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2014. július 8., kedd

114.) Мil Мi-8 Izotov ТВ-2-117A NR-40 топливнаяа система - насоси -ВЕРТОЛЁТ: cargo helicopter Szabadtengelyes Gázturbina - Tüzelőanyagrendszer, Tüzelőanyagszivattyú - Isotov _ Turboshaft Engine devices, Fuel Pump _ Cross Section Drawings - Schematics - Metszet-rajzok - ЧЕРТЕЖИ - СХема - Компоновкa

Мil Мi-8 Izotov ТВ-2-117A NR-40 топливнаяа система - насоси -ВЕРТОЛЁТ: cargo helicopter Szabadtengelyes Gázturbina - Tüzelőanyagrendszer, Tüzelőanyagszivattyú - Isotov _ Turboshaft Engine devices, Fuel Pump _ Cross Section Drawings - Schematics - Metszet-rajzok - ЧЕРТЕЖИ - СХема - Компоновкa

18+Uploaded to-103%- 12.06.2017.+++++++++

above: NEW pic: Juci'bacsi's dia/slide scanned collection: Mi-8T Isotov TV-2-113A turboshaft engine's gearbox and fuel pump. source: Aviacia Kosmonavtika (Soviet 1978's)

above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hu. MH.87.BHHE Szentkirályszabadja: Inspection of Isotov of Mi-24 eng. capt. Szabó Laci mk. szds. source: Bárdi László: facebook "Akik nélkül nem lehetett volna Magyar Katonai Repülés"

above: NEW! MedRes! original MN photo about: Mi-8T and it's airframe & engine mechanikers SHM (Sárkány-Hajtómű szakág): Left. Sgt. Nagy Imre őrm.,   Right: St.Sgt. Kéméndi Sándor törm. early1980s at MN6690 87. "Bakony" Combat/Attack Helicopter Regiment - Harcihelikopter ezred Szentkirályszabadja subordinated Aviation HQ (Army Avi.) CsRP (Csapatrepülő Parancsnokság -Börgönd-) LHSA airfield near to Veszprém.

above: HiRes! NEW! Mi-17 Izotov TV-2-117  turboshaft engine: HuAF MH87th "Bakony" Combat Helicopter Regiment at Szentkirályszabadja LHSA: board technician ret. WO Kovács "Kokó" István nyá. zls. fedélzeti technikus preparing - előkészíti a Mi-17-est a MH 87. BHHE-nél.   below: NEW! HiRes!  source: Kovács István

above: Left: NoHigher! TV-2-113  Right: MedRes! TV-2-117 vith VR-8A from Mi-17

above: NEWMedResLeft: Klimov TV-3-117  Right: Mi-24's Isotov VK-2500
above: TV-2-113 with Prophane-Butan liquid gas (LPG) accessorie.  source: Haditechnika armedia
above: NoHigher! cross-section drawing of Isotov TV-2-117A free shaft gasturbine
 above & below: New! below: HiRes! Mi-8MTV/Mi-17 model - makett

above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's collect: MNKF: Tájékoztató a Magyar Néphadsereg Katonai Főiskálokról 1972.: KGyRMF-Kilián György Repülőműszaki Főiskola - Szolnok. TV3-113 - Brief of Hungarian People Army's Military Higher schools/Academy-ies: KGy Aviation Technical Academy

above: NEW! MedRes! Demostration TV-3-113 turboshaft engine

above: HiRes! NEW! TV-2-117's mounted auxuliary drive house with NR-40 pump.

above: Juci'bacsi collection by Sextant scan HiRes! NR-40 flat schema
Kedvelvevő ábrák ! - Unmotivation drawings!

HiRes! above: Diagram of  fuel pump theory    below: NR-40 closer schema
above: NEW! MedRes!  princip of Fuel Pump

below: NEW! Left: MedRes! Fishnet fashion by Mordsithcara Dae    18+Right: MedRes! Hu. Miss. Frank Emese from origin FHM/CKM    source:   "Fuel filters - Üza. szűrők": Left: Rough-filter - Durva-szűrő - Right: Fine-filter - Finom-szűrő"

above: NEW! MedRes!  "Pre filter as very rough - Nagyon durva előszűrő"

above: NEW! NoHigher! Fine Filter - Finomszűrő by: Paris Hilton fragrance  source: Pinterest

En. text: Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American media personality, socialite, businesswoman, model, singer, DJ, author and actress. She is the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton Hotels. Born in New York City and raised there and in Beverly Hills, California, Hilton began her modeling career as a teenager when she signed with New York-based modeling development agency Trump Model Management. Her lifestyle made her a feature of entertainment news and tabloid magazines, and Hilton was proclaimed "New York's leading It girl" in 2001. In 2003, a sex tape with Hilton and her then-boyfriend Rick Salomon, later released as 1 Night in Paris, was leaked to the public. Released only three weeks before the premiere of the reality television series The Simple Life, in which she starred alongside her long-time friend Nicole Richie, the sex tape became a media sensation.
In 2004, Hilton released her book Confessions of an Heiress, which became a New York Times Best Seller, in 2005, she appeared in the horror film House of Wax, and in 2006, her self-titled album, Paris, was released worldwide; it reached number six on the Billboard 200, with her debut single, "Stars Are Blind", quickly becoming a hit around the world. Hilton returned to reality television in 2008 with Paris Hilton's My New BFF and its two spin-offs: Paris Hilton's British Best Friend (2009) and Paris Hilton's Dubai BFF (2009), and again in 2011, with Oxygen series The World According to Paris. Her big-screen credits include the films Raising Helen (2004), Bottoms Up (2006), National Lampoon's Pledge This! (2006), Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008), and Sofia Coppola's film The Bling Ring (2013) as well as the documentaries Paris, Not France (2008), Teenage Paparazzo (2010) and The American Meme (2018).
In 2012, Hilton made her debut as a DJ at the São Paulo Pop Music Festival. Initially panned by critics, she has become one of the highest-paid celebrity DJs, and between 2013 and 2017, held the "Paris Hilton: Foam & Diamonds" residence at the Amnesia nightclub in Ibiza. She signed a record deal with Cash Money Records in 2013, and has since released the singles "Good Time" (2013), "Come Alive" (2014), "High Off My Love" (2015), and "I Need You" (2018).
Credited with influencing the revival of the famous for being famous phenomenon during the early and mid 2000s, Hilton exemplifies the "celebutante", a celebrity not through talent or work, but through inherited wealth and lifestyle. She has parlayed her media fame into perfumes and various lines with her endorsement; her perfume brand alone have brought in over US$2.5 billion in revenue, the second largest celebrity fragrance of all time behind Hollywood actress Elizabeth Taylor. In addition to a Paris Hilton Beach Club Resort in Manila, the Philippines, there are currently 50 Paris Hilton stores worldwide and 19 product lines, such as handbags, watches, footwear, hair and skin care. Hilton earns over US$10 million a year from business ventures and, as of 2015, was paid about US$300,000 for appearances in clubs and events.  ...

Fr. text: Paris Hilton, née le 17 février 1981 à New York, est une femme d'affaires, personnalité médiatique, mannequin, chanteuse, actrice et disc jockey américaine, considérée comme une jet setteuse ou comme une « socialite ». C'est l’une des arrières-petites-filles de Conrad Hilton, fondateur de la chaîne des hôtels Hilton. Sa participation à l'émission The Simple Life la propulse vers une notoriété publique dès 2003 ; l'année suivante, elle fait parler d'elle suite à la sortie de 1 Night in Paris, une sex tape.
Depuis, ses frasques sont régulièrement suivies par la presse people, notamment américaine. Elle est même considérée, en 2006, comme la personne au monde la plus exposée médiatiquement1[réf. insuffisante]. Selon le magazine Forbes, elle a gagné deux millions de dollars en 2003-20042, 6,5 millions en 2004-20053 puis sept millions en 2005-20064. Aujourd'hui, sa fortune est évaluée à plus de 100 millions de dollars.  ...

Hu. text: Paris Whitney Hilton (New York, 1981. február 17.) amerikai énekesnő, színésznő.
Hírnevére a The Simple Life című valóságshow-val tett szert, s szintén ismert a 2003-ban az internetre felkerült 1 Night in Paris című szexvideóról. Sokhelyütt feltűnt azóta, s 2006 augusztusában Paris című albumával megjelent a popzenében is.  ...

above four & below: NEW! the operating principle of  ram-pump - a búvárdugattyús szivattyú működési elve
 aboveNoHigher! Axial Piston Pump
18+aboveNEWHiRes! Traverse disc Hungarian World Topmodel Ms. Palvin Barbara's headtop by American 'Sports Illustrated' magazine   source: pinterest
aboveNEWMedRes! Vacum tube - Szivószál: Hu. supermodel Ms. #Pintér "Pintyőke" Mari drinks a bottle of 'Traubi-Soda' hu. developed carbon-acid fresh-drink it made from grape - szőlőből készült Balatonboglári szénsavas üdítőital, on sits Hu. made 'Camping' folderable bicycle. in mid 1980's.   source: Manökenek (a 80-as évekből) csoport

above: NEW! NoHigher! daily-funny about Hi-Tech Sucker - Szívószál/szívóka
above: NEW! HiRes! at Rear VR-8 reductor & hidraulics unit is the AI-9V APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) of Mi-24 or Mi-17

below: NEW! also an other smell fragrance parfume fuel pump from Hugo Boss so much similar expensive than NR-40. Fuel of female Pump.

above: NEW+! NoHigher! facebook "Bilux": Hu. text: Ezt az "idejétmúlt, vacak, semmit érő orosz szemetet" két "stinger" rakéta találta el. Az, hogy miként jutnak a legkorszerűbb amerikai "MANPADS" rakéták az IS kezére (Usa-SzaudArábia-Mérsékelt lázadók -Is), tulajdonképpen mindegy is. A lényeg, hogy ezt a szanaszét robbantott "ócskaságot" a szír! személyzet hazavitte, a fedélzeten lévő 8 katonával együtt. Nem kis teljesítmény; sem a géptől sem a flígerektől. Respect! 😎Photo: IAF

above: NEW! NoHigher! Wow!  Sucking-arm press - Szívóági nyomás by: #Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle Marie Pfeiffer (/ˈfaɪfər/; born April 29, 1958) is an American actress and producer. One of the most popular actresses of the 1980s and 1990s, she has received international acclaim and many accolades for her work in both comedic and dramatic films. Noted for her versatility as a character actress, Pfeiffer has become particularly known for portraying nuanced and unglamorous, emotionally distant women as well as strong female characters with intense sex appeal. Pfeiffer is widely considered to be among the most talented actresses of her generation.  ...

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