#Famous #Fighter-Pilots, #aces - #Híres #Vadászpilóták, #ászok & #Helmets, High-Alt and #G-suits - #Sisakok és Magassági és #G-ruhák (Wikipedia)
Refreshed! up to-133% -12.02.2019.-Regulated:+++++++++++++++++++++++:++++++:++:+++
above: NEW! NoHigher! Modernised 'Fulcrum' pilot source: facebook
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Hornet' pilot and His future Wife - Menyasszonya source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Modernised 'Fulcrum' pilot source: facebook
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Hornet' pilot and His future Wife - Menyasszonya source: Pinterest.com
231.) Marine style fashion clothes & wears - Tengerészeti stílusú divatruhák és viseletek - Sailor & Captain Women: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/03/231-marine-style-fashion-clothes-wears.html

above: New! MedRes! WP - Serbian MiG-21bis Fighter Pilot. source: facebook
above & below: NEW pic: Juci'bacsi's scanned collection about Recrutation book of Hu. Military Higher Schools Szolnok KGyRMF Chair of Avionics (EMO) left: Kiss László student (former An-26 pilot) fitting practice to the Soviet GSh-4MS high altitude Helmet used between 1961 and 1967 by MiG pilots. - below: Juci'bacsi's photo HiRes Big! in Taszár Militay Aviation Museum 2012.
above: NEW pic: Badge of KGyRMF (WP term) - Szolnok
below: New Pics! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's repro slide/diafilms 24 x 36 ORWO /FORTE framed (Sorry! little bit dusty!) collection from early 1980s repro digi photos about Warsaw Pact fighter pilots; Top Left: GDR-NVA MiG-21 GSh-6, Right: Polish MiG-21 ZSh-3 from "Skrizidlata Polska" magazin, - Bottom Left: NVA MiG-21 in ZSh-3, Right: Soviet MiG-21 ZSh-3 helmet from Soviet issued book. (also Free!!)
NEW! also this collection: Top: ZSh-5 MiG-21 from "GDR-NVA "Armee Rundschau" Lower: Left: GSh-6 in Soviet VVS Sukhoi Su-7B: "Aviaciya Kosmonavtika" VVS' magazine, Right: ZSh-3 Aero L-39 "Albatros" from: Polish "Skrizidlata Polska" magazine.
above: NEW+! NoHigher! In Memoriam ret. eng. Flt. Gen.Maj. Magyari Béla ny. mk. rep. vőrgy. Első Magyar Űrrepülés tartaléka. - The Reservist of First Spaceman's for 'Soyuz' on Baykonur

above: NEW pic: Badge of KGyRMF (WP term) - Szolnok
below: New Pics! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's repro slide/diafilms 24 x 36 ORWO /FORTE framed (Sorry! little bit dusty!) collection from early 1980s repro digi photos about Warsaw Pact fighter pilots; Top Left: GDR-NVA MiG-21 GSh-6, Right: Polish MiG-21 ZSh-3 from "Skrizidlata Polska" magazin, - Bottom Left: NVA MiG-21 in ZSh-3, Right: Soviet MiG-21 ZSh-3 helmet from Soviet issued book. (also Free!!)
NEW! also this collection: Top: ZSh-5 MiG-21 from "GDR-NVA "Armee Rundschau" Lower: Left: GSh-6 in Soviet VVS Sukhoi Su-7B: "Aviaciya Kosmonavtika" VVS' magazine, Right: ZSh-3 Aero L-39 "Albatros" from: Polish "Skrizidlata Polska" magazine.
above: NEW+! NoHigher! In Memoriam ret. eng. Flt. Gen.Maj. Magyari Béla ny. mk. rep. vőrgy. Első Magyar Űrrepülés tartaléka. - The Reservist of First Spaceman's for 'Soyuz' on Baykonur
En. text: Béla Magyari (8 August 1949 – 23 April 2018) was Colonel of the Hungarian Air Force. He graduated from the György Kilián Air Force Academy in 1969.
Born in Kiskunfélegyháza, he was selected as backup for Bertalan Farkas (the first Hungarian cosmonaut who later flew to space) on Soyuz 36, but he himself never flew. He graduated from the Budapest Technical University in 1986. He spent his active career as an aeronautical engineer and pilot. He was also President of the Hungarian Astronautical Society and worked for the Hungarian Space Office. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9la_Magyari
Hu. text: Magyari Béla (Kiskunfélegyháza, 1949. augusztus 8. – 2018. április 23.) magyar űrhajós, a Szojuz–36 űrhajó tartalékszemélyzetének tagja.
1967–1969-ben a magyar, 1970–1971-ben a szovjet repülőműszaki főiskola növendéke volt. 1972-től a magyar légierő repülőtisztje. 1977-től I. osztályú vadászrepülő. A Szovjetunió által vezetett Interkozmosz együttműködés lehetővé tette, hogy a tagországok egy-egy képviselője is eljusson a világűrbe. A magyar űrhajósjelölteket 1977 májusától kezdték kiválogatni a vadászpilóták közül Kecskeméten a Repülőorvosi Kutató és Vizsgáló Intézetben. A vizsgálatok eredményeképpen négy pilótát választottak ki, akik közül ketten (Farkas Bertalan és Magyari Béla) a Gagarin Űrhajóskiképző Központban végezték a további felkészülést szovjet kollégáikkal együtt 1978–80-ig.
Farkas Bertalan űrhajóstársa és parancsnoka Valerij Nyikolajevics Kubaszov, Magyari Béláé Vlagyimir Dzsanyibekov volt. Mindkét magyar kiváló eredménnyel végezte el a kiképzést, a jelöltek közül a magyar kormány választotta ki Farkas Bertalant a Szojuz–36 űrhajóval való űrrepülésre, Magyari Béla pedig végig készen állt a helyettesítésére. ...
above: NEW! Soviet Naval fighter pilots in ZSh-5 helmet. Right: Yak-38 "Forger"
above: NEW! Juci'bacsi's slide repro coll.: NVA MiG-21 pilot in ZSh-3
above: NEW! HiRes! former Yugoslavian Glasnik-RV BPVO fighter pilots in ZSh-3
above: NEW! Juci'bacsi slide coll.: Soviet Naval fighters with Yakovlev Jak-38 on "Kiew"
above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet-Warsaw Pact: Survival Vest - Mentőmellény
above: NEW+! Juci'bacsi's ORWO Dia/Slide Repro copy DDR VEB PENTACON 'Praktica' FX.2 collect from late1970's: DDR 'Flieger Revue' & 'DDR NVA's 'Armee Rundschau'; at Hu. MoD Military Science Library of Institute & Museum of Military History in Budapest in Budaer castle - HM HIM Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum Hadtudományi Könyvtár, (Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds. könyvtárvezető OI.M.) I. ker. Kapisztrán-tér - square 2-4.: Left: MedRes! DDR NVA's LW Fighter-Bomber Su-7B "Fitter" Right: MedRes! Aero L-39 'Albatros'
above: NEW++! HiRes! Russian supersonic helmets in Germany Finow museum of former GSSD Soviet Air Base in DDR. photo: Kizmus Szabolcs had.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Air Art Grafika - Juci'bacsi's develpoed HUAF Pilot Golden Wing.
above: NEW! NoHigher! in HuAF HQ ret.Col. Babos József ezds. golden wing 1st class MiG-21 Fighter Pilot and Head of Training division - AK. 1.o. vadászpilóta .- rgv. Kik. ov. early 2000's
NEW! MedRes! above: Babos József from left 2nd, beside MiG-15 below: MN 47. vre.e. - 47th TFW Pápa AFB Babos J. lefthand in middle from left 4th Lt. Col./Col. Dr. Mészáros Gyula alez./ezds. utoljára ZMKA Rre-Lé. tanszékvezető Egyetemi tanár - Zrínyi Miklós univ. prof. Defence College -Budapest, chairman of Avn-AD chair.
above: NEW! Hungarian MiG-21 pilot in ZSh-3 & KM-32 source: www.facebook.com collection: Kapcsándi Sándor gyűjteményéből. Right: MLE MiG-23MF pilot Horváth Miklós
above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet La-5 slemafon under ZSh-3 helmet
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu.AF - MLE: Taszár AFB 101. indep.Recce-sqn.- 101.ö.fre.szd. Szu-22M3 flt.cmdr. Maj. Racskó Mihály őrgy r.pk. source: facebook: Hűen a hazához, ..., Buci'bá kép
above: Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: NEW! NoHigher! From Hu. 'Tükör' - Mirror magazin 1970's "Mirror-Flight": photoartist Féner Tamás fotóművész about HuAF's (MLE of HPA - WP): Col. Szepessy József ezds. (In Memoriam) cmdr. of MN 59th Air Defense Fighter Regiment - Ho. vre.e. pk. MiG-21PF pilot in ZSh-3 helmet at Kecskemét AFB LHKE. Remark: Unfortunately I did'nt find the other sheet with other photos. - Sajnos nem találom a másik lapot.
above: NEW! photoartist Féner Tamás fotóművész on Exhibition of "TopiDoc": Aviation-Photoartist Aviatik-Surgeon doct. Lt.Col. Dr. Toperczer "Topidoc" István orv. alez. repülő és sebészorvos kiállítása Pákozd KEMPP (Katonai Emlékpark Pákozd) HTBK Szfv. sz. szervezésében www.kempp.hu 2015. március 07-n 11:00-kor www.topidoc.hu His great photo about HuAF's An-26
above: NEW! NoHigher! Lt.Col. Doma "Bömbi" Sándor alez. before departure source: facebook
above: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collectfrom Magyar Honvéd magazine 1990's: MH 31. Hc.Re.E. 31st TFW Hu.AFB Taszár: "Sky Hussars" MiG-21 demo team: "Csücsör, Bömbi, Schweppes": 1st LT. Körömi József fhdgy./alez., Lt.Col. Doma Sándor alez., Capt. Pál István szds.
above: NEW! HiRes! HuAF MH.47th TFW Pápa mid 1990's: left: cmdr. Col. Pető "Pinyó" István ezds. - dd.tbk. and dept.cmdr. Lt.Col. Nagy "Hiéna" Ernő alez. ZSh-Zs-5 helmets - sisakok back: Ural-375 APA-5 Electric Supply Starter Vehicle and MiG-21bis. source: facebook/Horváth "Buci" István: "Hűen az Eskühöz, hűen a zászlóhoz, hűen a hazához" csoport - groupsite

above: NEW! HiRes! Left: "Schweppes" and MiG-Mates on Taszár AFB 32 TFW source: facebook/Akik nélkül nem lehetett volna Magyar katonai repülés/Bárdi László
above: NEW+! MedRes! GW. 1st. class MiG-21/29 Fighterpilot Gen.Maj. Sági "Zsiga" János CoS of HuAF Veszprém HQ LEVkf. & Brig.Gen. Pető "Pinyó" István dd.tbk. - A fotó: German István archivumából való source: facebook/Bárdi László/Akik nélkül nem lehetett volna Magyar katonai repülésabove: NEW! HiRes! HuAF MH.47th TFW Pápa mid 1990's: left: cmdr. Col. Pető "Pinyó" István ezds. - dd.tbk. and dept.cmdr. Lt.Col. Nagy "Hiéna" Ernő alez. ZSh-Zs-5 helmets - sisakok back: Ural-375 APA-5 Electric Supply Starter Vehicle and MiG-21bis. source: facebook/Horváth "Buci" István: "Hűen az Eskühöz, hűen a zászlóhoz, hűen a hazához" csoport - groupsite

above: NEW+! MedRes! From Left: former Pápa cmdr. Brig.Gen. Pető "Pinyó" István rep.dd.tbk., current cmdr. I.M. flt.Col. Lanecker József rep.ezds. MH 47 pk. and Lt.Col. Samu István alez. with ZSh-5 & KM-1 fb.
above: NEW+! HiRes! HuAF's MiG-21UM MH 47th TFW LHPA: Lt. Cols Samu István , Gyula, Bocsi Józsi alez-ek Photo: Flt. Col. testpilot Gál "Guruncs" István rep.ezds. berep.pil. (ma MVRSz elnök) source: facebook/Bárdi László/Akik nélkül nem lehetett volna magyar katonai repülés
below: NEW! NoHigher! First Soviet GSh-4MS High Altitude Helmet 1950s
ГШ-4 МС - первый советский высотный шлем
серийного производства 50-х годов.
above: NEW! MedRes! Sovetskoe Photo source: www.kharek.com / Index.hu
above: NEW! MedRes! Sovetskoe Photo source: www.kharek.com / Index.hu

above: Left: HiResBig! Soviet Air Force-VVS c1960 GSh-4MO High Altitude Helmet - Magassági sisak.
below: NEW! Right: MedRes!
Soviet Air Force, c1960, GSh-4MO Helmet and Partial
Pressure Suit (VKK-6M). Supposed to have been worn by a MIG-17 jet fighter
pilot, this helmet consists of a white shell, removeable clear visor and sun
visor. The communications gear (earphones and microphone) and oxygen hose are
attached to the clear visor. There is some rubber deteoration, but the olive
cloth skirt and cables are intact. The olive green partial pressure suit is in
excellent overall condition with the pilots name written on a wrist label.
An attractive addition for any collection Estimated Value
$750 - 1,000.

above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet made GSh-6 High pressure High Altitude helmet
below: NEW! HiMedRes! USAF pilots in 1950s; Left: North American F-100 "Super Sabre" in NACA instute of aerodinamics research. Right: Lockheed U-2 recce pilot in High Alt suit.
Following the war, the Cold War caused continued funding of aviation development, which included high altitude, high speed research such as NACA's X-1. James Henry of the University of Southern California devised a partial pressure suit using an oxygen mask to provide pressurised oxygen, with gas pressure also inflating rubber tubes called capstans to tighten the suit and provide sufficient mechanical counterpressure to just balance the breathing pressure necessary to prevent hypoxia at a particular altitude. The David Clark Company supplied technical support and resources, and a prototype suit was tested to a simulated 90,000 feet at Wright Field in 1946. Henry's design was subsequently developed by the David Clark Company into the S-1 and T-1 flight suit used by X-1 pilots. The X-1 was succeeded by the Douglas Skyrocket, whose objective was to exceed Mach 2, and an improved pressure suit was required. David Clark won the contract in 1951 with their first full pressure suit, the Model 4 Full Pressure Suit; it was first flown in 1953 by USMC aviator Marion E. Carl who became the first US military aviator to wear a full pressure suit, at the same time setting an unofficial worlds altitude record in the Skyrocket.
above: NEW! Captain William L.
Hickey, USAF, pilot of a Convair B-36 "Peacemaker" very long-range heavy bomber
during Operation Teapot, 1955. Captain Hickey is wearing a David Clark Co. S-2
capstan-type partial-pressure suit and K-1 helmet for protection at high
altitude. (U.S. Air Force via Jet Pilot Overseas) http://www.thisdayinaviation.com/6-april-1955/
A pressure suit is a protective
suit worn by high-altitude pilots who may fly at altitudes where the air
pressure is too low for an unprotected person to survive, even breathing
pure oxygen at positive pressure. Such suits may be either full-pressure
(i.e. a space
suit) or partial-pressure (as used by aircrew).
Partial-pressure suits work by providing mechanical counter-pressure to assist
breathing at altitude. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_suit
below: NEW! GFR Luftwaffe pilot poster "Wir sichern die Freiheit" - Die Bundeswehr stellt freiwillige ein! Right: NEW! MedRes! and "His wife is waiting at home".

above: New! Czechoslowakien Zlin Z-326 "Trener" retro advert - before pilot-emancipation with Czechoslovakien 'Jawa-250' motorbike.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's scanned original photo: in WW-Two RHAF's (Royal Hungarian Air Force) MKHL (Magyar Királyi Honvéd Légierő) Junkers Ju-87 "Stuka" ('Sturzkampflugzeuge') and bomber pilot in leather suit:
from MVRSZ - VREVE ( Hungarian Veterany Aviators Association's - Association of Veteran Aviators & Parashutes at Veszprém) family collection of ret.Lt.Col. Zoltan Balogh former HHDF 87th BCHR's (LHSA) Boss of Fuel Service - A Magyar Veterán Repülők Szövetségének - Veterán Repülők és Ejtőernyősök Veszprémi Egyesülete) sajnos már az óta elhunyt tagjának; In Memoriam Balogh Zoltán nyá. alez. (81) volt MH 87. BHHE (Szentkirályszabadja) Anyagi Technikai Főnökég - Üzemanyag Szogálat Főnökének családi hagyatékából eredeti fénykép az Édesapjáról amit PS kijavításra kaptam.

Re.2000, P-35: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/03/reggiane-caproni-re2000-falco-seversky.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Crop!) Fighter ace photo: Leslie Angyal László AVIATOR source: facebook https://www.facebook.com/photos/a.1064814
above: NEW! NoHigher! RAF Fighter Pilot during 'Air battle of English' -'Angliai Légicsata' Churchill sad: "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" - "Még soha nem köszönhettünk ennyit ilyen keveseknek." source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! HiRes! AVIATOR Leslie Angel - Angyal László photo: WW-Two tradition keeper RAF Polish squadron's Hawker 'Hurricane' Fighter-Pilot in cockpit on Góraszka airfield in Poland source: facebook/Angyal László/Wavy Horizon
Invitation to Exhibition - Kiállításra Meghívó & aviation Book - Könyv promotions: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/konyv-ajanlo-books-promotion-soviet-air.html
above: NEW++! HiRes! Fighter pilot leather helmet and accessories on Royal Navy FG-1D Corsair. source: Hungarian Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
above: NEW! HiRes! A series of photographs taken on the set of 303 Squadron The Film. #Battle of Britain #Hawker 'Hurricane' #WWII Photo credits: JB Aviation source: Angyal László/facebook
above: NEW! MedRes! Polish Fighters in RAF's Polish squadron with Hawker 'Hurricane'
"Dywizjon 303" - premiera na 100-lecie odzyskania niepodległości, 100-lecie polskiego lotnictwa i 100-lecie brytyjskiego RAFU!
Angelika Jarosławska 08-26-2017 ostatnia aktualizacja 08-25-2017, 16:17
Kręcony obecnie „Dywizjon 303” będzie miał swą premierę na 100-lecie odzyskania niepodległości, 100-lecie polskiego lotnictwa i 100-lecie brytyjskiego RAFU! "Dywizjon 303” to pierwszy od 77 lat film o Polakach walczących w bitwie o Anglię. Dotąd nikt jeszcze nie pokazał historii skoncentrowanej na losach polskiego oddziału, który strącił rekordową liczbę niemieckich maszyn.

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! P-51B "Mustang" pilot 'Fineart America'. Right: Over the canal GLW movie star John Wayne.

above: NEW! USAAF Left: England, circa 1945 Ace American pilot Lieutenant Colonel Francis S. Gabreski poses in a cockpit. The flags refer to the 28 enemy planes. Right: HiRes! Portrait of an American fighter pilot Francis “Gabby” Gabreski. He flew P-40 fighters, “Spitfire” and P-47. Altogether during the war shot down 28 German planes. Later, during the Korean War, won 6 more personal and a group victory.
Hu. Bányiczki Zoli'sas Google Collectionyja, G-Suitos-Ruhákról és & Pin-Up Girlsekről:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Pilot of the Fleet Air Arm, Royal Navy with his 'Hellcat' fighter. Far East, 1945. source: Pinterest.com

above: NEW! NoHigher! USN Vraciul Grumman F6F "Hellcat" ace

Hu. text: Elnök pilóták, pilóta elnökök: stonefort2 2018. augusztus 29., szerda 08:47 |
Az Egyesült Államok egymást követő legfőbb közjogi méltóságai, az elnökök között az utóbbi évtizedekben több olyan is akadt, akik mögött nem csak komoly politikai, hanem repülő múlt is volt. Természetesen nem ezen múlik, hogy valaki politikusként milyen eredményes vagy éppen eredménytelen munkát végez, de a katonai szolgálat, különösen háborús körülmények között olyan tapasztalatokkal gazdagítja az emberek személyiségét, aminek legfőbb vezetőként is hasznát veheti.
A cikkem aktualitását az adja, hogy a napokban elhunyt és hajdan az elnökjelöltségig jutó John McCain republikánus szenátornak, minden eddigi elnöknél jelentősebb repülős múltja volt. ...
Jetplanes Blog's article Hu. text: George H W Bush (1989-1993 között az USA első embere) felnőtt életét rögtön pilótaként kezdte. 1942 júniusában amint betöltötte 18-ik évét azonnal jelentkezett a haditengerészetnél, ahol Corpus Christie-ben tíz hónapos kiképzést kapott. Ezt követően a VT-51 torpedóbombázó század állományába került légi fotósként, majd később átképezték pilótának.
Az USS San Jacinto repülőgép hordozó fedélzetére telepített egysége 1944-ben részt vett a Marcus és Wake-szigetek japán uralom alóli felszabadításában, valamint több más jelentős tengerészeti és légi összecsapásban. Egy alkalommal Bush a vízre hajtott végre kényszerleszállást Avenger gépével, amit a személyzet szerencsésen túlélt. Szeptember 2-án négy géppel támadták a japánokat Chichi Jima szigetén, ami közben Bush gépének motorja találatot kapott és kigyulladt.
A támadásból ennek ellenére nem vált ki, bombáit a kiszemelt célra dobta, majd az egyre nehezebben vezethető géppel kifordult a tenger fölé. Sikerült annyi magasságot gyűjteni, hogy ejtőernyővel kiugorhasson a személyzet, de csak a pilóta maradt életben, négy órával később mentette ki az USS Finback tengeralattjáró. Mivel a hajó feladata a további esetleges pilóta mentés maradt, Bush csak novemberben kerülhetett vissza az alakulatához. Az USS San Jacinto pilótáinak fele odaveszett, amit követően Guamra vezényelték pihenőre az állomány valamint a készletek feltöltésére. Bush 58 bevetést teljesített, ami után megvált a haditengerészettől, és előbb az üzleti, majd a politikai életben is kipróbálta képességeit.
Kortársa Gerald Ford (elnök 1974-1977 között) a második világháború idején ugyancsak repülőgép hordozón szolgált, de csak „földi” beosztásban, az USS Monterey navigációs tisztjeként, majd az egyik légvédelmi üteg munkáját irányította. ...

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Right: MedRes! Gorge H.W. #Bush US president in TBF source: Wikipedia
Bush in his TBM aboard San Jacinto in 1944.: World War II: The United States formally entered World War II in December 1941, following Japan's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Six months later, Bush enlisted into the U.S. Navy immediately after he graduated from Phillips Academy on his eighteenth birthday. He became a naval aviator, taking training for aircraft carrier operations aboard USS Sable. After completing the 10-month course, he was commissioned as an ensign in the United States Naval Reserve at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi on June 9, 1943 (just three days before his 19th birthday), which made him the youngest naval aviator to that date.
In September 1943, he was assigned to Torpedo Squadron 51 (VT-51) as the photographic officer. The following year, his squadron was based in USS San Jacinto as a member of Air Group 51, where his lanky physique earned him the nickname "Skin". During this time, the task force was victorious in one of the largest air battles of World War II: the Battle of the Philippine Sea.
After Bush's promotion to lieutenant (junior grade) on August 1, 1944, San Jacinto commenced operations against the Japanese in the Bonin Islands. Bush piloted one of four Grumman TBM Avengers of VT-51 that attacked the Japanese installations on Chichijima. His crew for the mission, which occurred on September 2, 1944, included Radioman Second Class John Delaney and Lt.(jg) William White. During their attack, the Avengers encountered intense anti-a fire; Bush's aircraft was hit by flak and his engine caught fire. Despite the fire in his aircraft, Bush completed his attack and released bombs over his target, scoring several damaging hits. With his engine ablaze, Bush flew several miles from the island, where he and one other crew member of the TBM bailed out; the other man's parachute did not open. Bush waited for four hours in an inflated raft, while several fighters circled protectively overhead, until he was rescued by the submarine USS Finback, on lifeguard duty. For the next month, he remained in Finback and participated in the rescue of other aviators. Several of those shot down during the attack were executed, and their livers were eaten by their captors. This experience shaped Bush profoundly, leading him to ask, "Why had I been spared and what did God have for me?"
In November 1944, Bush returned to San Jacinto and participated in operations in the Philippines until his squadron was replaced and sent home to the United States. Through 1944, he flew 58 combat missions for which he received the Distinguished Flying Cross, three Air Medals, and the Presidential Unit Citation awarded to San Jacinto. Bush was then reassigned to a training wing for torpedo bomber crews at Norfolk Navy Base, Virginia. His final assignment was to a new torpedo squadron, VT-153, based at Naval Air Station Grosse Ile, Michigan. Bush was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy in September 1945, one month after the surrender of Japan. ... Wikipedia
George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States from 1989 to 1993. Prior to assuming the presidency, Bush served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. A member of the Republican Party, he had previously been a Congressman, Ambassador and Director of Central Intelligence. During his career in public service, he was known simply as George Bush; since 2001, he has often been referred to as "George H. W. Bush", "Bush 41", or "George Bush Senior" in order to distinguish him from his eldest son, George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States. He is the nation's oldest living president and vice president, as well as the longest-lived president in history. ...
Combat Aircraft's door & hatches: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2017/10/204-military-fighting-aircrafts-doors.html
above: NEW! HiRes! Palm Spring Ca. Aviation Museum 2015. photo: Hu. AVIATOR Mr. Leslie Angyal "Angel" László
above: NEW! NoHigher! Colorized photo: RAF Supermarine "Spitfire" Mk.2: Stanisław Skalski DSO, DFC and two Bars (27 November 1915 – 12 November 2004) was a Polish fighter ace of the Polish Air Force in World War II, later rising to the rank of Generał Brygady. Stanisław Skalski was the top Polish fighter ace of WW II and the first Allied fighter ace of the war, credited, according to official list, with 18 11/12 victories and two probable. Some sources, including Skalski himself, give a number of 22+ victories.(Colorised by Tomek Iwanowski from Poland) source: www.pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Portrait of an Luftwaffe pilot by Hans Liska 1941.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Oil painting - Hungarian avia artist Masher Róbert: Crew's breefing of B-17 "Memphis Belle"
above: NEW! USAAF: NoHigher! Boeing B-17 "Flying Fortress' forward crew inboarding.
above: NEW! NoHigher! B-17 commander before departure. Watch advert.
above: NEW! MedRes! In the B-17's nose of an 8th AF navigator charts and EA-6B disc analogue computer the course to a German Industrial target. www.historylink101.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Martin B-26 "Marauder" USAAF bomber pilot. source: Pinterest LIFE
above: B-26 crew's check
Norden bombsight: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/search/label/Norden
above: NEW! HiRes! Retro "Panchito"s crew suit variants: USAAF North American B-25J "Mitchell" source: Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczky Zoltán
above: NEW! HiRes! Retro "Panchito"s crew suit variants: USAAF North American B-25J "Mitchell" source: Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczky Zoltán
above: NEW! NoHigher! Award of success pilot behind the North American AT-6 "Texan"

above: NEW! HiRes! Red Devil: Nathalie application for Aviators' approaching action on N.A. AT-6 'Texan'. photo: Armand Rajnoch NL. source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert https://500px.com/armandrajnoch

above: NEW! HiRes! Red Devil: Nathalie application for Aviators' approaching action on N.A. AT-6 'Texan'. photo: Armand Rajnoch NL. source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert https://500px.com/armandrajnoch
Stars On 45 - Proudly Presents The Star Sisters 1983 1
below: NEW! Left: HiRes! USAAF service duty and flight leather jacket and cap. Right: NoHigher! American PFG-CSU Anti-'G' "as a new fashion style prostata potentialy growers trousers".
above: MedRes! Italian design 'Bell & Ross' Time Instrument Pilot Watches with alligator strap, for accurate start of free time with loving girfriend.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hungarian "Victoria's Secret" world famous topmodel, Miss Mihalik Enikő in couture fashioned haube.A model presents a creation by French fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier for Hermès odt. Paris.
Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography team Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enik%C5%91_Mihalik
Jean-Paul Gaultier (French: [ʒɑ̃ pɔl ɡotje]; born 24 April 1952) is a French haute couture and prêt-à-porter fashion designer. He was the creative director of Hermès from 2003 to 2010. He co-presented the television series Eurotrash with Antoine de Caunes. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Paul_Gaultier
Hermès International S.A., or simply Hermès (/ɛərˈmɛz/ (About this soundlisten); French pronunciation: [ɛʁmɛs]) is a French high fashion luxury goods manufacturer established in 1837. It specializes in leather, lifestyle accessories, home furnishings, perfumery, jewellery, watches and ready-to-wear. Its logo, since the 1950s, is of a Duc carriage with horse. Nadège Vanhee-Cybulski is the current creative director. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herm%C3%A8s
above: NEW! HiRes! Time for a chat by NA P-51D Mustang Ferocious Franky source: Google album: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Hun. collector
above: new! back: NA P-51D 'Mustang' WW-Two fighter. Left: Hu. ret. flt. Lt.Gen. id. Kositzky Attila nyá. re. altbgy. then Commander of HuAF Command - Légierő Parancsnok at Veszprém & MiG-21 pilot. Right: Word famous WW-II. 'Mustang' ace fight. pil. and Testpilot (X1): Bde. Gen. Chuck Jeager.
below: NEW! Kositzky Attila: MedRes! Left: in Zs-5 MiG-21bis Right: in USAF Fighter Pilot Helmet - HGU-55/P with MBU-20 Mask F-16

above: Juci'bacsi's scanned coll.: NEW! NoHigher! COS of HuAF - Veszprém HQ Gen.Lt. id. Kositzky "Nagyfehér" Attila rep. altbgy. MH LEVK (Légierő Vezérkat) főnök in ZSh-5 helmet and Hu. prototype aircrew's leather jacket farewell flight 1999. március 04-n with Mikoyan MiG-21bis advert of "FORTIS" pilot watch at Pápa AFB LHPA. Right profile: Gen. Maj. Urbán "Lecsó" János rep. vőrgy. also former MiG-21 pilot, head of Aviation Budapest HQ )"Kifli-ház - Crescent-house"), middle: Operateaur: Edelényi Gábor aviation videomaker from MTV-1. far back: Very Interesting! In memoriamWho photos 2014 dec. id. ret. eng. Col. Lele Béla nyá. mk. ezds. (Veszprém) fényképezőgéppel volt MH.87. BHHE MMSzF. majd ATF. source: NAPLÓ - Veszprém. - 1999.03.04-n id. Kositzky Attila rep. altbgy. MH LE-vkf ZS-5-ben búcsúrepülése MiG-21bis-el LHPA-n. J.-ra Urbán "Lecsó" János rep. vőrgy. akkor Relé. FCsf-ség Ref. (In memo!) a "Kifliházból" (Schweidel Ferenc ucca XI. ker.). Edelényi Gábor MTV-1 repülő fotóriporter. És még ami nagyon érdekes a háttérben In Memoriam (2014.dec. 82.) id. Lele Béla'bácsi nyá. mk. rep. ezds. volt MH.87. BHHE's MMSzF majd ATF és FEVKNyK elnök kezében a fényképezőgéppel. A képen nem látszik de ott volt Dr. (Ph.D.) Végh Ferenc vezds. volt Vkf. is.
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi click: Autumn of 2013. okt. 14. Budapest, Buda-castle before Hu.MoD Institute & Museum of Military History - HM HIM - Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum előtt a Budai várnegyedben, occasion of MiG-21 conference - konferencia miatt. from Left: ret.flt.Lt.Gen. older-id. Kositzky "Nagyfehér"Attila ny.rep.altbgy. "Big-white" former MiG-21fighter pilot and cmdr. of 47th TFW Pápa after cmdr.- MH 47. 'Pápa' hc.re.e.pk., HuAF HQ - Légierő Pk., ret.eng.flt.Lt.Col. Soós "Luigi" Lajos ny.mk.rep.őrgy. former Flt.Eng. on An-26 fed.mk. after 'OPEN SKY' aerial photographer expert, now president of VREVE. Right: ret.avn.Lt.Col. Árvai "Süni" István ny.rep.alez. "Hedgehog/Urchin" former Tu-2, Il-28 bombardier, Mi-1, Ka-26, Mi-2 pilot and squadron commander on Börgönd airfield - szd.pk., members Veszpremer Veterany Assoc - VREVE tagok. photo with: Soós Lajos' 'RICOH' camera
above: NoHigher! USAF Lockheed F-104 'Starfighter' Testpilot
above: NEW! MedRes! USN 1950s Lockheed P2V-5 "Neptune" pilot suit.
above: NEW! MedRes! Artisty: Bailout from McDonnell F-101 'Woodoo' in Vietnam War.

above: NEW! MedRes! Artisty: Bailout from McDonnell F-101 'Woodoo' in Vietnam War.

above Three: NEW! McDonnell Douglas F-4 "Phantom-II" Pilots & Squadron Leader/Wing cmdr.: USAF's ace Flt.Col. Robin Olds ezredes during Vietnam-war
Robin Olds (July 14, 1922 – June 14, 2007) was an American fighter pilot and general officer in the U.S. Air Force. He was a "triple ace", with a combined total of 16 victories in World War II and the Vietnam War. He retired in 1973 as a brigadier general.
The son of Army Air Forces Major General Robert Olds, educated at West Point, and the product of an upbringing in the early years of the U.S. Army Air Corps, Olds epitomized the youthful World War II fighter pilot. He remained in the service as it became the United States Air Force, despite often being at odds with its leadership, and was one of its pioneer jet pilots. Rising to the command of two fighter wings, Olds is regarded among aviation historians, and his peers, as the best wing commander of the Vietnam War, for both his air-fighting skills, and his reputation as a combat leader.
Olds was promoted to brigadier general after returning from Vietnam but did not hold another major command. The remainder of his career was spent in non-operational positions, as Commandant of Cadets at the United States Air Force Academy and as an official in the Air Force Inspector General's Office. His inability to rise higher as a general officer is attributed to both his maverick views and his penchant for drinking.
Olds had a highly publicized career and life, including marriage to Hollywood actress Ella Raines. As a young man he was also recognized for his athletic prowess in both high school and college, being named an All-American as a lineman in college football. Olds expressed his philosophy regarding fighter pilots in the quote: "There are pilots and there are pilots; with the good ones, it is inborn. You can't teach it. If you are a fighter pilot, you have to be willing to take risks." ...

above: Juci'bacsi' scan coll: Left: MedRes! Polish "Skrizidlata Polska" Right: MedRes! ItAF (Aeronautica Militare; AM) pilot below: US NAVY North American T-2 "Buckeye" pilot in "G" suit & APH helmet.
below: Custom fit APH-6 and APH-6E or based on DH-151 shell
In the early 1970s a number of US NAVY pilots start to be equipped with custom fitted helmets based on APH-6s shell or DH-151 shell sometimes modified on squadron level basis. At the beginning the form fit were procured by the users directly from commercial sources like the Protection Inc. and Sierra. These helmets were normally updated with more confortable foam liner and new edgeroll. Some of the US NAVY APH-6 single visor have been custom fitted using the USAF HGU-2A/P custom fit form. These APH-6 custom fitted with USAF form fit take the designation of APH-6E. In these helmets the hole previously required by the old butterfly clips is filled and new cast aluminum oxygen mask receivers of the same type as seen on USAF HGU-2A/P are installed. These helmets, whose can be considered a "transitional" customized models between the APH-6 series of the 60s and the new HGUs series of the 80s, were utilized with the standard USN MS22001 oxygen mask as well as in some cases also with modified version of USAF MBU-5/P. http://www.salimbeti.com/aviation/helmets3.htm
above: NEW! Juci'bacsi's slide repro coll. 1980s: USAF pilot
below: NEW! MedRes! Left: USAF General Dinamics F-16 "Fighting Falcon" pilot in 'Gentex' helmet. Right: US NAVY "Blue Angels" Northrop/McDouglas/Boeing F-18 "Hornet" demo pilot in APH-6.

above: NEW! MedRes! Left: HGU-55/P USAF Right: APH-6 US NAVY/Marines-USMC helmet ( pic of the US Navy's "Blue Angels" demo group Northrop/McDonnell Douglas/Boeing F/A-18 "Hornet"
Custom fit APH-6 and APH-6E or based on DH-151 shell
In the early 1970s a number of US NAVY pilots start to be equipped with custom fitted helmets based on APH-6s shell or DH-151 shell sometimes modified on squadron level basis. At the beginning the form fit were procured by the users directly from commercial sources like the Protection Inc. and Sierra. These helmets were normally updated with more confortable foam liner and new edgeroll. Some of the US NAVY APH-6 single visor have been custom fitted using the USAF HGU-2A/P custom fit form. These APH-6 custom fitted with USAF form fit take the designation of APH-6E. In these helmets the hole previously required by the old butterfly clips is filled and new cast aluminum oxygen mask receivers of the same type as seen on USAF HGU-2A/P are installed. - These helmets, whose can be considered a "transitional" customized models between the APH-6 series of the 60s and the new HGUs series of the 80s, were utilized with the standard USN MS22001 oxygen mask as well as in some cases also with modified version of USAF MBU-5/P.
In the early 1970s a number of US NAVY pilots start to be equipped with custom fitted helmets based on APH-6s shell or DH-151 shell sometimes modified on squadron level basis. At the beginning the form fit were procured by the users directly from commercial sources like the Protection Inc. and Sierra. These helmets were normally updated with more confortable foam liner and new edgeroll. Some of the US NAVY APH-6 single visor have been custom fitted using the USAF HGU-2A/P custom fit form. These APH-6 custom fitted with USAF form fit take the designation of APH-6E. In these helmets the hole previously required by the old butterfly clips is filled and new cast aluminum oxygen mask receivers of the same type as seen on USAF HGU-2A/P are installed. - These helmets, whose can be considered a "transitional" customized models between the APH-6 series of the 60s and the new HGUs series of the 80s, were utilized with the standard USN MS22001 oxygen mask as well as in some cases also with modified version of USAF MBU-5/P.

above: MedRes! Lieutenant John #McCain III (front right) with his squadron and North American T-2 "#Buckeye"-"Ökörszem" trainer, 1965 : righthand: John McCain source: jetplanes / Wikipedia
Hu. text: Elnök pilóták, pilóta elnökök: stonefort2 2018. augusztus 29., szerda 08:47 |
Az Egyesült Államok egymást követő legfőbb közjogi méltóságai, az elnökök között az utóbbi évtizedekben több olyan is akadt, akik mögött nem csak komoly politikai, hanem repülő múlt is volt. Természetesen nem ezen múlik, hogy valaki politikusként milyen eredményes vagy éppen eredménytelen munkát végez, de a katonai szolgálat, különösen háborús körülmények között olyan tapasztalatokkal gazdagítja az emberek személyiségét, aminek legfőbb vezetőként is hasznát veheti.
A cikkem aktualitását az adja, hogy a napokban elhunyt és hajdan az elnökjelöltségig jutó John McCain republikánus szenátornak, minden eddigi elnöknél jelentősebb repülős múltja volt ...
In Memoriam John McCain Rest In Peace
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text article by Stonefort: Ez már a háború utolsó „felvonása” volt, 1973 januárjában Párizsban megszületett a békeszerződés, és márciusban sor kerülhetett a fogolycserére. A szabadon engedett pilótákat személyesen fogadta Richard Nixon elnök, aki előtt két mankóval, hófehér hajjal jelent meg John McCain. source: Jetplanes.Blog
En. text: John Sidney McCain III (August 29, 1936 – August 25, 2018) was an American politician and military officer who served as a United States Senator from Arizona from 1987 until his death in 2018. He previously served two terms in the United States House of Representatives and was the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election, which he lost to Barack Obama. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain
Hu. text: John Sidney McCain III (Coco Solo, Panama-csatorna övezet, 1936. augusztus 29. – Cornville (Arizona), 2018. augusztus 25.) amerikai politikus, az Egyesült Államok szenátusában Arizona szenátora, a 2008-as amerikai elnökválasztás republikánus elnökjelöltje. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! Lieutenant Commander McCain greeting President Richard Nixon in May 1973. source: Wikipedia
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! "NAVY One" G. W. #Bush on deck: "Top Gun" President Bush, with Naval Flight Officer Lieutenant Ryan Philips, after landing with Lockheed S-3B 'Viking' ASW on the USS CVN-72 'Abraham Lincoln' prior to his Mission Accomplished speech, May 1, 2003
above: Left: Mission accomplished Right: bushcrotch

En. text: George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009. He was also the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush
Hu. text: George Walker Bush (New Haven, Connecticut, 1946. július 6. –) az Amerikai Egyesült Államok 43. elnöke 2001. és 2009. január 20-a között. George H. W. Bush korábbi elnök és Barbara Bush legidősebb gyermeke, Jeb Bush volt floridai kormányzó bátyja. 1995 és 2000 között Texas állam kormányzója volt.
Az egyetem befejezése után Bush az olajiparban dolgozott a családi üzletben. 1978-ban sikertelenül jelöltette magát a képviselőházba. Texasi kormányzósága előtt a Texas Rangers baseball csapat társtulajdonosa volt. Egy szoros és vitatott választásban 2000-ben az Egyesült Államok elnökévé választották a Republikánus Párt színeiben.
2001-ben Bush adócsökkentési tervet írt alá. A 2001. szeptember 11-ei terrortámadás után országa hadseregét Afganisztán lerohanására utasította és világméretű terrorizmus elleni harcot indított. 2002-ben új közoktatási törvényt iktatott be. 2003-ban az ENSZ és a Kongresszus beleegyezésével megtámadta Irakot nukleáris és vegyi fegyverek birtoklása vádjával.
2004-ben újra jelöltette magát az elnöki posztra. Ellenfele, John Kerry demokrata politikus a harcban alulmaradt, így Bush újabb négy évre biztosította helyét a Fehér Házban. Újraválasztása után számos kritika érte főként az elhúzódó iraki háború, a kormány költekezése és az illegális bevándorlás miatt. Nyolcéves hivatali ideje alatt az amerikai történelem legtámogatottabb és legellenzettebb elnöke is volt.
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bácsi's repro ORWO/Forte dia/slide photo copy from early 1980's: Germany Luftwaffe 'Alpha Jet' pilot also Courtesy FREE!
Military Combat Aircraft doors & hatches - Katonai Harcigépek ajtajai és búvónyílásai:
above: NEW! G.W. Bush in Flying suit
above: NEW! G.W. Bush in Flying suit
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's "Air Art" Graphics Studio's artwork; Poster, A4, Card A6: 2003.
for MH RFO (Magyar Honvédség Repülőfelkészítési Osztály - Szolnok) HHDF - PAD Preparation of Aviation Division of Joint Force Command - Szfv.) az ÖHP (Öszhaderőnemi Parancsnokság - Székesfehérvár) alárendeltségében. For NFTC pilots. Parancsnoka akkor a pilóta jóbarátom, ret. Flt. Col. Kovács István ny. ezds. volt. The "szlogen" was from Head's mind: "The secret of success: Yo have to look at things from above"
HuAF posters AA-G: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/plakatokon-mle-magyar-legiero-tortenete.html
New! NEWS: HuAF's SAAB JAS-39D "Gripen" accident!:
above: NEW! NoHi! Brig.Gen. Ugrik Csaba dd.tbk. cmdr. of MH 59th TFW LHKE HuAF-AFBBaleset érte 2015.05.19-n kedden 13:40-kor a magyar hadsereg "Gripen" vadászgépét a Prágától keletre fekvő csehországi Čáslav katonai repülőtéren, a pilóták katapultáltak. Nincs áldozat. -jelentette az MTI. A magyar vadászgép a repülőtér mellett lévő szántóföldön állt meg.
A leszállópályán túlfutott Gripen roncsa
Fotó: Josef Vostarek (Czech) - MTI / www.index.hu
above: NEW! NoHigh! Juci'bacsi's repro slides-dia scan collect from late1970's: LW. F-104G pilot
below: NEW! MedRes! Fighter Pilot Helmet - HGU-55/P with MBU-20 Mask
Even if at first sight this helmet
seems to be an HGU-55/P, it is instead a converted HGU-33/P. Because of short
supplies of genuine HGU-55/P helmets in the early 90s (priority was given to
the U.S.A.F.) some US NAVY PRK-37 shell have been converted to the new HGU-55/P
style. The standar EEK-4A/P visor is replaced by a bungee style visor assembly
used on HGU-55/P, lightweight bayonnet receivers, the lateral leather pads and
the integrated chin/nape stap assembly are also installed. The helmet it is
shown with an MBU-14/P oxygen mask. (source: Chameloon Flightgear on the web)


above: NEW! HGU-55 Left: MedRes! Right: MedRes!
above: NEW! MedRes! USAF F-16 during AAR mission source: PPS Planes
above: NEW! NoHigher! USAF General Dinamics F-16 "Fighting Falcon" pilot in HGU-55P helmet during AAR Air Refueling action. below: NEW! NoHigher! After with Megan Fox everithing Okay! Victory!!!
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi scanned coll.: Cover of Hungarian edition USA Magazin:"Scientific American" from early 1990's. General Dinamics F-16 "Fighting Falcon" cockpit, pilot in HGU-55P and ACES-II Zero-zero ejection seat, hands with HOTAS system: Hand On Throttle And Stick - KAGÉB

above: NEW! MedRes! Breitling pilot watch advert

above: NEW! HiRes! Coral Sea (June 23, 2005) - Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet, Vice Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert, dons an oxygen mask and pilot's helmet as he prepares for a flight in an McDonnell-Douglas/Boeing F/A-18F "Super Hornet". below: NEW! NoHigher! Swiss IWC Pilot watch
He flown by the
"Diamondbacks" of Strike Fighter Squadron One Zero Two (VFA-102), during
his visit to USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63). Kitty Hawk is currently operating
in the Coral Sea in support of Exercise Talisman Sabre 2005. Talisman
Sabre is an exercise jointly sponsored by the U.S. Pacific Command and
Australian Defence Force Joint Operations Command, and designed to train
the U.S. Seventh Fleet commander's staff and Australian Joint
Operations staff as a designated Combined Task Force (CTF) headquarters.
The exercise focuses on crisis action planning and execution of
contingency response operations. U.S. Pacific Command units and
Australian forces will conduct land, sea and air training throughout the
training area. More than 11,000 U.S. and 6,000 Australian personnel
will participate. U.S. source: Navy photo by Photographer's Mate Airman
Apprentice Adam York (RELEASED) http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_050623-N-1332Y-128_Commander,_U.S._Seventh_Fleet,_Vice_Adm._Jonathan_W._Greenert,_dons_an_oxygen_mask_and_pilot%27s_helmet_as_he_prepares_for_a_flight_in_an_F-A-18F_Super_Hornet.jpg

above: NEW! MedRes! 'Gentex' HGU-55/P standart USAF fighter helmet.
above: NEW! NoHigher! HGU-55P with mounted "Scorpion" clear day visor
This is a Gentex HGU-55/P helmet size medium and Gentex MBU-12/P
oxygen mask size regular from the late 80's to early 90's. The HGU-55
helmet and MBU-12 mask combination was the most popular flight gear combination
during the 80's and 90's for the F-16, F-15 and F-18 jets. The MBU-12 mask was
replaced by the MBU-20 mask and combat edge flight gear in the USAF. Some
adversary squadrons in the USAF and US Navy are still using the MBU-12 when
flying F-5 and F-16 jets. The HGU-55 helmet is still issued today, with minor
design changes - it has proved to be the most successful lightweight flight helmet
designed for high 'G' environments for the past 20 years.
The previous owner claimed that these items were used in F-16 jets by the USAF 313th Tactical Fighter Squadron that was based at Hahn AB, Germany from 1981 to 1991 when the squadron was deactivated. I'm not sure about that, but according to the flight ready check sticker on the mask, it was last checked on 16 AUG 1991. Also the leather visor protector with the squadron patch is well worn similar to the helmet and mask. The TPL liner has a pilot name and fitting date of 15 Dec 88.
The previous owner claimed that these items were used in F-16 jets by the USAF 313th Tactical Fighter Squadron that was based at Hahn AB, Germany from 1981 to 1991 when the squadron was deactivated. I'm not sure about that, but according to the flight ready check sticker on the mask, it was last checked on 16 AUG 1991. Also the leather visor protector with the squadron patch is well worn similar to the helmet and mask. The TPL liner has a pilot name and fitting date of 15 Dec 88.

above: NEW! MedRes! F-15pilot in HGU-55P photo: AFP/Genya Savilov source: www.index.hu

above: NEW! MedRes! USAF pilots. Middle Right: Juci'bacsi's scanned coll.: Flying Safety 2000 May. Bottom Right: HiRes!

above: MedRes! HGU-55/P and MedRes! HTB-1

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Right: HiRes! Pilot wrist-watch: Bell & Ross altimeter style dial.
above: NEW! NoHigher! pilot 'Nomex' gloves HOS=Hand On Stick - Kezed A Boton-KAB
below: HiRes! Curious RAF Pilot Helmet Mk-IV, cutaway of designer Tony Mattews helmet.
below: NEW! Left: MedRes! 3D Pilot and Martin-Baker Mk ejection seat. Right: HiRes! Northrop T-38 "Talon" Mk.16 training.
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scanned coll. from early 1990's: A-10 "Warthog" pilot in HGU-55P
A-10 "Warthog": Coming soon to 170.) post

above: NEW! HiRes! USAF Northrop-Grumman B-2 "Spirit" 'Stealth Bomber' pilot
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Star Wars": Luke Skywalker X-wing fighter's helmet

NEW! above: LowRes! George Lucas: "Star Wars"; Luke "Skywalker" 'X'-Fighter pilot's helmet. below: Luke Skw. & X-Wing pilot: MedRes!
above: NoHigher! 40K Imperial pilot.
above & below: NEW! WW-Two RHAF pilots with Me Bf.109G6. Top: Flt. Lt. vit. Molnár Miklós hadnagy, 1944. június 26-27. Bottom:1944 near Veszprém Jutas airfield "Puma" 101th Fighter group.
above: NEW! NoHigher! WW-Two pilot suits
Below: The Warsaw Pact (WP) Air Forces' helmets 1950-1960-1970s

above & below: NEW! MedRes! ларингофон ЛА-5
кислородная маска КМ-32 ("Old OBOGS")
above: NEW! Szextant scan: NoHigher! Hungarian parlamentary representative of SzDSz free democrats liberation party (IM) Mécs Imre with HGU-55P helmet & Oxygen mask in NAVY MD FA-18 "Hornet" .after the time of 40 minutes demo flight at Kecskemét LHKE middle of 1990's before tender of fighter.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Oculus by facebook

above: NEW! HiRes! Drawing of Soviet KP-24M automat breathing equipment
Принципиальная схема комплекта кислородного
оборудования ККО-ПДР & кислородная маска КМ-16Н
above: комплекта системы кислородного питания ККО-ПДР - The schema of feed of KKO-PDR breathing system

above: NEW! MedRes! In Sovietunion Kusovka (1972-73) training school (aviation higher school) with Czechoslovakien made Aero Vodochody L-29 "Delfin" jet trainer aircraft; ret. Lt.Col. Markotán "Kocka-Cube" Zoltán nyá. rep. alez. former MiG-21 "Fishbed" & MiG-29 "Fulcrum" Gold winged 1st class fighter AK. I.o. pilot and AF HQ's spectator of fighters - vadászszemlélő at Veszprém LEP. Nowadays He is active member of Association of Veterany Aviators & Parashutist in Veszprém. source: facebook

above: NEW! MedRes! HuAF (WP - MLE) ларингофон ЛА-5 кислородная маск
above: NEW+! MedRes! In Memoriam! ret. Flt.Lt.Col. Ligetvári Mihály nyá.rep.alez. He was in the First MiG-15 flying members at Taszár AFB - elsők között repült a 15-ssel. Before retire He was the Chief of Staff at Szentkirályszabadja MN 6690 Töf. Helicopter Regiment - Ezrednél 1985. source: facebook/Radnai Róbert/ Ligetvári Lili a lánya
above: а КМ-32 - LA-5 'Slemafon' leather pilot haube. Left: in VVSh (BBC) MiG-15bis Right: beside MiG-15UTI 1960s
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hungarian Aviation Troops - (HuAF) MiG-15 "Sas" - "Eagle" (HuAF official nickname) Magyar Repülőcsapatok (MLE - 'Magyar Légierő') 1956.06. Kunmadaras AFB, Flt.Lt. Sváb András hdgy. Photo: Sváb András archivuma source: facebook/Bárdi László: "akik nélkül nem lehetett volna Magyar katonai repülés" csoport
below: HiRes! Принципиальная схема системы кислородного питания
КП-24М - KP-24M

above: NEW! Movie: 'Mad-Max Fury Road' 2015 - skeleton mask
tyrannized by the Immortan Joe, from whom something irreplaceable has
been taken. Enraged, the Warlord marshals all his gangs and pursues the
rebels ruthlessly in the high-octane Road War that follows.

above: WP - HUAF MLE fighters "74" MiG-21F-13pilots at Taszár AFB: 1st row from Left: Hamar Károly (I.M. 2004.), ??, ??, 2nd f. L.: Keszthelyi Gyula, after He was My Navigation teacher at KGyRMF - Szolnok. Nowadas He building the real PC Cessna symulator.??
below: Veteranian Recce Aerial Photomaker pilot under F-16 between landing gear.
below: NEW! Left: HiRes! Covered-Headphones - Haube - Slemafonok

above: NEW+! HiRes! Hu. text: Csoportkép: from left first row: ret.: Lt.Col. Deák Imre nyá.alez., Máté "Czigány" Laci nyá.alez., Gen.Lt. Balogh Imre nyá.altbgy. Aero L-29 "Delfin", MiG-15Bis. LEP & CsRP. 2015. Balatonkenese. - Horváth "Buci'bácsi" István nyá.rep.zls. megrendelésére készítette Juci'bá 'Air Art Grafika' summer of 2015. nyara A3 http://airartgrafika.blogspot.hu

above: NEW! MedRes! Zs-3 (hu.) thin helmet ЗШ–5
The ZSh-3 pilot
helmet was first introduced in early 1960's and is used in virtually every type
of Soviet-made aircraft - from the MiG-17 to the MiG-29, from the Il-76 cargo
plane to the Mi-24 Attack Helicopter. This is the most widely used flight
helmet in the world."

above: Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: NEW! NoHigher! also FREE! 'HuAF' MiG-21F-13 pilot in ZSh-3 1960's. W.P. MLE (Magyar Légierő - VSz). source: HM Pol. FCsF-ség propaganda kiadvány A5 fényes fénykép faliújságra. Remark: Hogy ki a pilóta? nem tudom. www.facebook.com -on AK-I.o. vregv. Téglás Laci rep. alez. szerint: a pilóta Kovács "Kokó" Sándor szds. - a jobb oldalon lévő létrából egyértelmű a prop fotó!-, és Vonnák Iván Péter szerint a "74"-es gyártmányban (F-13).

above: NEW! In Memoriam! commander of the HHDF 47th "Pápa" FW Col. Bakó Ferenc ezds. 1980s: Left: in ZSh-3 - Right: in ZSh-5 helmets before MiG-23MF (He death by -23 chatastrophe) - az MH 47 Vre. e. Pápa volt parancsnoka.
above: NEW! NoHigher! former MH 47. Hc.re.e. MiG-21 and MiG-23MF pilot and 'Pápa' 47th TFW's cmdr. and CoS of HuAF Command HQ ret. Flt. Brig.Gen. Buczkó Imre ny.rep.dd.tbk. He was candidate in the four members HuAF team for first Hu. Space Mission on Soyuz in may of 1980. A 4 fő űrhajósjelölt kiválasztottak között volt.
Péter Dr. Remes facebook: Február 11., 9:15: Hu. text: Űrhajós jelöltjeink 1977-ben;
Buckó Imre repülő százados (1949) az 1967-1969-es évfolyam növendéke volt Szolnokon. A Szovjetunióból visszatérve 1972-ben avatták kiváló előmenetelének megfelelően azonnal főhadnaggyá. Jó fizikai felépítésének köszönhetően kiválóan viselte a repülési gravitációs túlterheléseket. Képességei és felkészültsége alapján 1976-ban géppár parancsnoknak nevezték ki. Hamar megszerezte a repülési jártasságot, feladatait nagy felelősséggel teljesítette, eredményesen elsajátította harckiképzési feladatait, a műszerrepülésben kiváló képességekkel rendelkezett. Nagyszerű térbeli tájékozódó képessége a legkiválóbb pilóták sorába emelte. Kitűnt a műrepülésben és a felhőben végrehajtott légi célok elfogásában. Gyorsan tájékozódott a kialakult bonyolult repülési helyzetekben, képességeit jól tudta hasznosítani a légiharcban. Félelmet nem ismert. Már repülő pályafutása kezdetén nyilvánvaló volt, hogy magasabb feladatok ellátására is képes. Orvosi szempontból "Űrhajósnak alkalmas" minősítést kapott a ROB-on.

above Three: NEW! MedRes! HDF 47th "Pápa" TFW at Pápa-LHPA with MiG-21Bis. Top from Left: Gen.Brig. Pető "Pinyó" István dd.tbk. from JHQ, (In Memoriam) Cmdr. of Rgt. Col. Lanecker József ezds. Maj. Samu István őrgy., GW. 1st class Fighter pilots . Bottom: His Wife occasion of closing flight of disbanding ceremony of wing/regiment in 24. august 2000.
below: NEW! Left: HiRes! KM-32 HA mask Right: MedRes! KM-53 Heli-pilot mask

Рис. 32.
Компенсирующий костюм с кислородной маской:
1 – маска; 2 – шланг подачи
кислорода в компенсатор натяга маски; 3 – компенсирующий костюм;
4 – шлемофон; 5 – защитный шлем.
Более эффективным средством оказалось применение компенсирующего костюма
в комплекте с герметическим шлемом вместо маски (рис. 33). Подобное устройство
не только нормализует дыхание под избыточным давлением, но и уменьшает
застойные явления в кровообращении. Применение компенсирующего костюма с герметическим
шлемом создает условия, позволяющие поддерживать избыточное давление до 145 мм
рт. ст., т. е. в этом случае человек способен находиться на любой высоте.
Однако и в таких условиях время пребывания на высоте ограничено и в
значительной степени зависит от способности костюма оказывать компенсирующее
действие на все участки тела.
above & below: NEW! MedRes! capt. Markotán "Kocka" Zoltán szds. in ZSh-3 helmet and survival vest with MiG-21. fb.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bacsi scanned from 'Fáklya'-'Storch' magazine from 1975.: VVSz' or Soviet Navy's Tupolev Tu-16 or Tu-95 strategics Recon/Bomber navigator & bombardier in ZSh-3 calculates with NL-10 navigation slide ruler.

above: Left: Similar president of Russia Vladimir Putin??- Alterego russian pilot in ZS-3 (ZSh-3) helmet? Right: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi slide repro from 'Aviaciya Cosmonavtika' soviet review from 1978. in HuMoD Military Science Library Budapest now Szextant scan: also FREE! VVSz'
MiG-21 pilot in ZSh-3.
above: NEW! Anatomy a head transparant with skeleton
above: NEW! Maurice Tillet checks head sizes with Marj.

above: Left: NEW! MedRes! Right: MedRes! developed helmets below: MedRes!

above: NEW! MedRes! Head & eye movement Right: Skull's size
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's scanned & edited collection from 1975. Budapest, VII. ker. Liszt Ferenc-tér-square abandopned Műszaki könyvesbolt (Kiadóé volt) american NASA, Air Force, NAVY, NASA's: Woodson & Conover: Hu. text: Ember - Gép - Üzem - Munkahelytervezés" Ergonómiai szakkönyv - Ergonomical profession book by Hu. Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1973. Courtesy FREE!

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry poet as Free French Armed Forces' Lockheed P-38 "Lightning" recce pilot.
above: NEW! HiRes! Hungarian AVIATOR Magazine: for youts; Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "de I'avion pour les enfants." the hand-drawings from: "Steve". a' suivre: Comment dessiner un pilote?
below: Big! "Steve" artwork for Aviator International magazin and 'Gripilot' RFO leporello
Veres Zoli aero-acrobatic champion / MALÉV B-737 pilot and Right: HHDF "Gripen" pilot.

above: NEW! HiRes! HuAF fighter pilots at HHDF 59th TFW at Kecskemét (LHKE)
"PPK-3" (from left: 2nd)
Designed for pilots of fighter aircrafts and serves as means
which raises the G-tolerance and reduces G-stress negative impact on an
organism of the pilot. Includes: belt with abdominal section and two
trouser-legs with sections in hips and a shin. The action of PPK. Compression
of the abdominal wall and lower limb muscle groups prevents the movement of
blood in the lower parts of a body - improves blood supply of the top. It also
fixes the internal organs, protecting them from the displacement and
distention. Weight 1,6 kg. Manufacturer is Research, development &
production enterprise "Zvezda". V. Gryadunov for Russian defence
report https://www.facebook.com/
Vympel Association designs and manufactures flight and personal protection
outfit; pilot pressure and anti-G suits; marine saving ammunition; uniforms for
various climates; tactical equipment for Army and police; body armour;
heatresistant and fireproof equipment.A list of the main namings of production:
- High-altitude partial-pressure suits VKK-6M, VKK-15K;
- Anti-G suits PPK-1U, PPK-3-120, PPK-3;
- VMSK-4-15 altitude survival suit;
- MSK-5 survival suit;
- The system VK-3M used for protection from overheating and overcooling;
- Flight overalls;
- Armored jacket;
- Shoulder unloading set;
- Uniform;
- Tactical equipment;
- Knitted goods.
Contact Details http://www.aviamarket.org/directory/v/856-vympel-association-inc.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! HuAF MiG-29UB: left: ?? - right: Golden Winged 1st.class ret.flt.Lt.Col. Téglás László alez. Ak.I.o. in ZSj-5 helmet on LHKE 20??
above: Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: NEW! HuAF's "Puma" squadron of HDF.59th TFW at LHKE MiG-29B Maj. Csurgai István őrgy. in ZSh-7
above: NEW! In Memoriam ret. Commander of MiG-29 "Puma" squadron Lt.Col. Hegedűs "Gege" Ernő president of MVRSz (Aviators Veteranian Association) in ZSh-7
above: NEW! MedRes! Profile Memorial leaf - Emlékdíszlap "Gege"
134.) MiG-29 'Fulcrum' Mikoyan - Superiority Fighter - Микоян МиГ-29 истребитель - чертежи - drawings & cutaways: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/09/133-mig-29-fulcrum-mikoyan-superiority.html
![]() |
Kilián Nándor re.ezds. AFB
cmdr., Pintér Zoltán gen.maj. chief of HuAF Zsámboki Tibor re.ezds. cmdr. of 59th TFW |

above: NEW! MedRes! Three Monkeys: from Left: Zsámboki Tibor, Peszeki Zoltán, Takács Géza
MiG-29B Zsámboki Tibor rep.
ezds. HDF 59th TFW's cmdr. of Keckemét AFB in ZSh-7 helmet |

above: NEW! MedRes! ZSh-5 helmet on figure head

NEW! above: Left: NoHigher! Vári Gyula Zs-5 szem-sisakja - ZSh-5 'watching eye' helmet of Vári Gyula őrnagy - Right: Maj. Szabó "Topi" Zoltán őrgy. below: NEW! HiRes! Champion of 'Air Tattoo' with MiG-29B ret. Maj. Vári "Coca" Gyula nyá. őrgy. in own Yak-52
above: NEW! HiRes! Similar good medical-assistants are there Kecskemét ROVKI ( Institut of Air Medicine Inspection and Research - Repülőorvosi Vizsgáló és KutatóIntézet) a ZS-5 szeme is guvvad. www.21sextury.com
Pilot ejects milliseconds before Mig 29 Crash
A short intro to the performance of the Mig 29 at the 1989 Paris Airshow, along with the infamous accident.
It's worth noting that while Mig test pilots were lauded for the tail slide maneuver in 1989, Bob Hoover was
It's worth noting that while Mig test pilots were lauded for the tail slide maneuver in 1989, Bob Hoover was
Защитный шлем летчика ЗШ-5
above: NEW! HiRes! Left: L.: Tóth alez. R: Lt.Col. Cseporán Mihály alez. at HHDF 47th TFW Pápa MiG-21bis Right: Máté "Cigány" László alez. Sukhoi Su-22M3 1st class pilot at HHDF independent 101st Recce sqn. after 31st "Kapos" TFW's recce/fb. sqn. Taszár AFB; in ZSh-5 helmet. source: fb
Zs-5 (авиационный- ЗШ–5 защитный шлем) repülő-hajózó sisak KM-34 высотный гермошлем
above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet pilots L.: ZSh-3, C.: ZSh-5, R.: La-5
Soviet ZSh-5A Jet Helmet. This white fiberglas
helmet was first issued in the early 1970s for use in combat aircraft. It is
complete with the KM-34 oxygen mask and a single, brown tint, visor that has an
automatic actuation system that instantly lowers the visor upon ejection. The
helmet appears to be in excellent overall condition with intact visor. The helmets for supersonic aircraft pilot, light shell, shock-resistant, dark protective visor against solar radiation, built-in earphones, lock for installation of oxygen mask KM-34. Weight 1,5 kg. Using up to height 20 000 m. Catapult to 1200 km/h.Estimated Value $500-750. The ZSh-3 pilot
helmet was first introduced in early 1960's and is used in virtually every type
of Soviet-made aircraft - from the MiG-17 to the MiG-29, from the Il-76 cargo
plane to the Mi-24 Attack Helicopter. This is the most widely used flight
helmet in the world."

By KalikianoKalei http://www.authorsden.com/categories/article_top.asp?catid=73&id=37572
KM-34 oxygen mask produced to be used with the ZSh-5
helmet series; standard Soviet issue for pilots in the 1970s. The mask features
a medium green fiberglass outer shell fitter over an inner rubber face piece.
This mask featured an internal microphone pocket and occipital bladder outlet
similar to the earlier KM-32 and KM-30 masks. The face-seal contact consists of
a soft chamois-type material; an innovation first developed by the Germans
during WWII. Used in Mig-21, Mig-23, Mig-27, Mig-29, Mi-24, SU-24, and early
SU-27 aircraft. Partial-pressure suits work by providing mechanical counter-pressure to assist
breathing at altitude. its work by
providing mechanical counter-pressure to assist breathing at altitude. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_suit http://www.military-quotes.com/military-gear/aviation-gear.htm
below: NEW! Breathing Diagrams and KM-34 mask Left: MedRes! кислородная маска КМ-34

above: NEW! NoHigher! Sushka in ZSh-5 helmet under Su-27 "Flanker" source: Pinterest

above: NEW! MedRes! ZSh-5MKV with NVG fitting accessories
above: Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text: "Bódis Gyula alez. a MiG-29-sével ráriadózott az alábbi idegen behatolóra" aki szintén ZS-5-ben röpködne. photo: Veres Viktor source: BLIKK magazin www.blikk.hu

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Right: HiRes!
Ron Kraan:
The ZSh-5 helmet was standard Soviet issue for its pilots in
the 1970's. These helmets could be found throughout the entire eastern bloc and
huge numbers have been manufactured until the late eighties.
The Helmet
This is a one-piece Fiberglas helmet with interior blue padding and earphones with speakers. The helmet has an combat edge type air bag, consisting of a rubber bladder protected by a nylon bag, used to tighten the face against the KM-34. This happening automatically as the oxygen pressure is increased. The crash helmet is designed for protection of the pilot's head against possible impacts in aircraft cockpits and aerodynamic loads at ejection. The helmet prevents pilot blindness by sun and floodlight rays. It also gives the pilot the conditions to operate during flight by means of the oxygen mask and onboard equipment. Two-way communications through throat, boom or mask microphone can be used. The sun visor can be moved in manual mode to three separate positions or it can be set to automatic mode where it snaps all the way down with the touch of a button (or the activation of the ejection seat - nice safety feature!).
The visor comes in three colours and can be protected when not in use by a
soft cover. The early version of the ZSh-5 has a blue visor. These visors are
only on the oldest series of the helmets. As they were not a good deterrent
against the sun, the charcoal visor soon replaced both this one and the green
visor. The entire helmet is delivered of factory in a wooden box. The colour of
the box indicates the end user. Known are blue for Eastern Germany (or
indicating export?) and green for the Soviet Armed forces. The ZSh-5
helmet has integral headphones and Velcro-attached padding. This makes the size
of the helmet very important. These come in sizes 1, 2, and 3. Adjustments to
fit the helmet are made by using the chinstrap and tightening the mask to the
face. When looking at the inside of the helmet, beyond the material and the
foam padding, it can be seen that Styrofoam is used. The ZSh-5 can use the
KM-34 and KM-35 oxygen masks (they clip directly into brackets on the helmet
edges). It is of factory delivered with the KM-34 or KM-34D mask.The Helmet
This is a one-piece Fiberglas helmet with interior blue padding and earphones with speakers. The helmet has an combat edge type air bag, consisting of a rubber bladder protected by a nylon bag, used to tighten the face against the KM-34. This happening automatically as the oxygen pressure is increased. The crash helmet is designed for protection of the pilot's head against possible impacts in aircraft cockpits and aerodynamic loads at ejection. The helmet prevents pilot blindness by sun and floodlight rays. It also gives the pilot the conditions to operate during flight by means of the oxygen mask and onboard equipment. Two-way communications through throat, boom or mask microphone can be used. The sun visor can be moved in manual mode to three separate positions or it can be set to automatic mode where it snaps all the way down with the touch of a button (or the activation of the ejection seat - nice safety feature!).
The very early type ZSh-5 is extremely rare these days; it comes with a blue visor and lacks all of the modifications the later types have. The ZSh-5 of later age has no automatic mode to the visor and some lack the air bag in the back of the helmet. Some of these can be found with a boom microphone for use in helicopters (Mi-8/Mi-6) and cargo planes. One of the more common types is the ZSh-5A and this version feature both bladder and automatic visor release. The following up type was the ZSh-5M (Modified) and ZSh-5MKV, both having updated components. The ZSh-5MKV and MKV2 have mounts for the Sh-ZUM-1/NWU-2M Target Designator system, which are found on the MiG-29.
Altitude depends on model of aircraft.
Ambient temperature range, Celsius -50 to +50
Mass of helmet, kg, max 1.95
Mass of mask, kg, max 0,65
Thanks to Craig Martelle and Motorbuch Verlag for the image of the ZSh-5MKV
source: http://www.flightgear.dk/zsh5.htm
below: NEW pic! NoHigh! Soviet VVS MiG-21bis pilots in ZSh-5 during tactics appreciation

A hagyományos, túlnyomás ellen védő ruha (pl. az orosz megoldás, a VKK [magassági kompenzáló ruha] a "capstan" típusú, a törzs és végtagok mentén végigfutó, tehát az egész testre túlnyomást adó, tömlős ráfeszítésű kezes-lábas ruha, illetve az angol kivitelű, az alsó testfélre túlnyomást adó nadrág és a mellkasra túlnyomást adó mellény kombinálása) általában a repülőgépek csúcsmagasságáig kellő nyomást ad a testfelszín megfelelő százalékára. Ennek célja a tüdőre a hermetikus sisakon vagy maszkon keresztül adott légzési túlnyomás ellen megfelelő kompenzáció biztosítása, a tüdő túlfeszülését és barotraumáját (a hirtelen nyomáscsökkenés okozta károsodását) megelőzendő. Ez a rendszer az EFA-n is kellő védelmet adna a hypoxia (oxigénhiány) ellen. Ugyanakkor a gyorsulások okozta túlterhelésekkel szemben ez a ruha nem véd.Ezek ellen az adaptív kardiovaszkuláris (azaz szív-érrendszeri) reflexek védenek, melyek fellépése természetesen időfüggő; ezért meghatározó tényező a gyorsulás fellépési sebessége. (11. sz. ábra)
Rövid idejű fej—far irányú túlterhelés elég az agyi vérnyomás drámai csökkenéséhez, az intraoculáris (szemgolyón belüli) 20 Hgmm-es nyomás miatt a retinális (a szem ideghártyáján belüli) keringés periféria felől kezdődő beszűküléséhez, illetve a látás elvesztéséhez.
A fej—láb irányú túlterhelések ellen eddig a hagyományos anti-G ruha (pl. az orosz PPK [gyorsulás ellen védő anti-G ruha]), a légúti túlnyomást rövid időre biztosító préselési manőverek zárt gégefedő mellett (pl. Valsalva [amerikai terminológiában "Hook"] manőver) és izomfeszítés együttesen védett, melyek megakadályozzák a vér áthelyeződését az alsó végtagokba és a perifériára, csökkentik a rekeszizom gyorsulás alatti farirányú elmozdulását és így a szív-agy távolság kedvezőtlen növekedését. Egyszóval a keringési perctérfogat és agyi vérátáramlás megőrzését segítik elő. Hatékonyságuk +2 illetve +4 Gz, ami a “természetes” G tűrő képességgel (4,7±0,6 Gz, lassú G növekedésnél) összeadva a csúcsterhelésnek számító +9 Gz rövid idejű (max. 10-15 s-os) elviselését teszi lehetővé, a látási funkció beszűkülése (szürke- illetve fekete fátyol) és eszméletvesztés nélkül.
Ugyanakkor már a rendszerben lévő vadászgépek pilótáinál 12-25%-ban leírják a G-LOC jelentkezését, ami a harci manőverek közben a fenti határértékek figyelmen kívül hagyásának következménye, és repülőkatasztrófák oki tényezője! E rendszer hátránya a kifáradás és a kommunikáció képtelenség az AGSM folyamatos kényszere miatt, ugyanis a pillanatnyi szünet a vénás telítődés drámai csökkenését s a keringés gyors összeomlását okozza.
ZMNE - Zrínyi Miklós Nemzetvédelmi Egyetem: Jegyzet

above: NEW! In Memoriam capt. Sulyok "Paja" Pál szds. 28 yo. Pápa (my aviation Friend) before catastrophy 1988.

above: NEW! In Memoriam capt. Sulyok "Paja" Pál szds. 28 yo. Pápa (my aviation Friend) before catastrophy 1988.
Hu. text: 1988. augusztus 19-én Pápáról felszállva, Kenyerinél lezuhant a 45-ös MiG–21bisz (75AP), Sulyok Pál százados meghalt. Sulyok Pál százados részére a kifutópályán, felszállás előtt szabtak új feladatot, amelyre előzőleg nem volt felkészülve, Földközeli magasságban történő repülést hajtott végre, melyet nehezítettek a terepviszonyok. A feladat végrehajtása közben a repülőgép lapos szögben a földhöz csapódott, majd elemelkedett és kb. 300 m-t repült, majd ismét becsapódott, felrobbant és elégett. A hajózó kirepült a roncsból és életét vesztette. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repesemenyek
above: NEW! In Memoriam Lt.Col. Rácz Zsolt rep.alez. source: ret.Col. Varga Ferenc/facebookabove: NEW+! MedRes! Retro: HuAF '#Fulcrum' #Fighter-Pilots on LHKE - #MiG-29 #vadászpilóták #Kecskeméten source: www.honvedelem.hu

Maj. Szabó "Topi" Zoltán rep. őrgy. Mikoyan MiG-29B "Fulcrum" also HuAF 'Air-Tattoo' Champion of Fairford England from Kecskemét (LHKE) AFB 59th TFW

above: NEW! HiRes! Before MiG-29; L.:Maj. Peszeki Zoltán in ZSh-5, R.:1stLt. Péter Zoltán in ZSh-7
Soviet ZSh-7A (N2) Jet Helmet. First issued in 1987,
this helmet has a series five holes across the crown, designed to relieve drag
experienced during ejection. A single dark visor is used with an automatic
deployment system. The oxygen system is not inclued with this helmet although a
communications cable and an oxygen caple are present as is the original chin
strap. Excellent apparant condition and an attractive piece of aviation
Estimated Value $500 - 750.
Estimated Value $500 - 750.
Product: high altitude pressure helmet Model: ZSh-7
Availability: ships within 5-12 business days Origin: Russian Federation
PRODUCT DETAILS: MiG's can operate at the edge of the earth's atmosphere. Their
crews wear high-altitude suits (similar to spacesuits) and these ZSh-7 high
altitude pressure helmets. We have a few ZSh-5 and ZSh-7 helmets in stock.
ZSh-3 inchess are the world's most widely used jet-age helmet (worn in
virtually every type of Russian aircraft - MiG-17 to MiG-29 fighters, Il-76
cargo planes and Mi-24 attack helicopters). Padded aluminum shell has notch in
top to mate with padded ridge of Shz-50 leather helmet (leather helmet and
KM-32 O2 mask included). GSh-4 inchess were introduced in late '50s (dispelling
the myth that these were copied from Francis Gary Powers' particular MA-2
helmet following the downing of his U-2 spy plane in 1960). Used for
high-altitude flight in MiG-19, MiG-21 and Su-15 fighters. Aluminum frame and
shell, rubber pressure seal, oxygen regulator and visor with internal heating
element. ZSh-7 inchess, issued since '87, are used by MiG-29 pilots with KM-34
O2 masks. Recent versions incorporated helmet-mounting bracket for target
aiming system. All in excellent condition.
Product: high altitude pressure helmet Model: ZSh-5
Availability: ships within 5-12 business days Origin: Russian Federation
PRODUCT DETAILS: MiG's can operate at the edge of the earth's atmosphere. Their
crews wear high-altitude suits (similar to spacesuits) and these ZSh-7 high altitude
pressure helmets. We have a few ZSh-5 and ZSh-7 helmets in stock. ZSh-3 inchess
are the world's most widely used jet-age helmet (worn in virtually every type
of Russian aircraft - MiG-17 to MiG-29 fighters, Il-76 cargo planes and Mi-24
attack helicopters). Padded aluminum shell has notch in top to mate with padded
ridge of Shz-50 leather helmet (leather helmet and KM-32 O2 mask included).
GSh-4 inchess were introduced in late '50s (dispelling the myth that these were
copied from Francis Gary Powers' particular MA-2 helmet following the downing
of his U-2 spy plane in 1960). Used for high-altitude flight in MiG-19, MiG-21
and Su-15 fighters. Aluminum frame and shell, rubber pressure seal, oxygen
regulator and visor with internal heating element. ZSh-7 inchess, issued since
'87, are used by MiG-29 pilots with KM-34 O2 masks. Recent versions
incorporated helmet-mounting bracket for target aiming system. All in excellent

above: NEW! Russian ZSh-7 fighter pilot's helmet Right: MedRes! below: NEW! Left: HiRes!

above: NEW! Right: Vladimir Putin in ZSh-7 with Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bomber gift model
above: NEW! HiRes! ZSh-7M dimension

above: Russian VVS pilots in ZSh-7 before Sukhoi Su-24 'Fencer'

above: NEW! Russian Federation's VVS Fighter Pilot's suit with ZSh-7 helmet KM-34 kishlorod mask

above: Russian VVS pilots in ZSh-7 before Sukhoi Su-24 'Fencer'
above: NEW! HiRes! RIAT Brittain Fairford "Air Tattoo" MiG-29B champion Vári "Coca" Gyula őrgy. "G"-ruhája photo: Vincze Ferenc nyá. ftőrm. aviapainter.
Su-24 "Fencer": http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/05/77-su-24-fencer-russian-sukhoi-fighter.html
above: NEW! Russian Federation's VVS Fighter Pilot's suit with ZSh-7 helmet KM-34 kishlorod mask
above: NEW! VVS Su-27 pilots LowRes!
below: NEW! Left: ZSh-7M equipped IVth generation NVG (Night Vision) gauge. Right: MedRes! New ZSh-10 for Sukoi T-50-1 PAK-FA
below: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scanned collection: British Mk4A pilot flying helmet
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hungarian Miss. Mihalik Enikő VS' model in "IR eyes adaptation dark-room" Eniko Mihalik for Chantelle Fall 2011 Campaign by: Camilla Akrans source: mellbimbo.eu
Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography team Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enik%C5%91_Mihalik
Hu. text: Mihalik Enikő 1987. május 11-én látta meg a napvilágot Békéscsabán, Magyarországon. Magyar modell. Már fiatal korában is nagyszerű alakkal rendelkezett, mégsem tervezte, hogy egy nap modell lesz belőle. Tizenöt éves korában, bevásárlás közben fedezték fel, majd a 2002-es Elite Model Look-versenyt meg is nyerte, a nemzetközi megmérettetésen viszont csak a negyedik helyig jutott. Azonban ez is elég volt ahhoz, hogy a Visage Management leszerződtesse. ... https://starity.hu/sztarok/mihalik-eniko/eletrajz/
NEW! above: MedRes! Updated Pilot: Romanian Air Force 2017. MiG-21MF "Lancer" photo & article: avia mechanic Mr. Kővári "Stonefort" László Chief Editor of Hu. 'Golden Wing' - 'Aranysas' Militari Aviation Magazine source: Jetplanes.Blog.hu via: facebook.com/Kővári László
Hu. text article - cikk: "Minek a Trabantba színes display,".....Hát ezért;
2017. október 02. - stonefort2
A fenti kérdés a rendszerváltást követően hangzott el hazai katonai vezető szájából, amikor a légierő korszerűsítésének vitájában felmerült a meglévő repülőgép állomány, konkrétan a MiG-21-es korszerűsítése és üzemidő hosszabbítása. ...
2017. október 02. - stonefort2
A fenti kérdés a rendszerváltást követően hangzott el hazai katonai vezető szájából, amikor a légierő korszerűsítésének vitájában felmerült a meglévő repülőgép állomány, konkrétan a MiG-21-es korszerűsítése és üzemidő hosszabbítása. ...
above: NEW! Juci'bacsi scanned phptocollection from early 1980's HUD projector in helmet.
NEW! above: AH-64 "Apache" helmet below: F-35 digital carbon helmet with mini HUD
The helmet is the coolest feature and somewhat resembles the Army Apache pilot helmet. Rumor is each helmet is $250,000! The uniform has a cooling feature and somewhat modular. The vest can be configured specifically for the mission. AV8torJoe - As for technology I was privleged to work on some incredible HUDs. We had one where information/pictures etc. was beamed an a lens the size of one of your fingernails. I actually watched movies on it. The lens was clear so you could lok through it and not lose a lot of situational awareness. Downside it was only three colors, couldn't be used in a bright light envirnment and probably too delicate for a field environment. That was six years ago. We were looking for replacements to the land warrior head mounted display that is pretty bulky and basically eliminates half of your situational awareness.
above: NEW! HiRes! Hu. text: brit BAE Systems által fejlesztett 'Striker II' sisak egy látogatón photo by: Tolga Akmen source: AFP/wm - www.index.hu
above: NEW! NoHigher! Lockheed-Martin F-35 "Lightning-II" helmet

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Lockheed-Martin F-35 carbon-fiber helmet with HMDS. Right. MedRes! Sweden 'Gripen' pilot HMD "Guardian"
below: NEW! Left: MedRes! Swedish "Gripen"s "Cobra" helmet in testing - Ex. Caslav "Lion Effort"

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! BAe F-35 helmet Right: NoHigher! Sextant "Topsight"
above: NEW! The Zsh-3 Helmet's sungglass/face-protector Know-How by Google - A sisak-szemvédő újszerű felhasználása - below: HiRes! Google Smart Glasses - Okos-szemüveg source: Pinterest

above: NEW! HiRes! Japan; Left: Real Robot-Pilot Right: Hajime Sorayama:"Gynoid" Pilot
above: NEW! HiRes! Swedish made (Linköping - Svenska Aeroplan Aktie Bolaget) SAAB JAS-39C "Gripen" trainer version's 'Canard' wings for maneuver and rolling airbrake - "Kacsaszárnyak" source: wikipedia
below: two pics New! Juci'bacsi's scanned collection Left: HiRes! Svenska Forstvaret 'Gripen' pilots.

above: NEW! Left: NoHigher! The HuAF's beginner among 'Gripen'-pilots (ret.) Maj. (Lt.Col.) Tóth Gábor rep. őrgy. (alez) az első Gripen pilóták között Kecskeméten (LHKE). Right: MedRes! maj. Gróf "Geri" Gergely őrgy. Below: Left: nowadays squadron commander Lt.Col. Asztalos István alez. szdpk. Right: MedRes! Swedish SAAB JAS-39's helmet.

above: NEW pic! HiRes! Lt.col. Tamás FEKETE dep.wg. cmdr. HuAF 'Gripen' pilot. Right: Juci'bacsi's photo HiRes! at Road-Show for AirShow Kecskemét AFB at Veszprém city 2013.
above: NEW! MedRes!A két II. világháborús veterán Puma pilóta -középen- vitéz Szentiványi János alezredes és vitéz Frankó Endre főhadnagy. from facebook photo: www.topidoc.hu

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! The big gift for Hu. Messer pilot by 'Gripen' taxiing. Back right: "Csücsör"
The oldest Hungarian veteran fighter jet pilot, János Szentiványi got a ride in Gripen last month when he was invited to visit the Kecskemét Air Base for his birthday, reports: Blikk.hu.
When the 94 year old retired lieutenant colonel reached the air base, he had no idea that he would have a chance to wear a G-suit and sit in a moving 'Gripen'. “It was one of my biggest joy to sit in a Gripen cockpit and roll on the runway paths,” said János Szentiványi to the local press. HM: Majerik Mate Read the full report: Begurult a vitéz pilóta Image Courtesy: Blikk.hu http://www.aranysas.hu/cikk_griffmadarkronika.php
Right: HiRes! 'Gripen' pilot Capt. Máté "Motyi" Attila szds. was former Taszár AFB 101st. Recce Aviation squadron Sukoi Su-22M3 jet-pilot.
above: NEW! HiRes! Poster for Kecskemét AirShow-2013 LHKE: Authenic HuAF "Gripen" pilots. source: Magyar-Honved-2013.juni-XXIV.evf-6.sz.-16. wwww.honvedelem.hu
JAS-39 Gripen készültség felszállása
A Nemzetközi Repülőnap és Haditechnikai Bemutató 2013 hivatalos videója
Hungarian Air Force TANGO Alert Training - Saab JAS 39 Gripen Engine Start - Takeoff

NEW! MedRes! above: Left: The Swedish Survival training for Hungarian 'Gripen' pilots. Right: "The Svenska blonde survival instructor (She leave from pic!)" below: NEW! HuAF "Lion Effort" Ex. Langó Viktor fhdgy.
above: NEW! MedRes! HuAF Gripilot are approaching to 1M - Közelíti az 1 Machot source: facebook
above & below: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect from Hu. Home-Defender - Magyar Honvéd magazine 2013. május XXIV.évf. 5.sz. Hu. text article - cikk: HuAF MH 59th TFW - Hc.Re.E. LHKE "Gripen" Fighter demo Pilot: Flt. 1st Lt. Langó Viktor fhdgy.

Gripen Pilot - Blokkies Joubert - SAAF Saab JAS-39
We sit down with fighter pilot Blokkies Joubert and learn more about the Gripen C single seat 4th generation swing-role fighter aircraft.
above: NEW! NoHigher! HuAF 'Gripen' in sunset before departure with "Geri"? - Naplementében a start előtt photo by: Hu. Mr. Gut Zoltán Photography source: facebook
above: NEW! HiRes! NATO series Anti-G-Suit AeroMilTec Ltd.
above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's photos in MH RMAR (Isaszeg) disbanded HuDF Aviation Spare Storage 2013.

above: new! HiRes! In 'Moca gala' - The Museum of Contemporary ArtMrs. Alice Eve Angol születésű 1982. Hollywoodi sztár színésznő nem egészen olyat visel.
above: NEW pic! 'Fortis-papa' Lt.Col. Nagy Ernő alez. and ret. Lt.Col. Markotán "Kocka - Kub - Cube" Zoltán nyá. alez. nowadays member of MVRSz-VREVE. below: NEW! MR! "Kocka"
below: New: HiRes! Left: MH 47. TFW Pápa MiG-21Bis 'Fortis' watch advertisement painted, also ret. HuAF Flt. Col. Varga Ferenc golden winged 1st. class testpilot (L-39, MiG-21, MiG-29, F-16, F-18, Mirage-2000, JAS-39, ect. ... hangar-door) and head of fighter pilots of HQ - vadász szemlélő - - source: Varga Ferenc collection from www.facebook.com http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/wrist-watches-for-airmens-repulos.html Right: HiRes! Swiss 'Fortis' Chronograph Automatic pilot watches for MH 47th Pápa TFW

Aviators' Watches: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/wrist-watches-for-airmens-repulos.html
above: NEW! MedRes! from Hu. 'TopGun' magazine by chief editor Tőrös "Grizzly" István journalist ~1992 about disbanded hungarian jet pilots' story as nickname "Gerecse".

above Three: NEW! HiRes! Soviet made S-4 pilot survival sitting parachute - Sz-4 pilóta mentőernyő
above: NEW! MedRes! Genevieve Morton was photographed by James Macari in Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Swimsuit by Kate Swim (Sports Illustrated Magazine). - "My Son prefering these ventillation suits." - "A Fiam az ilyen szellőzőruhásokat kedveli."
source: Razorfine.com www.sportsillustrated.cnn.com
above: NEW! HiRes! My Son: "Bubu" Andor - Andrew (Marcel Dassault 'Solid Works' 3D designer & leader of Design office) 25. years old in old timer MiG-21MF out of service simulator (Link-Trainer) in Rácalmás city (over close to Dunaújváros city) 'Gyöngyösi Autójavító - Car preparator & Air Service Rácalmás, in 2017. april 15. also Courtesy FREE! photo by: 'Sony Ericsson' "Yari" halfsmart phone - félokos mobil
below: My soon Andrew in workshop (NEW) in VK-3M Ventillation suit - Szellőzőruha

above: NEW pic: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's photos top: Veszprém Exhibition Right: HiRes! Taszár Military Aviation Musem 2012. VK-3M ventillation suit - szellőző overall and cover suit - hajózóruha.

above two: NEW! Why need the G-suit's ventillation overal? therefore: Miért kell a G-ruha alá ventillációs overall? mert, Left: MedRes! Ilyen erős G-terhelés mellett mint Palvin Barbara Victoria Secret's Hungarian modellen is látjuk - Right: MedRes! Because fully become wet from sweat for ex. CD. - Mert teljesen átizzadna az alsó ruházat mint azt ahogy Cameron Diaz (Esquire Magazine) Hollywoodi színésznő sztáresetében látjuk.
above: NEW! French Air Force's Alpha-Jet formation "Patrouille the France" in vertical climb
below: NEW! Left: HiRes! VK-3M close up and inside with perforated ventillation tubes. Right: Big!
flight suit for MIG pilot. It is of VK-3M model, which was used for training
and low flights with high atmosphere temperature. It is made of light, very
good material. On the whole inside of the suit there have been installed pipes
for under pressure air.
The suit was made in the USSR (Soviet Union) in 1987 and comes with its Russian
passport document, with quality control sign and stamp of the factory producer.
The document provides technical data and information table with results of
technical tests. This suit was imported in Bulgaria and used by the Bulgarian
Air Forces for a very short period in '90s.
The VK-3M is a Soviet/Russian
ventilation suit designed to keep a pilot comfortable in a variety of
environments. It is properly called a
вентилирующий костюм or ventilating suit as it is designed to keep the pilot at a
constant temperature. The VK-3M can also be worn over various VKK suits,
as well as over more conventional Russian flight suits.
It is made out of a lightweight material and both rugged and comfortable to
wear. Donning the suit is done exactly the same way as the VKK suits,
although this is much easier to do in the loose fitting VK-3m than in the tight
VKK. In flight the hoses on the suit are plugged into the plane's
environmental system, which pumps air into it to keep the pilot comfortable.
One of the most noticeable features of the suit is the opening near the
waist. It is used when it is worn over another suit such as the VKK so
that its hoses can still be attached to the aircraft without
interference. source: http://www.russianwarrior.com/STMMain.htm?1969_VK3m.htm&1

above: VK-3M ventillation cover suit
As with all Soviet flight suits, the VK-3m comes in sizes
ranging from 3 to 12, with 9 being the most common. All suits have
their own serial number and come in a simple bag with snap closures.
Three lines mark the bag. The first has the name of the suit, the
second has its serial number, and the third marks its size.
above: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect from Magyar Honvéd magazine 1990's:"Present and Future" - "Jelen és Jövő" article about MiG-23 at MH 47 Hc.Re.E. Pápa HuAF 47th TFW
above: Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: NEW! MedRes! "Perestroyka": Soviet VVSz MiG-23's pilot in Zsh-3 helmet under La-5 slemaphon and KM-1 mask source: inner poster of Magyar Honvéd magazin 1990. okt.12-I. évf. 32.sz. 14,50,-Ft. www.armedia.hu
below: Juci"bacsi's photo HiRes! Exhibition of Vetrany Association Veszprém at Veszprém 2007 library-hall of Industrial Higher School. ZSh-3 and La-5 and aviation broschures.
The ZSh-3 (защитний шлем) protective helmet is one of several helmets that can
be used in conjunction with this suit. It is a three part affair
comprised of the aluminum outer shell, a leather inner helmet, and a Kh-32
oxygen mask.
The helmet is issued in three sizes (1, 2, and 3), while the
mask is issued in 5 sizes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
The visor of the ZSh-3M helmet comes in three colors. Originally the
color was blue, but as it provided little protection from the glare of the sun
it was changed to green. Later versions have a smoky dark color and are
somewhat common. Like most other Soviet helmets, the ZSh-3 has no form of
integral communications. This feature is provided by a throat
microphone found on the leather helmet worn underneath it. The ZSh-3M in
this picture does have a provision for a microphone in the Kh-32 mask.
above: new! HiRes! Left: VKK-6 High Alt. press suit, cent.: ZSh-3 helmet, Right: GSh-6 HA-Helmet

above: NEW! GSh-6 Left: MedRes! Hungarian WP pilots before MiG-21UM. Right: Maj. Csatári Árpád őrgy. before MiG-21F-13 at Pápa. source: facebook Csatári's collection

above: NEW! MedRes! below: NEW! MedRes! GSh-6 breathing Valve - Klapan
below: NEW! mix MedRes!
Soviet Gsh-6A Helmet and Partial Pressure Suit (VVK-6M).
This green partial pressure suit was used by MIG-21 pilots to prevent their
blood from rushing to their feet during high speed manoevers. The suit has
three zippers on the front and one on the back (jammed). as well as numerous
adjustment laces to ensure a snug fit. Two hoses extend from the waist of the
suit which attach to the plane's pressure system.
The white helmet includes a rubber bladder, cloth skirt, cables, oxygen tube and communications headset designed to go with this unit. A fascinating addition to any collection.
Estimated Value $750 - 1,000.
The white helmet includes a rubber bladder, cloth skirt, cables, oxygen tube and communications headset designed to go with this unit. A fascinating addition to any collection.
Estimated Value $750 - 1,000.
rom the late 80's to early 90's. The HGU-55
helmet and MBU-12 mask combination was the most popular flight gear combination
during the 80's and 90's for the F-16, F-15 and F-18 jets. The MBU-12 mask was
replaced by the MBU-20 mask and combat edge flight gear in the USAF. Some
adversary squadrons in the USAF and US Navy are still using the MBU-12 when
flying F-5 and F-16 jets. The HGU-55 helmet is still issued today, with minor
design changes - it has proved to be the most successful lightweight flight helmet
designed for high 'G' environments for the past 20 years.
The previous owner claimed that these items were used in F-16 jets by the
USAF 313th Tactical Fighter Squadron that was based at Hahn AB, Germany from
1981 to 1991 when the squadron was deactivated. I'm not sure about that, but
according to the flight ready check sticker on the mask, it was last checked on
16 AUG 1991. Also the leather visor protector with the squadron patch is well
worn similar to the helmet and mask. The TPL liner has a pilot name and fitting
date of 15 Dec 88.
above: NEW! Left: HiRes! Summer slemaphone under GSh-6 Right: NoHigher!
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bácsi 64.y.o. in Hi-Tech Creator cap - Alkotó sapekban
above: NEW! NoHigher! Former Hippilot BLOGGER = Juci'bácsi's 'DC' -'Klark Dávidja' (My active soviet GSh-6 High Alt. helmet' underwear shlemaphone canvas inner-cover hat with headphone) on My head, before screen during blogging at home - in H-8200 Veszprém city slemafonban blogolok

above: NEW! Left: Soviet VKK-1 High Pressure Suit Right: MedRes! VKK-3 MiG-17 HPS
An Early and Rare Russian VKK-2 partial pressure suit-functionally identical to the
David-Clark T-1 model US equivalent and probably inspired by it. The Russian
VKK-2 suit is an early equivalent of the US Air Force T-1 partial pressure
suit, used by pilots flying in the upper atmosphere. Russia actively examined
and investigated many American technological solutions to various aerospace
medical problems and the VKK-2 suit is therefore closely patterned after the
original western mechanical partial pressure suits designed and developed by
Dr. Henry, since it was an effective means of providing aircrew high altitude
defense against lowered atmospheric pressure. The latter VKK-4 and VVK-6 suits
(used in the MiG-21 and other aircraft with the GSh-4 and GSh-6 helmets) were
improved and modified versions of the earlier VKK-2, corresponding to the US
MC-2, MC-3, and MC-4 partial pressure suits. Great suit for your collection.
This suit is in excellent condition, unused, size 1. http://www.alacona.com/productimages/aviation3.html
NEW! above: HiRes! Drawing of Basic Human sizes/dimensions of genders. below: MedRes!
below: NEW! Left: MedRes! Schematics
A pressure suit is a protective suit worn by high-altitude pilots who may fly at altitudes where the air pressure is too low for an unprotected person to survive, even breathing pure oxygen at positive pressure. Such suits may be either full-pressure (i.e. a space suit) or partial-pressure (as used by aircrew). Partial-pressure suits work by providing mechanical counter-pressure to assist breathing at altitude.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_suit

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Right: HiRes! Принципиальная схема комплекта кислородного оборудования
типа ККО-3 source: http://scilib-avia.narod.ru/Oxygen/oxygen.htm

above: NEW! VKK-6 below: NEW! Left: HiRes: close-up VKK-6M Right: MedRes!
above: NEW! 'Top Gun" Hungarian independent Military Aviation Magazine after 1990. it succesor is 'Aranysas' Magazine: Article with 1st Lt. Perjési Zoltán fhdgy-al MiG-23MF pilot Pápa. source: fb.com

above: NEW pics: HiRes! Top Left: Juci'bacsi's photo; at Veszprém Veterany exhibition in 2007 and Taszár Military Aviation Museum 2012. Cold War Soviet Mig pilot flight helmet and Soviet MIG PILOT VKK-6M HIGH-ALT pressure suit. Right: dressing room. below: HiRes! Underwear & VKK-6

above: NEW! Left: By the way such like woollen lingerie had been need unde VKK-6m for a sliding and care of skin. - Ilyesmi gyapjúalsó kellett a magassági ruha alá, hogy csússzon és óvja a bőrt. Right: MedRes! Dog's suit - "A kutyafáját!" below: NEW! HiRes! In bad condition.
above: NEW! MedRes! Pilot home FNL friday night lights before exam day and advanced blue silk underwear for His wife. - Új fejlesztésű hajózó-feleség selyemalsó

above: New Pics! Right: NEW! MedRes!

above: NEW! Juci'bacsi's photo: HiRes! GSh-6 m. sisak - Rácalmáson, Gyöngyösi Lacinál. Right: New pics! HiRes! GSh-6 helmet (knowing repeat!)
above: Soviet - Russian Pilot's suits; Cold War pilot flight helmet and VKK-6M HIGH-ALTITUDE pressure suit and GSh-6 helmet, middle; ZSh-5 helmet, right, mechaniker - used the silk underwear suit, corset due slip condition. Teese made by
above: NEW! Tapír-egy helyzetbe kerültek a zűrhajósok ... below: Left: HiRes! Ejection seat KM-1 katapultban VKK-1M & GS-6 magassági sisakjukban Right: abandoned HuAF AFB's Taszár Military Aviation Museum of "Corvin" aviation foundation.

above: NoHigher! MiG-21bis KM-1ejection seat. below: HiRes! Under the rescue parachute S-? in high pressure stratosfera suit in KM-1 in Association of Veterany Aviators' Exhibition in Veszprém, industrial School - Ipari Szakközépiskolában 2009.
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's repro film by Practica collect: from DDR-NVA's 'Armee Rundschau' 1970's: MiG-21 KM-1 ejection seat also Courtesy FREE! below: NEW! NoHigher! KM-1 & ZSh-5
Taszár mil.avn.museum: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/04/75-taszar-repulomuzeum-taszar-hu-afb.html
Bright orange pilot suit of the VMSK-4
outfit. This suit is worn by pilots over all the other suits that complete the
VMSK outfit. It consists out of a number of components – VMSK-4, MK-4 and
VZK-4. MK-4 ( “Morskoi Kostyum-4″ – “Sea Suit-4″ ) and VZK-4 ( “Vodozashitnii
Kostum-4″ – “Water Resistant Suit-4″ ) are internal parts of the bright orange VMSK-4
suit. Internal suits are made out of the rubberized material to keep the water
away from reaching pilot’s body. To dress up into this combo, pilot first
unzips the VMSK-4 main zipper and gets into internal suits by the means of the
big opening located in the waits area of these suits. Once inside, pilot ties a
a special rubber band around extra materil and zips up the VMSK-4 suit. https://coolcostumeidea.wordpress.com/tag/g-suit/
above: NEW! MedRes! HuAF MiG-21UM pilots in GSh-6 and VKK-1 on cover Hu. aircrew green suit in 1991 - 1994. source: facebook.com below: NEW! NoHigher! VVS Su-27
below: new! Left: Soviet MiG-31 HA Alt. suit Right: LowRes! Marine Flot Fighter suit ZSh-7

above: NEW+++! NoHigher! Fighter-Pilotnhica in GSh-6 helmet and ect. artwork graphics
above: NEW! NoHigher! CSU-13B-P anti-g garment MIL-A-83406B provides protection against high g-forces experienced in high performance aircraft

above: NoHigher! Marty Richard, call sign OPUS, has been an F-15 pilot for 12 years. He
flew in the Gulf War
and has piloted commercial jets professionally. Now a fighter pilot in
the 102nd Fighter Wing,
OPUS flies patrol missions out of Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape
Cod in
Massachusetts. On the day in December 2002 when NOVA visited OPUS, he
was on alert, meaning that he could be called into the air at a moment's
notice. source: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/warplanes/pilo-nf.html Right: MRCA "Tornado"
above: NEW! Hollywood star actor Harrison Ford (Privat acf & heli pilot) "Indiana Jones" as a 'Millenium-Falcon's pilot in 'Blue Angels' Mc Donnell F/A-18 "Hornet" cockpit. below: the Classic USA 'Ray-Ban' (original: BL-Bausch & Lomb New York) aviator eardrop shaped sunglasses with G15 glas-lens for female pilot.

above: NEW! MedRes! Hollywood Movie: "Top Gun" "Maverick" in leather pilot jacket
is a 1986 American action drama film directed by Tony Scott, and produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer, in association with Paramount Pictures. The screenplay was written by Jim Cash and Jack Epps, Jr., and was inspired by the article "Top Guns" written by Ehud Yonay for California magazine.
The film stars Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Anthony Edwards, and Tom Skerritt. Cruise plays Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a young Naval aviator aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. He and his Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (Edwards) are given the chance to train at the Navy's Fighter Weapons School atMiramar in San Diego.
above: NEW! On 1 May 2003, US President George W. Bush flew in the co-pilot seat of a ASW board sqn. VS-35, Lockheed S-3 "Viking" from NAS North Island, California toUSS "Abraham Lincoln" off the California coast. source photo: Reuters
above: NEW! MedRes! S-3B "Viking" "Navy One" landing on USS "Abraham Lincoln" (CVN-72, is the fifth Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in the United States Navy), 1 May 2003 source: wikipedia.org/S-3

above: NEW! MedRes! G.W. Bush goes away from Lockheed S-2 'Viking' ASW source: Jetplanes
above: NEW! Stealth (2005) Hollywood Movie
Top Gun with a sci-fi tinge, this action flick centred on Navy pilots tasked with stopping a fighter jet controlled by rogue artificial intelligence. US box office earnings of $31 million against a $135 million budget meant that Jamie Foxx and Jessica Biel have swiftly swept this one under the carpet.
Three U.S. navy pilots (Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel, and Jamie
Foxx) are teamed with a robotic stealth fighter for an experimental mission.
Everything looks promising, until a malfunction forces the humans to match wits
with the rogue flyer before it starts an Armageddon.

above second paragraph: Left: NEW pic: HiRes-Big! Miley Cyrrus then the lace of corset to unlaca - és amikor a fűző fűzője kioldódik. Right: MedRes! Charlize Theron (birth: 1975. South Africa) she is really good looking young lady in Hollywood - California, Los Angeles.
above: NEW Pics! Left: representing the ancestor the pilot man-corset clothes, steampunk style. Right: modernised "Alizarin" turkiz colour as Soviet dashboards Anti-'G' & decompression protect corset and legs lace from STRV-103 "Stridsvagn".
above: NEW! BEWARE! with corset. - VIGYÁZZni a fűzővel!
above: NEW! NoHigher! Czech Zeny pilot before Aero L-39 "Albatros"

above: NEW! Helmet rest buste sculpture: Icons: Left: MedRes! french Marianne as Brigitte Bardot Right: HiRes! Laetitia Casta: Paule Deville-Chabrolle. Buste de Marianne source: axpertissim.com

above: MedRes! Old Crazy Pilots
above: NEW! MedRes! Caricature of n Real Reservist Pilot
above: NEW! HiRes! USAF airman new combat suit (BDU)
Aviation Rules-adages: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/03/a-repules-nehany-szabalya-repulos.html
above & below: NEW+! HiRes! MiG-29B HuAF LHKE Kecskemét Air-Show 2008. "Fulcrum" Pilot: maj. Máté "Motyi" Attila őrgy. Photo and source: ret. stgt. hel. eng. mech. Pénzes Károly ny.ftőrm. hel. SAHM mech. facebook/akik nélkül nem lehetett volna magyar katonai repülés/Photo Pénzes
above: NEW! MedRes! Duchess Kate Middleton take into RAF EF-2000 'Typhoon' source: facebook
En. text: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (born Catherine Elizabeth Middleton; 9 January 1982) is a member of the British royal family. Her husband, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, is expected to become king of the United Kingdom and 15 other Commonwealth realms, making Catherine a likely future queen consort.
Catherine grew up in Chapel Row, a village near Newbury, Berkshire, England. She studied art history in Scotland at the University of St Andrews, where she met William in 2001. Their engagement was announced in November 2010. They married on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey. The Duke and Duchess's children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis of Cambridge, are third, fourth, and fifth in the line of succession to the British throne.
The Duchess of Cambridge's charity works focus mainly on issues surrounding young children, addiction, and art. To encourage people to open up about their mental issues, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry initiated the mental health awareness campaign "Heads Together" in April 2016.
The media has called Catherine's impact on British and American fashion the "Kate Middleton effect". In 2012 and 2013, Time magazine selected her as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine,_Duchess_of_Cambridge
Hu. text: Katalin cambridge-i hercegné (Kate Middleton, született Catherine Elizabeth Middleton; 1982. január 9. –) Vilmos brit királyi herceg, Cambridge hercegének felesége. Esküvőjükre 2011. április 29-én került sor Londonban.
Middleton az angliai Berkshire grófságban lévő Bucklebury településhez tartozó Chapel Row faluban nőtt fel. Tanulmányait a skóciai St. Andrews-i Egyetemen végezte, ahol 2001-ben találkozott Vilmos herceggel. Romantikus kapcsolatukat egy több hónapig tartó szakítás törte meg 2007-ben, de továbbra is barátok maradtak és még ugyanabban az évben újra egy pár lettek.
Amint kapcsolata Vilmossal a nyilvánosság tudomására jutott, Kate a média figyelmének középpontjába került. Sok dicséretet kapott kifinomult ízlése és öltözködése miatt. Vilmos herceg 2010-ben egy kenyai vakáció során kérte meg a kezét. Az eljegyzést hivatalosan 2010. november 16-án jelentették be Károly walesi herceg irodájában a Clarence House-ban. Az esküvőre 2011. április 29-én került sor a Westminsteri apátságban.
2013. július 22-én megszületett Vilmos és Katalin hercegné első gyermeke, György cambridge-i herceg, aki apja után a 3. helyet foglalja el a trónöröklési sorban. Lányuk, Sarolta cambridge-i hercegnő 2015. május 2-án született. Harmadik gyermekük, Lajos cambridge-i herceg 2018. április 23-án született. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! Italian AF Panavia MRCA "Tornado" ADV & Lamborghini "Aventador"
above: NEW! HiRes! Hu. retro from early 1950's: HuAF - MLE Yakovlev Yak-18 "Quail" - Jakovlev Jak-18 "Fürj": "Before take-off - Felszállás előtt" 'Flag' source: facebook/Bárdi László/Akik nélkül nem lehetett volna Magyar katonai repülés
below: Boldog Bálint napot kívánok az AVIATRIXeknek is! - Happy Valentine's day to AVIATRIXes too! by Russian Pin-Up artist painter Valery Barykin's aircraft nose-art artwork graphics via SzEXTANT Blogger.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Pin-Up artist Valery Barikyn: "Heart Attack Fighter". #Valery#Barykin (#Валерий Барыкин) is a Russia based artist who helped us ... Valery creates Pin Up Soviet-style posters, combining vintage American Pin Up ...
Valery Barykin soviet pin up Валерий Барыкин пинап · Валерий Барыкин pin up girl · pin up art · pin up illustration · pin up girl. https://www.pinupcartoongirls.com/valery-barykin/
above: NEW+! MedRes! HuDF MH 59's LHKE HuAFB's leader Flying Doctor & Aerial photoartist: "TopiDoc" Flt.Med.Lt.Col. Dr. Toperczer "Topi" István orv.rep.alez. vez.o. a Légibázison facebook www.topidoc.hu
above: NEW! NoHigher! Selfy of My Hu. Collegaue Mr. Veres Viktor aerial photographer from 'Magyar Nemzet' online https://mno.hu/ source: facebook/Veres Viktor
above: NEW! NoHigher! Selfy of My Hu. Collegaue Mr. Veres Viktor aerial photographer from 'Magyar Nemzet' online https://mno.hu/ source: facebook/Veres Viktor
Marisa Miller Pin-Up model: Bye Bye! - Molnár Mariska búcsuzik
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