18+Khaki & Safary Military-look style woman fashion clothes & underwears - Terepzöld katonás divatú felsőruházat, alsóneműk & cuccok
Uploaded to 100% in 01. April 2021. Refreshed to101% 18.08.2021.:+
above: NoHigher! Model Bebe in tight miniskirt for after beach action on to party of medal parade. It for available to Emergency swim, ensemble 27 by: bossman
above: HiRes! The Survivor Pointer Woman
above: NoHigher! Military skirt fashion photo & source: Robert Alvarado
above: NoHigher! 1. Inspired by the 1940 military forces, the Cadet Dress from Stop Staring
above: NoHigher! #Central-European #Air Force #NATO #Military/#Government #VIP/#EW/#ELINT/#SIGINT/#MEDEVAC/#Cargo/#Liaison/#Corporate-jet #Dassault '#Falcon'-7X #UEFA - #Universal #Electronic #Flight #Attendant & #Navigator & #Stewardess in #sexy "#Top-gun" #summer-time shielded #costume and #LASER-protect '#Ray-Ban' #aviator #sunglasses.
149.) Dassault 'Falcon'-900EX French made Business Jet from HA-LKN Hu. Bank of OTP Group - pr. min. Orbán Viktor párizsi repülőútja a 'Charlie Hebdo' felvonulásra - 3D 'Catia'-V4 - Honeywell glass-cockpit - Yakovlev Jak-40: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/01/149-dassault-falcon-900ex-french-made.html
above: Left: MedRes! Proud saluter female officer for successful firehit - Büszke tisztelgő női tiszt a sikeres tűzcsapáshoz Right: MedRes! #American #fashion-designer #Ralph#Lauren's spring 2015 #safari #wear for #NBC decontamination - AVB vegyimentesítéshez

above: NoHigher! Hollywood actress #Catherine#Bell from TV series JAG - Judge Advocate General - "LKÜ - Legfőbb Katonai Ügyészség" TV filmsorozatból in Norfolk, Virginia state
Catherine Lisa Bell (born August 14, 1968) is an American actress, known for her roles as Major Sarah MacKenzie in the television series JAG from 1997 to 2005, Denise Sherwood in the series Army Wives from 2007 to 2013, and Cassandra "Cassie" Nightingale in Hallmark's The Good Witch films and television series (2008–present). Born in England to a Scottish father and Iranian mother, her parents divorced when she was two, and Bell moved with her mother to California where she grew up. She attended UCLA, but dropped out in her sophomore year to pursue modelling and acting. ...
above: NoHigher! The commander of Soviet SP AAG ZSzU-57/2 this like well dressed due opened turret fighting compartment - A harcjármű / lövegparancsnoknak a nyitott torony-küzdőtér miatt ilyen jól be kellett öltöznie.
34.) ZSzU-57-2 "Büszke" ('Proud') - Зенитная установка ЗСУ-57-2 - Flak-panzer - боевой танк Т-54 alvázon, MBT tank, Sz-60 AA-gun - Drawing - ЧЕРТЕЖИ - Rajz: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/34-zszu-57-2-buszke-proud-57-2-flak.html
T-44,54 1956.Hu. Revol IV.: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/08/125-hajmaskeri-falunapi-rendezvenyen.html
above: NoHigher! Am. U.S. size Etalon in Inch" - Coll-ban/Hüvelyk-ben source: Pinterest
18+above: NoHigher! Human ASA basiclines prop Female (Jack Ham: "How to draw Humans?")
above: HiRes! Human standard sizes with ISO & ASA datas by: Henry Dreyfuss Associates; New York City
above: size Nearly Me Fitting Guide below: Hungarian & En. text Human-sizes
above: NoHigher! "Chikita" in military-look SCW - Summer Camo Wear source: strippers.com
Blogger's not - Blogger megjegyzése: I created this Blog Post to see, but it would be nice to see a couple of military-fashionably dressed ladies and gentlemen and Fans at military demonstrations and Flight Days for Civilians as well. - Ezt a Blogbejegyzésemet azért hoztam létre, hogy de jó lenne látni a Civileknek is szóló katonai bemutató rendezvényeken és Repülőnapokon pár military-divatosan öltözött hölgyet és urat valamint a Fanokat.
above: MedRes! "Macacao" feminino 2016 summer, Sexy "V"-neck Camouflage Shorts-Jumpsuit LC64071-summer for Jeep's Drivers
above: NoHigher! 'Enigma' women military-look camouflage-print dress
above: NoHigher! Left: Camo occasion dress Right: Camo underwear by Laetitia Casta
En. text: Casta became a "GUESS? Girl" in 1993 and gained further recognition as a Victoria's Secret Angel from 1998 to 2000 and as a spokesperson for cosmetics company L'Oréal. She has appeared on over 100 covers of such popular magazines as Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Rolling Stone, Elle and Glamour, and has modeled for designers such as Yves Saint Laurent, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, J. Crew, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Roberto Cavalli, Lolita Lempicka, and Vivienne Westwood. Casta became an established actress, appearing in the films Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life (2010), in which she portrayed sex symbol Brigitte Bardot, Face (2009) and The Blue Bicycle (2000), as well as the play Ondine at the theatre Antoine. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laetitia_Casta
above: NoHigher! Gunner headmirror - Irányzó fejtükör source: www.virtuagirl-hd.com
above: Right: MedRes! USMC Party dress: After change of one's clothes - az Átöltözés után
above: MedRes! Camo prayer by: StripSaver2
above: NoHigher! Camo pattern skirt befor change a swimsuit - Szoknya fürdőruhára váltás előtt
above: Left: MedRes! Right: NoHigher! photo: Pierre Silber "The reserve collimator and orienting ziel. - TFKC - Tartalék Főkisegítő Cél"
11.) M-62 "Szergej" MÁV Fővonali Dízelmozdony - Train - Diesel Locomotive - Terrain Monster & Ballistic Missile Railway Launcher Loco _ Тепловоз серии М62 "Sergei" H0 & TT model Roco, Tillig: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/11-m-62-szergej-mav-fovonali.html
Female soldier in desert camo BDU guards with 'Colt' M16 the parking Buggy
above: NoHigher! Mr. Gugu's Desert Pattern Camo one-piece source: Pinterest
above: MedRes! Military Party Wear with ammos - Katonai partiviselet lőszerrel
above: NoHigher! M4 Panzer-crew with 'Thomson' submachine gun SMG by: #Robert Alvarado photo source: Pinterest https://robertalvarado.smugmug.com/
above: MedRes! American #star #singer #Christina#Aguilera
Christina María Aguilera (born December 18, 1980) is an American singer, songwriter, actress, reality show personality and television personality. Born in Staten Island, New York and raised in Rochester and Wexford, Pennsylvania, she appeared on the television series Star Search and The Mickey Mouse Club in her early years. After recording "Reflection", the theme for Disney's 1998 film Mulan, Aguilera signed with RCA Records. She rose to prominence with her 1999 self-titled debut album that spawned the US Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Genie in a Bottle", "What a Girl Wants", and "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)". The following year, Aguilera released two studio albums; the Spanish-language album Mi Reflejo and the holiday album My Kind of Christmas. ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Aguilera
above: NoHigher! Female U.S.M.C. Army General's special parade 'Tankini' style swimwear Pin-Up - Női Hadseregtábornok úszóviselete
above: NoHigher! Polish Silver Cross of the Merit - Srebrny Krzyż Zasługi similar
above: HiRes! #Military #Fan-men's collection: Crocket-&-Jones shoes, '#RayBan' sunglasses, '#ROLEX' "#Submariner" #watches, & stripet shirt
above: HiRes! (Cropped & Edited!) Camo pattern summerwear source: VirtuaGirl2
above:MedRes! Landscape of rigious Svalbard-island
Norge NN text: Svalbard er ei øygruppe i Nordishavet, og utgjer alle øyar, holmar og skjer mellom 74 og 81 grader nordleg breidd og 10 og 35 grader austleg lengd. Den totale storleiken er på ca 62 050 km². Dei største øyane er Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet, Edgeøya og Bjørnøya. Etter Svalbardtraktaten (av 9. februar 1920) er Noreg tilkjend full og uinnskrenka suverenitet over Svalbard, med dei avgrensingane som fylgjer av traktaten. Etter lov av 17. juli 1925 er Svalbard ein del av Kongeriket Noreg. ... https://nn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard
above: MedRes! Svalbard/ Spitzbergak-island (No.), Longyearbyen, Lokalstyret - HOTEL
above: NoHigher! Lead Receptionist - Főportás of the Hotel Dannii Minogue in Petites Wrap Detail Dress - Camo Print
Hu. text: Dannii Minogue (teljes nevén Dannielle Jane Minogue; Melbourne, 1971. október 20. –) ausztrál énekesnő, színésznő, fotómodell és televíziós személyiség. Kylie Minogue énekes-, színésznő húga. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dannii_Minogue
above & below: NoHigher! Swedish camo pattern sandal & Jungle cap
above: NoHigher! Swedish Army's "Woodland M90" camo paint on: Left: T-shirt polo pinterest,
above: NoHigher! Bag for Field Rations: Swedish army M90 camouflage roll top backpack by: pinterest.com
MedRes! Juci'bácsi's sortie design "Swedish" camo pattern COVID-protective mask - Juci'bácsi-féle "Svéd" álcamintást Virnyákvédő maszk ("Vírus ellen isvéd, felismerés ellen isvéd, sok evés ellen isvéd....!") above Two: Pleated mask - Rakott maszk & below: Smooth mask - Sima maszk (szextant@gmail.com)
above: NoHigher! Standardized Military Camo Patterns - Sztendert Katonai Álcaminták
Blogger Remark: I have got Four favourite colors as AviaMil artist: Khaki-green, Desert-mat, Air Superiority-grey and Camo-Pattern - Mint Aviamilitary grafikusnak, 4 kedvenc szinem van: Khaki-zöld, Homok-matt, Légifölény-szürke és a Tereptarka.

above: NoHigher! #Swiss industrial ikon the vintage #OMEGA Automatic "#Seamaster-300" marine sailor watch
De. text: Omega (Omega SA) ist ein Schweizer Uhrenhersteller, der Armbanduhren im gehobenen bis luxuriösen Preissegment fertigt. Das Unternehmen wurde im Jahre 1848 gegründet und ist heute eine Tochtergesellschaft der Swatch Group mit Sitz in Biel/Bienne. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega_SA
above: NoHigher! Tri-Color Desert Camouflage - Womens Military Spaghetti Strap 'Tankini' Top with Buckle by: Galaxy Army Navy Store
Hu. text: Az evolúció során a mimikri az adaptáció azon formáját, eredményét jelöli, amikor egy élőlény felveszi vagy utánozza egy másik élőlény vagy a környezet mintáját, színét, külalakját, szagát, viselkedését.
A megtévesztő alkalmazkodás célja lehet önvédelem, ilyen eset az álcázás, más néven kamuflázs, ami a környezetbe való beolvadást jelenti. Az önvédelem másik módja a Mertens-féle mimikri, amikor az élőlény egy másik, veszélyes élőlény külsejét ölti fel, elriasztva így a rá nézve fenyegető ellenfeleket. A megtévesztés másik lehetséges célja a zsákmány sikeres megközelítése, aminek egy válfaja a Peckham-féle vagy agresszív mimikri, ilyenkor a ragadozó a zsákmány fajtához vagy egy arra veszélytelen előlényfajtához válik hasonlóvá (farkas a báránybőrben).
Az alkalmazkodás aktív formájának a sebessége változatos lehet. A polip egyetlen másodperc alatt képes a terep színéhez, mintázatához igazodni, más élőlények egy új terepen való huzamosabb tartózkodás esetén igazítják a külsejüket a környezethez. Az evolúciós mimikri viszont számos generáción át formálódik, és a természetes szelekció elve alapján éri el végül a fajta az olykor megdöbbentően tökéletes hasonulást. Az evolúciós mimikri is változhat az egyed élete folyamán, például a rejtőszín cseréje az évszaknak, az időszaki növényzetnek megfelelően, illetve a változó életkor, életmód szerinti rejtőszín viselése.
Rejtőzködés a hadviselésben: Az emberi kultúrákban sem ismeretlen a mimikri alkalmazása. Számos esetben találkozhatunk az irodalmi művekben és vígjátékokban, vagy akár a pókerben a viselkedési mimikrivel, amit „blöffölésnek” is nevezhetünk. A hadviselés a rejtőzködés fontosságát az amerikai és távol-keleti kultúrák már több ezer évvel ezelőtt mesteri fokon űzték. Az amerikai indiánok növényi részekkel és testfestéssel álcázták magukat. A nyugati kultúrában azonban sokáig nem volt hangsúlyos elem. Különösen szembeötlő, ha megnézzük a korok katonai egyenruháit, viseleteit. Az európai kultúrkörben egészen a 20. századig inkább a feltűnő, piros-kék egyenruhák viselése volt a jellemző, azaz az elrettentési taktikát részesítették előnyben. A második világháború alatt már törekedtek a terepszínek alkalmazására, majd a koreai és vietnami háborúk alatt nyert igazán hangsúlyt a hadviselés ezen eleme. A kuvaiti, iraki és afganisztáni hadszíntéren sivatag-színű egyenruhákat és terepfelszereléseket vezettek be. Jelenleg már folynak olyan, részben sikeres kísérletek is, amelyek a tárgyak tényleges láthatatlanságát hivatottak lehetővé tenni. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimikri
A megtévesztő alkalmazkodás célja lehet önvédelem, ilyen eset az álcázás, más néven kamuflázs, ami a környezetbe való beolvadást jelenti. Az önvédelem másik módja a Mertens-féle mimikri, amikor az élőlény egy másik, veszélyes élőlény külsejét ölti fel, elriasztva így a rá nézve fenyegető ellenfeleket. A megtévesztés másik lehetséges célja a zsákmány sikeres megközelítése, aminek egy válfaja a Peckham-féle vagy agresszív mimikri, ilyenkor a ragadozó a zsákmány fajtához vagy egy arra veszélytelen előlényfajtához válik hasonlóvá (farkas a báránybőrben).
Az alkalmazkodás aktív formájának a sebessége változatos lehet. A polip egyetlen másodperc alatt képes a terep színéhez, mintázatához igazodni, más élőlények egy új terepen való huzamosabb tartózkodás esetén igazítják a külsejüket a környezethez. Az evolúciós mimikri viszont számos generáción át formálódik, és a természetes szelekció elve alapján éri el végül a fajta az olykor megdöbbentően tökéletes hasonulást. Az evolúciós mimikri is változhat az egyed élete folyamán, például a rejtőszín cseréje az évszaknak, az időszaki növényzetnek megfelelően, illetve a változó életkor, életmód szerinti rejtőszín viselése.
Rejtőzködés a hadviselésben: Az emberi kultúrákban sem ismeretlen a mimikri alkalmazása. Számos esetben találkozhatunk az irodalmi művekben és vígjátékokban, vagy akár a pókerben a viselkedési mimikrivel, amit „blöffölésnek” is nevezhetünk. A hadviselés a rejtőzködés fontosságát az amerikai és távol-keleti kultúrák már több ezer évvel ezelőtt mesteri fokon űzték. Az amerikai indiánok növényi részekkel és testfestéssel álcázták magukat. A nyugati kultúrában azonban sokáig nem volt hangsúlyos elem. Különösen szembeötlő, ha megnézzük a korok katonai egyenruháit, viseleteit. Az európai kultúrkörben egészen a 20. századig inkább a feltűnő, piros-kék egyenruhák viselése volt a jellemző, azaz az elrettentési taktikát részesítették előnyben. A második világháború alatt már törekedtek a terepszínek alkalmazására, majd a koreai és vietnami háborúk alatt nyert igazán hangsúlyt a hadviselés ezen eleme. A kuvaiti, iraki és afganisztáni hadszíntéren sivatag-színű egyenruhákat és terepfelszereléseket vezettek be. Jelenleg már folynak olyan, részben sikeres kísérletek is, amelyek a tárgyak tényleges láthatatlanságát hivatottak lehetővé tenni. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimikri
above: HiRes! Face Control Camo Pattern Make-Up Style by: VirtuaGirlHD
above: NoHigher! "Cartridges":3-Colors CS Outdoor Field-Bionic Oil-Camouflage Color-Paint Face Camouflage Makeup from Made in China
above: HiRes! Left: Tr. text: yeşil ruj çıkarmış. Bir de nasıl kullanabileceğimizi göstermiş. Kullanabilecekler beri gelsin. Lipstick Queen by-Poppy - Фирма Lipstick Queen малоизвестна в России — а в западных мультибрендах тем временем эту зеленую помаду периодически сметают подчистую. Фанаты л ... by: daily.afisha.ru Right: NoHigher! #Dolce & #Gabbana khaki lipstick in '#Vogue' source: stilblogger.com
En. text: Dolce & Gabbana (Italian pronunciation: [ˈdoltʃe e ɡɡabˈbaːna]) is an Italian luxury fashion house founded in 1985 in Legnano by Italian designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. They met each other in Milan in 1980 and designed for the same fashion house. In 1982, they established a designer consulting studio; in time it grew to become "Dolce & Gabbana". They presented their first women's collection in 1985 in Milan, where a year later their store would open its doors. In 1988, they launched a leotard line, and in 1989 they began designing underwear and swimming costumes. Dolce & Gabbana started to export their products to Japan and other countries including the United States, where they founded their own showroom in 1990. In 1992, the same year they presented their men's collection, they also launched their first perfume Dolce & Gabbana. They won the Woolmark award in 1991, and Perfume's Academy "Most Feminine Flavor of the Year" in 1993 for their fragrance Dolce & Gabbana Parfum. By the end of the 1990s, the company's revenues were around US$500 million and in 2003 their revenue reached $633 million. By 2005, their turnover was €600 million. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolce_%26_Gabbana
Hu. text: A Dolce & Gabbana S.r.l. egy milánói székhelyű olasz divatház. 1985-ben alapították a Milánó melletti Legnanóban Domenico Dolce és Stefano Gabbana divattervezők, akik korábban a magánéletben is egy párt alkottak. A vállalat saját parfüm- és szemüvegmárkával rendelkezik, valamint a ready-to-wear ruhák mellett luxus karórák, pénztárcák és ékszerekek forgalmazásával is foglalkoznak. A Motorolával közösen forgalmazzák a Motorola RAZR típusú mobiltelefont, amely a 2006/2007-es üzleti évben kb. 200 millió eurós eladást eredményezett a cégnek, ami a teljes eladások közel 1/8-át tette ki. 2008 március végén 3593 alkalmazottja volt, világszerte 108 üzlettel valamint 16 outlet bolttal. A 2007/2008-as üzleti évet a vállalat 1 261 milliárd eurós forgalommal zárta. ...
above: NoHigher! 24-80g Solid olive-green Color 'Kanekalon' Jumbo-Braiding Synthetic braid Hair For Dreadlocks Crochet Box
18+above: NoHigher! Emily and Italian made 'Beretta' ARX100 assault rifle by: badasstatguy
above: NoHigher! US Digital/Pixel Desert Camo Patterns
above: HiRes! the U.S. ARMY's Censor of moral/Moral-keeper - az Erkölcscsősz
above: Salute: After Beach Time, Ready to Duty! - Fürdőzés után, Szolgálatra készen! by: VGHD
above: MedRes! Advisory Desert "HUMVEE" vest for Giselle's naked upper body
above: NoHigher! Brittany Jean in U.S. "Aviation" suit photo by: Robert Alvarado source: facebook https://bjeanmusic.com/
above: NoHigher! Mility Handbag for make-up; World's Topmodel, Heidi Klum's nails it with her "Hermes-Camo-Birkin" - Kamó Retiküll a Piperéhez by: Celebritybagestyles.com
above: MedRes! World starmodel, #Bella#Hadid on David Sims photoshoot for American fashion designer, #Michael Kors' spring-2019. source: CelebsDump.com/
Isabella Khair Hadid (born October 9, 1996) is an American model, signed to IMG Models in 2014. In December 2016, the Industry voted her "Model of the Year" for Model.com's Model of the Year 2016 Awards. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bella_Hadid
Michael David Kors (born Karl Anderson Jr.; August 9, 1959) is an American fashion designer. He is the chief creative officer of his brand, Michael Kors, which sells men's and women's and ready-to-wear, accessories, watches, jewelry, footwear and fragrance. Kors was the first women's ready-to-wear designer for the French house Celine, from 1997 to 2003. On January 2, 2019 Michael Kors Holdings Limited officially changed its name to Capri Holdings Limited (NYSE: CPRI), of which Michael Kors is the Honorary Chairman and Director. Michael Kors, Jimmy Choo and Versace are the three founder-led brands under Capri Holdings Limited. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Kors
Michael David Kors (born Karl Anderson Jr.; August 9, 1959) is an American fashion designer. He is the chief creative officer of his brand, Michael Kors, which sells men's and women's and ready-to-wear, accessories, watches, jewelry, footwear and fragrance. Kors was the first women's ready-to-wear designer for the French house Celine, from 1997 to 2003. On January 2, 2019 Michael Kors Holdings Limited officially changed its name to Capri Holdings Limited (NYSE: CPRI), of which Michael Kors is the Honorary Chairman and Director. Michael Kors, Jimmy Choo and Versace are the three founder-led brands under Capri Holdings Limited. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Kors
above: NoHigher! Bella Hadid by: David Sims photoshoot for Michael Kors spring-2019.
above: HiRes! CCFS - Casual Combat Fashion Shoes - Alkalmi Harci Divatcipő
above: NoHigher! Makeup holder bag
Hu. text: A Mattel Inc. egy amerikai játékgyártó cég. Székhelye a kaliforniai El Segundóban található. Legismertebb márkája a Barbie, de a szintén ismert Hot Wheels, Polly Pocket, illetve Ever After High játékokat is ők gyártják. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mattel
Hu. text: Barbie egyike a legkelendőbb divatbabáknak. Előállítója a Mattel Inc; az 1959-ben indított játék mai napig jelentős bevételi forrása. A teremtőjének egy amerikai üzletasszonyt, Ruth Handlert (1916–2002) tartják, akit egy német baba, a Bild Lilli ihletett meg. Barbie majd 50 éven keresztül volt a játékpiac fontos része, több vita és per témája, ami során több alkalommal parodizálták a baba köré épített fiktív életmódot. Megteremtése óta a Barbie-nak is egyre több konkurenciával kellett szembenéznie a saját kategóriájában. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie_(divatbaba)
above: Upper: NoHigher! Left: MedRes! Right: NoHigher! 'Mattel' military "Barbie-doll" as US "Red Barett" Special Forces "Army Ranger" Medical in Svájcisapkában

above: NoHigher! Bagpack - Hátizsák sivatagi pink camo színben by: pinterest
above: HiRes! Swedish super-modell with "compass bags", #Elsa#Hosk for '#Elle'-magazine-Italia, february 2020. source: celebsdump.com
Ru. text: Эльза Анна Софи Хоск (швед. Elsa Anna Sofie Hosk; род. 7 ноября 1988 года, Швеция) — шведская топ-модель. С 2015 года — одна из «ангелов» Victoria’s Secret. Работала с такими брендами, как Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Ungaro, H&M, Anna Sui, Lilly Pulitzer и Guess. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsa_Hosk
above: NoHigher! Camouflage Style Fashion New Women Military Wind-Suspender Braces Dress
above: HiRes! Mility-babies in camo pattern wears source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! Brown 'cappuccino' with a short terrain pattern on the front and a long terrain pattern on the back - Szoknya elől rövid, hátul hosszú terepmintás barna 'cappuccino' 9894 source: JoyZone.hu
above: NoHigher! Army Camo dress. Girl Street Style. Women's fashion source: pinterest
above: MedRes! U.S. Navy: MARK I Deck Clock 1941.
above: MedRes! Left: Softdrinker Right: instyles Sexy camo Army Style Jeans Corselet Lace Up Boned source: aliexpress
above: NoHigher! Yves Saint Laurent's military fashion #YSL collection. R.I.P.
Hu. text: Yves Saint-Laurent (Yves Henri Donat Mathieu-Saint-Laurent) (Orán, Algéria, 1936. augusztus 1. – Párizs, 2008. június 1.) francia divattervező, 2002-es visszavonulásáig az haute couture és a prêt-à-porter területén dolgozott. Nevét viseli az általa alapított divatház is. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves_Saint-Laurent ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves_Saint_Laurent
above: NoHigher! Lady New Sexy "Halloween" Costume for Women source: Isoncollection
above: NoHigher! Grey skirt suite military: Hungarian photomodel - fotómodell: "A very hungry honoured APC Gunner waits for warm food with dinner cup 'Tchaika - Csajka'- A nagyon éhes kitüntetéses PSzH Irányzó vár a meleg kajára a 'Csajkájával'".
above: Left: HiRes! "#Loader on standby - Töltőkezelő készenlétben": Right: MedRes! #Brazilian #supermodel #Gisele #Bündchen long #sexy legs.'#Vogue' #UK#Editorial Photoshoot:#Gisele#Bundchen by: Mario Testino March 2015. source: pincelebs.net
De. text: Gisele Caroline Bündchen (Brazilian Portuguese: [ʒiˈzɛli ˈbĩtʃẽ], German: [ˈbʏntçn̩], born 20 July 1980. -age 40- Horizontina, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) is a Brazilian model, environmental activist, author, actress, and businesswoman. Since 2001, Bündchen has been one of the highest-paid models in the world. In 2007, she was the 16th richest woman in the entertainment industry, and earned the top spot on Forbes top-earning models list in 2012. In 2014, Bündchen was listed as the 89th Most Powerful Woman in the World by Forbes. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gisele_B%C3%BCndchen
above: NoHigher! 'Yandy' YS S5815 PARATROOPER for waterjump swwr. Penny Front by Yandy
above: Very practice Holder west for desert condition - Málhamellény sivatagi viszonyokhoz
above: NoHigher! American MC-2 S.A.R. parachute-glider - LKM ejtőernyő-paplanernyő
above: NoHigher! 3L-Bols -de & Aacute; gua-T & aacute; tico "Garrafa Camelback Hidrata" & ccedil; & atilde; o-Mochila Correndo Ciclismo Homens Mulheres Camping Beber
above: NoHigher! Yandi LA C.S.A.R. costume
42.) S.A.R. - Search And Rescue avagy a Légi Kutatás és Mentés - Redningtejestene - Rettungs: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/sar-search-and-rescue-avagy-legi.html
above: NoHigher! Hurry Up! Wow!
above: NoHigher! Coque Samsung "Galaxy" -a3- camouflage militaire Handy Smart Phone
above: NoHigher! (Edited!) Fashion designer, #Ralph Lauren's safari watch source: Uncrate
En. text: Ralph Lauren (né Lifshitz; born October 14, 1939) is an American fashion designer, philanthropist, and business executive, best known for the Ralph Lauren Corporation, a global multibillion-dollar enterprise. He has also become well known for his collection of rare automobiles, some of which have been displayed in museum exhibits. Lauren stepped down as Chief Executive Officer of the company in September 2015 but remains the Executive Chairman and Chief Creative Officer. As of 2018, Forbes estimates his wealth at $7.2 billion, which makes Ralph Lauren the 91st richest person in America. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Lauren
above: Left: MedRes! HG3-A667-1 source: hgfashion.hu Right: NoHigher! Camo pattern suit Pint.
above: NoHigher! Classic Flight Bomber Jacket in Olive Green source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! #Female "#Top-Gun" #tutor in '#Alpha-Industry' #leather #pilot-jacket and #safety '#Ray-Ban' (#Bausch-&-Lomb)#sunglasses and skirt.
above: Left: NoHigher! Khaki/Olive drab Overall Right: HiRes!
above: NoHigher! Marilyn, USO tour inspiration photo by: Robert Alvarado source: facebook
above: NoHigher! (Crop & Edited for 775px!) Swedish supermodel, Elsa Hosk in winter BDU jacket for STRV's crewmembers source: CelebDumps.com
Hu. text: Elsa Hosk teljes nevén Elsa Anna Sophie Hosk (Stockholm, Bromma 1988. november 7. –32 éves-) svéd divatmodell. -Élete: Elsa Höglandet Bromma-ban élt 15 éves koráig majd átköltöztek a szomszédos városba Nockeby i Bromma (Stockholm). Tegnerlunden nevű középiskolába járt Stockholmban. Unokatestvére lett az év Svéd Topmodellje Svédországban. -Karrier: Olyan márkák ruháit mutatta be, mint a Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Ungaro, Lilly Pulitzer és Guess, Fornarina, Giambattista Valli. Szerepelt az ELLE, High Fashion, V-Magazine, Madame magazinok boritóján. Fellépett a 2011-es, 2012-es Victoria's Secret Fashion Shown. VS PINK vonalának egyik nagykövete és jelenleg a H&M arca. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsa_Hosk
above: NoHigher! #NAMA Air Force's #B-52H recommended #Female-Pilot (#F.O.-First Officer or #Navigator) #Flight-suit with '#Alpha-Industry' "#Bomber-Jacket": on #Dutch #supermodel, #Romee Strijd
Romee Strijd (/ˈroʊmeɪ ˈstraɪd/ roh-may stride; born July 19, 1995. -age 24- Zoetermeer, South Holland, Netherlands) is a Dutch model. She has been a Victoria's Secret Angel since 2015. Romee Strijd was confronted by a scout when she was 14 and turned it down as she wanted to pursue a different career. Later on she decided she wanted to give modeling a try and contacted agencies. In 2011, Strijd signed with the DNA Model Management agency. In March 2017 she announced via her Instagram that she is now represented by IMG Models Management. She has appeared in editorials for British, German, Spanish, and Dutch Vogue, French and Dutch Elle, Spanish Harper's Bazaar, Dutch Marie Claire, and French Madame Figaro. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romee_Strijd
above: NoHigher! American Pilot Jacket by 'Alpha Industries'
above: NoHigher! "Kevlar"-vest: OET wsatch TAN: Instead a Bra - Melltartó helyett
above: NoHigher! Typical Military Combat bras under BDU - Battle Dress Uniform
above: NoHigher! Military Combat Bra - Katonai Harci Melltartó
above: NoHigher! Refactory Military Bra with the new US Digital-Pixel Camo Pattern with "Dog-Tag" - "Dögcédulával" (Személyi Azonosító Jegy)
above: NoHigher! Universal: for Lingerie & Swimsuit: Overlay 'Push-Up' Buegel-Plunge BHCamouflage-Gr-75B by: ebay.de
above: 'Lonsdale' Limited edition Camo Pattern Sports Bra. Green Camouflage by: amazon
above: MedRes! Anita: Reggiseno sportivo by: redvelvet
above: NoHigher! Anita "Active" Extreme Control Sports bra non-wired D-H cup lace-lingerie by: LACE:
above: NoHigher! Jeann d'Arc's metal bra for Female Knights - Női Lovagoknak
Fr. text: Jeanne d'Arc, née vers 1412 à Domrémy, village du duché de Barn 1 (actuellement dans le département des Vosges en Lorraine), et morte sur le bûcher le 30 mai 1431 à Rouen, capitale du duché de Normandie alors possession anglaise, est une héroïne de l'histoire de France, chef de guerre et sainte de l'Église catholique, surnommée depuis le xvie siècle « la Pucelle d'Orléans ». ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_d%27Arc
above: NoHigher! Posture Foundation Garments. Measuring cup and band size. 5. Measure for bra size: underbust measure plus 5 inches. source: wikipedia
above: NoHigher! #Fashions of #Bra - #Melltartó-divatok
A bra, short for brassiere or brassière (US: /brəˈzɪər/, UK: /ˈbræsɪər/ or /ˈbræzɪər/; French: [bʁasjɛʁ]), is a form-fitting undergarment designed to support or cover a woman's breasts. Bras are designed for a variety of purposes, including enhancing breast size, creating cleavage, or for other aesthetic or practical considerations. Swimsuits, camisoles, and backless dresses may have built-in breast support with supportive bra cups. Nursing bras are designed to facilitate breastfeeding. Some people have a medical and surgical need for brassieres, but most wear them for fashion or cultural reasons. There is no evidence that bras prevent breasts from sagging and one study even suggests the opposite (weakening of the breasts' supportive tissue), with the exception of wearing them during sports exercises. Bras have gained importance beyond their mere functionality as a garment. Women's choices about what kind of bra to wear are consciously and unconsciously affected by social perceptions of the ideal female body shape, which changes over time. Bras have become a fashion item and cultural statement that are sometimes purposefully revealed by the wearer or even worn as outerwear, and possess a physiogogic aspect. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bra
above: NoHigher! Olive drab bra by #Lara Stone
En. text: Lara Catherina Stone (born 20 December 1983) is a Dutch supermodel. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lara_Stone
Fr. text: Lara Stone, née Lara Catherina Stone le 20 décembre 1983 à Geldrop aux Pays-Bas, est un mannequin et une actrice néerlandaise. Souvent comparée à Brigitte Bardot, elle est connue pour son statut d'égérie de Calvin Klein et L'Oréal. Selon le magazine Forbes, elle fait partie des mannequins les mieux payés au monde. ...
above: NoHigher! (ReColored from Blue!) "Marshall"-Bra
above: HiRes! Left: Nature under bra for cabbage field - Természetes alá-melltrartó káposztaföldre Right: General Mil field green color bra - Általános katonai terepzöld színű melltartó
above:! NoHigher! JIMMY DESIGN Sport Bh gepolstert - Camouflage Pattern - XXL
above: NoHigher! U.S. ARMY's camo bra below: NoHigher! Vix Leather-Strap Halter Swim Top ($130) 'polyvore' source: pinterest
above: HiRes! Comparison of the Bra & Panties sizes source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! Universal Bikini model, Lingerie & Emergency Case Swimwear - Vészhelyzeti
above: MedRes! 'Monster' Energy Dring design Fit-bra on "Conquistrador"-"Konkvisztádor"
above: Left: MedRes! Ricki Brazil khaki swimwear & loungewear source: pinterest.com Right: MedRes! "Nebbia" rough camo leggings by: nebbia-fitness.hu
above: NoHigher! Profile CVN Deck-Starter Pin-Up Girl artwork by: Robert Alvarado
83.) Grumman F-14D "Tomcat" ("Kandúr") cat - macska - weapons missile naval-NAVY Fighter- race with Porsche-911 Carrera cabrio - USN-CVN Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier Top-Gun movie - film with Tom Cruise celeb actor: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/05/82-grumman-f-14d-tomcat-kandur-cat.html
above: NoHigher! Trixy's tight camo dress mos available to narrow hatches below: HiRes! Blonde SBlade warrior Amazon.
above: NoHigher! Amanda Tapping Stargate promo source: pinclebs.net
Amanda Tapping (born 28 August 1965. -age 55- Rochford, Essex, England) is a British-Canadian actress and director. She is best known for portraying Samantha Carter in the Canadian–American military science fiction television series Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate Universe. She also starred as Helen Magnus in the science fiction-fantasy television series Sanctuary. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanda_Tapping
above: MedRes! Khaki Nails & Camo-patten - Khaki és Tereptarka körmök - Műköröm below: NoHigher! O.P.I Nail Lacquer Camo-pattern SLIDE Nagellack
above: NoHigher! O.P.I. nail color polish trend fatigue military green-olive Nail Lacquer
En. text: Nail polish (also known as nail varnish or nail enamel) is a lacquer that can be applied to the human fingernail or toenails to decorate and protect the nail plates. The formula has been revised repeatedly to enhance its decorative effects and to suppress cracking or peeling. Nail polish consists of a mix of an organic polymer and several other components that give it its unique color and texture. Nail polishes come in all shades of color and play a significant part in manicures or pedicures. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_polish
Hu. text: A körömlakk egyfajta lakk, melyet a kéz és a láb körmeire visznek fel jobbára dekorációs céllal, vagy a körömlemez védelme érdekében. Alapját polimer alkotja, melyhez különféle adalékanyagokat kevernek. ...
above: NoHigher! (Cropped & Edited - Lightened!) Swedish-blonde Tank female crewmember's undervear overal suit": New fashion solid Long sleeve hooded Bodycorn "V"-neck, zipper Design rompers-for Womens by: Y.Y.A. - Yue Yue Angel
above: NoHigher! Es. text: Enteritos Joy Capita Solid Women Jumpsuits Rompers, Mujer 2015 otono-de los mamelucos Womens mono de manga larga elegante del "V" cuello
above: NoHigher! "Wisent-2 Crane-operator's early-autumn work clothes - Bölény-2 Darukezelő koraőszi munkaruhája": khaki ring-zip detail cigarette-trousers.
227.) Leopard-2A4+Hu MBT-Alapharckocsi-Kpfw.-Tank by KM-W Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Kpfw. München/Munich & Rheinmetall L-44 KwK, Büffel & Leguan in HuDF 2020.July:
above: NoHigher! DSzP-30 - MRM - Mobile Repairing Master with tools bag in Khaki-Olive Pants Outfit source: Pinterest.com
192.) ДСП-30 Дальномер САПЕРНЫЕ прибор - DSzP-30 Utásztávmérő - Combat Engineer's coincidencial Rf. optical Rangefinder & Retrospective Photocameras: Leica, FED-2
above: MedRes! USAF Uniforms from WW-Two
above: NoHigher! SUGT - Special Universal Gala 'Tankini' for Sound-Beach
above: NoHigher! the "Trabant" very good car because no need reserve cooler water in can.
Military Camo Swimwears - Katonais Fürdőruhák: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2017/06/199-military-swimwears-khaki-olive-drab.html
above: Left: NoHigher! Right: MedRes! Military costumes
above: MedRes! Military fashion jackets source: pinterest.com
above: MedRes! Demi Lovato Hu. text: a BTR-sofőr leszerelés után átment a Hondához Tesztpilótának - the BTR-driver went to Honda as a Test Pilot after dismantling
Hu. text: Demetria Devonne "Demi" Lovato (Albuquerque, 1992. augusztus 20.) amerikai énekesnő, dalszerző, színésznő. Bántalmazás ellen küzdő aktivista, aki jótékonykodási akcióiról is ismert. Lovato első szerepe Angela (Barney & Friends) volt, amit 2008-ban a Rocktábor című filmben Mitchie Torres főszerepe követett. Ezt 2009-ben a Sonny, a sztárjelölt című vígjáték, valamint a Hercegnő védelmi program című film követte. ... hu.wikipedia.org/Demi_Lovato
above: HiRes! French 007 J. Bond actress, Léa Seydoux for The 'Sunday Times' Style - November 2020
Fr. text: Léa Seydoux, née le 1er juillet 1985 à Paris, est une actrice française. Issue d'une famille liée au cinéma, sa carrière commence au début des années 2000 mais c'est en 2008, dans le film La Belle Personne, qu'elle se fait particulièrement remarquer et devient dès lors une actrice sollicitée par le cinéma français. Sa carrière prend également un tournant international et elle joue dans des grosses productions américaines comme Inglourious Basterds (2009) de Quentin Tarantino, Robin des Bois (2010) de Ridley Scott, ou encore Mission impossible : Protocole Fantôme (2011) de Brad Bird. En 2015, elle devient la James Bond girl Madeleine Swann aux côtés de Daniel Craig dans 007 Spectre de Sam Mendes, film qui obtient un grand succès au box office. En 2020, elle conserve son rôle dans Mourir peut attendre et devient ainsi la seconde actrice après Eunice Gayson2 à obtenir le même rôle de James Bond girl dans deux films consécutifs. Léa Seydoux a été nommée quatre fois pour un César, et remporte la Palme d'or au Festival de Cannes 2013 pour La Vie d'Adèle. ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9a_Seydoux.
above: NoHigher! "12,7 mm Sniper gunner": J. Kelley Hall on instagram by: specialarad.ro
J. Kelley Hall (January 13, 1959 – September 4, 2010) was a head women's basketball coach at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Kelley_Hall
above: NoHigher! Camo Pin-Up with mounted 'Browning' M2 0,5 cal. heavy M.G. with IR sight source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! Safari style: "#Quickly cross the #Traffic #Zebra on #Nevsky-prospekt": #blonde #Karolina#Kurková #sexy-legs; photo by: Carline Cerf de Dudzeele for #ELLE-magazine (#U.S.) may 2k5 source: www.digi.scan.de.ms
En. text: Karolína Kurková (Czech pronunciation: [ˈkaroliːna ˈkurkovaː]; born 28 February 1984. -age 36- Děčín, Ústí nad Labem, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech model and actress, best known as a former Victoria's Secret Angel and Vogue cover star. Mario Testino praised the "proportions of her body and her face, as well as her energy level", which he said "ma[de] her a model who could fit almost into any moment". Vogue editor Anna Wintour called her the "next supermodel". Kurková is among the world's top-earning models, having earned an estimated $5 million in the year 2007. She placed 6th in the Forbes annual list of the highest-earning models. ... ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karolina_Kurkova-cz
Cz. text: Karolína Kurková (* 28. února 1984 Děčín) je česká supermodelka a příležitostná herečka. ... Po odstěhování do New Yorku postupně předváděla modely pro různé věhlasné módní firmy, ke kterým patří Tommy Hilfiger, Valentino, Louis Vuitton, John Galliano, Chanel, Christian Dior, Hugo Boss, Versace nebo H&M. ...
above: HiRes! Melanie Chisholm in Bottega Venetta & Prada military collection for 'Vogue'-magazine Spain, february-2021 source: celebsdump.com
Hu. text: Melanie Jayne Chisholm, művésznevén Melanie C (Whiston, 1974. január 12.) angol énekesnő, szövegíró, üzletasszony és televíziós személyiség. A Spice Girls angol együttes tagja. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melanie_C
Bottega Veneta (pronounced [botˈteːɡa ˈvɛːneta]) is an Italian luxury fashion house based in Milan, Italy. Its product lines for men and women include ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, accessories, jewellery and fragrances. Bottega Veneta was founded in 1966 in Vicenza, Veneto, by Michele Taddei and Renzo Zengiaro. Its Intrecciato leather-weaving was an instant hit. After the company was purchased by the Gucci Group in 2001, a new “stealth wealth” pulse revived Bottega Veneta. The company opened La Scuola dei Maestri Pellettieri di Bottega Veneta (school of leather craftsmanship) in 2006, which is located in its new atelier in Montebello Vicentino since 2013. Daniel Lee has been the creative director of Bottega Veneta since June 2018, and Bartolomeo Rongone the CEO since September 2019. In 2019, Bottega Veneta operated 268 stores for 3,754 employees, and generated 1.168 billion euros in sales (1.109 billion euros in 2018). Bottega Veneta is a subsidiary of the luxury group Kering. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottega_Veneta
En. text: Prada is an Italian fashion company (also known as a "fashion label" or "fashion house"). It has shops and products around the world. ... https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prada
It. text: Prada S.p.A. è una holding di lusso italiana fondata nel 1913 a Milano da Mario Prada e suo fratello Martino Prada con il nome Fratelli Prada. È specializzata in borse in pelle, accessori da viaggio, scarpe, prêt-à-porter, profumi e altri accessori. ...
Hu. text: A Prada, S.p.A. olasz divatház elsősorban luxus színvonalú ruhákat, bőrből készült kiegészítőket, cipőket és táskákat tervez és gyárt. Az egyik legbefolyásosabb divatmárka, melynek drága, jó minőségű termékei sokak számára státusszimbólumot jelentenek. ...
above: HiRes! Guider of visitors, Margaret Qualley for Wonderland-summer 2019. source: Celebsdump.com
Margaret Qualley (born October 23, 1994. -age 25- Kalispell, Montana, U.S.) is an American actress and dancer. The daughter of actress Andie MacDowell, she trained as a ballerina and briefly pursued modeling. She gained recognition for playing a troubled daughter in the HBO mystery series The Leftovers (2014–2017) and for portraying the actress and dancer Ann Reinking in the FX biographical drama miniseries Fosse/Verdon (2019). For the latter, she received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series.
Qualley has appeared in the dark comedy film The Nice Guys (2016) and Quentin Tarantino's comedy-drama Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019), and has starred in the Netflix films Death Note (2017) and Io (2019). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Qualley
103.) STRV-103 "Stridsvagn" MBT - "S" harckocsi - "Chock" - "Ék - Féktuskó" _ 'Panzer Carrera' - PVB-302, Ikv-91.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/06/103-strv-103-stridsvagn-mbt-s-harckocsi.html
Karlie Elizabeth Kloss (born August 3, 1992. -age 27- Chicago, Illinois, U.S.) is an American fashion model and entrepreneur. At just 17, Vogue Paris declared her one of the "top 30 models of the 2000s." She was a Victoria's Secret Angel from 2013 until 2015; she resigned to take a two-year hiatus to study at New York University. Outside of modeling, Kloss has an interest in technology and has founded the "Kode with Klossy" camp, which aims to get young girls interested in STEM fields. Starting in 2019, Kloss became the host of the Bravo TV series, Project Runway. ...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karlie_Kloss
Fr. text: Jean-Paul Gaultier, né le 24 avril 1952 à Bagneux, est un styliste et grand couturier français, fondateur de l'entreprise Jean Paul Gaultier (sans trait d'union), ainsi qu'un créateur de parfums. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Paul_Gaultier
above: NoHigher! "Casemate coat" by: Jean Paul Gaultier's Couture on "Klossy", Fall 2009 source: pinterest
En. text: Jean Paul Gaultier (French: [ʒɑ̃ pɔl ɡotje]; born 24 April 1952) is a French haute couture and prêt-à-porter fashion designer. He is described as an "enfant terrible" of the fashion industry, and is known for his unconventional designs with motifs including corsets, marinières, and tin cans. Gaultier founded his eponymous fashion label in 1982, and expanded with a line of fragrances in 1993. He was the creative director for French luxury house Hermès from 2003 to 2010, and retired following his 50th-anniversary haute couture show during Paris Fashion Week in January 2020. Aside from his work in the fashion industry, Gaultier co-presented the first seven series of the television series Eurotrash with Antoine de Caunes from 1993–1997. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Paul_Gaultier
224.) Königstiger - King Tiger - Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. B Tiger-II Sd.Kfz. 182 & Jagdtiger- Porsche, Henschel, Maybach Battle of the Bulge (*Ardennes) A Halál 50 órája - Buda-castle: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/10/224-konigstiger-king-tiger.html
above: NoHigher! She is a 'Gatling' 7,62 mm "Minigun" blonde moving operator Pinterest
above: NoHigher! Female fighter pilot pin up by: stock by: phelandavion
above: NoHigher! Russian Amazon below: HiRes! Russian Body source: fb./A. Bogdanov
above: HiRes! "In COVID-19-distance Spraying teszter Pilot girls with 'Camel - Kamel' cologne" >camea "Lady"<: Hungarian Retro from early 1980s: Ms.#Vadász Éva supermodel source: facebook/a 60-as. 70-es, 80-as évek manökenjei/Szedres Mariann former supermodel
above: MedRes! Top & Below: NoHigher! NA AT-6 "Texan" mechaniker Pin-Up Cretaions Cynthia Photography: Creations source: Google album: Hun. collector: G+ Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
above: NoHigher! Cosplay-Gentlemen, Hayley Atwell "I'm Agent Carter. I supervise all operations of this division." as Peggy Carter in 'Captain America'.
Hayley Elizabeth Atwell (born 5 April 1982. -age 38- London, England) is a British-American actress. Born and raised in London, Atwell studied acting at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and made her stage debut in the 2005 play Prometheus Bound. She appeared in multiple West End productions and on television, was recognised for her breakthrough role as Lady Elizabeth Foster in The Duchess (2008), for which she was nominated for a British Independent Film Award for Best Supporting Actress. Her leading performance in the miniseries The Pillars of the Earth (2010) earned her a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Miniseries or Television Film. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayley_Atwell
En. text: Peggy Carter: Marvel's Agent Carter, or simply Agent Carter, is an American television series created by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely for ABC, featuring the Marvel Comics character Peggy Carter following her roles in the 2011 film Captain America: The First Avenger and the 2013 Marvel One-Shot short film of Agent Carter. It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and shares continuity with the franchise's films and other television series. The series was produced by ABC Studios, Marvel Television, and F&B Fazekas & Butters, with Tara Butters, Michele Fazekas, and Chris Dingess serving as showrunners. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Carter_(TV_series)
Hu. text: A Carter ügynök (angolul: Agent Carter) amerikai televíziós sorozat. Főszereplői: Hayley Atwell, James D'Arcy, Chad Michael Murray, Enver Gjokaj és Shea Whigham. A sorozat 2015. január 6-án 20:00 órakor került adásba az ABC csatornán.
above: MedRes! Left: Hungarian model, Ms. Zimány Linda Right: Knight vest - Lovagmellény
Hu. text: Dr. Zimány Linda (Nagykanizsa, 1986. március 29. -35 éves-) modell, műsorvezető, jogász. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zim%C3%A1ny_Linda
above: NoHigher! Bomber Jacket on navigatrix Celestiana who was Owner the Pontiac.
above: NoHigher! NAVY & Marines' Vought F4U "Corsair-lady" by: doll house Photography- babaház fotó https://www.dollhousephotography.co.uk/
above: HiRes! Ginger at Cincinnati Museum Center during the 1940s weekend photo by: Mark Greenmantle source: https://www.greenmantle.biz/- facebook below: NoHigher! Medieval mility
above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Eleanor Tomlinson, before adwert-wall at British independent film-awards, january 24. 2016. source: celebsdump.com
Eleanor May Tomlinson (born 19 May 1992. -age 28- London, England) is an English actress. She has appeared in films, including Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (2008), Jack the Giant Slayer (2013), Colette (2018), and Love Wedding Repeat (2020). Tomlinson also starred in the BBC One series Poldark (2015–2019). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_Tomlinson
above: NoHigher! Dollhouse's sergeant Latex Baby before 'Skunkworker' "Kelly" Johnson's Lockheed SR-71 'Blackbird'-'Feketerigó' facebook.DollhousePhotographyUK/
above: HiRes! Special Oil-proof mechaniker suit - Olajálló szerelőruha photo: Bianca Beuchamp source: www.latexlair.com below: NoHigher! Fall 2011
above Three: MedRes! Watanabe's camouflage parka men military medium long Men s Clothing thickening cotton WCFF10-663 & 761 Team: Peter Stigter below: NoHigher! WCFF
En. text: Junya Watanabe (born in Fukushima, Japan in 1961) is a Japanese fashion designer, a protégé of Comme des Garçons designer Rei Kawakubo. He continues to work for Comme des Garcons: His atelier is located on the second floor of its Tokyo headquarters, and he produces four shows a year in Paris. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junya_Watanabe
Ja. text: 渡辺 淳弥(わたなべ じゅんや、1961年 - )はファッションデザイナー。株式会社コムデギャルソン取締役副社長。福島県出身。文化服装学院卒業。...
above: NoHigher! "41's Commissary of Military QCD high quality expertrix in ... - (41.#KÜM - Katonai Üzemi Megbízott) részleg vezető munkaköpenyben", #Victoria's-Secret South African topmodel, #Candice Swanepoel in smock/worker cloak
Hu. text: Candice Swanepoel (Mooi River, KwaZulu-Natal, Dél-Afrika, 1988. október 20.) dél-afrikai modell, a Victoria's Secret egyik ismert modellje. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candice_Swanepoel
above: NoHigher! "Commander in Chief": On #catwalk with Military Retro Green Buckles on 14 November 2014 by: #French #fashion-designer Jean Paul#Gaultier from #Hermés-#Paris, sassique
Hermès International S.A., or simply Hermès (/ɛərˈmɛz/ (About this soundlisten) air-MEZ, French: [ɛʁmɛs] (About this soundlisten)), is a French luxury goods manufacturer established in 1837. It specializes in leather goods, lifestyle accessories, home furnishings, perfumery, jewellery, watches and ready-to-wear. Its logo, since the 1950s, is of a Duc carriage with horse. Nadège Vanhee-Cybulski is the current creative director. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herm%C3%A8s
above: NoHigher! Brazilian supermodel, Alessandra Ambrosio in military suit for Halloween party. source: pinterest.com/nalalfaa/
Alessandra Corine Ambrósio (Brazilian Portuguese: [aleˈsɐ̃dɾɐ ɐ̃ˈbɾɔzju]; born 11 April 1981. -age 39- Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) is a Brazilian-American model, actress, fashion designer, businesswoman and television personality. She is known for her work with Victoria's Secret and was chosen as the first spokesmodel for the company's PINK line. Ambrosio was a Victoria's Secret Angel from 2004 to 2017 and has modeled for fashion houses such as Christian Dior, Armani, Ralph Lauren, and Next. Ambrosio was ranked number five on Forbes' list of the highest-paid models, estimated to have earned $6.6 million every year. She is often cited by the popular media as one of the world's sexiest women. As an "Angel", she was chosen as one of People magazine's annual "100 Most Beautiful People in the World" in May 2007. Ambrosio is considered as one of the icons in the fashion industry models.com. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandra_Ambrosio
above: NoHigher! "Leo wear" style by: Ralph Lauren, from Iryna.
above: MedRes! Felice Fleur in military fashion jeans for Hans Mooijer photoshoot-2015.
above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Hu. supermodel, Ms. Katalin Tálas photo by: Mr. Módos Gábor source: facebook/Szedres Mariann former Hu. supermodel "A 60-as, 70-es, 80-as évek manökenjei"
Hu. text: Tálas Kati magyar modell, manöken, fotómodell, presszótulajdonos. Az 1970-es és 80-as évek híres és egyik legfoglalkoztatottabb manökenje. Poliglott (többnyelvű) személy, kiválóan beszél angolul, németül, olaszul, franciául és oroszul. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%A1las_Kati
above: HiRes! Aussie glamour model Sophie Turner (2.) /Esztergályos Zsófia/ in #Sidney night
Sophie Turner (born 30 April 1984) is an Australian model, reality television personality and lawyer who first came to prominence as a contestant on the Australian television series Search for a Supermodel. ... https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/Sophie_Turner_(model)
132.) Esztergagépek - Lathe, Turn-bench - Drehmaschinen - Токарный станок _ CNC _ Work - gépi-forgácsoló szakma / turner _ MOM _ Esztergályos Cecilia színművésznő: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/09/132-esztergagepek-lathe-turn-bench.html
above: NoHigher!#Worldwide #supermodel, #Swedish-#blonde #Elsa Hosk in opposit to col. #Hessler.
Fr. text: Elsa Anna Sophie Élodie Hosk, née le 7 novembre 1988 à Stockholm en Suède, est un mannequin suédois passionnée par le basket-ball. Elle est un « Ange » de la marque Victoria's Secret depuis 2014. ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsa_Hosk
above: MedRes! Hu. text: "A Katonai Közlekedésszervezők Németh Dorottya fitness champion boldogan végzik munkájukat facebook - The Military Transport Managers is working as very glad." "Bent ez idő alatt a katonai Közlekedési Központ munkatársai izgatottan várták, hogy végre elinduljon."
FFF - Female Flying Fashion: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2015/07/163-fff-flying-female-fashion-rnd.html
176.) Modellfotó háttér keresése és kiértékelése - Finding & Evaluation of Modellphoto's backround in Budapest-city-dn belváros MAHIR-CP adv. coln. - Depth of field DOF – WBPF: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/02/176-modellfoto-hatter-keresese-es.html
above: NoHigher! vfdc source: www.kepfeltoltes.hu
above: NoHigher! American starmodel from Sport Illustrated Kate#Upton www.si.com similar streamline double aerodinamic "housing" 'Push-Up' fashion bra as A-10 wing main gear housing. (Recolored from Blue)
Katherine Elizabeth Upton (born June 10, 1992. -age 28- St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.) is an American model and actress. She first appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2011, and was the cover model for the 2012, 2013 and 2017 issues. In addition, she was the subject of the 100th-anniversary Vanity Fair cover. Upton has also appeared in the films Tower Heist (2011), The Other Woman (2014) and The Layover (2017). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Upton
above: NoHigher! Dita von Teese Pin-Up Ikon under net in camo bra
En. text: Dita Von Teese (born Heather Renée Sweet; September 28, 1972) is an American vedette, burlesque dancer, model, costume designer, entrepreneur, singer and occasional actress. She is thought to have helped repopularize burlesque performance. ...
De. text: Dita Von Teese (* 28. September 1972 als Heather Renée Sweet in Rochester, Michigan) ist eine US-amerikanische Tänzerin. Sie gilt als wichtigste zeitgenössische Vertreterin des New Burlesque und tritt auch als Covergirl, Aktmodell und Schauspielerin auf. ...
above: NoHigher! (Cropped & Edited!) below: NEW! HiRes! "camous" Hu. TV sequence "Barátok közt - Among friends" star actress, Ms. Kiss Ramóna source: Velvet.hu/mellbimbo.eu
Only Hu. text: Lékai-Kiss Ramóna (Veszprém, 1984. december 2. –) magyar színésznő. A Barátok közt című sorozat egyik szereplője volt, Szentmihályi Zsófiát alakította 2002 és 2017 között. A Celeb vagyok, ments ki innen! 5. évadának, a Reggeli és 2017-ben, 2018-ban, és 2019-ben az X-Faktor 7., 8., és 9. évadának műsorvezetője. 2020-ban a TV2 Dancing with the Stars műsorvezetője. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9kai-Kiss_Ram%C3%B3na
18+above: MedRes! "Evening Tax Inspector a few minutes before 9 p.m. - Esti Adóhatósági (NAV - Nemzeti Adó és Vámhatóság) ellenőr 21:00 óra előtt pár perccel": Ms. Lindsey Pelas
Lindsey Nicole Pelas (born May 19, 1991. -age 29- Loranger, Louisiana, U.S.) is an American actress, social media influencer, entrepreneur, and model. She currently models for multiple brands, and has also been featured in publications including Maxim, GQ, Glamour, and has also modeled for Playboy and was the Playboy Cyber Girl of the Month for May 2014. Pelas is most well known for her social media presence gaining millions of followers on Instagram and Twitter as well as an extremely popular Snapchat account. Pelas is also the host and founder of the Eyes Up Here podcast, which is streamed weekly on Focus TV. Notable guests on the show include Kate Quigley and Chris Pfaff. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindsey_Pelas
18+above: NoHigher! "Main Mechanic, supermodel Kendall Jenner shows that Ok! very good functioning the two 'Torpedo' diesel engine" source: www.all-nude-celebrities.net
Hu. text: Kendall Nicole Jenner (Los Angeles, 1995. november 3. –) amerikai divatmodell és valóságshow személyiség. Kendall először az E! televíziós valóságshowjában jelent meg a nyilvánosság előtt a Keeping Up with the Kardashians-ban (K mint, Kardashian) anyai féltestvérével és húgával. Modellkedett a Harper's Bazaar-nak és a Vogue-nak is. Évek múlva a sok reklám modellkedés után, megjelent a New York-i, párizsi és milánói Divat Hetek kifutóján is. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall_Jenner
18+above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Supermodel, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (actor, Jason Statham's wife) in see through cauliflower-camo bodysuit runway image. - karfiol-földre való álcaruhában source: pincelebs.net
Rosie Alice Huntington-Whiteley (born 18 April 1987. -age 33- Plymouth, England) is an English model and actress. She is best known for her work for lingerie retailer Victoria's Secret, formerly being one of their brand "Angels", for being the face of Burberry's 2011 brand fragrance "Burberry Body", for her work with Marks & Spencer, and, most recently, for her artistic collaboration with denim-focused fashion brand Paige. Moving into acting, she had supporting roles as Carly Spencer in the 2011 film Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the third installment in the Transformers film series,[6] and as The Splendid Angharad in the 2015 film Mad Max: Fury Road. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosie_Huntington-Whiteley
above: MedRes! American star actress, Megan Fox photo Left by: Craig McDean
Hu. text: Megan Denise Fox (Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1986. május 16. –) amerikai színésznő, modell.
Élete: Ötéves korától táncolt és színészetet tanult. Tízéves korában (1996) költöztek Floridába. Itt folytatta és fejezte be tanulmányait. Fiatalon kezdett modellkedni, és miután 1999-ben megnyert egy modell versenyt, kezdett színészkedni. Első szerepe a Karibi vakáció volt 2001-ben, melyben Mary-Kate Olsen és Ashley Olsen voltak a partnerei. 2006-ban Michael Bay osztotta rá a Transformers egyik főszerepét, amely 2007 legsikeresebb filmje lett a mozikban és meghozta neki a világhírnevet. 2009-ben mutatták be a Jennifer's body (Az ördög bújt beléd) című filmjét, melyben Amanda Seyfrieddel játszik együtt. Megan Fox volt az Emporio Armani Fehérnemű és Armani Jeans nemzetközi kollekció arca a 2010-es tavaszi-őszi kampányban. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan_Fox
above: NoHigher! Classic Military fashion
above: HiRes! Russian World-star model, Irina Shayk takes and walks to the runway at the Hugo Boss fashion show during the Milan Women's Fashion Week source: pincelebs.net - celebsdump.com
En. text: Irina Valeryevna Shaykhlislamova (Russian: Ирина Валерьевна Шайхлисламова; born 6 January 1986. -age 35- Yemanzhelinsk, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union), known as Irina Shayk (/ʃeɪk/; Russian: Ирина Шейк), is a Russian model and actress who received international recognition when she appeared as the first Russian model on the cover of the 2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Models.com ranks her as an "Industry Icon". ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irina_Shayk
Ru. text: Ири́на Вале́рьевна Шайхлисла́мова (род. 6 января 1986, Еманжелинск, Челябинская область, РСФСР, СССР), известная как Ири́на Шейк, — российская супермодель и актриса. Она является первой российской моделью, появившейся на обложке Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Сайт Models.com назвал ее иконой модной индустрии. ...
Hu. text: Irina Valerjevna Sajhliszlamova (oroszul: Ирина Валерьевна Шайхлисламова; Jemanzselinszk, Szovjetunió, 1986. január 6.) orosz modell. A modellvilágban Irina Sejk, vagy angolosan Irina Shayk (Ирина Шейк) néven ismert. ...
above: NoHigher! Valentina "in gala Dress equipped with LASER-beam reflective mirror crystals and with finger-ring" - Valentyina "Lézersugár visszaverő tükör kristályokka felszerelt gáladresszben és ujj-gyűrűvel": Russian super-model Valentina Zelyaeva walks at the Ralph Lauren's 2015 spring/summer collection fashion show on New York Fashion Week photo by: CHRISTOPHER MACSURAK - Создано: 12 сентября 2014 https://www.flickr.com/photos/macsurak/15249604492/sizes/o/
Ru. text: Валентина Андреевна Зеляева (род. 11 октября 1982, Улан-Удэ) — российская топ-модель. ... https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentyina-Zelyaeva_Russian-model
Valentina Zelyaeva (Russian : Валентина Зеляева; born October 11, 1982 in Ulan-Ude, Soviet Union) is a Russian model. Valentina has been featured in print advertisements for Tommy Hilfiger, Coach, Calvin Klein, and Ralph Lauren, with whom she signed a seven-year deal, appearing in several high-profile campaigns for the designer. In addition to her Vogue covers, she has appeared on the covers of Elle , Harper's Bazaar , W , and Glamour , among others. Her runway credits include Balenciaga, Christian Dior, Lanvin, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Gucci and Valentino. On the controversial issue of banning underweight models from Milan Fashion Week, she said, "I think it's discrimination. We are skinny, this is our work. There are lots of overweight people working in offices but I'm not going to say, 'This girl is fat, she can't work in an office'." Currently lives in New York. Related Articles ... https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/Valentina_Zelyaeva
above: HiRes! Aussie World-star model, Abbey Lee Kershaw in Michael Kors' dress on catwalk of the Fall-Winter in 2010. source: Wikimedia Commons
Hu. text: Abbey Lee Kershaw ismertebb nevén: Abbey Lee (Melbourne, 1987. június 12. –) ausztrál modell. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbey_Lee
above & below: (Crop!) NoHigher! Geodesy Collector commander: Rianne van Rompaey, sexy for Theo Sion photoshoot for 'Another' magazine, spring-summer 2019. source: celebsdump.com
Rianne van Rompaey (born 3 January 1996) is a Dutch fashion model. Vogue has called her a top model. She is one of fifty models who appeared on the cover of the 50th anniversary September issue of Vogue Italia, photographed by Steven Meisel. She also appeared solo on a Vogue Italia cover in March 2016. Her beauty has been described as pre-Raphaelite. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rianne_van_Rompaey
above: NoHigher! Ideal V.I.P. passenger: Croatian supermodel, #Jelena#Kovacic by: FMD
above: MedRes! Military fashion Upper & Under source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! "The Fury's Girlfriend" (Juci'bacsi's added panties!) U.S. Army's 1st "Old Ironsides" - "Öreg Vasbordások" arm. div. - armored division - páncélos hadosztály - pc.ho.
above: NoHigher! Marie was Instructor of PAB-2 - oktatója
62.) PAB-2 Artillery Bussol - ПАБ-2M ПЕРИСКОПИЧЕСКАЯ АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКАЯ БУССОЛЬ - Periszkópos Tüzér-Tájoló Műszer (PTTM) _ Artillery Theodolite: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/04/62-pab-2-artillery-bussol-2m.html
above: NoHigher! (Cropped!) "Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (#MILES). #Simulation combat-suit for #laser-radiation detection - #Lézerbesugárzást érzékelő #szimulációs harci-ruha": #Kendall#Jenner & #Gigi#Hadid go #makeup less for Marc Jacobs' show source: Just Jared/PinCelebs.net https://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/miles.htm
En. text: Kendall Nicole Jenner (born November 3, 1995. -age 25- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American model, socialite, and media personality. Jenner is the daughter of Kris Jenner and Caitlyn Jenner, and rose to fame in the reality television show Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Jenner began modelling at the age of 14. After working in commercial print ad campaigns and photoshoots, Jenner had breakout seasons in 2014 and 2015, walking the runways for high-fashion designers during the New York, Milan, and Paris fashion weeks. Jenner has done multiple campaigns, editorials and cover shoots for LOVE and various international Vogue editions, and is a brand ambassador for Estée Lauder. Jenner made her debut at No. 16 on Forbes magazine's 2015 list of top-earning models, with an estimated annual income of US$4 million. In 2017 Jenner was named the world's highest-paid model by Forbes, ousting model Gisele Bündchen who has been leading the list for more than 14 years since 2002. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall_Jenner
Marc Jacobs (born April 9, 1963. -age 57- New York City, New York, U.S.) is an American fashion designer. He is the head designer for his own fashion label, Marc Jacobs, and formerly Marc by Marc Jacobs, a diffusion line, which was produced for approximately 15 years having been discontinued after the 2015 fall/winter collection. At one point there were over 200 retail stores in 80 countries. He was the creative director of the French design house Louis Vuitton from 1997 to 2014. Jacobs was on Time magazine's "2010 Time 100" list of the 100 most influential people in the world, and was #14 on Out magazine's 2012 list of "50 Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America". He was married on 6 April 2019 to his long time partner, Charly Defrancesco. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Jacobs
above: NEW! BigRes! "She is the leader of the Armor-troops" source: Trend Council - WordPress.com
above: MedRes! "The real Commander of the tank is coming - Jön a tank igazi Parancsnoka - Der wahre Kommandant des Panzers kommt" / Stridsfordon commander versus Versace source: Pinterest.com: #Versace's #Spring 2017 #Ready-to-Wear
Hu. text: Gianni Versace (Reggio Calabria, 1946. december 2. – Miami Beach, 1997. július 15.) olasz divat- és jelmeztervező volt. Munkájára hatással volt Andy Warhol, az ókori római és görög művészet, valamint a modern absztrakt művészet; a XX. század második felének egyik legszínesebb és legtehetségesebb divattervezőjének tekintik. Gianni alapította a híres Versace márkát. Az első butikot Milánóban nyitotta 1978-ban, ami hamar nagy népszerűségre tett szert. Ma a Versace egyike a világ vezető divatházainak. A Versace Group luxus-ruhakölteményeket, kiegészítőket, parfümöt, kozmetikumokat és bútorokat tervez és árul különféle márkanevek alatt. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gianni_Versace
above: MedRes! below: NoHi! "Driver Instructor":#VOGUE's #Bündchen (Vogue Korea May 8)
above: NoHigher! #Nails#Camo-pattern, Spanish-moss by '#Revlon'
above: NoHigher! #Claudia#Schiffer #photoshoot 2014. 06. shows off her legs photo by: SZ #Magazine/#Nico
Claudia Maria Schiffer (German: [ˈklaʊdi̯a ˈʃɪfɐ] born 25 August 1970. -age 50- Rheinberg, NRW, West Germany) is a German model, actress, and fashion designer who is based in the United Kingdom. She rose to fame in the 1990s as one of the world's most successful models, quickly attaining supermodel status. In her early career, she was compared to Brigitte Bardot. She has appeared on more than 1000 magazine covers and holds the record for the model with the most magazine covers, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. In 2002, Forbes estimated her net worth to be around US$55 million. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudia_Schiffer
above: NoHigher! "Hypose practicing shirt" - "Hypózott gyakorló-ing": a TutorÍ: Judy Landers by: Poster Girls 1970's via: Pinterest - tumblr
Judy Landers (born Judy Hamburg, October 7, 1958. -age 62- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.) is an American film and television actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_Landers
18+above: NoHigher! (Cropped!) "Half Cutaway": World famous Russian fashion model, #Anastasiya#Scheglova topless cover her boobs. source: PinCelebs.net
Anastasiya Scheglova Wiki, BIOGRAPHY:
Model, actress and social media star whose fame was taken to the next level after competing to become Miss Supranational Russia in 2017. Her Instagram onlookers took notice and rewarded her with over 290,000 followers. Anastasiya Scheglova is a well known Model. Anastasiya was born on February 19, 1995 in Russia..Anastasiya is one of the famous and trending celeb who is popular for being a Model. As of 2018 Anastasiya Scheglova is 23 years old years old. Anastasiya Scheglova is a member of famous Model list. Wikifamouspeople has ranked Anastasiya Scheglova as of the popular celebs list. Anastasiya Scheglova is also listed along with people born on 19-Feb-95. One of the precious celeb listed in Model list. Nothing much is known about Anastasiya Education Background & Childhood. We will update you soon. ... https://www.wikifamouspeople.com/anastasiya-scheglova-wiki-biography-net-worth-age-family-facts-and-more/
above: MedRes! American star-actress, Michelle Pfeiffer in Max Mara jacket & pants, Gianvito Rossi pumps, Marco Bicego earrings 'Town-and-Country'-magazine march-2021 source: celebsdump.com
Michelle Marie Pfeiffer (/ˈfaɪfər/; born April 29, 1958. -age 62- Santa Ana, California, U.S. ) is an American actress. Known for pursuing eclectic roles in a wide range of film genres, she has consistently received acclaim for her versatile performances. One of the most prolific actresses of the 1980s and 1990s, her accolades include a Golden Globe Award and a British Academy Film Award, as well as nominations for three Academy Awards and one Primetime Emmy Award. Pfeiffer has established herself as one of Hollywood's most bankable stars, with 15 of her films grossing at least $100 million at the box office. Her total worldwide gross as a lead actress exceeds $2 billion. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelle_Pfeiffer
above: NoHigher! This resting positin available maximum the inner space - Max. ilyen helyzetben lehet pihenni a belsőtérben. - Demostrating, #Scarlett#Johansson american movie star from #Hollywood as GQ Babe of the Year Dec. 2010. source: mellbimbo.eu
Scarlett Ingrid Johansson (/dʒoʊˈhænsən/; born November 22, 1984) is an American actress and singer. She was among the world's highest-paid actresses from 2014 to 2016, has made multiple appearances in the Forbes Celebrity 100, and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Born and raised in Manhattan, New York City, she aspired to be an actress from a young age, and first appeared on stage in an Off-Broadway play as a child. Johansson made her film debut in the fantasy comedy North (1994) and was nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for Manny & Lo (1996). She gained further recognition for her work in The Horse Whisperer (1998) and Ghost World (2001).above: HiRes! American star actress, #Amy#Adams in a #Desert-Khaky #lingerie 2012.
Amy Lou Adams (born August 20, 1974. -age 46- Vicenza, Italy) is an American actress and producer. Known for both comedic and dramatic roles, she has appeared three times in annual rankings of the world's highest-paid actresses. Her accolades include two Golden Globe Awards, and nominations for six Academy Awards, seven British Academy Film Awards and nine Screen Actors Guild Awards. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Adams
above: MedRes! Micah's olive drab/khaki streetflyer 'Alfa' suit source: facebook/Micah Gianneli
Micah Gianneli is a style influencer, model, and Instagram personality. She has her fashion website, which has style and fashion products, fashion tutorials, tips, and more. ... https://vergewiki.com/micah-gianneli
above: NoHigher! 'Alpha Industries' jacket model with HuAF's Mikoyan MiG-29 "Fulcrum" on LHKE HuAFB source: facebook.com
above: NoHigher! Tradition keeper fashion: Guarda la sfilata di moda Burberry Prorsum a Londra e scopri la collezione di abiti e accessori per la stagione Pre-collezioni Primavera Estate 2015.
above: NoHigher! Ability of Stair-climbing demonstrator - Lépcsőmászóképesség demonstrátor
above: NoHigher! Retro Hungarian supermodel, Ms. Czvalinga Ildikó source: facebook/ former Hu. supermodel, Szedres Mariann "A 60-as, 70-es, 80-as évek manökenjei"
above! NoHigher! Ladies Courageous, Loretta Young, 1944 Photograph by: Everett source: Google G+ Hu. Pin-Up Expert collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
En. text: Loretta Young (born Gretchen Young; January 6, 1913 – August 12, 2000) was an American actress. Starting as a child actress, she had a long and varied career in film from 1917 to 1953. She won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in the film The Farmer's Daughter (1947), and received her second Academy Award nomination for her role in Come to the Stable (1949). Young moved to the relatively new medium of television, where she had a dramatic anthology series, The Loretta Young Show, from 1953 to 1961. The series earned three Emmy Awards, and was re-run successfully on daytime TV and later in syndication. In the 1980s, Young returned to the small screen and won a Golden Globe for her role in Christmas Eve in 1986. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loretta_Young
Hu. text: Loretta Young, (Salt Lake City, Utah, 1913. január 6. – Los Angeles, Kalifornia, 2000. augusztus 12.) Oscar-díjas, kétszeres Golden Globe-díjas és háromszoros Primetime Emmy-díjas amerikai színésznő. Karrierjét gyermekszínészként kezdve a harmincas és negyvenes évek vezető színésznőjévé lépett elő, az ötvenes években pedig saját televíziós műsorát, a Loretta Young Showt (vagy Letter to Lorettát) vezette, ami hat évadot élt meg. ...
above: NoHigher! Hu. "At abandoned Military-Technic Higher School": supermodell: Lajkovits Ági in military fashion clothes. photo by: Bara István fotó source: MTI/facebook/manokenek a 60-as, 70-es, 80-as évekből/Szedres Mariann former supermodel.
Hu. text: Lajkovits Ágnes, ismert nevén Lajkovits Ági (1954. augusztus 23. -65 éves-) magyar modell, fotómodell, manöken. ... A Ki lesz az év manökenje versenyben, az Ez a Divat szerkesztőség manökenjeként az olvasók 1977. évi szavazatai alapján 1978 januárjában kihirdetett eredménye szerint, a második helyezett lett. Frenreisz Károly felesége volt, amikor megszületett két gyermeke, Zoltán és Zsófi. ... ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lajkovits_%C3%81gi
above: NoHigher! Hu. OKISZ-Labor's miltary fashion costume on supermodel, Ms. Zám Edit source: facebook/Szedres Mariann
above: NoHigher! She would have been good with his desk too - Ő is jó lett volna segítségnek az asztalával együtt: Hungarian retro supermodel from 1970's, Ms. Tálas Kati source: retromagyarfotomodellek.blogspot.com
above: MedRes! Hu. text: Bíró Ica és Gál Zsuzsa manökenek "- source: facebook/Szedres Mariann
Hu. text: Bíró Ica (született: Borúzs Ilona) (Budapest, 1957. május 30. –63 éves-) fitnesz-szakértő, modell, színésznő, énekesnő. Kártyanaptár-királynőként említik. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%ADr%C3%B3_Ica
above: HiRes! "Transition tank crew-overall wear between cold & warm meteo conditions": Katie Holmes, sexy for 'Vogue'-Australia november-2020. source: celebsdump.com
Kate Noelle Holmes (born December 18, 1978. 1978 -age 41- Toledo, Ohio, U.S.) is an American actress. She first achieved fame as Joey Potter on the television series Dawson's Creek (1998–2003).
She made her feature film debut in Ang Lee's The Ice Storm in 1997. Subsequent film roles include: Go, Teaching Mrs. Tingle (both 1999), Wonder Boys, The Gift (both 2000), Abandon, Phone Booth (both 2002), The Singing Detective, Pieces of April (both 2003), Batman Begins, Thank You for Smoking (both 2005), Mad Money (2008), Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010), Jack and Jill (2011), Miss Meadows (2014), Woman in Gold, Touched with Fire (both 2015), Logan Lucky (2017) and the independent film Coda (2019). In 2008, she made her Broadway theatre debut in a production of Arthur Miller's All My Sons. In 2011, she played Jacqueline Kennedy in the TV miniseries The Kennedys, a role she reprised in The Kennedys: After Camelot (2017). She made her directorial debut with the 2016 film All We Had, in which she also starred. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katie_Holmes
above: NoHigher! "Sniper swiming dress":#Hollywood star actress, #Cameron Diaz in shell
Cameron Diaz (born August 30, 1972) is an American retired actress and former model. She has frequently appeared in comedies throughout her career, while also earning critical recognition in dramatic films. Her accolades include four Golden Globe Award nominations, three Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, and a New York Film Critics Award. In 2013, she was named the highest-paid actress over 40 in Hollywood. As of 2018, the U.S. domestic box office grosses of Diaz's films total over $3 billion USD, with worldwide grosses surpassing $7 billion, making her the fifth highest-grossing U.S. domestic box office actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Diaz
above: NoHigher! South African (Boer - Búr) supermodel, Candice Swanepoel
above: NoHigher! "Barbara" in Nowadays: Marissa Webb's resort 2018 Collection Photos for Vogue source: Vogue.com
Marissa Webb is a fashion designer and fashion executive. She is the former Executive Vice President and Creative Director of Banana Republic.
above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Summertime ZSU armor crew suit, Martha Hunt for Tatler-magazine in Russia may 2019. source: CelebsDump.com
Martha Seifert Hunt (born April 27, 1989. -age 30- Wilson, North Carolina, U.S.) is an American model, who has been a Victoria's Secret Angel since 2015.
She is also a spokesmodel for Free People. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Hunt
above: NoHigher! Armada Amazon: Taylor Hill for Vogue-magazine Mexico, march 2019.
Taylor Marie Hill (born March 5, 1996. -age 23.- Palatine, Illinois, U.S.) is an American model and Victoria's Secret Angel since 2015. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hill_(model)
above: NoHigher! Taylor Hill for 'Vogue'-magazine in Mexico march-2019. source: celebsdump.com
above: Left: MedRes! Female model-girl Eva Herzigova from Czech-republic, czech-breathtaking source: wallpaperrs-fullhdpix Right: MedRes! Gisele Bundchen, income 5.-10m$ source: greatsinside.com
Eva Herzigová (born 10 March 1973. -age 48- Litvínov, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech supermodel and actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Herzigov%C3%A1
above: NoHigher! (Cropped!) #American #star-actress & #cook-#recipe-maker - #menő #színésznő és #szakácsnő -#receptkészítő, #Tiffany#Amber#Thiessen in #fashionable #Pilot & #Visitor #overall #suit. source: celebsdump.com
Tiffani Amber Thiessen (born January 23, 1974. -age 46- Long Beach, California, U.S.) is an American actress. She is known for starring as Kelly Kapowski on NBC's Saved by the Bell (1989–93) and as Valerie Malone on Fox's Beverly Hills, 90210 (1994–98). Thiessen has also starred in other TV series such as Fox's Fastlane (2002–03), ABC's What About Brian (2007), and USA Network's White Collar (2009–14), as well as in a number of TV movies, and she has also appeared in several films like Son in Law (1993), Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th (2000), Hollywood Ending (2002), and Cyborg Soldier (2008). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffani_Thiessen
above: NoHigher! This Hentai suit (szerkó) better than upper Soviet BDU
above: NoHigher! MFG - Military Fan Girl is beside Italian made Agusta A-109 'Hirundo' or American Bell 206 'Jet Ranger' TAXI helicopter photo by: Spartan photography
above: NoHigher! #American, #Hobby #DIY #helicopter-pilot in #camo-shirth with #D&C '#David-&-Clark' #headphone and '#Polaroid' #sunglasses source: facebook.com
above: NoHigher! Front of 'Cessna' C-172
above: NoHigher! USAF style casual Uniform-wear could this man be any more perfect
above: NoHigher! "Topgun" lady before McDonnell Douglas F-4 'Phantom' fighter-bomber source: HSK.hu (Hátsó sor közepe)
above: NoHigher! Enemy Aviatrix with G.D. F-16 'Fighting Falcon' source: mellbimbo.eu
18+above: NoHigher! USAF cmdr. Pilot - "Red Flag" aviatrix source: facebook
above: HiRes! Airscrew technicians-'Fresh Look' Supermarine "Spitfire" Mk. engineers girls boss
above: NoHigher! N.A. P-51D Pin Up Scott Slocum - Salute Our Veterans photo by: Bob Slocum www.MyBombshells.com & www.Hire-AVeteran.co
above: HiRes! Other style better mility skirt/clothes fashion before 'D-Day' stripped North American P-51D 'Mustang' fighter photo by: John King CA. source: G+: Bányiczki Z. facebook core source: www.flyerfocus.com
above: HiRes! Behind from Pin-Up Girl the place (Electrical bay) on conceptional Ballturret under rear airframe on VVS Mi-24D source: facebook photo: Vándor Károly Hu. Berekfürdő Museum
VVSz Museum: http://www.soviet-airforce.com/hu/
Mi-24 "Airahind" P-39 - B-24's - B-17 Sperry's Ballturret : http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/04/66-24-mi-24v-bell-p-39-airahind-fantasy.html
above: NoHigher! Russian Blonde - Szőke "Billy - Csőrike" go out from demo Mi-24-ből jön ki source: facebook
above: HiRes! U.S. ARMY Bell UH-1D "Huey" Melissa
229.) Helicopters doors & Girls & Types & Cutaway drw.s - Helikopterajtók és jó Csajok és Típusok és Röntgenrajzok: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2020/12/229-helicopters-doors-girls-types.html
above & below: NEW+! HiRes! MiG-29B HuAF LHKE Kecskemét Air-Show 2008. "Fulcrum" Pilot: maj. Máté "Motyi" Attila őrgy. Photo and source: ret. stgt. hel. eng. mech. Pénzes Károly ny.ftőrm. hel. SAHM mech. facebook/akik nélkül nem lehetett volna magyar katonai repülés/Photo Pénzes
134.) MiG-29 'Fulcrum' Mikoyan - Superiority Fighter - Микоян МиГ-29 истребитель - чертежи - drawings & cutaways: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/09/133-mig-29-fulcrum-mikoyan-superiority.html
above: NEW! BigRes! Juci'bácsi photo: Kecskemét (LHKE) Air Show 2008. august: PolAF Sukhoi Su-22M4 'Fitter-C' fighter-bomber & Recce and Airshow wears
above: HiRes! Hungarian Air Show at Kecskemét on LHKE AFB in august
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's photo: Air Show Kecskemét HuAFB 2008. august: redhair V. Andrea & right: In memoriam ret.flt/avn Lt.Col Kádár "Fáni" István ny.re.alez. opposit the ItAF Alenia G.222/C-27J turboprop tactical cargo aircraft. below: MedRes! C-17 landing on LHKE rwy.
Blogger's note - megjegyzése: This post was created to give ladies attached to or working in the military ideas to better express their attachment at leisure events and military exhibitions, open days, and not to appear in casual slamp clothing. - Ez a bejegyzés azért jött létre, hogy a katonasághoz kötődő illetve ott dolgozó hölgyek ötleteket kapjanak, hogy a szabadidős rendezvényeken és a katonai kiállításokon, nyílt napokon jobban kifejezhessék kötődésüket és ne egy hétköznapi slampos ruházatban jelenek meg.
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's photo: Air Show Kecskemét HuAFB 2008. august: Romanien AF MiG-21 "Lancer" & PolAF Sukhoi Su-22UM3K "Fitter-G" below Three: NoHigher! 2013. LHKE AS Görcz Andrea alon.hu
above: NEW! MedRes! Kecskemét Air Show 2018. source: facebook.com
134.) MiG-29 'Fulcrum' Mikoyan - Superiority Fighter - Микоян МиГ-29 истребитель - чертежи - drawings & cutaways: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/09/133-mig-29-fulcrum-mikoyan-superiority.html
above: BigRes! Czech Republic, Moravian-Silesian region, Ostrava CzAFB; Bundeswehr K-MW Leopard-2A6 MBT & PzH 2000 Panzerhaubitze on a Air Show 2016. photo by: Mr. Molnár Balázs source: htka.hu ( Haditechnikai Kerekasztal - HTKA.hu)
227.) Leopard-2A4+Hu MBT-Alapharckocsi-Kpfw.-Tank by KM-W Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Kpfw. München/Munich & Rheinmetall L-44 KwK, Büffel & Leguan in HuDF 2020.July:
230.) PzH 2000 - Panzerhaubitze by: KM-W, Rheinmetal AG., MTU, Renk, Diehl, Denel - Önjáró Ágyútarack HuDF: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/02/230-pzh-2000-panzerhaubitze-by-km-w.html
above: NoHigher! Two ladies before Soviet made retro airliner Lisunov Li-2 "Teve - Camel" of "Gold Timer" association - alapítvány on Tököl airfield (former VVS & HUAF AFB & DRRT Aircraft repair Work) close to Budapest on Danube-river, Csepel-island
above: MedRes! Hungary Pápa HuAFB - HAW airfield "Open Day - Nyílt Nap" on NATO - NAMA's Boeing C-17s wing, with Mil Mi-17 and Ural-375 truck 2013.
above: NoHigher! Before U.S.A. Flag in Std. desert trousers source: facebook
above: NoHigher! Plane Mates: Bücker Bü-131 'Jungmann' Fraulein
above: NoHigher! "Museum Operating Staff Buffet - A Múzeumi Kezelőszemélyzet BÜFÉ-je - Буфет для сотрудников музея >Bufet dlya sotrudnikov muzeya<" source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
138.) St. Petersburg - Leningrad: "Kronverk"; Soviet / Russian Artillery & Pioneer & Communication fortress Museum *Neva Brutal weapons & James Bond 007 agent "Golden Eye" movie: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/138-st-petersburg-leningrad-kronverk.html
above: NEW! HiRes! "STRV overall": Halston Sage sexy for sbjct-journal april 2020. source: celebsdump.com
Halston Sage (born May 10, 1993. -age 28- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American actress. She is known for her roles as Grace on the Nickelodeon television series How to Rock (2012), Amber on the NBC television series Crisis (2014), Lacey in the film Paper Towns (2015), Lt. Alara Kitan on the Fox television series The Orville (2017–2019), and Ainsley Whitly on the Fox television series Prodigal Son (2019–2021). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halston_Sage
above: HiRes! Delilah Belle Hamlin in white see through tank-top out in Los-Angeles CA. March 24. 2021. source: celebsdump.com https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/delilah-hamlin.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped & Edited!) "Museum's Doorkeeper during Her duty": Karine Vanasse in military fashion overall for 'Elle'-magazine Quebec december-2019. source: celebsdump
Karine Vanasse (born 24 November 1983. -age 37- Drummondville, Quebec,) is a Canadian actress, who had roles in the films Polytechnique, Séraphin: Heart of Stone (Séraphin: un homme et son péché), Switch and Set Me Free (Emporte-moi). Internationally she is best known for her roles as Colette Valois in Pan Am, Margaux LeMarchal in Revenge and Lise Delorme in Cardinal. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karine_Vanasse
above: NoHigher! Airsoft AK "Red-Dod" assault rifle, profissiomo Women during action
above: NoHigher! Marisa Papen is a Belgian model and naturist, known for posing nude in unconventional and controversial locations. source: ??
above: NoHigher! Bell UH-1D 'Iroquois' "Huey" Pin-Up Girl source: Pinterest.com
229.) Helicopters doors & Girls & Types & Cutaway drw.s - Helikopterajtók és jó Csajok és Típusok és Röntgenrajzok: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2020/12/229-helicopters-doors-girls-types.html
above: HiRes! "A little weeding at the base of the #Arty-#Cottage - Egy kis #gyomlálás a #Tüzérvilla tövében": Hu. World famous supermodel Ms. #Palvin#Barbara in '#Diesel' mility #wear. source: http://mellbimbo.eu/#
Barbara Palvin (pronounced [ˈbɒrbɒrɒ ˈpɒlvin]; born 8 October 1993. -age 26- Budapest, Hungary) is a Hungarian model. She first appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2016. In 2019, she became a Victoria's Secret Angel. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Palvin
En. text: Diesel S.p.A. is an Italian retail clothing company, located in Breganze, Italy. It sells denim, and other clothing, footwear, and accessories. The clothing line has two different brands: Diesel and Diesel Black Gold. There is also a line for children, called Diesel Kid. The company is known for its surreal advertising campaigns. The Diesel branded luxury fragrance line is owned and produced by L'Oréal. Diesel USA filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in March 2019. Its parent company, Diesel SpA, is not part of the bankruptcy filing. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_(brand)
Hu. text: A Diesel S.p.A egy olasz ruházati cég. Az egyik legismertebb az ifjúsági piacon. Fő termékei közé a farmerok tartoznak, de ma már megtalálhatók akár a strandpapucsok és a parfümök is. Alapítója Renzo Rosso, s székhelye Molvenában, Olaszországban van. ...
above: NoHigher! Airsoft Gunner-master Lady source: facebook/Defence-World
above: NoHigher! The redhair camo Photoriporter & Position director in freetime of camp.
above: NoHigher! NL Supermodel, Romee Strijd sexy in bikini for 'VS - Victoria's Secret' april-2020. source: celebsdump.com
De. text: Romee Strijd wuchs in der Nähe von Den Haag auf und ging 2010 nach New York City, um ihre Modelkarriere zu starten. 2011 schloss sie einen Vertrag mit der amerikanischen Modelagentur DNA Model Management ab und lief für Marken wie Acne Studios, Alexander McQueen, Badgley Mischka, Balmain, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Celine, Christopher Kane, DKNY, EDUN, Giambattista Valli, Hussein Chalayan, Isabel Marant, Jil Sander, Jill Stuart, Kenzo, Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Marchesa, Michael Kors, Nina Ricci, Peter Som, Phillip Lim, Prabal Gurung, Prada, Rag & Bone, Rochas, Roland Mouret, Vera Wang und Yves Saint Laurent. 2014 begann sie, für die Unterwäschemarke Victoria’s Secret zu modeln und lief auf der Modenschau in London. 2015 folgte der Vertrag, der sie zu einem Victoria’s Secret Angel machte. Seit März 2017 ist sie bei der Agentur IMG unter Vertrag. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romee_Strijd
above: HiRes! "Svalbard" pattern: TACP 2016-0911 U.S.A. Tennessee state "Titans", Minnesota state "Vikings" game-iphone-7Plus
above: HiRes! Military & Hunting Surveyor: Lisa Matthews, Playboy magazine's Miss April 1990. via: pinterest.com source: tumblr.com
Lisa Matthews (born Lisa Reich on September 24, 1969, in Peoria, Illinois -age 51-) is an American model and actress. She was chosen as Playboy's Playmate of the Month for April 1990, and was later named 1991's Playmate of the Year. She received over $100,000 for her winnings. That year, Matthews appeared in the Bruce Willis film Hudson Hawk. She dated the movie's producer, Joel Silver. In 2017 at the age of 48 Matthews duplicated her Playmate of the Year cover along with her cohorts Kimberly Conrad, Renee Tenison, Candace Collins, Cathy St. George, Kemp Muhl, and Monique St. Pierre nearly three decades on. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Playboy_Playmates_of_1990
above: HiRes! Tina in Kamchatka-peninsula on wrecked airframe source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: MedRes! Lais Ribeiro topless for 'Lui'-magazine, in september-2016. source: celebsdump.com
En. text: Laís Ribeiro (born Laís Pereira de Oliveira, 5 October 1990. -age 30- Teresina, Piauí, Brazil) is a Brazilian model best known for her work as a Victoria's Secret Angel. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lais_Ribeiro
Pt. text: Lais Ribeiro (Miguel Alves, 5 de outubro de 1990) é uma supermodelo brasileira. Angel da Victoria's Secret, começou sua carreira em 2009, e desde então acumula trabalhos nas maiores grifes mundiais, como Tom Ford, Balmain, Chanel, Louis Vuitton entre outras. Foi eleita em 2016 “Brasileira do Ano” pela Revista IstoÉ, “Mais sexys do mundo” pelo Models.com, “Modelo do Ano” pela Revista Quem Acontece, “30 under 30” pela Forbes Brasil, e por dois anos consecutivos integra a “Hot 100 list” da Maxim USA. ...
above: NoHigher! Agriculture Works manager from Hu. Playboy 1990's: Hu. modell: Rónai Aranka in VW Type-2 'Samba' microbus.
The Volkswagen Type 2, known officially (depending on body type) as the Transporter, Kombi or Microbus, or, informally, as the Bus (US) or Camper (UK), is a forward control panel van introduced in 1950 by the German automaker Volkswagen as its second car model. Following – and initially deriving from Volkswagen's first model, the Type 1 (Beetle) – it was given the factory designation Type 2 ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Type_2
above: NoHigher! Alison Doody as Dr. Elsa Schneider in Indiana Jones and the "Last Crusade" film
En. text: Alison Doody (born 9 March 1966. -age 55- Dublin, Ireland) is an Irish model and actress. After making her feature film debut as Bond girl Jenny Flex in A View to a Kill (1985), she went on to play Elsa Schneider in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989). Other roles include Siobhan Donavan in A Prayer for the Dying (1987), Charlotte in Taffin (1988) and Rebecca Flannery in Major League II (1994). She also played Pam in Beaver Falls (2011—2012). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alison_Doody
Hu. text: Alison Doody (Dublin, 1966. november 11. –) ír színésznő és modell. Az 1985-ös James Bond-filmben, a Halálvágtában Jenny Flex szerepét játszotta. 1989-ben Dr. Elsa Schneidert, a nácikkal szimpatizáló régésznőt alakította az Indiana Jones és az utolsó kereszteslovag című kalandfilmben. ...
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a 1989 American action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg, from a story co-written by executive producer George Lucas. It is the third installment in the Indiana Jones franchise. Harrison Ford returned in the title role, while his father is portrayed by Sean Connery. Other cast members featured include Alison Doody, Denholm Elliott, Julian Glover, River Phoenix, and John Rhys-Davies. In the film, set largely in 1938, Indiana searches for his father, a Holy Grail scholar, who has been kidnapped by Nazis. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana_Jones_and_the_Last_Crusade
above: MedRes! Jessica Simpson in film "Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous" (2008) ... as Army's Private Megan Valentine with 'AM General' M998 HMMWV "Humvee" jeep.
Jessica Ann Johnson (née Simpson; born July 10, 1980. -age 40- Abilene, Texas, U.S.) is an American singer, actress, fashion designer, and author. After performing in church choirs as a child, Simpson signed with Columbia Records in 1997, at age 17. Her debut studio album, Sweet Kisses (1999), sold two million copies in the United States and saw the commercial success of the single "I Wanna Love You Forever". Simpson adopted a more mature image for her second studio album Irresistible (2001), and its title track became her second top 20 entry on the Billboard Hot 100, while the album was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). In This Skin (2003), Simpson's third studio album, sold three million copies in the United States. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Simpson
above: MedRes! The original downloaded pics: More Hu. text: Ezzel a képpel találkoztam először és nagyon ismerős lett a környék mint volt Budapestinek... nmethbc2d Fájlnévvel a www.mellbimbo.eu oldalon "Swatti" által feltöltve. Ővele még nem találkoztam a Neten, pedig jópár katonacsajszy és hasonló mintázatú ruha gyűjteményemben van onnan. - First finded picture of the Net. Hu. International Fitness Champion: Ms. Németh Dorottya
En. text: This is the first time I have met this picture and the area has become very familiar to Budapest as it was ... nmethbc2d Filename on www.mellbimbo.eu by "Swatti". I haven't met her on the Net yet, although I have a couple of dresses in military style and similar patterns. -
The image did not let me down, not only because of its novel and pestile perfect composition.
A kép nem hagyott nyugodni, már csak az újszerű és pesties tökéletes kompozíciója miatt sem. W & W?: Where & Who?
En. text: This is the first time I have met this picture and the area has become very familiar to Budapest as it was ... nmethbc2d Filename on www.mellbimbo.eu by "Swatti". I haven't met her on the Net yet, although I have a couple of dresses in military style and similar patterns. -
The image did not let me down, not only because of its novel and pestile perfect composition.
A kép nem hagyott nyugodni, már csak az újszerű és pesties tökéletes kompozíciója miatt sem. W & W?: Where & Who?
176.) Modellfotó háttér keresése és kiértékelése - Finding & Evaluation of Modellphoto's backround in Budapest-city-dn belváros MAHIR-CP adv. coln. - Depth of field DOF – WBPF: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/02/176-modellfoto-hatter-keresese-es.html
above: NoHigher! Jewel Staite sexy photoshoot by: Karolina Turek 2021. source: celebsdump.com
En. text: Jewel Belair Staite (born June 2, 1982. -age 38- White Rock, British Columbia, Canada) is a Canadian actress. She is known for her roles as Kaylee Frye in the Fox television series Firefly (2002–2003) and its spin-off theatrical film Serenity (2005), and as Jennifer Keller on Sci-Fi Channel's science fiction television series Stargate Atlantis (2007–2009). Staite also starred as Catalina in Space Cases (1996), as "Becca" Fisher in Flash Forward (1996–1997), as Raquel Westbrook in the Canadian drama The L.A. Complex (2012), and as Caroline Swift in AMC's crime drama The Killing (2013–2014). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewel_Staite
Fr. text: Jewel Staite, née le 2 juin 1982 à White Rock, au Canada, est une actrice canadienne. Ses rôles les plus connus incluent Catalina dans Space Cases (1996-1997), Kaylee Frye dans Firefly (2002) et le film dérivé Serenity, et Jennifer Keller dans Stargate Atlantis (2007-2009). Staite a aussi interprété Raquel Westbrook dans The L.A. Complex en 2012. ...
Hu. text: Jewel Belair Staite (White Rock, Brit Columbia, Kanada, 1982. június 2.) kanadai származású színésznő, akinek legismertebb szerepei Kaylee Frye a Firefly és Serenity, valamint Dr. Jennifer Keller a Csillagkapu: Atlantisz című sorozatokban. ...
above: NoHigher! Ordnance machanic barrel specialist on the street - Tüzér Fegyverzettecnikai szerelő csőspecialista az utcán source: tumblr.com/www.mellbimbo.eu
NoHigher! above: Anne Schillings Photography Sonoma County Senior Portrait Photographer High School girl -"behind cannon barrel?" below: Safary clothes source: pinterest.com
above: HiRes! "The current Defense #Senior-#Advisor - A mostani #Honvédelmi #Főtanácsadó": supermodel #Sasha#Luss for '#Elle'-magazine in Russia-2019.
En. text: Alexandra Luss (Russian: Александра «Саша» Алексеевна Лусс; born 6 June 1992. -age 27- Magadan, Russia) is a Russian fashion model and actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sasha_Luss
Ru. text: Саша Лусс, полное имя Александра Алексеевна Лусс (род. 6 июня 1992, Магадан, Россия) — российская топ-модель, актриса.
На январь 2015 года входила в категорию самых востребованных моделей по версии сайта models.com. Снялась для календаря Pirelli 2015. Является лицом линии Dior Beauty, а также Carolina Herrera. ...
above: NoHigher! Coming the up for new style replace bombshell ammos - lőszerutánpótlás
121.) Д-20 152-мм пушка-гаубица 1954. - D-20 'KHITIN' vontatott ágyútarack - 152 mm towed gun-howitzer M1955: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/07/121-20-152-1954-d-20-khitin-vontatott.html
above: NoHigher! One of My favourite actress, Candice Bergen (in USAF clothes) in film "Gandhi" 1982. source: alamy stock photo BNYDD5 www.alamy.com
Candice Patricia Bergen (born May 9, 1946) is an American actress and former fashion model. She won five Emmy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards for her eleven seasons as the title character on the CBS sitcom Murphy Brown (1988–98, 2018–present). She is also known for her role as Shirley Schmidt on the ABC drama Boston Legal (2005–08). She was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for Starting Over (1979), and for the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for Gandhi (1982). Bergen began her career as a fashion model and appeared on the front cover of Vogue before she made her screen debut in the 1966 film The Group. She went on to star in The Sand Pebbles (1966), Soldier Blue (1970), Carnal Knowledge (1971), and The Wind and the Lion (1975). She made her Broadway debut in the 1984 play Hurlyburly, and went on to star in the revivals of The Best Man (2012) and Love Letters (2014). From 2002 to 2004, she appeared in three episodes of the HBO series Sex and the City. Her other film roles include Miss Congeniality (2000), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), The Women (2008), Bride Wars (2009), and Book Club (2018). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candice_Bergen
above: NoHigher! WW-Two U.S. M4 'Sherman' tank Pin-Up Girl source: Pinterest/acidcow.com
above: HiRes! Retrospective: Hungarian supermodels in Hu. military pattern camo "Jungle style - Dzsungel stílus" suit 1990's
above: NoHigher! Hu. Retro tradition keepers: left: Liebhaber Judit supermodel in OKISZ-labor dress source: facebook/70-es 80-as évek manökenjei/Szedres Mariann
above: NoHigher! "Spray controller - Permetezés irányító": Hungarian Retro: Hu. supermodel Ms. Kalmár Zita with BRG - Budapesti Rádiótechnikai Gyár - Budapester Radio Technology Factory, URH transmitter - adóvevő rádió on advert-calendar card - reklám kártyanaptáron late 1980s literature: https://hvg.hu/magyarmarka/20050325brgbeag
186.) CAS - Close Air Support (Air Combat Tactics) - Közeli légitámogatás (Harcászati fogások) HICs, ERIP - FACP, JTAC: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2016/09/186-cas-close-air-support-air-combat.html
above: NoHigher! Mattel's Militar-Barbie source: Daybreak
above: NoHigher! Retro: "Walking in the Future": Hu. supermodel Ms. Komjáthy Ági in 1970's at 'SKÁLA' store-house source: facebook/70-es 80-as évek manökenjei/Szedres Mariann
Hu. text only: Komjáthy Ágnes (Budapest, 1953. március 14. -67 éves-) magyar modell. Sokáig csak „Skála Ágiként” említették. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komj%C3%A1thy_%C3%81gnes
above: NoHigher! 1942; 'Coverette' designed by the Bureau of Home Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture
18+above: NoHigher! Redhead Ginger's winking smile in aviator Pilot-suit & cap
above: NoHigher! Ralph Lauren's 'Safari Accesories'-magazin
above: NoHigher! "#General #Supervisor of #Museum": #American #fashion-designer, Mr. Ralph #Lauren's #collection on #World-famous #Hungarian #supermodel Ms. #Mihalik#Enikő source: Pinterest
En. text: Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987. -age 33- Békéscsaba, Hungary) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography team Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enik%C5%91_Mihalik
Hu. text: Mihalik Enikő (Békéscsaba, 1987. május 11.) modell, az Elite Model Look 2002. évi negyedik helyezettje. Ismert Inez van Lamsweerde és Vinoodh Matadin holland fotósokkal való munkájáról. ...
Ральф Лорен (англ. Ralph Lauren, настоящая фамилия Лифшиц — Lifshitz; род. 14 октября 1939, Бронкс, Нью-Йорк) — американский модельер, дизайнер и предприниматель, кавалер ордена Почётного легиона. Один из богатейших людей США и мира. ... https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ru-Ralph-Lauren
NoHigher! above: The F-15 similarly streamline and slim just as wonderful American construction, like U.S.A. topmodel Marisa Miller below: With HD - Harley Davidson motobike.
Marisa Lee Miller (née Bertetta; born August 6, 1978. -age 42- Santa Cruz, California, U.S.) is an American model and occasional film actress best known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and her work for Victoria's Secret. After a stint shooting with photographer Mario Testino for fashion magazines such as Vogue, Miller began working for both companies in 2002. In 2007, she became a Victoria's Secret Angel, and appeared on the cover of the 2008 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue to record-setting numbers. Her accomplishments have led to her being dubbed the "return of the great American supermodel." She is known for contracts with companies such as Harley-Davidson, for whom she is the first spokesperson in the history of the company, and the NFL, for whom she became a spokesperson in 2010. Miller is considered a sex symbol; she ranked No. 1 on Maxim magazine's 2008 "Hot 100" list and in FHM's global 2010 "Sexiest Women in the World" poll. Aside from modeling, she was an ambassador for both the American Cancer Society and the USO. Miller made her film debut in R.I.P.D. (2013). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marisa_Miller
168.) HD - Harley Davidson WLA / WLC Royal Canadian Army's and road motors with Marisha Miller bombshell: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2015/09/168-hd-harley-davidson-wla-wlc-royal.html
above: NoHigher! M4 'Sherman' Tanky-Lady
4.) M4 "Sherman" US Army WW Two Tank _ Amerikai közepes harckocsi II. Vh. _ Movie: Fury, Kelly's Heroes, Battle of the Bulge.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/01/4-m4-sherman-us-army-ww-two-tank.html
above: NoHigher! Hobby pilot, eng. Tracey Curtis Taylor in 'Stearman'
Tracey Curtis-Taylor (born 1962. Stamford, Lincolnshire, England) is a British aviator who has organised and piloted multiple flight expeditions with historic aircraft across Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and America. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracey_Curtis-Taylor
above: HiRes! (Crop!) Bailee Madison, Cibelle-Levi press photoset for a week away february-2021 source: celebsdump.com
Bailee Madison (born October 15, 1999. -age 21- Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.) is an American actress, singer, and producer. She first gained acclaim for her role as May Belle Aarons in the fantasy drama film Bridge to Terabithia (2007). Madison received further recognition for her starring roles as Isabelle in the war drama film Brothers (2009), Sally Hurst in the horror film Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010), Maggie in the romantic comedy film Just Go with It (2011), Harper Simmons in the comedy film Parental Guidance (2012), Clementine in the fantasy film Northpole (2014), and Kinsey in the slasher film The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018). On television, she appeared as Maxine Russo in the fantasy sitcom Wizards of Waverly Place (2011), young Snow White in the fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time (2012–16), Hillary Harrison in the sitcom Trophy Wife (2013–14), and Sophia Quinn in the drama series The Fosters (2014–16). From 2015 to 2019, Madison starred as Grace Russell in the Hallmark Channel comedy-drama series Good Witch. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bailee_Madison
above: NoHigher! "3D khaky camo dress" by: Jack Guisso on bcr8tive.com source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! actress #Megan#Fox with special breast GA safety-belt source: Pinterest
Megan Denise Fox (born May 16, 1986 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee) is an American actress and model. She began her acting career in 2001, with several minor television and film roles, and played a regular role on the Hope & Faith television sitcom. In 2004, she made her film debut with a role in the teen comedy Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. In 2007, she co-starred as Mikaela Banes, the love interest of Shia LaBeouf's character, in the blockbuster action film Transformers, which became her breakout role. Fox reprised her role in the 2009 sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Later in 2009, she starred as the eponymous lead in the black comedy horror film Jennifer's Body. In 2014, Fox starred as April O'Neil in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and reprised the role in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016). Fox is considered one of the modern female sex symbols and has appeared in magazines such as Maxim, Rolling Stone and FHM. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan_Fox
above: Aviatrix
223.) Airships - Léghajók: "Zeppelin" Friedrichshafen & vintage Ladies! Hindenburg & Landscapes: Budapest and Stockholm: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/08/223-airships-leghajok-zeppelin.html
above: NoHigher! 'Alpha Industries' pilot jacket & APH-6E helmet for DIY chopper
165.) Helikopter Pilóták - Rotorwing Pilots in HuAF, Pin-Ups, MH.87th "Bakony" Hchel. e., MH.86. Hel.e., LHSN, Fuhel. e.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/08/165-helikopter-pilotak-rotorwing-pilots.html
above: NoHigher! 'Alpha I.' by Micah Gianneli. from Melbourne by photographer: Jesse Maricic source: myfashion.com.hr/micah-gianneli - facebook/Micah Gianneli
above: MedRes! Olivia Palermo in weared jeans source: pinterest.com
Olivia Palermo (born February 28, 1986. -age 35- New York City, New York, U.S.) is an American socialite, fashion influencer and entrepreneur. Palermo gained celebrity when she sued socialiterank.com for releasing a letter that was proven to be false. It made a news story on New York Magazine on May 4, 2007. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Palermo
above: HiRes! Falcon's Pilot goes from Dispatcher of Tower in '#Gucci' summertime flight suit: #Martha#Hunt for '#Tatler' magazine (cirillic text) Russia may 2019. source: celebsdump.com
Zh.-Chinois text: 瑪莎·塞佛特·亨特(英語:Martha Seifert Hunt,1989年4月27日-),是一位美國模特兒及演員。亨特是美國最大的連鎖女性成衣品牌維多利亞的秘密代言的模特兒之一,目前是「維多利亞的秘密天使」(Victoria's Secret Angels)中的一員。 ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Hunt
Ru. text: Марта Хант (англ. Martha Hunt; родилась 27 апреля 1989, Уилсон) — американская топ-модель. С апреля 2015 года один из «ангелов» компании Victoria’s Secret. ...
En. text: Gucci (/ˈɡuːtʃi/, GOO-chee; Italian pronunciation: [ˈɡuttʃi]) is an Italian luxury brand of fashion and leather goods. Gucci was founded by Guccio Gucci in Florence, Tuscany, in 1921. Gucci generated about €4.2 billion in revenue worldwide in 2008 according to BusinessWeek and climbed to 41st position in the magazine's annual 2009 "Top Global 100 Brands" chart created by Interbrand; it retained that rank in Interbrand's 2014 index. Gucci is also the highest-selling Italian brand.
Gucci operates about 278 directly operated stores worldwide as of September 2009, and it wholesales its products through franchisees and upscale department stores. In the year 2013, the brand was valued at US$12.1 billion, with sales of US$4.7 billion. In the Forbes World's Most Valuable Brands list, Gucci is ranked the 38th most valuable brand, with a brand value of $12.4 billion as of May 2015. As of January 2015, the creative director is Alessandro Michele. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gucci
above: HiRes! "Aviator Cadet after training flight with Aero-45": Harlee Fraser sexy and topless photoshoot by: Yulia Gorbachenko source: CelebsDump.com
above: NoHigher! NAVY's Pilot-suit Pin Up Girl on U.S. Navy/Marine Corps' Grumman TBF-1/TBM-3 'Avenger' Torpedo Bomber
above: MedRes! Left: "A satisfied customer leaves our shop - Egy elégedett vevő távozik a boltunkból": #American #supermodel #Karlie "#Klossy"#Kloss in #jumpsuit Leaving her #Hotel "#Got#Celeb" Right: "Demo KMW tank driver of the Museum": supermodel star of the World #Karlie "#Klossy"#Kloss in dust-protection panzerian-overall suit
De. text: Karlie Elizabeth Kloss (* 3. August 1992 in Chicago) ist ein US-amerikanisches Model. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karlie_Kloss
above: HiRes! Savannah Tankmen overall suit photo by: Nesmelov Yuriy source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NoHigher! Star actress, #Sigourney#Weaver, Films Illustrated, 1979. source: tumblr.com
En. text: Susan Alexandra "Sigourney" Weaver (/sɪˈɡɔːrni/; born October 8, 1949. -age 71- New York City, U.S.) is an American actress. Weaver is considered to be a pioneer of action heroines in science fiction films. She is known for her role as Ellen Ripley in the Alien franchise, which earned her an Academy Award nomination in 1986 and is often regarded as one of the most significant female protagonists in cinema history. A seven-time Golden Globe Award nominee, Weaver won both Best Actress in Drama and Best Supporting Actress in 1988 for her work in the films Gorillas in the Mist and Working Girl, becoming the first person to win two acting Golden Globes in the same year. She also received Academy Award nominations for both films. For her role in the film The Ice Storm (1997), she won the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role. She also received a Tony Award nomination for her work in the 1984 Broadway play Hurlyburly. Weaver's other film roles include Ghostbusters (1984), Ghostbusters II (1989), Dave (1993), Galaxy Quest (1999), Holes (2003), WALL-E (2008), Avatar (2009), Prayers for Bobby (2009), Paul (2011), The Cabin in the Woods (2012), and A Monster Calls (2016); and the television miniseries Political Animals (2012) and The Defenders (2017). In 2003, Weaver was voted Number 20 in Channel 4's countdown of the 100 Greatest Movie Stars of All Time, being one of only two women in the Top 20. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigourney_Weaver
Hu. text: Sigourney Weaver (születési nevén Susan Alexandra Weaver) (Manhattan, New York, 1949. október 8. –) Golden Globe-díjas amerikai színésznő. Legismertebb szerepei Ellen Ripley hadnagy a Nyolcadik utas: a Halálban és folytatásaiban, Dana Barrett a Szellemirtók-filmekben és Dr. Grace Augustine az Avatarban. Háromszor jelölték Oscar-díjra. ...
above: MedRes! Militarized AS-350 'Écureuil' („Mókus”) in a desert source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
229.) Helicopters doors & Girls & Types & Cutaway drw.s - Helikopterajtók és jó Csajok és Típusok és Röntgenrajzok: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2020/12/229-helicopters-doors-girls-types.html
above: NoHigher! Croatian supermodel, Jelena Kovacic in full-fashionable overal source: Most Wanted Models https://www.famousfix.com/topic/jelena-kovacic/wiki
above: MedRes! Dutch fashion-model, Ms. Rianne Van Rompaey, sexy for 'Vogue'-U.K. february-2021. source: celebsdump.com
Rianne Frida Loes Van Rompaey (born 3 January 1996. -age 25- Hoofddorp, Netherlands) is a Dutch fashion model. Vogue has called her a top model. She is one of 50 models who appeared on the cover of the 50th anniversary September issue of Vogue Italia, photographed by Steven Meisel. She also appeared solo on a Vogue Italia cover in March 2016. Her beauty has been described as pre-Raphaelite. She has appeared on the cover of Vogue Paris over 6 times under editor Emmanuelle Alt. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rianne_Van_Rompaey
above: HiRes! Jennifer Morrison, "once-upon a time" season one promotional photoset source: celebsdump.com
Jennifer Marie Morrison (born April 12, 1979. -age 41- Chicago, Illinois, U.S.) is an American actress, producer, director, and former child model. She is mainly known for her roles as Dr. Allison Cameron in the medical-drama series House (2004–2012) and Emma Swan in the ABC adventure-fantasy series Once Upon a Time (2011–2017, 2018). She has also portrayed Zoey Pierson, one of Ted Mosby's love interests on the comedy series How I Met Your Mother; Winona Kirk, mother of James T. Kirk in the 2009 science-fiction film Star Trek; and Tess Conlon in the 2011 sports drama film Warrior. She made her feature film directorial debut with Sun Dogs (2017). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Morrison
+18above: NoHigher! Sorry! Dirigent commander paint by: ??
above: HiRes! Alexis Ren looking sexy in "Halloween"-style MEDEVAC uniform
En. text: Alexis René Glabach (born November 23, 1996. -age 24- Santa Monica, California, US ), known professionally as Alexis Ren, is an American social media personality and model. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_Ren
Hu. text: Alexis René Glabach (Santa Monica, Kalifornia, 1996. november 23. –) amerikai modell, internetes híresség. Ő volt a Maxim 2017 augusztusi címlaplánya, ő a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Rookie 2018-ig, 12.6 millió követője van az Instagramon. ...
above: HiRes! "Leopard-2A4 cut-pattern and color - szabásminta és szín": Charlotte McKinney sexy for 'Elle'-magazine december-2020. source: celebsdump.com
Charlotte Ann McKinney (born August 6, 1993. -age 27- Orlando, Florida, U.S.) is an American actress and model who first gained attention as an Instagram personality, eventually achieving wider recognition for her appearance in a Carl's Jr. commercial which aired regionally during Super Bowl XLIX in 2015. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_McKinney
above: NoHigher! Milyfash Jade Pettyjohn for 'Schoen'-magazine photo by: Jason Benson in november-2020
Jade Pettyjohn (born November 8, 2000. in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) is an American actress. She is known for her roles as McKenna Brooks in An American Girl: McKenna Shoots for the Stars, as Summer on the Nickelodeon television series School of Rock, as Lexie Richardson on the Hulu drama television miniseries Little Fires Everywhere, and as Grace Sullivan on the ABC series Big Sky. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Pettyjohn
above: NEW! above: NEW! HiRes! "Brillant camo summer BDU suit": Maddie Ziegler leggy at 'Space jam a new legacy' premiere in la july 12. 2021. source: celebsdump.com
Madison Nicole Ziegler (/ˈzɪɡlər/; born September 30, 2002.) is an American dancer and actress. She was initially known for appearing in Lifetime's reality show Dance Moms from 2011 (at age 8) until 2016. Since 2014, she has gained recognition for starring in a series of music videos by Sia, beginning with "Chandelier" and "Elastic Heart", which have in total attracted more than 5 billion views on YouTube. Ziegler has appeared in films, television shows, concerts, advertisements and on magazine covers. She was included by Time magazine on its list of the "30 most influential teens" in 2015, 2016 and 2017. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maddie_Ziegler
above: BigRes! Leelee Sobieski sexy gala dress for 'Atlanta Peach' Magazine source: pincelebs.net
En. text: Liliane Rudabet Gloria Elsveta "Leelee" Sobieski (born June 10, 1983. -age 37- New York City, U.S.) is an American artist and retired actress. She achieved fame in her teens with roles in films such as Deep Impact, Eyes Wide Shut, Never Been Kissed, Joy Ride, Here on Earth, and The Glass House. She received Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award nominations for her portrayal of the title character in the television film Joan of Arc and a further Golden Globe nomination for her performance in the miniseries Uprising. Sobieski continued to work in films and on television up until retiring in 2012, after which she focused on her art career. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leelee_Sobieski
Hu. text: Liliane Rudabet Gloria Elsveta "Leelee" Sobieski (New York, 1983. június 10. –) visszavonult amerikai színésznő. Színészi hírnévre tizenévesen tett szert olyan filmekben, mint a Deep Impact (1998), a Tágra zárt szemek (1999), A bambanő (1999), a Kéjutazás (2001) és a Rejtélyek háza (2001). A Szent Johanna című minisorozatban Jeanne d’Arc megformálásáért Primetime Emmy-díjra, illetve Golden Globe-díjra jelölték. A Lázadás című tévéfilm egy második Golden Globe-jelölést is hozott számára. Sobieski 2012-ig szerepelt filmekben és a televízió képernyőjén. Ezt követően visszavonult a színészettől, hogy családjával töltse az idejét. ...
above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Mily Eiza#Gonzalez, arriving at the Jimmy Kimmel's live-studios in #Los#Angeles #CA. february 16. 2021. source: celebsdump.com
En. text: Eiza González Reyna (born January 30, 1990. -age 31- Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican actress and singer. She gained popularity for her debut role as Lola Valente in the Mexican musical telenovela Lola, érase una vez (2007–2008) and later starred in the lead role of Clara Molina on the Nickelodeon teen drama Sueña conmigo (2010–2011). She gained further success starring as Santanico Pandemonium in the American horror series From Dusk till Dawn: The Series (2014–2016). She is also known for her roles as Monica "Darling" Castello in the action crime film Baby Driver (2017), Nyssiana in the cyberpunk action film Alita: Battle Angel (2019), Madam M in The Fast and the Furious spin-off film Hobbs & Shaw (2019), and Fran in the comedy thriller I Care a Lot (2020). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiza_Gonz%C3%A1lez
Es. text: Eiza González Reyna (Ciudad de México; 30 de enero de 1990) es una actriz y cantante mexicana. Es conocida principalmente por sus papeles como Lola Valente y Clara Molina en la series Lola, érase una vez y Sueña conmigo, respectivamente. Posteriormente, interpretó el personaje de Nikki Brizz Balvanera en Amores verdaderos.56 En 2014, logró gran reconocimiento internacional al interpretar a Santanico Pandemonium en la serie original de El Rey Network y Netflix From Dusk till Dawn: The Series, basada en la película del mismo nombre. Hizo su debut cinematográfico en la cinta de acción Baby Driver, junto a Ansel Elgort, Kevin Spacey, Lily James y Jamie Foxx. ...
Hu. text: Eiza González Reyna (Mexikó, Mexikóváros, 1990. január 30. –) mexikói énekesnő, színésznő. Hazájában Lolaként ismerik. Szülei Glenda Reyna és Carlos González, egy testvére van, Yulen. Eiza 16 éves korában kapta meg a mexikói Csacska angyal (Lola, érase una vez) főszerepét. 2008-ban TVyNovelas-díjat kapott a legjobb új színésznő kategóriában. ...
above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Emily Alyn Lind, for 'Vogue'-magazine in december.2020. source: celebsdump.com
Emily Alyn Lind (born 2001/2002. -age 18-) is an American actress. She began her career as a child actress, when she was known for her recurring role as young Amanda Clarke on the ABC series Revenge, and for her role as Ariel on the CBS medical drama Code Black. Lind has also starred in the Netflix original films The Babysitter and The Babysitter: Killer Queen as Melanie, and in the theatrical film Doctor Sleep as Snakebite Andi. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Alyn_Lind
above: HiRes! English actress, Ms. Linda Lusardi in field-green suit with towing-rope source: Listal
En. text: Linda Frances Elide Lusardi (born 18 September 1958 in Wood Green, North London) is an English actress, television presenter and former glamour model.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Lusardi
Cymraeg text: Mae Linda Lusardi (ganed 18 Medi 1958 yn Palmers Green, Llundain) yn actores, cyflwynwraig ar y teledu ac yn gyn-fodel noeth o Loegr. Mae'n briod â'r actor Samuel Kane ac mae ganddynt ddau o blant, Lucy a Jack. https://cy.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Lusardi
above: HiRes! Blonde Nina Agdal in Giuseppe Zanotti's design sexy cleavage source: pincelebs.net
Nina Brohus Agdal (born 26 March 1992. -age 28- Hillerød, Denmark) is a Danish model known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and, alongside Chrissy Teigen and Lily Aldridge, appeared on the 50th anniversary cover in 2014. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Agdal
above: NoHigher! Radio Comm. Sifir & Desifir unteroffizier expert with #Navajo symbols. Lip Service SLEEVELESS MINI DRESS
above: NoHigher! 2. M4 Office secretary PUG source: HSK.hu (Hátsó Sor Közepe)
above: HiRes! Ginger at U.S. Cincinnati Museum Center during the 1940s weekend photo by: Mark Greenmantle source: https://www.greenmantle.biz/ - facebook
above: NEW! HiRes! "STRV overall": Halston Sage sexy for sbjct-journal april 2020. source: celebsdump.com
Halston Sage (born May 10, 1993. -age 28- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American actress. She is known for her roles as Grace on the Nickelodeon television series How to Rock (2012), Amber on the NBC television series Crisis (2014), Lacey in the film Paper Towns (2015), Lt. Alara Kitan on the Fox television series The Orville (2017–2019), and Ainsley Whitly on the Fox television series Prodigal Son (2019–2021). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halston_Sage
above: NEW! BigRes! Daisy Lowe cleavage at Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty VIP Private Viewing in London. source: pincelebs.net
Daisy Rebecca Lowe (born 27 January 1989. -age 32- Westminster, London, England) is an English fashion model who has modelled for editorial photo shoots, commercial advertising campaigns and at fashion shows. She is the daughter of Pearl Lowe, the singer-songwriter turned textile and fashion designer, and Gavin Rossdale, lead singer of the rock band Bush. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_Lowe
above: NoHigher! Hi-Tech Tank Gunneryiess source: Pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! Redhead Pin-Up fashion Doorkeeper in Museum photo by: Photobilly
above: NoHigher! Malin Akerman in USMC tropical canvas suit
En. text: Malin Maria Åkerman (born May 12, 1978) is a Swedish-Canadian actress, model and singer. She became known for making appearances in several Canadian productions. In the early 2000s, she had many television and film parts, including The Utopian Society (2003) and Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004). Following a supporting role on the comedy series The Comeback (2005), Åkerman gained her first starring roles in the feature films The Heartbreak Kid (2007) and 27 Dresses (2008). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malin_%C3%85kerman
Hu. text: Malin Maria Åkerman, (Stockholm, 1978. május 12. –) svéd-kanadai színésznő és modell. Stockholmban született ugyan, de Kanadában nőtt fel. Mivel az angol nyelvű észak-amerikai filmiparban tevékeny, nevét Akermannak (ékezet nélkül) írják a filmek szereplői listáin.
Akerman olyan filmekben szerepelt, mint a The Heartbreak Kid (Agyő, nagy Ő!), 27 Dresses (27 idegen igen), Watchmen ( Watchmen: Az őrzők) és Couples Retreat (Páros mellékhatás). A Watchmenben való szerepléséért a Teen Choice Awards díjra jelölték a legjobb akciófilm-színésznő kategóriában. ...
above: MedRes! #Jaclyn Smith in tropical mechanic overall "for Her #shopping aircraft" source: Pinterest.com
Jaclyn Ellen Smith (born October 26, 1945) is an American actress and businesswoman. She is known for her role as Kelly Garrett in the television series Charlie's Angels (1976–81), and was the only original female lead to remain with the series for its complete run. She reprised the role with a cameo appearance in the 2003 film Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. Her other films include Nightkill (1980) and Déjà Vu (1985). Beginning in the 1980s, she began developing and marketing her own brands of clothing and perfume. Smith began her career in 1969 in television commercials. In 1976, she was cast in Charlie's Angels, alongside Kate Jackson and Farrah Fawcett (then billed as Farrah Fawcett-Majors). The show propelled all three to stardom, including an appearance on the front cover of Time magazine. She was nominated for the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Miniseries or TV Film for the title role in the TV film Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy (1981), and went on to star in numerous TV films and miniseries over the next 20 years, including Rage of Angels (1983), George Washington (1984), Kaleidoscope (1990) and Nightmare in the Daylight (1992). She had a recurring role from 2002 to 2004 in the drama series The District and appeared as Olivia Hodges in two episodes of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation in 2012. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaclyn_Smith
above: NoHigher! Valentina Zelyaeva in Massimo Dutti's SS17 "Twisted Trench" Design Scene
Валентина Андреевна Зеляева (род. 11 октября 1982, Улан-Удэ) — российская топ-модель.
138.) St. Petersburg - Leningrad: "Kronverk"; Soviet / Russian Artillery & Pioneer & Communication fortress Museum *Neva Brutal weapons & James Bond 007 agent "Golden Eye" movie: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/138-st-petersburg-leningrad-kronverk.html
above: MedRes! Model Miss. #Micah #Gianneli from Australia, Melbourne city prepared for fly with Yak-18T in Her flying safety skirt and camo fashion IATA belt source: facebook.com
above: NoHigher! Hajmáskér "Hotel arty-residence porter/gate-guard - Tüzérkastély Hotel-portás/kapuőr" - Miss. Dukai Regina Hu. model & singer photo: Miss. Tuba Enikő
Hu. text: Dukai Regina (Kapuvár, 1983. augusztus 5. –) magyar modell, énekesnő.
above: NoHigher! "ASC - Area Surveillance Camera in museum exhibition site - TFK - Térfigyelő Kamera": Watcher photo: Walker1812Photography source: Pinterest.com
139.) EDF 7x40 German NVA Field glasses - Fernglas - Dienstglass Carl-Zeiss Jena binoculars - kézitávcsövek: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/139-edf-7x40-german-nva-field-glasses.html
above: NoHigher! Desired, Rába's master test-driver: Madison Beer for ASOS style september-2019. https://www.asos.com/=RO
En. text: Madison Elle Beer (born March 5, 1999. -age 20- Jericho, New York, U.S.) is an American singer. On February 2, 2018, she released her debut extended play, As She Pleases. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison_Beer
Hu. text: Madison Elle Beer (Jericho, New York, 1999. március 5. –) amerikai énekesnő. Hírességét Justin Biebernek köszönheti, aki 2012-ben egy videót tweetelt, amelyben Madison énekel. Ezután már a média figyelmét is fölkeltette. Később az Island Records kötött vele szerződést, menedzsere pedig Scooter Braun lett. ...
above: NoHigher! Retro Italian star actress, Monica Vitti in overal source: tumblr.com
It. text: Monica Vitti, pseudonimo di Maria Luisa Ceciarelli (Roma, 3 novembre 1931), è un'attrice italiana. Monica Vitti è una delle più famose attrici del cinema italiano. La sua caratteristica voce roca e l'innata verve l'hanno accompagnata per quasi quarant'anni di carriera cinematografica, dalle sue interpretazioni drammatiche nella "tetralogia dell'incomunicabilità" di Michelangelo Antonioni (L'avventura, La notte, L'eclisse e Deserto rosso) che le diedero fama internazionale, a quelle in ruoli brillanti (da La ragazza con la pistola a Io so che tu sai che io so) che la fecero considerare l'unica "mattatrice" della commedia all'italiana, tenendo ottimamente testa ai colleghi uomini Alberto Sordi, Ugo Tognazzi, Vittorio Gassman e Nino Manfredi. Ha ottenuto numerosi premi, tra cui cinque David di Donatello come migliore attrice protagonista (più altri quattro riconoscimenti speciali), tre Nastri d'argento, dodici Globi d'oro (di cui due alla carriera), un Ciak d'oro alla carriera, un Leone d'oro alla carriera a Venezia, un Orso d'argento alla Berlinale, una Concha de Plata a San Sebastián e una candidatura al premio BAFTA. ... https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monica_Vitti
Hu. text: Monica Vitti (Róma, 1931. november 3. –89 éves-) olasz színésznő. Eredeti neve: Maria Louisa Ceciarelli. Az 1950-es évek közepétől filmez. Michelangelo Antonioni filmdrámáiban nyújtott alakításai révén vált világhírűvé. Az 1960-as évek közepétől átváltott a vígjátékokra, és hazája első számú – tulajdonképpen egyetlen igazi – női komikusa lett. Legnépszerűbb filmjei az 1960-as, 1970-es években készültek. ...
En. text: Monica Vitti (born Maria Luisa Ceciarelli; 3 November 1931. -age 89- Rome, Kingdom of Italy ) is an Italian actress best known for her starring roles in films directed by Michelangelo Antonioni during the early-to-mid 1960s. After working with Antonioni, Vitti changed focus and began making comedies, working with director Mario Monicelli on many films. She has appeared with Marcello Mastroianni, Alain Delon, Richard Harris, Terence Stamp, Michael Caine, and Dirk Bogarde. Vitti won five David di Donatello Awards for Best Actress, seven Italian Golden Globes for Best Actress, the Career Golden Globe, and the Venice Film Festival Career Golden Lion Award. ...
NoHigher! above: Mud Protector Overall - Sárvédő Overáll below: The reservists' new style SP-AAG crew (6 men) girls from turret in standart amor protect overall
above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Brave Girl in khaky overal on beyond to Arctic-circle camping source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NoHigher! The '#Bugatti's store in only closed & guarded garage!- ~ Tárolása csak zárt és őrzött garázsban!
above: NoHigher! Nostalgy: Official photo: WP - Warsaw Pact, HuPA - Hungarian People Army - MN - Magyar Néphadsereg military manequin (1st Lt.) in Hu. made 65M BDU - Battle Dress Uniform until 1992. and shoulder map-case - 65Mintájú zöld gyakorlóban és térképtáskával in garden of the Museum of Military History in Buda-castle
above: HiRes! She is a Towing squad leader and Ural-375 truck-driver in D-20 battery - Vontató rajparancsnok és teherautó sofőr az ütegnél. source: facebook
121.) Д-20 152-мм пушка-гаубица 1954. - D-20 'KHITIN' vontatott ágyútarack - 152 mm towed gun-howitzer M1955: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/07/121-20-152-1954-d-20-khitin-vontatott.html
above: NEW! MedRes! STRV drivers' body-building program for long-time battle sitting source: mellbimbo.eu
above: MedRes! Saluting to T-55 tank MBT source: yaplakal.com
above:MedRes! Veronica Zemanova as crew member on T-55AM source: Actiongirls.com
De. text: Veronika Zemanová (* 14. April 1975 in České Budějovice, Tschechoslowakei; auch Veronica Zemanová, Eva Zemanova oder Veronica Seman, jetzt Veronika Schnetzler bzw. Schnetzlerová) ist eine tschechische Pornodarstellerin, Erotik- und Porno-Model, Fotografin und Musikerin. Sie war eines der weltweit meistgebuchten Softporno-Modelle. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veronika_Zemanov%C3%A1

above: NoHigher! Maybe Czech or Polish a beautiful Pin-Up Girl was the filter-glass preparator because bring away to reconstruction, in Polska, Poznan-city military museum, T-55 tank
59.) T-55 közepes harckocsi - Soviet MBT - Main Battle Tank - Средний танк Т-54 - ТКН-1 Прицел: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/59-t-55-kozepes-harckocsi-soviet-mbt.html
above: NoHigher! Finaly; Beautiful Czech driver Pin-Up Girl similary related W.P. APC OT-64 SKOT the Czech -Poland coo-production on Tatra-813 chassis.
above: NEW! HiRes! "Camo expert": Canadian model, Laura Vandervoort in military fashion Jumpsuit by Elisabetta Franchi for QP-magazine, december-2019. source: celebsdump.com
Laura Dianne Vandervoort (born September 22, 1984. -age 36- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Occupation Actress) is a Canadian actress. She is best known for her roles as Sadie Harrison in the CTV teen drama series Instant Star, Arla "The Bolt-Gun Killer" Cogan in the Syfy supernatural drama series Haven, Kara Zor-El (Supergirl) in The CW serial drama series Smallville, and as Lisa in the ABC science fiction series V (2009). In 2014, she starred in the Space drama series Bitten, a television adaptation of Kelley Armstrong's book series Women of the Otherworld as Elena Michaels. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Vandervoort
above: NEW! HiRes! Seren Deniz Yalcin in STRV engine color suit, for Feet-4452 source: WikiFeet
Seren Deniz Yalçin is an actress, known for Tatli intikam (2016), Soygun Oyunu: Büyük Vurgun (2020) and Bir Deli Sevda (2017). ... https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8024931
above: NoHigher! "Shooting-range guard - Lőtérőr"
above: HiRes! American supermodel, Cindy Crawford in nature for Zoey Grossman photoshoot for Porter-edit, march-2019. source: celebsdump.com
En. text: Cynthia Ann Crawford (born February 20, 1966. -age 55- DeKalb, Illinois, U.S.) is an American model, actress, and businesswoman. During the 1980s and 1990s, Crawford was among the most popular supermodels and a ubiquitous presence on magazine covers, runways, and fashion campaigns. Her years of successful modeling career made her an international celebrity that have led to subsequent acting and business ventures. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cindy_Crawford
Hu. text: Cindy Crawford (eredetileg Cinthia Ann Crawford) (DeKalb, Illinois, 1966. február 20. –) szupermodell, színésznő, üzletasszony. A Pepsi reklámarca, ismertető jegye az ajka fölött látható anyajegy. Christy Turlingtonnal, Claudia Schifferrel, Linda Evangelistával és Naomi Campbell-lel együtt azon kevés szupermodellek közé sorolják, aki megváltoztatta az 1980-as évek végén és 1990-es évek elején a divatot. ...
above: NoHigher! "Military Topographyian look": Ms. Sabrina Carpenter "skin-single"january-2021. source: celebsdump.com
Sabrina Annlynn Carpenter (born May 11, 1999. -age 21- Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, U.S.) is an American singer and actress. Carpenter made her acting debut with an appearance in the crime series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and first received recognition for her recurring role as the young version of Chloe Goodwin in the television series The Goodwin Games. She then had her breakthrough starring as Maya Hart in the Disney Channel series Girl Meets World from 2014 to 2017. Carpenter has starred in the feature films Horns (2013) and The Hate U Give (2018) and starred as Jenny in the Disney Channel Original Movie Adventures in Babysitting (2016). As a voice actress, she had a recurring role as Princess Vivian in the Disney Channel animated series Sofia the First from 2013 to 2018, and she voiced Melissa Chase on the Disney XD animated series Milo Murphy's Law from 2016 to 2019. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_Carpenter
above: NoHigher! "A geodesy mate in fashion designer Ralph Lauren's khaki-geo costume as surveying object on Budapest, Vérmező beside stone chess-table - sakkasztal mellett" source: Este es un Blog para modistas
211.) 1.st district, Buda Castle -Budapest- I. kerület Budai Várnegyed & Hu.MoD. Museum of Military History - HM. HIM. - Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum by: My px. photos.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2018/04/211-1st-district-buda-castle-budapest-i.html
above: NoHigher! (Cropped - Edited!) Aviatrix outfit for Do-27, on #Amber Valletta's sexy for-Marella spring-summer 2011. photoshoot source: celebsdump.com
En. text: Amber Evangeline Valletta (born in Phoenix, Arizona, February 9, 1974) is an American fashion model and actress. She began her career as a fashion model, landing her first of sixteen American Vogue covers at the age of eighteen. During the 1990s, Valletta reached the status of supermodel, working as the face of Giorgio Armani, Chanel, Escada, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Valentino, Gucci and Versace, and signing multimillion-dollar cosmetics contracts with Calvin Klein and Elizabeth Arden. From 1995 to 1996, Valletta and her friend and fellow model Shalom Harlow hosted the MTV show House of Style. In the 2000s, Valletta began to focus on her career as an actress. She had her first major film role as a poltergeist in Robert Zemeckis's supernatural thriller What Lies Beneath (2000). She has since appeared in films such as Hitch (2005), Transporter 2 (2005), Man About Town (2006), Dead Silence (2007), Gamer (2009), and The Spy Next Door (2010). In 2011, she moved to television, appearing in a recurring role as the fallen socialite Lydia Davis on ABC's drama television series Revenge. In 2015, Valletta starred as villainous Carla Briggs in another ABC soap opera, Blood & Oil. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_Valletta
above: NoHigher! USAAF style Diesel-Punk Girl who Head of the of Steampunk HQ.
above: NoHigher! 3rd class "Superpokémon" from Russland
above: NoHigher! Norwegia, Oslo - Kjeller civil AF "Sights from beyond." photo: www.ricardogoncalves.net
above: NoHigher! Bem Marni's Autumn-Winter 2016 Ready-To-Wear now on #British '#Vogue'
above: NoHigher! Aude Jane deville sexy for Hanhh fr-2021. source: celebsdump.com
above: NoHigher! Olivia Holt for Inlove-magazine fall-winter-2021. source: celebsdump.com
Olivia Hastings Holt (born August 5, 1997. -age 23- Germantown, Tennessee, U.S.) is an American actress and singer. She starred in the Disney XD series Kickin' It, Disney Channel Original Movie Girl vs. Monster, and the Disney Channel Original Series I Didn't Do It. From 2018 to 2019, she portrayed the titular role Tandy Bowen / Dagger in the Freeform series Cloak & Dagger. Holt had voice roles in the films Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (2014) and Gnome Alone (2017), and starred in the feature films Class Rank (2017), Same Kind of Different as Me (2017), and Status Update (2018). Her debut EP, Olivia, was released on Hollywood Records on July 15, 2016. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Holt
above: NoHigher! She a Meteorologist miss Sextant Girly: Ralph Lauren's outfit
above: NoHigher! Tamiya's modeller in camo lingerie for animating RC display
above: NoHigher! "The commander of the Canadian tank crew comes out from the cargo bay of the "Big Mac." - A kanadai kezelőszemélyzet parancsnoka vonol ki a "Big Mac" rakteréből" Women's wear 1999. source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! "Military Foreman - Militärvorarbeiter - Katonai Művezető (KÜM-ös - Katonai Üzemi Megbízott - átvevő)": Overall suit fashion by 'Max Mara'
Max Mara is an Italian fashion business. It markets up-market ready-to-wear clothing. It was established in 1951 in Reggio Emilia by Achille Maramotti (7 January 1927 – 12 January 2005). In March 2008, the company had 2,254 stores in 90 countries. It sponsors the Max Mara Art Prize for Women. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Mara
above: NoHigher! "Mrs. Robin Hood the Queen of the Forest" comes in a Safari clothes by fashion designer #Ralph #Lauren 2015 photo: Northphoto source: Slim Paley
above: MedRes! Spring 2015 Collection by #Ralph Lauren takes us on a romantic, modern #safari, source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! saharianas Ralph Lauren, Perfecta para el entretiempo e imprescindible en cualquier fondo de armario. source: hola
De. text: Ralph Lauren KBE [ˈlɔː.rən] (Audio-Datei / Hörbeispiel anhören?/i) (* 14. Oktober 1939 in der Bronx, New York City als Ralph Lifshitz) ist ein US-amerikanischer Modedesigner und Gründer des Modeunternehmens Ralph Lauren Corporation. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Lauren
above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Gisele Bundchen for Harper's Bazaar Australia - April 2020. source: pincelebs.net
Gisele Caroline Bündchen (Brazilian Portuguese: [ʒiˈzɛli ˈbĩtʃẽ], German: [ˈbʏntçn̩], born 20 July 1980. -age 40- Horizontina, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) is a Brazilian model, activist, and businesswoman. Since 2001, Bündchen has been one of the highest-paid models in the world. In 2007, she was the 16th richest woman in the entertainment industry, and earned the top spot on Forbes top-earning models list in 2012. In 2014, Bündchen was listed as the 89th Most Powerful Woman in the World by Forbes. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gisele_B%C3%BCndchen
above: NoHigher! Army Aviation St.Sgt. of Mechanized troops behind IR filter: Gisele Buendchen by: Nino Munoz-2010 source: Pinterest.com
163.) FFF = Flying Female Fashion - RND = Repülős Női Divat, spw = sexys pilotage wears & GSG = Good Sexy Girls: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/07/163-fff-flying-female-fashion-rnd.html
above: NoHigher! "#Summertime hatch-wear for 1st #tank-#platoon #commander #officer #Lieutenant": Ms. #Michelle#Hunziker in #military style #sexy, #underwear source: Z scan
De. text: Michelle Yvonne Hunziker (*24. Januar 1977 in Sorengo) ist eine schweizerisch-italienische Moderatorin, Schauspielerin, Model und Sängerin. Als Moderatorin ist sie in Italien, der Schweiz und in Deutschland aktiv. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelle_Hunziker
above: NoHigher! promoisis Ultimate ANTM Resource - by: WordPress.com
above: NoHigher! Air Force pinup-girl at NAVY & MARINES Base Pensacola photo by: Alley Cat photography
above: NoHigher! Right! "3D terrain levels fashion couture dress": Charlize Theron fashion photo.
Charlize Theron (/ʃɑːrˈliːz ˈθɛrən/ shar-LEEZ THERR-ən; Afrikaans: [ʃarˈlis ˈtrɔn]; born 7 August 1975. -age 45- Benoni, South Africa) is a South African and American actress and producer. One of the world's highest-paid actresses, Theron is the recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award. In 2016, Time named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlize_Theron
above: NoHigher! Miss "Shilka"
above: NoHigher! #Star#actress, #Scarlett#Johansson in "#Kevlar" #bulletproof style onepiece swimsuit
Hu. text: Scarlett Ingrid Johansson (New York, 1984. november 22. –) Tony-díjas, BAFTA-díjas, César-díjas, kétszeres Oscar-díjra és ötszörös Golden Globe-díjra jelölt amerikai színésznő, énekesnő és modell. Pályafutását A suttogó című 1998-as filmmel alapozta meg. Legismertebb szerepei közé tartozik Natasha Romanoff/Fekete Özvegy megformálása a Marvel Studios Bosszúállók-szuperhősfilmjeiben. 2008. május 20-án jelent meg első zenei albuma, „Anywhere I Lay My Head” címmel. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarlett_Johansson
above: NoHigher! American actress, Kate Winslet in 2003. source: pinterest.com
En. text: Kate Elizabeth Winslet CBE /ˈwɪnzlɛt/ (born 5 October 1975. -age 45- Reading, Berkshire, England) is an English actress. She is particularly known for her work in period dramas, and often portrays angst-ridden women. Winslet is the recipient of various accolades, including three British Academy Film Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, and is among the few performers to have won Academy, Emmy, and Grammy Awards. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Winslet
Hu. text: Kate Elizabeth Winslet (Anglia, Reading, 1975. október 5. –) Oscar-díjas és négyszeres Golden Globe-díjas angol színésznő. Legismertebb filmjei: Mennyei teremtmények, Titanic, Egy makulátlan elme örök ragyogása, A felolvasó. A Brit Birodalom Rendje parancsnoki osztályának birtokosa (CBE). ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Winslet
above: NoHigher! (Cropped!) Nikki Hillier in bikini swimsuit by: Mariane Guillon source: celebsdump.com - https://viviensmodels.com.au/models/nikki-hillier/
above: HiRes! Hu. world famous fashion VS' model: Miss. Palvin Barbara; "CoS - Chief of Staff of Naval Infantry brigade in one piece BSU - Battle Swimwear Uniform and on his wrist with new C3i communication bracelet - Töf. - Törzsfőnöke " source: www.mellbimbo.eu
above: BigRes! Demi Rose deep cleavage in bikini source: pincelebs.net
Fr. text: Demi Rose, née à Birmingham1 en Angleterre est une mannequin britannique. Elle a été sélectionnée comme la fille la plus prometteuse du Royaume-Uni en 2014. Elle publie souvent des photos sur Instagram, elle est connue pour ses courbes de corps et ses formes volumineuses, et son compte Instagram dénombre plusieurs millions de fans. En mai 2016, elle devient un temps la compagne du rappeur Tyga1,2. En 2017, elle tente de se lancer dans une carrière dans la musique en se décrivant comme « la DJ la plus sexy du monde »3. En décembre 2016, elle a fait la couverture du magazine Sixty6. ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demi_Rose
above: NoHigher! #Maryna Linchuk (Belarusian: Марына Лінчук; born 4 September 1987.) #Victoria's-Secret "Snake-charmer/Hypnotiser" camo bikini swimsuit - Kígyóbűvölő álcamintás bikiniben 2011. source: models-inspiration-blogger
En. text: Maryna Linchuk (Belarusian: Марына Лінчук; born 4 September 1987. Minsk, Byelorussian SSR, Soviet Union -now Belarus-) is a Belarusian model. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryna_Linchuk
Be. text: Мары́на Лінчу́к (4 верасня 1987, Мінск) — беларуская топ-мадэль, актрыса ...
above: NoHigher! Woman in safari hat, looking binoculars:1004764 www.dreamstime.com
above: NoHigher! There are Watching Him the watcher boss - A Napozó Figyelő Elöljárókat figyelik
18+above: NoHigher! "A 'dogtaged' Tank Crewmember prepares for Rivercrossing action"
above: MedRes! USAF SO Sikorsky MH-60H "Pawe Hawk" delivers the SOF JTAC/FACP Long Range detachment in Afhganistan mountains - Mélységi Klgs. Műv. osztag ERIP kirakása. paint
above: HiRes! (Assembled & Edited!) MARINES ' Amazons: "Hotshotsmak" after desert action. source: Czech made 'Coyotak' calendar web-demo below: NoHigher! wickedtemptations
above: NoHigher! Female Body-Builder training clothes source: mellbimbo.eu
above: HiRes! Aly Raisman photoshoot for 'Aerie-x-aly' collection-2019. source: celebsdump.com
Alexandra Rose Raisman (born May 25, 1994. -age 26- Needham, Massachusetts, U.S.) is a retired American gymnast and two-time Olympian. She was captain of both the 2012 "Fierce Five" and 2016 "Final Five" U.S. women's Olympic gymnastics teams, which won their respective team competitions. Raisman is the 2016 Olympic individual all-around silver medalist and the floor exercise silver medalist. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aly_Raisman
above: NoHigher! Folderable: Karina Irby babe of the day source: www.mellbimbo.eu Thrill Blender www.thrillblender.com
Australian beauty most well known as the owner of the swimwear brand Moana Bikini. She is also an Instagram Queen, having earned more than 1.1 million followers sharing her beachside snaps. ... https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/karina-irby.html
above: MedRes! RAF's Avro 'Lancaster' & PUG photo: Warbird Pin Up Girls.com source: facebook
above: BigRes! Left: USMC Lola De Lish Right: U.S. Marine Corps Anela Amaretto
photo by: John Eaves 'Atomic Art' Studios below: NoHigher! Sukhoi Su-25 girl
above: NoHigher! Alyssa Bennett in Knee High Boots by: PLAYBOY source: G+ Bányiczki Z.
Buxom and shapely 5'2" brunette stunner Alyssa Bennett was born on April 4, 1989 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Alyssa grew up in a small town in British Columbia and was a straight-A student in high school. Moreover, Bennett started modeling at age eighteen and worked as a dental assistant prior to posing for her first nude Playboy shoot... https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9387167/
18+above: NoHigher! The Dogtag in USAF Pilot Survival kit as Laser-beam reflector. - A Túlélő készlethez tartozó dögcédula nyaklánc mint lézerfényvisszaverő. source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! Dietz photo about Heli Pilot Sabina source: www.sabina-leigh.com
above: NoHigher! Comfortable Bell UH-1D "Iriquois'/"Huey" with Dr. "Zita" and Her Pilot in Bikini source: pinterest
Survival comics - képregény in AVIATOR Magazine: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/10/140-kepregeny-comics-survival-sar.html?zx=35cb12af88e80bfe
above: HiRes! Miss Penny Von Luck model in a UH-1D "Huey" source: Hungarian Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up expert
I love history especially 1920's through the 1960's, I have loved the different styles of these decades ever since I was a little girl. I have always dreamed of being an actress and just about a year ago I found I loved pin up modeling and would like to continue to build my modeling portfilo. I love all different kinds of modeling but I am mostly into pin up modeling because to me it is just fun! I get to get all dressed up and have really cool people take my picture. I am still trying to be an actress but I would like to see where pin up modeling takes me and if it doesn't take me anywhere I still had fun doing it! ... https://www.modelmayhem.com/luckypenny
Blogger Remark: Hu. text: "Ha a katona megáll, akkor leül, -ha leül, -lefekszik és elalszik" (Magyar katonai mondás) - If Soldier stops, then sits down, -if He sitdown, -She to layes and sleep."
Hu. text article: Fejes Réka; Nem ciki Katalin hercegnét másolni! – 7 stílustipp Schiffer Miklóstól,
Te is odafigyelsz a minőségre a ruhavásárlásnál? Reggel csak magadra kapod a legfelső ruhát, amit a szekrényben találsz, vagy alaposan átgondolod a szetted? Schiffer Miklós tanácsival segítünk, hogy egy átgondolt ruhatárral te is magabiztos stílusra tehess szert.
"Az igényes megjelenés többet árul el egy emberről, mint egy fennkölt gondolat" – mondta Mark Twain, és ezt vallja Schiffer Miklós stílusszakértő is. A Kossuth Klub After Work rendezvénysorozatán (melynek következő vendége Hevesi Krisztina pszichológus lesz) beszélt stílusról, divatról, ízlésről és ezek kapcsolatáról. Elmentünk meghallgatni. ...
Kiss Imola; Schiffer Miklós: A magyar nő bájos, csak túlságosan levetkőzik.
Schiffer Miklós lassan 20 éve foglalkozik a stílussal: írt már róla könyvet férfiaknak és nőknek is, szakértőként és tanácsadóként kalauzolja a témában azokat, akik felkérik erre. Egy rendezvény után arról kérdeztük, milyennek látja a magyarok, különösen a nők öltözködését - a válaszaiból azonban nemcsak ez derült ki, hanem a magyar férfiakról is sok mindent megtudhattunk. ...
above: HiRes! Aussie D.H.85 'Leopard-Moth' (Auster Mk.III.) 1935. photo: Mark Greenmantle POTOGRAPHY: https://www.greenmantle.biz/ source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
above: NoHigher! General Aviation female pilot in overall: Ralph Lauren... Valentina-Zelyaeva by: The Fashion Model Directory-single My style
above & below: HiRes! "This was the result of a senior #recruitment of a #military #helicopter-pilot - A #katonai-#helikoptervezető #toborzásnak ez lett az #eredménye.": #Evan#Rachel#Wood, sexy for-'#Wonderland'-magazine in 2007. source: celebsdump.com
Evan Rachel Wood (born September 7, 1987. -age 32- Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.) is an American actress, model and musician. She is the recipient of a Critics' Choice Television Award as well as three Primetime Emmy Award nominations and three Golden Globe Award nominations for her work in film and television. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Rachel_Wood
above: NoHigher! "She a Foresty/Castle architecture military Engineer during rangefinding - Ő egy Erőd/Vár építő Hadmérnök távmérés közben."
Investigate of Photo site of Modelling - Modellfotó háttér helyszíne nyomozás, Budapest:
MedRes! Surveillance - Megfigyelés: The Boss coming now! - Jön a Főnök!: Olivia Palermo
Fr. text: Olivia Palermo est une actrice et mannequin américain, née le 28 février 1986 à Greenwich, dans le Connecticut. ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Palermo
above: HiRes! a #Lilliput view: Emily is on the edge of the PUO equipment - Emília a PUO eszköz szélén áll.": #Emily#Ratajkowski, sexy for #Nastygal X-Emrata collection 2019. source: celebsdump.com
Emily O'Hara Ratajkowski (/ˌrætəˈkaʊski/, Polish: [ratajˈkɔfskʲi]; born June 7, 1991. -age 28-
Westminster, London, England) is an American model and actress. Born in London and raised in San Diego, Ratajkowski first appeared on the cover of the March 2012 issue of the erotic magazine treats!, which led to her being asked to appear in two music videos – "Blurred Lines" (the number-one song of the year in several countries) and Maroon 5's "Love Somebody". She appeared in the 2014 and 2015 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues. Ratajkowski made her professional runway modeling debut for Marc Jacobs at New York Fashion Week in 2015 and has since walked on the Paris Fashion Week runway for Miu Miu and Milan Fashion Week for Bottega Veneta, Dolce & Gabbana and Versace. She appeared in a Buick Super Bowl commercial during Super Bowl 50. She has become the spokesperson for brands such as DKNY, The Frye Company, Kerastase, Paco Rabanne and DL1961. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Ratajkowski
En. text: Madison Elle Beer (born March 5, 1999. -age 22- Jericho, New York, U.S) is an American singer, songwriter and internet personality. Born to a Jewish family in New York, she began posting covers to YouTube in early 2012. Beer gained substantial media coverage when Justin Bieber posted a link to one of her covers. She released her debut single, "Melodies", in 2013. In 2018, Beer released her debut EP, As She Pleases. The project was supported by the singles "Dead" and "Home with You", both of which were certified Gold by the RIAA. The following year, Beer signed with Epic Records, later releasing her debut studio album, Life Support in 2021. The album was supported by several singles, including "Selfish", which gained traction on the media sharing app TikTok, leading to the single's RIAA Gold certification. Aside from her solo work, Beer has voiced the virtual character Evelynn in the League of Legends virtual band K/DA. As a member of the group she has released the internationally charting singles "Pop/Stars" (2018) and "More" (2020). She has also appeared on television series such as Todrick (2015) and RuPaul's Drag Race (2020), and in the film Louder Than Words (2013). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison_Beer
Hu. text: Madison Elle Beer (Jericho, New York, 1999. március 5. –) amerikai énekesnő. Hírességét Justin Biebernek köszönheti, aki 2012-ben egy videót tweetelt, amelyben Madison énekel. Ezután már a média figyelmét is fölkeltette. Később az Island Records kötött vele szerződést, menedzsere pedig Scooter Braun lett. ...
above: NoHigher! US ARMY's Dieselpunk Pin-Up Girl with Chrysler 'Airflow' photo by: Mark Brooks source: revolvy.com
De. text: ETH-Bibliothek | Crowdsourcing Aktuelles und Erfahrungen aus der Community:
Bilder des Tüftlers Paul Jaray online! Kürzlich haben wir 110 Bilder aus dem Nachlass des ungarisch-österreichischen Ingenieurs, Erfinders und Konstrukteurs Paul Jaray online gestellt. Die Bilder finden Sie in den Beständen unter Paul Jaray auf E-Pics Bildarchiv Online.
Paul Jaray (1889-1974) hatte vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg als Chefkonstrukteur für die Firma „Luftfahrzeugbau Friedrichshafen“ Wasserflugzeuge entworfen und wechselte 1915 zur „Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH“, wo er die strömungsgünstigste Form für Luftschiffe entwickelte. Die Erkenntnisse übertrug er auf den Karosseriebau von Automobilen und die Konstruktion von Fahrrädern. Nach der Übersiedelung in die Schweiz 1924 eröffnete er im Lauf der Jahre verschiedene Ingenieurbüros, befasste sich weiterhin mit Flugzeugbau sowie Radio- und Fernsehtechnik, Signalübermittlung, Propellern, Auspuffdüsen, Schneeschleudern, Zeichengeräten, entwarf ein Windkraftwerk usw. In unserem Blog ETHeritage finden Sie einen weiteren Post zu Jaray.
Unbekannt: Luftschiffe, 1920-1930 (Dia_128, http://doi.org/10.3932/ethz-a-000054952)
223.) Airships - Léghajók: "Zeppelin" Friedrichshafen & vintage Ladies! Hindenburg & Landscapes: Budapest and Stockholm: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/08/223-airships-leghajok-zeppelin.html
above: NoHigher! Soviet AT gun ZiSz-3 1944.
above & below: HiRes! (Black frame Crop!) US ARMY's former M110 203,2 mm SPH - Self Propelled Howitzer-gun - Önjáró Tarackágyú equipped with american 'SEILER' mass gunsight: Pin-Up Girl: Miss. Ariel Gail photo? source: Google G+ Hu. Pin-Up Girl Expert collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
above: HiRes! Fliegermuseum Duebendorf, Lavi Harley, Swiss Air Force 2018. photo: Marcus Mühlestein
above: NoHigher! USAAF's Boeing B-17 'Flying Fortress' & Pin-Up Singers Trio photo by: Marcus Mühlestein photography source: http://beautyplanes.blogspot.com
above: NoHigher! Willy's jeep with USAAF "Dancing suit" PUG by: Abhazia source: pinterest
above: MedRes! Pin-Up Girl in B-26 ? bomb area source: Google Hu collector: Mr. Bányiczky Zoltán
above: NoHigher! "China Tigers" Curtiss P-40 'Warhawk' fighter source: facebook
above: NoHigher! Yakovlev Yak-11 - Jak-11 "Ölyv" trainer Aerotica - Aerotika
above: MedRes! other fashion skirt/clothes on Miss Erika Leyva model on the wing of 1941 North American SNJ-5 AT-6 'Texan'-"Sassy" Bu.No.43763, by: Craig Reinbold photography source: Hu. Google G+ collector: MR. Banyiczki Zoltan core source: ??
HiRes! above: 'D-Day' striped N.A. P-51D 'Mustang' Miss Kandy Pin-Ups source: Hu. collector, Pin-Up expert G+ Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
above: MedRes! Left: The coincident #Paparazzi's target, right: supermodel Karlie Kloss Right: Military-collect 'Vogue'-2018 below: NoHigher! source: facebook
above: NoHigher! The shadowing - Árnyékolás
above: NoHigher! Digital-Art Mimikri in green source: facebook/mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! HiRes! "Summer-suit for female STRV's crew" source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: HiRes! (Crop Vert!) Chief Mechanic of Motor-Pool source: www.mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! Agua de Coco Long Sleeved One Piece Swimsuit
above: MedRes! #Hi-Tech "Green" ballistic Shell simulator by biliard xposed.com
above: NoHigher! Boss of military surveyors at Drava-river shore source: mellbimbo.eu
Marking of Swimsuits - Jelölt fürdőruhák: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/04/69-humarking-human-markings-clothes-to.html
above: HiRes! Wide Wallpaper: Miss. Linda Vojtova hypermodel sits in UFO sauce as pearl cover - ~ ül egy kagylóhéjnak látszó csészealjban. www.desktopgirls.com
En. text: Linda Vojtová (born 22 June 1985 in Prague, Czech Republic, -age 35-) is a Czech model. She was the winner of the world final of Elite Model Look in 2000, held in Geneva, Switzerland. Since then, she has appeared in various international magazine publications including Vogue, ELLE, Harpers Bazaar, Glamour, Amica, Surface, Marie Claire and others. She is best known for her collaborations with Victoria's Secret, Max Mara, Giorgio Armani, La Perla, L'oreal, Escada, Diesel. Her maternal grandfather is composer Vadim Petrov. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Vojtov%C3%A1
Cz. text: Linda Vojtová (* 22. června 1985 Praha) je česká topmodelka, která v patnácti letech vyhrála světové finále soutěže Elite Model Look 2000. Stala se tak první Češkou, které se to povedlo. ...
above: MedRes! Hu. Ms. B. Szabina; Excursion in the Lake-Tisza Ecocentre at Poroszló - Kirándulás a Tisza-tavi Ökocentrumban Poroszlónál source: facebook/B. Szabina
above: NoHigher! Tripod Mastergirl with focusing rangefinder
above: NoHigher! Collegina - Jeep crude humor in similar situation than Tatra mellbimbo.eu
above: BigRes! #Nathalie as "#FAC's #supervisor #Red-Devil Stgt. in #U.S.#Army's #Willy's-Jeep"
. photo: Armand Rajnoch NL source: Google Collector: G+ Bányiczki Zoltán
above: NoHigher! U.S. Army's Willy's Jeep photo by: Robert Alvarado source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! AFB - Air Force Base Guarder, #Brooke Burke source: Pinterest.com
Brooke Lisa Burke (born September 8, 1971) is an American actress, dancer, model, and television personality. She is known as a Playboy model, hosting Wild On!, Rock Star (2005–2006), winning the seventh season of Dancing with the Stars, for co-hosting Dancing With the Stars from 2010 to 2013 and featuring in Need for Speed: Underground 2 as Rachel Teller. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooke_Burke
above: HiRes! Kelyan by: FLASHYbabes
above: HiRes! #Imitation leather/#leatherette coveralls and thin metal material Titan-dioxide #Laser#jamming #ballast-#armor dress collection - #Műbőr fedőruha és vékony #Lézerzavaró előtétpáncélos ruha kollekció": Rowan #Blanchard (Left) at #Tiffany-men's collections launch in #Hollywood,in october-11-2019. source: celebsdump.com
Rowan Blanchard (born October 14, 2001. -age 19- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American actress, who was included on a list of Time's list of Most Influential Teens in 2015. She first became known for starring as Rebecca Wilson in Spy Kids: All the Time in the World (2011), and had her breakthrough portraying Riley Matthews on the Disney Channel series Girl Meets World (2014–2017), both of which earned her Young Artist Award nominations. She has since had roles as Jackie Geary on the ABC sitcom The Goldbergs (2017–2018), and Alexandra Cavill in the TNT series Snowpiercer (2020–present). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowan_Blanchard
above: NoHigher! PUG Penny von Luck 'Norden' bombsight in box": Hu. Bányiczki Zoli'sas Google Collectionyja, G-Suitos-Ruhákról és & Pin-Up Girlsekről:
I used to go out with a girl who was really into pinup/burlesque/corsetry/that whole general spectrum of stuff. She was a big fan of Dita von Teese. The thing I like about this sort of thing is that it is so much more classy than typical modern men's magazines like Ralph or Zoo or Playboy or whatever. It's very much the difference between 'sexy' and 'slutty'. Here are a few photos that I found cool: Penny von Luck
28.) Norden Bomb-Sight - USAF "The SECRET" - "A TITOK": Titkos Bombacélzó készülék _ Sperry - General Electric Mechanical Analogue Computer - Bomber Aircraft - Bombing Officer WW-II in World War two - "Top Secret" Optical Sight GE_ OPB-5 Ilyushin IL-28 - ОПБ-5, Tu-4, Ильюшин Ил-28 - North American B-25 "Mitchell", Boeing B-29 "Superfortress", Enola Gay, B-17 "Flying Fortress", Martin B-26 "Marauder" - Sweden Constructeaur: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/28-norden-bomb-sight-usaf-secret-titok.html
above: MedRes! Boxguarder in Hu. 'Gamma' Works from Playboy.com
above: HiRes! "Now there could only be Security Guards in such a dilapidated building - Most már csak ilyen lepusztult épületben lehetne Biztonsági Őrszemélyzet"; Danish supermodel: #Zienna#Eve#Sonne by JH67 Photography source: Hu. Google G+ Collector: Bányiczki Zoltán PinUp expert
Hu. text: Zienna Eve dán modell. 2012 augusztusában miután betöltötte 18-ik éltévét rögtön modellnek állt és rövid idő alatt Dánia egyik legkeresettebb modellje lett. A dán férfimagazinok őt választották meg a legjobb dán modellnek. Hibátlan alakja miatt elsősorban férfimagazinoknak dolgozik, de ezen felül fehérnemű modellként is igen sikeres és ékszerreklámokban és divatmagazinokban is feltűnt már. ... https://starity.hu/sztarok/zienna-eve/
above: NoHigher! Hungarian Retro & Hu. text article: Supermodel Manequin, Ms. Rábaközi Andrea source: facebook/Ms. Szedres Mariann - "A 60-as, 70-es, 80-as évek manökenjei"
Hu. text: Rábaközi Andrea (Budapest, 1967. augusztus 11. –53 éves-) magyar modell, manöken és tanár. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A1bak%C3%B6zi_Andrea
above: NoHigher! Olivia Palermo "Doorkeeper in museum in 'Zeppelin' fashion" source: Pinterest.com
Olivia Palermo (born February 28, 1986. -age 35- New York City, U.S.) is an American socialite, fashion influencer and entrepreneur. Palermo gained celebrity when she sued socialiterank.com for releasing a letter that was proven to be false. It made a news story on New York Magazine on May 4, 2007. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Palermo
above: HiRes! Dakota Johnson A Woman. Really: best animated GIFs anastasia steele
Dakota Mayi Johnson (born October 4, 1989) is an American actress and model. She is best known for her starring role as Anastasia Steele in the Fifty Shades film series (2015–18). For her performances in the series, she received the People's Choice Award for Favorite Dramatic Movie Actress and a BAFTA Rising Star Award nomination, among others. Johnson made her acting debut in the film Crazy in Alabama (1999). She held supporting roles in the films The Social Network (2010), Beastly (2011), 21 Jump Street (2012), The Five-Year Engagement (2012), and Need for Speed (2014). Following her Fifty Shades success, Johnson appeared in the crime biopic Black Mass (2015), Luca Guadagnino's drama film A Bigger Splash (2015), the comedy film How to Be Single (2016), Guadagnino's horror remake film Suspiria (2018), and the thriller film Bad Times at the El Royale (2018). She is the daughter of actors Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson, and her maternal grandmother is actress Tippi Hedren. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakota_Johnson
above: Left: MedRes! Julianne "Judy" Moore Right: supermodel Kate Moss shopping on Bond-street in London source: celebsdump.com
Julie Anne Smith (born December 3, 1960. -age 60- Fort Bragg, North Carolina, U.S.), known professionally as Julianne Moore, is an American actress and author. Prolific in film since the early 1990s, she is especially known for her portrayals of emotionally troubled women in both independent and blockbuster films. She has received many accolades, including an Academy Award, two Emmy Awards, and two Golden Globes. Time magazine named Moore one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2015. In 2020, The New York Times ranked her #11 in its list of the 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julianne_Moore
Katherine Ann Moss (born 16 January 1974. -age 47- Croydon, Greater London, England) is an English supermodel and businesswoman. Arriving at the end of the "supermodel era", Moss rose to fame in the mid 1990s as part of the heroin chic fashion trend. Her collaborations with Calvin Klein brought her to fashion icon status. She is known for her waifish figure, and role in size zero fashion. She received an award at the 2013 British Fashion Awards to acknowledge her contribution to fashion over 25 years. Moss is also a contributing fashion editor for British Vogue. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Moss
above: NoHigher! model & actress #Diane#Kruger special-forces source: clip-watch-now
De. text: Diane Kruger, eigentlich Diane Heidkrüger (* 15. Juli 1976 in Algermissen, Niedersachsen) ist eine deutschamerikanische Schauspielerin. Sie tritt überwiegend in englisch- und französischsprachigen Filmen auf. Bekannt wurde sie als Helena in Troja (2004), Dr. Abigail Chase in Das Vermächtnis der Tempelritter (2004) und Das Vermächtnis des geheimen Buches (2007) sowie als Bridget von Hammersmark in Inglourious Basterds (2009). ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_Kruger
En. text: Diane Kruger (née Heidkrüger; German: [diˈa:nə ˈkru:ɡɐ]; born 15 July 1976. -age 44- Algermissen, Lower Saxony, West Germany) is a German and American actress and former fashion model. She played Helen in the epic war film Troy (2004), Dr. Abigail Chase in the heist film National Treasure (2004) and its sequel (2007), Bridget von Hammersmark in Quentin Tarantino's war film Inglourious Basterds (2009), and Gina in the psychological thriller film Unknown (2011). She also starred as Detective Sonya Cross in the FX crime drama series The Bridge (2013–14). In 2017, she made her German-language debut in Fatih Akin's In the Fade, for which she won the Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actress and Satellite Award for Best Actress. ...
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Hu. Dr. Zacher Gábor dr. Toxicologist & Ambulance doctor media person source: index.hu
En. text: Dr. Gábor Zacher (born Budapest, October 8, 1960) is a Hungarian physician specializing in toxicology, Chief Medical Officer of the Toxicology Department in the Péterfy Sándor Utcai Hospital, Budapest. His great-grandfather's cousin was Franz Sacher. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A1bor_Zacher
Hu. text: Dr. Zacher Gábor (Budapest, 1960. október 8. –) magyar főorvos, toxikológus, címzetes egyetemi docens, 2018. augusztus 31-ig a Honvédkórház Sürgősségi Betegellátó Centrumának vezetője. 1994 és 1998 között önkormányzati képviselő-testületi tag (Fidesz) Budaörsön. Leginkább a magyarországi alkoholizmus elleni küzdelemben szerepet játszó közéleti személyiségként ismert. ...
Hu. text article: Honvédelmi Minisztérium: Zacher amúgy sem folytathatta volna
ra 2018.08.31. 18:15 forrás: index.hu
Rövid közleményben reagált a mai hírekre Zacher Gábor munkáltatója, a Honvédelmi Minisztérium. Annyit írtak; Dr. Zacher Gábornak a Magyar Honvédség Egészségügyi Központ Sürgősségi Betegellátó Centrum vezetőjének a szerződése 2018 végén lejár. Arról, hogy azt nem hosszabbítják meg, már korábban döntés született. Az ebből nem világos, hogy a döntés kinél "született", vagyis az év végét illetően Zacher kvázi felmondásáról, vagy inkább kirúgásáról van-e szó. A Hvg.hu közben azt írja, eredeti tervei szerint október végéig, a felmondási ideje leteltéig dolgozott volna Zacher, de a miniszter máshogy döntött, és felmentette a munkavégzés alól. ... https://index.hu/belfold/2018/08/31/honvedelmi_miniszterium_nem_is_zacher_gabor_mondott_fel/
above: NoHigher! Barbie doll: Is this why so many of us girls are not and cannot be content with our bodies photo by: Chloe source: www.themodsdoll.com
above: NoHigher! fashionable khaky trousers on the street source: facebook.com
above: NoHigher! fashionable camo-pattern trousers on the street source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! military uniforms look sexy with "Dog-Tag"
above: NoHigher! US Army's Bell AH-1J 'Huey Cobra' Attack Helicopter's M.G. combat suit
above: NoHigher! D.H. 89 'Dragon Rapid': painting by: Peregrine Heathcote source: Pinterest
above: HiRes! Short S-23 'Shandigram/Sunderland' & Delahaye sport car with Khaki-Lady. painting by: Peregrine Heathcote source: Tutt'Art@/Pinterest.com
18+above: HiRes! Artisty photo: Milygirly in the Antonov An-2 airplane door photo: Playboy source: Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
24.) Antonov An-2 (Ан-2) airplane flight instrument panel (műszerfal) in cockpit and 3 view drawing - Cutaway "Ancsa-I" - Aerotika: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/24-antonov-2-2-airplane-flight.html
above: HiRes! "Field Ration Backpack carrier clothing - Háti éthordó szállító ruházat" source: mellbimbo.eu
above: HiRes! Russian #Kalashnikov & #Dragunov #rifle-Lady source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! "Table demonstrator in STRV summer desert 'Oil-proof' suit": Lottie Moss at the skinny Tan-Choc range launch party in London-city november source: celebsdump.com
Lottie Moss, born Charlotte Moss (9 January 1998.) is a British fashion model. She is the half-sister of model Kate Moss. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lottie_Moss
above: NoHigher! Boeing B-777 'American Airlines' Hollywood star #Kaley#Cuoco boards the flight for Watch! Magazine source: Pinterest.com
Kaley Christine Cuoco (/ˈkeɪliː ˈkwoʊkoʊ/ kay-lee kwoh-koh; born November 30, 1985[1]) is an American actress, known for her roles as Bridget Hennessy in the ABC sitcom 8 Simple Rules (2002–05), Billie Jenkins in the final season of the supernatural drama series Charmed (2005–06), and Penny in the CBS comedy series The Big Bang Theory(2007–present) for which she won a Satellite Award in 2012, a Critics' Choice Television Award in 2013, and a People's Choice Award in 2014. Cuoco has also appeared in films such as To Be Fat like Me (2007), Hop (2011) and Authors Anonymous (2014). In October 2014, Cuoco was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
American Airlines recently teamed up with CBS Watch! Magazine for the first ever in-flight fashion shoot. With CBS star Kaley Cuoco decked out in the hottest 70s wardrobe, American's Flagship Suite served as the perfect background at 35,000 feet. Check it out as we take you behind-the-scenes!American Airlines Hosts First-Ever In-Flight Fashion Shoot!
above: MedRes! "Matilda in military khaki color fashion suit as the General Advisor from Russian Simulation Study Centre" source: www.mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! A Celestial ARMY Instructor - Csillagászati Katonai Oktató
above: Left: MedRes! "Board Boss" before NAVY or USMC Grumman A-6 'Intruder' on the Sea - Air & Space museal 'Essex' class AC Carrier 'USN USS CV-11 'Intrepid' Right: MedRes! NAVY's North American RA-5C 'Vigilante' on the Sea - Air & Space museal 'Essex' class AC Carrier 'USN USS CV-11 'Intrepid' in N.Y.C. - New York City. below: NoHigher! With watcher former president, Bill Clinton Pinterest
above: MedRes! Cestina calendar: The CzAF's BA - SAAB JAS-39C 'Gripen' repair hangar's Swedish Door-Keeper & two mechanics
above: HiRes! "Greenland LZC - Landing Zone Controller in Twr.": Anna Starodubtseva, IFBB-Pro-MODEL.
Anna Starodubtseva, Bodybuilder who won the Arnold Amateur and became the first IFBB Russian Professional Bikini competitor in the Arnold Classic. She has sponsored Optimum Nutrition. ... https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/anna-starodubtseva.html
above: HiRes! 'Lounge' military form universal bikini/underwear for duty source: mellbimbo.eu
above: HiRes! Muscle Loader - Izmos Töltőkezelő source: mellbimbo.eu
above: MedRes! Preparation of clothes for urgent shit action in shore of port - Az Öltözet előkészítése a sürgős kakiláshoz a kikötő partján. source: www.mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! "Anna in new fashion Survival Vest - Új fazonú Túlélő Mellényben.": #Russian professional #tennis-player, #Anna #Kournikova brings her hotness to a feature in the September 2012 issue of #Maxim #Australia
Ru. text: А́нна Серге́евна Ку́рникова (род. 7 июня 1981, Москва, СССР) — российская теннисистка и фотомодель, бывшая первая ракетка мира в парном разряде, также гражданка США. Двукратная победительница Открытого чемпионата Австралии в парном разряде (оба раза — с Мартиной Хингис). Самая юная участница Олимпийских игр в истории России (во всех видах спорта) — на момент её дебюта на Олимпиаде-1996 в Атланте Анне было 15 лет и 47 дней. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Kournikova
above: HiRes! The Ford GPA instructor from USMC (US Marine Corps - marines) Catherine Bell is an American actress and ... roles as "Jarhead" Lieutenant Colonel Sarah MacKenzie of the television series JAG - TV filmsorozatból
En. text: JAG (U.S. military acronym for Judge Advocate General) is an American legal drama television show with a distinct U.S. Navy theme, created by Donald P. Bellisario, and produced by Belisarius Productions in association with Paramount Network Television (now CBS Television Studios). This series was originally aired on NBC for one season from September 23, 1995 to May 22, 1996 and then on CBS for an additional nine seasons from January 3, 1997 to April 29, 2005. The first season was co-produced with NBC Productions (now Universal Television) and was originally perceived as a Top Gun meets A Few Good Men hybrid series, both of which starred Tom Cruise.
In the spring of 1996, NBC announced that the series had been canceled after finishing 79th in the ratings, leaving one episode unaired. In December 1996, the rival network CBS announced it had picked up the series for a mid-season replacement original 15 completed episodes from its second season. For several seasons, JAG climbed in the ratings and ultimately ran for nine additional seasons. JAG furthermore spawned the hit series NCIS, which in turn led to spin-offs NCIS: Los Angeles and NCIS: New Orleans. In total, 227 episodes were produced over 10 seasons. At the time of the original airing of its fifth season in the United States, JAG was seen in over 90 countries worldwide. JAG entered syndication in early 1999. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAG_(TV_series)
Hu. text: A JAG – Becsületbeli ügyek (JAG, Judge Advocate General/Legfőbb Katonai Ügyészség) egy amerikai kaland, jogi dráma televíziós sorozat, melyet a Belisarius Productions készített a Paramount Network Television-nel (később CBS) együttműködve. Az első évadot az NBC Productions támogatta. Az eredeti elképzelések szerint a sorozat a Top Gun és az Egy becsületbeli ügy című filmek mintegy összeolvasztása lett volna. Az első epizódot 1995. szeptember 23-án vetítette az NBC csatorna, de 1996. május 22-én a gyenge nézettségre való tekintettel törölték a műsorról. 1997. január 3-ától egy rivális társaság, a CBS tűzte műsorára. A sorozat 10 évadon keresztül futott, összesen 227 epizódon keresztül, több mint 100 országban.
above: NoHigher! "Forever21" High-Waist Bikini Bottoms ($16) via 'Polyvore' featuring swimwear, bikinis, ... source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! Womens hunting apparel -Womens Camo Bustier Thong Hunting Army Camouflage Clothes Lingerie source: pinterest.com Ez nem annyira mert harisnyatartós.
above: NoHigher! Dodge WC-51 1⁄2-ton "Weapon" - "Döcscs-Vippon" american PUG - Pin-Up Girl by Tim Hunter photography.com http://www.timhunter-photgraphy.com ??
above: NoHigher! ... and connection military member - ... és az összekötő katonai személy
above: NoHigher! Reservist Colonel on the Director's HQ wagon - t. ezds. az Igazgatósági kocsin
above: HiRes! #Brie#Larson at "#Time 100"#Gala 2019 in #New York City source: pincelebs.net
En. text: Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers (born October 1, 1989. -age 31- Sacramento, California, U.S.), known professionally as Brie Larson, is an American actress and filmmaker. Noted for her supporting roles in comedies as a teenager, she has since expanded to leading roles in both independent films and big-budget blockbusters. Her accolades include an Academy Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, and a Golden Globe. Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2019. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brie_Larson
Hu. text: Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers, ismertebb nevén Brie Larson (Sacramento, Kalifornia, 1989. október 1. –) Oscar-díjas amerikai színésznő, énekesnő, filmrendező és aktivista. ...
above: HiRes! Danish NATO Fire Control (Communication) centre from 1970's with Pin-Up Woman. Source: Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up expert. Danska photographer: Egon Hye: https://www.facebook.com/egon.hye/media
above & below: NoHigher! (Cropped!) Running to exhibition by, Cato Van Ee sexy and see-through for 'Elle' magazine in Italia january-2019 source: www.celebsdump.com
Cato Van Ee (Bentveld, 1º gennaio 1990) è una modella olandese. ... https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cato_Van_Ee
Aymeline Valade (born 17 October 1984. -age 36- Montpellier, Hérault, France) is a French model and actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aymeline_Valade
above: NoHigher! #Miss#Vogue as moving target with Her binocular
139.) EDF 7x40 German NVA Field glasses - Fernglas - Dienstglass Carl-Zeiss Jena binoculars - kézitávcsövek: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/139-edf-7x40-german-nva-field-glasses.html
above: HiRes! "Kurdistaner Killed Target Observer Soldier": model Lillie Bennetts by: Simone Williams source: celebsdump.com https://player.hu/tag/lillie-bennetts/

above: NoHigher! APC driver - Hjmü.vez: Hu. World famous modell Ms. Mihalik Enikő
Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography teamInez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. ...
above: NoHigher! Neederlander World Topmodel, Doutzen Kroes' training driver-seat and She equipped with RC Motor Starter & Stopper button on fingers - az Újain távvez. indítógombbal.
En. text: Doutzen Kroes (West Frisian pronunciation: [ˈdʌu̯tsə(ŋ) ˈkrus]; born 23 January 1985) is a Dutch supermodel, actress, activist and philanthropist. She began her modelling career in 2003 in the Netherlands and quickly was sent by her agency to New York where she was cast by lingerie giant Victoria’s Secret. She became a Victoria's Secret Angel for the brand in 2008. She has been a brand ambassador and spokesperson for L'Oréal Paris for over 10 years. Kroes has been in the top five of best-paid models, with an estimated income of more than five million per year since 2008. In 2014, she came in second on the Forbes top-earning models list, estimated to have earned $8 million in one year. As of December 2015, she was ranked as one of the "New Supers" in the fashion industry and dubbed "Helen of Troy of advertising" by Models.com. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doutzen_Kroes
Nl. text: Doutzen Kroes (Giekerk, 23 januari 1985) is een Nederlands fotomodel. In 2005 brak ze internationaal door als model via de Victoria's Secret Fashion show. In 2011 speelde ze in een Nederlandse film haar eerste rol als actrice.
Levensloop: Kroes behaalde in 2003 haar havodiploma aan het Drachtster Lyceum. Kort daarna werd ze op 18-jarige leeftijd aangenomen door Paparazzi Model Management in Amsterdam. Nadien maakte ze snel carrière als fotomodel.
In november 2010 trouwde ze met dj Sunnery James. Het paar heeft een zoon en een dochter.[
Kroes woont afwisselend in New York en Nederland. ...
Hu. text: Doutzen Kroes (Eastermar, 1985. január 23. –) hollandiai fríz szupermodell. Doutzen Kroes 1985. január 23-án született Eastermarban, Hollandiában. Tanulmányai befejezése után kezdett modellkedni, amikor beküldte néhány fotóját a Paparazzi modellügynökségnek Amszterdamba, ezt követően pedig szerződést kötött a DNA Models ügynökséggel. ...
18+above: HiRes! Compassing accessories belt on: #Mollie#King who is nipple slip. source: pincelebs.net
Mollie Elizabeth King (born 4 June 1987. -age 32- Wandsworth, London, England) is an English singer-songwriter, television and radio presenter and model. She is a member of girl group The Saturdays. As part of the Saturdays, King has had thirteen top-ten and eight top-five singles, including the UK no.1 hit What About Us on the UK Singles Chart and five top-ten albums on the UK Albums Chart. Before The Saturdays, King was a member of another girl group, Fallen Angelz, with whom she appeared on The X Factor. In 2015, King signed a solo deal with Island Records. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mollie_King
above: NoHigher! "As if the double charge looked like that at work" - "Mint hogyha a kettes töltettel erre hasonlított volna munka közben".
above: NoHigher! Officer spectatles
above: NoHigher! #Retro: #World famous #Cestina modelká, #Eva Herzigová, as reservist #Gendarmerie's #Flight-Attendant salutes Our Veterans by Supporting the #Businesses of-military-#fashion Photo: French edition #VOGUE Photocopy by: BLINE source: #Pinterest.com
Hu. text: Eva Herzigova (Litvínov, 1973. március 10. –48 éves-) cseh modell és színésznő. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Herzigov%C3%A1
above: MedRes! (Littlebit Cropped from Left!) Maintenance/Preparing master - Javító Mester. Fra vores seneste shoot, her med moderne outfit #multicam #dogtag Fotograf Jan Hansen model: Zienna Eve Sonne by JH67 Photography source: Hu. Google G+ Collector: Bányiczki Zoltán PinUp expert
Zienna Eve Sonne Williams was born on August 9, 1994 (age 26) in Rønne, Denmark. She is a celebrity model. ... https://infofamouspeople.com/famous/zienna-sonne-williams.htm
above: NoHigher! (Recolored!) Maggie Gyllenhaal for Agent Provocateur; Cheerio ! In field lingerie with a one astodrome glass of Champagne for Dakota hero - Köszöntés "Egészségedre" tábori zöldneműben.
Margalit Ruth Gyllenhaal (/ˈdʒɪlənhɔːl/;born November 16, 1977. -age 43- Manhattan, New York, U.S.) is an American actress and film producer. Part of the Gyllenhaal family, she is the daughter of filmmakers Stephen Gyllenhaal and Naomi Achs, and the older sister of fellow actor Jake Gyllenhaal. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggie_Gyllenhaal
above: NoHigher! The changeable strechers are good placing on deck of vehicle - A csereszabatos hordágyak könnyen elhelyezhetőek a jármű fedélzetén.
above: HiRes! Major Shayley Smith- Model in the cockpit of USAAF Douglas C-47 "Dakota" Photo by: Mark Greenmantle source: Google G+ Hu. collector: Bányiczki Zoltán
above: Left: NoHigher! Military pattern shoes Right: HiRes!
above: HiRes! "Tiger tank fan": #Russian World famous #supermodel,#Anastasiya#Scheglova on the SPB street "maison-de-la-mode"-2020. source: www.celebsdump.com
Model, actress and social media star whose fame was taken to the next level after competing to become Miss Supranational Russia in 2017. Her Instagram onlookers took notice and rewarded her with over 290,000 followers. Anastasiya Scheglova is a well known Model. Anastasiya was born on February 19, 1995 in Russia..Anastasiya is one of the famous and trending celeb who is popular for being a Model. As of 2018 Anastasiya Scheglova is 23 years old years old. Anastasiya Scheglova is a member of famous Model list. Wikifamouspeople has ranked Anastasiya Scheglova as of the popular celebs list. Anastasiya Scheglova is also listed along with people born on 19-Feb-95. One of the precious celeb listed in Model list. ... https://www.wikifamouspeople.com/anastasiya-scheglova-wiki-biography-net-worth-age-family-facts-and-more/ http://somenewidea.altervista.org/anastasiya-scheglova/
HiRes! (below: Littlebit Crop!) Red Devil: Nathalie application for Aviators' approaching action on N.A. AT-6 'Texan'. photo: Armand Rajnoch NL. source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert https://500px.com/armandrajnoch
above: MedRes! 'Graham' Chronofighter, Vintage Nose-Art Limited "Anna"
George Graham (7 July 1673 – 20 November 1751) was an English clockmaker, inventor, and geophysicist, and a Fellow of the Royal Society.
He was born in Kirklinton, Cumberland. A Friend (Quaker) like his mentor Thomas Tompion, Graham left Cumberland in 1688 for London to work with Tompion. He later married Tompion's niece, Elizabeth Tompion. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Graham_(clockmaker)
above: HiRes! 'Graham' Chronofighter, Vintage Nose-Art Limited
The distinctive start and stop lever on the left of the case is the renowned GRAHAM Chronofighter signature which enables to activate the chronograph functions. The system recalls early stopwatches used by World War 2 flying officers which were just large pocket watches strapped over bomber jackets. Instinctive and precise, it is a fail-safe system which does not distract the wearer because the lever on the left of the case is effortlessly reached with the right hand. The thumb, the fastest of all fingers, starts and stops the chronograph. The result is precise timing.
above: Yossarian's successors utódja Alpha Industries leather Pilot Jacket - pilóta bőrdzsekiben.
225.) Bölcseletek és jó mondások nagy katonai-vezetőktől és Politikusoktól - Philosophies /wisdoms and sayings from great military Leaders & Politicians: Colin*Powell's 15 rules - szabálya. -Tantra- Quotes of War movies: We Were Soldiers, Catch 22, Full Metal Jacket.:
above: NoHigher! Engine valve cover style, Nadja Auermann, in 'Hermes' collection by Jean-Paul Gaultier source: pinterest
Nadja Auermann (born 19 March 1971. -age 49- Berlin, Germany) is a German supermodel and actress. Fashion designer Valentino once commented on her physical resemblance to Marlene Dietrich. A New York Times fashion columnist, Guy Trebay, wrote of her "ice maiden visage and pole vaulter's legs". She once held the record for being the model with the longest legs in the world in the Guinness Book of Records. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadja_Auermann
above: NoHigher! She is a 'Steampunk' Tram-driver photo by: Christopher Perez source: Pinterst.com
above: NoHigher! Female Airship Navigator with sextant shape fan in Her hand. Steampunk tendencies, By: Daniel Lahaie Photography - Great outfit
above: MedRes! The CV-90 Stridfordson's blondie steampunky driver is resting./ Steampunky Readiness Duty Inspector - Készültségi Szolgálati Felügyelő with Day Vision goggle oculars in duty building. photo: Daniel Lahaie http://www.myconfinedspace.com/
above: NoHigher! An very pretty Czech Pin-Up girl with An-2's blade of airscrew
24.) Antonov An-2 (Ан-2) 'Camp' airplane flight instrument panel (műszerfal) in cockpit and 3 view drawing - Cutaway "Ancsa-I" - Aerotika: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/24-antonov-2-2-airplane-flight.html
above Two: HiRes! Beechcraft Model-18 USAAF C-45 "Beach Baby" Photo: NL Armand Rajnoch https://500px.com/armandrajnoch
above: MedRes! #Lockheed 'Electra' L-10E Aviation Pin Ups #Amelia Earhart
En. text: Amelia Mary Earhart (/ˈɛərhɑːrt/, born July 24, 1897 – disappeared July 2, 1937, declared dead January 5, 1939) was an American aviation pioneer and author. Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She set many other records, wrote best-selling books about her flying experiences, and was instrumental in the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organization for female pilots. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelia_Earhart
Hu. text: Amelia Mary Earhart (Atchison, Kansas, 1897. július 24. – eltűnt: Csendes-óceán, 1937. július 2.) a repülés amerikai származású női úttörője, az első jelentős női pilóta. Sok olyan utat tett meg Lockheed Vega monoplán gépével, mely férfiak számára is erőt próbáló lett volna. ...
above: HiRes! #Cumulo-Nimbus stage set: supermodel, #Noel#Berry in #sexy-lingeries for '#Grazia'-magazine in Russia-2019. source: celebsdump.com
Noel Berry Model who rose to fame for her catwalk debut wearing Rachel Zoe and Vivienne Tam for their Spring/Summer 2014 collection at New York Fashion Week. She also turned heads for her campaign for Bandier's activewear line. ... https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/noel-berry.html
above: NoHigher! Czech Pin-Up Girl with JAS-39C 'Gripen' 27 mm 'Mauser' ammo
above: NoHigher! The Enemy amazone Marines Infantryeress
above: NoHigher! Guard of Tyre storage with Airsoft 'Colt' M16 assault rifle
above: NoHigher! "Border Security summer suit" source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! #Ford-'#Mustang' style
above: NoHigher! Swedish Army's female Soldier
above: NoHigher! Svenska 'Jassie' before service in Sweden camo suit and after... source: Karups
above: MedRes! The IFV 'Stridfordson' CV-90's crew Left: Swedish Army pattern & Redlamp House pattern nylon suit after.... source: Fetish Latex Experiment Highstyle Art
above: NoHigher! supermodel, Christie Brinkley before adwert-wall by; Maybelline, Platinum, ect.
Christie Brinkley (born Christie Lee Hudson; February 2, 1954. -age 67- Monroe, Michigan, U.S.) is an American model, actress, and entrepreneur. Brinkley gained worldwide fame with her appearances in the late 1970s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issues, ultimately appearing on an unprecedented three consecutive covers starting in 1979. She spent 25 years as the face of CoverGirl, has appeared on over 500 magazine covers, and has signed contracts with major brands—both fashion and non-fashion. Brinkley went on to work as an actress, illustrator, television personality, photographer, writer, designer, and activist for human and animal rights and the environment. Brinkley has been married four times, most notably between 1985 and 1994 to musician Billy Joel, several of whose music videos she appeared in. Her fourth marriage, to architect Peter Cook, ended in a much-publicized 2008 divorce. With a career spanning more than three decades, magazines such as Allure and Men's Health have named Brinkley one of the most attractive women of all time. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christie_Brinkley
above: NoHigher! Zrínyi's trainer
above: NoHigher! Army-Couture by Prabal Gurung fall 2013 "Trend-Hunter"
Prabal Gurung (Nepali: प्रबल गुरुङ) (born in Singapore 1979) is a Nepalese fashion designer based in New York City. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prabal_Gurung
above: NoHigher! "an Ideal #Terrain #Hiker wear for #Women - egy Ideális tereptanos túrázó viselet Nőknek": Australian supermodel, #Abbey#Lee#Kershaw American #fashion-designer #Michael#Kors' Ready-to-Wear #Collection News 2010, for '#Vogue' magazine source: pincelebs.net
Abbey Lee Kershaw, or simply Abbey Lee (born 12 June 1987 -age 33- Melbourne, Victoria, Australia), is an Australian model, actress and musician. Following several years of success leading up to the 2011 fashion seasons, V magazine dubbed Kershaw a supermodel. Models.com has listed her as an "Industry Icon". ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbey_Lee
Fr. text: Michael Kors, né le 9 août 1959 à Long Island, est un styliste américain créateur de la marque de prêt-à-porter qui porte son nom et président de Michael Kors Holdings Limited. ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Kors
above: MedRes! Left: "Head of Technician Service on accesories canvas inspection": #Fashion-designer #Ralph#Lauren's #safari wear on '#Vogue'-#catwalk Right: Coming a Para-Tandem guest in Jumpsuit by fashion designer #Ralph #Lauren 2015 photo: Northphoto source: Slim Paley
above: NoHigher! Moderne Turbo-Diesel Steampunk Aviatrix in freetime '#Gucci'? with inverse logo leather suit #outfit.
En. text: Gucci, is an Italian fashion house (fashion design company). It was started by Guccio Gucci (1881 – 1953) in Florence in 1909. Gucci is seen as one of the most famous, successful, and easily recognizable fashion brands in the world. Gucci is now owned by the French conglomerate company, Pinault-Printemps-Redoute (PPR). BusinessWeek magazine says that Gucci made more than US$7 billion in 2006, and was 46th in the magazine's yearly "Top 100 Brands". For this reason Gucci is the second biggest selling fashion brand after LVMH. Most importantly Gucci is the biggest selling Italian brand in the world. Gucci has about 425 shops in the world and it sells its products to other shops by franchisees and department stores. ... https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gucci
Hu. text: A Gucci olasz luxus divatmárka. 2008-ban 4,2 milliárd euró bevételt termelt az egész világon. A Gucci Group a francia Kering vállalat tulajdonában áll. Előbb Párizsban majd később Londonban élő bevándorló Guccio Gucci fiatalkorában szállodai munkásként dolgozott és lenyűgözte a fényűző poggyászáradat amit a vendégek hoztak magukkal. Miután visszatért szülővárosába, Firenzébe megalapított egy boltot, ahol klasszikus formájú finom bőrárukat lehetett vásárolni. Három fiával közösen Aldo Gucci, Vasco Gucci, Rodolfo Gucci építette a céget és hamarosan újabb üzletük nyílt Milánóban majd Rómában. Finoman kialakított bőr kiegészítőket kézitáskákat, cipőket árultak. A második világháború idején anyaghiány miatt a bőr helyett pamutból készültek a kézitáskák. A vásznat kettős G szimbólummal látták el. 1953-ban New York-i irodák létrehozásával a filmsztárok és az olaszországi utazók számára készített termékek által a Gucci áru nemzetközi status szimbólummá vált. A filmsztárok, azáltal, hogy Gucci ruhákat, tartozékokat, kiegészítőket, lábbeliket viseltek világszerte magazinok címlapján, hozzájárultak a folyamatosan növekvő hírnévhez. ...
above: NoHigher! Hollywood star English actress, Sophie Turner in the caravan door as Loud-adverter of Wooden-turner master - mint A Mester hangosbemondója source: Pinterest.com
V.I.P. aircraft doors: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2016/07/185-doors-of-vip-corporate-private-jets.html
Sophie Turner (born 21 February 1996) is an English actress. Turner made her professional acting debut as Sansa Stark on the HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones (2011–present), which brought her international recognition. Turner has also starred in the television film The Thirteenth Tale (2013) and she made her feature film debut in Another Me (2013). She has also starred in the action comedy Barely Lethal (2015) and portrays a young Jean Grey / Phoenix in the X-Men film series. ...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Turner
above: HiRes! Madison Beer 'Asos Style' Edit - September 2019 source: pincelebs.net
Fr. text: Madison Beer est une chanteuse, mannequin et actrice américaine née le 5 mars 1999 à Jericho, dans l'état de New York. Elle attire l'attention des médias grâce à un tweet du chanteur canadien Justin Bieber évoquant ses reprises musicales sur YouTube. Elle signe plus tard avec le label Island Def Jam, puis décide en 2016 de devenir une artiste indépendante. Elle sort son premier EP, As She Pleases, en 2018. ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison_Beer
above: NoHigher! English supermodel, #Cara#Delevingne in scout suit. source: pinterest
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (/ˈkɑːrə ˌdɛləˈviːn/ KAH-rə DEL-ə-VEEN; born 12 August 1992 in London, England) is an English model, singer and actress. She signed with Storm Management after leaving school in 2009. Delevingne won the "Model of the Year" award at the British Fashion Awards in 2012, and 2014. She ranks as a "New Super" on models.com.
She started her acting career with a minor role in the 2012 film adaptation of Anna Karenina. Her most notable roles include Margo Roth Spiegelman in the romantic mystery film Paper Towns (2015), Kath Talent in London Fields, the Enchantress in the comic book film Suicide Squad (2016), and Laureline in Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cara_Delevingne
above: NoHigher! topmodel, Laetitia Casta signed 8x10 photo-video-proof
Fr. text: Laetitia Casta, née le 11 mai 1978 à Pont-Audemer (Eure), est une actrice, mannequin et réalisatrice française. Elle devient mannequin dès l'âge de 15 ans et, rapidement, est remarquée par photographes et stylistes. Jean-Paul Gaultier est le premier à la faire défiler. Elle entame une carrière d'actrice en 1999 au cinéma, avec le film Astérix et Obélix contre César, puis en 2004 au théâtre avec le rôle-titre d’Ondine. Elle est, en 2000, le modèle de l'un des bustes de Marianne. Elle est faite chevalier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres en 2012. En 2016, elle réalise son premier court métrage, En moi, qu'elle présente à la Semaine de la critique du Festival de Cannes. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laetitia_Casta
above: NoHigher! Martha Hunt in Stella McCartney, Chanel, Fendi, Hermés wear for 'Tatler'-magazine Russia, may-2019. source: celebsdump.com
Марта Хант (англ. Martha Hunt; родилась 27 апреля 1989, Уилсон) — американская топ-модель. С апреля 2015 года один из «ангелов» компании Victoria’s Secret. ... https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82,_%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0
above: MedRes! "Reddeamon" source: www.onlytease.com
above: NoHigher! She is a Training leader "Dress for less" in military look
above: MedRes! Hu. Miss. Mihalik Enikő on surveyor tour - Terepkutató túrán on Her back similar size pack than OEM-2 hasonló méretű hátizsákkal mint ..
Hu. text: Mihalik Enikő hazánk egyik leghíresebb topmodellje. Tizenöt éves korában fedezték fel, 2006 óta pedig nemzetközileg is elismert. Olyan divatcégek és magazinok szerződtették már, mint a Vogue, a MaxMara, a Gucci, a Victoria's Secret vagy a Harper’s Bazaar. ...
above: The reserve #actress for crew's replacement. #Mihalik #Enikő word famous Hungarian #fashion & #photomodel - divat és #fotómodell from '#Victoria's Secret' fashion firma
Hu. text: Mihalik Enikő (Békéscsaba, 1987. május 11.) modell, az Elite Model Look 2002. évi negyedik helyezettje. Ismert Inez van Lamsweerde és Vinoodh Matadin holland fotósokkal való munkájáról. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihalik_Enik%C5%91
above: "enlisted Miss. #Eniko#Mihalik is (Hungarian word famous fashion & photo model from #Victoria's#Secret) also searching her fighting macinine #ZSU-57/2 'Proud' and commander- Mihalik Enikő honvéd szintén keresi a harcjárművét a ZSzU-57/2 "Büszkét" és a parancsnokát"
above: NoHigher! "Guardness with #AK-47 #assault-rifle on Northern #Shooting/Fire range #border during #COVID-19 #pandemic term occasuion of #Coronaviral - Őrnő #AK-47 #gépkarabéllyal az Északi #Lőtérhatáron a #Koronavírus #járvány ideje alatt" source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov/Album
above: NoHigher! "The #Chief-Woman of the #Wandering #Lathe-masters - A #vándoresztergályosok #Főnöknője": #Ann#Sheridan on #Willy's-jeep source: facebook.com
Clara Lou Sheridan (February 21, 1915 – January 21, 1967), known professionally as Ann Sheridan, was an American actress and singer. She worked regularly from 1934 until her death, first in film and later in television. Notable roles include San Quentin (1937) with Pat O'Brien and Humphrey Bogart, Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) with James Cagney and Bogart, They Drive by Night (1940) with George Raft and Bogart, The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942) with Monty Woolley, Kings Row (1942) with Ronald Reagan, Nora Prentiss (1947), and I Was a Male War Bride (1949) with Cary Grant. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Sheridan
above: NoHigher! Agriculture Works manager from Hu. Playboy 1990's: Hu. modell: Rónai Aranka in VW Type-2 'Samba' microbus.
The Volkswagen Type 2, known officially (depending on body type) as the Transporter, Kombi or Microbus, or, informally, as the Bus (US) or Camper (UK), is a forward control panel van introduced in 1950 by the German automaker Volkswagen as its second car model. Following – and initially deriving from Volkswagen's first model, the Type 1 (Beetle) – it was given the factory designation Type 2 ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Type_2

above: HiRes! Boeing B-17F 'Flying Fortress' "Memphis Belle" reear door with Pin-Up Girl.
above (Crop!) & below Two: HiRes! B-17F FF "Memphis Belle" source: G+ Bányiczki Zoltán
204.) Military Combat Aircraft's, doors and hatches - Katonai Harci Repülőgépek, ajtók és búvónyílások - Rtg. Cutaway keys: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2017/10/204-military-combat-aircrafts-doors-and.html
above: NoHigher! Top-Gun Girl In B-17 bomb bay forward door source: Google open gallery Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
above: NoHigher! Master Wing badged PUG Penny Von Luck beside USAF Lockheed F-104 'Starfighter' interceptor-fighter photo by: Eaves dropping with Johnny source: WordPress.com
33.) Lockheed F-104G/S 'Starfighter' ('Widowmaker'- "Özvegycsináló") "Csillagvadász" interceptor fighter (elfogó vadászgép) designer Kelly Johnson, Italian AFB - Istrana: 51th Stormo _ Filmstars; John Travolta 'Qantas'-pilot & Harrison Ford as 'Indiana Jones': http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/lockheed-f-104-starfighter-widowmaker.html
above: MedRes! "Open Sky" aerial control photo mission with OPB-2 bombsight by Ukrainan airwoman in Antonov An-26 "Ancsa-II." "Curl" ("Roaring Mouse-II. - Ordító Egér") cargo area.
9.) Антонов Aн-26 _ An-26 "Curl" ("Shouting Mouse") Pedestal - Throttle Quadrant _ Antonov An-26 "Ancsa - Ordító egér" központi pult _ несущий винт упрт АВИАЦИОННЫЙ ТУРБОВИНТОВОЙ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ - пилотажно-навигационные приборы Указатель: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/26-26-curl-shouting-mouse-pedestal.html
above: HiRes! Aviator pinup girl in the navigator seat, inside the Avro 'Shackleton' Mk.3 PH3 -WR982 "J." Royal Navy Patrol & ASW. Emergency hatch & Astrodome over ceiling. source: Hungarian Google G+ Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
above: NoHigher! Canadian Supermarine 'Spitfire' Entry & Exit doors & Pin-Ups
above: NoHigher! "IDEX Exhibition Visitor best lady lumps boob" source: ThrillBlender.com
above: Left: MedRes! (Edited & Cropped!) Hungarian 'Crystapecs' -Pécs-city- khaky dress Right: MedRes! New S-L Women's Olive-Green Stripped Hatler "Bodycon" Mini-Club Dress below: TICO
(Crop!) above: HiRes! Hungarian 'Glami.hu' khaki dress below: NoHigher! 'Glami.hu'above: HiRes! Left: (Crop!) damske saty modanoemi source: glami.hu
above: NoHigher! Keke Lindgard in Ralph Lauren's clothes with emergency Rescue-belt, spring-summer-2015. source: celebsdump.com
Katelin "Keke" Lindgard is an American fashion model (August 15, 1994 -age 26-
Kaʻaʻawa, Hawaii). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keke_Lindgard
above: NoHigher! Ana De Armas - The Night Clerk promotional photo source: pincelebs.net
Ana Celia de Armas Caso (Spanish: [ˈana ˈselja de ˈarmas ˈkaso]; born 30 April 1988. -age 32- Havana, Cuba) is a Cuban-Spanish actress. She began her career as a teenager in her home country of Cuba and most notably had a leading role in the romantic drama Una rosa de Francia (2006). At age 18, she moved to Madrid, Spain and starred in the popular teen drama El Internado for six seasons from 2007 to 2010. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana_de_Armas
above: Left: MedRes! Pierresilber mid: MedRes! Army Golfer photo: Alvarado right: MedRes! Mility
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