutakon rendezik meg a Haditengerészeti Felvonulást.
A felvonulás tengeri, légi és szárazföldi elemeket is tartalmaz, amelyek bemutatják a haditengerészet modern megjelenését. A felvonuláson 36 felszíni hajó és naszád, 4 tengeralattjáró, 7 vitorlás, 42 repülőgép és több mint 3500 katona vesz részt.
Azok számára, akik nem tudnak eljönni a haditengerészet napjának szentelt hadihajók és a  haditengerészeti légierő felvonulásra, élő közvetítés érhető el a szentpétervári tévécsatornán, a topspb.tv weboldalon és közösségi oldalainkon. Csatlakozzon a katonai állomány és minden olyan dolgozó szakmai ünnepéhez, akinek tevékenysége a flottához kapcsolódik!
above: NEW! HiRes! Birdeye map about St. Petersburg  by: Piter-map  source: Reddit.com
En. text: Saint Petersburg (Russian: Санкт-Петербург, tr. Sankt-Peterburg, IPA: [ˈsankt pʲɪtʲɪrˈburk] (About this soundlisten)), formerly known as Petrograd (Петроград) (1914–1924), then Leningrad (Ленинград) (1924–1991), is a city situated on the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea. It is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow. With over 5.3 million inhabitants as of 2018, it is the fourth-most populous city in Europe, as well as being the northernmost city with over one million people. An important Russian port on the Baltic Sea, it has a status of a federal subject (a federal city). The city was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on 27 May [O.S. 16 May] 1703, on the site of a captured Swedish fortress. It served as a capital of the Russian Tsardom and the subsequent Russian Empire from 1713 to 1918 (being replaced by Moscow for a short period of time between 1728 and 1730). After the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks moved their government to Moscow.
In modern times, Saint Petersburg is considered the Northern Capital and serves as a home to some federal government bodies such as the Constitutional Court of Russia and the Heraldic Council of the President of the Russian Federation. It is also a seat for the National Library of Russia and a planned location for the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so it's also referred to as Russia's Culture Capital. Saint Petersburg is home to the Hermitage, one of the largest art museums in the world. Many foreign consulates, international corporations, banks and businesses have offices in Saint Petersburg.   ...   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Petersburg
above: NEW! NoHigher! Medieval guns in "Kronverk"  source: k_kronos.livejournal.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! "A member of the guard staff in the Peter and Paul Fortress - Сотрудник гвардейского штаба в Петропавловской крепости >Sotrudnik gvardeyskogo shtaba v Petropavlovskoy kreposti< - Őrszemélyzeti tag a Péter-Pál erődben"
 Danielle of opila  photo by: Darqueraven
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian, Mr. Andrey Bogdanov, historian & leader of tradition keeper group of the 'Filigran peoples' & Book author & facebook album editor  source: facebook.com/A. Bogdanov's album
Bogdanov's comment: They say that now there are no blank spots on the map.
On the contrary, there are more of them! For example, colossal popular protests are now in Denmark and Chile. Has anyone heard anything about these countries after Pinochet and the extermination of minks ?! Do they even exist ?!
NEWaboveHiResbelow: MedResAndrey Bogdanov's tradekeeper club Members in S.P.B.    source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
Mr. Susányi Oszkár: wooden ship modeller - fahajómodell.hu: http://fahajomodell.hu/
aboveHiResAndrey Bogdanov's tradekeeper Lady opposit the 'Petropavloskaya' Fortress
above: NEW! MedRes! Classical landscape painting from Tretyakov gallery in Moscow: Driving on the Neva, Aleksei Petrovich Bogolyubov 1854.  source: PPS Created by Izabela & Miki Pitish
NEW! aboveMedRes! Peter and Paul Fortress - Petropavlovskaya Krepost in St. Petersburg aerial photo - A Péter–Pál-székesegyház a Péter–Pál-erődben    
above: NEW! HiRes! 152mm 2A36B "Giatsint" towed field gun and backround WW.II towed Howitzer 203mm M1931 B4 = major damage
The 2A36 Giatsint-B (Russian: Гиацинт; "Hyacinth" - "Jácint") is a Soviet/Russian towed 152 mm field gun which entered service in 1975. The 2A36 is designed to suppress and destroy enemy manpower and equipment. It is also suitable for counter-battery fire. The gun can be used in various weather conditions and has been tested in temperatures ranging from −50 °C to 50 °C. The gun is in use in Russia, a number of CIS countries, Finland, and Iraq. It was also used by the Lebanese Army to fire into the heavily fortified Nahr el-Bared refugee camp during the conflict there. Lebanon possibly acquired some in a major arms shipment from Iraq shortly before the end of the Lebanese Civil War.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2A36_Giatsint-B
above: NEW! MedRes! 2Sz-1 'Gvozdika' 2С1 "Гвоздика" ("Carnation - Szegfű") 122mm SPH
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Internal Auditor - Belső Ellenőr - Внутренний бухгалтер-ревизор
>Vnutrenniy bukhgalter-revizor<": by Lya Doronn  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov

above: NEW! NoHigher! Selfie  source: facebook/AB

above: NEW! MedRes! SPH - Öj.tar. - Self Propelled Howitzer - Önjáró Tarack (lg. - löveg)
152 mm 2Sz19 MSzTA-S  source: hisofweapons.ucoz.ru
En. text: The 2S19 "Msta-S" (Russian: Мста, after the Msta River) is a 152.4 mm self-propelled howitzer designed by Soviet Union, which entered service in 1989 as the successor to the 2S3 Akatsiya. The vehicle is based on the T-80 tank hull, but is powered by the T-72's diesel engine.  ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2S19_Msta
Hu. text: 2SZ19 Mszta–SZ (a Mszta folyó után) önjáró tüzérségi harcjármű, vagy önjáró tarack. Élőerő, objektumok, páncélozott és egyéb harcjárművek, illetve tüzérségi alakulatok mélységi leküzdésére szolgál hadosztály szinten.  ...

Ru. text: 2С19 «Мста-С» (индекс ГАБТУ — объект 316, по классификации NATO — M1990 «Farm») — советская и российская 152-мм дивизионная самоходная гаубица.  ...
above: NEWHiRes! IRMИРМ - Инженерная разведывательная машина - "Zhuk"-"Beetle" - Inzhenernaya Razvedyvatel'naya Mashina Combat Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle - Műszaki Felderítő Jármű: in "Kronverk" museum in St. Petersburg (former Leningrád) - Szentpétervár
IRM All-terrain combat engineer vehicle for land and river reconnaissance, developed in the 1970s. Production started in 1980 with the use of components from both the BMP-1 and BMP-2. Fifty IRMs were produced from 1986. However, the suspension had a new hull, one extra road wheel and one additional hydraulic shock-absorber. It has four pressurized compartments, with the engine located at the rear. There are three hatches on the top of the hull and one emergency hatch in the bottom. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP-1_variants#Combat_engineer_vehicles
192.) ДСП-30 Дальномер САПЕРНЫЕ прибор - DSzP-30 Utásztávmérő - Combat Engineer's coincidencial Rf. optical Rangefinder & Retrospective Photocameras: Leica, FED-2: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2017/02/192-30-dszp-30-utasztavmero-combat.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Female Finance Guard/Treasurer  in the Peter and Paul Fortress - Женская финансовая гвардия/Казначей в Петропавловской крепости >Zhenskaya finansovaya gvardiya Kaznachey v Petropavlovskoy kreposti< - Pénzügyőrnő a Péter-Pál erődben source: www.Pinterest.com

above: NEW! MedResVladimir#Putin participates with Defense Minister Sergei#Soygu on the Russian Naval Day on July 30, 2017 in #St.#Petersburg. - Vlagyimir#Putyin részt vesz Szergej#Sojgu hadügyminiszterrel az oroszországi haditengerészeti napon 2017. július 30-án,#Szentpéterváron. - Владимир#Путин принял участие с министром обороны Сергеем#Сойгу в праздновании Дня Военно-морского флота России 30 июля 2017 года в #Санкт-Петербурге. >Vladimir Putin prinyal uchastiye s ministrom oborony Sergeyem Soygu v prazdnovanii Dnya Voyenno-morskogo flota Rossii 30 iyulya 2017 goda v Sankt-Peterburge.<  photo by: Aleksey Nikolsky  source: AFP

Ru. text: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин (род. 7 октября 1952, Ленинград, СССР) — российский государственный, политический и военный деятель. Действующий президент Российской Федерации и верховный главнокомандующий Вооружёнными силами Российской Федерации с 7 мая 2012 года.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin
 NEWaboveNoHigher! VMS's day of Russian NAVY in august     below: MedRes! Missile Corvettes 1.  824  - Rakétás Naszádok from Baltic-fleet under Tutshkov-bridge  source: RT News
Russian Navy Day Military Parade in St. Petersburg 2020: Full Parede - День Военно-Морского Флота

above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's collect: VMF 'Naunchka' S-SM Anti-Ship missile corvettes and U.S. Navy Grumman EA-6B 'Prowler' action painting from Hong Kong DRAGON model catalogue 1993. 

Парад в честь Дня Военно-морского флота в Санкт-Петербурге 2021. Прямая трансляция
Naval parade occasion of the Day of the VMF in St. Petersburg 2021.

above: NEW! MedRes! '#Slava'-class Missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov" from VMF #Northern-fleet at the naval parade rehearsal in St. Petersburg, Finnish-bay - «Маршал Устинов» — советский и российский ракетный крейсер дальней морской и океанской зоны, второй корабль проекта 1164 «Атлант», входит в состав #Северного-флота на генеральной репетиции в Финском-заливе >na general'noy repetitsii v Finskom-zalive<   source: facebook/A. Bogdanov

30.) Kamov Ka-26 - Вертолета Камов Ка-26 - ВЕРТОЛЁТ - Ka-25 Helicopter (Russian) Instrument Panel and RNÁ - RSz  "Kukacbombázó" Ka-32 & Warships: 'Kashin' - Börgönd airf.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/30-kamov-ka-26-26-helicopter-russian.html
above: NEW! HiRes! Tradekeeper WW-Two Soviet Navy sailors: left: Baltic Fleet  right: Pacific Fleet  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Aurora (Russian: Авро́ра, tr. Avrora, IPA: [ɐˈvrorə]) is a Russian protected cruiser, currently preserved as a museum ship in Saint Petersburg. - Az Auróra (oroszul Аврора [Avrora], magyarul a. m. „hajnal”) hadihajó az Orosz Császári Flotta (Российский императорский флот) Pallada-osztályú védett (páncélfedélzetes) cirkálója. - «Авро́ра» — крейсер 1-го ранга Балтийского флота типа «Диана». Назван в честь парусного фрегата «Аврора», прославившегося при обороне Петропавловска-Камчатского в годы Крымской войны.  source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_cruiser_Aurora
pic  source: facebook/Tempfli József
above: NEW! HiRes! Pre-dreadnought cruiser 'Aurora' from 1917. in St. Petersburg -1970.- Oroszország, Szentpétervár -Leningrád-, 'Auróra' cirkáló Néva folyón.  Donor: Mr. Németh Tamás  source: fortepan.hu_140320
above: NEW! NoHigher! Battle ship Russian Aurora cruiser drawing - Чертеж боевого корабля Русский крейсер Аврора    source: Ticket-of-Russia
above: NEWMedRes! Juci's ZENIT / FORTE photo from base of 'Kronverk' in 1978.
Hu. text: 'Kronverk'; - a volt Leningrád - ma Szt. Pétervár az STS földi erődítménye. Petropavlovszk erődítmény Szt. Pétervár, Oroszország. Petrográd-szigeten található, egy kis sziget az erődben (Kronverk-szoros választotta el). Valójában a saját szigetén található: Tüzérségi-sziget (Kronverk-sziget), amelyet a Kronverk-csatorna választ el a Petrográd-sziget többi részétől. Ma tüzérségi múzeum van. Ez a röviden nevezett 'tüzérségi múzeum' a világ minden táján ismert, és sok Tüzér, Híradó és Műszaki hivatásos katona megpróbálja legalább egyszer megvizsgálni a hatalmas mennyiségű és jól karbantartott állapotú  kiállított haditechnikai eszközöket, ami egyszerűen lehetetlen 1-2 nap alatt. Ajánlom részletesebben végignézni ezt az anyagot a  tüzérségi fegyvernem, híradó és műszaki szakcsapatok iránt érdeklődő személynek. Az anyag szerkesztője (volt tábori tüzértiszt) a visszavonuló Juhász János nyugállományú repülő alezredes (Magyarország, Veszprém-city). A mű nagy és és egyértelműen szubjektív, de a személyesen 3 hónapos szakmai továbbképzés során kint tapasztaltakra és az általa néhány fellelt saját fényképre épül. - Link: Rövidített anyag a facebook látogatói részére: https://vialavia.blogspot.com - A bejegyzés frissítése annak köszönhető, hogy 12 június 1991-én népszavazásra került sor Leningrád átnevezéséről Szt. Pétervárra. A polgárok 65 százaléka ment el a szavazóhelyekre, melyből 54 százalék szavazott a város átnevezésére, így Anatoly Sobchak-ot választva meg polgármesternek. A moszkvai puccs után jött a végső döntés, amikor is az ország politikai helyzete megváltozott. 1991. szeptember 6 -án az Oroszországi Leningrádi Szövetség Legfelsőbb Szovjetjénak rendelete visszaadta a történelmi nevét, hogy Pétervár. Ajánlja: Borsi Miklós (Magyarország - Dyongdiosh), visszavonult tüzérségi főnök.

En text: 'Kronverk'; - the former name Leningrad - today St. Petersburg is the ground fortress of the STS. Petropavlovsk Fortress in St. Petersburg, Russia. It is located on the island of Petrograd, a small island in the fortress (separated by the Kronverk Strait). In fact, it is located on its own island: Artillery Island (Kronverk Island), which is separated from the rest of Petrograd Island by the Kronverk canal. Today there is an artillery museum. This briefly called ‘artillery museum’ is known all over the world, and many Artillery, Communication and Engineer - Pioneer professional soldiers try at least once to inspect the huge quantity and well-maintained condition of military equipment on display, which is simply impossible in 1-2 days. I recommend that you take a closer look at this material for anyone interested in artillery, communication, and pioneer teams. The editor of the material (former camp artillery officer) is the retired flying lieutenant colonel János Juhász -John Shepherd- (Hungary, Veszprém-city). The work is large and and clearly subjective, but it is based on what I experienced outside during the 3-month professional training in person and on some of my own photographs I found. - Link: Abbreviated material for facebook visitors: https://vialavia.blogspot.com - The update of the entry is due to the referendum on June 12, 1991 on the renaming of Leningrad to St. Petersburg. 65 percent of citizens went to the polls, of which 54 percent voted to rename the city, thus electing Anatoly Sobchak as mayor. The final decision came after the Moscow coup, when the political situation in the country changed. On September 6, 1991, a decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Leningrad Federation of Russia restored its historic name to St. Petersburg. Recommended by: Borsi Miklos (Hungary - Dyongdiosh), retired artillery chief.

Ru. text: «Кронверк»; - бывший Ленинград - сегодня Санкт-Петербург - наземная крепость СТС. Петропавловская крепость в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия. Он расположен на острове Петроград, небольшом острове в крепости (отделен Кронверкским проливом). Фактически, он расположен на собственном острове: Артиллерийский остров (остров Кронверк), который отделен от остальной части Петроградского острова Кронверкским каналом. Сегодня здесь находится артиллерийский музей. Этот кратко называемый «артиллерийским музеем» известен во всем мире, и многие профессиональные солдаты артиллерии, новостей и технических специалистов пытаются хотя бы один раз осмотреть огромное количество выставленной военной техники в хорошем состоянии, что просто невозможно в 1- 2 дня. Я рекомендую вам внимательно изучить этот материал всем, кто интересуется артиллерией, новостями и техническими командами. Редактором материала (бывший офицер лагерной артиллерии) является подполковник в отставке Янош Юхас (Венгрия, город Веспрем). Работа большая и явно субъективная, но она основана на том, что я испытал на улице во время 3-месячного профессионального обучения лично, и на некоторых моих собственных фотографиях, которые я нашел. - Ссылка: сокращенный материал для посетителей facebook: https://vialavia.blogspot.com - Обновление записи связано с референдумом 12 июня 1991 г. о переименовании Ленинграда в Санкт-Петербург. На избирательные участки пришли 65 процентов граждан, из которых 54 процента проголосовали за переименование города, избрав таким образом Анатолия Собчака мэром. Окончательное решение было принято после московского переворота, когда политическая ситуация в стране изменилась. 6 сентября 1991 года постановлением Верховного Совета Ленинградской Федерации России было восстановлено историческое название Санкт-Петербурга. Рекомендован: Борси Миклош (Венгрия - Дьонгдиош), начальник артиллерии в отставке.
Kronverk»; - byvshiy Leningrad - segodnya Sankt-Peterburg - nazemnaya krepost' STS. Petropavlovskaya krepost' v Sankt-Peterburge, Rossiya. On raspolozhen na ostrove Petrograd, nebol'shom ostrove v kreposti (otdelen Kronverkskim prolivom). Fakticheski, on raspolozhen na sobstvennom ostrove: Artilleriyskiy ostrov (ostrov Kronverk), kotoryy otdelen ot ostal'noy chasti Petrogradskogo ostrova Kronverkskim kanalom. Segodnya zdes' nakhoditsya artilleriyskiy muzey. Etot kratko nazyvayemyy «artilleriyskim muzeyem» izvesten vo vsem mire, i mnogiye professional'nyye soldaty artillerii, novostey i tekhnicheskikh spetsialistov pytayutsya khotya by odin raz osmotret' ogromnoye kolichestvo vystavlennoy voyennoy tekhniki v khoroshem sostoyanii, chto prosto nevozmozhno v 1- 2 dnya. YA rekomenduyu vam vnimatel'no izuchit' etot material vsem, kto interesuyetsya artilleriyey, novostyami i tekhnicheskimi komandami. Redaktorom materiala (byvshiy ofitser lagernoy artillerii) yavlyayetsya podpolkovnik v otstavke Yanosh Yukhas (Vengriya, gorod Vesprem). Rabota bol'shaya i yavno sub"yektivnaya, no ona osnovana na tom, chto ya ispytal na ulitse vo vremya 3-mesyachnogo professional'nogo obucheniya lichno, i na nekotorykh moikh sobstvennykh fotografiyakh, kotoryye ya nashel. - Ssylka: sokrashchennyy material dlya posetiteley facebook: https://vialavia.blogspot.com - Obnovleniye zapisi svyazano s referendumom 12 iyunya 1991 g. o pereimenovanii Leningrada v Sankt-Peterburg. Na izbiratel'nyye uchastki prishli 65 protsentov grazhdan, iz kotorykh 54 protsenta progolosovali za pereimenovaniye goroda, izbrav takim obrazom Anatoliya Sobchaka merom. Okonchatel'noye resheniye bylo prinyato posle moskovskogo perevorota, kogda politicheskaya situatsiya v strane izmenilas'. 6 sentyabrya 1991 goda postanovleniyem Verkhovnogo Soveta Leningradskoy Federatsii Rossii bylo vosstanovleno istoricheskoye nazvaniye Sankt-Peterburga. Rekomendovan: Borsi Miklosh (Vengriya - D'ongdiosh), nachal'nik artillerii v otstavke.<  - Google translator
aboveHiRes! Peter - Paul fortress - Kreposth from Neva-river  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! MedResSt.Petersburg-Vid 'Petropavloskaya' fortress and 'Dvortsoviy' openable bridge, Night time panorama photo: The Neva River flows through much of the centre of the city. left – the Spit of Vasilievsky Island, center – River Neva, Peter and Paul Fortress and Trinity Bridge, right – Palace Embankment with the Winter Palace. - Панорама Вид Санкт-Петеребурга; на Стрелку Васильевского острова, Петропавловскую крепость, Дворцовый мост через Неву в Белые ночи. 0:35 3 июля 2010 г. Это фотография памятника культурного наследия России c номером  photo: V. Fedorovski - собственная работа ...    source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! The sail-vessel under the slot of Vasilevsky bridge  source: A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! (Little upper Crop!) "Prepared for a night swim - Подготовлен к ночному плаванию >Podgotovlen k nochnomu plavaniyu< - Felkészülve az éjszakai fürdőzésre": Russia World-Star supermodel, Anastazia Schlegova  photo by: Sime Pavel Prosvest-studio  source: pinterest.com
Anastazia SchlegovaModel, actress and social media star who has amassed over 330,000 followers on Instagram. ...  Associated With; She became a Russian model and actress double threat, just like Eugenia Kuzmina and Irina Antonenko.  ...  https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/anastasiya-scheglova.html
above: NEW! MedRes! 'Petropavloskaya' fortress in 2020. winter-time  photo: Ignatev G.R. Fotosp.ru source: facebook/A. Bogdanov 
above: NEW! HiRes! Summertime 'Petropavloskaya' beach  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov

above: NEW! HiRes! "During night swiming in Neva-river": Russian Worldfamous model, #Irina#Shayk #bottomless in wet see through top  source: PinCelebs.net

Irina Valeryevna Shaykhlislamova (Russian: Ири́на Вале́рьевна Шайхлисла́мова; born 6 January 1986. -age 34-Yemanzhelinsk, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union), known as Irina Shayk (/ʃeɪk/), is a Russian model who received international recognition when she appeared as the first Russian model on the cover of the 2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Models.com ranks her as an "Industry Icon".  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irina_Shayk
above: NEW! HiRes! Panorama of Saint Petersburg from 'Palace' bridge  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! MedRes! Building of Admiralty and "Winter palace"/"Ermitage" and other side of Neva river the 'Kronverk'  source: Lazy Pengiune/ PPS
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Little Cropped!) Admiralty building in St. Petersburg  source: Saint-Peterspburg.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, congratulated the submariners on their professional holiday  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov

aboveNEWNoHigher! "Admiral's wife in prom dress -  Admirális felesége báli öltözetben"   source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
231.) Marine style fashion clothes & wears - Tengerészeti stílusú divatruhák és viseletek - Sailor & Captain Women: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/03/231-marine-style-fashion-clothes-wears.html
above: NEW! MedRes! Tradition-keepers in St. Petersburg by club leader: Historian A.P. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) Admiralty in S.PB.  source: Wikipedia.org
aboveNEWHiRes! Admiralty during Christmas day 2020.  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above & below Three: NEW! HiRes! Light projection/Light Play on the night sky, occasion of the 9th May 2021 at Vasilevsky bridge - Fényjáték az éjszakai égen a hídnál  photos-pics by: Inspector - Инспектор  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
81.) День Побе́ды военные парады 2014 .9 мая на Красной площади в Москве_ Victory Day on 9 May Miltary Parade _ Győzelem Napi  Díszszemle 2014. május 9. Moszkva - Valery  Barykin: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/05/81-2014-9-victory-day-on-9-may-miltary.html
aboveNEWMedRes! Winter-palace & Admiralty with Dvortsovy-bridge in 2020. winter-time  photo: Ignathev G.R. Fotosp.ru   below: NEW! NoHigher! Vasilievsky Island, St. Petersburg, winter   photo: Loginov  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov

Санкт-Петербург. Парад Победы 2021. Полное видео
1.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jly6ueNW7Do
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above: NEW! MedRes! New designed Fishing boat "Barents-sea" - Рыбацкая лодка 
>Rybatskaya lodka< Баренцево море >Barentsevo more< - Halászhajó on the Neva-river  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album

above: NEWNoHigher! "The Chief Secretary of the Admiralty is Ms. Natali - Az Admiralitás vezető Titkárnője NataliГлавный секретарь Адмиралтейства Натали. >Glavnyy sekretar' Admiralteystva Natali<
above: NEW! NoHigher!  Baltic-fleet warships (Frigate of project 22350 "Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet Gorshkov") opposit the Admiralty in backround golden cupol the 'Isaac' chatedral  source: Teller report
220.) Hajókatasztrófa a Dunán 2019. may 29. LT 21:00 Boat Disaster: "Viking Sigyn" River Cruise Longship  & "Hableány" проекта 544 «Москвич» deadly crash in Budapest, Danube-river: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/06/220-hajokatasztrofa-dunan-2019-may-29.html
NEWabove:  HiRes! Opposite the distance is the Admiralty building on Goroghovaya Street on the bridge over the Moyka-Canal - Szemben távolban az Admiralitás épülete a Goroghovaja utcán a Mojka-csatorna feletti hídon - Напротив - здание Адмиралтейства на Гороховой улице на мосту через Мойкинский канал. >Naprotiv - zdaniye Admiralteystva na Gorokhovoy ulitse na mostu cherez Moykinskiy kanal<      below: NoHigher! Girl on Moyka-canal bank  in backround visible the cupola of the 'Kazanskiy' chatedral  source:  facebook/  Andrey Bogdanov's album
 above. NEW! HiRes! Balerina performance on the bank of canal  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
NEWabove. MedRes! below: HiRes! Canals & junction?  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Admirality & Moyka-canal/river  source: Google Map

above: HiRes! Cyrillic text: Baltic-sea with Gulf of  Finland, Kronstadt-island and St. Petersburg (Leningrad)  
aboveNEWHiRes! Map of SPB 1744. - Карта Санкт-Петербурга составленная в 1744 г. Маттиас Сойтер   source: Wikipedia
MedResabove: Petropavloskaya Kreposth and 'Kronverk'   
above: NEW! NoHigher! The Kronwerk is located north of the fortress island. The jagged blue line is a canal [ru]. (This map was created from OpenStreetMap project data, collected by the community. This map may be incomplete, and may contain errors. Don't rely solely on it for navigation.)  source: Wikipedia      below: MedRes! Juci'bácsi's mosaic: 'Kronverk' layout/floorplan - поэтажный план >poetazhnyy plan< - alaprajz
The Kronverk (Russian: Кронверк, from the German word for "crownwork") is a ground fortification for the Sts. Peter and Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Kronverk is situated on Petrogradsky Island, across the small island of the fortress proper (separated by the Kronverksky Strait). It was built in 1705-08, with reconstructions in 1752 and 1800.
Strictly speaking, it is on its own island: Artillery Island [ru] (Kronverksky Island), which is separated from the rest of Petrogradsky Island by the Kronverksky Canal [ru].
On 13 July 1826, five participants of the Decembrists' conspiracy were hanged on the eastern rampart of the Kronverk (in 1975, an obelisk was installed on the supposed site of execution). Today it is where the Artillery Museum is.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronverk
above: NEW! MedRes! "View from one of Kronverk's chief's offices - Kilátás a Kronverk egyik főnöki irodájából - Вид из одного из кабинетов начальника Кронверка >Vid iz odnogo iz kabinetov nachal'nika Kronverka<"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above & below Two: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: ZSZU–23–4 szovjet önjáró légvédelmi gépágyú. Az 1960-as évek elején fejlesztették ki az elavult ZSZU–57–2 leváltására. source: thetankmaster.com  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZSzU-23-4_Silka
34.) ZSzU-57-2 "Büszke" ('Proud') - Зенитная установка ЗСУ-57-2 - Flak-panzer - боевой танк Т-54 alvázon, MBT tank, Sz-60 AA-gun - Drawing - ЧЕРТЕЖИ - Rajz: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/34-zszu-57-2-buszke-proud-57-2-flak.html
NEW! NoHigher! above: Outline Two-view drawing   below: Hull axonometry drawing
NEW! NoHigher! Turret structure - Torony felépítés
above: NEW! MedRes! SPAAG 2A6 ZSzU-23-4 'Shilka'  is a lightly armored Soviet self-propelled, radar guided anti-aircraft weapon system - ЗСУ-23-4 «Ши́лка» (индекс ГРАУ — 2А6), farther away 9K58 BM-30  (Russian: Смерч, "tornado", "whirlwind") heavy multiple rocket launcher in backround the Monetary palace small tower.  photo by: Alex Kuznecov  source: http://www.thetankmaster.com
above: NEW! MedRes! "Silka" SPAAG master crewmember in the staff-room before wallpainting work  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Pin-Up in St. Petersburg behind Petropavavloskaya island in building of the 'Kronverk'  artist: Ms. Doronina Tatiana 
Beautiful and colorful illustrations created by Doronina Tatiana. Born in Kazakhstan, Karaganda where she studied at Pedagogical Institute. In 2000 she moved to Russia and worked as a designer at an advertising agency. Since 2007, working on freelancing as an artist and illustrator.  ...  https://www.blogger.com/blogger
aboveNEWHiRes! (Crop vertic & Lightened!) 2B1 'Oka' 420-mm self propelled howitzer/mortar front traverse view and its shell in Saint-Petersburg Artillery museum - Der selbstfahrende 430-mm-Granatwerfer 2B1 Oka kam nicht über das Versuchsstadium hinaus  source: Wikipedia
NEW! Hu. text article: author - szerző: ret.arty.Lt.Col. Dr. (Ph.D.) Szabó Tibor ny.tü.alez.: EGY TŰZESZKÖZ, AMELY IGAZÁN SOHASEM VOLT RENDSZERBEN: Az 1950-es évek elején a két szuperhatalom igyekezett az atomeszköz célba juttatására alkalmas önjáró tüzérségi eszközöket kifejleszteni. Az amerikai fél a saját tűzeszközét, a 280 mm-es atomágyút 1953-ra fejlesztette ki. A szovjetek részéről a kísérletek az 50-es évek elején kezdődtek. Az „atomágyú” fegyverzetének a 420 mm-es kísérleti fejlesztési szakaszban lévő aknavetőt választották. A kifejlesztendő tűzeszköz hordozó járművének a szintén kísérleti szakaszban lévő, 2A3 „Kondenzátor-P” típusjelű, 406 mm-es önjáró löveg alvázát szemelték ki. Az atomeszköz a fejlesztés során a „2B1 Oka” típusjelet kapta. Az első négy prototípus 1957 elejére készült el, és részt vettek a november 07-én, Moszkvában megrendezett parádén. Az 55 t tömegű atom tűzeszköz (tehát nem ágyú, hanem simacsövű aknavető) 20 méteres csővel rendelkezett, hagyományos aknagránáttal 25, míg rakéta póthajtással ellátott aknagránáttal 40 kilométeres lőtávolságot ért el. A 2B1 Oka +50 +75° függőleges irányzási szögtartományban tudott tüzelni, igen kicsi (egyes források szerint ± 3°) oldalirányzási lehetőséggel rendelkezett. A konstruktőrök az atom aknagránáthoz RDSZ-41 indexel 14 KT hatóerejű töltetet fejlesztettek ki. A 8 fős kezelőszemélyzet a töltést segítő berendezések segítségével töltötték be a 670 kg tömegű aknagránátot a csőbe. A tűzeszköz 12-14 percenként tudott lövést kiváltani. A szovjet katonai vezetés az atomaknavetőt a fővezérség közvetlen, a Leningrádi Katonai Körzet területén diszlokáló, különleges hatóerejű tüzérezred állományába (Luga) kívánta rendszeresíteni. A felállítandó tüzérosztályba 12 db tűzeszközt terveztek.  A másik két, szintén csak atomlőszerrel tüzelő tüzérosztály állományába a Kondenzátor-P 406 mm-es és a 203 mm-es önjáró lövegeket tervezték felállítani. Az osztály személyi állománya 1957-1960 között 88, különböző szintű harcászati és lőgyakorlaton vett részt.  A gyakorlatok során sorra jöttek elő a tűzeszköz konstrukciós hibái: lövés közben az alváz 3-4 métert hátracsúszott, a lövészet és a menetek során az alváz torziós tengelyei és a futógörgők gyakran meghibásodtak, állandó problémák jelentkeztek a hátrasikló és a kiegyensúlyozó szerkezetnél is. Bebizonyosodott, hogy a nagy hátrasiklási energia elnyelésére, az önjáró alváz és a futófelület tehermentesítése érdekében hidraulikus támasztótalpakat (lásd később a 203 mm-es 2Sz7, a 152 mm-es 2Sz5 önjáró lövegek) kell felszerelni. A tűzeszközök még részt vettek az 1960. november 07-i parádén, ezt követően viszont a Kondenzátor-P és a 2B1 Oka további fejlesztését leállították. A szovjet hadvezetés úgy döntött, hogy a 2B1 Oka helyett atom kilövő tűzeszköznek a 2K6 „Luna” harcászati rendeltetésű rakéta komplexumot állítja rendszerbe. A kép a szentpétervári  „Műszaki, híradó és tüzér múzeum” előtt készült.  Dr. Szabó Tibor
above: NEW! NoHigher! 2B1 'Oka' 280 mm "Nuclear Gun" heavy mortar   source: facebook/ A tüzérségnél szolgáltunk/Dr. Szabó Tibor
Hu. text: 2A3 Kondenzátor 2P a "Vörös-Cár ágyú".
A nukleáris töltet kilövésére is alkalmas 406mm-es rendszernek minimális volt a valódi haszna, de a  felvonulásokon való részvétel minden várakozást felülmúlt. A szovjet tüzérségi szörnyek mindig kitörölhetetlen benyomást tettek a külföldi attasékra és újságírókra.
A másik változata az 2B1 Oka 420mm-es kaliberű és 20 méter hosszú csövével még impozánsabb volt(következő poszt.).
A 2A3"Kondenzátórból 4 darab készült és 1957 óta rendszeresen, felvonuláson jelent meg. Valójában a "Vörös-Cár ágyú" szerepe Nikita Szergejevics Hruscsov uralkodása alatt csak erre a célra korlátozódott. A főtitkár a rakétatechnológiára támaszkodott, ezért a taktikai rakétarendszerek létrehozása terén elért első sikerekkel a Szovjetunió letett a szupernagy kaliberű nukleáris tüzérségről.
Ennek ellenére ezen tapasztalatok alapján fejlesztették ki a félelmetes 2Sz7"Piont"amely 203mm-es kaliberével, egyedülálló kategóriát képvisel az orosz haderőben.
above: NEW! NoHigher! A painter-worker woman resting tired of wall plastering resting during a break dreams about huge gun. - A fal-vakolásban megfáradt festőmunkás pihenője közben a szünetben egy hatalmas ágyúról álmodiksource: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! MedRes! "Restaurator Painter Artist Girl- Реставратор Художник Художник Девушка - >Restavrator Khudozhnik KhudozhnikÍ Devushka<"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! "Muzeologist Woman after after wall paint - Женщина-музеолог после покраски стен >Zhenshchina-muzeolog posle pokraski sten< - Muzeológus hölgy a falfestés után source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! "A true plastering spatula - vakoló spakli - штукатурный шпатель >shtukaturnyy shpatel'<": IMR-2/JVBT-55A (Инженерная машина разграничения >Inzhenernaya mashina razgranicheniya<) Combat engineering Vehicle equipped with tree crane and dozer on T-55 hull  photo by: Mr. Kizmus Szabolcs had
above: NEW! MedRes! M30 122mm towed howitzer from WW-Two  photo by: Alex Kuznecov
above: NEW! NoHigher! Museum interior courier/messenger - Múzeumi belső futár/hírnök - Курьер/курьер по интерьеру музея >Kur'yer/kur'yer po inter'yeru muzeya<": Christy Turlington for 'Vogue'-magazine,august 2006.  source: celebsdumb.com
Christy Nicole Turlington Burns (born January 2, 1969. 1969 -age 51- Oakland, California, U.S.) is an American model, charity-founder and campaigner, and filmmaker. She represented Calvin Klein's Eternity campaign in 1989 and again in 2014, and also represents Maybelline. Turlington was named one of Glamour's Women of the Year in 2013, and, in 2014, was named included on the annual Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world. Turlington initially attracted fame in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a supermodel. Grace Coddington, the long-time creative director of American Vogue magazine, has described Turlington as "the most beautiful woman in the world."  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christy_Turlington
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Artillery exhibition leader - Tüzérségi tárlatvezető": “Let us be elegant or die.” in American fashion designer, Ralph Lauren's classical suit, "Hussars jacket on Russian supermodel, Valentina Zelyaeva   https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1083486
Валентина Андреевна Зеляева (род. 11 октября 1982, Улан-Удэ -37 лет-) — российская топ-модель. Валентина Зеляева родилась в Улан-Удэ, Республика Бурятия в 1982 году, в семье служащего советской армии и учительницы школы. Как и многие семьи военнослужащих, Зеляевы часто переезжали из одного города в другой. Так впоследствии они перебрались из Улан-Удэ в Нижний Новгород, затем непродолжительное время жили в Санкт-Петербурге (тогда Ленинграде), а когда Вале было 7 лет, переехали в Москву. В Москве Валентину впервые заметил модельный агент и пригласил на работу по контракту в Японию, на что она согласилась, но не сразу восприняла карьеру модели всерьёз. ... ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ru_Valentina-Zelyaeva
above: NEW! Zelyaeva in R. Lauren's suit: Left. MedRes! Rear view  Right: MedRes! Front view
121.) Д-20 152-мм пушка-гаубица 1954. - D-20 'KHITIN' vontatott ágyútarack - 152 mm towed gun-howitzer M1955: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/07/121-20-152-1954-d-20-khitin-vontatott.html
above: NEW! Left: HiRes! Valentina Zelyaeva: Red Military Jacket Style, Ralph Lauren Corporation,  source: www.stylevore.com   Right: MedRes! R. Lauren - My style by: pinterest
Valentina Zelyaeva (Russian : Валентина Зеляева; born October 11, 1982 in Ulan-Ude, Soviet Union -37 y.o.-) is a Russian model.  Valentina has been featured in print advertisements for Tommy Hilfiger, Coach, Calvin Klein, and Ralph Lauren, with whom she signed a seven-year deal, appearing in several high-profile campaigns for the designer. In addition to her Vogue covers, she has appeared on the covers of Elle , Harper's Bazaar , W , and Glamour , among others. Her runway credits include Balenciaga, Christian Dior, Lanvin, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Gucci and Valentino.  On the controversial issue of banning underweight models from Milan Fashion Week, she said, "I think it's discrimination. We are skinny, this is our work. There are lots of overweight people working in offices but I'm not going to say, 'This girl is fat, she can't work in an office'." Currently lives in New York.  ...  https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/Valentina_Zelyaeva
above: NEW! NoHigher!"Artillery exhibition leader" Valentina Zelyaeva  source: Pinterest
De. text: Ralph Lauren KBE [ˈlɔː.rən] (*14. Oktober 1939 in der Bronx, New York City als Ralph Lifshitz) ist ein US-amerikanischer Modedesigner und Gründer des Modeunternehmens Ralph Lauren Corporation.  ...  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Lauren
The Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps (Russian: Военно-исторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связиKronverkskaya Embankment, also known simply as the Artillery Museum, is a state-owned military museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Its collections, consisting of Russian military equipment, uniforms and decorations, are hosted in the Kronverk (a crownwork) of the Peter and Paul Fortress situated on the right bank of the Neva near Alexander Park. The museum is managed by the Russian Ministry of Defence
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Historical_Museum_of_Artillery,_Engineers_and_Signal_Corps
above & below: NEW! MedRes! 'Kronverk' satellite - műhold photo by: Google Earth
Kronverkskaya Naberezhnaya (Kronverk Embankment):
Kronverkskaya Embankment is a mix of both old and very new buildings. In the beginning of the 18th century, the first structures appeared here during the founding years of the city, but the embankment itself - and a route for transport along it - did not appear until the 1970s. A curious fact - not one house is listed as being located on the waterfront, and yet there are a few first-class sights here.  ...  http://www.saint-petersburg.com/embankments/kronverk-embankment/
above: NEW! HiRes! "Area watching camera of the Kronverk térfigyelő kamerája"  photo: Andrey Raj  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
158.) ISz-3 (JS-3), ISzU-152: 1956-os Forradalom és Szabadságharc Szovjet páncélosai: II. rész - 1956's Hungarian Revolution's Soviet armors: 2nd part: WW-Two Tanks; IS-3 heavy tank & ISU-152 assault howitzer: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/04/158-isz-3-js-3-iszu-152-1956-os.html
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lightened!) Inside exhibition area: Frog-1 (2K4 Filin mit Rakete 3R2) - 2P4 Transporter-Erector-Launcher with 3R2 missile of 2K4 missile complex «Filin» in Saint-Petersburg Artillery museum.  source: Wikipedia - https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/FROG_(Rakete)

above: NEW! NoHigher! "#Room-keeper": #Ralph#Lauren's #Herbst-Winter #Kollektion 2018

Ralph Lauren (né Lifshitz; born October 14, 1939. -age 80- The Bronx, New York, U.S.) is an American fashion designer, philanthropist, and billionaire businessman, best known for the Ralph Lauren Corporation, a global multibillion-dollar enterprise. He has become well known for his collection of rare automobiles, some of which have been displayed in museum exhibits. Lauren stepped down as CEO of the company in September 2015 but remains executive chairman and chief creative officer. As of 2019, Forbes estimates his wealth at $6.3 billion, which makes Ralph Lauren the 102nd richest person in America.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Lauren
above: NEW! NoHigher! ATGM The AT-2 "Swatter" is the NATO reporting name for the 3M11 'Falanga' - 'Fleyta' (flute) SACLOS radio command anti-tank missile on BRDM-1 ARV chassis of the Soviet Union. - «Фаланга» или 2К8 (Индекс ГРАУ — 2К8 (комплекс), 3М11 (ракета), по классификации МО США и NATO — OTAN — AT-2 Swatter, рус. мухобойка) — советский противотанковый ракетный комплекс (ПТРК).  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9M17_Fleyta
66.) Ми-24 - Mi-24V - Bell P-39 "Airahind" Fantasy - Steampunk Combat Helicopter concept (B-25H 'Mitchell' guns, Sperry Ball-Turret and 'Airacobra' side view profile):
22P32 – Tank destroyer equipped with 2K8 launcher for 4×9M11 "Falanga" (AT-2 Swatter) ATGM. The vehicle is exactly the same as the 2P27 but has a different missile launcher which uses four 9M11 "Falanga". It is a logical successor to the 2P27, entered service in 1962.
aboveNEWHiRes! MCLOS AT-1 "Snapper" 2P27 tank destroyer  'Smel' PTURSz on 9P110 TEL BRDM-1 ARV chassis - 2П27 — боевая машина с противотанковым ракетным комплексом 2К16 «Шмель»  source: wikipedia.org
The BRDM-1 (Bronirovannaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Mashina, - Бронированная Разведывательная Дозорная Машина, literally "armored reconnaissance/patrol vehicle"[3]) is a Soviet amphibious armored scout car. It was the first purpose-built Soviet reconnaissance vehicle to enter service since the BA-64 and was built on the chassis and drive train of the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier. It is the world's first mass-produced combat vehicle of its class. The primary advantage of the BRDM-1 at the time of its introduction was its amphibious capability, which was the main shortcoming associated with its BTR-40 counterpart. Another unique feature of the vehicle's design were two pairs of chain-driven auxiliary wheels, which could be lowered to provide additional traction on muddy terrain. The BRDM-1 was manufactured from 1957 to 1966, at which time 10,000 had entered service with the Soviet Union and its military allies around the world. It was thereafter superseded by the improved BRDM-2, which possessed greater amphibious capabilities, a more powerful engine, and a fully enclosed turret.
2P27 – Tank destroyer equipped with 2K16 launcher for 3×3M6 "Shmel" (AT-1 Snapper) ATGM. The rear of the vehicle has been completely rebuilt. The space for the reconnaissance team and the reconnaissance equipment is replaced by a superstructure in which a launcher with three 3M6 "Shmel" missiles is carried. While on the move the launcher is hidden inside of the superstructure and is protected by its armour. Thanks to this when the launcher is not deployed the 2P27 looks almost exactly as a normal BRDM-1. It even still has four firing ports on both sides of the vehicle even though it is impossible to operate them in this vehicle. It is almost impossible to distinguish the two vehicles from a long distance. When the vehicle stops the rocket launcher can be deployed. This is done by taking off two the steel panels on top of the launcher's compartment, opening a flap in the rear of the superstructure and elevating the launcher. After that the launcher can be immediately fired. Developed in 1958.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRDM-1
     18+above: NEW! NoHigher! "The visitor is tired in the great heat - A nagy melegben elfáradt látogató - Усталый посетитель в сильную жару >Ustalyy posetitel' v sil'nuyu zharu<"   source: Hamster/nudegirl.com
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lightened!2P16 Transporter-Erector-Launcher on PT-76 schwimmpanzer hull,  with 3R9 rocket of 2K6 missile complex «Luna» in Saint-Petersburg Artillery museum - Startfahrzeug 2P16 mit Rakete 3R9 des Raketenkomplexes 2K6 Luna - Luna rakétarendszer a szentpétervári Tüzérségi Múzeumban - Пусковая установка 2П16 с ракетой 3Р9 ракетного комплекса 2К6 «Луна» в Артиллерийском музее Санкт-Петербурга.  source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2K6_Luna  source: Wikipedia
Hu. text: A Luna (GRAU-kódja: 2K6, NATO-kódja: FROG–3 és FROG–5) szovjet mobil rakétarendszer, amely hagyományos és atomtöltettel ellátott harcászati ballisztikus rakétákat alkalmaz. A rendszert lánctalpas hordozójárművekre telepítették. 1965-től a modernizált Luna–M váltotta fel.
159.) PT-76 Amphibious Light (Swimming) Tank LAT - Plavayushiy Tank - Amhibious Tank - ПТ-76 (Объект 740) — советский лёгкий плавающий танк. - Aufklärung Schwimmpanzer - UHK - Úszó HarcKocsi - GSzP, Shilka, Kub & Indonesian MARINIR - M551 Sheridan - Airsoft, - 1956-os Forradalom és Szabadságharc Szovjet páncélosai: III. rész - 1956's Hungarian Revolution's Soviet armors: 3nd part: ПТ-76 (Объект 740) советский лёгкий плавающий танк. - BTR-50PU, 2K6-2P16 "Luna" 'Frog-3', ASU-85.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/06/159-pt-76-amphibious-light-swimming.html
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lightened!9T29 Transporter with 9M21 rocket of 9K52 missile complex «Luna-M» in Military historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps in Saint-Petersburgsource: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! 9T29 transporter carrying a 9M21 missile for a 9K52 Luna-M missile complex in Saint Petersburg Artillery museum - Пусковая установка 9П113 с ракетой 9М21 ракетного комплекса 9К52 «Луна-М» базовое шасси ЗИЛ-135ЛМ в Артиллерийском музее Санкт-Петербурга  source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K52_Luna-M
above: NEW! HiRes! "One of the handsome guides of the Museum - Один из красивых гидов музея >Odin iz krasivykh gidov muzeya<  - A Múzeum egyik csinos idegenvezetője source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
aboveHiRes! Most brutal Russian conventional artillery weapons in St. Peterburg in 'Kronverk' Museum; - 2С9 "Пион" Самоходная пушка 2S9 "Pion" 'Peony', 2Sz9 "Pünkösdi rózsa" - БМ-30 9A52 "Смерч" BM-30 'Smerch', "Szmercs"-"Záporeső"  
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop vertic!) Puskovaya - TEL 2P19 on ISU-152 chassis 8K14 missile - Пусковая установка 2П19 с ракетой 8К14 & 9K72 в Артиллерийском музее Санкт-Петербурга  source: Wikipedia
Scud is a series of tactical ballistic missiles developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was exported widely to both Second and Third World countries. The term comes from the NATO reporting name "Scud" which was attached to the missile by Western intelligence agencies. The Russian names for the missile are the R-11(the first version), R-17 (later R-300) Elbrus (later developments). The name Scud has been widely used to refer to these missiles and the wide variety of derivative variants developed in other countries based on the Soviet design.
above: NEWHiRes! (Side Cropped for max 1600px!) 9P117 TEL - Transporter-Erector-Launcher (PU - Puskovaya Ustanovka) - ПУ) with 8K14 rocket of 9K72 missile complex «Elbrus» in Saint-Petersburg Artillery museum - A MAZ–543P (9P117) jármű a 9K72 Elbrusz hadműveleti-harcászati rakétarendszer indító-hordozó járműveként, a szentpétervári tüzérségi múzeumban kiállítva - Пусковая Установка 9П117 с ракетой 8К14 ракетного комплекса 9К72 «Эльбрус» в Артиллерийском музее Санкт-Петербурга  source: Wikipedia
above: NEWHiResPhoto: Mr. Kizmus Szabolcs may of 2016. 9K72 "Scud-B" on MAZ-543
aboveNEWNoHigher! 9K72 "Elbrus" 'Scud-B' on concrete plate in "Kronverk" museum in St. Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia  source: Max Chern collection
75.) Bunker - в/ч пп 16205 A nagyvázsonyi Szovjet atomraktár (Úrkút) - Nuclear Warhead Storage Shelter-Base in WP member Hungary _ Scud-B (SS-1c), OKA (SS-23) _Hu & English language: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/04/74-bunker-16205-nagyvazsonyi-szovjet.html
above: NEW! MedRes! "Interior exhibition object/item behind the red brick wall: Nuke-strike "Nuclear" Blondy Baby - Kiállítási tárgy a vöröstéglafal mögött: Csapásmérő "Lukneáris" Szöszibaba" és a Felvigyázója - and her Supervisor  below: the Bányushka
above: NEW! NoHigherChaqueta LA CONDESA Royal Roja -Luxury Fashion
above: NEW! MedRes! Hungarian Field Artillery officer (My arty friend!) /now ret. Dr. Ph.D. Lt.Col./ as visitor in 'Kronverk': 2S9 'Nona'   Photo late 1980s & source: facebook/Tibor Szabó
facebook/Szabó Tibor:
Hu. text personal comment: 2Sz9 (Nona): A lánctalpas alvázú zárt küzdőterű, lövegtoronnyal rendelkező önjáró aknavetők fejlesztését a világon először a szovjet (orosz) szakemberek kezdték meg. A 80-as évek elején ezen önjáró aknavető típus kifejlesztésének szükségességét a légi deszant (légi mozgékonyságú) csapatok tüzérségi tűztámogatásának igénye motiválta. A szovjet szakemberek a tűztámogatás rugalmasságának fokozása céljából a BMD (Boevaja Masina Deszantü - deszant gyalogsági harcjármű) alvázának felhasználásával, 120 mm-es Nona löveg/aknavető beépítésével új tűzeszközt fejlesztettek ki. A 8,7 t tömegű 2SZ9 Nona típusjelű tűzeszköz lövegtornyába beépített, 2A60 típusjelű huzagolt csövű tarack-aknavető tüzérségi lövedékekkel és hagyományos aknagránáttal is képes tüzelni. A tarack-aknavető függőleges irányzási szöge - 4 + 80°, míg oldalirányzási szöge ± 35°. Maximális lőtávolsága aknagránáttal 7300, tüzérségi lövedékkel 8850 m. A tűzeszközből a szovjet (orosz) hadiipar mintegy 1132 darabot gyártott, és a világ 12 országában rendszeresítették. A Nonát sikeresen alkalmazták az afgán és a csecsen konfliktusban is, bár orosz források szerint több, mint harmaduk megsemmisült. A kelet ukrajnai konfliktusban a felek közel 64 db tűzeszközt vetettek be, és ukrán adatok szerint kb. 23 db Nona semmisült meg. A jelentős veszteségek oka abban kereshető, hogy a zászlóaljak a tűzeszközt gyakran közvetlen irányzású tűzfegyverként alkalmazták. A harcjármű hasmagassága a repülőgéppel történő szállítás előtt 20-25 cm-el csökkenthető.
above: Left: MedRes2С3 "Акации", 2S3 "Akacija", 'Acacia', 2Sz3 "Akác" & below: -   Right: HiRes! -  БМД-2 "Нона", BMD-2 "Nona" Air Mobile SP-Howitzer - самоходные артиллерийские орудия, Légideszant tűztámogató tüzérségi löveg.  photo by: Oleg Behacs
above: NEW! HiRes! 2S-3 'Akatsiya' 152.4mm SPH - 2С3 «Ака́ция» (индекс ГАБТУ — объект 303) — советская 152-мм дивизионная самоходная гаубица.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2S3_Akatsiya
above: MedRes! Juci'bácsi's mix: Left; ПТРК «Малютка» 9М14П1, 9P133 vehicle on BRDM-2 chassis with 9M14P 'Malyutka' AT-3 'Sagger' (NATO code) C missiles of  9K14 anti-tank complex IPTR (Irányított Páncéltörő Rakéta) 9M14P1 "Kedveském" - Right; 2С3 "Акации", 2S3 "Akacii", 'Acacia', 2Sz3 "Akác"  "Malyutka-P"- AT-3C Sagger _ Stíhač tanků 9P133 s PTŘS Maljutka na podvozku BRDM-2.
En. text: The 9M14 Malyutka (Russian: Малютка; "Little one", NATO reporting name: AT-3 Sagger) is a manual command to line of sight (MCLOS) wire-guided anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) system developed in the Soviet Union. It was the first man-portable anti-tank guided missile of the Soviet Union and is probably the most widely produced ATGM of all time—with Soviet production peaking at 25,000 missiles a year during the 1960s and 1970s. In addition, copies of the missile have been manufactured under various names by at least five countries.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9M14_Malyutka

Ru. text: «Малютка» (Индекс ГРАУ — комплекс 9К11, ракета 9М14, по классификации NATO — OTAN — AT-3 Sagger, англ. тигель) — советский противотанковый управляемый реактивный снаряд первого поколения.  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Steampunk Cashier of the 'Kronverk' - стимпанк 
Казначей Кронверк >Stimpank Kaznachey Kronverk< - Gőzpunk Pénztárosa"
NEW! aboveHiResbelow: NoHigher! (Cropped right!) D-1 152mm towed howitzer - (Russian - oroszul: 152-мм гаубица образца 1943 года (Д-1), 152-mm gaubica obrazca 1943 goda (D-1))  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's scan old collect: "An artillery gunner standing on secure shank - Стрелок-артиллерист стоит на надежных подошвах >Strelok-artillerist stoit na nadezhnykh podoshvakh< - Biztos talpszárakon álló tüzér lövegkezelő": American star actress Mrs. Julianne Moore.
Julianne Moore (born Julie Anne Smith; December 3, 1960. -age 59- Fort Bragg, North Carolina, U.S.) is an American actress and author. Prolific in film since the early 1990s, she is particularly known for her portrayals of emotionally troubled women in both independent and blockbuster films, and has received many accolades, including an Academy Award, two Emmy Awards, and two Golden Globes. Time magazine named Moore one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2015.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julianne_Moore
aboveNEWHiRes! 100-мм противотанковая пушка Т-12: 100-мм ПРОТИВОТАНКОВАЯ ПУШКА Т-12 (2А19) "РАПИРА" ПРИНЯТА НА ВООРУЖЕНИЕ В 1961 г. ГЛАВНЫЙ КОНСТРУКТОР Г.И.ЛУКЬЯНЧЕНКО. lbHOCTb, M: СТРЕЛЬБЫ-6000, ПРЯМОГО ВЫСТРЕЛ СКОРОСТРЕЛЬНОСТЬ - ДО 14 ВЫСТР/МИН. МАССА ОРУДИЯ-2800. РАСЧЕТ - 7 ЧЕЛОВЕК. Военно-исторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи, Санкт-Петербург.  source: Wikipedia
100-mm-Panzerabwehrkanone T-12 
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lightened!) Closeup of the T-12 aiming mechanism, with blueprints showing its proper lubrication in the background. Richtantriebe T-12 Irányzótömbje  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! T-12 displayed in the Artillery Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Wiki
En. text: 2A19 or T-12 is a Soviet smoothbore 100-mm anti-tank gun, which served as the primary towed anti-tank artillery in the Soviet and Bulgarian armies from the early 1960s to the late 1980s.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_mm_anti-tank_gun_T-12

De. text: Die 100-mm-Panzerabwehrkanone T-12 ist eine in der Sowjetarmee ab 1955 eingeführte Panzerabwehrkanone. Sie dient vorrangig zum Kampf gegen gepanzerte bewegliche Ziele. Die russische Bezeichnung lautet 100-мм противотанковая пушка Т-12, der GRAU-Index 2A19. Sie ersetzte die 85-mm-Panzerabwehrkanone D-48 und die 100-mm-Kanone M1944 (BS-3). Die Waffe wurde in allen größeren Konflikten in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, wie dem Vietnamkrieg und den verschiedenen militärischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den arabischen Staaten und Israel, eingesetzt. Größtenteils wurde sie zwischenzeitlich durch ihre Weiterentwicklung MT-12 ersetzt.  ...  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/100-mm-Panzerabwehrkanone_T-12

Ru. text: 100-мм противотанковая пушка Т-12 (индекс ГРАУ — 2А19) — первая в мире особо мощная гладкоствольная противотанковая пушка.
Пушка была создана в Конструкторском бюро (КБ) Юргинского машиностроительного завода № 75 под руководством В. Я. Афанасьева и Л. В. Корнеева. В 1961 году пушка была принята на вооружение ВС Союза ССР и запущена в серийное производство. По кодировке НАТО имеет название М1955.  ...  

above: NEW! NoHigher! "#General #Supervisor of #Museum": #American #fashion-designer, Mr. Ralph #Lauren's #collection on #World-famous #Hungarian #supermodel Ms. #Mihalik#Enikő  source: Pinterest

En. text: Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987. -age 33- Békéscsaba, Hungary) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography team Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enik%C5%91_Mihalik

Hu. text: Mihalik Enikő (Békéscsaba, 1987. május 11.) modell, az Elite Model Look 2002. évi negyedik helyezettje. Ismert Inez van Lamsweerde és Vinoodh Matadin holland fotósokkal való munkájáról.  ...

Ральф Лорен (англ. Ralph Lauren, настоящая фамилия Лифшиц — Lifshitz; род. 14 октября 1939, Бронкс, Нью-Йорк) — американский модельер, дизайнер и предприниматель, кавалер ордена Почётного легиона. Один из богатейших людей США и мира.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ru-Ralph-Lauren
above: NEW! HiRes!  "Waiting for guests - Vendégváró - Жду гостей >Zhdu gostey<": Kira Kosarin sexy legs on a sofa  source: pincelebs.net
En. text: Kira Nicole Kosarin (born October 7, 1997. -age 24- New Jersey, U.S.) is an American actress and singer, known for her role as Phoebe Thunderman on the Nickelodeon series The Thundermans. On April 10, 2019, she released her debut album, Off Brand.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kira_Kosarin
Ru. text: Кира Николь Косарин (англ. Kira Nicole Kosarin; род. 7 октября 1997. -24 года-) — американская актриса, певица и танцовщица. Наиболее известна ролью Фиби Сандермен в американском ситкоме «Грозная семейка»  ...  
above: NEW! HiRes! 9K35 'Strela-10' (Russian: 9К35 «Стрела-10»; English: arrow) is a highly mobile, visually aimed, optical/infrared-guided, low-altitude, short-range surface-to-air missile system. "9K35" is its GRAU designation; its NATO reporting name is SA-13 "Gopher" on MT-LB hull.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K35_Strela-10
above: NEW! MedRes! Self Propelled Anti-Tank Gun/Assault gun SU-76M in similar the Memorial Complex in honor of Nizhny Novgorod citizens who died in World War II, Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, Russia - СУ-76 в Кремле Нижнего Новгорода  source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! HiRes! "Miss Ulya is the Exhibition Supervisor in the observation room - Ulya kisasszony a KFÜ - Kiállítás Felügyelő a figyelő szobában"
aboveNEWNoHigher! "ASC - Area Surveillance Camera in museum exhibition site - TFK - Térfigyelő Kamera": Watcher  photo: Walker1812Photography  source: Pinterest.com
139.) EDF 7x40 German NVA Field glasses - Fernglas - Dienstglass Carl-Zeiss Jena binoculars - kézitávcsövek: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/139-edf-7x40-german-nva-field-glasses.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! The 152 mm gun-howitzer M1955, also known as the D-20, (Russian: 152-мм пушка-гаубица Д-20 обр. 1955 г.) is a manually loaded, towed 152 mm artillery piece, manufactured in the Soviet Union during the 1950s. It was first observed by the west in 1955, at which time it was designated the M1955. Its GRAU index is 52-P-546.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/152_mm_towed_gun-howitzer_M1955_(D-20)
above: NEW! HiRes! Д-20М «Хитин» (Индекс ГАУ — 52-П-546М) — модернизированный вариант оснащённый автоматическим досылателем увеличивающим скорострельность до 7-8 выстр./мин. Модернизация выполнена ЦКБ «Титан». Предлагается на экспорт.
121.) Д-20 152-мм пушка-гаубица 1954. - D-20 'KHITIN' vontatott ágyútarack - 152 mm towed gun-howitzer M1955: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/07/121-20-152-1954-d-20-khitin-vontatott.html
above: NEW! MedRes! WW.II towed heavy Howitzer 203mm M1931 B4 = major damage
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) "A visitor satisfied with the dimensions in the museum - Посетитель доволен размерами музея >Posetitel' dovolen razmerami muzeya< - A méretekkel elégedett látogató a múzeumban": Polish supermodel Ms. Natalia Siodmiak in short pink dress  source: Pincelebs.net
Natalia Siodmiak was born in 1989 about 26 years ago. She finished high school and then left to work in Tokyo where she stayed for almost four years. After Japan, Natalia moved to Paris but could not work for the first years because of health problems. Her life turned a new leaf when began her career after signing with IMG Worldwide. Read more: ...http://www.fashionencyclopedia.com/wiki/natalia-siodmiak#ixzz6XiqhBTRZ
NEW! (Cropped!) Transrotated B4 Heavy Howitzer in 'Kronverk'  above: HiRessource: primeportal  below: MedRessource: Pinterest   
En. text: 203 mm howitzer M1931 (B-4) (Russian: 203-мм гаубица обр. 1931 г. (Б-4), GRAU index 52-G-625) was a 203 mm (8 inch) Soviet high-power heavy howitzer. During the Second World War, it was under the command of the Stavka's strategic reserve. It was nicknamed "Stalin's sledgehammer" by German soldiers. These guns were used with success against Finnish pillboxes at the Mannerheim Line, heavy German fortifications and in urban combat for destroying protected buildings and bunkers. This weapon was used until the end of the war in the Battle of Berlin where the Red Army would bring these guns up at point blank range to smash German fortifications with their heavy 203mm shells. In the spring of 1944, a KV-1s tank chassis was used to create a self-propelled variant, the S-51. The heavy recoil from the muzzle blast threw the crew off their seats and damaged the transmission, and so it was cancelled. With an elevation angle of up to 60 degrees and 12 propellant loads to choose from, the B-4 virtually met all the expectations it was given, capable of crushing its targets via an optimal projectile trajectory.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/203_mm_howitzer_M1931_(B-4)

Ru. text: Б-4 (индекс ГАУ — 52-Г-625) — советская гаубица большой (особой) мощности калибра 203,2 мм (8 дюймов). Полное официальное название орудия — 203-мм гаубица образца 1931 года. Во время Советско-финской войны это орудие использовалось для разрушения ДОТов и ДЗОТов линии Маннергейма. За это финны прозвали гаубицу «кувалдой Сталина». Оно активно и успешно использовалось во Второй мировой войне. Благодаря мощности, превосходной баллистике 1—12 переменных зарядов и углу возвышения 60° обеспечивался выбор оптимальной траектории для поражения разнообразных целей. 203-мм гаубица обр. 1931 г. оправдала все возлагавшиеся на неё надежды. Она успешно использовалась как при прорыве укреплённых полос, так и при штурме крепостей и в уличных боях в больших городах, а после окончания Великой Отечественной войны долго состояла на вооружении Советской Армии как в буксируемом варианте, так и на самоходном лафете.  ...
above: NEW! MedRes! ZiS-3 76,4mm, MT-12 100mm AT and field-gun model 1944 BSz
 above: MedResNEW! Hu text: 2Sz3 'Gvozgyika' 122 mm-es öj.lg./á.tar.     belowNEWNoHigher! (Crop!) 2S1 'Gvozdhika' 122 mm SPH in Kronverk  source: Pinterest/Wiki
137.) 2С1 „Гвоздика” Самоходная гаубица  - SPH 2S1 'Gvozdhika' - 2Sz1 "Gvozgyika" öj. á. tar._ 1В13 'машина' МТ-ЛБУ - 1V13 'Machine' _ St. Petersburg mus. 'Kronverk': https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/09/137-21-sph-2s1-gvozdhika-2sz1-gvozgyika.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! SPDLE - Self Propelled Digitigrade Leg Extensions, Hoofed woman with double sleeves. They are made of steel and add 14 inches of height to the wearerd: "The latest piece in the exhibited collection. He will also hold the head of the Guard Commander woman's head. - Последний экспонат из представленной коллекции. Он также будет держать голову начальника гвардии женской головы. >Posledniy eksponat iz predstavlennoy kollektsii. On takzhe budet derzhat' golovu nachal'nika gvardii zhenskoy golovy.< - A kiállított kollekció legújabb darabja, egy önjáró digitális páros ujjú patás. Fogja is a fejét az Őrparancsnok nő.": Digitigrade leg extensions. They are made of steel and add 14 inches of height to the wearerd
aboveNEWNoHigher! "Museum Guardress commander of Kronverke holds his head because of the new sight during summertime"     
above: NEW! HiRes! MTU-55 combat pioneer bridgelayer tank AVLB - armoured vehicle-launched bridge - hídvető harckocsi - hv.hk on T-54/55 hull - Танковый мостоукладчик - МТУ в Артиллерийском музее Санкт-Петербурга  source: Wikipedia
aboveMedResT-55Poznan PL Lipiec  source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! "She is the Chief T-55A Gunner" (Czech Pin-Up modelká) in Poznan
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! T-55 Driver's hatch - a Vezető búvónyílása on the left side 
En. text: The T-54 and T-55 tanks are a series of Soviet main battle tanks introduced in the years following the Second World War. The first T-54 prototype was completed at Nizhny Tagil by the end of 1945. Initial production ramp up settled for 1947 at Nizhny Tagil, and 1948 for Kharkiv were halted and curtailed as many problems were uncovered; the T-34-85 still accounted for 88 percent of production through the 1950s. The T-54 eventually became the main tank for armoured units of the Soviet Army, armies of the Warsaw Pact countries, and many others. T-54s and T-55s have been involved in many of the world's armed conflicts since the later part of the 20th century.
The T-54/55 series eventually became the most-produced tank in history. Estimated production numbers for the series range from 86,000 to 100,000. They were replaced by the T-62, T-64, T-72, T-80 and T-90 tanks in the Soviet and Russian armies, but remain in use by up to 50 other armies worldwide, some having received sophisticated retrofitting.
During the Cold War, Soviet tanks never directly faced their NATO adversaries in combat in Europe. However, the T-54/55's first appearance in the West around the period of the 1950s (then the beginning of the Cold War) spurred the United Kingdom to develop a new tank gun, the Royal Ordnance L7, and the United States to develop the M60 Patton.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-54/T-55

Hu. text: A T–54 a Szovjetunióban kifejlesztett és gyártott közepes harckocsi. 1946-ban rendszeresítették a Szovjet Hadseregben, sorozatgyártása 1947-től 1962-ig folyt. Számos, a Szovjetunióval szövetséges országba exportálták, a hidegháború idejének legtöbb regionális konfliktusában alkalmazták. A harkovi Marorzov tervezőiroda fejlesztette ki. Gyártása a Malisev Gépgyárban és az Uralvagonzavodnál folyt. Javított változatával, a T–55-ös változatával együtt máig a legnagyobb példányszámban gyártott harckocsi, mintegy 100 ezer darab készült belőle. Licenc alapján Csehországban a ZŤS Martin, Lengyelországban a Bumar-Łabędy gyártotta.  ...

Ru. text: Т-55 — средний танк: Создан на базе танка Т-54. Производился с 1958 по 1979 год. Первый в мире серийный танк, оборудованный автоматической системой противоатомной защиты (ПАЗ) — пионер нового поколения боевых машин, способных вести боевые действия в условиях применения ядерного оружия. Стал первым танком в наличии в войсках, получившим комплекс активной защиты (КАЗ «Дрозд»). Т-55 и его модификация Т-55А широко экспортировались и находятся на вооружении многих государств мира. В западных источниках Т-54 и Т-55 часто упоминаются как Т-54/55.

below: NEW! James Bond #007 agent, "#Goldeneye" film

NEWabove: HiRes! below Four: MedResJames Bond's T-55 "T-80BV" as a 1:50th scale Die-cast ZAMAK - Spiáter model
above: NEW! HiRes! "A new exhibit, a tank, arrived on the tank "T-80BV" (CenT-55) as a gift from MI6. -   Новый экспонат, танк, прибыл на Танк "Т-80БВ" (CenT-55 - ЦенТ-55) в подарок от MI6. >Novyy eksponat, tank, pribyl na T-80BV (CentuT-55) v podarok ot MI6.< - Új kiállítási tárgy, egy tank érkezett a T-80BV (CenT-55) tank/harckocsi az MI6 ajándékakéntJames Bond-007 in "Golden-Eye"/Gallery  source: James Bond 007.com   
above: The perfect film 'James Bond' "Goldeneye" Pierce Brosnan Animated GIF for your conversation. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor.
above: MedRes! (Lightened!Pierce Brosnan in "T-80BV" (CentuT-55) tank "Goldeneye" source: us5 The Movie Scene - WordPress.com
above: NEW! Hungarian W.P. Army T-55 during drive training  source: facebook
NEWabove: MedRes! Hu. inkurrence T-55 in private Military Park - Szeged-city- magán Hadiparkban 
59.) T-55 közepes harckocsi - Soviet MBT - Main Battle Tank - Средний танк Т-54 - ТКН-1 Прицел. (VT-55 ARV) T-55AM MBT - közepes harckocsi - советский средний танк. VSz-Varsói Szerződés, MN0000 Retró és Nosztalgia. M62/T55 "Mule" Pzbkpfw.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/59-t-55-kozepes-harckocsi-soviet-mbt.html
above: NEW! MedRes! T-54 driver site inner Training cutaway in Finnish Parola Tank Museum
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Tank-driver simulator ergonomic Expert for 007's transformed T-80BV.": Exercise, 1978. Leotard-Workout  source: Tumblr/Pinterest
above: HiRes! "Panzer suit for summer time"
above Three: NEW! HiRes! "Conceptional Tank-Driver summer wear and Her ergonomic seat": Ms. Lily Donaldson sexy see through and topless for 'Numero'-magazine France september-2012.  source: CelebsDump.com
Lily Monica Donaldson (born 27 January 1987. -age 33- Hammersmith, London, England) is an English model. Donaldson was born in London, and educated at the Camden School for Girls, living in Kentish Town with her parents. She has a younger sister named Aurelia. She was scouted by Select Model Management in 2003 at the age of 16 while shopping in Camden, and went on to debut in the Fall/Winter 2004 season walking shows for designers such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Moschino, Missoni and Jill Sander. Donaldson has notably landed big campaigns for major fashion houses such as Burberry, Gucci, Versace. and Gap.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lily_Donaldson
 NEW! above: NoHigher! Hu. MN Army's T-55 driver
above: NEW! HiRes! 'House of the Terror - A Terror Háza' Budapest (The guys from Pest) T-55 and Victims of the Rákosi's era & 1956. revolution and People Uprising     below Two: NoHigher! s.as.
aboveMedRes! Upper view comparison models between 'Chieftain' and T-62 (hull same size to T-55)
belowHiRes! (Cropped!) British FV4201 'Chieftain' Mk.5 heavy tank (MBT - Main Battle Tank) in action at the English, Bovington Tank Museum.  source: wikipedia.org
The FV4201 Chieftain was the main battle tank of the United Kingdom during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. A development of the Centurion, the Chieftain introduced the supine (reclining) driver position to British design allowing a heavily sloped hull with reduced height. A new powerpack and improved transmission gave it higher speed than the Centurion despite being heavier due to major upgrades to armour protection and the armament: this allowed it to replace both the Conqueror and Centurion while performing their roles effectively. It remained in service until replaced by the Challenger 1 which shared many of the Chieftain's features.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chieftain_(tank)
above: NEW! HiRes! "Petrograd Barracks Motorpool on Duty, warms up in the on-call room on a cool October afternoon with the Christmas tree still decorated last year  - A petrográdi laktanya THÜ - Telephely Ügyeletese, melegedik az ügyeletes helyiségben egy hűvös októberi délután a még tavalyi feldíszített karácsonyfával"  photo by: Ms. Zizhikina Galina photographer  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! First Tank scene with Chieftains three & T-55 "T-80BV" & Ural-375, DDR 'Garant/Robur' trucks & back VAZ 2015 'Lada' car
above: NEW! MedRes! "Climbing ladder to the Tank - Felmászó létra a Tankra": fotomodel Hannah Davis en portada GQ Mexico   https://hu.pinterest.com/dirdamdnalor/hannah-davis/
Hannah Jeter (née Davis; born May 5, 1990. -age 30- St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands) is a U.S. Virgin Islands born model and television host best known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, including the cover of the 2015 edition. .. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah_Jeter
NEW! above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's Dia/Slide (ORWO/Forte) photo-copy from late 1970s, Budapest I. ker-distr. Buda-castle Kapisztrán János-tér - sq. 3-4. HM. HIM Hadtudományi Könyvtár - Hu.MoD. Institute & Museum of Mil History - Military Science Library, DDR made PRACTICA FX-II repro photo with PENTACON mass: British FV4201 'Chieftain' MBT    below: Upper: HiRes! Cutaway drawing     BottomMedRes! Longitudinal Cross-section color drawing
227.) Leopard-2A4+Hu MBT-Alapharckocsi-Kpfw.-Tank by KM-W Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Kpfw. München/Munich & Rheinmetall L-44 KwK, Büffel & Leguan in HuDF 2020.July:
above: NEW! MedRes! Longitudinal cross-section? drawing, FV4201 'Chieftain' turret on & 'Centurion' hull?  source: ClubClub.ru
aboveNEWJuci'bacsi's scan collect: MedRes! T-55 cutaway graphics from DDR "Armee Rundschau" magazine by Hungarian WP Army's "Igaz Szó" - "True Word" soldier magazine in1973
above: MedRes! T-55 Resin - műGyanta model inner space - belső tere
above: NoHigher! For example: Germany product, DIEHL track with rubber bricks
GoldenEye is a 1995 spy film, the seventeenth in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions, and the first to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond. It was directed by Martin Campbell and is the first in the series not to utilize any story elements from the works of novelist Ian Fleming. The story was conceived and written by Michael France, with later collaboration by other writers. In the film, Bond fights to prevent an ex-MI6 agent, gone rogue, from using a satellite weapon against London to cause a global financial meltdown.  ...

Goldeneye's Effects: ...  The largest stunt sequence in the film was the tank chase, which took around six weeks to film, partly on location in St. Petersburg and partly on the old de Havilland runway at Leavesden. A Russian T-54/T-55 tank, on loan from the East England Military Museum, was modified with the addition of fake explosive reactive armour panels. To avoid destroying the pavement on the city streets of St. Petersburg, the steel off-road tracks of the T-54/55 were replaced with the rubber-shoed tracks from a British Chieftain* tank.The T-55 tank used in the film is now on permanent display at Old Buckenham Airfield, where the East England Military Museum is based.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoldenEye
above: NEW! HiRes! Hu. MoD 'Currus' Joint Stock Company - Rt. Gödöllő upgraded T-55M at Parasapuszta border crossing point to Slovakia  photo by My cousin: Mr. Marek Zsolt 2018.
above: NEW! MedRes! Chinese Hooben's RC scale 1/16 T-55A sprocket & roadwheels & track
NEW! NoHigherabove: (Cropped!) "Tank track by dashed skirt pattern - Lánctalp szaggatta szoknyaminta" : Leber 2011 ESDB showroom  by: AAwsM      below: T-80BV model
above: NEW! MedRes! (Cropped!)  'Centurion' maquette  source: super-hobby.com
En. text: The Centurion was the primary British army main battle tank of the post-Second World War period. Introduced in 1945, it is widely considered to be one of the most successful post-war tank designs, remaining in production into the 1960s, and seeing combat in the front lines into the 1980s. The chassis was also adapted for several other roles, and these have remained in service to this day.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centurion_(tank)
Hu. text: A Centurion harckocsit a második világháború végén fejlesztették ki, de rendszerbeállítása hónapokkal lekéste a háború befejezését, így 1949-ben rendszeresítették a Brit Szárazföldi Erőknél. A Centurion rendkívül sikeres konstrukció, magas harcértékű és népszerű harckocsi volt. A tankból 4423 db-ot gyártottak, 2500 db-ot exportra. Részt vett a koreai háborúban, a vietnámi háborúban. Számos ország haderejében ez a típus egészen az 1990-es évekig szolgálatban állt. Izrael 2006-os libanoni akciója során az Izraeli Védelmi Erők is alkalmaztak erősen átalakított Centurionokat, páncélozott szállító és páncélozott műszaki járműként.  ...
above: HiRes! (Cropped for max 1600px.!) A former Canadian Army 'Centurion' Mk.3 cfb borden  source: Wikipedia   below: MedRes! T-55 in Polish Central Military Museum in Warsaw. Behind 55 the PT-76 amfybian recon tank,  and ZSU-57-2 SP A-A twin gun  source: VENOM.pl
above: NEW! NoHigher! Armor thickness - Толщина брони >Tolshchina broni< - Páncélvastagság
above & below: NEW! MedRes! Longitude cross-section drawing for J.B. sitting position & T-54
NEW! above: MedRes! Upper view T-55   below: MedRes! T-55 Cross section view from Rear
aboveNEWNoHigherCyrillic Cutaway drawing key
above: NEW! NoHigher! T-55 Fuel System - Топливная система >Toplivnaya sistema< - Üzemanyagrendszer  Fuel oil/Diesel - Дизель >Dizel< - Gázolaj
aboveNEWMedRes! Chinese Hooben's RC-model scale 1/16 T-55A hull deck
above: NEW! HiRes! "In the turret ring hole on hull": Sharon Stone sexy for Total Recall promo
Sharon Vonne Stone (born March 10, 1958. -age 62- Meadville, Pennsylvania, U.S.) is an American actress and movie producer. She received a Golden Globe Award for her part in the 1995 movie Casino. Her role in the movie Basic Instinct was also notable. Stone won the title of Miss Crawford County in Meadville. She was a candidate for Miss Pennsylvania. One of the pageant judges said she should quit school and move to New York City to become a fashion model. In 1977, Stone left Meadville, moving in with an aunt in New Jersey. Within four days of her arrival in New Jersey, she was signed by Ford Modeling Agency in New York. While living in Europe, she decided to quit modeling and become an actress. Stone was cast for a brief role in Allen's Stardust Memories (1980). She had many roles in movies in the 1980's. Being in Total Recall (1990) with Arnold Schwarzenegger helped her career. To promote the movie, she posed nude for Playboy.  ...  https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharon_Stone
above: The new driver hatch on Right side for 007  
Blogger's Note/Remark/Comment - Комментарий блоггера - Blogger megjegyzése
Hu. text: Végül is azért kellett a jobb oldalra egy külön vezetőnyílást kialakítani a normál fedéllel, mert a 007-es (Pierce Brosnan) nem tudott harckocsit vezetni, csak jól eljátszani, -így a valós vezetést egy profi katonai harckocsivezető végezte "zárt nyílással" a rácsokkal jól leálcázott vezetői 2 prizmán/periszkópon keresztül az  igazi helyéről. - Sőt, az igazi harckocsivezetőnek (bal oldalon) egy nagyobb kilátást biztosító széles figyelőablakot (szélvédőt) is kialakítottak a homlokpáncélba vágva, rácsok által és a kiegészítő ERA páncélzattan fedetten. Így zárt réssel vezethetett (nem kellett kidugni a fejét, hogy P. Brosnan érvényesülhessen) jóval nagyobb biztonsággal mint az eredeti 2 db. vezetőprizmával. - Ehhez el kellett a jobb oldalról távolítani a beépített kombinált lőszertartó reksz-üzemanyagtartályt és egy ülést meg kapaszkodót beépíteni James Bondnak. A legnagyobb probléma az utcai jelenetekkel volt, ahhoz ugyanis alkalmatlan a T-55 tiszta acél lánctalpa mivel tönkretette volna az útfelületet. Így a méretben és kialakításában hozzáillő, Angol gyártmányú FV4201  'Chieftain' nehézharckocsi (MBT) gumitégla-betétes lánctalpára cserélték le, ami jobb tapadást is biztosított a gyors és éles manőverekhez és nem tette tönkre az úttestet.

En. text: After all, a separate driver's hole on the right side with the normal lid had to be created because the 007 (Pierce Brosnan) couldn't drive a tank, just played well, so the real driving was done by a professional military tank driver with a "closed opening" with the grilles well. camouflaged through 2 driver prism/periscopes from their true location. - Moreover, a wide observation window (windshield) giving the real tank driver (on the left) a bigger view has been cut into the front armor, covered by grilles and covered with additional ERA armor. Thus, he was able to drive with a closed gap (he did not have to stick his head out for P. Brosnan to prevail) with much greater safety than the original 2 pieces. with a driver's prism. -To do that, I had to remove the built-in combination ammunition compartment fuel tank from the right side and install a seat and handrail for James Bond. The biggest problem was with the street scenes, as the T-55’s clear steel track was unsuitable for it as it would have ruined the road surface. Thus, the size and design of the English-made FV4201 ‘Chieftain’ heavy tank (MBT) was replaced by a rubber brick-loaded track, which also provided better traction for fast and sharp maneuvers and did not damage the road surface.

Ru. text: В конце концов, нужно было создать отдельное водительское отверстие с правой стороны с обычной крышкой, потому что 007 (Пирс Броснан) не мог управлять танком, просто хорошо играл, поэтому реальное вождение было выполнено профессиональным военным танкистом с «закрытым отверстием» с хорошей решеткой. замаскированы через 2 призма вождения танка/перископа от их истинного местоположения. - Кроме того, в лобовой броне было вырезано широкое смотровое окно (лобовое стекло), дающее реальному водителю танка (слева) больший обзор, в лобовой броне, прикрытой решетками и дополнительной броней ERA. Таким образом, он смог ехать с закрытым зазором (ему не нужно было высунуть голову, чтобы П. Броснан победил) с гораздо большей безопасностью, чем исходные 2 шт. с направляющей призмой. - Для этого мне пришлось снять встроенный топливный бак комбинированного отделения боеприпасов с правой стороны и установить сиденье и поручень для Джеймса Бонда. Самая большая проблема была с уличными сценами, поскольку чистая стальная гусеница Т-55 не подходила для этого, так как это могло испортить дорожное покрытие. Так, размер и конструкция тяжелого танка (ОБТ) английского производства FV4201 «Chieftain» были заменены гусеницей с резиновой кирпичной загрузкой, которая также обеспечивала лучшее сцепление с дорогой для быстрых и резких маневров и не повреждала дорожное покрытие.
  Cyr. Phonetic En: >V kontse kontsov, nuzhno bylo sozdat' otdel'noye voditel'skoye otverstiye s pravoy storony s obychnoy kryshkoy, potomu chto 007 (Pirs Brosnan) ne mog upravlyat' tankom, poetomu real'noye vozhdeniye bylo vypolneno professional'nym voyennym tankistom s «zakrytym otverstiyem» s khoroshey reshetkoy. zamaskirovany cherez 2 prizma vozhdeniya tanka / periskopa ot ikh istinnogo mestopolozheniya. - Krome togo, v lobovoy brone bylo vyrezano shirokoye smotrovoye okno (lobovoye steklo), dayushcheye real'nomu voditelyu tanka (sleva) bol'shiy obzor, v lobovoy brone, prikrytoy reshetkami i dopolnitel'noy broney ERA. Takim obrazom, on smog yekhat' s zakrytym zazorom (yemu ne nuzhno bylo vysunut' golovu, chtoby P. Brosnan pobedil) s gorazdo bol'shey bezopasnost'yu, chem iskhodnyye 2 sht. s napravlyayushchey prizmoy. - Dlya etogo mne prishlos' snyat' vstroyennyy toplivnyy bak kombinirovannogo otdeleniya boyepripasov s pravoy storony i ustanovit' siden'ye i poruchen' dlya Dzheymsa Bonda. Samaya bol'shaya problema byla s ulichnymi stsenami, poskol'ku chistaya stal'naya gusenitsa T-55 ne podkhodila dlya etogo, tak kak eto moglo isportit' dorozhnoye pokrytiye. Tak, razmer i konstruktsiya tyazhelogo tanka (OBT) angliyskogo proizvodstva FV4201 «Chieftain» byli zameneny gusenitsey s rezinovoy kirpichnoy zagruzkoy, kotoraya takzhe obespechivala luchsheye stsepleniye s dorogoy dlya bystrykh i rezkikh manevrov i ne povrezhdala dorozhnoye pokrytiye.<
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's artwork for My old armor commander Friend ret. Lt.Col. "Spíller/Maci" ny.alez. inVNA's T-55AM Budapest részére occasion of Happy New Year! (B.U.É.K.! - Boldog Új Évet Kívánok!) - by: https://airartgrafika.blogspot.com
Blogger's Note - megjegyzése: (He was My grademate at the KLKF Military College 1973-1977 only I went to Rocket and Field Artillery - Я был однокурсником в Военном колледже KLKF с 1973 по 1977 год. Я ходил только в ракетно-лагерную артиллерию. >YA byl odnokursnikom v Voyennom kolledzhe KLKF s 1973 po 1977 god. YA khodil tol'ko v raketno-lagernuyu artilleriyu.< - Évfolyamtársam volt a KLKF Katonai Főiskolán 1973-1977 csak Én Rakéta és Tábori tüzér szakra jártam.)
above: NoHigher! Brosnan's tie check  source: Funk's House of Geekery
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Museum Guardress Commander Jealous of Xen, Tank Operator Xenia Onatopp: A Georgian fighter pilot and Trevelyan's henchwoman. -  Женщина-охранник Командир стражи музея ревнивец Ксена, танковый оператор. >Zhenshchina-okhrannik Komandir strazhi muzeya revnivets Ksena, tankovyy operator<   - A Múzeum Őrparancsnoka féltékeny lett a harckocsi kezelőszemélyzet egyik tagjára Xeniára.source: Eighties Kid
007 Golden-Eye 1Serious by: Eighties Kid; actress Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp: A Georgian fighter pilot and Trevelyan's henchwoman. A sadistic lust murderer, she enjoys torturing her enemies by crushing them between her thighs.  ... Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! Russian  DMMO  "Tankistnhitsa" in T-55M cmdr. cupola  ДММО 
above: James Bond 007 actor: Pierce Brosnan in "CentuT-55" 'Centurion' or lifted loader's cupol, turret without side box,  cmdr. cupol & AK-63 assault rifle. Modificitaion T-54 turret loader hatch with additioned smoke-granade launher or Centurion cupol?

above: NEW! MedRes! Left: 'Centurion' Mk3 harckocsija.ausztrál hadsereg 169041-es számú hk source: index.hu   Right: (Cropped!) 'Centurion' on "Tankfest" Bovington 2012. source: The modelling news  below: "T-80BV" turret  source: lthemiamiautomuseum
aboveNEWMedRes! MBT - Main Battle Tank Canadian Army 'Centurion' Mk.3
above: NEW! NoHigher! T-55B rear view - hátulnézet  source: facebook
 NEWNoHigherabove: Japan made TAMIYA scale 1/16 RC model T-55   below: T-55AM
aboveNEWMedRes! Chinese Hooben's RC scale 1/16 T-55A turret
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hi-Tech 3D graphics cutaway artwork about T-55 turret from rear
above: NEW! NoHigher! 007 "Golden Eye": Pierce & Izabelle
above: NEW! NoHigherJames Bond-007 "Golden-Eye":  "General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov, the director of the museum, doesn't really like the new composition. -  Директор музея генерал Аркадий Григорович Урюмов не очень любит новую композицию. >Direktor muzeya general Arkadiy Grigorovich Uryumov ne ochen' lyubit novuyu kompozitsiyu.< -  A Múzeuigazgató Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov tábornoknak nem igazán tetszik így az új szerzemény."   source: Russia Beyond
007: actor Gottfried John as Colonel/General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov: Hero of the Soviet Union, Commander of Russia's Space Division, secretly an agent of Janus who abuses his authority and position to obtain control over the Goldeneye.

above: NEW! HiRes! "#Tankdriver fire and #bulletproof '#Latex' in summer #armor-dress and headgear -  Harckocsivezető tűz és golyóálló 'Latex' nyári páncéldresszben és #fejvédőben": #Kylie#Jenner #sexy for "#Interview" Magazine Germany

Kylie Kristen Jenner (born August 10, 1997. -age 23- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American media personality, socialite, model, and businesswoman. She has starred in the E! reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians since 2007 and is the founder and owner of cosmetic company Kylie Cosmetics. At age 14 in 2012, she collaborated with the clothing brand PacSun, along with her sister Kendall, and created a line of clothing, "Kendall & Kylie". In 2015, Jenner launched her own cosmetics line called Kylie Lip Kits, which was renamed to Kylie Cosmetics the following year. She also released a mobile app that reached number one on the iTunes App Store.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kylie_Jenner
above: NEW! MedRes! Tankdriver site in T-54 cutaway for training in Finnish Parola Tank Museum
NEWHiResabove: T-54 tankdriver site with fixed PKT M.G. - harckocsivezető helye a gpu-val     below: Romanian  Loader site on Right side in turret, with forward combined ammo-rack & fuel-tank (Removed!)
above: NEW! NoHigher! T-55A on Hu. Kecel "Pintér's works" Military Technic park of the HuMoD Instute & Museum of the Military History in Budapest Buda-castle
above: NEW! HiRes! General Map of Hungary and  site of Kecel-village (Mil. Tech. Park) with SFML route to SPB.
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) Juci'bácsi's idea: "Physical/Relief Map of  the "SFM - Special Futurist Metro Line from Hu. Kecel to St. Petersburg"
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Special futurist METRO-line connection between Hu. Kecel & St. Petersburg. " Creator artist: Peregrine Haeathcote  source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Petersburg fashion, as always - conservative and creative  photo by: Alexandr Mavrin  https://www.behance.net/mavrinstudios  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above & below: NEW! MedRes! "Because of such a reception, they also leave the museum with the Tank. -  Из-за такого приема они также покидают музей с танком.. >Iz-za takogo priyema oni takzhe pokidayut muzey s tankom.< - Az ilyen fogadtatás miatt el is mennek a Tankkal a múzeumból.source: LittleAgency & Reddit
above: NEW! NoHigher! "The opposit force, the huge obstacle 'Red Star' Atomnaya Tram on street"  Steampunk style painting by: Peregrine Heathcote  source: Pinterest.com
223.) Airships - Léghajók: "Zeppelin" Friedrichshafen & vintage Ladies! Hindenburg & Landscapes: Budapest and Stockholm: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/08/223-airships-leghajok-zeppelin.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! She is a 'Steampunk' Tram-driver  photo by: Christopher Perez  source: Pinterst.com
above: NEW! MedRes! St. Petersburg, Five corners  source: Russian-life/facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! "T-80BV" naire Michael Dezer with the tank from "Goldeneye" tank in Miami automuseum  source: Daily-expres
Michael Dezertzov (Hebrew: מייקל דזר‎; born 1 April 1941), known as Michael Dezer, is an Israeli-American real estate developer and car collector. He is the founder of Dezer Properties and known for his investments in New York and Florida real estate in association with Donald Trump.  ...  
...  Dezer collects cars and has over 1,000 cars in the Miami Auto Museum in North Miami. The collection has diverse types of cars like European classics, American classics, microcars, movie cars, supercars to military vehicles. Adding to the cars, he has hundreds of other vehicles like Motorcycles, Scooters, Bicycles and the largest collection of Vespas displayed at the museum. As his collection went on growing, he launched 2 outposts of his main Miami Auto Museum. In 2014, he opened Hollywood Cars Museum in Las Vegas by partnering with classic and exotic car dealer Hot Rod City to display more than 100 cars from movies, TV shows and videos. In 2016, he bought a space in Xtreme Sports Park in Fort Lauderdale to open the second outpost of his main museum to display about 200 cars.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Dezer
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! "T-80BV" in the Miami auto museum with authority's label  source: lthemiamiautomuseum.com
59.) T-55 közepes harckocsi - Soviet MBT - Main Battle Tank - Средний танк Т-54 - ТКН-1 Прицел. (VT-55 ARV) T-55AM MBT - közepes harckocsi - советский средний танк. VSz-Varsói Szerződés, MN0000 Retró és Nosztalgia. M62/T55 "Mule" Pzbkpfw.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/59-t-55-kozepes-harckocsi-soviet-mbt.html
above: NEW! HiRes! Screen Play of the 007 "Golden Eye" pages of Hu. edition 'TopGun' magazine 1996/2  source: Juci'bácsi's collection
Tina Turner - Golden Eye (HD)
Director:  Jake Scott
Editor:  David D. Williams
Producer:  Caroline True & Ellen Jacobson-Clarke © 1996 Virgin UK
above: NEW! NoHigher! Real study cutaway of T-55AM in Swedish museum
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped right!) T-54 real cutaway in Finnish Parola tank- museum
Hu. text: A finnországi harckocsi múzeum T-54-ese. Kár, hogy nálunk nincsen hasonló.... A finnországi Parola városában - Helsinkitől 110 kilométerre északra - állomásozik a finn hadsereg gépesített hadteste. Van ennek a hadtestnek egy múzeuma - a Parolai Tank Múzeum - ahol számos, döntően a finn hadsereg által használt harci eszközt állítottak ki. Itt sok szovjet eredetű technika is van. A szovjet gyártmányú harceszközök egy része trófeaként került a finnek birtokába, de 1959 és 1961 között sok harci eszközt vásároltak a nagy szomszédtól, és azokat rendszerbe is állították. 
A múzeum egyik különlegessége egy T-54 es harckocsi, amely páncélzatát kiképzési célokra több helyen kimetszették, hogy a belsejét bemutathassák. A T-54-es harckocsik kivonása után ezt a példányt a múzeumban helyezték el, és azóta itt látható.  source: facebook/Mr. Tempfli József

18+above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped!) "Half Cutaway": World famous Russian fashion model, #Anastasiya#Scheglova topless cover her boobs.  source: PinCelebs.net

Anastasiya Scheglova Wiki, BIOGRAPHY:
Model, actress and social media star whose fame was taken to the next level after competing to become Miss Supranational Russia in 2017. Her Instagram onlookers took notice and rewarded her with over 290,000 followers. Anastasiya Scheglova is a well known Model. Anastasiya was born on February 19, 1995 in Russia..Anastasiya is one of the famous and trending celeb who is popular for being a Model. As of 2018 Anastasiya Scheglova is 23 years old years old. Anastasiya Scheglova is a member of famous Model list. Wikifamouspeople has ranked Anastasiya Scheglova as of the popular celebs list. Anastasiya Scheglova is also listed along with people born on 19-Feb-95. One of the precious celeb listed in Model list. Nothing much is known about Anastasiya Education Background & Childhood. We will update you soon.  ...  https://www.wikifamouspeople.com/anastasiya-scheglova-wiki-biography-net-worth-age-family-facts-and-more/
above: NEW! MedRes! Saluting to T-55  source: yaplakal.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped!) nature T-55B in museum?  source: facebook

above: NEW! Left: HiRes! (Cropped!Right: MedRes! The best similar tank  the Romanian developed TR-85M1"Bizonul" - "Bison - Bölény" (TR-55MD)  source: Wikipedia
En. text: The TR-85 is a main battle tank designed for the armed forces of Romania. Based on the TR-77-580, the TR-85 tank was developed from 1978 to 1985 and produced from 1986 until 1990. A modernization program was initiated in March 1994 in order to upgrade the TR-85 tanks to NATO standards. The result was the TR-85M1 main battle tank, currently the most modern tank in service with the Romanian Land Forces. Although a further development of the T-55, the TR-85M1 uses a T-block powerpack (similar to the one used in the Leopard 1) based on a V8 German 830 hp diesel engine, an improved turret, a locally-designed "Ciclop" fire control system (with cross-wind sensor, laser rangefinder and night vision), new 100 mm BM-412 Sg APFSDS-T projectiles and a completely redesigned suspension with 6 road wheels on each side, protected by metal side skirts. Combat weight is 50 tons.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TR-85
Ro. text: Tancul TR-85 (Tanc Românesc Model 1985) este un tanc principal de luptă proiectat în România, bazat pe șasiul tancului TR-77-580 (succesorul românesc al lui T-55). Varianta modernizată a acestui tanc, TR-85M1 "Bizonul", este compatibilă cu standardele NATO.  ...

Ru. text: TR-85 — румынский основной боевой танк, создан параллельно с танком TR-580 на базе советского Т-55. Производился серийно в 1986—1990 годах. Наряду со своим улучшенным вариантом TR-85M1 является основным танком румынской армии.  ...
above: NEW! MedRes! "True panzer cupola": Guardiya T-54 turret in museum
above: NEW! MedResСпасо-Преображенский собор. Photo by: Фото: @green_sergey
Sputnik article: Спасо-Преображенский собор в Петербурге:
Cyr. text: Пожалуй, самое удивительное в Спасо-Преображенском соборе то, что в нем продолжались богослужения при любой власти и любом политическом строе. Город сотрясался от дворцовых переворотов и революций, восставал из пепла после Великой Отечественной войны. А собор продолжал скромно стоять в тени других зданий, принося пользу петербуржцам.  ...

En. text by Google TranslatorTransfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg:
Perhaps the most amazing thing about the Transfiguration Cathedral is that services continued in it under any government and any political system. The city shook from palace coups and revolutions, rose from the ashes after the Great Patriotic War. And the cathedral continued to stand modestly in the shadow of other buildings, benefiting the citizens of St. Petersburg. ...

Hu. text: Színeváltozás székesegyház Szentpéterváron:
A Színeváltozás-székesegyházban talán az a legcsodálatosabb, hogy minden kormány és bármilyen politikai rendszer alatt folytatódtak benne a szolgálatok. A város megrázkódott a palotai puccsoktól és forradalmaktól, a Nagy Honvédő Háború után felemelkedett a hamuból. A székesegyház pedig továbbra is szerényen állt más épületek árnyékában, és a szentpétervári polgárok javát szolgálta. ...
Братья и сестры, а вы знаете историю нашего собора, одного из старейших храмов российской имперской столицы?
Наш собор был основан по приказу императрицы Елизаветы I на месте штаба гренадерской роты Преображенского полка. Здесь Елизавета обратилась к своим приверженцам перед завоеванием трона: «Други мои! Вы знаете, чья я дочь, ступайте за мною! Как вы служили отцу моему, так и мне послужите верностью вашей!».  ...  https://vk.com/wall-4994479_6015

Artyman's (ret. arty Lt.Col. Salgó Béla ny.tü.alez.) megjegyzése - comment -Комментарий >Kommentariy<:
Hu. text: A Litejníj proszpekt mellett (nem messze a tiszti klubtól) található. Engem két dolog fogott meg elsősorban. Az egyik az, hogy ismert és elsősorban különösen nagy érdemeket szerzett katonák nyughelyéül szolgált volna az eredeti elképzelés szerint, a másik az, hogy a díszkerítést az 1828-29. évi török-orosz háborúban Várnában és Izmailban (és azt hiszem még másik három városban) trófeaként zsákmányolt 18 és 24 fontos ágyúcsövekből épített oszlopokhoz erősített láncok alkotják. 34 márvány talapzaton 3-3 ágyúcső áll torkolattal lefelé fordítva (mivel vesztesek voltak, nem lehetnek büszkén felfelé). Így összesen 102 ágyúcsövet használtak fel.

En. text: It is located next to Litejníj Avenue (not far from the officers' club). I was caught up in two things in the first place. One is that it would have served as a resting place for soldiers who were known and earned particularly great merits, according to the original idea, and the other is that the ornamental fence was built in 1828-29. It is made up of chains attached to columns built of 18- and 24-pound cannon barrels captured as trophies in Varna and Izmail (and I think three other cities) during the Turkish-Russian War. On 34 marble pedestals there are 3-3 barrels with their mouths turned down (since they were losers, they cannot be proudly up). Thus, a total of 102 cannon barrels were used.

Ru. text: Он находится рядом с Литейным проспектом (недалеко от Офицерского клуба). Прежде всего, я был захвачен двумя вещами. Одна состоит в том, что она служила местом упокоения для солдат, которые были известны и заслужили особенно большие заслуги, согласно первоначальной идее, а другая - что декоративная ограда была построена в 1828-29 годах. Он состоит из цепей, прикрепленных к колоннам из 18- и 24-фунтовых пушечных стволов, захваченных в качестве трофеев в Варне и Измаиле (и, я думаю, в трех других городах) во время турецко-русской войны. На 34 мраморных постаментах стоят 3–3 бочки с опущенными ртами (так как они были неудачниками, они не могут гордо подниматься). Таким образом, всего было использовано 102 ствола орудия.
>On nakhoditsya ryadom s Liteynym prospektom (nedaleko ot Ofitserskogo kluba). Prezhde vsego, ya byl zakhvachen dvumya veshchami. Odna sostoit v tom, chto ona sluzhila mestom upokoyeniya dlya soldat, kotoryye byli izvestny i zasluzhili osobenno bol'shiye zaslugi, soglasno pervonachal'noy ideye, a drugaya - chto dekorativnaya ograda byla postroyena v 1828-29 godakh. On sostoit iz tsepey, prikreplennykh k kolonnam iz 18- i 24-funtovykh pushechnykh stvolov, zakhvachennykh v kachestve trofeyev v Varne i Izmaile (i, ya dumayu, v trekh drugikh gorodakh) vo vremya turetsko-russkoy voyny. Na 34 mramornykh postamentakh stoyat 3–3 bochki s opushchennymi rtami (tak kak oni byli neudachnikami, oni ne mogut gordo podnimat'sya). Takim obrazom, vsego bylo ispol'zovano 102 stvola orudiya.<
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped!) "Winged Lady-Knight": Victoria's Secret collection, Czech super-modelká Karolina Kurková runway photo  source: Pincelebs.net
Кароли́на Исела Ку́ркова (чеш. Karolína Isela Kurková; род. 28 февраля 1984, Дечин, Чехословакия) — чешская супермодель.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ru_Karolina-Kurkova-model
aboveNEWHiRes! Wingedhorse with warrior girl  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
NEWaboveNoHigher! below: HiRes! The famous (fake) winged statue placed for the film in front of the real Transfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia. - James Bond utcai jelenet 007 "Golden-Eye" https://www.reelstreets.com/films/goldeneye// youtube

18+above: NEW! HiRes! "The #Mistress of the House is looking for where this awkward big rumble might come from? - A ház Úrnője keresi, hogy honnan jöhet ez az éktelen nagy dübörgés?": #Pamela#Anderson #sexy and #naked for "#Vanity#Fair"-magazine - "A Hiúság Vására"-magazin #Italy, january-2020.  source: CelebsDump.com

Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967. -age 53- Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada) is a Canadian-American actress, model, and television personality. She is best known for her numerous appearances in Playboy magazine and for her work on the television series Home Improvement (1991–1993, 1997), Baywatch (1992–1997), and V.I.P. (1998–2002).  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Anderson
 NEW! above: MedRes! James Bond tankos utcai jelenet a szoborral  source: 007/facebook   below: MedRes! "T-80BV" James Bond street scene with monument source: Filmz.ru/Sturgeon's househttp://sturgeonshouse.ipbhost.com/topic/
below: NEW! HiRes! Wingedhorse with warrior girl  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov

James Bond 007: GoldenEye - Official® Trailer [HD]

HU 1:03 / 2:51 Release Date: November 13, 1995
Pierce Brosnan ignites the screen in his first adventure as the unstoppable James Bond. When a powerful satellite system falls into the hands of a former ally-turned-enemy, only 007 can save the world from an awesome space weapon that - in one short pulse - could destroy the earth!
Cast: Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, Izabella Scorupco, Famke Janssen, Joe Don Baker, Judi Dench, Robbie Coltrane, Gottfried John, Alan Cumming, Tcheky Karyo, Desmond Llewelyn, Samantha Bond, Ravil Isyanov
Studio: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Director: Martin Campbell
Screenwriter: Michael France, Jeffrey Caine, Kevin Wade, Bruce Feirstein
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Official Website: http://www.007.com / https://www.facebook.com/JamesBond007
above: NEW! MedRes! jamesbond007-goldeneye bdohnefsk-950x530_dvd.covers
En. text: GoldenEye 007 is a 1997 first-person shooter developed by Rare and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64. Based on the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye, it features a single-player campaign in which players assume the role of British Secret Intelligence Service agent James Bond as he fights to prevent a criminal syndicate from using a satellite weapon against London to cause a global financial meltdown. The game includes a split-screen multiplayer mode in which up to four players can compete in different types of deathmatch games.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoldenEye_007_(1997_video_game)

Ru. text: GoldenEye 007 — видеоигра в жанре шутера от первого лица, разработанная компанией Rare и выпущенная в 1997 году на платформе Nintendo 64. Игра основана на семнадцатом фильме «Бондианы» «Золотой глаз».
Игра заслужила высокие оценки у многих изданий. Особенно восхвалялся режим мультиплеера. 
Геймплей: Игра разбита на 20 уровней, 2 из которых секретные. Каждый уровень представляет собой миссию с несколькими целями. В игре 3 уровня сложности — Agent, Secret Agent и 00 Agent. На более высоких сложностях количество требуемых целей увеличивается. Игрок контролирует Джеймса Бонда и должен выполнить поставленные миссией цели. Если игрок провалит или не выполнит хотя бы одну из них, то уровень не будет засчитан. Во время игры игрок использует большое количество оружия. Основным оружием является пистолет Walther PPK, называемый в игре PP7. Большинство оружия основано на настоящих образцах, при этом названия были изменены из-за отсутствия прав на использование оригинальных. Также в игре есть оружие, основанное на фильмах о Бонде. Например, Золотой пистолет из фильма «Человек с золотым пистолетом»....  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoldenEye_007

Hu. text: GoldenEye 007 (videójáték, 1997)
A GoldenEye 007 egy first-person shooter, ami az 1995-ös James Bond-filmen, az Aranyszemen alapul. A játékot a Rare fejlesztette, és a Nintendo adta ki Nintendo 64-re 1997 augusztusában. A játékban elérhető a többszemélyes játék is, amit osztott képernyőn lehet használni deathmatch játékmódban. A GoldenEye 007 több mint 8 millió példányban kelt el, ami a harmadik legtöbb példányban elkelt játék a Nintendo 64-en.  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoldenEye_007_(vide%C3%B3j%C3%A1t%C3%A9k,_1997)
above: NEW! MedRes! TAMIYA's model FV4201 'Chieftain' - 'Törzsfőnök'
above: NEW! MedRes! British 'Centurion' Mk.3 "Abbots Pride" TAMIYA  model scale 1:35  source: Super-Hobby.com       below: NEW! NoHigher! T-55 model
above: NEW! MedRes! "Test Room laboratory of RC model-tanks"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! (Cropped vertic.!) China made 'Hooben's scale 1/16 RC model T-55A
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hooben's Remote Control switch-box  source: Lazada Philippines/AliExpress

above: NEW! NoHigher! "#Happy #RC-model owner - Счастливый владелец RC-модели >Schastlivyy vladelets RC-modeli< - Boldog RC-modell tulajdonos": #Natalia#Vodianova in #DIOR #Couture for '#Vogue' #Russia December 2014 photo by: Paolo Roversi

Natalia Mikhailovna Vodianova (Russian: Ната́лья Миха́йловна Водяно́ва, IPA: [nɐˈtalʲjə mʲɪˈxajləvnə vədʲɪˈnovə]; born 28 February 1982. -age 38- Gorky, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union), nicknamed Supernova, is a Russian model, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and public speaker. She is well known for her rags-to-riches life story and for her eight-season, seven-figure contract with Calvin Klein. In 2012, she came in third on the Forbes top-earning models list, estimated to have earned $8.6 million in one year. Vodianova is currently ranked by models.com as one of the New Supers in the fashion industry.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalia_Vodianova
Ната́лья Миха́йловна Водяно́ва (для работы изменила ударение на Водя́нова; 28 февраля 1982, Горький, РСФСР, СССР) — российская киноактриса, супермодель и филантроп.  ...  
above: NEW! NoHigher! T-55A  ✮  ✮  TAMIYA  scale 1/35 model
En. text: Tamiya Incorporated (株式会社タミヤ, Kabushiki gaisha Tamiya) is a Japanese manufacturer of plastic model kits, radio controlled cars, battery and solar powered educational models, sailboat models, acrylic and enamel model paints and various modeling tools and supplies. The company was founded by Yoshio Tamiya [ja] in Shizuoka, Japan, in 1946. The metal molds were produced from plans which had the concept of being "easy to understand and build, even for beginners". Even the box art was consistent with this throughout the company. The company has gained a reputation among hobbyists of producing models of outstanding quality and accurate scale detail, a philosophy reflected directly on the company's motto, "First in Quality Around the World". Tamiya Inc. has also been awarded on a regular basis each year, the Modell des Jahres (Model of the Year) award, hosted by the German magazine Modell Fan.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamiya_Corporation
Ru. text: Tamiya — японский производитель моделей. Продукция, выпускаемая компанией, состоит из наборов моделей для сборки, радиоуправляемых автомоделей, коллекционных автомоделей, моделей самолетов, кораблей, танков, моделей различных устройств для образовательных целей (на солнечных и обычных батареях) и различных аксессуаров для моделирования.  ...
above: HiRes! BM-21 'Grad' 40 x 122 mm БМ-21 "Град"-'Thunder'-"Mennydörgés" LARS "Katyusa" - Sorozatvető Harcigép         below Three:  NEW! NoHigher! BM-21 in Kronverk  Photo: FotosergS.ya.ru 2011  source: Livejournal.com
En. text: The BM-21 "Grad" (Russian: БМ-21 "Град", lit. 'hail') is a Soviet truck-mounted 122 mm multiple rocket launcher. The weapons system and the M-21OF rocket were first developed in the early 1960s, and saw their first combat use in March 1969 during the Sino-Soviet border conflict. BM stands for boyevaya mashina (Russian: боевая машина – combat vehicle), and the nickname grad means "hail". The complete system with the BM-21 launch vehicle and the M-21OF rocket is designated as the M-21 field-rocket system. The complete system is more commonly known as a Grad multiple rocket launcher system. In NATO countries the system (either the complete system or the launch vehicle only) was initially known as M1964. Several other countries have copied the Grad or have developed similar systems.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BM-21_Grad

Ru. text: РСЗО «Град» (Индекс ГРАУ — 9К51) — советская и российская реактивная система залпового огня (РСЗО) калибра 122 мм.
Предназначена для поражения открытой и укрытой живой силы, небронированной техники и бронетранспортёров в районе сосредоточения, артиллерийских и миномётных батарей, командных пунктов и других целей, решения других задач в различных условиях боевой обстановки.  ....

Hu. text: A BM–21 Grad (oroszul: БМ–21 Град) egy 122 mm-es rakéta-sorozatvető rendszer, melyet a Szovjetunió az 1960-as évek elején fejlesztett ki. A „BM” rövidítés „harcjárművet” jelent (oroszul: Боевая Машина). Nyugaton a rendszer eredetileg M1964 jelzéssel volt ismert.
A második világháborús Katyusák (BM–13, BM–8, BM–31) nyomán kifejlesztett fegyverrendszer a világ több mint 50 országban áll jelenleg is hadrendben. Sikerei nyomán egy sor országban másolták le, illetve fejlesztettek ki hasonló rendszereket. Közvetlen elődje a 140 mm-es BM–14-es rendszer volt.  ...
aboveNEWNoHigher! Russian Olesya Malinskaya shows the 122mm rockets reload method of the BM-21   ... Instagram star/model and fashion designer who is widely recognized for the dresses that she displays in her photos. She has built an enormous social media presence with over 1.8 million followers on the platform.  ...  https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/olesya-malinskaya.html
Военно-исторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи:
    Военно-исторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи был основан в 1703 году по приказу Петра I как Цейхгауз - место хранения "достопамятных и курьёзных" артиллерийских орудий. Согласно специальному указу в Цейхгауз со всей России доставлялись наиболее ценные и интересные экземпляры артиллерийских орудий, а позже и других видов вооружения, униформы, знамён, в том числе и трофейных.
    В 1756 году по указу императрицы Елизаветы Петровны Цейхгауз был преобразован в Достопамятный зал и размещен на Литейном дворе.
    По-настоящему музейная жизнь собрания началась в 1868 г., когда часть здания Кронверка в нижнем и антресольном этажах восточного крыла была отведена для размещения военно-исторических коллекций.
    В советское время Артиллерийский исторический музей принял фонды Центрального исторического военно-инженерного музея (1963 г.), а в 1965 г. в его состав вошел Военный музей связи. С тех пор музей стал именоваться Военно-историческим музеем артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи (ВИМАИВиВС).
    В музее хранятся богатейшие коллекции оружия России и 54 стран мира с XIV века до наших дней. Среди экспонатов - экспериментальные образцы и личное оружие выдающихся полководцев, членов императорской фамилии, военная форма одежды, боевые награды, макеты крепостей и полевых фортификационных сооружений, уникальные архивные документы. Впечатляют живописная, графическая и скульптурная коллекции музея.Наибольший интерес у посетителей неизменно вызывают современные ракетные комплексы, броневик, с которого выступал В.И. Ленин, личное оружие Наполеона Бонапарта, уникальные экспериментальные орудия Нартова, Шувалова и др.
    Открыта постоянная экспозиция "Калашников - человек, оружие, легенда", посвященная знаменитому отечественному конструктору, создавшему и внедрившему в войска целый комплекс унифицированных образцов автоматического стрелкового оружия, не имеющего аналогов в мировой практике.
    Военно-исторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи обладает одним из крупнейших в России собраний оружия стран Западной Европы XV-XVII веков. В 2006 г. здесь открылся новый раздел экспозиции, посвященный истории военного дела в эпоху Средневековья, Возрождения и раннего Нового времени.
    В 2008 г. внешняя экспозиция музея, расположенная во внутреннем дворе Кронверка, пополнилась новым экспонатом - межконтинентальным стратегическим ракетным комплексом подвижного грунтового базирования РС-12М ("Тополь") на базе мобильной пусковой установки У168, с машиной обеспечения боевого дежурства В148.
    На территории музея регулярно проводятся фестивали военно-исторической реконструкции, а также показательные выступления членов Клуба исторического фехтования "Силуэт".
above: NEW! NoHigherBM-27-9T452 reload truck for 'Uragan' 220mm MLRS on ZiL-135 chassis
above: NEW! NoHigherBM-27 Uragan (Russian: Ураган, lit. 'Hurricane'; GRAU index 9P140) - РСЗО 9К57 или «Ураган» — советская реактивная система залпового огня (РСЗО) калибра 220 миллиметров.  source: BM-27-Uragan_Ru.text
aboveNEWNoHigher! BAT-M combat engineer blonde crewmember at red-brick wall 
aboveNEW! HiRes! BAT-M Путепрокладчик «БАТ-М» (бульдозер на артиллерийском тягаче модернизированный) — советская инженерная машина разграждения.  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! "Exhibition space supervisor in spring - Kiállítótéri felügyelő tavasszal -  Куратор выставочного пространства весной >Kurator vystavochnogo prostranstva vesnoy<   source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) 2B1 "Oka" SP mortar on IS hull from rear  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! "ATE - Artillery Trigonometry Expert": Sabrina Carpenter, sexy for Flaunt-magazine june-2021.  source: celebsdump.com
Sabrina Annlynn Carpenter (born May 11, 1999. -age 22- Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, U.S.) is an American singer and actress. Carpenter made her acting debut with an appearance in the crime series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and first received recognition for her recurring role as the young version of Chloe Goodwin in the television series The Goodwin Games. She then had her breakthrough starring as Maya Hart in the Disney Channel series Girl Meets World from 2014 to 2017. Carpenter has starred in the feature films Horns (2013) and The Hate U Give (2018) and starred as Jenny in the Disney Channel Original Movie Adventures in Babysitting (2016). As a voice actress, she had a recurring role as Princess Vivian in the Disney Channel animated series Sofia the First from 2013 to 2018, and she voiced Melissa Chase on the Disney XD animated series Milo Murphy's Law from 2016 to 2019.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_Carpenter
NEW! Upper: NoHigherabove & below Three: HiResKS-30 130mm zenitnaya pushka
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Military Pin-Up Girl by photographer: John Farrar fot Pin-Up Magazine  source: Twitter.com
NEWaboveNoHigher!  belowHiRes! Displayed PUAZO-3 in "Kronverk" Museum - 
М о н о к у л я р н ы й  ПУАЗО расположился другой прибор PUAZO-3
De. text: Das Kommandogerät PUAZO-3  Russisch: Прибор управления артиллерийским зенитным огнем - 3, abgekürzt ПУАЗО 3, Transkription: Pribor uprawlenja artilleriskim senitnym ognem) diente zur Feuerleitung von mit der 85-mm-Flak M1939 ausgerüsteten Flak-Batterien. Mit Hilfe des Gerätes wurden aus den Zielkoordinaten eines Luftzieles die Richtwerte ermittelt und an die Geschütze weitergeleitet. Hergestellt wurde das Kommandogerät, das im Wesentlichen ein Nachbau des tschechoslowakischen Gerätes Škoda T7 ist, ab 1940 in der Sowjetunion. In der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR wurde das Gerät ebenfalls als PUAZO-3 bezeichnet.  ...  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kommandogeat_PUAZO-3
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! The 37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 (61-K) (Russian: 37-мм автоматическая зенитная пушка образца 1939 года (61-К)  source: Wikipedia.org
18+above: NEW! HiRes! "Behind the wall, the mason who was renovating the interior was tired of the big work - За стеной каменщик, ремонтировавший интерьер, устал от большой работы. >Za stenoy kamenshchik, remontirovavshiy inter'yer, ustal ot bol'shoy raboty.< - A fal mögött a belső teret felújító kőművesnő a nagy munkában elfáradt": Russian Worldwide model, Ms. Anastasiya Scheglova topless cover her boobs  source: pincelebs.net
Model, actress and social media star whose fame was taken to the next level after competing to become Miss Supranational Russia in 2017. Her Instagram onlookers took notice and rewarded her with over 290,000 followers. Anastasiya Scheglova is a well known Model. Anastasiya was born on February 19, 1995 in Russia..Anastasiya is one of the famous and trending celeb who is popular for being a Model. As of 2018 Anastasiya Scheglova is 23 years old years old. Anastasiya Scheglova is a member of famous Model list.  ...  https://www.wikifamouspeople.com/anastasiya-scheglova-wiki-biography-net-worth-age-family-facts-and-more/
above: NEW! MedRes! KSz-19 100mm AAG  photo by: Alex Kuznecov  source: www.thetankmaster.com
above: HiRes! KSz-19 100 mm A-A gun - КС-19 в Артиллерийском музее Санкт-Петербурга 
191.) KSz-19 100 mm. Anti Aircraft Gun - Légvédelmi Ágyú, -  КС-12  85-мм зенитная пушка или 52-К 1939M. "Csatti" - MATASz Bp. 'M.Kir.Hv.' 106.th Hagyományőrző tüzér üteg - Arty Tradition Keeper bty. of Assoc of  Hu. Reservists, Pákozd: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2017/01/191-ksz-19-100-mm-anti-aircraft-gun.html
above: NEWMedRes! KSz-12 85mm A-A gun in St. Petersburg "Kronverk" Museum of Artillery & Pioneer & Signal troops - A Tüzér és Műszaki-Utász és Hírdó csapatok  Múzeuma Szentpétervár (former: Leningrád)    source: wikipedia.org
above: NEWMedRes! 85 mm 52-K - 85-мм зенитная пушка 52-К 1939 АН 94 "Абакан" 52-К или КС-12 (Индекс ГАУ — 52-П-365)
aboveNEWMedRes!AZP Sz-60 57mm AA-Gun  (Rus - oroszul Автоматическая зенитная пушка С–60, magyarul Automata légvédelmi gépágyú SZ–60)  photo by: Alex Kuznecov    source: www.thetankmaster.com

above: NoHigher! #Paco#Rabanne Spring 2012 Ready-to-Wear #Collection - on '#Vogue' #catwalk

Francisco Rabaneda Cuervo (born 18 February 1934. -age 86- Pasajes, Guipuzkoa, Spain), more commonly known under the pseudonym of Paco Rabanne (French: [pako ʁaban]; Spanish: [ˈpako raˈβan]), is a Spanish fashion designer of Basque origin who became known as an enfant terrible of the 1960s French fashion world.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paco_Rabanne
above: NEW! HiRes! "Disguised gun carrier - Álcázott fegyverhordozó -  Замаскированный транспортер оружия  >Zamaskirovannyy transporter oruzhiya<"   source: Russian life/facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigherJames Bond-007 "Golden-Eye": Sean Bean as Alec Trevelyan (006) / Janus: Initially another 00 officer and Bond's friend, he fakes his death at Arkhangelsk and then establishes the Janus crime syndicate over the following nine years. & Pierce Brosnan as James Bond (007): An MI6 officer assigned to stop the Janus crime syndicate from acquiring "GoldenEye," a clandestine satellite weapon designed and launched by the Soviets during the Cold War. by: smallblog for bond fans only
Shaun Mark Bean (born 17 April 1959. -age 61- Handsworth, Sheffield, West Riding of Yorkshire, England), credited professionally as Sean Bean (/ˈʃɔːn ˈbiːn/), is an English actor. After graduating from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Bean made his professional debut in a theatre production of Romeo and Juliet in 1983. Retaining his Yorkshire accent, he first found mainstream success for his portrayal of Richard Sharpe in the ITV series Sharpe, which originally ran from 1993 to 1997.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Bean
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Russian royal princess from the Fortress - Русская королевская принцесса из крепости. >Russkaya korolevskaya printsessa iz kreposti.< - Orosz királyi hercegnő az Erődből."  source: facebook/Andrey P. Bogdanov/Album
above & below: NEW! MedRes! 22 pcs. PPS - Power Point pics by Fr. text:   source: E-mail by: Mr. Salgó Béla
above: MedRes! Birdeye map about 'Kronverk' - Madártávlati térkép      
above: NEW! MedRes! Fr. text: au centre la cathédrale St. Pierre-et-Paul

aboveNEWMedRes! Airship 1+2 seat 'MEGAFON' - 'МЕГАФОН'
223.) Airships - Léghajók: "Zeppelin" Friedrichshafen & vintage Ladies! Hindenburg & Landscapes: Budapest and Stockholm: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/08/223-airships-leghajok-zeppelin.html
above: NEW! MedRes! Left: panorama de l'île Vassilievsky   Right: le premier musée en Russie
above: Left: le champ de Mars débouche sur le pont Troitski qui enjambe la Néva   Right: La palais d'Hiver et le musée de l'Ermitage la place du palais avec la colonne d'Alexandre
above: Left: Le musée de l'Ermitage côté Néva   Right: cathédrale de la Trinité du régiment de la garde Izmaïlovski
above: Left & Right: cathédrale St - Isaac 
above: Right: Place des décembristes et statue de Pierre le Grand
above: Eglise Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé


above: NEW! HiRes! Birdeye map  by: Piter-map 
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Girl on bank of the Neva at the BOM - Bolsheokhtinskiy Most - БОМ - Большеохтинский мост - bridge, close to 'Smolny'-palace.  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album
NEWabove: NoHigher! below: HiRes! The bridge from the bathroom  source: facebook/Bogdanov
above: HiRes! German map 1757
above: NEW! HiResSaint-Petersburg plan 1885-1887 - План Санкт-Петербурга с указанием казённых строений, садов, парков, сети конно-железных дорог. 1887 г.  pics: Картографическое заведение А. Ильина - http://www.nlr.ru/fonds/maps/spb.htm  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Leningrad, Aerial Photo - Légifotó
above: NEW! HiRes! View from Petropavloskaya -island toward Vasilevskaya-island with 'Rostral' columns  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Meteor' on the Nheva-river in St. Petersburg (Leningrad)
above: NEW! NoHigher! Retro photo: Female model with the name on the ice floe posing on the background of the Financial Island tower - Női modell a Név A jégtáblán pózol háttérben a Pénzügyi sziget tornya     below: NEW! NoHigher! Neva also source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! My coveted photographer with ZENIT-E - Мой желанный фотограф с ZENIT-E камера -  A hőn vágyott fotóművészem   source: facebook/A. Bogdanov/Album
Ru. text: «Зени́т» — Наименование (товарный знак) ряда образцов фотографической техники, производившейся в 1952—2005 гг. Красногорским механическим заводом (КМЗ) в городе Красногорске Московской области и с 1973 (1975?) года — Оптико-механическим заводом (ныне Вилейский завод «Зенит») в г. Вилейка (Белоруссия) Белорусского оптико-механического объединения (БелОМО), в основном однообъективных зеркальных фотоаппаратов. Товарный знак «Зенит» принадлежит КМЗ.
Наименование первой модели фотоаппарата в этом ряду, выпущенной в 1952 г. Иногда этот фотоаппарат называют «Зенит-1», хотя официально он никогда не имел цифрового индекса.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenit-photoaparatura
above & below B&W: Juci'bacsi's photo scanned collection about MY photos: HiRes! from august 1978 during the CAOK-II. artillery study term.  Courtesy FREE!
above & below18+: NEW! HiRes! "Princess in the Monetary palace": Kara Monaco  source: Playboy.com
aboveHu. text: Blogger megjegyzése: 1969-ben volt egy hasonló témájú fekete-fehér szinkrozinált Szovjet film a Magyar mozikban játszották, a "Kezdő katona koromban" címmel ami szintén egy SzU-100-as rohamlöveg kezelőszemélyzetének összeszokásáról szólt a Kurszki ütközetben. Sok volt benne a politikus érzelmes párbeszéd és kevés az akciójelenet, de azok jók voltak.
above: NEW! MedRes! SU-100 tank destroyer on T-34 hull. The SU-100 (Samokhodnaya Ustanovka 100) was a Soviet tank destroyer armed with a 100 mm anti-tank gun in a casemate superstructure. It was used extensively during the last year of World War II and saw service for many years afterwards with the armies of Soviet allies around the world..   source: Wikipedia.org
Ru. text: СУ-100 — советская противотанковая самоходная артиллерийская установка периода Второй Мировой войны, класса истребителей танков, средняя по массе. Была создана на базе среднего танка Т-34-85 конструкторским бюро Уралмашзавода в конце 1943 — начале 1944 года как дальнейшее развитие САУ СУ-85 ввиду недостаточных возможностей последней в борьбе с немецкими тяжёлыми танками. Серийный выпуск СУ-100 был начат на Уралмашзаводе в августе 1944 года и продолжался до начала 1948 года. Кроме того, в 1953—1956 годах её производство под обозначением SD-100 по советской лицензии осуществлялось в Чехословакии. Всего там собрали 770 установок. Всего же в СССР и Чехословакии было выпущено 4011 САУ этого типа.  ...  

Hu. text: A SZU–100 (oroszul: Самоходная установка / Szamohodnaja Usztanovka) típusú szovjet páncélvadászt a második világháború idején fejlesztette ki a Szovjetunió, a T–34/85 szolgálatba állítása idején. A típus alapjául a SZU–85 szolgált, melyet 100 mm-es D–10SZ harckocsiágyúval szereltek fel. Homlokpáncélzata 75 mm vastag volt, a lövegpajzs védettsége pedig 110 mm. A jármű a háború utolsó évében került bevetésre, és mindegyik német harckocsira veszélyt jelentett. A konfliktus lezárulását követően a szovjet és a velük szövetséges haderők soraiban a világ számos táján szolgáltak.
above: Juci'bacsi's scanned collection. HiRes! I had got this sovitische metal (Zamak - spiáter) SU-100 assault gun / sturmgeschütz / rohamlöveg modellel. - below: SzU-100 rohamlöveg -rolg.- (páncélvadász)
aboveNEWNoHigher! SU-85 assault gun/tankkiller - rohamlöveg/páncélvadász
Juci'bacsi's Black & White by 'Zenit'-E camera's Photo sheet scanned collection pics from august 1978 at Leningrád. above:  СУ-100 (StuG-100) Assault Gun  Courtesy FREE!
T-34 1956., SU-85: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2015/04/156-t-34-1956-os-forradalom-es.html
I was at the three months excursion on CAOK-II. ЦАОК ЛенВО (Центральные Артиллерийские Офицерские/Окружные Курсы _Ленинградского Военного Округа - Central Artillery Officier Course - Központi Tüzér-tiszti Tanfolyam.
above: Juci'bácsi's photo: ИСУ-152 (Iosif Stalin Ustanovka)  also Courtesy FREE!
 above: NEW!: NoHigher! TheHungarian 1956. oktober-november Hungarian Revolution in Budapest girl emerges from a building housing resistance fighters carrying rifle. Backround the ISU-152 assault howitzer.  source: FORTEPAN.hu
158.) ISz-3 (IS/JS-3), ISzU-152: 1956-os Forradalom és Szabadságharc Szovjet páncélosai: II. rész - 1956's Hungarian Revolution's Soviet armors: 2nd part: WW-Two Tanks; IS-3 heavy tank & ISU-152 assault howitzer: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/04/158-isz-3-js-3-iszu-152-1956-os.html
above: NEW! HiRes! 'Kirovskiy' mechanic factory/works/plant -(T-34 tanks!)- 'Кировский' завод Аэрофотосъёмка Кировского завода в Санкт-Петербурге (Россия) 2017.  source: Wikipedia
The Kirov Plant, Kirov Factory or Leningrad Kirov Plant (LKZ) (Russian: Кировский Завод, tr. Kirovskiy Zavod) is a major Russian machine-building manufacturing plant in St. Petersburg, Russia. It was established in 1789, then moved to its present site in 1801 as a foundry for cannonballs. The Kirov Plant is sometimes confused with another Leningrad heavy weapons manufactory, Factory No. 185 (S.M. Kirov).  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirov_Plant
above: NoHigher! Leningrad "Kirov"-plant central building
above: 'Zenit'-E Juci'bacsi's scanned photopapers; СУ-76  also Courtesy FREE!

Hu. text post: Kronverkhez: hadsz Creative Commons License 2015.12.29 author: Kizmus Szabolcs
Azt hiszem, nyugodtan mondhatom, hogy a Szentpétervári tüzérmúzeum a maga nemében az egyik (ha nem A…) legnagyszerűbb gyűjtemény, és talán nem is csak Európában. Jelenlegi hivatalos nevén, az Oroszországi Föderáció Honvédelmi Minisztériumának tüzérségi, műszaki és híradó csapatok Hadtörténeti Múzeuma. Na, erre már nagyon régóta fájt a fogam…
Harcászati és hadműveleti rakéták impozáns sora következett. A bal szélső fotón látható rendszerek balról haladva: 2K6 Luna (FROG-3), 9K76 Temp-Sz, 9K714 Oka, 9K72 Elbrusz (Scud-B). Közülük a FROG és a Scud hazánkban is rendszeresítve volt a MN-nél és az ideiglenesen itt állomásozó szovjet alakulatoknál egyaránt, hadosztály, illetve hadsereg közvetlen alárendeltségben.
A középső képen a 9K72 gumikerekes és lánctalpas változatai állnak egymás mellett. Ez utóbbit első ránézésre nagyon könnyű összetéveszteni a szintén ugyanilyen alvázra épült Scud-A-val, de néhány egyértelmű jel alapján azért egyszerű megkülönböztetni őket. Ilyen a jármű két oldalán látható 2-2 sűrített levegős palack (a Scud-A esetében csak 1-1 van), valamint a hosszabb 8K14-es rakéta miatt megerősített tartó bölcső a fejrész alatti szakaszon.
A jobb szélső fotón szereplő Okával a ’80-as évektől tervezték a Scudok leváltását a VSz rakétadandárjainál. Első körben, ’85-től az NDK-ba, Csehszlovákiába és Bulgáriába exportáltak néhány indítóállványt. A rakéták jelentősen megnövelt hatótávja miatt az INF szerződés következtében aztán ’88-ban ki is vonták őket…
A hidegháború utolsó éveiben rendszeresítették a 9K58 (BM-30) Szmercs, 300 mm-es rakéta-sorozatvetőt (MAZ-543M alvázon). A középső fotón elődje, a 9K57 (BM-22) jelzésű Uragan (ZiL-135-re építve) látható, valamivel kisebb, 220 mm-es rakétákat indító vetőcsövekkel. Közöttük áll ez utóbbi, 9T452-es szállító - töltőjárműve. A „Hurrikánt” Afganisztánban és a csecsen háborúkban is bevetették…
Következzen a tüzérség két impozáns képviselője. A 2Sz7 Pion, 203 mm-es önjáró ágyú jelenleg is a legnagyobb hatóerejű hagyományos tüzérségi fegyver a világon (néhány országban most is hadrendben van), reaktív lövedékkel cirka 50 km-re is képes ellőni.  A VSz haderejében jellemzően front közvetlen tüzérhadosztályoknál alkalmazták, taktikai nukleáris töltet célba juttatására is képes volt. Hozzánk legközelebb a pöstyéni (Szlovákia) haditechnikai múzeumban lehet egy példányát megnézni.
Az épület egy külön udvarán látható egy 15P158 jelzésű mobil interkontinentális ballisztikus rakéta komplexum és a hozzá tartozó két kiszolgáló gépjármű (rajtuk kívül van több is). A MAZ-7917 típusú indítójárművön szállított 15Zs58, RT-2PM Topol (a NATO SS-25 Sickle névvel illette) három fokozatú, szilárd hajtóanyagú rakéta ’88-től áll szolgálatban a Szovjetunió (majd Oroszország) legfontosabb haderőneménél, a Hadászati (Stratégiai) Rakétacsapatoknál.
Mellette parkol a MAZ-543 alvázra épült, 15V148 kóddal ellátott kísérő autó, melynek meglehetősen összetett feladatnak kell megfelelnie. Amellett, hogy terepen, harci körülmények között biztosítja az egység energiaellátását, valamint szállást, ellátást nyújt a kezelőszemélyzet részére, a doboz hátsó részében kialakított operátorfülkéből a rakéta indítását is elvégezhették.
A harmadik járműre (15V75, szintén MAZ-543 alvázon) pedig - többek között - egy R-412-es mikrohullámú, tropo rádiórelé állomást telepítettek. Az ezred összeköttetését volt hivatott biztosítani az adott magasabb egységekkel, harcálláspontokkal.  author: Hu. Mr. Kizmus Szabolcs
above: NEW! HiRes! WW-Two Soviet Self Propelled Artillery profile artwork.
above: New! Juci'bacsi's scanned MedRes! original My CAOK-2 graduation certificate - сертификат - Oklevél  from 1978.

ЦАОК-2 Санкт-Петербург; Литейный просп., д. 3. Новый Арсенал. 1808 г., арх. Ф. Демерцов ЦАОК ЛенВО (Центральные Артиллерийские Офицерские/ Окружные Курсы Ленинградского, перестройки 1860-1890-х гг., арх. Р.Р. Генрихсен, К.Б. Пранг и др.

above: NEWJuci'bácsi's photo collect: MedRes! as AT-3 "Sagger" "Maljutka" and Mixed bty. battery commander Lt. Juci hdgyIPTR c Ve.pct. üpk.at HPA 5th ARMY .Székesfehérvár- direct subordinated MN8920 36th independent antitank artillery regiment Kiskunhalas 1978. before study building beside soviet made M42 AT. gun. - Az MN 5.HDS Székesfehérvár, közvetlen alárendeltségében lévő 36. Gábor Áron önálló pct. tüzérezred tantermi épületénél egy szovjet gyártmányú M42 45 mm pct. ágyú mellett a tantermi épület előtt.
217.) Zsanai gázkitörés 40 éve Kiskunhalas mellett - Field-gas eruption 1979. jan. 25. Juci-photos & Halasinfo.hu - MN8920 - MN/MH36."Gábor Áron" Ö. pct. tü.e. Dr. Benkő Tibor vezds.-HM. - 2Sz3 'Akacia' 152 mm SPH - öj.tar.á.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/01/217-zsanai-gazkitores-40-eve.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! " Was She a possible second model?"  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
18+above: NEW! NoHigher! "She was My ZENIT-E Photographer master"  photo by: Olenka Dobrova
Zenit (Russian: Зени́т) is a Russian (and formerly Soviet) camera brand manufactured by KMZ in the town of Krasnogorsk near Moscow since 1952 and by BelOMO in Belarus since the 1970s. The Zenit trademark is associated with 35 mm SLR cameras. Among related brands are Zorki for 35 mm rangefinder cameras, Moskva (Moscow) and Iskra for medium-format folding cameras and Horizon for panoramic cameras. In the 1960s and 1970s, they were exported by Mashpriborintorg to 74 countries. The name is sometimes spelled Zenith in English, such as the manuals published by the UK Zenit-importer TOE. However, TOE's imported camera bodies as from 1963 retained the "Zenit" badges. The early Zorki-based models before that time were labelled "Zenith" in a handwritten style of script.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenit_(camera)
above: NEW! HiRes! "The ticket office manager of the Military Museum - Казначей Военного музея >Kaznachey Voyennogo muzeya< - A Katonai Múzeum Jegypénztárosa": busty Maria Demina as topless Soviet for 'Nakid'-magazine 2017.  source: CelebsDump.com   https://www.instagram.com/ohwhatawoman/
above: NEW! NoHigher! ATGM jeep, AT-1 "Snapper" 3M6 'Smel' on GAZ-69 chassis
above: NEW! HiRes! BTM-3 - БТМ-3 (Быстроходная Траншейная Машина)
Hu. text: A BTM–3 (oroszul: БТМ – Быстроходная траншейная машина / Bisztrohodnaja transejnaja masina, magyarul: gyorsjárású árokoló gép) a Szovjetunióban gyártott katonai árokásó gép. Feladata legfeljebb 1,5 m mélységű és 1,1 m szélességű (lövész)árkok gyors kiásása. Sziklás talajnál nem alkalmazható. Az egyenes árkokon kívül 25 m sugarú körön is képes dolgozni. A talajszerkezettől és az árok mélységétől függően a BTM–3 egy óra alatt 270–810 m hosszúságú árok mélyítésére alkalmas. Szükséghelyzetben, 40–50 cm mély árok esetén óránként 1200–1400 m-t is haladhat a berendezés.  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/BTM%E2%80%933
above: NEW! HiRes! PMP Floating Bridge (Russian: Понтонно-мостовой парк, ПМП "pontoon / bridge park") on   KrAZ-255 truck - pontonhíd készlet.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PMP_Floating_Bridge
above: NEW! NoHigher! Warfares of the Wermacht & Luftwaffe exhibition ??
18+above NEW! NoHigher! The everyday life of the war siege in Leningrad - Повседневная осада войны в Ленинграде >Povsednevnaya osada voyny v Leningrade< - A háborús ostrom hétköznapjai Leningrádban  source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! HiRes! (Rotated to CCW due max 1600px!) Cyrillic text Defense general map of Leningrad 1941 - Leningrád védelmének általános térképe
above: NEWNoHigher! Chart of Air Defence System of Leningrad 1942.
aboveNoHigher! Soviet Heroes - Geroj of Red Army - Krasnaya Armiya DShK-12,7 mm m.g.
The siege of Leningrad (Russian: блокада Ленинграда; German: Leningrader Blockade) was a prolonged military blockade undertaken from the south by the Army Group North of Nazi Germany against the Soviet city of Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) on the Eastern Front in World War II. The Finnish army invaded from the north, co-operating with the Germans until Finland had recaptured territory lost in the recent Winter War, but refused to make further approaches to the city. Also co-operating with the Germans since 1942 in August: the Spanish Blue Division that was transferred to the southeastern flank of the siege of Leningrad, just south of the Neva near Pushkin, Kolpino and its main intervention was in Krasny Bor in the Izhora River area. The siege began on 8 September 1941, when the Wehrmacht severed the last road to the city. Although Soviet forces managed to open a narrow land corridor to the city on 18 January 1943, the Red Army did not lift the siege until 27 January 1944, 872 days after it began. The blockade became one of the longest and most destructive sieges in history, and possibly the costliest in casualties suffered. Some historians, from both the former Soviet Union and the West, classify it as genocide.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Leningrad
above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet ammo munitioner Pin-Up Girl  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NoHigher! Soviet war hero the sniper woman
above: NoHigher! Medieval "Hussar"-style dress fashion nowadays
above: NEW! MedRes! Rainy artisty PC graphics  source: facebook.com/Andrey Bogdanov
above. NEW! HiRes! While Christina not undress  source. Russian life/facebook/A. Bogdanov
NEWNoHigherabove: Lady in the in a gentleman's house during rainy weather condition    below: "Anna Karenina - Анна Каренина"   source: facebook/A. Bogdanov/Album

aboveNEWBigRes! (Edited!)  Juci'bácsi's Russian/Cyrillic text #collection book from Leningrad/St. Petersburg in 1978.  scan by: szextant.blogspot & airart.blogspot.com: #Selection of the .. #book - #Válogatás .. a #könyvből - #Выбор из #книги  >Vybor iz knigi<
Book - #Album: #History of the #Art of the #Domestic/#People's CCCP - #USSR of the end of the 17th - 18th #centuries. - #Könyv - Album: Az #Orosz/#Szovjet #Hazai/#Népi -#Művészet #Története a XVII - XVIII zázad végén - #Книга - #Альбом: #История #Искусство #НародноB #CCCP конца XVII - XVIII #веков >Kniga - Al'bom: Istoriya Iskusstvo NarodnoB CCCP kontsa XVII - XVIII vekov< Courtesy FREE! - SZABAD Ajándék! БЕСПЛАТНО! >BESPLATNO!<  source: Juci'bácsi

above: NEW! HiRes! Dancing performance by Bogdanov's tradekeeper group
En. text: Alicia Amanda Vikander (/vɪˈkændər/, Swedish: [aˈlǐːsɪa vɪˈkǎnːdɛr] (About this soundlisten); born 3 October 1988. -age 31- Gothenburg, Sweden) is a Swedish actress. She is the recipient of such accolades as an Academy Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award and has been nominated for two Golden Globes, and three BAFTA Awards.
Born and raised in Gothenburg, Vikander began acting as a child in minor stage productions at the Gothenburg opera house and trained as a ballet dancer at the Royal Swedish Ballet School in Stockholm. She began her professional acting career by appearing in Swedish short films and television series and first gained recognition for her role as Josefin Björn-Tegebrandt in the drama series Andra Avenyn (2008–2010). Vikander made her feature film debut in Pure (2010), for which she won the Guldbagge Award for Best Actress. She gained wider recognition in 2012 for playing Kitty in Joe Wright's adaptation of Anna Karenina and Queen Caroline Mathilde in the Danish film A Royal Affair. Vikander achieved global recognition for her roles as activist Vera Brittain in Testament of Youth (2014), a humanoid robot in Ex Machina (2014), for which she was nominated for the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, and painter Gerda Wegener in The Danish Girl (2015), for which she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. In 2016, Vikander was listed by Forbes in its 30 Under 30 list. She has since held a supporting role in the action film Jason Bourne (2016) and starred as Lara Croft in the adventure film Tomb Raider (2018).  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alicia_Vikander
above: NEW! HiRes! "ahead to the Kronverk Cinema! - irány a Kronverk Moziba!" Cavalry Officer with Kitty in film, "Anna Karenina" 2012. Left: Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Count Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky, lover of Anna, a cavalry officer,  RightAlicia Vikander as Princess Ekaterina "Kitty" Alexandrovna Shcherbatskaya, Dolly's younger siste
Hu. text: Alicia Amanda Vikander (Göteborg, 1988. október 3. –) Oscar-díjas svéd színésznő és táncos. A Svéd Királyi Balett Iskola elvégzése után, színészi karrierje 2008 és 2010 között az Andra Avenyn című svéd televíziós sorozatban indult. Debütáló filmje a Tiszta (Pure) című 2010-ben készült alkotás, amelynek főszerepéért több díjat is kapott. 2011-ben a Berlini Nemzetközi Filmfesztiválon is elismerték tehetségét, ahol megkapta a Shooting Stars díjat, amellyel Európa tíz legtehetségesebb fiatal színésze közé választották. Vikander 2012-ben került a nemzetközi figyelem előterébe, amikor eljátszotta Kitty szerepét az Anna Karenina című 2012-es Clarence Brown rendezte filmben. Az igazi siker 2016-ban érkezett el számára, amikor Golden Globe és BAFTA díjakra jelölése után, A dán lány-ban nyújtott alakításáért, megkapta a legjobb női mellékszereplőnek járó Oscar-díjat.  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alicia_Vikander  
 NoHigherabove: NEW!Постер фильма: This is a poster for the film Anna Karenina in Moscow  source: Wikipedia           below: 'Kronverk' cinema - mozi  
Ru. text: «Анна Каренина» (англ. Anna Karenina) — британская мелодрама режиссёра Джо Райта, снятая по мотивам одноимённого романа Льва Толстого. Мировая премьера фильма состоялась 7 сентября 2012 года[3], российская премьера — 10 января 2013 года. Картина получила премии «Оскар» и BAFTA за «Лучший дизайн костюмов», а также номинировалась на «Оскар» в категориях «Лучшая музыка», «Лучшая операторская работа» и «Лучшая работа художника-постановщика». На DVD и Blu-Ray в России фильм был выпущен 7 марта 2013 года от компании «Двадцатый век Фокс СНГ».  ... https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna-Karenina_2012 
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Cinema ticket office Ticket inspector -  Касса кинотеатра Билетный инспектор >Kassa kinoteatra Biletnyy inspektor< - Mozi jegypénztár Jegyellenőr": Ms. Victoria Zdrok  by: Luigi Novi 2006.8.08  source: Wikipedia.org/facebook.com
En. text: Victoria Nika Zdrok (Ukrainian: Вікторія Здрок; born 3 March 1973. -age 47- Kiev, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union) is a Ukrainian-American pornographic actress, author, and model. She is Playboy's Playmate for October 1994. In June 2002 she became Penthouse magazine's Pet of the Month, later being chosen as their 2004 Penthouse Pet of the Year. Zdrok is also a non-practicing attorney, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Zdrok

Uk. text: Вікто́рія Здрок (англ. Victoria Zdrok; нар. 3 березня 1973, Київ, Українська РСР) — американська модель, порноакторка українського походження. У жовтні 1994 року була вибрана Playboy Playmate. У червня 2002 стала «Кішечкою місяця» Penthouse, а в 2004 — «Кішечкою року». Крім основної діяльності в порноіндустрії є психологом і сексологом, також володіє навичками адвоката.  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! Disciplinary Supervisor - Fegyelmi Főszemlélő in  'Kronverk' Movie: Russian worlwide supermodel, Ms. Valentina Zelyaeva in Ralph Lauren's collection
above: NEW! NoHigher! Major Officer's wedding - őrnagyi Tiszti esküvő: "A woman will never choose civilian, if there is a military officer nearby - Egy nő soha nem választ polgárt, ha a közelben van egy katonatisztsource: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian traditional Wedding costume  'Behance' photography by: "Slinky" Aleksandr Lishchinskiy  source: Pinterest
aboveNEWNoHigherSt. Petersburgian Tradekeepers  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/ Album
above: NEW! NoHigherUlyana Sergeenko's automne  source: pinterest.com
En. text: Ulyana Sergeenko (Russian: Ульяна Сергеенко; born 30 August 1979) is a Russian fashion designer.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulyana_Sergeenko

Ru. text: Улья́на Ви́кторовна Сергее́нко (род. 30 августа 1979 года, Усть-Каменогорск, Казахская ССР, СССР) — российский модельер.  ...
above: NEW! "General Walker"  source: tumblr/mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! HiResLeningrad for that year when the whole world was open it was just a case of hitting famous landmarks and moving as quickly as possible. Monetary-island Petropavloskaya
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Russian moda, winter fashion
above: NEW! NoHigher! MDK-2M was a Soviet Cold War era artillery tractor. It was based on the chassis of the AT-T, which itself is based on the chassis and drive system from the T-54 tank.
The MDK-2M were used for rapid digging of large coverages and for drawing tank trenches (digging depth up to 4.7 m width and grave 3.5 - 4m). The stored for shifts on the vehicle rear tiller is lowered for the milling hydraulically to the rear. It was in service in the Soviet army, the Russian army, the East German army, and the Hungarian army.  source: pensionerka.net & Wikipedia

above: NEW! NoHigher! "#Monetary #Reserve #female #guardian #officer's #winter #duty #uniform":#Fashion #runway #Ginta#Lapina for '#Versace' #Fall-Winter 2012.13 #collection  source: pinterest.com

En. text: Ginta Lapiņa (born June 30, 1989. -age 31- Riga, Latvia) is a Latvian model based in New York.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginta_Lapi%C5%86a

Lv. text: Ginta Lapiņa (dzimusi 1989. gada 30. jūnijā) ir latviešu modele. Modeles karjeru sākusi 2005. gadā, kad Gintu uz ielas, tā paša gada 19. martā pirmo reizi ieraudzīja un uzrunāja aģentūras DANDY vadītājs un galvenais skauts, Nils Raumanis un piedāvāja Gintai iesaistīties modes industrijā.[nepieciešama atsauce] 2008. gadā parakstījusi līgumu ar Women Management modeļu aģentūru. Piedalījusies vairāku ievērojamu dizaineru modes šovos. Fotogrāfijas iekļautas dažādos modes žurnālos. Tāpat piedalījusies dažādu uzņēmumu reklāmās.  ...

Giovanni Maria Versace (Italian: [dʒoˈvanni verˈsaːtʃe]; 2 December 1946 – 15 July 1997) was an Italian fashion designer and founder of Versace, an international fashion house that produces accessories, fragrances, make-up, home furnishings, and clothes. He also designed costumes for theatre and films. As a friend of Eric Clapton; Diana, Princess of Wales; Naomi Campbell; Duran Duran; Kate Moss; Madonna; Elton John; Cher; Sting; Tupac Shakur and many other celebrities, he was one of the first designers to link fashion to the music world. He and his partner Antonio D'Amico were regulars on the international party scene. On 15 July 1997, Versace was shot and killed outside his Miami Beach mansion, Casa Casuarina, at the age of 50 by Andrew Cunanan.  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Doorkeeper girl in winter maritime service suit" in the Museum of the Russian Navy (VMF)  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
aboveNEWMedRes! Vasile-ostrovskaya in 2020. winter-time christmas day  photo: Ignathev G.R. Fotosp.ru source: facebook/A. Bogdanov 
above: NEW! MedRes! Petropavlovskaya Monetary-island in winter with river 'Neva'. Winter Neva: for that year when the whole World was open it was just a case of hitting famous landmarks and moving as quickly as possible

above: NEW! NoHigher! Film,"#War#and#Peace" 1956. with starrings;  Mel Ferrer as Prince Andrei Bolkonsky herceg & #Audrey#Hepburn as Natasha Rostov  source: Pinterest.com

Audrey Hepburn (born Audrey Kathleen Ruston; 4 May 1929 Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium– 20 January 1993 -aged 63- Tolochenaz, Vaud, Switzerland.) was a British[a] actress and humanitarian. Recognised as a film and fashion icon, she was ranked by the American Film Institute as the third-greatest female screen legend in Golden Age Hollywood, and was inducted into the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audrey_Hepburn

Melchor Gastón Ferrer (August 25, 1917 Elberon, New Jersey, U.S.– June 2, 2008. -aged 90- 
Santa Barbara, California, U.S.) was an American actor, director, producer and the first husband of Audrey Hepburn.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Ferrer

En. text: War and Peace (Italian: Guerra e pace) is a 1956 American-Italian war drama film directed by King Vidor and written by Vidor, Bridget Boland, Mario Camerini, Ennio De Concini, Gian Gaspare Napolitano, Ivo Perilli, Mario Soldati, and Robert Westerby based on Leo Tolstoy's 1869 novel of the same name. The film, released by Paramount Pictures, was produced by Dino De Laurentiis and Carlo Ponti with a music score by Nino Rota and cinematography by Jack Cardiff.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_and_Peace_(1956_film)

Ru. text: «Война и мир» (англ. War and Peace) — кинофильм режиссёра Кинга Видора, вышедший на экраны в 1956 году. Экранизация знаменитого романа Льва Толстого.
Сценаристом выступили: Кинг Видор, Бриджет Боланд, Марио Камерини, Эннио Де Кончини, Джан Гаспар Наполитано, Иво Перилли, Марио Сольдати и Роберт Уэстерби. Фильм был выпущен компанией Paramount Pictures, и спродюсирован Дино Де Лаурентисом и Карло Понти. Музыку к картине написал Нино Рота, а оператором выступил Джек Кардифф.
Главные роли исполнили: Одри Хепберн, Генри Фонда и Мел Феррер.
Фильм был номинирован на премию Оскар за лучшую режиссуру (Кинг Видор), Лучшую операторскую работу (Джек Кардифф) и Лучший дизайн костюмов (Мария Де Маттеис).  ...  

Hu. text: A Háború és béke a világhírű orosz író, Lev Nyikolajevics Tolsztoj Háború és béke című regényének 1956-os filmváltozata.

 NEW! above: MedResbelow: MedRes! American #actress, #Elle#Fanning in film as Mrs. #Empress #Catherine-tsar lady - #Императрица #Екатерина - #Katalin-cárné  source: index.hu

Mary Elle Fanning (born April 9, 1998. -age 22- Conyers, Georgia, U.S.) is an American actress. The younger sister of actress Dakota Fanning, she made her film debut as the younger version of her sister's character in the drama film I Am Sam (2001). As a child actress, she appeared in a string of roles in films including Because of Winn-Dixie (2005), Babel (2006), Phoebe in Wonderland (2008), and Somewhere (2010). Fanning's breakthrough came in 2011 with her starring role in J. J. Abrams' science-fiction film Super 8, for which she received critical praise and earned a Spotlight Award at the Hollywood Film Festival. She subsequently had leading roles in the comedy drama film We Bought a Zoo (2011), the drama film Ginger & Rosa (2012), and as Princess Aurora in the fantasy films Maleficent (2014) and Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019). In recent years, she has made a transition into independent cinema, working with film auteurs in lead and supporting roles in films such as Nicholas Winding Refn's The Neon Demon (2016), Mike Mills' 20th Century Women (2016), Sofia Coppola's The Beguiled (2017), John Cameron Mitchell's How to Talk to Girls at Parties (2017), Woody Allen's A Rainy Day in New York (2019), and Sally Potter's The Roads Not Taken (2020). In 2019, Fanning became the youngest person to serve as a jury member at the Cannes Film Festival.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elle_Fanning

The Great, an occasionally true story is an American comedy-drama miniseries loosely based on the rise of Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia. All 10 episodes in the first season were released on Hulu on May 15, 2020. The series stars Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult as the Empress and Emperor of Russia, respectively.  Premise: The Great is a satirical, comedic drama about the rise of Catherine the Great from outsider to the longest-reigning female ruler in Russia's history. The series is fictionalized and portrays Catherine in her youth and marriage with Emperor Peter III (amalgamated with Peter II) focusing on the plot to kill her depraved and dangerous husband....  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_(miniseries)

«Вели́кая» (англ. The Great) — американский комедийный мини-сериал, повествующий о юных годах будущей российской императрицы Екатерины Великой. Премьера шоу состоялась 15 мая 2020 года на Hulu. Главные роли в сериале исполнили Эль Фэннинг и Николас Холт.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekaterina-carno
above: NEW! NoHigher! Portrait of Catherine II of Russia (1729-1796): Catherine II by J.B.Lampi (1780s, Kunsthistorisches Museum)  source: Wikipedia
Catherine II (born Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst; 2 May 1729 – 17 November 1796[b]), most commonly known as Catherine the Great, was Empress of Russia from 1762 until 1796—the country's longest-ruling female leader. She came to power following a coup d'état that she organised, resulting in her husband, Peter III, being overthrown. Under her reign, Russia was revitalised; it grew larger and stronger, and was recognised as one of the great powers of Europe and Asia.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_the_Great
 NEW! above: NoHigherbelow: HiRes! Russian Artisty photo: "Princess in the Winter Palace - Принцесса в Зимнем дворце - Hercegnő a Téli palotában source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! MedRes! Medieval Russian noble Woman in folk costume before Pravoslav church  source: facebook/BiluxAndrey Bogdanov/Album
  above: NEW! NoHigher! Elena - Елена >Yelena< - Heléna  source: hotpiterstyle.livemaster.ru
above: NEW! MedRes! In SPB similar view to Moskva - Moscow - Москва  source: www.mellbimbo.eu     
Moscow (/ˈmɒskoʊ/, /ˈmɒskaʊ/; Russian: Москва, tr. Moskva, IPA: [mɐˈskva] (About this soundlisten)) is the capital and the most populous city of Russia. With over 12.5 million residents living within the city limits of 2,511 square kilometres (970 sq mi) as of 2018, Moscow is among the world's largest cities, being the most populous city entirely within Europe, the most populous urban area in Europe with over 17 million people, the most populous metropolitan area in Europe with over 20 million people, – the Moscow Metropolitan Area, and also the largest city (by area) on the European continent.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow
 NEWaboveHiRes! Drone view: heres another view of the church at sunset      below: MedRes! Night perspective of Church beside 'Fontanka'-canal  source: facebook.com
En. text: Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood: A church of stunning beauty, one of the main attractions of St. Petersburg is a five-domed building on the banks of the Griboyedov Canal, offering an impressive view.
II. It was built in memory of Tsar Alexander at the place where on March 1, 1881, a terrorist bomb of a Narodnyik extinguished the life of the ruler. The church, which was built in 1903 on the instructions of his son (Tsar Alexander III), was intended not only for church purposes, but also as a memorial and cultural center.
 The cathedral differs from other Orthodox churches in that its walls are decorated with mosaics instead of icons and, like the support columns, are completely covered. The beautiful mosaics in the interior of the church provide a particularly unique look as a result of the mixing of a wide variety of colors and materials. More than 20 minerals, including jasper, rhodonite, porphyry and Italian marble, were used to decorate the church’s interiors with mosaics, iconostasis, floors and ceilings.
Its ornate walls and enamelled tiles have gone through many vicissitudes over the years and the war. Its restoration began in 1980 and opened to visitors in 1997 as a building museum.  source: PPS

Hu. text: A Vérző Megváltó temploma: Lenyűgöző szépségű templom, Szentpétervár egyik fő nevezetessége a Gribojedov-csatorna partján álló, impozáns látványt nyújtó ötkupolás építmény.
II. Sándor cár emlékére épült azon a helyen, ahol 1881. március 1-jén egy narodnyik terrorista bombája kioltotta az uralkodó életét. A templomot, mely fia (III. Sándor cár) utasítására 1903-ban készült el, nem kizárólag egyházi célra szánták, hanem emlékhelynek és kulturális központnak is. 
 A székesegyház abban különbözik a többi pravoszláv templomtól, hogy falait ikonok helyett mozaikok díszítik, és a tartóoszlopokhoz hasonlatosan teljesen beborítják. A templombelső gyönyörű mozaikjai a sokféle szín és anyag keveredése eredményeként különlegesen egyedi látványt nyújt. A templom belső tereinek díszítéséhez a mozaikképek, ikonosztázok, a padló és a mennyezet díszítéséhez több mint 20-féle ásványt, többek között jáspist, rhodonitot, porfírt és olasz márványt használtak fel.
Díszes falai, zománcozott cserépborítása az évek és a háború miatt sok viszontagságon ment keresztül. 1980-ban kezdődött meg a restaurálása, és 1997-ben épület-múzeumként megnyílt a látogatók előtt.  forrás: PPS
aboveMedRes! "Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood" - "Храм Спаса-на-Крови" на берегу Канал-Грибоедова >Khram Spasa-na-Krovi na beregu Griboyedova< - "A Vérző Megváltó templomaGribojedova csatorna partján - on the banks of the 'Canal-Griboyedova
NEW! above: HiRes!  A couple dressed for the Russian Ball season - пара, одетая к сезону Русского бала >para, odetaya k sezonu Russkogo bala< - az Orosz Báli szezonra öltözött pár  photo by: Tamara AntipinaТамара Антипина  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album   below: MedRes! Cupola PPS
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text description of the "Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood"  source: PPS - facebook/Borsi Miklós
NEW! MedRes! above: Outside    below: inner space  source: PPS
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian popular wear/traditional costume - Русский народный/традиционный костюм >Russkiy narodnyy/traditsionnyy kostyum< - Orosz Népviselet
above: NEW! HiRes! Barbie-doll - Barbi-baba by magia, in classic clothes
Mattel, Inc. (/məˈtɛl/) is an American multinational toy manufacturing company founded in 1945 with headquarters in El Segundo, California. The products and brands it produces include Fisher-Price, Barbie, Monster High, Ever After High, Polly Pocket, Enchantimals, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Masters of the Universe, American Girl, and Thomas & Friends. In the early 1980s, Mattel produced video game systems, under its own brands and under license from Nintendo. The company has presence in 40 countries and territories and sells products in more than 150 countries. The company operates through three business segments: North America, international, and American Girl. It is the world's second largest toy maker in terms of revenue, after The Lego Group. In 2019, it ranked #575 on the Fortune 500 list. On January 17, 2017, Mattel named former Google executive Margo Georgiadis as CEO. Georgiadis stepped down as CEO of Mattel on April 19, 2018. Her last day was on April 26, 2018. Ynon Kreiz is now the new CEO of Mattel. The name Mattel is a blend of the names of Harold "Matt" Matson and Elliot Handler, two of the company's founders.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mattel

Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy company Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. American businesswoman Ruth Handler is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration. Barbie is the figurehead of a brand of Mattel dolls and accessories, including other family members and collectible dolls. Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for over sixty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parodies of the doll and her lifestyle.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie
above: NEW! MedRes! Contemporary prom dresses - Korabeli báli ruhák  by: 'Worth' Paris
NEWaboveHiRes!  A couple dressed for the Russian Ball season - пара, одетая к сезону Русского бала >para, odetaya k sezonu Russkogo bala< - az Orosz Báli szezonra öltözött pár  photo by: Tamara Antipina -  Тамара Антипина  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album  
above: NEW! HiRes! left-hand is Alex Makarov the character of the Tradekeeper group during it's event.  source: A. Bogdanov
NEWHiResabove & below: The Tradition Keeper Gropup/Club - A hagyományőrző Csoport - Группа Хранителей традиций  >Gruppa Khraniteley traditsiy<   below: The Group's dance event ball - A Csoport/Klub báli táncrendezvénye - Танцевальное мероприятие Группы/Клуб мяч >Tantseval'noye meropriyatiye Gruppy/Klub myach<  photo by: YaskaЯшка & Ginger photoTamara Antipina  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! In the company of Alex Makarov - Alex Makarov társaságában - В компании Алекса Макарова >V kompanii Aleksa Makarova<  photo: Balance  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Russian 007 GRU agent on night event"  photo by: Balance photography, Ms. Tamara Antipina   source: facebook/A.P. Bogdanov/Album
En. text: The Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian: Гла́вное управле́ние Генера́льного шта́ба Вооружённых Сил Росси́йской Федера́ции), abbreviated G.U., formerly the Main Intelligence Directorate (Russian: Гла́вное разве́дывательное управле́ние, tr. Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye, IPA: [ˈɡlavnəjə rɐzˈvʲɛdɨvətʲɪlʲnəjə ʊprɐˈvlʲenʲɪjə]) and still commonly known by its previous abbreviation GRU (Russian: ГРУ, IPA: [ɡeeˈru]), is the foreign military-intelligence agency of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (formerly the USSR′s General Staff). Unlike Russia's other security and intelligence agencies, such as the SVR, the FSB, and the FSO, whose heads report directly to the president of Russia, the Director of the GRU is subordinate to the Russian military command, directly to the Minister of Defence and the Chief of the General Staff. Until 2010, and again from 2013 onwards, the GRU controlled the military intelligence service and the GRU special forces. The Directorate is reputedly Russia's largest foreign-intelligence agency. According to unverified statements by Stanislav Lunev, a defector from the GRU, in 1997 the agency deployed six times as many agents in foreign countries as the SVR, the successor of the KGB's foreign operations directorate (PGU KGB). It also commanded some 25,000 Spetsnaz troops as of 1997. ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRU_(G.U.)

Ru. text: Гла́вное управле́ние Генера́льного шта́ба Вооружённых сил Росси́йской Федера́ции — орган внешней разведки Министерства обороны Российской Федерации и центральный орган разведки Вооружённых сил Российской Федерации; более известен под своим прежним наименованием — Гла́вное разве́дывательное управле́ние (ГРУ), Военная разведка. 2 ноября 2018 года президент России Владимир Путин, выступая на торжественном мероприятии в преддверии Дня военного разведчика, предложил вернуть Главному управлению Генштаба его прежнее название — Главное разведывательное управление.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRU-ru-text
above: NEW! HiRes! Leader of the T.K. Club: Mr. Andrey Bogdanov - Андрей Богданов  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! MI5 007 agent Pierce Brosnan in transformed T-55A  to 'T-80BV' tank.  source: Musings on pop culture - WordPress.com

above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped!) "She sits in a similar position as P. Brosnan could have sat in the T-80BV -  Hasonló pozícióban ül mint ahogyan P. Brosnan ülhetett a T-80BV-ben":  #Helena#Bonham#Carter in the '#Sunday#Times'-magazine-november-2019  source: CelebsDump.com

En. text: Helena Bonham Carter CBE (born 26 May 1966. -age 54- Islington, London, England) is an English actress. Known for her roles in independent films and large-scale blockbusters, she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role as Kate Croy in The Wings of the Dove (1997) and for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Queen Elizabeth in The King's Speech (2010). For the latter role, she won the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role. She also won the 2010 International Emmy Award for Best Actress and was nominated for the British Academy Television Award for Best Actress for her role as author Enid Blyton in the BBC Four television film Enid (2009).  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena_Bonham_Carter

Hu. text: Helena Bonham Carter (London, 1966. május 26. –) angol színésznő. Leghíresebb szerepei többek között Ophelia szerepe Franco Zeffirelli Hamletjében, Marla Singer szerepe a Harcosok klubja című filmben, Bellatrix Lestrange szerepe a Harry Potterben, valamint Kate Croy Oscar-díjra jelölt megformálása A galamb szárnyaiban. Golden Globe-díjra legutóbb A király beszéde című filmben nyújtott alakításáért jelölték. Ezen a filmen akkori házastársával, Tim Burtonnel dolgozott együtt.  ...

British intelligence agencies:
The Government of the United Kingdom maintains intelligence agencies within several different government departments. The agencies are responsible for collecting and producing foreign and domestic intelligence, providing military intelligence, performing espionage and counter-espionage. Their intelligence assessments contribute to the conduct of the foreign relations of the United Kingdom, maintaining the national security of the United Kingdom, military planning and law enforcement in the United Kingdom. The main organisations are the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6), the Security Service (MI5), the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and Defence Intelligence (DI).
The history of the organisations goes back to the 19th century. The decryption of the Zimmermann Telegram in 1917 was described as the most significant intelligence triumph for Britain during World War I, and one of the earliest occasions on which a piece of signals intelligence influenced world events. During the Second World War and afterwards, many observers regarded Ultra as immensely valuable to the Allies of World War II. In 1962, during the Cuban missile crisis, GCHQ interceptions of Soviet ship positions were sent directly to the White House. Intelligence cooperation in the post-war period between the United Kingdom and the United States became the cornerstone of Western intelligence gathering and the "Special Relationship" between the United Kingdom and the United States.   ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_intelligence_agencies
above: NEW! HiRes! Irish, Pierce Brosnan & Polish-Swedish actress singer and model Izabella-Scorupco sexy for the seventeenth in the 'James Bond' series produced by Eon Productions, "Goldeneye" promoshoot-1995.  source: www.celebsdump.com
Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), commonly known as MI6, is the foreign intelligence service of the government of the United Kingdom, tasked mainly with the covert overseas collection and analysis of human intelligence (HUMINT) in support of the UK's national security. SIS is a member of the country's intelligence community and its Chief is accountable to the country's Foreign Secretary. Formed in 1909 as a section of the Secret Service Bureau specialising in foreign intelligence, the section experienced dramatic growth during World War I and officially adopted its current name around 1920. The name MI6 (meaning Military Intelligence, Section 6) originated as a flag of convenience during World War II, when SIS was known by many names. It is still commonly used today. The existence of SIS was not officially acknowledged until 1994. That year the Intelligence Services Act 1994 (ISA) was introduced to Parliament, to place the organisation on a statutory footing for the first time. It provides the legal basis for its operations. Today, SIS is subject to public oversight by the Investigatory Powers Tribunal and the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee. The stated priority roles of SIS are counter-terrorism, counter-proliferation, providing intelligence in support of cyber security, and supporting stability overseas to disrupt terrorism and other criminal activities. Unlike its main sister agencies, the Security Service (MI5) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), SIS works exclusively in foreign intelligence gathering; the ISA allows it to carry out operations only against persons outside the British Islands. Some of SIS's actions since the 2000s have attracted significant controversy, such as its alleged complicity in acts of torture and extraordinary rendition. Since 1994, SIS has been headquartered in the SIS Building in London, on the South Bank of the River Thames.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Intelligence_Service
NEWabove: NoHigher! "Knight of Savior on Blood"     below: MedRes! Altar - Oltár
NEW! Juci'bácsi's photos: above: HiRes! Hungarian Christian - Catholic altar in the Hungary, Veszprém-city's Castle, Piarist (Military garrison) "St. Imre" church - Венгерский христианин - католический алтарь в "Санкт-Имре" замке Венгрия Город Веспрем, церковь пиаристов (военный гарнизон) >Vengerskiy khristianin - katolicheskiy altar' v "Sankt-Imre" zamke Vengriya gorod Veszprem, tserkov' piaristov (voyennyy garnizon)< - Magyar keresztény - Katolikus oltár a Veszprémi vár, Piarista (Katonai Helyőrségi) "Szent Imre" templomban.   below: NoHigher! Jesus statue - Статуя Иисуса >Statuya Iisusa< - Jézus szobor.  Courtesy FREE!
above: NoHigher! Chatolic, Piarist "St. Imre" church of Mil. Garrison in Veszprém-castle
aboveNEWMedRes! Rainy artisty PC graphics  source: facebook.com/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! Canal 'Griboyedova' at Church of the "Savior on Blood" in sunset  source: Brides
NEWabove: MedRes! 'Behind the curtain getting ready for the evening party - A függöny mögött készülődés az esti partira' - "All girls are princesses. Jana just does not hide it - Minden lány hercegnő. Jana ezt nem titkolja source: facebook/A. Bogdanov     below: MedRes! source: PPS
above: NEW! MedRes! Tourist carrier "Canal-bus"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Griboyedova at Church of the "SoB" in daylight  source: Travel-bliss-now
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian beauty in popular costume before Blood Churh  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov's album
above: NEW! NoHigher! "GRU's watched Ballerina - ГРУ наблюдали за Балериной >GRU nablyudali za Balerinoy< - GRU-us figyelésen lévő Balerina"  source: facebook/mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! MedRes! ЗАЗ-965 «Запоро́жец» - Russian girl with Her ZAZ-965A, does not require wealth, but your fine sublime.  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
Ru. text: ЗАЗ-965 «Запоро́жец» — советский микролитражный автомобиль, выпускавшийся с 1960 по 1963 год. ЗАЗ-965А «Запоро́жец» — модификация с двигателем мощностью 27 л. с., выпускавшаяся с ноября 1962 по 1969 год. Всего было выпущено 322 166 автомобилей всех модификаций.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ru_ZAZ-965

Hu. text: A ZAZ–965 Zaporozsec a Zaporizzsjai Autógyárban (ZAZ) az 1960-as években gyártott szovjet személygépkocsi. Ez volt a ZAZ, valamint a Zaporozsec gépkocsimárka első gyártott modellje.  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! 007 agent James Bond' LCTNS "Goldeneye"  cars: left: Robbie Coltrane as Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky: A Russian gangster and ex-KGB officer through whom Bond arranges a meeting with Janus (Trevelyan) His 'Zaporosech' ZAZ-965A with Bond in right seat.  right: AvtoVAZ-2108 'Lada' "Samara" on ... bridge over Fontanka-canal  source: 007
above: NEW! HiRes! Studio publicity still "Goldeneye"scene-still 1995  PM8B6X  by: alamy.com
GoldenEye (novelization) by: author; John Gardner  publisher: Coronet Books October 1995  page: 218 pp  Plot: A novelization of GoldenEye. Nine years after a mission which saw the death of his colleague 006, Bond investigates the theft of a prototype Eurocopter Tiger helicopter and its subsequent use in the attack on the Russian command bunker that controls the GoldenEye satellite weapon. Bond finds the crime syndicate behind the theft and attack is run by 006, who is trying to destroy London's financial centre which will cover a large-scale bank theft.
above: NEW! MedRes! "as usual"  source: Russian-life/facebook/A. Bogdanov
En. text: GoldenEye is a 1995 spy film, the seventeenth in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions, and the first to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond. It was directed by Martin Campbell and is the first in the series not to utilize any story elements from the works of novelist Ian Fleming. The story was conceived and written by Michael France, with later collaboration by other writers. In the film, Bond fights to prevent an ex-MI6 agent, gone rogue, from using a satellite weapon against London to cause a global financial meltdown.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoldenEye

Hu. text: Az Aranyszem (GoldenEye) 1995-ben bemutatott amerikai–brit akciófilm, mely a tizenhetedik James Bond-film. Hosszú kihagyás után teljesen megújulva tért vissza Bond a filmvászonra, a teljes szereplőgárdát kicserélték és modernizálták a történetet is. Bond szerepében itt mutatkozott be Pierce Brosnan, Miss Moneypenny-ében Samantha Bond, és M-ében Judi Dench. A hidegháború elmúlta a film cselekményén is számos helyen visszaköszön, mivel ez az első Bond-film, ami a rendszerváltás után készült. Albert R. Broccoli utoljára vett részt James Bond-film készítésében, akinek a neve nem is szerepel a stáblistán, ezután lánya, Barbara Broccoli és fogadott fia, Michael G. Wilson vitték tovább a Bond-franchise-t.  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aranyszem
Starring: Pierce Brosnan
- Sean Bean
- Izabella Scorupco
- Famke Janssen
- Joe Don Baker
Middle: Pierce Brendan Brosnan OBE (/ˈbrɒsnən/; born 16 May 1953. -age 67- Drogheda, County Louth, Ireland) is an Irish-American actor, film producer, activist, and environmentalist. Brosnan is a naturalised citizen of United States, where he has lived most of his life, after having been raised in Ireland and later the United Kingdom. After leaving comprehensive school at age 16, Brosnan began training in commercial illustration, then went on to train at the Drama Centre in London for three years. Following a stage acting career he rose to popularity in the television series Remington Steele (1982–1987), which blended the genres of romantic comedy, drama, and detective procedural. After the conclusion of Remington Steele, Brosnan appeared in films such as the Cold War spy film The Fourth Protocol (1987) and the comedy Mrs. Doubtfire (1993).  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierce_Brosnan

Left: Izabella Scorupco (born Izabela Dorota Skorupko; 4 June 1970. -age 50- Białystok, Poland) is a Polish-Swedish actress, singer, and model. She is perhaps best known for having played Bond girl Natalya Simonova in the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izabella_Scorupco

Right: Famke Beumer Janssen (Dutch: [ˈfɑmkə ˈjɑnsə(n)]; born c. 1964. -age 55–56- Amstelveen, Netherlands) is a Dutch actress, director, screenwriter, and former fashion model. She played Xenia Onatopp in GoldenEye (1995), Jean Grey / Phoenix in the X-Men film series (2000–2014), Ava Moore on Nip/Tuck, and Lenore Mills in the Taken film trilogy (2008–2014). In 2008, she was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador for Integrity by the United Nations. She made her directorial debut with Bringing Up Bobby in 2011. She is also known for her role in the Netflix original series Hemlock Grove and for her role in ABC's How to Get Away with Murder. Janssen starred in the 2017 NBC crime thriller The Blacklist: Redemption.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famke_Janssen

above: NEW#James#Bond-007 "Golden-Eye"; leftFamke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp,  mid: Pierce Brosnan as James Bond (007) an MI6 officer,  right: Izabella Scorupco as  as Natalya Simonova.   by: tumblr_inline_yahoo movies canada

Commander James Bond, CMG, RNVR, is a fictional spy created by the British journalist and novelist Ian Fleming in 1953. He is the protagonist of the James Bond series of novels, films, comics and video games. Fleming wrote twelve Bond novels and two short story collections. His final two books—The Man with the Golden Gun (1965) and Octopussy and The Living Daylights (1966)—were published posthumously. The character is a Secret Intelligence Service agent, code number 007, residing in London but active internationally. Bond was a composite character who was based on a number of commandos whom Fleming knew during his service in the Naval Intelligence Division during the Second World War, to whom Fleming added his own style and a number of his own tastes. Fleming claimed that Bond's name was appropriated from the American ornithologist of the same name; however, new reports have emerged claiming Fleming may have got the name from a Welsh agent he served with, one James C. Bond. Bond has a number of consistent character traits which run throughout the books, including an enjoyment of cars, a love of food, alcohol and love-making, and a smoking habit of 60 custom-made cigarettes a day.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Bond_(literary_character)
above: NEW! HiRes! "GRU investigator officer"  photo by: Aleksandr/Alexander Mavrin  source:
https://player.hu/eletmod/divat/leder-orosz-szepsegek-a-mavrin-portfolio/  source: https://vk.com/mavrinstudios
Tina Turner Goldeneye Bercy 2009 by magistar
 above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Church of the "Savior on Blood" Griboyedova-canal - "A vérző megváltó temploma" -  Собор Воскресения Христова (Спас на Крови) (Санкт-Петербург)  source: PPS     http://wikimapia.org/1508066/hu/A-Megvalto-temploma
Hu. text: A Vérző Megváltó Temploma Oroszország-Szentpétervár: Lenyűgöző szépségű templom, Szentpétervár egyik fő nevezetessége a Gribojedov-csatorna partján álló, impozáns látványt nyújtó ötkupolás építmény. II. Sándor cár emlékére épült azon a helyen, ahol 1881. március 1-jén egy narodnyik terrorista bombája kioltotta az uralkodó életét. A templomot, mely fia (III. Sándor cár) utasítására 1903-ban készült el, nem kizárólag egyházi célra szánták, hanem emlékhelynek és kulturális központnak is. A székesegyház abban különbözik a többi pravoszláv templomtól, hogy falait ikonok helyett mozaikok díszítik, és a tartóoszlopokhoz hasonlatosan teljesen beborítják. A templombelső gyönyörű mozaikjai a sokféle szín és anyag keveredése eredményeként különlegesen egyedi látványt nyújt. A templom belső tereinek díszítéséhez a mozaikképek, ikonosztázok, a padló és a mennyezet díszítéséhez több mint 20-féle ásványt, többek között jáspist, rhodonitot, porfírt és olasz márványt használtak fel. Díszes falai, zománcozott cserépborítása az évek és a háború miatt sok viszontagságon ment keresztül. 1980-ban kezdődött meg a restaurálása, és 1997-ben épület-múzeumként megnyílt a látogatók előtt.  source: PPS
above: NEW! HiRes! Houses mass of the downton:"In Russia, a fur coat is not a luxury, but outerwear" -  Belvárosi házak tömege: "Oroszországban a bunda nem luxus, hanem felsőruházat" - Дома массового даунтона: «В России шуба не роскошь, а верхняя одежда» >Doma massovogo dauntona: «V Rossii shuba ne roskosh', a verkhnyaya odezhda<»  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! "KGB's watcher at the Firewall of house": Hungarian fitness champion, winner of the  Miss Fitness Universe Bikini in Miami, Ms. Regős Lili aki ezzel a testtel száz lányt utasított maga mögé, a fal előtt.  Fotó: LHGFX Kiss Rolandwww.sunshinephoto.hu
Only Hu. text: Regős Lili Rita (Nyíregyháza, 1987. december 27.–32 éves) magyar sportoló, többszörös fitneszbajnok, fitneszmodell.
Pályafutása: Gyermekkorától sportol. 2009-ben kezdett el edzeni, nemsokára megnyerte a Fitparádé nevű versenyt. A Miss World Hungary versenyen Miss Sport különdíjat kapott, 2012-ben világbajnok lett, majd megnyerte a Miss Fitness Universe Bikini versenyt Miamiban. 2014 decemberében az indiai világbajnokságon indul.
Magánélete:  2009-ben Bodnár László labdarúgó volt a párja, 2014 óta pedig Habony Árpáddal alkotnak egy párt.  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reg%C5%91s_Lili
176.) Modellfotó háttér keresése és kiértékelése - Finding & Evaluation of Modelphoto's backround in Budapest-city-dtn belváros MAHIR-CP adv. coln. - Depth of field DOF - WBPF: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2016/02/176-modellfoto-hatter-keresese-es.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! 2Sz5 'Giacint'–SZ (2С5 Гиацинт-С, magyarul Jácint) egy szovjet-orosz 152 mm-es önjáró lövegsource: facebook/Tóth Sándor "Ex tüzérek" csoportja - group
above & below: NEW! MedRes! (Cropped!) 2S5 'Giatsint'-S (Russian: 2С5 «Гиацинт-С»; English: hyacinth) is a Soviet/Russian 152 mm self-propelled gun. "2S5" is its GRAU designation. It is NBC protected. The 2S5 is capable of engaging targets at longer ranges and at a higher rate of fire than the more widely produced 2S3 Akatsiya 152 mm self-propelled gun, and is capable of firing nuclear projectiles. - 2С5 «Гиацинт-С» (индекс ГАБТУ — объект 307) — советская 152-мм армейская самоходная пушка - 2SZ5 'Giacint'–SZ (Rus - orosz betűkkel: 2С5 'Гиацинт'-С, magyarul 'Jácint')  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2S5_Giatsint-S
above: NEW! NoHigher! Former 2S5 gunner's vife as an visitor under shade hat  source: mellbimbo.eu
NEW! above: NoHigher! (Cropped!below: HiRes! The 9K31 Strela-1 (Russian: 9К31 «Стрела-1»; English: arrow) is a highly mobile, short-range, low altitude infra-red guided surface-to-air missile system. Originally developed by the Soviet Union under the GRAU designation 9K31, it is commonly known by its NATO reporting name, SA-9 "Gaskin". The system consists of a BRDM-2 amphibious vehicle, mounting two pairs of ready-to-fire 9M31 missiles. - советский зенитно-ракетный комплекс  source: Wikipedia   ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K31_Strela-1
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Crop!) "Kronverky" Wallingerie  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Ms. Lyudmila Chernikova - Людмила Черникова & Mr. Alex (Aleksey) Makarov - Алексей Макаров  in Brutal vintage sport car ?.  photo by: Ms. Tamara Antipina - Тамара Антипина tamtam  source: facebook/ album of Mr. Andrey Bogdanov - Андрей Богданов
above: NEW! MedRes! Church of the "Savior on Blood" from Nevsky-prospekt - avenue bridge over canal-Griboyedova   facebook
above: NEW! HiRes! Winter 2016: Church of the "Savior on Blood" - St. Petersburg
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped Up!) Church of the "Savior on Blood" - Die Auferstehungskirche nach Moskauer Vorbild - "A Vérző Megváltó temploma"  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! medieval Knight Lady - kk-i Lovaghölgy  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Isaievskiy sabor and monument Great Peter tsar - Исаакиевский собор и статуя царя Петра Великого - Izsák székesegyház és Nagy Péter cár szobra: In St. Petersburg, fines were imposed for visiting underground taverns, hookahs and museums. - В Санкт-Петербурге наложены штрафы за посещение подземных таверн, кальянов и музеев. >V Sankt-Peterburge nalozheny shtrafy za poseshcheniye podzemnykh tavern, kal'yanov i muzeyev.<
  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! MedRes! "In the Hotel room" source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiResSaint Isaac's Square and right Hotel 'Astoria' in SPB   photo by: Pavlikhin - Own work  This is a photo of a cultural heritage object in Russia, number ...  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped verteic!)  photo by: Yarullinn  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
aboveNEWNoHigher! photo by: Ignatev, Photosp.Ru  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! Saint Isaac's square with Monument Great Peter tsar  source: Pinterest.com
 above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped & Lightened!) "Goldeneye" film scene: The T-80BV tank charges up St. Isaac's Square in St. Petersburgh, Russia. Saint Isaac's Cathedral is in the background.  source: https://www.reelstreets.com/films/goldeneye/  and imdb.com
above: NEW! MedRes! T-80BV with 007 agent Bond at;  St. Isaac's chatedral and Konstitutsionnyy Sud Rossiyskoy Federatsii (to left). Places marked with Pink arrows
NEW! above: NoHigherbelow: HiRes! Bogdanov's tradekeeper Ladies at St. Isaac cathedral and Park of the Bronze Horseman, monument to Ist Peter the Great source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! "Isaac" chatedral during Christmas in 2020.  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's collection, Szextant scan: Leningrad in winter with St. Isaac chatedral source: 'Fáklya' magazin-1985.IV.28 -XXIX-Évf. -4 Ft.- -A nagy győzelem évfordulójára kiadott különszám- 40.évfolyam - 'Flambeau' magazine -Special issue for the anniversary of the great victory- grade 40
above & belowNEWMedRes! "Isaac" chatedral in 2020. winter-time Christmas day  photo: Ignathev G.R. Fotosp.ru source: facebook/A. Bogdanov 
above: NEW! NoHigher! Aurora Indulge your daily needs for celebrity pictures  source: pinterest.com
aboveNoHigher! St. Isaac chatedral in St. Petersburg-city
above: NEW! NoHigher! Over the Petersburg's roof and far the Isaac's cupola  source: Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! MCsI girls  source: A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! VMF Baltic Fleet, Littorial 'Kilo'-class (Project 877 "Paltus" (Russian: Па́лтус, meaning "halibut", NATO reporting name Kilo) diesel-electric Attack (hunterkiller) Submarine close to traverse-line of the Isaac-chatedral  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's collect: Soviet VMF "Kilo or Warsavyanka" classe sub maquette on the Hu. in Mosonmagyaróvár-city model competition & exhibition in 2001. photo by: Mr. Kaszás Csaba activist
En. text: Kilo class, Soviet designation Project 877 Paltus (Russian: Па́лтус, meaning "halibut", NATO reporting name Kilo), is a class of diesel-electric attack submarines designed and built in the Soviet Union for the Soviet Navy. The class was built until the mid-1990s, when production was switched to the more advanced Project 636 Varshavyanka variant, also known as Improved Kilo-class by the West.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilo-class_submarine

Ru. text: Подводные лодки проекта 877 «Па́лтус» — серия советских и российских подводных лодок, построенных в 1982—2000 годах. Эти лодки также часто называют «Варшавянка», так как первоначально предполагалось оснащение ими ВМС стран Варшавского договора.  ...
aboveNEWBigResJuci'bácsi's collect: Soviet VMF Projekt-636 "Warsavyanka - Varsavjanka" classe sub maquette on the Hu. in Mosonmagyaróvár-city model competition & exhibition in 2001. photo by: Mr. Kaszás Csaba activist  Courtesy Free!
De. text: Das Projekt 636 Warschawjanka (russisch Варшавянка), von der NATO Improved Kilo oder Kilo-II-Klasse genannt, ist eine russische Klasse dieselelektrischer Jagd-U-Boote. Die Boote des Projektes 636 sind eine Weiterentwicklung des Projektes 877 Paltus.  ...  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projekt_636

Ru. text: Подводные лодки проекта 636 «Варшавянка» (по кодификации НАТО — Improved Kilo) — тип многоцелевых дизель-электрических подводных лодок. Является модернизированным вариантом экспортной подводной лодки проекта 877ЭКМ «Палтус». Изначально разработанные как экспортный вариант, находятся на вооружении Китая (проект 636, 636М), Алжира и Вьетнама (проект 636.1), России (проект 636.3).  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! Diesel submarine "Kilo"'s female Captain at home  source: pinterest
above: NEW! Left: MedResRight: HiRes! Reconstructed Sail warship on traverse of the Isaac chatedral  photo by: FOTOSP.ru   below: NEW! MedRes! In winter, the Cathedral  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Angliyskaya enbankment in SPb - Quai des Anglais.  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Zoom photo with strong DOF in backround the golden roof-dome 'Isaac' chatedral: "Petergirl" on shore/beach of 'Neva'-river on Petropavloskaya-krepost-fortress / ostrov - island in St.Ptrsbg.  source: www.mellbimbo.eu
176.) Modellfotó háttér keresése és kiértékelése - Finding & Evaluation of Modelphoto's backround in Budapest-city-dwtn. belváros MAHIR-CP adv. coln. - Depth of field DOF - WBPF: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2016/02/176-modellfoto-hatter-keresese-es.html
above: NEW! MedRes! View of Vyborg Island/district from one of its coastal houses to the Neva, in the distance the Dvorsovski Bridge and the dome of Isaac's Cathedral. - Kilátás a Viborgi-sziget/került egyik partmenti házából a Névára, távolban a Dvorsovski-híd és az Izsák-székesegyház kupolája. - Вид на остров/rайон Выборг от одного из его прибрежных домов до Невы, вдали Дворсовский мост и купол Исаакиевского собора. >Vid na ostrov/rayon Vyborg ot odnogo iz yego pribrezhnykh domov do Nevy, vdali Dvorsovskiy most i kupol Isaakiyevskogo sobora.<  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! The photosite on beach: Large city view from Petropavloskaya-krepost - fortress: Opposit the 'Winter-palace' and Admirality golden peak, golden cupol of the 'Isaac' chatedral  right: the Palace-bridge: Дворцовый мост >Dvortsovyy most - Dvorcovij-híd
 with Vasilevskaya-ostrov - island with "Rostral" columns.
aboveNEWHiRes! (Edited!)  Juci'bácsi's Russian/Cyrillic text collection book from Leningrad/St. Petersburg in 1978.  scan by: szextant.blogspot & airart.blogspot.comSelection of the .. book - Válogatás .. a könyvből - Выбор из книги  >Vybor iz knigi<
Book - Album: History of the Art of the Domestic/People's CCCP - USSR of the end of the 17th - 18th centuries. - Könyv - Album: Az Orosz/Szovjet Hazai/Népi -Művészet Története a XVII - XVIII zázad végén - Книга - Альбом: История Искусство НародноB CCCP конца XVII - XVIII веков >Kniga - Al'bom: Istoriya Iskusstvo NarodnoB CCCP kontsa XVII - XVIII vekov< Courtesy FREE! - SZABAD Ajándék! БЕСПЛАТНО! >BESPLATNO!<  source: Juci'bácsi
above: NEW! HiRes! Frontseite der 'Isaaks' kathedrale, vom gleichnamigen Platz aus gesehen  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! MedRes! 'Kazanskiy' chatedral marked with Pink  source: Google map
above: MedRes! 'Kazan' Cathedral - 'Казанский' собор с Невского проспекта, в Санкт-Петербурге (Россия)     below: NEW! HiRes! Night mood with 'Kazan' chatedral  source: Wikipedia
Белая ночь. Очень красиво!
above: NEW! NoHigher! Fashion designer  Ulyana Sergeenko's dress on Natalia Mikhailovna Vodianova occasion of Haute Couture Fall Winter 2013-14 collection advert  photo by: Alla Verdova
Ulyana Viktorovna Sergeenko (Russian: Улья́на Ви́кторовна Сергее́нко; born 30 August 1979) is a Russian fashion designer.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulyana_Sergeenko

Улья́на Ви́кторовна Сергее́нко (род. 30 августа 1979 года, Усть-Каменогорск, Казахская ССР, СССР) — российский модельер.  ...  

Natalia Mikhailovna Vodianova (Russian: Ната́лья Миха́йловна Водяно́ва (pronounced by her Водя́нова); pronounced [nɐˈtalʲjə mʲɪˈxajɫəvnə vədʲɪˈnovə]; born 28 February 1982), nicknamed Supernova, is a Russian model, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and public speaker.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalia_Vodianova  ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalia_Vodianova
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian fashion is attractive in its simplicity and modesty  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! While not originally named for Tsar Peter the Great, during World War I the city was changed from the Germanic "Peterburg" to "Petrograd" in his honour    Paul Delaroche - Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur, object 00031228  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped Up!) The Bronze Horseman, monument to Ist Peter the Great - Der eherne Reiter auf dem Senatsplatz/Dekabristenplatz: Denkmal für Peter den Großen - a „Bronzlovas”, I. Péter cár szobra 2005   source: Wikipedia
Peter the Great (Russian: Пётр Вели́кий, tr. Pyotr Velikiy, IPA: [ˈpʲɵtr vʲɪˈlʲikʲɪj]), Peter I (Russian: Пётр Первый, tr. Pyotr Pyerviy, IPA: [ˈpʲɵtr ˈpʲɛrvɨj]) or Pyotr Alekseevich (Russian: Пётр Алексе́евич, IPA: [ˈpʲɵtr ɐlʲɪˈksʲejɪvʲɪtɕ]; 9 June [O.S. 30 May] 1672 – 8 February [O.S. 28 January] 1725) ruled the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire from 7 May [O.S. 27 April] 1682 until his death in 1725, jointly ruling before 1696 with his elder half-brother, Ivan V. Through a number of successful wars, he expanded the Tsardom into a much larger empire that became a major European power and also laid the groundwork for the Imperial Russian Navy after capturing ports at Azov and the Baltic Sea. He led a cultural revolution that replaced some of the traditionalist and medieval social and political systems with ones that were modern, scientific, Westernised and based on the Enlightenment. Peter's reforms had a lasting impact on Russia, and many institutions of the Russian government trace their origins to his reign. He is also known for founding and developing the city of Saint Petersburg, which remained the capital of Russia until 1917.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great
above: NEW! MedRes! "Rest of Peter the Great - Pihenő P.T.G."  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! March 4, 1813 General A.I. Chernyshev, a famous prankster and womanizer, took Berlinsource: facebook.com
above: NEW! HiRes! "Chief of Tsar Peter's Red Guard - Царь Петр Великий, предводитель Красной гвардииTsar' Petr Velikiy, predvoditel' Krasnoy gvardii - Nagy Péter cár Vörös Gárda vezére"  photo by: www.AnnaKiselova.com  source: https://annakonofalova.com//facebook/Bogdanov
Közzététel: 2016. febr. 5.
http://pond5.com/artist/timelabpro#1/... - buy this footage\купить фрагменты из видео
http://aerial.timelab.pro - professional aerials in RAW / профессиональная съемка с воздуха высокого качества в формате RAW (дрона, беспилотника, квадрокоптера) info@timelab.pro
above: NEW! HiRes! Tradition 'Cutter'-sailvessel in the Vasilevsky bridge-slot  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! Baltic Fleet (Russian NAVY)/VMF's day: 'Naunchka' Missile corvette 2.  824 , after Uspenia-church on Vasilyevski-ostrov and opened bridge - most "Lieutenant Shmidta" on main Neva-river  source: The Moscow Time
above: NEW! HiRes! Girl sitting at the foot of the Dvortsovy-most - bridge opposit Vasilevskiy-ostrov - island - Lány ül a Dvortsovaja-híd lábánál, a Vaszilevskij-szigettel szemben -  Девушка сидит у подножия Дворцового-моста напротив Васильевского-острова. >Devushka sidit u podnozhiya Dvortsovogo-mosta naprotiv Vasil'yevskogo-ostrova.<  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Vasilyevskaya'-ostrov-island with "Rostral" columns from fast motorboat  photo by: annakonofalova.com  source: facebook/Andrey Bogadnov/Album
above & below: NEW! HiResVasilevsky-ostrov - island Eastern edge with "Rostral" columns and 'Birzha' Soviet Navy museum  source: www.Corinthia Hotels & facebook/Bogdanov's album
aboveNEWNoHigher! Passenger transporter hydrofoil vessel 'Meteor'-510  via: Kopija - Copy
202.) Hydrofoil Boats - Судно на подводных крыльях -  Hu. Szárnyashajók a MAHART-nál: Meteor/Sólyom - Sirály, Bíbic: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2017/08/202-hydrofoil-boats-hu-szarnyashajok.html 
aboveNEW! MedRes! Girl source: www.Corinthia Hotels & facebook/Bogdanov's album
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped sky!) Pretty girl left bank of the Neva, in the distance with the "Rostral" Columns on Vasilevsky-ostrov  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album
above: NEW! MedRes! Ms. Kate reveals that in St. Petersburg as usual  source: facebook/A.B.
above: NEW! MedRes! A real pirate doesn't even need the sea  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
Hu. Mr. Susányi Oszkár modellerswooden ship models - fahajómodell.hu: HMS. 'Bounty'   http://fahajomodell.hu/

above: NEW! HiRes! Medium-sized ‘#Golden#Retriever’ #dog near the working museum #sailing-ship -  #Собака золотистого ретривера среднего размера возле действующего парусного #корабля-музея >Sobaka zolotistogo retrivera srednego razmera vozle deystvuyushchego parusnogo korablya-muzeya< - Középméretű 'Golden Retriever - Arany visszahozó'' #kutya a #vitorláshajó közelében  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov

above: NEW! HiRes! SPB, Portrait photo ("American night effect")with 'Cutter' sail-vessel in backround.  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album
above: NEW! NoHigher! Panorama photo of the Neva-river, next to the Peter and Paul fortress in St. Petersburg. Opposit the Vasilyevski-ostrov white building is NAVY Museum  source: petersburg.com

above: NEW! NoHigher! "#Exhibition-guide in #Navy #museum and the School Boat (Sailboat) Navigator - #Гид по выставкам в #Военно-морском музее и Школьный катер (парусник) навигатор >Gid po vystavkam v Voyenno-morskom muzeye i Shkol'nyy kater (parusnik) navigator- #Tárlatvezető a #haditengerészeti Múzeumban és az iskolahajó (Vitorlás) Navigátora":Military uniform in high fashion:#Dolce#&#Gabbana #Fall 2006 Ready-to-Wear fashion show now on '#Vogue' #runway

231.) Marine style fashion clothes & wears - Tengerészeti stílusú divatruhák és viseletek - Sailor & Captain Women: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/03/231-marine-style-fashion-clothes-wears.html
Dolce & Gabbana (Italian pronunciation: [ˈdoltʃe e ɡɡabˈbaːna]) is an Italian luxury fashion house founded in 1985 in Legnano by Italian designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolce_%26_Gabbana
above: NEW! HiRes! 'Cutter'-sailvessel in the red-light  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: HiRes! "Nahimov's grandaughter - Nahimov ükunokája - Внук Нахимова >Vnuk Nakhimova<"  source: facebook: A. Bogdanov's album
above: NEW! MedRes! (Lightened!) Photo-style the "American Night" effect portrait photo on shore of Neva-river - Портретная фотография, сделанная на берегах Невы, имеет эффект «Американская ночь» >Portretnaya fotografiya, sdelannaya na beregakh Nevy, imeyet effekt «Amerikanskaya noch'»< - A Néva-folyó partján készült portréfotó "Amerikai éjszaka" effektel.  source: facebook/Andrej P. Bogdanov/Album
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Panorama photo: Sankt Petersburg, Winter Palace from Neva.
 . palatul de iarna: The State Hermitage Museum (Hermitage Theatre, Old Hermitage, Small Hermitage and Winter Palace, all part of the current museum complex) photo by: Alexandru Baboş Albabos - Own work  Sankt Petersburg, Winter Palace from Neva. - Der Komplex der Eremitage. Von links nach rechts: Eremitage-Theater – Alte Eremitage – Kleine Eremitage – Winterpalast (die „Neue Eremitage“ liegt nicht sichtbar hinter der Alten Eremitage)  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! Bogdanov's club tradekeepers lady in the palace  source: A. Bogdanov

above: NEW! HiRes! "In the Winter palace": #Anya#Taylor#Joy for #rollacoaster spring-summer 2018  source: celebsdump.com

Anya-Josephine Taylor-Joy (born 16 April 1996. -age 24- Miami, Florida, U.S.) is a British-Argentine actress. After garnering critical acclaim for her debut in the period horror film The Witch (2015), she received further recognition for her starring role in the psychological horror film Split (2016) and its sequel Glass (2019). She also starred in the black comedy Thoroughbreds (2017) and as Emma Woodhouse in the comedy-drama Emma. (2020).
Taylor-Joy was the 2017 winner of the Cannes Film Festival's Trophée Chopard.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anya_Taylor-Joy

above: NEW! NoHigher! V.V. #Putin #gala-dress for #Winter-palace  source: #facebook/index.hu 

above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian 'Barbie-doll'  source: facebook
Ru. text: Ба́рби (англ. Barbie, уменьш. от Barbara [Барбара]) — детская игрушка, кукла, преимущественно для девочек от 3 до 14 лет. Выпущена в 1959 году в США в штате Висконсин. Её создатели — Рут и Эллиот Хэндлеры. Полное имя Барби — Бáрбара Миллисе́нт Рóбертс. За время, прошедшее после появления куклы, было выпущено множество её разновидностей и аксессуаров к ним, Барби достигла мировой популярности, стала брендом и поп-идолом.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%B8
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Winter Mashenhka  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NoHigher! The 'Winter Palace' in winter - 'Зимний дворец' зимой >'Zimniy dvorets' zimoy< - A 'Téli-palota' télen
above: NEW! MedRes! Hermitage - Ermitázs  photo by: Ondřej Žváček  source: PPShttp://www.flickr.com/photos/golub/2856610202/ 
above: NEW! MedRes! Thunderstorm in St. Petersburg  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Saint-Petersburg, Hermitage Winterpaleis panorama  source: Transsiberië Express
18+above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop left!) " Bored Princess in the Palace (with Palm-trees?) - Unatkozó Hercegnő a Palotában": Russian World-wide supermodel, Ms. Anastasiya Scheglova topless at Mertvye dushi  source: PinCelebs.net
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop vertical!) 'Winter palace' as Hermitage-museum complex on shore of Neva-river in St-Petersburg  source: Britannica
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Mermaid of Neva" >Petersburg, as always< source: fb/A. Bogdanov
aboveNEWMedRes! Hermitage - Ermitázs  photo by: Dezidor  source: PPS - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Zimní_palác_(3).jpg 
aboveNEWMedRes! Entrance to Winter Palace, Hermitage - Ermitázs  photo by: Deror Avi  source: PPS - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Enterence_to_Winter_Palace_IMG_7106.JPG 
above: NEW! NoHigher! Traditional Russian headdress - Hagyományos Orosz fő-Úrnői viselet -  Традиционный русский головной убор >Traditsionnyy russkiy golovnoy ubor<  source: facebook/ Andrey Bogdanov's album     below: NEW! HiRes! Tradekeeper members on stairs
above & below: NEW! MedRes! Dancing event of the Tradekeepers Club in palace. - A Hagyományőrző Klub táncrendezvénye a palotában.  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! MedRes! Inviting the Ladies to a dance; with Andrey Bogdanov - A Hölgyek felkérése egy táncra; Bogdán Andrással - Приглашение дам на танцы; с Андрей Богданов
Priglasheniye dam na tantsy; s Andrey Bogdanov  photo by: Mr. Arthur Demchenko  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! "The musical accompaniment of the dance event was with the participation of a harp. - A táncrendezvény zenei kísérete hárfa közreműködésével volt. - Музыкальное сопровождение танцевального мероприятия сопровождалось арфой >Muzykal'noye soprovozhdeniye tantseval'nogo meropriyatiya soprovozhdalos' arfoy<" photo by: Balance photographer: Ms. Tamara Antipina   source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Moody photo: On shore of Neva river opposit the Vasilevsky-island - На берегах реки Невы - A Nyeva/Néva folyó partján  photo by: Sergei Rakhov  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
aboveNEWNoHigher! CAOK's Secretary Lady in building - Titkárnő az épületben   source: pinterest
above: NEW! MedRes! Baroness Helen in her repertoire  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! NoHigher! WW-Two/War museum of Leningrad beside Liteniy-prospekt - alley
Hu. text: Leningrád ostroma, vagy a leningrádi blokád (oroszul блокада Ленинграда) a német Észak Hadseregcsoport sikertelen hadművelete volt a második világháborúban. A szovjet korszakban Leningrád néven ismert Szentpétervárt 872 napig tartották bekerítve, blokád alatt, 1941. szeptember 8. és 1944. január 27. között. A világtörténelem legpusztítóbb és legvéresebb ostroma, áldozatainak száma több millió főre tehető.  ...

Ru. text: Блокада Ленинграда — военная блокада города Ленинграда (ныне — Санкт-Петербург) немецкими, финскими и испанскими (Голубая дивизия) войсками с участием добровольцев из Северной Африки, Европы и военно-морских сил Италии во время Великой Отечественной войны. Длилась с 8 сентября 1941 года по 27 января 1944 года (блокадное кольцо было прорвано 18 января 1943 года) — 872 дня (включительно с днём начала и конца). В литературе также встречается число в 871 день.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Блокада Ленинграда
above: NEW! NoHigher! The winner Soviet Red Army.  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! MedRes! Russian imperial Household Ladies  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
 NEW! above Two: MedRes! Ladies' choice for dancing! - Hölgyek/Dámák választása a táncra! - Выбор дамы для танца!  below: HiRessource: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: Andrey P. Bogdanov: Leading Researcher, Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences. Educational qualifications - Образовательные квалификации >Obrazovatel'nyye kvalifikatsii< - Tanulmányi végzettsége: archive historian - историк-архивист (МГИАИ) - levéltáros történész       below: NEW! HiRes! Classic dancing in club  source: A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Meteor' hydrofoil vessel before "Winter Palace - Зимний дворец"
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Boat schedule supervisor at the Winter Palace - Диспетчер расписания катеров в Зимнем дворце -  Hajó menetrend felügyelő a Téli palotában"  source: Newberry.ru/pinterest.com
NEW! above: Meteor in Leningrad  via: Youtube  below: MedRes! Meteor-142 On Nheva-river
202.) Hydrofoil Boats - Судно на подводных крыльях -  Hu. Szárnyashajók a MAHART-nál: Meteor/Sólyom - Sirály, Bíbic: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2017/08/202-hydrofoil-boats-hu-szarnyashajok.html 
 NEW! above: MedRes! opposite the 'Kunstkammer' building in S.Pb   source: st-petersburg.com.     
above: NEW! MedRes! Battle line of Russian ships close the 'Kunstkammer'  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Opposit the 'Kunstkammer' bulding; Wedding of Vladimir Putin and Ludmilla Skrebnyeva in Leningrad. They divorced in 2014 - 1983. Vlagyimir Putyin és Ludmilla Skrebnyeva esküvője Leningrádban. 2014-ben elváltak - Свадьба Владимира Путина и Людмилы Скребневой в Ленинграде. Они развелись в 2014 году. >Svad'ba Vladimira Putina i Lyudmily Skrebnevoy v Leningrade. Oni razvelis' v 2014 godu.<
above: NEW! NoHigher! Nakhimovs Navy College - Здание Нахимовского военно-морского училища в Санкт-Петербурге - Uk. text: Будівля нахімовського військово-морського училища у Санкт-Петербурзі  source: Wikipedia.org
En. text: The Nakhimov Naval School (Russian: Нахимовское военно-морское училище) or Nakhimov School (Russian: Нахимовское училище) is a form of military education for teenagers introduced in the Soviet Union and once also located in other cities. They are named after Imperial Russian admiral Pavel Nakhimov.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakhimov_Naval_School
Ru. text: Нахи́мовское военно-морское учи́лище — вид военно-морского училища в России и СССР. В отличие от большинства военно-морских училищ, Нахимовское военно-морское училище не является высшим учебным заведением, а ориентировано на подготовку воспитанников к учёбе в военных вузах, наподобие Суворовских военных училищ. В училище обучение состоит из двух частей: программы средней школы за 5-й — 11-й классы и специальной военно-морской подготовки. По окончании училища его выпускникам не присваивается офицерского звания. Срок обучения — 7 лет. Учащиеся в Нахимовском военно-морском училище и его выпускники называются нахи́мовцами. В настоящее время единственное действующее Нахимовское военно-морское училище находится в Санкт-Петербурге (Во Владивостоке, Мурманске и Севастополе расположены филиалы данного училища, не являющиеся самостоятельными учебными заведениями). Летняя учебная база училища расположена на западном побережье Нахимовского озера.  ...
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: az 'Aurora' cirkáló a 'Nahimov' Haditengerészeti Kadétképző Középiskola előtt lehorgonyozva  source: Wikipédia.org
above: NEW! HiRes! The Russian cruiser "Aurora" was the first campus and training ship of the Nahkimov Naval School. - Pt. text:O cruzador russo "Aurora" foi o primeiro campus e navio de treinamento da Escola Naval Nahkimov. Нахимовское военно-морское училище.   photo by: George Shuklin - Own work  source: Wikipedia
„У моряка нет трудного или легкого пути, есть только один путь — славный.“  (Павел Степанович Нахимов)
"A sailor has no difficult or easy way, there is only one way - the glorious one." (Pavel Stepanovich Nahimov)
"A tengerész számára nincsen nehéz vagy könnyű út, csak egy út létezik - dicsőséges." (Pável Sztyepanovics Nahimov)
above: NEW! HiRes! 'Aurora', moored in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Russian protected cruiser Aurora, launched in 1903, now preserved as a museum in St Petersburg. In 1917 one of the first incidents of the October Revolution took place on the cruiser.  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! Predreadnought "Pallada"-class cruiser 'Aurora' in night  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
Aurora (Russian: Авро́ра, tr. Avrora, IPA: [ɐˈvrorə]) is a Russian protected cruiser, currently preserved as a museum ship in Saint Petersburg. Aurora was one of three Pallada-class cruisers, built in Saint Petersburg for service in the Pacific. All three ships of this class served during the Russo-Japanese War. Aurora survived the Battle of Tsushima and was interned under US protection in the Philippines, and eventually returned to the Baltic Fleet. One of the first incidents of the October Revolution in Russia took place on the cruiser Aurora, which reportedly fired the first shot, signalling the beginning of the attack on the Winter Palace.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_cruiser_Aurora
above: NEW! MedRes! 'Aurora' museal warship and 'Nahimov' cadet school in winter  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Marching lead-teacher at the Parade Department of the 'Nahimov' Naval Cadet High School - Преподаватель марша на Парадном отделении 'Нахимовской' высшей школы морских кадетов. >Prepodavatel' marsha na Paradnom otdelenii Nakhimovskoy vysshey shkoly morskikh kadetov.< -  A 'Nahimov' haditengerészeti-kadét középiskola Parádé-tanszék vonulási főtanára source: Pinterest.com
aboveMedRes! Russian NAVY's days of VMF in august: 'Nahimov' kadets., in backround a Small Missile Ship (Korvett)  source: kasmaal
above: NEW! MedRes! "On the banks of the Neva-river waiting for the 'METEOR' Hydrofoil - На берегах Невы ждут судно на подводных крыльях МЕТЕОР >Na beregakh Nevy zhdut sudno na podvodnykh kryl'yakh METEOR< - A Néva-folyó partján a METEOR Szárnyashajóra várvasource: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
aboveNEWMedRes! 'Meteor' hydrofil' high-speed boat on river Neva docking in St.Petersburg upon arrival from Peterhof Palace (2008). photo by: Erin Nikitchyuk - Own work   source: Wikipedia
Civil Hydrofoil Boats - Soviet made (СПК) Судно на подводных крыльях - Szárnyashajók a MAHART-nálhttps://szextant.blogspot.com/2017/08/202-hydrofoil-boats-hu-szarnyashajok.html.
aboveNEWMedRes! "Mashenka" behind the Russian cyrillic writed coloumns - "Másenyka" az oszlopok mögött   via: www.FemJoy.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Golf-ballistic Professor Judith Parisian oldy supermodel
above: NEW! HiRes! 'Mihalovskaya' MVAA Missile/Rocket & Field Artillery Academy/College
NEWMedRes!  above: Russian Army's  name of "Mihalovskaya" (former "Kalinin") Artillery Academy at St. petersburg (Leningrad) on shore of Neva river - Михайловская военная артиллерийская академия представит свои достижения на «Армии-2018» Представители Михайловской военной артиллерийской академии продемонстрируют свои достижения на Международном военно-техническом форуме «Армия-2018».  ...  В Михайловской военной артиллерийской академии проходят конкурсные вступительные испытания  ...
История академии:
1820 г., 25 ноября (7 декабря) — официальное открытие артиллерийского училища, офицерские классы которого стали первым высшим артиллерийским учебным заведением в России. Приказ генерал-фельдцейхмейстера от 26 ноября 1820 г. № 805. С этого дня отмечается День части.  ...
1967 г., 05 октября — приказом Министра обороны СССР № 230 академия стала именоваться Военной артиллерийской ордена Ленина Краснознамённой академией имени М.И. Калинина.  ...
2012 г., февраль-март — разработка Концепции развития Михайловской военной артиллерийской академии.  ...
above: NEW! HiRes! "Staff-Directress of the Artillery Academy in 'Saint Barbara' artillery prom dress. - Директриса штаба артиллерийской академии Святой Варвары в артиллерийском выпускном платье >Direktrisa staba artilleriyskoy akademii Svyatoy Varvary v artilleriyskom vypusknom plat'ye<. - A Tüzérakadémia törzs-igazgatónője 'Szent Borbála' tüzér báli ruhábansource: facebook/A. Bogdanov
NEWabove: MedRes! Liteiny-prospekt 3 backside of 'Mihailovskaya' artilleriyskaya akademiya  source: ret.Lt.Col. Salgó "Artyman" Béla ny.tü.alez.    below: HiRes! Liteyny-prospekt - Avenue
below: Arty Recon Kabinet equipment with LASER rangefinder LPR-2 (1D18-1) PUO-9M & PAB-2M - ПАБ-2M ПЕРИСКОПИЧЕСКАЯ АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКАЯ БУССОЛЬ Periszkópos Tüzér-Tájoló Műszer (PTTM) - arty bussol/Arty Theodolite     below: AFC - Arty Fire Control "Ballistic" classroom
PUO-9 -ПУО-9  Прибор Управление Огном, AP-7 -АП-7 Артиллерийские  Поправочник - Field-Artillery's Plotterboards - Tűzvezető Műszer : https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/03/155-puo-9-tuzvezeto-muszer-ap-7-tuzer.html
above: NEW! MedRes! Bored PUO-9 data processing lady in Fire Control classroom - Скучающая леди по обработке данных PUO-9 в Класс управления огнем >Skuchayushchaya ledi po obrabotke dannykh PUO-9 v Klass upravleniya ognem - Unatkozó PUO-9 adatfeldolgozó hölgy a Tüzér-villában  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! HiRes! The MVAA is a Soviet badge "Ironcunt", certifying academic qualifications - A MVAA Akadémiai végzettséget igazoló jelvény a Szovjet "Vaspina" - MBAA - Cоветский знак, "Железнопизда", подтверждающий академическую квалификацию. >MVAA - Soviet znak, "Zheleznopizda" podtverzhdayushchiy akademicheskuyu kvalifikatsiyu<  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Gen. Major Ms. Irina Volk, an official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs - A vezérőrnagy hölgy orosz belügyminisztérium hivatalos képviselője, Irina Volk - Ирина Волк, официальный представитель МВД России >Irina Volk, ofitsial'nyy predstavitel' MVD Rossii<  source: facebook.com/A. Bogdanov

above: NEW! #actress #Izabella#Scorupco  source: celebsdump.com

Hu. text: Izabella Scorupco (Białystok, 1970. június 4. –) lengyel származású, svéd színésznő, modell és énekesnő. ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izabella_Scorupco

above: NEW! MedRes! In olden times a like luxury life of Russian ceasarian  artillery officers and countesses there - Régen az Orosz cári tüzértiszturaknak és a grófnőknek ilyen elegáns élete volt errefelé.

above: NEW+! NoHigher! Cinderella and Prince Charming - Hamupipőke és a Heceg elbűvölése  source: Pinterest.com
above & below: NEW! HiRes! & MedRes! Big stand NoHigher! (Edited!)  Juci'bácsi's Russian/Cyrillic text collection book from Leningrad/St. Petersburg in 1978.  scan by: szextant.blogspot & airart.blogspot.com: Selection of the .. book - Válogatás .. a könyvből - Выбор из книги  >Vybor iz knigi<
Book - Album: History of the Art of the Domestic/People's CCCP - USSR of the end of the 17th - 18th centuries. - Könyv - Album: Az Orosz/Szovjet Hazai/Népi -Művészet Története a XVII - XVIII zázad végén - Книга - Альбом: История Искусство НародноB CCCP конца XVII - XVIII веков >Kniga - Al'bom: Istoriya Iskusstvo NarodnoB CCCP kontsa XVII - XVIII vekov< Courtesy FREE! - SZABAD Ajándék! БЕСПЛАТНО! >BESPLATNO!<  source: Juci'bácsi

above: NEW! NoHigher! My Photoaparat: Soviet small film ZENIT-E "Industar" objective: Winter Palace, Admirality & Isaac chatedral - Téli Palota  photo by: Juci'bácsi
above: NEW! NoHigher! Dialogue - Párbeszéd : (in the background to the right is a picture of general Suvorov on the wall - a háttérben jobbra Szuvorov tábornok képe a falon)
- Паручик, что вы думаете о любвы с первого взгляда?
- Это превосходная штука! Страшно экономит время-с!  (Szerintem a " -c" valamilyen elírás lehet, ugyanis fölösleges, csak az eredetiség miatt hagytam meg! SB)

- Lieutenant, what do you think of love at first sight?”
- That’s a great thing! Terribly time saving!

- Hadnagy, mit gondol a szerelemről első látásra?
- Ez óriási dolog! Borzasztóan időtakarékos!

Translated by: ret.arty.Lt.Col. Mr. Salgó "Artyman" Béla ny.tü.alez.
Bölcseletek és jó mondások nagy katonai-vezetőktől és Politikusoktól - Philosophies /wisdoms and sayings from great military Leaders & Politicians: Colin*Powell's 15 rules - szabálya. -Tantra- Quotes of War movies: We Were Soldiers, Catch 22, Full Metal Jacket.:
18+aboveNEWNoHigher! (Edited!)  Juci'bácsi's Russian/Cyrillic text collection book from Leningrad/St. Petersburg in 1978.  scan by: szextant.blogspot & airart.blogspot.comSelection of the .. book - Válogatás .. a könyvből - Выбор из книги  >Vybor iz knigi<
Book - Album: History of the Art of the Domestic/People's CCCP - USSR of the end of the 17th - 18th centuries. - Könyv - Album: Az Orosz/Szovjet Hazai/Népi -Művészet Története a XVII - XVIII zázad végén - Книга - Альбом: История Искусство НародноB CCCP конца XVII - XVIII веков >Kniga - Al'bom: Istoriya Iskusstvo NarodnoB CCCP kontsa XVII - XVIII vekov< Courtesy FREE! - SZABAD Ajándék! БЕСПЛАТНО! >BESPLATNO!<  source: Juci'bácsi
above: NEW! HiRes! "A guest of the Café/coffee/house - Гость кафе/ Кофe Хауз >Gost' kofeyni/ Kofe Khauz< - A Kávéház egy vendége" (""An American CIA indoor woman under surveillance at the Street Corner Cafe - Под наблюдением американского ЦРУ в кафе >Street Corner Pod nablyudeniyem amerikanskogo TSRU v kafe Street Corner< - Az Amerikai CIA fedett embere figyelésen az utcasarki Kávéházban."): Yulia Rose photo by: Omar Coria  source: CelebsDump.com
Yulia Rose (born March 6, 1996. Russia) is a model https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/yulia-rose
above: NEW! NoHigher! Famous Russian model, Ekaterina Zueva on river bank  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
Who is Ekaterina Zueva?
Social media networks have helped numerous people express themselves and reach stardom; one of them is Ekaterina Zueva, who is a model, and on her official Instagram page has over 2.2 million followers. She is often photographed while doing yoga, or just posing in sexy lingerie, which has only made her more popular.
Just a simple reminder that article is created and owned only by biographytribune.com. Article cannot be re-published in any other pages or documents. Copyright is protected by DMCA. All found copies will be reported.
So, do you want to find out more about this prominent model, from her childhood years to most recent career endeavors, including her personal life as well? If yes, then stay with us for a while, as we introduce you to Ekaterina Zueva.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Moika-Canal & shadows  source: Pinterest.com
NEW++! MedRes! Leningrad/St. Petersburg Moika-canal flash by photoartist Denis Goncharov
Hu. text: Szentpétervár (oroszul: Санкт-Петербург, magyar átírásban: Szankt-Petyerburg) Oroszország balti-tengeri kikötővárosa a Finn-öböl partján, a Néva folyó torkolatában. 1703-ban alapították. Korábbi nevei Petrográd (Петроград, 1914–1924), illetve Leningrád (Ленинград, 1924–1991) voltak. A helyiek mai szóhasználatában elterjedt a Pityer (Питер) név is. 5,3 milliós népességével Moszkva után az ország második legnagyobb városa, Moszkva és London után pedig egész Európa harmadik legnépesebb települése. Az óvárost az UNESCO a világ 10 leginkább látogatni érdemes műemlékterületei között tartja számon.
Az egymilliónál több lakossal rendelkező városok közül Szentpétervár található a legészakabbra az egész világon. A városközpontot az UNESCO a világörökség részévé nyilvánította.  ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szentp%C3%A9terv%C3%A1r
above: NEW! MedRes! Corner building at canal? - Sarokház  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! "Anchor master grows on a bridge over the Fontanka Canal - Якорь-мастер растет на мосту через канал Фонтанки >Yakor'-master rastet na mostu cherez kanal Fontanki< - Horgonymester nő a Fontanka-csatorna egyik hídjánsource: facebook/A. Bogdanov 
aboveNEWMedRes! Leningrad/St-Peterburg: 'Fontanka'-canal by night
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Olesya Malinskaya in prom/ball dress - báli ruhában ... Instagram star/model and fashion designer who is widely recognized for the dresses that she displays in her photos. She has built an enormous social media presence with over 1.8 million followers on the platform.  ...  https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/olesya-malinskaya.html
above: NEW! NoHigher!" One of the guests is waiting to enter the ball - Az egyik vendég vár a bejutásra a bálra - Один из гостей ждет входа в мяч  >Odin iz gostey zhdet vkhoda v myach<": Supermodel Valentina Zelyaeva  source: www.sofiazchoice.com
above: NEW! HiRes! "The ticket collector of the traditional ball - A hagyományőrző bál jegyszedője - Маркер традиционного мяча >Marker traditsionnogo myacha<": Edita Vilkeviciute leggy for The Edit by Net-A-Porter  February 2020  source: pincelebs.net
Edita Vilkevičiūtė (born 1 January 1989. -age 31- Kaunas, Lithuanian SSR, Soviet Union) is a Lithuanian model.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edita_Vilkevi%C4%8Di%C5%ABt%C4%97
above: NEW! NoHigher! "This is how the one who did not get a ticket to the ball or her partner did not come - Вот так не пришел тот, кто не получил путевку на бал или его партнерша >Vot tak ne prishel tot, kto ne poluchil putevku na bal ili yego partnersha< - Így járt az aki nem kapott belépőjegyet a bálra vagy nem jött el a párja": World famous Russian supermodel: Miss. Valentina Zelyaeva in Ralph Lauren's red dress and black ball gloves.   source: Listal
aboveNEWMedRes! In the city as usual  source: facebook.com
Valentina Zelyaeva (Russian: Валентина Зеляева; born October 11, 1982 in Ulan-Ude, Soviet Union) is a Russian-American supermodel. Valentina has been featured in print advertisements for Tommy Hilfiger, Coach, Calvin Klein, and Ralph Lauren, with whom she signed a seven-year deal, appearing in several high-profile campaigns for the designer, deeming her the face of Ralph Lauren. In addition to her Vogue covers, she has appeared on the covers of Elle, Harper's Bazaar, W, and Glamour, among others. Her runway credits include Balenciaga, Christian Dior, Lanvin, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Gucci and Valentino. On the controversial issue of banning underweight models from Milan Fashion Week, she said, "I think it's discrimination. We are skinny, this is our work. There are lots of overweight people working in offices but I'm not going to say, 'This girl is fat, she can't work in an office'." She currently lives in New York. She became an American citizen on August 16, 2017
 above & below: NEW! HiRes! "All the while in the Women's restroom - Mind eközben a Női mosdóban": Pamela Anderson sexy for Karolina Turek's photoshoot in december-2019.  source: www.CelebsDump.com
Hu. text: Pamela Denise Anderson (Ladysmith, Brit Columbia, 1967. július 1. –53 éves- Ladysmith, Brit Columbia, Kanada) kanadai származású amerikai színésznő, modell és televíziós producer.  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Anderson
Ru. text: Паме́ла Дени́з А́ндерсон (англ. Pamela Denise Anderson; род. 1 июля 1967, Ледисмит, Британская Колумбия, Канада) — американская актриса и фотомодель канадского происхождения.
NEW! above & bottom Two: HiResbelow Two: MedRes! Andrey Bogdanov's TKC - Tradekeeper Club; Alex Makarov with Ladies  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Museum Operating Staff Buffet - A Múzeumi Kezelőszemélyzet BÜFÉ-je - Буфет для сотрудников музея >Bufet dlya sotrudnikov muzeya<"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above! NEW! HiRes! (Crop down!) The PTS is a Soviet tracked amphibious transport. PTS stands for Plavayushchij Transportyer - Sryednyj or medium amphibious transport vehicle. Its industrial index was Ob'yekt 65. - ПТС плавающий транспортер средний. Гусеничный плавающий транспортер ПТС - A PTSZ (oroszul: ПТС – Плавающий транспортёр средний / Plavajuscsij traszportyor szrednyij, magyarul: közepes úszó szállító jármű) a Szovjetunióban gyártott közepes lánctalpas úszó gépjármű. Modernizált változata a PTSZ–M. Továbbfejlesztett, nagyobb teljesítményű, az MT–T tüzérségi vontatón alapuló változata a PTSz–2. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PTS_(vehicle)
NEW! above: HiRes! PKP swiming trailer with a 76,3mm ZiSz-3 division/AT gun   below: NoHigher! PTSz-M tracked transport amfibia & PKP in Kronverk
above: NEW! NoHigher! "PKP swiming trailer Captain"
above: NEW! NoHigher! Aerial photo about 'Fontanka'-canal (Grand canal)  source: Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Girl at the window in the canal side house": supermodel Ekaterina Zueva sexy in 'Verve' Underwear 2019.  source: Pincelebs.net   https://www.instagram.com/zuueva/
aboveNEWMedRes! Moyka-canal/river chatedral in 2020. winter-time  photo: Ignathev G.R. Fotosp.ru source: facebook/A. Bogdanov 
above & below: NEW! MedRes! Christmas ballroom dancing of filigran Tradekeepers  Photo: Tamara Antipina "tamtam"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! Other site of the James Bond 007's tank scene, 'Moyka'-canal - csatorna  source: Telegraph
aboveNEWNoHigher! "AWGG - Action watcher GRU's Girl on bridge (Pevcheskiy?over Fontanka-canal"  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
Hu. text: A Felderítő Főcsoportfőnökség, rövidítve GRU (oroszul: Главное разведывательное управление, magyar átírásban: Glavnoje razvedivatyelnoje upravlenyije) Oroszország katonai hírszerző szolgálata. Hivatalos, teljes elnevezéssel az Oroszországi Föderáció Fegyveres Erői Vezérkarának Felderítő Főcsoportfőnöksége (Главное разведывательное управление Генерального штаба Вооружённых Сил Российской Федерации), az orosz fegyveres erőknél a 44388-as egységjelzést viseli. Vezetője 2016 januárjától Igor Korobov, 2018 novemberben bekövetkezett halála után Igor Kosztyukov. A GRU központja Moszkva északnyugati részén, a Hodinka-mező városrészben, az egykori Hodinkai repülőtér mellett található. A 70 ezer m² összterületű, 9,5 milliárd rubelért felépített új székház 2006-ban készült el. A GRU tisztjeinek oktatása és speciális felkészítése az orosz Védelmi Minisztérium Katonadiplomáciai Akadémiáján (röviden: GRU Akadémia) történik. A GRU szervezetéhez tartozik még két intézet, a 6. és 18. sz. Központi Tudományos Kutatóintézet (CNII).  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felderito-GRU_Hu.-text
above: NEW! MedResMoyka-canal with Pevchesky-bridge  source: wikipedia
NEWHiResaboveПевческий мост - Pevcheskiy bridge over Moyka-canal
above: NEW! NoHigher! Karina Razumovskaya tit slip and pokies at kovcheg in 2002.  source: Celebsdump.com
En. text: Karina Vladimirova Razumovskaya (Russian: Кари́на Влади́мировна Разумо́вская, born 9 March 1983. -age 38- Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR) is a Russian theater and film actress.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karina_Razumovskaya
Ru. text: Кари́на Влади́мировна Разумо́вская (род. 9 марта 1983 года, Ленинград, СССР) — российская актриса театра, кино и дубляжа. Наиболее известна по киноролям в сериалах «Мажор», «Адъютанты любви» и «Обратная сторона Луны».  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! The T-80BV tank with Bond heads down embankment along the Moika-canal on  in St Petersburg, Russia. source: Foursquare/https://www.reelstreets.com/films/goldeneye/
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped & Lightened!) Reelstreets: The troops get thrown out of their vechicle next to the Moika River, Bolshoy Konyushenny-bridge is in the background. 
above: NEW! NoHigherPierce Brosnan as James Bond (007): An MI6 officer assigned to stop the Janus crime syndicate from acquiring "GoldenEye," a clandestine satellite weapon designed and launched by the Soviets during the attCold War. & Izabella Scorupco as Natalya Simonova: The only survivor and eyewitness of the GoldenEye ack on its own control centre at Severnaya. A skilled programmer, she helps Bond in his mission. Promo image.
The Walther PPK is a German pistol issued to James Bond in the Ian Fleming novel, Dr. No. With the transition to the big screen, the PPK became Bond's primary weapon and was featured from 1962 (Dr. No) to 1997 (Tomorrow Never Dies). In the film Tomorrow Never Dies, the transition was made to the Walther P99, which would be used for the rest of Pierce Brosnan's tenure as Bond.  ...  https://jamesbond.fandom.com/wiki/Walther_PPK

Olga Kobzar is one of the popular and trending celeb who is popular for being a Model. As of 2019 Olga Kobzar is 28 years old. Olga Kobzar is a member of famous Model list.
We have ranked Olga Kobzar as of the popular celebs list. Olga Kobzar is also listed along with people born on . One of the precious celeb listed in Model list.
Nothing much is known about Olga Kobzar Education Background & Childhood. We will update you soon.  ...  http://famouspeoplewiki.xyz/olga-kobzar-wiki-biography-net-worth-age-family-facts-and-more/
above: NEW! HiRes! "КГБ - KGB's watcher in a Presso": Russian World famous photomodel Olga Kobzar  source: Reddit.com
Buxom and shapely 5'6" brunette knockout Olga Kobzar was born on May 24, 1991 in Russia. Kobzar hails from Saint Petersburg, Russia and began modeling at the age of eighteen. Olga was the September, 2018 Playmate of the Month for the Portugal edition of Playboy. Kobzar enjoys drinking, eating good food, being out in nature, and exploring new ... See full bio » https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9510917/bio-Olga-Kobzar

The KGB (Russian: Комитет государственной безопасности (КГБ), tr. Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, IPA: [kəmʲɪˈtʲet ɡəsʊˈdarstvʲɪnːəj bʲɪzɐˈpasnəsʲtʲɪ] (About this soundlisten)), translated in English as the Committee for State Security, was the secret police force that was the main security agency for the Soviet Union from 1954 until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. As a direct successor of preceding agencies such as the Cheka, NKGB, NKVD and MGB, was attached to the Council of Ministers. It was the chief government agency of "union-republican jurisdiction", carrying out internal security, intelligence and secret police functions. Similar agencies operated in each of the republics of the Soviet Union aside from the Russian SFSR, with many associated ministries, state committees and state commissions.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KGB
above: NEW! HiRes! Building of the Russian FSB - FSzB in St. Petersburg  source: Googleearth
The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB RF; Russian: Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации (ФСБ), tr. Federal'naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii, IPA: [fʲɪdʲɪˈralʲnəjə ˈsluʐbə bʲɪzɐˈpasnəstʲɪ rɐˈsʲijskəj fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjɪ]) is the principal security agency of Russia and the main successor agency to the USSR's KGB ('Committee for State Securityʼ). Its main responsibilities are within the country and include counter-intelligence, internal and border security, counter-terrorism, and surveillance as well as investigating some other types of grave crimes and federal law violations. It is headquartered in Lubyanka Square, Moscow's center, in the main building of the former KGB. According to the 1995 Federal Law "On the Federal Security Service", direction of the FSB is executed by the president of Russia, who appoints the Director of the FSB  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Security_Service
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Miss. Irina FSB agent before Centre building": Irina Shayk at Snow Flower And The Secret Fan Screening In New York  source: Pincelebs.net
Hu. text: Irina Valerjevna Sajhliszlamova (oroszul: Ирина Валерьевна Шайхлисламова; Jemanzselinszk, Szovjetunió, 1986. január 6.) orosz modell. A modellvilágban Irina Sejk, vagy angolosan Irina Shayk (Ирина Шейк) néven ismert. ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irina_Valerjevna_Sajhliszlamova
The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (Russian: Министерство России по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий), also known as The Ministry of Emergency Situations, MChS (Russian: Министерство по чрезвычайным ситуациям – МЧС России), or internationally as EMERCOM (derived from "Emergency Control Ministry"), is a government agency overseeing the civil emergency services in Russia.
Russian President Boris Yeltsin established EMERCOM on January 10, 1994, though the ministry can be traced back to December 27, 1990, when the RSFSR established the Russian Rescue Corps and assigned it the mission of rapid response in the case of emergencies.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Emergency_Situations_(Russia)
above: NEW! HiRes! Moyka-canal Exit-dream  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedResMoyka-canal with  Pevcheskiy bridge and Zimnhaya-canal into Neva
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Girl on beside of Zimny-channel from the, Moika/Moyka-canal.  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov

aboveNEWMedRes! Walking Pretty Girl in downtown of the city  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov

above: NEW! HiRes! Bogdanov's tradekeepers photo at Exit of the Moyka-canal  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
aboveNEWMedRes! Girl on most Zimny-channel over the, Moika/Moyka-canal/river  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov's Album
above: NEW! NoHigher! Innermost Zimny-channel from the, Moika/Moyka-canal - Mojka-csatorna as it goes under the Hermitage, Dvortsovaya the Neva beyond. July 2007. Carol-Lynn Rössel.  source: Pinterest.com
aboveZimny-canal - Le canal d'Hiver, qui se jette dans la Neva.  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! MedRes! Notable points - Nevezetes pontok  source: Google Map
above: NEW! MedRes! river bank of the Fontanka-canal  source: Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! Day of the Fleet 2020. Light Landing Ship on Neva-river  source: facebook
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Behind the window curtain; Russian Men Destroyer - Az ablakfüggöny mögöttOrosz Férfiakat Romboló - За оконные шторы; Русские Мужчины Разрушитель >Za okonnyye shtory; Russkiye Muzhchiny Razrushitel<"  photo by: Anton Zhilin  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
 above & belowNEWNoHigher! 007's "T-80BV" tank on the streets  source: Google - Youtube
above: NEW! HiRes! "After renovation of this house": Ms. Priyanka Chopra in short Dress  source: pincelebs.net
En. text: Priyanka Chopra Jonas (pronounced [prɪˈjəŋkaː ˈtʃoːpɽaː]; born 18 July 1982. -age 38- Jamshedpur, Bihar, India) is an Indian actress, singer, and film producer. The winner of the Miss World 2000 pageant, Chopra is one of India's highest-paid and most popular entertainers. She has received numerous accolades, including a National Film Award and five Filmfare Awards. In 2016, the Government of India honoured her with the Padma Shri and Time named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world, and in the next two years Forbes listed her among the World's 100 Most Powerful Women.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priyanka_Chopra

Hu. text: Priyanka Chopra Jonas (1982. július 18. –) indiai színésznő, énekesnő, filmproducer és a Miss World 2000 szépségverseny nyertese. Mint India egyik legjobban fizetett és legnépszerűbb híressége, Chopra számos díjat kapott, köztük egy Nemzeti Filmdíjat és öt Filmfare díjat. 2016-ban az indiai kormány kitüntette őt a Padma Shri polgári érdemrenddel, és Time a világ 100 legbefolyásosabb embere közé sorolta. A Forbes 2017-ben és 2018-ban a világ 100 legerősebb nőjének listájába sorolta.  ...
aboveNEWNoHigherJames Bond-007 "Golden-Eye" cast stateside still
Resident Evil: Afterlife is a 2010 action horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. The film marks Anderson's return to direct in the Resident Evil film series, after the first film. A direct sequel to Resident Evil: Extinction (2007), it is the fourth installment in the Resident Evil film series, which is loosely based on the video game series of the same name, and the first to be shot in 3D. It stars Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Kim Coates, Shawn Roberts, Spencer Locke, Boris Kodjoe, and Wentworth Miller.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil:_Afterlife

above: NEW! NoHigher! #Milla#Jovovich - #Ми́лица#Богда́новна#Йо́вович as #Alice's full outfit in #horror-movie "#Resident#Evil after life" Retribution

En. text: Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich (/ˈjoʊvəvɪtʃ/ YOH-və-vitch; born December 17, 1975. -age 44- Kiev, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union) is an American actress, model, and musician. Her starring roles in numerous science fiction and action films led the music channel VH1 to deem her the "reigning queen of kick-butt" in 2006. In 2004, Forbes determined that she was the highest-paid model in the world.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milla_Jovovich

Hu. text: Milla Jovovich (születési nevén: Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich) (Kijev, Ukrán SZSZK, 1975. december 17. –) orosz-szerb származású színésznő, modell, énekesnő, dalszövegíró és divattervező. Legismertebb szerepei Leeloo az Ötödik elem című francia sci-fiben, valamint Alice a Kaptár-sorozatban.  ...

Ru. text: Ми́лица Богда́новна Йо́вович (англ. Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich; сербохорв. Милица Јововић, Milica Jovović), более известная как Ми́лла Йо́вович (англ. Milla Jovovich; род. 17 декабря 1975, Киев) — американская актриса, музыкант, фотомодель и модельер.  ...
above: NEW! HiRes! "The traffic counter is sunbathing while working the Nevsky Prospekt over Moyka-river/canal - A forgalomszámláló munka közben napozik a Nyevszkij-sugárút felett a Mojka csatorna hídjánál - Счетчик движения загорает во время работы на Невском проспекте над Мойкой-рекой/ каналом. >Schetchik dvizheniya zagorayet vo vremya raboty na Nevskom prospekte nad Moykoy-rekoy/kanalom.<"  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov's album
above: NEW! NoHigher! Nevsky Prospekt over Moyka-river/canal during late 1970s  source: pinterest

above: NEW! NoHigher! "#Quickly cross the #Traffic #Zebra on #Nevsky-prospekt": #blonde #Karolina#Kurková #sexy-legs;  photo by: Carline Cerf de Dudzeele for #ELLE-magazine (#U.S.) may 2k5  source: www.digi.scan.de.ms

En. text: Karolína Kurková (Czech pronunciation: [ˈkaroliːna ˈkurkovaː]; born 28 February 1984. -age 36- Děčín, Ústí nad Labem, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech model and actress, best known as a former Victoria's Secret Angel and Vogue cover star. Mario Testino praised the "proportions of her body and her face, as well as her energy level", which he said "ma[de] her a model who could fit almost into any moment". Vogue editor Anna Wintour called her the "next supermodel". Kurková is among the world's top-earning models, having earned an estimated $5 million in the year 2007. She placed 6th in the Forbes annual list of the highest-earning models. ... ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karolina_Kurkova-cz

Cz. text: Karolína Kurková (* 28. února 1984 Děčín) je česká supermodelka a příležitostná herečka. ... Po odstěhování do New Yorku postupně předváděla modely pro různé věhlasné módní firmy, ke kterým patří Tommy Hilfiger, Valentino, Louis Vuitton, John Galliano, Chanel, Christian Dior, Hugo Boss, Versace nebo H&M.  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! St. Petersburg, Russia: Nevsky Prospekt -alley- is the main and historical avenue of the city  source: Globe-Holidays
aboveNEWNoHigher! Nevsky Prospect in sunset  source: turnas.livejournal.com
NEWaboveNoHigher! "Evening Traffic Counter woman over Nevskiy Prospect alley- Счетчик женщина вечернего движения на Невском проспекте >Schetchik zhenshchina  vechernego dvizheniya na Nevskom prospekte< - Esti Forgalomszámláló hölgy a Nyevszkij proszpekt sugárút felett"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! HiRes! "The Traffic Counter Inspector Lena on the balcony of otherside opposit building over Nevskiy Prospect alley "  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album

above: NEW! MedRes! Night-view of Nevsky-prospekt in S.Pb.  source: Saint-Petersburg.com
NEWaboveMedRes! St. Petersburg, Nevsky-Prospekt by night.  Photo-by: Ninara-CC  source: ArchiPanic      
above: NEW! NoHigherEvgenia Savochkina 
18+aboveNEW! NoHigher! "Surveillance camera at night - Térfigyelő kamera éjszakasource: Fishki.net/mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) ATGM - Anti-Tank Guided Missile 9K114 'Shturm' - IPTR - Irányított Páncéltörő Rakéta  (Russian: 9К114 «Штурм» - "Assault", borrowed from German "Sturm" - Storm/Assault) - is a SACLOS radio guided anti-tank missile system of the Soviet Union. Its GRAU designation is 9K114. Its NATO reporting name is AT-6 Spiral. The missile itself is known as the 9M114 'Kokon' ('Cocoon'). 9P149 TEL on MT-LB hull. - «Штурм» (по классификации НАТО и МО США — AT-6 "Spiral") — советский противотанковый ракетный комплекс со сверхзвуковой ракетой 9М114 «Кокон», оснащённой радиокомандной системой наведения. Главный конструктор — С. П. Непобедимый. Комплекс разработан в вариантах — самоходный 9К114 «Штурм-С» для Сухопутных войск, вертолётный 9К113 «Штурм-В» для Военно-воздушных сил, корабельный «Штурм-ЛК» для Военно-морского флота.   source: Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K114_Shturm
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Porter's cabin of Museum equipped with motion sensors"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! (Size Reduced & Rotated to CCW!) SPB in 1988.  by: aroundspb.ru
above: NEW! MedRes! Satellite photo about centrum of the St. Petersburg city - Спутниковая фотография центра Санкт-Петербурга - >Sputnikovaya fotografiya tsentra Sankt-Peterburga< - Műhold fotó Szent Pétervár központi részéről  source: Google earth
above: NoHigher! VMF's Sukhoi NAVY Su-27 "Flanker" over St. Petersburg  source: Reddit.com
135.) Сухой Су-27 истребитель  - Sukhoi Su-27 'Flanker' Air Superiority Heavy Fighter - My gift big Drawing & Cutaway: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/09/135-27-sukhoi-su-27-flanker-air.html
above & below: NEW! MedRes! New 'Sauron' Tower, in St. Petersburg  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
18+above: NEW! HiRes! "A shipping victim on the shores of the Gulf of Finland at the entrance to the inner bay - Пострадавший на судне на берегу Финского залива у входа во внутренний залив. >Postradavshiy na sudne na beregu Finskogo zaliva u vkhoda vo vnutrenniy zaliv.< - Hajózási áldozat a Finn-öböl partján a belső öböl bejáratánál": Vera Brezhneva blonde russian singer nude - Вера Брежнева Ru. в ~2017 году - Віра Брежнєва Uk. блондинка русская певица обнаженная  >blondinka russkaya pevitsa obnazhennaya< - ~ Énekesnő mezítelenül  source: Pincelebs.net
En. text: Vira Viktorivna Halushka (Ukrainian: Віра Вікторівна Галушка; Russian: Вера Викторовна Галушка, Vira Viktorivna Halushka; born 3 February 1982. -age 38- Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union), better known by her stage name Vera Brezhneva (Russian: Вера Брежнева), is a Ukrainian pop-singer, television presenter and actress.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_Brezhneva
Віра Брежнєва (у центрі)  in centre 
Ru. text: Ве́ра Ви́кторовна Киперма́н (укр. Віра Вікторівна Кіперман, девичья фамилия — Галу́шка; более известна под псевдонимом Ве́ра Бре́жнева[2], род. 3 февраля 1982, Днепродзержинск, Днепропетровская область, УССР, СССР) — украинская поп-певица, актриса, телеведущая, бывшая участница поп-группы «ВИА Гра» (2003—2007). Посол доброй воли ООН по вопросам ВИЧ/СПИДа (программа ЮНЭЙДС)  ...

Uk. text: Віра Брежнєва (справжнє ім'я Віра Вікторівна Галушка; 3 лютого 1982, Дніпродзержинськ) — співачка, акторка та телеведуча, колишня учасниця гурту «ВІА Гра». З 2015 року дружина впливового продюсера Костянтина Меладзе. Найкрасивіша жінка України 2010 року, за версією глянцевого журналу «Viva!». Нагороджена орденом княгині Ольги III ступеня (2009). Живе та працює в Росії. У 2020 році у співавторстві з MONATIK-ом уперше випустила пісню українською.  ...  
above: NEW! HiRes! Retrospective photo: On bank/beach of Neva  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! Cyrillic map of downtown/centrum of St. Peterburg-city
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Lightened!) pre WW-One built Battle-cruiser pre dreagnouth 'Aurora' moves from 'Winter-palace' under the opened Vasilevsky-bridge - most  source: pinterest
Aurora (Russian: Авро́ра, tr. Avrora, IPA: [ɐˈvrorə]) is a 1900 Russian protected cruiser, currently preserved as a museum ship in Saint Petersburg. Aurora was one of three Pallada-class cruisers, built in Saint Petersburg for service in the Pacific. All three ships of this class served during the Russo-Japanese War. Aurora survived the Battle of Tsushima and was interned under US protection in the Philippines, and eventually returned to the Baltic Fleet. The second ship, Pallada, was sunk by the Japanese at Port Arthur in 1904. The third ship, Diana, was interned in Saigon after the Battle of the Yellow Sea. One of the first incidents of the October Revolution in Russia took place on the cruiser Aurora, which reportedly fired the first shot, signalling the beginning of the attack on the Winter Palace.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_cruiser_Aurora
above: NEW! MedRes! Mariner girls on beach of the Zayachiy island close to Reserve Peter & Paul fortress, backround is the Troitskiy-most.  photo by: Armour Angels source: www.armourangels.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Women prefer naval officer in St. Petersburg  source: facebook/Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Marines candidated Lieutenant on Graduation day in schools and military/naval schools  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Russian naval officer drops anchor on the Neva  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Дворцовый мост >Dvortsovyy most - opened bridge - Dvorcovij-híd 
above: NoHigher! square/Dvorzovata with Staff building  and Ermitage "Winter Palace  pinterest
above: NEW! HiResLeningrad Winter palace - Téli palota
above: NEW! MedRes! Dvortsovaya-square and Staff building at night in winter, panorama photo: Alexander Column, General staff Building  source: Express-to-russia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian MIChs (Russian Emergency Situations Ministry) woman on the Dvortsovaya-square sends kisses to tourists - Orosz MICs nő a Dvorcovaja-téren puszit küld a túristáknak - Женщина из русского МИЧ  на Дворцовая-площади шлет туристам поцелуи  >Zhenshchina iz русского МИЧ  na Дворцовая-ploshchadi shlet turistam potselui<  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
(МЧС России: Министерство Российской Федерации по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий >Ministerstvo Rossiyskoy Federatsii po delam grazhdanskoy oborony, chrezvychaynym situatsiyam i likvidatsii posledstviy stikhiynykh bedstviy< - Az Orosz Föderáció polgári védelmi, vészhelyzetekkel és a természeti katasztrófák következményeinek felszámolásával foglalkozó minisztériuma - Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters)
above: NEW! NoHigher! St. Petersburg. "Here all always little crazy!"  source: Russian life/facebook/A. Bogdanov
above & below: NEW! HiRes! MC's female group  source: facebook/Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! EMERCOM of Russia is excellent in everything, but too fast-MCs  source: facebook/Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! May-9 Victory-day parade on Palace-square  source: St-Petersburg.com
 NEW! NoHigher! above: saint-petersburg-russia-may-05-2015-a-group-of-soldiers-with-the-banner-of-victory-and-the-russian-f  source: 123RF.com   below: May.9  source: People's Daily Online
above: NEW! MedRes! Battalion btn. formation  photo by: Olga Maltseva/AFP  source: scoopnest
above: NEW! HiRes! PARAD in LENINGRAD in 2019. Personnel from the 154th Preobrazhensky Independent Commandant's Regiment on Palace Square, 27 January 2019. -  На Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга состоялся военный Парад Памяти в ознаменование 75-й годовщины полного снятия фашистской блокады Ленинграда  source: wikipedia
NEWaboveNoHigher! Same as belowMedRes! Officer school/college Women troop formation on May 9 parad in St. Petersburg Winter-Palace on Dvortsovaya-square and Staff building  - Дворцовая площадь зимней ночью. Зимний дворец, здание штаба Гвардейского корпуса, Александровская колонна, здание Главного штаба Санкт-Петербурга. Вид из Эрмитажа. 
81.) День Побе́ды военные парады 2014 .9 мая на Красной площади в Москве_ Victory Day on 9 May Miltary Parade _ Győzelem Napi  Díszszemle 2014. május 9. Moszkva - Valery  Barykin: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/05/81-2014-9-victory-day-on-9-may-miltary.html
above: NEW! MedRes! Third-year Female police officer students at the victory parade  source: facebook/A.Bogdanov

Санкт-Петербург. Парад Победы 2021. Полное видео
2.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jly6ueNW7Do
Россия 24
ОНЛАЙН-МАРАФОН "Смотрим День Победы" БЕЗ РЕКЛАМЫ👉 http://smotrim.ru/9may/?utm_source=yo...​
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В Параде Победы в Петербурге участвуют около ста единиц техники - бронетранспортеры, бронированные автомобили, танк Т-34. В небо взлетят вертолеты Ми-24, Ми-26, Ми-35, самолеты Ан-26, Ан-12.
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Blogger's Megjegyzés - NoteHu. text: Meglátásaim a Díszszemléről;
A Május 9-i Győzelem Napi Vörös-téri Dísszemléről szextantosan először mindig az jut az eszembe, hogy az orosz emberek/fiatalok mennyire szerelmes és házasulandó motivációval bíró az utódnemzésre alkalmas és elkötelezett egyének. Ezt abból látni, hogy milyen sok jó kiállású katonát látni a felvonulásokkor. -Igaz az Orosz ember nagyon katonalelkületű, van is becsülete a honvédelmnek. De akkor is ki kell Őket válogatni. És még meg sem említem a polgári szférát, hogy oda is mennyi ember, utódlás szüksége. Mindez persze jelenti a kiválóan megszervezett terhesgondozást, szülészeti ellátást, valamint a bőlcsödei, óvodai és iskolarendszer magas színvonalú működését. Az elérhető és jó lakhatási feltételek valamint közlekedési hálóza. - A dísszemlék színvonala csak erősödik és egy jottányit sem engednek a hagyományokból. Az arcokat valamint az alakias mozzanatokat elnézve kiválóan felkészített és motivált katonákat láthatunk. A Dísszemlék másik érdekessége a haditechnikai eszközök felvonulása amivel bizonyítják a kiváló konstrukciójukat és megbízható működésüket. Nézzük csak meg a T-34-es harkocsik élcsapatként történő bevonulását. Másik színtér a levegő ami korántsem olyan egyszerű, mivel a nagyvárosok (Moszkva, Párizs) belvárosi légtere a hétköznapokon is szigorúan tiltott zóna/Légtér.  A replőeszközök látványos átrepülésével is bizonyítják a technikai megbízhatóságot és személyzetek kiváló kiképzettségét. Azért van benne kockázat de rendesen és végtelenül bonyolult repüléstechnikai és navigációs eljárás, hasonlóan a szárazföldi technikai eszközök díszátvonulása is. A Díszszemle nem önmagáért való dolog, hiszen nagymértékben hozzájárul a kiválasztottak kiképzettségi szintjének emelkedéséhez és nem utolsósorban, morálisan nagymértékben erősíti a szellemet. Pedig ez a haderő igen kicsiny töredéke. Meg kell említeni még a háttérszervezési  feladatokat amelyek szintén nagy kihívások elé állítják a szervező, támogató és kiszolgáló állományt. Kimagasló minőségű ruházati ellátás, a résztvevők átmozgatása a fővárosba ami önmagában is egy logisztikai rémálom. Az állomány elhelyezése és élelmezése, valamint a próbák és a felvonulás idején történő mozgatása. A technikai eszközök felkészítése. Igen, és még erre is tellik a katonai költségvetésből. Persze nem elhanyagolható a nagyhatalom-ak erődemonstrációja sem.

En. text: My insights on the Parade;
For the first time in the Red Square Square Victory Day on May 9, I am always reminded of how loving and motivated Russian people / young people are for individuals who are suitable and committed to procreation. This can be seen from how many good-looking soldiers to see during the parades. -True, the Russian man is very military-minded, he also has an honor for national defense. But you still have to pick them out. And I don’t even mention the bourgeois sphere, how many people there need succession. All this, of course, means excellently organized maternity care, obstetric care, and the high-quality operation of the childcare, kindergarten and school systems. Accessible and good housing conditions and transport network. - The standard of the parade is only getting stronger and not a lot of tradition is allowed. Looking at the faces as well as the formal moments, we can see well-prepared and motivated soldiers. Another curiosity of the Decorative Inspection is the parade of military equipment, proving their excellent construction and reliable operation. Let’s just look at the influx of T-34 tanks as an edge team. Another scene is the air, which is not so simple, as the downtown airspace of big cities (Moscow, Paris) is a strictly forbidden zone / airspace even on weekdays. They also demonstrate the technical reliability and excellent training of the crews through the spectacular flight of the aircraft. However, there is a risk, but a properly and infinitely complicated aeronautical and navigational procedure, as well as the ornamental transit of land-based technical equipment. The Ornament Review is not a thing in itself, as it greatly contributes to raising the level of education of the chosen ones and, last but not least, morally strengthens the spirit. Yet this is a very small fraction of the force. Mention should also be made of the background organization tasks, which also pose major challenges for the organizing, supporting and serving staff. High-quality clothing supply, relocating participants to the capital is a logistical nightmare in itself. Housing and feeding of the herd and movement during rehearsals and parade. Preparation of technical equipment. Yes, and even that is what the military budget means. Of course, the demonstration of the strength of the great powers cannot be neglected either.

Ru. text: Мои идеи из Парада;
Впервые в День Победы на Красной площади 9 мая мне всегда напоминают о том, насколько любящими и мотивированными являются русские люди / молодые люди для людей, которые подходят и стремятся к деторождению. Увидеть это по тому, сколько красивых солдат можно увидеть во время парадов. - Правда, русский человек очень военный, он тоже имеет честь за национальную оборону. Но вы все равно должны их выбрать. И я даже не говорю о буржуазной сфере, сколько там людей нуждаются в преемственности. Все это, конечно же, означает отлично организованную систему родовспоможения, акушерства и качественную работу системы ухода за детьми, детского сада и школы. Доступные и хорошие жилищные условия и транспортная сеть. - Штандарт парада только укрепляется, а традиции не допускаются. Глядя на лица, а также на формальные моменты, мы видим хорошо подготовленных и мотивированных солдат. Еще одним диковинкой декоративной инспекции является парад военной техники, доказывающий ее прекрасную конструкцию и надежную работу. Давайте просто посмотрим на появление вилочных погрузчиков Т-34 в качестве ведущей команды. Другое цветовое пространство - это воздух, что не так просто, поскольку центральное воздушное пространство больших городов (Москва, Париж) является строго запрещенной зоной / воздушным пространством даже в будние дни. Они также демонстрируют техническую надежность и отличную подготовку экипажей благодаря захватывающему полету самолета. Однако есть риск, но должным образом и бесконечно сложная авиационная и навигационная процедура, а также декоративный проезд наземной техники. Обзор Орнамента - это не вещь сама по себе, так как он во многом способствует повышению уровня образования избранных и, что не менее важно, морально укрепляет дух. Но это очень малая часть силы. Следует также упомянуть об основных организационных задачах, которые также создают серьезные проблемы для организующего, вспомогательного и обслуживающего персонала. Обеспечение качественной одеждой, переезд участников в столицу - сам по себе логистический кошмар. Размещение и кормление стада и передвижения во время репетиций и парада. Подготовка технического оборудования. Да, и даже это то, что означает военный бюджет. Конечно, нельзя игнорировать и демонстрацию силы великих держав. 
>Moi idei iz Parada;
Vpervyye v Den' Pobedy na Krasnoy ploshchadi 9 maya mne vsegda napominayut o tom, naskol'ko lyubyashchimi i motivirovannymi yavlyayutsya russkiye lyudi / molodyye lyudi dlya lyudey, kotoryye podkhodyat i stremyatsya k detorozhdeniyu. Uvidet' eto po tomu, skol'ko krasivykh soldat mozhno uvidet' vo vremya paradov. - Pravda, russkiy chelovek ochen' voyennyy, on tozhe imeyet chest' za natsional'nuyu oboronu. No vy vse ravno dolzhny ikh vybrat'. I ya dazhe ne govoryu o burzhuaznoy sfere, skol'ko tam lyudey nuzhdayutsya v preyemstvennosti. Vse eto, konechno zhe, oznachayet otlichno organizovannuyu sistemu rodovspomozheniya, akusherstva i kachestvennuyu rabotu sistemy ukhoda za det'mi, detskogo sada i shkoly. Dostupnyye i khoroshiye zhilishchnyye usloviya i transportnaya set'. - Shtandart parada tol'ko ukreplyayetsya, a traditsii ne dopuskayutsya. Glyadya na litsa, a takzhe na formal'nyye momenty, my vidim khorosho podgotovlennykh i motivirovannykh soldat. Yeshche odnim dikovinkoy dekorativnoy inspektsii yavlyayetsya parad voyennoy tekhniki, dokazyvayushchiy yeye prekrasnuyu konstruktsiyu i nadezhnuyu rabotu. Davayte prosto posmotrim na poyavleniye vilochnykh pogruzchikov T-34 v kachestve vedushchey komandy. Drugoye tsvetovoye prostranstvo - eto vozdukh, chto ne tak prosto, poskol'ku tsentral'noye vozdushnoye prostranstvo bol'shikh gorodov (Moskva, Parizh) yavlyayetsya strogo zapreshchennoy zonoy / vozdushnym prostranstvom dazhe v budniye dni. Oni takzhe demonstriruyut tekhnicheskuyu nadezhnost' i otlichnuyu podgotovku ekipazhey blagodarya zakhvatyvayushchemu poletu samoleta. Odnako yest' risk, no dolzhnym obrazom i beskonechno slozhnaya aviatsionnaya i navigatsionnaya protsedura, a takzhe dekorativnyy proyezd nazemnoy tekhniki. Obzor Ornamenta - eto ne veshch' sama po sebe, tak kak on vo mnogom sposobstvuyet povysheniyu urovnya obrazovaniya izbrannykh i, chto ne meneye vazhno, moral'no ukreplyayet dukh. No eto ochen' malaya chast' sily. Sleduyet takzhe upomyanut' ob osnovnykh organizatsionnykh zadachakh, kotoryye takzhe sozdayut ser'yeznyye problemy dlya organizuyushchego, vspomogatel'nogo i obsluzhivayushchego personala. Obespecheniye kachestvennoy odezhdoy, pereyezd uchastnikov v stolitsu - sam po sebe logisticheskiy koshmar. Razmeshcheniye i kormleniye stada i peredvizheniya vo vremya repetitsiy i parada. Podgotovka tekhnicheskogo oborudovaniya. Da, i dazhe eto to, chto oznachayet voyennyy byudzhet. Konechno, nel'zya ignorirovat' i demonstratsiyu sily velikikh derzhav.< -SzEXTANT Blogger: ret.avn.Lt.Col. Juhász "Juci'bácsi" János ny.re.alez.

 above & below Two: HiRes! Urizkovo Kolon Alex plosadh - square/Dvorzovata with Staff building  before Ermitage "Winter Palace - Téli palota" előtt  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! MedRes! On October 26, 1828, the arch of the General Staff building on Palace Square in St. Petersburg was opened  source: facebook.com
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped down!) Triumphal Arch of the General Staff at Palace Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia - Blick auf Alexandersäule und Winterpalast auf dem Schlossplatz  source: Wikipedia
18+above: NEW! NoHigherUlyana Sergeenko's Fall 2014 Couture Collection - 'Vogue'
Ulyana Viktorovna Sergeenko (Russian: Улья́на Ви́кторовна Сергее́нко; born 30 August 1979. -age 41- Oskemen, Kazakh SSR, USSR) is a Russian fashion designer.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulyana_Sergeenko
Улья́на Ви́кторовна Сергее́нко (род. 30 августа 1979 года, Усть-Каменогорск, Казахская ССР, СССР) — российский модельер. ...  
above: NEW! HiRes! Winter-Palace on Dvortsovaya-square and Staff building at night in winter, panorama photo: Alexander Column, General staff Building - Дворцовая площадь зимней ночью. Зимний дворец, здание штаба Гвардейского корпуса, Александровская колонна, здание Главного штаба Санкт-Петербурга. Вид из Эрмитажа.  photo by: Teddy fox78 - Own work. This is a photo of a cultural heritage object in Russia, number   source: Wikipedia
above: MedRes! In St. Petersburg, Dvortsovaya/Alexandr-ploshchad - square behind Coloumn and Hermitage and Staff building, modelphoto by Denis Goncharov from St. Petersburg
above: NEW! NoHigher! Mirrored 'Winter palace' by rainy night   source: Planet-ware
The Winter Palace (Russian: Зимний дворец, tr. Zimnij dvorets, IPA: [ˈzʲimnʲɪj dvɐˈrʲɛts]) was the official residence of the Russian Emperors from 1732 to 1917. Today, the palace and its precincts form the Hermitage Museum. Situated between Palace Embankment and Palace Square, in Saint Petersburg, adjacent to the site of Peter the Great's original Winter Palace, the present and fourth Winter Palace was built and altered almost continuously between the late 1730s and 1837, when it was severely damaged by fire and immediately rebuilt. The storming of the palace in 1917, as depicted in Soviet propaganda art and Sergei Eisenstein's 1927 film October, became an iconic symbol of the Russian Revolution.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_Palace
above: NEW! MedRes! Winter cult bathing opposite the ‘Winter Palace’ on the frozen Neva River - Téli kultikus fürdőzés a 'Téli palotával' szemben a befagyott Néva folyón - Культовое зимнее купание напротив «Зимнего дворца» на замерзшей Неве  >Kul'tovoye zimneye kupaniye naprotiv «Zimnego dvortsa» na zamerzshey Neve<  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! Winter-palace  by: www.topo.biz
above: NEW! MedRes! Palace-square  source: Google map
above: NEW! HiRes! Aerial photo about 'Winter palace - Hermitage' - Ermitázs  source: Wikiwand

above: NEW! HiRes! #Russian #World-star #supermodel #Natalia#Vodianova in '#Dior' #Haute-Couture #dress  for '#Tatler'-magazine #U.K. march-2020  source: celebsdump.com

Ната́лья Миха́йловна Водяно́ва (для работы изменила ударение на Водя́нова; 28 февраля 1982, Горький, РСФСР, СССР) — российская киноактриса, супермодель и филантроп.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalia-Vodianova-Rus-supermodel
above: NEW! MedRes! "The Countess rests on the couch - A Grófnő a kereveten pihen source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
Как устроены яйца Фаберже — взгляд изнутри - Fabergé Egg-shell Museum St. Petesburg  
above: NEW! MedRes! Bogdanov's "Filigran" tradekeeper club's dancing performance
aboveNEWMedRes! Winter Palace, Hermitage - Ermitázs: St. George's hall   photo by: Andree & Edward  source: PPS  http://www.flickr.com/photos/30808343@N00/3638353542 
above: NoHigher! "Door-keeper in Hermitage"  photo by: Julina.ru
aboveNEWMedRes! Winter Palace, Hermitage - Ermitázs Memorial hall photo by: Deror Avi  source: PPS  http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Winter_Palace_interiors_IMG_7165.JPG 
above: NEW! HiRes! Armorial Hall inside the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia. May 2008. - Wappensaal der Ermitage - Ermitázs múzeum  source: Wikipedia 
above: NEW! NoHigher! Historian A.P. Bogdanov as Leasder of the Tradekeeper Club in the "Winter Palace"  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! NoHigher! Fashion designer, Mr. Ralph Lauren: A modern flair for military style, embodied in the DB Officer's Jacket  source: pinterest.com
Ralph Lauren, KBE (né Lifshitz; born October 14, 1939) is an American fashion designer, philanthropist, and billionaire businessman, best known for the Ralph Lauren Corporation, a global multibillion-dollar enterprise. He has become well known for his collection of rare automobiles, some of which have been displayed in museum exhibits. Lauren stepped down as CEO of the company in September 2015 but remains executive chairman and chief creative officer. As of 2019, Forbes estimates his wealth at $6.3 billion, which makes Ralph Lauren the 102nd richest person in America. ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Lauren
above: NEW! HiRes! A. P. Bogdanov in Palace - А. П. Богданов в дворце  source: Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Historian Mr. Andrey Bogdanov's book:  Filigranologia  study
church historian of his era and a professor at the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. ... Andrei P. Bogdanov, Russkie Patriarkhi, two volumes, 1999.: https://books.google.hu/books-historian-church

posleslovie i komentarii Andrei P. Bogdanov (Moskva: Sovremennik, 1985), ... Prikaz na A. F. Veltmana, prevede ot ruski Elena Muteva (St. Petersburg: https://books.google.hu/books-Poslesovie
above: NEW! HiRes! Bogdanov speaks an member of His club
above: NEW! NoHigher! Our motto Modesty and Simplicity - In Hermitage: "Наш девиз Скромность и Простота >Nash deviz Skromnost' i Prostota< - Mottónk: Szerénység és egyszerűség source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
aboveNEWMedRes! Winter Palace, Hermitage - Ermitázs: Military Gallery   photo by: Alexey Sergeev    source: PPS  http://www.asergeev.com/pictures/archives/2005/480/jpeg/09.jpg
above: NEW! NoHigher! Steampunk style: "Art expert woman from 'Sotheby's' auction house - Художественный женщина из  аукционного дома Sotheby's - Művészeti szakértőnő a 'Shoteby's aukciós háztól.source: facebook/A. Bogdanov/Album
aboveNEWMedRes! Winter Palace, Hermitage - Ermitázs:  photo by: Alexey Sergeev    source: PPS
К лидеру Rammstein пришли силовики

Hu. text: Hülyére keresi magát a #Rammstein énekese  #Till#Lindemann az #Ermitázsban készült képekkel - kd -követés 2021.08.14. 09:57 by: Index.hu

Több százezer euróért árulja NFT-tokenek formájában a szentpétervári Ermitázs Múzeumban készült fotóit Till Lindemann, a Rammstein énekese. 
Szólóprojektjének keretében forgatott a múzeumban, a Lubimij Gorod (Kedvenc város) című, orosz nyelvű számához készített videóklipet. ...

En. text: The Rammstein singer Till Lindemann finds himself stupid with pictures taken in the Hermitage - kd -following 14.08.2021. 09:57 by: Index.hu
Till Lindemann, the singer of Rammstein, sells his photographs at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg in the form of NFT tokens for hundreds of thousands of euros.
As part of his solo project, he shot a video for the Russian-language issue of Lubimij Gorod (Favorite City) in the museum. ...

Ru. text: Певец Till Lindemann Rammstein считает себя глупым с фотографиями, сделанными в Эрмитаже - kd - после 14.08.2021. 09:57 Автор: Index.hu
Тилль Линдеманн, певец Rammstein, продает свои фотографии в Эрмитаже в Санкт-Петербурге в виде токенов NFT за сотни тысяч евро.
В рамках своего сольного проекта он снял в музее видеоклип для своего русскоязычного номера «Любимый город». ... 
Pevets Till Lindemann Rammstein schitayet sebya glupym s fotografiyami, sdelannymi v Ermitazhe - kd - posle 14.08.2021. 09:57 Avtor: Index.hu
Till' Lindemann, pevets Rammstein, prodayet svoi fotografii v Ermitazhe v Sankt-Peterburge v vide tokenov NFT za sotni tysyach yevro.
V ramkakh svoyego sol'nogo proyekta on snyal v muzeye videoklip dlya svoyego russkoyazychnogo nomera «Lyubimyy gorod». ...
source: Deutsche Welle
Till Lindemann Любимый город "LUBIMIY GOROD” (Beloved Town - Orchestral Version)

above: NEW! NoHigher! #Miroslava#Duma at #Glamour-magazine event l November, 2013.  source: www.Pincelebs.net

Miroslava Duma (Russian: Мирослава Дума; born 1985) is a Russian digital entrepreneur and investor in international fashion. She is the founder of the digital company Buro 24/7. Duma is the CEO and founder of Future Tech Lab, a venture capital fund.  ...    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miroslava_Duma
Room supervisor - Руководитель помещения >Rukovoditel' pomeshcheniya< Teremfelvigyázó 
above: NEW! NoHigherErmitáž: The Small Italian Skylight Room in the Hermitage Museum.  source: Wikipedia
aboveNEWMedRes! Winter Palace, Hermitage - Ermitázs  photo by: Jakwa/Nagyman  source: PPS  http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:СалаЕрмитажа.JPG
above: NEW! NoHigher! "In the Museum of Fine Arts - Музей изящных искусств >Muzey izyashchnykh iskusstv< - A Szépművészeti Múzeumban": World supermodel, Ms. Irina Shayk la clover hot campaign  source: pinclebs.net
Hu. text: Irina Valerjevna Sajhliszlamova (oroszul: Ирина Валерьевна Шайхлисламова; Jemanzselinszk, Szovjetunió, 1986. január 6.) orosz modell. A modellvilágban Irina Sejk, vagy angolosan Irina Shayk (Ирина Шейк) néven ismert.  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irina_Valerjevna_Sajhliszlamova
Ru. text: Ири́на Вале́рьевна Шайхлисла́мова (род. 6 января 1986, Еманжелинск, Челябинская область, РСФСР, СССР), известная как Ири́на Шейк, — российская супермодель и актриса.  ... 

above: NEW! NoHigher! English supermodel Ms. #Cara#Delevingne in #Hussar jacket  source: Pinterest

Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (/ˈkɑːrə ˌdɛləˈviːn/ KAH-rə DEL-ə-VEEN; born 12 August 1992. -age 28-
Hammersmith, London, England) is an English model, actress, and singer. She signed with Storm Management after leaving school in 2009. Delevingne won Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014. Delevingne started her acting career with a minor role in the 2012 film adaptation of Anna Karenina. Her most notable roles include Margo Roth Spiegelman in the romantic mystery film Paper Towns (2015), the Enchantress in the comic book film Suicide Squad (2016), and Laureline in Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017).  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cara_Delevingne
above: NEW! NoHigher! Portrait of  General Bogdanov -  портрет генерала Богданова  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov

above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) World famous English actress, #Elizabeth#Taylor  source: facebook

Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor DBE (February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011) was an English-American actress, businesswoman, and humanitarian. She began her career as a child actress in the early 1940s, and was one of the most popular stars of classical Hollywood cinema in the 1950s. She continued her career successfully into the 1960s, and remained a well-known public figure for the rest of her life. In 1999, the American Film Institute named her the seventh-greatest female screen legend.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Taylor
above: NEW! NoHigher! The "Red Army" couture collection on Salon guard  source: pinterest.com
 NEW! Maps: above: HiRes!    below: NEW! NoHigher! Op. map
above: MedRes!   below Four: HiRes! Petrograd / Leningrad / Sankt Petersburg Military maps about WW-two
20.) Battle of Stalingrad & Moscow Eastern Front WW two - map of operation - бой Москва  и Сталинград Второй Мировой войны Советского Союза - Moszkvai és Sztálingrádi csata hadműveleti térképek _ NATO map symbols _ marshal Gerorghy Zhukov: 
De. text: Als Leningrader Blockade (russisch блокада Ленинграда blokada Leningrada) bezeichnet man die Belagerung Leningrads durch die deutsche Heeresgruppe Nord und spanische Truppen (Blaue Division) während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Sie dauerte vom 8. September 1941 bis zum 27. Januar 1944. Schätzungen gehen von etwa 1,1 Millionen zivilen Bewohnern der Stadt aus, die infolge der Blockade ihr Leben verloren. Die meisten dieser Opfer verhungerten. Die Einschließung der Stadt durch die deutschen Truppen mit dem Ziel, die Leningrader Bevölkerung systematisch verhungern zu lassen, gilt als eines der eklatantesten Kriegsverbrechen der deutschen Wehrmacht während des Kriegs gegen die Sowjetunion. Am 75. Jahrestag des Blockadeendes am 27. Januar 2019 kündigte die deutsche Bundesregierung durch das Auswärtige Amt an, die noch lebenden Opfer der Blockade sowie Projekte zur deutsch-russischen Verständigung mit rund zwölf Millionen Euro zu unterstützen. Die Projekte sollen zusammen mit der Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) umgesetzt werden.  ...  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leningrader_Blockade
above: NEW! MedRes! Leningrad Siege May 1942 - January1943. Map showing the situation on the Eastern Fronts northern part from May 1942 till January 1943. - L. Altgowsen (u.a.): Die Geschichte des Großen Vaterländischen Krieges der Sowjetunion, Bd.2, Deutscher Militärverlag, Berlin (Ost) 1965. (Kartenband).  source: wikipedia

En. text: The siege of Leningrad (Russian: блока́да Ленингра́да; German: Leningrader Blockade) was a prolonged military blockade undertaken from the south by the Army Group North of Nazi Germany against the Soviet city of Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) on the Eastern Front in World War II. The Finnish army invaded from the north, co-operating with the Germans until Finland had recaptured territory lost in the recent Winter War, but refused to make further approaches to the city. Also co-operating with the Germans since 1942 in August: the Spanish Blue Division that was transferred to the southeastern flank of the siege of Leningrad, just south of the Neva near Pushkin, Kolpino and its main intervention was in Krasny Bor in the Izhora River area.
The siege began on 8 September 1941, when the Wehrmacht severed the last road to the city. Although Soviet forces managed to open a narrow land corridor to the city on 18 January 1943, the Red Army did not lift the siege until 27 January 1944, 872 days after it began. The blockade became one of the longest and most destructive sieges in history, and it was possibly the costliest siege in history due to the number of casualties which were suffered during it. In the 21st century some historians have classified it as a genocide due to the systematic starvation and intentional destruction of the city's civilian population.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Leningrad

Hu. text: Leningrád ostroma, vagy a leningrádi blokád (oroszul блокада Ленинграда) a német Észak Hadseregcsoport sikertelen hadművelete volt a második világháborúban. A szovjet korszakban Leningrád néven ismert Szentpétervárt 872 napig tartották bekerítve, blokád alatt, 1941. szeptember 8. és 1944. január 27. között. A világtörténelem legpusztítóbb és legvéresebb ostroma, áldozatainak száma több millió főre tehető.  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leningr%C3%A1d_ostroma
 above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text map: WW-One; French settlement plan from 1915. - Французский план поселения от 1915 года. >Frantsuzskiy plan poseleniya ot 1915 goda.< - Francia rendezési terv 1915-ből.  source: Hét tenger Blog.hu
HiResCyrillic text: Map: Zoom!! Baltic-sea, Finnish-bay,  Kronstadt-island and St. Petersburg (Leningrad)
aboveHiResCyrillic text: Soviet military Map:  (Leningrad)
Mil. Maps GaK - Terrain study, Topography - Tereptan, Jelkulcs, Térképek:  http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2017/02/193-csapatjelkulcs-gak-terkepjelek.html
below: Left: HiRes! three Maritime navigation chart
Nautical maps in Finnsky-zaliv - bay: above: HiRes! Traffic of vessels map    below: MedRes! Detail Nautical navigation chart/map
above: NEW! MedRes! Balti-meer Nautical Map  source: https://hataratkelo.blog.hu/2018/10/04/elet_egy_orosz_halaszhajon
above: NoHigher! Vessel traffic on Neva-river       below: MedRes! St. Petersburg airspace chart 
above: MedRes! (Aeronavigation) Approach map of Pulkovo IAP
above: new! MedRes! JEPPESEN Chart of  St. Petersburg Pulkovo International Airport
above: NEW! HiRes! U.S. military OCLC map, Leningrad & vicinity - és környéke scale 1 : 50,000 (Approx)  source: Texas University Library Austin 1960s

above & below: HiRes! Upper: (Rotated to CCW due max 1600px!Lower: Zoom (Cropped due max 1600px. resolution!)  Rußland 1:50000 Truppenausgabe - Map of Leningrad 1939.

above: NEW! HiRes! German map: St. Petersburg und Umgebung um die Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert um ca. 1902.  source: Wikipedia
aboveNEWHiRes! spb. 1914-n scan by: S. Nazarov  source: www.aroundspb.ru
HiResabove: Petrograd city-map from 1917.    below: Leningrad map scale 1:30,000 from 1960s   source: www.aorunds.spb.ru
11.) M-62 "Szergej" MÁV Fővonali Dízelmozdony - Train - Diesel Locomotive - Terrain Monster & Ballistic Missile Railway Launcher Loco _ Тепловоз серии М62 "Sergei" H0 & TT model Roco, Tillig: St.Petersburg Varsavskiy Railway Museum; RT-23 - SS-24 ICBM "Scalpel" (Kizmus):    http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/11-m-62-szergej-mav-fovonali.html
above: NEW! MedResSt. Petersburg 'Varshavsky' rail terminal 'Oktyabrskaya'-back  photo by: Hu. Mr. Kizmus Szabolcs
Hu. text: Akit esetleg elvet a sors Szentpétervárra, és fogékony a technikai jellegű nevezetességekre, netán érdeklődik a közlekedés-történet iránt, az okvetlenül szője bele a programjába az egykori Varsói pályaudvar területén 2001-ben kialakított vasúti múzeumot. Tudom, hogy a fórum olvasói között sokan a vasút szerelmesei (engem is nagyon érdekel), viszont a topik témája miatt ezúttal csak a közvetlen hadi vonatkozású eszközökről lesz szó. Egyébként ez a gyűjtemény is - szerintem - elképesztő, mind a különlegességeket, mind a kiállított vasúti járművek számát tekintve. A múzeumnak nagyjából 180 mozdonya, vasúti kocsija, szerelvénye van, amelyből közel százat állítottak ki 5 sínpáron, egy nagyjából 400 m hosszú, elkerített szakaszon.
Az első meglepetés a pénztárnál ért minket: a belépő ára fotójeggyel együtt mindössze 150 rubel, ráadásul egy nagyon igényes, orosz és angol nyelvű, 30 oldalas prospektust is kaptunk mindannyian. Bőven volt időnk nézelődni, hiszen nem sokkal a nyitás után érkeztünk. author: Kizmus Szabolcs
above: NEWNoHigher! "Golden Eye" Reserve steam locomotive with female Locodriver of Nuke Train"  photo by: Ms. Irina Carevskaya
 NEW! above: MedResbelow: NoHigher! Golden Eye" Train scene : Movie scene when the "T-80BV" 2nd? (transformed T-54!) tank (MBT - Main Battle Tank) with James Bond stopped the Nuclear Train - Filmjelenet amikor a "T-80BV" 2. (átalakított T-54!) alapharckocsi James Bondal megállította a Nukleáris vonatot
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Pilot's guide out of the tunnel - Гид пилота из туннеля >Gid pilota iz tunnelya< - Az alagútból kivezető Révkalauz": Russian model Ms. Vita Sidorkina
En. text: Vitalina Sidorkina-Morabito (Russian: Виталина «Вита» Сидоркина; born 20 March 1994. -age 26- Khabarovsk, Russia) is a Russian model best known for walking in Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2015.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vita_Sidorkina

Ru. text: Вита (Виталина) Сидоркина (родилась 20 марта 1994, Хабаровск, Россия) — российская модель.  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Otherside Railway terminal in St. Petersburg or Paris SNCF electirc loco?"-. 2015. artist: Plutenko.ru
"The forsaken brides railstation" 130 x 100 cm 2015.  by: Stanislav Plutenko - Опубликована новая картина: «Вокзал забытых невест». 2015. Станислав Плутенко - "Elhagyatott menyasszonyok a pályaudvaron"  via: Pinterest.com/Tutt Art/Art Russia - Галерея ArtRussia:  http://artrussia.ru/stanislav_plutenko/picture/1119
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Marinanskaya Devushka on railway station before departure."  source: Juci'bácsi's archive/Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! Cyrillic text: City map with METRO lines
above: NEW! HiRes! Районы Санкт-Петербурга - Rayoni - District of St. Petersburg
 NEWaboveMedRes! Tradekeeper Lady in garden  photo by: Evgeniya Ivanovskaya   below: HiRes! Tradekeepers Team  photo: Mr. Sergei Glushenko source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Architect A. Bogdanov of St. Petersburg"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! Peter the Great-Peter I - Петр Великий-Петр I 
>Petr Velikiy-Petr I<
above: NEW! HiRes! French military topography/geodesy map St.Petersburg-1821
above: NoHigher! Projekt from 1935
aboveNEWMedRes! Live Wall-Map by: Debra @ Nubiles.Net
Birdeye graphics Wall-maps: above: NoHigher!        below: MedRes! Axonometrial perspective views from South direction
above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet uniforms restored in Russian schools  source: A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! TKC's Alex Makarov with a Lady  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Petrodvorecian tradekeeper Ladies  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Russian village. That's what it is called Tsarskoye Selo (Tsar's village)  source: facebook.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Garden of the Summer residence in Petrodvorets  source: A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes Peterhof  - Petrodvorets - Петродворец - Petrodvorec
Petergof (Russian: Петерго́ф) or Peterhof (an emulation of early modern Dutch "Piterhof", meaning "Peter's Court"), known as Petrodvorets (Петродворец) from 1944 to 1997, is a municipal town in Petrodvortsovy District of the federal city of St. Petersburg, located on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland. The town hosts one of two campuses of Saint Petersburg State University and the Petrodvorets Watch Factory, one of the leading Russian watch manufactures. A series of palaces and gardens, laid out on the orders of Peter the Great and sometimes called the "Russian Versailles," is also situated there. The palace-ensemble along with the city center is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petergof
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Petrodvoreths' dreams  source: facebook/Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! Russian Beauty in St. Petersburg  photo by: Ms. Anna Kiseliova  www.annakiseliova.com  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! Konstitutsionnyy - The Constitutional Court - Alkotmánybíróság nowadays
above: NEW! HiRes! Konstitutsionnyy Sud Rossiyskoy on Senate Square, 
  source: Google_place_photo

above: NEW! HiRes! #Putin unveiled a #monument to #Alexander-III in St.#Petersburgsource: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov

En. text: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (born 7 October 1952 Leningrad) is a Russian politician and former intelligence officer who is serving as the current President of Russia since 2012, previously being in the office from 1999 until 2008. He was also prime minister from 1999 to 2000 and again from 2008 to 2012. As of 2021, Putin is the second-longest serving European president, after Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin

Hu. text: Vlagyimir Vlagyimirovics Putyin (oroszul: Владимир Владимирович Путин, Leningrád, 1952. október 7.–) 2000–2008 között az Oroszországi Föderáció sorrendben második elnöke, 2008 májusától kormányfője volt. A 2012. március 4-én megtartott orosz elnökválasztás első fordulójában aratott fölényes győzelme eredményeként a harmadik elnöki ciklusára tért vissza a Kremlbe. Politikai elemzők a 2010-es években több évben is világ legbefolyásosabb embereként ítélték meg. A kritikus politológusok értékelése szerint az ország az elnöksége alatt egyre inkább illiberális irányba fejlődött, és eltávolodott a demokratikus normáktól. Regnálása egyre markánsabban mutatja az autokrácia jeleit, mely Richard Pipes harvardi professzor szerint az orosz konzervativizmus lényegi eleme.  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Built-in Observer woman signals from the KGB on a street corner in Leningrad - Встроенный наблюдатель от КГБ сигналы на углу улицы в Ленинграде -  Beépített Figyelő a KGB-től jelez egy leningrádi utcasarkon source: www.mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! HiRes! Sankt Petersburg, Horseman monument Ist Petro - Peter tsar - cár on Dekabristenplatz opposit to Konstitutsionnyy building  source: Wikipedia
aboveNEWBigRes! (Edited!)  Juci'bácsi's Russian/Cyrillic text collection book from Leningrad/St. Petersburg in 1978.  scan by: szextant.blogspot & airart.blogspot.comSelection of the .. book - Válogatás .. a könyvből - Выбор из книги  >Vybor iz knigi<
Book - Album: History of the Art of the Domestic/People's CCCP - USSR of the end of the 17th - 18th centuries. - Könyv - Album: Az Orosz/Szovjet Hazai/Népi -Művészet Története a XVII - XVIII zázad végén - Книга - Альбом: История Искусство НародноB CCCP конца XVII - XVIII веков >Kniga - Al'bom: Istoriya Iskusstvo NarodnoB CCCP kontsa XVII - XVIII vekov< Courtesy FREE! - SZABAD Ajándék! БЕСПЛАТНО! >BESPLATNO!<  source: Juci'bácsi
above: NEW! HiRes! Konstitutsionnyy Sud Rossiyskoy.  source: google_place_photo-2

above: NEW! MedRes! "#Master of #Sentinel/#Sentry/#Guard - #Мастер #страз >Master straz< - #Strázsamester": #Karolina#Kurková #sexy #runway/#catwalk #photo of the #Victoria's-Secret #fall   source: Pincelebs.net

Кароли́на Исела Ку́ркова (чеш. Karolína Isela Kurková; род. 28 февраля 1984, Дечин, Чехословакия) — чешская супермодель.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ru_Karolina-Kurkova
above: NEW! MedRes! "T-80BV" as with T-55 or T-54 turret in 1995.  source: E-mail/imcdb.org

above: NEW! HiRes! #Russian World famous #supermodel, #Anastasiya#Scheglova on the SPB street "maison-de-la-mode"-2020.  source: www.celebsdump.com

Model, actress and social media star whose fame was taken to the next level after competing to become Miss Supranational Russia in 2017. Her Instagram onlookers took notice and rewarded her with over 290,000 followers. Anastasiya Scheglova is a well known Model. Anastasiya was born on February 19, 1995 in Russia..Anastasiya is one of the famous and trending celeb who is popular for being a Model. As of 2018 Anastasiya Scheglova is 23 years old years old. Anastasiya Scheglova is a member of famous Model list. Wikifamouspeople has ranked Anastasiya Scheglova as of the popular celebs list. Anastasiya Scheglova is also listed along with people born on 19-Feb-95. One of the precious celeb listed in Model list.  ...  https://www.wikifamouspeople.com/anastasiya-scheglova-wiki-biography-net-worth-age-family-facts-and-more/
NEW! above: MedResBogdanov: "Now to write a book, in the afternoon - war with England, in the evening - ball and beautiful ladies"  below: NoHigher! Biliard game  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! "Waiting sitting lady between the columns - Várakozó ülő hölgy az oszlopok között - Ожидание сидящей дамы между колоннами >Ozhidaniye sidyashchey damy mezhdu kolonnami<"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov 
above: 007 "Golden-Eye" The tank drives through the Constitutional Court to Galernaya-ulitsa - street  source: HuntingBond
Bond skids the tank towards the arch of Constitutional Court in the real St Petersburg, Russia. Charlie Bodycomb (who was part of the films 2nd Unit) mentions that the tank stunt driver Gary Powell became very good at throwing the T85 tank around. Just as well given that the grand Court building dates from the 1830s! https://www.reelstreets.com/films/goldeneye/
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text: Anya a Szentpétervári háztetőkön  source: Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) Site map of Bond's T-80BV at gate of Constitutional Court toward Galery-street  source: Piter-map    below: NoHigher! T-60BV tank market Arrow by: Google-map
above: NEW! MedRes! Konstitutsionnyy Sud Rossiyskoy   source: E-mail/googlemap
above: NEW! HiRes! Konstitutsionnyy from large Neva, Sud Rossiyskoy  by: google place_photo-3
above: NEW! MedRes! Konstitutsionnyy Sud Rossiyskoy  source: googlemap 2
above: NEW! MedRes! "Garden Party Costumes":  photography by: "Slinky" Aleksandr Lishchinskiy  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov's album
above: NEW! MedRes! Fort Kronshlot. Kronshtadt - Кронштадт, Russia  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album
18+above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) "She was a prisoner at Kronsdadt Prison. - Fogvatartott a Kronsdadti fogházban. - Был узником Кронсдадтской тюрьмы. >Byl uznikom Kronsdadtskoy tyur'my.": Supermodel, Ms. Katerina Shiryaeva - Катерина Ширяеваsource: pincelebs.net   https://instafitgirls.com/katerina-shiryaeva/
above: NEW! NoHigher! lake Ladoga in early autumn  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
 above: NEW! HiRes! Satellitenaufnahme von St. Petersburg und Umgebung: Von links nach rechts Finnischer Meerbusen, Sankt Petersburg, Ladogasee. Links oben die Landesgrenze zu Finnland, in der Bucht vor Petersburg die Inselfestung Kronstadt und davon ausgehend der Damm vor Petersburg. NASA-Aufnahme: Finnischer Meerbusen, Sankt Petersburg, Ladogasee  photo by: NASA  source: Wikipedia
NEW! HiRes! above: Full satellite photo   below - bottom: (Crop & Zoom!) Satellite image of Saint Petersburg and Kronstadt island   photo by: NASA World Wind screenshot. Вид города из космоса, ≈ 84 км  source: Wikipedia     below: MedRes! Roads by: Google Earth
above: NEW! MedResbelow: NEW! MedRes!  Petrodvoreths Summer palace atmosphere/mood - Петродворцовый летний дворец атмосфера >Petrodvortsovyy letniy dvorets atmosfera< - Petrodvorec Nyári palotai hangulat  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
aboveNEWMedResbelow: NEW! HiRes! Park of the Winter palace backround with "Tserkovnyy Korpus" Bol'shogo Dvortsa in autumn - ősszel   source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: new! MedRes! Juci'bácsi's old mechanical 24 x 36 mm camera Soviet made 'Zenit-E'
192.) ДСП-30 Дальномер САПЕРНЫЕ прибор - DSzP-30 Utásztávmérő - Combat Engineer's coincidencial Rf. optical Rangefinder & Retrospective Photocameras: Leica, FED-2: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2017/02/192-30-dszp-30-utasztavmero-combat.html
Hu. text: A Zenyit (oroszul: Зенит), vagy Zenit orosz, korábban szovjet fényképezőgépmárka. A Zenyit fényképezőgépeknek több mint 40 modelljét gyártotta 1952–2005 között a Krasznogorszki Mechanikai Művek (KMZ). A 135-ös filmet használó Zenyit fényképezőgépek közös jellemzője volt a tükörreflexes kivitel és a cserélhető objektív, és többségük redőnyzáras volt. Egyes modelljeit a minszki BelOMO is gyártotta. Az 1960-as évektől széles körben exportálták is. Többek között Magyarországon is elterjedt márka volt.  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenyit_fenykepezogep

above: Left: MedRes! Zenit-E Left: Klikk   Right: MedRes! Idda van Munster 1950s Pageboy hairstyle.
Idda van Munster Aida Đapo (born 5 June 1990), known by the pseudonym Idda van Munster, is a Bosnian blogger, model, and make-up artist. She is Bosnia's first pin-up girl. Her inspiration comes from the fashion and hairstyles of the 1920s to 1960s.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idda_van_Munster
above: NEW! NoHigher! Artisty portrait photo: Aussie supermodel, Jessica Hart
Jessica Hart (born 26 March 1986. -age 34- Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) is an Australian model who appeared in the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She was born in Sydney, Australia. She was discovered in Melbourne and has appeared on the cover of Australian Vogue.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Hart_(model)

aboveNEWMedRes! Swiss made 'Zenith' "El Primero" luxury golden watch.

Zenith SA is a Swiss luxury watchmaker. The company was started in 1865 by Georges Favre-Jacot at the age of 22, in Le Locle in the canton of Neuchâtel. Zenith was purchased by LVMH in November 1999, becoming one of several brands in its watch and jewellery division which includes TAG Heuer and Hublot. Julien Tornare is the current CEO after Jean-Claude Biver (Interim CEO) in 2017, replacing CEO Aldo Magada, who had replaced Jean-Frédéric Dufour in 2014. Zenith is one of the Swiss watch manufacturers that still produce their own movements in-house.  ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenith_(watchmaker) 
above: NEW! NoHigher! Zenith Chronograph "El Primero" first version 1970  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Redhead Pin-Up fashion Doorkeeper in Museum  photo by: Photobilly
above: NEW! HiRes! Classic bourgeois Russian couple in St. Petersburg - Klasszikus nagypolgári Orosz Szentpétervári házaspár - Классическая буржуазная русская пара в Санкт-Петербурге >Klassicheskaya burzhuaznaya russkaya para v Sankt-Peterburge<  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov's album
Hu. language: Ritka nyelvvel ritka nagy szerencséd lehet, avagy Marina kísérlete az orosz nyelvvel   
Miért éppen Magyarország? - Oroszország 
Ru. text: Санкт-Петербу́рг (с 18  августа 1914 года до 26 января 1924 года — Петрогра́д, с 26 января 1924 года до 6 сентября 1991 года — Ленингра́д, в разговорной речи — Пи́тер, сокр. — СПб) — второй по численности населения город России. Город федерального значения. Административный центр Северо-Западного федерального округа и Ленинградской области. Основан 16 (27) мая 1703 года царём Петром I. В 1712—1918 годах являлся столицей Российского государства.
Назван в честь Святого Петра, небесного покровителя царя-основателя, но со временем стал всё больше ассоциироваться с именем самого Петра I. Город исторически и культурно связан с рождением Российской империи и вхождением России в современную историю в роли европейской великой державы.
Расположен на северо-западе страны, на побережье Финского залива и в устье реки Невы. Граничит с Ленинградской областью.
В Санкт-Петербурге находятся Конституционный суд Российской Федерации, Геральдический совет при Президенте Российской Федерации, органы власти Ленинградской области, Межпарламентская ассамблея СНГ. Также размещены главное командование Военно-морского флота и штаб Западного военного округа Вооружённых сил России.
Был центром трёх революций: 1905—1907 годов, Февральской и Октябрьской революций 1917 года. В ходе Великой Отечественной войны в 1941—1944 годах 872 дня находился в блокаде, в результате которой около миллиона человек погибли. 1 мая 1945 года Ленинград был объявлен городом-героем. По состоянию на 2018 год в составе города федерального значения Санкт-Петербурга также находятся три города воинской славы: Кронштадт, Колпино, Ломоносов.
Население: 5 398 064 (2020) чел. Санкт-Петербург — самый северный в мире город с населением более одного миллиона человек. Также Санкт-Петербург является самым западным городом-миллионником России. Среди городов, полностью расположенных в Европе, он является третьим по населению (уступая лишь Москве и Лондону), а также первым по численности жителей городом, не являющимся столицей. Инновационный сценарий «Стратегии развития Санкт-Петербурга до 2030 года» предполагает, что к 2030 году население составит 5,9 миллиона человек. Город — центр Санкт-Петербургской городской агломерации. Площадь города 1439 км², после расширения Москвы 1 июля 2012 года Санкт-Петербург является вторым по площади городом страны.
Санкт-Петербург — важный экономический, научный и культурный центр России, крупный транспортный узел. Исторический центр города и связанные с ним комплексы памятников входят в список объектов всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО; это один из самых важных в стране центров туризма. Среди наиболее значимых культурно-туристических объектов: Эрмитаж, Кунсткамера, Мариинский театр, Российская национальная библиотека, Русский музей, Петропавловская крепость, Исаакиевский собор, Невский проспект. На сохранение объектов культурного наследия направлена, в том числе, программа сохранения и развития исторического центра Санкт-Петербурга. В 2018 году Санкт-Петербург посетили около 8,5 миллионов туристов.  ...  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szankt-Petyerburga
above: NEW! HiRes! Girl on the Vasilevskiy-ostrov - island shore in front other side of Neva-river the Admiralty  source: facebook.com
above: NEW! NoHigherAdmiralty-kveru   source: A view on Cities  www.aviewoncities.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Pirate dance - Пиратский танец >Piratskiy tanets< - Kalóztánc" by: Carmen Electra  photo by: Northfoto  source: mellbimbo.eu
Tara Leigh Patrick (born April 20, 1972. -age 48- Sharonville, Ohio, U.S.), known professionally as Carmen Electra, is an American actress, model, singer, television personality, and dancer. She began her career as a singer after moving to Minneapolis, where she met Prince, who produced her self-titled debut studio album, released in 1993. Electra began glamour modeling in 1996 with numerous appearances in Playboy magazine. She later relocated to Los Angeles to pursue a career as an actress, playing the role of Lani McKenzie in the television drama series Baywatch (1997–1998), which gained her status as a sex symbol. From 1997 to 1999, she hosted MTV’s Singled Out.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen_Electra
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Hz. Cropped!) Russian model: "A standard bathing suit licensed by the Admiralty of St. Petersburg for bathing in the Neva - Cтандартный купальный костюм, лицензированный адмиралтейством санкт-петербурга для купания в Неве >Standartnyy kupal'nyy kostyum, litsenzirovannyy admiralteystvom sankt-peterburga dlya kupaniya v Neve< - a Szentpétervári Admiralitás által engedélyezett szabvány fürdődressz a Névában való strandoláshoz. source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above: NEW! NoHigher! Pantserkruiser "Aurora" ('Pre-Dreadnought'-class) - Russian protected cruiser "Aurora" from 1917 revolution, now a museum ship in St. Petersburg  source: Wikipedia
Hu. text: Az Auróra (oroszul Аврора [Avrora], magyarul a. m. „hajnal”) hadihajó az Orosz Császári Flotta (Российский императорский флот) Pallada-osztályú védett (páncélfedélzetes) cirkálója. Részt vett az 1917-es októberi orosz forradalomban, amelynek egyik jelképévé vált. 1957-től múzeumhajóként Szentpétervárott, a Néván horgonyoz. Nevét a krími háború során Petropavlovszk védelmében jeleskedett Auróra fregattról kapta.  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auróra_(cirkáló)
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Aurora' level layout color shema  source: angliiskii Central Naval Museum
Ru. text: «Авро́ра» — крейсер 1-го ранга Балтийского флота типа «Диана». Назван в честь парусного фрегата «Аврора», прославившегося при обороне Петропавловска-Камчатского в годы Крымской войны. Во время русско-японской войны участвовал в походе Второй Тихоокеанской эскадры, закончившемся Цусимским сражением. Крейсер принимал участие также в Первой мировой войне. Холостой выстрел с «Авроры» явился сигналом к началу штурма Зимнего дворца; крейсер стал одним из главных символов Октябрьской революции. С 1948 года на стоянке у Петроградской набережной у истока Большой Невки. Крейсер несколько раз перемещался для проведения ремонтов, последний раз вернулся на стоянку 16 июля 2016 года. Крейсер «Аврора» является объектом культурного наследия Российской Федерации.  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! Medieval Russian Guard "Warriornhitsa"  source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
 NEW+! above & Lower MedRes! Panoramico Drone photo   source: E-mail PPS
above: NEW! HiRes! "Medieval Tradekeeper Museum Guard woman in Kronverk 1st floor - Музей средневековой торговли, гвардеец в Кронверке, 1 этаж >Muzey srednevekovoy torgovli, gvardeyets v Kronverke, 1 etazh< - Középkori hagyományőrző múzeum őr nő a Kronverk első emeletén": American supermodel, Kylie Jenner for 'Harper's bazaar'-magazine U.S. march-2020.  source: www.CelebsDump.com
Kylie Kristen Jenner (born August 10, 1997. -age 22- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American media personality, socialite, model, and businesswoman. She has starred in the E! reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians since 2007 and is the founder and owner of cosmetic company Kylie Cosmetics. At age 14 in 2012, she collaborated with the clothing brand PacSun, along with her sister Kendall, and created a line of clothing, "Kendall & Kylie". In 2015, Jenner launched her own cosmetics line called Kylie Lip Kits, which was renamed to Kylie Cosmetics the following year. She also released a mobile app that reached number one on the iTunes App Store.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kylie_Jenner
above & below Two: NEW! HiRes! Inner 'Kronverk' photo: Hu. Mr. Kizmus Szabolcs had.
above: HiRes! (Lightend!) Frog-1 (2K4 Filin mit Rakete 3R2) 2P4 Transporter-Erector-Launcher with 3R2 missile of 2K4 missile complex «Filin» in Saint-Petersburg Artillery museum.   source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/FROG_(Rakete)
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lightened!) Frog-2 (2K1 Mars mit Rakete 3R1). 2P2 Transporter-Erector-Launcher with 3R1 missile of 2K1 missile complex «Mars» in Saint Petersburg Artillery museum source: Wikipedia
NEWabove: NoHigher! "Room-keeper": Ulyana Sergeenko's Spring 2014 Couture. That's some kind of sexy
above: NEW! MedRes! Andrey Bogdanov "as guard-leader of the Kronverk" photo: Artur Demchenko  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! "Live (Humanoid) Surveillance Camera - Élő Térfigyelő kamera" - "Камера наблюдения в реальном времени  >Kamera nablyudeniya v real'nom vremeni<": Gemma Arterton m-revista de milenio march in 2021.  source: celebsdump.com
Gemma Christina Arterton (born 2 February 1986. -age 35- Gravesend, Kent, England) is an English actress, activist and film producer. She made her professional stage debut playing Rosaline in Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost at the Globe Theatre (2007), and first appeared on film in the comedy St Trinian's (2007). Her breakthrough role was playing Bond Girl Strawberry Fields in the James Bond film Quantum of Solace the following year, a performance which won her an Empire Award for Best Newcomer.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemma_Arterton
 above: NEW! NoHigher! SAM Sz-75 'Dvina' - С-75 «Двина» (NATO code - kódja: SA–2 "Guideline")      below: MedRes! Satellite photo by: Google-Earth
above: NEW! HiRes! "She is a new Treasure guarderess in Monetary  palace": Hana Soukupova sexy in red lingerie  source: pincelebs.net 
En. text: Hana Soukupová (born 18 December 1985. -age 34- Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia ) is a Czech Supermodel. She has participated in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Shows and modeled for the Victoria's Secret catalog.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hana_Soukupov%C3%A1

Cz. text: Hana Soukupová , provdaná Hana Aaron Soukupová, (* 18. prosince 1985, Karlovy Vary) je česká supermodelka. V roce 2001 zvítězila v soutěži Topmodelka 3. tisíciletí, díky čemuž získala výhodnou smlouvu s agenturou Company models. K roku 2008 patřila mezi deset nejžádanějších topmodelek na světě. Dosud působila v kampaních značek Gucci, Dior, Max Mara a byla hlavní tváří značky Versace. Byla na titulní straně časopisů Vogue a Vanity Fair a předváděla pro módní domy Yves Saint-Laurent, Dolce & Gabana a Escada. V letech 2006-2007 se objevila na přehlídce Victoria's Secret. Měří 181 centimetrů a její míry jsou 84-60-88.  ...  

Ru. text: Хана Сукупова (чеш. Hana Soukupová; род. 12 декабря 1985 года, Карловы Вары, Чехословакия) — чешская топ-модель. Родилась 12 декабря 1985 года в Карловых Варах, в возрасте 5 лет на фоне сверстниц выделялась высоким ростом и была отдана родителями в секцию баскетбола. Начала работать моделью в Праге в 1998 году в возрасте четырнадцати лет. В пятнадцать лет подписала первый крупный контракт с Carolina Herrera. В 2001 году стала победительницей самого престижного чешского конкурса моделей Topmodel of New Milenium.
below: new! The new 'Kronverk' Doorkeeper - az új Teremőr

2 megjegyzés:

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  2. Проверенные казино онлайн содержат круглосуточный саппорт. Клубы поддерживают колличество 3 приема связи — e-mail, онлайн-чат, горячую линию. Некоторые энергично развивают каналы, группы в известных соц сетях. Клиенты все задавать вопросы, обращаться с проблемами. Операторы техподдержки консультируют и подскажут наихорошие игры топ казино, разъяснят управляла, помогут с выводом выигрышей.
