#Fairchild #A-10 '#Thunderbolt-II' - "#Warthog" #Tankkiller #Csatarepülőgép #USAF - #WW2 #Republic #P-47N 'Thunderbolt' - #GAU-8 '#Avenger' 30mm #Gatling cannon depleded #Uranium shells - #General-Electric - Lipp#Adrienn & Morgan#Fairchild. #Henschel #Hs-129B #Schlachtflugzeug & FMA I.A.58 '#Pucará' (Wikipedia)
above: NoHigher! Nose Art "Warthog" artwork. source: pinterest uploaded by user
above: NEW! NoHigher! The Fairchild A-10 'Thunderbolt-II'/"Warthog" tankkiller out from Lockheed C-5A 'Galaxy'
above: NoHigher! Napalm feeling by A-10 source: pinterest ubu
NEW! Hu. text: Azt nem tudjuk, hogy a napokban beterjesztett, az A-10-es flotta
fenntartását továbbra is szavatoló 2018-as amerikai költségvetés
készítői a nagy osztás-szorzás közben látták-e a következő videót,
mindenesetre elhárult a típus kivonásának veszélye ... Ürmös link facebook
above: MedRes! Hellenic created asembled scale 1:48 model www.helmo.gr
above: NEW! NoHigher! The model builders worked nicely: Sea Hog in the colors of the Marines, with double-broken, folded wings and a foldable tail section (!!). Instead of UARRSI, you may want to observe the connector for a flexible hose solution built into the back to the right. - A makettépítők azért dolgoztak szépen: Sea Hog a Marines színeiben, kétszeresen tört, felhajtott szárnyakkal és felhajtható farokrésszel (!!). Érdemes megfigyelni az UARRSI helyett a jobbra hátrébb beépített, hajlékony tömlős megoldáshoz való csatlakozót
Hu. text article: A Fairchild-Republic A-10 csatarepülőgép, 9. rész. author: Maga Lenin 2020. július 10., péntek 07:11 | Élenjáró Haditechnika
Az A-10 ismertetőjének utolsó része a különféle, meg nem valósult változatokkal kezd. Ezt néhány gondolat követi zárszóként, majd a terjedelmes forráslista, pár extra fotóval megspékelve. A sorozat előző része ITT, az első pedig ITT olvasható.:
above: NEW! NoHigher: The standard F-35 vs. In the case of the A-10 meme, it should be noted that the A-10C certainly does have screen displays, and the exact figures for operating costs are the subject of eternal controversy. There is something in the others… :) - A szokásos F-35 vs. A-10 mémnél azért meg kell jegyezni, hogy az A-10C bizony már rendelkezik képernyős kijelzőkkel, az üzemeltetési költségek pontos számadatai pedig örök viták tárgyát képezik. A többiben azért van valami… :) source: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kTtcYD
above: NEW+! HiRes! (Crop bottom!) Thunderbolt with strong lightning over lake Balaton at area of Lepsény, viewed from district of Balatonalmádi, in 2018. august.11. - Mennydörgés erős villámlással Lepsény felett. XIAOMI Smart-Phone művész-Fotó - artisty Photo by: Ms. Bártfai Mária -Veszprém city-
above: MedRes! A-10 battle aircraft Launch of IR Flare
The A-10 Thunderbolt II, affectionately nicknamed “The Warthog,” was developed for the United States Air Force by the OEM Team from Fairchild Republic Company, now a part of Northrop Grumman Corporation Aerospace Systems Eastern Region located in Bethpage NY and St. Augustine FL. Following in the footsteps of the legendary P47 Thunderbolt, the OEM Team was awarded a study contract in the 1960s to define requirements for a new Close Air Support aircraft, rugged and survivable, to protect combat troops on the ground. This initial study was followed up by a prototype development contract for the A-X, and a final flyoff competition resulting in the selection of the A-10 Thunderbolt II.
above: MedRes! A-10C from Germany Spangdahlem (SP) http://www.spangdahlem.af.mil/ photo: MNO journalist Zord Gábor {Mr. Gabriel Grim}újságíró - repülési szakíró (cropped)
USAFB firing with GAU-8 "Avenger" gatling 7 barrels rotary gun at Czech Republic Libava firing range. photo: MNO. Mr. Zord Gábor aviation expert writer & press photoartist: 2012-ből való, egy csehországi gyakorlatról, a libavai lőtérről! http://legiero.blog.hu/
Hu. text: Fegyverbuzik, riadó! Rég nem volt olyan jó hír azoknak, akik hozzám hasonlóan képesek hosszú perceken át áradozni az emberiség olyan tökéletes alkotásairól, mint például a Heckler&Koch HK416-osa, vagy az FGM-148-as Javelin, ami a világ legviccesebb nevű fegyvercsoportjába, a Fire-and-forgetbe (húzd meg az elsütőbillentyűt, aztán ne is törődj vele) tartozik. Ezek a mind műszaki, mind esztétikai értelemben csodálatos eszközök fel sem érhetnek a világ legcsodálatosabb fegyveréhez, az amerikai légierő érthetően rajongásig szeretett, egyben megmagyarázhatatlanul gyűlölt (erről lentebb még lesz szó bővebben) csatarepülőjéhez, a varacskosdisznóhoz,
hivatalos nevén a Fairchild Republic A-10 Mennydörgés II.-höz, amiből a Magyar Nemzet értesülései szerint most egy tucatot Magyarországra telepít az amerikai hadsereg év végéig.
Erről beszélek: .... "akirály" Külföld 2015. október 14., szerda 18:06 444.hu ...
DEADLY KILLER us military GAU 8 Gatling Gun
above: NEW! NoHigher! A-10 USAF Warthog that scored a simulated aerial victory against-F-22 Raptor and F-16 Fighting-Falcon source: facebook
above: NEW! HiRes! A-10 21st STS JTACs CAS training mission at Nevada test & training range photo: USAF Moody AFB
above: NEW! NoHigher! Humour: Hu. text: Fent: Légitámogatásra van szükségünk!!!" Lent: "Meg tudjátok csinálni!!" - Top: "We need Close Air Support!!! Bottom: You can do'it!!
above: NEW! NoHigher! U.S. MC's Liaison officer for this CAS situation - Tengerészgyalogsági (Marines/Marine Corps) Összekötő tiszt ehhez a KLT - Közvetlen Légitámogatási szituációhoz
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Edited!) Fashion designer, #Ralph Lauren's safari watch source: Uncrate
En. text: Ralph Lauren (né Lifshitz; born October 14, 1939) is an American fashion designer, philanthropist, and business executive, best known for the Ralph Lauren Corporation, a global multibillion-dollar enterprise. He has also become well known for his collection of rare automobiles, some of which have been displayed in museum exhibits. Lauren stepped down as Chief Executive Officer of the company in September 2015 but remains the Executive Chairman and Chief Creative Officer. As of 2018, Forbes estimates his wealth at $7.2 billion, which makes Ralph Lauren the 91st richest person in America. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Lauren
De. text: Ralph Lauren [ˈlɔː.rən] (* 14. Oktober 1939 in der Bronx, New York City als Ralph Lifshitz) ist ein US-amerikanischer Modedesigner und Gründer des Modeunternehmens Ralph Lauren Corporation. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! #Hasbro's #G.I.-JOE Tiger-Rat "A real American Hero"
G.I. Joe is a line of action figures produced and owned by the toy company Hasbro. The initial product offering represented four of the branches of the U.S. armed forces with the Action Soldier (U.S. Army), Action Sailor (U.S. Navy), Action Pilot (U.S. Air Force), Action Marine (U.S. Marine Corps) and later on, the Action Nurse. The name derived from the usage of "G.I. Joe" for the generic U.S. soldier, itself derived from the more general term "G.I.". The development of G.I. Joe led to the coining of the term "action figure". G.I. Joe's appeal to children has made it an American icon among toys. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I._Joe
above: MedRes! U.S. Air Force Active Duty, Guard (ANG) & Reserve Facilities Map.
above: NoHigher! A-10 pilot-aviatrix; Col. Martha McSally USAF Ret. First woman pilot in the U.S. Air Force to fly in combat.
above: HiRes! An very charming St.Sgt. Gun Lady from USAF www.42.tut.by
above: NEW! MedRes! #A-10 cockpit with "#Teddy-Bear" after #mission source: #facebook.com
above: NEW! HiRes! "Rrrrrotty" by GAU-8 on Hungarian Exercise at Várpalota fire-range 2016. Photo by: Mr. Kővári "Stonefort" László Jetplanes Blogger source: https://jetplanes.blog.hu

above: Left: MedRes! pinterest www.antiopes.tumblr.com Right! NoHigher! pinterest www.gallery.airshows.com ebaa.
above: NoHigher! CAS (Close Air Support) First Lt.Micha Stoddard, flying the lead aircraft & his wingman Cpt.Casey Peasley. pinterest-flickr below: NoHigh! "Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday"!
The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single seat, twin turbofan engine, straight wing jet aircraftdeveloped by Fairchild-Republic for the United States Air Force. Commonly referred to by its nicknames"Warthog" or "Hog", its official name comes from the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, a fighter particularly effective at close air support. The A-10 was designed for close-in support of ground troops, close air support (CAS), providing quick-action support for troops against helicopters, vehicles, and ground troops. It entered service in 1976 and is the only production-built aircraft that has served in the USAF that was designed solely for CAS. Its secondary mission is to provide forward air controller – airborne (FAC-A) support, by directing other aircraft in attacks on ground targets. Aircraft used primarily in this role are designated OA-10. ...
above: MedRes! The Thunderbolt - Mennykőcsapás - Meteor-kő - Hullócsillag
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Thunderstone woman": Cosplayer suit: Gender swapped Dark Lord Ganondorf by Elyrenae - Saw her at Magfest, it was even more incredible in person Photo: Emily Smith source: Hátsó sor közepe - HSK.hu/index.hu
above: MedRes! Jucibacsi's paper photo scan coll.: 1980's
The A-10A/C is a fixed-wing, single-pilot aircraft with two high bypass turbofan engines that is optimized for the Close Air Support (CAS) combat mission. Originally designed to counter a mass-Soviet armor thrust across Europe, the A-10 was designed from the ground up to be the most survivable and potent CAS aircraft over a very deadly battlefield.
above: NoHigher! L: Northrop YA-9 R.: Fairchild-Republic YA-10 shadow drawings.
The Northrop YA-9 was a prototype attack aircraft developed for the United States Air Force A-X program. The YA-9 was passed over in preference for the Fairchild Republic YA-10 that entered production as the A-10 Thunderbolt II.
Background: Criticism that the U.S. Air Force did not take close air support seriously prompted a few service members to seek a specialized attack aircraft. In the Vietnam War, large numbers of ground-attack aircraft were shot down by small arms, surface-to-air missiles, and low-level anti-aircraft gunfire, prompting the development of an aircraft better able to survive such weapons. Fast jets such as the North American F-100 Super Sabre, Republic F-105 Thunderchief, and McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II proved for the most part to be ineffective for close air support. The Douglas A-1 Skyraider was the USAF's primary close air support aircraft.

above: NoHigher! Three view drawing
above: NEW! NoHigher! A-10A instrument panel below: MedRes! Cutaway of A-10
above: NEW! NoHigher! A-10A instrument panel below: MedRes! Cutaway of A-10

above: MedRes! Fairchild-Republic YA-10 U.S.A.F. prototype with four AGM-65 "Maverick"
above: NoHigher! USAF A-10 prototype source: " John W.R. Taylor & Gordon Swanborough: Military Aircraft of the World" Publisher: Ian Allan Ltd. U.K.1973. source: Ian Allan/facebook below: NoHigher!
above: NoHigher! Old Logo of Fairchild firma.

above: NoHigher! Beautiful legendary Hollywood Star Actress: Morgan Fairchild in swimsuit dress below: MedRes! Nowadays She is at the Desert AIDS Project. source: Wikipedia
Morgan Fairchild (born Patsy Ann McClenny; February 3, 1950. -age 69.- Dallas, Texas, U.S.) is an American actress. She achieved prominence during the late 1970s and early 1980s with continuing roles in several television series, in which she usually conveyed a glamorous image.
Fairchild began her career on the CBS daytime soap opera Search for Tomorrow as Jennifer Pace from 1973 to 1977. In 1978, she appeared on the primetime soap opera Dallas as the first actress to portray Jenna Wade, before taking a lead role on the NBC series Flamingo Road in 1980 (for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama). In 1984, she co-starred on ABC's short-lived television drama Paper Dolls, and then appeared on Falcon Crest as attorney Jordan Roberts from 1985 to 1986. Fairchild has also performed in theater and played guest roles on television comedies, including Murphy Brown (for which she was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series), Roseanne, Cybill and Friends. She is a board member of SAG-AFTRA. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_Fairchild
above: NoHigher! Névtelen Junkers támadógép terve www.combatreform.org
above: MedRes! Luftwaffe's Henschel Hs 129B Schlachtflugzeug "Panzerknacker"- Battle aircraft - "Páncélkopogtató" csatarepülőgép ('Tankkiller - Tankölő/-gyilkos')
De. text: Die Henschel Hs 129 war ein einsitziges, zweimotoriges Erdkampfflugzeug der Henschel Flugzeug-Werke AG, das speziell für diese Aufgabe entworfen wurde. Sie wurde während des Zweiten Weltkrieges zwischen 1942 und 1945 vor allem zur Panzerbekämpfung eingesetzt, was ihr den Spitznamen „Büchsenöffner“ einbrachte. Das Haupteinsatzgebiet war an der Ostfront. Von diesem Typ wurden 879 Einheiten hergestellt, die neben der deutschen Luftwaffe auch von der rumänischen Luftwaffe (62 Stück) eingesetzt wurden. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henschel_Hs_129
En. text: The Henschel Hs 129 was a World War II ground-attack aircraft fielded by the German Luftwaffe. In combat service the Hs 129 lacked a sufficient chance to prove itself; the aircraft was produced in relatively small numbers and deployed during a time when the Luftwaffe was unable to protect them from attack. Rudolf-Heinz Ruffer scored a large number of his 80 Soviet tank kills in the Hs 129.
Hu. text: A Hs 129 a német Henschel repülőgépgyár által kifejlesztett kétmotoros alacsonytámadó / csata repülőgép, melyet a Luftwaffe megrendelésére terveztek meg. A típust a második világháborúban alkalmazták, főleg az európai keleti fronton, de alkalmazták 1942-ben Észak-Afrikában is. Német beceneve a "Panzerknacker", azaz a „páncélostörő” lett, alapvető feladatköre miatt. Harctéri alkalmazása nem volt egyértelműen kielégítő, alulmotorizáltságát nem ellensúlyozta fegyverzete, manőverező légiharcokban nem volt kielégítő a teljesítménye, a háború második felében alkalmazott szovjet vadászrepülőgépekkel szemben kevés eséllyel vehette fel a harcot. Kis számban lett gyártva, ezért csapattámogató bevetéseik nem voltak elégségesek a Wehrmacht szárazföldi alakulatai számára, a szovjet előrenyomulást érdemben nem befolyásolhatta. A Hs 129B–3 változatba beépített BK 7,5, 75 mm-es fedélzeti ágyú az amerikai AC–130 és az A–10 Thunderbolt IIhadrendbe állásáig a legnagyobb teljesítményű csöves repülőgépfedélzeti-fegyver volt, amit hadrendi repülőgép alkalmazott. A Hs 129 tervével a Henschel cég 1937 tavaszán egy viszonylag kicsi, de erősen páncélozott és a földi csapatok támogatására is alkalmas 'Schlachtflugzeugra' azaz csatarepülőgépekre kiírt pályázatra jelentkezett. A tiszta fémépítésű, szabadonhordó szárnnyal készített típus 1939 tavaszán repült először, akkor még két 465 LE-s (2×347 kW) Argus As 410 típusú, fordított-V hengerelrendezésű motorral. Csak 1942 áprilisában állították szolgálatba, Hs 129B–1 típusjellel és francia hadizsákmányból származó erősebb csillagmotorral szerelték fel. Az igen sérülékeny motor teljesítménye nem volt elegendő, de mivel a keleti fronton nagy szükség volt repülőgépekre, így 843 darab Hs 129B készült ezzel a motorral. Továbbfejlesztett változata a Hs 129B–2 1943-ban repült először, ezt követően hamarosan megszüntették rajta a kiegészítő fegyverbölcsőket, ehelyett a törzs alá beépített harckocsi-elhárító gépágyúk kerültek a gépre. A Hs 129 csatarepülőgépként 37 mm-es gépágyúval felszerelve hatékony fegyvernek bizonyult. Eredményességét jól mutatja, hogy a kurszki csatában 68 darab Hs 129 repülőgép 50 páncélost semmisített meg néhány óra leforgása alatt. https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hs_129
Battle aircraft in WW Two: above: Hs-129B below: Ilyushin IL-2 "Sturmovik" ('Airfix' 1:72)
above: NoHigher! Ильюшин Ил-2M "штурмовик"
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's photo repro collection from late 1970's & ZMKA - Zrínyi Miklós Katonai Akadémia - Military College / Academy Budapest I was there 1987 - 1990. Hu. text drawing schema about A-10's attack missions
above: NEW! NoHigher! A-10 Airspace Coordination - Légtér Koordináció
above: NoHigher! Coordinating Altitude (Level) source: Hu. PPS ZMKA/Globalsecurity
above: NEW! NoHigher! Field Artillery - Fighter Lateral & Altitude Separation source: Hu. PPS ZMKA
230.) PzH 2000 - Panzerhaubitze by: KM-W, Rheinmetal AG., MTU, Renk, Diehl, Denel - Önjáró Ágyútarack HuDF: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/02/230-pzh-2000-panzerhaubitze-by-km-w.html
above: MedRes! A-10 L-L gun attack & A-A ZSzU-23-4 "Shilka" avoidance tactics source: PPS ZMNE/NKE
NEW! A-10 flying Formations: above: NoHigher! below: MedRes! source: Hu. Pdf. RTI
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's repro coll from late 1970's. A-10 prototype cross section - metszet

Assymethric layout of nose gear due large center Gun.
Juci'bacsi's dia-slide film repro-scan coll. from late 1970's: Prototype o YA-10: above: MedRes! & below: MedRes! Sorry due dust! also FREE!
The first operational unit to receive the A-10 was the 355th Tactical Training Wing, based at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona in March of 1976. The first unit to achieve full combat-readiness was the 354th Tactical Fighter Wing at Myrtle Beach AFB, South Carolina in 1978. Deployments of A-10s followed at bases both at home and abroad. A-10s are deployed with active duty, Reserve, and Air National Guard (ANG) squadrons. Current operators of the A-10 as of mid-2009 include; ...
above: NoHigher! HASEGAWA Hobby Kit: Henschel Hs 129B2 "Panzerknacker" Winter camouflage
above: NoHigher! Japanese TAMIYA ✮✮ - Model factory's A-10A
Tamiya Incorporated (株式会社タミヤ Kabushiki gaisha Tamiya?) is a Japanese manufacturer of plastic model kits,radio controlled cars, battery- and solar-powered educational models, sailboat models, acrylic and enamel model paints, and various modeling tools and supplies. The company was founded by Yoshio Tamiya in Shizuoka, Japan in 1946.
The metal molds were produced from plans which had the concept of being "easy to understand and build, even for beginners". Even the box art was consistent with this throughout the company. In the same vein as everybody being able to build the models, they made the parts accurate and with a high degree of detail.
The company has gained a reputation among hobbyists of producing models of outstanding quality and accurate scale detail, a philosophy reflected directly on the company's motto, "First in Quality Around the World". Tamiya Inc. has also been awarded on a regular basis each year, the prestigious Modell des Jahres (Model of the Year) award, hosted by the German magazine Modell Fan.
Jap. text: 株式会社タミヤ(TAMIYA INC. )は、静岡県静岡市に本社を置く模型・プラモデルメーカー。世界有数[1]の総合模型メーカーである。旧社名は「株式会社田宮模型。艦艇、飛行機、AFV、車などのプラモデル、ラジコン・ミニ四駆・ダンガンレーサーといった可動模型、「楽しい工作シリーズ」といった工作用パーツ類・キット[3][注 1]、プラバンなどの素材、塗料・エアブラシ・コンプレッサーなどの塗装道具と模型に関連する広範囲の商品を扱っている。「初心者にも分かりやすく作りやすい」をコンセプトに企画から金型製作[4][5]、ボックスアートまで自社一貫体制で対応しており、日本国内では随一の開発力を持つ。

above: HiRes! Tamiya model-maquette https://neinnunb.files.wordpress.com
above: NoHigher! 'Hasegawa' A-10A box cover
Hasegawa has released this A-10 kit for many years and despite other A-10 kits coming on the market, this kit is still arguably the best in this scale. Molded in light gray styrene, this kit is presented on nine parts trees plus a single small tree of clear parts. First and foremost, Hasegawa did update the tooling to provide the distinctive GPS antenna fairing and UHF SATCOM 'mushroom' antenna as well as providing the multi-MFD instrument panel (in decal form) under a new coaming. www.cybermodeler.com/hobby/kits
The Hasegawa Corporation (株式会社ハセガワ Kabushiki Gaisha Hasegawa?) is a company that manufactures plastic model kits of a variety of vehicles, including model aircraft, model cars, model ships, model armor, model space craft and science fiction kits. Based in Shizuoka, Japan, Hasegawa competes against its neighbor, Tamiya, though it does not have as large a line of products. en.wikipedia.org/Hasegawa
The A-10 was designed around the 30 mm GAU-8 Avenger rotary cannon that is its primary armament. The A-10's airframe was designed for durability, with measures such as 1,200 pounds (540 kg) of titanium armor to protect the cockpit and aircraft systems, enabling it to absorb a significant amount of damage and continue flying. Its short takeoff and landing capability permits operation from airstrips close to the front lines, while its simple design enables maintenance at forward bases with limited facilities. The A-10A single-seat variant was the only version built, though one A-10A was converted to an A-10B twin-seat version. In 2005, a program was begun to upgrade remaining A-10A aircraft to the A-10C configuration.
The A-10's official name comes from the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt of World War II, a fighter that was particularly effective at close air support. The A-10 is more commonly known by its nicknames "Warthog" or"Hog". Its secondary mission is to provide forward air controller - airborne (FAC-A) support, by directing other aircraft in attacks on ground targets. Aircraft used primarily in this role are designated OA-10. With a variety of upgrades and wing replacements, the A-10's service life may be extended to 2028.
Hu. text: Az A–10 Thunderbolt II (magyarul „Villámcsapás” II) szubszonikus sugárhajtású csatarepülőgép, melyet az 1970-es években az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban fejlesztettek ki, elsősorban a szovjet harckocsik mennyiségi fölényének ellensúlyozására.
Henschel Hs 129B
By the middle of the 1930s the idea of using aircraft against ground targets had been "well understood" to be of little use other than hurting enemy morale. Experiences during World War I had demonstrated that attacking the combatants was generally much more dangerous to the aircraft than the troops on the ground, a problem that was only becoming more acute with the introduction of newer weapons. For much of the 1920s and 1930s the use of aircraft was seen primarily in the strategic and interdiction roles, where their targets were less likely to be able to fight back with any level of coordination. For high-value point targets, the dive bomber was the preferred solution.
The German Condor Legion experience during the Spanish Civil War turned this idea on its head. Although armed with generally unsuitable aircraft such as the Henschel Hs 123 and cannon-armed versions of the Heinkel He 112, their powerful armament and fearless pilots proved that the aircraft was a very effective weapon even without bombs. This led to some support within the Luftwaffe for the creation of an aircraft dedicated to this role, and eventually a contract was tendered for a new "attack aircraft".
Since the main source of damage would be from rifle and machine gun fire from the ground, the plane had to be heavily armored around the cockpit and engines. They also required the same protection in the windscreen, which required 75 mm thick armored glass. Since the aircraft was expected to be attacking its targets directly in low level strafing runs, the cockpit had to be located as close as possible to the nose in order to see the ground. One last requirement, a non-technical one, ended up dooming the designs; the RLM demanded that the aircraft be powered by "unimportant" engines of low power that were not being used in other designs, so the plane's production would not interfere with that of other types deemed more essential to the war effort.
Four companies were asked to respond, and only two of the resulting three entries were considered worthy of consideration; Focke-Wulf's conversion of their earlier Fw 189 reconnaissance plane, and Henschel's all-new Hs 129.
The Hs 129 was designed around a single large "bathtub" of steel sheeting that made up the entire nose area of the plane, completely enclosing the pilot up to head level. Even the canopy was steel, with only tiny windows on the side to see out of and two angled blocks of glass for the windscreen. In order to improve the armor's ability to stop bullets, the fuselage sides were angled in forming a triangular shape, resulting in almost no room to move at shoulder level. There was so little room in the cockpit that the instrument panel ended up under the nose below the windscreen where it was almost invisible, some of the engine instruments were moved outside onto the engine nacelles, and the gunsight was mounted outside on the nose.
In the end the plane came in 12% overweight and the engines 8% underpowered, and it understandably flew poorly. The controls proved to be almost inoperable as speed increased, and in testing one plane flew into the ground from a short dive because the stick forces were too high for the pilot to pull out. The Fw design proved to be no better. Both planes were underpowered with their Argus As 410 engines, and very difficult to fly.
The RLM nevertheless felt they should continue with the basic concept. In the end the only real deciding factor between the two was that the Henschel was smaller and cheaper. The Focke-Wulf was put on low priority as a backup, and testing continued with the Hs 129 A-0. A series of improvements resulted in the Hs 129 A-1 series, armed with two 20 mm MG 151/20s and two 7.92 mm MG 17s, along with the ability to carry four 50 kg bombs under the fuselage midline.
Hs 129 B-1
Even before the A-1s were delivered the plane was redesigned with the Gnome-Rhône 14M radial engine, which were captured in some number when France fell. This engine supplied 700 hp (522 kW) for takeoff compared to the Argus at 465 hp (347 kW). The Gnome-Rhone radials were also made in versions with opposite rotation for the propeller, and were installed on the Hs 129 with the port engine rotating clockwise, and the starboard rotating counterclockwise, as seen from nose-on, exactly as the Allison inline V-12 engines in the USA's P-38 Lightning twin-engined fighter were set up, thus eliminating engine torque problems. The A-1 planes were converted into Hs 129 B-0's for testing (although some claim that some As were sold to Romania) and the pilots were reportedly much happier. Their main complaint was the view from the canopy, so a single larger windscreen and a new canopy with much better vision were added, resulting in the production model Hs 129 B-1.
B-1s started rolling off the lines in December 1941, but they were delivered at a trickle. In preparation for the new plane, I./Sch.G 1 had been formed up in January with Bf 109 E/B's (fighter-bomber version of Bf 109 E) and Hs 123's, and they were delivered B-0s and every B-1 that was completed. Still, it wasn't until April that 12 B-1s were delivered and its 4th staffel (squadron) was ready for action. They moved to the eastern front in the middle of May, and in June they received a new weapon, the 30 mm MK 101 cannon with armor-piercing ammunition in a midline pod.
Hs 129 B-2
By May of 1942 after only 50 of the planes had been delivered, they started to deliver the new Hs 129 B-2 model side-by-side with the B-1. The only difference between the two were changes to the fuel system – a host of other minor changes could be found almost at random on either model. As time went on these changes were accumulated into the B-2 production line until you could finally tell them apart at a glance, the main differences being the removal of the mast for the radio antenna, the addition of a direction-finding radio antenna loop, and shorter exhaust stacks on the engines.
In the field the differences seemed to be more pronounced. The R-kits were renumbered and some were dropped, and in general the B-2 planes received the upgraded cannon pack using a MK 103 instead of the earlier MK 101. These guns both fired the same ammunition, but the 103 did so at almost twice the rate.
Hs 129 B-3
Close up of the Bordkanone BK 7,5 cannon Even by late 1942 complaints started about the MK 103 against newer versions of the Soviet T-34 tanks. One obvious solution would be to use the larger 37 mm gun, adapted from an antitank gun that had recently been abandoned by the army. These guns had already been converted into pod-mounted weapons for the Ju 87 and found to be a fearsome weapon. When mounted on the Hs 129 the empty area behind the cockpit could be used for ammunition storage, which would address the only problem with the Ju 87's mounting, limited ammunition.
But for some reason the Luftwaffe decided to skip over this gun for the Hs 129, and install a gigantic 75 mm gun from the Panzer IV. A huge hydraulic system was used to damp the recoil of the gun, and an auto-loader system with twelve rounds was fitted in the large empty space behind the cockpit. The resulting system was able to knock out any tank in the world, but the weight slowed the already poor performance of the plane to barely flyable in this new Hs 129 B-3 version.
B-3s finally started arriving in June 1944, and only 25 were delivered by the time the lines were shut down in September. A small number were also converted from older B-2 models. In the field they proved deadly weapons, but with only 25 of them they had no effect on the war effort.
Hs 129 C
In order to address the poor performance of the aircraft, plans had been underway for some time to fit the plane with newer versions of the Italian Isotta-Fraschini Delta engine that delivered 850 hp (634 kW). However the engine ran into a number of delays, and was still not ready for production when the plant was overrun by the Allies in 1945.
Specifications (Hs 129 B-1):
Crew: one, pilot
Length: 9.75 m (32 ft)
Wingspan: 14.2m (46 ft 7 in)
Height: 3.25 m (10 ft 8 in)
Wing area: 28.9 m² (312 ft²)
Empty weight: 4,060 kg (8,932 lb)
Loaded weight: 5,110 kg (11,242 lb)
Powerplant: 2× Gnome-Rhône 14M 14-cylinder radial engine, 522 kW (700 hp) each
Maximum speed: 408 km/h (253 mph)
Range: 880 km (546 mi)
Service ceiling 9,000 m (29,525 ft)
Rate of climb: 7.083 m/s (1,394 ft/min)
(B-1) 2 × 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns
2 × 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons up to 8 × 50 kg (110 lb) fragmentation bombs or a 30 mm MK 101 armor piercing gun externally
(B-2) as B1, but MG 17 replaced by 13 mm MG 131 machine gun
37 mm or 75 mm anti-tank gun in pod wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Painting: Battlefield scene for HS-129 with Red-Army's T-34 tanks & Su-100 assault gun and GAZ lorries source: Pinterest.com

above: NEW! NoHigher! Painting: Battlefield scene for HS-129 with Red-Army's T-34 tanks & Su-100 assault gun and GAZ lorries source: Pinterest.com

above: HiRes! Henschel HS-129B-2 Luftwaffe 'Schlachtflugzeug' cutaway drawing key
above & below: HiRes! En. text: Fairchild-Republic A-10 Cutaway - Röntgenrajz - Ru.text:
Specifications A-10A:
Data from The Great Book of Modern Warplanes, Fairchild-Republic A/OA-10, USAFGeneral characteristics
Crew: 1
Length: 53 ft 4 in (16.26 m)
Wingspan: 57 ft 6 in (17.53 m)
Height: 14 ft 8 in (4.47 m)
Wing area: 506 ft² (47.0 m²)
Airfoil: NACA 6716 root, NACA 6713 tip
Empty weight: 24,959 lb (11,321 kg)
Loaded weight: 30,384 lb (13,782 kg)
CAS mission: 47,094 lb (21,361 kg)
Anti-armor mission: 42,071 lb (19,083 kg)
Max. takeoff weight: 50,000 lb (23,000 kg)
Powerplant: 2 × General Electric TF34-GE-100A turbofans, 9,065 lbf (40.32 kN) each
Internal fuel capacity: 11,000 lb (4,990 kg)
Never exceed speed: 450 knots (518 mph, 833 km/h) at 5,000 ft (1,500 m) with 18 Mk 82 bombs
Maximum speed: 381 knots (439 mph, 706 km/h) at sea level, clean
Cruise speed: 300 knots (340 mph, 560 km/h)
Stall speed: 120 knots (138 mph, 220 km/h) Combat radius:
CAS mission: 250 nmi (288 mi, 460 km) at 1.88 hour loiter at 5,000 ft (1,500 m), 10 min combat
Anti-armor mission: 252 nmi (290 mi, 467 km), 40 nmi (45 mi, 75 km)) sea-level penetration and exit, 30 min combat
Ferry range: 2,240 nmi (2,580 mi, 4,150 km) with 50 knot (55 mph, 90 km/h) headwinds, 20 minutes reserve
Service ceiling: 45,000 ft (13,700 m)
Rate of climb: 6,000 ft/min (30 m/s)
Wing loading: 99 lb/ft² (482 kg/m²)
Thrust/weight: 0.36
Guns: 1× 30 mm (1.18 in) GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling cannon with 1,174 rounds (Capacity 1,350)
Hardpoints: 11 (8× under-wing and 3× under-fuselage pylon stations) with a capacity of 16,000 lb (7,260 kg) and provisions to carry combinations of:
4× LAU-61/LAU-68 rocket pods (each with 19× / 7× Hydra 70 mm rockets, respectively)
4× LAU-5003 rocket pods (each with 19× CRV7 70 mm rockets)
6× LAU-10 rocket pods (each with 4× 127 mm (5.0 in) Zuni rockets)
2× AIM-9 Sidewinders air-to-air missiles for self-defense
6× AGM-65 Maverick air-to-surface missiles
Mark 80 series of unguided iron bombs or
Mk 77 incendiary bombs or
BLU-1, BLU-27/B Rockeye II, Mk20, BL-755 and CBU-52/58/71/87/89/97 cluster bombs or
Paveway series of Laser-guided bombs or
Joint Direct Attack Munition (A-10C) or
Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (A-10C)
SUU-42A/A Flares/Infrared decoys and chaff dispenser pod or
AN/ALQ-131 or AN/ALQ-184 ECM pods or
Lockheed Martin Sniper XR or LITENING targeting pods (A-10C) or
2× 600 US gallon Sargent Fletcher drop tanks for increased range/loitering time.
AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny laser tracker pod (mounted beneath right side of cockpit) for use with Paveway LGBs (Currently the Pave Penny is no longer in use)
Head-up display (HUD) for improved technical flying and air-to-ground support. wikipedia
above: NoHigher! A-10A 'Monogram' models - 'MONOGRAFIE'
above: NoHigher! A-10C with "Shark jaws" decoration of nose art. - "Cápafogas" orrdekor
below: HiRes! The "Big white" - a "Nagy fehér" - Belaya Akula
above: NoHigher! "Warthoggirl" in Readiness Duty in service building (below right up)below: Bentwaters AFB 1986. https://sobchak.files.wordpress.com Pinterest
Su-24 Fencer Türkoman action: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2015/12/170-24-vvs-fencer-shootdown-by-f-16.html
above: NEW! Over 'Manhattan' in New York City source: tumblr.com
above: 18+ NEW! HiRes! (Crop!) Danish IMG's model Solveig Mørk Hansen waits the formation in posing braless in N,Y.C. 'Manhattan' source: pincelebs.net
above: MedRes! Over skyscapers of district 'Manhattan' of New York city; Perfectly Timed Military: from Left: General Dynamics/Lockheed Martin F-16C "Fighting Falcon", North American P-51D "Mustang", Fairchild-Republic A-10C "Thunderbolt-II", McDonnell Douglas F-15C "Eagle".

above: NEW! HiRes! #Ivanka Trump on "#Trump-Tower" in #NYC - #New York City; #sexy-for-Alban Christ photoshoot source: celebsdump.com/http://www.all-nude-celebrities.net/
Ivana Marie "Ivanka" Trump (/ɪˈvɑːŋkə/; born October 30, 1981) is an American businesswoman, fashion designer, author, reality television personality, and politician. She is the daughter of the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, and former model Ivana Trump. Ivanka is her father's senior advisor and is also the first Jewish member of a First Family, having converted before marrying her Jewish husband, Jared Kushner.
Trump is a fourth generation businessperson who followed in the footsteps of her great-grandmother Elizabeth Christ Trump (who founded the company), grandfather Fred Trump, and father Donald Trump. Ivanka was an executive vice president of the family-owned Trump Organization. She was also a boardroom judge on her father's TV show The Apprentice. She moved to Washington, D.C. in January 2017 after her husband was appointed Senior Advisor to the President.
Starting in March 2017, she began serving in her father's presidential administration. She assumed this official, unpaid position after ethics concerns were raised about her having access to classified material while not being held to the same restrictions as a federal employee. She was considered part of the president's inner circle even before becoming an official employee in his administration. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivanka_Trump
above: NEW! NoHigher! #Melania #Trump in #bulletproof #stainless-steel #bikini. source: PPS
En. text: Melania Trump (/məˈlɑːniə/; born Melanija Knavs; [mɛˈlaːnija ˈknaːu̯s], Germanized to Melania Knauss; April 26, 1970. -age 49.- Novo Mesto, SR Slovenia, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Slovenian-American former fashion model and the current first lady of the United States, as the wife of the 45th president of the United States Donald Trump.
Melanija Knavs was born in Novo Mesto, and grew up in Sevnica, in the Yugoslav republic of Slovenia. She worked as a fashion model through agencies in Milan and Paris, and moved to New York City in 1996. Her modeling career was associated with Irene Marie Models and Trump Model Management.
In 2001, Knavs became a permanent resident of the United States.[6] She married Donald Trump in 2005 and obtained U.S. citizenship in 2006. She is the second first lady (after Louisa Adams) born outside the United States, and the first one to be a naturalized citizen. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melania_Trump
Sl. text: Melania Trump (rojena kot Melanija Knavs, kasneje preimenovana v Melanio Knauss), slovensko-ameriški fotomodel in ameriška prva dama, * 26. april 1970, Novo mesto. ...
Hu. text: Melania Trump, születési nevén Melanija Knavs, németesítve Melania Knauss (Novo mesto, 1970. április 26. –) szlovén–amerikai modell, Donald Trump amerikai elnök harmadik felesége és az Amerikai Egyesült Államok first ladyje. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! #Czech #Petra Nemcova under armour Lindsey Wixson on the #subway wears Under Armour workout clothes source: Pinterest.com
Petra Němcová (Czech pronunciation: [ˈpɛtra ˈɲɛmtsovaː]; born 24 June 1979) is a Czech model, television host and philanthropist who founded the Happy Hearts Fund. In 2017, the Happy Hearts Fund merged with All Hands Volunteers to create All Hands And Hearts - Smart Response, with Němcová assuming the role of co-founder and vice chair. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petra_N%C4%9Bmcov%C3%A1
above: NoHigher! Convair B-58 "Hustler" supersonic bomber, Fairchild A-10 "Thunderbolt-II", Fairchild C-119 "Flying Boxcar"
above: NEW! NoHigher! Steampunky Museal Readiness Duty Inspector - Készültségi Szolgálati Felügyelő with Day Vision goggle oculars in Duty building
above: HiRes! Thunderbolt - Mennykőcsapás
above: NoHigher! Republic P-47N
The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt is one of the largest and heaviest fighter aircraft in history to be powered by a single 4-stroke internal combustion engine. It was built from 1941–1945. It was heavily armed with eight .50-caliber machine guns, four per wing. When fully loaded, the P-47 weighed up to eight tons, and in the fighter-bomber ground-attack roles could carry five-inch rockets or a significant bomb load of 2,500 pounds; it could carry more than half the payload of the B-17 bomber on long-range missions (although the B-17 had a far greater range). The P-47 was designed around the powerful Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp engine—the same engine used by two very successful U.S. Navy fighters, the Grumman F6F Hellcat and Vought F4U Corsair, the latter of which was the first to fly with Double Wasp power in late May 1940—and was to be very effective as a short-to-medium range escort fighter in high-altitude air-to-air combat. When deployed as a fighter-bomber with its usual "double quartet" of heavy-caliber M2 Browning machine guns, it proved especially adept at ground attack in both the World War II European and Pacific Theaters. The P-47 was one of the main United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) fighters of World War II, and served with other Allied air forces, notably those of France, Britain, and Russia. Mexican and Brazilian squadrons fighting alongside the U.S. were equipped with the P-47. The armored cockpit was roomy inside, comfortable for the pilot, and offered good visibility. A modern-day U.S. ground-attack aircraft, the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II, takes its name from the P-47.
Hu. text: A Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (magyarul Villámcsapás) amerikai vadászrepülőgép volt a második világháború során. Teljesen feltöltve nehezebb volt, mint a német Do 17 bombázó, így a legnehezebb egymotoros vadászgép volt a háború során. A típust repülő pilóták több becenévvel illették. Ilyen volt a Jug (magyarul Vödör, a Juggernaut, azaz a Könyörtelen erő rövidítésével), vagy a Hun (a hunok után), de a „dundi fickó” is közkeletű volt. Robusztus felépítésű sárkánya nagyon sérülésállónak bizonyult, nyolc nehézgéppuskája pedig kompenzálta a könnyebb vadászokkal szembeni lomhaságát. 7600 m fölött a repülési magasság növekedésével teljesítménye egyre inkább felülmúlta a Mustangét. A P–51 Mustang elterjedését követően a háború utolsó két évében már inkább alacsonytámadó feladatkörben került alkalmazásra az európai és a távol-keleti hadszíntereken egyaránt.
above: HiRes! "D-Day" stripes suit fashion
above: MedRes! "D-Day" P-47B "Ironhorse" - "Vasló" facebook
above: HiRes! Ru. cyrillic text: Seversky-Republic P-47D Cutaway - Komponovka
Role | Fighter-bomber |
Manufacturer | Republic Aviation |
Designer | Alexander Kartveli |
First flight | 6 May 1941 |
Introduction | November 1942 |
Retired | 1966, Peruvian Air Force |
Primary users | United States Army Air Forces Royal Air Force French Air Force |
Produced | 1941–1945 |
Number built | 15,660 or 15,677 |
Unit cost | US$83,000 in 1945 |
Variants | Republic XP-72 |

above: P-47 energyser: Left: MedRes! Right: NoHigher! below: NoHigher! Cutaway
Hu. text: ... |
Funkció: Nagy hatótávolságú kísérővadász repülőgép
Gyártó: Republic
Tervező: Alexander de Seversky, Alexander Kartveli
Gyártási darabszám: 15 686 db
Ár: 85 000 USD (1945-ös adat)
Személyzet: 1 fő
Első felszállás: 1941. május 9.
Szolgálatba állítás: 1942
Szolgálatból kivonva: 1955 (USAF-ból)
Hajtómű: 1 db Pratt & Whitney Double Wasp R–2800 kétsoros 18 hengerescsillagmotor
Teljesítmény: 2535 LE (1890 kW) kW
Repülési jellemzők:
Max. sebesség: 697 km/h (9145 m magasságban)
Átesési sebesség: n.a.
Hatósugár: 1290 km (harci)
Hatótávolság: 2900 km (áttelepülési)
Legnagyobb repülési magasság: 13 100 m
Emelkedőképesség: 15,9 m/s
Beépített fegyverzet:
8 db .50 cal M2 Browningnehézgéppuska (12,7 mm űrméretű)
Nem irányított rakéták:
- 2 db M10 háromcsövű 112 mm-es rakétavető
- 10 db 127 mm-es HVAR
1 db 907 kg (2000 lb),
2 db 454 kg (1000 lb) és 1 db 227 kg (500 lb),
3 db 227 kg (500 lb),3 db 113 kg (250 lb)
Egyéb függesztmények:
tüzelőanyag-póttartályok: 3 db 284 literes (75amerikai gallonos)acéllemezből, a törzs és a szárny alatt, ledobható, 3 db 409 literes (108 amerikai gallonos) papírból, a törzs és a szárny alatt, ledobható, 3 db 568 literes (150 amerikai gallonos) acéllemezből, a törzs és a szárny alatt, ledobható, 1 db 758 literes (200 amerikai gallonos) papírból, áttelepülő, 1 db 810 literes (215 amerikai gallonos) acéllemezből, lapos széles a has alatt
above: Hu. text: parameters: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%E2%80%9347_Thunderbolt
above: NEW+! NoHigher! P-47s greenhouse and bubble canopies
above: NoHigher! P-47N-5 detail three view drawing - részletes 3 nézeti ábra - rajz

above: MedRes! Left: P-47N Right: full steel airframe and wing P-47N proto

above: MedRes! Left: scale model 1:32 cockpit Right: real P-47D cockpit
above: NoHigher! Swiss made 'Uniq' "P-47H" wrist watch with P-47 dashboard.


above: NoHigher! Pepita pattern nose. Right: Lady HiRes! Pepita Fashion model suit - mini skirt
above: MedRes! USAAF (US Army Air Force) P-47N with "D-Day" strips marking.
Seversky-Republic P-35 & Re.2000: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/03/reggiane-caproni-re2000-falco-seversky.html
above: NEW! HiRes! Blonde Lucy Boynton with sexy legs in pepita pattern suit, sexy for C magazine april 2019. source: pincelebs.net
Lucy Boynton (born 17 January 1994. -age 25- New York City, New York, U.S ) is a British-American actress. She made her film debut as the young Beatrix Potter in Miss Potter (2006). She went on to feature in the films Copperhead (2013), Sing Street (2016), Murder on the Orient Express (2017) and Apostle (2018), before portraying Mary Austin in the biographical film Bohemian Rhapsody (2018). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Boynton
above: NoHigher! Salute Jean Jeanie 61- Carol Bruceab
above: HiRes! Morgan Fairchild Nowadays 18.09.2015.: COTY, DKMS Where Leukemia Meets Its Match media party. below: HiRes! USA Aircraft Industry Firmas diagram of evolution.
above: MedRes! USA Evolution of Major Aircraft Producer Firmas
above: NoHigher! Aviation plant Jamaica NY 1941
Fairchild Firma: (wikipedia)
The company was founded by Sherman Fairchild in 1924 as Fairchild Aviation Corporation, based in Farmingdale, and East Farmingdale, New York. It was established as the parent company for Fairchild's many aviation interests. The company produced the first US aircraft to include a fully enclosed cockpit and hydraulic landing gear, the Fairchild FC-1. At some point they were also known as the Fairchild Aircraft Manufacturing Company. The Fairchild Aircraft Ltd. of Longueuil, Quebec, Canada was an aircraft manufacturer in the period 1920-1950. It served as a subsidiary of the Fairchild company of the United States. The Fairchild Engine company was formed with the purchase of the Caminez Engine Company in 1925. In 1929 Sherman Fairchild purchased a majority stock interest in Kreider-Reisner Aircraft Company of Hagerstown, Maryland. Fairchild moved to Hagerstown in 1931.
Besides designing and building aircraft, Fairchild pioneered the commercial use of aerial photography. Many of its first aircraft like the Fairchild FC-2 were originally designed for that purpose, because the cameras of those days were extremely heavy and required flying steady at a high altitude for that era. In 1935 Fairchild was hired by the US government to do aerial photograph surveys of the United States to track soil erosion and its effects. A Fairchild aircraft, the Virginia, was taken as one of three aircraft by Richard E. Byrd on his 1928–1929 expedition to the South Pole. It was used for test flights and reconnaissance.
was Fairchild Fasteners, a Sherman Fairchild company, which was sold to Alcoa for 657 Million on December 3, 2002 and is now called Alcoa Fasteners.
Former type: Aircraft manufacturer
Fate: Acquired by M7 Aerospace
Founded: 1925 Founder: Sherman Fairchild
Defunct: 2003
Headquarters: San Antonio, Texas, U.S.
Area served: Military, Civilian
Subsidiaries: Fairchild Aircraft Ltd.
Ranger Aircraft Engine Division/Fairchild Engine Division

above: NoHigher! A-10 proto production below: NEW! NoHigher! In factory

above: Left: NoHigher! Right: MedRes! Hollywood actress Morgan Fairchild below: MedRes!
Hollywood star actress: source & more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_Fairchild
above: NoHigher! 3rd Wing - "Nem csak fegyvert"
Selection of the A-10 Thunderbolt II for this mission was based on the dramatic low altitude maneuverability, lethality, “get home safe” survivability, and mission capable maintainability designed into the jet by the OEM team. This design features a titanium “bathtub” that protects the pilot from injury, and dually redundant flight control systems that allow the pilot to fly the aircraft out of enemy range, despite severe damage such as complete loss of hydraulic capability. These features have been utilized to great effect in both the Desert Storm conflict of the 1990’s and in the more recent Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, and Global War on Terror engagements. In 1987, the ™A-10 OEM Team and all A-10 assets were acquired by Grumman Corporation from Fairchild Republic Company, and are now part of the Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Eastern Region, presently partnered with Lockheed Martin Systems Integration as a member of the A-10 Prime Team. The OEM Team has maintained continuous involvement in the modernization of the jet, integrating the Inertial Navigation System in the 1970s, developing and installing the Low Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement ground collision avoidance system in the 1980s, and the Night Vision Imaging System in the 1990s, and has demonstrated particular leadership in the planning and analysis required for managing the structural integrity of the airframe through the various changes in flight maneuver spectra, mission, and force structure. The A-10 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program began with the initial A-10 OEM development contract, with the definition of materials and processes, design analyses, component and full scale testing, and data collection and analysis on an aircraft by aircraft basis, to validate analyses and accurately predict fatigue damage for the optimization of inspection intervals and maximization of aircraft availability. The A-10 OEM Team continues to be a key member of the A-10 ASIP Team, providing loads and structures analysis, performing full scale and component testing, developing structural reinforcements and non-destructive inspection techniques to prevent structural failure, analyzing manufacturing methods for aircraft improvements and providing overall weapons system expertise for the support of the warfighter.
above: NEW! HiRes! On September 21, 2018, Lieutenant Colonel Robin T. Sandifer, a training pilot, celebrated his 5,000th flying hour on the A-10 with his family. The backdrop was provided by this great nose-painted Warthog. He was the fifth ever to reach this value on the type - 2018. szeptember 21-én ünnepelte 5000. repült óráját az A-10-esen Robin T. Sandifer alezredes, oktatópilóta, családja körében. A hátteret ez a remek orr-festéssel ellátott Warthog szolgáltatta. Ő volt az ötödik, aki valaha is elérte a típuson ezt az értéket source: https://cimlap.blog.hu/#bloghu/modernwartech/2020/ / www./http://mellbimbo.eu
Hu. text article: A Fairchild-Republic A-10 csatarepülőgép, 8. rész
2020. június 19. 07:11 - author: Maga Lenin
A Warthog az öbölháborúban és az elmúlt 30 évben;
Ezúttal a Warthog bemutatja képességeit az öbölháborúban, ami meghatározónak bizonyul a jövőjére nézve. Ezt követően a '90-es évek kivonásairól és kisebb konfliktusairól, illetve a feltárt szerkezeti problémákról lesz szó. Az új évezred elhozza a korszerűsített A-10C verziót, ami oroszlánrészt vállal a terrorizmus elleni háborúban, de egyúttal a Varacskos Disznónak folyamatosan a teljes kivonás lehetőségével kell szembenéznie. A sorozat előző része ITT, az első pedig ITT olvasható. A Hog az öbölháborúban
Mint ahogyan a blogon korábban is, a harci bevetéseket csak röviden érinti a sorozat. Az itt szereplő számok a főként Jenkins-féle ismertető adatai, kivéve elsősorban az F-111-esekre vonatkozóak.
Az AirLand Battle koncepció és a hidegháború vége miatt úgy tűnt, az A-10 nem lesz hosszú életű. Azonban a Kuvaitot lerohanó Irak nagyjából 4000 harckocsival rendelkezett a háború előtt, és ugyanennyi tüzérségi eszközzel, és összességében a világ negyedik legnagyobb hadereje volt. Ilyen páncélosmennyiségnél nem lehetett igazán kérdéses, hogy bevetik az A-10-eseket. Vagyis erre gondolna bárki utólag, de akkoriban bizony egy darabig ez kérdéses volt, mert az USAF az F-16-osokkal akarta megoldani a dolgot. A koalíciós erők főparancsnoka, Schwarzkopf tábornok közbelépésére volt szükség ahhoz, hogy a Hogok bekerüljenek az áttelepített légiarmadába. ... https://modernwartech.blog.hu/2020/06/19/a_fairchild-republic_a-10_csatarepulogep_8_resz
above: NEW! HiRes! In 2017, at the Green Flag West practice, Nellis, they got a lens for one of the A-10Cs in this beautiful photo. There is no Pave Penny, there is a targeting container - 2017-ben a Green Flag West gyakorlaton, a Nellis-en kapták lencsevégre ezen a szép fotón az egyik A-10C-t. Pave Penny nincs, célzókonténer van. source: https://cimlap.blog.hu/#bloghu/modernwartech/2020/ / http://mellbimbo.eu/
above: Juci'bacsi's dia-slide film repro-scan coll. from 'ARMY': MedRes! early 1980's also FREE!
(in HuMoD HM.HIM Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum - Institute & Museum of Military Historical, Library of Military Science - Hadtudományi Könyvtár, mikor még Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds. a hadtudományok Ph.D-je volt a vezetője: Budapest-Budai-Vár/Castle, Kapisztrán-tér-sqe. 2-4.)
above: MedRes! AGM-65 RAF Bentwaters source: https://sobchak.files.wordpress.com-usaf
above: NoHigher! AGM-65 "Maverick" cross section www.forums.ubi.com
below: Left: MedRes! GBU-10B-1A Right: MedRes! GBU-10 Cutaway

below: MedRes! External weapons 3D Avsim graphic

above: MedRes! Luftwaffe's HS-129B external stores: bomb-load configurations and dashboard
above: NoHigher! American starmodel from Sport Illustrated Kate Upton www.si.com similar streamline double aerodinamic "housing" 'Push-Up' fashion bra as A-10 wing main gear housing. (Recolored from Blue)
above: NoHigher! Maverick, Paveway, ECM podabove: NoHigher! AGM-65 "Maverick" cross section www.forums.ubi.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! AGM-65 "Maverick" Guided Missile - Irányított L-F Rakéta
MedRes! NEW! above: Attack with AGM-65 "Maverick" YP - Upravhlenie Raketa - Rocket below: A-10 attack profile www.combatreform.org
above: NEW! MedRes! A-10 CAS mission with JTAC
above: MedRes! A-10C WA launch of AGM-65 from 57th Wing Nellis AFB Nevada www.combatreform.orgbelow: Left: MedRes! GBU-10B-1A Right: MedRes! GBU-10 Cutaway

above: MedRes! "Paveway" guided bomb below: MedRes! Exercise fitting in NBC condition
HTKA.hu Haditechnikai összefoglaló Lézervezérlés
Hu. text: Bombáknál és rakétáknál is alkalmazott rávezetési forma, de az nyugati légierőkben érdekes módon a rakétáknál viszonylag ritka, a lézervezérlésű bombák számítanak elterjedtnek. Ilyen kategóriájú pl. a már emlegetett "Paveway" család tagjai. A bombák jellemzően LGB-xy típusjelzéssel bírnak.
A szovjet/orosz Kh-25L és Kh-29L rakéták is ilyen rávezetésűek, az AGM-65 Maverick egyik változata is. Egyes szovjet/orosz KAB bombák szintén ilyen vezérléssel bírnak.
A célra vezetéshez a giroszkóppal stabilizált lézersugarat folyamatosan a célponton kell tartani, ez
„világítja” meg a célt, amit az optikai rendszer „lát” és a megvilágított („megfestett”) pontba csapódik be a
bomba, ha minden rendben történik. A megvilágítás nem csak az indító repülőgépről történhet, hanem
például másik repülőgépről, pilótanélküli repülőeszközről, helikopterről vagy akár földi csapatok által is. A "Sivatagi Vihar" alatt az MRCA Panavia 'Tornado' IDS (Multi-Role Combat Aircraft - Interdiction Strike Fighter version) - (Többfeladatú Harci Gép - Behatoló csapásmérő változat) gépek számára az ősrégi RAF (Royal Air Force) Blackburn B.103 /Hawker Siddeley HS 'Buccaneer' gépek jelölték meg a célokat.
A célmegjelölést, céltávolság-mérést és azonosítást nagy szögtartományban elforgatható infravörös
kamera segíti autonóm alkalmazáskor, amikor a bombát hordozó gép maga keresi és világítja meg a
célpontot. A cél megvilágítása a kamerával történő célra pozícionálás után történik, ezek össze vannak
szinkronizálva, tehát ahova a kamera néz, oda világít a célmegjelölő lézer is. A kamera mozgása
szinkronizálható a radar célkijelölő üzemmódjával levegő-föld üzemmódban, tehát a már korábban
ismertetett SAR radar üzemmód alkalmazásával a támadó gép viszonylag részletes képet kap a célpontról,
és oda állítja be az infravörös kamerát. A kamera nagyfelbontású képével közelebbről már a részletek is
kivehetőek, a célzást végrehajtják, majd a bombát lehet oldani.
Az bombaoldásnak viszonylag pontosnak kell lennie, a lézeres csak az utolsó néhány másodpercben
világítja meg célt, különben a bomba folyamatos korrekciókat végezne, ami miatt a bomba mozgási
energiája csökkenne, a célpontig el sem repülne a bomba folyamatos „laffogása” miatt. A lézeres
rávezetésnél pontosabb megfogalmazás, hogy végfázisban korrigált zuhanású bombákról van szó.
Hátránya ennek a vezérlési módnak, hogy párás, rossz időben nem használható és egyszerre csak egy cél
támadható ezzel a módszerrel, ha autonóm módon alkalmazzák a fegyvert leoldó repülőgép fedélzetéről.
Egymáshoz közel levő célok esetén különböző frekvenciájú lézerekkel világítják meg a célokat, hogy ne
ugyanarra a célra álljon rá az összes bomba. Tehát, ha mondjuk egy földi előretolt megfigyelő csoport képes
egyszerre több célt megvilágítani, akkor egyetlen gép több leoldott bombája eltalálhat több különböző
célpontot, ha egyetlen bombaoldásból a bombák kinematikailag képesek az összes célpontot elérni.
Az infravörös kamerák az idők folyamán persze egyre fejlettebbek lettek, felbontásuk nőtt, a giro stabilizálás pontosabbá vált, a rendszerek megbízhatósága egyre magasabb fokot ért el.
Az első generációs célmegjelölő és infravörös kamera rendszerek közé tartozott az AN/AVQ-10 Pave
Spike167 és az AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack.168 Az előbbit elsődlegesen az USAF F-4 Phantom II gépei számára fejlesztették ki, a másodikat viszont nagy tömege és légellenállása miatt lényegében csak az F-111F és az ausztrál (RAAF) F-111C "Raven" gépek használták.
A második generációba tartozó rendszer a LANTIRN remdszer,169 ami lényegében két felfüggeszthető
konténer kombinációjából állt. Az AN/AAQ-13 navigációs és az AN/AAQ-14 célkijelölő konténerből állt. Az első konténerben egy fixen előrenéző infravörös kamera volt és a terepkövető radar, másik konténerben
volt forgatható infravörös kamera és a lézeres célmegjelölő- és távolságmérő. A Sivatagi Vihar idején kis
számban már rendelkezésre álltak ezek az eszközök, F-15E vadászbombázók használták, de csak minden
169 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WsebiYf8YI A videón látható a már említett laffogás is 6:39-nél.
negyedik gépre jutott egy konténer, a többi gép számára az egyetlen hordozó világította meg a célt, ezt
hívják „buddy lasing” eljárásnak. A LANTIRN célkijelölő konténere használható önmagában, a navigációs
konténer nélkül is.
AN/AAQ-28 LITENING következő generációt képviselő célmegjelölő konténer a nyugati légierőkben.
Különlegessége, hogy izraeli tervezésű, a Northrop-Grumman csak később kapcsolódott be. Az első
változatot szokás szerint többször továbbfejlesztették, a legutolsó változata elvileg már a később
kifejlesztett AN/AAQ-33 Sniper célmegjelölőt is felülmúlja, de minimum egyazon színvonalon vannak a
nyújtott képességeik alapján.
A fentiekhez hasonló a francia Damocles és az angol TIALD. Az előbbi a 2000-es évek gyermeke, a TIALDa hidegháború végén készült el. A Sivatagi Vihar alatt alig néhány Tornado csapásmérő átalakítása
fejeződött be, azok jelölték meg a célt a többi Tornado számára, más esetekben az akkor már igencsak
koros Blackburn/Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer gépek jelölték meg a célt a szintén korosabb Pave Spike
Az szovjet / orosz csapásmérők tudtommal nem létezik ilyen célmegjelölő konténer, legfeljebb
prototípus szintjén, mint lehetséges exportcikk. Oroszország évek óta próbálkozik a francia Damocles
célmegjelölő beszerzésével. A MiG-27, Szu-22, Szu-24 és Szu-25 típusok orrában vagy a törzs alatt, az orrész alatt beépítve találhatóak az infravörös célmegjelölő céltávmérő vagy TV/infravörös képalkotó rendszerek. HTKA.hu Haditechnikai összefoglaló PDF alapján (Haditechnikai Kerekasztal)
above: MedRes! GBU-12 "Paveway-II?" LASER guided bomb profile artwork.

above: MedRes! "Pave Penny" LASER designator Right: Mk.82 gravity bombs source: Amerikai A-10-esek 3 grid 2 fekvo lead. MNO: Zord Gábor (USAF photo)
Hu. text: Amennyiben a hordozó gép nem rendelkezik autonóm módon történő alkalmazáshoz szükséges
célmegjelölővel, akkor szükséges olyan berendezés, amivel képes megtalálni a megvilágított célpontot.
Ilyen eszköz például az A-10A Thunderbolt II és az A-7 Corsair II egyes változatán használt AN/AAS-35 Pave Penny. (Laser spot tracker.) Elméletileg elképzelhető olyan bombaoldási / célzási módszer is, hogy szóban közlik a géppel, hogy a célpont „nagyjából” – a fent említett megvilágítási korlátot és a bombán levő lézer detektor látószögét figyelembe véve – merre van, hogy a bombát a megfelelő helyre lehessen dobni, de ilyenről részletes leírást nem találtam. Azonban olyat sem, ami alátámasztaná, hogy az MRCA Tornado csapásmérőkön volt laser spot tracker... http://htka.hu/ alapján:
Haditechnikai Kerekasztal HTKA - Hotel Tango Kilo Alfa - 'Haditechnika torzítások nélkül'
above: NoHigher! CBU-97 cluster bomb - kazettás bomba
above: NoHigher! F-14, F-15 USA aircraft ordnance - függesztmények - fegyverzet
above: NEW! NoHigher! #Mk-82 & BLU-111 General Purpose #Bombs graphic by: 'C' Jim Rotromel 2005. source: Pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! 'Raytheon' AIM-9M? A-A missile - Levegő-Levegő légiharc rakéta

above: MedRes! Left: "Ms. St.Sgt. Crew Chief" Right: "AFB's maintenance chief eng: Victoria Beckham with A-10 bulletin in Her hand." below: NoHigher! Canopy cleaning by "fairy Housewoman".
above: NEW! MedRes! Recruiting system for USAF by Calvin Klein - Toborzási rendszer a Légierőhöz source: facebook.com
Calvin Richard Klein (born November 19, 1942. NYC, Bronx) is an American fashion designer who launched the company that would later become Calvin Klein Inc., in 1968. In addition to clothing, he also has given his name to a range of perfumes, watches, and jewelry. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvin_Klein
above: MedRes! Opposite RC Model opened canopy www.skymasterjet.com
Hu. text: HTKA Bevetések típusai (harceljárások), bevetési profilok;
- CAS – Close Air Support.- Közvetlen légi támogató bevetés, de FACP (Forward Air Controller Post) - ERIP - Előretolt Repülésirányító Pont (Földi vagy Légi)/JTAC segítsége nélkül, csak az AWACS (Airborne Early Warning & Control System – Levegőbe Telepített Korai Előrejelző és Irányító Rendszer LTKEIR) vagy E-8 "Joint Star" gép rávezetésével.
- On call CAS – A FAC (Forward Air Controller) ERIP (Előretolt Repülésirányító Pont) vagy JTAC (Joint Terminal Air Controller) EHLI (Egyesített Harcászati/Végponti Légi Irányító) ezeket a bevetéseket repülő gépeket irányítja. Közvetlen támogató bevetés a fronton (az Ellenséggel közvetlen harcérintkezésben lévő csapatok részére) küzdőknek. Harckocsik, páncélozott szállítójárművek, gyalogság és tábori tüzér ütegek - harcrendi elemek a fő célpontok. A gépek a frontvonaltól néhány perc repülési távolságra vagy egy kijelölt szárazföldi egység/alegység közelében operálnak.
- Repülőtéri (hdm. reptér) készültségből (from Airfield Readiness) vagy
- Őrjáratozási Légtérből -ÖL- (fom Patrol Airspace)
Ha nincs fenyegetés, akkor a váltás megérkezése után, az őrjáratozási idő letelte vagy az összes fegyverzet elhasználása után hazatérnek, de a "hívás" harceljárás esetén nagyon hamar rendelkezésre állnak. Egy adott körzet vagy frontszakaszért felelnek a gépek adott ideig. Nagyon nagy terület és alacsony intenzitás esetén a nagy hatótáv (hosszú őrjáratozási idő) nem hátrány, így lett CAS képességgel bíró "harcászati" gép még az interkontinentális hadászati nehézbombázókból B-52 is az USAF állományában.
- Pre plan CAS – Ismert-Előre megadott célpontok elleni támadó bevetés harceljárás, gyakran FAC segítség nélkül. Akkor jellemző ez mikor a frontvonal merev és jól behatárolható.
- Interdiction – Közvetlenül a front felé tartó erősítés, menetoszlopok és a logisztika célok megsemmisítése.
Kicsit mélyebben berepülés a front/harcérintkezési vonal mögé, a felvonuló szétbontakozás előtt vagy alatt lévő csapatok megsemmisítése a cél. Mivel az ellenség ilyenkor még nincs szétbontakozva a nagy célsűrűség miatt – mint egy menetoszlopban – iszonyatos pusztításra képes néhány kazettás bomba is. -Végtelen nagy térközzel meg nem haladhat egy menetoszlop, mert a világ összes útja sem lenne elég a felvonuláshoz.
above: NEW! MedRes! A-10 'Trumpeter' scale 1:32
above: NEW! HiRes! USAAF Calling Tactics - Hívás Harceljárás by SRTA Roxanne. Photo by: Guillermo Pozuelo source: Google open galery: Bányiczki Zoltán
above: MedRes! A-10 ECM Pod AN/ALQ-119 & AGM-65 from AFB Robins source: https://sobchak.files.wordpress.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Under airframe behind the nose-gear source: Pinterest.com
above: HiRes! External hardpoints from astern source: facebook.com
NoHigher! above & below: AGM-65D TV-Laser "Maverick" - "Szabadúszó ember"
above: MedRes! Weapons Capability below: NoHigher! Ru. cyrillic www.forum.worldtanks.rubelow: MedRes! External weapons 3D Avsim graphic

above: MedRes! Luftwaffe's HS-129B external stores: bomb-load configurations and dashboard
above: NoHigher! Royal Rumanian Air Force (RRAF) Hs-129 - Királyi Román Légierőben
above: NEW! NoHigher! Ejector release EDO Model-806 are needed to ensure thesafe separation of munitions - Fegyverzet felfüggesztő - leoldó sín source: PPS - ZMKA

above: MedRes! Left: pinterest www.boldmethod.com Right: IR Flare casettes
above: MedRes! Czech made 'Eduard' acid corrode parts/accessories - photo-etching from brass kit: IR jammer flare casette. http://www.amatimodel.com/en/eduard http://www.eduard.com/

above: MedRes! IR flares www.combatreform.org
CAS - Közeli Légitámogatás: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/09/186-cas-close-air-support-air-combat.html
Gigantic RC A-10 Warthog Roars Dynamic Engines And Unleashes Flares
October 27, 2018 Air, Videos 33,567 Views
Gigantic RC A-10 Warthog Roars Dynamic Engines And Unleashes Flares. GIANT A-10 WARTHOG WITH BRRRRT & FLARE.
The A-10 has inspired so many around the world and there have been some great tributes, such as this RC model that comes equipped with surprises
The Barone Rosso Airshow is one of Italy’s most notable gatherings of remote-controlled aircraft. Kurt Tötsch stole the show with his fully functional RC A-10 Thunderbolt II. The gigantic RC Warthog rolled out onto the landing strip, revved up its turbine engines and took off into the sky. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! Gigantic RC A-10 Thunderbolt-II/Warthog source: fighterjetsworld
Kurt Tötsch performed a fantastic display with his MIBO A-10 Thunderbolt II at the Barone Rosso Airshow 2018 Model data: A-10 Thunderbolt II - Warthog Scale: 1/5.8 Span: 3 m Weight: 24.9 Kg Turbine: 2x 18 Kg Frank
above: NoHigher! Hs-129 Captured airplane at Freeman Field 1946. wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Tactical Runway/surface as meadow/plough-land - szántóföld for SU-25 source: collector: stsgt. Antal Kálmán/facebook
above: NoHigher! High Way landing in West Germany pinterest
In 1984, the NATO held an exercise on the German Highway, known as the Autobahn, to test one of the contingency plans in case the regular airbases were taken out by a Soviet attack.
A purposely build 2600 meter stretch of highway of the A-29 was tested as A-10 Thunderbolts, C-130 Hercules transports and F-15 and F-16 fighters landed on the makeshift runway. After landing, the planes were refueled from dispatched trucks and then took off from the highway.
A-10 Still Bringing the Pain
A-10 Still Bringing the Pain
Közzététel: 2014. jún. 24. After much debate, the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is not yet going to be retired. Here's a look at the A-10 "Warthog". A machine known for its ability to bring the pain to the enemy, while saving the lives of our boots on the ground.
above: NEW+! MedRes! US ARMY: JTAC - Joint Terminal Attack Controller's LLDR - Light weight Laser Designator & Rangefinder: Northrop-Grumman AN/PED-1
above: NEW! NoHigher! A-10 during attack source: Pinterest below: Left: HiRes! Right: MedRes! Pilot Inspection of IR Maverick before mission

above: NoHigher! Screen by TV-laser "Maverick"
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Illuminator - Alávilágító. photo: Ian L. Sitren 'Second Focus' in U.S.A. Ca. Palm Spring source: Hu. Google G+ Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up experthttps://www.facebook.com/SecondFocus/
above: NEW! MedRes! A-10 BGM "Pave Penny" attack scenario: The AAS-38 Pave Penny pod, standart equipment on the A-10, is able to acquire targets designated ba laser-equipped forward air controllers FAC. The pod detects the reflected radiation and indicates the target on the pilot's HUD, enabling the pilot to manoeuvre for an attack.
above: NEW! NoHigher! AN/AAQ-14 'LANTIRN' Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night -Targeting Pod- - Célmegjelölő függesztmény
LANTIRN is a system consisting of two pods which allow aircrew to fly their aircraft by day or night and in adverse meteorological conditions. It provides Terrain-Following Radar (TFR), Forward-Looking Infra-Red (FLIR), targeting information for the aircraft's on-board fire control system and target laser illumination. LANTIRN is currently deployed on F-16C/D, F-15E/I/S and F-14 platforms. Over 1,400 pods are currently in service with 10 countries.
above: NEW! HiRes! LANTIRN IR- image on HUD
above: NEW! NoHigher! Cateye iris - Macskaszem irisz
above: NEW! MedRes! CAS firing: Launches of "Maverick" over firing range source: facebook - warhistoryonline.com
above: NoHigher! Launched "Maverick". A-10C FS 188th FW Fort Smith Regional Airport, Ark. (ANG) with theconduct CAS training near Davis Monthan AFB Arizona. below: HiRes! FS "Flying Razorbacks"
below: Left: MedRes! Hu. text: 'Denel' pilon, 'Alkan' zárak, LAU-117 indítósín, és TGM-65G "Maverick" a magyar HuAF's BAE-SAAB JAS-39EBS.Hu. "Gripen"-en. A kék gyűrűk jelzik, hogy sem a harci rész, sem a rakétahajtómű nem éles. Zord Gábor http://legiero.blog.hu/

above: Maverick in HuAF BAE-SAAB JAS-39EBSHu "Gripen" MRCA (Multirole Combat Aircraft) többfeladatú vadászgépen.: http://legiero.blog.hu/2008/11/20/maverick_1 Mr.Zord Gábor avn.expt.jnst.
above: MedRes! source: A-10 https://rhk111smilitaryandarmspage.files.wordpress.com & wikimedia.com
above: Left: MedRes! Go out from Lockheed C-5A "Galaxy" Right: Juci'bacsi's dia-slide film repro-scan coll.: MedRes! A-10A Spangdahelm AFB in Germany
above: NoHigher! Special intermediate external ordnance with Colt M16 assault rifle - rohampuska
above: MedRes! Air Force Grey A-10C tail markings DM from 355th WG, Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz. (ACC) backround: Czech Air Force Mil Mi-17above: MedRes! Personnel changing of USAFBs: Who's staying, Who's going?
above: MedRes! Major active Duty US Air Force Bases (AFBs) - Amcsi Légibázisok
above: MedRes! Tactical Command -WA: 57th FW (Fighter Wing)/WG (Wing), Nellis AFB, Nevada (ACC) with desert camo paint. below: MedRes! profile artwork with AF grey camo.
http://www.fairchild.af.mil/ & en.wikipedia.org/Fairchild_Air_Force_Base below: MedRes! Decal

above: MedRes! A-10 Markings & Tactical Air Command (TAC: Langley AFB) logo.

above: Left: NoHigher! HS-129 decal Right: MedRes! Pol. text: variants profile below: NoHigh!
below: MedRes! model with duck nose http://modelingmadness.com
above: NoHigher! Military Aircraft's Size Comparison & Category chartabove: NoHigher! Henschel Hs 129B "Panzerknacker", azaz a „páncélostörő” Schlachtflugzeug azaz csatarepülőgép Luftwaffe's professional original tankkiller. pinterest en.wikipedia.org/Henschel-Hs129
The Henschel Hs 129 was a World War II ground-attack aircraft fielded by the German Luftwaffe. In combat service the Hs 129 lacked a sufficient chance to prove itself; the aircraft was produced in relatively small numbers and deployed during a time when the Luftwaffe was unable to protect them from attack. Rudolf-Heinz Ruffer scored a large number of his 80 Soviet tank kills in the Hs 129.
above: MedRes! World of Planes net-game introduction cover Hs 129 battle aircraft

above: NEW+! NoHigher! The Hungarian amateaur mistery design plan for Attack acf.
The U.S. Air Force – Replacing the A-10 Warthog ...
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hunters' Victim, American actress #Catherine Bell in zebra camo bikini source: nmd.digital-web.net
Catherine Lisa Bell (born 14 August 1968) is an American actress, known for her roles as Major Sarah MacKenzie in the television series JAG from 1997 to 2005, Denise Sherwood in the series Army Wives from 2007 to 2013, and Cassandra "Cassie" Nightingale in Hallmark's The Good Witch films and television series since 2008. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Bell_(actress)
JAG (U.S. military acronym for Judge Advocate General) is an American legal drama television show with a distinct U.S. Navy theme, created by Donald P. Bellisario, and produced by Belisarius Productions in association with Paramount Network Television (now CBS Television Studios). This series was originally aired on NBC for one season from September 23, 1995 to May 22, 1996 and then on CBS for an additional nine seasons from January 3, 1997 to April 29, 2005. The first season was co-produced with NBC Productions (now Universal Television) and was originally perceived as a Top Gun meets A Few Good Men hybrid series, both of which starred Tom Cruise. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAG_(TV_series)
above: MedRes! 3D Warthog graphic for Avsim http://www.combatreform.org

above: Left: NoHigher! Right: MedRes! "Warthog" nose art
above: HiRes! wikipedia Warthog - Varacskosdisznó

above: Left: NoHigher! Right: HiRes!
above: HiRes! Hungarian Celeb-Hunter, Speaker, Representative of Hu. Hunter Assoc. from Veszprém county, Úrkút village, in Tanzania 2013. Lipp Adrienn with killed Warthog in Tanzania-2013. below: MedRes! Hungarian Wild-hog near Úrkút.
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Retro: Hungarian "Warthog" poster - plakát source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! MedRes! AFV-Anti-Fire Vehicle: MAN (Motor Arbeiten Nürnberg) fflf - ARFF: Flughafen: Padernborn/Lippstadt with big gun for foam.
Fire Figh.t Veh.: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/rosenbauer-mercedes-tlf-4000-at.html
above: MedRes! 'Hentai': Marisa Kirisame armed with a gatling gun www.myanimelist.net
above: NoHigher! "Lippisch" Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt-II www.gangus.cgsociety.org -copr
German - Luftwaffe Lippisch P.13 Ramjet Fighter - Torlósugárhajtóműves vadász Bundesarchiv

above: MedRes! 3 view camo paint WR Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex www.fai.org.ru & http://wikipedia.org
Robins Air Force Base (IATA: WRB, ICAO: KWRB) is a major United States Air Force installation located inHouston County, Georgia, United States. The base is located just east of and adjacent to the city of Warner Robins, Georgia, 18 mi (29 km) SSE of Macon, Georgia, and about 100 mi (160 km) SSE of Atlanta, Georgia. The base is named in honor of Brig Gen Augustine Warner Robins, the Air Force's "father of logistics". en.wikipedia.org/Robins_Air_Force_Base
above: HiRes! Hungarian 'Top Gun' Magazine poster early 1990's
above: MedRes! below: Left: NoHigher! Right: MedRes!
above: NoHigher! Argentinian FMA I.A.58 "Pucará" COIN T (Quechua: Fortress)
Is an Argentine ground-attack and counter-insurgency (COIN) aircraft manufactured by the Fábrica Militar de Aviones. It is a low-wing twin-turboprop all-metal monoplane with retractable landing gear, capable of operating from unprepared strips when operationally required. The type saw action during the Falklands War and the Sri Lankan Civil War. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FMA_IA_58_Pucara below: MedRes!
Espanol text: El FMA IA-58 Pucará (en quechua, ‘fortaleza’) es un bimotor turbohélice de diseño y construcción argentina(designación Fábrica Militar de Aviones), que voló por primera vez el 20 de agosto de 1969.Está diseñado para operar en pequeñas, y no necesariamente preparadas, pistas de tierra, en posiciones de combate adelantadas. Su misión primordial es la de apoyo a tierra, antihelicópteros y especialmente misiones COIN (contrainsurgencia). Esta aeronave es inusual debido a su cabina en tándem en un bimotor a hélice, sin embargo, comparte similitudes con el OV-10 Bronco estadounidense. Participó activamente en la Guerra de Malvinas, siendo utilizado por la Fuerza Aérea Argentina para misiones de apoyo cercano a fuerzas del Ejercito Argentino, como también para el ataque de campamentos y helicópteros ingleses. También fue utilizado en combate contrainsurgente por la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana y por la Fuerza Aérea de Sri Lanka.
above: MedRes! Side view line drawings 'Detail & Scale' InC. "Ugolok Nyeba"
above: NEW! NoHigher! Diferrentas between one c two seat versions
above: MedRes! Plan of RC wooden Model
above: NoHigher! A-10 UCAS below: MedRes! YA-10 Turbo "Chernaya Akula" - Black Shark" would be heavier than Argentinian FMA "Pucara" COIN aircraft.above: MedRes! Argentinian FMA I.A.58 "Pucará" COIN (Counter Insurgency Attack Aircraft)
above: MedRes! Fantasy creat: YA-10Z "Zwilling Thunderbolt-II" "Gemini"

above: MedRes! Comparison ordnance; Left: Su-25 "Frogfoot" Right: A-10 "Thunderbolt-II"
above: NEW! NoHigher! En. text: Cutaway of main parts
above: MedRes! below: MedRes! Pitch Control System: SCHEMATIC http-server.3rd-wing.net public Bureau.75th source: Wikipedia.org

The aircraft is designed to fly with one engine, one tail, one elevator and half a wing torn off. The self-sealing fuel tanks are protected by fire-retardant foam. Additionally, the main landing gear is designed so that the wheels are retracted so as to make gear-up landings easier to control and less damaging to the aircraft's underside. They also are all hinged toward the rear of the aircraft, so if landing gear hydraulic power is lost, the pilot can simply drop the gear and a combination of gravity and wind resistance will open and lock the gear in place.
above: MedRes! AAR capability with McDonnell Douglas KC-10 tanker.
Diagrams; above: Left: MedRes! Fuel system Right: MedRes! Environment system below: MedRes!
below: MedRes! Hydraulic system source: http://server.3rd-wing.net_public_Bureau_.75th_Wikipedia.org
above: MedRes! Study Diagram of Electrical system below: NoHigher!

above: NoHigher! Modellers
above: MedRes! below: NoHigher! http://www.skymasterjet.com
above: MedRes! Skymasterjet plastic details
above: MedRes! Bulletproof windshield & Can visible the AAR hole on nose www.i-am-bored.com

above: Left: MedRes! Inspection Right: MedRes! Intake ring with Compressor blades
above: MedRes! Exhaust and RWR (two side) & MAWS receiver IR (Infra red) spectrum optoelectronics sensors wikipedia

above: NoHigher! GE TF-34 cutaway wikipedia & scramble.nl
above: MedRes! Fuel system below: MedRes! Engine start systemabove: NoHigher! General Electric TF-34 turbofan jet engine http://www.wikipedia.org

MedRes! above: Left: shell impacts www.aircraftresourcecenter.com Right: Inspection of exhaust.

Good visible the Missile Approach Detector / Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS) an airborne radar system on fuselage stern - Rakéta Közeledést Figyelmeztető Rendszer (RKFR) and two RWR detector.
Hu. text: 8 db A-10-es csatarepülőgép érkezett Magyarországra, az "Operation Atlantic Resolve" keretében. A gépek nyár eleje óta vannak Európában, és másodjára Magyarországon. A teljes állomány a hétvégére áll össze, jövő héten pedig már éleslövészet kezdődik a magyar és amerikai alakulatokkal közösen. A-10-es repülőgépeket tekintett meg december 2-án, Pápán Colleen Bell amerikai nagykövet a Honvédelmi Minisztérium és a Magyar Honvédség több vezetője; Siklósi Péter, a honvédelmi tárca védelempolitikáért és védelmi tervezésért felelős helyettes államtitkára, dr. Orosz Zoltán altábornagy, Honvéd Vezérkar főnökhelyettes és Eric Vollmecke vezérőrnagy, az Európában állomásozó amerikai légierő tábornoka. társaságában. Ennek során megtekintették a "Thunder Cloud" 2015 közös kiképzés keretében hazánkba érkezett amerikai A-10 típusú repülőgépeket is. A gyakorlaton csaknem háromszáz magyar és mintegy háromszázötven amerikai katona vesz részt.
2015.12.02. Honvedelem.hu Draveczki-Ury Ádám cikke alapján
above: NoHigher! Excs. "Brave Warrior" at Hungary- Hajmáskér "0"-point sector of Várpalota Fire Range 2015. autumn V.I.P. day. The delegation watches to A-10s action in viewing tower. From Left; Hu.MoD CoS of HDF Gen. Dr. (Ph.D) Benkő Tibor vezds. HM-HVkf., Hu. MoD defence minister Dr. (Ph.D) Simicskó István Honvédelmi Miniszter & US ambassador Colleen Bell amerikai nagykövet asszony, Secretary of parlament of MoD Vargha Tamás HM PÁT. source: www.honvedelem.hu
above & below: NEW+! HiRes! Guest A-10 at HuAF Air Show 2008. Kecskemét LHKE Photo: HuAF ret.stsgt. eng. mech. Pénzes Károly ny. ftőrm. heli. SHM mech. MH 86. Hel.regt. Szolnok LHSN source: facebook/Akik nélkül nem lehetett volna magyar katonai repülés/Pénzes Károly
MedRes! New England Air Museum Republic A-10 Thunderbolt-II without engines and opened refueling device. www.wiliammaloney.com
NoHigher! above Two: A-10 system below: NEW! "Soviet "Warthog""
above: NoHigher! Tankbusters A-10 & Su-25 by yellowseven-www.deviantart.com
above: NATO reporting code-name: "Frogfoot" - "Békaláb" - :«Лягушачья лапка» HiRes! Green-Frog with Lizard - Leveli-Béka Gyíkkal
The Sukhoi Su-25 "Grach" (meaning rook; NATO reporting name: "Frogfoot") is a single-seat, twin-engine jet aircraft developed in the Soviet Union by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. It was designed to provide close air supportfor the Soviet Ground Forces. The first prototype made its maiden flight on 22 February 1975. After testing, the aircraft went into series production in 1978 at Tbilisi in the Soviet Republic of Georgia.
Early variants included the Su-25UB two-seat trainer, the Su-25BM for target-towing, and the Su-25K for export customers. Some aircraft were being upgraded to Su-25SM standard in 2012. The Su-25T and the Su-25TM (also known as the Su-39) were further developments, not produced in significant numbers. The Su-25, and theSu-34, were the only armoured, fixed-wing aircraft in production in 2007. Su-25s are in service with Russia, other CIS states, and export customers.
The type has seen combat in several conflicts during its more than 30 years in service. It was heavily involved in the Soviet war in Afghanistan, flying counter-insurgency missions against the Mujahideen. The Iraqi Air Forceemployed Su-25s against Iran during the 1980–88 Iran–Iraq War. Most were later destroyed or flown to Iran in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Abkhazian separatists used Su-25s during the Abkhazian War from 1992 to 1993. The Macedonian Air Force used Su-25s against Albanian insurgents in the 2001 Macedonia conflict and, in 2008, Georgia and Russia both used Su-25s in the Russo-Georgian War. African states, including the Ivory Coast, Chad, and Sudan have used the Su-25 in local insurgencies and civil wars. Recently the Su-25 has seen service in the Russian intervention in the Syrian Civil War.
above: NEW! NoHigher! VVS form hat: After and She like goes out fom cockpit - és így szállt ki a pilótafülkéből Pint
above: NEW! MedRes! Red suit actress Penelope Cruz tames a "Gracs"-"Crow/Raven" in hotel room with a glass of Campari - Varjú/Holló-idomítás vöröscuccban a Hotelszobában egy pohár kámpárival. source: Google open galerie
Penélope Cruz Sánchez (Spanish pronunciation: [peˈnelope kɾuθ ˈsantʃeθ]; born 28 April 1974) is a Spanish actress and model. Signed by an agent at age 15, she made her acting debut at 16 on television and her feature film debut the following year in Jamón, jamón (1992) to critical acclaim. Her subsequent roles in the 1990s and 2000s included Open Your Eyes (1997), The Hi-Lo Country (1999), The Girl of Your Dreams (2000) and Woman on Top (2000). Cruz achieved recognition for her lead roles in the 2001 films Vanilla Sky, All the Pretty Horses, Captain Corelli's Mandolin and Blow. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pen%C3%A9lope_Cruz
above: NEW! NoHigher! Gil Elvgren's illustration
Gillette Elvgren (March 15, 1914 – February 29, 1980) was an American painter of pin-up girls, advertising and illustration. Best known for his pin-up paintings for Brown & Bigelow, Elvgren studied at the American Academy of Art. He was strongly influenced by the early "pretty girl" illustrators, such as Charles Dana Gibson, Andrew Loomis, and Howard Chandler Christy. Other influences included the Brandywine School founded by Howard Pyle. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gil_Elvgren
above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet Warthog by Russian Pin-Up artist, Valery Barykin
Awesome illustrations from Russian illustrator Valery Barykin. Valery creates a series of quirky girls in pin-up style on new-aged digital programs. Valery makes the pinup girls sultry and vivid while remaining appropriate to the series. You just can’t imagine to have pics like these when Stalin or Brezhnev were the leaders of the USSR. ...
above: NEW+! MedRes! Su-25 Sz-8 80mm Non Guided Rocket - NIR - Nem Iránított Rakéta
HS-129B csatarepülőgép three: bottom & above: MedRes! below: NoHigher! engine drawings
above: MedRes! A-10 model parts www.v3toys.ru
above: MedRes! Similar to MiG-27 source: www.paralay-convince
above: NoHigher! Colour Cutaway Graphic www.combatreform.org
Blasted cutaway graphics; above: MedRes! A-10 flying tank www.i-am-bored.com below: NoHigher! pinterest ff-debutart_alex-pang.
above: MedRes! accessories panels & access doors http://www.perfectx.com
above: NoHigher! You can see other side the "Pawe Penny" targeting ELOP. (Electro-Optics) Skullbangers Proposed Nose Art www.boomandzoomgraphics.com
above: MedRes! A-10C cockpit & opened canopy
above: MedRes! Modell undercarriage www.skymasterjet.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Fig.ur 2: Undercarriage Long legs

above: Left: MedRes! USAF 353d TFS Fairchild-Republic A-10A Thunderbolt-II wikipedia Right: MedRes! "Pave Penny" LASER targeting. USAF photo Moody AFB (MY C-130E, F-16C/D, 347th RQW, Moody AFB, Ga. (AFSOC)
above: Left: MedRes! A-10 Mission Marks Middleton warthogdeployments.blogspot.com Right: HiRes! Kills mark wikipedia.org
above: HiRes! A-10C Def. gov. News Photo; Maj.Loren Coulter exits Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan on Jan.11.2011. 75th Expedition Fighter Squadron moved wikipedia.org
above: MedRes! Russian Sukhoi Su-25's "Frogfoot" ladder use by Veteran's Wife "Ladyfoot".
above: Left: HiRes! http://www.442fw.afrc.af.mil_photos_mediagallery.com Right: MedRes!
above: NoHigher! http://server.3rd-wing.net

above: Left: MedRes! http://tofo.me.tag.fairchildrepublic Right: HiRes! USAF photo Moody AFB

The A-10 Warthog is equipped with this version of the ACES II. It replaced an Escapac seat used in the prototypes and early aircraft. This version differs from the rest of the basic side-pull ACES II seats (F-15, F-117) in the configuration of the headrest canopy breakers, and the side-pull handles. The picture below shows the size difference between the handles on the A-10 (right) and the F-15 (left). The F-15 seats originally had no canopy breakers as in the example shown, but were later fit with a single canopy breaker. The F-117 has a metal canopy frame which precludes the use of a canopy breaker. The handles on the F-117 closely resemble the A-10 handles. http://www.ejectionsite.com/a10seat.htm
above: NEW! NoHigher! Jessica Steen in Armageddon
Jessica Steen (born December 19, 1965.-age 53.- Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a Canadian film and television actress, noted for her roles in Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future, Homefront, Earth 2, Armageddon, Left Behind: World at War, NCIS, Flashpoint and the CBC series Heartland. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Steen
Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: above: MedRes! Taszár Hu. AFB the first Hu. Air Show 1991. below Three: MedRes! Slide-diafilm: from early 1980's
above: Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: MedRes! USAF Magazine (Air safety?) early 1990's

above: MedRes! canopy plexi and Low Visibility marking facebook.com
above: NoHigher! http://tofo.me-tag-fairchildrepublic
above: MedRes! www.flightglobal.com
above: NoHigher! source: www.pinimg.com-www.42.tut.by_431722-4

above: Left: MedRes! -Armoured titan bathtub- Right: MedRes! www.42.tut.by-kabin
above: MedRes! Kevlar 'Cyborg' future female bot, android girl, in futuristic body protect wear.
The A-10 is an exceptionally survivable aircraft with excellent pilot protection. Its strong airframe can survive direct hits from armor-piercing and high-explosive projectiles up to 23 mm. The aircraft has triple redundancy in its flight systems, with mechanical systems to back up double-redundant hydraulic systems. This permits pilots to still fly when hydraulic power or part of a wing is lost using the Manual Reversion Flight Control System (MRFCS). In manual reversion mode, the A-10 is sufficiently controllable under favorable conditions to return to friendly airspace.
The cockpit and parts of the flight-control system are protected by 900 pounds (408 kg) of titanium armor, referred to as a titanium "bathtub". The tub has been tested to withstand strikes from 23 mm cannon fire and some strikes from 57 mm rounds. It is made up of titanium plates with thicknesses from ½ inch to 1½ inches determined by a study of likely trajectories and deflection angles. This protection comes at a cost, though; the armor itself weighs almost 6% of the entire aircraft‘s empty weight. To protect the pilot from the fragmentation likely to be created from impact of a shell, any interior surface of the tub that is directly exposed to the pilot is covered by a multi-layer Kevlar spall shield. The canopy consists of a bullet-proof diffusion-bonded stretched-acrylic to withstand small arms fire and is resistant to spalling. The front windscreen offers shielding resistant to 20 mm cannon fire.

above: Left: HiRes! USAF photo Moody AFB: A-10C flying ex. simulator with Kadet. http://www.442fw.afrc.af.mil_photos_mediagallery.-F-3849K-014 Right: MedRes! A-10 Full Cockpit 3D Render http://www.gadrocsworkshop.com

above: MedRes! 'Titan Ladies - Aviatrixes" - 'Gynoids' from: World famous Japanese erotic artist: Hajime Sorayama "Gynoids" Valiant - Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! Real #Gynoid: English supermodel, #Cara Delevigne source: Pinterest.com
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (/ˈkɑːrə ˌdɛləˈviːn/ KAH-rə DEL-ə-VEEN; born in England, Southampton, 12 August 1992) is an English model, singer and actress. She signed with Storm Model Management after leaving school in 2009. Delevingne won the "Model of the Year" award at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014 and has appeared in shows for houses including Burberry, Chanel, Mulberry, Dolce & Gabbana, and Jason Wu. She started her acting career with a minor role in the 2012 film adaptation of Anna Karenina. Her most notable roles include Margo Roth Spiegelman in the romantic mystery film Paper Towns (2015), Kath Talent in London Fields, the Enchantress in the comic book film Suicide Squad (2016), and Laureline in Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cara_Delevingne
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop top!) "Female A-10 pilot on casual event, in bulletproof gala suit." Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Elizabeth Cutler (née Cavallari; born January 5, 1987. -age 32.- Denver, Colorado, U.S.) is an American television personality, fashion designer, and actress. Born in Denver, Colorado, she attended Laguna Beach High School as a teenager after spending junior high and freshman year living in Barrington, Illinois. In 2004, Cavallari came to prominence after being cast in the reality television series Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County, which documented the lives of her and her friends.
After moving to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career in 2005, Cavallari appeared in several television series as minor characters.
Cavallari is married to former American football player Jay Cutler. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin_Cavallari
above: NEW! NoHigher! A true very comfortable Mr. Martin Baker seat by: Platonoff photo source: femjoy.com
above: MedRes!
At the heart of the A-10 egress system is the Advanced Concept Ejection Seat II.
Better known as ACES II, the seat was developed in the early 1970s as a way to standardize to one type of seat. One benefit to having a standardized seat was a reduction in training for both pilots and maintainers, who previously needed to be trained in a variety of seats. Another design goal was to have better performance in a variety of conditions, such as low or adverse altitudes, including "Zero-Zero", the lowest point in the ejection envelope or zero altitude, zero speed.
Origianlly maunfactured by McDonnell-Douglas Corporation, and later Weber Aircraft Company, more than 8,000 seats have been made.
According to the official Air Force records, the seat has had a success rate of 94.4 percent in envelope, and 89.9 percent when including out of envelope ejections.
While much of that success rate is due to the design of the system, even the best designed product is only as good as the maintenance it routinely receives.
In the case of the 442nd Fighter Wing, the ACES II seats here are among the best maintained.
above: Left: MedRes! ACES-II Germany hobby ejection seat ACES at home in living room. http://www.xflight.de below: MedRes!
above: NoHigher!
below: MedRes! Opening Sequence - Nyitási sorrend
above: NoHigher! detail models

above: MedRes! Skymaster model http://www.skymasterjet.com
18+above: NoHigher! Sukhoi Su-25 'Frogfoot' 'Zvezda' K-36D ejection seat with "Pilotnyicza" without Russian "Sturmanskye" wrist watch. below: NoHigher! Cosplay ANG's reserve A-10 hard conditioned "Wartpig" pilot. Top Gun
above: NoHigher! Swiss made: UNIQ "P-47" Chronograph"- Monthly Giveaway ablogtowatch.com
above & below: NoHigher! Republic P-47 "Thunderbolt" Heavy Fighter Instrument panel/Dashboard
above: NoHigher! A-10A Similar to P-47?
The forward area of the cockpit consists of a variety of instruments, gauges, displays and controls. The front dash is divided into four primary areas: left, center, right, and top. We‘ll discuss each of these in detail.The cockpit of the A-10C contains three primary instrument panels that include gauges and indicators that display flight parameters, aircraft system states, engine state, control positions, and system warnings. Owing to the single-pilot operation of the A-10C cockpit, all flight and weapon system controls must be readily accessible to the pilot. This has led to a rather crowded cockpit that at first can seem quite intimidating! With the addition of two Multifunction Color Displays (MFCD), many of the operations have been streamlined and simplified compared to the older A-10A model.
above: MedRes! A-10A
Over the last 30 years, the A-10 has seen numerous improvements and most of these have had to do with the avionics systems. Although the A-10 avionics systems began rather simple, they have evolved over the years with some of the more notable changes:
- Multiple LASTE versions
- Addition of GPS navigation and integration with INS (EGI)
- Suite 2 A-10A
- Suite 3 A-10C (subject of this simulation)
above: MedRes! A-10C cockpit overview: http://asasdeferro.blogspot.com
above: MedRes! A-10A
above: NoHigher! Fairchild-670 HiFi Audio front panel www.kravaudio.com
above: MedRes! www.youtube.com
Regarding the A-10C, the avionics are a combination of old and new. Most of the engine, fuel, hydraulics, electrical, flight control, emergency and lighting systems have remained the same since the first A-10A went operational. However, the current A-10C has a great many differences in regards to the integrated weapon and navigation system, sensor usage (targeting pod), communications, datalink, and systems monitoring.
The most visibly obvious result of the upgrades has been to the cockpit of the A-10C. The Precision Engagement (PE) Modification Program made several important changes to the cockpit to support the avionics upgrades:
- New control stick based on the F-16 stick. Although it is a full-deflection stick (unlike the F-16), it has a much greater level of functionality compared to the older stick based on the F-4 Phantom-II stick.
- The right throttle of the throttle quadrant has been removed and replaced by the same left throttle used in the F-15E. As with the new control stick, the new left throttle provides an additional level of control and functionality.
- Below the HUD is the new Up Front Control Panel (UFC) and this is a combination of buttons and rocker switches that allow the pilot to more easily input data and control sub-systems at eye-level.
- Dominating the new front dash of the A-10C are two 5x5 inch Multi-Function Color Displays (MFCD). Both MFCD can display a wide variety of data including the Tactical Awareness Display (TAD) with moving map, Targeting Pod (TGP) video, Maverick (MAV) seeker video, Digital Stores Management System (DSMS), Aircraft Status (STAT), and repeat data from the EGI navigation system. This essentially added a glass cockpit to the A-10 and brought it into the 21st century.
- Replacing the old Armament Control Panel (ACP) of the A-10A has been the Armament HUD Control Panel (AHCP). Most of the functions of the ACP have been moved to the DSMS page on an MFCD and the AHCP now controls basic power and operating mode of the major aircraft weapon, sensor and navigation systems.
above: MedRes! Pull Up below: NoHigher!
Artifical Horizon: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/04/muhorizont-artifical-kunstlicher.html

above & below: HiRes! USAF Moody AFB usaf.photo. In symulator wit 'David & Clark' headphone. http://www.davidclarkcompany.com/
above: NoHigher! A-10OT below: HiRes! Combat Simulator at Moody AFB
above: NoHigher! A-10OT below: HiRes! Combat Simulator at Moody AFB

above: MedRes! HUD below: MedRes!
Pitch Ladder - Comes in +/-5 degree increments, helps you determine the pitch angle of your aircraft. The "-- --" line with no number beside it is the 0-degree pitch or the "horizon." The pitch ladder (and the FPM) may be off-set to one side during windy conditions.
TVV - Total Velocity Vector, otherwise known as the Flight Path Marker or FPM. Basically this is where your aircraft is heading. Point and hold it to a spot on the ground and your aircraft will crash to that spot.
G - Displays the current G-load on the aircraft.
Speed - Current indicated airspeed for the aircraft.
Altitude - Barometric altitude, or altitude above sea level. Note that when you are over high terrain (mountains, for example), you may crash into terrain even though the altemeter says you are several thousand feet above SEA level.
Heading Tape - Shows the direction of travel or magnetic heading.
Waypoint/TDC - Shows the location of the currently-selected waypoint.
Waypoint Info Box - Shows you information regarding the selected waypoint: the radar altitude, the waypoint (or steerpoint) number and ID, distance to steerpoint and target elevation, time to go (TTG, otherwise known as ETA) and time on target [delta], and finally, current time.
Heads Up Display Area Above Dash:
The area over the front dash primarily consists of the Heads Up Display (HUD) and the Up Front Controller (UFC) beneath the HUD. This area also has a set of gauges and lights.
1. Standby compass
2. Aerial refueling status indicator
3. Heads Up Display (HUD)
4. Up Front Controller (UFC)
5. Accelerometer (G-meter)
6. Angle of attack indexer
The HUD of the A-10C is used for two primary functions. When the IFFCC switch is in the TEST position, the HUD displays a series of menus that allow you to configure the IFFCC system. These menus are navigated through using the UFC.
- SEL + and – moves the line selection
- DATA cycles a line selection
- ENTER selects the line option selected
When the IFFCC switch is placed in the ON position though, navigation, sensor and weapon information is displayed on the HUD.
above & below: MedRes! www.simhq.com
HUD - In time, you will get to know your HUD like your best friend. It will show you tons of information and guide you to your target, as well as help you put your goodies square on the bad guy's lap.
UFC - The UFC (Up Front Controller) is one of the most useful panels in the A10, allowing you to interact with the A10's systems and input preferred settings.
RWR - Simply detects any radar sites in your immediate area. It may also show a missile warning if a radar-guided missile is fired.
Left/Right MFD - Multi-function displays show TGP or Mav video, weapon status, TAD, etc.
AHCP - Armament HUD Control Panel, where some of the most important switches are located.
NMSP - "Nimsip" allows you to select the navigation mode to be used.
Fuel system control - Controls fuel pumps and how the fuel feeds into the engines.
LASTE - Switches for EAC, RDR ALTM, and autopilot modes are here.
Radios - Can be safely ignored in MP, but useful in TARS or when playing campaigns.
SAS Panel - Dampens and provides turn coordination in flight, but most useful for keeping the gun steady in PAC-assisted guns attacks.
Fuel gauge - Although the A10C's turbine engines are fuel-efficient, it's a good idea to keep an eye on fuel state.
Countermeasures - Controls the countermeasure program used, how many chaff/flares to release, cycle, interval, etc.
Caution light panel - Alerts the pilot of any systems damage.
Electrical panel - Main panel for the electrical systems of the A10.
CDU - What makes A10C a study sim? The CDU. I suspect you can program your VCR, Tivo, and coffeemaker from here.
AAP - Provides power to the CDU and EGI, and controls which mode the TAD displays waypoints with.
TACAN and ILS - Nav aids for those flying at night/bad weather or those who just have fun with IFR flying.
Lighting panel - Controls the Nav, position, and strobe lights and formation lights.
Read more: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3465973#ixzz3y6ZjQqAL
above: NoHigher! Upper: F-15A 'Dragon' model Lower: HUDs

above: Left: MedRes! Right: NoHigher! MRCA "Tornado" GR IDS 'Ferranti' HUD with double combiner reflex visier.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Eye Visual data source: Pinterest.com

above: Holographic HUD below: Colimating Gunsight & HUD Right: MedRes!

above: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's scan collect from Hu. am Autó Motor magazin late 1980's: Hu. text: Car HUD projectile on windshield - autó szélvédőre kivetített HUD

above: NoHigher! HUD displayed datas - kijelzett adatok
above: MedRes! Crazy vision of HUD
above: HiRes! youtube below: Side panels Left: MedRes! Right: MedRes!

above: NoHigher! Avsim HOTAS throttle below: Left: MedRes! Right: MedRes! TISL panel

above: NoHigher! ELEC A-10C Cockpit lg-forum.keypublishing
An important improvement between the older A-10A and the A-10C was the inclusion of two 5x5 inch MFCD. This has streamlined the data-flow to the pilot and made much more information readily accessible.
The primary purpose of the MFCDs is to display a wealth of data over a variety of pages. The primary MFCD pages of the A-10C include:
- Data Transfer System (DTS) Page. Load navigation and weapon data from the mission planner into the aircraft. In the real-world, this would be done with a Data Transfer Cartridge that loads data from the Mission Planning Software onto the aircraft.
- Display Program (DP) Page. Configure which page-links are to be displayed on the bottom of each MFCD.
- Status (STAT) Page. Review status of A-10C sub-systems.
- Digital Stores Management System (DSMS) Page. Manage the stores of the aircraft.
- Tactical Awareness Display (TAD) Page. Use the digital, moving map for navigation, targeting, and datalink purposes.
- Targeting Pod (TGP) Page. Use the Litening II AT targeting pod.
- Maverick (MAV) Page. Employ various models of the AGM-65 Maverick air-to-surface missile.
- Message (MSG) Page. Send and receive text messages with other units on SADL datalink network.
- Control Data Unit (CDU) Repeater Page. View the CDU screen display on an MFCD.

above: MedRes! A-10C Left: Target is the ZSzU-23-4 "Shilka" SP A-A gun Right: Weapons status
above: NoHigher!
Multifunction Color Display (MFCD):
The A-10C contains two Multifunction Color Displays (MFCDs) that allow display of multiple system pages (DTS, TAD, DSMS, etc.). Information displayed on the MFCDs is derived from the Central Interface Control Unit (CICU). As such, the MFCDs are activated and deactivated by the CICU toggle switch on the Armament HUD Control panel (AHCP). Please refer to the MFCD Pages Chapter for further details about the MFCD. - Adjust Display, Video Contrast, Day / Night Select, Symbol Brightness, Display Brightness, Backlight Brightness.
Each MFCD is 5x5 inches and has five Option Select Buttons (OSB) on each of the four sides (20 total). These OSB will have various functions depending on the MFCD page and page function.
- OSBs 1 – 5 are along the top of the MFCD
- OSBs 6 – 10 are along the right side of the MFCD
- OSBs 11 – 15 are along the bottom of the MFCD
- OSBs 16 – 20 are along the left side of the MFCD
To activate a button, you may either left mouse button on it our press the assigned keyboard key.
Each OSB is also Tool Tip context sensitive and you will receive a tool tip of the OSB function when you hover the mouse cursor over it.
above: MedRes! youtube
above: MedRes! Skeleton of dashboard. A10C Main Panel Warthog www.simeparts.de
above: HiRes! A-10C instrument panel forums.eagle.ru

above: Simulator accessories; Left: MedRes! Throttle & Stick Right: NoHigher! Throttle console http://tofo.me-tag-fairchildrepublic
Control Stick:
The primary function of the control stick is to provide pitch and roll commands to maneuver the aircraft. Pushing and pulling on the stick affects aircraft pitch (move elevators) and moving the stick from side to side inputs roll (move the ailerons).
Note that you can also use the trim hat to adjust pitch and roll stick neutral settings.
The stick has a number of buttons and hats that allow you to manipulate the various systems of the A-10C without having to take your hands off the stick. The A-10C stick differs from the older A-10A stick that was based on the control stick of the F-4 Phantom II. The A-10C stick on the other hand is based on the F-16 Viper stick. However, unlike the side-mounted F-16 stick that is pressure based and barely moves, the A-10C stick is a full-motion stick that is centrally mounted like the A-10A stick.
Depending on selected Sensor Of Interest (SOI), many of the stick switches and buttons can have multiple functions. The most common means to set the SOI is by use of the Coolie Hat on the throttles. Possible SOI may include:
- Tactical Awareness Display (TAD) active
- Targeting Pod (TGP)
- Heads Up Display (HUD)
- AIM-9 Air-to-Air Missile
- AGM-65 Maverick Air-to-Ground Missile (MAV)
Additionally, many of the buttons and switches have alternate functions if they are held down for a Short period or a Long period.
Throttles: The throttles are your primary means of controlling the thrust of your two TF-34-GE-100A engines. If you want to increase thrust, push the throttles forward and if you want to decrease thrust pull them back. When both the left and right throttles are all the way back, the engines are shut down (OFF). However, moving them forward and over the hump, it will initiate the auto-start (assuming other startup steps are first accomplished) and the engines will be at IDLE power.
Throttles: The throttles are your primary means of controlling the thrust of your two TF-34-GE-100A engines. If you want to increase thrust, push the throttles forward and if you want to decrease thrust pull them back. When both the left and right throttles are all the way back, the engines are shut down (OFF). However, moving them forward and over the hump, it will initiate the auto-start (assuming other startup steps are first accomplished) and the engines will be at IDLE power.
The left throttle is the same left throttle as found in the older A-10A and the right throttle is taken from the F-15E Strike Eagle-II.
- Linked throttles up
- Linked throttles down
- Left throttle up
- Left throttle down
- Right throttle up
- Right throttle down
On both throttles are several switches and buttons that allow you to control aircraft systems. Like the control stick, the function of a switch or button will often vary according to the selected Sensor of Interest (SOI). The most common means to set the SOI is by use of the Coolie Hat on the throttles. Also like the control stick, the time duration an input is made (Short or Long) can determine the output function of the control.
above: MedRes! A-10-profile chart www.digitalcombatsimulator.com_en

above: HOTAS (Handle On Throttle And Stick - Kezed a Gázkaron és a Boton - KGéB) function MedRes! below: MedRes! IL-2 cod 2 warthog configuration map- www.simhq.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Four positions switch on #Sharon#Stone's breats photo: by Firooz Zahedi
Sharon Stone (born March 10, 1958) is an American actress and movie producer. She received a Golden Globe Award for her part in the 1995 movie Casino. Her role in the movie Basic Instinct was also notable.
Stone won the title of Miss Crawford County in Meadville. She was a candidate for Miss Pennsylvania. One of the pageant judges said she should quit school and move to New York City to become a fashion model. In 1977, Stone left Meadville, moving in with an aunt in New Jersey. Within four days of her arrival in New Jersey, she was signed by Ford Modeling Agency in New York.
While living in Europe, she decided to quit modeling and become an actress. Stone was cast for a brief role in Allen's Stardust Memories (1980). She had many roles in movies in the 1980's. Being in Total Recall (1990) with Arnold Schwarzenegger helped her career. To promote the movie, she posed nude for Playboy.
The movie that made her a star Basic Instinct (1992). She played a person thought to be a serial killer. In the movie's most notorious scene, her character is being questioned by the police. She crosses and uncrosses her legs, exposing her genitalia, which are not covered by underwear. After Basic Instinct, she was listed by People magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world.
In November 1995, Stone received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, located at 6925 Hollywood Blvd.
In 2003, she appeared in three episodes from the eighth season of The Practice. For her performances, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series.
Stone tried a return to the mainstream with roles in the movies Cold Creek Manor (2003) with Dennis Quaid and Catwoman (2004) with Halle Berry. Both movies were not well liked by either the public or critics.
Personal life: Stone married Michael Greenburg in 1984. They separated in 1987 and the divorce was finalized in 1990.
In 1993, Stone met William J. MacDonald (aka Bill MacDonald) on the set of the movie Sliver. MacDonald left his wife Naomi Baca for Stone and became engaged to her. They separated one year later in 1994.
While working on the movie The Quick and the Dead in 1995, Stone met Bob Wagner and they became engaged.
On February 14, 1998, Stone married Phil Bronstein, executive editor of the San Francisco Examiner. They adopted a son, Roan Joseph Bronstein (born on May 22, 2000) in late May or early June of 2000. They divorced in 2004. After her divorce she adopted another two boys, Laird Vonne Stone (born on May 7, 2005) and Quinn Kelly Stone (born in June 2006).
Stone is a convert to Tibetan Buddhism. She is an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church. ... https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharon_Stone
above: NoHigher! Emergency HOTAS titan-steel handle mechanism
above: MedRes! Other HOTAS style. "Gunsmoke" https://sobchak.files.wordpress.com
above: MedRes! Prepare to cockpit for Pin-Up Girl wikipedia
above: NoHigher! Pin-Up Girl in A-10C cockpit
above: NoHigher! Swiss made: 'Breitling' "Warthog" www.donindiano.net
En. text: Breitling SA (German pronunciation: [braɪtliŋ]) is a luxury Swiss watchmaker based in Grenchen, Switzerland. Founded in 1884 by Léon Breitling in 1884 in Saint-Imier. Breitling is known for precision-made chronometers useful to aviators.
Hu. text:A Breitling S.A. egy független svájci óragyártó vállalat, amely kivételes minőségű és felszereltségű luxus- és sportóráiról ismert. Órái legfőképp a légi- (Navitimer, Aerospace) és vízisportok (Aeromarine) szerelmeseit célozzák meg, de a prémium kategóriás szerkezetekre (Breitling for Bentley) is legalább ugyanúgy fókuszál. A márka hivatalos főtámogatója a népszerű Red Bull Air Race-nek, melyen külön csapatot is indít Nigel Lamb-el az élen.

above: HiRes! Similar shape of intakes! Hungarian Ms. Palvin Barbara's red-lips word famous photo & runway model from 'Victoria's Secret' Fashion & Model Studio - Hasonló beömlőnyílások.
above: NoHigher! Republic P-47 'Thunderbolt' and Boeing B-17 'Flying Fortress'

above: Left: HiRes! Right: NoHigher! Swiss made UNIQ Ltd. "P-47" "Thunderbolt" - 50 m W/E Sapphyre Crystal - A/R Coating - Limited Edition. www.watchreport.com

above Three & below: MedRes! Hobby master scale 1:72 A-10 hobbymastercollector
Hu. text: Blogger véleménye az A-10-ről:
Számomra a leginkább tetsző/értékelt modern harci repülőgép már régóta. Megdöbbentem az USA felső vezetésének tudattalanságán és felelőtlenségén mikor kivonták az európai rendszerből és a java amerikai támaszpontról. Az eredeti terv az volt, hogy az A-10 pilótákat átképzik V. generációs Lockheed-Martin JSF F-35 "Lightning-II"-re. Számomra ez a még nem rendszeresített gép egy "Díszpinty" ami a távoli jövőnek készült messze nem a szükséges tulajdonságokkal és felesleges kialakításokkal. marketing meg céges szempontból viszont nagyon jó. Tehát mikor "tele van vassal a levegő" a leghatékonyabb gép a "Warthog".
Az A-10 csatarepülőgép úgy a magas mint az alacsony intenzitású fegyveres küzdelemben kimagaslóan megállja a helyét. - A csatarepülőgép mint kategória nem más, mint a szárazföldi csapatok tűztámogatására alkotott harceszköz mely a levegőből mér csapást az ellenséges elsősorban "kemény" célpontokra. Ehhez egy kiváló fegyverzetet a helyszínre kell vinni, ott sikerrel alkalmazni, túlélve az ellenséges behatásokat a védett kialakítással és manőverezéssel az újra alkalmazás érdekében.
Legfőbb harci tulajdonságai a harckocsikhoz hasonlóan; összességében; "Kiváló" 5-ös
1. Tűzerő: "5" (Lőtávolság, Lő-Pontosság, pusztítóeszköz mennyiség, Tűzsűrűség, Páncélátütő képesség.)
2. Védettség-Túlélőképesség: "4" (Lövedékállóság-Bulletproof, Becsapódás védettség-Crashwortyness)
3. Manőverezőképesség: "5" (Műrepülés, Harcászati manőver)
4. Kiszolgálás: "5" (Újra bevetésre előkészítés, Harctéri javítás, Földi-Légi üzemeltetés)
Amit picit módosítanék rajta az a kabin-plexi páncélüvegesre átalakítása hasonlóan a Hs 129 és Mi-28-hoz.
Az US gyártmányú kisebb harci gépek közül ezt a típust sem exportálták, akárcsak a Grumman A-6 Intrudert és az EA-6B Prowlert támadó és EHC gépeket sem.
Hu. text: HTKA: A harci repülőgépeket 10-12 alapvető képességgel lehet jellemezni és osztályozni;
- Maximális sebesség valós harci konfigurációban (légiharc/csapásmérés) alacsonyan / magasan.
- Hatótávolság?- Harcászati hatósugár (akciórádiusz) AAR - Légiutántöltési képesség
- Szupercirkálás? (Tartós hangsebesség feletti <1M repülés) (A-10-nél nem fontos!)
- Tolóerő/tömeg arány 60-70% üzemanyaggal és 4-6 darab légiharcrakétával. Hajtómű üzembiztossága és élettartama.197
- Fegyverzet mennyisége, minősége. Többfeladatos vagy sem, SEAD képesség megléte, stb. Ez utóbbi
szinte külön kategóriát képez, a többfeladatos gépek közül is csak egy nagyon kevés képes erre a
legmagasabb fokon, ez inkább már egyfajta „prémium kategória”. Nagyon drága és különleges
197 Valójában a gép fajlagos teljesítmény-felesleg (specific excess power) képesség, kevesen engedhetik meg maguknak – nem is szükséges sok ország számára – de komoly légvédelem ellen ilyen képesség nélkül operálni elég merész, vagy egyenesen öngyilkosság.
- Radar + egyéb avionika. (TFR,198 HMS, JHMCS,199 IRST, AESA radar stb.)
- Kabin ergonómia (HOTAS, FBW, Ejection seat, Lövedék és Földhöz csapódási Védettség).
- Aerodinamikai kialakítása a gépnek. (Instabil kialakítás, törzs/szárny átmenet, LERX,200 stb.)
- Csökkentett észlelhetőség.(Radar, Hang, Infravörös)
- Önvédelmi képességek, integrált elektronikai zavaró berendezés, zavarótöltetek száma, egyéb
szenzorok, amik önvédelmi képességet növelik, vontatott csali, stb.
HTKA.hu Haditechnikai összefoglaló: ("Molnibalage" 2012.) PDF alapján {A lektorálásban nyújtott segítségéért köszönet; Zord Gábor Lászlónak, Cifka „Cifu” Miklósnak, Kővári Lászlónak, Tarr „ambasa” Gábornak és édesapámnak, Molnár Lászlónak.} alapján.
above: NoHigher! www.combatreform.org Iraqi Freedom Warthog by Drendel
above: NoHigher! Content of Hungarian 'Top Gun' Magazin early 1990's
above: NoHigher! Légierő Blog: photo: Mr. Zord Gábor MNO repülési szakíró felvétele - mil. avn. expert-writer & journalist 2016. 01.10. Hajmáskér "0"-ponti point sector - Várpalota (cropped)
above: HiRes! Transdanubian part of Mil. Hu. ICAO scale 1:500.000 overflight chart.-Várpalota
above: NEW! NoHigher! Exercise "Panther Strike" 2016. august at Pápa PBRT - HAW' HuAFB. Colleen Bell US ambassador, Dr. Simicskó István HuMod @ Lawani Alex HuMoD's interpreter. source: http://www.honvedelem.hu/cikk/58448_magyarorszag_megbizhato_szovetseges
above: MedRes! 2016. januar LHPA Pápa Hu. AFB source: facebook photo: Tóth László www.honvedelem.hu below: NoHigher! Firing A-10 from USAF Stephenville-Ernest Harmon, tail code: NF AFB
above: NoHigher! M60 "Vulcan" 20 mm 6 barrels 'Gatling' system for: F-14, 15, 16, 18
above: NoHigher! The true prcedessor: Henschel Hs 129B WW-Two Luftwaffe's 'Tankkiller'
Hs 129 Three cross drawings: above: NoHigher! below: MedRes! lower: MedRes!
The General Electric GE GAU-8/A Avenger is a 30 mm hydraulically driven seven-barrel Gatling-type autocannonthat is typically mounted in the United States Air Force's Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II. Designed specifically for the anti-tank role, the Avenger delivers very powerful rounds at a high rate of fire. The GAU-8/A is also used in the Goalkeeper CIWS ship weapon system, which provides defense against short-range threats such as highly maneuverable missiles, aircraft and fast maneuvering surface vessels.
Hu. text: A GAU–8 Avanger 30 mm-es hétcsövű, Gatling-rendszerű (forgócsövű) gépágyú, melyet az USAF A–10 Thunderbolt IIcsatarepülőgépein alkalmaznak. Nagy tűzgyorsaságú, hatékony lőfegyver, melyet kifejezetten páncéltörő feladatkörre terveztek.
Műszaki adatok_
Lőszer: 30 × 173 mm
Csőhossz: 2299 mm (L/80)
A rendszer teljes hossza: 5,06 m
Tömege: 281,2 kg (GAU–8/A)
A rendszer teljes tömege töltve: 1830 kg
A tüzeléskor fellépő reakcióerő: 40 kN
Csőtorkolati sebesség: 988–1052 m/s
Elméleti tűzgyorsaság: 4200 lövés/perc
Hatásos lőtávolság: kb. 1600 m
above: NEW! NoHigher! The GAU-8 "Avenger" seven barrels 'Gatling' system cannon beside VW "Bug"

above: NEW+! NoHigher! She is the ammos' guarder Amazone
above: NEW+++! NoHigher! The Fearing face.

above: Left: MedRes! Right: MedRes! The muzzle text: "Peace Through Superior Firepower"
above: NEW! NoHigher! T249 "Vigilante" US ARMY Anti-Aircraft SP Artillery prototype
above: NEW! NoHigher! The Dogtag in USAF Pilot: "Shoot here! - Ide lőjjetek!"
above: MedRes! Duck face Hs 129B The Germany tool (Captured) wikipediaabove: MedRes! Comparison of size between GAU-8 & Ferdinand Porsche VW "Bug" - "Bogár"
above: NoHigher! www.richardcyoung.com

Type | Gatling-type autocannon |
Place of origin | United States |
Service history | |
In service | 1977–present |
Used by | United States Air Force(Avenger) Various navies (Goalkeeper) |
Production history | |
Manufacturer | General Electric |
Number built | Approx. 715 |
Variants | GAU-12/U Equalizer GAU-13/A |
Specifications | |
Weight | 619.5 lb (281 kg) |
Length | 19 ft 10.5 in (6.06 m) (total system) 112.28 in (2.85 m) (gun only) |
Barrel length | 90.5 in (2.30 m) |
Width | 17.2 in (0.437 m) (barrels only) |
Cartridge | 30×173 mm |
Caliber | 30 mm caliber |
Barrels | 7-barrel (progressive RH parabolic twist, 14 grooves) |
Action | Electrically controlled, Hydraulic-Driven |
Rate of fire | 4,200 rpm (variable) |
Muzzle velocity | 3,500 ft/s (1,070 m/s) |
Effective firing range | 4,000 feet (1,220 m) |
Maximum firing range | Over 12,000 feet (3,660 m) |
Feed system | Linkless feed system |

above: Left: www.largescaleplanes.com Right: Czech 'Eduard' accessorie
above: MedRes! master scale1:72 gau-8 avenger gun tip and pitot tube http://storymodels.com

above: MedRes! Left: thebrigade.techive.com Right: New England Air Museum GAU-8A 30mm 'Gatling' Gun wiliammaloney.com -aviation below: MedRes! Youtube.com
above: Loader accessorie device - Töltőberendezés below: NoHigher! Loader way

above: Left: MedRes! pinterest- tumblr.com Right: MedRes!
above: NoHigher! http://www.atk.com/defense/descriptions/

above: Left: Hu. text. Right! MedRes! below:Left: NoHigher! Depleted Uranium Right: MedRes!
above: NEW! HiRes! American DU - Depleded - Szegényített Uranium penetrators by: AEROJET firma
227.) Leopard-2A4+Hu MBT-Alapharckocsi-Kpfw.-Tank by KM-W Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Kpfw. München/Munich & Rheinmetall L-44 KwK, Büffel & Leguan in HuDF 2020.July:https://szextant.blogspot.com/2020/08/227-leopard-2a4hu-mbt-alapharckocsi.html

above: MedRes! Periodic of Material table radiation Material Uran-235 below: NoHig! digital Radiation meter: "Geiger Müller" counter - számláló
Hu. text: Mit jelent a "szegényített urán" kifejezés?
A természetben előforduló uránban kétféle izotóp található meg: a 235-ös tömegszámú uránizotóp 0,72%, míg a 238-as 99,28%-ot képvisel. Az atomerőművek számára a ritkább 235-ös izotóp az értékes, ezért az atomerőművi üzemanyaghoz az uránt dúsítják. Ez azt jelenti, hogy az ún. dúsító üzemekben a 235-ös tömegszámú izotóp részarányát az üzemanyagban a természetes 0,72%-ról 3-5%-ra növelik meg. (Kísérleti és hadi alkalmazásoknál a dúsítás mértéke akár 90% vagy afölötti is lehet.) Az eljárás során visszamaradó uránban ennek következtében a 235-ös izotóp részaránya mintegy 0,2%-ra lecsökken. A dúsítás ezen melléktermékét nevezik szegényített uránnak (angolul depleted uranium), hiszen az a 235-ös uránizotópban szegény. (A fentiek szerint tehát helytelen és értelmetlen a magyar sajtóban gyakran használt “csökkentett urántartalmú bomba”, “gyengített urántartalmú lövedék”, “legyengített urán” kifejezések használata.)
Mivel a 235-ös uránizotóp radioaktivitása magasabb, mint a 238-as tömegszámúé, ezért a szegényített urán radioaktivitása mintegy 40%-kal kisebb (!), mint a természetes uráné. .... folyt:
Dr. Aszódi Attila, egyetemi docens a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Nukleáris Technikai Intézet
Oktatóreaktor Nagylaboratórium vezetője Internet: http://www.reak.bme.hu/~aszodi/
above: MedRes! Tommy Hilfiger jewellry by Candice Swanepoel as radiation face below: Golden badge by zeppy.io

above: NoHigher! GAU-8's 30 mm ammos
above: Left: MedRes! 7,62 mm - 7,92 - 0,50 cal (12,70 mm) - 20 mm - 30 mm Right: NoHigher! 30 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm ammos. below: MedRes! size comparison mix
above: NoHigher! The most seriously cartridge as a French 'Dior' Lipstick
above: NEW! MedRes! US actress Tiffani Amber Thiessen with red micro marker
Hu. text: Tiffani Amber Thiessen (1974. január 23. –) amerikai színésznő. Legismertebb szerepe a Beverly Hills 90210-ből Valeria Malone. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffani_Thiessen
above: NoHigher! Cumulative Gun's ammo AAR Recharging heavy strike waitress with 'Rodox' cartridge
above: NoHigher! Opposit GAU-8 barrels

above: Right: MedRes! armor target
above: NEW! NoHigher! A-10 Warthog: How a Small-Town Girl Ended Up in the Cockpit of an- The Drive
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: Egy A-10-es Michigani Légi Nemzeti Gárda (ANG) "Thunderbolt-II" csatarepülője száll fel (miután leszállt) az Észt-országi Tallinntól (főváros) mintegy 20 kilométerre fekvő Jägala melletti 13-as útról a gyakorlaton 2016 July..
above: NEW! NoHigher! One of my favorite combat jet-plane source: USAF
above: NEW! HiRes! Fairchild A-10 'Thunderbolt-II' "Warthog" during firehit with GAU-8 'Avenger'
above: NoHigher! Maritime version CIWS on DDG / CG vessel www.firearmsworld.net
above: NoHigher! half front view graphic
Come ! the CAS (Close Air Support) tactics - Közeli Légitámogatás (KLT) harcászati fogások
above: HiRes! USAF photo: Moodys AFB 2014. below: NoHigher! "Watching Mother - Wife"
above: NoHigher! Rotary Cannon Exhaust; Gatlingy Tailgunner Lady - Faroklövész Hölgy
above: NoHigher! Fairchild/ALCOA-KÖFém-AFS (Aerospace Fasteners System)/ARCONIC/HOWMET Hungary in Nemesvámos near Veszprém. (I had working there 53 yo. as revolver-lathe {3} turner two months)
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Superdecors "Monster & Monster"
above: NEW! NoHigher! A-10 Warthog in action: Squadron Signal publication below: Med! A-10

above: NEW! NoHigher! Izabela Scorupco cleavage in monokini before Napalm-flame source: Pincelebs.net
Izabella Scorupco (born Izabela Dorota Skorupko; 4 June 1970. -age 49- Białystok, Polish People's Republic ) is a Polish-Swedish actress, singer, and model. She is perhaps best known for having played Bond girl Natalya Simonova in the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izabella_Scorupco
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