Eltűnt tengeralattjáró - Lost U-Boat TR-1700 submarine catastrophic mission in Argentina NAVY 2017.11.15. Ushuaia and City of Mar del Plata, South-Atlantic ocean & Germany Typs-209 "Kobben" klasse - class Diesel-Electric U-Boot cutaway, Skizze Zeichnung - подводная лодка - Indonesian submarine KRI 'Nanggala' (402) (Wikipedia)
above: NoHigher! Argentinian TR-1700 'San Juan' missed-sub 2017.11.19 (Hz. Crop!)
De. text: News! Argentinien Marine geht von Explosion auf verschollenem U-Boot ausdpa, 23.11.2017 - 15:42 Uhr
above & below: NoHigher! 'San Juan' and Argentine Navy HDW TR-1700 submarines ARA Santa Cruz (S-41) and ARA San Juan (S-42) in Mar del Plata navy port
En. text: The TR-1700 ("Santa Cruz") is a class of diesel-electric patrol submarines built by Thyssen Nordseewerke for the Argentine Navy in the 1980s. These ships are amongst the largest submarines built in Germany since World War II and are among the fastest diesel-electric submarines in the world.Development: The original 1977 plan called for six boats, two TR-1700s built in Germany by Thyssen Nordseewerke, two in Argentina by Astillero Domecq Garcia, and two smaller TR-1400s also built in Argentina. The final agreement in 1982 was modified to six TR 1700s.[citation needed] The TR-1700s to be built in Argentina were considered for an upgrade to a nuclear submarine using INVAP's CAREM reactor, which began development at that time. The nuclear submarine project never came to fruition, despite later attempts to revive it.
Design: The submarine was designed by Thyssen and its features include high underwater speed, endurance (for a diesel submarine), and survivability. The boat's four MTU diesel engines, four generators, and Siemens electric motor can propel it at speeds up to 25 knots (46 km/h; 29 mph). Eight 120-cell batteries are installed on each boat. They have a diving depth of 300 m (980 ft). Normal endurance of these boats is 30 days with an extended range up to 70 days. These boats are equipped to accept a Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV). Armaments include six bow 533 mm (21 in) torpedo tubes and 22 SST (Special Surface Target) or Mark 37 torpedo. The automatic torpedo reload system can reload the tubes in 50 seconds.
Thyssen proposed the TR1700A for the Australian Collins-class submarine program. The proposed design had a reworked pressure hull, was six meters longer, and half a meter wider than the TR1700s built for Argentina. It lost to the Type 471 from Kockums, an enlarged Västergötland-class submarine.
Service: The first two submarines were delivered on schedule in 1984-85. The remaining four built in Argentina were suspended due to the Argentinean economic crisis of the 1980s. In 1996 work completely ceased on ARA Santa Fe at 70 % (or 52 %) completion while ARA Santiago del Estero was only 30 percent complete. After attempts to complete and sell the boats to Taiwan failed they were cannibalized, along with the parts for the fifth and sixth units, to support the continued operations of the first two submarines.
Santa Cruz received its mid-life modernization at Arsenal de Marinha, Rio de Janeiro Brazil between September 1999 and 2001. The work involved the replacement of the engines, batteries, and sonar. Her sister boat San Juan entered the Astillero Domecq Garcia shipyard to receive her refit in 2007; she completed refit in 2013.
In September 2010 it was revealed that the Ministry of Defense was conducting feasibility studies to decide if ARA Santa Fe (S-43) should be completed. The decision should be made sometime after completing the mid-life modernization of ARA San Juan (S-42). The estimated cost of completing Santa Fe was $60 million.
On 17 November 2017, the ARA San Juan was reported missing; reports of a fire are unsubstantiated and have been denied by the Argentine Navy. ...
History: in Argentina
Name: ARA San Juan
Builder: Thyssen Nordseewerke, Emden, Federal Republic of Germany
Completed: 28 June 1983
Commissioned: 19 November 1985
Fate: Unknown; search currently underway
Status: in service
General characteristics:
Class and type: TR-1700-class submarine
Displacement: 2,140 tonnes (surfaced)
2,336 tonnes (submerged)
Length: 65.93 m (216.3 ft)
Beam: 8.36 m (27.4 ft)
Draught: 7.34 m (24.1 ft)
Propulsion: 1 shaft 4 × MTU diesels
1 × Siemens electric motor
Speed: 15 knots (28 km/h) surfaced
25 knots (46 km/h) submerged
Range: 12,000 nmi (22,000 km) at 8 kn (15 km/h) surfaced
Endurance: 30 days
Complement: 37
Sensors and processing systems:
- Radar Thompson CSF Calypso
- Sonar Atlas Elektronik CSU 3/4, Thompson Sintra DUUX-5
Armament: 6 × 533 mm (21 in) bow torpedo tubes
22 torpedoes
MedRes! above: A.R.A. "San Juan" in Port of M.d.P. below: It with ARA Naval Aviation "Seaking" ASW heli. source: http://www.ara.mil.ar/
Boats in class
Ship | Pennant number | Builder | Completed | Status |
ARA Santa Cruz | S-41 | Thyssen Nordseewerke | 18 October 1984 | In service with Argentine Navy |
ARA San Juan | S-42 | Thyssen Nordseewerke | 19 November 1985 | In service with Argentine Navy |
ARA Santa Fe | S-43 | Astillero Domecq Garcia | Construction suspended - 70% (or 52%) complete Boat could be completed after feasibility studies |
ARA Santiago Del Estero | S-44 | Astillero Domecq Garcia | Construction suspended - 30% complete | |
(none) | S-45 | Astillero Domecq Garcia | Construction suspended - Little complete Components cannibalized for spares |
(none) | S-46 | Astillero Domecq Garcia | Suspended Components cannibalized for spares |
Hu. text: A szerző, Juci'bácsi 1973-ban végzett az ország egyetlen a Butapest XIII. kerület "Angyalföld" Jász utca 155. (Rokolya utca sarok) lévő "Lékai János" Hajózási Technikum és Szakközépiskola dolgozók esti műszer szakán. Nagybátyja, néhai Marek Dezső a MAHART folyami főgépésze volt akivel jópárszor hajókáztam és a Soroksári-Dunaágat pancsoltam kenuval és kajakkal. Tehát van egy kis közöm és elhivatottságom a hajózás felé.
En. text: The author, Uncle Juci'bacsi, graduated in 1973 from the country's only Butapest XIII. district "Angyalföld" Jász street 155. (Rokolya street corner) at the "Lékai János" Naval Technical School and High School workers' afternoon instrument section. His uncle, the late Dezső Marek, was the chief engineer of the river MAHART, with whom I sailed several times and used the canoe and kayak on the Soroksár-Danube branch. So I have a little to do and a commitment to shipping.
above: MedRes! Armada Argentine, Navy's sailor in Ushuaia-argentina port by: www.alamy.com E1E5MY
above: NoHigher! Mar del Plata A.R.A. port - kikötő below: MedRes! During port maneuvering

above: MedRes! A.R.A. Armada de la República Argentina TR1700 "San Juan" - Argentin Köztársaság Haditengerészete
above: MedRes! Armada delegacion source: http://www.ara.mil.ar/
Hu. text: A tengeralattjárón volt az argentin haditengerészet első női tisztje is. A 35 éves Eliana María Krawczyk felelt a hajó legénységének fegyelméért – írta a Reuters.
Ha a hajótest nem süllyedt 300 méter alá, nem sérült meg, és nem árasztotta el a víz, akkor még életben lehet a legénység. Elvileg fel vannak készítve ilyen vészhelyzetre, a protokoll szerint ekkor minden mozgást, beszédet a minimálisra kell csökkenteni, hogy minél kevesebb oxigén fogyjon – elméletileg ennek az utasításnak a betartatásáért most Krawczyk felel a hajón. ... index.hu/kulfold/
Ha a hajótest nem süllyedt 300 méter alá, nem sérült meg, és nem árasztotta el a víz, akkor még életben lehet a legénység. Elvileg fel vannak készítve ilyen vészhelyzetre, a protokoll szerint ekkor minden mozgást, beszédet a minimálisra kell csökkenteni, hogy minél kevesebb oxigén fogyjon – elméletileg ennek az utasításnak a betartatásáért most Krawczyk felel a hajón. ... index.hu/kulfold/
above: NEW! MedRes! Es. text: Eliana María Krawczyk, de 34 anos, foi a primeira oficial submarinista da América do Sul. Entre os 44 tripulantes que estavam a bordo do submarino ARA San Juan, que é buscado pela Marinha argentina há seis dias, havia uma única mulher. Eliana María Krawczyk, de 34 anos, foi a primeira oficial submarinista da América do Sul e atua como chefe de operações no submarino. source: https://veja.abril.com.br/mundo/quem-e-a-unica-mulher-no-submarino-argentino-desaparecido/
below: NoHigher! Maria Krawczyk (Polish descent - Lengyel származású) I.M. photo - fotó: Social Media
Argentinian Navy submarine with 44 crew lost Update: submarine found? source: REUTERS
above & below: MedRes! Naval Port in Mar del Plata (You can See the Submarine over!)

below: NEW+! HiRes! Hopefulness for Your salvation of Soul from lake Balaton, Hu.- Reménykedés a lelkük üdvösségéért a Balatontól, Magyarországról. - Mood pics about shore-corso Balatonfüred, Gulls & Ducks - Sirályok és Kacsák and far visible the public Strand in 2018.november 16. Shiny-Friday - Fényes-Péntek - Parti sétány. XIAOMI Smart-Phone művész-Fotó - artisty Photo by: Ms. Bártfai Mária - Veszprém city-
Erofey Schkvarkin
News: November 20, 2017 6:15 pm
Post Views: 76,181
Nov 20 CNN latest: News!
(CNN)Argentina’s navy on Nov 20 picked up what could be noises from the country’s missing submarine and said the sub’s captain reported a “failure” in the vessel’s battery system before it disappeared.
The sonar systems of two ships detected noises sounding like tools being banged against the hull of a submarine, according to a senior US Navy official familiar with the Navy’s assistance in the search for the vessel.
The official said that crews of submarines in distress bang on the vessel’s hull to alert passing ships to their location. The missing submarine — the ARA San Juan — has a crew of 44.
The Argentinian navy was able to fix the rough location of the sounds and is now concentrating its search in an area of 35 square nautical miles approximately 330 miles off the coast of Argentina, the official said.
Hopefully, this is it, and submarine is to be located soon. After it’s found, crew life-support may be provided with connections providing air, power, some supplies and warmth – crew should be freezing down there, it’s one of the main risks in case of a major accident. Much will depend on the depth, the more is the depth, the more difficult is the task of getting sailors out.
Nov 20 Update: No news on any traces found, signals detected on Nov 18 probably originated from other source. News are mostly related to search operation, describing extra resources which were deployed recently, and new areas designated for search. Argentinian Navy Command didn’t yet reveal most vital information – underwater survivability deadline, based on all known to Headquarters data (batteries charge level, time she was underwater prior to missing date/time, her max present underwater survivability, etc.); and most probable depths she’s on (below or above crush depth). Argentinian Navy Shipyard engineer said “reserves of oxygen allow submarine to stay underwater for several days”. It may be up to 10 days, then?
Nov 19: Seven indistinct satellite signals were detected by Argentinian Navy on Nov 18, rekindling hopes of SAR success. No details were given with regards to these signals, except that signals may indicate, that the crew is trying to re-establish contact, so Navy is working to locate the source of the emissions. Could those signals be sent from submarine itself, or could they be signals sent by damaged emergency buoy on the surface, with malfunctioning communication equipment? Was the buoy – if it was a buoy – already surfaced, or did crew manage to release the buoy, is it attached to submarine, or is it drifting? There are just too many options to build up more or less plausible version, so all we can do is again, hope and pray.
If all communication equipment is inoperable or malfunctioning, there’s only one way for the crew of disabled submarine resting on bottom to alert rescuers and indicate its’ position. The one which was used since the first known submarine disasters in early 20-th century, and rescued many lives. It’s sound – making noise just by banging something metal against submarine’s steel hull.
Nov 18 evening: According to latest news evening Nov 18, no trace of ARA SAN JUAN found yet. Argentinian Navy Command said some 80% of the area of submarine’s possible position were already searched.
Most important questions now are the underwater endurance of ARA SAN JUAN, and the depth she’s in. Here’s more detailed description of TR-1700-class submarine:
The submarine was designed by Thyssen and its features include high underwater speed, endurance (for a diesel submarine), and survivability. The boat’s four MTU diesel engines, four generators, and Siemens electric motor can propel it at speeds up to 25 knots (46 km/h; 29 mph). Eight 120-cell batteries are installed on each boat. They have a diving depth of 300 m (980 ft). Normal endurance of these boats is 30 days with an extended range up to 70 days.
I’ve been trained as a reserve officer (all Soviet Merchant Marine officers were), Commander of Battle Station 1, diesel submarines, and served several months on board of Soviet Foxtrot-class submarine, with maximum underwater endurance of 3-4 days, without snorkel use. After that, you have either to surface, or to die. 30 days endurance for a conventional diesel submarine, not AIP, sounds fantastic for me, but who knows. Of course we have to forget about snorkel, ARA SAN JUAN can’t use it. If ARA SAN JUAN is capable of staying underwater for about a week or more, and if the disaster which befell her doesn’t sink her, killing most or all crew, then there’s still a good chance of survival and rescue, I believe.
Nov 18 Latest: The International Submarine Escape and Rescue Liaison Office (ISMERLO), organization dedicated to the search and rescue of sunk submarines around the world, claimed it detected ARA SAN JUAN about 300 kilometers east of Puerto Madryn at some 70 meters depth. No confirmation yet, official news say submarine search continues. If submarine is really found at 70-meter depth, there’s a good chance of rescuing the crew.
Nov 18: Full-scale SAR is under way in waters near the last known position of missing submarine, including all available Navy ships and planes, and merchant marine and fishing vessels in the area. There are 44 crew on board, initial reports mentioning storage battery fire weren’t not confirmed by latest updates, but weren’t renounced, either. Emergency beacon didn’t surface (which is very upsetting by itself – it happens, like in some cases with USSR Navy submarines, but quite rarely), and that seems to be the main problem – rescuers don’t know exact position of the submarine, and therefore, can’t locate her. All those who offered help in rescuing submarine, including Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru, the United States, Great Britain and South Africa, can’t do much until submarine is found, unless they are capable of a quick delivery of search and detection equipment and specialists.
Argentinian Navy Command kept it secret maybe for too long, for two days, and in all probability, could continue hiding the accident, if not crew families worries, which inevitably, would leak the news. It’s a curse of all or nearly all Navies, they’re too secretive, risking the lives of the sailors or sacrificing them, in the name of honor and reputation. More often, than not, it’s not honor, it’s fear of Navy Brass of possible repercussions.
Nov 17 news:
Argentina Navy submarine ARA SAN JUAN disappeared in waters of Puerto Madryn, northern Patagonia, Argentina, contact with submarine manned with 40 crew lost since Nov 15. It was said that submarine was already located and taken on tow, being disabled after fire, but according to most recent news, citing Navy officials, submarine wasn’t found, her fate, and fate of the crew, unknown.
On a photo Eliana Maria Krawczyk, one of the crew of the missing submarine in officer’s rank.
Submarine ARA SAN JUAN, TR-1700-class diesel-electric submarine in active service with the Argentine Navy, built 1983, displacement: 2140 tonnes (surfaced) 2336 tonnes (submerged), armament torpedoes. ... http://maritimebulletin.net/2017/11/17/argentinian-navy-submarine-with-40-crew-lost-contradicting-news/
26 November 2017: No sign of the vessel has been reported since November 15, shortly after the captain reported an electrical fault.
The missing Argentine submarine San Juan was carrying beyond its allowed capacity, declared the brother of a crew member to local media on Sunday. ...
Post Views: 76,181
Nov 20 CNN latest: News!
(CNN)Argentina’s navy on Nov 20 picked up what could be noises from the country’s missing submarine and said the sub’s captain reported a “failure” in the vessel’s battery system before it disappeared.
The sonar systems of two ships detected noises sounding like tools being banged against the hull of a submarine, according to a senior US Navy official familiar with the Navy’s assistance in the search for the vessel.
The official said that crews of submarines in distress bang on the vessel’s hull to alert passing ships to their location. The missing submarine — the ARA San Juan — has a crew of 44.
The Argentinian navy was able to fix the rough location of the sounds and is now concentrating its search in an area of 35 square nautical miles approximately 330 miles off the coast of Argentina, the official said.
Hopefully, this is it, and submarine is to be located soon. After it’s found, crew life-support may be provided with connections providing air, power, some supplies and warmth – crew should be freezing down there, it’s one of the main risks in case of a major accident. Much will depend on the depth, the more is the depth, the more difficult is the task of getting sailors out.
Nov 20 Update: No news on any traces found, signals detected on Nov 18 probably originated from other source. News are mostly related to search operation, describing extra resources which were deployed recently, and new areas designated for search. Argentinian Navy Command didn’t yet reveal most vital information – underwater survivability deadline, based on all known to Headquarters data (batteries charge level, time she was underwater prior to missing date/time, her max present underwater survivability, etc.); and most probable depths she’s on (below or above crush depth). Argentinian Navy Shipyard engineer said “reserves of oxygen allow submarine to stay underwater for several days”. It may be up to 10 days, then?
Nov 19: Seven indistinct satellite signals were detected by Argentinian Navy on Nov 18, rekindling hopes of SAR success. No details were given with regards to these signals, except that signals may indicate, that the crew is trying to re-establish contact, so Navy is working to locate the source of the emissions. Could those signals be sent from submarine itself, or could they be signals sent by damaged emergency buoy on the surface, with malfunctioning communication equipment? Was the buoy – if it was a buoy – already surfaced, or did crew manage to release the buoy, is it attached to submarine, or is it drifting? There are just too many options to build up more or less plausible version, so all we can do is again, hope and pray.
If all communication equipment is inoperable or malfunctioning, there’s only one way for the crew of disabled submarine resting on bottom to alert rescuers and indicate its’ position. The one which was used since the first known submarine disasters in early 20-th century, and rescued many lives. It’s sound – making noise just by banging something metal against submarine’s steel hull.
Nov 18 evening: According to latest news evening Nov 18, no trace of ARA SAN JUAN found yet. Argentinian Navy Command said some 80% of the area of submarine’s possible position were already searched.
Most important questions now are the underwater endurance of ARA SAN JUAN, and the depth she’s in. Here’s more detailed description of TR-1700-class submarine:
The submarine was designed by Thyssen and its features include high underwater speed, endurance (for a diesel submarine), and survivability. The boat’s four MTU diesel engines, four generators, and Siemens electric motor can propel it at speeds up to 25 knots (46 km/h; 29 mph). Eight 120-cell batteries are installed on each boat. They have a diving depth of 300 m (980 ft). Normal endurance of these boats is 30 days with an extended range up to 70 days.
I’ve been trained as a reserve officer (all Soviet Merchant Marine officers were), Commander of Battle Station 1, diesel submarines, and served several months on board of Soviet Foxtrot-class submarine, with maximum underwater endurance of 3-4 days, without snorkel use. After that, you have either to surface, or to die. 30 days endurance for a conventional diesel submarine, not AIP, sounds fantastic for me, but who knows. Of course we have to forget about snorkel, ARA SAN JUAN can’t use it. If ARA SAN JUAN is capable of staying underwater for about a week or more, and if the disaster which befell her doesn’t sink her, killing most or all crew, then there’s still a good chance of survival and rescue, I believe.
Nov 18 Latest: The International Submarine Escape and Rescue Liaison Office (ISMERLO), organization dedicated to the search and rescue of sunk submarines around the world, claimed it detected ARA SAN JUAN about 300 kilometers east of Puerto Madryn at some 70 meters depth. No confirmation yet, official news say submarine search continues. If submarine is really found at 70-meter depth, there’s a good chance of rescuing the crew.
Nov 18: Full-scale SAR is under way in waters near the last known position of missing submarine, including all available Navy ships and planes, and merchant marine and fishing vessels in the area. There are 44 crew on board, initial reports mentioning storage battery fire weren’t not confirmed by latest updates, but weren’t renounced, either. Emergency beacon didn’t surface (which is very upsetting by itself – it happens, like in some cases with USSR Navy submarines, but quite rarely), and that seems to be the main problem – rescuers don’t know exact position of the submarine, and therefore, can’t locate her. All those who offered help in rescuing submarine, including Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru, the United States, Great Britain and South Africa, can’t do much until submarine is found, unless they are capable of a quick delivery of search and detection equipment and specialists.
Argentinian Navy Command kept it secret maybe for too long, for two days, and in all probability, could continue hiding the accident, if not crew families worries, which inevitably, would leak the news. It’s a curse of all or nearly all Navies, they’re too secretive, risking the lives of the sailors or sacrificing them, in the name of honor and reputation. More often, than not, it’s not honor, it’s fear of Navy Brass of possible repercussions.
Nov 17 news:
Argentina Navy submarine ARA SAN JUAN disappeared in waters of Puerto Madryn, northern Patagonia, Argentina, contact with submarine manned with 40 crew lost since Nov 15. It was said that submarine was already located and taken on tow, being disabled after fire, but according to most recent news, citing Navy officials, submarine wasn’t found, her fate, and fate of the crew, unknown.
On a photo Eliana Maria Krawczyk, one of the crew of the missing submarine in officer’s rank.
Submarine ARA SAN JUAN, TR-1700-class diesel-electric submarine in active service with the Argentine Navy, built 1983, displacement: 2140 tonnes (surfaced) 2336 tonnes (submerged), armament torpedoes. ... http://maritimebulletin.net/2017/11/17/argentinian-navy-submarine-with-40-crew-lost-contradicting-news/
26 November 2017: No sign of the vessel has been reported since November 15, shortly after the captain reported an electrical fault.
The missing Argentine submarine San Juan was carrying beyond its allowed capacity, declared the brother of a crew member to local media on Sunday. ...
NOV 20 2017, 8:21 PM ET: A U.S. Navy rescue crew from San Diego has joined the international search effort for a Argentine submarine and its 44 crew members missing for several days beneath the stormy southern Atlantic Ocean.
Navy sailors with Undersea Rescue Command (URC) departed Miramar Saturday with a Submarine Rescue Chamber (SRC) and four aircraft, en route to where the ARA San Juan lost contact with the Argentine Navy Wednesday.
As waves of up to 20 feet complicated the search, authorities spent Sunday analyzing data from possible satellite calls that were thought to have been made from the vessel. ...
Navy sailors with Undersea Rescue Command (URC) departed Miramar Saturday with a Submarine Rescue Chamber (SRC) and four aircraft, en route to where the ARA San Juan lost contact with the Argentine Navy Wednesday.
As waves of up to 20 feet complicated the search, authorities spent Sunday analyzing data from possible satellite calls that were thought to have been made from the vessel. ...
My name is Mikhail Voytenko, I’m Russian, professional merchant marine navigator by education and former experience. Presently, I’m most popular maritime journalist in Russia, Ukraine and among Russian-speaking communities around the world. I’ve been involved in several world-famous accidents, including the hijack of ro-ro Faina and mysterious disappearance of timber carrier Arctic Sea (it was me in fact, who made that disappearance public, and because of that story I had to flee Russia).
I maintain Maritime Bulletin as a private maritime news and analysis website for more than 10 years. Recently, I developed website, blog actually, into a news agency, with the help of contributors. All of them are working in maritime industry, most of them are active seamen, sending me news and information from around the globe.
“Maritime Bulletin” and “Black Sea News” News Agency in May 2017 launched a joint project “Maritime Bulletin – Crimean Shipping”.
De. text: News!: Tarnkappen-U-Boote sind kaum aufzufinden:
Seit einer Woche suchen Schiffe, Flugzeuge und Unterwasser-Roboter fieberhaft nach dem verschwundenen argentinischen U-Boot ARA San Juan. Die moderne Tarnkappentechnologie solcher U-Boote erschwert die Suche.
Militärische U-Boote sind dafür gebaut, möglichst unsichtbar durch die Weltmeere zu fahren - unerkannt von Feinden, Gegnern und Spionen. Sie tauchen nur selten auf, um Funk- oder Telefonkontakt zu ihren Hauptquartieren aufzunehmen und verhalten sich sonst meistens still.
Das gilt natürlich im Notfall nicht mehr. Dann müssen die Besatzungen deutlich auf sich aufmerksam machen: Sie können an der Wasseroberfläche Notrufsignale absetzen oder unter Wasser Klopfzeichen oder andere akustische Zeichen geben.
Dabei kommt ihnen aber unter Umständen die Bauform ihrer U-Boote in die Quere, denn die ist darauf ausgelegt, dass möglichst alle Signale geschluckt werden. ...
I maintain Maritime Bulletin as a private maritime news and analysis website for more than 10 years. Recently, I developed website, blog actually, into a news agency, with the help of contributors. All of them are working in maritime industry, most of them are active seamen, sending me news and information from around the globe.
“Maritime Bulletin” and “Black Sea News” News Agency in May 2017 launched a joint project “Maritime Bulletin – Crimean Shipping”.
De. text: News!: Tarnkappen-U-Boote sind kaum aufzufinden:
Seit einer Woche suchen Schiffe, Flugzeuge und Unterwasser-Roboter fieberhaft nach dem verschwundenen argentinischen U-Boot ARA San Juan. Die moderne Tarnkappentechnologie solcher U-Boote erschwert die Suche.
Militärische U-Boote sind dafür gebaut, möglichst unsichtbar durch die Weltmeere zu fahren - unerkannt von Feinden, Gegnern und Spionen. Sie tauchen nur selten auf, um Funk- oder Telefonkontakt zu ihren Hauptquartieren aufzunehmen und verhalten sich sonst meistens still.
Das gilt natürlich im Notfall nicht mehr. Dann müssen die Besatzungen deutlich auf sich aufmerksam machen: Sie können an der Wasseroberfläche Notrufsignale absetzen oder unter Wasser Klopfzeichen oder andere akustische Zeichen geben.
Dabei kommt ihnen aber unter Umständen die Bauform ihrer U-Boote in die Quere, denn die ist darauf ausgelegt, dass möglichst alle Signale geschluckt werden. ...

Nov 28 Latest: Argentina's corvette that has to deliver a Russian bathyscaphe to the area where the search operation of the missing San Juan submarine is ongoing, has set off from the port of Comodoro Rivadavia.
COMODORO RIVADAVIA (Sputnik) — Argentina's Robinson corvette with Russian experts on board has left for the area where the search operation of the missing Argentina's San Juan submarine is ongoing, a Sputnik correspondent reported on Tuesday.
The corvette with Russian and Argentine experts has departed from the port of Comodoro Rivadavia.
The corvette moored in the port on Monday at 4:40 p.m. local time (19:40 GMT) and is expected to deliver the Russian Panther Plus submersible to the search operation zone. ...
Nov 28.: Water entered Argentinian submarine's snorkel hours before it vanished - Navy reveals 12 DAYS after it went missing. A spokesman said today that the intake of water had caused the battery of the ARA San Juan to short-circuit before it vanished on November 15. The snorkel is a device which allows a submarine to operate submerged while still taking in air from the surface. Hope is dwindling among some families of the 44-member crew - who were only believed to have had enough air to survive for a week if submerged. It was revealed last week that the San Juan had only a seven-day oxygen supply when it lost contact. A sudden noise that was widely reported having been detected the Navy now says could in fact have been the implosion of the vessel. ... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/water-entered-argentinian-submarines-snorkel-11598004
November 30.: Uki Goñi in Buenos Aires:? Argentina has called off the rescue operation for its missing submarine 15 days after a reported explosion apparently sent it to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Patagonia.
“No one will be rescued,” said navy captain Enrique Balbi, who has been acting as official spokesperson for the rescue effort. Nonetheless, the search operation for the ARA San Juan would continue in waters of up to 500 metres deep, he added.
“Despite the magnitude of the effort made it has not been possible to locate the submarine,” said Balbi, referring to the multinational response that has included US, British and Russian aircraft, ships and personnel ...

above: NoHigher! Ausbild fahrstand und Ausbild tiefenruder
above: NoHigher! U-204 -submarines sacrifice- source: Pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! E-R Telegraph: U-Boot maschinentelegraph wanduhr - wallclock
Movie: Das Boot - A Tengeralattjáró

above: MedRes! Passage & Turkey crew: 'Savuna Ve Havacilik' Kobben/TR-1700
above: NEW+! NoHigher! #Sigourney#Weaver in Scifis "#Alien" 1979.
En. text: Susan Alexandra "Sigourney" Weaver (/sɪˈɡɔːrni/; born October 8, 1949), is an American actress. Following her film debut with a non speaking role in Annie Hall (1977), she quickly came to prominence with her first lead role as Ellen Ripley in Alien (1979). She reprised the role in three sequels: Aliens (1986), for which she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress; Alien 3 (1992), and Alien Resurrection (1997). She is also known for her starring roles in the box-office hits Ghostbusters (1984), Ghostbusters II (1989), and Avatar (2009). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigourney_Weaver
Hu. text: Sigourney Weaver, születési nevén Susan Alexandra Weaver (Manhattan, New York, 1949. október 8.) Golden Globe-díjas amerikai színésznő. Legismertebb szerepei Ellen Ripley hadnagy a Nyolcadik utas: a Halálban és folytatásaiban, Dana Barrett a Szellemirtók-filmekben és Dr. Grace Augustine az Avatarban. Háromszor jelölték Oscar-díjra. ...
En. text: Alien is a 1979 science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Dan O'Bannon. Based on a story by O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett, it follows the crew of the commercial space tug Nostromo who encounter the eponymous Alien, a deadly and aggressive extraterrestrial set loose on the ship. The film stars Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt, Ian Holm, and Yaphet Kotto. It was produced by Gordon Carroll, David Giler and Walter Hill through their company Brandywine Productions, and was distributed by 20th Century Fox. Giler and Hill revised and made additions to the script; Shusett was executive producer. The Alien and its accompanying artifacts were designed by the Swiss artist H. R. Giger, while concept artists Ron Cobb and Chris Foss designed the more human settings. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(film)
Hu. text: A Nyolcadik utas: a Halál (eredeti cím: Alien, sz. sz. „idegen”, értsd: földönkívüli lény) egy 1979-ben bemutatott angol-amerikai koprodukcióban készült horrorfilm Ridley Scott rendezésében. A főszerepben Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt, Ian Holm és Yaphet Kotto láthatóak. A film további főszereplője egy agresszív, félig értelmes földönkívüli lény, egy tökéletes gyilkos, aki ösztöneitől hajtva egyesével levadássza egy teherűrhajó legénységét. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! WW-Two Subsimulator Radar Screen - Radarképernyő source: Pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's 'Praktica' F.X 2 reprophoto with small-film ORWO/Hu. Forte 24 x 32 'Pentacon' mast in late 1970's in Hu.MoD Isnstitute & Museum of Military History - HM. Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum / Military-Science Library - Hadtudományi Könyvtár (cmdr-pk.: libr.boss.-kvt.vez: Col. Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds.) -Budapest- I.ker. (Budai-castle - vár) Kapisztrán -tér 4-6. copy by Nikon "Coolpix" 2014.: about FRG "WehrTechik" review: Türkish Navy FRG made U-Boot
above: NoHigher! D1795 Control-Room: radar station with Tube of loud-speaker
above: NoHigher! PPI - Plan Position Indicator RaDAR - Radio Detection And Ranging
NEW! NoHigher! Sub radar station source: Pinterest below: radar display source: videohive.net
above: NEW! NoHigher! Kelvin-Hughes radar display on LED - Light Emission Diodes screen
Hu. text article from index.hu: 2018.11.17: NT; Megtalálták az egy éve elsüllyedt argentin tengeralattjárót - tudatta az argentin haditengerészet szombaton, írja az MTI. A tengeralattjáró 2017. november 15-én süllyedt el. A jármű 800 méter mélyen fekszik az Atlanti-óceánban. A tengeralattjárón 44 fős személyzet szolgált. Megtalálása előtt két nappal volt eltűnésének első évfordulója, és a legénység hozzátartozói gyászszertartással emlékeztek az elhunytakra. ... https://index.hu/kulfold/2018/11/17/megtalaltak_az_egy_eve_elsullyedt_argentin_tengeralattjarot/
2017,11.21.: NYG; Csak a csoda segíthet az eltűnt tengeralattjárón:
Még élhet a szerdán eltűnt argentin tengeralattjáró legénysége, amely után egyelőre sikertelenül kutatnak az Atlanti-óceánon. Pontos helyét mindeddig nem tudták meghatározni, és tovább csökkenti az esélyeket, hogy kiderült: sem a szombaton segélyhívásnak vélt rádiójelek, sem a hétfőn kopácsolásnak vélt morzejelek nem a hajótestből jöttek. Negyvennégy emberért – köztük Argentína első tengeralattjárón szolgáló női tisztjéért – folyik a halálos versenyfutás. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! the Globe view from space - a Föld látványa az űrből source: facebook
above:NEW! BigRes! Strait of 'Magellan', Chile and Fire Land- A 'Magellán'-szoros és a Tűzföld. - Estrecho de Magallanes y Tierra del Fuego source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! NoHigher! Satellite-recording, the "V"-shaped the 'Strait of Magellan' - Műholdfelvétel, a "V"-alakú átjáró a 'Magellán'-szoros source: Wikipedia.org/cimlap.blog.hu
above: MedRes! Hu. text map: Planned route distance: cca. 2.300 Km. map and theory - feltételezés source: index.hu
Hu. text article: Hiába találták meg az argentin tengeralattjárót, nem tudják kiemelni: index.hu
-da- 2018.11.18. 07:10
Argentína nem tudja felszínre hozni saját erejéből az egy éve elsüllyedt tengeralattjáróját, nincsenek hozzá megfelelő eszközei - közölte szombaton az ország védelmi minisztere, pár órával azután, hogy megtalálták a járművet.
Az MTI szerint a miniszter bejelentése keserű dühöt váltott ki a San Juan nevű tengeralattjárón halálát lelt 44 fős legénység rokonaiból, akik a megtalálása előtt két nappal - az eltűnés első évfordulóján - gyászszertartással emlékeztek szeretteikre, és követelik, hogy emeljék a járművet a felszínre. Argentína háromnapos nemzeti gyászt rendelt el az áldozatok emlékére. ... https://index.hu/kulfold/2018/11/18/hiaba_talaltak_meg_az_argentin_tengeralattjarot_nem_tudjak_kiemelni/
above: NEW! NoHigher! Wrecked "San Juan" on edge of abyssal plateu depth 940m - A tengeralattjáró egy vízalatti felvételen photo: Ocean Infinity nevű amerikai tengerfigyelő cég / AFP/Ho source: index.hu
above: NoHigher! German HDW TR-1700 'Santa Cruz' class source: Military-Today.com
Hu. text: Hír! A múlt héten rutinmunkára indult az argentin haditengerészet ARA San Juan tengeralattjárója. A 44 tagú legénység feladata az volt, hogy elriassza az illegális halászhajókat Patagónia partjainak közeléből, de szerdán reggel nem sokkal 7 óra 30 perc után a kapitány jelezte, hogy rövidzárlat keletkezett a jármű akkumulátorrendszerében. ...Hu. text: Hír! A San Juan nevű, német gyártmányú tengeralattjáró – amelyet 1985-ben állítottak hadrendbe Argentínában, s amelyet néhány évvel ezelőtt újítottak fel – november 13-án indult el az ország egyik legdélibb pontjáról, Ushuaiából saját támaszpontja, a fővárostól 400 kilométerre délre fekvő Mar del Plata felé. Utoljára két nappal később a San Jorge öböl térségéből, az argentin partoktól 432 kilométerre jelentkezett be, onnantól kezdve azonban semmit nem lehet tudni róla. ...
Hu. text: Hír! Még élhet a szerdán eltűnt argentin tengeralattjáró legénysége, amely után egyelőre sikertelenül kutatnak az Atlanti-óceánon. Pontos helyét mindeddig nem tudták meghatározni, és tovább csökkenti az esélyeket, hogy kiderült: sem a szombaton segélyhívásnak vélt rádiójelek, sem a hétfőn kopácsolásnak vélt morzejelek nem a hajótestből jöttek. Negyvennégy emberért – köztük Argentína első tengeralattjárón szolgáló női tisztjéért – folyik a halálos versenyfutás.
- 44 emberrel a fedélzetén tűnt el az argentin haditengerészet tengeralattjárója november 15-én. A hajó ekkor adott jelet utoljára magáról. Felkutatása két nappal később kezdődött.
- Egyre kisebb az esély arra, hogy vannak túlélők: a levegő lassan elfogyhat, de az is lehet, hogy a hajótest olyan mélyre merült, hogy összeroppant.
- A korábbi reményekkel ellentétben kiderült, mégsem fogtak jelet a hajóról.
- A kutatásban az Egyesült Államok, Nagy-Britannia és több dél-amerikai ország is részt vesz.
Ha meg is találják a hajót és túlélők is vannak rajta, még mindig kevés az esély, hogy sikerül őket kimenteni.
- A munkálatokat az is nehezíti, hogy a térségben az Atlanti-óceánon heves vihar dúl. ...
- 44 emberrel a fedélzetén tűnt el az argentin haditengerészet tengeralattjárója november 15-én. A hajó ekkor adott jelet utoljára magáról. Felkutatása két nappal később kezdődött.
- Egyre kisebb az esély arra, hogy vannak túlélők: a levegő lassan elfogyhat, de az is lehet, hogy a hajótest olyan mélyre merült, hogy összeroppant.
- A korábbi reményekkel ellentétben kiderült, mégsem fogtak jelet a hajóról.
- A kutatásban az Egyesült Államok, Nagy-Britannia és több dél-amerikai ország is részt vesz.
Ha meg is találják a hajót és túlélők is vannak rajta, még mindig kevés az esély, hogy sikerül őket kimenteni.
- A munkálatokat az is nehezíti, hogy a térségben az Atlanti-óceánon heves vihar dúl. ...
InfoRádió / Szvetnik Endre (London) 2017.11.24. 08:00
Az argentin haditengerészet megerősítette, hogy egy „abnormális” hangot rögzítettek a tenger mélyéről, azon a napon, amikor a San Juan tengeralattjáró eltűnt. Egy szóvivő szerint a hang „robbanásra utal”. ... http://inforadio.hu/tudositoink/2017/11/24/bizakodas_utan
Csütörtökön került nyilvánosságra, hogy szokatlan zajt, hidroakusztikus anomáliát rögzítettek három órával a tengeralattjáró utolsó bejelentkezését követően abból a térségből, ahol eltűnt. Később arról számolt be a haditengerészet, hogy olyan információkat kapott, amelyek szerint a rögzített anomália robbanás hangja lehetett. A szonárral rögzített feltűnő jelenséget egy egyesült államokbeli intézet rögzítette, de erről csak most értesítette az argentin hatóságokat ...
Hu. text: Hír! 2017.11.28.:A légszívóba került víz okozhatta az argentin tengeralattjáró vesztét: Joób Sándor MTI/index.hu
Víz ömlött a hajó légszívójába, ami rövidzárlatot okozott az egyik akkumulátorban. Ez vezethetett a 12 napja eltűnt San Juan tengeralattjáró katasztrófájához, mondta Enrique Balbi, az argentin haditengerészet szóvivője. A 44 fős személyzet valószínűleg nem élte túl a katasztrófát, miután víz alatti robbanást is észleltek abban a térségben, ahonnan november 15-én utoljára jelentkezett be a hajó, írja az MTI.
Azóta semmi jel nem érkezett a tengeralattjáróról, és a hajótestet sem találják, bár nemzetközi akció indult a felkutatására. Szakértők kezdettől fogva azt mondták, hogy a személyzetnek legfeljebb 10 napi levegőtartaléke lehetett, ha a hajó sértetlen állapotban süllyedt az óceán mélyére.
A haditengerészet a múlt héten jelentette be, hogy a San Juan eltűnése előtt a kapitány az egyik akkumulátorkamrában keletkezett elektromos problémáról számolt be. Ezután arra kapott parancsot, hogy térjen vissza a fővárostól 400 kilométerre délre lévő Mar del Plata-i támaszpontjára.
A hadihajó november 13-án indult vissza az ország legdélebbi csücskéből, Ushuaia kikötőjéből. A haderőnem szóvivője, Enrique Balbi hétfőn újságíróknak elárulta: a kapitány akkor arról számolt be, hogy víz ömlött be a hajó légszívóján keresztül, miközben éppen zajlott az akkumulátorok töltése.
A víz a szellőztetőrendszeren keresztül folyt be a hajóorrba, az ott lévő egyik akkumulátorrekeszbe, ahol a csatlakozókon "rövidzárlatot és egy kezdődő tüzet okozott, vagy lángok nélküli füstöt" - magyarázta. Balbi ugyanakkor hozzátette, hogy a kapitány később műholdas telefonon keresztül azt jelentette, hogy a problémát megszüntették.
Az akkumulátort le kellett választaniuk az elektromos hálózatról, és egy másik akkumulátor-áramkört használva kellett folytatniuk víz alatti útjukat Mar del Plata felé, mondta a szóvivő.
A Németországban megépített, TR-1700-osztályú, dízel-elektromos meghajtású San Juan 1985-ben állt szolgálatba, s 2008 és 2013 között átfogó felújításon esett át. A legénység tagjainak hozzátartozói kifogásolták a haditengerészet szerintük nem megfelelő reagálását a hajó eltűnésére, és problémásnak nevezték a vízi jármű korát és állapotát is.
Mauricio Macri argentin elnök vizsgálatot ígért a katasztrófa ügyében. A haditengerészet szerint több mint egy tucat ország segít jelenleg a tengeralattjáró utáni kutatásban abban a térségben, ahol a robbanást érzékelték. Balbi azt mondta, várhatóan hétfőn (helyi idő szerint) érkezik a térségbe az a norvég hajó, amely az amerikai haditengerészet távirányítású kutatójárművét és annak mentőegységét hozza magával.
Víz ömlött a hajó légszívójába, ami rövidzárlatot okozott az egyik akkumulátorban. Ez vezethetett a 12 napja eltűnt San Juan tengeralattjáró katasztrófájához, mondta Enrique Balbi, az argentin haditengerészet szóvivője. A 44 fős személyzet valószínűleg nem élte túl a katasztrófát, miután víz alatti robbanást is észleltek abban a térségben, ahonnan november 15-én utoljára jelentkezett be a hajó, írja az MTI.
Azóta semmi jel nem érkezett a tengeralattjáróról, és a hajótestet sem találják, bár nemzetközi akció indult a felkutatására. Szakértők kezdettől fogva azt mondták, hogy a személyzetnek legfeljebb 10 napi levegőtartaléke lehetett, ha a hajó sértetlen állapotban süllyedt az óceán mélyére.
A haditengerészet a múlt héten jelentette be, hogy a San Juan eltűnése előtt a kapitány az egyik akkumulátorkamrában keletkezett elektromos problémáról számolt be. Ezután arra kapott parancsot, hogy térjen vissza a fővárostól 400 kilométerre délre lévő Mar del Plata-i támaszpontjára.
A hadihajó november 13-án indult vissza az ország legdélebbi csücskéből, Ushuaia kikötőjéből. A haderőnem szóvivője, Enrique Balbi hétfőn újságíróknak elárulta: a kapitány akkor arról számolt be, hogy víz ömlött be a hajó légszívóján keresztül, miközben éppen zajlott az akkumulátorok töltése.
A víz a szellőztetőrendszeren keresztül folyt be a hajóorrba, az ott lévő egyik akkumulátorrekeszbe, ahol a csatlakozókon "rövidzárlatot és egy kezdődő tüzet okozott, vagy lángok nélküli füstöt" - magyarázta. Balbi ugyanakkor hozzátette, hogy a kapitány később műholdas telefonon keresztül azt jelentette, hogy a problémát megszüntették.
Az akkumulátort le kellett választaniuk az elektromos hálózatról, és egy másik akkumulátor-áramkört használva kellett folytatniuk víz alatti útjukat Mar del Plata felé, mondta a szóvivő.
A Németországban megépített, TR-1700-osztályú, dízel-elektromos meghajtású San Juan 1985-ben állt szolgálatba, s 2008 és 2013 között átfogó felújításon esett át. A legénység tagjainak hozzátartozói kifogásolták a haditengerészet szerintük nem megfelelő reagálását a hajó eltűnésére, és problémásnak nevezték a vízi jármű korát és állapotát is.
Mauricio Macri argentin elnök vizsgálatot ígért a katasztrófa ügyében. A haditengerészet szerint több mint egy tucat ország segít jelenleg a tengeralattjáró utáni kutatásban abban a térségben, ahol a robbanást érzékelték. Balbi azt mondta, várhatóan hétfőn (helyi idő szerint) érkezik a térségbe az a norvég hajó, amely az amerikai haditengerészet távirányítású kutatójárművét és annak mentőegységét hozza magával.
NEW! New by: Index.hu Hu. text article: Hír! nyg 19.07.2019.
Parancsnoki hiba és pénzhiány miatt süllyedt el az argentin tengeralattjáró:
Költségvetési megszorítások és a haditengerészet parancsnokainak alkalmatlansága okozta 2017-ben a San Juan argentin tengeralattjáró tragédiáját, erre jutott az ügyet kivizsgáló parlamenti bizottság – közölte az MTI.
A testület csütörtökön közzétett jelentésében kizárta azt a feltevést, miszerint hajóval ütközött a San Juan vagy támadás érte volna. ...
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Schema of fatal problem by: www.thetimes.co.uk & Reuters
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu.Text: Map of the Ushuaia and Tierra Fuego source: PPS hu.
above: NoHigher! Wirelles Communication: HF, UHF, VLF - Rádió Komm. :RH, URH, HH
above: DF - ra Direction Finder sys. - rádió IRM - Iránymérő rendszer
above: NoHigher! Canadian 'Oberon' class Script Comm. Device - Titkosító Berendezés
above. NoHigher! Germany 'Junghans' Radio Room Warship Clock
NoHigher! above: Die Woche with Sextant - Szeksztáns - Szextant

above: NEW! MedRes! Home Periscope with Housewife
above Two: NEW! NoHigher! Volhertrechner - Range finder of German attack periscope ASR C/6 - Támadó periszkóp távolságmeghatározó skála
NoHigher! above source: maritime.org & below Two: Periscope
above: NoHigher! Vintage Marine #Wall-Clock - Korabeli Tengerészeti #Falióra
above: NoHigher! Nautical Navigation design: Praktica - graphic by: Evgenhy Kurganov
above Two: HiRes! Sorry! (Reduced from 5400px to 1600px!) Bottom: World Relief ETOPO ice-relief Map from: source: NOAA-UDoC
NoHigher! Earth Night Density of Lights below: MedRes! Lights in South American Continent
above: MedRes! South America & Antartica - Dél Amerika és Antarktisz source: Google-Earth
above: MedRes! SAO Vessel/Ship traffic by: http://www.shiptraffic.net/2001/04/south-atlantic-ocean-ship-traffic.html below: NoHigher! Atlantic ocean source: thingling
above: NEW+! HiRes! #Hollywood star actress, #Cameron#Diaz in movie, Bad Teacher source: mellbimbo.eu
Cameron Diaz (born August 30, 1972) is an American actress and model. She has frequently appeared in comedies throughout her career, while also earning critical recognition in dramatic films. Her accolades include four Golden Globe Award nominations, three Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, and a New York Film Critics Award. In 2013, she was named the highest-paid actress over 40 in Hollywood. As of 2018, the U.S. domestic box office grosses of Diaz's films total over $3 billion USD, with worldwide grosses surpassing $7 billion, making her the fifth highest-grossing U.S. domestic box office actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Diaz
above: HiRes! (Intentionaly Rotate to Hz. for 1600px!) Hu. text Political map of South America - Politikai Felosztása. ("Postel-féle" ferdetengelyű vetület - "Postel-sotie" Slanting-axis projctile)
above: HiRes! SHN Argentina coverage of Nautical Charts by: GeoGarage
above: HiRes! (Crop!) Color ETOPO relief map - domborzati térkép: The global continental shelf, highlighted in cyan source: noAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - U.S. Department of Commerce below: NoHigher! Cross-Section of Atlantic ocean - Keresztmetszet
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text Diagram of the Oceanic divisions: Mélység - Depth, Magasság - Altitude, A Föld felszínének százaléka % - Percentage of the Earth's surface, Összesített százalékos arány % - Aggregate percentage (jégsapka hipszogram - ice cap hypogram)
NoHigher! above: Oceanic divisions - Mélységi felosztás below: Oceanic-basin - medence
above: MedRes! Tiefenmesser WW-II. source: Google-Youtube below: NoHigher! Depth-meter - Mélységmérő KEEL DEPTH IN FEET in HMS 'Oberon' class "Onyx" - Hajógerinc Mélysége Lábban source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! The captain's award watch ? U-BOAT #Italo-Fontana. source: http://www.uboatwatch.com/
Mounir Moufarrige is a brand developer and creator. Best known for shifting Alfred Dunhill from a smokers to a life style brand, reviving Montblanc 'making the pen a cult object of desire', hiring Stella McCartney at Chloé, and helping to turn the historic Goyard brand into a global commercial success. He is also noted for spotting the future trend of larger sized watches in Panerai. He started his career in luxury fashion and lifestyle in 1988, after 3 years of training as a sales promotion rep at Rothmans International,
2002- 2005: France Luxury Group, Goyard, U-Boat: In 2002 he became CEO of the newly formed France Luxury Group, which owned the labels Jean Louis Scherrer, Jacques Fath, Emmanuelle Khanh and Harel, before moving on to relaunching the label of Charles Frederick Worth, the historically recognised father of haute couture and Fashion, using lingerie, Couture and fragrance as signature categories for the brand.Having previously spotted the potential larger size watches in Officine Panerai while at Richemont, in 2005 Moufarrige joined forces with Italo Fontana, the creator of the U-Boat and Welder watches, to turn them into well-recognized international timepiece brands.
In 2003, he joined Goyard, helping to turn the label that was founded in 1853 as a maker of trunks, but shuns modern advertising and employs no well-known designers, into a global commercial success. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mounir_Moufarrige
above: NoHigher! Similar to Tiefenmesser U-BOAT #Italo-Fontana.
above: HiRes! CYA Coastal Navigation With Dead Reckoning
above: HiRes! Marine Chronometer: 'A. Lange & Söhne - Glashütte' B/Dresden 1948. source: wikipedia
Die Glashütter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH ist eine Uhrenmanufaktur in Glashütte (Sachsen), die seit dem Jahr 2000 zur Swatch Group gehört. Die Marke des Unternehmens ist Glashütte ORIGINAL. ...
The term chronometer was coined from the Greek words chronos (meaning time) and meter(meaning counter) in 1714 by Jeremy Thacker, an early competitor for the prize set by the Longitude Act in the same year. It has recently become more commonly used to describe watches tested and certified to meet certain precision standards. Timepieces made in Switzerlandmay display the word "chronometer" only if certified by the COSC (Official Swiss Chronometer Testing Institute). ...
above: MedRes! 'Junghans' German-WW2 military issue cockpit-clock used in german 'Luftwaffe' fighter Messerschmitt Bf.109 and U-Boot
above: HiRes! (Crop!) Political map:South_America southern Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia source: Wikipedia
above Two & below: HiRes! (Crop & Detail!) OCLC - Operation AeroNavigation Chart: Argentina, Fire-land - Tűzföld: Ushuaia Naval Base source: The University of Texas at Austin, Libraries http://www.lib.utexas.edu

above: MedRes! Ushuaia crusero carte
above: NoHigher! Ushuaia public city map below: MedRes! Port
above: NEW! HiRes! Majestic Ushuaia Argentina city and martial mountain landscape. source: Videoblocks below: NEW! MedRes! Ushuaia source: PPS hu.
Ushuaia is the southernmost city in the world. - Ushuaia a Világ legdélebbi városa. - Ushuaia es la ciudad más austral del mundo.

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Port Ushuaia (Argentina) cruise port source: CruiseMapper Right: MedRes! Ushuaia Martial Mountains Tower Over Ushuaia Seen From Cruise Ship Leaving For Antarctica source: argentina4u.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Ushuaia downtown and sail-port, in far the Airport source: index.hu
MedRes! City & Port bahia Ushuaia source: Google-Earth

En. text: Ushuaia (/uːˈʃwaɪ.ə/; Spanish pronunciation: [uˈswaʝa]) is the capital of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur Province, Argentina. It is commonly regarded as the southernmost city in the world. Ushuaia is located in a wide bay on the southern coast of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, bounded on the north by the Martial mountain range, and on the south by the Beagle Channel. It is the only municipality in the Department of Ushuaia, which has an area of 9,390 km2 (3,625 sq mi). It was founded October 12 of 1884 by Augusto Lasserre and is located on the shores of the Beagle Channel surrounded by the mountain range of the Martial Glacier, in the Bay of Ushuaia. Besides being an administrative center, it is a light industrial port and tourist hub. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ushuaia
Es. text: Ushuaia es una ciudad de Argentina en el departamento Ushuaia y capital de la provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur. Fue fundada el 12 de octubre de 1884 por Augusto Lasserre en el Fuerte Ushuaia sobre el solar del Convento de San Uriel Arcángel de los Gloriosos Vientos Australes.1 La ciudad se ubica en las costas de la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego que dan a la bahía de Ushuaia en el canal Beagle, y está rodeada por la cadena montañosa del Martial. Además de ser un centro administrativo, es un nudo industrial, portuario y turístico.
Ushuaia es considerada generalmente como la ciudad más austral del mundo.2 Hammerfest en Noruega es la más boreal por lo cual ambas son ciudades hermanadas (al igual que Barrow, en Alaska, que disputa la calificación de más septentrional). Ushuaia es, también, la única ciudad argentina que se encuentra en el lado occidental de los Andes.3
De acuerdo con la clasificación de los mares de la Organización Hidrográfica Internacional,4 es además el único puerto argentino sobre el Pacífico, siempre que al canal Beagle se lo considere parte de ese océano. El Estado argentino, sin embargo, considera al mencionado canal como un paso interoceánico, pues de otro modo contradiría los tratados limítrofes firmados con Chile.5
Ushuaia se encuentra a 120 km (en línea recta) de Río Grande en la misma provincia, a 251 km de Punta Arenas en la Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena, Chile y a 2377 km de Buenos Aires, capital de la Argentina. 1150 km la separan de la Base Esperanza, Antártida Argentina. ...
Hu. text: Ushuaia Argentína Tűzföld tartományának székhelye. Általában ezt tekintik a világ legdélebbi városának. Tűzföld fő szigetének a déli partján, egy öbölben fekszik. Északról a Martial-hegység öleli körül, délről pedig a Beagle-csatorna vize határolja. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! Ushuaia source: PPS hu.
above: MedRes! Port navigation: ipad compass
above: NoHigher! 'Sperry' Gyroscope Co. INC.: Gyro-Compass Repeater
Sperry Corporation (1910−1986) was a major American equipment and electronics company whose existence spanned more than seven decades of the 20th century. Through a series of mergers it exists today as a part of Unisys, while some other of its former divisions became part of Honeywell. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! Hungarian, Veszprém artist: Mrs. Adorjánné Marcsi's ezoteric 'Mandala' Corel Draw vectoric artwork
above: MedRes! Bahía Ushuaia NGA chart
NoHigher! above: Compass-rose on Aeronavigation chart below: Maneuver Plotting
above: HiRes! USN Standart -Maneuvering Board- sheet - Manővertábla papír
above: NoHigher! Application of Plotting-Maneuvering Board below Two: MedRes! MB Plott

HiRes! above: Specialist 3rd Class Todd Kepner and Operations Specialist, Ryan Destefano all attached to USS "San Jacinto" (CG-56) competes as a team in the Maneuvering Board below: Proudfoot plots courses on a maneuvering board with Republic of Singapore Navy officers on the bridge of the guided-missile destroyer USS "Chung-Hoon" (DDG-93) source: usn.org
above: MedRes! Navigation Plotting Board-Disc
above: NoHigher! Made in Germany: 'Askania' Kompass-rose (Carl Bamberg) Werke Berlin Friedenau
Die Askania Werke AG waren ein deutsches Unternehmen der feinmechanischen und optischen Industrie. Sie wurden im Jahr 1871 in Berlin als Bambergwerke in der Linienstraße 185 (nahe den Hackeschen Höfen) gegründet und 1912 in Askania Werke AG umbenannt. Rüstungsproduktion wurde teilweise in erheblichem Umgang betrieben. Betriebsstätten der Askania Werke gingen nach 1945 in verschiedene Volkseigene Betriebe und in Nachfolgeunternehmen in Berlin und Westdeutschland ein. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Askania_Werke
above: NoHigher! 'Sperry's Repeater compass - Ismétlő/Többszörözött Gyro Compass
Sperry Corporation (1910−1986) was a major American equipment and electronics company whose existence spanned more than seven decades of the 20th century. Through a series of mergers it exists today as a part of Unisys, while some other of its former divisions became part of Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, United Technologies, and Northrop Grumman.
The company is best known as the developer of the artificial horizon and a wide variety of other gyroscope-based aviation instruments like autopilots, bombsights, analog ballistics computers and gyro gunsights. In the post-WWII era they branched out into electronics, both aviation related, and later, computers. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sperry_Corporation
above: HiRes! Navigation accessories: Stadler rapidpgraph & Aerocolor ink & Compass & Ruler
above: MedRes! Classical Navigationig with nautical chart below: MedRes! A (English) sailor-plotting-chart-on-nuclear-submarine-hms-talent source: alamy.stock-photos www.alamy.com
above: NoHigher! Motte Picquet Navigation
Blogger Remark: Over there also used fashion the too-short "Core of apple " navigator pencil - Ott is a "csutka" navigátor ceruza van divatban.

above Four: MedRes! Upper: Fuego del Terra - Ushuaia - Lower: City of Mara del Plata
above: HiRes! CCW Rotated to Left due good resolution! (Crop & Detail!) Mara del Plata A.R.A. Naval Home Base OANC
above: HiRes! Mar del Plata - MdP by: TTP

above: HiRes! Mar del Plata - MdP by: TTP
above: NoHigher! City of Mar del Plata
above: NEW! NoHigher! Centro Comercial Del Puerto - Mar del Plata map

NEW! above: MedRes! Mar del Plata playa. Mar Del Plata follows Buenos Aires with the prohibition they announced Tuesday. source: Thump.vice.com below: HiRes! Birdeye source: Wikiwand
NEW! Video: LA TRISTEZA DE MAR DEL PLATA......Un vuelo sobre la costa norte de Mar del Plata. @Christian_Heit el autor. - Egy járat a Mar del Plata északi partján.
from Drone video by: Ruben Perez Lombera - Bogdanov Andrey facebook.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Mar del Plata and vicinity by small Tablet Retina source: Expedia
above: MedRes! MdP below: MedRes! Nautical charts MdP by: GPS chart

above: Port navigation: Left: MedRes! ais rate of turn hr. Right: MedRes! mapnavig
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's photo: Larhe Decoration America painted wall-medieval map in the "Red Buffalo - Vörösbölény" Pub & Pizzeria - Kocsmában in Veszprém-city "Jutas" housing estate
above: HiRes! (Crop & Detail!) Destination of "San Juan" 2300 Km OANC early 1980's txu.
above: NoHigher! Course mapping below: MedRes! Chartrule - Térképvonalzó

above: NoHigher! Visual-fix by three bearings from North - Helymeghatározás 3 fix tájékozódási pontoktól 3 hátrametszéssel az Északi irányhoz viszonyítva with Bussol below: Compensation

above: HiRes! WW-Two Germany Submarine measurement instrument Compass / Bussol

above: NoHigher! New Zealand Navy: Servo Card repeater source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! Gimbaled Gyro Compass Repeater - Ismétlő kardánfelfüggesztéses kompassz
NoHigher! above: moderne Marie Sextant below: Alidade - Alhidádé Tájolós-távcső USN
18.) Sextant marine instrument, coincident angle measure - szeksztáns - sailor's tool: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/18-sextant-marine-instrument.html

above: NoHigher! Gimbals & Principles of Gyrocompass operate - a Gírókompassz Működési elve
above: NoHigher! 'Gymnote' Gyrompass intion from 1889. source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's Globe & Nautical/Vessel gyrocompass design
above: NoHigher! Juci's developed Navigation Instrument Box-II. (plan) for "Nedves" salom canoe at Soroksári (now: Ráckevei-) Duna-ág 1975 with S70.
above & below: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's design plan-sketch from 1973. about own idea Gyrocompass for desired Danube Boat. also Courtesy FREE!
MOM Magyar Optikai Művek - Hungarian Optical Works My oldy former workplace:
above: NoHigher! 'Sperry' Gyro-Compass inside

above & below: MedRes! 'Sperry' Gyrocompass from Manual - Kézikönyv-ből:
above: NoHigher! 'Sperry' Gyrocompass Spider Element
above: NoHigher! Electric Circuit Diagram of Gyrocompass - ~ Elektromos Kapcsolási Rajza

above: NoHigher! Gyro Rotor - Gíró-Pörgettyű (Electric motor) below: Repeater compasses

above: NoHigher! English 'Navitron' NT920AHR Heading Repeater - Orrirány Ismétlő
Компас, Bussols of Aeronautical, Compass - ADF, HSI - Giro-Kompassz
above: NoHigher! The Principle of Steering - A Kormányzás Elmélete
below: NoHigher: Label of ARMA Corporation in #Brooklyn, #New-York - Címke
En. text: A gyrocompass is a type of non-magnetic compass which is based on a fast-spinning disc and the rotation of the Earth (or another planetary body if used elsewhere in the universe) to find geographical direction automatically. Although one important component of a gyrocompass is a gyroscope, these are not the same devices; a gyrocompass is built to use the effect of gyroscopic precession, which is a distinctive aspect of the general gyroscopic effect. Gyrocompasses are widely used for navigationon ships, because they have two significant advantages over magnetic compasses:- they find true north as determined by the axis of the Earth's rotation, which is different from, and navigationally more useful than, magnetic north, and
- they are unaffected by ferromagnetic materials, such as in a ship's steel hull, which distort the magnetic field.
Aircraft commonly use gyroscopic instruments (but not a gyrocompass) for navigation and altitude monitoring; for details, see Flight instruments and Gyroscopic autopilot.
De. text: Der Kreiselkompass ist ein Kompass, der sich parallel zur Rotationsachse der Erde orientiert und so die Nord-Südrichtung anzeigt. Durch seine horizontale Aufhängung ist er kein freier, sondern ein gefesselter Kreisel. Als solcher wirkt er meridiansuchend, benötigt aber zwei bis vier Stunden für die Ausrichtung (Einschwingdauer). Da ein kurs- und geschwindigkeitsabhängiger Fahrtfehler bei der Kursanzeige zu berücksichtigen ist, werden Kreiselkompasse vor allem auf langsamfahrenden Schiffeneingesetzt. Sie arbeiten unabhängig vom Erdmagnetfeld und zeigen daher nicht die magnetische, sondern die wahre (astronomische) Nordrichtung an.
Der bei Kleinflugzeugen oft eingesetzte Kurskreisel ist hingegen ein freier Kreisel, nur wird er oft mit dem Kreiselkompass verwechselt. Mit freien Kreiseln arbeiten auch die modernen inertialen oder Trägheitsnavigationssysteme. Sie liefern jedoch neben der Richtung auch eine genaue Positionsbestimmung, indem die Beschleunigungen des Flugzeugs dreidimensional integriert werden.
above: MedRes! Gyrocompass Education Cutaway - Kreiselkompass Schnitt Anschütz

Gyrocompasses below: NoHigher! Anschütz - Kiel: Analog Repeater
above: NoHigher! Sub Navigator officer - Navigációs tiszt
above: NEW! NoHigher! Argentine Submarine Navy: Eliana Krawczyk; MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina — Experts are analyzing sounds that might have come from a missing Argentine submarine, the country's navy said on Monday, reviving hope among relatives of the 44... by: google - AP http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/946543/argentina-submarine-missing-crew-navy-maritime-incident
above: NEW! NoHigher! Argentine Submarine Navy: Eliana Krawczyk; MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina — Experts are analyzing sounds that might have come from a missing Argentine submarine, the country's navy said on Monday, reviving hope among relatives of the 44... by: google - AP http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/946543/argentina-submarine-missing-crew-navy-maritime-incident
above: NoHigher! 'Sperry' MK 227 Gyrocompass
above: NoHigher! Japanese 'Keiki' - Tokyo- G.C. Repeater below: MedRes! U-Boat Gyro-room

above: MedRes! "Becuna" control-room in WW2 below: NoHigher! USS CG "Hilbert" Gyro-Room
above: NoHigher! Moderne Gyro INS - Inertial Navigation System

above & below: MedRes! Water Speed Measuring System -Log-meter- miles Víz-Sebességmérő Rendszer

above: NoHigher! Tide definition - Árapály (tengerjárás) meghatározása
NoHigher! above: Diagram of the continental shelf and slope of the southeastern United States leading down to the ocean floor. below: Cross-section of continental margin depicting the particular elements source: Wikipedia
En. Text: The continental shelf is an underwater landmass which extends from a continent, resulting in an area of relatively shallow water known as a shelf sea. Much of the shelves were exposed during glacial periods and interglacial periods.The shelf surrounding an island is known as an insular shelf.
The continental margin, between the continental shelf and the abyssal plain, comprises a steep continental slope followed by the flatter continental rise. Sediment from the continent above cascades down the slope and accumulates as a pile of sediment at the base of the slope, called the continental rise. Extending as far as 500 km (310 mi) from the slope, it consists of thick sediments deposited by turbidity currents from the shelf and slope. The continental rise's gradient is intermediate between the slope and the shelf, on the order of 0.5–1°.
Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the name continental shelf was given a legal definition as the stretch of the seabed adjacent to the shores of a particular country to which it belongs. ..
Es. text: La plataforma continental es la superficie de un fondo submarino próximo a la costa y con profundidades inferiores a 200 metros. Su amplitud desde la costa es variable, desde escasos metros hasta cientos de kilómetros. Es la continuación submarina de los continentes,1 es decir, su basamento geológico está constituido por corteza continental.2 En ella abunda la vida animal y vegetal por lo que es de gran importancia económica.
El Convenio de Ginebra de 1958 sobre plataforma continental, en su artículo 1, entendía por plataforma continental: ...
Hu. text: A kontinentális self a kontinensek körüli, kis vízmélységű, kis lejtésű tenger alatti terület, amelynek a kontinensekhez hasonlóan kontinentális kérge van, ellentétben a mélytengerfenéki óceáni kéreggel. A selfet és a mélytengerfeneket köti össze a kontinentális kérgű kontinentális lejtő.
A self kontinens felé eső határának az apálykori vízhatárt szokták tekinteni, a kontinentális lejtő felőli határának pedig azt a helyet, ahol hirtelen megnövekszik a tengerfenék lejtése. Ez általában 125-180 méteres mélységben van, de az Antarktisz körül a jégnyomás miatt 500-1000 méteres mélységben. Ha a hirtelen megváltozó mélyülés helye nem meghatározható, akkor a 200 méteres mélységet szokták a self határának tekinteni. (No more info!)
Geschichte: Die TR 1700 ist ein komplett neu entwickeltes Design, so sind die Tiefenruder im Gegensatz zur Klasse 206 und 209 am Turm angebracht, außerdem besteht die TR 1700 aus zwei Decks statt aus wie üblich einem. Die Ausstattung des Bootes ist flexibel gestaltet worden, so waren eine größere (TR 1700A) und zwei kleinere (TR 1400 und TR 1100) Versionen vorgesehen, die jedoch nie in Bau gingen.
Die einzigen Bestellungen für den Typ gingen von den Streitkräften Argentiniens ein, die insgesamt sechs Einheiten orderten. Zunächst wurden zwei Boote in Emden gebaut, vier weitere sollten in Lizenz in Argentinien gefertigt werden. Zwei in der Version TR 1400 bestellte Exemplare wurden später in TR 1700 geändert. Die für die Produktion benötigte Ausrüstung kam in Argentinien an, die Einheiten wurden jedoch auf Grund von Budget-Problemen nicht fertiggestellt.
Verschwinden der ARA San Juan 2017
Im November 2017 brach die ARA San Juan von Ushuaia zu einer Routinefahrt vor der Küste Patagoniens auf. Das Schiff mit einer 44-köpfigen Mannschaft an Bord, darunter der erste weibliche U-Boot-Offizier Südamerikas, meldete sich zuletzt am 15. November 2017 von einer Seeposition 240 nautische Meilen vor der Küste. Hierbei meldete es ein Auftauchen aufgrund eines Kurzschlusses bei der Stromversorgung. Daraufhin erhielt die Besatzung die Anweisung zur Kursänderung Richtung Heimatbasis Mar del Plata, wo sie am 19. November hätte eintreffen sollen. Da es sich nicht wie vorgeschrieben innerhalb von 48 Stunden erneut gemeldet hatte, stuften die argentinischen Streitkräfte das Schiff am 17. November 2017 als vermisst ein und begannen eine Suchaktion, die durch schlechte Sicht- und Wetterverhältnisse im fraglichen Seegebiet erschwert wird. Im Falle eines erzwungenen Tauchens hat das Boot eine Woche bis zu zehn Tage eine Sauerstoffversorgung, sagte ein Wissenschaftler des Griffith Asia Institute der Griffith University dem amerikanischen Fernsehsender CNN. Drei Schiffe mit Radar-Sonden liefen aus und verfolgten die Strecke, die ARA San Juan gefahren sein sollte. Mehr als ein Dutzend Flugzeuge und Schiffe der argentinischen Streitkräfte, unterstützt durch Einheiten aus Chile und Brasilien, beteiligen sich an der Suche. Diese wird zudem durch eine Lockheed P-3 Orion der NASA und eine Boeing P-8 Poseidon der US-Marine unterstützt. Später schickte auch das Vereinigte Königreich den Eisbrecher HMS Protector und eine auf den Falklandinseln stationierte Lockheed C-130 Hercules zur Suche. Dies sorgte für eine gewisse Aufmerksamkeit, da Argentinien und das Vereinigte Königreich beide die Falklandinseln für sich beanspruchen.
Am 18. November 2017 wurden über einen Zeitraum von fünf Stunden sieben kurze Anrufversuche per Satellitentelefon bei verschiedenen Militärstationen registriert, von denen zunächst vermutet wurde, sie könnten von dem U-Boot stammen. Die Nutzung eines Satellitentelefons wäre ein Zeichen für ein Auftauchen des U-Boots gewesen. Die Marine versuchte zusammen mit dem Betreiber Iridium Communications Inc (IRDM.O), den Ursprungsort der Signale zurückzuverfolgen; am 20. November teilte sie mit, die Signale stammten nicht von dem Satellitentelefon des vermissten U-Boots. Seenotrettungsmittel wie Notfunkbaken wurden bislang nicht gefunden.
- Maße: 65 m × 8,30 m × 14,30 m (Länge × Breite × Höhe)
- Verdrängung: 2.115 t aufgetaucht, 2.265 t getaucht
- Antrieb: diesel-elektrisch, 1 Welle, 8.970 PS
- Geschwindigkeit: bis zu 25 Knoten
- Tauchtiefe: 300 m
- Sensoren: Sonar vermutlich modifizierte Krupp-Atlas CSU 3-4, dazu passives ESM, - - Oberflächenradar.
- Besatzung: 29 Mann
- Bewaffnung: Sechs 53,3-cm-Torpedorohre, Platz für 16 Reservetorpedos.
Az argentin haditengerészet eltűnt tengeralattjárója 1985 óta áll hadrendben a dél-amerikai országban.
Nyugat-Németországban gyártotta 1983-ban a Nordseewerke Emden (NSWE).
A TR-1700-as osztályú dízel-elektromos tengeralattjáró
2008 és 2013 között felújították a San Juant, mivel úgy döntöttek, gazdasági okokból a tervezettnél tovább tartják hadrendben az idén 34 éves tengeralattjárót: további 30 évre. source: index.hu
Historia: Argentina inició a principios de los años 70 un ambicioso programa de reequipamiento naval, que incluía disponer de hasta 8 submarinos. En 1974 ensambló en Tandanor dos submarinos Type 209 (llamados A.R.A. Salta (S-31) y ARA San Luis (S-32)), de origen alemán y contrató, mediante el Programa de Submarinos, avalado por los decretos del PEN N° 768 del 5 de septiembre de 1973, N° 956 del 28 de marzo de 1974 y N° 336 del 14 de febrero de 1978, al astillero Thyssen Nordseewerke para completar una serie de seis submarinos TR-1700 de los cuales 4 deberían ser construidos íntegramente en Argentina. Para ello construyó el Astillero Ministro Domecq García, mientras en Alemania se construirían las dos primeras unidades de la serie. El Astillero se situó en la Costanera Sur, y comparte con Tandanor un completo Syncrolift que es utilizado para poder efectuar trabajos sobre los cascos de los buques.
Los vaivenes de la economía y política Argentina, afectaron al astillero, que nunca pudo completar las cuatro unidades, a pesar de que la primera de ellas se encuentra con un importante grado de avance. Incluso durante el gobierno de Carlos Saul Menem se dispuso el cierre de dichas instalaciones y hubo intenciones de transformar el complejo en un centro comercial. En 2004 se reinauguró el Astillero y en sus instalaciones se reparó al submarino Type 209 ARA Salta (S-31). El 17 de agosto de 2007 ingresó a sus gradas, el Submarino TR-1700 ARA San Juan (S-42) para una reparación de media vida, que incluyó el cambio de los 960 elementos de sus baterías, incluyendo corte de casco y el cambio de su periscopio. La misma finalizó 6 de febrero de 2014.
Características técnicas:
Propulsión: Su sistema de propulsión es diésel-eléctrico, con 960 elementos de baterías de plomo-ácido. La energía de éstas baterías es provista a un motor eléctrico de propulsión de cuatro armaduras y 6400 kW de potencia que transmite su movimiento a la línea de eje y por consiguiente a la hélice. Para la carga de baterías cuenta con 4 motores diésel MTU de 16 cilindros en V y 1200 kW de potencia, que mueven a su vez 4 alternadores de 4000 Amperes
Unidades de la clase: Los submarinos de la Armada Argentina que componen la clase "Santa Cruz" son:
More than 2,400 employees in Kiel ensure that HDW continues to stand for state-of-the-art technologies and production methods to meet the highest demands in shipbuilding. The shipyard is the competence centre for construction of the world's most modern non-nuclear submarines and leader in the installation of fully matured fuel cell propulsion systems. In the field of high class non-military shipbuilding, HDW also exceled with experienced construction work and attention to detail.
Since January 2005 HDW has formed part of the ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) shipyard alliance. https://www.thyssenkrupp-marinesystems.com/en/hdw.html
Submarines: Each a class of its own – the successful submarines
Virtually no shipyard the world over has more experience in the design and construction of non-nuclear submarines than ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems with its Operating Unit Submarines (Kiel). The Operating Unit is a partner of the German Navy and has also delivered submarines for coastal and blue water deployment to the navies of 19 other countries.
Decades of experience as well as continuously introduced innovative ideas and concepts are the basis for the success of the submarine shipyard based in Kiel. Like the HDW Class 209, which can be found in every ocean in the world. No other class of submarine has been built more often since World War II. Now the HDW Class 212A and 214 submarines have entered new dimensions.
Ever since there have been submarines, the goal has been to extend their diving time. With air-independent propulsion (AIP) systems, this has become possible for non-nuclear boats. These propulsion systems increase the underwater range significantly and thus reduce the risk of discovery. In Kiel an air-independent propulsion system has been simultaneously developed and deployed - the HDW fuel cell plant. Besides new submarines, serving boats can also be retrofitted with this system.
HDW Class 212A and 214 submarines were the first in the world to undertake extra long dives independent of external air sources, equipped with a high-performance fuel cell propulsion system.
Both boat classes have set new standards in the areas of:
weapons control,
external communication,
crew comfort,
The company unites submarine competence from basic research and development to design, manufacture, outfitting, testing and "in-service-support". Everything from ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems comes at first hand. ... www.thyssenkrupp-marinesystems.com/en/submarines.html
Like the rest of the Argentine armed services the force is struggling to maintain its readiness in the absence of funds for maintenance and training. All three boats have maintenance difficulties and between them spent just 19 hours submerged in 2012.
It is currently composed of three submarines: ARA Salta (S-31), ARA Santa Cruz (S-41) and ARA San Juan (S-42). ...
- ARA Salta (S-31)
- ARA San Luis (S-32)
Es. text: Formada por dos unidades, el ARA Salta (S-31) y el ARA San Luis (S-32) que se incorporaron en el año 1974. Estos tienen como armamento, 8 tubos lanzatorpedos de 21´´ en proa y transporta torpedos SST-4 filoguiados, Mk 37 Honeywell AS/Mk 48 y minas. Están tripulados por 36 hombres. En el año 1975 el S-32 cumplió por primera vez en la Armada una inmersión de 50 días completos donde desarrollo una patrulla, en la que llegó a Puerto Argentino (Islas Malvinas). En la Guerra de Malvinas el ARA San Luis (S-32), también tuvo como el S-21 una destacada acción, donde llegó a disparar 2 torpedos SST-4 y un Mk-37. Navegó durante 39 días en patrulla y 864 horas permaneció sumergido (equivalente a 36 días) en medio de un ambiente hostil, enfrentándose a una fuerza antisubmarina de la OTAN, la que no pudo detectarlo efectivamente. El S-31 no se encontraba en operaciones ya que tenía ruidos en su navegación, lo que hacía imposible su utilización en combate. El Salta luego de pasar por una modernización de motores, baterías y sistemas. en la década del 90 se encuentra en operaciones y a la fecha se encuentra amarrado en su apostadero en la Base Naval de Mar del Plata. El S-32 pasó a condición de reserva en 1985 y el 23 de abril de 1997 se lo declaró en desuso por la Armada.5 Se encuentra resguardado en las instalaciones del Astillero Domecq García. ... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comando_de_la_Fuerza_de_Submarinos
A self kontinens felé eső határának az apálykori vízhatárt szokták tekinteni, a kontinentális lejtő felőli határának pedig azt a helyet, ahol hirtelen megnövekszik a tengerfenék lejtése. Ez általában 125-180 méteres mélységben van, de az Antarktisz körül a jégnyomás miatt 500-1000 méteres mélységben. Ha a hirtelen megváltozó mélyülés helye nem meghatározható, akkor a 200 méteres mélységet szokták a self határának tekinteni. (No more info!)
above: NoHigher! English & Hungarian text. Glacial sorround - Glaciális környezet: Continental shelf Axonometry drawing - Kontinentális talapzat Axonometrikus ábra
above: MedRes! Control room of thein HMS 'Oberon' class "Onyx" or "Onondaga" submarine, Site historique maritime de la Pointe au-pere, Rimouski, Quebec, Canada 2012.
below: NoHigher! TR-1700 'Santa Cruz' class source: Military-Today.com
De. text: U-Boot-Klasse Die Klasse TR 1700 ist eine Klasse von diesel-elektrischen U-Booten der deutschen Nordseewerke, gebaut als Exportentwurf.Geschichte: Die TR 1700 ist ein komplett neu entwickeltes Design, so sind die Tiefenruder im Gegensatz zur Klasse 206 und 209 am Turm angebracht, außerdem besteht die TR 1700 aus zwei Decks statt aus wie üblich einem. Die Ausstattung des Bootes ist flexibel gestaltet worden, so waren eine größere (TR 1700A) und zwei kleinere (TR 1400 und TR 1100) Versionen vorgesehen, die jedoch nie in Bau gingen.
Die einzigen Bestellungen für den Typ gingen von den Streitkräften Argentiniens ein, die insgesamt sechs Einheiten orderten. Zunächst wurden zwei Boote in Emden gebaut, vier weitere sollten in Lizenz in Argentinien gefertigt werden. Zwei in der Version TR 1400 bestellte Exemplare wurden später in TR 1700 geändert. Die für die Produktion benötigte Ausrüstung kam in Argentinien an, die Einheiten wurden jedoch auf Grund von Budget-Problemen nicht fertiggestellt.
Verschwinden der ARA San Juan 2017
Im November 2017 brach die ARA San Juan von Ushuaia zu einer Routinefahrt vor der Küste Patagoniens auf. Das Schiff mit einer 44-köpfigen Mannschaft an Bord, darunter der erste weibliche U-Boot-Offizier Südamerikas, meldete sich zuletzt am 15. November 2017 von einer Seeposition 240 nautische Meilen vor der Küste. Hierbei meldete es ein Auftauchen aufgrund eines Kurzschlusses bei der Stromversorgung. Daraufhin erhielt die Besatzung die Anweisung zur Kursänderung Richtung Heimatbasis Mar del Plata, wo sie am 19. November hätte eintreffen sollen. Da es sich nicht wie vorgeschrieben innerhalb von 48 Stunden erneut gemeldet hatte, stuften die argentinischen Streitkräfte das Schiff am 17. November 2017 als vermisst ein und begannen eine Suchaktion, die durch schlechte Sicht- und Wetterverhältnisse im fraglichen Seegebiet erschwert wird. Im Falle eines erzwungenen Tauchens hat das Boot eine Woche bis zu zehn Tage eine Sauerstoffversorgung, sagte ein Wissenschaftler des Griffith Asia Institute der Griffith University dem amerikanischen Fernsehsender CNN. Drei Schiffe mit Radar-Sonden liefen aus und verfolgten die Strecke, die ARA San Juan gefahren sein sollte. Mehr als ein Dutzend Flugzeuge und Schiffe der argentinischen Streitkräfte, unterstützt durch Einheiten aus Chile und Brasilien, beteiligen sich an der Suche. Diese wird zudem durch eine Lockheed P-3 Orion der NASA und eine Boeing P-8 Poseidon der US-Marine unterstützt. Später schickte auch das Vereinigte Königreich den Eisbrecher HMS Protector und eine auf den Falklandinseln stationierte Lockheed C-130 Hercules zur Suche. Dies sorgte für eine gewisse Aufmerksamkeit, da Argentinien und das Vereinigte Königreich beide die Falklandinseln für sich beanspruchen.
Am 18. November 2017 wurden über einen Zeitraum von fünf Stunden sieben kurze Anrufversuche per Satellitentelefon bei verschiedenen Militärstationen registriert, von denen zunächst vermutet wurde, sie könnten von dem U-Boot stammen. Die Nutzung eines Satellitentelefons wäre ein Zeichen für ein Auftauchen des U-Boots gewesen. Die Marine versuchte zusammen mit dem Betreiber Iridium Communications Inc (IRDM.O), den Ursprungsort der Signale zurückzuverfolgen; am 20. November teilte sie mit, die Signale stammten nicht von dem Satellitentelefon des vermissten U-Boots. Seenotrettungsmittel wie Notfunkbaken wurden bislang nicht gefunden.
- Maße: 65 m × 8,30 m × 14,30 m (Länge × Breite × Höhe)
- Verdrängung: 2.115 t aufgetaucht, 2.265 t getaucht
- Antrieb: diesel-elektrisch, 1 Welle, 8.970 PS
- Geschwindigkeit: bis zu 25 Knoten
- Tauchtiefe: 300 m
- Sensoren: Sonar vermutlich modifizierte Krupp-Atlas CSU 3-4, dazu passives ESM, - - Oberflächenradar.
- Besatzung: 29 Mann
- Bewaffnung: Sechs 53,3-cm-Torpedorohre, Platz für 16 Reservetorpedos.
Argentinien - Alle U-Boote der Klasse TR-1700 der Armada Argentina Kennung Name Kiellegung Stapellauf Indienststellung Einheit Verbleib
S-41 ARA Santa Cruz 26. Juni 1981 20. September 1982 15. Oktober 1984 Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos in der Base Naval de Mar del Plata aktiv
S-42 ARA San Juan 14. April 1982 13. Juni 1983 18. November 1985 Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos in der Base Naval de Mar del Plata seit 15. November 2017 im Südatlantik verschollen[8]
S-43 ARA Santa Fe 2. Januar 1982 - - - zu 70 % fertiggestellt, Bau 1994 gestoppt, in Buenos Aires aufgelegt, Weiterbau erwogen
S-44 ARA Santiago del Estero gepl. Januar 1983 - - - zu 30 % fertiggestellt, Bau 1994 gestoppt
S-45 kein Name vergeben gepl. September 1983 - - nicht begonnen, geliefertes Material für U-Boot-Simulator im Marinestützpunkt Mar del Plata verwendet
S-46 kein Name vergeben - - - - nicht begonnen, geliefertes Material als Ersatzteilreserve verwendet

S-41 ARA Santa Cruz 26. Juni 1981 20. September 1982 15. Oktober 1984 Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos in der Base Naval de Mar del Plata aktiv
S-42 ARA San Juan 14. April 1982 13. Juni 1983 18. November 1985 Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos in der Base Naval de Mar del Plata seit 15. November 2017 im Südatlantik verschollen[8]
S-43 ARA Santa Fe 2. Januar 1982 - - - zu 70 % fertiggestellt, Bau 1994 gestoppt, in Buenos Aires aufgelegt, Weiterbau erwogen
S-44 ARA Santiago del Estero gepl. Januar 1983 - - - zu 30 % fertiggestellt, Bau 1994 gestoppt
S-45 kein Name vergeben gepl. September 1983 - - nicht begonnen, geliefertes Material für U-Boot-Simulator im Marinestützpunkt Mar del Plata verwendet
S-46 kein Name vergeben - - - - nicht begonnen, geliefertes Material als Ersatzteilreserve verwendet
above: MedRes! "San Juan" photo by: Reuters source: index.hu
Hu. text: Az A.R.A. San Juan tengeralattjáró:
Nyugat-Németországban gyártotta 1983-ban a Nordseewerke Emden (NSWE).
A TR-1700-as osztályú dízel-elektromos tengeralattjáró
- 2100 tonnás, 66 méter hosszú, legnagyobb szélessége 8 méter.
- Fegyverzete 22 darab, 533 milliméteres torpedó.
- Üzemanyaga 30 napra elég, hatótávolsága 22 ezer kilométer.
above: NoHigher! TR-1700 source: Pinterest.com below: source: militar.org.ua
Es. text: La TR-1700 es una serie de submarinos de propulsión convencional, construidos en Thyssen Nordseewerke, Emden, Alemania. Dos unidades fueron entregadas a la Armada Argentina que los asignó a su Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos (COFS) y su puerto de amarre es la Base Naval de Mar del Plata.Historia: Argentina inició a principios de los años 70 un ambicioso programa de reequipamiento naval, que incluía disponer de hasta 8 submarinos. En 1974 ensambló en Tandanor dos submarinos Type 209 (llamados A.R.A. Salta (S-31) y ARA San Luis (S-32)), de origen alemán y contrató, mediante el Programa de Submarinos, avalado por los decretos del PEN N° 768 del 5 de septiembre de 1973, N° 956 del 28 de marzo de 1974 y N° 336 del 14 de febrero de 1978, al astillero Thyssen Nordseewerke para completar una serie de seis submarinos TR-1700 de los cuales 4 deberían ser construidos íntegramente en Argentina. Para ello construyó el Astillero Ministro Domecq García, mientras en Alemania se construirían las dos primeras unidades de la serie. El Astillero se situó en la Costanera Sur, y comparte con Tandanor un completo Syncrolift que es utilizado para poder efectuar trabajos sobre los cascos de los buques.
Los vaivenes de la economía y política Argentina, afectaron al astillero, que nunca pudo completar las cuatro unidades, a pesar de que la primera de ellas se encuentra con un importante grado de avance. Incluso durante el gobierno de Carlos Saul Menem se dispuso el cierre de dichas instalaciones y hubo intenciones de transformar el complejo en un centro comercial. En 2004 se reinauguró el Astillero y en sus instalaciones se reparó al submarino Type 209 ARA Salta (S-31). El 17 de agosto de 2007 ingresó a sus gradas, el Submarino TR-1700 ARA San Juan (S-42) para una reparación de media vida, que incluyó el cambio de los 960 elementos de sus baterías, incluyendo corte de casco y el cambio de su periscopio. La misma finalizó 6 de febrero de 2014.
Características técnicas:
Propulsión: Su sistema de propulsión es diésel-eléctrico, con 960 elementos de baterías de plomo-ácido. La energía de éstas baterías es provista a un motor eléctrico de propulsión de cuatro armaduras y 6400 kW de potencia que transmite su movimiento a la línea de eje y por consiguiente a la hélice. Para la carga de baterías cuenta con 4 motores diésel MTU de 16 cilindros en V y 1200 kW de potencia, que mueven a su vez 4 alternadores de 4000 Amperes
Unidades de la clase: Los submarinos de la Armada Argentina que componen la clase "Santa Cruz" son:
Banderas: Bandera de Argentina
Astillero: Thyssen Nordseewerke (Emden, Alemania)
Clase: TR-1700
Tipo: Submarino de ataque
Autorizado: 5 de septiembre de 1974
Botado 28 de junio de 1983
Asignado: 18 de noviembre de 1985
Destino: En servicio en el Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos de la Armada Argentina Actualmente desaparecido en acción
Características generales:
Desplazamiento: 2140 t
Desplazamiento en inmersión: 2336 t
Eslora: 65,93 m
Manga: 8,36 m
Calado: 7,34 m (con carga completa)
Sensores: Sonar activo-pasivo CSI3-4
Sonar secundario pasivo PSU-12
Telémetro acústico pasivo DUUX 5
Analizador de espectros acústicos
Periscópios de ataque y observación Kollmorgen
Radar de navegación Thompson
Armamento: 6 tubos lanzatorpedos con hasta 24 torpedos Telefunken SST-4 modificados
Puede sembrar minas
Propulsión: 960 elementos de baterías
1 motor eléctrico de 6400 kW
1 hélice
4 motores diésel MTU de 16 cilindros en V y 1200 kW
4 alternadores de 4000 Amperios
Velocidad: 15 nudos
Velocidad en inmersión: 25 nudos
Tripulación: 8 oficiales y 29 suboficiales
[editar datos en Wikidata]
above: NoHigher! TR1700 by: Perfil Adrian Duenas
above: HiRes! TR-1700 Preveze class layout of decks below: NoHigher! Cutaway
En. text: Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (often abbreviated HDW) is a German shipbuilding company, headquartered in Kiel. It is part of the ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) group, owned by ThyssenKrupp. The Howaldtswerke shipyard was founded in Kiel in 1838 and merged with Hamburg-based Deutsche Werft to form Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) in 1968. The company's shipyard was formerly used by Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft until the end of World War II. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howaldtswerke-Deutsche_Werft
| Private |
Industry | Shipbuilding |
Genre | Shipbuilding |
Founded | 1838 |
Founder | August Howaldt and Johann Schweffel |
Headquarters | Kiel, Germany |
Products | Passenger ships Cargo ships U-boats Warships |
Owner | ThyssenKrupp |
Number of employees
| 2,400 |
Parent | ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems |
De. text: Die Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft GmbH (HDW) in Kiel wurde Ende 2012 in ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems GmbH (TKMS) umbenannt. Die Unternehmensgeschichte der größten deutschen Werft reicht bis zur Gründung einer Eisengießerei und Dampfkesselbauanstalt im Jahr 1838 zurück. ...
Es. text: Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (frecuentemente abrevidada como HDW) es una compañía construtora de barcos y submarinos de Alemania, con oficinas centrales en Kiel. En el año 2009 fue el más grande astillero en Alemania y cuenta con más de 2.400 empleados. Ha sido parte de ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems propiedad de ThyssenKrupp, desde el año 2005. El nombre viene desde la fusión en el año 1968 con la empresa Deutsche Werft basada en Hamburgo. ...
Es. text: Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (frecuentemente abrevidada como HDW) es una compañía construtora de barcos y submarinos de Alemania, con oficinas centrales en Kiel. En el año 2009 fue el más grande astillero en Alemania y cuenta con más de 2.400 empleados. Ha sido parte de ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems propiedad de ThyssenKrupp, desde el año 2005. El nombre viene desde la fusión en el año 1968 con la empresa Deutsche Werft basada en Hamburgo. ...
Acrónimo | HDW | |
Tipo | Privada | |
Industria | Construcción de barcos y submarinos | |
Género | Astillero | |
Estatus legal | Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung | |
Fundación | 1838 | |
Fundador(es) | August Howaldt | |
Sede | Kiel, Alemania Werftstr. 112-114 | |
Área de operación | Mundial | |
Productos | Naves de carga, de pasajeros y militares | |
Propietario | ThyssenKrupp | |
Empleados | 2.400 | |
Matriz | ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems | |
Coordenadas | 54°19′08″N 10°09′20″E | |
Sitio web | www.hdw.de | |
[editar datos en Wikidata] |
Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft
Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft designs, engineers, and constructs non-nuclear submarines.
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Categories: Shipping
Founded Date: 1838
Operating Status: Active
Funding Status: M&A
Number of Employees: 1001-5000
Company Type: For Profit
Website: www.hdw.de
Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft designs, engineers, and constructs non-nuclear submarines
.above: NEW! NoHigher! A Nasa research plane has joined the search for the vessel. Pic/AFP
An Argentine submarine with 44 crew on board was missing in the South Atlantic two days after its last communication, prompting the navy to step up its search efforts late on Friday in difficult, stormy conditions. The ARA San Juan was in the southern Argentine sea 432 km from the Patagonian coast when it sent its last signal on Wednesday, naval spokesman Enrique Balbi said ...
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's 'Praktica' F.X 2 reprophoto with small-film ORWO/Hu. Forte 24 x 32 'Pentacon' mast in late 1970's in Hu.MoD Isnstitute & Museum of Military History - HM. Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum / Military-Science Library - Hadtudományi Könyvtár (cmdr-pk.: libr.boss.-kvt.vez: Col. Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds.) -Budapest- I.ker. (Budai-castle - vár) Kapisztrán -tér 4-6. copy by Nikon "Coolpix" 2014.: about FRG "WehrTechnik" review: HDW - Howaldtswerke - Deutsche Werft Aktiengesellschaft Hamburg und Kiel
HDW: The future lies aheadMore than 2,400 employees in Kiel ensure that HDW continues to stand for state-of-the-art technologies and production methods to meet the highest demands in shipbuilding. The shipyard is the competence centre for construction of the world's most modern non-nuclear submarines and leader in the installation of fully matured fuel cell propulsion systems. In the field of high class non-military shipbuilding, HDW also exceled with experienced construction work and attention to detail.
Since January 2005 HDW has formed part of the ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) shipyard alliance. https://www.thyssenkrupp-marinesystems.com/en/hdw.html
Submarines: Each a class of its own – the successful submarines
Virtually no shipyard the world over has more experience in the design and construction of non-nuclear submarines than ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems with its Operating Unit Submarines (Kiel). The Operating Unit is a partner of the German Navy and has also delivered submarines for coastal and blue water deployment to the navies of 19 other countries.
Decades of experience as well as continuously introduced innovative ideas and concepts are the basis for the success of the submarine shipyard based in Kiel. Like the HDW Class 209, which can be found in every ocean in the world. No other class of submarine has been built more often since World War II. Now the HDW Class 212A and 214 submarines have entered new dimensions.
Ever since there have been submarines, the goal has been to extend their diving time. With air-independent propulsion (AIP) systems, this has become possible for non-nuclear boats. These propulsion systems increase the underwater range significantly and thus reduce the risk of discovery. In Kiel an air-independent propulsion system has been simultaneously developed and deployed - the HDW fuel cell plant. Besides new submarines, serving boats can also be retrofitted with this system.
HDW Class 212A and 214 submarines were the first in the world to undertake extra long dives independent of external air sources, equipped with a high-performance fuel cell propulsion system.
Both boat classes have set new standards in the areas of:
weapons control,
external communication,
crew comfort,
The company unites submarine competence from basic research and development to design, manufacture, outfitting, testing and "in-service-support". Everything from ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems comes at first hand. ... www.thyssenkrupp-marinesystems.com/en/submarines.html
above: NEW! BigRes! U-Boot Typ-212A Hungary, Mosonmagyaróvár-city 2001., model exhibition & competition photo & source by : Mr. Kaszás Csaba activist Courtesy Free!
The German Type 212 class (German: U-Boot-Klasse 212 A), also Italian Todaro class, is a diesel-electric submarine developed by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG (HDW) for the German and Italian navies. It features diesel propulsion and an additional air-independent propulsion (AIP) system using Siemens proton exchange membrane (PEM) compressed hydrogen fuel cells. The submarines can operate at high speed on diesel power or switch to the AIP system for silent slow cruising, staying submerged for up to three weeks with little exhaust heat. The system is also said to be vibration-free, extremely quiet and virtually undetectable. Type 212 is the first fuel cell propulsion system equipped submarine series. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_212_submarine
above: NoHigher! HDW - Howaldatswerke-Deutsche-Werft.AG's boats
The HDW Class 209/1400mod submarine is the most recent version of the HDW Class 209 "family" in a line of 63 boats contracted with 14 customer navies.
Thanks to the large number of orders, every contract profited from the latest results of Research & Development. Improvements were tested during sea trials and then incorporated without delay into the next project.
Like all its predecessors, HDW Class 209/1400mod is a compact and reliable submarine featuring most recent technology, high combat strength, extraordinary battery payload and low signatures. Its comprehensive mission profiles include not only maritime defence and conflict prevention, but also surveillance and intelligence gathering tasks. It is also ideally suited for Special Forces operation missions. In order to increase their indiscretion rate, HDW Class 209 boats may be equipped with a HDW fuel cell plug-in section for air-independent submarine propulsion. Such integration can be carried out during a regular midlife modernisation and leads to a considerable increase in submerged endurance.
Technical Data:
LOA ~ 62 m
Pressure hull ø ~ 6.2 m
Surface displ. ~ 1,450 t
Height incl. sail ~ 12.5 m
Weapon tubes 8
Crew 30
ARA Santa Cruz (S-41)
ARA San Juan (S-42) (Missing, presumed lost on Wednesday 14, November 2017)
Es. text: Clase TR-1700 Los submarinos TR-1700 fueron entregados en las siguientes fechas:
El Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos (COFS), con asiento en la Base Naval de Mar del Plata es parte esencial del Poder Naval Integrado de la Armada Argentina. Está integrado por los submarinos ARA Salta (S-31), ARA Santa Cruz (S-41) y ARA San Juan (S-42) y la Agrupación de Buzos ... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comando_de_la_Fuerza_de_Submarinos
En. text:The Argentine Submarine Force (Spanish: Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos, COFS) is the submarine service branch of the Argentine Navy. Argentine submarines have traditionally been named after the provinces of the Republic whose name begins with the letter 'S'; they are home based at Mar del Plata naval base. COFS members have the same rank insignia and titles as the rest of the Navy. As of 2010, the elite group Agrupación de Buzos Tácticos is under the direct command of the submarine force; two TR-1700 and one Type 209 submarines are in service. Two small surface vessels, ARA Punta Mogotes (P-65) and ARA Luisito (Q-51), are also part of the COFS and used in the training role. Thanks to the large number of orders, every contract profited from the latest results of Research & Development. Improvements were tested during sea trials and then incorporated without delay into the next project.
Like all its predecessors, HDW Class 209/1400mod is a compact and reliable submarine featuring most recent technology, high combat strength, extraordinary battery payload and low signatures. Its comprehensive mission profiles include not only maritime defence and conflict prevention, but also surveillance and intelligence gathering tasks. It is also ideally suited for Special Forces operation missions. In order to increase their indiscretion rate, HDW Class 209 boats may be equipped with a HDW fuel cell plug-in section for air-independent submarine propulsion. Such integration can be carried out during a regular midlife modernisation and leads to a considerable increase in submerged endurance.
Technical Data:
LOA ~ 62 m
Pressure hull ø ~ 6.2 m
Surface displ. ~ 1,450 t
Height incl. sail ~ 12.5 m
Weapon tubes 8
Crew 30
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's 'Praktica' F.X 2 reprophoto with small-film ORWO/Hu. Forte 24 x 32 'Pentacon' mast in late 1970's in Hu.MoD Isnstitute & Museum of Military History - HM. Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum / Military-Science Library - Hadtudományi Könyvtár (cmdr-pk.: libr.boss.-kvt.vez: Col. Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds.) -Budapest- I.ker. (Budai-castle - vár) Kapisztrán -tér 4-6. copy by Nikon "Coolpix" 2014.: about: "WehrTechnik": HDW U-212
above: NEW! MedRes! The emergency operation was formally upgraded to a search-and-rescue procedure on Friday. (Photo: File/Representational)
above: NoHigher! Poster: Submarines & U-Boats
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's 'Praktica' F.X 2 reprophoto with small-film ORWO/Hu. Forte 24 x 32 'Pentacon' mast in late 1970's in Hu.MoD Isnstitute & Museum of Military History - HM. Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum / Military-Science Library - Hadtudományi Könyvtár (cmdr-pk.: libr.boss.-kvt.vez: Col. Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds.) -Budapest- I.ker. (Budai-castle - vár) Kapisztrán -tér 4-6. copy by Nikon "Coolpix" 2014.: about DDR - NVA - National Volksarmee's magazine "Armee Rundschau" 1975. "AR - Waffensammlung" - "Army Review" - szemle: Sowietische U-Boot technik
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bácsi's ORWO/Forte dia-slide repro-photo collection from early 1970's. source: DDR-NVA 'Armee Rundschau' Soviet submarines Eureka! also Courtesy FREE!
above: NoHigher! Juci"'bacsi's Own submarine "Golf" from 1967. kit was by: Coopexim Warsawa & Hu. TRIÁL
NEW! Hu. text article: passport.blog.hu; Hadsereg romokból
2018. július 24. 14:47 - Vámos Sándor
Minden újrakezdés nehéz, és ez a megállapítás fokozottan igaz volt, amikor a rettenetes történelmi közelmúlttal rendelkező Németország ismét hadserege felépítésébe kezdett. Egyfelől szükségszerű volt, hogy egy modern államnak rendelkeznie kell megfelelő eszközökkel, hogy integritását megvédje.
Másfelől viszont szakítania kellett sötét múltjával, valamilyen (jelentős) szinten megtagadva azt. A két követelmény egymással szembement, hiszen a modern Németország egy korszerű és jól felszerelt hadsereget követelt meg, míg a világ többi része – nyilván jó okkal – elrettent az efféle törekvésektől, főleg nagyjából tíz évvel a második világháborút lezáró paktumok után. ... https://passport.blog.hu/2018/07/24/hadsereg_romokbol
above: NoHigher! German navy submarines by: darthpandanl via: deviantart.com
above: HiRes! DW vs. NT submarines by: zagoreni-010 via: deviantart.com
above: NoHigher! 'Lego' TR1700 by: L4UTY ZERO
En. text: Fifth Generation subs: As part of a major fleet renovation plan which included the MEKO frigates classes, a contract was signed in 1977 with West Germany's Nordseewerke for six TR-1700-class submarines, the last four of them to be built in Argentina. The Argentine Navy sponsored the development of the CAREM nuclear reactor to be installed on these submarines, but for political reasons the whole program was cancelled and only the two German units were delivered. These ships are the largest submarines built in Germany since World War II and are among the fastest diesel-electric submarines in the world.ARA Santa Cruz (S-41)
ARA San Juan (S-42) (Missing, presumed lost on Wednesday 14, November 2017)
Es. text: Clase TR-1700 Los submarinos TR-1700 fueron entregados en las siguientes fechas:
El ARA Santa Cruz (S-41), el 18 de octubre de 1983, el ARA San Juan (S-42) el 18 de noviembre de 1985. Como armamento estos buques cuentan con seis tubos lanzatorpedos, ubicados en la sección de proa y pueden lanzar dos clases de torpedos:
a) El SST-4 torpedo antisuperficie del tipo “Swim out” (el torpedo no necesita se expulsado por aire sino que abandona el tubo por sus propios medios) es filoguiado con un alcance de 28 km y dos velocidades graduables (llega hasta 34 nudos).
b) el Mk 37 que es antisubmarino y antiescolta, es programable y cuenta con un alcance de 8 km desarrollando una velocidad de hasta 25 nudos (que en la actualidad no se encuentra disponible en la Armada Argentina). Además cuentan con dispositivos para el sembrado de minas. La estiba a bordo es de 6 torpedos en los tubos y 16 en los calzos, en los que se pueden acomodar en cada uno: 1 torpedo SST-4 o 2 Mk 37. Para minar pueden transportar 80 minas del tipo AEG UGM 75-2, 60 AEG UGM 75-2 ó 40 AEG UMM 75-1.
El ARA San Juan (S-42) participó entre marzo y junio de 1992, en la “Fase Cero del UNITAS XXXIII” junto con naves de la US Navy en aguas delMar Caribe utilizando como base de apoyo a la Base Naval de Roosevelt Roads en Puerto Rico. Entre febrero y junio de 1994 participó del operativo “George Washington-FLEETEX 92/2” también junto a buques de la marina norteamericana, en aguas del Atlántico Norte cercanas a la Base Naval de Norfolk. El ARA Santa Cruz (S-41) participó de los festejos del 75° Aniversario de la Fuerza de Submarinos de la Marina de Guerra del Perú, acontecidos en el año 1986 y en el trayecto a esa República hermana, navegó 8.063 millas sumergido.
a) El SST-4 torpedo antisuperficie del tipo “Swim out” (el torpedo no necesita se expulsado por aire sino que abandona el tubo por sus propios medios) es filoguiado con un alcance de 28 km y dos velocidades graduables (llega hasta 34 nudos).
b) el Mk 37 que es antisubmarino y antiescolta, es programable y cuenta con un alcance de 8 km desarrollando una velocidad de hasta 25 nudos (que en la actualidad no se encuentra disponible en la Armada Argentina). Además cuentan con dispositivos para el sembrado de minas. La estiba a bordo es de 6 torpedos en los tubos y 16 en los calzos, en los que se pueden acomodar en cada uno: 1 torpedo SST-4 o 2 Mk 37. Para minar pueden transportar 80 minas del tipo AEG UGM 75-2, 60 AEG UGM 75-2 ó 40 AEG UMM 75-1.
El ARA San Juan (S-42) participó entre marzo y junio de 1992, en la “Fase Cero del UNITAS XXXIII” junto con naves de la US Navy en aguas delMar Caribe utilizando como base de apoyo a la Base Naval de Roosevelt Roads en Puerto Rico. Entre febrero y junio de 1994 participó del operativo “George Washington-FLEETEX 92/2” también junto a buques de la marina norteamericana, en aguas del Atlántico Norte cercanas a la Base Naval de Norfolk. El ARA Santa Cruz (S-41) participó de los festejos del 75° Aniversario de la Fuerza de Submarinos de la Marina de Guerra del Perú, acontecidos en el año 1986 y en el trayecto a esa República hermana, navegó 8.063 millas sumergido.
above: NEW! MedRes! Submarine Disasters 2000-2021 profiles graphic by: CoverTShores www.hisullon.com source: Naval News
53.) Oscar awards - sculpture _ SSGN APL - "Kursk" project 949A antey - АПЛ (атомной подводной лодка) Курск _ Arleigh Burke class DDG-88 "Oscar Austin": https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/oscar-sculpture-design.html
above: NoHigher! TR1700 photo by: Reuters/Handout: Armada Argentina Fotó: MTI/EPA/Argentin haditengerészet
The Argentine military submarine ARA San Juan and crew are seen leaving the port of Buenos Aires, Argentina June 2, 2014. Picture taken on June 2, 2014. source: Google/REUTERS
below: MedRes! S.J. close to coast of MdP
The Argentine military submarine ARA San Juan and crew are seen leaving the port of Buenos Aires, Argentina June 2, 2014. Picture taken on June 2, 2014. source: Google/REUTERS
below: MedRes! S.J. close to coast of MdP
above: MedRes! Port of MdP source: Armada de la República Argentina.ar
above: NoHigher! A.R.A. - Armada Republic Argentina TR-1700 submarine ARA Santa Cruz (S-41) at Base Naval Mar del Plata. source: Wikipedia
Es. text: La Armada de la República Argentina (A.R.A.) o simplemente Armada Argentina es la rama naval de las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas, encargada de la defensa nacional del Mar Argentino.2 Su corazón operativo es la Base Naval Puerto Belgrano. Históricamente tuvo un rol fundamental en la Guerra de Independencia de la Argentina, la Guerra del Brasil y la Guerra de las Malvinas. Actualmente además de desempeñarse en su misión principal participa activamente en las Campañas antárticas de Argentina y misiones de paz bajo mandato de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU). ... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armada_ArgentinaEl Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos (COFS), con asiento en la Base Naval de Mar del Plata es parte esencial del Poder Naval Integrado de la Armada Argentina. Está integrado por los submarinos ARA Salta (S-31), ARA Santa Cruz (S-41) y ARA San Juan (S-42) y la Agrupación de Buzos ... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comando_de_la_Fuerza_de_Submarinos
Like the rest of the Argentine armed services the force is struggling to maintain its readiness in the absence of funds for maintenance and training. All three boats have maintenance difficulties and between them spent just 19 hours submerged in 2012.
It is currently composed of three submarines: ARA Salta (S-31), ARA Santa Cruz (S-41) and ARA San Juan (S-42). ...
Es. text: Tácticos.Las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas están compuestas por tres ramas: el Ejército Argentino (EA), la Armada Argentina (ARA)y la Fuerza Aérea Argentina (FAA). Por disposición y coordinación del Estado Mayor Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas (EMCFFAA), son las encargadas de la defensa nacional de la República Argentina a través de sus medios correspondientes. ... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuerzas_Armadas_Argentinas
above: MedRes! A.R.A.ar poster
above: MedRes! Falkland War 1982. Opposit Naval - Submarine Forces - Szembenálló Erők
Falklands War: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falklands_War

above: NoHigher! ARA.ar below: HiRes! A.R.A. San Juan im Mai 2017 source: Wikipedia

above: NoHigher! ARA.ar below: HiRes! A.R.A. San Juan im Mai 2017 source: Wikipedia
above: MedRes! Similar 'swedish Gotland' class Attack Sub's cutaway drawing key
above: MedRes! RCN-Royal Canadian Navy, British 'Upholder' class "Victoria" D.E. Atk. sub.
above: HiRes! Royal Navy H.M.S. - Her Majestic Ship - Őfelsége Hajója/Hadihajója 'Astute' class cutaway drawing key - röntgenrajz
above: NEW! MedRes! Super sophisticated: 'Astute'-class 'Ravasz, Ügyes' H.M.S. "Ambush"-"Lesállás": A cross-section of the sub shows the complexity of her design and the need to fit as much technology in as possible. Her crew instead using a digital camera system to see above the surface when she is submerged. Cutaway illustration source: Navy News/https://www.dailymail.co.uk
Inside the Navy's new £1billion supersub: Deadly Hunter Killer submarine is capable of hearing a ship leaving port in New York... whilst sat underwater in the English channel
One of the world's most sophisticated and powerful nuclear submarines
Carries dozens of cruise missiles capable of hitting targets 1,200 miles away
Her sonar can detect vessels moving on the other side of the ocean
Powerful nuclear reactor allows her to cruise non-stop for 25 years
HMS Ambush is so hi-tech the giant submarine doesn't even need a periscope.
article By: Sam Adams Published: 09:59 BST, 14 September 2012 | Updated: 08:49 BST, 19 October 2012
She cost around £1billion to build, has sonar so sensitive it can hear other vessels 3,000 miles away and carries a giant payload of 38 deadly Tomahawk cruise missiles.
HMS Ambush, the Royal Navy's newest nuclear attack submarine, is one of the most sophisticated and powerful vessels of her type ever built.
The giant Astute-class sub, which was launched today, is so hi-tech she doesn't even need a periscope.
Scroll down to watch the submarine's weapons being tested... ... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-Deadly-Hunter-Killer-submarine-capable-hearing-ship-leaving-port-New-York--sat-underwater-English-channel.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! 海上自衛隊の最新鋭潜水艦「そうりゅう」型の4番艦「けんりゅう」ss-02bb5 source: matome.naver.jp
above: MedRes! Cutaway graphic about D.E. Attack-Delivery U-Boat
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's 'Praktica' F.X 2 reprophoto with small-film ORWO/Hu. Forte 24 x 32 'Pentacon' mast in late 1970's in Hu.MoD Isnstitute & Museum of Military History - HM. Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum / Military-Science Library - Hadtudományi Könyvtár (cmdr-pk.: libr.boss.-kvt.vez: Col. Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds.) -Budapest- I.ker. (Budai-castle - vár) Kapisztrán -tér 4-6. copy by Nikon "Coolpix" 2014.: about: FRG 'WehrTechnik'?: Cutaways: La Praya
above: HiRes! Cutaway model ZWV 2004
above: MedRes! Juci'bácsi's scan coll.: Hu.Mil.: "Igaz Szó"-."True Word/Speech" early 1980's GFR Navy U-Boot - Submarine - NSzK tengeralattjáró
below: Deutsche U-Boot Technic: HDW Typs-209 "Kobben" klasse
above: NoHigher! 'Kobben' class - Type Clase-209 "ARA Salta" S-32 at Mar del Plata naval base
En. text: Fourth Generation subs: In 1969 a contract was signed in West Germany for two Type 209 submarines. The ships were of the 56 metres/1100 ton sub-type; they were built in parts by Howaldtswerke at Kiel and delivered to Tandanor shipyard in Buenos Aires where final assembly was completed in 1973. The vessels were commissioned in 1974, but only San Luis (S-32) was in service during the 1982 Falklands War. She reported two encounters with Royal Navy ships but without scoring hits due to problems with her torpedo's firing system. The threat posed by the San Luis, however, forced the Royal Navy to give up recovery efforts of two Sea King helicopters which had ditched at sea on 12 May and 18 May 1982 respectively. Both aircraft were eventually destroyed by naval gunfire. She also tied up a considerable number of British naval assets deployed to counter her presence. There was an attempt to deploy the Salta to the Falklands area at the end of May, but excessive noise and problems with the torpedo firing system similar to those found on San Luis prevented her operational use. San Luis was struck from the Navy in 1997 after an incomplete overhaul, whilst Salta (S-31) was still in service as of 2017.- ARA Salta (S-31)
- ARA San Luis (S-32)
Es. text: Formada por dos unidades, el ARA Salta (S-31) y el ARA San Luis (S-32) que se incorporaron en el año 1974. Estos tienen como armamento, 8 tubos lanzatorpedos de 21´´ en proa y transporta torpedos SST-4 filoguiados, Mk 37 Honeywell AS/Mk 48 y minas. Están tripulados por 36 hombres. En el año 1975 el S-32 cumplió por primera vez en la Armada una inmersión de 50 días completos donde desarrollo una patrulla, en la que llegó a Puerto Argentino (Islas Malvinas). En la Guerra de Malvinas el ARA San Luis (S-32), también tuvo como el S-21 una destacada acción, donde llegó a disparar 2 torpedos SST-4 y un Mk-37. Navegó durante 39 días en patrulla y 864 horas permaneció sumergido (equivalente a 36 días) en medio de un ambiente hostil, enfrentándose a una fuerza antisubmarina de la OTAN, la que no pudo detectarlo efectivamente. El S-31 no se encontraba en operaciones ya que tenía ruidos en su navegación, lo que hacía imposible su utilización en combate. El Salta luego de pasar por una modernización de motores, baterías y sistemas. en la década del 90 se encuentra en operaciones y a la fecha se encuentra amarrado en su apostadero en la Base Naval de Mar del Plata. El S-32 pasó a condición de reserva en 1985 y el 23 de abril de 1997 se lo declaró en desuso por la Armada.5 Se encuentra resguardado en las instalaciones del Astillero Domecq García. ... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comando_de_la_Fuerza_de_Submarinos
above. NoHigher! In dry dock
above: HiRes! Submarinos Klasse U-209 de la Armada Nacional de Colombia
TOLEDO escribió: Hola ALEXC, en esta foto se fe como las laminas de al frente del sub están unpoco mas arrugadas por así decirlo y las de mas atras en perfectas condiciones.
Mira el tamaño original de la foto los detalles y me comentas.
No creo que se hayan cambiando Toledo y lo que pasa es que las laminas utilizadas para construir el centro del casco son mas largas que las que se utilizan para construir la parte de la Popa del Submarino por eso se ven mas lisas,....te voy a dejar este documental sobre la forma como se construye un submarino en este caso el USS VIRGINIA, por favor observa desde el minuto: 20:10 para que observes el largor de las laminas utilizadas para construir el centro del casco y la forma como las doblan: ... http://americamilitar.com/armada/88-submarinos-klasse-u-209-de-la-armada-nacional-de-colombia-p4.html

U-1 and U-2 were originally built as Type 201 submarines with pressure hulls made of non-magnetic steel, but were rebuilt as Type 205 with new pressure hulls out of normal steel after corrosion problems and small cracks were detected.
U-1 was given back to Nordseewerke and was used to test an experimental closed-cycle diesel air-independent propulsion system before being scrapped.
U-11 was transformed to a Type 205A double-hulled boat (the outer hull filled with polystyrene foam to make it unsinkable) and used as torpedo target.
U-12 was used for sonar trials as Type 205B.
All units were built by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW), Kiel, Germany.
Displacement: 450 tons (surfaced) / 500 tons (submerged)
Length: 43,9 meters
Beam: 4,6 meters
Draft: 4,3 meters
Speed: 10 knots (19 km/h) surfaced / 17 knots (31 km/h) submerged
2 x Mercedes-Benz 4-stroke V12 diesel engines (2 x 600 hp) each coupled with a BBC generator
1 x electric motor (1300 hp)
1 shaft / 1 propeller
Range: 4200 NM (7800 km) at 5 knots (9 km/h) surfaced / 228 NM (422 km) at 4 knots (7 km/h) submerged
Crew: 22
Armament: 8 x 533mm torpedo tubes for torpedoes or naval mines
De. text: Die U-Boot Klasse 207 ist eine Klasse von diesel-elektrischen U-Booten, die bei den Nordseewerken in Emden für die norwegische Marine gebaut und von dieser unter dem Namen Kobben-Klasse eingesetzt wurden. Die Klasse 207 ist eine speziell auf die Anforderungen der norwegischen Marine abgestimmte Weiterentwicklung der Klasse 205. Ein Teil der Boote befindet sich in Polen im Dienst, Dänemark hat seine U-Boot-Flotte inzwischen ersatzlos aufgelöst. ... Wikipedia
Es. text: Los submarinos de la Clase Kobben o Tipo 207 son una versión altamente modificada de los submarinos de la Clase Tipo 205, que fueron especialmente modificados a petición de su usuario, la Real Armada de Noruega.
above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect from 1984.: De. text: GFR 'Hobby Magazine der Technik' 17.1.1983.: Erfolgskurs unter Wasser Type 209 (207) 'Kobben' klasse All pics Courtesy FREE! below Four: also HiRes!

above: Left: Attitude indicator 'Inclinometer' and Map/Chart course line track Right: Attack periscope
above: NoHigher! Juci'Bacsi's collect, Magnification - Macrophoto ORWO Slide/Dia repro-photo by 'Praktica' F.X 2 small-film camera with Pentacon mast in late 1983.
above: NoHigher! It from No Hobby Magazine! Inclinometer - Dőlésmérő source: www.atlantic.pirat.com
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's HOBBY magazine
above: NEW! NoHigher! Kriegsmarine's long range UXXI last U-Boot in WW-Two
above: NoHigher! It from No Hobby Magazine! Spedo move-signal - menetsebességjelző
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's HOBBY magazine: Type-205 'Kobben's 3D Profile cutaway drawing key/Longitudinal cross section - Hosszmetszet also Courtesy FREE!
above: MedRes! Comparison the Type-206

above Three: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's HOBBY magazine: De. text: Article from HMdT 1983. (Hobby Magazine End!) below: Pinterest.

above: NoHigher! Top Two: MedRes! Bundesarchiv: German Navy - Deutsche Marine: Type 205 class Submarine
The Type 205 was a class of diesel-electric German hunter-killer U-boat submarines. They were single-hull vessels optimized for the use in the shallow Baltic Sea. The Type 205 is a direct evolution of the Type 201 class with lengthened hull, new machinery and sensors. The biggest difference though is that ST-52 steel is used for the pressure hull since the Type 201's non-magnetic steel proved to be problematic. Type 206, the follow-on class, finally succeeded with non-magnetic steel hulls.U-1 and U-2 were originally built as Type 201 submarines with pressure hulls made of non-magnetic steel, but were rebuilt as Type 205 with new pressure hulls out of normal steel after corrosion problems and small cracks were detected.
U-1 was given back to Nordseewerke and was used to test an experimental closed-cycle diesel air-independent propulsion system before being scrapped.
U-11 was transformed to a Type 205A double-hulled boat (the outer hull filled with polystyrene foam to make it unsinkable) and used as torpedo target.
U-12 was used for sonar trials as Type 205B.
All units were built by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW), Kiel, Germany.
Displacement: 450 tons (surfaced) / 500 tons (submerged)
Length: 43,9 meters
Beam: 4,6 meters
Draft: 4,3 meters
Speed: 10 knots (19 km/h) surfaced / 17 knots (31 km/h) submerged
2 x Mercedes-Benz 4-stroke V12 diesel engines (2 x 600 hp) each coupled with a BBC generator
1 x electric motor (1300 hp)
1 shaft / 1 propeller
Range: 4200 NM (7800 km) at 5 knots (9 km/h) surfaced / 228 NM (422 km) at 4 knots (7 km/h) submerged
Crew: 22
Armament: 8 x 533mm torpedo tubes for torpedoes or naval mines
above: MedRes! U9? S 196 in port of ... source: Fiveprime.org
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's collect: Hu. edition: Tolnay-Szentesi: "Az erő mítosza" 'Zrínyi' Katonai Kiadó -Budapest- 1984. - "Myth of the Power" 'Zrínyi' Military Publisher
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's collect by 'Praktica' F.X 2 reprophoto with small-film ORWO/Hu. Forte 24 x 32 'Pentacon' mast in late 1970's in Hu.MoD Isnstitute & Museum of Military History - HM. Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum / Military-Science Library - Hadtudományi Könyvtár (cmdr-pk.: libr.boss.-kvt.vez: Col. Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds.) -Budapest- I.ker. (Budai-castle - vár) Kapisztrán -tér 4-6. copy by Nikon "Coolpix" 2014.: about: FRG 'WehrTechnik': U 29 "Kiel"
above: NoHigher! Former Own reprophotocamera: DDR made '#Praktica" F.X 2 small film mirror-shaft camera with 'Carl Zeiss - Jena' "#Tessar" objective
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's 'Sony-Ericcson' "Yari" "halfsmart" handy photo 2017.11.14.15:30 Budapest, Buda-castle - ~-i vár: Hu.MoD Isnstitute & Museum of Military History - HM. Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum / Military-Science Library - Hadtudományi Könyvtár (cmdr-pk.: libr.boss.-kvt.vez: Col. Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds.) -Budapest- I.ker. (Budaer-castle - vár) Kapisztrán -tér 4-6.
Pl. text: Okręty podwodne typu 207 – wariant okrętów podwodnych typu 205, zbudowanych w RFN dla marynarki Norwegii, gdzie zostały oznaczone jako typ Kobben. Zbudowano 15 jednostek, które służyły w marynarce norweskiej w latach 1964-2003. Trzy z nich używane były w latach 1989-2004 przez Danię jako typ Tumleren, a cztery wycofane z użytku we flocie norweskiej od 2002 służą w Marynarce Wojennej RP. ...

above: NEW! NoHigher! #KRI '#Nanggala' 402 #U-Boat before 2012 refitting source: wikipedia
above: NEW! BigRes! (Cropped!) Indonesian submarine KRI 'Nanggala' (402) underway in August 2015. participates in a photo exercise in the Java Sea during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Indonesia 2015. In its 21st year, CARAT is an annual, bilateral exercise series with the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and the armed forces of nine partner nations including Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Timor-Leste. photo by: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Alonzo M. Archer source: wikipedia
NEW! above: MedRes! & below: BigRes!: Bali rice field/plantation terraces panorama - rizsültetvény teraszok 2011. source: wikipedia
Nordseewerke - manufacturer's website
Polish Navy - with Polish commission dates, pictures and information
Danish Naval History - information about Danish use (1989–2004)

Left: Principle of the periscope. The periscope on the left uses mirrors whereas the right uses prisms.
a Mirrors
b Prisms
c Observer's eye
En su forma sencilla es un tubo con un juego de espejos en los extremos, paralelos y en un ángulo de 45º respecto a la línea que los une. Se puede usar para ver sobre la cabeza de la gente en una multitud. Esta forma de periscopio, con la adición de simples lentes, fue usado para propósitos de observación en trincheras durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.
Los periscopios más complejos usan prismas en vez de espejos, y disponen de aumentos, como los usados en los submarinos. ... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periscopio
Hu. text: A periszkóp olyan optikai eszköz, amelynek segítségével láthatóvá válik a megfigyelőtől valamilyen szemmagasság fölé, vagy alá nyúló akadály által eltakart tárgy. ... wiki/Periskop

The submarines were built between 1957 and 1978 by four shipyards: Cammel Laird, Chatham Dockyard, Scotts Shipbuilding and Engineering Company and Vickers-Armstrongs . Thirteen of the submarines were operated by the Royal Navy, six by the Royal Australian Navy, three by the Brazilian Navy, three by the Royal Canadian Navy/Canadian Forces Maritime Command (plus two ex-Royal Navy boats later acquired for non-commissioned roles), and two by the Chilean Navy.
The Oberons operated during the height of the Cold War, with duties including surveillance, tracking of other ships and submarines, delivery and retrieval of special forces personnel, and serving as targets for anti-submarine training. Submarines of the class were in service until 2000. As of 2015, eight of the submarines are preserved intact as museum vessels, another three are partially preserved (with some exterior portions of the submarine on display), and one is in private ownership and awaiting conversion for display. The rest have been sold for scrap, including one former museum vessel. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberon-class_submarine
above: NEW! NoHigher! #princess #Diana on HMS "Trafalgar" looks through
In 2005, SAGEM and SNECMA merged to form Safran. Together the companies focus mainly on aeronautics, defense and Security. The communications and mobile telephony businesses spun off as two independent entities : SAGEMCOM and MobiWire. ... en.wikipedia.org/SAGEM
Fr. text: La Société d’applications générales d’électricité et de mécanique (SAGEM) était une entreprise française créée en 1925 et dissoute en 2005. Elle travaillait initialement dans la mécanique avec la fabrication d’outillage et de machines-outils. Avec l’évolution de la technologie, l'entreprise se lance dans l’électronique et ses deux produits phares, les téléscripteurs, puis les télécopieurs, et les centrales inertielles lui permettent de devenir une grande entreprise internationale dans les années 1970. Elle développe également des applications militaires et aéronautiques. En 2005, elle fusionne avec Snecma pour donner naissance au groupe Safran. ...

Defense Forces did not purchase the sub.) The later SR93H is a highly stylized design
intended for a scientific polar expedition which sadly has yet to materialise. The ship also
had its own power plant, a Mitsubishi power generator, which is able to provide
enough power for a small town. Inner surface Webasto hot air blower is also
equipped which saw 110 ° C of heating and fresh pre-warmed air flowing out of the boat,
as well as several pieces of 220-volt line heat radiators.

De. text: Sonar ist ein „Verfahren zur Ortung von Gegenständen im Raum und unter Wasser mittels ausgesandter Schallimpulse“. Das Wort ist ein englisches Akronym von sound navigation and ranging, was sich mit Schall-Navigation und -Entfernungsbestimmung übersetzen lässt.
Sonar ist ein „Verfahren zur Ortung von Gegenständen im Raum und unter Wasser mittels ausgesandter Schallimpulse“. Das Wort ist ein englisches Akronym von sound navigation and ranging, was sich mit Schall-Navigation und -Entfernungsbestimmung übersetzen lässt.

主に、潜水艦、水雷艇、駆逐艦、巡洋艦、雷撃機などに搭載されて運用された。現代において、「水上艦や航空機が用いる対水上艦兵器」としては対艦ミサイルに取って代わられたが、より先進的な誘導能力を付与された上で「潜水艦が用いる対水上艦兼対潜水艦兵器」(長魚雷)や「水上艦や航空機が用いる対潜水艦兵器」(短魚雷)として広く配備・運用されている。... https://ja.wikipedia.org/wikiJapan-Torpedo

above: NoHigher! Types-205 ('Kobben' klasse?) by: seaforces.org below: MedRes! Type-207('Kobben' classe) Danish NAVY Submarine source: wikimedia.org

above: HiRes! U11 Steering contols yokes: Left: Horizontal-Course - Seitrenruder & Repeater gyro-compass Right: Vertical-Depth: Forward & Rear flaps & Tiefenmesser below: NoHigher! Site

above Four: MedRes! U-9 Type-205 handling controls' sites Photos: Pilot Micha source: Fiveprime/Hiveminer.com below: NoHigher! A.Lange & Sohne Glashutte Germany Wehrmacht

MedRes! U9/U10 U-Boot Klasse Typ-205, HDW above: Sonar sensor site below: Torpedo rohr - tubes - Torpedóvető csövek source: Wikipedia
above: MedRes! maschinen raum with 'Mercedes' diesel engines source: Fiveprime/Hiveminer.com
above: MedRes! U96 Das Boot Uhr Maschinentelegraph SUPERIOR SUBMARINE RARITY WATCH and similar memorial Stb. watch
above: Left: MedRes! U9 source: Hiveminer.org 'Speyer' Right: HiRes! U9 source: wikipedia.org
above: MedRes! 'Speyer' Museum: U9 Entry hatch - beszálló nyílás source: Hiveminer.org
above: HiRes! In 'Speyer' museum: U-9 205 class was built by the Kieler Howaldtswerke 1967. source: pinterest
above: NoHigher! Deutsche Marine U10 type-205 Entry door of tower
below: Disaster of the Indonesian Angkatan Laut's submarine #KRI '#Nanggala' 402 #katasztrófája 2021.04.25.
above: NEW! Insignia of the Indonesian Navy - Indonesian Navy: Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) literally "Indonesian National Military-Naval Force")
above: NEW! NoHigher! Indonesia's-KRI 'Nanggala'-402 Submarine source: Daily Telegraph
above: NEW! MedRes! Diesel-Electric Hunter Type-209 U-Boot KRI 'Nanggala'-402 source: insider.com
above: NEW! MedRes! Indonesian NAVY's made in Germany HDW Type-209/1300 KRI - Kapal Republik Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia Ship) 'Nanggala' 402 2021 április 21-én Photo & source: Handout-AFP/index.hu
NEW! Hu. text article: A 44 évesNémetországban gyártott KRI Nanggala 402
author: Mr. Kovács Ferenc 2021.04.24. index.hu
Az 1970-es évek végén Németországban gyártott KRI Nanggala–402 típusú hadi járművel mintegy 95 kilométerre a parttól vesztették el a kapcsolatot, amikor Bali szigete mellett 2021. Április 21-n szerdán a kora reggeli órákban éppen torpedógyakorlatot folytatott. A haditengerészet szóvivője, Julius Widjojono admirális azt mondta, hogy a tengeralattjáró gyaníthatóan 600-700 méteres mélységben van. Olyan törmelékeket találtak, amelyek valószínűleg az eltűnt indonéz katonai tengeralattjáróról származnak – jelentette be Yudo Margono, az Indonéz Haditengerészet vezérkari főnöke.
A KRI Nanggala 402 2021 április 21-énA legénység 53 tagjának sorsa ismeretlen. Felhívta a figyelmet arra, hogy a járművet úgy tervezték, hogy 250-500 méteres mélységig merüljön. Ezen túlmenően azonban már veszélyes lehet számára a mélység. Szakértők a héten azt közölték, a legénységnek vélhetően szombat reggelig elegendő az oxigénje. Yudo Margono azt mondta, ha nem történt áramszünet, és a hajó elektromos berendezései még működnek, akkor azonban akár öt napra elegendő oxigénmennyiség is lehet a tengeralattjáróban. ... https://index.hu/kulfold/2021/04/24/indonezia-tengeralattjaro-baleset-elsullyedt-bali/
above: NEW! MedRes! The KRI 'Nanggala' 402 submarine was conducting a torpedo drill in waters 60 miles to North from Bali-island source: Todayuknews
Hu. text article: Eltűnt az indonéz hadsereg egyik tengeralattjárója 53 katonával
Szöveg: honvedelem.hu / MTI | 2021. április 21. 19:10
Eltűnt április 21-én az indonéz hadsereg egyik tengeralattjárója, fedélzetén 53 fővel. A haditengerészet jelenleg is keresi a tengeralattjárót; Indonézia a kutatáshoz Ausztrália és Szingapúr segítségét is kérte – közölte Hadi Tjahjanto indonéz vezérkari főnök.
A KRI Nanggala-402 német gyártmányú tengeralattjáró éppen torpedógyakorlatot folytatott Bali szigetétől északra – mondta a haditengerészet szóvivője. A vezérkari főnök a Reuters hírügynökséghez eljuttatott üzenetben közölte, hogy a tengeralattjárót jelenleg is keresik, csaknem 100 kilométerre Balitól. Hadi megerősítette, hogy a kereséshez segítséget kértek Ausztráliától és Szingapúrtól. Elmondása szerint a hajóval helyi idő szerint szerda hajnali fél 5-kor vesztették el a kapcsolatot.
Az 1395 tonnás tengeralattjáró 1978-ban készült Németországban, és az indonéz kabinettitkárság honlapja szerint két éves karbantartáson esett át Dél-Koreában, ami 2012-ben fejeződött be. Bár Indonézia próbálja korszerűsíteni védelmi képességeit, egyes, jelenleg is szolgálatban lévő eszközei elavultak, emiatt az elmúlt években több, halálos áldozatokat követelő baleset is történt, egyebek között különösen elavult katonai szállító repülőgépekkel. https://honvedelem.hu/hirek/eltunt-az-indonez-hadsereg-egyik-tengeralattjaroja-53-katonaval.html
Hu. text article: A Pentagon segítséget ajánl az elsüllyedt indonéz tengeralattjáró felkutatásához
Szöveg: honvedelem.hu / MTI | 2021. április 23. 15:12
Az amerikai hadsereg egy deszantos csapatot küld a helyszínre, hogy segítsen Indonéziának megtalálni a fedélzetén ötvenhárom tengerésszel elsüllyedt tengeralattjáróját – közölte április 22-én John Kirby, a Pentagon szóvivője.
Az amerikai védelmi minisztériumot mélyen elszomorították a torpedógyakorlat közben balesetet szenvedett KRI Nanggala-402 tengeralattjáró szerdai eltűnéséről érkezett hírek – mondta Kirby egy nyilatkozatban. „Indonézia kormányának kérésére, légi deszantosokat küldünk, hogy segédkezzenek az eltűnt tengeralattjáró felkutatásában” – tette hozzá. ... https://honvedelem.hu/hirek/a-pentagon-segitseget-ajanl-az-elsullyedt-indonez-tengeralattjaro-felkutatasahoz.html
Hu. text article: Nem keresik tovább a Balinál eltűnt tengeralattjárót
Szöveg: honvedelem.hu / MTI | 2021. április 26. 9:54
Az indonéz elnök április 25-én, vasárnap bejelentette, hogy befejezettnek nyilvánítják az indonéz hadsereg Bali szigetétől északra eltűnt tengeralattjárójának keresését. Egyszersmind részvétét fejezte ki a fedélzeten tartózkodó 53 ember hozzátartozóinak.
„A katonaság és a haditengerészet megváltoztatta a KRI Nanggala 402 tengeralattjáró státusát” – mondta újságíróknak Joko Widodo elnök. A 44 éves hadi eszközt „a kapcsolat megszakadt” címen tartották nyilván, amióta szerdán eltűnt. Ezt változtatták most az „elsüllyedt” kategóriára.
„Mi indonézek mindannyian mély szomorúságunkat fejezzük ki emiatt a tragédia miatt, elsősorban a legénység családtagjainak” – fűzte hozzá az államfő. ... https://honvedelem.hu/hirek/nem-keresik-tovabb-a-balinal-eltunt-tengeralattjarot.html
above: NEW! HiRes! Indian & Pacific ocean old nautical map source: Juci'bácsi's archive
above: NEW! BigRes! South #China, NGA #Nautical-#Chart-508 source: Landfall Navigation
above: NEW! HiRes! (Marked! Bali-island with Pink) TXU Indonesia political map 2002. source: www.legacy.lib.utexas.edu
above & below: NEW! BigRes! Indonesia, Nautical-map/chart (Marked Bali by Szextant) source: Landfall Navigation
NGA Nautical Chart - 632 Strait of Malacca to Banda Sea including South China Sea-Java Sea and Celebes Sea source: https://www.landfallnavigation.com/nga-nautical-chart-632-strait-of-malacca-to-banda-sea-including-south-china-sea-java-sea-and-celebes-sea.html
NGA Nautical Chart - 72045 Selat Bali to Tembuk Saleh source: landfallnavigation
OceanGrafix and Landfall Navigation have joined forces to provide you with the most up-to-date nautical charts. Your charts are printed to order, and updated to last week's Notice to Mariners corrections. The standard charts are water-resistant with a tough coating for longer life. Bright colors make them easier to read under varying light conditions. However, these charts can be ordered three ways:
above: NEW! HiRes! Indonesia Naval Base Location source: wikipedia
En. text: The Indonesian Navy (Indonesian: Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL), literally "Indonesian National Military-Naval Force") is the naval branch of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. It was founded on 10 September 1945 and has a role to patrol Indonesia's lengthy coastline, to enforce and patrol the territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Indonesia, to protect Indonesia's maritime strategic interests, to protect the islands surrounding Indonesia, and to defend against seaborne threats. The Navy was headed by the Chief of Staff of the Navy (Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut – KSAL or KASAL). The Indonesian Navy consists of three major fleets known as "Armada" which are Komando Armada I (1st Fleet Command) located in Jakarta, Komando Armada II (2nd Fleet Command) located in Surabaya, Komando Armada III (3rd Fleet Command) located in Sorong, and one Komando Lintas Laut Militer (Military Sealift Command). The Navy also heads the Marine Corps. All commissioned ships of the TNI-AL have the prefix KRI, standing for Kapal Republik Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia Ship) and KAL, standing for Kapal Angkatan Laut (Navy Ship) for smaller boats which have a length less than 36m, and made from fiberglass. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_Navy
Jawa text: Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) iku péranganing Tentara Nasional Indonesia sing tanggung jawab ngenani operasi laut, dipanggedhèni déning Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut, sing wektu iki diwengku déning Laksamana Tedjo Edy Purdiyatno, SH. Kakuwatan TNI-AL wektu iki kapérang dadi 2 armada, Armada Kulon sing punjeré ing Tanjung Priok, Jakarta lan Armada Wétan sing punjeré ing Tanjung Pérak, Surabaya, sarta siji Komando Lintas Laut Militer (Kolinlamil). Saliyané iku uga mbawahi Korps Marinir. Sumber prajurit TNI AL didhidhik lan dilatih ing AAL lan Kobangdikal sarta Seskoal. TNI-AL duwé Slogan Jalesveva Jaya Mahe.
above: NEW! MedRes! Map and factfile on the Indonesian submarine that sinking ... source: maps4news.com/ International Bussines Times
KRI Cakra was refitted by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, South Korea between 2004 and 2006. Type 1400 3 unit KRI Nanggala refit contract was awarded to Daewoo in 2009 and completed in 2012. (*) Indonesia has awarded DSME a contract for three 1,400 ton Chang Bogo class submarines in December 2011. All three vessels will be commissioned by the first half of 2018.
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped & Edited!) 3D Profile artwork: KRI-Type-209/1300 'Nanggala'-402 submarine source: BBC
above: NEW! NoHigher! #KRI '#Nanggala' 402 #U-Boat before 2012 refitting source: wikipedia
Gambar ini adalah Lambang Tentara Nasional #Indonesia-#Angkatan#Laut
51.) Helicopter - Rotor's Control detail - Hubschrauber - ВЕРТОЛЁТ - Helikopter Forgószárny Vezérlés részletek: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/51-helicopter-rotors-control-detail.html
above: NEW! MedRes! Training near East Kalimantan, 1992 source: wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! KRI Cakra 401 Submarine photo: Indonesian Navy - https://koarmatim.tnial.mil.id/konten/kri-cakra-401/ source: wikipedia
The Cakra class is a class of two Type 209/1300 attack submarines developed by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft of Germany that were bought and commissioned by the Indonesian Navy in the 1980s. The lead submarine, Cakra, remains in service, and the other, Nanggala, sank in 2021 with all hands on board during an exercise.
KRI Nanggala (402), also known as Nanggala II, was one of two Cakra-class Type 209/1300 diesel-electric attack submarines of the Indonesian Navy. Ordered in 1977, it was launched in 1980, and commissioned in 1981. The submarine conducted intelligence gathering operations in the Indian Ocean and around East Timor and North Kalimantan. It was a participant of the international Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training naval exercise, and conducted a passing exercise with USS Oklahoma City. The boat underwent a major refit in 2012.
Nanggala was declared missing on 21 April 2021, hours after losing contact with surface personnel while it was underwater. It was in the middle of a torpedo drill in waters north of Bali and had fired a live SUT torpedo before it went missing. The navy estimated that the submarine's oxygen supply would last for about three days, and multiple domestic and international vessels were sent to search for the vessel.
Three days later, on 24 April, debris from the submarine was found on the surface, and the navy declared Nanggala sunk. The next day, scans positively identified the remains of Nanggala, and the navy declared that all persons aboard had perished. The loss of 53 sailors constitutes the largest reported loss of life aboard a submarine since the Chinese submarine Changcheng 361 malfunctioned in April 2003. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KRI_Nanggala_(402)
above: NEW! BigRes! (Cropped!) Type 209 submarine from West Germany, Starboard view of Turkish submarine TCG Batıray (S 349) underway source: wikipedia
above Two: NEW! NoHigher! Periscope and control room, in 2017 after South Korean refitting source: wikipedia
above: NEW! MedRes! Indonesian NAVY's - Haditengerészet Kapal Republik Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia Ship) KRI 'Nanggala' 402 U-boot photo: WhatsApp-Image source: mellbimbo.eu
Hu. text article: Tényleg odaveszett az indonéz tengeralattjáró, 53 áldozat lehet a történet vége
Megtalálták a jármű alkatrészeit, kevés az esély, hogy a legénységből bárki túlélte volna az incidenst. A mentés ezzel együtt folytatódik, 72 órányi oxigén van a hajón, amit ha jól tudnak beosztani, még pozitív végkifejletet is hozhat.
author: Mr. Rácz Gergő, 2021. április 24. szombat, 14:04
above: NEW! MedRes! The KRI Nanggala – 402 vehicle disappeared off the island of Bali. - A KRI Nanggala–402 típusú jármű Bali szigete mellett tűnt el. source: index.hu
Hu. text article: Megtalálták az eltűnt tengeralattjáró maradványait - The remains of the missing submarine were found:
author: Mr. Kovács Ferenc 2021.04.25. 11:40 source: index.hu
Megtalálták az elsüllyedt indonéz tengeralattjáró maradványait 850 méterrel a tengerszint alatt. A hajótest legalább három darabra tört – jelentették be a hadsereg és a tengerészet képviselői vasárnap az Inquirer beszámolója szerint.
Az indonéz elnök a nap folyamán, még a felfedezés előtt bejelentette, hogy befejezettnek nyilvánítják az indonéz hadsereg Bali szigetétől északra eltűnt tengeralattjárójának keresését. Egyszersmind részvétét fejezte ki a fedélzeten tartózkodó 53 ember hozzátartozóinak.
A katonaság és a haditengerészet megváltoztatta a KRI Nanggala–402 tengeralattjáró státusát
– mondta újságíróknak Joko Widodo elnök. A 44 éves hadi eszközt „a kapcsolat megszakadt” címen tartották nyilván, amióta szerdán eltűnt. Ezt változtatták most az „elsüllyedt” kategóriára.
Mi, indonézek mindannyian mély szomorúságunkat fejezzük ki e miatt a tragédia miatt, elsősorban a legénység családtagjainak
– fűzte hozzá az államfő.
Szombaton a kutatócsoportok a merüléshez közel megtaláltak a tengeralattjáróról származó néhány tárgyat, többek között imaszőnyegdarabokat és a periszkóp zsírozásához használt kenőanyag palackját.
Előzőleg érzékelők 850 méteres mélységben lokalizálták a tengeralattjárót, amelynek maximális merülési mélysége 500 méter. Szakértők szerint a tengeralattjáró darabokra törhetett.
A tengeralattjáró utáni kutatás több mint egytucatnyi helikopterrel és hajóval folyt, amerikai, ausztrál, szingapúri, malajziai és indiai segítséggel.
Az 1970-es évek végén Németországban gyártott, KRI Nanggala–402 típusú hadi járművel mintegy 95 kilométerre a parttól vesztették el a kapcsolatot, amikor Bali szigete mellett éppen torpedógyakorlatot folytatott.
above: NEW! NoHigher! KRI NANGGALA source: Maritime Bulletin
A submarine which vanished in Indonesia has been found broken in three parts off the coast of Bali.
All 53 crew members on board have been declared dead, Indonesia’s military confirmed.
The grim announcement comes a day after Indonesia said the submarine, which went missing last week, was considered sunk. ... https://todayuknews.com/us-news/missing-submarine-that-vanished-in-indonesia-with-53-crew-on-board-is-found-broken-in-bali/
Map: The submarine was conducting a torpedo drill in waters 60 miles north of the island of Bali on Wednesday, but failed to relay the results as expected. They also found a prayer mat commonly used in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation. todayuknews
above: NEW! BigRes! (Cropped & Lightened!) Indonesia: Bali, Lombok islands scale 1:1.000.000 by: txu pclmaps oclc-8322829_n_12 source: www.legacy.lib.utexas.edu
above: NEW! BigRes! Tengerszoros - Strait of #Bali to #Java island by #Admiralty 1954. Geographicus Rare Antique Maps
above: NEW! MedRes! Bali-Landsat-Global Land Cover Facility (GLCF) source: wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Bali Travel and Business Directory
above: NEW! HiRes! Bali, Kintamani panoramio source: wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! Bali-Indonesia, Nusa-Dua beach source: The Honeycombers
En. text: Bali (/ˈbɑːli/) is a province of Indonesia and the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands. East of Java and west of Lombok, the province includes the island of Bali and a few smaller neighbouring islands, notably Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan. The provincial capital, Denpasar, is the most populous city in the Lesser Sunda Islands and the second-largest, after Makassar, in Eastern Indonesia. The upland town of Ubud is considered Bali's cultural centre. The province is Indonesia's main tourist destination, with a significant rise in tourism since the 1980s. Tourism-related business makes up 80% of its economy. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali
Ban. (Balinese) text: Bali inggih punika wastan nusa utawi propinsi ring Indonésia. Bali kawéntenané ring negara Indonésia. Kaapit antuk Nusa Jawa miwah Nusa Lombok, Nusa Bali jimbarnyané wantah 5.561 km². Propinsi Bali kakepah antuk makudang nusa, sané sampun subaga sakadi: Nusa Bali, Nusa Penida, Nusa Ceningan, Nusa Lémbongan, tur nusa-nusa sané alitan. Ibukota Propinsi Bali magenah ring Dénpasar. Ring warsa 2014, propinsi Bali madué panjak kirang langkung 4.25 yuta diri. Propinsi Bali punika dados genah antuk pinih akéh wang sané maderbe Agama Hindu ring Indonésia. ...
Hindi text: बाली इंडोनेशिया का एक द्वीप प्रान्त है। यह जावा के पूर्व में स्थित है। लोम्बोक बाली के पूर्व में द्वीप है। यहां के ब्राह्मी लेख २०० ईपू के पुराने के हैं। बालीद्वीप का नाम भी बहुत पुराना है। १५०० ई से पहले इंडोनेशिया में मजापहित हिन्दू साम्राज्य स्थापित था। जब यह साम्राज्य गिरा और मुसलमान सुलतानों ने सत्ता ले ली तो जावा और अन्य द्वीपों के अभिजात-वर्गीय बाली भाग आये। यहां में हिन्दू धर्म का पतन नही हुआ। बाली १०० वर्ष पहले तक स्वतन्त्र रहा पर अन्त में डच लोगों ने इसे परास्त कर लिया। यहां की जनता का बहुमत (९० प्रतिशत) हिन्दू धर्म में आस्था रखता है। यह विश्व विख्यात पर्यटन स्थान है जिसकी कला, संगीत, नृत्य और मन्दिर मनमोहक हैं। यहां की राजधानी देनपसार नगर है। उबुद मध्य बाली में नगर है। यह द्वीप में कला और संस्कृति का प्रधान स्थान है। कूटा दक्षिण बाली में नगर है। यहा २००२ में इसलामी आतंकवादियों ने बम विस्फोट किया जिसमे २०२ व्यक्ति मारे गये।जिम्बरन बाली में मछुओं का ग्राम और अब पर्यटन स्थल है। द्वीप के उत्तरी तट पर सिंहराज नगर स्थापित है। अगुंग पर्वत और ज्वालामुखी बतुर पर्वत दो ऊँची चोटियाँ हैं।
above: NEW! HiRes! Balinese people: Bratan, Bali, Indonesia: Balinese family after the Hindu worship service ("puja") in Pura Ulun Danu Bratan. The wet rice grains on the foreheads are called "Bija", meaning "God has blessed us." source: wikipedia
above: Hu. Mr. Kalman Antal and his Pair-lady below: Bali-'Ulun Danu' Temple
above Two & below Five: NEW! MedRes! Friendly pictures & video from Bali-island photos by: former Hu. military Airfield Fire-Fighting platoon cmdr. NBC expert ret. st.sgt. Antal Kálmán ny.ftőrm. Vegyi-Védelmi szakértő volt repülőtéri tűzoltó szpk. at HuDF/MH 87th. "Bakony-hill' Combat Helicopter Regiment LHSA Szentkirályszabadja-village - Veszprém-city - Bakony' Harcihelikopter Ezred. Nowadays, Sea-Rescuer expert & Life artist ("master of the art of the living") - Mostanság, "Életművész" és Balatoni/TengeriMentő szakember source: facebook.com/Kalman Antal
159.) PT-76 Amphibious Light (Swimming) Tank LAT - Plavayushiy Tank - Amhibious Tank - ПТ-76 (Объект 740) — советский лёгкий плавающий танк. - Aufklärung Schwimmpanzer - UHK - Úszó HarcKocsi - GSzP, Shilka, Kub & Indonesian MARINIR - M551#Sheridan - Airsoft, - 1956-os Forradalom és Szabadságharc Szovjet páncélosai: III. rész - 1956's Hungarian Revolution's Soviet armors: 3nd part: ПТ-76 (Объект 740) советский лёгкий плавающий танк. - BTR-50PU, 2K6-2P16 "Luna" 'Frog-3', ASU-85.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/06/159-pt-76-amphibious-light-swimming.html
Hu. text: Bali sziget Indonéziában. A Kis-Szunda-szigetek legnyugatibb tagja, Jávától keletre, Lomboktól nyugatra fekszik. Indonézia 33 tartományának egyike, a tartományi főváros, Denpasar a déli részén található. A sziget ad nagyrészt otthont Indonézia hindu kisebbségének, a balinézeknek. Az ország legnépszerűbb idegenforgalmi célpontja, híres a magas fokon űzött művészetekről, beleértve a táncot, szobrászatot, festészetet, bőr- és fémművességet, valamint a zenét. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali
above & below Three! NEW! MedRes! Hungarian Mr. Antal Kálmán Rescue expert on a bridge of Indonesian motor-boat in Sukhoi Su-22 "Fitter" 'T-Shirt'. source: facebook/Kalman Antal
above: NEW! HiRes! Bali-island Instagram photo by: 237f source: pinterest.com
above: NEW! BigRes! (Cropped!) ITMB Bali detail2 source: The Map Shop
above: NEW! BigRes! Aeronautical chart scale 1: 500.000 source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Searching staff-members of the indonesia-submarine source: CBC.ca
The Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff announced Thursday that the 53 Indonesian submarine crew, who have been missing since Wednesday, will receive oxygen until Saturday. Rescue workers had found a metal object at a depth of 50 to 100 meters.
The submarine was lost during a torpedo exercise near the Indonesian island of Bali.
The water is about 600 to 700 meters deep in the area where the exercise was conducted, but it can reach depths of up to 1500 meters in places around Bali. The submarine can handle a depth of 250 to 500 meters.
Hundreds of Indonesian Navy personnel resumed the search for the submarine and the 53 people on board, on Thursday. India, Australia, Malaysia and Singapore seek for along way.
Rescue workers found an oil stain in the search area. That is why they narrowed the search area and searched for the submarine in the vicinity of the site using sonar.
According to the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy, the object that was spotted at a depth of 50 to 100 meters is extremely magnetic. This may indicate that it is a large object.
The Indonesian fleet is outdated and accidents happen regularly. According to the Indonesian army chief, the 44-year-old German submarine was in good condition.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Strait traffic between Bali and Lombok islands source: Hydro International
above: NEW! MedRes! Bali, maxresdefault youtube: Epic Life: Beach, summer, girls, surfing, heaven.
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Epic Life prepared for you a video of Paradise Bali, check it out! So there you have it! Paradise Bali.
above: NEW! HiRes! The 44-year-old military vehicle is believed to have been shattered as a result of the sinking - A 44 éves hadi jármű vélhetően darabokra tört a süllyedés következtében Photo - Fotó: SONNY TUMBELAKA AFP - telex.hu
above: NEW! NoHigher! Nanggala-402 during surface marsch condition source: Pinterest.com
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Sinked and wrecked 'Nanggala'-402 on 800 m depth bottom of Bali sea; Upper: Coning Tower Lower: a Part of Sub source: republika.co.id; Maritime Bulletin & 7News
above: NEW! NoHigher! Lost Indonesian submarine crew-members have oxygen until Saturday source: Kommentary Box Sports
above: NEW! HiRes! KRI 'Nanggala'-402 source: maxresdefault Google-youtube
Turut berduka cita atas gugurnya putra² terbaik Indonesia. Semoga semua bisa mendapat tempat terbaik disisi Tuhan & seluruh keluarga yg ditinggalkan mendapatkan kesabaran serta ketabahan, by: Hungarian Mr. Kalman Antal 🙏
above: NEW! BigRes! (Cropped & Lightened!) Nanggala-402 source: KRQE
above: NEW! HiRes! Sailor before the wall Admiralty charts are nautical charts issued by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) and subject to Crown Copyright. source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! U.K. Admiralty Chart Catalogue 1967. Page-011 Indexes (cropped) source: wikipedia.org
above: NoHigher! Pl. text: Okręt podwodny ORP 'Kondor' (typu Koben, projektu 207). source: Wiki
above: NoHigher! Type 207 SSK-297 "Kondor" Polish Navy mod. Photo by: Antonio Galán Cees source: pinterest.com
above: HiRes! HNoMs Utstein, now a museum ship
En. text: The Kobben class (also known as Type 207) is a customized version of the German Type 205 submarine. Fifteen vessels of this class were built for use by the Royal Norwegian Navy in the 1960s. The class later saw service with Denmark and Poland. The boats have since been withdrawn from service in the Norwegian and Danish Navy. The Polish Navy still operates four Kobben-class submarines, as of 2016.
History: Along with the rest of the Royal Norwegian Navy, the submarine fleet was to be modernized according to the Fleet plan of 1960. After the war, Norway needed a navy more suited for coastal operations rather than large, seagoing vessels. This made the choice of a new type of submarines rather slim, not many NATO submarines being suited for this type of operations. A German Type 201 submarine was lent to the Royal Norwegian Navy for evaluation and adaptation. The result was the Type 207, of which 15 vessels were delivered to Norway in the period 1964 – 67. All Kobben-class submarines were built by Rheinstahl Nordseewerke GmbH in Emden. Between 1985 – 93, six boats were lengthened by 2 m (6 ft 7 in) and modernized, most notably with new sonar equipment.
During that period, four others were sold to the Royal Danish Navy (known there as the Tumleren class), three operational (modernized) and one for spare parts. HDMS Sælen served in the 2003 invasion of Iraq from May 2002 until June 2003.
In 2001, the Kobben class was completely phased out in Norwegian service, replaced by the newer Ula class. Five modernized vessels were given to the Polish Navy, four as operational units and one for spare parts. Before they were transferred, the Polish crews were trained and the boats were overhauled.
During 2004, all of the operational Danish boats (Tumleren, Sælen and Springeren) were decommissioned. They were mothballed as of 2005, waiting to be scrapped or handed over to another nation.
Kobben class — significant dates Pennant Name Commissioned Notes
S-315 Kaura 1965 Transferred to Denmark in 1991 for spare parts
S-316 Kinn 8 April 1964 Scuttled in Bjørnafjord in 1990
S-317 Kya 15 June 1964 Transferred to Denmark in 1991 as the HDMS Springeren
S-318 Kobben 15 August 1964 Transferred to Poland in 2002 for spare parts and as of 17 December 2011 moved to Maritime Academy in Gdynia (Akademia Marynarki Wojennej) for crew training.
S-319 Kunna 29 October 1964 Transferred to Poland in 2003 as ORP Kondor
S-300 Ula 1965 Renamed Kinn (S-316) in 1987, scrapped in 1998
S-301 Utsira 1965 Scrapped in 1998
S-302 Utstein 1965 Transferred to the naval museum in Horten in 1998 as a museum ship
S-303 Utvær 1965 Transferred to Denmark in 1989 as HDMS Tumleren (S322)
S-304 Uthaug 1965 Transferred to Denmark in 1990 as HDMS Sælen (S323), now a museum ship
S-305 Sklinna 1966 Reconditioned in 1989, scrapped in 2001
S-306 Skolpen 1966 Transferred to Poland in 2002 as ORP Sęp
S-307 Stadt 1966 Scrapped in 1989
S-308 Stord 1967 Transferred to Poland in 2002 as ORP Sokół
S-309 Svenner 1967 Transferred to Poland in 2003 as ORP Bielik
- Jane Edwards (30 June 2016). "Poland, Germany to Form Joint Submarine Command". Retrieved 23 August 2016.
- Andrew Toppan, ed. (24 March 2002). "World Navies Today: Poland". Retrieved 23 August 2016.
(in Norwegian) Marinemuseet, the Norwegian naval museum ...
Sites with information about the Kobben class.Polish Navy - with Polish commission dates, pictures and information
Danish Naval History - information about Danish use (1989–2004)
above: NoHigher! Kobben's cross sections drawings
above: HiRes! Polish Navy: Die "Bielik" - Lengyel Haditengerészet source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! ORP Bielik in service with the Polish Navy (source: Polish MoD). source: Wikipedia -
Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej / Polish Ministry of Defence
above: NoHigher! Type 209/1400 U-Boot - U-Boat/Submarine - Tengeralattjáró source: Pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! Elie Golf's periscope in School - Iskolai periszkóp
above: NoHigher! U-Boat Periscope: gine-1 by: Cyber Heritage
A periscope is an instrument for observation over, around or through an object, obstacle or condition that prevents direct line-of-sight observation from an observer's current position.
In its simplest form, it consists of an outer case with mirrors at each end set parallel to each other at a 45° angle. This form of periscope, with the addition of two simple lenses, served for observation purposes in the trenches during World War I. Military personnel also use periscopes in some gun turretsand in armoured vehicles.
More complex periscopes, using prisms and/or advanced fiber optics instead of mirrors, and providing magnification, operate on submarines and in various fields of science. The overall design of the classical submarine periscope is very simple: two telescopes pointed into each other. If the two telescopes have different individual magnification, the difference between them causes an overall magnification or reduction.
In its simplest form, it consists of an outer case with mirrors at each end set parallel to each other at a 45° angle. This form of periscope, with the addition of two simple lenses, served for observation purposes in the trenches during World War I. Military personnel also use periscopes in some gun turretsand in armoured vehicles.
More complex periscopes, using prisms and/or advanced fiber optics instead of mirrors, and providing magnification, operate on submarines and in various fields of science. The overall design of the classical submarine periscope is very simple: two telescopes pointed into each other. If the two telescopes have different individual magnification, the difference between them causes an overall magnification or reduction.

Left: Principle of the periscope. The periscope on the left uses mirrors whereas the right uses prisms.
a Mirrors
b Prisms
c Observer's eye
Right: Principle of the lens periscope. The two periscopes differ in the way they erect the image. The left one uses an erecting prism whereas the right uses an erecting lens and a second image plane.
a Objective lens
b Field lens
c Image erecting lens
d Ocular lens
e Lens of the observer's eye
f Right-angled prism
g Image-erecting prism
Periscopes allow a submarine, when submerged at a relatively shallow depth, to search visually for nearby targets and threats on the surface of the water and in the air. When not in use, a submarine's periscope retracts into the hull. A submarine commander in tactical conditions must exercise discretion when using his periscope, since it creates a visible wake (and may also become detectable by radar), giving away the sub's position.
Frenchman Marie Davey built a simple, fixed naval periscope using mirrors in 1854. Thomas H. Doughty of the US Navy later invented a prismatic version for use in the American Civil War of 1861–65.
Submarines adopted periscopes early. Captain Arthur Krebs adapted two on the experimental French submarine Gymnote in 1888 and 1889. The Spanish inventor Isaac Peral equipped his submarine Peral (developed in 1886 but launched on September 8, 1888) with a fixed, non-retractable periscope that used a combination of prisms to relay the image to the submariner. (Peral also developed a primitive gyroscope for submarine navigation and pioneered the ability to fire live torpedoes while submerged.)
The invention of the collapsible periscope for use in submarine warfare is usually credited [by w to Simon Lake in 1902. Lake called his device the omniscope or skalomniscope. There is also a report that an Italian, Triulzi, demonstrated such a device in 1901, calling it a cleptoscope.
As of 2009 modern submarine periscopes incorporate lenses for magnification and function as telescopes. They typically employ prisms and total internal reflection instead of mirrors, because prisms, which do not require coatings on the reflecting surface, are much more rugged than mirrors. They may have additional optical capabilities such as range-finding and targeting. The mechanical systems of submarine periscopes typically use hydraulics and need to be quite sturdy to withstand the drag through water. The periscope chassis may also support a radio or radar antenna.
Submarines traditionally had two periscopes; a navigation or observation periscope and a targeting, or commander's, periscope. Navies originally mounted these periscopes in the conning tower, one forward of the other in the narrow hulls of diesel-electric submarines. In the much wider hulls of recent US Navy submarines the two operate side-by-side. The observation scope, used to scan the sea surface and sky, typically had a wide field of view and no magnification or low-power magnification. The targeting or "attack" periscope, by comparison, had a narrower field of view and higher magnification. In World War II and earlier submarines it was the only means of gathering target data to accurately fire a torpedo, since sonar was not yet sufficiently advanced for this purpose (ranging with sonar required emission of an electronic "ping" that gave away the location of the submarine) and most torpedoes were unguided.
21st-century submarines do not necessarily have periscopes. The United States Navy's Virginia-class submarines and the Royal Navy's Astute class submarines instead use photonics masts, pioneered by the Royal Navy's HMS Trenchant, which lift an electronic imaging sensor-set above the water. Signals from the sensor-set travel electronically to workstations in the submarine's control center. While the cables carrying the signal must penetrate the submarine's hull, they use a much smaller and more easily sealed—and therefore less expensive and safer—hull opening than those required by periscopes. Eliminating the telescoping tube running through the conning tower also allows greater freedom in designing the pressure hull and in placing internal equipment. ... by wikpedia
I only know that the picture of the boat U 926 at the surrender was a standard Term-1 tower with the 2cm flak 38 and winter garden. The pictures taken of the Kya in 1960 had the original Term without the gun mount. Somewhere, I have seen a photo of the tower with the platform and dish removed. and the gyros compas housing off. This tower had two port holes forward in the center like the 1959 drawing and it had a closed in after section and an overhead. It had the obs scope in the cowling front, and attack scope aft in the original type VII positions. If the attack scope was where it is in the 59 drawing, it would go down thru the outside of the main controll room's wtc. If not then too close to the bulkhead for a man to get between to look aft. The scope's well for it, would go into the fuel bunker below the radio room deck, also. Old Photographs from the Royal Norwegan Navy would be wonderful. You would think if it was successful they wouldnt have converted it back and put in.
a Objective lens
b Field lens
c Image erecting lens
d Ocular lens
e Lens of the observer's eye
f Right-angled prism
g Image-erecting prism
above: MedRes! Left: Germany 'Zeiss' U-Boat Periscope 1943 source: wikipedia Right: HiRes! U534
above & below: HiRes! USA Periscope manual: Optical arrangement and ray diagram
above: NEW! NoHigher! The graticule of the type ASR C/13 attack periscope
below: NEW! NoHigher! 'Structure of a submarine periscope ' from publication 'On-Line Intelligent Control of Submarine Periscopes' on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. source: researchgate.net
Naval use:Frenchman Marie Davey built a simple, fixed naval periscope using mirrors in 1854. Thomas H. Doughty of the US Navy later invented a prismatic version for use in the American Civil War of 1861–65.
Submarines adopted periscopes early. Captain Arthur Krebs adapted two on the experimental French submarine Gymnote in 1888 and 1889. The Spanish inventor Isaac Peral equipped his submarine Peral (developed in 1886 but launched on September 8, 1888) with a fixed, non-retractable periscope that used a combination of prisms to relay the image to the submariner. (Peral also developed a primitive gyroscope for submarine navigation and pioneered the ability to fire live torpedoes while submerged.)
The invention of the collapsible periscope for use in submarine warfare is usually credited [by w to Simon Lake in 1902. Lake called his device the omniscope or skalomniscope. There is also a report that an Italian, Triulzi, demonstrated such a device in 1901, calling it a cleptoscope.
As of 2009 modern submarine periscopes incorporate lenses for magnification and function as telescopes. They typically employ prisms and total internal reflection instead of mirrors, because prisms, which do not require coatings on the reflecting surface, are much more rugged than mirrors. They may have additional optical capabilities such as range-finding and targeting. The mechanical systems of submarine periscopes typically use hydraulics and need to be quite sturdy to withstand the drag through water. The periscope chassis may also support a radio or radar antenna.
Submarines traditionally had two periscopes; a navigation or observation periscope and a targeting, or commander's, periscope. Navies originally mounted these periscopes in the conning tower, one forward of the other in the narrow hulls of diesel-electric submarines. In the much wider hulls of recent US Navy submarines the two operate side-by-side. The observation scope, used to scan the sea surface and sky, typically had a wide field of view and no magnification or low-power magnification. The targeting or "attack" periscope, by comparison, had a narrower field of view and higher magnification. In World War II and earlier submarines it was the only means of gathering target data to accurately fire a torpedo, since sonar was not yet sufficiently advanced for this purpose (ranging with sonar required emission of an electronic "ping" that gave away the location of the submarine) and most torpedoes were unguided.
21st-century submarines do not necessarily have periscopes. The United States Navy's Virginia-class submarines and the Royal Navy's Astute class submarines instead use photonics masts, pioneered by the Royal Navy's HMS Trenchant, which lift an electronic imaging sensor-set above the water. Signals from the sensor-set travel electronically to workstations in the submarine's control center. While the cables carrying the signal must penetrate the submarine's hull, they use a much smaller and more easily sealed—and therefore less expensive and safer—hull opening than those required by periscopes. Eliminating the telescoping tube running through the conning tower also allows greater freedom in designing the pressure hull and in placing internal equipment. ... by wikpedia
NEW! Upper: HiRes! above & below: NoHigher! #U-Boot #Type-VIIC/41 KNM Kya (ex-U-926) #Kriegsmarine
Originally posted by zhuravlik
above: Left: NoHigher! Right: HiRes! Method of Sub-periscope source: Wikipedia
above: MedRes! Officer at periscope in control room of a U.S. Navy submarine in World War II. The officer pictured is Captain Raymond W. Alexander, Sr. and the photo was taken in 1942. wikipedia
Es. text: Un periscopio (etim. del griego peri- y -scopio, περισκοπεῖν, «mirar en torno») es un instrumento para la observación desde una posición oculta.En su forma sencilla es un tubo con un juego de espejos en los extremos, paralelos y en un ángulo de 45º respecto a la línea que los une. Se puede usar para ver sobre la cabeza de la gente en una multitud. Esta forma de periscopio, con la adición de simples lentes, fue usado para propósitos de observación en trincheras durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.
Los periscopios más complejos usan prismas en vez de espejos, y disponen de aumentos, como los usados en los submarinos. ... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periscopio
Hu. text: A periszkóp olyan optikai eszköz, amelynek segítségével láthatóvá válik a megfigyelőtől valamilyen szemmagasság fölé, vagy alá nyúló akadály által eltakart tárgy. ... wiki/Periskop
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's 'Praktica' F.X. 2 reprophoto with small-film ORWO/Hu. Forte 24 x 32 'Pentacon' mast in late 1970's own Soviet military book. (Where is it?) copy by Nikon "Coolpix" 2014.: Военно-морского флота СССР / Российской Федерации Soviet VMF - Voenno Morskovo Flotta - S.U. NAVY

above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet M55 Aviation (Strat. bo.) & Naval dashboard clock 27 Volt - Repülő (Hadi. bo.) és Tengerészeti fedélzeti óra

above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet M55 Aviation (Strat. bo.) & Naval dashboard clock 27 Volt - Repülő (Hadi. bo.) és Tengerészeti fedélzeti óra
above: MedRes! Juci'bácsi's Also Praktica photo about 'Wehrtechnik"? NATO sub
above: NEW! U-Boat St. Marmaide - Sellő during climb to surface - felszínre emelkedéskor source: tumblr/mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! Hungarian Joke on facebook/Happy Fox: "Very rare photo about a Submarine race. The competition visibly very close"
above & below: NoHigher! Swedish Koenig Navy 'Gotland' classe Periscope mast
above: NoHigher! R.N. H.M.S. "Victory" Periscopes

above: NEW! NoHigher! Left: Photonic mast diagram Right: 'Virginia' classe coning tower
NEW! NoHigher! above: Infografia; mast raising equipment: 'Virginia' class Attack Subm. & Calzoni
below: photonic-mast-controlroom
... Of the many systems and sensors on board, one of the highlights is the novel Photonics mast system. Electro-optics engineers at Kollmorgen Electro-Optical and its Italian subsidiary, Calzoni have developed the AN/BVS-1 photonics mast system, which is a non-hull penetrating electronic imaging subsystem with visible light camera, infrared camera, and electronic support measures sensors, as well as stealth features that will provide new capabilities for attack submarines. This Universal Modular Mast (UMM) has been integrated and tested with the Optronic, Communications, Satcom High Data Rate and Electronic Warfare underwater sensors. Kollmorgen Electro-Optical will provide the U.S. Navy 8 AN/BVS-1 photonics mast systems for Virginia-class fast-attack submarines under terms of a $41.2 million contract. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! C3i - Command & Control Communication & intelligence Control Room

above: NEW! Left: HiRes! Anti Digital Slide-Rule Disc Right: MedRes! Virginia C3i room with Admiral
above: NEW! HiRes! Periscope & Optronic Mast Technolgy Evolution Timeline by THALES (Edited & Crop due max Res.1600px!)
In 1888, Professor Archibald Barr and Dr William Stroud, in response to a tender issued by the War Office, submitted an application for an optical range-finder patent to the Patents Office. This patent would both cement the collaboration between Barr and Stroud and, from 1917, form the core of the next 100 years of Thales’s periscope development. ... thalesgroup.com/barr-and-stroud
above: NEW! NoHigher! Twin CM10 Optronic Masts used on the English 'Astute' Class
One hundred years of unbroken supply to any customer is an incredible achievement. In this era of intense competition, it is all the more impressive when the record is also one as a sole supplier.
above: NoHigher! Photonics mast 7. April 2015
above: HiRes! USN Submarines with deployed periscope
above: NEW! NoHigher! Left: Thales CM010 Optronic mast by Barr & Stroud Glasgow cm-010, Mid: Hensoldt SERO-400 + OMS-110 Right: The Optronic Mast System OMS 100 'Airbus - Cassidian' periscope mast is an ideal solution for both new-build or retrofit naval applications. source: naval-technology.com
above: HiRes! A.R.A. Sub coning turret

above Two: MedRes! DM - Deutsche Marine: Submarine Officer Janine Asseln in front of her submarine U-31. This is at the Eckenförde Naval Base below: MedRes! in German Navy, appoints first female Submarine Officer Janine Asseln. (Photo courtesy - the German Navy's magazine)
above: HiRes! Cached off thorough periscope the US "Oliver Hazard Perry" class frigate F497
above: NoHigher! Submarine periscope view
above: NEW! HiRes! U.S. Navy 111010-N ZZ999-005 Rear Adm. Bernt Grimstvedt, chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy, looks through the 'Kollmorgen' periscope of the 'Los Angeles' class submarine. source: Dimitriy Maximov pin: Pinterest.com

above: MedRes! Turkish Navy: Savunma Ve Havacilik - Török Haditengerészet source: Pinterest
above: HiRes! USN in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: Discussion in Control Room
above Three: MedRes! Telescopic sytem. Right: Unterseeboot Klasse VII
above: NEW! NoHigher! 1960. nuclear Navy has eyes periscope 'Kollmorgen' Northampton ma-ad by: Terapeak
above: NEW! HiRes! U.S. Navy 100129-N-3560G-003 Officers can the horizon through 'Kollmorgen' periscopes aboard the attack submarine USS Santa Fe (SSN 763) source: commons.wikimedia.org
above: NoHigher! R.N.: Adjusting in H.M.S. - Her Majestic Ship - Őfelsége Hadihajója-n

above: MedRes! Canadian / British 'Oberon' class periscope
The Oberon class was a ship class of 27 British-designed submarines operated by five different nations. They were designed as a direct follow-on from the Porpoise-class: physical dimensions were the same, but stronger materials were used in hull construction, and updated equipment was fitted.The submarines were built between 1957 and 1978 by four shipyards: Cammel Laird, Chatham Dockyard, Scotts Shipbuilding and Engineering Company and Vickers-Armstrongs . Thirteen of the submarines were operated by the Royal Navy, six by the Royal Australian Navy, three by the Brazilian Navy, three by the Royal Canadian Navy/Canadian Forces Maritime Command (plus two ex-Royal Navy boats later acquired for non-commissioned roles), and two by the Chilean Navy.
The Oberons operated during the height of the Cold War, with duties including surveillance, tracking of other ships and submarines, delivery and retrieval of special forces personnel, and serving as targets for anti-submarine training. Submarines of the class were in service until 2000. As of 2015, eight of the submarines are preserved intact as museum vessels, another three are partially preserved (with some exterior portions of the submarine on display), and one is in private ownership and awaiting conversion for display. The rest have been sold for scrap, including one former museum vessel. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberon-class_submarine
above: HiRes! 'Barr and Stroud's Attack Periscope Type CH74 – RAN Oberon class submarine Wiki
Barr & Stroud Limited was a pioneering Glasgow optical engineering firm. They played a leading role in the development of modern optics, including rangefinders, for the Royal Navy and for other branches of British Armed Forces during the 20th century. There was a non-military arm of the company which made medical equipment, like photocoagulators and electronic filters, some of which were used by the BBC. The company and its intellectual property passed through Pilkington group to Thales Optronics. The Barr and Stroud name was sold on to an importer of optical equipment who use the trademarked name for a line of binoculars and similar instruments. ... wiki/Barr&Stroud
above: NEW! NoHigher! #princess #Diana on HMS "Trafalgar" looks through
B&S periscope in august 1986.
Diana, Princess of Wales (born Diana Frances Spencer; 1 July 1961 – 31 August 1997) was a member of the British royal family. She was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, the heir apparent to the British throne, and the mother of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana,_Princess_of_Wales
above: NEW! NoHigher! B & S Periscope (Re Edited!)
above: MedRes! The fin and equipment masts of HMAS Onslow
above: NoHigher! Daniel Linares: SAGEM-Safran, Series 20 APS attack periscope by: gettyimage
En. text: SAGEM (Société d’Applications Générales de l’Électricité et de la Mécanique, translated to Company of General Applications of Electricity and Mechanics) was a major French company involved in defense electronics, consumer electronics and communication systems.In 2005, SAGEM and SNECMA merged to form Safran. Together the companies focus mainly on aeronautics, defense and Security. The communications and mobile telephony businesses spun off as two independent entities : SAGEMCOM and MobiWire. ... en.wikipedia.org/SAGEM
above: NEW! NoHigher! The stabilized azimuth line component in the American Type 2 periscope manufactured by 'Kollmorgen' company source: http://www.tvre.org/en/stabilized-azimuth-line
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's design-sketch of Panorama-Periscop with 'Dove'-prim 1973. for Wave Vessel-I. below: NoHigher! Wave vessel -II.- Hullámhajó for Maritime S.A.R. - Search And Rescue - Tengeri Kutató-Mentő actions also Courtesy FREE!

above: NoHigher! Sehrohr Längschnitt: Rundblichsehrohr with 'Dove' prism in eyepiece sector for standing view for fixation standing position of Viewer below: MedRes! US periscope
122.) ПГ-1M артиллерийская Перископическая орудийный прицел - PG-1 arty sight, 'Dove' prism: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/07/122-1m-pg-1m-pg-2s-artillery-panoramic.html
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's Nikon photo about BHTA's collection PG-2S periscopic sight of 122 mm 2S1 "Gvozdhika" SPH - 2С1 „Гвоздика” Самоходная гаубица
137.) 2S1 'Gvozdhika' 122 mm SPH: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/09/137-21-sph-2s1-gvozdhika-2sz1-gvozgyika.html

above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's Nikon photo about BHTA's collection PG-2S periscopic sight of 122 mm 2S1 "Gvozdhika" SPH - 2С1 „Гвоздика” Самоходная гаубица
137.) 2S1 'Gvozdhika' 122 mm SPH: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/09/137-21-sph-2s1-gvozdhika-2sz1-gvozgyika.html
above: NoHigher! Submarine Periscope by Grubb, Dublin, Ex HMS-M L14 1918 for exhibitiongrub
above: NEW! MedRes! How many Mega-Pixel the Human's eye? source: www.index.hu
Hu. text article - cikk: Nagy Attila Károly 2018.10.13. 06:54
Manapság, amikor az olcsóbb okostelefonokba is 8-10-12 megapixeles kameramodulokat szerelnek a gyártók – nem is beszélve a szélsőségekről, pl a Sony 48 megapixeles eszközéről – , még a fényképezés iránt kevés affinitással bíró emberek is képben vannak nagyjából a digitális fotók felbontását illetően. Felvetődhet a kérdés, hogy ha a telefonunk borsónyi kamerája és a mögötte lévő szenzor 12 megapixeles (tehát 12 millió képpontból álló) képeket tud rögzíteni, akkor milyen felbontású lehet a szemünk?
Az nyilvánvaló, hogy nem igazán hasonlítható össze a látásunkért felelős érzékszerv a zsebünkben megbújó telefon, vagy egy digitális fényképezőgép képalkotó rendszerével. Ennek fő oka, hogy az emberi látás nem állóképeket rögzít. A szemünk által közvetített látványt az agy folyamatosan dolgozza föl, és a szemünk is folyamatosan mozgásban van, az előttünk lévő tér különböző szeleteit úgymond letapogatva - tehát sokkal inkább lehetne egy nagy látószögű mozgásérzékelős biztonsági kamera élőben streamelt képét analógiául venni. ...
Submarine Periscope Design
The following pages deal mainly with submarine periscope optical design. While the sub periscope possesses unique characteristics overall, its optical design is very repreentative of a much broader class of periscope-like instruments such as armored vehicle sights. These are addressed elsewhere on this site. ... http://taylortechassoc.com/?page_id=41
above: HiRes! Periscope from 1950-60's: Type-8 Eyepiece Box-Rev by: A. Taylor: 'Optics Digest'
above: NoHigher! Periscope from 1960'a source: facebook.com
above & below: NoHigher! Periscope: Maritime-museum, in "Dolphins" by: pinterest
above: NoHigher! U-Boot Museum 05. 15. Erlebniswelt U-Boot GmbH. Hafenstraße 18, 18546 Sassnitz by: Rugen-aktuell
above: HiRes! AERE Brasil: Pt. text: Defesa Aérea & Naval (Same as than Turkish periscope upper!) source: www.defesaaereanaval.com.br
above: NEW! NoHigher! A periscopic view "Brazil bottom"- Egy periszkópos látvány photo by. Aleksandr/Alexander Mavrin source: facebook
above: NoHigher! ARA's TR-1700 periscopic view - Efeméridies latinoamericas
above: MedRes! "Dolphin"-klasse made in Germany auf dem ... source: Pinterest
above: MedRes! U-214 "Kiel" model
above: NoHigher! Germany TKMS-HDW's Type-216 cutaway: 4,000 ton with VMPL - Vertical Multi-Purpose Locks and HMPL - Horizontal ~
NoHigher! above. Inside the 'Collins' class below: NEW! South Korean U-212
above: NoHigher! TR-1700 A.dl.R.A. .ar below: NEW! MedRes! French text schema: sous marin Wiki
above: NEW! MedRes! TR1700 source: Ministry of Defence of Argentina
above: MedRes! Spaccato RID 2006.08. U-212 by: Aunsottomarinomultiruolo1024
above: NoHigher! Es. text: Unter-Boot General Arrangement
below: MedRes! Russian PL - Podvodnaya Lodka - Submarine: "Piranja-T - Piranha"
ПЛ - подводной лодки проекта
Szextant.blogspot: St. Petersburg - Szentpétervár- Санкт- Петербург, Leningrad - Ленинград & *Neva: 'Kronverk'; Soviet/ Russian Artillery & Pioneer & Communication Museum - Tüzérségi Múzeum, & Brutal-weapons. Movie James Bond MI5 007 agent Pierce Brosnan "Golden-Eye" film & Tina Turner. MBTs: T-55, FV4201 'Chieftain', 'Centurion' tanks.
138.) St. Petersburg - Leningrad: "Kronverk"; Soviet / Russian Artillery & Pioneer & Communication fortress Museum *Neva Brutal weapons & James Bond 007 agent "Golden Eye" movie:
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's collect: Cutaway from Defence Today
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Female captains choice women-sailor Halloween party's costume
above: NoHigher! USN uniforms
above: NEW! HiRes! U.S. Navy 080818 N-8273J 221 Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Gary Roughead speaks with Sailors while visiting the 'Los Angeles'-class fast attack submarine USS "Columbia" SSN-771 source: US-NAVY.org
above: NoHigher! in RN - Royal Navy female Commander Sarah West-Sub hunting with first female commander of major Navy warship photo: Mirror Online
above: NoHigher! Kate Middleton - Осенний гардероб невозможно представить без пальто. Бери пример с Кейт Миддлтон, которая продемонстрирова ... by: ivona.bigmir.net
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (Catherine Elizabeth "Kate"; née Middleton; born 9 January 1982) is a member of the British royal family. Her husband, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, is expected to become king of the United Kingdom and of 15 other Commonwealth realms, making Catherine a likely future queen consort.
Catherine grew up in Chapel Row, a village near Newbury, Berkshire, England. She studied art history in Scotland at the University of St Andrews, where she met William in 2001. Their engagement was announced in November 2010 before they married on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey. The Duke and Duchess's children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, are third and fourth in the line of succession respectively, and the couple are expecting their third child.
Catherine's impact on British and American fashion has been called the "Kate Middleton effect" in the media, and in 2012 and 2013, she was selected as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" by Time magazine. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine,_Duchess_of_Cambridge
231.) Marine style fashion clothes & wears - Tengerészeti stílusú divatruhák és viseletek - Sailor & Captain Women: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/03/231-marine-style-fashion-clothes-wears.html
NoHigher! Alamy stock photo: above: the Uthaug her Norwegian Majesty 60ft submarine keeping-watch on the ... below: U-boot academy going under 'Bill Pullman' captain by Biff Banner by Alamy
above & below: NoHigher! Female future submariners say they're eager to get the job done
above: NoHigher! Women weren't on U.S. submarines until 5 years ago.
above: NoHigher! We hope that is all! Barbeque party on board - Fedélzeti Flekkensütés
above: MedRes! WW-Two USS COD-647: Alarm!!! "Luncheon Time!" - "Ebédidő!"
below: MedRes! WW-One Graphic: Charles Delocy via: Pinterest.com source: sandmarg

above: HiRes! US periscope Inventions Patents from 1921 & 1932 - Találmányi szabadalmak
Hungarian: Hobbi - Tengeralattjáró - Forintos Gyula 22 tonnás tengeralattjárója and Hobby - Submarine - Mr. Gyula Forintos' Homemade Submarine
Hu. text: Article from Blikk Magazine: Egy civil program keretében folyt a fejlesztés - mondta Forintos Gyula, aki részt vett a munkákban, és ma is tengeralattjáró-építéssel foglalkozik. A szükséges technológiával csak a honvédség rendelkezhetett, sőt egyes szakértők szerint még ők sem. A katonák támogatták a fejlesztést - állítja Forintos, aki víz alatti műszeres bemérő-roncskeresőként dolgozott. "1989 és 1991 között a flottilla területén építettük meg a tengeralattjárót, ahová akkoriban különleges engedéllyel léphettek be a civilek" - emlékezett Forintos.
above & below: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect from 1990's 'Magyar Honvéd' - 'Hu. Home Defender' weekly Hu. Armed Forces military newspaper: Hu. freelancer Mr. Forintos Gyula's (TAXI-driver) mini sub for sea journey in Budapest IV. ker. 'Újpest' Port of Hu. Danube Flottila - Kikötőben

above & below: NoHigher! SS86H & SR93H
Build by Mr. Forintos Gyula, SS86H was extensively demonstrated to the Hungarian militaryfor river use in the early 1990s, (particularly for mine clearance.) (The HungarianDefense Forces did not purchase the sub.) The later SR93H is a highly stylized design
intended for a scientific polar expedition which sadly has yet to materialise. The ship also
had its own power plant, a Mitsubishi power generator, which is able to provide
enough power for a small town. Inner surface Webasto hot air blower is also
equipped which saw 110 ° C of heating and fresh pre-warmed air flowing out of the boat,
as well as several pieces of 220-volt line heat radiators.
Hu. text: Forintos Gyula: Requiem egy tengeralattjáróért
Szerzõi kiadás, 2009.:
Bizonyára egyes ,,öreg'' tengeri kajakosok emlékeznek még arra a korszakra, amikor Végvári Tamásék az egyetemi tanulmányaik végeztével nekivágtak a dél-amerikai, tűzföldi tengeri kajakozásnak. Annak idején ilyesmire neves szponzort is lehetett találni --- a túra sikeresen végződött. Pont azokban a pillanatokban dolgozott Forintos Gyula egy tengeralattjárón az alábbiakban erről lesz szó és a későbbi eseményekről, majd egy riportról, melyben egy expedícióról lesz szó...
A szerzõ a saját ötletei és a szakmai ismeretei alapján vezéreltetve két tengeralattjárót is megépített a kertjében, majd vízre helyezve ki is próbálta. Az elsõ tengeralattjáró – Magyarországon valaha épített ilyen jármûvek elsõ példánya – folyókra tervezett egyszemélyes jármû volt, melyet az építõje végül Hamburgban, az Elba torkolatánál próbált ki. Az errõl szerzett bíztató és keserû tapasztalatai alapján tervezett és épített meg egy másik, immár óceánra is alkalmas többszemélyes jármûvet, mely azonban az anyagiak sanyarú alakulása miatt ezideig nem jutott el az óceánok partjára. ...
Szerzõi kiadás, 2009.:
Bizonyára egyes ,,öreg'' tengeri kajakosok emlékeznek még arra a korszakra, amikor Végvári Tamásék az egyetemi tanulmányaik végeztével nekivágtak a dél-amerikai, tűzföldi tengeri kajakozásnak. Annak idején ilyesmire neves szponzort is lehetett találni --- a túra sikeresen végződött. Pont azokban a pillanatokban dolgozott Forintos Gyula egy tengeralattjárón az alábbiakban erről lesz szó és a későbbi eseményekről, majd egy riportról, melyben egy expedícióról lesz szó...
A szerzõ a saját ötletei és a szakmai ismeretei alapján vezéreltetve két tengeralattjárót is megépített a kertjében, majd vízre helyezve ki is próbálta. Az elsõ tengeralattjáró – Magyarországon valaha épített ilyen jármûvek elsõ példánya – folyókra tervezett egyszemélyes jármû volt, melyet az építõje végül Hamburgban, az Elba torkolatánál próbált ki. Az errõl szerzett bíztató és keserû tapasztalatai alapján tervezett és épített meg egy másik, immár óceánra is alkalmas többszemélyes jármûvet, mely azonban az anyagiak sanyarú alakulása miatt ezideig nem jutott el az óceánok partjára. ...

above: Left: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's Design-Sketch - Dizájnvázlat of Wave Vessel-I. from 1973. Right: MedRes! Wave vessel -II.- Hullámhajó for Maritime S.A.R. - Search And Rescue - Tengeri Kutató-Mentő actions also Courtesy FREE!

above & below: NoHigher! "Flying Penthouse" Boeing-308 'Stratoliner' as "Cosmic Muffin"
Civil Hydrofoil Boats - Soviet made (СПК) Судно на подводных крыльях - Szárnyashajók a MAHART-nál: Meteor/Sólyom, Budapest -Bratislava - Wien - Beograd
above & below Two: NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's design-sletch plane of WRB-III - Wave Rescue Boat from 1973. (I was 19 y.o.) - MHH - Mentő Hullámhajó tervecském (My Fantazmagory was!) below: ASS - Air Supply System - Levegőellátó Rendszer
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's Longue Water System - WC - Mosdó - Konyha Vízrendszer

above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's Longue Water System - WC - Mosdó - Konyha Vízrendszer
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's Cross section of My WRB also Courtesy FREE!
above: NoHigher! Civ. Euronaut Schematic (Rescue Sub.): So there is this privately owned U-boat in Germany built as part of the Euronaut project and honestly its kinda bad-ass. Its 53-feet long, 32-tons in displacement, capable of diving to 250m (500m c… https://laststandonzombieisland.com/2015/01/29/baltic-midget-submarines-ahoy/
Ballast tanks operating methods - Kiegyenlítő tartályok működési elve below: Hulls - Testek
above: Blow below: Flood
above: NoHigher! Cross sections key - Keresztmetszetek leírással
above: HiRes! Dive source: Pinterest.com
HiRes! above: Compartments in Nose area below: Piping & Messenger Buoy - Üzenőbólya
above: NEW! NoHigher! British 'Scorpene' in Singapore NAVY
above: HiRes! British 'Upholder'? class
above: NoHigher! R.N. 'Victoria' Class & Russian V.M.F. 'Kilo' Class comparison of submarines
138.) St. Petersburg - Leningrad: "Kronverk"; Soviet / Russian Artillery & Pioneer & Communication fortress Museum *Neva Brutal weapons & James Bond 007 agent "Golden Eye" movie: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/138-st-petersburg-leningrad-kronverk.html
above: NoHigher! Cutaway diagram of the Type 209/1400 submarine
above: MedRes! Dutch built in 980 a "Hai Lung" class submarine for Taiwan with Mark 48 torpedos
MedRes! above: SSK U-214 below: ?? Different rudder surfaces!
NoHigher! above: Load binary, axis below: Rudders - Kormányfelületek
above: NoHigher! Diesel-Electric Submarine Power/propulsion System - Meghatórendszer

above: NoHigher! Method of Propulsion: Mechanical Drive & Integrated Electric Power Sytem
above: NoHigher! Stock-photo: historical Speedometer on the old ship isolated over white
above: HiRes! British 'Oberon' class H.M.S. "Ocelot" 1962. Propeller motor control panel: The panel telegraph (top and left) showed instructions issued from the motor telegraph position beside the helm station in the control room which were to be carried out. source: Wikipedia
above: MedRes! U.S.S. 'Cubera' SS-347 "Guppy-II" conversion source: http://saragossa.net/guppy
above: NoHigher! & below: MedRes! 'Snorkel' Air-Duct System - Periszkópos levegőbetáplálási rendszer

above: NoHigher! Hu. text. 'Stirling' sortie - féle Four tact Diesel Engine - 'Stirling'-féle dízelmotor
above: NoHigher! Now sweden SAAB and FMV's -AIP 'Stirling' engine source: Submarine Matters blogspot.com
above: NoHigher! ASDIC - Allied Submarine Detection Investigating Committee = szövetséges tengeralattjáró-felderítő vizsgálóbizottság., Active Sonar
NEW! above: HiRes! ASDIC monitor source: wikipedia below: NoHigher! Lockheed Martin 2014. Sonar Room - Hangfelderítő szoba
above: HiRes! Sonar-Monitore im US-amerikanischen Atom-U-Boot USS Toledo (SSN-769)
De. text: Sonar (originally an acronym for SOund Navigation And Ranging) is a technique that uses sound propagation (usually underwater, as in submarine navigation) to navigate, communicate with or detect objects on or under the surface of the water, such as other vessels. Two types of technology share the name "sonar": passive sonar is essentially listening for the sound made by vessels; active sonar is emitting pulses of sounds and listening for echoes. Sonar may be used as a means of acoustic location and of measurement of the echo characteristics of "targets" in the water. Acoustic location in air was used before the introduction of radar. Sonar may also be used in air for robot navigation, and SODAR (an upward looking in-air sonar) is used for atmospheric investigations. The term sonar is also used for the equipment used to generate and receive the sound. The acoustic frequencies used in sonar systems vary from very low (infrasonic) to extremely high (ultrasonic). The study of underwater sound is known as underwater acoustics or hydroacoustics. ...De. text: Sonar ist ein „Verfahren zur Ortung von Gegenständen im Raum und unter Wasser mittels ausgesandter Schallimpulse“. Das Wort ist ein englisches Akronym von sound navigation and ranging, was sich mit Schall-Navigation und -Entfernungsbestimmung übersetzen lässt.
Sonar ist ein „Verfahren zur Ortung von Gegenständen im Raum und unter Wasser mittels ausgesandter Schallimpulse“. Das Wort ist ein englisches Akronym von sound navigation and ranging, was sich mit Schall-Navigation und -Entfernungsbestimmung übersetzen lässt.
Sonar-Messtechniken nutzen die Tatsache aus, dass sich Schall unter Wasser insbesondere bei hohen Frequenzen sehr viel verlustärmer ausbreitet als in der Luft. Aus historischen Gründen wird begrifflich unterschieden zwischen Sonargeräten (kurz als „Sonare“ bezeichnet), die überwiegend horizontal, und Echoloten, die überwiegend vertikal orten.
Schallsignale können bei der Echoortung (aktives Sonar, hierzu zählt auch das Echolot) oder zur Lokalisation von Objekten eingesetzt werden, die selbst Schall emittieren.
Aktive Sonare benutzen das Echoprinzip wie Radaranlagen, strahlen also selbst ein Signal aus, dessen Echo sie empfangen, aus dem sie über Laufzeit des Echos die Entfernung bestimmen. Echolote gehören zu diesem Typ.
In der Literatur wird oft von passivem Sonar gesprochen, wobei sich diese Angabe auf den passiven Betriebsmodus eines auch zum aktiven Senden fähigen Ortungssystems beziehen kann. Dabei werden nur die von Objekten eigenständig generierten Signale bzw. Geräusche empfangen, was die Tarnung des ortenden Systems schützt. In beiden Betriebsarten kann die Richtung des einfallenden Schalles bestimmt werden, eine präzise und verlässliche Entfernungsmessung ist jedoch oft nur im aktiven Betriebsmodus möglich.
Die Abgrenzung zwischen „Sonaranlagen“, die neben dem aktiven auch einen passiven Betriebsmodus haben können, und „Horchanlagen“, die ausschließlich die passive Schallortung erlauben, ist besonders in der englischsprachigen Literatur oft nicht eindeutig. ...
Hu. text: A szonár (angol rövidítés: sonar - „sound navigation and ranging”, jelentése = hanggal való navigáció és felderítés) vízalatti műveleteknél a legfontosabb érzékelő, felderítő, navigáló eszköz (kisebb részben kommunikációs célra is használható). Néha hangradarként is hivatkoznak rá.
Schallsignale können bei der Echoortung (aktives Sonar, hierzu zählt auch das Echolot) oder zur Lokalisation von Objekten eingesetzt werden, die selbst Schall emittieren.
Aktive Sonare benutzen das Echoprinzip wie Radaranlagen, strahlen also selbst ein Signal aus, dessen Echo sie empfangen, aus dem sie über Laufzeit des Echos die Entfernung bestimmen. Echolote gehören zu diesem Typ.
In der Literatur wird oft von passivem Sonar gesprochen, wobei sich diese Angabe auf den passiven Betriebsmodus eines auch zum aktiven Senden fähigen Ortungssystems beziehen kann. Dabei werden nur die von Objekten eigenständig generierten Signale bzw. Geräusche empfangen, was die Tarnung des ortenden Systems schützt. In beiden Betriebsarten kann die Richtung des einfallenden Schalles bestimmt werden, eine präzise und verlässliche Entfernungsmessung ist jedoch oft nur im aktiven Betriebsmodus möglich.
Die Abgrenzung zwischen „Sonaranlagen“, die neben dem aktiven auch einen passiven Betriebsmodus haben können, und „Horchanlagen“, die ausschließlich die passive Schallortung erlauben, ist besonders in der englischsprachigen Literatur oft nicht eindeutig. ...

above & below Two: MedRes! Hu. txt: Juci's "SONAR" 1973. ZIM-RIM System also Courtesy FREE!

NEW! NoHigher! above: Schematics of SoNAR below: Underwater microphone circuit diagram by: Circuit Diagram World
NEW! above: HiRes! Invention U.S. Patent: SONAR Transducer - Sugárzó below: MedRes! Schema
1942 elejére az USA partjaitól keletre a németek mintegy félmillió tonna vízkiszorítású amerikai és szövetséges hajót süllyesztettek el. Emiatt kezdődött a szonár, a víz alatti radar kifejlesztése amerikai és brit közreműködéssel. Akkori neve „Asdic” volt (Asdic: Allied Submarine Detection Investigating Committee = szövetséges tengeralattjáró-felderítő vizsgálóbizottság). A szonár alkalmazásával lehetővé vált a német tengeralattjárók korai felismerése, és az USN part menti hajói egyre javuló hatékonysággal szálltak szembe velük. 1943-ra kiegyenlítődtek az erőviszonyok: az elsüllyesztett német tengeralattjárók száma megegyezett a Szövetséges erők elsüllyedt hajóinak számával. Az Atlanti csatavégére a németek 1175 tengeralattjáróból 781-et elvesztettek, ebből 191-et az USN süllyesztett el. A második világháború alatt a német tengeralattjárókon szolgáló tengerészek 75%-a meghalt. ... Wikipedia
Historically, it was called an automotive, automobile, locomotive or fish torpedo; colloquially called a fish. The term torpedo was originally employed for a variety of devices, most of which would today be called mines. From about 1900, torpedo has been used strictly to designate an underwater self-propelled weapon.
While the battleship had evolved primarily around engagements between armoured ships with large-caliber guns, the torpedo allowed torpedo boats and other lighter surface ships, submersibles, even ordinary fishing boats or frogmen, and later, aircraft, to destroy large armoured ships without the need of large guns, though sometimes at the risk of being hit by longer-range shellfire.
Today's torpedoes can be divided into lightweight and heavyweight classes; and into straight-running, autonomous homers, and wire-guided. They can be launched from a variety of platforms. ...
1942 elejére az USA partjaitól keletre a németek mintegy félmillió tonna vízkiszorítású amerikai és szövetséges hajót süllyesztettek el. Emiatt kezdődött a szonár, a víz alatti radar kifejlesztése amerikai és brit közreműködéssel. Akkori neve „Asdic” volt (Asdic: Allied Submarine Detection Investigating Committee = szövetséges tengeralattjáró-felderítő vizsgálóbizottság). A szonár alkalmazásával lehetővé vált a német tengeralattjárók korai felismerése, és az USN part menti hajói egyre javuló hatékonysággal szálltak szembe velük. 1943-ra kiegyenlítődtek az erőviszonyok: az elsüllyesztett német tengeralattjárók száma megegyezett a Szövetséges erők elsüllyedt hajóinak számával. Az Atlanti csatavégére a németek 1175 tengeralattjáróból 781-et elvesztettek, ebből 191-et az USN süllyesztett el. A második világháború alatt a német tengeralattjárókon szolgáló tengerészek 75%-a meghalt. ... Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! 'Atlas' Elektronik ISUS source: http://www.naval-technology.com/contractors/sonar/atlas_elektronik/attachment/atlas_elektronik6/
NEW! NoHigher! Active ASW Array and Lower: Active Tansducer Array
above: HiRes! Sensor of Hydrofon - Hydrophone - a Hidrofon érzékelője
above: NEW! MedRes! Mark 15 Mod-3 torpedo source: eagle.speak
Dimensions | 21" by 20'6" 53.3cm by 6.248m |
Weight | 3280 lbs 1488 kg |
Range | 4500 yards (4100m) at 46 knots 9000 yards (8200m) at 31 knots |
Warhead | 643 lbs Torpex 292 kg Torpex |
Propulsion | Alcohol-air two-stage impulse turbine |
above & below: MedRes! Compressed-Air Torpedo MK-14 Interior Workings Diagram 1945.
The Mark 14 torpedo was the standard weapon on the more modern U.S. submarines by 1941. It had a sophisticated magnetic detonator, the Mark 6, that was supposed to set the weapon off directly under the keel of a ship, where it would break the ship's back. Design work began in 1931 for a replacement for the Mark 10 with greater range and a larger warhead, and continued for seven years. However, frugal budgets and an obsession with secrecy meant that it was live-tested exactly twice before being issued to the fleet in 1938. One of the tests failed, which ought to have raised a red flag, but the Navy was reluctant to fund further live-firing tests. It was not until war broke out that the flaws of the torpedo became apparent, with one submarine commander (Jacobs of Sargo) correctly reporting within the first month of hostilities that there were problems with depth keeping and with the magnetic exploder. ... http://pwencycl.kgbudge.com/U/s/US_Mark_14_torpedo.htm
above: MedRes! Torpedo Steering-Rudder Control - Kormányredszere source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! Torpedo 1939. vintage cutaway graphics - korabeli röntgenrajz
above: NoHigher! A Japanese Type 93 torpedo - nicknamed "Long Lance" after the war source: Wiki
above: HiRes! Bliss–Leavitt Mark 8 torpedo in "Germanton"-Park source: Wikipedia
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's 'Sony-Ericcson' "Yari" "halfsmart" handy photo 2017.11.14.15:30 Budapest, Buda-castle - ~-i vár, Mária Magdolna torony - tower (Torpedo shape - Torpedóformájú).
Imádkozom a Lelkükért - I pray for Souls
Budai-vár - Buda-castle: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2018/04/211-1st-district-buda-castle-budapest-i.html
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lighten Crop!) Church 'Mária Magdolna' templom 1900. Budai Vár Kapisztrán Nándor-tér,1895 után készült. Donor: Klösz György source: Fortepan.hu/ Budapest Főváros Levéltára/index.hu
above: MedRes! A-2 torpedo loading - az USS "Ader" tengeralattjáró (SS-3) feltöltése torpedóval
above: NoHigher! Kriegsmarine U-XXI below: MedRes! USS "Growler" Torpedo Room by: www.boardinggate101.com
En. text: The modern torpedo is a self-propelled weapon with an explosive warhead, launched above or below the water surface, propelled underwater towards a target, and designed to detonate either on contact with its target or in proximity to it.Historically, it was called an automotive, automobile, locomotive or fish torpedo; colloquially called a fish. The term torpedo was originally employed for a variety of devices, most of which would today be called mines. From about 1900, torpedo has been used strictly to designate an underwater self-propelled weapon.
While the battleship had evolved primarily around engagements between armoured ships with large-caliber guns, the torpedo allowed torpedo boats and other lighter surface ships, submersibles, even ordinary fishing boats or frogmen, and later, aircraft, to destroy large armoured ships without the need of large guns, though sometimes at the risk of being hit by longer-range shellfire.
Today's torpedoes can be divided into lightweight and heavyweight classes; and into straight-running, autonomous homers, and wire-guided. They can be launched from a variety of platforms. ...
Hu. text: A torpedó saját hajtással rendelkező, robbanófejjel ellátott fegyver, melyet vagy a víz felszíne fölött vagy a víz alatt indítanak, a vízben a céltárgy (általában hajó) felé halad és nekiütközve vagy közelébe érve felrobban.
A torpedókat tengeralattjárókról, felszíni hajókról, helikopterekről, merevszárnyú repülőgépekről, személyzet nélküli tengeri aknákról és tengeri erődökből is lehet indítani. A torpedók más fegyverekkel kapcsolatban is használhatók; az amerikai Mark 46 torpedó lesz az ASROC (tengeralattjáró elhárító rakéta) robbanófeje is és a CAPTOR akna vízalatti érzékelőket használ a torpedó indítására, ha ellenséget érzékel.
Amikor a korszerű csatahajók kialakultak, a tengeri csaták nagy ágyúkkal felszerelt, páncélozott hajók között zajlottak. A torpedókkal azonban a nagy hajók leküzdéséhez kis torpedónaszádok, tengeralattjárók és repülőgépek is elegendőek voltak. ...

Sa flotte se compose depuis 2015 d'environ 70 bâtiments de surface. Elle est la seule marine européenne à disposer d'un porte-avions à propulsion nucléaire. Sa flotte sous-marine est composée de dix unités, toutes à propulsion nucléaire, dont quatre sont armées de missiles nucléaires balistiques.
En 2013, la Marine employait 39 100 personnes recrutées par concours. Ses officiers sont formés à l'École navale où l'on accède par un concours démocratique après deux ans de préparation. Son budget annuel total en 2008 était de 5,8 milliards d'euros. Si la Marine nationale française se place au 5e rang mondial des marines militaires par le tonnage, elle est classée au deuxième rang mondial, derrière l'United States Navy selon la méthode des rangs d'Hervé Coutau-Bégarie.
La devise de la Marine, gravée en lettres blanches ou dorées sur des plaques au fond bleu fixées sur les superstructures de tous ses bâtiments, est « Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline ».
La Marine est encore aujourd'hui appelée familièrement « la Royale » pour la distinguer de « la Marchande ». ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_nationale_fran%C3%A7aise
The forward torpedo tubes are constructed in two sections bolted together across the bulkhead at the fore end of the torpedo compartment. The 116-in long inner section is constructed of 0.5-in rolled steel fitted with welded flanges and support brackets. The outer section is constructed of a similar tube 175 in long but with a reinforced 1.125 inch thick section behind the main bulkhead. The internal door hinges at one side with two locking mechanisms, a swing bolt opposite the hinge and a rotating locking ring attached to the tube which presses down on the ten projecting lugs around the door. The outer end of the tube is sealed with a domed bow cap. Bow shutters close across the bow caps so as to preserve the streamlined shape of the bow when the cap is closed.
The bow caps and shutters are mechanically linked to a hydraulically operated drive rod from within the torpedo compartment. The bow cap opens first behind the shutter, which then folds back against it forming a smooth exit tube. Interlocks prevent the doors at both ends being opened at the same time but the inner door is also provided with a test cock to check whether the tube is full of water before opening and remains held nearly closed by the swing bolt after the locking ring is released. The tube internal diameter is 22.5 in, wider than the torpedo, which is designed as a loose fit inside the tube. Torpedoes could be fired either electrically or with compressed air.
The aft torpedo tubes passed through the ballast tank at the rear of the submarine. A 31-in section projected into the boat through the bulkhead, forming overall a relatively short tube of 12 ft, but of 25 in diameter. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberon-class_submarine
A torpedókat tengeralattjárókról, felszíni hajókról, helikopterekről, merevszárnyú repülőgépekről, személyzet nélküli tengeri aknákról és tengeri erődökből is lehet indítani. A torpedók más fegyverekkel kapcsolatban is használhatók; az amerikai Mark 46 torpedó lesz az ASROC (tengeralattjáró elhárító rakéta) robbanófeje is és a CAPTOR akna vízalatti érzékelőket használ a torpedó indítására, ha ellenséget érzékel.
Amikor a korszerű csatahajók kialakultak, a tengeri csaták nagy ágyúkkal felszerelt, páncélozott hajók között zajlottak. A torpedókkal azonban a nagy hajók leküzdéséhez kis torpedónaszádok, tengeralattjárók és repülőgépek is elegendőek voltak. ...
NEW! above: NoHigher! Diagram of moderne torpedo source: americanhistory.si.edu below Two: Torpedo Diagram by: apwhod2011.pbworks Lower: Modernes SONAR torpedo
above: NEW! NoHigher! Torpedo/eurotorp cutaway diagram: turbine-electric propulsion by: Bluebird Marine System

above: NEW! HiRes! "Torpedo expert in Freetime" EMESA Austrian made Washing Machine: photo by: Austrian Christoph Koch Photography source: http://www.christophkoch.co.at/ via by: Hu. Google G+ Collector: Mr Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
above: HiRes! French Navy during Cold-War - Hu. text: A hidegháborús francia "Argonaute" dízel tengeralattjáró torpedókamrája
Fr. text: La Marine nationale est à la fois un corps de la fonction publique de l'État et la force militaire navale (marine de guerre) de la République française. C'est une des composantes des Forces armées françaises avec l'Armée de terre, l'Armée de l'air, la Gendarmerie nationale et les services de soutien interarmées.Sa flotte se compose depuis 2015 d'environ 70 bâtiments de surface. Elle est la seule marine européenne à disposer d'un porte-avions à propulsion nucléaire. Sa flotte sous-marine est composée de dix unités, toutes à propulsion nucléaire, dont quatre sont armées de missiles nucléaires balistiques.
En 2013, la Marine employait 39 100 personnes recrutées par concours. Ses officiers sont formés à l'École navale où l'on accède par un concours démocratique après deux ans de préparation. Son budget annuel total en 2008 était de 5,8 milliards d'euros. Si la Marine nationale française se place au 5e rang mondial des marines militaires par le tonnage, elle est classée au deuxième rang mondial, derrière l'United States Navy selon la méthode des rangs d'Hervé Coutau-Bégarie.
La devise de la Marine, gravée en lettres blanches ou dorées sur des plaques au fond bleu fixées sur les superstructures de tous ses bâtiments, est « Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline ».
La Marine est encore aujourd'hui appelée familièrement « la Royale » pour la distinguer de « la Marchande ». ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_nationale_fran%C3%A7aise
above: NoHigher! French Navy FS "Redoutable" torpilles - a Le Redoutable francia atomtengeralattjáró torpedókamrája
above: NoHigher! Naval Ordnance: US Torpedos Comparison
above: MedRes! 3D profiles: Mark-48-torpedos diagram source: "Submarine-Matters" http://gentleseas.blogspot.com below: MedRes! Cutaway of Russian VMF's Torpedos
above: HiRes! British 'Oberon' classe H.M.S. "Ocelot" Forward Torpedo Tubes
The Oberons were originally armed with eight 21-inch (533.4 mm) torpedo tubes: six tubes in the bow, and two short tubes for antisubmarine defence in the stern. The submarine normally carried a payload of 20 torpedoes for the forward tubes; a mix of Mark 24 Tigerfish and Mark 8 torpedoes, while only the two preloaded torpedoes were carried for the stern tubes. Naval mines could be carried instead of torpedoes: the torpedo payload would be replaced with up to 50 Mark 5 Stonefish or Mark 6 Sea Urchin mines.The forward torpedo tubes are constructed in two sections bolted together across the bulkhead at the fore end of the torpedo compartment. The 116-in long inner section is constructed of 0.5-in rolled steel fitted with welded flanges and support brackets. The outer section is constructed of a similar tube 175 in long but with a reinforced 1.125 inch thick section behind the main bulkhead. The internal door hinges at one side with two locking mechanisms, a swing bolt opposite the hinge and a rotating locking ring attached to the tube which presses down on the ten projecting lugs around the door. The outer end of the tube is sealed with a domed bow cap. Bow shutters close across the bow caps so as to preserve the streamlined shape of the bow when the cap is closed.
The bow caps and shutters are mechanically linked to a hydraulically operated drive rod from within the torpedo compartment. The bow cap opens first behind the shutter, which then folds back against it forming a smooth exit tube. Interlocks prevent the doors at both ends being opened at the same time but the inner door is also provided with a test cock to check whether the tube is full of water before opening and remains held nearly closed by the swing bolt after the locking ring is released. The tube internal diameter is 22.5 in, wider than the torpedo, which is designed as a loose fit inside the tube. Torpedoes could be fired either electrically or with compressed air.
The aft torpedo tubes passed through the ballast tank at the rear of the submarine. A 31-in section projected into the boat through the bulkhead, forming overall a relatively short tube of 12 ft, but of 25 in diameter. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberon-class_submarine
above: HiRes! 'Oberon' class "Ocelot" The search periscope and the attack periscope
Barr & Stroud Search and Attack Periscopes |
The Name Barr & Stroud is synonymous with Periscopes and the Royal Navy. A Glasgow company, started in 1888, it was, and still is, the sole supplier of Periscopes to the Royal Navy. These examples are on HMS Ocelot at the Historic Dockyard at Chatham in Kent. Today Barr & Stroud is part of the Thales group but still builds all the RN's Periscopes at its Glasgow factory. |
above: NoHigher! VION Marine Clock with 97 mm Wall Flange, Stainless Steel source: pinterest
above: HiRes! Torpedo fire control consoles aboard 'Oberon' class HMCS "Onondaga"
above & below: NoHigher! USS 'Nautilus' Nuclear Powered first SSN-571 of the World: Torpedo Fire Control Computer System source: Wiki
MedRes! above: Schema of Torpedo Attack Team below: TFCS
above: NoHigher! WW-Two: Kriegsmarine TFCS - Torpedo Fire Control System: Pl. text: Kalkulator - Calculator torpedowy w kiosku U 234 U-Boot typu XB
above: MedRes! Kriegsmarine Unterseeboot Subsim: TDE Frontside of attack disc using new images below: MedRes! Details of Angle gauge Disc: Left: TDE Attack sh5 Attack Disc Back Right: TDE fot German calculating disc Angriffsscheibe

above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's artwork by Photoshop: Rebuilt TDI Direction Display - Újjáépített TDI kijelzőműszer Sextant & Air Art Graphics' Courtesy FREE!
Tank Torony-irányszögkijelző műszer - Angle of Turret Orientation Indicator. Retro 'Know-How' Graphics Artwork Design Project in MOM style FCS оборудование - Firecontrol - Tiefenmesser: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/tank-torony-iranyszogkijelzo-muszer.html
above: MedRes! Soviet "Golf" Torpedo launch Computer
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's 'Praktica' F.X 2 reprophoto with small-film ORWO/Hu. Forte 24 x 32 'Pentacon' mast in late 1970's in Hu.MoD Isnstitute & Museum of Military History - HM. Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum / Military-Science Library - Hadtudományi Könyvtár (cmdr-pk.: libr.boss.-kvt.vez: Col. Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds.) -Budapest- I.ker. (Budai-castle - vár) Kapisztrán -tér 4-6. copy by Nikon "Coolpix" 2014.: Sonar crewmember
above: MedRes! Подводная лодка оборудование приборная Доска - U-Boat indicator source: Livejournal.ru.com below: NoHigher! 'AirGuide' Marine Clock for a boat

above: MedRes! USN Submarine Attack Coures Finder Mk.1 Mod-3 'Oemloid' Corp. for TFC
above: NoHigher! Japanese Torpedo Tactics Sheet WW-Two
Ja. text: 魚雷(ぎょらい)は、魚形水雷の略称であり、弾頭にエンジンと高速スクリューを組み合わせ、水中を航行し、目標とした艦船などを爆発によって破壊することを目的とした兵器である。魚雷は艦船の喫水下の部分を破壊するため多大の浸水を与え行動力を奪う。魚雷を用いて攻撃することを雷撃、魚雷攻撃を浴びることを被雷と呼ぶ。主に、潜水艦、水雷艇、駆逐艦、巡洋艦、雷撃機などに搭載されて運用された。現代において、「水上艦や航空機が用いる対水上艦兵器」としては対艦ミサイルに取って代わられたが、より先進的な誘導能力を付与された上で「潜水艦が用いる対水上艦兼対潜水艦兵器」(長魚雷)や「水上艦や航空機が用いる対潜水艦兵器」(短魚雷)として広く配備・運用されている。... https://ja.wikipedia.org/wikiJapan-Torpedo
NoHigher! above Upper & Two: Wikipedia & below: Method of Intercept & Torpedo Launching - Elfogás és Torpedóvetés elve

above: MedRes! Princip of Torpedo Fire
above: MedRes! US AN 'Collins' Combat System
above: NoHigher! Hunterkilling system
above: NoHigher! USN Lockheed P-3 "Orion" and 'Oliver Hazard Perry' FFG-7 class frigate searh to Malaysian MH377 on Indian ocean after 2015. júl. 29
55.) MH377 Boeing B-777 Malaysian Airlines catastrophic - International SAR action:
above: NEW! MedRes! P-3 crew: left: SONAR Operator right: Navigator. US Navy 030816 N-1928O-043 Naval Reservists assigned to The "Liberty Bells" of Patrol Squadron Sixty Six (VP-66) source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! MedRes! P-3 crew: left: SONAR Operator right: Navigator. US Navy 030816 N-1928O-043 Naval Reservists assigned to The "Liberty Bells" of Patrol Squadron Sixty Six (VP-66) source: Wikipedia
18+above: NEW! NoHigher! Moderne Mourning dress - Modern Gyászruha source: www.mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! HiRes! Catastrophe site of TR1700 source: Ministry of Defence of Argentina
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! RAF Searching and Rerscue method
above: NoHigher! PUB LCS ASW source: PPS
above: NEW! NoHigher! SONAR Searching below: NoHigher! ASW search method
above: NEW! MedRes! Russian 'Yantar - Jantar' spy vessel - kémhajó
News: Hu. text: Argentínánál segít az oroszok kémhajója: Index cikk: Kovács János 2018.01.16.:
Az orosz haditengerészet kémhajója, a Jantar most éppen segít a
november 15-én eltűnt argentin tengeralattjáró felkutatásában. A
tengeralattjáró 44 fős legénysége már biztosan nincs életben, de
Argentína ki akarja deríteni, mi történt pontosan a hajóval.
Az argentin küldetés mellett a Jantar már korábban is ellátott kutatási és mentési feladatokat. Ez a hajó talált rá két orosz harci gépre, egy Szu–33 és MiG–29 típusú repülőre, amelyek 2016-ban, a szíriai háború idején zuhantak a Földközi-tengerbe. A Jantar „még időben mentette ki a repülőgépek titkos berendezéseit” – állt egy orosz parlamenti jelentésben. ...
Az argentin küldetés mellett a Jantar már korábban is ellátott kutatási és mentési feladatokat. Ez a hajó talált rá két orosz harci gépre, egy Szu–33 és MiG–29 típusú repülőre, amelyek 2016-ban, a szíriai háború idején zuhantak a Földközi-tengerbe. A Jantar „még időben mentette ki a repülőgépek titkos berendezéseit” – állt egy orosz parlamenti jelentésben. ...
ASW - Anti Submarine Warfare - Tengeralattjáró Elleni/Elhárítás Fegyverzet
above: NoHigher! Diesel Subs' Relative Sound Detectability - Relatív Hangérzékelhetőség source: Submarine Matters
above: NoHigher! Attack Submarines for sale
above: NEW! MedRes! GDR - DDR - NDK 'Anker' tauchboot "Delphin" wired RC toy (I had got it!)
source: antikjatek.blog.hu
above: NoHigher! Remote Controlled Robotic Shark
143.) Kriegsmarine Fernglas / Fernrohr: 80 mm portable Naval artillery Double telescope Carl Zeiss Jena "Asembi" binoculars - Német Haditengerészeti távcső: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/11/143-kriegsmarine-telescope-80-mm.html
NoHigher! above: Steel-Shark by Word Famous Pin-Up graphiker Hajime Sorayama
Oscar awards - sculpture _ SSGN APL - "Kursk" project 949A antey - АПЛ (атомной подводной лодка) Курск _ Arleigh Burke class DDG-88 "Oscar Austin":
above: NoHigher! HydroView Underwater HD Video Camera below: NEW! Sidescan SoNAR
above: NEW! NoHigher! The Hunters: Hudson, Orion, Neptune, SSN
204.) Military Combat Aircraft's, doors and hatches - Katonai Harci Repülőgépek, ajtók és búvónyílások - Rtg. Cutaway keys: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2017/10/204-military-combat-aircrafts-doors-and.html
above: NoHigher! "#Yellow Submarine" from '#Beatles'
220.) Vessel diaster on Danube-river 2019.05.29. in Budapest with "Hableány" by Viking 'Sigyn': https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/06/220-hajokatasztrofa-dunan-2019-may-29.html
above & below: NEW+! HiRes! Hopefulness - Reménykedés; We are Remembering Him and Praying for Yours souls from shore of lake Balaton - Emlékszünk Rájuk és Imádkozunk a lelkükért innen a Balatonpartról. - Mood pics about shore-corso Balatonfüred, Gulls & Ducks - Sirályok és Kacsák and far visible the public Strand in 2018.november 16. Shiny-Friday - Fényes-Péntek - Parti sétány. XIAOMI Smart-Phone művész-Fotó - artisty Photo by: Ms. Bártfai Mária - Veszprém city-
above: MedRes! Marine Trumpeter "In Silencio"
above: NEW! MedRes! Remembering - Emlékezés Photo by: Marcos Brindicci / Reuters source: www.index.hu
"Don't cry to me Argentina"
above: HiRes! A.R.A.'s Vice-Admiral - Argentin Altengernagy
above: HiRes! A.R.A. sailors on parade below: NoHigher! Argentinian Armed Forces: Armada Parade marsch with female Leader
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