ДСП-30 Дальномер САПЕРНЫЕ прибор - DSzP-30 Utásztávmérő - Combat Engineer's coincidencial optical Rangefinder (Wikipedia)
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above: MedRes! ДСП-30 Дальномер САПЕРНЫЕ прибор DSP-30 - DSzP-30 Utásztávmérő - Combat Engineer's Sapper coincidencial Rf. optical Rangefinder "Panzershrek" (DSzT-451) http://airartgrafika.blogspot.hu
above: NoHigher! The coincident #Paparazzi's target with right: Karlie "Klossy" Kloss
Karlie Elizabeth Kloss (born August 3, 1992) is an American fashion model. Vogue Paris declared her one of the "top 30 models of the 2000s" when she was 17. Kloss was a Victoria's Secret Angel from 2013 until 2015; she resigned to study at New York University. Models.com has said that Kloss "represents the gold standard of modeling—a girl with the look, the poise, and the drive to take things to the next level," and she ranks on their "New Supers" and "Money Girl" lists. By 2019, she had appeared on 40 international Vogue covers. Outside of modeling, Kloss has an interest in technology and has founded the "Kode with Klossy" camp, which aims to get young girls interested in STEM fields. In 2019, Kloss became the host of the reality competition television series Project Runway. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karlie_Kloss
above: MedRes! below: NoHigher! DSP-30M source: ohota-rybalka
Hu. text: A DSZP-30 (Déeszpé-30) 50m-től kb. 6-700m-ig nagyon pontos, elvileg 2 km-ig használható. Tisztán fém-üveg konstrukció, semmi elektronika. Bármelyik lézertávmérőt agyonüti (fizikailag, nem pontosságra). source: Index.forum
Blogger: Hátrányai az EMES-16-al összehasonlítva;
- külön van a távolságleolvasó mikroszkóp okulár,
- nincs rajta vízszintező szelencés libella,
- a kilépő optikákhoz nincs felszerelhető árnyékolás,
- méretéhez képest nehéz,
- nehézkes szétszerelhetőség a vízálló szigetelések miatt,
- az élek teljesen szögletes kialakítása.
above: NoHigher! Vintage, Soviet Red-army RECONNAISSANCE SAPPER RANGEFINDER DSP-30M.
It is an optical monocular with short base rangefinder designed to measure the distances to remote objects within the range of 50 to 2000 m.
Rangefinder DSP-30 has two long-range scale: uniform scale parallax angles from -50 to + 1250 '' with the price of division 2 "and an uneven scale ranges from 50 to 2000 m with a variable cost divided by the different sections of the scale (in the area of 50-100 m division value of 0.5 m 100-150 m - 1 m, 150-200 m - 2 m, 800-1000 m - 50 m, 1000-2000 m - 200 m). The plot scale from 1000 to 2000 m with a scale division 200 m for the accurate measurement can not serve, and is used only for the coarse range estimation. Scale parallactic angle in arc seconds serves to enhance the accuracy of the amendment of the readings in the presence rangefinder rangefinder disorder in distance. It can also be used to measure the distance by known target size (as the goniometer), taking into account the correction factor to the device indicated on the device.SPECIFICATIONS:
Base 30cm
Increased 12X
Field of view:
Left optical branch 3 degrees
Right optical branch 57 '
In the horizontal direction 8 ''
In the vertical direction 14 '
The size of the exit pupil 1.2X2.4 mm
Eye relief 15mm
Diopter setting +7 to -3 diopter
The distance from 50 to 2000 m
The error in the measurement of distances:
From 50 to 100 m is not more than 0.5% (less than 0.5 m)
From 100 to 200m 0.5-1% (0,5-2m)
From 200 to 500 m of 1-2% (2-10m)
From 500 to 1000 m of 2-4% (10-40m)
Dimensions mm 360 X 130 X 66,5 mm (14,2" X 5,1" X 2,6" )
Weight rangefinder:
In operation, 2.2 kg
In the case of 3.2 kg
Outer Aproximately dimensions of the bag/case are:
40cm (15,7") tall.
15cm (5,9") wide.
12cm (4,7") deep
The carring strap is 100cm (39,4") long and can be set longer .
Total weight (rangefinder with carring case)-3,2kg (7Lbs)
More info how to use the rangefinder:
Bringing the rangefinder to the working position and production measurements
To bring the rangefinder to the working position and production measurements should:
Rangefinder remove from the case;
Rangefinder take both hands and bring it to the eye eyepiece so that the input windows were sent to the target;
rotating the diopter ring eyepiece sharpness achieve the objectives and the dividing line of sight at the same time;
to make adjustment of height;
Bring rangefinder to the target, so that the observed line loop target is approximately in the middle of the measuring window, and perpendicular to the line of separation of the upper and lower semi-fields;
Rotating metering roller, combine the contour line image is observed in both semifields line therebetween and then through the microscope on a scale to produce the count distance;
For better results repeat measurements 3-4 times .
According to provide samples to calculate the arithmetic mean, which is taken as the required distance to the target (the object)
The device is in good optical and technical condition .
Have some lost paint somewhere and clean optic on the lenses .
Except one very ,very light (can not say even scratch ) on the lower lense -please take a look at the detailed picture made for that reason !
above: NEW! NoHigher! DSP-suite: supermodel Gigi Hadid in Peter Stigter collection, on a Catwalk Trend Spring-Summer 2019 Utility Mode On -Team streetwear and fashion source: pinterest
En. text: Jelena Noura "Gigi" Hadid (/ˈdʒiːdʒi həˈdiːd/ JEE-jee hə-DEED; born April 23, 1995 -age 28- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American model and television personality. In 2016, she was named International Model of the Year by the British Fashion Council. Throughout her whole career, Hadid has made 45 appearances in international Vogue. Models.com ranks Hadid as one of the "New Supers". Since 2017, Hadid has been one of the highest paid models in the world earning $20 million. Born in Los Angeles, Hadid began her career as a child model for Baby Guess. She signed to IMG Models in 2013 and made her New York Fashion Week debut the next year. She has appeared in numerous high fashion campaigns and editorials, and is a spokesmodel for Maybelline. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigi_Hadid
above: MedRes! DSzP-30 and Manual DSzT-451
above: MedRes! Original Manual - Kézikönyv below: NoHigher! Explain draw from manual
above: MedRes! Original Manual - Kézikönyv below: NoHigher! Explain draw from manual
Саперный дальномер является оптическим короткобазным монокулярным дальномером. Он предназначен для измерения ширины рек и расстояний до недоступных объектов в пределах от 50 до 2000 м.
Основные тактико-технические характеристики:
В комплект дальномера входят: дальномер; футляр; ключ для выверки по дальности; отвертка; салфетка; кисточка; инструкция по применению.
Дальномер ДСП-30 имеет две дальномерные шкалы: равномерную шкалу параллактических углов от -50 до + 1250'' с ценой деления 2" и неравномерную шкалу дальностей от 50 до 2000 м с переменной ценой деления на разных участках шкалы (на участке 50-100 м цена деления 0,5 м; 100-150 м - 1 м; 150-200 м - 2 м; 800-1000 м - 50 м; 1000-2000 м - 200 м). Участок шкалы от 1000 до 2000 м с ценой деления в 200 м для точных измерений служить не может, а применяется только для грубой оценки дальности. Шкала параллактических углов в секундах дуги служит для повышения точности измерений внесением поправок в показания дальномера при наличии расстройства дальномера по дальности. Она также может быть использована для измерения дистанции по известным размерам цели (как угломерный инструмент) с учетом поправочного коэффициента К прибора, указанного на корпусе прибора.
Поле зрения дальномера ДСП-30:
1 – линия раздела; 2 – верхнее полуполе; 3 - нижнее полуполе.
Приведение дальномера в рабочее положение и производство измерений
Для приведения дальномера в рабочее положение и производства измерений необходимо:
Дальномер применяется инженерными наблюдательными постами и разведывательными дозорами для определения:

above: NEW! MedRes! "Co-incidence view through the periscope - Koincidenciális látvány a periszkópon keresztül": Megan Gale sexy in stocking for GQ Magazine source: pincelebs.net
De. text: Die Carl Zeiss AG ist ein Unternehmen der feinmechanisch-optischen Industrie. Sitz der Konzernleitung ist heute Oberkochen. Weitere Standorte befinden sich in Jena, Aalen, Berlin, Göttingen, München, Bochingen und Wetzlar sowie in den USA, Ungarn, der Schweiz, Mexiko, Weißrussland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Israel, Indien und China.
En. text: Pictures as example! very seldom and ready for use. Illuminated reticle. Usable on a tripod.
Magnification: 6,5x
Field of view 60m /1000m
Range: from 20m - 2000m
Size: 37cm x 5cm x 10cm
Weight: ~ 2kg
Single ocular focusing from -5 to +5

221.) Eyes inspection Instruments - Szemészeti Szemvizsgáló Műszerek by: Hu. DR. Bárány Nándor: Finommechanikai Kézikönyv - Fine-Mechanics Handbook for Humans' Stereoscopic views & spectacles - szemüvegek:

He was a member of several revolutionary committees such as the Polish Revkom as well as several Russian and Soviet official positions. Dzerzhinsky is best known for establishing and developing the Soviet secret police forces, serving as their director from 1917 to 1926. Later he was a member of the Soviet government heading several commissariats, while being the chief of the Soviet secret police. The Cheka soon became notorious for mass summary executions, performed especially during the Red Terror and the Russian Civil War
Ru. text: Фе́ликс Эдму́ндович Дзержи́нский (польск. Feliks Dzierżyński [ˈfɛliks dʑerˈʐɨɲski], белор. Фе́лікс Дзяржы́нскі; прозвища Желе́зный Фе́ликс, ФД, подпольные псевдонимы: Я́цек, Я́куб, Переплётчик, Фра́нек, Астроно́м, Ю́зеф, Дома́нский; 30 августа [11 сентября] 1877 год, родовое имение Дзержиново, Ошмянский уезд, Виленская губерния, Российская империя (ныне Столбцовский район, Минская область, Белоруссия) — 20 июля1926 года, Москва, СССР) — русский профессиональный революционер, советский политический деятель, глава ряда наркоматов, основатель и глава ВЧК.
Член ЦК партии (1917—1926). Член Оргбюро ЦК РКП(б) (1919—1920, 1921—1924), кандидат в члены Оргбюро ЦК РКП(б) (1921, 1924—1926). Кандидат в члены Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) (1924—1926). Главный редактор журнала «Красный террор».
Pol. text: Feliks Dzierżyński ros. Феликс Эдмундович Дзержинский, Fieliks Edmundowicz Dzierżynskij, ps. partyjne: Jacek, Jakub, Franek, Astronom, Józef, Domański (ur. 30 sierpnia?/11 września 1877 w Oziembłowie], w Puszczy Nalibockiej, zm. 20 lipca 1926 w Moskwie) – polski i radziecki działacz socjaldemokratyczny i komunistyczny, twórca i szef pierwszych sowieckich organów bezpieczeństwa: Czeka, GPU i OGPU, symbol terroru w rewolucyjnej i porewolucyjnej Rosji, zyskał przez to miano Żelazny Feliks, Krwawy Feliks i Czerwony Kat. Uważany za jednego z twórców państwa radzieckiego. Brat prof. Władysława Dzierżyńskiego, neurologa i psychiatry.
Hu. text: Feliksz Edmundovics Dzerzsinszkij (lengyelül: Feliks Dzierżyński, oroszul: Феликс Эдмундович Дзержинский) (Dzerzsinovo, 1877. augusztus 30. – Moszkva, 1926. július 20.) lengyel származású bolsevik forradalmár, államférfi, később a politikai rendőrség vezetője.
Major features:
The FED 2 is a new design that is quite different from the FED 1. It has a longer rangefinder base (67 mm), a combined viewfinder and rangefinder window, adjustable diopter for the viewing window, a self timer, and a detachable back for film loading.
There are six models.
FED 2a was introduced in 1955.
FED 2b has flash sync added. The new shutter speed dial has the reference point on a center post that rotates with the dial as the shutter is fired.
FED 2c has the flash sync port moved to the top deck from the body. It also has a mushroom-shaped film advance knob.
FED 2d has a new set of shutter speeds, from 1/30 to 1/500, instead of the older set of 1/25 to 1/500.
FED 2L is the only factory-designated model number; all other models are stamped FED 2 by the factory. The body is identical to the FED 2d body but the lens supplied is an Industar-61 with Lanthane glass instead of the Industar-26 used in models 2b to 2d.
FED 2e is a FED 3b with the FED 2d shutter that does not have the slow speeds. Similar to the 3b, it does not have strap lugs but has a film advance lever. Production ended around 1970.
To load a film, two locks in the base of the camera need to be turned. The entire back and bottom can then be removed as a single unit, allowing easy access to the film chamber. Standard 35 mm film cassettes are used, with film being wound onto a removable take-up spool (the latter often becomes difficult to remove on older cameras). Winding the film cocks the shutter and forwards the frame counter simultaneously. The FED 2 has a manual frame counter located below the wind-on knob, which must be reset by hand when loading film.
The Fed 2 has a curtain shutter with speeds from B, 1/25-1/500s. After detaching the back, two screws on under the camera allow you to adjust the spring tension and change the shutter speeds, which may have become slow over time. As with similar cameras, it's important to cock the shutter before operating the shutter speed dial. Failing to do so may harm the mechanism. When firing, this dial will rotate. After re-cocking, the speed set will be indicated correctly again.
The Fed takes 39 mm screw lenses. The one shown here is a 50mm Jupiter-8 lens. Lots of feds come with Industar lenses. On this Fed lens, the aperture is set on the front and focusing is done with a focusing ring. The rangefinder is coupled to the lens. The field of view in the viewfinder is that of a 5 cm lens. For other focal lengths, a separate turret viewfinder was placed on the accessory shoe. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FED_2
Ru. cyrillic text: ФЭД-2 — советский малоформатный дальномерный фотоаппарат, выпускавшийся с 1955 по 1970 год. Первая самостоятельная разработка Харьковского производственного машиностроительного объединения «ФЭД», пришедшая на смену отечественной копии Leica II.
Особенности конструкции:
Главным отличием модели «ФЭД-2» от своего предшественника «ФЭД» стало совмещение видоискателя и дальномера, получивших общий окуляр, позволивший проводить фокусировку и кадрирование одновременно. Кроме того, до 67 мм возросла номинальная база дальномера, а задняя стенка алюминиевого литого корпуса стала съёмной, значительно облегчив зарядку. Однако, несмотря на широкую номинальную базу дальномера, из-за его совмещения с видоискателем, обладающим увеличением 0,75×, эффективная база всё же уступала основным конкурентам «Киев» (Contax) и Leica III (50,25 мм против 58,5 мм). Окуляр визира впервые для «ФЭДов» начал оснащаться диоптрийной коррекцией при помощи рычажка под головкой обратной перемотки.
Фокальный затвор с матерчатыми шторками не претерпел никаких изменений, отрабатывая в разных модификациях выдержки от 1/25 до 1/500 или от 1/30 до 1/500 секунды. В фотоаппарате применялись как стандартные кассеты, так и двухцилиндровые системы Leica, которые при закрывании замка задней крышки корпуса открывались и образовывали широкую щель, что существенно уменьшало риск повреждения поверхности плёнки при её продвижении. Штатный объектив — «Индустар-10» 3,5/50, «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50, «Индустар-61» 2,8/52 (в зависимости от года выпуска и производства объективов на объединении «ФЭД»).
Выпуски фотоаппаратов:
В настоящее время известны четыре модификации фотоаппаратов «ФЭД-2», выпускавшихся в разные периоды с незначительными отличиями друг от друга.
1st-Первый выпуск: 1955-1956 годы — отсутствуют синхроконтакт и автоспуск.
Фотографический затвор рядом выдержек со значениями 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200 и 1/500 секунды и «B». Диапазон и промежуточные значения выдержек точно соответствуют поздним выпускам предыдущей модели «ФЭД».
Штатный объектив — «Индустар-10» 3,5/50.
Отличительной особенностью является квадратное входное окно дальномера на передней стенке. У всех последующих модификаций фотоаппарата это окно имеет круглую форму. Из всех модификаций «ФЭД-2» эта наиболее редкая и обладает большой коллекционной ценностью.
В соответствии с новым ГОСТ изменены выдержки затвора — 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, изменёна головка взвода затвора и перемотки плёнки.
Штатный объектив — «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50 или «Индустар-61».
Штатный объектив — «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50 или «Индустар-61» 2,8/52.
Штатный объектив — «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50.
По отзывам фотографов — «ФЭД-2» был удобен в пользовании, надёжен, затвор имел вполне достаточные для практической съёмки выдержки, дальномер с большой базой облегчал наводку на резкость, особенно с длиннофокусными объективами (дальномер с базой 67 мм был только на «Зорком-5», «Зорком-6» и на «Соколе» с «Сокол-2»).
Заслуженный работник культуры CCCP фотограф Козловский, Николай Фёдорович утверждал «ФЭД-2» имел также своё специальное применение.
Из источников имеющих отношение к работе спец служб около 40 фотоаппаратов «ФЭД-2» применялись в противостоянии СССР и антисоветской деятельности.
Неизвестны подробности применения фотоаппаратов «специального выпуска», но они сыграли свою роль в годы «холодной войны» и операциях, для которых и были усовершенствованы и технически доработаны
Применение аппаратов "специальной серии" проводилось до 1984 года
Всего моделей под названием «ФЭД-2» было выпущено 1.632.600 штук, фотоаппаратов «Заря» — 141.228 штук.

Die Leica Camera AG (Leica: Abkürzung für Leitz(sche) Camera) ist ein deutsches Unternehmen der optischen Industrie mit Sitz in Wetzlar. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die Fertigung von Fotoapparaten und Ferngläsern spezialisiert. Das Unternehmen entstand 1986 aus der Ernst Leitz Wetzlar GmbH, dem Nachfolgeunternehmen des von Carl Kellner 1849 in Wetzlar gegründeten Optischen Instituts.

Саперный дальномер является оптическим короткобазным монокулярным дальномером. Он предназначен для измерения ширины рек и расстояний до недоступных объектов в пределах от 50 до 2000 м.
Основные тактико-технические характеристики:
База | 30 см |
Увеличение | 12 Х |
Поле зрения | |
левой оптической ветви | 3° |
правой оптической ветви | 57' |
Разрешающая способность: | |
в горизонтальном направлении | 8'' |
в вертикальном направлении | 14'' |
Размер выходного зрачка | 1,2х2,4 мм |
Удаление выходного зрачка | 15 мм |
Диоптрийная установка | от +7 до -3 диоптр. |
Измеряемые расстояния | от 50 до 2000 м |
Ошибка при измерении расстояний: | |
от 50 до 100 м | не более 0,5% (не более 0,5 м) |
от 100 до 200 м | 0,5 – 1% (0,5 – 2 м) |
от 200 до 500 м | 1 – 2% (2 – 10 м) |
от 500 до 1000 м | 2 – 4% (10 – 40 м) |
Габариты | 390х130х66,5 мм |
Масса дальномера: | |
в рабочем положении | 2,2 кг |
в футляре | 3,4 кг |
В комплект дальномера входят: дальномер; футляр; ключ для выверки по дальности; отвертка; салфетка; кисточка; инструкция по применению.
Дальномер ДСП-30 имеет две дальномерные шкалы: равномерную шкалу параллактических углов от -50 до + 1250'' с ценой деления 2" и неравномерную шкалу дальностей от 50 до 2000 м с переменной ценой деления на разных участках шкалы (на участке 50-100 м цена деления 0,5 м; 100-150 м - 1 м; 150-200 м - 2 м; 800-1000 м - 50 м; 1000-2000 м - 200 м). Участок шкалы от 1000 до 2000 м с ценой деления в 200 м для точных измерений служить не может, а применяется только для грубой оценки дальности. Шкала параллактических углов в секундах дуги служит для повышения точности измерений внесением поправок в показания дальномера при наличии расстройства дальномера по дальности. Она также может быть использована для измерения дистанции по известным размерам цели (как угломерный инструмент) с учетом поправочного коэффициента К прибора, указанного на корпусе прибора.
Поле зрения дальномера ДСП-30:
1 – линия раздела; 2 – верхнее полуполе; 3 - нижнее полуполе.
Приведение дальномера в рабочее положение и производство измерений
Для приведения дальномера в рабочее положение и производства измерений необходимо:
- вынуть дальномер из футляра;
- взять дальномер двумя руками и поднести к глазу окуляром так, чтобы входные окна были направлены на цель;
- вращением диоптрийного кольца окуляра добиться резкости изображения цели и линии раздела поля зрения одновременно;
- произвести выверку по высоте;
- навести дальномер на цель так, чтобы наблюдаемая линия контура цели находилась примерно в середине измерительного окна и была перпендикулярна линии раздела верхнего и нижнего полуполей;
- вращая измерительный валик, совместить изображение наблюдаемой линии контура в обоих полуполях по линии раздела между ними, после чего по шкале через микроскоп произвести отсчет дистанции;
- сбив показания дальномера поворотом измерительного валика, повторить измерения 3–4 раза.
Дальномер применяется инженерными наблюдательными постами и разведывательными дозорами для определения:
- ширины водных преград и других естественных препятствий;
- расстояний до разведываемых объектов при работе с наблюдательными приборами и средствами фотографирования;
- расстояний до недоступных объектов.
above: HiRes! DSP-30M coincidencial Rf. optical Rangefinder - Képvágós/Kompenzátoros távmérő
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. 'Victoria's Secret' topmodel, #Barbara#Palvin
Barbara Palvin (pronounced [ˈbɒrbɒrɒ ˈpɒlvin]; born 8 October 1993. -age 27- Budapest, Hungary) is a Hungarian model. She first appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2016. In 2019, she became a Victoria's Secret Angel. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Palvin
above: NoHigher! Current Hungarian Combat Engineer badge - Alkalmazott Műszaki-Utász és Gépész szakcsapati - fegyvernemi jelvény
above: NoHigher! Hu. Army retro: Two Major: MN7038 Szabadszállás Két őrnagy. Right: Brigade Duty in "Antant belt" - Egys.Ügy. "növekedésgátló Antant" szíjban

above: Left: NoHigher! Classic Military fashion for DSP Right: MedRes! Kendall Jenner topmodel with leather belt and coincidence suit
En. text: Kendall Nicole Jenner (born November 3, 1995) is an American fashion model and television personality. Originally known for appearing in the E! reality television show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Jenner is now also a model in a movement dubbed "the Instagirl era" by Vogue magazine, or "Social Media Modeling" by Harper's Bazaar, where models are chosen due to their online presence and social media following. After working in commercial print ad campaigns and photoshoots, Jenner had breakout seasons in 2014 and 2015, walking the runways for high fashion designers during the New York, Milan, and Paris Fashion Weeks. Jenner has done multiple editorials and cover shoots for LOVE and various international Vogue editions, walked for Victoria's Secret, and acts as brand ambassador for Estée Lauder's multimedia ad campaigns. Jenner made her debut at No. 16 on Forbes magazine's 2015 list of top earning models, with an estimated annual income of US$4 million. As of 23 November 2016, she is one of the top 10 most followed celebrities on Instagram with 68.8 million followers. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall_Jenner
above: NoHigher! below: MedRes! DSzP-30

below: NEW! HiRes! Andrew's "Bubu" photo: The Aurthor Juci'bácsi with his PAB-2M ПАБ-2M ПЕРИСКОПИЧЕСКАЯ АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКАЯ БУССОЛЬ Periszkópos Tüzér-Tájoló Műszer (PTTM) - arty bussol/Arty Theodolite & DSzP-30 sapper rangefinder

62.) PAB-2 Artillery Bussol - ПАБ-2M ПЕРИСКОПИЧЕСКАЯ АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКАЯ БУССОЛЬ - Periszkópos Tüzér-Tájoló Műszer (PTTM) _ Artillery Theodolite: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/04/62-pab-2-artillery-bussol-2m.html
Periskopicheskaya Artilleryskaya Bussol

below: NEW! HiRes! Andrew's "Bubu" photo: The Aurthor Juci'bácsi with his PAB-2M ПАБ-2M ПЕРИСКОПИЧЕСКАЯ АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКАЯ БУССОЛЬ Periszkópos Tüzér-Tájoló Műszer (PTTM) - arty bussol/Arty Theodolite & DSzP-30 sapper rangefinder
62.) PAB-2 Artillery Bussol - ПАБ-2M ПЕРИСКОПИЧЕСКАЯ АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКАЯ БУССОЛЬ - Periszkópos Tüzér-Tájoló Műszer (PTTM) _ Artillery Theodolite: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/04/62-pab-2-artillery-bussol-2m.html
Periskopicheskaya Artilleryskaya Bussol
above: NEW! MedRes! "Calibrating Target figure for DSP": Emma Roberts C-magazine fall fashion 2023 source: celebsdump.com
En. text: Emma Rose Roberts (born February 10, 1991 -age 32- Rhinebeck, New York, U.S. ) is an American actress, model and singer. She acted in many movies during the 2000s. She is the daughter of actor Eric Roberts and the niece of actresses Lisa Roberts Gillan and Julia Roberts. Currently she is the lead role in the FOX's horror comedy Scream Queens as Chanel Oberlin. ... https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Roberts
above: NEW! HiRes! Coincidence Pointer: Magdalena Langrova for 'Vogue'-Japan, july-2013-9
above: MedRes! The belt holder - A hevederhordó below Two: HiRes! Holder canvas hard-box
above: MedRes! Holder style for belt - Szállító heveder
above: NoHigher! DSzP-30

above & below: NEW! MedRes! Soviet made 'KIEV' 6x6 photoaparat during forest c.e. recon

32.) Киев - Kiev - Kyiv _ Фото аппарат photo camera (Leica - Zeiss), авианесущий крейсер, Карта _ Украйна - Ukraine - Ukrajna _ Harkiv electric shaving razor
above: MedRes! #DSP-30 30 cm handle combat engineer rangefinder - #DSZP-30 kézi #utásztávmérő to 50 - 2000 m below: NoHigher! source: AVITO source: guns.alizip.org
above: NEW! NoHigher! Photo by: "Slinky" Aleksandr Lishchinskiy source:
Назначение: Саперный дальномер является оптическим короткобазным монокулярным дальномером. Он предназначен для измерения ширины рек и расстояний до недоступных объектов в пределах от 50 до 2000 м.
Комплектность: В комплект дальномера входят: дальномер; футляр; ключ для выверки по дальности; отвертка; салфетка; кисточка; инструкция по применению.
Устройство: from First pics draw: и 12 – защитные клинья; 2 – подвижная положительная линза компенсатора; 3 – отрицательная линза компенсатора;
4 и 13 – пентапризмы; 5 – объектив; 6 и 10 – отражательные призмы; 7 – коллектив; 8 – бипризма; 9 – оборачивающие линзы; 11 – окуляр; 14 – дальномерные шкалы; 15 – призма; 16 – объектив; 17 – окуляр.
Комплектность: В комплект дальномера входят: дальномер; футляр; ключ для выверки по дальности; отвертка; салфетка; кисточка; инструкция по применению.
Устройство: from First pics draw: и 12 – защитные клинья; 2 – подвижная положительная линза компенсатора; 3 – отрицательная линза компенсатора;
4 и 13 – пентапризмы; 5 – объектив; 6 и 10 – отражательные призмы; 7 – коллектив; 8 – бипризма; 9 – оборачивающие линзы; 11 – окуляр; 14 – дальномерные шкалы; 15 – призма; 16 – объектив; 17 – окуляр.
from Second pics draw: Общий вид дальномера ДСП-30: 1 – штативная гайка; 2 – окуляр; 3 – левое входное окно; 4 – корпус дальномера; 5 – правое входное окно.

above: NoHigher! DSzP-30 measuring little ocular view: Lower scala the Distance in meters. Upper scale: View of Angle in Mils" dependin the distance. Far distance small angle. - Az alsó a Távolság skála méterben 2000 m felé nagyolóan. A felső Vonás" skála a belső mérőkör (félkör vágatok) látószöge vonásban 1/6000" a távolság növekménye arányában csökkenően. above: DSP-30 from bottom second: Поле зрения дальномера ДСП-30: 1 – линия раздела; 2 – верхнее полуполе; 3 - нижнее полуполе. source: studiopoedia.ru
above: NEW! NoHigher! supermodel Gisele Bündchen in coincidence pattern swimdress.
En. text: Gisele Caroline Bündchen (Brazilian Portuguese: [ʒiˈzɛli ˈbĩtʃẽ], German: [ˈbʏntçn̩], born 20 July 1980 -age 43- Horizontina, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) is a Brazilian model. Since 2001, she has been one of the highest-paid models in the world. In 2007, Bündchen was the 16th-richest woman in the entertainment industry and earned the top spot on Forbes top-earning models list in 2012. In 2014, she was listed as the 89th-most-powerful woman in the World by Forbes. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gisele_B%C3%BCndchen
above: MedRes! DSzP-30 Coincidence system - Koincidenciális - Kettős bevetítésű mérőrendszer

Дальномер ДСП-30 имеет две дальномерные шкалы: равномерную шкалу
параллактических углов от -50 до + 1250'' с ценой деления 2" и
неравномерную шкалу дальностей от 50 до 2000 м с переменной ценой
деления на разных участках шкалы (на участке 50-100 м цена деления 0,5
м; 100-150 м - 1 м; 150-200 м - 2 м; 800-1000 м - 50 м; 1000-2000 м -
200 м). Участок шкалы от 1000 до 2000 м с ценой деления в 200 м для
точных измерений служить не может, а применяется только для грубой
оценки дальности. Шкала параллактических углов в секундах дуги служит
для повышения точности измерений внесением поправок в показания
дальномера при наличии расстройства дальномера по дальности. Она также
может быть использована для измерения дистанции по известным размерам
цели (как угломерный инструмент) с учетом поправочного коэффициента К
прибора, указанного на корпусе прибора.
above: NoHigher! Outer Base Rangefinder (usually telescope) - Külsőbázisú távmérő
above: NoHigher! Russian T-80 TPDK tank sight reticle with outer-base rangefinder markers: 4 = 1500m source: tankograd.ru
above: MedRes! Cosplayer by #Walt Disney, tinkerbell cosplay by Kawaielli
above: NEW! HiRes! "Calibrating of her fingers": Karen Gillan for a book of us january 2020
En. text: Karen Sheila Gillan (/ˈɡɪlən/; born 28 November 1987 -age 35- Inverness, Scotland) is a Scottish actress and filmmaker. She gained recognition for her work in British film and television, particularly for playing Amy Pond, a primary companion to the Eleventh Doctor in the science fiction series Doctor Who (2010–2013), for which she received several awards and nominations. Her early film roles include Ally in the thriller film Outcast (2010) and Jane Lockhart in the romantic comedy film Not Another Happy Ending (2013). She also worked on the stage while in Britain, appearing in John Osborne's play Inadmissible Evidence (2011). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Gillan
above: NoHigher! Soviet Infantry's shooting range sketch m. - Lövész tüzelési lőtávolság vázlat
above: NoHigher! Hu. text: Fire system - Tűzrendszer

above Two: MedRes! Fire system below: MedRes!Sapper diagram: 1911. Manual of Field Engineering - Utász, Erődítési vázlat
above: NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's table: Capabilities and possibilities of use of Arttillery Optical Instruments - Tüzér Optikai Műszerek képességei és felhasználási lehetőségei
above: NoHigher! Dalnometr - Rangefinder source: dic.academic.ru
above: NoHigher! Hu. text. Hungarian K.u.K. WW-One arty. coincidence rangefinder

above: NoHigher! The lack substance: Over 6.) the compensator wedge prismatic device
above: Mils" formula OMK - Vonásképlet MVK - "Megyek Vasárnap Kimenőre" mondóka: m/V x Km= x1000 or /1000 - O/M x Km
above: NEW! NoHigher! Surveyor Teacher at the blackbord - Bemérés tanár a táblánál
above: MedRes! Measuring system Mix - Coincidence method princip

above: NoHigher! False triangle coincidence view - Hamis háromszögelési képegyeztetéses kép: "Átfogók és Befogók"
above: NoHigher! US.ARMY's monocular coincidental rangefinder source: wikipedia
A coincidence rangefinder (stereoscopic, parallax, or split-image rangefinder) is a type of rangefinder that uses mechanical and optical principles to allow an operator to determine the distance to a visible object.
The device consists of a long tube, with two lenses facing forwards at each end, and an operator eyepiece in the center. Two prism wedges which, when aligned result in no deviation of the light, are inserted into the light path of one of the two lenses. By rotating the prisms in opposite directions using a differential gear, a degree of horizontal displacement of the image can be achieved.
Optical rangefinders using this principle, while applicable to several purposes, were widely used for military purposes—determining the range of a target—and for photographic use, determining the distance of a subject to photograph to allow focussing on it. Photographic rangefinders were initially accessories, from which the distance read off could be transferred to the camera's focussing mechanism; later they were built into rangefinder cameras, so that the image was in focus when the images were made to coincide.
Coincidence rangefinders:
The coincidence range finder uses a single eyepiece. Light from the target enters the range finder through two windows located at either end of the instrument. At either side the incident beam is reflected to the center of the optical bar by a pentaprism. The optical bar is ideally made from a material with a low coefficient of thermal expansion so that optical path lengths do not change significantly with temperature. This reflected beam first passes through an objective lens and is then merged with the beam of the opposing side with an ocular prism sub-assembly to form two images of the target which are viewed by the observer through the eyepiece. Since either beam enters the instrument at a slightly different angle the resulting image, if unaltered, will appear blurry. Therefore, in one arm of the instrument a compensator is adjusted by the operator to tilt the beam until the two images match. At this point the images are said to be in coincidence. The degree of rotation of the compensator determines the range to the target by simple triangulation. Coincidence rangefinders made by Barr and Stroud used two eyepieces, and may be confused with stereoscopic units. The second eyepiece showed the operator a range scale so the user could range and read the range scale simultaneously
Stereoscopic rangefinders:
A stereoscopic range finder uses two eyepieces and relies on the operator's visual cortex to merge the two images into a single picture. A reference mark is separately inserted into each eyepiece. The operator first adjusts the direction of the range finder so that the fixed mark is centered on the target, and then the prisms are rotated until the mark appears to overlap in the operator's combined view. Again the range to the target is proportional to the degree of rotation of the prisms.
Coincidence vs stereoscopic rangefinders:
In November and December 1941, the United States National Defense Research Committee conducted extensive tests between the Bausch and Lomb M1 stereoscopic rangefinder and the Barr and Stroud FQ 25 and UB 7 coincidence rangefinders:
The first of these reports is concerned with the comparative test of coincidence and stereoscopic range finders. (353) In these tests the American stereoscopic Height Finder Ml was operated against the British coincidence type Range Finders FQ 25 and UB 7, in ranging on fixed ground targets, moving naval targets and moving aerial targets. The coincidence and stereoscopic methods utilize the same basic principles of geometrical optics for the determination of the distance to a target. The two methods differ radically, however, in the nature of the criterion presented for human judgement. These British instruments were of the split field coincident type. American crews were being trained at Fort Monroe to operate the coincidence instruments but this plan was dropped when six British seamen, who were experienced range takers, were made available for the tests. Until recently the British Services had tended strongly to the coincidence type of instrument while the American Services had adopted the stereoscopic principle for long-base instruments at least. The decisions of both the British and American Services apparently grow out of different interpretations of the experience of the Battle of Jutland in World War I and are of no concern in this place.
Tests were run in November and December 1941 using the British seamen on the British instrument and experienced American observers on the Standard M1. Bad weather conditions and various experimental difficulties and mishaps made it impossible to obtain a really satisfactory quantity of data before the tests hall to be terminated. Fixed target reading were made on targets from 2,700 to 14,500 yards. Only five aerial courses could be recorded and these were all level flight courses, at altitudes of 3,000 to 4000 yards and slant range between 4,000 and 12,000 yards Continuous contact was used. Nine courses were obtained on slow moving naval targets at ranges from 4,000 to 12,000 yards. In these latter courses continuous and broken contact were used at different times.
It was found, throughout the tests, that the performances of the various instruments were more nearly alike when measured in external units (Reciprocal range) than when measured in terms of error at the observer's eye, in spite of marked differences in physical dimensions of the instruments. The American MI has a base length of 4.5 yards and used 12 power; FQ 25 with a 6 yard base used 28 power and UB 7, a portable instrument, has 25 power and 3-yard base. The coincidence instruments did not use internal adjusters but were calibrated on targets of known range. In other words. the net performance of the different instruments were essentially comparable although the instruments exhibited varying degrees of efficiency in performance relative to the size. On aerial courses precision errors of the four instruments were about alike when measured in reciprocal-range units. In UOE,] the FQ 25 had comparatively poor precision, while the UB 7, for three of the five aerial courses, had very small precision errors. The number of aerial courses was too small to yield much information about consistency of observations from one course to the next.
For the naval target courses, one American instrument was not operating. Precision errors of the other three instruments were similar to those on aerial height courses. In reciprocal range units the three instruments had comparable precision. In UOE the FQ 25 was worse and the UB 7 was better than the American M1. Consistency error of the UB 7 was smaller than that of the M1, even when measured in reciprocal range units, while the FQ 25 was similar in consistency to the Ml, again in reciprocals units. On ground targets the same general situation holds. Consistency errors of the four instruments over the 9-day period were the same when measured in reciprocal-range units. Again the UB 7 was better than the stereoscopic instruments in UOE and the FQ 25 was worse. Consistency over the 9 days was not perceptibly worse than daily consistency for any of the instruments. In other words, the readings over the 9 days did not scatter in total more than did readings for a typical day. An analysis or these results leads to the following conclusions. (1) Performance of the coincidence and stereoscopic instruments was about the same when range errors were measured in yards (2) The UB 7 however, with a virtual base length smaller than that of the American stereoscopic instruments was more efficient than the stereoscopic height finders in terms of performance for its size, while the large coincidence instrument, the FQ 25. was less efficient in this sense. This situation held for all types of targets— fixed ground, naval, and aerial. (3) The UB 7 is somewhat better than the American instrument in consistency on naval targets, even when measured in external units.
This report is attached, as supporting data, to a Report to the Services issued by the Fire Control Division of NDRC (20). This points out that the tests indicate no important difference in the precision obtainable from the two types of instrument— coincidence and stereoscopic They do indicate, however, that the difference in performance between large and small instruments is by no means as great as would be anticipated from simple geometrical optics. The report concludes with the belief that stereoscopic and coincidence acuities are about equal. Under favourable conditions existing instruments of the two types perform about equally well, and the choice between them for any given purpose must be based on matters of convenience related to the particular conditions under which they are to be used.
The device consists of a long tube, with two lenses facing forwards at each end, and an operator eyepiece in the center. Two prism wedges which, when aligned result in no deviation of the light, are inserted into the light path of one of the two lenses. By rotating the prisms in opposite directions using a differential gear, a degree of horizontal displacement of the image can be achieved.
Optical rangefinders using this principle, while applicable to several purposes, were widely used for military purposes—determining the range of a target—and for photographic use, determining the distance of a subject to photograph to allow focussing on it. Photographic rangefinders were initially accessories, from which the distance read off could be transferred to the camera's focussing mechanism; later they were built into rangefinder cameras, so that the image was in focus when the images were made to coincide.
Coincidence rangefinders:
The coincidence range finder uses a single eyepiece. Light from the target enters the range finder through two windows located at either end of the instrument. At either side the incident beam is reflected to the center of the optical bar by a pentaprism. The optical bar is ideally made from a material with a low coefficient of thermal expansion so that optical path lengths do not change significantly with temperature. This reflected beam first passes through an objective lens and is then merged with the beam of the opposing side with an ocular prism sub-assembly to form two images of the target which are viewed by the observer through the eyepiece. Since either beam enters the instrument at a slightly different angle the resulting image, if unaltered, will appear blurry. Therefore, in one arm of the instrument a compensator is adjusted by the operator to tilt the beam until the two images match. At this point the images are said to be in coincidence. The degree of rotation of the compensator determines the range to the target by simple triangulation. Coincidence rangefinders made by Barr and Stroud used two eyepieces, and may be confused with stereoscopic units. The second eyepiece showed the operator a range scale so the user could range and read the range scale simultaneously
Stereoscopic rangefinders:
A stereoscopic range finder uses two eyepieces and relies on the operator's visual cortex to merge the two images into a single picture. A reference mark is separately inserted into each eyepiece. The operator first adjusts the direction of the range finder so that the fixed mark is centered on the target, and then the prisms are rotated until the mark appears to overlap in the operator's combined view. Again the range to the target is proportional to the degree of rotation of the prisms.
Coincidence vs stereoscopic rangefinders:
In November and December 1941, the United States National Defense Research Committee conducted extensive tests between the Bausch and Lomb M1 stereoscopic rangefinder and the Barr and Stroud FQ 25 and UB 7 coincidence rangefinders:
The first of these reports is concerned with the comparative test of coincidence and stereoscopic range finders. (353) In these tests the American stereoscopic Height Finder Ml was operated against the British coincidence type Range Finders FQ 25 and UB 7, in ranging on fixed ground targets, moving naval targets and moving aerial targets. The coincidence and stereoscopic methods utilize the same basic principles of geometrical optics for the determination of the distance to a target. The two methods differ radically, however, in the nature of the criterion presented for human judgement. These British instruments were of the split field coincident type. American crews were being trained at Fort Monroe to operate the coincidence instruments but this plan was dropped when six British seamen, who were experienced range takers, were made available for the tests. Until recently the British Services had tended strongly to the coincidence type of instrument while the American Services had adopted the stereoscopic principle for long-base instruments at least. The decisions of both the British and American Services apparently grow out of different interpretations of the experience of the Battle of Jutland in World War I and are of no concern in this place.
Tests were run in November and December 1941 using the British seamen on the British instrument and experienced American observers on the Standard M1. Bad weather conditions and various experimental difficulties and mishaps made it impossible to obtain a really satisfactory quantity of data before the tests hall to be terminated. Fixed target reading were made on targets from 2,700 to 14,500 yards. Only five aerial courses could be recorded and these were all level flight courses, at altitudes of 3,000 to 4000 yards and slant range between 4,000 and 12,000 yards Continuous contact was used. Nine courses were obtained on slow moving naval targets at ranges from 4,000 to 12,000 yards. In these latter courses continuous and broken contact were used at different times.
It was found, throughout the tests, that the performances of the various instruments were more nearly alike when measured in external units (Reciprocal range) than when measured in terms of error at the observer's eye, in spite of marked differences in physical dimensions of the instruments. The American MI has a base length of 4.5 yards and used 12 power; FQ 25 with a 6 yard base used 28 power and UB 7, a portable instrument, has 25 power and 3-yard base. The coincidence instruments did not use internal adjusters but were calibrated on targets of known range. In other words. the net performance of the different instruments were essentially comparable although the instruments exhibited varying degrees of efficiency in performance relative to the size. On aerial courses precision errors of the four instruments were about alike when measured in reciprocal-range units. In UOE,] the FQ 25 had comparatively poor precision, while the UB 7, for three of the five aerial courses, had very small precision errors. The number of aerial courses was too small to yield much information about consistency of observations from one course to the next.
For the naval target courses, one American instrument was not operating. Precision errors of the other three instruments were similar to those on aerial height courses. In reciprocal range units the three instruments had comparable precision. In UOE the FQ 25 was worse and the UB 7 was better than the American M1. Consistency error of the UB 7 was smaller than that of the M1, even when measured in reciprocal range units, while the FQ 25 was similar in consistency to the Ml, again in reciprocals units. On ground targets the same general situation holds. Consistency errors of the four instruments over the 9-day period were the same when measured in reciprocal-range units. Again the UB 7 was better than the stereoscopic instruments in UOE and the FQ 25 was worse. Consistency over the 9 days was not perceptibly worse than daily consistency for any of the instruments. In other words, the readings over the 9 days did not scatter in total more than did readings for a typical day. An analysis or these results leads to the following conclusions. (1) Performance of the coincidence and stereoscopic instruments was about the same when range errors were measured in yards (2) The UB 7 however, with a virtual base length smaller than that of the American stereoscopic instruments was more efficient than the stereoscopic height finders in terms of performance for its size, while the large coincidence instrument, the FQ 25. was less efficient in this sense. This situation held for all types of targets— fixed ground, naval, and aerial. (3) The UB 7 is somewhat better than the American instrument in consistency on naval targets, even when measured in external units.
This report is attached, as supporting data, to a Report to the Services issued by the Fire Control Division of NDRC (20). This points out that the tests indicate no important difference in the precision obtainable from the two types of instrument— coincidence and stereoscopic They do indicate, however, that the difference in performance between large and small instruments is by no means as great as would be anticipated from simple geometrical optics. The report concludes with the belief that stereoscopic and coincidence acuities are about equal. Under favourable conditions existing instruments of the two types perform about equally well, and the choice between them for any given purpose must be based on matters of convenience related to the particular conditions under which they are to be used.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Kriegsmarine Bismarck's coincidence rangefinder
above: NEW! NoHigher! Kriegsmarine Bismarck's coincidence rangefinder
above: NEW! NoHigher! Japanese JNA 'Yamato' battleship WW-Two, 10 m base coinc. rf. on top
En. text: Yamato (大和) was the lead ship of her class of battleships built for the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) shortly before World War II. She and her sister ship, Musashi, were the heaviest and most powerfully armed battleships ever constructed, displacing nearly 72,000 tonnes (71,000 long tons) at full load and armed with nine 46 cm (18.1 in) Type 94 main guns, which were the largest guns ever mounted on a warship. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_battleship_Yamato
Hu. text: A Jamato (大和, やまと) a Császári Japán Haditengerészet csatahajója, a Jamato osztály névadó hajója volt a második világháború idején. Egyetlen hadrendbe állított testvérhajója a Muszasi.
A csatahajón rendszeresített 46 cm-es nehézlövegek a világ legnagyobb hajóágyúi voltak. A légvédelmi fegyverzet kezdetben nem volt kielégítő. A háború alatti további beépítésekkel végül a Jamatonak 146 db 2,5 cm-es légvédelmi gépágyúja volt. A csatahajó részt vett a második világháború több nagy csendes-óceáni tengeri hadműveletében. Fő erejét, a hatalmas nehéztüzérséget azonban a tengeri háború légi-tengeri háborúvá való átalakulása következtében már alig hasznosíthatták. A Jamatot 1945. április 7-én Kjúsútól délre amerikai repülőgépek süllyesztették el. ...
above: NoHigher! Russian Aviadessant-nyhicas (Paragirls): Triplex Parallax different deviation perhaps Treetimes coincidence - 3x-ros egyezés

above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's collect: Hu. text: A. H. Babadzsanjan (a harckocsicsapatok főmarsallja), "Tisztek Könyvtára' sorozat, -Zrínyi Katonai Kiadó, Budapest, 1982.: Harkocsik és Harckocsicsapatok: A Monokuláris távmérő elvi felépítése - Schema of Monocular rangefinder.
below: Juci'bacsi's collect: NoHigher! Everyday domestic optical measuring chock - Hétköznapi házi optikai mérőék

MedRes! above: Principal Schema of Monocular Coincidence Rangefinder wiki below: Demo
The coincidence rangefinder: The modern rangefinders are used for determining the focus in photography, or again, as we have discussed before, for accurately aiming a weapon. Some instruments are based on active methods, using emission of energy by means of sonar, laser, or radar. The laser rangefinder can operate on the time of flight principle. They launch a laser pulse towards the object and measure the time this pulse needs to come back to the instrument. Moreover, using the Doppler effect it is possible to measure how fast is the target moving (these devices in Italy are known as Autovelox).
However, the use of optical instruments based on triangulation methods persists (stadiametric rangefinders, parallax, coincidence rangefinders). These optical methodologies have been in regular use since the 18th century. Ref.14 reports that the coincidence range finder uses a single eyepiece. It is more or less a cylinder. Light from the target enters through two windows spaced apart on the cylinder. The distance between these windows is the base length B of the rangefinder.
The incident beams are reflected to the center of the optical cylinder by prisms. to form two images of the target which are viewed by the observer through the eyepiece. Since the beams enter the instrument at slightly different angles, an observer sees a blurry image. Adjusting a compensator, the observer can tilt one of the beams to match the two images. In such a manner, the images are “in coincidence.” The rotation of the compensator gives the distance of the target by triangulation. Ref.15 is proposing a simple coincidence instrument (see Fig.4).
It is told in the rangefinder operates as an angle-measuring device, using the triangle comprising the rangefinder base length B and the line from each window to the target point. The basic optical arrangement is shown in Fig.4, where the mirror in front of the eyepiece is semitransparent. When we have the coincidence, the target T is seen in the same apparent position.
We have that the rangefinder equation is satisfied. The distance D from the target is: D=B cot A.
The fact that we need to have a coincidence of images, is, more or less the same condition we need for the use of a Roman Dodecahedron, where we have to find the coincidence of the opposite hole circumferences. Therefore, we could conclude telling that it was the Roman coincidence rangefinder. ... https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1205/1205.2078.pdf
However, the use of optical instruments based on triangulation methods persists (stadiametric rangefinders, parallax, coincidence rangefinders). These optical methodologies have been in regular use since the 18th century. Ref.14 reports that the coincidence range finder uses a single eyepiece. It is more or less a cylinder. Light from the target enters through two windows spaced apart on the cylinder. The distance between these windows is the base length B of the rangefinder.
The incident beams are reflected to the center of the optical cylinder by prisms. to form two images of the target which are viewed by the observer through the eyepiece. Since the beams enter the instrument at slightly different angles, an observer sees a blurry image. Adjusting a compensator, the observer can tilt one of the beams to match the two images. In such a manner, the images are “in coincidence.” The rotation of the compensator gives the distance of the target by triangulation. Ref.15 is proposing a simple coincidence instrument (see Fig.4).
It is told in the rangefinder operates as an angle-measuring device, using the triangle comprising the rangefinder base length B and the line from each window to the target point. The basic optical arrangement is shown in Fig.4, where the mirror in front of the eyepiece is semitransparent. When we have the coincidence, the target T is seen in the same apparent position.
We have that the rangefinder equation is satisfied. The distance D from the target is: D=B cot A.
The fact that we need to have a coincidence of images, is, more or less the same condition we need for the use of a Roman Dodecahedron, where we have to find the coincidence of the opposite hole circumferences. Therefore, we could conclude telling that it was the Roman coincidence rangefinder. ... https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1205/1205.2078.pdf
above: NEW! NoHigher! actress Charlize Theron in "coicidence" pattern swimdress source: pinterest
En. text: Charlize Theron (/ʃɑːrˈliːz ˈθɛrən/ shar-LEEZ THERR-ən; Afrikaans: [ʃarˈlis ˈtrɔn]; born 7 August 1975 -age 48- Benoni, Transvaal, South Africa) is a South African and American actress and producer. One of the world's highest-paid actresses, she is the recipient of various accolades, including an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award. In 2016, Time named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlize_Theron
below: Hammerhead shark - Pörölyfejű cápa
above: MedRes! source: fishinrules.com below: NoHigher! Hammerhead-shark features source: www.thinglink.com Great hammerhead shark source: www.elasmodiver.com
En. text: The hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks in the family Sphyrnidae, so named for the unusual and distinctive structure of their heads, which are flattened and laterally extended into a "hammer" shape called a cephalofoil. Most hammerhead species are placed in the genus Sphyrna while the winghead shark is placed in its own genus, Eusphyra. Many not necessarily mutually exclusive functions have been proposed for the cephalofoil, including sensory reception, manoeuvering, and prey manipulation. Hammerheads are found worldwide in warmer waters along coastlines and continental shelves. Unlike most sharks, hammerheads usually swim in schools during the day, becoming solitary hunters at night. Some of these schools can be found near Malpelo Island in Colombia, Cocos Island off Costa Rica, and near Molokai in Hawaii. Large schools are also seen in the waters off southern and eastern Africa. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hammerhead_shark
Hu. text: A pörölycápafélék (pörölyfejű cápák, Sphyrnidae) családja a porcos halak (Chondrichthyes) osztályában az Elasmobranchii alosztály Selachimorpha öregrendjének Carcharhiniformes rendjébe tartozik. Nevüket fejük jellegzetes formájáról kapták.
A rendre általánosan jellemző, hogy mindig 5 pár, oldalt elhelyezkedő, szabadon nyíló kopoltyúrésük van. Mellúszóik a kopoltyúrések sora után következnek. Hátúszójukban nincs tüske. Mindig van farok alatti (anális) úszójuk. Szemüket a sérülésektől egy harmadik szemhéj, az átlátszó pislogóhártya is védi. A pörölycápa jellegzetes feje a zsákmány felkutatására szolgál. „Mozgásdetektorként” működik. Rendkívül érzékeny, minden mozgást érzékel. ... hu.wikipedia.org/Porolycapa
above: NoHigher! Hammerhead shark equipped with natural stereo visual & smell rangefinder director and additional control surface - Pörölyfejű cápa kormányfelület as "Canard" - "Kacsaszárny" for high turnability.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hammerhead Shark - Pörölyfejű Cápa source: tumblr.com/mellbimbo.eu
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect: Glass with eyes - üvegpohár szemmel also FREE!
above: NoHigher! An ideal watching site for tight dressed members or waitress
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Bausch & Lomb' USN battleship USS 'New Jersey' BB59 rangefinder Mk.52
En. text: Bausch + Lomb is an American-Canadian eye health products company based in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. It is one of the world's largest suppliers of contact lenses, lens care products, pharmaceuticals, intraocular lenses, and other eye surgery products. The company was founded in Rochester, New York, in 1853 by optician John Bausch and cabinet maker turned financial backer Henry Lomb. Until its sale in 2013, Bausch + Lomb was one of the oldest continually operating companies in the United States.
Bausch + Lomb was a public company listed on the NYSE, until it was acquired by private equity firm Warburg Pincus in 2007. In May 2013, Canadian-based Valeant Pharmaceuticals announced that it would acquire Bausch + Lomb from Warburg Pincus for $4.5 billion in cash. The deal, which was approved by shareholders, closed on August 5, 2013. On May 6, 2022, the company completed an initial public offering and again became publicly traded. As of 2022, the company employs about 12,900 people and manufactures and markets health care products directly or indirectly in approximately 100 countries. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bausch_%26_Lomb
Ray-Ban is a brand of luxury sunglasses and eyeglasses created in 1936 by Bausch & Lomb. The brand is best known for its Wayfarer and Aviator lines of sunglasses. In 1999, Bausch & Lomb sold the brand to Italian eyewear conglomerate Luxottica Group for a reported $640 million. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray-Ban
above: NEW! NoHigher! Sunglasses 'Ray-Ban' - 'Bausch & Lomb' Pilot teardrop
above: NEW! NoHigher! American star actor, Tom Cruise in 'TopGun' movie and the men as "Maverick" in Ray-Ban sunglasses
83.) Grumman F-14D "Tomcat" ("Kandúr") cat - macska - weapons missile naval-NAVY Fighter- race with Porsche-911 Carrera cabrio - USN-CVN Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier Top-Gun movie - film with Tom Cruise celeb actor: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/05/82-grumman-f-14d-tomcat-kandur-cat.html
above: NEW! Left: MedRes! periscope ocular WW-II Right: MedRes! Range finder of the periscope in the control room of Finnish submarine 'Vesikko' source: tvre.org
above: NEW! NoHigher! Range finder of German attack periscope ASR - Volhertrechner

above: NEW! NoHigher! Search periscope, outer house of prismas for sextant and coincidence rangefinder
NEW! above: NoHigher! Submarine search periscope with two prism for sextant & rangefinder source: Warships To-day, 1936. below: MedRes! USN sub periscope WW-Two
NoHigher! above: Das U-Boot: U-Boat/Submarine Torpedo Attack Periscope with vertical coincidence rangefinder. Or? The bottom of glas? below: NEW! Fire Control coincidence rf.
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Marine horizontal coincidence main rangefinder with 9-10 m base source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Barr & Stroud' marine Range-finding instruments 1936. source: WarshipsTo-day,
En. text: Barr & Stroud Limited was a pioneering Glasgow optical engineering firm. They played a leading role in developing modern optics, including rangefinders, for the Royal Navy and other branches of British Armed Forces during the 20th century. There was a non-military arm of the company which made medical equipment, like photocoagulators and electronic filters, some of which were used by the BBC. The company and its intellectual property passed through Pilkington group to Thales Optronics. The Barr and Stroud name was sold to an importer of optical equipment, who used the trademarked name for a line of binoculars and similar instruments. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barr_and_Stroud
144.) Kriegsmarine Fernglas / Fernrohr: 80 mm portable Kriegsmarine Naval artillery Double telescope Carl Zeiss Jena Asembi - binoculars - Német Haditengerészeti távcső.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/11/143-kriegsmarine-telescope-80-mm.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! Measuring turret of battleship
above: NoHigher! Koinzidenz - Telemeter 10 m Base u. 25 facher Vergrößerung
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Princip of the Optical Coincidence
above: MedRes! Elementary coincidence rangefinder in US. Navy in WW-Two schematics
A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances which have no apparent causal connection with each other. The perception of remarkable coincidences may lead to supernatural, occult, or paranormal claims. Or it may lead to belief in fatalism, which is a doctrine that events will happen in the exact manner of a predetermined plan.
From a statistical perspective, coincidences are inevitable and often less remarkable than they may appear intuitively. An example is the birthday problem, which shows that the probability of two persons having the same birthday already exceeds 50% in a group of only 23 persons.
In mathematics, a coincidence point (or simply coincidence) of two mappings is a point in their common domain having the same image.
Formally, given two mappings{\displaystyle f,g\colon X\rightarrow Y}
we say that a point x in X is a coincidence point of f and g if f(x) = g(x). Coincidence theory (the study of coincidence points) is, in most settings, a generalization of fixed point theory, the study of points x with f(x) = x. Fixed point theory is the special case obtained from the above by letting X = Y and taking g to be the identity mapping.
Just as fixed point theory has its fixed-point theorems, there are theorems that guarantee the existence of coincidence points for pairs of mappings. Notable among them, in the setting of manifolds, is the Lefschetz coincidence theorem, which is typically known only in its special case formulation for fixed points.
Coincidence points, like fixed points, are today studied using many tools from mathematical analysis and topology. An equaliser is a generalization of the coincidence set.
Coincidence points, like fixed points, are today studied using many tools from mathematical analysis and topology. An equaliser is a generalization of the coincidence set.
above: HiRes! Optical axis (coincides with red ray) and rays symmetrical to optical axis (pair of blue and pair of green rays) propagating through different lenses.
For the optic axis of a crystal, see Optic axis of a crystal. An optical axis is a line along which there is some degree of rotational symmetry in an optical system such as a camera lens or microscope.
The optical axis is an imaginary line that defines the path along which light propagates through the system, up to first approximation. For a system composed of simple lenses and mirrors, the axis passes through the center of curvature of each surface, and coincides with the axis of rotational symmetry. The optical axis is often coincident with the system's mechanical axis, but not always, as in the case of off-axis optical systems. For an optical fiber, the optical axis is along the center of the fiber core, and is also known as the fiber axis. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_axis
The optical axis is an imaginary line that defines the path along which light propagates through the system, up to first approximation. For a system composed of simple lenses and mirrors, the axis passes through the center of curvature of each surface, and coincides with the axis of rotational symmetry. The optical axis is often coincident with the system's mechanical axis, but not always, as in the case of off-axis optical systems. For an optical fiber, the optical axis is along the center of the fiber core, and is also known as the fiber axis. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_axis

above: NoHigher! Compassing distance
above: MedRes! How long distance the russian land beach-buffet/snack bar/Kiosk? - Milyen messze van a strand -BÜFÉ?
above: HiRes! Famous lawyer Muehlenbeck Pia in BÜFÉ at other side in snack bar at strand source: facebook.com
above: NoHigher! Distance measuring: By IRM CERV or Mathematics or Coincidence Rf.? IRM swims with high speed direct to Muehlenbeck
above: NoHigher! The DSP-30 necessary too for succes of line-fishing and beauty big Carp - A ~ szintén kell a horgászás sikeréhez és a szép nagy Pontyhoz.

above: NEW! HiRes! Hu. Duna Esztergomi Bazilika - Chatedral from Danube photo by: Voxov source: facebook
NoHigher! above: By Sextant's sheet. Measuring of wide of River - Folyószélesség mérése
above: MedRes! Hungarian & Croatian border river 'Dráva' overthere visible Osijek (Eszék)
above: NoHigher! The river wide range required too for line-fishing - A folyószélesség kell a horgászáshoz is
above: NoHigher! 'Dráva'-folyó - river for canoeing excellent - kenuzáshoz kiváló
above: NoHigher! Boss of military surveyors at Drava shore source: mellbimbo.eu
69.) Marking of Swimsuits - Jelölt fürdőruhák: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/04/69-humarking-human-markings-clothes-to.html
above: NEW! MedRes! Retro: "Home mine-sweeper" 'HAJDU' vacuum cleaner/
hoower source: TECHNIKA t3 1972.
above: MedRes! De. text Engineer karte about shelters at Hochfliess in WW-Two
above: MedRes! Combar Engineer Sapper during mine sweeping - Utász aknakeresésben
18+above: MedRes! "Nudist Combat Engineer during mine seeking". Looking for treasure by bloonde. Brown hair color "Brunette" Minesweeper Patrol - Barna Aknakutató Járőr
above: NEW! MedRes! "Classical minesweeper girls" source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. "Monostori"-erőd - fortress at Komárom beside Danube source: PPT
above: NEW! MedRes! "Mine sweeper" actress Pamela Anderson aritzia 'Babaton'-fall 2023 campaign "in the fortress as gardener". source: CelebsDump.com
En. text: Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967 -age 56- Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada) is a Canadian-American actress, model and media personality. She is best known for her modelling work in Playboy magazine and for her role as "C.J." Parker on the television series Baywatch (1992–1997). Anderson came to public prominence after being selected as the February 1990 Playboy Playmate of the Month following her appearance on the cover of the magazine's October 1989 issue. She went on to make regular appearances on the magazine's cover, holding the record for the most Playboy covers by any individual. Anderson became known to a wider audience with her role on the ABC sitcom Home Improvement for its first two seasons. She gained international recognition for her starring role of "C.J." Parker on the action drama series Baywatch, further cementing her status as a sex symbol. In 1995, a sex tape of her with her then husband Tommy Lee was stolen and leaked, which resulted in a legal fight and made her the subject of controversy. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Anderson
above: MedRes! Valley of 'Mosel'-river - El Valle del Mosela in Germany
above: NoHigher! Clinometer - Magasság szögmérő (lejtmérő) graphiker: Johnny T. Cheng www.worldofwaterfalls.com
above: HiRes! Juci's design sketch from 1972.: Panorama Targeting Periscope for water & land vehicle also Courtesy FREE!
above: 18+ NEW! NoHigher! "Camouflaged Riverside Minesweeper Patrol from IRM - Álcázott folyóparti aknakutató járőr az IRM-ből"
above: NoHigher! ИРМ - Инженерная разведывательная машина - IRM "Zhuk" - "Beetle" - Inzhenernaya Razvedyvatel'naya Mashina - Combat Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle - Műszaki Felderítő Jármű:
IRM All-terrain combat engineer vehicle for land and river reconnaissance, developed in the 1970s. Production started in 1980 with the use of components from both the BMP-1 and BMP-2. Fifty IRMs were produced from 1986. However, the suspension had a new hull, one extra road wheel and one additional hydraulic shock-absorber. It has four pressurized compartments, with the engine located at the rear. There are three hatches on the top of the hull and one emergency hatch in the bottom. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP-1_variants#Combat_engineer_vehicles
below: MedRes! Amphybian IRM source: www.zonwar.ru

below: HiRes! IRM in "Kronverk" museum in St. Petersburg (former Leningrád) - Szentpétervár
18+above: NEW! NoHigher! "Acqusitioned Camouflage object on opposit shore - Azonosított Álcázott objektum a túlsó parton" source: Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! Cyrillic text: IRM 'Zhuk' source: Pinterest.com
Equipment installed:
-Minesweeper wide capture "CC";
-Artillery compass PAB-2M;
-Equipment for navigation TNA-3;
-Circular observation unit PIR 451;
-Rangefinder sapper DSP-30;
-Engineering photographic reconnaissance unit UIF;
-The device of night work NDP;
-Periscope large increase in AR;
-Radio R-147 -two sets;
-Screen laying equipment;
-Portable equipment to search for mines and exploration.
o Installed equipment can detect mines at a depth of 30 centimeters
to 3.6 meters band, to obtain the necessary data on the slopes terrain,
terrain, presence of minefields and obstacles, depth, width and velocity
of water obstacles in the path of the troops, the density of the bottom
, ice thickness and contamination terrain.
device IWW "Beetle"
o Housing welded sheets of armor, a division into seven sections,
the team gives protection from the damaging machine tools. Construction
and water-resistant car provided reliable buoyancy. New compartment
contains elements of hydraulics, gearboxes mine detector devices capture
wide "CC." Also, there is a filter-ventilation system HLF.
o vehicle-compartment and the control module is designed to
accommodate the team IRM equipment for exploration and control
mechanisms. It also has 3 rifle and 450 rounds of ammunition, a flare
gun, a thousand machine gun ammunition, a dozen F-1 grenades, about 15
kilograms of explosives with a set of tools undermine it.
o Engine compartment comprises a motor system for its operation and
the transmission mechanisms. Aft compartment contains a rechargeable
battery and is equipped with a hatch to access them. Side compartments
are equipped with fuel tanks. In the car roof hatches are available for
personnel IWW. Rotary tower with 7.62 mm PKT machine gun, firing range
of up to 1 km, and inspection instrumentation sight located between the
door of driver-mechanic and the vehicle commander hatch.
Main characteristics IWW "Beetle":
-Length 8.22 m;
-Width 3.15 m;
-Height 2.4 m;
-Clearance of 42 cm;
-Weight of 17.2 tons;
-Crew -2 people;
-Engineers -up to 6 people;
-The engine output of 300 hp;
-Land speed to 52 km/h;
-Speed of water up to 11 km/h;
-Ground pressure 0.69 kg/cm ?;
-Angle of 36 degrees to overcome obstacles.
Opportunities and use IRM "Zhuk"
o Basically, this machine acts as a part of the IRD -engineering
reconnaissance patrol. It includes office sappers with their equipment
and gear. IRD can act independently or in a group-arms intelligence.
During the exploration of water hazards using cervical cancer take into
account that minesweeper provides search only minutes facing.
o Determine bottom slice in water permeability is determined by the
movement of the machine swimming. Scan sonar bottom made. The number of
crossings IRM depends on the size specified for the crossing. Flow rate
is determined in the process of crossing the machine. To do this, the
car stopped and decreasing-increasing pace, hold it in one place. In
terms of the tachometer with the table and determine the flow rate.
o All results in engineering style card intelligence. Using IRM
"Beetle" for the exploration of water barriers and mine detection
reduced time intelligence almost doubled. For self pulling up the steep
bank to overcome obstacles or use solid rocket motors from SAM 9M39.
source: http://tonnel-ufo.ru/eanglish/articles.php?id=1178
138.) "Kronverk" museum in St. Petersburg: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/10/137-st-petrersburg-leningrad-kronverk.html
ИПР — советский инженерный подводный разведчик. Разработан в конструкторском бюро Завода имени Дзержинского под руководством Мищенко В.Г., в Муроме в середине 1970-х годов. Основным предназначением машины была подводная разведка препятствий в местах переправы танковых подразделений. Из-за внешнего сходства, часто машину путают с инженерной разведывательной машиной ИРМ «Жук».
above: NoHigher! The Steampunk optimechaniker below: NEW! NoHigher! Tradition keeper's D-944 PSzH - APC, PAB-2M & DSzP-30 combat engineering coincidence rangefinder at Gödöllő.
62.) PAB-2 Tüzér tájoló: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/04/62-pab-2-artillery-bussol-2m.html
below: HiRes! DSzP-30 Servicing by Sextant
above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's collect OptiMech Ice: DSzP-30 before outfit - szétszedés előtt
above: NEW! NoHigher! DSzP - MRM - Mobile Repairing Master with tools bag in Khaki-Olive Pants Outfit source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! DSzP - MRM - Mobile Repairing Master with tools bag in Khaki-Olive Pants Outfit source: Pinterest.com
above: MedRes! Left: measuring block Right: simply fixed mirror block
above: NoHigher! Measuring prismatic block with sharpener marked adjusting ring source: www.ay.by
The Optical measuring lateral edge/chock prism - mérőék also Courtesy FREE!
below: Distance scale/ruler reading Microscope
above: NoHigher! "She was the parts buyer. - Ő volt az alkatrész anyagbeszerző." with handy and two correction buttons. photo by: ThrillBlender.com source: www.mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! Correction screw-button (I don't know what punctualy purpose of this) ? For rangemarker ocular.
above: NoHigher! "Charlotte McKinney (born August 6, 1993) is an American model and actress.) was other buyer" ...
En. text: Charlotte Ann McKinney (born August 6, 1993. -age 27- Orlando, Florida, U.S.) is an American actress and model who first gained attention as an Instagram personality, eventually achieving wider recognition for her appearance in a Carl's Jr. commercial which aired regionally during Super Bowl XLIX in 2015. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_McKinney
HiRes! above: Sextant photo about Juci'bacsi's Optimech Ice renovation work: Fine parts of DSP below Two: Juci'bacsi's collect: Air-Art & Szextant's Optical elements also Courtesy FREE!
63.) DSz-2M arty stereo rangefinder: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/04/63-dsz-2m-tuzersegi-sztereotavmero.html
above: NEW! MedRes! "Optical grinding specialist - Optikai-csiszoló szakember": supermodel Candice Swanepoel sexy runway VS photo source: pinterest.com
En. text: Candice Susan Swanepoel (/ˈswɒnəpuːl/; Afrikaans: [svanɛˈpul]; born 20 October 1988 -age 35- Mooi River, Natal, South Africa) is a South African model. She is known for her work with Victoria's Secret. She became a Victoria's Secret Angel in 2010. In 2016, she was listed 8th on the Forbes top-earning models list. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candice_Swanepoel
above: NEW! HiRes! Prismatic Laboratory technician - Prizma-szerkezeti laboráns: supermodel Noel Berry in sexy lingeries for-'Grazia'-magazine, Russia-2019. source: celebsdump.com
Noel Berry: Model who rose to fame for her catwalk debut wearing Rachel Zoe and Vivienne Tam for their Spring/Summer 2014 collection at New York Fashion Week. She also turned heads for her campaign for Bandier's activewear line.
She was first signed by Ford Models in both Chicago and Miami.
She's been featured in editorials for GQ, Shape and Haute Spotter.
She was born and raised in Missouri.
Associated With:
She and Alexa Ferrer have been represented by Ford Models Miami.
above: NEW! HiRes! "Storage of Optical Elements Manager": Kate Spade Fashion designer, businesswoman's; Collection: Oversized Bowed Toe Pink Wedge Sandals, Nordstrom dress, Tory Burch bag, JCrew necklace.
Katherine Noel Valentine Brosnahan (December 24, 1962 – June 5, 2018), known professionally as Kate Spade and Kate Valentine, was an American fashion designer and businesswoman. She was the founder and former co-owner of the designer brand Kate Spade New York.
After working in the accessories department at the fashion magazine Mademoiselle, Brosnahan and her husband, Andy Spade, identified a market for quality stylish handbags, and founded Kate Spade New York in 1993. The handbags Spade designed and produced quickly found popularity, owing to their sophistication and affordability, and have been described as a symbol of New York City in the 1990s.
The company expanded into other product lines. In 1999, Spade sold a 56-percent stake in her business to Neiman Marcus Group, and in 2006 sold the rest of her shares. In 2016, Spade and her partners launched a new fashion brand, Frances Valentine. ...
above: #Kate-Spade #Fashion-designer, #businesswoman source: Wikipedia
139.) EDF-70 CZ-Jena, DDR made military NVA binocular, -Dr. Hende Csaba HM: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/10/139-edf-7x40-german-nva-field-glasses.html
18+above: NEW! HiRes! "Optical maintenance & preparation accessories" Playmate of vintage Playboy magazine from 1960's source: Google / Playboy.com
In Memoriam: Founder & Owner of '#Playboy' Men's Magazine, #Hugh #Hefner (91.) 27.09.2017. R.I.P.
Hugh Marston Hefner (April 9, 1926 – September 27, 2017) was an American magazine publisher, editor, businessman, and playboy. He was best known as the editor-in-chief and publisher of Playboy magazine, which he founded in 1953. He was also the founder and chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises, the publishing group that operates the magazine. Hefner was also a political activist and philanthropist in several causes and public issues. ...
above: NoHigher! Simple periscope with two winkel prisms
MedRes! Simple paper home priscope - házi periszkópabove: NEW! MedRes! "Co-incidence view through the periscope - Koincidenciális látvány a periszkópon keresztül": Megan Gale sexy in stocking for GQ Magazine source: pincelebs.net
En. text: Megan Kate Gale (born 7 August 1975 -age 48- Parmelia, Western Australia, Australia) is an Australian model and actress. Born in Perth, Western Australia, Gale won a model contest when she was 18 in her home town. In 1999 she was cast in a series of commercials for the Italian branch of telecommunications company Vodafone. This led to wide exposure in both Italy and her homeland Australia, and she appeared in those advertising until 2006. Gale has also appeared in Italian movies and television shows, and as an actress, Gale recently played "Fatma" in Russell Crowe's The Water Diviner (2014) and "Valkyrie" in George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road (2015). In 2005 Gale became the national ambassador for "Kids Help Line" and in 2009 she was appointed the first official "National Ambassador" for "The Red Cross". ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan_Gale

above: MedRes! Opticheskye Schemi Dalnomerov Photoaparatov - Optics Schema of Photoaparats Rangefinders

above: NoHigher! Prismatic captain by photoartist: John Farrar source: Pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! Hoollywood celeb topmodel Paris Hilton

above: NoHigher! Hoollywood celeb topmodel Paris Hilton
Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American businesswoman, socialite, television and media personality, model, actress, singer, DJ, and author. She is the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton Hotels. Born in New York City and raised there and in Beverly Hills, California, Hilton began her modeling career as a teenager when she signed with real estate magnate and current U.S. president Donald Trump's modelling development agency, Trump Model Management. Her lifestyle and rumored short-lived relationships made her a feature of entertainment news and tabloid magazines, and Hilton was proclaimed "New York's leading It girl" in 2001. In 2003, a sex tape with Hilton and her then-boyfriend Rick Salomon, later released as 1 Night in Paris, was leaked to the public. Released only three weeks before the premiere of the reality television series The Simple Life, in which she starred alongside her long-time friend Nicole Richie, the sex tape became a media sensation. ...
above: NoHigher! Virtual reality world with 'Zeiss' VR One Plus
above: NoHigher! "Marathon" Distance runner competition
above: NEW! NoHigher! Tripod Mastergirl with focusing rangefinder
above: NEW! NoHigher! Tripod Mastergirl with focusing rangefinder
above: NoHigher! Swiss 'Wild' - "Heerbrugg" lightweight similar Rf.
above: NoHigher! American Mattel Inc. #Barbie-doll - Barbi-baba with "Wild" on Her shoulder
West Germany Zeiss logo
En. text: Carl Zeiss (German pronunciation: [ˌkaʁl ˈtsaɪs]) is a German manufacturer of optical systems, industrial measurements and medical devices, founded in Jena, Germany in 1846 by optician Carl Zeiss. Together with Ernst Abbe (joined 1866) and Otto Schott (joined 1884) they built a base for modern optics and manufacturing. There are currently two parts of the company, Carl Zeiss AG located in Oberkochen with important subsidiaries in Aalen, Göttingen and Munich, and Carl Zeiss GmbH located in Jena.
Carl Zeiss AG is the premier company of the Zeiss Gruppe, one of the two large divisions of the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung. The Zeiss Gruppe is located in Heidenheim and Jena. Also controlled by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung are the glass manufacturers Schott AG and Jenaer Glas, located in Mainz and Jena respectively. Carl Zeiss is one of the oldest existing optics manufacturers in the world. ...
above: MedRes! Zeiss EMES - Entfernungmeßgeräte (Messgerate) below: NoHigher! Emes
above: NoHigher! Zeiss West Germany EMES 16 optical rangefinder Army: EUR: 449,995,-€
US $399.00 Approximately 115,585.17 HUF |
Magnification: 6,5x
Field of view 60m /1000m
Range: from 20m - 2000m
Size: 37cm x 5cm x 10cm
Weight: ~ 2kg
Single ocular focusing from -5 to +5
De. text: Schnittbild Entfernungsmessgerät Zeiss EMES 16
Fernrohrvergrößerung 6,5 fach
Sehfeld 3,5 Grad (ca.60m auf 1000m)
Messbereich 20 m bis 2000 m
Höhe ca. 37 cm, Breite ca. 5 cm, Tiefe ca. 10 cm
Gewicht ca. 2kg
Verwendbar auf Stativ.
Beispielbilder vom zu verkaufendem Schnittbildmesser, nahezu identisch mit dem Artikel den Sie bekommen, nur ganz minimale Gebrauchspuren.

Fernrohrvergrößerung 6,5 fach
Sehfeld 3,5 Grad (ca.60m auf 1000m)
Messbereich 20 m bis 2000 m
Höhe ca. 37 cm, Breite ca. 5 cm, Tiefe ca. 10 cm
Gewicht ca. 2kg
Verwendbar auf Stativ.
Beispielbilder vom zu verkaufendem Schnittbildmesser, nahezu identisch mit dem Artikel den Sie bekommen, nur ganz minimale Gebrauchspuren.
above: NEW! MedRes! Halsey sexy for Glamour-magazine january 2019
En. text: Ashley Nicolette Frangipane (IPA: /ˌfrændʒɪˈpɑːni/ FRAN-jih-PAH-nee; born September 29, 1994 -age 29- Edison, New Jersey, U.S.), known professionally as Halsey (/ˈhɔːlzi/ HAWL-zee), is an American singer and songwriter. Noted for her distinctive singing voice, she has received several awards including three Billboard Music Awards, a Billboard Women in Music Award, an American Music Award and nominations for three Grammy Awards. She was included on Time's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2020. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halsey_(singer)
above: NoHigher! Zeiss EMES-16 You can see the Circular libelles: Horizontal & Vertical. This one is not on the DSP-30! - Látható a vízsz. és függ. szelencés/körlibella ami a DSzP-n nincs.
above: Left: NoHigher! Right: MedRes! The ocular combined reticle "All in one" with range ruler scale. - Itt egy látómezőben van minden. More Better than DSP's - Sokkal jobb mint a DSzP-jé!
above: NoHigher! FRG Bundeswehr's (Germany Army) EMES-16 mix
182.) OEM-2 arty Stereo Entfernungmeßgeräte CZJ: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/05/182-oem-2-optische-entfernungsmegerat.html
above: NoHigher! "She a Foresty/Castle architecture military Engineer during rangefinding - Ő egy Erőd/Vár építő Hadmérnök távmérés közben."
176.) Investigate of Photo site of Modelling - Modellfotó háttér helyszíne nyomozás, Budapest:
above: NoHigher! German Field shelters
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Cropped!) 'Zeiss' EMES-16 multiboar
above: NoHigher! Pretty girl in Short range position on short street.
above: MedRes! USA made 'Bushnell' RANGING-200 Coincidence short-Rangefinder
above: 18+ NoHigher! Trully coincidence: Hollywood star actress Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Shrader Lawrence (born August 15, 1990) is an American actress. Since 2015, Lawrence has been the highest-paid actress in the world, and her films have grossed over $5 billion worldwide. She appeared in Time's 100 most influential people in the world in 2013 and Forbes Celebrity 100 the following year and in 2016. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Lawrence
above: NEW! BigRes! (Cropped!) Vintage Soviet-made Сделано в СССР -
Sdelano v SSSR - Gyártva Szovjetunióban photo-camera - Zorkij-4 fényképezőgép - Зоркий-4 фотоаппарат - Zorkiy-4 fotoapparat with co-incidence rangefinder & 'Industar' objective by LOMO Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). source: WallpaperUP.com
138.) St. Petersburg - Leningrad: "Kronverk"; Soviet / Russian Artillery & Pioneer & Communication fortress Museum *Neva Brutal weapons & James Bond 007 agent "Golden Eye" movie: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/138-st-petersburg-leningrad-kronverk.html

above: NoHigher! LOMO ZENIT-E Quality Inspector - MEO-s photomaker Girl

above: NoHigher! ZENIT-E from LOMO Factory in Leningrad
En. text: LOMO (Leningradskoye Optiko-Mekhanicheskoye Obyedinenie, Leningrad Optical Mechanical Association), or ЛОМО́ (Ленинградское Oптико-Mеханическое Oбъединение), is a manufacturer of advanced optical instruments, medical equipment, consumer still and movie cameras, projectors, lenses, film editors, splicers, professional sound recorders for motion-picture production based in St. Petersburg, Russia. The factory is the holder of three Lenin Orders.
Its Lomo LC-A consumer camera was the inspiration for the lomography photographic movement.
Ru. text: Трижды ордена Ленина Ленинградское оптико-механическое объединение имени В. И. Ленина (АО «ЛОМО́») — российская компания, занимающаяся производством и реализацией оптико-механических и оптико-электронных приборов. Предприятие оптико-механической промышленности Российской империи, СССР и России. Первое оптико-механическое предприятие в Российской империи. Крупнейшее советское оптико-механическое производственно-конструкторское объединение.

221.) Eyes inspection Instruments - Szemészeti Szemvizsgáló Műszerek by: Hu. DR. Bárány Nándor: Finommechanikai Kézikönyv - Fine-Mechanics Handbook for Humans' Stereoscopic views & spectacles - szemüvegek:

above: Zeiss a "DuraVision Platinum" image
above: Progressive lens design - alkalmazkodó szemüveglencse
"#Varilux" glasses lens
above: MedRes! Aerial photo appreCIAtion expert wears Varilux glasses
above: HiRes! Natural lenses - Természetes lencsék source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! Woman with lenses in Carl Zeiss factory in Jena
above: HiRes! Natural lenses - Természetes lencsék source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! Woman with lenses in Carl Zeiss factory in Jena
above: HiRes! Gynoid
186.) JTAC/FACP - ERIP, LASER Rangefinders & Designators, CAS, A-10, Szu-24: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/09/186-cas-close-air-support-air-combat.html
above: NEW! MedRes! How many Mega-Pixel the Human's eye? source: www.index.hu
Hu. text article - cikk: Nagy Attila Károly 2018.10.13. 06:54
Manapság, amikor az olcsóbb okostelefonokba is 8-10-12 megapixeles kameramodulokat szerelnek a gyártók – nem is beszélve a szélsőségekről, pl a Sony 48 megapixeles eszközéről – , még a fényképezés iránt kevés affinitással bíró emberek is képben vannak nagyjából a digitális fotók felbontását illetően. Felvetődhet a kérdés, hogy ha a telefonunk borsónyi kamerája és a mögötte lévő szenzor 12 megapixeles (tehát 12 millió képpontból álló) képeket tud rögzíteni, akkor milyen felbontású lehet a szemünk?
Az nyilvánvaló, hogy nem igazán hasonlítható össze a látásunkért felelős érzékszerv a zsebünkben megbújó telefon, vagy egy digitális fényképezőgép képalkotó rendszerével. Ennek fő oka, hogy az emberi látás nem állóképeket rögzít. A szemünk által közvetített látványt az agy folyamatosan dolgozza föl, és a szemünk is folyamatosan mozgásban van, az előttünk lévő tér különböző szeleteit úgymond letapogatva - tehát sokkal inkább lehetne egy nagy látószögű mozgásérzékelős biztonsági kamera élőben streamelt képét analógiául venni. ...
above: NoHigher! Use the camera coincidence rangefinder by Pin-Up Girl mellbimbo.eu XLSdesignabove: NEW! NoHigher! Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel with his 'Leica' source: quora images
De. text: Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel (* 15. November 1891 in Heidenheim an der Brenz; † 14. Oktober 1944 in Herrlingen) war ein deutscher Berufsoffizier, ab 1942 im Rang eines Generalfeldmarschalls.
Rommel trat 1910 in die württembergische Armee ein und wurde während des Ersten Weltkriegs wegen besonderer Tapferkeit ausgezeichnet. Anschließend wurde er in die Reichswehr und in die Wehrmacht übernommen. Im Jahr 1937 erschien sein Buch Infanterie greift an, in dem er seine Kriegserlebnisse und Militärstrategien verarbeitete. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs diente er seit Februar 1940 als Kommandeur der 7. Panzerdivision in Frankreich. Sein Einsatz als Befehlshaber des Deutschen Afrikakorps und der Panzerarmee Afrika in Nordafrika, mit deren Truppen er im Juli 1942 bis El-Alamein vorstieß, brachte ihm große Popularität in der Heimat und offenen Respekt im Ausland ein. Später diente er als Oberbefehlshaber der Heeresgruppe B erneut in Frankreich, wo er am 17. Juli 1944 bei einem Luftangriff verwundet wurde. Nach dem Attentat des 20. Juli 1944 wurde er von Adolf Hitler der Beteiligung beschuldigt und zum Suizid gezwungen.
Rommel hatte ein ambivalentes Verhältnis zum Nationalsozialismus und zum Widerstand. Während sein Wandel zum Gegner Hitlers in der Forschung akzeptiert ist,[3] bleibt seine Beteiligung am Attentat des 20. Juli 1944 umstritten. Neuere Forschungen weisen darauf hin, dass Rommel „nicht nur vom Staatsstreich des 20. Juli wusste, sondern diesen auch unterstützte und ins Lager der Verschwörer übergewechselt war“. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erwin_Rommel
NoHigher! above: LEICA + Horse + Rider Leica cameras as a root for other small films (24x36mm) cameras
above: NEW! NoHigher! Leica cutaway drawing sheet Construction Of Leica Camera From 1957. source: pinterest.com below: Luftwaffe's Leica
Leica may refer to:
Three companies formed from the division of Ernst Leitz GmbH (later Wild Leitz AG):
Leica Camera AG, a German camera and optics manufacturer
Leica Geosystems AG, a Swiss manufacturer of surveying and geomatics equipment
Leica Microsystems GmbH, a German manufacturer of microscopes and other precision optics
A song by the band Faceless, appearing on their album Akeldama (The Faceless album).
Leitz (Optik): Das Unternehmen Leitz wurde 1869 von Ernst Leitz als Nachfolgeunternehmen des von Carl Kellner 1849 in Wetzlar gegründeten Optischen Instituts gegründet. Schnell wurde es zu einem führenden Anbieter von Mikroskopen, ab 1924 auch von Kameras. Nach Fusionen 1986 und 1990 wurde eine große „Leica Gruppe“ gebildet, die jedoch 1996/97 wieder aufgelöst wurde. Es entstanden die Tochterunternehmen Leica Microsystems, Leica Camera und Leica Geosystems. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leitz_(Optik)
above: NEW! MedRes! LEICA LuftWaffe source: roncskutatas.hu

NEW! above Two: MedRes! Leica at 'Luftwaffe' below: NoHigher! without chrome cover Bf.109
5.) Daimler-Benz (Mercedes) DB-601/605 Cylinder Engine of Messerschmitt Bf.109 "Messzer" motorja: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/01/5-daimler-benz-mercedes-db-601605.html
above: NoHigher! #Steampunk leather belts Lady with coincidence glasses
above: NoHigher! Leitz - Wetzlar "Leica" M2 small film photocamera 1960.
De. text: Die Leica Camera AG (Leica: Abkürzung für Leitz(sche) Camera) ist ein deutsches Unternehmen der optischen Industrie mit Sitz in Wetzlar. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die Fertigung von Fotoapparaten und Ferngläsern spezialisiert. Das Unternehmen entstand 1986 aus der Ernst Leitz Wetzlar GmbH, dem Nachfolgeunternehmen des von Carl Kellner 1849 in Wetzlar gegründeten Optischen Instituts. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leica_Camera
above: NoHigher! I love it, "Barbie" Leica for Valentine day - Valentin napra
above: NEW! NoHigher! Dita Von Teese
The miniature defective prismas use for eye-glass Dita Von Teese the Number One Pin-Up Girl, - A selejt törött prizmák felhasználása szemüveghez. #Dita-Von-Teese; she does her own hair, make-up and styling, and she consistently looks stunning. source: Pinterest.com
En. text: Dita Von Teese (born Heather Renée Sweet; September 28, 1972) is an American vedette, burlesque dancer, model, costume designer, entrepreneur, singer, and occasional actress. She is thought to have helped repopularize burlesque performance. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dita_Von_Teese
Hu.text: Születési dátum: 1972. szeptember 28. (életkor 46 év), Rochester, Michigan, Egyesült Államok
Magasság: 1,66 m
Házastárs: Marilyn Manson (házas. 2005.–2007.)
Filmek: The Death of Salvador Dali, Bound in Stockings, TOVÁBBIAK
Albumok: Dita Von Teese
above: NoHigher! Ballantines Retro Girls

above: MedRes! Hollywood star actress, Margot Robbie and Ashley Greene film scenes for 'Pan Am' in Central Park with retro 'Eastman Kodak'
En. text: Margot Elise Robbie (/ˈmɑːrɡoʊ ˈrɒbi/; born 2 July 1990) is an Australian actress. Robbie started her career by appearing in Australian independent films in the late 2000s. She was later cast in the soap opera Neighbours (2008–2011), which earned her two Logie Award nominations. After moving to the United States, Robbie starred in the short-lived ABC drama series Pan Am (2011–2012). In 2013, she made her big screen debut in Richard Curtis's romantic comedy-drama film About Time and co-starred in Martin Scorsese's biographical drama The Wolf of Wall Street. In 2015, Robbie co-starred in the romantic comedy-drama film Focus, appeared in the romantic World War II drama film Suite Française and starred in the science fiction film Z for Zachariah. That same year, she played herself in The Big Short. In 2016, she portrayed Jane Porter in the action-adventure film The Legend of Tarzan and Harley Quinn in the superhero film Suicide Squad. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie
above: NoHigher! Jacob sisters on TWA (Trans World Airlines) with Leica M model
above: NoHigher! Star actress Cameron Diaz in Hollywood nowadays retro
Cameron Michelle Diaz (born August 30, 1972) is an American actress, producer, and former fashion model. She rose to stardom with roles in The Mask (1994), My Best Friend's Wedding (1997) and There's Something About Mary (1998), and is also known for voicing the character of Princess Fiona in the Shrek series (2001–10). Other high-profile credits include Charlie's Angels (2000) and its sequel Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003), The Sweetest Thing (2002), In Her Shoes (2005), The Holiday (2006), What Happens In Vegas (2008), My Sister's Keeper (2009), Knight and Day (2010), The Green Hornet (2011), Bad Teacher (2011), What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012), The Counselor (2013), The Other Woman, Sex Tape, and Annie (all 2014). Diaz received four Golden Globe Award nominations for her performances in Being John Malkovich (1999), Vanilla Sky (2001), Gangs of New York (2002) and There's Something About Mary (1998), for the latter of which she also won the New York Film Critics Best Lead Actress Award. In 2013, Diaz was named the highest-paid actress over 40 in Hollywood. As of 2015, the U.S. domestic box office grosses of Diaz's films total over US$3 billion, with worldwide grosses surpassing $7 billion, making her the second highest-grossing U.S. domestic box office actress (after Scarlett Johansson). ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Diaz

above: NoHigher! Revene stereo camera Retro with double coincidence rf.!
Suzy Parker (October 28, 1932 – May 3, 2003) was an American model and actress active from 1947 into the early 1960s. Her modeling career reached its zenith during the 1950s, when she appeared on the cover of dozens of magazines and in advertisements and movie and television roles. She appeared in several Revlon advertisements as well as in advertisements for many other cosmetic companies, including Solo Products, the largest hair care product company in the country at the time. (Models did not have "exclusive" cosmetic company contracts until Lauren Hutton and Karen Graham in the early 1970s). She was the first model to earn $100,000 per year and the only fashion model to have a Beatles song named after her, albeit an unreleased one. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzy_Parker
below: Left: NoHigher! Right: MedRes! Suzy Parker at overgaard photo: LIFE magazine

Suzy Parker (born Cecilia Ann Renee Parker; October 28, 1932 – May 3, 2003) was an American model and actress active from 1947 into the early 1960s. Her modeling career reached its zenith during the 1950s, when she appeared on the covers of dozens of magazines and in advertisements and movie and television roles. She appeared in several Revlon advertisements as well as in advertisements for many other cosmetic companies, including Solo Products, the largest hair care product company in the country at the time. (Models did not have "exclusive" cosmetic company contracts until Lauren Hutton and Karen Graham in the early 1970s). In 1956, at the height of her modelling career, she became the first model to earn $100,000 per year ($940,000 today). A song that The Beatles wrote for her, though not released on record, appeared in their 1970 documentary film Let It Be, which won the Academy Award for Best Original Score. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzy_Parker
above: NEW! NoHigher! Photo of model-actress Suzy Parker from a 1963. ABC Television special on fashion. source: wikipedia.org
above: NEW! NoHigher! Lifestyle of Mr.X source: pinterest.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Real Stereo Photocamera

above: NoHigher! Soviet sztereofényképezőgépek az 1960'-as évekből: above: NoHigher! Full stereo "Industar" objectives caricatura (Steampunk?) LOMO's FED style photocamera Pinterest
above: NoHigher! FED-2 III. normalna photo: Viktor Dartvenom source: Wikipedia.org
ФЭД-2 Производитель: Объединение «ФЭД». Год выпуска: 1955 - 1970. Тип: Дальномерный фотоаппарат. Фотоматериал; Плёнка типа: 135. Размер кадра: 24×36 мм. Тип затвора: Шторно-щелевой, с выдержками от 1/25 до 1/500 с, «B». Объектив; «Индустар-10» 3.5/50 «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50 «Индустар-61» 2,8/52 Крепление объектива: M39×1/28,8. Фокусировка: Ручная, дальномер с базой 67 мм. Экспозамер: Ручная установка выдержки и диафрагмы. Вспышка: Синхроконтакт «X», выдержка синхронизации 1/25 с (только со второго выпуска). Видоискатель: Оптический параллаксный, совмещённый с дальномером. Размеры: 175×90×95 мм. Масса: ? |

above: NoHigher! ФЭД-2 III. & II. (Red) Фликс Эдмундович Джерзинский – Félix Edmundovics Dzserzinszkij - Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (it was My father photoaparat, I had learn to photomake whit this after "Pajtás"). Similar Leica!
En. text: Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (Russian: Фе́ликс Эдму́ндович Дзержи́нский; Polish: Feliks Dzierżyński [ˈfɛlʲiks dʑerˈʐɨɲskʲi]; 11 September [O.S. 30 August] 1877 – 20 July 1926), nicknamed Iron Felix, was a Polish and Russian Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet statesman. His party pseudonyms were Yatsek, Yakub, Pereplyotchik (meaning "bookbinder"), Franek, Astronom, Yuzef and Domanski.He was a member of several revolutionary committees such as the Polish Revkom as well as several Russian and Soviet official positions. Dzerzhinsky is best known for establishing and developing the Soviet secret police forces, serving as their director from 1917 to 1926. Later he was a member of the Soviet government heading several commissariats, while being the chief of the Soviet secret police. The Cheka soon became notorious for mass summary executions, performed especially during the Red Terror and the Russian Civil War
Ru. text: Фе́ликс Эдму́ндович Дзержи́нский (польск. Feliks Dzierżyński [ˈfɛliks dʑerˈʐɨɲski], белор. Фе́лікс Дзяржы́нскі; прозвища Желе́зный Фе́ликс, ФД, подпольные псевдонимы: Я́цек, Я́куб, Переплётчик, Фра́нек, Астроно́м, Ю́зеф, Дома́нский; 30 августа [11 сентября] 1877 год, родовое имение Дзержиново, Ошмянский уезд, Виленская губерния, Российская империя (ныне Столбцовский район, Минская область, Белоруссия) — 20 июля1926 года, Москва, СССР) — русский профессиональный революционер, советский политический деятель, глава ряда наркоматов, основатель и глава ВЧК.
Член ЦК партии (1917—1926). Член Оргбюро ЦК РКП(б) (1919—1920, 1921—1924), кандидат в члены Оргбюро ЦК РКП(б) (1921, 1924—1926). Кандидат в члены Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) (1924—1926). Главный редактор журнала «Красный террор».
Pol. text: Feliks Dzierżyński ros. Феликс Эдмундович Дзержинский, Fieliks Edmundowicz Dzierżynskij, ps. partyjne: Jacek, Jakub, Franek, Astronom, Józef, Domański (ur. 30 sierpnia?/11 września 1877 w Oziembłowie], w Puszczy Nalibockiej, zm. 20 lipca 1926 w Moskwie) – polski i radziecki działacz socjaldemokratyczny i komunistyczny, twórca i szef pierwszych sowieckich organów bezpieczeństwa: Czeka, GPU i OGPU, symbol terroru w rewolucyjnej i porewolucyjnej Rosji, zyskał przez to miano Żelazny Feliks, Krwawy Feliks i Czerwony Kat. Uważany za jednego z twórców państwa radzieckiego. Brat prof. Władysława Dzierżyńskiego, neurologa i psychiatry.
Hu. text: Feliksz Edmundovics Dzerzsinszkij (lengyelül: Feliks Dzierżyński, oroszul: Феликс Эдмундович Дзержинский) (Dzerzsinovo, 1877. augusztus 30. – Moszkva, 1926. július 20.) lengyel származású bolsevik forradalmár, államférfi, később a politikai rendőrség vezetője.
above: MedRes! FED-2 II.
En. text: The FED 2 was a 35 mm rangefinder camera introduced in 1955 by FED. The name of FED comes from the initial of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.Type | 35 mm rangefinder camera |
Focusing | |
Focus | manual |
The FED 2 is a new design that is quite different from the FED 1. It has a longer rangefinder base (67 mm), a combined viewfinder and rangefinder window, adjustable diopter for the viewing window, a self timer, and a detachable back for film loading.
There are six models.
FED 2a was introduced in 1955.
FED 2b has flash sync added. The new shutter speed dial has the reference point on a center post that rotates with the dial as the shutter is fired.
FED 2c has the flash sync port moved to the top deck from the body. It also has a mushroom-shaped film advance knob.
FED 2d has a new set of shutter speeds, from 1/30 to 1/500, instead of the older set of 1/25 to 1/500.
FED 2L is the only factory-designated model number; all other models are stamped FED 2 by the factory. The body is identical to the FED 2d body but the lens supplied is an Industar-61 with Lanthane glass instead of the Industar-26 used in models 2b to 2d.
FED 2e is a FED 3b with the FED 2d shutter that does not have the slow speeds. Similar to the 3b, it does not have strap lugs but has a film advance lever. Production ended around 1970.
To load a film, two locks in the base of the camera need to be turned. The entire back and bottom can then be removed as a single unit, allowing easy access to the film chamber. Standard 35 mm film cassettes are used, with film being wound onto a removable take-up spool (the latter often becomes difficult to remove on older cameras). Winding the film cocks the shutter and forwards the frame counter simultaneously. The FED 2 has a manual frame counter located below the wind-on knob, which must be reset by hand when loading film.
The Fed 2 has a curtain shutter with speeds from B, 1/25-1/500s. After detaching the back, two screws on under the camera allow you to adjust the spring tension and change the shutter speeds, which may have become slow over time. As with similar cameras, it's important to cock the shutter before operating the shutter speed dial. Failing to do so may harm the mechanism. When firing, this dial will rotate. After re-cocking, the speed set will be indicated correctly again.
The Fed takes 39 mm screw lenses. The one shown here is a 50mm Jupiter-8 lens. Lots of feds come with Industar lenses. On this Fed lens, the aperture is set on the front and focusing is done with a focusing ring. The rangefinder is coupled to the lens. The field of view in the viewfinder is that of a 5 cm lens. For other focal lengths, a separate turret viewfinder was placed on the accessory shoe. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FED_2
Особенности конструкции:
Главным отличием модели «ФЭД-2» от своего предшественника «ФЭД» стало совмещение видоискателя и дальномера, получивших общий окуляр, позволивший проводить фокусировку и кадрирование одновременно. Кроме того, до 67 мм возросла номинальная база дальномера, а задняя стенка алюминиевого литого корпуса стала съёмной, значительно облегчив зарядку. Однако, несмотря на широкую номинальную базу дальномера, из-за его совмещения с видоискателем, обладающим увеличением 0,75×, эффективная база всё же уступала основным конкурентам «Киев» (Contax) и Leica III (50,25 мм против 58,5 мм). Окуляр визира впервые для «ФЭДов» начал оснащаться диоптрийной коррекцией при помощи рычажка под головкой обратной перемотки.
Фокальный затвор с матерчатыми шторками не претерпел никаких изменений, отрабатывая в разных модификациях выдержки от 1/25 до 1/500 или от 1/30 до 1/500 секунды. В фотоаппарате применялись как стандартные кассеты, так и двухцилиндровые системы Leica, которые при закрывании замка задней крышки корпуса открывались и образовывали широкую щель, что существенно уменьшало риск повреждения поверхности плёнки при её продвижении. Штатный объектив — «Индустар-10» 3,5/50, «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50, «Индустар-61» 2,8/52 (в зависимости от года выпуска и производства объективов на объединении «ФЭД»).
Выпуски фотоаппаратов:
В настоящее время известны четыре модификации фотоаппаратов «ФЭД-2», выпускавшихся в разные периоды с незначительными отличиями друг от друга.
1st-Первый выпуск: 1955-1956 годы — отсутствуют синхроконтакт и автоспуск.
Фотографический затвор рядом выдержек со значениями 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200 и 1/500 секунды и «B». Диапазон и промежуточные значения выдержек точно соответствуют поздним выпускам предыдущей модели «ФЭД».
Штатный объектив — «Индустар-10» 3,5/50.
Отличительной особенностью является квадратное входное окно дальномера на передней стенке. У всех последующих модификаций фотоаппарата это окно имеет круглую форму. Из всех модификаций «ФЭД-2» эта наиболее редкая и обладает большой коллекционной ценностью.
above: HiRes! First serie: «ФЭД-2». Редкий экземпляр. Камера с квадратным окном дальномера из первых выпусков.
2nd-Второй выпуск: 1956-1958 годы — добавлен синхроконтакт «Х» и изменена конструкция дальномера.
Штатный объектив — «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50.
Штатный объектив — «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50.
above & below Two: HiRes! Second serie 1958. «ФЭД-2». Камера с синхроконтактом. Второй выпуск.
3rd-Третий, самый массовый выпуск: 1958-1969 годы — добавлен автоспуск с временем работы 9-15 сек. В соответствии с новым ГОСТ изменены выдержки затвора — 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, изменёна головка взвода затвора и перемотки плёнки.
Штатный объектив — «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50 или «Индустар-61».
above: NEW! MedRes! Factory ENTRY of FED in Harkiv in Ukraine in nowadays source: Google-streets
above: NEW! MedRes! "SLR - Reflexed Mirror specialist factory worker is waiting for the start of working hours - Tükörreflex-specialista gyári munkásnő várja a munkaidő kezdetét": Katherine McNamara sexy for Alvin Kim photoshoot 2020. source: pincelebs.net
En.text: Katherine McNamara (born November 22, 1995 -age 27- Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.) is an American actress. She portrayed Clary Fray on the 2016–2019 supernatural drama television series Shadowhunters, receiving a Teen Choice Award and a People's Choice Award for her work. Since 2022, she has starred in the western action series Walker: Independence as Abby Walker, which earned her a Critics Choice Super Award for Best Actress in an Action Series nomination. She also portrayed Mia Smoak in the superhero series Arrow and starred as Julie Lawry in the post-apocalyptic miniseries The Stand. Her film roles include Lily Bowman in the 2011 romantic comedy New Year's Eve, Rosa in the 2015 drama A Sort of Homecoming, Sonya in the dystopian science fiction film series Maze Runner, and Amy in the 2021 thriller Trust. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_McNamara
above: HiRes! «ФЭД-2». Камера с синхроконтактом и автоспуском. Третий выпуск. below: MedRes! Details FED-2-III.

4th-Четвёртый выпуск: 1969-1970 годы — фотоаппарат с названием «ФЭД-2Л» (с выдержками от 1/30 до 1/500 и «В») выпускался в корпусе позднего варианта фотоаппарата «ФЭД-3» с курковым взводом.
Номинальная база дальномера уменьшена до 43 мм. Это объясняется использованием корпуса более современной модели «ФЭД-3» с механизмом замедления выдержек, занявшим место дальномера. Модель «ФЭД-2Л» без замедлителя была удешевлённой версией «ФЭД-3», унифицированной со старшей моделью. Штатный объектив — «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50 или «Индустар-61» 2,8/52.
above: HiRes! «ФЭД-2» четвёртого выпуска с курковым взводом затвора. Аналогично выглядел «курковый» «ФЭД-3».
School-Шкальный фотоаппарат «Заря»:
На базе фотоаппарата «ФЭД-2» третьего выпуска производился в 1959-1961 годах шкальный фотоаппарат «Заря» (без автоспуска). Штатный объектив — «Индустар-26М» 2,8/50.
above: HiRes! For youths: «Заря» - "Dawn" - Fiataloknak: "Hajnal, Alkonypír"
Отзывы о камере:
Недорогой и надёжный фотоаппарат «ФЭД-2» выпускался в течение пятнадцати лет и послужил основой для фотоаппаратов «ФЭД-3», «ФЭД-4», серии «ФЭД-5», которые производились в общей сложности до середины 1990-х годов. По отзывам фотографов — «ФЭД-2» был удобен в пользовании, надёжен, затвор имел вполне достаточные для практической съёмки выдержки, дальномер с большой базой облегчал наводку на резкость, особенно с длиннофокусными объективами (дальномер с базой 67 мм был только на «Зорком-5», «Зорком-6» и на «Соколе» с «Сокол-2»).
Заслуженный работник культуры CCCP фотограф Козловский, Николай Фёдорович утверждал «ФЭД-2» имел также своё специальное применение.
Из источников имеющих отношение к работе спец служб около 40 фотоаппаратов «ФЭД-2» применялись в противостоянии СССР и антисоветской деятельности.
Неизвестны подробности применения фотоаппаратов «специального выпуска», но они сыграли свою роль в годы «холодной войны» и операциях, для которых и были усовершенствованы и технически доработаны
Применение аппаратов "специальной серии" проводилось до 1984 года
Всего моделей под названием «ФЭД-2» было выпущено 1.632.600 штук, фотоаппаратов «Заря» — 141.228 штук.
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Список неработающих ссылок: Фотомагазин, 2003
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above: MedRes! FED with stereo objective
above: I was - Én 1957. at the Budapest Lánchíd bridgehead on Pest side (made by my Zoli Father's FED-2 3rd serie) Blogger: I love it FED: weight, metal and smell and looking in...
below: Photos by My Father's soviet made FED-2-III small film (24x36mm 32 cubic camera MedRes! Top two; The visiting delegiation of Soviet Black & Danube Flottila 1967-1968? at Budapest opposit the Margaret-island on Pest port-bank. You can see the commanding ship, other two escort armored weapon ship/monitor not visible. (I did'nt find the paper photos until now. The main weapons were the two PT-76 forward and rear and swimming turret with 76mm canone and 7,62mm MG. I, arty. rockets system."Janika"/"Juci'bácsi" was here with My Father on sunday. I was VIII. elementary school student.
145.) Minesweeper riverine warship MS-25: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/12/145-recni-minolovci-klase-ms-25-nestin.html
above: NEW! In Memoriam My Father: ret.police Lt.Col. investigating/detective Dr. Juhász Zoli'papa nyá.r.alez. nyom. He could be 92 y.o. today May 09. 2018. (Right-hand -to left- eye was made glass - a jobb szeme üvegből)
NoHigher! above: Zorki-4K similar Leica? below: GDR Carl Zeiss Jena - "Contax"-II.
32.) Киев - Kiev - Kyiv _ Фото аппарат photo camera (Leica - Zeiss): http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/kiev-ukraine-ukrajna.html
above: NoHigher! Zeiss-Ikon "Contax" from Stuttgart in Germany
above: NoHigher! Photocameras CI rangefinder system below: NoHigher! swing arms

above: NoHigher! Leica Entfernungmesser - Rangefinder - Távmérő below: NoHigher!

above: NoHigher! LEICA-M coincidence rangefinder

above: NoHigher! Leica Entfernungmesser - Rangefinder - Távmérő below: NoHigher!
above: NoHigher! Leica-M rangefinder aperture below: MedRes! mechanism

above: NoHigher! LEICA-M coincidence rangefinder
above: NoHigher! CIRFS "Looking Forward" below: NoHigher! LEICA
above: NoHigher! Leica M3 rangefinder optical diagram
NoHigher! Very useful logical hand-sketch about coincidence rangefinder of camera
above: NoHigher! Entfernungmessgeräte: Ernst Leitz - Wetzlar as LEICA
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's collection: Hu. edited Fine Mechanic handbook 1974.: Finder Sys. Leica M5 source: Sextant
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Graflex' schematic
above: NoHigher! the Coincidence - a Képvágás
NoHigher! Eye inspection for bionic-lens eye implant.
161.) DDR CZ-J NVA's EM-61 arty stereo rangefinder: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2015/06/161-em-61-entfernungsmegerat-gdr-carl.html
above: MedRes! The Eye source: slideplayer.com below: Left: MedRes! Right: NoHigher!

above: NEW! HiRes! source: dreamstime.com below Three pics: NoHigher! The cross section of eye
Juci'bácsi's collect: Hu. book from 1956. Budapest, "Mit tudsz a Világról?" - "What are you know about the World?" above: NoHigher! below: MedRes! Hu. text: Create of Rangefinder - Távmérő készítése

above: NoHigher! Rolleiflex or Voigtländer system
above: NoHigher! Very simple Photocameras sys.
above: NoHigher! photocamera coincidential rengefinder systems
above: NoHigher! Leica parts source: Blog.leica-camera.com
NoHigher! above: Leica Anatomy of a camera source: Pinterest.com below: Prospekte
above: NoHigher! Leica III 1933 - 1954 below: MedRes! Left: Leica IIIC Right: Leica M3above: NoHigher! Leica parts source: Blog.leica-camera.com
NoHigher! above: Leica Anatomy of a camera source: Pinterest.com below: Prospekte

above: MedRes! Retrospective scan: Hungarian made vinyl film: FORTE factory Vác over Budapest city. Retro topmodell: Marjai Judit
above: NoHigher! Hungarian 'Gamma'-Művek - Works Budapest: "Kinga"
169.) 'Gamma' művek: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2015/10/169-gamma-muvek-rt-budapest-42-hadiuzem.html
above & below: NoHigher! Hungarian MOM Works Budapest: "Mometta"
56.) MOM 41.: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/03/mom-magyar-optikai-muvek-hungarian.htmlabove: NEW! NoHigher! Brigitte Bardot with coincidence rangefinder camera source: facebook.com
En. text: Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot (/brɪˌʒiːt bɑːrˈdoʊ/ brizh-EET bar-DOH; French: [bʁiʒit baʁdo] ; born 28 September 1934 -age 89- Paris, France), often referred to by her initials B.B., is a French animal rights activist and former actress, singer, and model. Famous for portraying sexually emancipated characters, often with hedonistic lifestyles, she was one of the best known sex symbols of the 1950s-1970s. Although she withdrew from the entertainment industry in 1973, she remains a major popular culture icon, and a noted figure in ushering in the sexual revolution. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigitte_Bardot
above: NoHigher! Catherine Leroy Vietnam overgaard Leica M-6
Catherine Leroy (1945 – 8 July 2006) was a French-born photojournalist and war photographer, whose stark images of battle illustrated the story of the Vietnam War in the pages of Life magazine and other publications. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Leroy
above: MedRes! Gisele Bündchen germany topmodel witih Leica M3
De. text: Gisele Caroline Bündchen (* 20. Juli 1980 in Horizontina, Rio Grande do Sul) ist ein brasilianisches Model.
Bündchen und ihre zweieiige Zwillingsschwester wurden als die mittleren von sechs Töchtern des Universitätsprofessors und Autors Valdir Bündchen und der Bankangestellten Vânia Nonnenmacher geboren. Sie entstammt einer deutschbrasilianischen Familie, die seit sechs Generationen in Brasilien lebt. 1993 nahm sie auf Wunsch ihrer Mutter an einem Kurs der Dilson Stein Modeling School teil.
Im Mai 1994 nahm sie an einem von der Schule veranstalteten Event in São Paulo teil,
bei dem Kandidatinnen von der Elite Agentur begutachtet wurden. Bei einem nachfolgenden Wettbewerb war sie unter den fünf Finalistinnen.
Wenige Monate später nahm sie in Paris an dem Nachwuchswettbewerb Elite Model Look teil, dem eine erfolgreiche Karriere folgte.
1997 wurde sie für den Pirelli-Kalender abgelichtet. 1998 kam sie auf elf Coverfotos, 60 Magazin-Shootings, 150 Modenschauen und zehn Werbekampagnen.
1999 gewann sie die Wahl zum Model of the year und hatte damit ihren endgültigen großen Durchbruch.
above: MedRes! Exponation
Leica Camera AG (pronounced [ˈlaɪka]), is a German optics enterprise and manufacturer of Leica cameras. The company is known for rangefinder cameras though they have also produced viewfinder and reflex models. The earliest Leica prototypes preceded WWI, but marketing did not commence until the mid 1920s. The Leicas were innovative, by orienting the image frame sideways on the 35 mm film as opposed to the cine-camera tradition of across the film-strip. The cameras were compact with collapsible lenses, for hiking and biking. The rangefinder feature was added with the Leica II in 1932, and in that year both rangefinder and viewfinder cameras became available with interchangeable lenses. In 1933 the Leica III offered slow speed shutter controls and a fast 1/1000th shutter speed, and various iterations of the III (a,b,c,d,f,&g) series became the flagship models and best sellers into the late 1950s. Further iterations of the models I and II were offered, but did not sell well. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leica_Camera
above: NoHigher! English star actress Natalie Dormer (Sophie Turner's partner in "Game of Thrones") with 'Leica M' photo by: Selene
En. text: Natalie Dormer (born 11 February 1982) is an English actress. She became known for her roles as Anne Boleyn on the Showtime series The Tudors (2007–10), as Margaery Tyrell on the HBO series Game of Thrones (2012–16), Irene Adler/Moriarty on the CBS series Elementary (2013–15), and as Cressida in the science-fiction adventure films The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 (2014) and Part 2 (2015). She has been nominated for Best Performance at the Gemini Awards for her work in The Tudors. She has also been nominated for a Screen Actor's Guild Award for her performance in Game of Thrones. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Dormer
above: MedRes! Natalie Dormer with mimic for coincidence look below: NoHigher! "Csíz!" Natalie as Studentka of Russian Policeman higherschool

above Three: Leica M3 cutaway model: upper Two: MedRes! bottom: NoHigher!
above: NoHigher! Hollywood star actress #Scarlett Johansson looks by 'Leica' M8 digi camera
Hu .text: Scarlett I. Johansson (1984. november 22. –) Golden Globe-díjra jelölt amerikai színész, énekesnő. Pályafutását A suttogó című 1998-as filmmel alapozta meg. 2008. május 20-án jelent meg első zenei albuma, „Anywhere I Lay My Head” címmel. ... hu.wikipedia.org/Scarlett_Johansson
En. text: Scarlett Johansson (/dʒoʊˈhænsən/; born November 22, 1984) is an American actress, model and singer. She made her film debut in the fantasy comedy North (1994). Johansson subsequently starred in Manny & Lo (1996), and garnered further acclaim and prominence with roles in The Horse Whisperer (1998) and Ghost World (2001). She shifted to adult roles with her performances in Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) and Lost in Translation (2003), for which she won a BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role. ... en.wikipedia.Scarlett_Johansson
18+above: NoHigher! Hanging belt. source: facebook.com

above: MedRes! Leica-M with Leitz Canadian made objective
above: 18+ NEW! BigRes! Elsie Hewitt bottom of boobs source: pincelebs.net
En. text: Elsie Hewitt was born on March 5th, 1996 in London, England as Elsie Rose Hewitt. She moved to Los Angeles at 10 years old. Elsie began her career at 18 years old as a model, recognized for her 2018 Spring/Summer Guess Campaign. Elsie is an actress, known for Teenage Badass (2020), Benny Blanco & Juice WRLD: Graduation (2019), Turnt (2018), and Mostly Ghostly: Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? (2014). Elsie is also pursuing a career and gaining distinction in the food world. ... https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8091630/bio/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm
Hegyeshalmi Richárd:
NEW! Hu. text: Jégből készített kameralencsét egy fotós:
A körülményekhez képest meglepően jó minőségű felvételeket készített egy fotós Izlandon – legalábbis ahhoz képest, hogy a fényképezőgépéhez jégből készült kameralencsét használt. Mathieu Stern egészen idáig utazott, hogy kellően tiszta jeget találjon, majd a megfelelő formába fagyasztva ezt használta a fényképezőgép optikájához. ...
I made a CAMERA LENS with an ICEBERG
Mathieu Stern: Bemutató dátuma: 2018. okt. 23.
Shooting photos using an ice lens was my dream for almost 2 years. After some research I saw that almost no one ever tried this crazy idea, mainly because it's hard as hell to find pure ice, and even harder to get a clear image. So I had the choice to give up on my idea because it was too hard, or to just level up in the craziness. If it's hard to find pure ice in my city, maybe I should go where I could find some 10 000 year old pure ice : Iceland's famous " iceberg beach". The night before the experiment, there was a huge storm, all the icebergs were dragged away from the beach, so we had no choice but to wait some days. Three days later, we arrived on the beach at 5AM and had the chance to see some huge icebergs all over the beach. We stayed there for almost 6 hours in the cold to create... only one true working ice lens. Now the facts : - First of all the life-span of a lens made of ice is very short, so you can't move very far from where you create the lens. - Focusing is extremely hard because of the water melting on the lens itslef. - Shaping one " lens" takes 45 min because of the ambiant cold. - If your lens breaks in the mold, you have to start all over again - I hacked a Japanese cocktail ice ball maker to create half spheres. - The housing of the lens was made using a home made 3D print model. - All photos where shot during the 1 minute of the last ice lens. - The video at the beginning of the video was shot in the last usable seconds of the last ice lens. - No I didn't ruined my camera with water damages, even if it was pretty dangerous, I managed to keep the inside dry. Now if people asks me "Are you happy with the result ? it's a bunch of blurry photos !?", my response would be : "this project is a scientific, artistic and poetic project, I never imagined the result would look like the photos that comes from an ultra modern lens, but I was amazed by the strange beauty of the images I made with the first ever 10 000 year old lens." This is not a project for everyday photography, it was an adventure and a bet that when you have a crazy hypothesis, you should do everything to experiment it in the field. You can check the photos in full HD here : https://tinyurl.com/y7k6pz4b Additional shots and Editing were made by my beautiful wife ( also the model in the photos) and my best art direction advisor : Mariel Bluteau

above: NoHigher! Sara Jean Underwood The Leicicus prepare optimechaniker expert in glassshoes - Az üvegcipősLeika javító Gyári Z Ikonosztáz szakember source: mellbimbo.eu photo: www.dios4.me
Sara Jean Underwood (born March 26, 1984) is an American model, television host, and actress who was chosen as the Playmate of the Month for the July 2006 issue of Playboy magazine and later became Playmate of the Year in 2007. She is a former host of Attack of the Show! on G4. ...

above & below: NoHigher! LEICA
above: MedRes! Chassis - Váz
above: MedRes! Mechanism - Mechanizmus
above: Left: MedRes! Leica M2 Right: MedRes! Leica
above: NoHigher! Norway star actress Liv Ullmann operates Leica in Ingmar Bergman film
En. text: Liv Johanne Ullmann (born 16 December 1938) is a Norwegian actress and film director. She is known as one of the "muses" of Swedish director Ingmar Bergman.
Ullmann won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama in 1972 for the film The Emigrants (1971), and has been nominated for another four. In 2000, she was nominated for the Palme d'Or for her second directorial feature film, Faithless. She has also received two BAFTA Award nominations for her performances in Scenes from a Marriage (1973) and Face to Face (1976), and two Academy Award nominations for The Emigrants and Face to Face.
Norsk text: Liv Johanne Ullmann (født 16. desember 1938 i Tokyo i Japan) er en norskskuespiller, manusforfatter og filmregissør. Hun fikk gjennombruddet sitt i Edith Carlmars komedie Fjols til fjells i 1957, og sin første hovedrolle i Carlmars Ung flukt i 1959. Samtidig begynte hun også å spille i teaterstykker, og fikk gratistimer hos skuespilleren Tore Foss. På 1960-tallet fikk hun flere filmroller, blant annet i Tonny (1962) og Pan (1962). Hun spilte også i teateroppsetninger som Hamlet, Kransen, Peer Gynt, Brand, Kongs-Emnerne, Et dukkehjem, Rosmersholm og Faust, og spilte stadig i NRK-serien Fjernsynsteatret. ...
Hu. text: Liv Johanne Ullmann (Tokió, 1938. december 16.) norvég színésznő, forgatókönyvíró és filmrendező. Élete: Liv Ullmann Tokióban született, ahol repülőmérnök apja akkoriban szaktanácsadóként dolgozott. A norvégiai Trondheimben nőtt fel. Ingmar Bergman kilenc filmjében játszott főszerepet. A neves rendezőtől 1966-ban született lánya, Linn Ullmann az új évezred nemzetközileg elismert norvég írónője. (Pár regénye magyarul is olvasható: a Mielőtt elalszol, az Áldott gyermek és a Kegyelem.) - Bergmannal közös munkái, különösen az erőteljes Jelenetek egy házasságból az 1970-es évek feminista és kulturális ikonjává és korának egyik legelismertebb színésznőjévé avatták. Két alkalommal jelölték Oscar-díjra: az 1971-es Kivándorlók és az 1976-os Szemben önmagunkkal filmszerepéért. Sok évig New Yorkban élt második férjével, az amerikai Donald Saundersszel, kihez 1985-ben ment nőül, 1998-ban váltak el. Két sikeres önéletrajzi művet publikált: Changing (Változások, 1977) és Choices (Választások, 1984) címmel. -A norvég, svéd és angol mellett több más európai nyelven is beszél. A UNICEF sokat utazó jószolgálati követe.
above: NoHigher! Leica M6

above: MedRes! M6
Mix: above: MedRes! below: MedRes! LEICA M6
above: MedRes! Leica M6 cutaway graphics - röntgenrajz
above: HiRes! Leica M8 below: NoHigher! Silver
above: NEW! MedRes! Nikon S D700 with #Voigtländer "Nokton" classic objective
above: NoHigher! Leica M9 Edition below Two: MedRes!
above Two: MedRes! Leica M9 designers photo: Leica AG
During the recently finished Photokina 2010, Leica has introduced the digital rangefinder camera Leica M9 Titanium, designed by Walter de´ Silva - a renowned automobile engineer of the Volkswagen firm - and made in a limited edition of 500 units,attached to a Summilux-M 35 mm f/1.4 ASPH, whose outer metallic components are likewise ...
above: NoHigher! "Boss of designer team in Fragmented Prismatic no clear sunglasses": Hungarian 'Sugarbird' fashion by Sona Skoncova
Modellfotó kiértékelése - Evaluation of Modelphoto: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/02/176-modellfoto-hatter-keresese-es.html
Modellfotó kiértékelése - Evaluation of Modelphoto: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/02/176-modellfoto-hatter-keresese-es.html
above: NoHigher! Product sketching of designer - Formatervezői vázlat
above: NoHigher! Claudia Schiffer germany topmodel - deutsches Model und Schauspielerin.
En. text: Claudia Schiffer (German pronunciation: [ˈklaʊ̯dɪa ˈʃɪfɐ]; born 25 August 1970) is a German model, actress and fashion designer. She rose to fame in the early 1990s as one of the world's most successful models. In her early career, she was compared to Brigitte Bardot.
She has appeared on more than one thousand magazine covers and holds the record for the model with the most magazine covers, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. In 2002, Forbes estimated her net worth to be around US$55 million (£38 million). ...
above: NEW! HiRes! Nicole Kidman sexy and braless for Vanity Fair-magazine may 2019. source: celebsdump.com
En. text: Nicole Mary Kidman, AC (born 20 June 1967 -age 56- Honolulu, Hawaii, USA) is an Australian-American actress, singer and film producer. She began acting in movies in 1983. She starred in various Australian movies and television shows. Her first major role was in Dead Calm in 1989. Her performance in the musical Moulin Rouge! (2001) earned her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress. She later won the award in this category for playing Virginia Woolf in The Hours (2002). Kidman appeared as Atlanna, Aquaman's mother, in the 2018 DC Comics-Warner Bros. movie Aquaman (2018). She played Lucille Ball in the 2021 biographical drama movie Being the Ricardos. She won a Golden Globe Award and earned an Academy Award nomination in 2022 for her role as Ball. ... https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicole_Kidman
The coincidence effect; above: MedRes! Joe - 2014.
above: HiRes! The original scene with breast stars in 1958.: Left: Sophia Loren Right: Jayne Mansfield
The side-eye seen ’round the world. This 1957 photo of Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield caused controversy. Loren (black dress) was a newcomer who just skyrocketed to stardom in Europe when she became the most photographed artist at the 1955 Cannes Film Festival. Two years later there was a Beverly Hills party which was meant to officially welcome Loren to Hollywood…but the Italian bombshell had her spotlight unexpectedly stolen by Mansfield. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Loren confirmed she was thinking exactly what it looks like she was thinking.
above: HiRes! Heidi Klum as Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield nyc by: Mark Seliger 2002. - Koincidál a szemük.
above: NoHigher! Hungarian star model: Miss. Mihalik Enikő at 'Victoria's Secret': Coincidence of Her hands - A kezeinek egyeztetése bottom: NEW! NoHigher! Real Coincidence by Doris Day
Thanks! to Mr. Tk. 1st.Lt. Blazius Hautzinger von Jásd Leader of MATASz's Tradition keeper section in Budapest-city, that He has initialed and urgented this create of post by His desire for knowldege - Köszönet! Jásdi Balázs Hő. fhdgy. MATASz Hő.Tag.vez-nek Budapesten, hogy a tudásvágyával kezdeményezte és ösztönözte ennek a bejegyzésnek a megalkotását. -Blogger- Juliet'uncle - Juci'bácsi
above: NEW! NoHigher! MINOX photocamera with rangefinder source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NoHigher! Idda van Munster with "Fresnel"- sharpener system 'Zenit-E' 1950s with Pageboy hairstyle
En. text: Aida Đapo (born 5 June 1990), known by the pseudonym Idda van Munster, is a Bosnian blogger, model, and make-up artist. She is Bosnia's first pin-up girl. Her inspiration comes from the fashion and hairstyles of the 1920s to 1960s.
Đapo was born to an ethnic Muslim Bosniak family in the Herzegovinian town of Trebinje, located in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Her favorite TV show as a child was The Munsters and her pseudonym Idda van Munster originates from her admiration of the "glamorous" character Marilyn Munster. Đapo also lists actress Marlene Dietrich as an inspiration. She began an English-language blog on the website blogspot under the pseudonym Idda van Munster and her modeling career took off shortly thereafter.
Đapo appeared in the music video for "Ters Bosanka" by the Bosnian rock band Emir & Frozen Camels featuring singer Mirza Šoljanin. The video premiered 3 December 2013.
On 23 July 2013, the website BeautifulWomen named Đapo 2013's "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idda_van_Munster
above: NEW! HiRes! English supermodel Cara Delevingne photos with LEICA - Elle UK - September 2023. source: pincelebs.net
En. text: Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (/ˈkɑːrə ˌdɛləˈviːn/ KAH-rə DEL-ə-VEEN; born 12 August 1992 -age 31- Hammersmith, London, England) is an English model and actress. She signed with Storm Management after leaving school in 2009. Delevingne won Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014. Delevingne started her acting career with a minor role in the 2012 film adaptation of Anna Karenina by Joe Wright. Her most notable roles include Margo Roth Spiegelman in the romantic mystery film Paper Towns (2015), the Enchantress in the comic book film Suicide Squad (2016), and Laureline in Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cara_Delevingne
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