#Hydroplanes - #Seaplanes - #Amphibians #doors & #hatches - #Beaver, #Catalina, #Sunderland #Flying-Boats - #Repülőcsónakok - #Scalaria air challenge in #Österreiche. #Maldives, #Marilyn#Monroe
18+Uploaded to 112% on - Refreshed: 2021.05.24.:++++++++++:+++++Full
above: NoHigher! Bathing beauties pose with the crew of the Aeromarine "Buckeye"- "Ökörszem" .
Image number: 89-1182 Credit: Archives of the NASM - '#Smithsonian' National Air and Space Museum Washington D.C source: NASMA
above: MedRes! la Seine-river in 1924. testing airboat prototype le ricocheur produced by french aircraft company 'Farman' aviation capable of speeds up to 125 km/h
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's collect: Hu. text: Hungarian Engineer's: #Lampich Árpád & #Samu Béla construction in Austria, Wiener Neustadt .- Bécsújhely 'Hopfner' A 11 amfybia in 1932. source: AMRT Vintage Hu. Book by: Mr. Csanádi - Nagyváradi - Winkler: A Magyar Repülés Története MK - Műszaki Könyvkiadó, -Budapest- 1977. 2. bővített kiadás - The History of Hungarian Aviation - Technics Publisher 2nd. enlarged edition.
above: NEW! MedRes! "Hydroplane floating bodies "Hungarian Technology than" - úszótalpak". Hungarian Through maker - Teknővájó: "Magyar teknőlógia anno".

above: NEW! HiRes! "New wave style F.13 over Freedom-bridge in nowadays". Opposit visible the 'Gellért' Hotel szemben soure: mellbimbo.eu
above: HiRes! marked Hydro-Port at Franz Joseph -bridge - Hidroplánkikötő a Ferenc József hídnál. source: dunai-szigetek.Blogger
above: MedRes! Corrugated Iron on Train coach with Romantic young #Kate Upton? - Hullámlemez R. a vasúti személykocsin source: mellbimbo.eu
Eredeti aligátor szíj Fehér számlap fekete számjegyek Rozsdamentes acél tok polírozott
Átmérő: 40 mm, magasság: 11 mm, súly: 64 g Vízálló 5 atm
VIP acf. doors: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/07/185-doors-of-vip-corporate-private-jets.html


above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's dia-slidefilm repro-photo about My greeting card from Virginia-beach 1995., (USA advert) Retro: Water sky couple - Vizisíelő pár "Human Hydrobody" scan by: szextant

above: HiRes! Cessna Hydroplane: Unbelieve Pipe-dream on lake Balaton - Hihetetlen Vágyálom a Balatonon-ra source: facebook

above: NoHigher! Would be ideal hydroplane-amfybia for Balaton: Russian Beriev Be-103

Image number: 89-1182 Credit: Archives of the NASM - '#Smithsonian' National Air and Space Museum Washington D.C source: NASMA
The National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, also called the Air and Space Museum, is a museum in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1946 as the National Air Museum and opened its main building on the National Mall near L'Enfant Plaza in 1976. In 2018, the museum saw approximately 6.2 million visitors, making it the fifth most visited museum in the world, and the second most visited museum in the United States. The museum contains the Apollo 11 command module, the Friendship 7 capsule which was flown by John Glenn, Charles Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis, the Bell X-1 which broke the sound barrier, the model of the starship Enterprise used in the science fiction television show Star Trek: The Original Series, and the Wright brothers' airplane near the entrance. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Air_and_Space_Museum
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Vintage 1920's Sikorsky S-40 'American Clipper' of the Pan American Airlines (PANAM) pioneered the era of commercial flight from its bold inception in the late 1920s and won fame as history's most iconic airline, thanks in part to its alluring ads and glamorous crew. source: facebook: Andrey Bogdanov & Pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's collect: Hu. text: Hungarian Engineer's: #Lampich Árpád & #Samu Béla construction in Austria, Wiener Neustadt .- Bécsújhely 'Hopfner' A 11 amfybia in 1932. source: AMRT Vintage Hu. Book by: Mr. Csanádi - Nagyváradi - Winkler: A Magyar Repülés Története MK - Műszaki Könyvkiadó, -Budapest- 1977. 2. bővített kiadás - The History of Hungarian Aviation - Technics Publisher 2nd. enlarged edition.
above: NEW! MedRes! "Hydroplane floating bodies "Hungarian Technology than" - úszótalpak". Hungarian Through maker - Teknővájó: "Magyar teknőlógia anno".

above: NoHigher! Junkers F13 'AEROEXPRESS' Hungary hidroplane with chief pilot Endresz György? on Danube-river in Budapest
Hu. text: A Junkers F 13 "Eisvogel" a német Hugo Junkers gépészmérnök által közvetlenül az első világháború után tervezett utasszállító repülőgép. A típus a világ első teljesen fémépítésű polgári célú repülőgépe. Népszerűségére jellemző volt, hogy 1925-ben a világ légitársaságainak már közel egyharmada F 13-asokkal repült, megalapozva a Junkers cég későbbi sikereit. Az F 13-at idővel a hasonlóan sikeres Junkers W 33, majd a Ju 52 váltotta fel a polgári légiforgalomban.
A hat személyes gép üzemeltetői között volt a kor egyik legjelentősebb magyar légitársasága az Aeroexpress is, amely1923–1927 között hat úszótalpas F 13-ast üzemeltetett Budapest és a különböző európai fővárosok között.
Egy Junkers F 13 része a Közlekedési Múzeum állandó kiállításának. Az 1921-ben Svájcból eltérített gép fedélzetén érkezett Magyarországra IV. Károly magyar király az ún. királypuccs idején.
A hat személyes gép üzemeltetői között volt a kor egyik legjelentősebb magyar légitársasága az Aeroexpress is, amely1923–1927 között hat úszótalpas F 13-ast üzemeltetett Budapest és a különböző európai fővárosok között.
Egy Junkers F 13 része a Közlekedési Múzeum állandó kiállításának. Az 1921-ben Svájcból eltérített gép fedélzetén érkezett Magyarországra IV. Károly magyar király az ún. királypuccs idején.
above & below: NoHigher! Junkers-F.13 H-MACA Hu. text: 1926-ból az 'Aeroexpress' hidroplán-légitársaság hidroplánkikötője, Budapesten a Ferenc József (ma Szabadság híd) budai hídfőjénél a Szt. Gellért-térnél source: facebook/Fortepan.hu
When pilot started seaplane propeller by hand in the Lake Balaton
above: MedRes! Memorial table of AEROEXPRESS & Endresz György oceanflyer pilot at Freedom-bridge - Szabadság-híd, Budaer bridgehead - hídfőjénél a Gellért-téren - square source: facebook
above: NEW! NoHigher! AeroExpress' & Ocean flyer pilot 1st Lt. #Endresz György fhdgy. wiki
Endresz György (Georg Endres) (Perjámos, 1893. január 6. – Róma, 1932. május 21.) pilóta, repülőoktató. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endresz_Gy%C3%B6rgy
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: 1938. Magyarország, Budapest V. Belgrád-Ferenc József-rakpart, nemzetközi hajóállomás. Látkép a Szent #Gellért tér felé a Belgrád rkp. Nemzetközi Hajóállomás felől. Adományozó: Mr. Pálinkás Zsolt source: FORTEPAN.hu
above: NEW! HiRes! Duna river-bath opposit the Margit- Margaret-island - Hu. text: Budai Strandfürdő az Újlaki rakparton, a Margitszigettel szemben, 1937. source: Fortepan.hu
above: NEW! HiRes! Hotel 'Gellért & Port of Hidroplane: in the Upper-Right Corner of pics - Jobb-Fölső sarokban. Public Danuber strands/baths - Közösségi dunai strandfürdők. Aerial Old-Timer Photo from North photo: Zainko Géza archive source: Fortepan.hu
above: NEW! MedRes! "Junkers viewer" Girls' coffee-brake on the roof - Lányok kávészünete a háztetőn source: index.hu
above: NEW! MedRes! View from South - Látvány Délről over Southern Railway-connecting bridge
above: NEW! HiRes! View from Gellért-hill 1926. Hu. text: Magyarország, Budapest XI. kilátás a Gellérthegyről dél felé. Előtérben a Gellért Gyógyfürdő és a Műegyetem, távolabb a Lágymányosi-tó és a Összekötő vasúti híd. ADOMÁNYOZÓ: TEHTUBE KÉPSZÁM: 44911 Találat: 1 / 127 source: FORTEPAN.hu
NEW! HiRes! Hu. text: above: 1937. Magyarország, #Budapest XI. Szent Gellért tér, #Gellért-Szálló. Jobbra a Kelenhegyi úti oldalon a fürdő bejárata. ADOMÁNYOZÓ: Uj Nemzedék napilap KÉPSZÁM: 118684 Találat: 12 / 122 below: 1928. Magyarország, Budapest XI. Gellért Gyógyfürdő, hullám medence. ADOMÁNYOZÓ: Fortepan/Album020 KÉPSZÁM: 136014 Találat: 2 / 127 source: #FORTEPAN.hu
above: NEW! HiRes! Potential number of full passenger for F.13 HA-MACA 1930. Lehetséges teljes utaslétszám a HA-MAcához" Magyarország, Budapest XI. Gellért Gyógyfürdő. Donator - ADOMÁNYOZÓ: Mr. Szent-Istvány Dezső KÉPSZÁM: 41588 Találat: 6 / 127 source: Fortepan.hu
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Waiting passenger" in the bathing of the #Hotel Gellért opposit
above: NEW! NoHigher! Far away paint by: Walter Martin Baumhofer
above: MedRes! HA-MACI #Junkers F.13 Budapest on Danube-river at "Freedom"-"Szabadság" bridge-hídnál on Buda-side-oldalon 1920's. It is waiting for passenger transport to lake-Balaton.
V.I.P. Corporation aircraft doors, private Jets & Flight Attendants: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/07/185-doors-of-vip-corporate-private-jets.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! Szent Gellért-tér - square in 1935. source: Fortepan.hu
above: NEW! MedRes! Szabadság-híd from Gellért-hill in 1956.
above: NEW! MedRes! HOTEL Gellért szálló and former Hydro-Port marked by: Google Earth
The Danubius Hotel Gellért is an Art Nouveau hotel on the right river of Danube in Budapest, Hungary. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_Gell%C3%A9rt
above: NEW! HiRes! Model walks on the Freedom-bridge source: facebook/mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! HiRes! a Pretty Woman on the Pester-bank of the 'Freedom'-bridge-head source: facebook/mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! HiRes! Artisty photo about "Freedom"-bridge 2020. august photo by: Tiger's photography Veszprém-city, Mr. Tiger Szabolcs University student, informatics & photo expert courtesy FREE!
NEW! NoHigher! above: Buda-side bridgehead - Budai hídfő - Hu. text: Nosztalgia: Gellért tér Ferenc József híd 1900. below: Nosztalgia: Piac a Duna parton 1890above: NEW! HiRes! "New wave style F.13 over Freedom-bridge in nowadays". Opposit visible the 'Gellért' Hotel szemben soure: mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! "Potential passengers from Gellért-bath." 1935. Hu. text: "Potenciális utasok a Gellért fürdőből" Magyarország, Budapest XI. Gellért Gyógyfürdő. Donator - ADOMÁNYOZÓ: Ms. Turbéky Eszter KÉPSZÁM: 94204 Találat: 15 / 127 source: FORTEPAN.hu
above: NoHigher! above: NoHigher! Junkers F.13 hidroplanes (Destination: from Budapest - to lake Balaton) at Budaer bank of Danube river Szt. Gellért-tér - square close to Franz-Joseph-Brücke - Ferencz József -híd (now: Szabadság-híd - Freedom-bridge) in Hungary, Budapest 1928. source: PPS hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szabadsag-hid Budapestről a Szabadsághíd Budai bridgehead-hídfőjétől a Balatonra
above: HiRes! (Edited!) Aerial photo about Budapest-Lágymányos area 2015. jan. 10. marked with Pink the Gellért-square - tér Hydroplane Port at Szabadság-híd - Freedom-bridge on Danube-river from motoglider 'Motorfalke' over Csepel-island HQNH 800 m AMSL by: Bartus "Buci" pilot and ret.avn.Lt.Col. Soós "Luigi" Lajos ny.rep.alez. president of VREVE assoc. elnök Veszprémabove: HiRes! marked Hydro-Port at Franz Joseph -bridge - Hidroplánkikötő a Ferenc József hídnál. source: dunai-szigetek.Blogger
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Junkers f.13 hidroplan in the Duna-curve - a Dunakanyarban source: dunakanyarkult.hu/index.hu
Hu. text article: 2020. szeptember 05. 13:32 - fabiane
Hidroplánnal, léghajóval, Zeppelinnel és repülővel a Dunakanyarba:
A légi közlekedés előfutárai már a huszadik század elején megjelentek. Érdekesebbnél érdekesebb járművek szelték a Duna felett az eget. ...
Elsősorban bejelentjük, hogy az automobilkirándulás már nem divatos. Újabban már repülőgépen rándulnak a lelkes motorosok. Példa erre a mellékelt nagymarosi fénykép, amely az egyik Aeroexpressz-hydroplánt ábrázolja kikötés közben. Három hölgy és két úr repült vele Nagymarosra, tiz órakor kikötöttek, tizenkettőig strandoltak, aztán továbbrepültek. Azt hisszük, hogy a vasárnapi kirándulásnak ez a módja legalább is újszerű. (Színházi Élet - 1925)

NoHigher! above: Hu. F.13 on lake Balaton - Tihany? backround Balatonfüred? below: F.13 on the over-Danube - a felső-Dunán source: Winkler archiv
above: NEW! HiRes! Siófok port - hafen with hydroplanes: Junkers F.13 D-8 (Deutsch) and Junkers A.450 'Junior'. HA-AIA? - Siófoki sólyatér hidroplánokkal (Fotó: MMKM_TEMGY_2019_1_1_1_22_120 / Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum / Balatoni Hajózási Zrt.) source: index.hu/Mr. Nagy Attila Károly
Hu. text article: Hidroplánok, gőzhajók, versenycsónakok uralták a rég letűnt Balatont:
author - szerző: Nagy Attila Károly 2019.09.02. by: index.hu
Rég letűnt balatoni világ képe bontakozik ki szemünk előtt, ha végignézzük a Közlekedési Múzeum és a Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. (Bahart) által közzétett százéves fotókat: beépítetlen partszakaszok, itt-ott megjelenő villák, üdülők, partszabályozás, csatorna- és kikötőépítések, tóban fürdőző tehéncsordák, gőzhajók és versenymotorcsónakok. Nemigen él már senki, aki emlékezne a 20. század elejének Balatonjára, ezért jöhet jól a két világháború közötti korszak kutatóinak (és persze a történelem iránt érdeklődő laikusoknak is), hogy 2019-ben a Bahart szerződést kötött a Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeummal a hajózási cég Siófokon őrzött archív anyagainak átadásáról és az abban szereplő negatívok digitalizálásáról, katalogizálásáról és kutathatóvá tételéről.
A Múzeumba összesen kilenc doboz archív anyag került az év elején, ezek legnagyobb része fekete-fehér üvegnegatív, kis részben diapozitív. A tekintélyes, korábban sosem publikált, a műszaki kultúra és ipari örökség megőrzése szempontjából kiemelkedően fontos fotóanyagon a múzeum digitalizálási műhelye, muzeológusai, archívumi szakemberei dolgoznak hónapok óta. Szerencsére az ezüst-nitrát üvegnegatívokat kevés sérülés, karcolás érte, így a digitalizálás során sikerült a lehető legtöbbet kihozni az évszázados fotónegatívokból, amik jelentős részben a balatonparti építési munkákban és a balatoni, balatonparti közlekedésben dolgozók társadalmi helyzetét, életük pillanatait mutatja be – mondta Vitézy Dávid, a Közlekedési Múzeum főigazgatója. ...
above: MedRes! Junkers F 13 hydroplane #AEROEXPRESS on upper: Balaton eyebird graphics: NEW! NoHigher! (Crop both side!) by: profila.hu
above: HiRes! "Only this one class Hydroplan-Amfybia operates on Balaton nowadays - Manapság csak ez az egyfajta Hidroplán működik a Balatonon": Mood pics about bay of Balatonalmádi, with Mute-Swan - Bütykös Hattyúval in 2018. august.11. - Parti sétány. XIAOMI Smart-Phone művész-Fotó - artisty Photo by: Ms. Bártfai Mária - Veszprém city-
Hu. text: A bütykös hattyú (Cygnus olor) a madarak osztályának a lúdalakúak (Anseriformes) rendjébe, ezen belül a récefélék (Anatidae) családjába tartozó faj. Dánia nemzeti madara. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop down!) Balatoner sunset artisty XIAOMI photo by: Ms. Bártfai Mária
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's collection from '#Balaton Pilot' shipping route map about Eastern basin of lake Balaton keleti medencéjéről hajózási térkép
above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's collection from early 1980's: #JEPPESEN' Low #IFR Aeronautical Chart about Hungary Budapest - #LHBP FIR
above: MedRes! F.13 cockpit source: Hu. AVIATOR International independent magazine
above: NEW! MedRes! German #Laco "B"-uhr vintage aviator watch by: watchusek
En. text: Laco Uhrenmanufaktur GmbH is a German watch manufacturer, founded in 1925. in Pforzheim by Frieda Lacher and Ludwig Hummel under the name Lacher & Co. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laco_Uhrenmanufaktur
De. text: Die Laco Uhrenmanufaktur GmbH ist ein deutscher Uhrenhersteller und wurde 1925. von Frieda Lacher und Ludwig Hummel unter dem Namen Lacher & Co. in Pforzheim gegründet. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! Last serie F.13 1930s dashboard/instrument panel De. key text
above: NoHigher! http://repulnijo.hu/2011/06/07/hidroplanok-a-balatonon/
above: MedRes! On the lake Balaton source: Winkler arhív below: NEW! NoHigher! art by: Szököl
Balatoni szennyezés - Víztisztaság Pollution of the lake-Balaton plattensee, озеро-Балатон, -hafens, sailing-port, kikötő Balaton-PILOT chart, Map, SailBoat - Vitorlás & Yacht Marine toilets - hajó-WC, Submarine (U-Boot), Space-Shuttle sanitary-system and cutaway:
above: NoHigher! Hungarian supermodel, Miss. #Palvin Barbara in vintage maritime costume
above: NoHigher! F.13 draw by: Tin Donkey
above: NoHigher! profile artwork, Junkers F.13 Colombia SCADTA below: MedRes! Sverige
above: MedRes! Unter den militärischen Nutzern befand sich auch Schweden, das diesem Muster die Dienstbezeichnung Tp 1 zuteilte. Dieses Examplar ist ein Sanitätsflugzeug der frühen dreißiger Jahre. Die F.13 flog in Schweden von 1928 bis 1943. below: NoHigher! Mariner bikini fashion
above: MedRes! F.13 camo by Finnish AERO O/Y
above & below: NoHigher! Revell F.13 boxart
Corporate-jet V.I.P. & turboprops doors and Celebs, Pin-Up photomodels - Üzleti-repülőgépek ajtók, hírességek, fotómodellek: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2016/07/185-doors-of-vip-corporate-private-jets.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! Bed-couch simulator - Rekamié szimulátor for F.13 source: mellbimbo

’Blú’Phanter' megértékeli: Hu. text; A számtalan csinos, különböző légijármű-ajtókban lengedező fehérszemély önmagában nyomós indok. Már az kitenne egy magazint.
Junkers 6704-1 "Eisvogel" Automatic
Sellita SW 290, önfelhúzós, 31 köves, svájci szerkezet Zafír kristály üveg Eredeti aligátor szíj Fehér számlap fekete számjegyek Rozsdamentes acél tok polírozott
Átmérő: 40 mm, magasság: 11 mm, súly: 64 g Vízálló 5 atm
above: NEW! MedRes! Cockpit of early serie F 13
Hu. text: Alkalmazása: A hat személyes gép üzemeltetői között volt a kor egyik legjelentősebb magyar légitársasága az Aeroexpress is, amely 1923–1927 között hat úszótalpas F 13-ast üzemeltetett Budapest és a különböző európai fővárosok között.
Egy Junkers F 13 része a Közlekedési Múzeum állandó kiállításának. Az 1921-ben Svájcból eltérített gép fedélzetén érkezett Magyarországra IV. Károly magyar király az ún. királypuccs idején. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junkers_F_13
above: MedRes! Maquette
above: MedRes! F.1? in World's maquette champion & exhibition in Hungary, Mosonmagyaróvár 2006. source: www.albatros.extra.hu
above: NoHigher! Junkers-Uhren begeistern durch den historischen Bezug zu den legendären Wellblech-Fliegern. Sie lassen eine spannende Epoche der Flugzeuggeschichte wieder lebendig werden und stehen wie ihr berühmtes Vorbild für Robustheit, Langlebigkeit und markantes Design. Jeder Blick auf eine JUNKERS-Uhr vermittelt erneut die Faszination des Fliegens.
above: NEW! MedRes! F 13 cockpit to right the passenger seat.
above: NoHigher! Hu. text: 1923. Magyarország, Budapest XXI. a Csepel sziget északi csúcsánál 1923-ban lezuhant sétarepülő hidroplán. A háttérben a Összekötő vasúti híd látható. A kép érdekessége, hogy együtt látszik az 1913-ban átadott új és a már forgalomból kivont, 1877-ben épült régi híd. A régi hidat csak 1924-ben bontották el. source: Fortepan.hu
above: NEW! HiRes! 1923. Wrecked sight-seein g F.13 in Budapest - Hu. text: Magyarország, Budapest XXI. a Csepel-sziget északi csúcsánál 1923-ban lezuhant sétarepülő hidroplán. source: Fortepan.hu
above: HiRes! Wreck DTMB Junkers F.13
above: HiRes! Finnish blonde girl: Reconstructed new - moderne Junkers F.13's corrugated iron wall with new holidayer passenger. - Új F.13 a hullámlemez falával és az új üdülős utassal.VIP acf. doors: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/07/185-doors-of-vip-corporate-private-jets.html
above: HiRes! A typical #RIMOWA suitcase by wikipedia
NoHigher! above: Finnish F.13 K-SALA below: SCADTA On Atlantico
above: NEW! NoHigher! Portmaster: Ava Gardner? source: www.tvn.hu
above: MedRes! Junkers W 34 "Eisvogel"-"Ice eagle"-"Jégsas"? below: Junkers W.33
above: NoHigher! Junkers W.34 "#Eisvogel"
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's scan collect Revell catalogue 1991.
below: NoHigher! #LUFTWAFFE's #Ju-52 3m seaplane cargo
En. text: A seaplane is a powered fixed-wing aircraft capable of taking off and landing (alighting) on water. Seaplanes that can also take off and land on airfields are in a subclass called amphibious aircraft. Seaplanes and amphibians are usually divided into two categories based on their technological characteristics: floatplanes and flying boats; the latter are generally far larger and can carry far more. These aircraft were sometimes called hydroplanes, but currently this term applies instead to motor-powered watercraft that use the technique of hydrodynamic lift to skim the surface of water when running at speed.
Their use gradually tailed off after World War II, partially because of the investments in airports during the war. In the 21st century, seaplanes maintain a few niche uses, such as for dropping water on forest fires, air transport around archipelagos, and access to undeveloped or roadless areas, some of which have numerous lakes. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seaplane
De. text: Wasserflugzeug ist der Sammelbegriff für Flugzeuge, die konstruktiv so beschaffen sind, dass sie auf Gewässerflächen starten und landen können. Man unterscheidet generell zwischen Schwimmerflugzeugen und Flugbooten. Wenn ein Flugboot durch ein zusätzliches, einziehbares Radfahrwerk auch auf Flugplätzen an Land operieren kann, nennt man es Amphibienflugzeug. Auch für Wasserflugzeuge gelten die allgemeinen Flugregeln. ...
Hu. text: A hidroplán (hydroplan, hydroaeroplan, magyarul vízirepülőgép) olyan repülőgép, amely képes vízfelületre leszállni, azon úszni és arról felszállni. Ezt a képességet azáltal nyeri, hogy alsó részén úszó testekkel vagy talpakkal van ellátva, melyek a víz felületén úszva tartják, de eredetileg szárazföldi telepítésű repülőgép. Kerekei is lehetnek, ebben az esetben vízfelszíni és szárazföldi leszállásra egyaránt alkalmas lehet. A vízirepülőgép nem azonos a repülőcsónakkal. ...
above: NoHigher! "Briefing of Tutor before the water start - Oktatói eligazítás a vizistart előtt": Key-book stills of #Elvis Presley and #Ann Margret from film "Viva #Las-Vegas". source: flickr/pinterest
Ann-Margret Olsson (born April 28, 1941. -age 78- Stockholm, Sweden. ), known mononymously as Ann-Margret, is a Swedish-American actress, singer, and dancer.
As an actress, Ann-Margret is best known for her roles in Bye Bye Birdie (1963), Viva Las Vegas (1964), The Cincinnati Kid (1965), Carnal Knowledge (1971), The Train Robbers (1973), Tommy (1975), Grumpy Old Men (1993), Grumpier Old Men (1995), and All's Faire in Love (2009). She has won five Golden Globe Awards and been nominated for two Academy Awards, two Grammy Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and six Emmy Awards. In 2010, she won an Emmy Award for her guest appearance on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
Her singing and acting careers span five decades, starting in 1961; initially, she was billed as a female version of Elvis Presley. She has a sultry vibrant contralto voice. She had a minor hit in 1961 and a charting album in 1964, and scored a disco hit in 1979. In 2001, she recorded a critically acclaimed gospel album, and an album of Christmas songs in 2004. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann-Margret
Viva Las Vegas is a 1964 American musical film directed by George Sidney and starring Elvis Presley and Ann-Margret. The film is regarded by fans and film critics as one of Presley's best films, and it is noted for the on-screen chemistry between Presley and Ann-Margret. It also presents a strong set of ten musical song-and-dance scenes choreographed by David Winters and features his dancers. Viva Las Vegas was a hit at film theaters, as it was #14 on the Variety year end box office list of the top-grossing films of 1964. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viva_Las_Vegas
NoHigher! above: or Moldavian Antonov An-2 hydroplane below: 3 view linedraw
Antonov An-2 (Ан-2) airplane: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/24-antonov-2-2-airplane-flight.html
above: MedRes! (Crop!) Polish AF Hydro PZL Mielec - An-2
Антонов Ан-2 - Antonov - PZL-Mielec An-2 "Ancsa": https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/24-antonov-2-2-airplane-flight.html
above: HiRes! She was a pilot source: facebook
above: NEW! HiRes! "Floating-board tester lady - Úszótest tesztelő hölgy": Joy Corrigan in swimsuit with surf plate photoshoot on the beach in Miami FA may-02-2021. source: celebsdump.com
Joy Corrigan (born January 16, 1995. -age 26- Hadley, Massachusetts) is an American fashion model, fashion designer, actress, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Corrigan began her career at the age of 14. She has modeled in campaigns for Guess (clothing), Urban Decay (cosmetics), Victoria's Secret, and Jimmy Choo (company). Corrigan is the co-founder and CEO of a clothing brand named Naked Species. She was the Playboy Playmate of the Month for February 2017. She has also acted in films, including Aftermath (2017 film) and Reprisal (film). ... https://wikitia.com/wiki/Joy_Corrigan
above: HiRes! Canada, #Vancouver to #Victoria. West-Coast Air, #De #Havilland #Canada #DHC-6 "#Twin-Otter" - "Kettős Vidra" #floatplane wiki
English text: The de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter, currently marketed as the Viking Air DHC-6 Twin Otter, is a Canadian 19-passenger STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) utility aircraft developed by de Havilland Canadaand currently produced by Viking Air. The aircraft's fixed tricycle undercarriage, STOL abilities and high rate of climb have made it a successful cargo, regional passenger airliner and Medevac aircraft. In addition, the Twin Otter has been popular with commercial skydiving operations, and is used by the United States Army Parachute Team and the United States Air Force's 98th Flying Training Squadron. ... en.wikipedia.org-De_DHC-6_Twin_Otter
above: HiRes! Aeronautical chart of Canada West coast; Vancouver Aerospace chart. below: NoHigher! (Cropped from Right!) Theese Transfered from: 184.) Gépajtók - Airliners Doors: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/07/184-gepajtok-aircrafts-doors-airliners.html
above: NoHigher! Waiting passenger at door of building - Az épület ajtajánál váró utas
above: NoHigher! World topmodel Claudia Schiffer Her hydro-floating body
Claudia Maria Schiffer (German pronunciation: [ˈklaʊ̯dɪa ˈʃɪfɐ]; born 25 August 1970) is a German supermodel, actress, executive producer , and fashion designer currently living in England . She rose to fame in the early 1990s as one of the world's most successful models. In her early career, she was compared to Brigitte Bardot.
She has appeared on more than one thousand magazine covers and holds the record for the model with the most magazine covers, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. In 2002, Forbes estimated her net worth to be around US$55 million (£38 million). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudia_Schiffer
above: NoHigher! #DHC-6 '#Twin Otter' 3 view source: Viking Air
En. text: The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is a marine mammal native to the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean. Adult sea otters typically weigh between 14 and 45 kg (31 and 99 lb), making them the heaviest members of the weasel family, but among the smallest marine mammals. Unlike most marine mammals, the sea otter's primary form of insulation is an exceptionally thick coat of fur, the densest in the animal kingdom. Although it can walk on land, the sea otter is capable of living exclusively in the ocean. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_otter
Hu. text: A tengeri vidra (Enhydra lutris) az emlősök (Mammalia) osztályának ragadozók (Carnivora) rendjébe, ezen belül a menyétfélék (Mustelidae) családjába és a vidraformák (Lutrinae) alcsaládjába tartozó Enhydra emlősnem egyetlen faja.
A tengeri vidra az Észak-Csendes-óceán jellegzetes állata. A felnőtt tengeri vidrák testtömege 14–45 kilogramm között van, így a menyétfélék közül a legnehezebbek, de a tengeri emlősök közül a legkönnyebbek. Eltérően a többi tengeri emlőstől, a tengeri vidra a testhőmérséklet megtartásában, nem a hőszigetelő zsírrétegre, hanem a vastag bundájára hagyatkozik. Habár a szárazon is képes mozogni, a tengeri vidra életének legnagyobb részét az óceán vízében tölti. ...
above: HiRes! Sensitive vibrissae and forepaws enable sea otters to find prey (like this purple sea urchin) using their sense of touch. source: Wikipedia
above & below: HiRes! (Cropped vert!) DHC-6 'Twin Otter' as "Viking"
above: HiRes! Adult Sea Otter sleeping in Morro-Bay - Alvó felnőtt vidra source: Wikipedia
18+above: MedRes! Indian Ocean's victim, #Samantha Hoopes waits S.A.R. seervice "Otter's Dream" photo by: SI - Sports Illustrated
Samantha Hoopes (born February 10, 1991) is an American model, best known for appearing in Carl's Jr. and Hardee's Most American Thickburger advertisement and the Sports Illustrated's 50th Anniversary Swimsuit issue in 2014. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Hoopes
above: NEW! HiRes! Maldivian atmosphere - Maldiv-szigeteki hangulat source: tumblr.com/mellbimbo.eu
above: MedRes! Topmodel & Australian -Melbourne- fashion celeb Micah Gianneli (Yellow bikini) on part of Hidrofoil-bodyplate SAR boat of DHC-6 in Maldives, "Holiday Island" via: Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Girl expert photo by: #Svyatoslava Vladzimirskaya source: https://vk.com/slava_vladzimirskaya?z=albums26036441
above: NoHigher! DHC-6 at 'Trans #Maldivian' - #Maldiv-islands below: MedRes! Porting
NEW! above: MedRes! below: NoHigher! "Waiting #passengers for a '#Beaver' #hydro: "#Love-Island" #RTL club #TV #Reality #Show in #England source: index.hu https://index.hu/kultur/media/2019/09/01/love_island_parkereso_reality_tv_rtl/
above: MedRes! Topmodel & Australian -Melbourne- fashion celeb #Micah Gianneli as Marshaller of Guests on End of wooden Catwalk in Maldives via: Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Girl expert photo by: Svyatoslava Vladzimirskaya source: https://vk.com/slava_vladzimirskaya?z=albums26036441
above: MedRes! #Maldives-islands '#Male' International Airport
above: NoHigher! Oh yes, Beach: Best Escape Anyone Can Have source: Kovi-facebook
Traveller Blog "TravelAddict" - index.hu
Hu. text article: Képeslapok a Maldív-szigetekről:
traveladdict, 2019. február 6., szerda 13:15 |Photos: Mr. Brunner György
A Maldív-szigetek nevét hallva az embernek automatikusan a hófehér, homokos tengerpart, türkiz színű víz és pálmafák jutnak az eszébe. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! MChS's Beriev Be-200ES 'Altair' multirole amphibian during fire fighting demo action source: facebook/Andrey BogdanovEn text: The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (Russian: Министерство России по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий), also known as The Ministry of Emergency Situations, MChS (Russian: Министерство по чрезвычайным ситуациям – МЧС России), or internationally as EMERCOM (derived from "Emergency Control Ministry"), is a government agency overseeing the civil emergency services in Russia. Russian President Boris Yeltsin established EMERCOM on January 10, 1994, though the ministry can be traced back to December 27, 1990, when the RSFSR established the Russian Rescue Corps and assigned it the mission of rapid response in the case of emergencies. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Emergency_Situations_(Russia)
Ru. text: Министерство Российской Федерации по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий (МЧС России) — федеральное министерство, имеющее подведомственные аварийно-спасательные и противопожарную службы.
Является федеральным органом исполнительной власти, осуществляющим функции по выработке и реализации государственной политики, нормативно-правовому регулированию, а также по надзору и контролю в области гражданской обороны, защиты населения и территорий от чрезвычайных ситуаций природного и техногенного характера, обеспечения пожарной безопасности и безопасности людей на водных объектах. Относится к государственным военизированным организациям, которые имеют право приобретать боевое ручное стрелковое и иное оружие. В МЧС входит федеральная противопожарная служба Государственной противопожарной службы. В МЧС России предусмотрена как государственная гражданская, так и военная служба. МЧС России осуществляет около 25 % от общего числа всех проверок в стране. ...
above: MedRes! Russian MChS - MCs Beriev Be-200 'Albatros' Patrol & SAR amfybia
Бе-200 «Альтаир» — российский самолёт-амфибия (летающая лодка), разработанный ТАНТК имени Г. М. Бериева и производимый на Иркутском авиационном заводе. В 2008 году производство Бе-200 перенесено на ТАНТК имени Г. М. Бериева. Бе-200 — один из самых необычных многоцелевых самолётов, разработан на основе и с использованием идей, заложенных в предшественника — амфибию А-40. Самолёт способен взлетать как с земли, так и с водной поверхности. Основные сферы применения: тушение пожаров, поисково-спасательные операции, охрана водных поверхностей, экологические миссии, перевозки пассажиров и грузов. По ряду лётно-технических характеристик Бе-200 не имеет аналогов в мире. ... https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%B5-200
NoHigher! above: Two crews cockpit and pedestal below: #ACsSz-1M fedélzeti #repülősóra
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bácsi's 'Air Art' collect #AChS-1 clock below: "Gidroavia" salon
2.) Dashboard Clocks - Fedélzeti Órák _ Aircraft's & Land technic, Navy Clocks: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-last-very-popular-post-from-x.html
ОКБ Бериев Бе-200 - OKB Beriev Be-200 above: HiRes! Scan: Processing in Be. plant
above: NoHigher! She was Asembly Pool Manager. Swedish actress Britt Ekland in bikini in "The Man with the Golden Gun" 'James Bond 007 agent' film, as 'Mary Goodnight'.
above: NEW! MedRes! Be-200 TANTK im. G.M. Beryeva photo by: Shalnikov source: www.physics.arizona.edu/~savin/ram
above: MedRes! Чертежи - Drawing by: A. N. Zablotekogo source: www.tolkomodel.ucoz.ru
above: MedRes! Beriev Be-200 cutaway by: FLIGHT International
above: NoHigher! ОКБ Бериев Бе-200 - OKB Beriev Be-200
above: HiRes! Maldives IAP Twr - Tower #ATC expert - Air Traffic Controller - Torony Légiforgalmi Irányító. - #Elizabeth Turner sexy in white bikini source: pincelebs.net
American model Elizabeth Turner has stirred the fortitude of the fans for her unique temperament with blue-green eyes and toned figure.
Born on 30 July 1992 in the United States, Elizabeth bewitched the fashion enthusiast, after she was signed as the member by LA Models. Working with top brands like GUESS, the 26-year-old glamorous lady has merited the notoriety. ... http://wikinetworth.com/celebrities/elizabeth-turner-wiki-age-model-boyfriend-sister.html

above: MedRes! Be-200 " 20 " during TakeOff on Gidroavia EXPO
above: HiRes! Ehglish Hollywooder star actress, #Sophie Turner in a swimsuit aboard a 'Jet-Ski' boat in Miami, march 25. 2019. source: celebdumps.com
En. text: Sophie Belinda Turner (born 21 February 1996. -age 23- Northampton, England) is an English actress. She made her professional acting debut as Sansa Stark on the HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones (2011–2019), which earned her worldwide recognition and a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for the Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2019. Turner went on to star in the television film The Thirteenth Tale (2013) and made her feature film debut in Another Me (2013). She starred in the action comedy Barely Lethal (2015) and portrayed a young Jean Grey / Phoenix in the X-Men film series (2016–2019). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Turner
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop vertical!) a Huge katamaran "Jet Sky" SNAV italian Norwegian made Ferry on port of Stari Grad in Croatian riviera on Adriatic-sea - Horváth tengerpart in 24. august 2019. photo by: Ms. Bártfai Mária from Veszprém city with XIAOMI smart phone.
above: NoHigher! Fashion photo at Maho Beach, "Princess Juliana" International Airport St. Martin/Maarten in Caribbean area. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Martin source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! an Curious Sea Otters - Kíváncsi tengeri vidrák source: Wikipedia
18+above: HiRes! Republic of Maldives-islands Lawai's mood with black brazilian bikini
above: MedRes! #Topmodel & #Australian -#Melbourne- #fashion #celeb #Micah#Gianneli as '#Yamaha'-#Jet-Ski #TAXI-driver at Port of Aircraft in #Maldives via: Google G+ Hu. collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán #Pin-Up#Girl #expert photo by: #Svyatoslava-Vladzimirskaya source: https://vk.com/slava_vladzimirskaya?z=albums26036441
FFF - Flying Female Fashions & Micah Gianneli & other Runway's Topmodels: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/07/163-fff-flying-female-fashion-rnd.html
above: NoHigher! Love Story's wedding - esküvő in DHC-6 cockpit
above: NEW! NoHigher! Vintage bride Playmate: Kimberley Conrad (former wife of Hugh Hefner who founded the 'PlayBoy' magazine) gallery with Playboy Plus
18+above: NoHigher! DHC-6 cockpit in #Papua New #Guinea #inhabitant pilot - Nem #emberevő
above: NoHigher! Sea otter pair - Sea otters off the coast of Washington, within the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary source: wikipedia
above: HiRes! Russian World Star supermodel #Irina Shayk waits the Hydroplane
Ru. text: Ири́на Вале́рьевна Шайхлисла́мова (известна под псевдонимом Ири́на Шейк; род. 6 января 1986, Еманжелинск, Челябинская область, РСФСР, СССР) — российская супермодель и актриса. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irina_Shayk
above: HiRes! World supermodel, Hungarian Ms. #Barbara Palvin on the beach with Her 'Dick Pearce & Friends' Surf-plate photo by: SI - Sports Illustrated source: imgur.com/mellbimbo.eu
Hu. text: Palvin Barbara (Budapest, 1993. október 8. -age 25- Albertirsa, Hungary ) magyar divatmodell. ... 2006-ban, alig 13 évesen indult karrierje, ekkor fedezték fel, miközben Budapesten sétált. Még ebben az évben debütált a Spur Magazine-ban. ... 2008-ban az ELLE magazinban egy nagyobb divatanyagban szerepelt. 2009-ben felvették az IMG Modellügynökséghez, szerepelt a L'Officiel orosz, francia és holland kiadásának, és a Jalouse, a Vogue és a Glamour címlapján is. Palvin a kifutón 2010 februárjában, a Milan Fashion Week alkalmából debütált, a Prada képviselőjeként. 2010 tavaszán a párizsi divathéten is részt vett. Louis Vuitton, Miu Miu, Nina Ricci, Emanuel Ungaro, Christopher Kane, Julien MacDonald, Jeremy Scott, Vivienne Westwood, Etro, Loewe és Giles modelljeként is mutatott be ruhákat, továbbá a 2011 Chanel show-t is ő nyitotta meg. Későbbiekben modellkedett az Armani Exchange, a H&M, és a Victoria’s Secret részére is. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palvin_Barbara
above: NEW! HiRes! Francesca surfs on Ocean source: x-art.com
above: NoHigher! Indian-ocean: Maldives-islands - Maldiv-szigetek Raa Atoll https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maldives
above: Left: NoHigher! #Male IAP Right: MedRes! APP Chart of Maldives 'Male' INTL
above: MedRes! DHC-6 dashboard and cockpit thorough captain's door
above: NoHigher! DHC-6 cargo space - raktér
above: MedRes! Sea Otter (Enhydra_lutris) A close-up of a sea otter, taken in Morro Bay, California in 2016. source: Wikipedia
above: MedRes! 'Saudia Cargo' TC-ACG Boeing B-747 first Hungarian "Jumbo Jet" capt. Hu. Szüle Zsolt from facebook Sz.Zs. B-747 Tunis - Governotate IAP 2014. below: Youtube video by Hu. Capt. Szüle Zsolt from Saudia Cargo B-747 "Jumbo"
747 Landing Maldives
above & below: NoHigher! Maldives & Great Power Competition in the Indian Ocean
above: NoHigher! Observer Porting Point with soft cushions - puha párnákkal for shore-landing action photo by: Svyatoslava Vladzimirskaya
above: HiRes! (Cropped!) DHC-6 "Versatility"
above: HiRes! New style and technology floating plate - Új stílusú és teknőlógiájú úszótalp
above: MedRes! "Kingfisher" model girl below: NEW! NoHigher! Marine fashion bikini
upper: NoHigher! above: MedRes! Germany #Dornier '#Seastar' -scalaria- on Wolfgang-see close to #Salzburg, in Österreich D-ISEA sea-boat hydroplane with Emergency exit cutting markers on right side - Vészhelyzeti vágójelek a vészkijárathoz
General Aircraft doors and 'Scalaria' Air Challenge for Hydroplanes on Wolfgang see:
above: HiRes! Amphybian Dornier Seaplane's sexy female crew as aviatrix source: facebook
above: NoHigher! Dornier 'Seastar' amphybia german D-ISEA - Delta - India Sierra Echo Alfa
above: NoHigher! #Britt Ekland as "MaryGoodnight" The Man with the Golden Gun is a 1974 British spy film, the ninth in the #James Bond series produced by Eon Productions, film
Hu. text: Britt Ekland (Stockholm, 1942. október 6. –) svéd származású angol színésznő.
Életpályája: Színi tanulmányai után egy svéd színtársulatban játszott. Filmezett a római Cinecittában, majd Londonban, ahol 1964-ben Peter Sellers népszerű komikus felesége lett. Válását követően főként Hollywoodban vállalt feladatokat. 1976-ban a Miss Universe zsűritagja volt.
Vonzó külsejű, főként vígjátékokban szereplő színésznő. 1972–1977 között a McCloud című televíziós sorozat egy-egy részében is látható volt. 1974-ben Az aranypisztolyos férfi című filmben Bond-lányt alakított. 1980–1982 között a Szerelemhajó című sorozatban is több alkalommal feltűnt.
Magánélete: 1964–1968 között Peter Sellers (1925–1980) angol komikus volt a férje. Egy lányuk született: Victoria Sellers (1965-) angol színésznő. 1984–1992 között Slim Jim Phantom (1961-) amerikai filmzene-író volt a párja. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britt_Ekland
Hu. text: Az aranypisztolyos férfi egy 1974-es brit kalandfilm, ami a kilencedik James Bond-film. Roger Moore másodszor játssza az agyafúrt ügynököt, akinek ezt a történetét Ian Fleming utoljára írta meg, és befejezetlenül is maradt. Ezen kívül ez volt az utolsó Bond-film amit Albert R. Broccoli és Harry Saltzman közösen csinált, ezután már csak Broccoli készítette a hivatalos Bond-filmeket. Guy Hamilton negyedszer és utoljára rendezett Bond-filmet. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Az_aranypisztolyos_f%C3%A9rfi
HiRes! above: Scalaria's Dornier on Wolfgang See below: Dornier over NYC, 'Manhattan' takeoff from Hudson-river source: facebook/Aviatrix Miss. Bakcsi Tünde
NoHigher! above: (Crop!)US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River, New York, USA on 15 January 2009. below: NEW! Scene from the Film
above: MedRes! #JEPPESEN Approach Chart about US Airways Flight 1549 - january 19. 2009. Airbus A320 airliner - Emergency belly landing & SAR action on Hudson river #New York. - Jepi megközelítési térkép #IAP La Guardia a Hudson folyóra kényszerszállásról és mentésről. below: LaGuardia Runway 4 departure source: Wikipedia
US Airways Flight 1549 was an Airbus A320 which, in the climbout after takeoff from New York City's LaGuardia Airport on January 15, 2009, struck a flock of Canada geese just northeast of the George Washington Bridge and consequently lost all engine power. Unable to reach any airport, pilots Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles glided the plane to a ditching in the Hudson River off Midtown Manhattan. All 155 people aboard were rescued by nearby boats, and there were few serious injuries.
The accident came to be known as the "Miracle on the Hudson", and a National Transportation Safety Board official described it as "the most successful ditching in aviation history". The Board rejected the notion that the pilot could have avoided ditching by returning to LaGuardia or diverting to nearby Teterboro Airport.
The pilots and flight attendants were awarded the Master's Medal of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators in recognition of their "heroic and unique aviation achievement". ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_Airways_Flight_1549
above: NoHigher! former USAF fighter pilot, in His freetime gliderpilot, Captain Chelsey "Sully" Sullenberger, the pilot who successfully ditched. source: AP
above: NoHigher! Flight path flown (red). Alternative trajectories to Teterboro (dark blue) and back toward La Guardia (magenta) were simulated for the investigation. source: Wikipedia
above: HiRes! Flight-1549 splash landing US AIRWAYS A320 plane on Hudson-River in NYC
above: NEW! HiRes! Danish supermodel, #Helena Christensen in NYC on bank of Hudson-river for 'Ggrazia' magazine, france in june 07. 2019. source: celebsdump.com
Helena Christensen (born 25 December 1968. -age 50- Copenhagen, Denmark. ) is a Danish model and photographer. She is a former Victoria's Secret Angel and beauty queen. Christensen has also served as creative director for Nylon magazine, designed clothing, and supported funding for breast cancer organizations and other charities. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena_Christensen
above: NEW! NoHigher! Paint by: Peregrine Heathcote ...>>
above: NoHigher! Cessna Caravan Amphibian on Takeoff
above: MedRes! "Survival" 'Air Art - Steve's Comics in Aviator
Comics - Képregény: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/10/140-kepregeny-comics-survival-sar.html
above: Left: MedRes! Cessna 'Caravan' cockpit Right: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's Olympus 'Camedia' photo on AERO-2005 G.A. exhibition in Friedrichshafen 'Zeppelin' airport. below: MedRes! RUSTS
above: NEW! HiRes! #Kara#Del#Toro on the #beach with a #Cessna-'#Caravan' #water-airplane in april 04. 2020. source: CelebsDump.com
Kara Del Toro is a swimsuit model and Instagram model from Texas. Kara was born in a small town in Texas between Houston and Galveston Bay. She currently resides in Los Angeles. ... https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/kara-del-toro
above: HiRes! #Summer training at #luxury #yacht for climbing on door-ladder in swimsuits.
below: General Aviation Hydroplanes' doors

above: Left: MedRes! Nederland supermodel of the World, #Doutzen Kroes in white bikini Right: HiRes! holland - Dutch Doutzen before floating body
En. text: Doutzen Kroes (West Frisian pronunciation: [ˈdʌu̯tsə(ŋ) ˈkrus]; born 23 January 1985. Giekerk, -age 34- Eastermar, Tytsjerksteradiel, Friesland, Netherlands) is a Dutch model, actress, activist and philanthropist. She began her modelling career in 2003, in the Netherlands and was quickly sent by her agency to New York where she was cast by lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret. She was a Victoria's Secret Angel from 2008 until 2014. She has been a brand ambassador for L'Oréal Paris since 2006. Kroes has been one of highest-paid models, with an estimated income of more than $5 million per year, since 2008. In 2014, she came in second on the Forbes top-earning models list, estimated to have earned $8 million in one year. As of December 2015, she was ranked as one of the "New Supers" in the fashion industry and dubbed "Helen of Troy of advertising" by Models.com.
In 2013, she became the first model to land 4 different solo international covers of Vogue's September issue in a single year. Her film debut was in Nova Zembla (2011). She is one of the active members to contribute to Dance4Life, a Dutch non-profit organization that uses song and dance to educate youth about HIV and AIDS prevention. She is also one of the supporters of Wildlife Conservation and World Wildlife Fund. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doutzen_Kroes

above: NoHigher! Russian method
above & below: HiRes! Hungarian UL fortune bellyland to water surface late July of 2015. at Balatonkenese-bay. www.aviainfo.hu source: www.facebook.com
above: HiRes! UL 'Pipistrel' "Sinus" ("Storch") in Balatonkenese-bay summer of 2105. emergency landing by aircraft's emergency parashut because fuel was out of during flying. It made assembled in Veszprém city Hu.) source: www.aviainfo. hu facebook http://www.pipistrel-hungary.hu/
above: MedRes! Helper mate Photo by: Ian L. Sitren - 'Second Focus' Inc. USA Ca. source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán via: https://www.facebook.com/SecondFocus/
above: MedRes! Hu. lake Balaton - Balatonkenese marker: Bicikliutak - Bicycle routes source: www.balatontipp.hu Balatoni Turisztikai Szolgálat - Tourist Service of Balaton map-maker: Mr. Győrffy András
above: NoHigher! Junkers A.50 "Junior" hydroplane HA-JAA "Tisza" on Balaton early 1930s.
Hu. text: Az első világháború után elveszítettük a tengeri kijáratunkat, így a „magyar tenger” felértékelődött a kikapcsolódni, szórakozni vágyók körében. A Horthy-korszakban Siófokon már nemcsak a vízben, hanem a levegőben is nagy élet volt: reggelente a budai Gellért Szálló elől indultak hidroplánok három utassal Siófokra (fél óra alatt odaértek), napközben pedig menetrend szerint köröztek a Siófok–Almádi–Füred–Földvár–Siófok útvonalon. 1933-ban a Siófokkal mára egybeépült Balatonkiliti mellett szárazföldi repülőtér is épült, ahol minden évben megrendezésre került a Nemzetközi Repülőpiknik és a repülős találkozóval egybekötött Balatoni Sporthét. A fenti, 1930-as fotón a Siófokkal szintén egybeépült Balatonújhelyen látható egy Junkers A-50 Junior kiképző hidroplán. (Fotó: Fortepan)
above: NoHigher! Col. #Charles Lindbergh's Lockheed Model 8 '#Sirius' recorder seaplane in Canada, #Newfoundland, port of #Harbour Grace 1928. source: fiddlersgreen.net

NEW! NoHigher! #Schneider-cup with #Supermarine "#Spithead" #race-hydroplane

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Romantic Right: MedRes! by American watercolor painter: Steve Hanks 1949. source: www.stevehanksartwork.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! As passenger, Hungarian supermodel Miss. Palvin Barbara walks on sand to coast with vet foots from hydroplane. source: mellbimbo.eu
De. text: Barbara Palvin (* 8. Oktober 1993 in Budapest) ist ein ungarisches Model.
Palvin hatte ihre ersten Modeljobs mit 13 Jahren. Damals hatte sie auch ihr erstes Foto-Shooting für das Spur Magazine. Danach erhielt sie in Asien weitere Aufträge. Palvin war unter anderem auf den Titelseiten von L'Officiel, Vogue Russia, Glamour Hungary und Jalouse Magazine und modelte für Armani Exchange, H&M, Victoria’s Secret, River Island, und Pull and Bear. Im Februar 2012 wurde sie zur Botschafterin für L'Oreal Paris. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Palvin
above: NoHigher! Cessna hidroplane source: facebook/Hu.Aviatrix Miss. Bakcsi Szalma Tünde
above: NoHigher! My dream is: 'Skyline' seaplane with such a Aviatrix on beach & port of Balatonkenese or Balatonakarattya HuMoD Resort (MH.BRKK) source: Pinterest
above: NEW! HiRes! TL Ultralight Seaplane Girls on Aero Friedrichshafen 2018. photo by: Marcus Mühlestein source: http://beautyplanes.blogspot.com/
above: NoHigher! Miss. Dominika Huzvarová is sitting on the float body
above Two: MedRes! TL-Ultralight Girls with 'Sirius' Airplane/Floatplane on 'Aero-2016' exhibition FDH / Friedrichshafen in Germany. * Girls: Mit Dominika Huzvarová (blonde) und Markéta gab es noch ein heißes High Heel Shooting. Photo by: Marcus Mühlestein Photography source: http://beautyplanes.blogspot.hu/2016/
TL-Ultralight * Girls: Mit Dominika Huzvarová (blonde) und Markéta gab es noch ein heißes High photos: Blogger: Markus Guntli source: http://eastwings.blogspot.hu/2016/04/tl-ultralight-girls_20.html
above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's collect Hu. text. Map Detail of Germany, Badenwürttemberg, Friedrichschafen beside on lake Bodensee.
above & below: NoHigher! #Friedrichshafen VFR - Visual Flight Rules - Látvarepülési Szabályok, -edny-map- APP - Approach chart - Közelkörzeti térkép source: Pinterest
above: HiRes! (Crop!) VFR: Friedrichshafen airport from over the clouds source: facebook/Angel
above: NoHigher! Friedrichshafen VFR TMA - Terminal Control Area = App. chart Redirecting
above: NoHigher! Friedrichshafen #ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization - Nemzetközi Repülésügyi Szervezet App IFR - Instrument Flight Rules - Műszerrepülési Szabályok ("vakrepülés") szerinti ILS - Instrument Landing System - Műszeres Leszállító Rendszer localizer Arrival - Érkezési chart - térkép source: edny-ils-euroga.org
above: NoHigher! Friedrishshafen International Airport, Aero-2009 bodenkarte source: google
RedBull Hangar Seven, Salzburg: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/03/177-hangar-seven-red-bull-mateshic.html
above: NoHigher! Friedrichshafen: messegelaende source: outdoor-show
above: HiRes! Friedrichshafen, messe gelaendeplan
above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's 'Olympus' poster Photo: AERO-2005 sitemap. The Fire truck was in the: Freigelände - Open Air Grund place & former 'Zeppelin' hangars
above: NoHigher! #Aviator Watch: Made in Germany 'Zeppelin' LZ-126 Losa Angeles (#Zeppelin Friedrichschafen - ZF)
Zeppelin is a German watch brand.
Zeppelin is a sister brand of Junkers. The watches are sold by the same company POINT tec Electronic (Ismaning, near Munich).
On offer are pilot's watches and chronographs in the tradition of the legendary airships.
The used mechanical movements are obtained from Citizen/Miyota, the quartz movements from Ronda (ETA).
Address: POINT tec Electronic GmbH Steinheilstr. 6 D-85737 Ismaning www.pointtec.de
Zeppelin is a sister brand of Junkers. The watches are sold by the same company POINT tec Electronic (Ismaning, near Munich).
On offer are pilot's watches and chronographs in the tradition of the legendary airships.
The used mechanical movements are obtained from Citizen/Miyota, the quartz movements from Ronda (ETA).
Address: POINT tec Electronic GmbH Steinheilstr. 6 D-85737 Ismaning www.pointtec.de
Hu. text: A ’100 éves Zeppelin’ különleges kollekciója ötvözi a klasszikus és elegáns elemeket, mint például a domború számlapot, a domború üveget és a modern indexeket. A 100 éves kollekció minden órája kiváló minőségű mechanikus- vagy kvarc szerkezettel készült. http://zeppelin-watch.hu/
above: NoHigher! Elegante mariner clothes on swedish supermodel, #Elsa Hosk for the superior #Zeppelin watch
above: NEW! NoHigher! Italian combat hydroplane source: Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! #Kriegsmarine's '#Tirpitz' #battleship and #Arado Ar-196 hydroplane
above: NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's collection: 'Airfix' scale 1:72 model-maquette vitrine with 'Mosquito' in Budapest XII. ker Böszörményi út 44-46. flat in 1975. photo by My Soviet Leningrad LOMO 'Zenit-E' "Helios" objective. Photo on Hu. made '#Forte' color paper. also. Courtesy FREE!
above: NoHigher! Luftwaffe's Arado Ar-196A-2 maritime patrol & recce
above: NoHigher! #Arado-196A-3 on #Kriegsmarine '#Tirpitz' #battleship source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! Blohm & Voss BV 138 "Seedrache- Sea Dragon" source: pinterest.com
En text: The Blohm & Voss BV 138 Seedrache (Sea Dragon), but nicknamed Der Fliegende Holzschuh ("flying clog", from the side-view shape of its fuselage) was a World War II German trimotor flying boat that served as the Luftwaffe's main seaborne long-range maritime patrol and naval reconnaissance aircraft. A total of 297 BV 138s were built between 1938 and 1943. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blohm_%26_Voss_BV_138
above: NoHigher! Bloom und Voss BV-138
above: NoHigher! BV-138 MS Seedrache minesweeping aircraft being lifted onto a seaplane tender

above: "Mine sweeper expertress": Left: HiRes! Right: MedRes! #Ursula Andress as "Honey Ryder" in #James Bond 007 agent "Dr. No" film.
Honeychile Rider is a fictional character in Ian Fleming's James Bond novel Dr. No. In the 1962 Bond film of the same name, her name was shortened and changed to Honey Ryder. In the film, she is played by Swiss actress Ursula Andress and due to her heavy accent was dubbed by Nikki van der Zyl. In the film series, Ryder is widely regarded as the first Bond girl, although she is not the first woman in the film to be with Bond (that distinction belongs to Sylvia Trench, while Miss Taro was Bond's first mission-related "conquest"). Her entrance in the film, emerging from the ocean in a white bikini, holding two large seashells, while the sun shines on her wet blonde hair, is considered a classic James Bond moment. The bikini is a movie invention - in the corresponding scene of the original novel, the character Honeychile Rider emerges wearing her belt only. Andress referred to the Dr. No bikini as the "secret of her success". As an homage, Halle Berry performed a similar scene in an orange bikini in the 20th James Bond film, Die Another Day. Ursula Andress was later mentioned by name in the novel On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and described as a "beautiful movie star". As such, Andress is the first of only two entertainers that have actually starred in a Bond film to be mentioned by Fleming in his James Bond novels. The other is David Niven who co-starred as James Bond in the 1967 film adaptation of Casino Royale which also starred Andress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_Ryder
Ursula Andress (/ˈændrɛs/; born 19 March 1936) is a Swiss film and television actress, former model and sex symbol, who has appeared in American, British and Italian films. She is best known for her breakthrough role as Bond girl Honey Ryder in the first James Bond film, Dr. No. She later starred as Vesper Lynd in the James Bond parody Casino Royale. Her other films include The Southern Star, Fun in Acapulco, She, The 10th Victim, The Blue Max, Perfect Friday, The Sensuous Nurse, The Mountain of the Cannibal God, The Fifth Musketeer and Clash of the Titans. She also makes an appearance in the James Bond novel On Her Majesty's Secret Service. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_Andress
007 Ultimate Bond Girl
Famous Bond Girl Ursula Andress in the famous 'coming out of the water scene' which done later again with Halle Berry.
Őszinte részvétem Nyugodjon Békében: Meghalt Sean Connery: 2020. október 31. – 13:36 (frissítve: 2020. október. 31. – 14:37) – Bozzay Balázs, Klág Dávid:
Meghalt Sean Connery, írja a BBC. A skót színész kilencvenéves volt. A hírek szerint Connery a családja körében volt a Bahama-szigeteken, éjszaka, alvás közben érte a halál. Az utóbbi időben nem érezte jól magát. ...
Sincere condolences R.I.P.: Sean Connery died: October 31, 2020 - 13:36 (updated: October 31, 2020 - 14:37) - Balázs Bozzay, Dávid Klág:
Sean Connery is dead, writes the BBC. The Scottish actor was ninety years old. Connery was reportedly among his family in the Bahamas, dying at night while sleeping. He hasn't been feeling well lately. ...
above & below: NoHigher! Swiss Pilatus PC-6 'Turbo Porter' STOL floatplane
It. text: Pilatus PC-6 Porter è un aereo da trasporto/utility monomotore ad ala alta con capacità STOL prodotto dall'azienda svizzera Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. dagli anni sessanta. - La sua ultima versione dotata di motore turboelica, la PC-6 Turbo-Porter, è attualmente ancora in produzione. - Benché originariamente progettato per un uso civile le sue caratteristiche ne hanno suggerito la produzione di versioni ad uso militare tra le quali una versione prodotta su licenza dalla statunitense Fairchild Hiller. ... /it.wikipedia.org/Pilatus_PC-6
En. text: The Pilatus PC-6 Porter is a single-engined STOL utility aircraft designed by Pilatus Aircraft of Switzerland. First flown in 1959, the PC-6 continues in production at Pilatus Flugzeugwerke in Stans, Switzerland. It has been built in both piston engine- and turboprop-powered versions and was produced under licence for a time by Fairchild Hiller in the United States. After around 600 deliveries in six decades, Pilatus will produce the last one in early 2019. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilatus_PC-6_Porter
De. text: Pilatus PC-6 ist die Bezeichnung für ein einmotoriges STOL-Flugzeug des Schweizer Herstellers Pilatus Aircraft. Es existieren mit dem Pilatus Porter (PC-6 mit Kolbenmotor) und dem Pilatus Turbo-Porter (PC-6/A bis PC-6/C mit Propellerturbine) zwei unterschiedlich angetriebene Ausführungen. Bei dem universell einsetzbaren Arbeitsflugzeug können alternativ zum Radfahrwerk auch Kufen oder Schwimmer installiert werden. Die vielseitigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten werden zusätzlich durch die leichte Umrüstbarkeit vom Passagier- zum Frachttransport ergänzt. Eingesetzt wird die PC-6 in unterschiedlichen Rollen als Sanitätsflugzeug (mit zwei Tragen und fünf Sitzen, einschließlich der Crew), als Vermessungsflugzeug bzw. für die Luftbildfotografie, für den Abwurf von Versorgungsgütern, zum Absetzen von Fallschirmspringern und für Sprüheinsätze in der Landwirtschaft.
above: HiRes! #J.A.G. #Catherine Bell actress from #Hollywood looking for from bridge.
Catherine Lisa Bell (born 14 August 1968. -age 50- London, England, UK) is an American actress, known for her roles as Lieutenant Colonel Sarah MacKenzie in the television series JAG from 1997 to 2005, Denise Sherwood in the series Army Wives from 2007 to 2013, and Cassandra "Cassie" Nightingale in Hallmark's The Good Witch films and television series since 2008. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Bell_(actress)
NoHigher! above: Similar design from WW-Two #USN: Lt. Samuel 'Ted' Hutchins of Port Charlotte, ("He hurry ups to Lavatory") Fla. climbs out of his #Chance-Vought #OS2U "#Kingfisher" spotter-hydroplane after coming back aboard the #Battleship USS-"South Dakota"-off #Okinawa, January 22nd 1945. source: www.pinterest.com below: SAR diveress
Military Camo Swimwears - Katonais Fürdőruhák: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2017/06/199-military-swimwears-khaki-olive-drab.html
The DHC-2 Beaver a Hód
above: NoHigher! #Beaver - #Hód: North American beaver (#Castor canadensis): he was happily sitting back and munching on something. and munching, and munching... source: Wikipedia
The beaver (genus Castor) is a large, primarily nocturnal, semiaquatic rodent. Castor includes two extant species, the North American beaver (Castor canadensis) (native to North America) and Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) (Eurasia). Beavers are known for building dams, canals, and lodges (homes). They are the second-largest rodent in the world (after the capybara). Their colonies create one or more dams to provide still, deep water to protect against predators, and to float food and building material. The North American beaver population was once more than 60 million, but as of 1988 was 6–12 million. This population decline is the result of extensive hunting for fur, for glands used as medicine and perfume, and because the beavers' harvesting of trees and flooding of waterways may interfere with other land uses. ... en.wikipedia.org/Beaver
above: NEW! HiRes! Beaver - Hód source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! de Havilland Canada DHC-2 'Beaver' On Floats C-GIFH Penticton Seaplane Base BC Canada
above: NEW! NoHigher! Aviatrix Training fashion for ladder climbing
above & below: NoHigher! Painting about d.H.C.-2 'Beaver' source: yukonspringdetail
above: U.S.A. Alaska: Yukon-spring - tavasz below: NEW! paint source: mellbimbo.
above: HiRes! Part of USAF Operational chart: Alaska, #Yukon-river source: Google/Txu/University of Texas Libraries Austin below: NoHigher! Enroute maps on High Alt.
MedRes! above: Oil on Canvas 1973. Artist by Peregrine Heathcote below: Between dreams and other places" source: Pinterest/Tutt'Art https://peregrineheathcote.com/
NoHigher! above: C-GTMC seair below: DHC-2 Aviatrix by Islandwings

above: MedRes! De Havilland Canada DHC-2 'Beaver' floatplanes
NoHigher! above: DHC-2 Beaver fever below: Let's do business with DHC-2-A 'Beaver': Woman Apart - #Anja Rubik serves as the face for Polish jewelry label Apart's 2011 campaign.
En. text: Anja Rubik (born Anna Rubik; 12 June 1983) is a Polish model, activist, philanthropist, and businesswoman. She is considered to be one of the most internationally successful models of the mid- to late-2000s to today. She currently lives and works in New York. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anja_Rubik
Hu. text: Anja Rubik, sz. Anna Rubik (Rzeszów, 1983. június 12. –) lengyel modell.
Családjával 1988-ban elhagyta Lengyelországot, majd élt Görögországban, Kanadában és Umtatában, Dél-Afrikában. Modell pályafutása akkor kezdődött, amikor még egy brit középiskolába járt, Párizsban. Be akarta fejezni az iskolai tanulmányait, mielőtt hivatásos modellé válik, ezért csak az iskolai szünetekben dolgozott.
Miután leérettségizett, megkezdte modell karrierjét. Neves magazinokban szerepelt: a németországi és a párizsi Vogue-ban, a Numéro-ban, a Flair-ben, a Russh-ban, a Nylon-ban és az Elle-ben. Olyan tervezők ruháit mutathatta be, mint például a Givenchy, Chloé, Christian Dior, Hermès, Valentino, Gucci, Fendi, Missoni, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Oscar de la Renta, Chanel, Balenciaga, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton és a Ralph Lauren. 2009 a Victoria's Secret Fashion Show-jában szerepelt. https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anja_Rubik
The de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver is a single-engined high-wing propeller-driven short takeoff and landing (STOL) aircraft developed and manufactured by aircraft company de Havilland Canada. It has been primarily operated as a bush plane and has been used for wide variety of utility roles, such as cargo and passenger hauling, aerial application(crop dusting and aerial topdressing), and civil aviation duties.
Shortly after the end of the Second World War, de Havilland Canada made the decision to orient itself towards civilian operators. Based upon feedback from pilots, the company decided that the envisioned aircraft should have excellent STOL performance, all-metal construction, and accommodate many features sought by the operators of bush planes. On 16 August 1947, the maiden flight of the aircraft, which had received the designation DHC-2 Beaver, took place. In April 1948, the first production aircraft was delivered to the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests.
In addition to its use in civilian operations, the Beaver has been widely adopted by armed forces as a utility aircraft. The United States Army purchased several hundred aircraft; nine DHC-2s are still in service with the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary (Civil Air Patrol) for search and rescue. A Royal New Zealand Air Force Beaver supported Sir Edmund Hillary's expedition to the South Pole. By 1967, in excess of 1,600 Beavers had been constructed prior to the closure of the original assembly line. Various aircraft have been remanufactured and upgraded. Additionally, various proposals have been mooted to return the Beaver to production.
The Beaver has become one of the more iconic aircraft to have been produced in Canada. Perhaps one of the more significant events involving the type occurred in 1958, when a Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) Beaver played a supporting role in Sir Edmund Hiliary's famous Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition to the South Pole. Due to its success, the Royal Canadian Mint commemorated the aircraft on a special edition Canadian quarter in November 1999. In 1987, the Canadian Engineering Centennial Board named the DHC-2 one of the top ten Canadian engineering achievements of the 20th century. Large numbers continue to be operational into the 21st century, while the tooling and type certificate for the Beaver have been acquired by Viking Air who continue to produce replacement components and refurbish examples of the type. ... wikipedia/DHC-2
above: NoHigher! Beaver in Alaskaian lake source: erepublique21.info
above: NEW! HiRes! "Golden Eye Pilot during have rest": World-star Neederlander supermodel #Doutzen#Kroes for "#Madame#figaro" magazine june-14. 2019. source: Celebsdump.com
Nl. text: Doutzen Kroes (Giekerk, 23 januari 1985) is een Nederlands fotomodel. In 2005 brak ze internationaal door als model via de Victoria's Secret modeshow. In 2011 speelde ze in een Nederlandse film haar eerste rol als actrice. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doutzen_Kroes
Hu. text: Doutzen Kroes (Eastermar, 1985. január 23. –) hollandiai fríz szupermodell. Doutzen Kroes 1985. január 23-án született Eastermarban, Hollandiában. Tanulmányai befejezése után kezdett modellkedni, amikor beküldte néhány fotóját a Paparazzi modellügynökségnek Amszterdamba, ezt követően pedig szerződést kötött a DNA Models ügynökséggel. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! English vintage actress, #Shirley #Eaton R.I.P. in '#007-Agent #James*Bond' "#Goldfinger" source: Pinterest.com
Shirley Eaton (born 12 January 1937. -age 83- Edgware, Middlesex, London-Kingsbury, England) is an English actress, model and author. She was a sex symbol in the 1950s and 1960s, often dubbed the Cockney blonde bombshell for her London accent, blonde hair and sex appeal.
Eaton appeared regularly in British films throughout the 1950s and 1960s, and gained her highest profile for her appearance as Bond Girl Jill Masterson in the James Bond film Goldfinger (1964). Eaton also had roles in the early Carry On films. Preferring to devote herself to bringing up a family, Eaton retired from acting in 1969. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirley_Eaton
Goldfinger is a 1964 spy film and the third installment in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions, starring Sean Connery as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond. It is based on the novel of the same name by Ian Fleming. The film also stars Honor Blackman as Bond girl Pussy Galore and Gert Fröbe as the title character Auric Goldfinger, along with Shirley Eaton as the iconic Bond girl Jill Masterson. Goldfinger was produced by Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman and was the first of four Bond films directed by Guy Hamilton. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldfinger_(film)
above: MedRes! #Goldbricks/#Golden cubics - #Aranytömbök (Arany a tó fenekén; Ezek voltak!)
above: HiRes! "Golden Lady" in Alaska in prop-fan; Movie; "Gold on bottom of lake" - Mozifilm:"Arany a tó fenekén - (Hu. title: Gold on the bottom of lake) Race for the Yankee Zephyr" Movie (theater in New Zealand). photo by: Ian L. Sitren 'Second-Focus' Inc. in Ca. Palm Spring city https://secondfocus.blog/ source: Hungarian google G+ collector: Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up expert https://port.hu/adatlap/film/tv/arany-a-to-feneken-race-for-the-yankee-zephyr/movie-5574
above: MedRes! In Anti-Tempshock Golden-Folie Swimsuit on the 'Venice'-beach in California: "Winter Wonderland" is the first thing that crosses my mind. Which is an example of why I do not typically title my photographs. However I can correctly title Maria Bertrand... Beautiful! From our photo shoot at Venice Beach. Much better on my Blog at Photo: USA - Palmspring: Mr. Ian L. Sitren source: https://www.facebook.com/ian.sitren/media
above: NoHigher! The Golden-brick Transporter with AKS assault rifle - Aranytömb Szállító Ákáesz gépkarabéllyal" source: facebook/Defence World
Pannonia P-10 Hu. made motorbike with AK-47 assault rifle:
above: NoHigher! American celeb, Sara Jean Underwood in Alaska, before Mount McKinley,
source: mellbimbo.eu
Sara Jean Underwood (born March 26, 1984) is an American model, television host, and actress who was chosen as the Playmate of the Month for the July 2006 issue of Playboy magazine and later became Playmate of the Year in 2007. She is a former host of Attack of the Show! on G4. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sara_Jean_Underwood
Denali (/dɪˈnɑːli/) (also known as Mount McKinley, its former official name) is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of 20,310 feet (6,190 m) above sea level. With a topographic prominence of 20,156 feet (6,144 m) and a topographic isolation of 4,629 miles (7,450 km), Denali is the third most prominent and third most isolated peak on Earth, after Mount Everest and Aconcagua. Located in the Alaska Range in the interior of the U.S. state of Alaska, Denali is the centerpiece of Denali National Park and Preserve. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denali
18+above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's 'Air Art' Graphics airbrush painting from 1996.: "the mirror of beauty - a szépség tükre" (Sold!)
above: MedRes! artphoto: David Dubnitskiiy from Dnyepropetrovsk (Ukraine) www.davidfoto.com.ua. https://500px.com/david-foto below: NoHigher! Alaska landscape
"Survivors" Comics- Képregény: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/140-kepregeny-comics-survival-sar.html
above: NoHigher! " scalaria air challenge " water stage depo - vizistég; Lets Talk :VIP
above: HiRes! 'Aston Martin' "Vanguish" ("Catwalk") sport cabrio car source: nevseoboi.com.ua
En. tech: The Aston Martin Vanquish is a super grand tourer introduced by British car manufacturer Aston Martin in 2001 as a successor to the ageing Virage range.
The first-generation V12 Vanquish, designed by Ian Callum and unveiled at the 2001 Geneva Motor Show, was produced from 2001 to 2005. The prototype, built by the Ford Motor Company and Indian designer Dilip Chhabria, was driven by James Bond in the 2002 film Die Another Day. In 2004, a more powerful version called the Vanquish S became the marque's flagship, followed by the Aston Martin DBS V12 in 2007.
The second-generation of the Vanquish was introduced in 2012, followed in 2017 by the Vanquish S with a more powerful engine and improved aerodynamics.
The Vanquish was succeeded by the DBS Superleggera in 2018. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aston_Martin_Vanquish
above: MedRes! #DHC-2#Beaver, #Cessna with #V.I.P. '#Aston-Martin'-"#Vanguish"-#V12 ("#Catwalk") sport-#cabrio #car on #ponton
above: NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's repro slide/dia copy coll from early 1970's by DDR '#Praktica' F.X 2 Jumper women below: MedRes! Birdeye map of Salzkammergut
above: NoHigher! #Austria-#Salzburg; Wolfgangsee with Pink mark
below: MedRes! #Österreiche, St. #Wolfgang im #Salzkammergut close to Schafberg
above: NoHigher! Svenska GPS Navigator, #Camilla Sjoberg
It. text: Camilla Sjoberg (Skövde, 17 aprile 1976) è una modella, showgirl, attrice e disc jockey svedese. ... https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camilla_Sjoberg
Camilla Sjoberg was born on April 17, 1978 in Skövde, Västra Götalands län, Sweden. She is an actress, known for Un amore su misura (2007), Un'estate ai Caraibi (2009) and Torno Sabato (2000). See full bio » Born: April 17, 1978 in Skövde, Västra Götalands län, Sweden. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2255405/ https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2255405/
above: MedRes! St. Wolfgang Beach & Schafbergbahn below: HiRes! #Attraktionen - #Highlights panorama #birdeye map: Site of #Scalaria Air #Challenge in Austria near to Salzburg in Salzkammergut Alpen region at lake Wolfgangsee
Hu. article & text: A héten rendezik meg tizedik alkalommal a Scalaria Air Challenge repülő fesztivált Ausztriában a Wolfgangsee-n erős hidroplán részvétellel. Emlékmorzsák a korábbiakról. Érdekes a történet. Szent Wolfgang kisvárosban a tóparton áll a Scalaria szálloda. A kétezres évek közepén az emblematikus hidroplán tervező családból származó Iren Dornier kapitány – a képen – rábeszélte a szálloda tulajdonosát, hogy szervezzenek közösen egy csobbanást, hidroplán pilóta találkozót. Azért nem lett a fesztivál csupán Scalaria Fly-in, mert beszállt a történetbe a szomszédban, Salzburgban állomásozó Red Bull történelmi légi kötelék is. Az évek folyamán szépen növekedett időben, témában és területekben is a rendezvény. Kezdetben szombaton egy örömrepülés, meg egy exkluziv party volt mindössze, ez maradt a magja. Majd jöttek az egyéb repülőgépek és kaszkadörők vizen, parton és levegőben, már a péntek is betelt. Majd a szervezők exkluzív klubbá alakitották a szállodát, mellette a kisvárosban pedig több helyszínen létrehozták a rajongóknak a nyilvános helyeket. ... http://vizirepules.hu/2015/07/13/nosztalgia-video-a-10-eves-scalariarol/
above: HiRes! Norwegian hydroplanes' meet in austrian Alpen lake: #DHC-2 "#Beaver"-"Hód" source: www.facebook.com

above: MedRes! scalaria 's fast notorboat - motorcsónak: Hospi Beach Club & DHC-2
Weniger Flugzeuge, mehr Klang. Dieser kam von der Seebühne, freilich immer wieder durch ein paar tieffliegende Kunstflieger untermalt. Ganz unter dem Motto "Den Träumen bleibt nichts verwehrt" bot man eine Komposition aus Flugshow, artistischen Perfomances und Live-Musik. "Nach zehn Jahren Air Challenge war es Zeit für etwas Neues", sagten die Gastgeber Peter und Simone Gastberger vom "Scalaria" in St. Wolfgang. ...
above: MedRes! "Scalaria Air Challenge 2015" Austria, Wolfgangsee source: Super-Petrel-EU.org
above: HiRes! Real perspective from door to Hydroplane's "Beaver" Mermaid by: Christoph Koch Photography from Österreiche - Austria: http://www.christophkoch.co.at/ source: Hungarian Google g+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up expert
above: MedRes! 'Beaver' dashboard - műszerfala C-GEZS Floatplane source: Baxter-Aviation
Heidi Klum supermodel in cover of Sports Illustrated 1999. Photographed by: Andrew MacPherson. via: Pinterest.com source: www.si.com
De. text: Heidi Klum (* 1. Juni 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach, von 2009 bis 2012 bürgerlich Heidi Samuel) ist ein deutsches Model. Seit 2008 besitzt sie auch die US-amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Sie arbeitet als Jurorin, Moderatorin und Produzentin der Fernsehsendungen Germany’s Next Topmodel und Project Runway sowie in den Vereinigten Staaten als Jurorin für America’s Got Talent. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidi_Klum
above: HiRes! DHC-2 'Beaver' control panel source: albinger.me
above: MedRes! Austia-Salzburg: flights lows info: Approach chart - Megközelítési - Közelkörzeti Látvarepülési (VFR - Visual Flight Rules - Látvarepülési Szabályok) térkép source: Google/www.hebels.nl
above: MedRes! Flying scalaria's Hostesses on scalaria air challenge der see als landebahn source: facebook
above: MedRes! Cockpit source: avsim below: MedRes! Dashboard source: DjKennedy
above: HiRes! Edited by Sextant Juci'bacsi's collect: DHC-2 präczise outline-drawing Three-view below: MedRes! B & W photo Hu. Modellezés magazine
above: NoHigher! Susane Benton in Alaska
Susanne Benton (née Hildur; born February 3, 1948) is a retired Canadian actress known for her film roles as General Dreedle's WAC in Catch-22 (1970) and Quilla June Holmes in A Boy and His Dog (1975). In 1972, she appeared in the Andy Griffith film The Strangers in 7A, credited under her birth name, Susanne Hildur. She also used that name when appearing in an episode of Barnaby Jones a year later in 1973. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susanne_Benton
above: NoHigher! American famous #Elizabeth Taylor source: pinterest/-thezoereport.com
Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor DBE (February 27, 1932. London, England, U.K. – March 23, 2011.) was a British-American actress, businesswoman, and humanitarian. She began her career as a child actress in the early 1940s, and was one of the most popular stars of classical Hollywood cinema in the 1950s. She continued her career successfully into the 1960s, and remained a well-known public figure for the rest of her life. In 1999, the American Film Institute named her the seventh-greatest female screen legend. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Taylor
above: NoHigher! Canadian made DHC-2 'Beaver' - 'Hód' 3D graphic art
Le de Havilland Canada DHC-2, aussi connu sous le nom de Beaver (en français, castor) est un petit avion monoplan.
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's dia-slidefilm repro-photo about My greeting card from Virginia-beach 1995., (USA advert) Retro: Water sky couple - Vizisíelő pár "Human Hydrobody" scan by: szextant
above: HiRes! Kit: Danish made #LEGO DHC-2 scene - beállítás
Dk. text: Legoklods er et stykke legetøj produceret af LEGO siden 1949 efter engelsk forbillede. Der er tale om en byggeklods af plast, der bygger på et stramt modulsystem, så alle klodser kan passe sammen og kombineres på et utal af måder.
Der var et meget begrænset antal variationer af klodser i begyndelsen. De første klodser var åbne i bunden og med knopper ovenpå, der passede stramt op i den næste klods.
I 1958 dør LEGOs grundlægger Ole Kirk Christiansen og sønnen Godtfred Kirk Christiansen overtager fabrikken. Samme år ændres klodserne, så de forsynes med indvendige rør således at sammenhæftningen bliver bedre. Siden er der kommet masser af specialklodser, der ikke er så generelle, men på en eller anden måde altid passer i modulsystemet.
Hvis man tager 8 klodser på 2x4 i samme farve, kan man bygge over forskellige former. ... https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legoklods
above: MedRes! Brooklyn Decker in film: "Just Go With It"-"Kellékfeleség"
En. text: Just Go with It is a 2011 American romantic comedy film directed by Dennis Dugan, written by Allan Loeb and Timothy Dowling and starring Adam Sandler (who also co-produced), Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, Nick Swardson and Brooklyn Decker. The film is based on the 2005 Hindi film Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya?, which is itself an adaptation of 1969 film Cactus Flower, which was adapted from an earlier Broadway stage play written by Abe Burrows, which in turn was based upon the French play Fleur de cactus.
Production of the film began on March 2, 2010. The film was released on February 11, 2011 by Columbia Pictures in North America. The film grossed over $214 million, making it a box office success - however, the film received negative reviews from critics and won two Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Actor and Worst Director. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Go_with_It
above: MedRes! French #Polynesia, Tahiti island, #Papeete Marina-Taina
above: HiRes! 2012. 'Miss Tuning' calendar - naptár Nizzai érzés - Nice feeling
Nice Côte d'Azur Airport
above: NoHigher! France, #Nice Cote D'Azur IAP, IFR '#JEPPESEN' Approach chart
above: HiRes! #Tahiti, Mairie Paea
above: NoHigher! #Miss de #Havilland #Canada as #House-keeper - #házvezető-nő #Blondy in "#Palmatex" #bikini #swimmsuit with #cameltoe! source: Pinterest.com #Wow!
Hollywood Movie: "Six Days Seven Nights" - "Hat nap Hét éjszaka"
En. text: Six Days, Seven Nights is a 1998 adventure-comedy film directed by Ivan Reitman and starring Harrison Ford and Anne Heche. The screenplay was written by Michael Browning. It was filmed on location in Kauai, and released on June 12, 1998.
Plot: Robin Monroe (Heche) is a New York City journalist who works for Dazzle, a fashion magazine. She is invited by her boyfriend Frank (David Schwimmer) to spend a week holidaying with him on the island paradise of Makatea, in the South Pacific. The final leg of their journey to Makatea is in a dilapidated de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver, piloted by middle-aged American Quinn Harris (Harrison Ford). They are accompanied by Quinn's girlfriend and co-pilot Angelica (Jacqueline Obradors). On their first night on the island, Frank proposes to Robin, who happily accepts. At a bar, a drunken Quinn makes a move on Robin, which she rejects as Frank appears.
Thee off from the island, avoiding the pirates again, who accidentally destroy their own boat. Quinn is injured, but Robin manages to land in Makatea, where their funerals are held. Frank is very happy to see Robin alive, but is disgusted at himself for sleeping with Angelica and not being able to tell Robin about it. Robin goes to the hospital, where Quinn is recovering, and tells him her feelings for him, but he rejects her. ...
Critical response: The film received generally negative reviews. The film has a rating of 36% at review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 39 reviews. It holds a score of 51 on Metacritic, based on reviews from 23 critics.
Box office: The film's revenue exceeded its $70 million production budget in the United States, earning $74,329,966, and with strong international sales totaling an additional $90,509,328; Six Days, Seven Nights ended its theatrical run with a worldwide total of $164,839,294. ...

#Movie-Poster - #Moziplakát of Six Days Seven Nights
Harrison Ford (born July 13, 1942) is an American actor and film producer. He gained worldwide fame for his starring roles as Han Solo in the Star Wars film series and as the title character of the Indiana Jones film series. Ford is also known for his roles as Rick Deckard in the neo-noirdystopian science fiction film Blade Runner (1982); John Book in the thriller Witness (1985), for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor; and Jack Ryan in the action films Patriot Games (1992) and Clear and Present Danger (1994).
His career has spanned six decades and includes roles in several Hollywood blockbusters; including the epic war film Apocalypse Now (1979); the legal drama Presumed Innocent (1990); the action film The Fugitive (1993); the political action thriller Air Force One (1997); and the psychological thriller What Lies Beneath (2000). Seven of his films have been inducted into the National Film Registry: American Graffiti (1973), The Conversation (1974), Star Wars (1977), Apocalypse Now (1979), The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Blade Runner (1982).
As of 2016, the U.S. domestic box-office grosses of Ford's films total over US$4.7 billion, with worldwide grosses surpassing $6 billion, making Ford the second highest-grossing U.S. domestic box-office star. Ford is married to actress Calista Flockhart. ...
Ford is a licensed pilot of both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, and owns an 800 acres (320 hectares) ranch in Jackson, Wyoming, approximately half of which he has donated as a nature reserve. On several occasions, Ford has personally provided emergency helicopter services at the request of local authorities, in one instance rescuing a hiker overcome by dehydration.
Ford began flight training in the 1960s at Wild Rose Idlewild Airport in Wild Rose, Wisconsin, flying in a Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer, but at $15 an hour (equivalent to $119 in 2016), he could not afford to continue the training. In the mid-1990s, he bought a used Gulfstream II and asked one of his pilots, Terry Bender, to give him flying lessons. They started flying a Cessna 182 out of Jackson, Wyoming, later switching to Teterboro, New Jersey, flying a Cessna 206, the aircraft he soloed in.
Ford flies his de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver (N28S) more than any of his other aircraft, and has repeatedly said that he likes this aircraft and the sound of its Pratt & Whitney R-985 radial engine. According to Ford, it had been flown in the CIA's Air America operations, and was riddled with bullet holes that had to be patched up. Ford keeps his aircraft at Santa Monica Airport,though the Bell 407 is often kept and flown in Jackson, Wyoming, and has been used by the actor in two mountain rescues during his assigned duty time with Teton County Search and Rescue. On one of the rescues, Ford recovered a hiker who had become lost and disoriented. She boarded Ford's helicopter and promptly vomited into one of the rescuers' caps, unaware of who the pilot was until much later; "I can't believe I barfed in Harrison Ford's helicopter!" she said later. ...
On March 5, 2015, Ford's plane, believed to be a Ryan PT-22 Recruit, made an emergency landing on the Penmar Golf Course in Venice, California. Ford had radioed in to report that the plane had experienced engine failure. He was taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where he was reported to be in fair to moderate condition. Ford suffered a broken pelvis and broken ankle during the accident, as well as other injuries. On February 13, 2017, Ford landed an Aviat Husky at John Wayne Airport on the taxiway left of runway 20L. A Boeing 737 was holding short of the runway on the taxiway when Ford overflew them. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Ford
above: MedRes! 6D7N: Anne Heche & Harrison Ford source: Youtube
above & below: NoHigher! Six Days 2-6-Jours-7nuits-W9: Harisson Ford as pilote and Anne Heche as mate source: de-choc_news_full_programme-television.org below: The sand scene
Hu. text: Hat nap, hét éjszaka/Six Days Seven Nights/
magyarul beszélő, amerikai akció-vígjáték, 98 perc, 1998.
Quinn (Harrison Ford) kemény, ámde csöppet sem ambíciózus pilóta, aki rozzant teherszállító gépén fekete fuvarokat vállal egyik trópusi szigetről a másikra. Kényelmes életén esze ágában sincs változtatni. Robin (Anne Heche): sikerorientált és céltudatos nő, egy New York-i magazin szerkesztője, aki újdonsült vőlegényével nyaral egy egzotikus déltengeri szigeten. Egy sürgős munka azonban Tahitira szólítja, ezért repülőgépet bérel, melynek pilótája nem más, mint a laza Quinn. Az össze nem illő pár (vagy mondjuk úgy: tűz és víz) "repülőtörést" szenved egy lakatlan szigeten, s megkezdődik a veszélyes kalandokkal, az annál is veszélyesebb perpatvarokkal, és ami a legveszélyesebb: egy kis románccal tarkított váratlan vakáció, amelyhez foghatót nem reklámoznak utazási irodák. És akkor még említést sem tettünk a váratlanul felbukkanó vérszomjas kalózokról, akik a szigeten rejtegetik összerabolt kincseiket.
Forgalmazó: InterCom source: https://port.hu/adatlap/film/tv/hat-nap-het-ejszaka-six-days-seven-nights/movie-993
Anne Celeste Heche (/ˈheɪʃ/ HAYSH; born May 25, 1969) is an American actress, director, and screenwriter. Following a dual role in the daytime soap opera Another World (1987–91), she came to mainstream prominence in the late 1990s with the films Donnie Brasco (1997), Volcano (1997), Six Days, Seven Nights (1998), and Return to Paradise (1998). In 1998, Heche portrayed Marion Crane in Gus Van Sant's horror remake Psycho. Premiering September 25, 2017, Anne is now the series lead in the new 2017-18 NBC military drama The Brave.
above: NoHigher! "Hollywood or Bust! - Hallivúd vagy Kudarc" Mellbőség/~szobor Pin-Up Graphic by: Greg Hildebrandt Title: "Blonde White and Blue" 2006. http://www.thepinupfiles.com/hildebrandt1.html
above: MedRes! Seven day ..: H. Ford & A. Heche source: pvillafl-wixsite
above: NoHigher! #Tahiti is famous for black sand beaches - Plage.sable.noir. Tahiti
En. text: Alexis René Glabach (born November 23, 1996), known professionally as Alexis Ren, is an American Internet celebrity and model. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_Ren
above: HiRes! Tahiti from International Space Station ISS
En. text: Tahiti (/təˈhiːti/; French pronunciation: [ta.iti]; previously also known as Otaheite (obsolete) is the largest island in the Windward group of French Polynesia. The island is located in the archipelagoof the Society Islands in the central Southern Pacific Ocean, and is divided into two parts: the bigger, northwestern part Tahiti Nui and the smaller, southeastern part Tahiti Iti. The island was formed from volcanic activity and is high and mountainous with surrounding coral reefs. The population is 183,645 inhabitants (2012 census), making it the most populous island of French Polynesia and accounting for 68.5 percent of its total population.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahiti
Le français est la langue officielle. La langue vernaculaire est le tahitien. ...
above: MedRes! Pacific Oceanic map below: NoHigher! area
above: MedRes! Political map source: Wikipedia
Hu. text: Tahiti, eredeti nevén Otaheite, Francia Polinézia legnagyobb szigete a Csendes-óceánban. Területe: 1045 km², legmagasabb pontja 2241 m (Mount Orohena). A főváros, Papeete az északnyugati parton fekszik. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahiti
above: NoHigher! Areas: Micro, Mela, Polynesia source: asiapacific.anu.edu
above: MedRes! Tahiti #JEPPESEN enroute chart below: Left: MedRes! Taiti INTL Airport chart Right: MedRes! Approach chart of Tahiti of FAA

above: MedRes! Cheryl Tiegs looks the porting manevuer source: tumblr.com
Cheryl Rae Tiegs (born September 25, 1947) is an American model and fashion designer. Frequently described as the first American supermodel, Tiegs is best known for her multiple appearances on the covers of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and TIME and for her 1978 "Pink Bikini" poster, which became an iconic image of 1970s pop culture. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheryl_Tiegs

above: HiRes! World famous French painter, #Paul Gauguin (Pól Gogen) - "Femme au fruit"-"Nő gyümölcscsel" festménye, 1893.
En 1891, Paul Gauguin s'installe à Tahiti où il espère pouvoir fuir la civilisation occidentale et tout ce qui est artificiel et conventionnel. Influencé par les écrits des lumières, il se lance à la recherche de cette pureté originelle. Il vit d'abord à Papeete, mais il trouve la ville trop occidentalisée. Il s'installe alors aux Marquises, en espérant y découvrir la polynésie authentique. Ses peintures contribueront activement au mythe polynésien. ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahiti
above: NoHigher! Tahitian Wimin on Exhibition Photo by: Marcus Mühlestein Photography source: http://beautyplanes.blogspot.hu
above: NoHigher! #Brooklyn Decker: #Dream - #Álom
Brooklyn Danielle Decker Roddick (born April 12, 1987. -age 32- Kettering, Ohio, U.S.) is an American model and actress best known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, including the cover of the 2010 issue. In addition to working for Victoria's Secret for the 2010 "Swim" collection, she has ventured into television with guest appearances on Chuck, Ugly Betty, The League, and Royal Pains. She made her feature film debut in Just Go with It (2011), and later starred in Battleship (2012) and What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooklyn_Decker
above: MedRes! C-FGYN Adlair Aviation de Havilland Beaver (DHC-2) source:wikipedia
above: MedRes! Brooklyn Decker in film "Just-Go-With-It"
above: NoHigher! Brooklyn Decker Slide-Picture: She is in Bikini with cameltoe on Hawaiiabove: NEW! NoHigher! (Crop!) Brooklyn Decker as "WALDEN" type "floating-board tester"
above: NoHigher! DHC-2 'Turbo-Beaver' hydroplane
above: NoHigher! DHC-3 'Otter' dashboard/instrument panel - műszerfal
NoHigher! above: DHC-3 Alaskaian wild trofeas below: Red Bull hostesses in Canada
above: NoHigher! Marilyn Monroe with a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police - RCMP (canadian Borderguard) a Kanadai Királyi Hegyi Rendőrség tagjával source: Google.hu
Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson; June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962) was an American actress, model, and singer. Famous for playing comic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and was emblematic of the era's attitudes towards sexuality. Although she was a top-billed actress for only a decade, her films grossed $200 million by the time of her unexpected death in 1962 (equivalent to $2 billion in 2017). More than half a century later, she continues to be a major popular culture icon. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Skalaria's HydroAngel on the lakeside stage/pier source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov's album
above: NEW! HiRes! Morena Baccarin beside DHC-3 toward to DHC-6 hydroplane source: Twitter
Morena Baccarin (Portuguese pronunciation: [mo'ɾenɐ baka'ɾĩ]; born June 2, 1979. -age 41- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is a Brazilian-American actress known for portraying Inara Serra in the sci-fi series Firefly and the follow-up film Serenity; the voice of Black Canary in Justice League Unlimited (2004-06), Vanessa in the superhero comedy film Deadpool and its sequel Deadpool 2; Jessica Brody in the Showtime series Homeland, for which she received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2013; and Dr. Leslie "Lee" Thompkins in the Fox series Gotham. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morena_Baccarin
above: NEW! HiRes! Margot Robbie "on ENTRY bridge" from via: New-Hot-Pictures
Margot Elise Robbie (/ˈmɑːrɡoʊ ˈrɒbi/ MAR-goh ROB-ee; born 2 July 1990. -age 30- Dalby, Queensland, Australia) is an Australian actress and producer. She has received nominations for two Academy Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, and six BAFTA Awards. In 2017, Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world, and in 2019, she was ranked among the world's highest-paid actresses by Forbes. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie
231.) Marine style fashion clothes & wears - Tengerészeti stílusú divatruhák és viseletek - Sailor & Captain Women: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/03/231-marine-style-fashion-clothes-wears.html
above: MedRes! below: HiRes! "Scalaria Air Challenge" 2015, Austria, lake-Wolfgangsee source: Hospi_Lifestyle DHC-2 & Cessna 182 at the Lake occasion of scalaria
MedRes! above: Stand of MOÉT & CHANDON Champagne on "Scalaria-Air-Challenge 2015" with 'Riva' "Aquarama" on Wolfgangsee below: Onboard of 'Riva' & Republic 'Seabee' source: salzburgerland.com
above: NoHigher! "Scalaria feeling": #BB - #Brigitte Bardot on '#Riva' #luxury fast motorboat
Fr. text: Brigitte Bardot (également connue sous les initiales de « BB »), née le 28 septembre 1934 à Paris, est une actrice de cinéma, mannequin, chanteuse et militante de la cause animale française.
Figure féminine des années 1950 et 1960, elle est une star mondiale, l'égérie et la muse de grands artistes de l'époque. Emblème de l'émancipation des femmes et de la liberté sexuelle de cette époque, elle incarne des rôles de femme-enfant et de femme fatale.
Elle tourne avec plusieurs grands réalisateurs, interprétant des personnages à l'élégante légèreté et à la sensualité photogénique. Elle devient rapidement un sex-symbol et acquiert une renommée internationale. Avec à son actif 45 films et plus de 70 chansons en près de 21 ans de carrière, Brigitte Bardot est une des artistes françaises les plus célèbres au monde.
En 1973, elle met un terme à sa carrière d'actrice pour se consacrer à la défense des droits des animaux, notamment avec la création de la fondation Brigitte-Bardot. À partir des années 1990, elle suscite le débat en raison de prises de position hostiles à la montée de l'islam en France et aux égorgements rituels d'animaux sans étourdissement préalable. ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigitte_Bardot
NoHigher! above & below: Juci'bácsi's repro slide/dia copy coll from early 1970's by DDR '#Praktica' MTL-2 above: From #Playboy copy photo by '#Nikon' "#Coolpix-4300" below Two: Salzkammergut prospekte & ?
above: Theese oiriginal Repro Copies was on GDR. ORWO or Hu. FORTE slide/Dia-film
above: HiRes! Performance of 'SCALARIA' Attendant Girl-Team source: facebook.com
above: NoHigher! Hübsche Hostessen in Uniform – scalaria Air Challenge am Wolfgangsee source: meinbezirk.at below: NEW! MedRes! Hospi Design Beauty Shot reserve
above: MedRes! scalaria 'Moét & Chandon' Design Book by Kern below: NoHigher! Romana Gastberger, SCALARIA und Mann Peter Gastberger, SCALARIA und Tochter Simone SCALARIA Air Challange source: google/andrea-strigl
above: MedRes! Hospi scalaria TITEL Beach Club, air-challenge, Dornier XO Do-24 ATT D-CIDO Amphibian - Private Vogelperspektive - Birdeye - Madártávlati
above: NoHigher! Germany Kriegsmarine - Marine style party wear
above: NoHigher! Germany Kriegsmarine - Marine style party wear
above: Left: MedRes! Charming mood! Right: MedRes!
En. text: The Dornier Do 24 is a 1930s German three-engine flying boat designed by the Dornier Flugzeugwerke for maritime patrol and search and rescue. According to Dornier records, some 12,000 people were rescued by Do 24s during its flying career. A total of 279 were built among several factories from 1937 to 1945. ...
De. text: Die Dornier Do 24 war ein dreimotoriges, hochseefähiges Fernaufklärungsflugboot, das 1937 zum ersten Mal flog. Ursprünglich für die Niederlande gebaut, wurde es bis in die 1970er-Jahre vor allem zur Seenotrettung eingesetzt. Noch heute fliegt eine modernisierte Do 24 ATT. ...
Hu. text: A Dornier Do 24 egy német három motoros repülőcsónak, melyet a Dornier Flugzeugwerke tervezett az 1930-as években tengerészeti járőr és kutató-mentő feladatok elvégzésére. A Dornier feljegyzései szerint a Do 24 alkalmazása során 12 000 embert mentettek meg a repülőgép használatával. 1937-1945 között 279 darabot gyártottak belőle különböző gyárakban. ...
above: MedRes! Cessna-182 hydroplane Someone could arrived this like nowadays - Manapság egyes nagy sztárok így is érkezhettek volna az 'Anna-bál'-ra pl.: egy Cessna Hydroplánnal, mint Ms. Mihalik Enikő sztár manöken és fotomodell a Victoria's Secret-től. photo: Vogue - Mexico
Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography teamInez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. ... en.wikipedia.org/Eniko_Mihalik
NoHigher! above: C-172 refueling in Scottish skirt - Skót-szoknyában via: Scotlandfloats below: scalaria 'Riva' Hostesses
above: HiRes! Cessna '#Caravan' with Mikulas pilot stopps below: NoHigher! Model on Cessna-172 #hydroplane
above: HiRes! James Bond 007 Agent: "Licence to Kill" (1989) scene: C-185 seaplane of drugkartell: Drugs changing hands below: NoHigher! Maneuver
source: B+Movie Blog - https://bplusmovieblog.com/2012/10/28/ranking-the-bond-movies-12-licence-to-kill-1989/
Licence to Kill is a 1989 American-British spy film, the sixteenth in the James Bond film series produced by Eon Productions, and the last to star Timothy Dalton in the role of the fictional MI6 agent James Bond. It is the first one not to use the title of an Ian Fleming story. It is also the fifth and final consecutive Bond film to be directed by John Glen, also the last film to feature Robert Brown as M & Caroline Bliss as Miss Moneypenny, as well as the final film to have both the Gunbarrel and title sequence's designed by Maurice Binder before his death less than 2 years later in 1991, and the final bond film to be produced by Albert R. Broccoli since he wasn't to produce Goldeneye) in 1995 due to his ill health before his death in 1996. The story has elements of two Ian Fleming short stories and a novel, interwoven with aspects from Japanese Rōnin tales. The film sees Bond being suspended from MI6 as he pursues drug lord Franz Sanchez, who has ordered an attack against his CIA friend Felix Leiter and the murder of Felix's wife during their honeymoon. Originally titled Licence Revoked in line with the plot, the name was changed during post-production due to American test audiences associating the term with driving. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Licence_to_Kill
above: NoHigher! the picture stands a man dressed in black pointing a pistol towards the viewer. An inset picture shows two women looking out of the poster above another man and a few images depicting vehicles and explosions. The name '007' appears in the top right whilst in the centre at the bottom are the words "LICENCE TO KILL"
Source: (WP:NFCC#4) Wikipedia
UK cinema poster for Licence to Kill (1989)
Fair use: File:Licence to Kill - UK cinema poster.jpg Uploaded: 8 March 2015
NoHigher! Brazilian supermodel, Alessandra Ambrosio in #Ralph-Lauren's #beachwear. Change a Clothes beside Cessna-172 - mellett ruhaváltás source: pinterest.com source: Pinterest.com
Ralph Lauren, KBE (né Lifshitz; born October 14, 1939. -age 79- The Bronx, New York, U.S.) is an American fashion designer, philanthropist, and business executive, best known for the Ralph Lauren Corporation, a global multibillion-dollar enterprise. He has also become well known for his collection of rare automobiles, some of which have been displayed in museum exhibits. Lauren stepped down as CEO of the company in September 2015 but remains executive chairman and chief creative officer. As of 2018, Forbes estimates his wealth at $7.2 billion, which makes Ralph Lauren the 91st richest person in America. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Lauren
Alessandra Corine Maria Ambrósio (Brazilian Portuguese: [aleˈsɐ̃dɾɐ ɐ̃ˈbɾɔzju]; born April 11, 1981.-age 38- Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) is a Brazilian model and television personality. Ambrosio is known for her work with Victoria's Secret and was chosen as the first spokesmodel for the company's PINK line. Ambrosio was a Victoria's Secret Angel from 2004 to 2017 and has modeled for brands such as Next, Armani Exchange, Christian Dior, and Ralph Lauren.
In 2012, she was ranked number six on Forbes' list of the highest-paid models, estimated to have earned $6.6 million in one year. She is often cited by the popular media as one of the world's sexiest women. As an Angel, she was chosen as one of People magazine's annual "100 Most Beautiful People in the World" in May 2007. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandra_Ambrosio
above: MedRes! Zebra-pattern Sikorsky S-38B amfybia source: PPS
scalaria I europe ́s superior event resort;
Wo modernste Event-Inszenierungen auf Design und Natur treffen.
Der scalaria event resort am Wolfgangsee nahe Salzburg verbindet Designer Rooms, atemberaubende Shows und professionelle Event Organisation zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis und ist die ideale Location für Ihre Firmenveranstaltung.
Ob Business-Forum, Tagungen, Manager-Meeting, Produktpräsentation oder Strategie- und Teambuilding-Events, eine Veranstaltung in der scalaria ist immer großes Kino. Vor der magischen Kulisse des Sees bietet das Alpenresort 420 Betten in Designerzimmern, zehn Seminar- und Konferenzräume mit Ausblick, das 1416 m2 große „DO- X teatro“ mit 2 integrierten fliegenden Bühnen und das Theaterrestaurant „Circus Circus" mit Premium Live Showküche. Die scalaria ist kein Hotel, sondern ein bewohnbares, emotionales Erlebnis.
„Standing Ovations im Kopf“
„Überraschen, begeistern, verblüffen!“ – mit diesem Anspruch tritt die scalaria, Europas Superior Event-Resort am Wolfgangsee im Salzkammergut, jeden Tag aufs Neue an und schafft meisterliche Event-Iszenierungen mit individuell geschaffenen Erlebniswelten. // Aber jetzt genug gesprochen! Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der scalaria. Wir laden Sie ein, dieses bewohnbare Erlebnis in all seinen Facetten kennenzulernen! ... see you: http://www.scalaria.com/
scalaria I europe ́s superior event resort;
Wo modernste Event-Inszenierungen auf Design und Natur treffen.
Der scalaria event resort am Wolfgangsee nahe Salzburg verbindet Designer Rooms, atemberaubende Shows und professionelle Event Organisation zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis und ist die ideale Location für Ihre Firmenveranstaltung.
Ob Business-Forum, Tagungen, Manager-Meeting, Produktpräsentation oder Strategie- und Teambuilding-Events, eine Veranstaltung in der scalaria ist immer großes Kino. Vor der magischen Kulisse des Sees bietet das Alpenresort 420 Betten in Designerzimmern, zehn Seminar- und Konferenzräume mit Ausblick, das 1416 m2 große „DO- X teatro“ mit 2 integrierten fliegenden Bühnen und das Theaterrestaurant „Circus Circus" mit Premium Live Showküche. Die scalaria ist kein Hotel, sondern ein bewohnbares, emotionales Erlebnis.
„Standing Ovations im Kopf“
„Überraschen, begeistern, verblüffen!“ – mit diesem Anspruch tritt die scalaria, Europas Superior Event-Resort am Wolfgangsee im Salzkammergut, jeden Tag aufs Neue an und schafft meisterliche Event-Iszenierungen mit individuell geschaffenen Erlebniswelten. // Aber jetzt genug gesprochen! Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der scalaria. Wir laden Sie ein, dieses bewohnbare Erlebnis in all seinen Facetten kennenzulernen! ... see you: http://www.scalaria.com/

above: NoHigher! #Austria-#Salzburg: #VFR #Visual #Approach #Chart (#VAC) lows-#map
above: MedRes! Wolfgangsee in Austria map below: NoHigher! by Expedia map in Austria - Oberösterreiche

above: MedRes! Wolfgangsee in Austria map below: NoHigher! by Expedia map in Austria - Oberösterreiche

NoHigher! above: scalaria: eventworld by: scalaria below: Landkarte-Wolfgangsee
Water-Rescuers - Vizimentők & Huntings - Vadászatok: Optical Support - Optikai támogatása: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/05/80-vadaszatok-es-vizimento-akciok.html?zx=d49130115a530d03
above: NoHigher! Austrian 'Red Bull' Grumman 'Goose' on Scalaria meet
above: NoHigher! Step by Step ladder capability - Lépcsőmászó képesség source: facebook
above: MedRes! Scalaria's 'Piper' "Super Cub" floatplane OK! source: kurier
above: NoHigher! Scalaria: Anja Kruse source: Austrian-Wings
While staying at the event location Scalaria I often came accross photos and posters of this great water plane, a Dornier DO24 TT. It reminded me of the fact, that every year an air show takes place above the nearby lake Wolfgangsee. An interesting continuation: In the 1920s there was a connection between Vienna and lake Wolfgangsee by water planes!
above: HiRes! (Crop Horizontal) Aktuell Fashion: "Wolfgangsee" jackets Right: It on World topmodel: #Elsa #Hosk source: Google/Gorsuch
En. text: Elsa Anna Sofie Hosk (born 7 November 1988) is a Swedish model and current Victoria's Secret Angel, who has worked for a number of leading brands including Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Free People, Ungaro, H&M, Anna Sui, Lilly Pulitzer and Guess. She modeled for Victoria's Secret, appearing in the brand's annual fashion show in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. She has also appeared in many of the brand's campaigns, especially for the sub-division PINK In 2015, she was announced as one of 10 new Victoria's Secret Angels. She has also played professional basketball in Sweden. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsa_Hosk

above: HiRes! Cessna Hydroplane: Unbelieve Pipe-dream on lake Balaton - Hihetetlen Vágyálom a Balatonon-ra source: facebook
lake Balaton genre pics - Életképek, Landscape, Retro, Hu. Topmodels:
above: MedRes! Lovetime
above: Scal lunch at Cottage point inn by seaplane DHC-2 from Sydney in Sydney
above: NEW! NoHigher! USA Gymnastics American Classic: "Exercise for get on to Hydroplane" source: Pinterest.com
MCSMaria's Artistic Gymnastics Blog: Maggie Nichols Training Bars and Beam at…
above: NoHigher! Polish made Turbo PZL-104 'Wilga' - 'Golden Oriole'
above: HiRes! Life Saver Polish PZL-104 'Wilga' Hidroplan source: facebook/Bakcsi Szalma Tünde
above: HiRes! Shipwrecked - Hajótörött: Miss Rachael Rose in white bikini waiting for 007 Life-Saver liner source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Girl expert

above: NoHigher! Republic RC-3X 'Seabee' / Piaggio-Marchetti seaplane below: MedRes! Mystery Bee Left: South African "Crazy - Őrült" Right: Swiss yellow HB-LSK on scalaria.

above: NoHigher! Republic RC-3X 'Seabee' / Piaggio-Marchetti seaplane below: MedRes! Mystery Bee Left: South African "Crazy - Őrült" Right: Swiss yellow HB-LSK on scalaria.

NoHigher! above: Republic RC-3 "Seabee" amphybia in, movie sequence, 'James Bond 007 agent', 1974-es "The Man With The Golden Gun" - "Az aranypisztolyos férfi" volt, right: Maud Adams (Scaramanga), mid: Sir Roger Moore R.I.P. (007 agent) In Memoriam Angel and left: Britt Ekland (Mary Goodnightot) swedish actresses. below: Golden Gun: "Fireball Bee"
Thailand - Scaramanga's base was actually a volcanic rock island called Khow-Ping-Kan in the Phang Nga Bay of Thailand. Nick NackFilm Man with the Golden Gun (1974) Location Ko Tapu, Phang Nga Bay, PhuketScene Bond flies over Phang Nga Bay on his way to hitman Scaramanga's island hideaway on Ko Tapu, now known as James Bond Island. Here, Scaramanga shows Bond his solar power plant hidden in the rocks, destroys his plane, sits down for lunch with him and then suggests a duel on the beach, which he walks away from.
18+above: NoHigher! Swedish actres, Maud Adams: Golden Pistol - Aranypisztoly 1974.
above: NoHigher! MADE FAMOUS BY: The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) with Roger Moore LORE: The Seabee was designed on Long Island and cost a cool $3,500 in ... source: http://www.standardhotels.com/culture/flights-of-fancy
above: MedRes! In Memoriam: Sir #Roger Moore (R.I.P. - Rest In Peace) get off from 'Seabee' N87545 source: www.seabee.info below: NoHigher! Original Industrial Drawing RC-3
The Republic RC-3 Seabee is an all-metal amphibious sports aircraft designed by Percival Spencer and manufactured by the Republic Aircraft Corporation. ...
above: MedRes! Drawing of Cockpit below: NEW! MedRes! Cutaway drawing key

above: NoHigher! Italian licence made SIAI "Riviera"

above: NoHigher! 'Riviera': The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) AMC Matador X Coupé (fictional); Fuselage of a Chinese MiG; Republic RC-3 Seabee seaplane (The Man with the Golden Gun ... source: air & space magazine

above: NoHigher! Italian licence made SIAI "Riviera"

above: NoHigher! 'Riviera': The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) AMC Matador X Coupé (fictional); Fuselage of a Chinese MiG; Republic RC-3 Seabee seaplane (The Man with the Golden Gun ... source: air & space magazine
above: NEW! NoHigher! A group of young people enjoying a game of volleyball on the beach in Beaulieu-sur-Mer, riviera of France in the summer of 1960.
above: MedRes! The Director & Britt Ekland and guy Hamilton Broccoli
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) is the ninth spy film in the James Bond series to be produced by Eon Productions, and the second to star Roger Moore as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond. A loose adaptation of Ian Fleming's novel of the same name, the film has Bond sent after the Solex Agitator, a device that can harness the power of the sun, while facing the assassin Francisco Scaramanga, the "Man with the Golden Gun". The action culminates in a duel between them that settles the fate of the Solex. ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_with_the_Golden_Gun
Sir Roger George Moore, KBE (/mɔːr/; 14 October 1927 – 23 May 2017) was an English actor. He is best known for having played Ian Fleming's British secret agent James Bond in seven feature films from 1973 to 1985. He also played Simon Templar in the television series The Saintfrom 1962 to 1969 and Lord Brett Sinclair in The Persuaders! from 1971 to 1972 with Tony Curtis.
Moore took over the role of Bond from Sean Connery in 1972, made his first appearance as 007 in Live and Let Die (1973), and went on to portray the spy in six more films until his retirement from the role in 1985. Appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1991, Moore was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2003 for "services to charity". In 2007, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his work in television and in film. In 2008, the French government appointed Moore a Commander of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. ... en.wikipedia.org/Roger_Moore
above: NoHigher! Starring scene photo: #Maud Adams in "Man with the golden gun" #Roger Moore & #Britt Ekland publicity shot source: jacemcmillan.wordpress
Britt Ekland (born Britt-Marie Eklund; October 6, 1942) is a Swedish actress and singer. She appeared in numerous films in her heyday throughout the 1960s and 1970s, including critically acclaimed roles in William Friedkin's The Night They Raided Minsky's (1968), and the British crime film Get Carter (1971), which established her as a movie sex symbol. She also starred in the British cult horror film The Wicker Man (1973) and appeared as a Bond girl in The Man with the Golden Gun (1974).
Her high-profile social life and her 1964 marriage to actor Peter Sellers attracted considerable press attention, leading to her being one of the most photographed celebrities in the world during the 1970s. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britt_Ekland
Maud Solveig Christina Adams (née Wikström born 12 February 1945), is a Swedish actress, known for her roles as two different Bond girls, first in The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) and then as the eponymous character in Octopussy (1983), as well as making a brief uncredited appearance in A View to a Kill (1985). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maud_Adams
above: NoHigher! Se Bee at beach - tengerparton (fürdőzős)

above: NoHigher! The resistance of forehead #Victoria #Silvstedt - a homlokellenállás source: pinterest
En. text: Karin Victoria Silvstedt (born 19 September 1974) is a Swedish top model, actress, singer, and television personality. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Silvstedt

above: NoHigher! Peter Fonda with Seabee: A supernova is threatening to exterminate life on Earth... source: http://www.seabee.info/seabee_movies.htm
Peter Henry Fonda (born February 23, 1940. -age 79- New York City, New York, U.S.) is an American actor. He is the son of Henry Fonda, younger brother of Jane Fonda, and father of Bridget and Justin Fonda (by first wife, Susan Brewer, stepdaughter of Noah Dietrich). Fonda was a part of the counterculture of the 1960s.
He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for Easy Rider (1969), and the Academy Award for Best Actor for Ulee's Gold (1997). For the latter, he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama. Fonda also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Series, Miniseries or Television Film for The Passion of Ayn Rand (1999). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Fonda
above: HiRes! American James Bond's dream photo: Armand Rajnoch PHOTOGRAPHY NL: https://500px.com/armandrajnoch source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Girl expert below: Keyhole hanger earrings - Kulcslyuktartó fülbevaló Too!
above: NEW! NoHigher! 1950s Futuristic Vehicle Concept ("UL Car") source: www.Pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! Russian TAXI ekranoplan X2RDS ATT 'Aquaglide'
above: NoHigher! Wing effect boat or plane = "Ekranoplan" below: MedRes! Shark seaplane
above: HiRes! #Rebecca Romijn looks out the basin
En. text: Rebecca Alie Romijn (/roʊˈmeɪn/ roh-MAYN; Dutch: [roːˈmɛin]; born November 6, 1972. -age 46- Berkeley, California, U.S.) is an American actress and former model. She is known for her role as Mystique in the trilogy of the X-Men film series, and as Joan from The Punisher (2004), both of which are based on Marvel Comics. She also had a recurring role as Alexis Meade on the television series Ugly Betty. Recent major roles include as Eve Baird on the TNT series The Librarians, which ran for four seasons, and as the host of the game show Skin Wars. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Romijn

above: NoHigher! Would be ideal hydroplane-amfybia for Balaton: Russian Beriev Be-103
MedRes! above: Californian Portmaster for import Beriev: Photo: Ian L. Sitren 'Second-Focus': https://www.secondfocus.com/ source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Girl expert below: too! (Crop!) Port and Strand in California photo: Sitren

NoHigher! above: Russian OKB Beriev Be-103 'Bekas' amfybia - самолета-амфибии Бе-103 with "Gullwing" door - Vizigép "Sirályszárny" ajtókkal. below: Producing in Beriev plant
The Beriev Be-103 Bekas (English: Snipe) is an amphibious seaplane designed by the Beriev Aircraft Company and constructed by the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (KnAAPO) in Russia. Intended for autonomous operation in the unmarked areas of Russia's far north and Siberia, the Be-103 was designed for short-haul routes in regions that have rivers, lakes and streams, but are otherwise inaccessible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beriev_Be-103

above: HiRes! Russian hydroplane Beriev Be-103 hidroplán-vízirepülőgép
Бe-103 — лёгкий самолёт-амфибия. Создан в ОКБ Бериева.

above: MedRes! Ru. cyrillic text: Floorplan - Alaprajz (Elrendezések) below: Cutaw.: NoHigher!
Бe-103 — лёгкий самолёт-амфибия. Создан в ОКБ Бериева.

above: MedRes! Ru. cyrillic text: Floorplan - Alaprajz (Elrendezések) below: Cutaw.: NoHigher!

above: NoHigher! Cutaway drawing of Beriev Be-103 "Gullwing"
En. text: The Beriev Be-103 (in English sometimes called "Snipe") is an amphibious seaplane designed by the Beriev and constructed by the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (KnAAPO) in Russia. Intended for autonomous operation in the unmarked areas of Russia's far north and Siberia, the Be-103 was designed for short-haul routes in regions that have rivers, lakes and streams, but are otherwise inaccessible. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beriev_Be-103
Ru. text: Бe-103 — лёгкий самолёт-амфибия многоцелевого назначения предназначен для выполнения следующих задач: грузо-пассажирские перевозки; оказание срочной медицинской помощи; патрулирование, противопожарный и экологический надзор, контроль акваторий; туристический бизнес. Амфибиевные качества Бе-103 обеспечивают его широкое использование в различных районах, имеющих большое количество рек, озер, водохранилищ, труднодоступных для других видов транспорта. Создан в ОКБ Бериева. ...
above: MedRes! Canopy below: HiRes! (Crop!) Be-103 source: facebook.com
140.) Survival képregény: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/10/140-kepregeny-comics-survival-sar.html
80.) Vadászatok és Vízimentő Akciók optikai támogatása - Hunting & Coastal Rescue (S.A.R.) actions optical provide Baywatch services by optical equipments and expert skill:
above: NoHigher! Avana-450 amphibian GA - amfibia - (kétéltű)
above: NoHigher! below: HiRes! Hungarian fiberplastic hydroplane from Miskolc
above: Chronoswiss "Timemaster" chronograph GMT s-ray
above: HiRes! Nicola Hughes is an English dancer, singer and actress of Antiguan descent in sexy ass in leopard bikini source: Pincelebs.net below: NEW! MedRes! painting a huge hydro.
above: NoHigher! Kathleen Hughes
Kathleen Hughes (born Elizabeth Margaret von Gerkan; November 14, 1928. -age 90-
Hollywood, California) is an American film, stage, and television actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen_Hughes
above: NoHigher! Howard Hughes on the cover of TIME Magazine, July 1948 (with the Hughes H-4 Hercules on the background) source: Wikipedia
#Leonardo Di Caprio: #AVIATOR
above & below Three: NoHigher! Hughes H-4 'Hercules' Spruce goose huge experimental hydroplane
En. text: Howard Robard Hughes Jr. (December 24, 1905. Humble, Texas, U.S. – April 5,
1976.) was an American business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, engineer, film director, and philanthropist, known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world. He first became prominent as a film producer, and then as an influential figure in the aviation industry. Later in life, he became known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle—oddities that were caused in part by a worsening obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), chronic pain from a near-fatal plane crash and increasing deafness.
As a film tycoon, Hughes gained fame in Hollywood beginning in the late 1920s, when he produced big-budget and often controversial films such as The Racket (1928), Hell's Angels (1930), and Scarface (1932). Later he controlled the RKO film studio.
Hughes formed the Hughes Aircraft Company in 1932, hiring numerous engineers and designers. He spent the rest of the 1930s and much of the 1940s setting multiple world air speed records and building the Hughes H-1 Racer and H-4 Hercules (the Spruce Goose). He acquired and expanded Trans World Airlines and later acquired Air West, renaming it Hughes Airwest. Hughes was included in Flying Magazine's list of the 51 Heroes of Aviation, ranked at No. 25. Today, his legacy is maintained through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Howard Hughes Corporation. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Hughes
above: NoHigher! Howard Hughes in his huge Hughes Amfibia 'Hercules' at Flight-engineer
'Blú'Panther' megértékeli: Hu. text; Szembeötlő, hogy Hughes Herculese mennyi későbbi géphez (pl. Boeing 214) adott inspirációt... mintha a Boeing ráharapott volna a témára, aztán megépitette megalománia nélkül, egy gazdaságosabb léptékben... Pont Inverz. Nos kérlek tisztelettel itt egy szerkesztő hanyagság? van mert nem irőrendben szekvenciálisan követik egymást a képblokkok. H. Hughes ezt a "Óriásságot" 1945 után épített, tehát a fordítottja a pálya.
above: NoHigher! Pan American Flying Boat Boeing 314 "Yankee Clipper"
above: NoHigher! Happy Hollywood's ikon, MM - #Marilyn Monroe lands to sand of beach
Hu. text: Marilyn Monroe (született Norma Jeane Mortenson; Los Angeles, 1926. június 1. – Los Angeles, 1962. augusztus 4.) amerikai színész, fotómodell, énekesnő. Az 1950-es évek egyik legismertebb szexszimbóluma volt, aki „buta szöszi” filmszerepeivel szerzett hírnevet. Színésznőként körülbelül egy évtizedig volt aktív, ezalatt filmjeiből kétszázmillió dolláros bevétel folyt be. Marilyn Monroe a mai napig a popkultúra egyik legismertebb, ikonikus egyénisége. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe
above: NoHigher! 'Clipper's cockpit: left: Captain: "Did You see the Monroe? Yeees! I had seen. She was Very Wow!!!" - "Láttad Marilynt? Igeeen! Láttam. Nagyon Vauuúúú volt!!!

above: NEW! MedRes! Boeing 314 cockpit: Left: Pilot instrument panel Right: Navigator & Wirelles operator & Board engineer
above: NoHigher! Boeing-314 wing catwalk in leading edge to motors for board engineer-mechanic - kúszófolyosó a szárny belépőélben a motorokhoz a fedélzeti mérnök/szerelő részére..
'Blú'Panther' megértékeli: Hu. text; Apropó, említesz egyszer a Boeing 214 szekvenciában egy Boeing 314-es típust is egy szárnyon belüli mászófolyosót ábrázoló fotó alatt ("wing catwalk")... van érdemi különbség az eltérő típusjelzés mögött?
above: NoHigher! World famous American actress #Elizabeth#Taylor in dress source: filmvilág
Hu. text: Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor (London, Anglia, 1932. február 27. – Los Angeles, Kalifornia, 2011. március 23.) többszörös Oscar-díjas és Golden Globe-díjas angol–amerikai színésznő. Bár nevének közismert rövidítése „Liz Taylor” volt, egyik utolsó interjújában kijelentette: „Utálom, ha Liznek hívnak, mert úgy hangzik, mintha valaki kígyó módra sziszegne nekem.”
Gyerekszínészként kezdte a művészi pályát, és sikerült zökkenőmentesen átváltania a felnőtt szerepekre. Sokak szemében ő testesíti meg a klasszikus hollywoodi sztár fogalmát: gyönyörű, tehetséges, sikeres, gazdag, mindezen jellemzőkhöz pedig viharos magánélet és különféle sztárallűrök társulnak. Fénykorában a média a világ legszebb asszonyaként emlegette. Világhírű rendezőkkel és kollégákkal dolgozott együtt, és közülük nagyon sokan úgy nyilatkoztak, hogy a színésznő Elizabethet nem szabad összekeverni a sztár Elizabethtel: számos nagynevű pályatársával ellentétben ugyanis Taylor a forgatásokon időben és felkészülten jelent meg, nem volt jellemző rá a késés, mindig hibátlanul tudta a szövegét, és ritkán kellett miatta megismételni egy-egy felvételt, egyszóval abszolút profi volt. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Taylor
above: NEW! NoHigher! Elizabeth Taylor, LAST SUMMER, 1959 by JOSEPH L. MANKIEWICZ with source: pinterest.com
above: MedRes! BOEING 314 CLIPPER LakeWashington-1938 source: collector Wiliam T Larkins
above: NoHigher! Prototype Boeing 314 Flying Boat in Lake Washington, WA in 1938.
above: NoHigher! Boeing 314 'Speedbird' Vintage Cutaway graphic key
above: NEW! MedRes! PANAM Boeing 314 "Yankee Clipper" onboard dining room.
above: MedRes! Cutaway graphics: Boeing 314 Yankee Clipper below: NoHigher! Cutawy model
22.) Aviagast - Catering: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/avia-gast-receptek-gripen-csirke.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! Martin M-130 PAA "Clipper" boarding in Miami
above: MedRes! Vintage cutaway graphics of Clipper
above: NEW! HiRes! Globe of Imperial Airways source: mellbimbo.eu below: NoHigher! British Imperial Airways' B-314 Cutaway source: pinterest
above: NoHigher! star Alexis Ren as Flight Attendant - Légikísérő source: pincelebs.net
Hu. text: Alexis René Glabach (Santa Monica, Kalifornia, 1996. november 23. –) amerikai modell, internetes híresség. Ő volt a Maxim 2017 augusztusi címlaplánya, ő a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Rookie 2018-ig, 12.6 millió követője van az Instagramon. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_Ren
above: HiRes! PANAM Boeing 314 'Clipper' over San Francisco bridge "Golden gate"
18+above: MedRes! Playmate #Jayne Mansfield Miss December of the month in Playboy 1961.

En. text: Jayne Mansfield (born Vera Jayne Palmer; April 19, 1933. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, U.S. – June 29, 1967.) was an American film, theater, and television actress. She was also a nightclub entertainer, a singer, and one of the early Playboy Playmates. She was a major Hollywood sex symbol during the 1950s and early 1960s, while under contract at 20th Century Fox. She was also known for her well-publicized personal life and publicity stunts, such as wardrobe malfunctions.
Although Mansfield's film career was short-lived, she had several box-office successes and won a Theatre World Award and a Golden Globe. She enjoyed success in the role of fictional actress Rita Marlowe, both in the 1955–1956 Broadway version and the 1957 Hollywood film version of Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? Her other major movie performances were in The Girl Can't Help It (1956), The Wayward Bus (1957), and Too Hot to Handle (1960). In the sexploitation film Promises! Promises! (1963), she became the first major American actress starring in a Hollywood motion picture to have a nude scene.
Mansfield took her professional name from her first husband, public relations professional Paul Mansfield. She was married and divorced three times and had five children. Mansfield was allegedly intimately involved with numerous men, including Robert and John F. Kennedy, her attorney Samuel S. Brody, and Las Vegas entertainer Nelson Sardelli. On June 29, 1967, she died in an automobile collision in Eastern New Orleans at the age of 34. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayne_Mansfield
Hu. text: Jayne Mansfield (Brynn Mawr, Pennsylvania, 1933. április 19. – Slidell, Louisiana, 1967. június 29.), született Vera Jane Palmer, amerikai színésznő, Playmate, az 1950-es évek egyik szőke szexszimbóluma. ...

NoHigher! above: On the beach below: 18+ With sea snail house photo by: David Dubnicskij

above: MedRes! Parts collector Lady on the sand of shore after action - Part fövenyen az alkatreszbegyujtő Lédi az akció után photo by: Ukrainan Mr. David Dubnitskiy from Dnypropetrovsk source: http://www.davidfoto.com.ua/

above: NoHigher! #Hawiian #Yankee-Clipper

above: NoHigher! During porting action - kikötésben

above: MedRes! Parts collector Lady on the sand of shore after action - Part fövenyen az alkatreszbegyujtő Lédi az akció után photo by: Ukrainan Mr. David Dubnitskiy from Dnypropetrovsk source: http://www.davidfoto.com.ua/
above: HiRes! Hungarian World super model, Ms. #Palvin Barbara under the sun-hat for #Maxim magazine in december 2016 january 2017. source: CelebsDump.com
Barbara Palvin (pronounced [ˈbɒrbɒrɒ ˈpɒlvin]; born 8 October 1993. -age 25-
Albertirsa, Hungar) is a Hungarian model. She first appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2016. In 2019, she became a Victoria’s Secret Angel. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Palvin

above: NoHigher! #Hawiian #Yankee-Clipper
above: NoHigher! Clipper's Captain in bikini on South African supermodel, Candice Swanepoel
Hu. text: Candice Swanepoel (ejtsd: kendisz szvánepul) (Mooi River, KwaZulu-Natal, Dél-Afrika, 1988. október 20.) dél-afrikai modell, a Victoria’s Secret egyik ismert modellje. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candice_Swanepoel

above: NEW! NoHigher! Waltham american made U.S. NAVY's dashboard 24 hrs. clock
Waltham Aircraft Clock Corporation is a company specializing in the manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical aircraft clocks, established in 1994 in Ozark, Alabama. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waltham_Aircraft_Clock_Corporation
above Two: NoHigher! A #pretty #elegante #Women waits during 12 hrs. for Crew in the Pub of Hydroplane Port. - Egy elegáns kedves nő vár a személyzetre a hidroplánkikötő kocsmájában. source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! During porting action - kikötésben

above: MedRes! Boeing 'Honolulu Clipper' PAA Hawaii by Flying Clipper Pan American Airways System
above: NoHigher! Vintage American Airline Stewardess Barbie source: Pinterest
En. text: Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy company Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. American businesswoman Ruth Handler is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration.
Barbie is the figurehead of a brand of Mattel dolls and accessories, including other family members and collectible dolls. Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for over fifty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parodies of the doll and her lifestyle.
Mattel has sold over a billion Barbie dolls, making it the company's largest and most profitable line. However, sales have declined sharply since 2014. The doll transformed the toy business in affluent communities worldwide by becoming a vehicle for the sale of related merchandise (accessories, clothes, friends of Barbie, etc.). She had a significant impact on social values by conveying characteristics of female independence, and with her multitude of accessories, an idealized upscale life-style that can be shared with affluent friends. Starting in 1987, Barbie has expanded into a media franchise, including animated films, television specials, video games, and music. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie

above: NoHigher! Badge of PANAM Junior Clipper Stewardess
above: NoHigher! #Retro: #World famous #Cestina modelká, #Eva Herzigová, as reservist #Gendarmerie's #Flight-Attendant salutes Our Veterans by Supporting the #Businesses of-military-#fashion Photo: French edition #VOGUE Photocopy by: BLINE source: #Pinterest.com
Eva Herzigová (born 10 March 1973) is a Czech supermodel and actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Herzigov%C3%A1

above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Sunderland' attacks to German U-Boot source: Wartime Aviation art

above: NoHigher! English RN - Royal Navy officer's rank insignias - Királyi Haditengerészet tiszti rangjelzések
above: NoHigher! Sunder Captain: Womens sailor costume for Halloween Party

above: NoHigher! 'Hotel Package Kuli' as Catalina's door simulator source: Pinterest.com

above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet 'IVK' universal dashboard clock

Civil Hydrofoil Boats - Soviet-made (СПК) Судно на подводных крыльях - Szárnyashajók a MAHART-nál: Meteor/Sólyom, Vöcsök, Bíbic - Budapest -Bratislava - Wien - Beograd*New-York-City NYC:

above Three: MedRes! Graveyarder vreck Be-12 cockpit photo: Seirgei Dolya by Livejournal.com
above: HiRes! Cant Z.511 I mezzi d assalto della X flottiglia & MAS by: Harrauer
above: MedRes! Italian Breda Zappata B.Z.408 AEROMARITTIMA BY: MC72
above: HiRes! 'Ridgid' lubricant recharger point on sand by actress Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch (born Jo Raquel Tejada; September 5, 1940) is an American actress and singer.
She first won attention for her role in Fantastic Voyage (1966), after which she won a contract with 20th Century Fox. They lent her contract to a British studio, for whom she made One Million Years B.C. (1966). She had only three lines in the film, yet images of her in the doe-skin bikini which she wore became best-selling posters that turned her into a celebrity sex symbol. She later starred in notable films including Bedazzled (1967), Bandolero! (1968), 100 Rifles (1969) and Myra Breckinridge (1970). She made several television variety specials.
Welch's unique persona on film made her into an icon of the 1960s and 1970s. She carved out a place in movie history portraying strong female characters and breaking the mold of the submissive sex symbol. She won a Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture Actress in a Musical or Comedy in 1974 for her performance in The Three Musketeers. She was also nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in Television Film for her performance in the film Right to Die (1987). In 1995, Welch was chosen by Empire magazine as one of the "100 Sexiest Stars in Film History". Playboy ranked Welch No. 3 on their "100 Sexiest Stars of the Twentieth Century" list. In 2011, Men's Health ranked her No. 2 in its "Hottest Women of All Time" list. ...
above: HiRes! An injured passenger on the sand. #Swedish #supermodel #Elsa Hosk striped spring photoshoot in 2019. source: celebsdump.com
Elsa Anna Sofie Hosk (born 7 November 1988. -age 30- Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish model and current Victoria's Secret Angel, who has worked for brands including Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Free People, Ungaro, H&M, Anna Sui, Lilly Pulitzer and Guess. She modeled for Victoria's Secret, appearing in the brand's annual fashion show from 2011 to 2018. She has also appeared in many of the brand's campaigns, especially for the sub-division PINK. In 2015, she was announced as one of 10 new Victoria's Secret Angels. She has also played professional basketball in Sweden. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsa_Hosk

above: NoHigher! "Female Leader of Marine Aviation". Exotic Lingerie; Magician Adult Lady Sex Toys: Sexy Costumes for Halloween elegante U.S. Marine-NAVY Uniform with Hats/Sailor-Army "Revelllady"
above & below: NoHigher! RAF Patrol & ASW Short "Sunderland" in port of Plymouth 1945.

above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Sunderland' attacks to German U-Boot source: Wartime Aviation art

above: NEW! HiRes! WW-Two: Left: Air Cover on The Convoy Routes 1942. August - Right: The battle of the Atlantic (VIII.) May 1944- May 1945.
above: NEW! HiRes! RAF 'Sunderland' over North Atlantic convoy source: Aviator/Angyal L.above: NoHigher! English RN - Royal Navy officer's rank insignias - Királyi Haditengerészet tiszti rangjelzések
above: NoHigher! Sunder Captain: Womens sailor costume for Halloween Party
above: MedRes! Cutaway Drawing Key of Short 'Shandigram/Sunderland'

above: NoHigher! Vintage Sailor fashion - Ódivatú tengerész-divatviselet
above: NEW! NoHigher! A vintage Advertisement poster: Short TEAL - Tasman Empire Class Flying Boat - the depicted one, is Aotearoa - ZK-AMA. Arrived in Auckland to start service Aug 28

above: NoHigher! Vintage Sailor fashion - Ódivatú tengerész-divatviselet
above: NEW! NoHigher! A vintage Advertisement poster: Short TEAL - Tasman Empire Class Flying Boat - the depicted one, is Aotearoa - ZK-AMA. Arrived in Auckland to start service Aug 28
above: NoHigher! Vintage Cutaway of 1936.. Short 'Empire' flying boat
above: HiRes! Short S-25 'Sunderland' cutaway drawing key with Cyrillic text source: farposst.ru
above: HiRes! Short S-25 'Sunderland' cutaway drawing key with Cyrillic text source: farposst.ru
above & below Two: HiRes! Quality drawing sheet about 'Imperial Airways London' 'Short' S-23 "Empire" source: aviadejavu.ru

above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Sunderland' Mk.V of the 201st Squadron RAF moored at Tower Bridge, London 16th September 1956. source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! "Cameronian" source: Pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! Short S20 "Mayo" mercury empire "Maia" flying-boat source: Pinterest
above: NEW! MedRes! Vintage Advert posters: Imperial Airways & Qantas EA source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! Imperial Airways London "Cambria" by: www.Worth1000.com
above & below Two: NoHigher! Heathcote Peregrine's artwork with English 'Sunderland' & car type 'Delahaye' source: pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! "After arrival" 'Sunderland' with 'Riva' "Aquarama" fast luxury motorboat. Oil on Canvas 1973. artist: Mr. Peregrine Heathcote source: Pinterest/Tutt'art
En. text: The Riva Aquarama is a luxury wooden runabout built by Italian yachtbuilder Riva. Production of it and its derivatives (the Lungo, Super, and Special) ran from 1962 until 1996. The hull was based on the Riva Tritone, an earlier model speedboat by Riva, which in turn was inspired by the American mahogany Chris-Craft runabouts. The boat's speed, beauty, and craftsmanship earned it praise as the Ferrari of the boat world. The company was founded by Pietro Riva in 1842, and run by Carlo Riva through its 1969 sale to the American Whittaker Corporation. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riva_Aquarama
It. text: L'Aquarama è un motoscafo prodotto dal costruttore italiano di imbarcazioni da diporto Riva per oltre un trentennio fino al 1996. Il primo modello di Aquarama fu lanciato nel 1962 dall'ingegnere Carlo Riva, che è una evoluzione funzionale del modello Tritone, un altro motoscafo prodotto da Riva. Il Tritone fu il primo bimotore di successo del cantiere, con la famosa poppa Riva che unisce le superfici di murate, coperta e specchio di poppa in un unico volume scultoreo. Per prestazioni, bellezza e cura artigianale con cui era costruito, l'Aquarama è ancor oggi ritenuto un simbolo di esclusività nella nautica e in un sondaggio di una rivista inglese il suo nome è risultato quello della barca più conosciuta al mondo. La fama deriva sia dall'estetica e dal livello di finitura, che dal tipo di costruzione. Una costruzione fatta in serie non per diminuirne i costi ma per poterne controllare la qualità dei componenti, fatti per essere intercambiabili in sede di revisione. ... https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riva_Aquarama
above: NoHigher! #Lynda Carter "#Wonder Woman" as U.S. NAVY's sailor officer
Lynda Carter (born Linda Jean Córdova Carter; July 24, 1951. -age 68-
Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.) is an American actress, singer, songwriter, model, and beauty pageant titleholder, who was crowned Miss World United States 1972. She would go on to finish as a semifinalist in the Miss World 1972 pageant. She is a huge cultural icon in the USA. Carter is most widely known as the star of the American live action television series Wonder Woman, in the role of Diana Prince / Wonder Woman, based on the DC comic book fictional superheroine character of the same name, which aired on ABC and later on CBS from 1975 to 1979. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynda_Carter

above: HiRes! Leelee Sobieski Walk All over Me Promos in Luftwaffe style suit source: https://www.pincelebs.net/
De. text: Die Dornier Do 24 war ein dreimotoriges, hochseefähiges Fernaufklärungsflugboot, das 1937 zum ersten Mal flog. Ursprünglich für die Niederlande gebaut, wurde es bis in die 1970er-Jahre vor allem zur Seenotrettung eingesetzt. Noch heute fliegt eine modernisierte Do 24 ATT. ...

above: NoHigher! Germany Dornier Do-24 'Flying Boat'. below: On "Scalaria Air Challenge" in Österreich, on Wolfgang-see close to Salzburg city.
En. text: The Dornier Do 24 is a 1930s German three-engine flying boat designed by the Dornier Flugzeugwerke formaritime patrol and search and rescue. According to Dornier records, some 12,000 people were rescued by Do 24s during its flying career. A total of 279 were built among several factories from 1937–1945. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dornier_Do_24
above: NoHigher! The Amfibia Captain: Runway & photomodel Hungarian Miss. #Mihalik Enikő 2016. from world famous "Victoria Secret's" fashion firma. source: www.mellbimbo.eu hefti
Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography teamInez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. ...
Hu. text: Mihalik Enikő 1987. május 11-én látta meg a napvilágot Békéscsabán, Magyarországon. Magyar modell.
Kezdetek: Már fiatal korában is nagyszerű alakkal rendelkezett, mégsem tervezte, hogy egy nap modell lesz belőle. Tizenöt éves korában, bevásárlás közben fedezték fel, majd a 2002-es Elite Model Look-versenyt meg is nyerte, a nemzetközi megmérettetésen viszont csak a negyedik helyig jutott. Azonban ez is elég volt ahhoz, hogy a Visage Management leszerződtesse... starity.hu/sztarok/mihalik
above: HiRes! (Crop-Rota!) Germany made '#Hanhart' Pilot’s chronograph from 1939. watch with Tachymeter & Telemeter dial source: Wikipedia

above: MedRes! German Dornier Do-24 'Wal' SAR - Search And Rescue hydroplane
RC Model airplanes: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/modell-repulogepek-rc-model-airplanes.html

De.text: Die Hanhart 1882 GmbH ist ein deutsch-schweizerischer Uhrenhersteller, dessen Wurzeln bis ins Jahr 1882 reichen. Der heutige Firmensitz befindet sich in Gütenbach im Schwarzwald. Der Hersteller ist vor allem für seine mechanischen Uhren bekannt, darunter Stoppuhren und Armband-Chronographen. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanhart
Aviators' watches: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/25-aviators-watches-chronographs.html

above: MedRes! German Dornier Do-24 'Wal' SAR - Search And Rescue hydroplane
RC Model airplanes: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/modell-repulogepek-rc-model-airplanes.html

above: NoHigher! Dornier Do-24 Flying Boat on scalaria

above: NoHigher! #Sikorsky JRS-1 amfybia photo: Sam Smith source: NASM '#Smithsonian'
above: NoHigher! USN Entry pose by Russel Pinups
above: NoHigher! RAAF Consolidated PBY-5 "Catalina" by: Mark Clarke

above: NoHigher! Topmodel Erin Heatherton's body... and what a body it is. 64
Erin Heather Bubley (born March 4, 1989) is an American model and actress. She is best known for her work for lingerie retailer Victoria's Secret. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Heatherton
above: HiRes! World english Supermodel #Cara Delevingne as spectator source: Pincleb.net
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (/ˈkɑːrə ˌdɛləˈviːn/ KAH-rə DEL-ə-VEEN; born 12 August 1992. -age 26- Hammersmith, London, England) is an English model, singer, and actress. She signed with Storm Management after leaving school in 2009. Delevingne won Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014.
Delevingne started her acting career with a minor role in the 2012 film adaptation of Anna Karenina. Her most notable roles include Margo Roth Spiegelman in the romantic mystery film Paper Towns (2015), the Enchantress in the comic book film Suicide Squad (2016), and Laureline in Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017).... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cara_Delevingne

above: NoHigher! Happy Consolidated "Catalina" Old Timer amphybia (True Hidrofoil - Igazi szárnyashajó)

above: HiRes! The Consolidated PBY-5's mission was be after-
above: NEW! NoHigher! World famous American actress #Elizabeth#Taylor in white #swim-dress with #PBY '#Catalina' painting #artwork source: facebook.com
Hu. text: Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor (London, Anglia, 1932. február 27. – Los Angeles, Kalifornia, 2011. március 23.) többszörös Oscar-díjas és Golden Globe-díjas angol–amerikai színésznő. Bár nevének közismert rövidítése „Liz Taylor” volt, egyik utolsó interjújában kijelentette: „Utálom, ha Liznek hívnak, mert úgy hangzik, mintha valaki kígyó módra sziszegne nekem. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Taylor
above: NoHigher! NAVY's Consolidated PBY-5A 'Catalina' seaplane amfybia source: pinterest
above: NoHigher! The best famous Pin-Up artist, #Alberto Vargas' Navy girl from 1940's

above: NEW! NoHigher! Sailor Working on "Catalina" Airplane: Painting, Oil on Paper;
paint by: McClelland Barclay 1941; Unframed Dimensions 21H X 25W
McClelland Barclay (1891 – 18 July 1943) was an American illustrator. By the age of 21, Barclay's work had been published in The Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal, and Cosmopolitan. He was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Naval Reserve in 1938 and following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor he went on active duty. At the time of his death, in 1943, he was a Lt. Commander. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McClelland_Barclay
above: PBY-5A Catalina- Revell-Monogram -1/48

above & below Three: MedRes! Bowe Model "Warthunder"
above: NoHigher! Cutaway #PBY '#Catalina' model: Right-hand 'Starboard' side: #Wirelless/Radio-operator's site opposit the Navigator (No visible!) source: Pinterest
above: MedRes! Jesse Rhodes waller ing-30-caliber machine guns on
above: HiRes! Tear Drop shaped bubble recce & waist gunner station - Könnycsepp formájú buborék megfigyelőállás és törzslövész állás below: NoHigher! Canopy
above & below: NoHigher! 'Catalina' "Lanseaire" in the Playboy's rear compartment behind the wing
above: NoHigher! Love in #PLAYBOY #Catalina source: Pinterest.com

above: NoHigher! 'Hotel Package Kuli' as Catalina's door simulator source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Cockpit & Radio operator & Navigator cabin selection door
above: NoHigher! PBY Catalina, Consolidated designed in the 1930's by Isaac M. Laddon
En. text: The Consolidated PBY Catalina, also known as the Canso in Canadian service, is an American flying boat, and later an amphibious aircraft of the 1930s and 1940s produced by Consolidated Aircraft. It was one of the most widely used seaplanes of World War II. Catalinas served with every branch of the United States Armed Forces and in the air forces and navies of many other nations. During World War II, PBYs were used in anti-submarine warfare, patrol bombing, convoy escort, search and rescue missions (especially air-sea rescue), and cargo transport. The PBY was the most numerous aircraft of its kind and the last active military PBYs were not retired from service until the 1980s. As of 2014, nearly 80 years after its first flight, the aircraft continues to fly as a waterbomber (or airtanker) in aerial firefighting operations all over the world. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consolidated_PBY_Catalina
above: NEW! HiRes! Consolidated PBY-5 plan of final assembly
above: HiRes! PBY seaplane cutaway drawing key below: NoHigher! Aussia Rontgen
above: NoHigher! Cyrillic text: Soviet Navy's "Katalina" KM-2 by 'Land-Lease'- Catalina five view
’Blú’Panther' megértékeli: Hu. text; A Catalina tervezői pedig mintha merítettek volna a Dornier Do-24 példájából...
above: NoHigher! cutaway drawing of PBY seaplane below: MedRes! Cyrillic draw
above: MedRes! PBY 'Catalina'/ Soviet MP-7 SSSR-N 309 AviaArktika autumn 1940.
18+above: NoHigher! Australian "Black Cats"
above: HiRes! Real cutaway in museum ?
above: NEW! NoHigher! Catalina interior: Wirelles/Radio operator & Navigator cabin behind cockpit, toward Board mechanic & kitchen section. source: Pinterest.com
above & below: HiRes! Real Cutaway of 'Catalina' in Pensacola by: Steve
above: NoHigher! Lauren Holly in film "Down Periscope" boobs cleavage source: pincelebs.net
above: HiRes! Jessica Alba in white bikini as "Honey Ryder" from 007 "Dr. No" source: pinceleb
Jessica Marie Alba (/ˈælbə/; born April 28, 1981. -age 38- Pomona, California, U.S. ) is an American actress and businesswoman. She began her television and movie appearances at age 13 in Camp Nowhere and The Secret World of Alex Mack (1994), but rose to prominence at 19, as the lead actress of the television series Dark Angel (2000–2002), for which she received a Golden Globe nomination. ... Alba co-founded The Honest Company, a consumer goods company that sells baby, personal and household products. Magazines including Men's Health, Vanity Fair and FHM have included her on their lists of the world's most beautiful women. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Alba
above: MedRes! Consolidated PBY 'Catalina' NAVY S.A.R. amfybia in flight. source: facebook/Angyal László AVIATOR below: NoHigher! Bodier Navy Officer source: Pinterest
above: NoHigher! Are you walkaround Him? Looking position for periscope: Renee Somerfield sexy nude pictures via photo artist ThrillBlender.com
above: MedRes! #Walk Around #PBY #Catalina by English #squadron/signal-publications
18+above: MedRes! Catalina dreams about love story on shore of Amfybia port with vet shirt than is similar to waist bubbles. Are you Walk Around?
NoHigher! above: PBY crewman preparing to board below: Kate Upton S.I. model
Katherine Elizabeth "Kate" Upton (born June 10, 1992. -age 27- St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.) is an American model and actress. She first appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2011, and was the cover model for the 2012, 2013 and 2017 issues. In addition, she was the subject of the 100th-anniversary Vanity Fair cover.
Upton has also appeared in the films Tower Heist (2011), The Other Woman (2014) and The Layover (2017). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Upton
above & below: NoHigher! Consolidated PBY "florabama" during film processing source: Pinterest
above: HiRes! Lilliput Monster Film-Directoress on the sand source: www.mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! Zoom pics:"The Victim" Thrill Blender's funny picture source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! Floating taxi by Consolidated PBY below: NEW! NoHigher! Dashboard
2.) Dashboard Clocks - Fedélzeti Órák. Aircraft's & Land technic, Navy Clocks. AChS-1 Aviation clock & secondmeter (ACsSz-1 - Новые авиационные часы типа АЧС-1) CsSz-M3, Molniya, ESzV-3 timer, Jaeger, Junghans, Askania, Kienzle, Smiths, Accutron Bulova, Revue, Sinn, Breitling-Wakmann, Trintec, Hasler Bern. https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-last-very-popular-post-from-x.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! American 'Waltham' 24 hrs. marine aviation dashboard clock
The Waltham Watch Company, also known as the American Waltham Watch Co. and the American Watch Co., produced about 40 million watches, clocks, speedometers, compasses, time fuses, and other precision instruments between 1850 and 1957. The company's historic 19th-century manufacturing facilities in Waltham, Massachusetts have been preserved as the American Waltham Watch Company Historic District. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waltham_Watch_Company
above Four: NEW! MedRes! "Land Lease" Consolidated PBY 'Catalina' New Russian private Aviation Museum "Wings of the Victory" in Sverdlovsk district (Ural) Püsma-city with diorama scene. photo by: Ms. Lidiya Anhikina Uralskiy Meridian - 2021. május 06-án új repülőmúzeum (privát) nyitotta meg kapuit Oroszországban, a Szverdlovszkij járás Verhnyájá Püsma városában, amelynek a "Győzelem szárnyai" («Крылья Победы») nevet adták. Néhány kép a múzeumból, amely láthatóan úgy néz ki, mintha ún. diaráma lenne (vagyis életképeket mutatnak be). Az ígéretek szerint még fejleszteni fogják, még több repülőgépet helyeznek el benne. A képeket Lígyija Anyíkina, az "Urálszkij Meridián" fotóriportere készítette "Лидия Аникина © ИА «Уральский меридиан»" source: facebook.com/Tóth László
above: NoHigher! "Catalina" Mermaid of Black PBY - ~ Sellője
below: NoHigher! #Hollywood's star actress Ikon 1940's-50's: #Gregory Peck in vintage aviator wear
Eldred Gregory Peck (April 5, 1916 – June 12, 2003) was an American actor who was one of the most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s. Peck continued to play major film roles until the late 1980s. His performance as Atticus Finch in the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird earned him the Academy Award for Best Actor. Peck also received Oscar nominations for his roles in The Keys of the Kingdom (1944), The Yearling (1946), Gentleman's Agreement (1947) and Twelve O'Clock High (1949). Other notable films he appeared in include Spellbound (1945), Roman Holiday (1953), Moby Dick (1956, and its 1998 miniseries), Pork Chop Hill (1959), The Guns of Navarone (1961), Cape Fear (1962, and its 1991 remake), How the West Was Won (1962), The Omen (1976) and The Boys from Brazil (1978). U.S. President Lyndon Johnson honored Peck with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1969 for his lifetime humanitarian efforts. In 1999, the American Film Institute named Peck among Greatest Male Stars of Classic Hollywood cinema, ranking him at No. 12. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregory_Peck
above: MedRes! Dashboard & Pilot's controls
above: HiRes! Mariner Astrodomer Girl: "Peroni Nastro Azz..." source: widewallpapers.ru
above: NoHigher! (Crop!) Profile artwork Short S.19 'Singapore' Mk III source: aviadejavu.ru
above: NoHigher! Profile artwork of RAF 'Catalina source: aviadejavu.ru
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Chelsea' Boston NAVY's deck-clock
above: HiRes! PBY-5 main description with Cyrillic text source: aviadejavu.ru
above: NoHigher! Hungarian Topmodel: Miss #Bódi Sylvi as USN officer in Hu. issued FHM - For Him Magazine (Férfiaknak Havonta Mindenről) magazine from 2009. (Hu. remark: Nagyon jó "Bula"!) Photo: Tombor Zoltán source: PPS
Hu. text: Bódi Sylvi (született: Bódi Szilvia) (Debrecen, 1981. április 11. –) magyar modell, szépségkirálynő. 2002-ben megválasztották Magyarországon az Év Playmatejének. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%B3di_Sylvi
Bulova is an American watch brand founded in 1875 and currently owned by Japanese conglomerate Citizen Watch Co. It manufactures watches and clocks and is based in New York City. Bulova's Swiss-Made line is known as Bulova Accu•Swiss and was formerly known as Bulova Accutron. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulova
Hu. text: Joseph Bulova 1875 -ben 23 évesen nyitotta meg kis ékszerboltját New Yorkban - azóta a Bulova a régi idők mesteri tudásának és az új idők innovációinak egységét jelképező óramárkává nőtte ki magát. ... A cég úttörő marketing módszereinek iskolapéldája a sportok támogatása. 1927-ben Charles A. Lindbergh-nek, aki a márka legodaadóbb rajongóinak egyike volt, az Atlanti - óceán átrepülésének elismerése jeléül az óragyártó egy Bulova órát ajándékozott. Ezt az órát Lone Eagle-nek nevezték el. ... http://www.orauniverzum.eu/markatortenet_bulova
above & below: MedRes! Catalina' on Warbirds Pinup photowork werkphoto by: Christian Kieffer source: www.warbirdpinups.com
above: NoHigher! Warbirdpinups event photo by: Christian Kieffer
above: HiRes! Autumn Reeser a F.O. - first officer of USN 'Catalina'
Autumn Reeser (born September 21, 1980. -age 38- La Jolla, California, U.S.) is an American actress. She is best known for her roles as Taylor Townsend on the Fox series The O.C., Lizzie Grant on HBO's Entourage, Katie Andrews on ABC's No Ordinary Family, Kylie Sinclair on ABC's Last Resort, Dr. Gabby Asano in CBS's Hawaii Five-0, and Leslie Bellcamp on E!'s The Arrangement. Since 2006, she has also been one of the leading members of The Thrilling Adventure Hour, a popular staged comedy show. From 2012-19, she has been the heroine of eight romantic comedies for the Hallmark Channel. She also appeared in Clint Eastwood's film Sully, headlined by Tom Hanks. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autumn_Reeser
above: NoHigher! Catalina Captain: Ancilla Tilia in latex commando suit with DD-strips
HiRes! above Two: (Top Crop!) PBY 'Catalina' - 'Katalina' on Góraska Aviation picnic in Poland. photo: Leslie Angyal László "AVIATOR"-Magazine facebook below: too!: 'Catalina' white
above: NoHigher! Attack of PBY Fire-Fighter 'Catalina' to a Fishermen
above: NEW! NoHigher! M.M. in panicflow - pánikrohamban
18+above: NoHigher! The solution of accuracy Target Navigation
above: NoHigher! Jayne Mansfield 1958. as NAVY's officer source: Pinterest.com
below: HiRes! glamour, Linda Lusardi in bikini source: tumblr.com
Linda Frances Elide Lusardi (born 18 September 1958 in Wood Green, London) is an English actress, television presenter and former glamour model. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Lusardi
above: NoHigher! Martin PBM-5A source: Smithsonian NASM
above: NoHigher! Amphybianica
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Where is this Girl? What is her phone-number?": PBM Martin 'Mariner' navigator, wirelles operator source: Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHighers! " 'Mariner' Navigator's fiancée - menyasszonya": Candice Swanepoel
Candice Susan Swanepoel (/ˈswɒnəpuːl/; Afrikaans: [svanɛˈpul]; born 20 October 1988. -age 32-
Mooi River, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa) is a South African model and philanthropist. She is known for her work with Victoria's Secret. She became a Victoria's Secret Angel in 2010 and is still contracted with the brand. In 2016, she was listed 8th on the Forbes top-earning models list. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candice_Swanepoel
above: NoHigher! American seaplane tender USS "Timbalier" AVP-54-with two Martin PBM Mariner flying boats, shortly after World War below: NEW! MedRes! 'Mariner' source: Pinterest

above: NoHigher! Martin "Mariner" Mk.162 with 'Emerson' ballturret
above: HiRes! "Port fastening simulator" photo by: Alisa Verner below: NoHigher! 'Avmars'
NoHigher! 18+above: Wow! World famous Czech/Cestina "Bombshell" modelká by Push-Bra, Eva Herzigova by Vincent Peters below: Martin Mars water bomber
above: NEW! HiRes! Mars' Flight Attendand during freetime source: amateur_sexy_girl.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Albatros' mechanic: 1973-1974 Ridgid-tool's pin-up girl by: worthpoint
above: MedRes! Grumman HU-16 "Albatros" below Two: NoHigher! Door & Inside
NoHigher! above: Female floating in crystal waters in front of Seaplane, Bahamas Photographic by: lonelyplanetimages.com/Pinterest below: Mirroring
above: HiRes! World supermodel & actor #Jason Statham's wife #Rosie Huntington Whiteley
Rosie Alice Huntington-Whiteley (born 18 April 1987. -age 32- Plymouth, Devon, England) is an English model, actress, designer, and businesswoman. She is best known for her work for lingerie retailer Victoria's Secret, formerly being one of their brand "Angels", for being the face of Burberry's 2011 brand fragrance "Burberry Body", for her work with Marks & Spencer, and, most recently, for her artistic collaboration with denim-focused fashion brand Paige.
Moving into acting, she became known for her supporting roles as Carly Spencer in the 2011 film Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the third installment in the Transformers film series, and as The Splendid Angharad in the 2015 film Mad Max: Fury Road. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosie_Huntington-Whiteley
above: NoHigher! Albatros' cockpit & dashboard below: MedRes! Keys

above: MedRes! Albatros' interior with shelter and Sextant hatch
Juci'bacsi's scan coll: above & below: MedRes! Grumman HU-16B "Albatros" Spain AF's amfybia
above: NoHigher! Fire Fighter Stewardess with extinguish fluid #Coca-Cola source: Pinterest
above: MedRes! CL-215: S.U. Zarubeshnoje-Voennie Obozhrenyie Mil. Review: Canadair CL-215 amfybia: Fire Fighting & S.A.R. - Idegenhadsereg Ismereti kiadvány also Courtesy FREE!
HiRes! above: English cutaway key
above: NoHigher! #Hentai CL-215 FO - First Officer with navigation #Palm-Top
above: NoHigher! Greek waterbomber below: MedRes! Spanish S.A.R. CL-215 Entry door
Remark: The DHC-6 "Twin Otter" Transfered to: Doors of VIP-privates Aircraft: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2016/07/185-doors-of-vip-corporate-private-jets.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! Water-dump protection wear by: American model, Katya Williges, see through and topless photoshoot by: Rex Yu source: Celebsdump.com

above: MedRes! Left: Cl-215 dropping water Right: CL-415 Filling water
above: HiRes! (Crop!) English swimsuit designer & actress Kimberley#Garner leaves water "after departure of #CL-215" in areola peak in blue bikini in #Miami, #Florida source: pincelebs.net
above: NEW! HiRes! CL-215 cylinder engines variant instrument panel & pedestal - gázkarpult
above: MedRes! Canadair CL-215 female pilot source: Kovi/facebook
above: HiRes! Italian Model with National Flag of Hungarian Republic - #Nemzeti-zászló
above: HiRes! "Viverone" Italian Protezion Civile Nationale photo: Mauro Cini
above: NoHigher! Lady Waiting for S.M. artist #Peregrine Heathcote source: Pinterest
Born in London, Heathcote* spent his childhood living in both Britain and Dubai where his imagination was free to flourish as he witnessed an international jet set culture. Hence it is no surprise that the artist's imagery reflects a provocative Silver Screen theatrical quality.
In 1995, Peregrine* graduated from the Florence Academy of Art and since that time he has been profiled by the BBC in a documentary about his portraits resulting in international exposure.
Heathcote's images of beautiful women stepping off bullet trains in addition to his Gatsby-esque characters embarking on luxurious voyages via vintage aircrafts and cruise ships, conjure a world of intoxicating glamour and intrigue. The artist uniquely blends a sense of nostalgia with the contemporary world while creating narrative stories in paint.
Notably, he has exhibited at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, the Royal Academy, and Hampton Court. In addition his paintings have been auctioned at Christie's Auction House, King Street, London. Presently Peregrine is including Newbury Fine Arts as a primary source for his artwork in the East Coast of the United States.
Per più informazioni leggi qui: https://www.tuttartpitturasculturapoesiamusica.com/2011/10/peregrine-heathcote-1973-london.html
© Tutt'Art@ | Pittura * Scultura * Poesia * Musica |
above: NEW! NoHigher! Beriev MBR-2
Ru. text: Бе-6 (по кодификации НАТО: Madge) — многоцелевая летающая лодка разработки Центрального конструкторского бюро морского самолетостроения (ЦКБ МС) при авиационном заводе № 31 (сейчас ТАНТК имени Г. М. Бериева). Выполняемые задачи: дальняя морская разведка, патрулирование побережий, бомбометание, несение и сброс торпед, сброс десанта (до 40 человек), установка минных заграждений, перевозка грузов. На самолёте было установлено специальное оборудование для выполнения полётов в ночное время и в сложных метеоусловиях. Выпускалась серийно. ...
above: HiRes! Northern Fleet - Severny Flot 1953 VMSz Be-6 profile
above: MedRes! Beriev Be-6, China Aviation Museum source: Wikipedia
PT-76 Amphibious Light (Swimming) Plavayushiy Tank - Amhibious Tank LAT, 1956-os Forradalom és Szabadságharc Szovjet páncélosai: III. rész - 1956's Hungarian Revolution's Soviet armors: 3nd part: ПТ-76 (Объект 740) советский лёгкий плавающий танк. - BTR-50PU, 2K6-2P16 "Luna" 'Frog-3', ASU-85 - Indonesian MARINIR - M551 'Sheridan'
above & below Three: NoMedHigher! Beriev Be-6 Su. Marine/Flotta hydroplane photo: Oleg
18+above: MedRes! Survival: Wrecked belly landed soviet ASW-Patrol Beriev Be-8 photo: Oleg
18+above: HiRes! Anja Rubik nude in transparent Be-6 canopy skirt and top source: pincelebs.net
Anja Rubik (born Anna Rubik; 12 June 1983. -age 36- Rzeszów, Poland) is a Polish model, activist, philanthropist, and businesswoman. She is considered to be one of the most internationally successful models of the mid- to late-2000s to today. She currently lives and works in New York. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anja_Rubik
above: NoHigher! "The Temporary Import Assistnat of beriev bureau"; Uscar award actress #Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Ingrid Johansson (/dʒoʊˈhænsən/; born November 22, 1984. -age 34-
New York City, New York, U.S.) is an American actress and singer. She is the world's highest-paid actress, has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, has made multiple appearances in the Forbes Celebrity 100, and is the recipient of several awards, including a Tony Award and a British Academy Film Award. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarlett_Johansson
En. text: Georgy Mikhailovich Beriev (Beriashvili) (Russian: Георгий Михайлович Бериев Georgij Michajlovič Beriev; Georgian: გიორგი მიხეილის ძე ბერიაშვილი Giorgi Mikheilis Dze Beriashvili; February 13, 1903 – July 12, 1979), was a Soviet Georgian major general, founder and chief designer of the Beriev Design Bureau in Taganrog, which concentrated on amphibious aircraft. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy_Beriev
Hu. text: Georgij Mihajlovics Berijev (oroszul: Георгий Михайлович Бериев; Tbiliszi, 1903. február 13. – Moszkva, 1979. július 12.) grúz származású szovjet repülőgép-tervező. Eredeti grúz neve Giorgi Beriasvili (გიორგი ბერიაშვილი). Az irányítása alatt álló tervezőirodában elsősorban hidroplánok tervezésével foglalkozott. ...
Hu. text: Georgij Mihajlovics Berijev (oroszul: Георгий Михайлович Бериев; Tbiliszi, 1903. február 13. – Moszkva, 1979. július 12.) grúz származású szovjet repülőgép-tervező. Eredeti grúz neve Giorgi Beriasvili (გიორგი ბერიაშვილი). Az irányítása alatt álló tervezőirodában elsősorban hidroplánok tervezésével foglalkozott. ...
Бе-6 (по кодификации НАТО: Madge) — многоцелевая летающая лодка
Бе-12 «Чайка» (изделие «Е», по кодификации НАТО: Mail) — советский противолодочный самолёт-амфибия (летающая лодка).
above: HiRes! ASW - Anti Submarine Warfare Be-12 source: Wikipedia
En. text: The Beriev Be-12 Chayka ("Seagull", NATO reporting name: Mail) is a Soviet turboprop-powered amphibious aircraft designed for anti-submarine and maritime patrol duties.
Hu. text: Be–12 Csajka (magyarul Sirály) szovjet tengerészeti repülőgép, repülőcsónak, amelyet elsősorban tengeralattjárók felderítésére fejlesztett ki a Berijev tervezőiroda a Be–6 alapján. NATO-kódneve Mail, amit a MAD-tüske (mágnesesanomália-detektor) után kapott. Napjainkban már csak néhány darab áll szolgálatban az Orosz Haditengerészetnél és az Ukrán Haditengerészetnél. Felderítő, tengeralattjáró-elhárító, kutató-mentő és tűzoltó szerepkörben is alkalmazták.
Ma is sokuk üzemben van, ugyanis a Be–40/42 sugárhajtású és korszerű amfíbia nem kerül nagy számban rendszeresítésre, elsősorban anyagi okokból. A tengeralattjáró-vadászat bevetéseihez elengedhetetlen nagy hatósugár és repülési idő nem teszi szükségessé a nagy repülési sebesség meglétét. Ezért a sugárhajtóművekkel szembeni alacsony üzemeltetési költsége a Be–12-t egyelőre pótolhatatlanná teszi az Orosz Haditengerészetnél. Egyes altípusait tűzoltásra is alkalmassá tették.
Ru. text: Бе-12 «Чайка» (изделие «Е», по кодификации НАТО: Mail) — противолодочный самолёт-амфибия (летающая лодка). ... https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Be-12
above & below MedRes!: Soviet Beriev bureau Be-12 "Chaika" - "Gull" navy amphybia
Ru. text: Гео́ргий Миха́йлович Бери́ев (Бериашвили) (1903 — 1979) — советский авиаконструктор. Генерал-майор инженерно-технической службы (27.01.1951). Лауреат Сталинской премии. Доктор технических наук. ... https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beriew
above: MedRes! original cutaway source: www.mycity-military.com
above: HiRes! Scanned Be-12 cutaway drawing key by: Mike Badrocke source: FLIGHT
above: MedRes! Cross section Be-12 below: NoHigher! Be-12 longcross section
MedRes! above: Be-12 protoype below: Be-14
above: HiRes! Be-12 profiles artwork by: V. V. Milyachenko
above: MedRes! Black-sea - Fekete-tenger NGA Nautical chart below: HiRes! Black-sea the Danube spills into the Black-sea (Cropped) satellite photo
Crimea - Крим - Ukraine - Украины - Krím fsz.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/47-krim-felsziget-crimea-krym-peninsula.html
above: HiRes! Museal Beriev Be-12 'Chaika - Gull - Sirály" in winter below: NoHigher! VMF officer lieutenant - hadnagy. "Csajka"
above: NoHigher! Чайка - Chaika - Csajka-Sirály: front - elöl: Silver Gull - Ezüst-Sirály back - hátul: Herring Gull - Hering-Sirály
En. text: Laridae is a family of seabirds in the order Charadriiformes that includes the gulls, terns and skimmers. It includes around 100 species arranged into 22 genera. They are an adaptable group of mostly aerial birds found worldwide. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laridae
above: HiRes! Mood pics about shore-corso Balatonfüred, Gulls - "Danka" Sirályok and far visible the public Strand in 2018.november 16. Shiny-Friday - Fényes-Péntek - Parti sétány. XIAOMI Smart-Phone művész-Fotó - artisty Photo by: Ms. Bártfai Mária - Veszprém city-
above: NEW! NoHigher! Tennis champion of the World, Ms. #Maria #Sharapova in similar marine pattern clothes than artisty photomaker Bártfai M. source: Pinterest.com
Ru. cyrillic text: Мария Юрьевна Шара́пова (19 апреля 1987, Нягань, СССР) — российская теннисистка, экс-первая ракетка мира, победительница пяти турниров Большого шлема в одиночном разряде в 2004—2014 годах, одна из десяти женщин в истории, кто обладает так называемым «карьерным шлемом» (выиграла все турниры Большого шлема, но в разные годы), одна из лидеров по рекламным заработкам среди спортсменов мира. Заслуженный мастер спорта России. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Sharapova
above: NoHigher! below: MedRes! Squadron print sheet of Be-12 by profile by professional 3D profile russian artist: Basil Zolotov
above: MedRes! VMS Baltic Fleet's #Be-12 over #Swedish Air Force (Swedish: #Svenska Flygvapnet or just #Flygvapnet) SAAB #JA-37 '#Wiggen' on #Baltic-sea during Maritime #Rescue action on backround is, #Soviet '#Kashin' class guided missile destroyer "Sposobnyy" underway. profile #artwork #artist: #Basil Zolotov, source: also
above: HiRes! (Slip Hz.!) English swimsuit designer #Kimberley Garner simulates the water blast in areola peak in blue bikini in Miami source: pincelebs.net
above: HiRes! Exhibited Berijev - Beriev Be-12 "Chayka" Russian Flotta below Three: MedRes! Navigator cabin in nose photo by: Sergeydoyla.Livejournal

above: NEW! NoHigher! Soviet 'IVK' universal dashboard clock

above: NoHigher! #Steampunk: #Wooden-Brass decoration #Submarine inner section door from Victorian era.
above: NoHigher! Proposed fishery gift for Chaika - Gull - Ajánlott ajándék a csajkának a Potyka

Civil Hydrofoil Boats - Soviet-made (СПК) Судно на подводных крыльях - Szárnyashajók a MAHART-nál: Meteor/Sólyom, Vöcsök, Bíbic - Budapest -Bratislava - Wien - Beograd*New-York-City NYC:
above: NoHigher! he presumable counted ASW mission's enemy target in shore of Florida
above: NoHigher! Goverment Fire Fighting - Állami Tűzoltó
above: MedRes! Fire Fighter Be-12P Tűzoltó repülőgép below: NoHigher! Be-12P
above: HiRes! Be-12 watching nude blonde girl on the shore source: Playboyplus.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Russian tennis player champion, Maria Sharapova calendar pic 2013.
Maria Yuryevna Sharapova (Russian: Мари́я Ю́рьевна Шара́пова, IPA: [mɐˈrʲijə ˈjʉrʲjɪvnə ʂɐˈrapəvə] born April 19, 1987) is a Russian professional tennis player. A United States resident since 1994, Sharapova has competed on the WTA tour since 2001. She has been ranked world No. 1 in singles by the WTA on five separate occasions, for a total of 21 weeks. She is one of ten women, and the only Russian, to hold the career Grand Slam. She is also an Olympic medalist, having won silver in women's singles at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Sharapova
above: NoHigher! 'Domino Derval' by Claudine Auger in James Bond 007 - "#Thunderball" pinceleb
Who Domino is:
She is the mistress of Emilio Largo, the Number 2 of SPECTRE, and the sister of Major François Derval. How she and Bond meet:
Bond goes to Nassau as she is the sister of the man he saw dead at Shrublands. Bond meets her underwater (she has two birthmarks on her left thigh), and extricates her from some entrapping coral. ... https://jamesbond.fandom.com/wiki/Domino_(Claudine_Auger)
Claudine Auger (born Claudine Oger; 26 April 1941) is a French actress best known for her role as Bond girl, Dominique "Domino" Derval, in the James Bond film Thunderball (1965). She earned the title of Miss France Monde and was also the first runner-up in the 1958 Miss World contest.

above: NoHigher! Be-12 "Tchaika"-"Csajka"-Sirály" model
above: MedRes! OKB Beriev Be-12 "Chaika - Gull - Sirály" amfybia in Monino museum with ret.avn.Maj. Vári "Csanád" József nyá.rep.őrgy. Mi-8/17 "Hip" Test Pilot from LHSA
above: HiRes! Mr. Seregélyes "Vezérúr" András MÁV locodriver's - mozdonyvezető -Hajmáskér- photo in Kiev
18+above: NoHigher! Similar shaped Playboy's cones than Be-12 cones of prop
avove: HiRes! Active Ukrainan Navy Be-12 nose and opened main entrance door
above: NoHigher! "Prop cones": #Sophia Loren & #Jayne Mansfield in 1958.
It. text: Sophia Loren, nome d'arte di Sofia Costanza Brigida Villani Scicolone (Roma, 20 settembre 1934), è un'attrice italiana. Annoverata tra le più celebri attrici della storia del cinema, la Loren entra a far parte della Settima arte giovanissima e si impone ben presto, agli inizi degli anni cinquanta, grazie ai suoi ruoli in film comici come Pane, amore e... e in pellicole di stampo hollywoodiano, ad esempio Un marito per Cinzia e La baia di Napoli, per il quale è stata candidata al Golden Globe, ma dimostra anche una grande capacità drammatica con il ruolo in Orchidea nera, grazie al quale vince la Coppa Volpi per la migliore interpretazione femminile.
Verrà diretta nel 1960 da Vittorio De Sica ne La ciociara, per il quale vince il Premio Oscar, il primo dato ad un'attrice in un film non in lingua inglese. Viene candidata in seguito per il film Matrimonio all'italiana e nel 1991 le viene assegnata l'Oscar alla carriera. Alcuni dei suoi film hanno fatto la storia del cinema italiano e mondiale, come Una giornata particolare, Ieri, oggi, domani e i già citati La ciociara e Matrimonio all'italiana. ... https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_Loren
Jayne Mansfield (born Vera Jayne Palmer; April 19, 1933 – June 29, 1967) was an American film, theater, and television actress. She was also a nightclub entertainer, a singer, and one of the early Playboy Playmates. She was a major Hollywood sex symbol during the 1950s and early 1960s, and one of 20th Century Fox's main sex-symbol actresses. She was also known for her well-publicized personal life and publicity stunts, such as wardrobe malfunctions.
Although Mansfield's film career was short-lived, she had several box-office successes and won a Theatre World Award and a Golden Globe. She enjoyed success in the role of fictional actress Rita Marlowe, both in the 1955–1956 Broadway version and the 1957 Hollywood film version of Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? Her other major movie performances were in The Girl Can't Help It (1956), The Wayward Bus (1957), and Too Hot to Handle (1960). In the sexploitation filmPromises! Promises! (1963), she became the first major American actress to have a nude starring role in a Hollywood motion picture. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayne_Mansfield
above: MedRes! Chinese Hydroplane AG600 Kulong Fotó: China Stringer Network source: REUTERS
above: NoHigher! Chinese People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force (PLANAF) plaaf pla navy pla sexy hot female women girl soldier troop officer marine.

above: NoHigher! Chinese People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force (PLANAF) plaaf pla navy pla sexy hot female women girl soldier troop officer marine.
above: NoHigher! Chinese SH-5
above: NoHigher! Soviet Baltic-sea Fleet naval Pin-Up girl source: SubLiMe Light Works
above: MedRes! Beriev "Chayka"-Gull"-"Sirály" Be-12 surveillance & astro cupol/dome
above: HiRes! Be-12 Inside the main Entry door by: Igor13-Livejournal.com
above & below: HiRes! Be-12 Passage to rear section
above: NoHigher! Bubble Sextant Operator: Navigatornhica by photoarist: John Farrar source: mellbimbo.eu / Pinterest.com / http://johnfarrar.com/
above: NoHigher! Soviet Wing badge for pilot & sturman - Osztályos Hajózójelvények
above: MedRes! Be-12 Navigator's emergency hatch/door photo: Igor113.Livejournal.com
above: MedRes! Wreck Be-12 pilots' instrument panel - Roncs műszerfal
Blogger's Note: First removed instrument from the wreck soviet airplanes the AChS-1 - ACsSz-1 dashboard clock - fedélzeti óra (it is new) amit a roncs gépből elsőként kiszerelnek, after, Ki-13 mother "ball"-compass, than AGD-2 artifical horizon than ects.

above Three: MedRes! Graveyarder vreck Be-12 cockpit photo: Seirgei Dolya by Livejournal.com
above: NoHigher! Sexy Dieselpunk Girl in KM-1 oxy mask and La-5 leather slemafon of Aviation by Chris Robinson source: facebook - Steampunk site / https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisrobinsonphotos/
above: Megane Fox after sextant measuring after "Apollonian" action

Hu. text: Megan Denise Fox (Rockwood, Tennessee, 1986. május 16. –) amerikai színésznő, modell. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan_Fox
Apollo-11: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/41-apollo-11-nasa-spacecraft-command.html
above: MedRes! Apollo-17 recovering operations on 19 December 1972, with the aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga CVS-144, NAVY Sikorsky SH-2 "Sea-King" SAR helicopter

above: MedRes! Brit #Westland "#Sea King" #SAR / #ASW #helicopter
S.A.R. - Search And Rescue avagy a Légi Kutatás és Mentés - Redningtjeneste: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/sar-search-and-rescue-avagy-legi.html
above: NoHigher! Canadian Maritime S.A.R. CH-124 "Sea-King"
above: NoHigher! Ursula Andress in Dr. No as SAR diver

above: MedRes! Ka-15 early 1950's
30.) Kamov Ka-26 - Вертолета Камов Ка-26 - ВЕРТОЛЁТ - Helicopter:
above & below: NoHigher! Soviet VMS A-90 'Orlyonok' troop carrier ekranoplan, commonWig-Russia 1973.

above: MedRes! А ведь на применении этих материалов настоял НИИ технологии суд-прома.
На следующих (прочностных) испытаниях корпус экраноплана переломился в том же самом

above: MedRes! Two-view Ekranoplan 'Orlienok' below: HiRes! 'Tehnika Molodhezhy'

above & below: NoHigher! Десантный экраноплан пр. 904 (шифр «Орленок»)

above: NoHigher! Canadian Maritime S.A.R. CH-124 "Sea-King"
above: NoHigher! Ursula Andress in Dr. No as SAR diver

above: MedRes! Norway's ten "Sea Kings", built in the UK by Westland, are equipped and painted for search and rescue missions: 'REDNINGTJENESTE' = SAR NAF (Norwegian AF)

above & below: HiRes! three view & cross-section drawing of Sikorsky SH-3A "Sea-King" ASW/SAR naval/marine amphybian helicopter
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's photo scanned coll: early 1980 Search Radar Operator site.

above: MedRes! Ka-15 early 1950's
30.) Kamov Ka-26 - Вертолета Камов Ка-26 - ВЕРТОЛЁТ - Helicopter:
above: NEW! NoHigher! famous French actress, Catherine Deneuve rides a bike
Fr. text: Catherine Dorléac dite Catherine Deneuve, née le 22 octobre 1943 dans le 17e arrondissement de Paris, est une actrice française.
Considérée comme l'une des plus grandes actrices françaises de sa génération et de la seconde partie du xxe siècle, elle a été l'égérie de réalisateurs majeurs comme Jacques Demy, François Truffaut ou André Téchiné. Catherine Deneuve compte également dans sa filmographie plusieurs grands noms du cinéma international : Luis Buñuel, Roman Polanski, Mauro Bolognini, Robert Aldrich, Marco Ferreri, Dino Risi, Tony Scott, Manoel de Oliveira, Raoul Ruiz ou encore Lars von Trier.
Lauréate de deux Césars de la meilleure actrice (pour Le Dernier Métro et pour Indochine), elle a également obtenu une nomination à l'Oscar de la meilleure actrice (pour Indochine). Elle est par ailleurs, avec Juliette Binoche, Julianne Moore et Isabelle Huppert l'une des seules actrices à avoir remporté un prix d'interprétation dans les trois plus grands festivals de cinéma— Cannes, Venise et Berlin. ... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Deneuve
above: NoHigher! Hydro-Kurtzerabove & below: NoHigher! Soviet VMS A-90 'Orlyonok' troop carrier ekranoplan, commonWig-Russia 1973.

above: HiRes! А-90 "Орленок" 'Orlyonok' ekranoplan carries the PT-76s
Экранопланы пр. 904 — 3 ед
Внешний вид (вверху) и продольный разрез экраноплана пр. 904:
1 — главный (несущий) двигатель; 2 — отсек ВЧ блоков; 3 — десантный отсек; 4 — АП РЛС «Экран»; 5 — 12,7-мм АУ «Утес-М»; 6 — кабина пилотов; 7 — воздухозаборная шахта стартовых ГТД; 8 — заваливающаяся носовая оконечность машины.
159.) PT-76 Amphibious Light (Swimming) Tank LAT - Plavayushiy Tank - Amhibious Tank - ПТ-76 (Объект 740) — советский лёгкий плавающий танк. - Aufklärung Schwimmpanzer - UHK - Úszó HarcKocsi - GSzP, Shilka, Kub & Indonesian MARINIR - M551#Sheridan - Airsoft, - 1956-os Forradalom és Szabadságharc Szovjet páncélosai: III. rész - 1956's Hungarian Revolution's Soviet armors: 3nd part: ПТ-76 (Объект 740) советский лёгкий плавающий танк. - BTR-50PU, 2K6-2P16 "Luna" 'Frog-3', ASU-85.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/06/159-pt-76-amphibious-light-swimming.html

above: MedRes! А ведь на применении этих материалов настоял НИИ технологии суд-прома.
На следующих (прочностных) испытаниях корпус экраноплана переломился в том же самом
Ru. text: А-90 «Орлёнок» — советский транспортно-десантный экраноплан/экранолёт, разработанный в конструкторском бюро Р. Е. Алексеева. В ВМФ СССР — Малый Десантный корабль-Экраноплан (МДЭ) проекта 904, шифр «Орлёнок».
Принят на вооружение ВМФ СССР в ноябре 1979 года. Орленок мог отрываться от экрана поверхности и переходить в самолётный режим с эффективной высотой до 2 тысяч метров при потолке 3 тысячи метров. ...

above: MedRes! Two-view Ekranoplan 'Orlienok' below: HiRes! 'Tehnika Molodhezhy'
Alexeyev A-90 Orlyonok ekranoplan | Алексе́ев А-90 Орлёнок экраноплан
above: HiRes! (Crop!) Museal A-90

above & below: NoHigher! Десантный экраноплан пр. 904 (шифр «Орленок»)
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Anna in new fashion Survival Vest - Új fazonú Túlélő Mellényben.": #Russian professional #tennis-player, #Anna #Kournikova brings her hotness to a feature in the September 2012 issue of #Maxim #Australia
Ru. text: А́нна Серге́евна Ку́рникова (род. 7 июня 1981, Москва, СССР) — российская теннисистка и фотомодель, бывшая первая ракетка мира в парном разряде, также гражданка США. Двукратная победительница Открытого чемпионата Австралии в парном разряде (оба раза — с Мартиной Хингис).
Самая юная участница Олимпийских игр в истории России (во всех видах спорта) — на момент её дебюта на Олимпиаде-1996 в Атланте Анне было 15 лет и 47 дней. ... ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Kournikova
Самая юная участница Олимпийских игр в истории России (во всех видах спорта) — на момент её дебюта на Олимпиаде-1996 в Атланте Анне было 15 лет и 47 дней. ... ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Kournikova

above: NoHigher! Martin P6M "Seamaster" Jet Hydroplane pursuits to J.B. after and It to Rescue to 007 Agent James Bond. - A Szímaszter üldözi Bisszetet utána megmenti Dzsémszet
Martin P-6M "Seamaster" FF Acf.
above: NoHigher! ery famous English & Hollywood actress #Jacqueline Bisset on sand
Winifred Jacqueline Fraser Bisset (/ˈbɪsɪt/ BISS-it; born 13 September 1944. -age 74-
Weybridge, Surrey, England) is an English actress. She began her film career in 1965, first coming to prominence in 1968 with roles in The Detective, Bullitt, and The Sweet Ride, for which she received a most promising newcomer Golden Globe nomination. In the 1970s, she starred in Airport (1970), Day for Night (1973) which won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, Murder on the Orient Express (1974), The Deep (1977), and Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe? (1978), which earned her a Golden Globe nomination as Best Actress in a Comedy.
above & below: NoHigher! Grumman 'Goose'/'Widgeon'

above: MedRes! General sizes plan-drawing of Grumman G-44 "Widgeon" apmphybia
141.) Képregény - Comics SURVIVAL - SAR - Search and Rescue I.Rész: Légi Kutató - Mentő UH-1D 'Huey' _ RTL-klub: "Celeb vagyok ments ki innen!" Túlélő Show műsor - Film-forgatókönyv - Treatment: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/140-kepregeny-comics-survival-sar.html
above: NEW! HiRes! Hydroplane mood drawing by: Lipatov source: http://lipatov/deviantart.com/pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! #Grumman G-44 "#Widgeon" Floatplane in Flight-U.S. Coast Guard
NoHigher! Grumman 'Goose' Flying Boat source: AktielBeeld
above: MedRes! Grumman "Widgeon" ("Goose") below: Photo of C-FLYL FlightAware source: pinterest
18+above: NoHigher! "Salesgirl with propcone shape breast in BUFFET/Snack Bar" - "BÜFÉs csaj Propellerkúp formájú cickókkal"; Virginia Rogers aka Carolyn Rogers in Hi-Life, March 1962.
Virginia Rogers is an actress, known for Kipling's Women (1961). See full bio
The Grumman G-44 Widgeon is a small, five-person, twin-engine amphibious aircraft. It was designated J4F by the United States Navy and Coast Guard and OA-14 by the United States Army Air Corps and United States Army Air Forces.
Design and development:
The Widgeon was originally designed for the civil market. It is smaller but otherwise similar to Grumman's earlier G-21 Goose, and was produced from 1941 to 1955. The aircraft was used during World War II as a small patrol and utility machine by the United States Navy, US Coast Guard and by the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm.
The first prototype flew in 1940, and the first production aircraft went to the United States Navy as an anti-submarine aircraft. In total, 276 were built by Grumman, including 176 for the military. During World War II, they served with the US Navy, Coast Guard, Civil Air Patrol and Army Air Force, as well as with the British Royal Navy, who gave it the service name Gosling. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_G-44_Widgeon
General characteristics:
Crew: 1
Capacity: 4 passengers (as utility aircraft)
Length: 31 ft 1 in (9.47 m)
Wingspan: 40 ft 0 in (12.19 m)
Height: 11 ft 5 in (3.48 m)
Wing area: 245 sq ft (22.8 m2)
Empty weight: 3,240 lb (1,470 kg)
Gross weight: 4,525 lb (2,053 kg)
Powerplant: 2 × Ranger L-440-5 air-cooled inverted six-cylinder inline engine, 200 hp (150 kW) each
Maximum speed: 153 mph (246 km/h; 133 kn)
Cruise speed: 138 mph (222 km/h; 120 kn)
Range: 920 mi (799 nmi; 1,481 km)
Service ceiling: 14,600 ft (4,500 m)
Rate of climb: 700 ft/min (3.6 m/s)
Bombs: 1 × 200 lb (90 kg) depth bomb in anti-submarine role
18+above: NEW! NoHigher! Nipple-prop - Ciciprop
above: NoHigher! Marilyn Monroe with 'Goose'
Hu. text: Marilyn Monroe (született Norma Jeane Mortenson; Los Angeles, 1926. június 1. – Los Angeles, 1962. augusztus 4.) amerikai színész, fotómodell, énekesnő. Az 1950-es évek egyik legismertebb szexszimbóluma volt, aki „buta szöszi” filmszerepeivel szerzett hírnevet. Színésznőként körülbelül egy évtizedig volt aktív, ezalatt filmjeiből kétszázmillió dolláros bevétel folyt be. Marilyn Monroe a mai napig a popkultúra egyik legismertebb, ikonikus egyénisége. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe

above: NoHigher! actress Caroline Munro & Sir Roger Moore R.I.P. "The Angel" -In Memoriam 89y.o.♰-2017.05.23. Switzerland-, as "James Bond the 007 Agent"

above: MedRes! below: NEW! NoHigher! Kawanishi H8K "Emily" with UN submarine
above & below: NoHigher! Kawanishi H8K2 cross section profile source: pinterest
above: MedRes! below: HiRes! Kawanishi H8K2 T-31 Type-2 "Emily" profiles artwork

above: HiRes! JSDF US-1A Flying boat

above: MedRes! Japanese design & made & Coast Guard 'Shin Meiwa'
above: HiRes! (Crop Hz.!) English Kimberley Garner "worries for succesful of Rescue action - Aggódik a Mentő-akció sikeréért" areola peak in blue bikini in Miami source: pincelebs.net

above: NoHigher! 救助訓練のため着水したUS-1 below: NoHigher! Shin Meiwa

above & below: NoHigher! #Fairchild A-942 "Viking" 1935 source: Pinterest
above: MedRes! Fairchild 'Baby Clipper' source: aviadejavu.ru
Doors of V.I.P. Corporate & Private Jets & Turboprops aircraft - Gépajtók -PinUp Attendants:
above: NoHigher! Charles Lindbergh's 'Sirius' below: HiRes! Lockheed Model 8 'Sirius' at The Museum of Natural History in New York, January 1934. source: facebook.com
above: NoHigher! Lockheed 'Sirius' Anacostia
above: NoHigher! English actress #Caroline Munro 1970s as sailor photo by: G. Anson Vef
Caroline Munro (born 16 January 1949. -age 70- Windsor, Berkshire, England) is an English actress and model known for her many appearances in horror, science fiction and action films of the 1970s and 1980s. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroline_Munro
above: MedRes! germany Dornier Do X 1931. below: NEW! NoHigher! Cutaway of Do X
18+above: NoHigher! #Sylvia Maria Kristel (28 September 1952 – 17 October 2012) was a Dutch model and actress who appeared in over 50 films. She is best remembered as the eponymous character in five of the seven Emmanuelle films. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvia_Kristel
Hu. text: Sylvia Kristel (Utrecht, 1952. szeptember 28. – Amszterdam, 2012. október 17.) holland színésznő. Világhírnevét az Emmanuelle (1974) című erotikus film főszerepének köszönheti. A szerepet több folytatásban is eljátszotta. Színészi képességeiről eltérőek a vélemények, ám főleg az 1970-es években számos figyelemre méltó alkotásban kamatoztatták előnyös megjelenését, ártatlanságot és érzékiséget egyszerre sugárzó egyéniségét. Kiemelkedően magas IQ-val rendelkezett, anyanyelvén kívül négy nyelven beszélt folyékonyan (angol, német, francia, olasz). Első élettársától, Hugo Claus belga írótól 1975-ben született fia, Arthur Kristel színész. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! Nostalgic pictures show the German-designed, Swiss-built Dornier Do-X aircraft, which was the epitome of luxury in the 1920s. It was part-boat, part-plane and could travel through the air and seas. source: Getty images/pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! English made, Saunders-Roe "Princess" below: HiRes! Experimental Japaneseabove: MedRes! below: NEW! NoHigher! Kawanishi H8K "Emily" with UN submarine
Kawanishi H8K2 H8K2 51-085 of the 851st Kōkutai in flight, before being shot down by a U.S. Navy PB4Y-1, 2 July 1944. text by: Wings of Russia_https://www.impdb.org
above: MedRes! below: HiRes! Kawanishi H8K2 T-31 Type-2 "Emily" profiles artwork
above: NEW! NoHigher! Martin M-130 cutaway of sea-liner "Airways System" source: web
above: NEW! NoHigher! Martin M130 over Hongkong bay
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hongkong silence-live: by: Martin Robert McGinnis No place to- ...
above: HiRes! actress #Kimberley Garner in white one piece swmsuit source: pincelebs.net
Kimberley Garner is an English swimwear designer, television personality, actress and socialite best known for her role in the series Made in Chelsea and The Write Stuff. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimberley_Garner
above: MedRes! Norfolk Seaplane VA 61May P5M-2
above: HiRes! Vintage US NAVY's Nolan Henderson McDade Seaplane below: Marilyn M.

above: HiRes! JSDF US-1A Flying boat

above: MedRes! Japanese design & made & Coast Guard 'Shin Meiwa'
above: HiRes! (Crop Hz.!) English Kimberley Garner "worries for succesful of Rescue action - Aggódik a Mentő-akció sikeréért" areola peak in blue bikini in Miami source: pincelebs.net

above: NoHigher! 救助訓練のため着水したUS-1 below: NoHigher! Shin Meiwa

above: MedRes! Japanese Coast Guard 'Shin Meiwa' S.A.R. amfybia
Ja. text: US-1は、新明和工業が開発し、海上自衛隊が使用する飛行艇。コールサインはIVORY(アイボリー)初飛行はPS-1の原型PS-Xによって、1967年(昭和42)10月24日、PS-1改によって1974年(昭和49)10月6日。

above: NoHigher! Asembly kit box-art cover: US-1 and Kawasaki licenced CH-46 'Seaknight'
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Cosmic Muffin" former Boeing B-307 'Stratocruiser'
below: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's collect from U.S.A. Va. - Virginia beach 1995.: Greeting card 1992: Saluting before flags. 'Virginia Naval Command in Norfolk base': "Ship Shape"

above: NoHigher! profile Graphics of Shin Meiwa PS-1
above: NoHigher! Marko Anna M-440 padded bikini set marine stripes pattern adjustable stra
above: NoHigher! Marko Anna M-440 padded bikini set marine stripes pattern adjustable stra
above: MedRes! in French SAR 'Yoko' Comics
above: NoHigher! below: MedRes! Japanese S.A.R. 'Shin Meiwa'

above: Hollywood star actress, #Scarlett Johansson: "I'm all wet due the big nose-wave of US-1" - Janicsák Szkarlett/Skarlát: "Csupa nedvesség vagyok az US-1 orrhulláma miatt."
Hu. text: Scarlett Ingrid Johansson (New York, 1984. november 22. –) Golden Globe-díjra jelölt amerikai színésznő, énekesnő és modell. Pályafutását A suttogó című 1998-as filmmel alapozta meg. 2008. május 20-án jelent meg első zenei albuma, „Anywhere I Lay My Head” címmel. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarlett_Johansson

above: NoHigher! Asembly kit box-art cover: US-1 and Kawasaki licenced CH-46 'Seaknight'
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Cosmic Muffin" former Boeing B-307 'Stratocruiser'
below: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's collect from U.S.A. Va. - Virginia beach 1995.: Greeting card 1992: Saluting before flags. 'Virginia Naval Command in Norfolk base': "Ship Shape"

VálaszTörlésSzép hosszú bemutató anyag és mindent megmutat - szó szerint - amit érdemes megnézni, megismerni. Víz -Repülő - Ég - Nap - Hölgyek és mindez a kezdetektől kezdve.Sok olyan ami csak max. filmről avagy gyerekkorról rémlik - most, hogy megnéztem. Van amiről csak hallottam és kép nem volt emlékemben. Nagy munka - nagy meló, igazi elkötelezettség az ismeret terjesztésre. Nagy - szó szerinti - hiányokat pótló anyag.
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