Astronavigation Sextants & Octants, Celestial navigation - Csillagászati navigáció, Szeksztáns és Oktáns. Bubble-Astrodomes and Aircraft's cockpits & cutaways IL-14 (Wikipedia)
18+Under The Fine Correction: Upload:106% - 03.09.2018.:+++++++:+-

above: NoHigher! Astro & Visual navigation domes / bubbles on Ilyushin IL-14 photo: Russos source:
above: NoHigher! Double astrodome shape layout system photo by: theCHIVE
above & below Two: MedRes! Face section - Orrszekció
above: NoHigher! IL-14 Deutsche Lufthansa DM-XYZ (DDR)
above: NoHigher! Vintage photo: 1960s 2 Women Sit Under Beauty Salon Hair Dryers Clear Helmets Hoods Curlers Talking Gossip source:
above: NoHigher! Vintage photo: 1960s 2 Women Sit Under Beauty Salon Hair Dryers Clear Helmets Hoods Curlers Talking Gossip source:
above: NEW! MedRes! CSAF Av-14T in Praha Kbely aviation museum. photo:by Kizmus Szabolcs
above: NoHigher! IL-14 astrodome in Navigator's area
above & below: NoHigher! MS FS IL-14 astrocompass & sextant - Polyarnaya Navigaciya
above: NEW! MedRes! MALÉV Yak-40 - Jak-40 and IL-14 in "Aeropark" museum beside BUP 'Liszt Ferenc'-II. ('Ferihegy'-II') IAP source:
above: NEW! HiRes! MALÉV IL-14 Budapest, LHBP-II "Ferihegyi" repülő - aviation Skanzen/Museum 'Aeropark' at 'Liszt Ferenc' IAP Terminal-II 2018. july 14. photo: Courtesy FREE! My Son, Andrew Juhász "Bubu" Andor source: facebook
above: NEW! NoHigher! Famous model, Nikki Schielerziering sites in astrodome
above: MedRes! lSA international vienna plate & dome 30cm
above & below: MedRes! IL-14 photo: Igor
above: HiRes! Opened Emergency EXIT hatch - Nyitott Vészkijárat (búvónyílás) with Astrodome and left the Navigator's workplace.
above: MedRes! IL-14 cockpit - pilótafülke source:
18+above: NEW! MedRes! Seating female Captain in IL-14 cockpit. source: Igor/ facebook Ürmös István
above: HiRes! Hu.AF - MLE: V.I.P. Ilyushin IL-14 MN 93th mixed cargo avn. sqn. Budapest - Tököl (Csepel island) early 1970's source: facebook - Bárdi László 'Képek a felszabadulás utáni magyar katonai repülésről'
Hu. text: Az Il–14 (olvasd: iL-14, NATO-kódja: Crate) a Szovjetunióban az 1950-es évek elején kifejlesztett kétmotoros, kis hatótávolságú szállító repülőgép. Az Il–12 továbbfejlesztett, javított változata. Polgári és katonai szállítási feladatokra egyaránt alkalmazták. A Szovjetunión kívül Csehszlovákiában, a Német Demokratikus Köztársaságban és Kínában is gyártották. MedRes! Hungarian Airlines - MALÉV - Magyar Légiközlekedési Vállalat Il-14 source: facebook: Malév csoport - photo: Ossik János
above: MedRes! Czechoslovak Ilyushin IL-14 licence product Ilyushin - Avia Av-14T OK-LCA/LBG CSA 29.05.1957. Paris Le Bourget IAP Air Show. - Cz. text: Iljušin Il-14 (V kódu NATO „Crate“) byl sovětský dvoumotorový vrtulový víceúčelový letoun, který byl vyráběn i v Československu jako Avia 14 source: wikipedia
Ил-14 (по кодификации НАТО: Crate — «Ящик» или «Контейнер») — советский ближнемагистральный самолёт. Разработан в конце 1940-х годов для замены устаревших Ли-2 и Ил-12 Первый полёт Ил-14 совершил 13 июля 1950 года. ...
above: MedRes! Ил-14 ОКБ С. В. Ильюшина - Seirgei Ilyushin below: NoHigher! IL
above: NoHigher! East Germany DDR - NVA's IL-14T cutaway
above: MedRes! Ил-14 (по кодификации НАТО: Crate — «Ящик» или «Контейнер») — советский ближнемагистральный самолёт. Разработан в конце 1940-х годов для замены устаревших Ли-2 и Ил-12 source: wikipedia
above: MedRes! IL-14 Navigator workplace Blogger: First reality impression was the Navigator workplace in january of 1970 on the Slovak Inner Affairs Ministerium's - Belügyminisztérium IL-14 from Poprad Tatry LZTT to LHBP after Bratislava IAP landed. On board was a Slovakian blonde very pretty translator women too. - Az első motorosrepüléses élményem ehhez a képhez kötődik, sí-sérült r. őrgy. - alez. Apámnak hazahozásával.
above: NoHigher! IL-14's Female - Női navigator at home
above: NoHigher! Californian quality 'Sextant' red-vine - vörösbor for detemine of Sea-Level
above: NoHigher! ...Solution: Hu. Széll Tamás winner product on Bocuse d'Or sef competition in France, Lyon 2017. photo: Ms. Kalas Gyöngyi below: MedRes! IL-14's plexi bubbles
above: Bubble decompression
above: MedRes! Ilyushin IL-14: AEROFLOT
above: HiRes! Czech MONOGRAFIE IL-14 Zwo View for modellers below: NoHigher! Front view
Avia Av-14T od ČSA na pařížském aerosalonu roku 1957 | |
Určení | dopravní letoun |
Výrobce | Iljušin |
První let | 20. září 1950 |
Zařazeno | 1954 (Aeroflot) |
Vyřazeno | 1998 (Vietnam) 1998 (Sýrie) |
Charakter | Několik málo ks v provozu |
Uživatel | Sovětské letectvo Indonésie, ČSA, Aeroflot, LOT, Air Mali, Malév, TAROM, JAT |
Vyrobeno kusů | cca 3 600 |
above: MedRes! POLAF retro artwork profile: Ił-14 (ros.Ил-14) – Pol. text: radziecki śmigłowy samolot pasażersko-transportowy z 1950 r. zaprojektowany w biurze konstrukcyjnym Iljuszyna.
above: MedRes! Military IL-14T 1956. october, november due Hungarian Revolution by artist Basil Zolotov
above: MedRes! Detail Part of 'Air Art Graphics' HuAF poster - Részlet Juci'bácsi MLE plakátjából
HuAF Poster 'Zrínyi' kiadó:
above: NoHigher! Desktop model about Deutsche Lufthansa DM-SAL (DDR)
above: NoHigher! Hu. text: "Repülő" lendkerekes lemezjáték repülőgép IL-14 FLIMIGy - Győr - Hu. made Flywheel tin toy early 1960's

above: MedRes! Soviet Polyarnaya Aviatsya - Polar Aviation IL-12 source:
above: NoHigher! CCCP-04190 on Arctic North or South?
above: NoHigher! USAF Operational Navigation Map: Arctic - North pole - Arktisz Texas Univ
HiRes! USAF Air Operational Map: above: Greenland & Artic North pole below: Antarctica
above: MedRes! Cyrillic Soviet Map about Antarctica - Antarktisz - Déli-sark
above: MedRes! Little blur original photo about sturman workplace to left.
above: NoHigher! AEROFLOT Il-12s at Budapest LHBP 'Ferihegy' appron - előtér in 1955. source:
above: NoHigher! Soviet IL-14 below Two: Medres! Soviet, Beriev Be-12 P/ASW amphybia from C2
above: MedRes! Squadron print sheet of Be-12 by profile by 3D russian artist Basil Zolotov
above: MedRes! Berijev - Beriev Be-12 "Chayka" Russian Flotta

above & below: MedRes! Navigator cabin in nose photo by: Sergeydoyla.Livejournal
above: HiRes! ASW amfybia Beriev Be-12 navigator panel with ACSh-1 clock
above: NEW! Input data source: tumblr
above: NoHigher! The presumable counted ASW mission's enemy target in shore of Florida
Graveyarder vreck cockpit below: NoHigher! Goverment Fire Fighting

above: NoHigher! Collins Dryer Chair and solution

above: NoHigher! Glavnij Constructeur: Beriev's good fashion frisure
above: HiRes! Passage to rear section
above: Upper Two: MedRes! Lower: MedRes! Be-12 cupol photo by:
above: MedRes! Beriev "Chayka"-Gull"-"Sirály" Be-12 surveillance & astro cupol/dome
above: NoHigher! Hydromassage Bubble Vehicle "White Submarine" - Hidromasszázs járgány
above: NoHigher! Hu. text: Sunpath in year
above: NoHigher! Sunpath on Summer & Winter - A Nap pályálya nyáron és télen
above: NoHigher! Suncompass and dial
above: NoHigher! Tilda Swinton the extravagance women - Candy
above: NoHigher! NA B-25 "Mitchell" medium bomber FO's astrocompass
above & below: MedRes! Crew of B-25 cockpit with 'David Clark' headphone
above: NEW+! MedRes! B-25 cockpit
above: NoHigher! Original B-25 Instrument panel and Pedestal
above: NoHigher! WASP: female air force: engineering test pilots of B-25
above: NoHigher! Christmas Pin-Up Girl Before Upper Turret from Warbirdspinup by Christian Kieffer photo
above: NoHigher! "Catch 22" movie: FO 'Nately'/Art Garfunkel
above: NoHigher! Warbird Pin-Up Girls:

above: NoHigher! AstroCompass on geodesy tripod
Avro Lancaster / Heavy Bomber Astro Compass MK II Suspended from the navigator's upper observation dome. used to calculate true North from stars or Sun.
above: NoHigher! Sundial Ring from 1570. - Napóragyűrű
above: MedRes! Night Witch & Bats - Éjszakai Boszorkány denevérekkel source:
NoHigher! above: Lancaster in night sky below: Famous Painting about "Lancaster's crew
above: NoHigher! Swiss, Geneve: Roger Dubuis "Excalibur Quatuor" dial with four turbillon
below: MedRes! АК-53П Soviet Aviation Astrocompass AK-53P

Herczeg Tamás a napórás szaki: Astrocompasses - Napiránytűk:
below: MedRes! Greubel Forsey "Invintion Piece" very interesting complication with a twist on conventional timekeeping.

below: MedRes! Greubel Forsey "Invintion Piece" very interesting complication with a twist on conventional timekeeping.

above: NoHigher! IWC - International Watch Corporation - Schaffhausen "Sidereal Time"
above: NoHigher! English and Hollywood star actress Emma Watson with dome-cup of coffee in luncheon time during movie process source: Jared
above: HiRes! Automatic Astronavigation dome, Astro Tracker MD-1 for B-52C/G source: NASM

above: NoHigher! below: MedRes! MD-1 Astro Tracker/Auto Astro (GAM-77 B-52)

B-52 MD-1 Astro Navigator: Before GPS, a primary navigation method for ships, aircraft, spacecraft and missiles was celestial tracking, also known as astronavigation. The basic approach is to sight on the sun or a particular star and calculate the position of the aircraft, missile or ship from the sighting angles to the star. The calculation is based upon highly accurate data about the positioning of the sun and certain reference stars at various time and locations. For modern applications, the star tracking location is used to calibrate and update an inertial navigation system.
Early Air Force aircraft such as early B-52 bombers relied on a human using a sextant through a bubble in the top of the plane. Some time in the late '60s, manual sighting was replaced on the E and F models by this automatic astro tracker mechanism and its associated analog computer. At some point, the astro navigator was replaced by GPS. Our device has a maintenance tag dated 1983, so the system was used at least until then.
Similar "star trackers" were and are used on many other planes such as the SR-71 and RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft, the B-58 bomber, and the P-3 Orion patrol plane. Of special interest is the fact that the most modern USAF plane, the B-2 bomber, still has a automatic star tracker navigation system. Many missiles, including some currently operational ones, also use automated start tracker navigation: the Polaris, Poseidon, Trident, MX, SM-62 Snark and the AGM-28 Hound Dog, and others. ... Continue MD-1 at far
Glenn’s Computer Museum

above: NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's theory diagram about Aerial Navigation Systems Courtesy FREE!
above: NoHigher! Juci'bcsi's scan collect: Hu. text: Article from Hu. MHSz Repülés review - Flight: Elektronika a repülésben-II. 1983. april
above: MedRes! English 'Decca' Long Range (Oceanic) Hyperbola Navigation System
above: NoHigher! DECCA system
above: NoHigher! INS - Inertial Navigation System - Tehetetlenségi Navigációs Rendszer (Inerciális) Gyro unit below: HiRes! INS Gyro Unit, LN3-2A Platform MVC-877X

above: MedRes! yrillic: Giro cardans
above: NoHigher! Döttling Girowinder: watch-winders that merely spin in one direction.

above: MedRes! The newest gimbal system seat / armchair with green latex blondie dragon and ... photo by: Bulltosh source:

above: MedRes! Schema of LASER-Gyro by "Sagnac" princip - Laser kreisel - Lézergiroszkóp
above: HiRes! Inside LASER kreisel
above: NoHigher! Swiss made Juvenia "Sextant-III" watch
above: NoHigher! Hand Fan - kéziLegyező
above: NoHigher! Female Airship Navigator with sextant shape fan in Her hand. Steampunk tendencies, By: Daniel Lahaie Photography - Great outfit

above: MedRes! Astro Media's assemby Paper Sextant for Youth age below: NoHigher! it's to use

above: MedRes! Old vintace Sextants
above: NoHigher! Byrd's Expedition, sextant Floyd Bennett aeroplane revealing surveying

above Three & bottom Two: MedRes! Zeppelin Bubble Sextant 'Coutinos' Early Bubble Sextant
above: NoHigher! Classic Marine Sextant
Sextant marine instrument - Szeksztáns:
above: NoHigher! Sextant looker Airshipper - Léghajós by: Andy Silver photography
above: NoHigher! Made in Germany 'Zeppelin' 100 Jahre - years, chronometer watch
above: HiRes! Luftwaffe Zeppelin's Female Crew
above: MedRes! Zetef - ZF: Zeppelin Friedrichschafen, "Graf Zeppelin" LZ 130 airship cutaway
223.) Airships - Léghajók: "Zeppelin" Friedrichshafen & vintage Ladies! & Landscapes: Budapest and Stockholm:
above: NoHigher! The Desire Hungarian K.u.K. Airship Captain: Runway & photomodel Hungarian Miss. Mihalik Enikő 2016. from world famous "Victoria Secret's" fashion firma. source: hefti
Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography teamInez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. ...
Hu. text: Mihalik Enikő 1987. május 11-én látta meg a napvilágot Békéscsabán, Magyarországon. Magyar modell.
Kezdetek: Már fiatal korában is nagyszerű alakkal rendelkezett, mégsem tervezte, hogy egy nap modell lesz belőle. Tizenöt éves korában, bevásárlás közben fedezték fel, majd a 2002-es Elite Model Look-versenyt meg is nyerte, a nemzetközi megmérettetésen viszont csak a negyedik helyig jutott. Azonban ez is elég volt ahhoz, hogy a Visage Management leszerződtesse...
above: NoHigher! Airshipper Women portrait - Léghajós Asszony portré

above: The Vial/Bubble sextant - Libella-szeksztáns for aeronavigation (The vial/libelle/bubble as artifical horizon instead the sea surface)
Sextant maritime use and astronomy navigation - a szeksztáns használata:
above: HiRes! Plath Hamburg marine sextant
above: MedRes! 'Gamma' Művek - Works Budapest Sextant: Ez a kincs egy magyar Ipartörténeti remekmű! This treasure is masterpiece is An One Hungarian History of Industry! Hungarian Collector: Mr. Szigeti Szabolcs from facebook 'Magyar Mérőműszerek" - Zárt Csoport. Vintage 'Gamma' Szeksztáns - marine Sextant
from facebook: Hu. text: Köszönöm! Most végre megtudtam, hogy a szextánsom Gamma gyártmány (valaki kicsiszolta belőle a gyártó jelzését, ki tudja milyen okból. De szinte megegyezik a képen láthatóval, annyi különbséggel, hogy a mikrorméter dob fémből van és a sötétítők kerete szögletes.
Gamma-művek Budapest works:

HiRes! above: Lightpath: Bubble Sextant - A Fény útja: Buborék Szeksztáns below: Bubble Refill

above: HiRes! Bubble Refill with Fluid - A Buborék Libella Feltöltése Folyadékkal
above: HiRes! Light source and bubble unit by:
above: NoHigher! model Jenna Jameson in sextant style sitting
Jenna Jameson (born Jenna Marie Massoli; April 9, 1974) is an American entrepreneur, webcam model and former pornographic film actress, who has been called the world's most famous adult entertainment performer and "The Queen of Porn. ...
above: NoHigher! AN 5740 navigation Chronometer below: MedRes! USA 'Smithsonian' Museum: innovative Adjustable Rate Clock / Second-Setting Watch,
above: MedRes! First Atlantic flyer Charles Lindbergh's navigation instrument on board "Spirit of St. Luis" monoplane
above: MedRes! Charles Lindbergh's swiss made 'Longines' wrist-watch below: NoHigher! Lindbergh's bubble sextant USA National Space and Air Museum, Washington
Charles Augustus Lindbergh "Lindy" (February 4, 1902 – August 26, 1974), nicknamed Slim, Lucky Lindy, and The Lone Eagle, was an American aviator, military officer, author, inventor, explorer, and environmental activist. At age 25 in 1927, he went from obscurity as a U.S. Air Mail pilot to instantaneous world fame by making his Orteig Prize–winning nonstop flight from Long Island, New York, to Paris. He covered the 33 1⁄2-hour, 3,600 statute miles (5,800 km) alone in a single-engine purpose-built Ryan monoplane, Spirit of St. Louis. This was the first solo transatlantic flight, and the first non-stop flight between North America and mainland Europe. Lindbergh was an officer in the U.S. Army Air Corps Reserve, and he received the United States' highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor, for the feat. ...
above: MedRes! Lindbergh's airplane "Spirit of St. Louis" - "St.L. Szelleme" source: from Orkney islands
above: NoHigher! "Lindy" 2nd Lt. Charles A.Lindbergh hadnagy USASRC March 1925.

above & below Three: HiRes! Japanese Bubble Sextant - Japán Buborék Szextáns

above: HiRes! Alhidade Vial/Libelle - Libella

above: NoHigher! A True Real libelle/vial at GFR, Bavaria, München 'Octoberfest' in "Löwenbrau" Beer pavilon - Egy igazi reális libella a Sörfesztiválon

above: HiRes! Blue Scope combined peep

above: HiRes! Left: Index Mirror Right: Horizon Mirror
above: MedRes! Real Simulaing of Sextant Mirror System by very famous world model hungarian Miss. Palvin Barbara of 'Victoria's Secret' fashion firma
Hu. text: Palvin Barbara (Budapest, 1993. október 8. –) magyar divatmodell.Tanulmányait az Erkel Ferenc Általános Iskola és Gimnáziumban, illetve a Szinyei Merse Pál Gimnáziumban végezte. Kiskorában leginkább az éneklés és a labdarúgás érdekelte. 2006-ban, alig 13 évesen indult karrierje, ekkor „fedezték fel”, miközben Budapesten sétált. Még ebben az évben debütált a Spur Magazine-ban.
2008-ban az ELLE magazinban egy nagyobb divatanyagban szerepelt. 2009-ben felvették az IMG Modellügynökséghez, szerepelt a L'Officiel orosz, francia és holland kiadásának, és a Jalouse, a Vogue és a Glamour címlapján is. Palvin a kifutón 2010 februárjában, a Milan Fashion Week alkalmából debütált, a Prada „képviselőjeként”. 2010 tavaszán a párizsi divathéten is részt vett. Louis Vuitton, Miu Miu, Nina Ricci, Emanuel Ungaro, Christopher Kane, Julien MacDonald, Jeremy Scott, Vivienne Westwood, Etro, Loewe és Giles modelljeként is mutatott be ruhákat, továbbá a 2011 Chanel show-t is ő nyitotta meg. Későbbiekben modellkedett az Armani Exchange, a H&M, és a Victoria’s Secret részére is. ...
above: HiRes! The Light Reostat - Fényerőszabályzó Potencióméter
above: NoHigher! Captain's golden sextant ring jewelry "with potentiometer/regulator spool" source: Polarkoru-Jewelry www.Captain-ring

above: HiRes! Left: Rheostat - Reosztát - Potentiometer Right: Lighting system - Megvilágítás
above: HiRes! Lighting System by Sextant Book source:
above Two: HiRes! Japanese Label on the wooden box - Japán címke a fadobozon
Celestial navigation
En. text: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the Anne Tyler novel, see Celestial Navigation (novel). For the "Celestial Navigation" episode of The West Wing, see The West Wing (season 1). For other uses of "Celestial", see Celestial.
En. text: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the Anne Tyler novel, see Celestial Navigation (novel). For the "Celestial Navigation" episode of The West Wing, see The West Wing (season 1). For other uses of "Celestial", see Celestial.
Celestial navigation,
also known as astronavigation, is the ancient science of position fixing that
enables a navigator to transition through a space without having to rely on
estimated calculations, or dead reckoning, to know their position. Celestial
navigation uses "sights," or angular measurements taken between a
celestial body (the sun, the moon, a planet or a star) and the visible horizon.
The sun is most commonly used, but navigators can also use the moon, a planet,
Polaris, or one of 57 other navigational stars whose coordinates are tabulated
in the nautical almanac and air almanac for that year. ...
above: MedRes! Hadley's octant - -féle oktáns 40 degrees astronavigation accessorie
Sextant maritime use and astronomy navigation - a szeksztáns használata:
above: HiRes! Celestial Constellation
above: HiRes! Antique Armillary Sphere

above & below: MedRes! Celestial Globes
above: MedRes! Eye Iris World Global Vision - Szem szivárványhártya glóbuszosan
above: NoHigher! Hysek "Colosso" press-161m-ft.
above: NoHigher! "Vostok" instrument panel below: MedRes! Globe with N.& Mid. America
above: NoHigher! Magnetic hovering vintage globe
above: NoHigher! The Geography & Visual Navigation Teacher. Sheer Black Stockings With Visible Stocking Tops Red Skirt White Blouse and Black Heels photo by: Celeste Giuliano
above: NoHigher! Globe photo and you can see North America and California from far under clouds. below: HiRes! Satellite or Space Shuttle or ISS space station photo from California, Long-Beach.
The World Geodetic System (WGS) is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and navigation including GPS. It comprises a standard coordinate system for the Earth, a standard spheroidal reference surface (the datum or reference ellipsoid) for raw altitude data, and a gravitational equipotential surface (the geoid) that defines the nominal sea level.The latest revision is WGS 84 (also known as WGS 1984, EPSG:4326), established in 1984 and last revised in 2004.[1] Earlier schemes included WGS 72, WGS 66, and WGS 60. WGS 84 is the reference coordinate system used by the Global Positioning System.
above: NoHigher! Steampunk style Atlas by Blas Ingraham
above: NoHigher! Steampunk style Atlas by Blas Ingraham
18+above: NoHigher! Fantasy painter, Boris#Vallejo: Atlas source: PPS
above: NoHigher! Globegirl source: also PPS
above: HiRes! Globelight at Night over Europe 2015. 12.16. - Európa fényárban
above: HiRes! earth-flight-routes-europe-planet-whit-universe-background source:
above: Med Res! Basic princip about EWarth vy WGS 84 - World Geodetic System. Hu. text: A két leggyakrabban alkalmazott rendszer a GPS mérések koordináta rendszere a WGS'84 , valamint az EOV (Egységes Országos Vetületi) rendszer.
below: Left: NoHigher! Hu. text Right: MedRes! Cyrillic text

above: NoHigher! UpperLeft: French text Upper Right: Cyrillic text Bottom: Hu. text
above Two: NoHigher! Hu. text: Magnetic Princip - A mágneses irányok összefüggései elv
above: NoHigher! The probably Mars with water - Feltételezett Marsi vizek
above: NoHigher! The Classical Astrologian Expertress: Sibyl by Fortune Teller by Magic Card system: Bar Rafaeli adverts the new lingerie collection, with glassball as foretell. - Asztrológus-nő Kártyavető Jősnő/ Bige
Bar Refaeli (Hebrew: בר רפאלי; born 4 June 1985) is an Israeli model, television host, actress and businesswoman. Considered among the most internationally successful models to come from Israel, alongside models such as Nina Brosh and Michaela Bercu. According to Forbes Israel, she was the highest paid model in Israel in 2013, ahead of the combined modeling income of other Israeli models such as Esti Ginzburg, Gal Gadot, and Shlomit Malka.
She was the cover model of the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and was voted 1 on Maxim magazine's Hot 100 list of 2012. Since 2013, she has been the host of The X Factor Israel.

above: NEW+! NoHigher! Sxtoct 'STATION" Watch-Face screenshot Android
above: NoHigher! Diesel 3 Bar "Only The Brave" Time 3

above: Left: NoHigher! Celestial Globe Right: MedRes! Original Hungarian Magic Globe, the Unicum pharmacy-helath liqueur - gyógylikőr (in First Aid box - Elsősegély kisszekrényben)
above: NoHigher! Earth and Sun in the Celestial Sphere - A Nap és a Föld a Csillagászati Gömbben
above: NoHigher! "Magic sphere - Varázsgömb"
above: MedRes! Eplictic path
above: NoHigher! Star-pics - Csillagképekabove: NEW+! NoHigher! Sxtoct 'STATION" Watch-Face screenshot Android
above: NEW! HiRes! (Only max Ve 1300 px): Milky-Way - Tejút galaxis 2018 august from M1 Highway close to Győr in Hungary. photo: Hu. Mr. Bence Paksi 'Strange Contrast' photography source: facebook/Paksi Bence
Hu. text: Paksi Bence 'Strange Contrast' photography Tegnap, 2018.08.16.13:57
Rohanó világunk..
A képet az M1-es autópálya felett készítettem Győrben. :)
Erre egy évet kellett várnom, hiszen a tejút az augusztusi hónapra fordul olyan helyzetbe, hogy az autópálya felett rajzolódjon ki. Nagyjából 1 hetem volt az elkészítésére, hiszen a Hold pár nap múlva a visszavert fényével kitakarná a tejutat, szeptemberben pedig már túlságosan a kép jobb oldalán helyezkedne el.
Leírás azoknak, akik kicsit beleásták már magukat a fotózás világába:
A fénymérték különbségeket 3 ugyanabban a pozícióban készített képpel tudtam kiküszöbölni. (Ha egy képet készítek, akkor vagy az égbolt lenne korom sötét, vagy az autópálya lenne egy fehér paca.)
Az elsőn az autók lámpáit próbáltam helyesen exponálni, (ISO 100, 15sec)
a másodikon az autópálya környezetét, (ISO 100, 30sec) a harmadikon pedig a tejutat (ISO 1600, 20sec). Utána ezt a 3 képet Photoshopban maszkoltam össze, valamint röpke 4 óra utómunka várt még rám. Bár nem vagyok teljesen elégedett, de azért a tavalyi képemnél talán jobb lett.
above: MedRes! "Andromeda" starfog below: NoHigher! Arabian Giro Hanging - Függő
above: HiRes! Fantasy landscape - Fantasztikus tájkép source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! Sextant Angel source: below: NoHigher! In the Astrologie ball
above: NoHigher! Sol de la medianoche
above: HiRes! World airline routemap 2009.above: NoHigher! Diesel 3 Bar "Only The Brave" Time 3
above: NoHigher! Navigator kit - készlet
Navigation disk; NoHigher! above: Dead Reckoning Computer 'Felsenthal & Sons'
Navigation in Windy Weather Meteorological Condition - Slide Disk & Ruler:
18+above: NoHigher! The mathematics Teacher - A Matektanárnő
above: NoHigher! Pasabahce Patisserie Bell Glass
above: MedRes! Curtiss C-46 "Commando" transport below: MedRes! Parashuter C-46
above & below: HiRes! C-46 drawings model and cutaway drawing key En.
above: NoHigher! Commando in flight
above: NoHigher! Commando Commander: Ancilla Tilia in latex commando suit with DD-strips
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's scale 1:72 English made 'Airfix' box cover coll.: Douglas DC-3 "Dakota"/C-47 "Skytrain" on D-Day para mission
above: HiRes! Major Shayley Smith- Model in the cockpit of USAAF C-47 "Dakota" Photo by: Mark Greenmantle source: Google G+ Hu. collector: Bányiczki Zoltán
above: MedRes! C-47's assembler procedure of cockpit in Douglas works
above: HiRes! Burlesque dancer Miss Curvella at the controls of the C-47 cockpit at South Australian Aviation Museum Photo: Mark Greenmantle source: Google G+ Hu. Collector: Bányiczki Zoltán
above: NoHigher! USAAF C-47 "Skytrain"
above: NoHigher! Maggie Gyllenhaal for Agent Provocateur; Cheerio ! In field lingerie with a one astodrome glass of Champagne for Dakota hero - Köszöntés "Egészségedre" tábori zöldneműben.

NoHigher! C-47 Plexi astrodome renovation
above: HiRes! Other Astrodome by Miss Isabella Bliss Biritish burlesque performer iun International London. Photo: Captured by Corinne source: by Hu. Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
above: HiRes! below: NoHigher! D-Day C-47 Dakota. Onboarding practice by US ARMY's 101st Airborne division's para regiment "Screamingt Eagles" - "Vijjogó Sasok" a 101-es Légiszállítású hadosztály ejtőernyős ezrede. artist painter: Robert Taylor source:
above: HiRes! C-47 in D-Day strips
above: NoHigher! Kelsey's AA 82nd Airborne/Parachute division: Become a Paratroper Enlist!
above: HiRes! DG-3 civil airliner cutaway drawing
above: MedRes! Former Yu. airliner, Hu. MALÉV - MAgyar LÉgiközlekedési Vállalat - Hungarian Airlines' DC-3 it was captured from Yugoslavia after MiG-15bis intercept action in Hu. FIR early 1950's. LHBP 'Ferihegy' appron 1960's. Not Li-2!
above: MedRes! C-47 "Skytrain"
above: HiRes! C-47 cyrillic text Cutaway - Komponovochnaya schema - Röntgenrajz
above: HiRes! Cyrillic text: Color graphic artwork about Columbiana AF's C-47 1980's
above: NoHigher! Australian TAA DC-3
above: NoHigher! Translated Hu. text: " Navigátor: Hol a pokolban vagyunk? "
above: NoHigher! Aussie 'Qantas' Airlines' DC-3 navigator site photo: Allen Vial
above: HiRes! Miss Curvella in the navigator's station of the Douglas C-47 Dakota. photo: Mark Greenmantle Photography: source: Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
above: NoHigher! Drafting Table Accessories-This restored drafting table was made by Nike Hydraulics for Curvella at home
above: Juci'bacsi's collect: NoHigher! Czech Army gen. Ludvik Svoboda From the Ural to Praha" memorial book: Praque 'Ruzine' airfield C-47 (Li-2?): Gen Rybalko was welcomes Fielinger, Gottwald.
Book: Czech. Ludvík Svoboda Gen. Armádi; "Az Uraltól Prágáig" könyv scan:
above: MedRes! Lisunov (Li-2): Boris Pavlovich Lisunov
Разработчик | Борис Павлович Лисунов, |
Ли-2 — советский военно-транспортный самолёт, производство которого было начато в 1942 году в Ташкенте на базе пассажирского самолёта ПС-84 (1939), созданного, в свою очередь, на базе лицензионного производства американского Douglas DC-3.
above: NoHigher! Moscow Kremlin, Cupola of Central Goverment Building semi spherical cover. source: Ms. Turbuk Noémi fb.
above: HiRes! D-Day striped C-47 rear view

above: NoHigher! EC-47 "Spooky" navigator position
above: NoHigher! Gil Elvgren's Pin Up Girl barbecue process
above: HiRes! The barbecue - Flecken/Flekken production: mirror eggs on steak similar to astrodome
above: NoHigher! 'Spooky's student Navigator on Barbecue party with armor astro dome - Flekkensütő parti pábcél asztrokupolával source:
above: NoHigher! "Armored stainless steel pot/astrodome"
above: NoHigher! USAF AC-47 "Snoopy" below: MedRes! Rear view of 'Gunship'
above: NoHigher! Lindbergh Airline's Douglas DC-3 over San Francisco, 'Golden Gate' bridge par Lucio Perinotto by kitchener.lord, via Flickr
below: MedRes! TWA's Douglas C-54 "Skymaster" photo: Ken Stoltzfus Collection source:
above: NoHigher! Vintage photo for 1960s Two women sitting together gossipping under hairdreesser / HAIR DRYER source: below: MedRes! USAF's C-54Q

above: MedRes! DC-6/C-54 "Skymaster" cockpit and astrodome photo:
above: NoHigher! Vintage C-54A comprehensive presentation 1945. below: NoHigher! Pilgirl
DC-6 by Silver Sreen Images
Airliners Aircraft's door:
above: NoHigher! DC-6 photo: source:
above: MedRes! Junkers Ju-290 cargo - air-freighter
above Two: NoHigher! Focke-Wulf FW.200 "Condor" V3 Reichführer Adolf Hitler's Reisemaschinen below: HiRes! Cross section drawing and layout - alaprajz
above: NoHigher! Arado Ar 232 B freighter - Mach Model
above: NoHigher! DZN periscope for Camera by Yaniv Berg
NoHigher! above: Bubble Octant by C -Plath of Hamburg. below Two: Soviet stollen made: IASz-1M
above & below: NoHigher! Soviet IMSz-3 sextant
above & below: HiRes! C-Plath Hamburg

HiRes! Kurze Bedienungsanweisung

above: NoHigher! Acrylic Cake Dome Cover Round - 30cm
above & below: NoHigher! Dornier Do-24 Flying Boat
De. text: Die Dornier Do 24 war ein dreimotoriges, hochseefähiges Fernaufklärungsflugboot, das 1937 zum ersten Mal flog. Ursprünglich für die Niederlande gebaut, wurde es bis in die 1970er-Jahre vor allem zur Seenotrettungeingesetzt. Noch heute fliegt eine modernisierte Do 24 ATT.
above: NoHigher! Paralell rulers - Párhuzam vonalzó & Compass with pencil on the Marine Chart

above: HiRes! original docu photo about USN & USAAF Navigators' training
Left: FIG. 24-4 . PLOTTING THE COURSE . The Navigator of a naval aircraft plots the plane's course with paralell rulers and dividers. Notice the Aircraft Navigational Plotting Board on the chart table. (Official United States Navy photograph)
Right: FIG. 1-1 . INTERPLAY OF NAVIGATIONAL PROCEDURES . The cadet in the backround is taking an altotude a bubble octant. The one seated has been using the drift meter (at his right) dividers and parallelruler, is transferring data to the plotting sheet. (Official United States Army Air Force photograph)
above: MedRes! PBY Navigator table below: MedRes! PBY museal real cutaway

above & below Three: NEW+! MedRes! Bowe Model "Warthunder"
above: HiRes! Tear Drop shaped bubble recce & waist gunner station - Könnycsepp formájú buborék megfigyelőállás és törzslövész állás
above: NoHigher! Floating taxi by Consolidated PBY below: MedRes! Dashboard & Pilot's controls
above: NoHigher! Cyrillic text: Soviet Navy's "Katalina" KM-2 by 'Land-Lease'- Catalina five view
above: HiRes! PBY cutaway drawing key source: Pinterest /Pilotpress
below: Cyrillic: Left: MedRes! Cross-section Right: MedRes! profiles cutaway/crosssect
below: Cyrillic: Left: MedRes! Cross-section Right: MedRes! profiles cutaway/crosssect
above: NoHigher! NAVY's Consolidated PBY-5A "Catalina" seaplane amfybia source: pinterest
above: MedRes! Walk Around PBY Catalina by English squadron/signal publications
above: MedRes! Catalina dreams about love story on shore of Amfybia port with vet shirt than is similar to waist bubbles. Are you Walk Around?
above & below: NoHigher! 'Catalina' "Lanseaire" in the rear compartment behind the wing

Warbird Pin-Ups Girl:
above: NoHigher! PBY crewman preparing to board
Leonardo Di Caprio: AVIATOR
above: NoHigher! Lockheed P2V-7 "Neptune"during maritime surveillance over to soviet vessel in Caribbean area Cuba crisis 1961. - a Kubai válság idején a Karib-i térségben/tenger felett
above: NoHigher! Grand-daughter of Neptunus God by King of PinUps artist Alberto Vargas
above: HiRes! U.S. Navy's Neptune
above: MedRes! Action model, Lockheed P2V-7 "Neptune" maritime Patrol/ASW aircraft from 1950's source: below Two: NoHigher! HARS Museum & Model
above: NoHigher! Lockheed P2V-7 "Neptune" in Nederland Koninklijke NAVY
above: NoHigher! Cockpit below: MedRes! Sepia - Szépia photo

above: NoHigher! Cockpit below: MedRes! Sepia - Szépia photo

above: HiRes! Convair B-36 AN/APA-59 Navigation Computer:
Compass navigational Control 59 M12 for bombing tasks.
This is part of a complex of devices that integrated navigation, radar, and bombing functions for the giant 10-engine B-36 bomber. We have two components: the APA-59 navigation computer shown here and the A-1A bombing computer (shown as the next item). On the right is a picture of the navigator/bombardiers station in the B-36 showing a very recognizable APA-59 (outlined in red) just beyond the bombsight periscope. source: Glenn's Computer Museum U.S.A.
above: NoHigher! The Presumable target the self made Russian Sub 78 51 LD
above: NoHigher! Astrodome of Neptune
above: HiRes! Wreck astrodome in In Laundry - Mosodában Photo: Dubnichky - Ukrainan, David-Dubnicskij from Dnyipropetrovszk source: / / below: MedRes! Same as situation
abovelow: NoHigher! "Neptune" Navigator & ECM op.'s workplace with yellow edge od astrodome
18+above: NoHigher! Similar to Public Washing Machine style - Hasonló a Közösségi Mosógéphez
above: NoHigher! The Radar-Navigator workplace with astronavigation computer (down left)
above: NoHigher! Fairchild-Maxson A-4 (MX-10) Line-Off Position Computer for B-24 below: MedRes! Front view
This wonderful device is a self-contained mechanical computer from the late 1930's that calculates a type of celestial navigation called "line of position". (If you're not fluent in celestial navigation, it more complicated than one might think. If you want to know more, there are many of good references on the web and here is a free book I recommend.) Another great reference is Technical Manual TM1-206, 1941 which includes a description of how to use the A-4 computer source: Glenn's Computer Museum
above: MedRes! "Microwave Heater control panel" - "Mikrósütő kezelőpanel"
above: NoHigher! Female sexytante navigators breakfast - Női Navigátorok reggelije
above: MedRes! Bubbles: Hollywood Sexyiest star actress Pamela Andersson by
above: NoHigher! NL - Holland Marine Neptunes below: HiRes! Japanese NAVY P2V-7
above: NoHigher! " Female Leader of Marine Aviation". Exotic Lingerie; Magician Adult Lady Sex Toys: Sexy Costumes for Halloween elegante U.S. Marine-NAVY Uniform with Hats/Sailor-Army "Revelllady"
above: MedRes! Revell authenic kit - Hiteles készlet mid 1960's: Lockheed P2V-7 "Neptune" Patrol & ASW (I had got it 1968. from Holczer Tibi'uncle) ((In My opininon this one the best beautiful shaped airplane! It was My Favorit!))
Jet Engines, Turboshaft:
above: MedRes! General arragement P2V-7 below: HiRes! Cyrillic text Detail cutaway
above: MedRes! Four view linedrawing
above: MedRes! P2V-3C Longitudinal Cross section below: NoHigher! USN P2V-7
above: NoHigher! French Marine's Neptune over the Meditteranien sea clos Nice
above: MedRes! #Midway island map: Marine Corps Air Station: Iwakuni Japan
18+above: NoHigher! Stranded victim of aim of SAR action on Midway island
above & below: HiRes! T-29C astrodome source:
above: MedRes! and His Grand-daughter waits, that given a cup of icecream - és Leányunokája várja, hogy adják a fagylaltkelyhet. below: Ice-cream cup - fagylaltkehely: MedRes! Strawberry ice cream - Eperfagyi with sextant shaped wafer - szextant alkú ostyával
above: MedRes! and His Grand-daughter waits, that given a cup of icecream - és Leányunokája várja, hogy adják a fagylaltkelyhet. below: Ice-cream cup - fagylaltkehely: MedRes! Strawberry ice cream - Eperfagyi with sextant shaped wafer - szextant alkú ostyával
above & below: NoHigher! Grumman 'Albatros' amfybia
above: Nohigher! Metal Sextant Instrument angle standing Sexy Titan Lady wallpapered by
above: NoHigher! 'Hampton Nautical' Marine Decor-sculpture Scout's Sextant
above: NoHigher! Jewelry Sextant necklace - Ékszer, Szeksztáns nyaklánc
above: NoHigher! Sextant angle strech sitting by Adriana in Her hand some sweet things

above: NoHigher! Italica F-11-H-05W hajszárító készülék
above: NoHigher! Strawberry ice cream whith milkycream in mammal style glasscup as
above: HiRes! Romulus and Remus symbol of Rome could be medieval replica-loba - sculpture Google
above: MedRes! Convair T-29C Navigation Trainer USAF source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! a T-29 (which was my case) the side view shows the Radome shape but this alone was insufficient and a plan view from the underside or at least a scrap Scale: 1/72
above: NoHigher! Bubble Ensign Girl United States Navy now source:

above: HiRes! Aviaciya VMF Rossyy = Russian NAVY - Flotta on it's top the SzP-1M periscopic Sextant (cropped) below: MedRes! IL-38 maquette

above: HiRes! Jessi June with sensitive search radar wollen domes source:
above: HiRes! B-34 Lexington / B-37PV-1 Ventura / PV-2 Harpoon source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! Bubble Ensign Girl United States Navy now source:
18+above: NoHigher! Wow! Sorry! Functional of the double astrodome shape ice-cream cup
above: NoHigher! Women Pilot in Lockheed P-3 'Orion' Patrol & ASW - Anti Submarine Warfare (Photoshop! Joke. Original clear pic more available)
above: MedRes! 'Orion'-Nebula - Csillagkép: M42 by Constellation-Guide
above: HiRes! P2V-7's successor the Lockheed P-3 "Orion" turboprop Patrol & ASW
above: NoHigher! Sextantual NAVY Orion's Stuwy Girl fashion for 'Halloween' programs
above: NoHigher! 'Orion' consellation - ~ csillagkép
above: NoHigher! Very similar soviet Ilyushin IL-38 Soviet Flotta's VMF Patrol/ASW
above Two: MedRes! IL-38 below: MedRes! Cockpit of "May" in "alizarin" color
above: NoHigher! Colour 'Alizarin' Baby on stiletto in pedestal throttle levers pushing positure photo by: source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! IL-38 Navigator & ASW - Anti Submarine Warfare - Tengeralattjáró Elhárító Operator workplace source: Pinterest Photo: Vladislav Dmitrenko 2012
above: HiRes! Ilyushin IL-38 "May" similar to "Orion"above: HiRes! Aviaciya VMF Rossyy = Russian NAVY - Flotta on it's top the SzP-1M periscopic Sextant (cropped) below: MedRes! IL-38 maquette

above: HiRes! Jessi June with sensitive search radar wollen domes source:
above: NoHigher! Soviet Navy's IL-38 Take-Off
above: HiRes! Intercepted IL-38 by RAF's SEPECAT "Jaguar" in 1987.
above: NoHigher! Driftsight Sextant System for Fighter-Bombers
above Three! NoHigher! Il-38s flyes below: MedRes! During sea patrol mission
above: NoHigher! The Female Navigator's Navigation Dome glass cup for a hard light-night
above: MedRes! Lockheed PV VB 138 at Adak Alaska, Mid 1943. source: Wingspalette - wp.scn.ruabove: HiRes! B-34 Lexington / B-37PV-1 Ventura / PV-2 Harpoon source: Wikipedia
The Lockheed Ventura is a twin engine medium bomber of World War II, used by United States and British Commonwealth forces in several guises, including maritime patrol.
The Ventura was developed from the Lockheed Model 18 Lodestar transport, as a replacement for the Lockheed Hudson bombers then in service with the Royal Air Force. Used in daylight attacks against occupied Europe, they proved to have weaknesses and were removed from bomber duty and some used for patrols by Coastal Command.
After United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) monopolization of land-based bombers was removed, the US Navy ordered a revised design which entered service as the Harpoon for anti-submarine work.
above: NoHigher! PV-1 source: below Two: NoHigher! Graphics
above: NoHigher! PV-1 source: below Two: NoHigher! Graphics
above: HiRes! Cutaway of Lockheed A-29 "Hudson" light bomber
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's maquette's vitrin in Budapest, Bösziút from 1975. 'Zenit-E' photo
above: MedRes! US NAVY Aviation troops' Sextantimissi using Navigator Instructor for male as "Black Widow"-"Feketeözvegy" Aviatrix pinned by LOLO Pinterest
above: NoHigher! U.S. NAVY PV-1 source: Wikimapia
above: HiRes! Lockheed PV-1 "Ventura" at the SAAF - South African Air Force Museum at Swartkop, Pretoria
above: NoHigher! Bubble Sextant Operator: Navigatornhica by photoarist: John Farrar source: / / below: NoHigher! Cockpit area of "Harpoon"
above Two: NoHigher! Stockton Field Aviation Museum: PV-2D 84062 before and after photos
above: NoHigher! The Harpoon's Navigation Secretary source:
above: MedRes! Simulated Bubble Sextant for FS2004
above & below Five: MedRes! RCAF Mark-IX Bubble-sextant by 'Bellsaviation'

above: MedRes! 'Pioneer' Mark 3 Model 1 BU. Aero - U.S. NAVY "Astromatizer" Aircraft Octant -National Air Space Museum ... Will be continue as far ...
above: NoHigher! Japanese Mamiya 645AFD 6 x 6
Mamiya Digital Imaging Co., Ltd. (マミヤ・デジタル・イメージング? マミヤ・デジタル・イメージング ー株式会社, Mamiya Dejitaru Imejingu Kabushiki-gaisha)[needs IPA] is a Japanese company that manufactures high-end cameras and other related photographic and optical equipment. With headquarters in Tokyo, it has two manufacturing plants and a workforce of over 200 people. The company was founded in May 1940 by camera designer Seiichi Mamiya (間宮精一) and financial backer Tsunejiro Sugawara. ...
above: MedRes! PV-2 Harpoon at the National Naval Aviation Museum Naval Air Station Pensacola Florida -FL- 18 JUN 2009 below: MedRes! Pensacola Museum source: Wikipedia
above & below: MedRes! PV-2D Myday Ranch:
HiRes! Miss Betty Ann with Lockheed PV-2D "Harpoon" source: Google G+ Bányiczki Zoltán
VIP Exit Doors - Gépajtók:
above: NoHigher! Renee Perez working on a Beechraft prop by Molly Randall photo
above: NoHigher! Actress in #Amelia #Earhart cast with 'Beechraft's model in #Hollywood production
above: NEW+! HiRes! Belles of Bruntingthorpe". Ava Aviacion, Honey Malone, and Denise Vivienne Denis with Beech D18S Expeditor "Naval Encounter" (G-BKRN) source: G+ Bányiczki Zoltán
above: NoHigher! Netherlander Beechraft AT-7 on Warbirdspinups photography work by C. Kieffer
above: NoHigher! Comics, log of navigation march_1944 with Beechraft AT-7
SAR action comics by AAG & Steve:
SAR action comics by AAG & Steve:
above: MedRes! Instructor and pilot in an AT-7 doing navigation training at Kelly Field, Texas.

above: MedRes! Beechcraft AT-11 over the West Texas prairies, circa 1944 wikipedia
above: NoHigher! made in Japan Mamiya RZ67 PRO II 6 x 6
Soviet Radiosextant
above: MedRes! Sallybeauty Salon Hair-Dryers
above: HiRes! Popcorn diet from astrodome after hair drying - Pattogatott kukorica diéta
above: NoHigher! Astrodome plxiglas below: NoHigher! source: Warbird Info Echange
above: NoHigher! Punch Ice-Cream cup - Puncs Fagylaltkehely
above: NoHigher! Rotary-Table Japan made 'Mitutoyo' industrial measuring microscope - ipari mérő-mikroszkóp
NoHigher! above: MD-1 bubble dome and Display panel of B-52G below: Control panel
will be Continue ...

above: Left: MedRes! Japanese 'Yashica'-D bw. & Right: NoHigher! 'YASHICA' "Mat" boxcameras

above: NoHigher! Left: Air Sextant C-Plath Hamburg Right: AN-5854 Sextant
above: NoHigher! Bubble Octant - Buborék Oktáns. AF-5907N EPSN-0016 source:
above: NoHigher! Pioneer Mark III Octant Patent by: Attorney
ПГ-1M артиллерийская Перископическая орудийный прицел - PG-1M, PG-2s artillery panoramic telescope gunsight - lövegtávcső - Dove-prism principal - К-1 Орудийный коллиматор - collimator:
above: NoHigher! Micrometer "Vernier" scale - "Nóniusz" skála

above: MedRes! below: MedRes! AF-5907N

above: NoHigher! Pioneer' Mark 3 Model 1 BU. Aero - U.S. NAVY "Astromatizer" Aircraft Octant - NASM - National Air Space Museum in Washington D.C.
above: MedRes! A-10A Octant (Blogger: Hu. text: a kedvencem "Jégvirág"-lakk festéssel)
above: HiRes! Sextant NASM - National Air Space Museum in Washington D.C.

above Two: MedRes! M1A1 below: NoHigher! Libelle mark
above: MedRes! American singer, Miley Cyrus' signal
Miley Ray Cyrus (born Destiny Hope Cyrus; November 23, 1992) is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. After playing minor roles in the television series Doc and the film Big Fish in her childhood, she became a teen idol starring as the character Miley Stewart in the Disney Channel television series Hannah Montana in 2006. Her father Billy Ray Cyrus also starred in the show. She subsequently signed a recording contract with Hollywood Records, and her debut studio album Meet Miley Cyrus (2007) was certified triple-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) having shipped over three million units. She released her second album Breakout and launched her film career as a voice actress in the animated film Bolt in 2008. ... wiki/Miley_Cyrus

above: Left: MedRes! Hiawatha as Orion 1 by Right: MedRes! The hunter Orion constellation by herongyang
above: NoHigher! Hadley's octant - oktáns
above: NoHigher! below: Left: HiRes! Right: MedRes!

above: MedRes! Linktrainer
above: NoHigher! Hydroplane Boeing "Yankee Clipper" captain uses the Bubble-Sextant
above: MedRes! Cockpit of Yankee Clipper below: NoHigher! Cutaway model
above: Cutaway graphics: Left: MedRes! Boeing 214 Yankee Clipper Right: HiRes!
above: MedRes! Capacity of passenger of Clipper
above Two & below: NoHigher! Pan American Flying Boat Boeing 214 "Yankee Clipper"
above: NoHigher! Happy Hollywood's ikon, MM - Marilyn Monroe lands to sand of beach
above: NoHigher! After night bad at beach-port of "Clipper" Miss Canada Blondy in "Palmatex" bikini swimmsuit! source: Wow!

above: MedRes! Left: photo: David Dubnicskij 18+Right: Wow! World famous Czech/Cestina modelká by Push-Bra, Eva Herzigova by Vincent Peters
above: NoHigher! Microwave food dome
above: NoHigher! Italian Two stages, Savoia-Marchetti S.M.82 "Canguro"
above: NoHigher! Women under the hair salon hairdryer - Női fodrászszalon hajszárító alatt
above: NoHigher! Boeing B-377 "Stratocruise" advertising cutaway
above: MedRes! Cockpit cutaway - röntgen below: HiRes! "Sztratocirkáló" Röntgen - Cutaway
above: MedRes! PANAM's Boeing 377 by nag's Gallery Airplane Precise Illustration

above: MedRes! Convair XB/B-36 "Pacemaker" strategics bomber
above: NEW! HiRes! Ukrainan made Antonov An-22 'Antej'/'Anteus' - 'Antey' heavy turboprop freighter after belly land. It hasn't got a mounted aerial sextant on nose. On floor crew-rest cabin equipped two side light window with spherical plexiglas "astrodome" for celestial navigation.
above: NoHigher! Soviet Myasischev - Mjaszicsev M4 "Bison"/ "Molot" strategic bomber
above: MedRes! Front view of M-4 "Molot"
En. text: The Myasishchev M-4 Molot (Russian: Молот (Hammer), USAF/DoD reporting name "Type 37", NATO reporting name Bison) is a four-engined strategic bomber designed by Vladimir Myasishchev and manufactured by the Soviet Union in the 1950s to provide a Long Range Aviation bomber capable of attacking targets in North America. The Myasishchev design bureau was formed to build such a bomber. ...
Ru. text: М-4 (самолёт «25»; изделие «103»; по кодификации НАТО: Bison — «Бизон») — советский реактивный стратегический бомбардировщик. Создавался одновременно с Ту-95, отличаясь от него большей скоростью и бомбовой нагрузкой, но меньшим радиусом действия исключительно по причине высокого удельного расхода топлива двигателями марки АМ-3. В процессе серийного производства многократно модифицировался в направлении повышения лётно-технических характеристик. ...
above: NoHigher! Over Bombardier/Navigator's cabin, the SzP-1M periscopic sextant
above: HiRes! English text: M-4 "Bison-A"
Тип | стратегический бомбардировщик |
Разработчик | ![]() |
Производитель | ![]() |
Главный конструктор | В. М. Мясищев |
Первый полёт | 20 января 1953 года |
Начало эксплуатации | 28 февраля 1955 года |
Конец эксплуатации | 1993 год (заправщики) |
Статус | снят с вооружения |
Основные эксплуатанты | ВВС СССР |
Годы производства | 1954 — 1956 |
Единиц произведено | 2 (опытных) + 32 (серийных) |
Варианты | 3М |
above & below: HiRes! 3 MD & M-4 "Buran" Space Shuttle carrier EMS-2 views drawing

above: Mjasischev M-3 "Bison" Left: HiRes! Three view linedrawing Right: MedRes! Cutaway
above: HiRes! M-4A cutaway by artist Mike Badrocke from Air International 1995.
above: HiRes! Developed M4 - 3M EMS-1 Longitude Cross-section drawing below: NoHigher! Photo
above: MedRes! 3M "Bison-B" SP-1M on top of nose below: NoHigher! profile
above: NoHigher! M-4 below Two: MedRes! Basil Zolotov's profile artwork
above: NoHigher! 3M "Bison-B" below: MedRes! 3MS 2 - 3MC 2
below Two: MedRes! place of sextant & SS 'Buran' Space Shuttle carrier - Űrsikló hordozó
above: NoHigher! Latex suited "Buranyca" space-women - Latex-ruhás űrnyanya
above: HiRes! M-4 cockpit photo:
above: HiRes! M-4 in Monyno museum photo:
above: NoHigher! Under the watching by Igor; "Discussion between Crewmembers Navigator-Bombardier and Dome Sturman": Sharon Stone (Right) with David Morrissey in Hollywood Movie: BASIC INSTINCT-2 - Elemi Ösztön-2 - "Elemi ösztönű Vita a személyzet tagjai között"
Basic Instinct 2 (also known as Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction) is a 2006 erotic thriller film and the sequel to 1992's Basic Instinct. The film was directed by Michael Caton-Jones and produced by Mario Kassar, Joel B. Michaels and Andrew G. Vajna. The screenplay was by Leora Barish and Henry Bean. It stars Sharon Stone, who reprises her role of Catherine Tramell from the original, and David Morrissey. The film is an international co-production of Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and Spain. The film follows novelist and suspected serial killer Catherine Tramell, who is once again in trouble with the authorities. Scotland Yard appoints psychiatrist Dr. Michael Glass to evaluate her after a man in Tramell's presence dies. As with Detective Nick Curran in the first film, Glass becomes a victim of Tramell's seductive games. After being in development limbo for a number of years, the film was shot in London from April to August 2005, and was released on 31 March 2006. After numerous cuts, it was released with an R rating for "strong sexuality, nudity, violence, language, and some drug content". Unlike its predecessor, the film received negative reviews and fell short of commercial expectations. ...
below: HiRes! M-4 in Monyno museum inboard photos:
below: HiRes! M-4 in Monyno museum inboard photos:

HiRes! Cupola section for Upper Turret Operator and Periscopic Astro-Sextant SzP-1M
above: NoHigher! СП-1М секстанта - SzP-1M periscopic sextant with special glass cover
ПГ-1M артиллерийская Перископическая орудийный прицел PG-1 Panoráma Lövegtávcső - artillery panoramic telescope gunsight, Dove-prism principal - К-1:
above: MedRes! 3M Upper view drawing

above: MedRes! Data of SzP-1M below Three: NoHigher! Data Table, Manual - Tablica, Leírás

above: MedRes! SzP-1M Astrosextant below: NoHigher! Cyrillic text

above: MedRes! Pillars of the Sky - Égi Pillérek

above: NoHigher! Periscopes for Submarines - Tengeralattjáró periszkópok
above: NoHigher! Another type periscope sextant on British Royal Navy U-Boat: Surveillance/Recon or Attack? or Navigation? periscope
Argentinian Navy HDW TR1700 U-Boat catastrophe on South-Atlantic ocean in 2017. nov.:
above: NoHigher! USN Subitrix WO sailor in periscopic watch pose by Russel Pinups

above: Left: HiRes! Right! MedRes! RN Sub Periscope
above: HiRes! USN SSN "Los Angeles" class periscope
above: NoHigher! Drawing about The U-Boat - Das Boot periscope controls with Sextant
above: NoHigher! "He voluntered for Submarine Service" A vintage navy submarine enlist to serve WW-II NAVY's poster
above & below Three: HiRes! 'Sperry' P-4 Computer with Periscopic Gun-Sight computer for waist Gunner B-29
Here is a extremely rare device, an electromechanical Sperry P-4 (Gunsight) Computer. The only good information I could find about this device can be found in this very interesting article describing article describing another museum's (a real one) P4. Briefly, the background is that the P-4 was originally designed as part of a central fire control system for the remote control of bomber gun turrets primarily for the B-29 and B-32 bombers (the B-32 was a backup in case of problems with the B-29 program). Ultimately, the Sperry P-4 was not chosen by the Army and was replaced by the GE-designed fire control system covered elsewhere in the museum. According to the referenced article, only 460 P-4 systems were contracted for and the number actually built out of these 460 is unknown as the contract was canceled before they were all built. There were several factors that lead to the GE system being chosen, including P-4 schedule delays, but one of the most critical was the small field of view from the periscope. ... source: Glenn's Computer Museum

above: NoHigher! "The Gunner": Comics; actress Jamie Lee Curtis (actor Tony Curtiss' daughter)
Hu. text: Jamie Lee Curtis (Los Angeles, Kalifornia, 1958. november 22. – ) kétszeres Golden Globe-díjas amerikai színésznő, író.
A Sikolykirálynő, gyermekkönyv író, férje révén a Lady Haden-Guest cím birtokosa, de ezt a címét az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban nem használja. Az Activia szóvivője és The Huffington Post nevű online újság bloggere. Jamie Los Angelesben, Kaliforniában született a híres színész Tony Curtis és Janet Leigh lányaként. Apai nagyszülei magyarországi zsidó emigránsok voltak. Szülei 1962-ben elváltak, anyja Robert Brandthez ment feleségül. ...
Hu. text: A True Lies – Két tűz között (eredeti cím: True Lies) egy 1994-es amerikai akciófilm. Rendezője és forgatókönyvírója James Cameron, főszereplője Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tia Carrere, Tom Arnold és Art Malik. Kisebb szerepekben Charlton Heston és Bill Paxton is felbukkan. A film Claude Zidi Titkolt titkos ügynök című komédiája nyomán készült. ... wiki.True_Lies
above: NoHigher! Future Spacewomen as BASAS - Bionic Astro Sight & Sextant source: Mechanical Animal: Badmustache
above: MedRes! Lapampa; Argentinian Restaurant - Étterem in Hungary, Budapest
Continue Myasitchev 3M & Tu-16, Tu-95

above & below: HiRes! Bubble with ASzP sight photo:
above: NoHigher! The Gunner Girl: Wholesale Women's Clothes,Online Catalog, Ladies Clothing,Wholesale Women's Wear & Accessories
above: HiRes! 3MD in Monino VVS Museum near Moscow - Monyino a Szovjet Légierő Múzeuma Moszkva mellett
above: MedRes! 3M during patrol mission below: NoHigher! "Restricted!"
above: MedRes! Aviaciya Voennaya Morskovo Flotta - AVMF's Tupolev - Tupoljev Tu-16 "Badger"-"Borz" during in Recce mission surveillances the US Navy USS FFG-7 "Oliver Hazard Perry" class US Navy's Frigate - Fregatt below: MedRes! VVS
above: MedRes! Soviet Navy AVMF Tu-16 diorama in Hu. Mosonmagyaróvár International Maquette Show & Competition - Makettverseny photo by: activist Mr. Kaszás Csaba
above: NoHigher! Sexy Dieselpunk Girl in KM-1 oxy mask and La-5 leather slemafon of Aviation by Chris Robinson source: facebook - Steampunk site /
above: NoHigher! Soviet Wing badge for pilot & sturman - Osztályos Hajózójelvények

above: MedRes! Left: Navigator/Bombing Officer Sturman Right: Upper Sturman/Gunner
above: NoHigher! Tu-16 Sturman - Navigator/Bomb Aimer above Two: NoHigher! Tu-128 heavy long-range Home Air Defence Interceptor Navigator the rear cockpit below: Winter Tu-128
below: MedRes! DAK DB-5 Navigacionniy instrument panel

above: NoHigher! DAK-DB-5 Astrocompass below: MedRes! DAK

above: HiRes! Sextant shape "Vetrochock - Vetrocsok"
above: NoHigher! below: MedRes! Tu-16 Navigator's Instrument panel
above: MedRes! North Pole source: US AASM "Smitshonian" in Washington
NoHigher! above: Accessories of u-95 Sturman: Vetrochok, Восток Часы 'Vostok' wrist-watch, NL-10 slide ruler, knee Planset, Chart and Aviaciya hat. below: пилотаж Часы; Стрела Штурманские - Sturmanskie - Shturmanskie - Sturmanszkie.
Sturmanskie (also called Shturmanskie) enjoys the prestige of being the first watch in outer space. Russian cosmonaut Juri Gagarin wore a Sturmanskie when he become the first man in space on April 12, 1961. Sturmanskie watches are still manufactured and sold today, though they have been updated considerably for the current market. Gagarin's Sturmanskie was a small, basic mechanical watch. Today's Sturmanskies, manufactured by Volmax, are larger, heavier and generally have more complications. Dozens of different models are available, including Gagarin commemorative models. Many are automatic chronographs. Sturmanskie watches use a variety of mechanical movements including the following calibres: 2614, 2623, 26669, 3133 and 31681. - Sturmanskie watches retail for between $100 and $900.
Poljot (Russian: Полет, literally meaning "flight"), is a brand of Soviet/Russian wristwatches, produced since 1964 by the First Moscow Watch Factory (Russian: Первый Московский Часовой Завод, ПМЧЗ, Perviy Moskovskiy Chasovoy Zavod). The flagship brand of the USSR's watch industry, Poljot produced numerous historical watches used in many important space missions, including the world's first space watch worn by Yuri Gagarin. ...
above: NoHigher! Russian Strelhnycha "Csaszi" Steampunk Gosper by photoartist Aleksey Vododokhov source:
above: NoHigher! Tupolev Tu-16 "Badger" - "Borz" with Gracs/Grach - Crows group photo: Leonid Varlamov
above: NoHigher! Soviet Union/Russia, Moscow, Pushkinskaya square - Moszkva, Puskin-tér
above: HiRes! Moskva Kremlin - Kreml President's Pallace - Elnöki palota
above: MedRes! "Bubble Sextant": Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie (actor John Voight's daughter) as dome Naviator drinks cup of Craft "Lara Croft" beer in prezi building buffet.
Hu. text: Angelina Jolie Pitt (születési nevén Angelina Jolie Voight; Los Angeles, USA, 1975. június 4.) Oscar- és Golden Globe-díjas amerikai színésznő, fotómodell, író, producer, filmrendező, és az ENSZ Menekültügyi Főbiztosságának (UNHCR) különmegbízottja, korábbi jószolgálati nagykövete. A világ legszebb női között tartják számon, és a média minden lépését követi.
Bár gyerekként játszott már mozifilmben apja, Jon Voight oldalán, igazi színészi pályafutása az 1993-as Cyborg 2 – Üvegárnyék című filmmel indult el. 1995-ben kapta első főszerepét, az Adatrablók című alkotásban. Olyan elismert filmekben is játszott, mint a George Wallace (1997), a Kifutó a semmibe (1998), 1999-ben pedig Oscar-díjat kapott az Észvesztő című filmben nyújtott alakításáért. Igazán ismertté a Lara Croft videojáték filmes változatával, a Lara Croft: Tomb Raider-rel vált 2001-ben. Azóta az egyik legjobban fizetett és legismertebb színésznők egyike. Bevétel szempontjából a két legsikeresebb filmje a Kung Fu Panda (2008) és a Mr. és Mrs. Smith (2005) voltak. Angelina Jolie kétszer vált el, és 2005 óta Brad Pitt színésszel él együtt, akivel 2014 augusztusában kötött házasságot; hat gyermekük van. Ám 2016 szeptemberében Angelina Jolie beadta a válókeresetet. ...
The Tupolev Tu-16 (NATO reporting name: Badger) was a twin-engined jet strategic bomber used by the Soviet Union. It has flown for more than 60 years, and the Chinese licence-built Xian H-6 remains in service with the People's Liberation Army Air Force.
Ту-16 (изделие «Н», по кодификации НАТО: Badger — «Барсук») — советский тяжёлый двухмоторный реактивный многоцелевой самолёт. Выпускался в различных модификациях, включая ракетоносный вариант, самолёт-заправщик, самолёт РЭБ и др. Серийно выпускался с 1953 по 1963 год тремя авиационными заводами.
Состоял на вооружении СССР, России и государств СНГ на протяжении около 50 лет. Также состоял на вооружении Египта, Ирака, Сирии и Индонезии. Производился под названием Xian H-6 в Китайской Народной Республике. За время производства было изготовлено более полутора тысяч самолётов Ту-16. ...
NoHigher! above & below Three: Tu-95RC Reconnaissance/Surveillance
above & below: Upper: MedRes! Tu-142M3 RC Lower: MedRes! Line drawings - Vonalrajzok
above: HiRes! Model Tu-96 Long Crosssect.
above: MedRes! Longitudinal cross section Tu-95MS below: "Bear-D"
above & below: NoHigher! Tupolev Tu-95 "Bear" strategics bomber in Cuba, San-Antonio 1982 Zsaryenko
above: NoHigher! Soviet Aviation excellence banner/logo - Kiváló Szovjet repülőgép jelvény
above: NoHigher! The Tu Navigator's car: GAZ M20 'Pobeda' - 'Victory'/Polish FSO 'Warszawa'
above: NoHigher! Tu-142 Upper view drawing
above: NoHigher! Three View of Tu-142 below: Upper: MedRes! Lower: NoHigher! Tu-95/142
above: NEW! NoHigher! Plastic Cream cup
above: MedRes! Navigator's propcone chest Wife at home at "Tupy" fire place/candella - ~ felesége a kandallónál artist: Gil Elvgren source: Google G+ Hu. Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
above: MedRes! Rear cockpit area with Navigator backing workplace and hole of bubble
above: NoHigher! Twin Bubble Sex-Tante "Alizarin Green" Operator photo:
above: MedRes! My year of Birth 1954. Tu-95MS nose on Open Day
above: MedRes! Tu-95MS below: MedRes!
above: MedRes! АЭРОФЛОТ Туполева ТУ-114 - Tupolev Tu-114 "Rossiya" huge Aeroflot-JAL airliner on Japan, Tokyo - 'Hadena' IAP below: NoHigher! Cyrillic text
above MedRes! & below: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi scanned from late 1960's hu. magazine photo: Tupolev Tu-114 "Rossiya"
above: HiRes! Same as Photo source:
above: HiRes! Tu-114 graph: 2014.10.14_keywordsuggestion by grafdewolfgun
above: NoHigher! chief designer Andrey Tupolev under Tu-114 in New York with PANAM ladder/stai
Ru. text: Ту-114 «Россия» (по кодификации НАТО: Cleat — «Зажим») — турбовинтовой дальнемагистральный пассажирский самолёт, спроектированный в СССР в 1955 году на основе бомбардировщика Ту-95. Производился в 1961—1965 годах на серийном заводе № 18 в Куйбышеве. Всего был построен 31 экземпляр серийных самолётов.
above: NoHigher! Made in Germany 'Herpa's exlusive model
above: NoHigher! profile view source: Daily Kos
above: MedRes! Longitudinal Cross section Tu-114 below: MedRes! Half of paper Cutaway
above: NoHigher! DDR VEB made Modellbaukasten scale 1:100 a volt NDK-ból
above: NoHigher! DDR made VEB's Modelbaukasten scale 1:100 Tu-114 (I had got it 1969.)
Veb Plasticart KVZ TU 114 Flugzeug Modellbaukasten Slightly Built 1:100
above: HiRes! MS Avsim Tu-114. OK! The sextant on top itt's place.

above: Left: MedRes! Tu-114 "Rossiya" Moskva, Monino VVS Museum; On top of Glazed Navigator's cupol with SzP-1 Periscopic sextant source: Pinterest: pin/414894184393005241/ Right: HiRes! Tu's nose source: below: NoHigher! Co Pilot's Windshield prepare
above: NoHigher! The head mirror of SzP-1M source: Forum
above: NoHigher! SzP-1M Periscopic Sextant source:
above: NoHigher! ТУ-114 СП-1 секстанта
above: NoHigher! СП-1М секстанта - SzP-1M from Tu-114
above: NoHigher! Submarine 'Kollmorgen' type periscope equipment
above: NoHigher! Navigator of "Rossiya" source:
above: MedRes! Juci'bácsi scanned collection from 1968.: Comfortable cabin
above: NoHigher! Tu-114 captain workplace source: below: NoHigher! Cannes "alizarin" color turquoise - türkiz "red carpet" after will go to seat cover. (Step by step with sextant angle) Who was She?
above: NoHigher! Monino, cockpit source: Avia Pro
above: NoHigher! Jenny Mnemonic-1971 vision of futuristic office furniture
above: NoHigher! Tu-114 at 'Hadena' IAP inTokyo source:
above: MedRes! Tupolev Tu-114 "Rossiya" AEROFLOT at Japan, Tokyo "Haneda" IAP early 1960's
above: MedRes! Aeroflot - JAL Tupolev Tu-114 "Rossiya" at Tokyo 'Hadena' IAP. Sextant equipped with pilygonal cover proof glass dome.
source: Pinterest: Artist: Художник Валерий Барыкин Russian Illustrator Valery Barykin successfully combines the vintage Pin Up Girls with Soviet art propaganda. Artist from Nizhny Novgorod reinterprets the poster style used to arouse Soviet citizens’ sense of civic responsibility, with Leninist literature and heavy machinery supplanted by buxom girls and booze.Russian Illustrator Valery Barykin successfully combines the vintage Pin Up Girls with Soviet art propaganda. Artist from Nizhny Novgorod reinterprets the poster style used to arouse Soviet citizens’ sense of civic responsibility, with Leninist literature and heavy machinery supplanted by buxom girls and booze.

above: NoHigher! Aeroflot's good bubbles Stewardes during boarding works. Soviet - todays Russian artist Pin-Up Girl graphic Valery Barykin - in scene of Tu-104 or Tu-114 ? of Aeroflot cabin.
above: NoHigher! AEROFLOT's Stewardess "Tunyca" below: HiRes! Three: AEROFLOT Calendar 2012. ( Cropped due large size MB) source: Google G+ Hu. Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán

above: NoHigher! Richard Branson's 'Virgin Atlantic' airlines Stewardess/Flight Sextanttendant
above: NoHigher! Astrodomic Streetcar/roller from 1966. Peel-"Trident"
above: NoHigher! Plexi-Bubble Gimbal Stuwy source: prestige@onlytease
above: MedRes! Fairchild C-119 "Boxcar" Towing Target or CSAR version below: NoHigher! Logo
above: NoHigher! Italeri assembly model, 1:72 scale echelle, AC-119K - Gunship
above: NoHigher! Steering wheel Pontiac 1952. The Boxcar Navigator's car
above: NoHigher! Wooden Stand decoration model of C-119 - Dekorációs famodell
above: HiRes! Fairchild C-119 'Flying Boxcar' astrodome
above: HiRes! Convair XC-99 experimental - kísérleti huge strategic cargo below: NoHigher!
above: HiRes! Lockheed "Connie" airliner on mail card from Hu. 'Aero Magazin' 1990's below: MedRes! Beautiful painting: Paris 'Orly' aerodrom
above: NoHigher! British Airways - B.O.A.C. "Berwick" 'Connie'
above: NEW! NoHigher! Vogue & Vintage by: ffirmatio
Quote: I don't know what I hate the most about Monday, the fact I need to put a bra on, or the fact that I have to interact with people without being liquored up. - Idézet: Nem tudom, mit gyűlölök legjobban hétfőben, azt a tényt, hogy melltartót kell feltennem, vagy az a tényt, hogy anélkül kell felbukkannom az emberekkel, hogy felszámolnák őket.
above: NoHigher! MM Marilyn Monroe with her favorite drink in hand - Dom Perignon Pint
Juci'bacsi's collect: above: NoHigher! Hu. book: Szentiványi Jenő: 'Párbaj a Levegőben' 1955. Fedőlap - Cover - Youth Publisher also Coourtesy FREE!
above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's collect: Eugene Szentiványi Jenő: "Párbaj a levegőben - "Duel in the air" Hu. book 1955.
Aircraft, Airliners' doors - Gépajtók:
above: NoHigher! Air France AF-195 Flight Connie's Polarie route
above: NoHigher! Frederique Constant Genéve, Worldtimer GMT Manufacture FC-718 Comprario
above: MedRes! High precision AN5740 nasm Navigation Chronometer with spring suspension
above: MedRes! Connie's Cockpit
above: NoHigher! AF Lockheed L-1049 "Constellation" painting
above: MedRes! Sorry! Air France's 'Wininger' comics booklet from 1980's below: MedRes! "Les Ailes du Reve" -Wininger- publisher Cover & back from Pariser fan graphics artist friend "Újlaki Steve" former kitchen sef in Paris Hu. ambassador
Air France is First

above: NoHigher! "Clipper" PANAM 'Connie' & Stewardess
above: NoHigher! French Christian Dior "jadore" astrodome style parfume
above: NoHigher! Russian Konstantin-Chaykin "Lunokhod-Prime"

Air France's Lockheed "Connie"1958. 04 polaire with 'Kollsman' sextant above: Left: MedRes! Right: NoHigher! below: HiRes! during celestial operation
above: NoHigher! Ergonomics: Hand measurements od Men, Women and Children
above: MedRes! "a (Swedish) blonde 'Avrora' wreck Connie sextant" below: NoHigher! Connie's sextant from 1958.
source: Hefti/ - route: photo: SG
above: MedRes! Victor K.Mk 1 profiles artwork
above: NoHigher! RAF's 'Victor' "V" bomber as Tanker fills to RN F-4 'Pahantoms'

above: HiRes! Globe; South Africa, Madagaskar island, South Atlantic ocean, Antartctica
above & below: NoHigher! Globe in Falkland War 1982. source: Wikipedia

above: HiRes! USAF's Operational Navigation Map: South Atlantic ocean with Ascension (U.K.) & St. Helena (U.K.) islands air route to British Falkland (Malvinas arg.) islands (U.K.) and St. Georges islands (U.K.)

above: MedRes! Diagram of Air Refueling Method to falkland by Victors
The Falklands War (Spanish: Guerra de las Malvinas), also known as the Falklands Conflict, Falklands Crisis, and the Guerra del Atlántico Sur (Spanish for "South Atlantic War"), was a ten-week war between Argentina and the United Kingdom over two British overseas territories in the South Atlantic: the Falkland Islands, and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. It began on Friday, 2 April 1982, when Argentina invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands (and, the following day, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) in an attempt to establish the sovereignty it had claimed over them. On 5 April, the British government dispatched a naval task force to engage the Argentine Navy and Air Force before making an amphibious assault on the islands. The conflict lasted 74 days and ended with the Argentine surrender on 14 June 1982, returning the islands to British control. In total, 649 Argentine military personnel, 255 British military personnel, and three Falkland Islanders died during the hostilities. ...
above Two &: NoHigher! Ascension Air Base (U.K.) below: MedRes! RN/RAF Harriers, Nimrod ASWs and Victor tankers
The Handley Page Victor was a British jet-powered strategic bomber, developed and produced by the Handley Page Aircraft Company, which served during the Cold War. It was the third and final of the V-bombers operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF), the other two V-bombers being the Avro Vulcan and the Vickers Valiant. The Victor had been developed to perform as part of the United Kingdom’s airborne nuclear deterrent. In 1968, the type was retired from the nuclear mission following the discovery of fatigue cracks, which had been exacerbated by the RAF's adoption of a low-altitude flight profile to avoid interception. ...
above: HiRes! RAF On appron: H.P. "Victor" AAR Tanker in backround during landing Avro "Vulcan" bomber
above: NoHigher! Best Beatiful Cockpit Show & Competition
MedRes! Victor-B.2 revised_intakes drom & computer rendered 3D CAD image of the Airfix
above: NoHigher! Top view from AIRFIX England
above: NoHigher! Unfortunately small - Sajnos kicsi
above: HiRes! Handley page H.P. "Victor" Mk 1 Rus. cyrillic text cutaway drawing key - Komponovhka Ris.
above: NoHigher! Left side at back: Bombardier/Navigator
above & below: NoHigher! Bombardier & Navigator & ECM Op.'s workplace
above: NoHigher! RAF Museum, vetrany Victor Pilot
above: NoHigher! Sextanter, Sophie Marceau french actress with "Mk I periscopic sextant"
Fr. text: Sophie Maupu dite Sophie Marceau, née le 17 novembre 1966 dans le 15earrondissement de Paris, est une actrice et réalisatrice française.
Elle a été révélée à l'âge de 14 ans par le film La Boum, qui lui a permis de devenir d'emblée une vedette du cinéma français. Avec La Boum 2, elle obtient le César du meilleur espoir féminin. ...
above: MedRes! AIRFIX 3D image
Airfix is a UK manufacturer of injection-moulded plastic scale model kits of aircraft and other objects. In the United Kingdom the name Airfix is synonymous with plastic models of this type, often simply referred to as "an airfix kit" even if made by another manufacturer.
Founded in 1939, Airfix was owned by Humbrol from 1986 until the latter's financial collapse on 31 August 2006. Since 2007, both Humbrol and Airfix have been owned by Hornby. ...
above: NoHigher! Maquette: Where is the Hole of Sextant? - Makett: Hol a szeksztáns lyukja?
above: MedRes! The ole on Victor
below: MedRes! RAF Mk 1 periscopic sextant mount - beépítés
In short, I think you’d need to modify the necks at the very least. I have a Smiths Mk2 and what I believe to be the civil version of the RAF Mk1. I also have a Mk2 mounting. The tube diameters are both 57mm within 0.1mm, and the grooves are the same width and the same distance apart. However, the Mk1 tube is longer above the top groove, but shorter below the bottom groove. Moreover, on the Mk2, the azimuth ring is on the sextant, but on the MK1 it must be on the mounting, because my Mk1 only has a lubber line, no azimuth ring. The Mk1 will go into the Mk2 mounting past the first interlock, and you can open the hatch, but it won’t lock up, because the second interlock doesn’t make. Surprisingly, although the Mk1 tube is slightly longer than a Mk2 tube, the head doesn’t stick out quite so far from a Mk2 mounting (see photos). So to summarise, a Mk2 sextant might fit in a Mk1 mounting, but you’d probably have to remove the azimuth ring from the mounting first, and even then, it might not work. Paul Brewer knows much more about working on these sextants than me. If you have a Mk1 mounting, please supply some photos. David Pike Date: 2016 Jan 20, 01:37 -0800
above: HiRes! 'Kelvin Hughes' MK1-1A periscopic sextant THE RAF NAVIGATOR VICTOR
above: Megane Fox after sextant measuring action
above: MedRes! Eye diagram brushes source: thinkyoureswell below: HiRes! Color Earth eye
above: NoHigher! B.O.A.C. - British Overseas Airlines Corporation, Vickers VC-10 airliner jet
above: NoHigher! VC-10 B.O.A.C. , BEA - British European Airways, BA - British Airways
above: HiRes! VC-10 instrument panelabove: MedRes! VC-10 RAF tanker aircraft keep missions flying over Libya. The sextant mount may be on the ceiling over Left side navigator? below: NEW! NoHigher! RAF Super VC-10 tanker
above: NoHigher! 'Arcus' filmcamera
above: NoHigher! B-47E Bomber Navigator portrait of a in his station whit 'Kollsman' astrosextant. High Iron Illustrations: Artist: John R. Doughty, Jr.
above: NoHigher! LIFE Magazine
above: NoHigher! B-52's precedessor Boeing B-47 "Stratojet" below: MedRes! FrontTopview

above: Left: NoHigher! Right: MedRes! B-47 nose section

above: Are Pics similar!?: Marisa Miller - (Molnár Mariska) famous american photomodel Right: MedRes! in AAF's tight suit
above: MedRes! B-52H from KC-135 AR below: NoHigher! Closing position
above: NoHigher! 'Kollsman' Periscopic Bubble Sextant photo by: Brooke Clarke
The American firm Kollsman have produced several fine sextants and were possibly the last firm to cease production of them. Many will be found with name plates suggesting they were produced in Germany or the UK. They may have been assembled in those countries but they were made from American parts.
Their Periscopic sextants are very nice, clean and bright looking. They look the part. Perhaps more so than their European rivals. Compare the Kollsman with the RAF Mk I and 2 periscopic to see what I am trying to say.
Because the periscopic sextant is designed to remove the Astro Dome from a pressurised aircraft they have to be inserted into a rather elaborate skin fitting on the airframe. This skin fitting or Mount as they are called have to seal the air in when the sextant is removed and must have some form of heating to stop water freezing in them.
NoHigher! above: Salon Hardryer below: Hasselblad base box
above: NoHigher! 'Kollsman' periscopic sextant in B-52
above: NoHigher! It isn't like that upper pic, Eyes inspection: ? - Szemészeti vizsgálat: ?
above: NoHigher! Astrolabium Mechanic Expert
above: NoHigher! Astrolabium Mechanic Expert
above & below Three: HiRes! Mount periscopic sextant fitting accessorie DC 28 V- Toronyillesztő egység by 'Sperry' Giroscope Limited Ottawa - Canada
above: NoHigher! Cutaway of Mount

above Four: HiRes! Mount accessorie
above & below Three: HiRes! Mount block

above: NoHigher! Clock box
above: MedRes! Don't Bump, Bang or Drop! - Ne Ütődtesd, Csattintsad, vagy Ejtsed le! by sextant stand to holder Navigator

above: MedRes! Sextant-Case Sexy Carrier: blonde Amanda in overall suit with metalbox
above: HiRes! Case below: Left: MedRes! Right: HiRes! arrange inside box

above: HiRes! Hu. text: Kollsman szeksztáns a dobozában

above: MedRes! M1A1 Sextant Mirror Horizon

above & below Five: HiRes! Cross section drawing of US patent - szabadalmi találmány

above: HiRes! Kollsman MS2801 I (AS) source: Google
above: NoHigher! Half Cutaway of B-52H "Buff"
B-52H Female Aviatrix Navigators, Cockpit:
above: NoHigher! MIL-S-5807A Sextant, Aircraft, B-52 Periscopic 'Kollsman' Instrument Corporation
My present invention is a continuation-impart of application Serial No. 222,113, filed April v20, 1951, n ow abandoned, andrelates to the adaptation and utilization of the type of periscopic sextant shown in my Patent No. 2,579,903 and the mount therefor shown in my Patent No. 2,554,010 as an instrument which functions as an improved astrocompass to provide a continuously `available accurate reading of the true heading ofthe craft in connection with which itis used."` F
In the construction and operation of aircraft, whether of military or commercial design, it is of utmost importance to reduce not only the weight and size of all appurtenances but also to arrange all instruments and elements in such manner that interference with the most efficient aerodynamic form `of the craft is minimized or, if possible, altogether obviated.
In long range craft operating in areas where external navigational aids such as directionalbeacons or loran systems could not always be relied upon or could not always be used (as on many military missions) the efcient aerodynamic design of the craft was originally modied to pro-vide suitable observation means such as a transparent dome by means of which the navigator was enabled to take observations over a desired arc or lield of view without interference with hisline ofsight by portions of the craft. Y n Such domes decreased the speed of` the` craft and were vulnerable not only in a military sense but also yto various unexpected aerodynamic forces. vI x The periscopicy sextant `and theI hatchof my abovementioned patents provided'a means for obviating the dome and substituted therefor a tubular member of the order of 1.37 in diameter which projected beyond the end of the tube was rotatable in a vertical plane about a a horizontal axis to'enable' a sight to be taken on any celestial object. l While this periscopic sextant solved the problem with respect to location on the earths surface, anotherproblem arose particularly with respect to navigation in northern `used 'because they provide an immediate continuo-us indication of heading to the pilot without dependence on external factors or human observation but must, in turn, be corrected 'or at least checked frequently by external factors to ensure that the heading indication given thereby is correct. ...
This aircraft sextant was used for celestial navigation. I think it has been replaced by GPS and/or inertial navigation systems. The patent is dated 1945 and the sticker on the sextant is June 1986. This instrument is a masterpiece of mechanical and optical engineering. The bubble is there and can be controlled by the knob. I think the idea is that the person sighting a star or the Sun, keeps it in the cross hair and at the same time keeps the bubble centered. As the elevation control is moved up and/or down the clockwork mechanism is averaging the elevation over a period of time. When the elevation dial is at 90 you are looking straight up and with it set for 0 you are looking at the horizon. The smallest division on the elevation counter is 1 arc minute ( 1/60 of a degree). Note you can only see out the periscope after the clock lever is pressed, winding the clock AND pushing the button to start the averaging. How you get the averaged answer is a mystery.
I have not wanted to break the seal, but if you did I expect that the clockwork inside would be very interesting. There are two GE 327 lamps easily accessed behind metal covers. One illuminates the bubble and the other the azimuth scale on the mount. ...
above: NoHigher! American 'Kollsman' sortie - féle Sextant: MIL-S-5807A Sextant, Aircraft, Periscopic Kollsman Instrument Corporation MS part no. MS 28011-1

above: MedRes! 'Kollsman' sextant source: airfacts-journal
18+above: NoHigher! Lusty sculpture - Kéjsóvár szobor by Christopher Smith
above & below: NoHigher! M1A1 'Kollsman' Periscopic Sextant
above & below: NoHigher! M1A1 periscopic sextant

above Two and below: NoHigher! Schematics drawings about Kollsman
above: NoHigher! Reticle below: MedRes! Digital Averager - Átlagoló
above: HiRes! Overhaul - Felszerelten
above: NoHigher! Germany made: Cutaway of 'Rolleiflex' box photocamera 'Rolleicord'

above: Left: HiRes! Rolleiflex "Syncro Compur" boxcamera with 'Franke & Heidecke' Braunschweig' objectives Right: MedRes! Real Cutaway
above: NoHigher! Live Tooth Gear-maker Steampunk Girl by: TimoRaab
below: NoHigher! 'Rollei' source:

above: MedRes! Astrodome with Bubble Sextant below: NoHigher! princip graphics

above: NoHigher! Multi Lenses 3D Projector of Planetarium ("Zeiss")
above: NoHigher! NASA's 'Hubble' space telescope photo

above: MedRes! Cyrillic Csillagképek
above: NoHigher! Movie Poster: NOT OF THIS EARTH - Roger Corman Production
above: NoHigher! A Celestial ARMY Instructor - Csillagászati Katonai Oktató
above: MedRes! Sextant Seahorse Case for below: NoHigher! photomodel Jordan Carver geoid dome sexytante specialist by
above: NoHigher! Geoid: rotating 3D globe preview, Geoid height - EGM-2008.
above: NoHigher! Hu. text: Forgási Ellipszoid - Rotating Ellipsoid

above: Left: MedRes! Dreisonstok Reduction Tables & American Nautical Almanac 1937. Right: MedRes! for Mariners and Aviators
above: NoHigher! RAF Bomber Command 1940.
above: NoHigher! H.P. Radar "Halifax" over Paris close to 'Eiffel' tower
above: MedRes! Original Cutaway
above: MedRes! below: HiRes! Revell Handley-Page "Halifax" B-Mk.II Series
above: MedRes! Revell H.P. Halifax below: NoHigher! Nose section
above: NEW! NoHigher! The Navigator's Wife at home with Halifax's lamp

above: Left: MedRes! Right & below: HiRes! Halifax astrodome area over Board Enginier behind Pilot
above: MedRes! Maquette H.P.H. below Two: NoHigher! Halifaxes profiles
above: NoHigher! Cutaway of RAF Short "Stirling" heavy bomber
above: NoHigher! RAF's Short "Stirling" Bomber's Navigator at Work on His Charts
above: NoHigher! Old pencils from Hardmuth Vienna below: 'Vemco' drafting machine

above: NoHigher! Old pencils from Hardmuth Vienna below: 'Vemco' drafting machine

above: NoHigher! American asa E6-B Flight Computer 1970's Slide ruler disk
Navigation in Windy-Weather condition, Slide rules & disks: NL-10, EA6B, Aristo, Vetrochock:
above: NoHigher! Stirling's Radio - Wirelles Operator and dome below: MedRes! 1942.

above: NoHigher! The precedessor of Lancaster the Double engine Avro "Manchester"
above: NoHigher! Lancaster's wirelles Operator
above: NoHigher! Lancaster's Navigator
above: HiRes! General Arrangement Sheet
above: HiRes! Cutaway drawing below: MedRes! Color Cutaway source:
MedRes! "Lancaster" above: Night operation source: PPS below: Warbird Pinup Girls 2015. Calendarabove: NoHigher! Alice Eve English & Hollywood star actress (I'm not slip horizontal!)
above & below: NoHigher! Avro "Shackleton" RN Maritime Patrol/ASW - Anti Submarine Warfare
above: NEW+! HiRes! Aviator pinup girl in the navigator seat, inside the Avro 'Shackleton' Mk.3 PH3 -WR982 "J." Royal Navy Patrol & ASW source: Hungarian Google G+ Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert below: NEW+! MedRes! Profile of AEW A. 'Schakleton'
above: NoHigher! Sexy Aviator also known as my "Halloween" costume next year by
above: HiRes! "Wellington" beef /steak - bélszín/szték
Beef Wellington is a preparation of filet steak coated with pâté (often pâté de foie gras) and duxelles, which is then wrapped in puff pastry and baked. Some recipes include wrapping the coated meat in a crêpe to retain the moisture and prevent it from making the pastry soggy.A whole tenderloin may be wrapped and baked, and then sliced for serving, or the tenderloin may be sliced into individual portions prior to wrapping and baking. Many spices may be added to enhance the flavour; some examples are allspice and ginger. ...
above: MedRes! RAF's Vickers "Wellington" medium bomber below: HiRes! Night bomber
above: MedRes! Czech & English text: Profile View Czech sqn. Mk.IC KX RAF East Wretham
above & below: MedRes! Same as maquette

above: NoHigher! Wellington Fan fetish net-stockings: Vixen-mallory by La Photographie
above & below: NoHigher! Real Cutaway maquette

above: MedRes! Cutaway "Wimpy" maquette below: NoHigher! full view
above: MedRes! Vickers "Wellington" Mk III cutaway
above: NEW! NoHigher! Sextanty fashion as Wellington style by Camila Morrone source:

above: MedRes! Real Cutaway of airframe - A sárkány reális röntgenje
above: MedRes! similar Vickers "Warvick" geodetic airframe

above: MedRes! "Geodetic" WASP crewmember. Net suit on Iveta famous czech modelká.
above: NoHigher! Vintage Recocgnition model - Régi Azonosítási model
above: MedRes! Vickers Armstrong "Wellington" I C
above: NoHigher! WAAF navigator on exam with slide rule - logarléc-cel in WW-Two
above: MedRes! Pickett n540 aviation slide rule below: HiRes! Hungarian 'Gamma' Budapest
above: NoHigher! Canadian Navigator working at his chart table in a Wellington bomber
above: NoHigher! "Richter"? Compass set - Körzőkészlet
above: NoHigher! ... and Navigator's Wife's difficult working set for makeup on the table at home
above: NoHigher! Tracking below: MedRes! Position lines and points
above: MedRes! Wellington's crew: Board Engineer (Tutor), Pilot-Commander
above: HiRes! Pilot's dashboard below: MedRes! Wellington in RAF Museum? Hendon?

above: NoHigher! below: Astrodome on Vickers "Warvick"
18+above: NoHigher! Exiled singer Miley Cyrus on the Moon
above: NoHigher! Dornier Do 217 Germany Luftwaffe's medium Bomber/Recce/Night Fighter/
above: NoHigher! Martin B-26 "Marauder" AAF's medium/operation fast bomber
above: NoHigher! The Co-Pilot face similars to Icon actor Marlon Brando isn't it? (But I hadn't pic about movie werkphoto about it) below: MedRes! MB

above: NoHigher! Elizabeth L. Gardner, WASP, at the controls of a Martin B-26 'Marauder' medium bomber. Very famous Harlingen, Texas photo: B-26 WASP Pilot
above: MedRes! B-26 crew Original photo by Newton H. Kershaw

above: MedRes! B-26 retractable navigator's turret - behúzható navigátor torony below: NoHi! format
above: Martin B-26 Model 179A below: MedRes! Upper view draw about retractable dome
above: MedRes! Martin B-26 "Marauder" America's Flying Torpedo drawing
above: HiRes! "Restricted" Workflow blasted diagram: Major component parts. - "Titkos" Munkafolyamati Robbantott rajz: Fő részek összetevők
above: MedRes! Color Cutaway source:

above: MedRes! Maraduders - Martalócok (Kalózok)
above: NoHigher! Cockpit in National Museum

above: Left: MedRes! Right: MedRes! B-26 "Marauder" retractable navigator's turret in cabin
above: MedRes! This is the view of the radio (left) and navigator positions inside Flak-Bait’s forward fuselage section as you look toward the cockpit. [Photo by Eric Long, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM 2014-02562).]
Martin factory workers completed the B-26 in April 1943 and the Army Air Forces assigned it to the 449th Bombardment Squadron of the 322nd Bombardment Group. Lt. James J. Farrell gave the bomber its name by combining the word for German anti-aircraft artillery, “flak,” with his brother’s nickname for their family dog, “Flea Bait.” Between August 1943 and the end of the war, Flak-Bait and its crews accumulated 725 hours of combat time against Nazi Germany. Over the entire artifact, there are over 1,000 patched flak holes earned in missions that included sorties in support of Allied operations during the D-Day Invasion and the Battle of the Bulge.
above: HiRes! Maquette: cockpit, left paint overhead ns. There is not the Astrodome! source:
NoHigher! above: Machine Wargraveyard - Háborús géptemető below: Emergency land crash
above: HiRes! Martin B-26 Cutaway 'Aero Digest' - Aero Olvasmány from july 15. 1944.
above: NoHigher! Martin B-26 "Marauder" - "Martalóc/Kalóz" USAAF's medium bomber
above: NEW! NoHigher! Plexi logo cupol on middle of 'Plymuth' steering-wheel & Pin-Up Girl source:
above: HiRes! RAF B-26 "Prepare for maritime mission" with torpedoes. Painting on canvas Artist: Michael Turner - (Esztergályos Mihály)
above: NoHigher! Boeing B-17F heavy/strategic bombers' raid over Schweinfurt - bearing works. "Aire-5" painter: Keith Ferris

above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's collect: A the New York Times bestseller Book: Adam Makos (hu. descent: Makkos Ádám): "Higher Call" Hungarian edition: "Felettünk a csillagos ég" könyv by Mount Blanc válogatás - dokumentum regény ( a szakmailag gyenge fordítás ellenére kiváló regény)
above: NoHigher! Nose section with Astronavigation Cupola

above: Left: NoHigher! B-17 Navigator workplace Right: MedRes! Navigator during mapping work
above: NoHigher! Jaquet Droz The Charming Bird Automaton Watch Sings And Dances
above: NoHigher! A Victorian age Watchmaker Steampunk Dome-Navigatoress
above: NoHigher! Nose cutaway below: MedRes! 3D CAD modelling for maquette production

above: Left: MedRes! B-17 "Flying Fortress" Crew of prepares for mission. Right: MedRes! Pin-Up Girl by warbirdphotographer Dietz source: Pinterest/
The US WAC - Women's Army Corps
above: MedRes! Women Air-Force Service Pilots; Trained to ferry all aircraft, four WASPs leave their B-17 Flying Fortress at the Lockbourne four-engine school Ohio. - Frances Green, Margaret (Peg) Kirchner, Ann Waldner and Blanche Osborn leaving their plane, "Pistol Packin' Mama," during WASP ferry training.
above: NoHigher! WASP: 5A-2 leather jacket type A-4 summer flying suit and the A-26 shoes.
above: HiRes! B-17 Nose detail "Lone Star" Flight Museum's Airshow
above: HiRes! B-17 cutaway by FLIGHT Magazine source:
above: HiRes! Cutaway of Consolidated B-24J "Liberator"
above: Hires! Cyrillic text, Color Graphic J-version
above: MedRes! Intentionaly Half page Cutaway graphic about B-24 & PB4Y-1 nose section
above: HiRes! B-24J/PB4Y-1 + B-24's Plexiglass Astrodome
above: MedRes! Creative Art-Color Ice-Cream Cup with Arched Cover Eco Friendly Disposable Jelly Cake-Cup Bowl for Kiwi fruit
18+above: NoHigher! Astrodome artists "Cupidos"
above: NEW! NoHigher! #Commemorative Consolidated B-24J 'Liberator' "Audre" source: Pinterest
above: MedRes! Drawing by Allen 1992.
above: MedRes! Cutaway
B-24D Liberator squadron sqs.9143: Consolidated cockpit, canopy, nose cone, astrodome, tail-dorsal-turret, designed to be assembled-
NoHAB Di.3 sweden Dieselelectro Loco, MÁV with B-24 Emerson nose turret:

above: MedRes! After Emergency Landing crash, B-24 Italy 1944.

above: Left: MedRes! In works during production B-24D Right: MedRes! Glazed Nose
above: NoHigher! After belly landing
above: NoHigher! Consolidated B-24s WASP Ladies
above: NoHigher! Hollywood's star actress Ikon 1940's-50's: Gregory Peck in vintage aviator wear
The Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), they were called "Women's Army Service Pilots" in some sources, was a paramilitary aviation organization. The WASP's predecessors, the Women's Flying Training Detachment (WFTD) and the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) organized separately in September 1942. They were the pioneering organizations of civilian female pilots, employed to fly military aircraft under the direction of the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. The WFTD and WAFS were merged on August 5, 1943, to create the paramilitary WASP organization. The female pilots of the WASP ended up numbering 1,074, each freeing a male pilot for combat service and duties. They flew over 60 million miles in every type of military aircraft. The WASP was granted veteran status in 1977, and given the Congressional Gold Medal in 2009. ...
above: NoHigher! WASP Wings badge - hajózó jelvény
HiRes! WASP's Moms below: Right side Flt. Maj. Nicole Malachowsky "Thunderbirds" Demo Team's member with US former president Barack Obama
In July 2009, President Barack Obama signed the WASP Congressional Gold Medal into law.
above: HiRes! Military Funeral rites procession of WASP Pilot Lady nowadays
above: NoHigher! B-25 former WASP Pilot cca. 90 years old beside her 1944's B-25 "Mitchell"
above: NoHigher! English Vickers "Viscount" with retired veteran Pilots
above: NoHigher! Small pic from Juci'bacsi's collection from early 1960's Hu. booklet? Hu. text: "A modern Airliner's cockpit" ("Viscount" - "Vicomte" /:a Báró és a Gróf közötti rang/:) also Courtesy FREE!
above: NoHigher! True working table for retired Navigator at home: Vickers "Viscount" four turboprop airliner pilot seat.
above: NoHigher! She is a ret. Navigator's PC secretary at home office
above & below: NoHigher! Vickers "Viscount" 707 without astrodome
NoHigher! above: BA's Viscount's Stuwys calendar below: Please One cup of coffee for PC work? from sauce - csészealjból ?
Coffee Time! Would you like a cup of coffee?
above: NoHigher! Timemeter: Polet Aviator Chronograph with 23 rubine crystal
above: NoHigher! TIME Magazine: Washington D.C. White-House & Moscow Kremlin in 2017.
above & below: NoHigher! Cyrillic text: Tu-160 "Blackjack" performance source:
above: NEW! HiRes! Tupolev Tu-22M3
The Tupolev Tu-22M (Russian: Туполев Ту-22М; NATO reporting name: Backfire) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing, long-range strategic and maritime strike bomber developed by the Tupolev Design Bureau. According to some sources, the bomber was believed to be designated Tu-26 at one time. During the Cold War, the Tu-22M was operated by the Soviet Air Force (VVS) in a strategic bombing role, and by the Soviet Naval Aviation (Aviacija Vojenno-Morskogo Flota, AVMF) in a long-range maritime anti-shipping role. Significant numbers remain in service with the Russian Air Force, and as of 2014 more than 100 Tu-22Ms are in use. ... wiki/Tupolev_Tu-22M
above: NEW! MedRes! The astronavigation glassbubble is absent
above & below: NEW! MedRes! Tu-22M3 on top the DKU astrovisir
above: NoHigher! New small astronavigation unit for VVS bomber. The glass bubble size than Ki-13 magnetic fluid compass below: NoHigher! Ki-13 folyadékos gömbiránytű
Compasses-Bussols, Iránytűk:
above: HiRes! Fl. 22888 Wendehorizont-Prüfbock 1944 Lph 3 Hersteller: bxx = 'Askania' Werke AG, Berlin-Friedenau
Artifical Horizon - Műhorizont:
above: NoHigher! Astrovizir AB-1 SM astro-navigation system
In the mid 80-ies in the CDB “Arsenal” it was developed and produced in series astro-navigation system AV-1cm to determine (with inertial gyroscopic system and on-board computing device) aircraft position coordinates (strategic missile carrier Tu-160) at the lengthy duration of the flight. With its small size and weight, this asthma rovizir able to measure the angular coordinates of the stars to the 4th magnitude against the backdrop of the daytime sky with an accuracy of less than 0.01 arc. Translated by google – source
above: HiRes! Globelight Eu. poster:1280 who are most influential sharepoint experts europe.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Tu-22M3 during Take Off - Felszállás közben
above: NoHigher! Tupolev Tu-22 "Blinder" - "Vak/Világtalan"
above & below: HiRes! Tu-22KD drawings - rajzok
above: MedRes! Tu-22 three view drawing below: HiRes! Cross section Tu-22KP
above: MedRes! Cross section of gravity bomber variant
above: HiRes! profile of Tu-22K VVS aerodrom Machulishi below: MedRes! Tu-22PD by Basil Zolotov
above: MedRes! Tu-22 and Remoted Controled - RC double astro sextants - Távirányítású Szxt.
above: NEW+! MedRes! Combat version Tu-22RP cockpit in Poltava avia Museum
above & below: NoHigher! UTI - Training version Tu-22U Blinder
below Two: NoHigher! Combat version with retract ejection seats

above: NoHigher! an Other admiring 'Blackbird" twin bubble sex-Tante: Jordan Carver bombshell retro clothes. source: Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
above: NoHigher! Classic Pyrex Glass Cup
above: HiRes! Steampunk style Milbella Mi-24x "Aira-Hind" Air Art Graphics "Brainstormed" -"Agyfingásos"-profile artwork squadron print. Mi-24V 'Hind' és Bell P-39 'Airacobra' repülőszerkezetek 'Steampunk'-os öszvéresítése -Tail Astrodome- -Cropped Details- Courtesy FREE of Sextant Free Printable!
BellaMi Mi-24V "Airahind" Ми-24, P-39, Sperry ballturret by AirArt:
above: NoHigher! Steampunk Mad Scientist
above: MedRes! Hind antlers
above: NoHigher! Steven Spielberg sortie "Jurassic park" glass-ball mobile
above & below: NoHigher! Lockheed C-130 "Hercules"
above: MedRes! C-130 cutaway drawing
above: HiRes! US NAVY demo team 'Blue Angels' USMC - US Marine Corps' - Tengerészgyalogság C-130 "Fat Albert" -"Kövér Albert" during rocketer Take Off
above: NoHigher! Looking out from "Fat Albert"
above: NoHigher! The abulous Vintage Lime Green "Elegant First Lady" Salon Hair Dryer Chair by Belvedere

above: Left: MedRes! In front of C-130H "Combat Talon" Right: MedRes! Surveillance crewmember unde astrodome source: PPS - Hu. magazin 'Top Gun' 1990's below: MedRes! AD source: Igor113 - Pinterest
above: NoHigher! Canadian CAF female Co-Pilot in Lockheed C-130 'Hercules'
above: HiRes! My daughter Dorothy - Dorottya in USAF C-130 cockpit at Taszár 1991.
above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's photopaper scan collect: DDR made 'Practica' TTL 24x36 vacu Photo from Taszár Hu.AFB "AirShow 1991. C-130 navigator instrument panel and resting bed.
above: NoHigher! C-130 navigator's workplace
NEW! above: MedRes! C-130 on Greenland LC-130H 02.-09.11 xln source: popularmechanics below: NoHigher! Same as sextant "Kollsman" on roof
NEW! above: MedRes! C-130 on Greenland LC-130H 02.-09.11 xln source: popularmechanics below: NoHigher! Same as sextant "Kollsman" on roof
above: NoHigher! C-130 'Kollsman' periscopic sextant
D-1 Mount, Sextant, Aircraft, Periscopic, Kollsman Instrument Corp. - National Air and Space Museum.

above: Kollsman: Left: MedRes! Right: NoHigher! below: MedRes!

above: NoHigher! Australian RAAF C-130 navigator, Flt. Lt. Janelle Kingston
above: HiRes! USAF Hercules' navigator
above & below Two: MedRes! Automatic Astro Compass type MD-1 Display Panel, Star Data by Kollsman Instrument Corporation U.S. USAF B-52, SR-71, U-2 ...

above: NoHigher! Chief designer of Lockheed, Clarance "Kelly" Johnson
Clarence Leonard "Kelly" Johnson (February 27, 1910 – December 21, 1990) was an American aeronautical and systems engineer. He is recognized for his contributions to a series of important aircraft designs, most notably the Lockheed U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird. Besides the first production aircraft to exceed Mach 3, he also produced the first fighter capable of Mach 2, the United States' first operational jet fighter, as well as the first U.S. fighter to exceed 400 mph, and many other contributions to a large number of aircraft. As a member and first team leader of the LockheedSkunk Works, Johnson worked for more than four decades and is said to have been an "organizing genius". He played a leading role in the design of over forty aircraft, including several honored with the prestigious Collier Trophy, acquiring a reputation as one of the most talented and prolific aircraft design engineers in the history of aviation. In 2003, as part of its commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers' flight, Aviation Week & Space Technology ranked Johnson 8th on its list of the top 100 "most important, most interesting, and most influential people" in the first century of aerospace. Hall Hibbard, Johnson's Lockheed boss, referring to Johnson's Swedish ancestry once remarked to Ben Rich: "That damned Swede can actually see air."
Johnson also helped to design the Lockheed AQM-60 Kingfisher a decade before the famous SR-71. The Kingfisher was a highly successful single engine Mach 4.3 capable Ramjet composed mainly of steel, which was used to test American air defenses against nuclear missiles. The information and experience Johnson gained was later used to produce the A-12 spy plane for the Central Intelligence Agency. Johnson then used the combined knowledge of the Kingfisher and A-12 to produce the SR-71 Blackbird. ...
above: MedRes! Lockheed 'Skunk Works' SR-71 "Blackbird"-"Feketerigó" below: HiRes! on Hi-Alt
Hu. text: SR-71: Profi gépnek profi navigáció; Az SR-71 navigációs rendszere "R2-D2"
névre hallgatott, és olyan hihetetlen érzékeny szenzorokkal
rendelkezett, hogy napsütésben is 61 csillagot volt képes
hajszálpontosan bemérni az égen - miközben a gép még a fel se szállt. ...
HiRes! Cutaways by Aviagraphica above: Lockheed YF-12 below: Cyrillic text
above: MedRes! Good visionable the sextant optic glass cober before the hole of AAR tube

above: Left: HiRes! SR-71 Astroinertial Navigation System provided rapid celestial navigation fixes for the nasm 2013. Right: MedRes! SR-71 navigational fixes using stars sighted nasm 2013.
above: NEW+! MedRes! URWERK modelephare - astroscanner style
URWERK is an award-winning watch brand based in Geneva, Switzerland, known for its avant-garde designs and new indications and complications. URWERK was founded in 1995 by watchmaker brothers Felix and Thomas Baumgartner and artist Martin Frei (Thomas Baumgartner left in 2004). They presented their first timepiece with the Academy of Independent Watchmakers (AHCI) at Baselworld in 1997. The URWERK collection has grown to include several series of timepieces including the 110, the 103, the 200, the 1001 and LAB. The UR-110 was awarded the prize for ‘Best Design Watch’ at the 2011 Grand Prix d'Horlogerie de Genève. URWERK also created the Opus V for Harry Winston. ...
above: NoHigher! US Patent: MD-1 Celestial Tracker - USA Találmány: Csillagászati Követő
above: HiRes! TR-71 training version "Blackbird" over mountain chain? photo: USAF
above: MedRes! SR-71 Pilot's cockpit
above: NoHigher! Hungarian Aviation Fan, Photoreporter Veres Viktor in 'Udvarhazy' (orig. Hu.) -Center Aviation Exchibition Place in Washington D.C. source: facebook V.V.
above: HiRes! U.S. Air Force Aerial Photo Slide Rule Type A-1
above: HiRes! Two high performance RamJet-Bubble source:
above: NoHigher! Front View over the clouds
above: NoHigher! Kelly Johnson
above: MedRes! Fantasy SR female pilot graphic by:
above: MedRes! Fantasy SR female pilot graphic by:
above: NoHigher! 'Garmin' digital smart watch with GPS - Global Positioning System
above: Zeppeliner Bubble Sextant
above: NoHigher! Parts of Mirror Telescope - Tükrös Teleszkóp részei
above: HiRes! Aurora - Északi Fény
Hu. text: A sarki fény (az északi féltekén gyakran: északi fény (aurora borealis), délen: aurora australis) a Föld északi és déli sarkánál a légkörbe behatoló töltött részecskék (elsősorban protonok és elektronok) által keltett időleges fényjelenség. Leginkább késő ősztől kora tavaszig figyelhető meg gyakrabban (de nem állandóan) az északi sarkkörtől északra, illetve a déli sarkkörtől délre. Magyarországról általában nem látható.
Nevét a római hajnalistennő Aurora nevéből alkották, de északi fény néven is ismert (a borealis jelentése északi, az australis pedig déli). ...ény
above & below: NoHigher! "Mercury" capsule
Hu. text: A Mercury-program az Amerikai Egyesült Államok első, emberek részvételével végrehajtott űrprogramja volt. A programot 1959 és 1963 közöt] végezte el a NASA, amely idő alatt húsz automata üzemmódban, emberek nélkül, vagy állatokkal végzett tesztrepülésre és hat, űrhajósokat a világűrbe juttató repülésre került sor. A program fő célja az volt, hogy az USA a világon először embert juttasson a világűrbe, ezzel az űrversenyben a maga javára fordítsa az állást a Szovjetunióval szemben] A célok később átalakultak, amikor a szovjetek elhódították az elsőséget a Vosztok-programmal és John F. Kennedy elnök bejelentette az Apollo-programot, ettől kezdve a Mercury-program a minél szélesebb körű űrbéli tapasztalatszerzést szolgálta. ...
above: NoHigher! Single seat Mercury instrument panel
NoHigher! above: "Mercury" periscope below: HiRes! McDonnell's "Gemini" cutaway
Gemini 12 (officially Gemini XII) was a 1966 manned spaceflight in NASA's Project Gemini. It was the 10th and final manned Gemini flight, the 18th manned American spaceflight, and the 26th spaceflight of all time, including X-15 flights over 100 kilometers (54 nmi). Commanded by Gemini VII veteran James A. Lovell, the flight featured three periods of extravehicular activity (EVA) by rookie Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, lasting a total of 5 hours and 30 minutes. It also achieved the fifth rendezvous and fourth docking with an Agena target vehicle.
Gemini XII marked a successful conclusion of the Gemini program, achieving the last of its goals by successfully demonstrating that astronauts can effectively work outside of spacecraft. This was instrumental in paving the way for the Apollo program to achieve its goal of landing a man on the Moon by the end of the 1960s. ...
above: MedRes! Gemini-12 "Agena" mission: Left: Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin with sextant and Right James A. Lovell with "Hasselblad" photocamera
above: NoHigher! "Gemini" sextant below: NoHigher! Twin seat Gemini Cockpit

above: NoHigher! McDonnell "Gemini"
above: HiRes! Apollo-11 CM - Command Module cutaway 40st: Sextant
above: NEW! MedRes! below: NoHigher!
above & below: NoHigher! The CM sextant and eye-piece
above: HiRes! Apollo's NASM sextant

above: X, Y, Z axis
above: MedRes! CM belly side with Sextant and scanning panorama telescope sights
above: NoHigher! Her Girlfriend in Moon-Bar with upper magnificited 'Campari' glass cone cup by artist, Russian: Tatiana Doronina
above: NoHigher! Space Walker with dog - Űrsétáló kutyával
above: MedRes! LM inner space drawing below: NoHigher! Photos the LM Instrument Panel
above: NoHigher! 'Apollo's Lunar Module - LM - Holdkomp sextant http://dodlithr.blogspot.huNASA Moon Hasselblad
Apollo-11 CM, LM: HiRes! Vianney Halter "Deep Space" turbillon
above: NoHigher! Earth Explorer Mission
18+above: NoHigher! Space Light in room
above: MedRes! IR-7 CPM Deep Space
above: NoHigher! CCX: Chest Constellation - Mell Csillagkép

above: MedRes! Telescopes source: below: NoHigher! Under the openable dome cover
above: MedRes! Beyond the half way - Az út felén túl
above: NEW+! MedRes! Hublot MP-07 optic watch
Fr. text: Hublot est une entreprise suisse de montres de luxe, fondée en 1980 par Carlo Crocco et basée à Nyon dans le canton de Vaud. Pionnière dans l'utilisation du caoutchouc pour créer ses bracelets, elle se caractérise par sa conception de montres basées sur ce que la société appelle « l'art de la fusion ». Hublot a été racheté le 24 avril 2008 par le leader mondial du luxe LVMH.
above: NoHigher! United Artists' vintage Movie Poster from 1979: in Ian Flemming's, "Moonraker" Sir Roger Moore ✟ as 'James Bond 007th Agent' from MI 6 source:
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Lunar Walker - Holdjáró: #Mattel's #Barbie-doll
above: NoHigher! Bikini space-suit helmet & gun alien
above: NoHigher! Vostok & Mercury below: HiRes! "Vostok" Central Instrument Panel
above: MedRes! My dear spherical washing-machine instrument panel with my earth display bra
above: NoHigher! Artisty 1984. SSSS - Soviet Space Soyuz Suits
above: NoHigher! Russian Orbital - Descent - Instrument modules source:
above: NoHigher! Soviet/Russian "Soyuz"-"Szojuz - Haza" spacekraft - űrhajó below: MedRes! Cutaway
above: NoHigher! Hu. text: A két- ill. háromszemélyes Szojuz úrhajó - Two or Three seats SC
above: MedRes! A Classical Navigator's wife at home during celestian time Photo: Ukrainan, David-Dubnicskij from Dnyipropetrovszk source: / /
above: NoHigher! Hyper cone Astrodome
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