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2014. július 9., szerda

116.) F-15E "Eagle" (Sas) "Strike-Eagle" McDonnell-Douglas Air Superiority Fighter-Bomber - Boeing _ IAF - Israeli Air Force _ Iran-Teheran Nuclear conflict _ Ground Attack Schematics - Air Strike Bombing Tactics _ Ghaza district - Painting Portrait Artwork by Air Art Graphics - Juci'bácsi

#F-15E "#Eagle" (Sas) "#Strike-Eagle" #McDonnell-Douglas Air Superiority Fighter-Bomber - #Boeing _ #IAF - #Israeli Air Force _ #Iran-Teheran Nuclear conflict _ Ground Attack Schematics - Air Strike Bombing Tactics _ #Ghaza district - Painting Portrait Artwork by Air Art Graphics - Juci'bácsi (Wikipedia)

Refreshed! to-113%-11.02.2019.- Regulated:++++++++++++++:+:+++
above: NEW! NoHigher! F-15E superiority fighter  pinterest
Hu. text article:
above: NEW pic!  source: facebook
above: NEW+! HiRes! Artisty view

Advanced F-15 'Eagle' (2040c) Air Superiority Fighter   

above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's collect.: F-15 USAF's 'Flying Safety' review
above: NEW! MedRes! Israeli IDF F-15 pair for ground attackmission with LANTIRN pod
above: NEW! IDF F-15s attack to Iraq - Artisty-
Operation Opera (מבצע אופרה) was the Air Force bombing raid on 7 June 1981 against the 70-megawatt Osiris or Tammuz 1 nuclear reactor being built with French assistance in Tuwaiha near Baghdad as part of the Osirak project. The almost completed reactor, which would have produced plutonium destined for nuclear weapons, was successfully destroyed before being filled with fissile materials. Among the pilots of the eight attacking F-16s and accompanying six F-15s was Ilan Ramon, who would become the first Israeli astronaut. All the pilots returned home safely. One of the participating F-15s, now withdrawn from combat, is displayed in front of an Air Force base.

above: NEW! MedRes! Close Attack Wizard - Közeltámogató Varázsló  source:

F-15E Strike Eagle Low Level

a few incorrectct infos; F-22 OBOGS oxigen syst. many problem, RAH-66 Comanche programme cancelled
above & below: NEW Pic! HiRes! bottom: F-15E 'Eagle' ('Adler' / "Sas") intercepting the Tupolev Tu-95 strategic Recce / Bomber acf. from 'Elmerdorf'' AFB Alaska    below: NEW! MedRes!

above: NEW! MedRes! Left: ASAT launching   Right: Japan Air Force
above: MedRes! Escorting to Russian VVS Tupolev Tu-95/142 "Bear"

Apocalypse Now - Kilgore talks surfing and napalm   

Apocalypse now - Apokalipszis most
Hu. text: A háborús filmek egyik legbetegebb és legkultikusabb darabjában keresve kell olyan szereplőt találni, aki nincs teljesen bekattanva. Coppola 1979-es mozija szintén a vietnami háborúba kalauzol, ám teljesen más megközelítésben, mint ahogyan a nézők addig megszokhatták. Az egyik legbizarrabb figura Kilgore ezredes (Robert Duvall), aki csak azért foglal el egy lázadó falut, mert arrafelé remekül lehet szerinte szörfözni. Miután légi támogatást kér, a vadászrepülők pedig leszórják a napalmot, a tűztenger előtt félmeztelenül szörfözni induló Kilgore elégedetten mondja ki a film (és a filmtörténelem) egyik legismertebb szállóigéjét: „Imádom a reggeli napalm szagát!” („I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”)  source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! USAF F-15C during alerting Take-Off on RAF Lakenheath AFB
above: NEW+! NoHigher! JDAM practice

above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: The Elements of Network Centric Warfare - A Hálózatközpontú hadviselés szerkezeti felépítése-összetevői

above: NEW! NoHigher! Cannon Fighter Attack Scenario - Gépágyú támadásos helyzetelemzés
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text: Földi célpontok támadása
above: New pic!

above: NEW Pic! : the Ghaza - zone/district - a Gázai övezet
Forward Air Controller Party FACP or - Joint Terminal Attack Controller JTAC - Előretolt RepülésIrányító Pont-ok (ERIP) - Összhaderőnemi Végső Támadás Irányító (ÖHVTI

above: NEW Pics!  JTAC and AH-64's 18+ "High Resolution Aqusition " FAC!!  
Forward Air / Artillery Control Post

above: NEW! MedRes! 18+ Afterburnerer Witch escorts the F-15 - Utánégetős Boszorkány kíséri

 NEWabove: NoHigherThe Israeli IDF femine "Air Force FACP instructor"? woman. in situation.  below: NoHigher! Teacher

above: KorAF New!
above: NEW! NoHigher! USAF Aircraft Ordnance

above: NEW! NoHigher! #Mk-82 & BLU-111 General Purpose #Bombs  graphic by: 'C' Jim Rotromel 2005.  source:

 NEW! above: HiRes! Japan F-15 M61 "Vulcan" 20 mm six barrels 'Gatling' system mounting.   below: MedRes! Drawing of M61

above: NEW! NoHigher! Cannon Fighter can provide Air-to-Air Superiority

above: NEW+! HiRes! Leslie Angyal László 'Aviator' photo on IAF AFB  source: facebook/Angyal L.
above: HiRes! Israeli F-15C squadron

above: NEW! MedRes! Similar Jet Intake on North American-Rockwell RA-5C "Vigilante" -Éber/Szemfüles/Őrködő/Vigyázó - onboard supersonic reconnaissance aircaft of US Navy.

above: NEW+! MedRes! Similar Intake shape
above: NoHigher! IAF's F-15
above: Photo: Angyal Laci Samuel AVIATOR INTERNATIONAL HiRes Big! IAF Museum 2014. june
above Two: New Pics! HiResBig! Israeli Aeronautical Maps
above: NEW! Big-MedRes! Leslie Angyal László AVIATOR Chief Editor photo in Izrael AFB

#Jewish #& #Israeli #Aviators #Exhibition

Jewish & Israeli Aviators Exhibition - Vernissage, #Budapest 2014

Jewish & Israeli Aviators Exhibition - #Tel Aviv 2015

above: NEW! NoHigher! F-15E during quickly climbing  source: Defence/facebook
above: NEW! MedRes! Deutsches 'Speyer' Technik Muzeum.  Photo: Kizmus Szabolcs facebook
above: NEW! NoHigher! F-15E cockpit during Air Refueling action source:
Hu. text: Ezt látja egy vadászgép pilótája, miközben a világ egyik legszebb tája fölött repül
Mert a Washington és Oregon között húzódó VR-1355-ös útvonal bizony az egyik legszebb táj – legalább is azok közül, amelyek fölött a vadászpilóták legálisan gyakorolhatják a kis magasságú repülést. Az F–15E-vel röpködő 389.-ik repülős század videója olyan zseniális, hogy hirtelen nem is tudjuk eldönteni, hogy az angolokat, a dánokat vagy a norvégokat taszítják le vele a dobogóról. Valakit egészen biztosan.
above: NEW! NoHigher! in front of F-15E (First: This is sharpener than second!)
above: NEW! NoHigher! Main parts    BelowHiRes! Drawings of Cutaway
above: NEW! HiRes! Russian cyrillic text cutaway
above: NEW! MedRes! Boeing "Silent Eagle"
 NEW! HiRes! Cutaways Drawings artworks
 NEW! above: MedRes! F-15C   below: NoHigher! F-15D GFR Bittburg AFB
above: Bittburger Eagle

above: new! MedRes! Plan & Elevation Views of the Mc.Donnell-Douglas/Boeing F-15E "Eagle"

above: NEW! MedRes! F-15E  Hu. text

above two: Juci'bacsi scanned collection: New Pics: HiRes! American Fisher-Eagle
above: NEW! True Fighter Eagle

above: NEW! NoHigher! YEAGER anAutobiography by General Chuck Yeager and Leo Janos

above: NEW! Flt. Bg.Gen. WW-Two ace veterany & Testpilot Chuck Yeager 65th anniversary

aboveMedRes! U.S. Air Force Active Duty, Guard (ANG) & Reserve Facilities Map on the World.
above: NEW Pics!  MedRes! Jackson    below: NEW! MedRes! Perfectly Timed
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is an American twin-engine, all-weather tactical fighter aircraft designed by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) to gain and maintain air supremacy in aerial combat. It is among the most successful modern fighters, with over 100 victories and no losses in aerial combat, with the majority of the kills scored by the Israeli Air Force. Following reviews of proposals, the United States Air Force selected McDonnell Douglas' design in 1967 to meet the service's need for a dedicated air superiority fighter. The Eagle first flew in July 1972, and entered service in 1976.
The Eagle has been exported to Israel, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, among other nations. The F-15 was originally envisioned as a pure air superiority aircraft. Its design included a secondary ground-attack capability that was largely unused. The design proved flexible enough that an all-weather strike derivative, the F-15E Strike Eagle, was later developed, entering service in 1989. The F-15 Eagle is expected to be in service with the U.S. Air Force past 2025. Newer models are still being produced for foreign users. The F-15 production line is set to end in 2019, 47 years after the type's first flight.

RoleAir superiority fighter
ManufacturerMcDonnell Douglas
Boeing Defense, Space & Security
First flight27 July 1972
Introduction9 January 1976
StatusIn service
Primary usersUnited States Air Force
Japan Air Self-Defense Force
Royal Saudi Air Force
Israeli Air Force
Number builtF-15A/B/C/D/J/DJ: 1,198[1]
Unit costF-15A/B: US$27.9 million (1998)
F-15C/D: US$29.9 million (1998)[2]
VariantsMcDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle
McDonnell Douglas F-15 STOL/MTD
Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle
Mitsubishi F-15J
Hu. text: Az F–15 Eagle negyedik generációs nehéz vadászrepülőgép. Az F–16 Fighting Falcon könnyűvadász mellett ez a repülőgép az Amerikai Légierő és a Légi Nemzeti Gárda összes korábbi vadász- és vadászbombázó repülőgépének (F–4 Phantom II, F–111 Aardvark, F–105 Thunderchief, F–106 Delta Dart) váltótípusa. Hagyományos aerodinamikai elrendezésű, kéthajtóműves, vállszárnyas repülőgép, osztott függőleges vezérsíkkal. Sérülésállósága legendás. Alevegőben utántölthető. Japánban a légierő által megrendelt F–15J/DJ repülőgépeket licencben gyártották. Az Amerikai Légierőben már folyik az alaptípus cseréje az utódra, F–22 Raptor vadászbombázóra.
A repülőgép továbbfejlesztésével 1987-ben hozták létre a megnövelt felszállótömegű F–15E Strike Eaglevadászbombázót, amelyet először 1989-ben állítottak szolgálatba. A jelenlegi elképzelések szerint ez a repülőgép még a 2030-as években is szolgálatban fog állni. Az F–15E alapjain több exportváltozatot is létrehoztak, az Izraeli Légierőszámára az F–15I Raam-ot, Szaúd-Arábia számára az F–15S-t, Dél-Korea számára az F–15K Slam Eagle-t, Szingapúrszámára az F–15SG-t.

Korean text: F-15 이글(F-15 Eagle)은 맥도넬더글러스/보잉 이 제작한, 1972년 7월부터 투입된 제공우위(air superiority)에 초점을 둔 미국의 전천후 고기동 전술전투기이다. F-15는 미국 공군을 위해 개발되었으며, 1972년 첫 비행을 하였다. 미 공군은 2025년까지 F-15를 계속 운용할 예정이다.
대표적인 파생기종으로는 1989년부터 투입된 F-15E 스트라이크이글이 있으며, 미국 내에서도 성공작이라 평가받는 전천후 전투폭격기이다. 특히, 대한민국 공군의 F-15K는 이 F-15E를 베이스로 하고 있다.

Japan text: F-15は、アメリカ合衆国のマクダネル・ダグラス社(現ボーイング社)の開発した制空戦闘機。制式機の受領は1972年(正式編成は1976年)、愛称はイーグル(ワシ
Arabian text: إف - 15 إيغل طائرة مقاتلة، واحدة من أهم الطائرات المقاتلة التي ظهرت في الجزء الأخير من القرن العشرين. تمّ تصنيع أكثر من  1100 نموذج منها حتي عام 2008، صممت كي تكسب تفوق جوي فوق أرض المعركة للقوات الجوية الأمريكية. وتخطط الولايات المتحدة لابقائها بسلاحها الجوي حتي عام 2025م . كما صُدرَت إلى دول حليفة لأمريكا. ومن بين تلك الدول إسرائيل والسعودية. وأهم ما يميزها أنها طائرات بعيدة المدي ويمكنها الوصول الي عمق أراضي العدو وضرب أهداف استراتيجية خلف خطوطه، ولقد ظهر هذا بحرب الخليج حينما نجحت طائرات اف-15 سعودية في إسقاط طائرتي ميراجعراقيتان كما نجحت في إسقاط طائرتين اف-4 فانتوم إيرانيتين أثناء الحرب العراقية الإيرانية فوق الخليج العربي بعد أن حاولتا اختراق المجال الجوي السعودي.
Hebrew text: F-15 איגל (Eagle; מאנגלית: "עיט") הוא מטוס יירוט טקטי דו-מנועי להשגת עליונות אווירית מתוצרת ארצות הברית. המטוס פותח ויוצר תחילה בידי חברת מקדונל דאגלס, ובהמשך בידי חברת בואינג. אב טיפוס של המטוס מדגם YF-15 טס לראשונה ב-27 ביולי1972. נגזרת של המטוס, F-15E סטרייק איגל (Strike Eagle; מאנגלית: "העיט התוקף"), הוא מטוס קרב רב-משימתי לתקיפת קרקע ולאמנעה אווירית שנכנס לשירות ב-1988.
עד כה יוצרו למעלה מ-1,500 מטוסי F-15 על דגמיו השונים, מתוכם 1,150 נמצאים בשימוש חיל האוויר של ארצות הברית. כיום פעיל במפעל בואינג שבסנט לואיס רק קו הייצור של F-15E ונגזרותיו. תהליך הוצאתו משירות של האיגל בארצות הברית החל ב-2005 עם כניסתו של F-22 רפטור, ויסתיים ככל הנראה בשנת 2025.
F-15 נכנס לשירות בחיל האוויר הישראלי בדצמבר 1976, וקיבל בו את הכינוי "בז" (דגמים A/B/C/D). ב-1998 קיבלה ישראל גרסה של F-15E, דגם F-15I, שקיבל את הכינוי "רעם".

belowNEW Pics!
aboveNEW! Comparison table with, F-35A, F-15E, F-16BLK52, F-22
above Two: Juci'bacsi's photo scanned collection from early 1981s
above & below: NEW! comparison between F-15 & Su-24, MRCA "Tornado" and APG radar

above: NEW! Comparison of 5th Generation/Infrared/Imaging Guided AAMs

above & below four: New Pics! HiRes! Comparison viewer

above: NEW! NoHigher! IV. Fourth Generation Fighters in the World  source:
above: HiRes! USAF F-15E during attack   below: NEW! MedRes! MO - Whiteman Air Force Base
En. text: The Japan Air Self-Defense Force (航空自衛隊 Kōkū Jieitai), JASDF, also referred to as the Japanese Air Force, is the air warfare branch of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, responsible for the defense of Japanese airspace and for other aerospace operations. The JASDF carries out combat air patrols around Japan, while also maintaining a network of ground and air early-warning radar systems. The branch also has an aerobatic team known as Blue Impulse and has provided air transport in UN peacekeeping missions.
The JASDF had an estimated 50,324 personnel as of 2013, and as of 2013 operated 777 aircraft, approximately 373 of them fighter aircraft.
Until 2015, women were banned from becoming fighter jet and reconnaissance aircraft pilots, with the first female pilot of a F-15s set to join the ranks, along with three other female pilots currently in training, in 2018.  ...

Hu. text: A Japán Légi Véderő (航空自衛隊, Kókú Dzsieitai magyarul: légi önvédelmi erő, tömörebben légi véderő) Japán légiereje, a Japán Véderők egyik haderőneme. Feladata a japán légtér szuverenitásának védelme, illetve a haderő külszolgálati alakulatai légvédelmét biztosítani. A japán légierő állományában megtalálható repülőeszközök fejlett földi telepítésű és légi korai előrejelző rendszerben tevékenykednek. A légierőnek van egy „Kék lendület” (Burú inparuszu, ブルーインパルス) nevű műrepülő csoportja, illetve alakulatai részt vállalnak különféle ENSZ missziókban légi szállítási feladatokkal.
A Japán Légi Véderő személyi állománya körülbelül 45 000 fő volt 2005-ben. Öt évvel későbbi adat szerint 805 repülőgépet üzemeltetett (merev- és forgószárnyúakat), melyből 374 darab volt vadászrepülőgép.  ...

Ja. text: 航空自衛隊(こうくうじえいたい)は日本の自衛隊のうちの航空部門にあたる組織である。また、官公庁の一つであり、防衛省の特別の機関である。
略称空自(くうじ)、英称 Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF)。諸外国からは Japanese Air Force(日本空軍の意)に相当する語で表現されることがある。
above: NEW! MedRes! JASDF McDonnell Douglas/Mitsubishi F-15J: Hu. text: A 26 éves Macusima Misza lett japán első női vadászpilótája. A pilótanő a héten fejezte be a kiképzést, és főhadnagyi rangban kezdte meg szolgálatát.  ...  source:

above & belowTwo  : NEW! NoHigher! Similar canopy on, 1955. Lincoln Futura Concept Car.

above: NEW! NoHigher!  Opened canopy of F-15E before departure
above two: HiRes!

above: Juci'bacsi's repro photopaper scanned collection from 'Soldat und Technik' early 1980 New Pics! MedRes! F-15 cockpit and HOTAS (Handle On Throttle And Stick) drawings
above: NEW! NoHigher! Throttle Quadrant - Gázkar-negyed grips with MSEP  source: Pinterest

above: NEW! NoHigher! Left: throttle quadrant   Right: Control stick Bill Guston MAC
above: NEW! NoHigher! Four positions switch on #Sharon Stone's breats  photo: by Firooz Zahedi
Sharon Stone (born March 10, 1958) is an American actress and movie producer. She received a Golden Globe Award for her part in the 1995 movie Casino. Her role in the movie Basic Instinct was also notable.
Stone won the title of Miss Crawford County in Meadville. She was a candidate for Miss Pennsylvania. One of the pageant judges said she should quit school and move to New York City to become a fashion model. In 1977, Stone left Meadville, moving in with an aunt in New Jersey. Within four days of her arrival in New Jersey, she was signed by Ford Modeling Agency in New York.
While living in Europe, she decided to quit modeling and become an actress. Stone was cast for a brief role in Allen's Stardust Memories (1980). She had many roles in movies in the 1980's. Being in Total Recall (1990) with Arnold Schwarzenegger helped her career. To promote the movie, she posed nude for Playboy.
The movie that made her a star Basic Instinct (1992). She played a person thought to be a serial killer. In the movie's most notorious scene, her character is being questioned by the police. She crosses and uncrosses her legs, exposing her genitalia, which are not covered by underwear. After Basic Instinct, she was listed by People magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world.
In November 1995, Stone received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, located at 6925 Hollywood Blvd.
In 2003, she appeared in three episodes from the eighth season of The Practice. For her performances, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series.
Stone tried a return to the mainstream with roles in the movies Cold Creek Manor (2003) with Dennis Quaid and Catwoman (2004) with Halle Berry. Both movies were not well liked by either the public or critics.
Personal life: Stone married Michael Greenburg in 1984. They separated in 1987 and the divorce was finalized in 1990.
In 1993, Stone met William J. MacDonald (aka Bill MacDonald) on the set of the movie Sliver. MacDonald left his wife Naomi Baca for Stone and became engaged to her. They separated one year later in 1994.
While working on the movie The Quick and the Dead in 1995, Stone met Bob Wagner and they became engaged.
On February 14, 1998, Stone married Phil Bronstein, executive editor of the San Francisco Examiner. They adopted a son, Roan Joseph Bronstein (born on May 22, 2000) in late May or early June of 2000. They divorced in 2004. After her divorce she adopted another two boys, Laird Vonne Stone (born on May 7, 2005) and Quinn Kelly Stone (born in June 2006).
Stone is a convert to Tibetan Buddhism. She is an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church.  ...
above: NEW! HiRes! Model by: Antonio - Original for Pilots:
Are you also waiting for the F-15 design? Do not worry, soon!
Čekáte také na design F-15 ? Nebojte, již brzy! T-shirt with F-15 EAGLE design is in production
 NEW! Cockpit models: above: MedRes! Nigela    below: NoHigher! Korean 'Dragon'
aboveNEWMedRes! F-15pilot in HGU-55P  photo: AFP/Genya Savilov  source:
 above: NEW! NoHigher! Kormányhidraulika rendszer
 NEW! above & below: MedRes! Kormányzási rendszer: fent: Hosszirányú-Z,  lent: Keresztirányú-X
 NEW! above: HiRes! Bólintási (Túlhúzás-gátló) vezérlő rendszer  below: NoHigh! Digital FBW units

above: NEW! MedRes! Pratt & Whitney PW DEEC the best friend of Pilot - a Pilóta legjobb barátja.
below: HiRes! USAF F-15E    Right: NEW! F-15E (Second! Blurer than First!)

above: New! F-15C  Left mix: HiRes!   Right: LowRes! APG-63 locator   below: NEW!
above: NEW! HiRes! LANTIRN IR- image on HUD
above: NEW! NoHigher! F-15A HUD display method - kijelzési üzemmódok
aboveNEWNoHigher! The any battlefield situation - Néhány harctéri helyzet
above: NEW+! NoHigher! 'Eagle' from Spangdahelm AFB, GFR
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's dia/slide repro collection from early 1980's
above: NEW! MedRes! F-15C with AIM-9X 'Sidewinder"

above: NEW! MedRes! Jeff Chapman JC - Power Girl

above: NEW! No Higher! Maj. Nicole Malachowski  nowadays Lt.Col. in "Thunderbirds"
Nicole Margaret Ellingwood Malachowski (born September 26, 1974) is a United States Air Force officer and the first female pilot selected to fly as part of the USAF Air Demonstration Squadron, better known as the Thunderbirds. Her aviator call sign is "FiFi". Her first public performance was in March 2006 and she spent the 2006 and 2007 air show seasons flying the Number 3 (Right Wing) aircraft in the diamond formation. Prior to attending the U.S. Air Force Academy and joining the USAF, Colonel Malachowski was a Civil Air Patrol Cadet.
Between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009, Malachowski was on special assignment, participating in the White House Fellows Program for the Class of 2008–2009, assigned to the General Services Administration. In September 2015 Malachowski returned to the White House as executive director of its Joining Forces initiative for supporting veterans, service members, and military families, succeeding U. S. Army Colonel Steve Parker. ...  
aboveNEWMedRes! Juci'bacsi's dia/slide repro collection from early 1980's  L.: Flight Magazin Author

above: NEW! MedRes! #B.B. #Brigitte Bardot, in American sportcar  source: Model Cars magazine

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! F-15 "Eagle" McDonnell Douglas/Boeing 91-0332 at RAF  Photo: Richard Calver   Right: MedRes!

above: MedRes!   below: NEW! MedRes! F-15 Model undercarriage - Behúzható Modellfutómű

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Fisher eagle before dive   Right: MedRes! 18+ paint of Boris Vallejo

above: NEW! NoHigher! Woman with Field-Eagle

above: NEW! MedRes! USAF F-15 during intercepting readiness Take Off  source: PPS
above: MedRes!

Hu. text: Nagy hatótávolságú fegyverrel bővült az amerikai F-15E vadászbombázók arzenálja
Az USAF közleménye szerint a Lockheed Martin által kifejlesztett JASSM-ER jelzésű szárnyas rakétákat immár korlátozás nélkül alkalmazhatja a Strike Eagle flotta  ...

above: NEW! NoHigher! F-15E "Strike Eagle" US Air Force patroled the launch area as the Space Shuttle "Atlantis' over NASA 'Cape Caneveral' in Florida peninsula.

above: NEW! NoHigher! Jennifer Connelly star actress as "Supergirl" pair of "Superman"

above: New pic! MedRes! McDonnell F-15E in (Lo-Lo) Low-Level Strike Mission

above: NEW! MedRes! During Low-Level strike mission - "Mélyrepülésben"  source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! F-15 Eagle during Low-Level 9G turn     below: NEW! MedRes! with LANTIRN pod  source:
above: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect: South Korean 'Academy' scale 1:144 F-15 Eagle box cover

above: NEW! NoHigher! American white header/ fisher eagle - Amerikai fehérfejű rétisas/ halászsas

above: New picHiRes! Artisty painting of Mig-29 & F-15

above: NEW! LowMedRes! JASDF (Japan Self Defence Forces) JAF & USAF F-15 in pair formation near the highest Japan Mountain 'Fuji' vulcano. "Tora-Tora".

above: NEW! MedRes!  USAF F-15 in Hu. Mosonmagyaróvár Model Exhib & Competition ? 2014  photo: activist Mr. Kaszás Csaba
above: MedRes! Artwork: Portrait painting with canvas - 80 x 60 cm acryl, -bout nurse Andy
with F-15A for her footbalist  brother in Hu., Veszprém.
Artist: JUHÁSZ "Juci'bácsi" János HuAF ret. avn. Lt. Col. Hip-Pilot

above: NEW! MedRes! A very good caricature of  the Crew Chief of F-15E

above: NEW+! MedRes! Hu. Nature photo: Eagle: Mr, Lóki Csaba: -Sárkány - Öreg rétisas _index

above: NEW pic!: The F-15 similarly streamline and slim just as wonderful American construction, like U.S.A. topmodel Marisa Miller.

above: NEW! MedRes! USAF F-15E  source:
Typhoon - a ride with the best: The Science Museum, London

A-10 Warthog:

above: NEW! NoHigher! IAF F-15E   source: facebook/Angyal László

below: NEW! MedRes! From Left: F-16, P-51, A-10, F-15 over New York 'Manhattan'

above: NEW! HiRes! #Ivanka Trump on "#Trump-Tower" in #NYC - #New York City; #sexy-for-Alban Christ photoshoot  source:

Ivana Marie "Ivanka" Trump (/ɪˈvɑːŋkə/; born October 30, 1981) is an American businesswoman, fashion designer, author, reality television personality, and politician. She is the daughter of the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, and former model Ivana Trump. Ivanka is her father's senior advisor and is also the first Jewish member of a First Family, having converted before marrying her Jewish husband, Jared Kushner.
Trump is a fourth generation businessperson who followed in the footsteps of her great-grandmother Elizabeth Christ Trump (who founded the company), grandfather Fred Trump, and father Donald Trump. Ivanka was an executive vice president of the family-owned Trump Organization. She was also a boardroom judge on her father's TV show The Apprentice. She moved to Washington, D.C. in January 2017 after her husband was appointed Senior Advisor to the President.
Starting in March 2017, she began serving in her father's presidential administration. She assumed this official, unpaid position after ethics concerns were raised about her having access to classified material while not being held to the same restrictions as a federal employee. She was considered part of the president's inner circle even before becoming an official employee in his administration.  ...

above: NEW! NoHigher! #Czech #Petra Nemcova  under armour Lindsey Wixson on the #subway wears Under Armour workout clothes  source:

Petra Němcová (Czech pronunciation: [ˈpɛtra ˈɲɛmtsovaː]; born 24 June 1979) is a Czech model, television host and philanthropist who founded the Happy Hearts Fund. In 2017, the Happy Hearts Fund merged with All Hands Volunteers to create All Hands And Hearts - Smart Response, with Němcová assuming the role of co-founder and vice chair.  ...

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