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2014. június 21., szombat

101.) WW-One anniversary-100th Warplanes - I. Világháború 100. évforduló; hadirepülőgépek - airplanes - Biplanes: Aero, Fokker, Gotha, Albatross-D5A, Aviatik-Berg, Nieuport. Sopwith Camel, Breguet _ Hispano, Gnome-Rhone - Canvas, Cockpit, Moteaur, Machine Gun, Airframe _ Rickenbakker, Richthofen - Rote Baron

WW-One anniversary-100th Warplanes - I. Világháború 100. évforduló; hadirepülőgépek - airplanes - Biplanes: Aero, Fokker, Gotha, Albatross-D5A, Aviatik-Berg, Nieuport, Sopwith Camel, Breguet, Hispano, Gnome-Rhone - Canvas, Cockpit, Moteaur, Machine Gun, Airframe, Rickenbakker, Richthofen -"Rote Baron"

Refreshed! to-119%-12.07.2020.-Regulated:++++++++++:+:+++:+++:+:+
aboveNEW pic! NoHigher! Pretty Nurse of Nieuport  
above: NEW! NoHigher! Shooting Star from Aviation by the artist James Dietz  source: pinterest
above: MedRes! Fokker S.E.5A
above: NEW! NoHigher! Nederlander Fokker D VII in Dutch aviation museum - Holland repülőmúzeum: Fokker D.VII Replika. Anthony Fokker tervei alapján gyártott repülőgépeket elsősorban a Német Császári Légjáró csapatok repülték  A D.VII az egyik legjobb vadászrepülőgép volt az első világháborúban, de nem Fokker, hanem Reinhold Platz tervezte. 1700 darabot építettek a németek, de a Magyar Általános Gépgyár is gyártotta licenc alapján, 1918 után Austro-Daimler motorokkal. A világháború után több mint 50 darabot készítettek a Tanácsköztársaság repülőegységei részére.
Hu. text article: A Holland Fegyveres Erők Múzeuma (Nationaal Militair Museum) - Soesterberg:
A világon létező múzeumok, előbb-utóbb átépítésre, bővítésre, újjáépítésre szorulnak. Kiváló példa egy XXI. századi múzeum kialakítására a Soesterbergben 2014-ben átadott Holland Fegyveres Erők Múzeuma. (Nationaal Militair Museum)
A múzeumot kiválóan meg lehet közelíteni, mivel a bezárt Soesterbegi repülőbázison helyezkedik el. A bejegyzésem a 2015-ös látogatásomon alapul, azóta már változott a múzeum környezete. Ottlétemkor a főépület és a környező park már kész volt, de a restaurátor műhely és egy nagyobb hangár környékén még folytak a munkálatok. A volt repülőbázis napjainkban sportrepülők paradicsoma, látogatásom idején is ötpercenként csörlőzték fel a kompozit vitorlázóképeket az égbe, és néhány movit (motoros vitorlázó) is a levegőbe emelkedett.
Ez a múzeum, nem haderőnem specifikus, hanem összfegyvernemi, a katonai repülőgépek mellett a szárazföldi erők, a haditengerészet és egyéb fegyveres testületek járművei, felszerelési tárgyai a láthatóak a kiállításon. A múzeumba a bázis egyik bejáratán át lehet bejutni, és több nagyméretű, több száz gépkocsit befogadó parkoló mellett gurultunk el a múzeumi személyzet irányításával. Parkolóban személyzet: kicsit megalomániának tűnt, de eljövetelünkkor már három parkoló megtelt, és bőven volt dolguk a sárga mellényeseknek.

above: NEW! NoHigher! Jager Pilot Hermann Göring with Fokker D VII in 1918.
above: NEW! NoHigher! World War I Aerial Combat by: Granger  source: Pinterest
above: NEW! MedRes! Austro Monarchia Fotó: Nádas Sándor Magyar Fotográfiai Múzeum
above: NEW! NoHigher! Womenwork

above: New! Hansa-Brandenburg C.1

above: NEW! NoHigher! K.U.K. Hungarian UFAG C.I  source: 'Haditechnika'

above: NEW! NoHigher! Left & below: AEG IV   Right: Sopwith triplane
NEW! NoHigher! above: AEG I    below: Sopwith 'Camel' & 'Pup'
NEW! NoHigher! above: Sperry-Verville 'Messenger'    below: Spad XIII  source: Smithsonian

aboveNEWNoHigher#Victorian age's Forward Air Controller as Steampunk  facebook

above: NEW! NoHigher! Fokker Se5A 'Sandwich'  photo by: Eru Dumigan  source: Pinterest
above: NEW! HiRes! Poland, Goraska air picnic transformed Bücker Bü-131 training airccraft.  photo & source: Hu. AVIATOR Leslie Angel - Angyal László aviator photographer & pilot
above: NEW! NoHigher! War industrie poster  source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Sopwith "Camel" again to Fokker Dr.I 'Triplan'  source:
NEW! NoHigher! above: Kaiserliche und Königliche Luftfahrtruppen  below: Fokker Dr.I
HiRes! above: New pic!   below: NEW! Re-Edited  source: Pinterest
above: NEW! HiRes! Profile artwork poster about, WW-I Aircraft  source: Google
above: NoHigher! Nieuport 17 C1
above: NEW! NoHigher! French born American Major Raoul Lufbery, standing by his Spad S.VII of 'Escadrille de Lafayette'. He was shot down over French lines on the 18th May 1918. (Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, said of Lufbery: "Everything I learned, I learned from Lufbery.")  source:
above one: New! HiRes! British biplane;
above: new! MedRes! Curtiss biplan
above & belowNEW Pics! MedRes!
above: art by: Fritz Willis' pinup

above: New!  Left: HiRes!  Right: MedRes!    below: HiRes! 3D graphics from Mark Miller

above: MedRes! Czeská Kbely Aviation Museum near Prague

above: NEW! NoHigher! Ladies:  Left: Steampunk make this for Rashida so badly  Right: facebook
above: NEW! NoHigher! Mud in Your Eye- by James Dietz It depicts the pilot of a crashed Sopwith Camel from the American 148th Squadron being attended to by Allied troops. - Sár a szemében - James Dietz. Az ábrázolja egy összeomlott Sopwith Camel pilótáját az amerikai 148. századból, amelyen a szövetséges csapatok vesznek részt.

above: NoHigher! French Biplan de chasse Nieuport 24 bis (1917/18)

above: NEW! MedRes! Nieuport 24 papermodel layout    

above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Nieuport 3D  by: MWM

above: NEW! NoHigher! Nieuport 17 cutaway Pinterest   belowNieuport reconstruction HiResBig!

above: NoHigher! Nieuport  24 Test-Flight     below: NEW+! MedRes! Nieuport "Betty"
above: NEW! NoHigher! American Pin-Up Girls  by: Studio Twelve  source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Sopwith Camel fights to Fokker D.VII

 NEW+! above Two: HiRes!  Sopwith fighters    below: MedRes! National Space & Aviation Museum Washington Smithsonian Institution: Sopwith   source:

above: NEW! HiRes! In Aviation Museum: Photo by: Marcel Mühlestein Photography: source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Steamgirl pilot by:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bácsi artworks by 'Air Art Graphics': part section of HuAF poster I. 2005.  source: AAG
above: NEW! NoHigher! Albatros DV.A

NoHigherabove: NEW! Alba         below: NEW! Pursuit - Üldözés

above four: new! MedRes!
 above & below: New!: D.V.A 'Albatros' original photos

above: NEW! HiRes! Albatros D. V. 3D  by: MWM
above: MedRes! Germany Albatros D.Va  by: MWM     belowMedRes! Juci'bacsi's scanned Pic from his collection: AIRFIX scale 1:72
above: AIRFIX assembly instruction 1969 Budapest, Deák-tér "Hobby" Bolt ("Anker-ház")
above: NEW! Young Juci'bacsi's maquettes vitrine with D.Va. NoHigher
above: New! Hungarian buy   Revell scale 1:72
above: NEW! MedRes! Albatros: Another Sky by Alexandr Novitskiy 1500px x 5552px  pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! Albatros: Eduard Ritter von Schleich   source: Pinterest
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: A Hadimúzeum 1937-ben nyílt kiállításának részlete
NEWabove: Juci'bácsi's 3D profile artwork HuAF types, size A3 for HuAF - Veszprém HQ  2005.  belowNoHigher! Juci'bácsi artworks by 'Air Art Graphics': part section of HuAF A3 poster I. Courtesy FREE!  source: AAG
NEWNoHigherabove: K.u.K. profiles    below: source: Weapons and Warfare

NEW! NoHigher! above: Deursche Luftsreitkräfte Jagdgruppe Nr.8b. Albatros D.Va Eduard Ritter von Echleich "Der Schwarze Ritter", May 1918.    below: profile: Albatros-DV.A_Jasta 2 Boelcke

above: NEW! NoHigher! Albatros-D.III colorized by Richard Downs
above: NEW! NoHigher! Albatros DV.A Jasta 15 Josef  Veltjens
above: NEW! NoHigher! Albatros AIRFIX scale 1:72
above: NEW! NoHigher! Aviator on fashion-show  source: Pinterest

NEW+! Juci'bacsi's collect: Hu. book:  Szentiványi Jenő: 'Párbaj a Levegőben' 1955. Youth Publisher - Budapest-  also Coourtesy FREE!


NEW+! Juci'bacsi's collect: Hu. book:  Szentiványi Jenő: 'Párbaj a Levegőben' - 'Duel in the sky'1955.;  above: "Az égbolt lovagja" - The Knight of the sky": belowMedResLeft: "Szemet szemért"-"An eye for an eye"  Right: "A gépember" - "The machine man" (Po-2 WW-Two)  also Coourtesy FREE!

above: NEW! NoHigher! Pfalz D.III Jasta 1917.
above: NEW! NoHigher! 1917-18 Pfalz D.III. Luftstreitkrafte (Jagdstaffein) Fighter. Engine: Mercedes D.IIIa 6 cyl water cooled in-line piston engine (180 hp). Armament: 2 x 7.92 mm LMG 08/15 Spandau machine guns. Max Speed: 102.5 mph - BFD
above: NEW! MedRes! Fokker 'Eindecker' E.III  source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Fokker E.II "Eindecker" by: Czech 'Eduard'
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped!) Fokker "Eindecker"  source: Plastic Invasion/facebook

abovenew! Fokker Dr.I source: below: NEWLeftMedResRightSmallLowres!
above: NEW! MedRes! Fokker VII
NEW! NoHigher! German  above: Fokker VI.   below: Fokker D.VII  "Nickhen IV"
above: NEW! NoHigher! Fokker D.VII Stephen Lawson
above: NEW! HiRes! Fokker C.IV cutaway & three view
above: NEW! HiRes! The Fokker DR.1 Dreidecker, which is flying today, is reminiscent of the old past, WWI - A még régebbi múltat, az első világháborút idézi a napjainkban repülő Fokker DR.1 Dreidecker  photo: Mr. Kővári "Stonefort" László  source:
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: K.u.K. Fokker Dr.I 9 hengeres 'Oberursel' csillagmotor 110 lóe-185 km/ó  source:  via: facebook/Tóth Zoltán
above: NEW! HiRes! Fokker Dr.I cutaway drawing key Spanish text: by: AVIAGRAPHICA scan by: Rubén Andrés Martínez  source:  Argentina   below: NEW! NoHigher! Dr.I  3D graphic by: Griff Wason

above: NEW! HiRes! Angyal László Samuel Angel's photo: at Luftfahrt und Technik Museumspark

above: NEW! MedRes! WW One English fighter cockpit

above: NEW! MedRes! Gauges/Instruments - Kijelző Műszerek
above: NEW pic! HiRes! Wrist Aero Altimeter

above: NEW! NoHigher! WW-one style ZENITH Montre D'Aeronef  Type 20 GMT 'Pilot' watch on hands.

above: NEW! NoHigher! (wide Crop!) Camila Morrone in 'Vogue' magazine Spain september-2019

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Bell & Ross Heritage automatic Watch   Right: MedRes! Wright brothers legacy.  The English BREMONT Wright Flyer.

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! WW-I. style USA design Ingersoll ®  since 1892. Cronograph Limited Edition Sapphire Collection    Right: MedRes! Zeppelin Made in German 100 Jahre

above: NEW! NoHigher! Baroness '#Sopwith-Camel' #fighter fashion suit for '#Halloween'#party - Szopvit Camel - 'Kamel-Szopvit' Bárónő bárnős vadászcucca 'Hellovín' bulira

above: NEWNoHigher! Junkers F.13 Swiss Made IWC Schaffhausen pilot watch

aboveNEWNoHigher! Hungarian "Victoria's Secret" world famous topmodel, Miss Mihalik Enikő  in couture fashioned haube.A model presents a creation by French fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier for Hermès odt. Paris.  source: Google
Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography team Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.  ...

Jean-Paul Gaultier (French: [ʒɑ̃ pɔl ɡotje]; born 24 April 1952) is a French haute couture and prêt-à-porter fashion designer. He was the creative director of Hermès from 2003 to 2010. He co-presented the television series Eurotrash with Antoine de Caunes.  ...

Hermès International S.A., or simply Hermès (/ɛərˈmɛz/ (About this soundlisten); French pronunciation: ​[ɛʁmɛs]) is a French high fashion luxury goods manufacturer established in 1837. It specializes in leather, lifestyle accessories, home furnishings, perfumery, jewellery, watches and ready-to-wear. Its logo, since the 1950s, is of a Duc carriage with horse. Nadège Vanhee-Cybulski is the current creative director.  ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! Enikő Mihalik in Harper's Bazaar

above: MedRes! Engines

aboveNEW! MedRes! NoHigher! 3D WW-one Nieuport 17C artwork pic!

above: NEW! HiRes! 1920.  source: Hu. Aviator Mr. Angyal László
above: NEW! NoHigher! The master Mechaniker "Babra"
above: NEW! MedRes!  Brass memorial statue made from cartridge from the Master

above: NEWMedRes Replic Air  Toulouse France - La Ferte-Alais 2015 Hostess  below too: Photo by: Marcus Mühlestein Photography: source:

above: NEW! HiRes! Fliegermuseum Duebendorf, Lavi Harley, Swiss Air Force 2018.  photo: Marcus Mühlestein
aboveNEW 3D Nieuport 17C artwork pic!    belowNoHigher!

above: NEW! above:NoHigher! Sopwith nose        below: MedRes! 'Steampunk' style - age of Victorians Mechanic - aviatrix of  Sopwith "Camel" with her tools 'Gucci' leather handbag, so much was enough.

above: NEW! rightKatherine Stinson - June 1, 1918 - 'the flying schoolgirl', and her plane in Brooklyn after completing a flight from Chicago.
 NEWaboveNoHigher! below Two: MedRes!  Bottom One: NoHigher!  USA Washington D.C. 'Smithsonian' Institution NASM - National Air and Space Museum  source: PPS

above: NEW! NoHigher! Model presents a creation by French designer #Jean-Paul Gaultier for French fashion house #Hermès  source: Sina-English

above: NEW! NoHigher! Scenery of WW-One  photo: Andy Silvers  source:
above: NEW! HiRes! Hungary model exhibition & competiton at Mosonmagyaróvár: French Caudron G4  Escadrille C30 Reconaissance et d' Observation.  Photo: Kaszás Csaba

above: HiRes! Left: French Breguet BRE 270 A2   Right: K.u.K. Ö-2 "Albatros"

NEW+! Juci'bacsi's collect: Hu. book:  Szentiványi Jenő: 'Párbaj a Levegőben' 1955.  belowMedRes! "Molnár János hőstette" - 'Lohner' hydroplane KUK  also Coourtesy FREE!

 above: NEW! NoHigher! KUK Hansa Brandenburg B.I        below: NEW! HiRes! K.u.K. Kriegsmarine's aviation S 41 flying boat - repülőcsónak
 NEW! K.U.K. above: NoHigher! HB-D.1   below: MedRes!  Brandenburg D.I  pilot: Karl Fischer
above: NEW! NoHigher! Aviatik Berg B1

above: NEW! Left: Jar Jasnikowsi: Future Air Vehicles   Right: Robert Taylor best famous aviat painter

above: NEW! HiRes! Map of Europe 1911  London Geographical Institute

below: NEW! NoHigher! "Trianon"

above: NEW! MedRes! Hungary 1920 after Trianon

above: NEW! MedRes! #Wienna's - Bécsi declares - döntések: 1938-1945.

aboveNEW! HiRes! The basin of #Carpathia - A #Kárpát-medence = Hungary - Magyarország

Hu. langu.: TRIA-NON - Mr. Pap Gábor előadása (teljes) 2005.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Austro-Hungarian crew  source: facebook/Zrínyi kiadó 2018.aug."100 éves a Magyar Légierő" book "100 years old the Hungarian Air Force"

above: new! Juci'bacsi photo by Nikon Coolpix 2012. october 31. HiRes! WW-one Heroes' memorial in Veszprém 'Lower-city' cemetery - "Alsóvárosi" temető I. VH-s Hősi Emlékmű melyet a VMJV Önkormányzata emelt a Veszprémi Első Világháborús veszprémi katonahősök emlékének.

above: new! NoHigher! Hungarian KUK best ace: Fst.Lt. Ittebei Kiss József  fhdgy.
below: NEW! MedRes! KUK's Field Pilot Badges - Tábori Pilótajelvények

above: NEW! NoHigher! Vintage Czech crystal rhinestones in beautiful shades of seafoam pacific opal with shimmering aqua aurora teardrop dangles create these unique long earrings. - A szüreti cseh kristály strasszok a tengerfenék és csendes-óceán gyönyörű árnyalataiban, csillogó aqua aurora könnycsepp függönyökkel hozzák létre ezeket az egyedi hosszú fülbevalókat.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Book Cover: "The Red Baroness"  source:
above: NEW! NoHigherRicthoffen's Fokker "Dreidecker"

above: new! LowMedResLeft: best ace Manfred Von Ricthoffen "Red Baron" - "Vörösbáró" coloured photo   Right: German Aviator Walter Göttsch of Jasta ?   below   Whiskey
above: NEW! NoHigher! Portrait drawing of Jasta 11 pilots by Arnold Busch, July 1917
above: NEW! NoHigher! Comparison table with Spanish text: source:
above: NEW! HiRes! WW-One bibplanes Museum 2014.  source:

above: NEW! NoHigher! #WW-One "#Safari" #suits by #Ralph Lauren #fashion-designer, before #Bücker #Bü-131 '#Jungman' trainer aircraft after War in mid 1930's  source:

NEW! above: HiRes! Theatrical release poster of the 'Hell's Angels' (1930)     below: NoHigherJean Harlow and Ben Lyon in Hell's Angels - Pokol Angyalai   source: Wikipedia

Hell's Angels (film) is a 1930 pre-Code independently made American epic aviation war film, directed and produced by Howard Hughes, that stars Ben Lyon, James Hall, and Jean Harlow. The film, which was written by Harry Behn and Howard Estabrook, was released by United Artists. Though the film was originally shot as a silent, Hughes retooled Hell's Angels over a lengthy gestation period. Most of the film is in black-and-white, but there is one color sequence, the only color footage of Harlow's career.
Controversy during the Hell's Angels production contributed to the film's notoriety, including the accidental deaths of several pilots, an inflated budget, a lawsuit against a competitor (The Dawn Patrol), and repeated postponements of the release date. Hell's Angels was one of the highest-grossing films of the early sound era, but despite this, it still failed to recover its exorbitant production costs. It is now hailed as one of the screen's first sound action films.  ...

En. text: Jean Harlow (born Harlean Harlow Carpenter; March 3, 1911 Kansas City, Missouri, U.S. – June 7, 1937) was an American film actress and sex symbol of the 1930s. Harlow was only on the screen from 1928 to 1937, before her death at the age of 26, but she became one of the biggest movie stars in the world, whose image in the public eye has endured. Often nicknamed the "Blonde Bombshell" and the "Platinum Blonde", she was popular for her "Laughing Vamp" movie persona.  ...

Hu. text: Jean Harlow (Kansas City, Missouri, 1911. március 3. – Los Angeles, Kalifornia, 1937. június 7.) amerikai színésznő, az 1930-as évek egyik legnagyobb szexszimbóluma.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Clarke and Roy Wilson flying an Fokker S.E.5A (front) and a Fokker D.VII (back) in the movie Hell's Angels.  source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! Scene-schnitt from movie-film "Flyboys"  source: Mr. Angyal László
above: NEW! HiRes! Fokker  photo & source: Hu. AVIATOR Mr. Angyal László

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