USS 'Arleigh Burke' class DDG-75 "Donald Cook" US NAVY destroyer warship Black-sea incident with AVMS Sukhoi Su-24 "Fencer"
18+Refreshed! to-110%-29.02.2020.-Regulationed++++++++::+:+
In the US Fleet structure the destroyer is a fleet unit, with adequate speed to keep pace with carrier battle group. Destroyers are divided into those with an air defence function (DDG) and those with an antisubmarine mission (DD). Most of the DDGs were completed in the early 1960's and therefore need replacing in the not-so-distant future. The ASW destroyers of the Spruance class, howewer, are large modern units. The older DDGs - and CGs - will eventuelly be replaced by a new design, the DDGX.
source: The Illustrated Directory of Modern American Weapons -Section Two: Naval Weapons and Equipment Edited by: ray Bonds - Published by Salamander Books Limited LONDON - NEW YORK 1986 (1987. Budapest, V. Honvéd u. Idegen nyelvű könyvesbolt - BUP Foreign Language Book Store) Juci'bácsi's collection.
above: NEW+! MedRes! Launch time on USS SHOUP is the 8th DDG-79 'OSCAR AUSTIN'Guided Missile Destroyer - a sub-class of the 'ARLEIGH BURKE'-class.
above: NEW! HiRes! USS DDG-71 'Donald Cook' missile destroyer - rakétás (ir.) romboló
above: HiRes! Battle_Group_Alpha_(Midway,_Iowa)_underway,_1987.
above: New! USN Classification System
above: Air Art Graphics's artwork: USS BB-62 "New Jersey" Battleship No Higher!
above: NEW pic! My remark: Only so thus did able to watch to Su-24 but without smile- Cak így tudták figyelni a Szu-24-est, de mosoly nélkül.
above: New! USN Classification System
above: Air Art Graphics's artwork: USS BB-62 "New Jersey" Battleship No Higher!
above: NEW pic! My remark: Only so thus did able to watch to Su-24 but without smile- Cak így tudták figyelni a Szu-24-est, de mosoly nélkül.
News: Hu. text: 41 méterről keménykedett egy kínai hadihajó egy amerikaival
„Nem biztonságos” távolságra közelített meg az egy amerikai hadihajót egy kínai hadihajó a Dél-kínai-tengeren fekvő, vitatott hovatartozású Spratly-szigetek közelében, közölte az amerikai védelmi minisztérium egyik illetékese a CNN-nel. ...
Légi felvételeket közöltek arról az incidensről, ami egy amerikai és egy kínai katonai hajó között történt a Dél-kínai-tengeren a napokban.
A CNN-en megjelent fotókon látni lehet, hogy a USS Decaturhoz milyen közel került a kínai hajó, amely azért lépett akcióba, mert az amerikaiak 12 tengeri mérföldön belülre közelítették meg a Gaven és Johnson zátonyokat a vitatott a hovatartozású Spratly-szigetek közelében. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! (Crop-Edit!) USS DDG-73 'Decatur' source:
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HiRes! USS Oscar Austin (DDG-79) Statue of Liberty New York photo: fleet week
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USS Donald Cook Bosphorus on April 10 in Istanbul, Turkey, en route to the Black Sea. |
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HiRes! US Navy guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) Atlantic Ocean |
above: NEW! MedRes! Hungarian Visitors Flt. brig.gen. Ugrik Csaba ddtbk. (from right 2nd) on DDG-107 'Gravely' destroyer on Baltic sea source:
2019. május 23. 07:23, Tóth Róbert főhadnagy
Hu. text article: Szakmai látogatás a USS Gravely fedélzetén
Az 1-es Állandó Tengeri Csoport (SNMG 1) parancsnoka, Edward Cashman ellentengernagy, a USS Gravely romboló fedélzetén szakmai látogatáson fogadta a balti légtérrendészeti feladatban résztvevő magyar és spanyol kontingensek parancsnokait, valamint repülőműveleti főnökeit.
A formális látogatás során megvitatták a balti térségben állomásozó NATO egységek kooperációját, hadműveleti képességeit, a repülésbiztonsági kérdéseket, valamint kitértek a NATO tengeri és légi egységei közötti jövőbeli együttműködési lehetőségre is. ...
above: NEW pic! HiRes! DDG-70 'Hopper'
above: HiRes! NEW pic! USS 'Donald Cook' (DDG-75) conducts a close quarters exercise while underway in the Atlantic Ocean
above: HiRes! NEW pic! source: Flickr - Official U.S. Navy Imagery - USS Hopper leaves Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.
above: HiRes! USS DDG-79 "Oscar Austin"
above: NEW! NoHigher! Wow! The big stern wave! 'Oscar' Margot Robbie star actress from Hollywood on mini DDG Surf-Desk - Óhh a nagy farhullámok! Instagram of MR.
USS DDG-79 Oscar Austin 2007. adatai
Bath Iron Works
1994. július 20.
Építés kezdete
1995. június 18.
Vízre bocsátás
1998. november 7.
Szolgálatba állítás
2000. augusztus 19.
Szolgálat vége
várhatóan 2035[1]
Aktív szolgálatban
Általános jellemzők
7134 (teljes terhelés esetén 9515 t)
155,3 m
20 m
9,4 m
4 db General Electric LM2500-30 gázturbina egyenként 27 000 LE
(20 000 kW) teljesítménnyel
két, ötlapátos, állítható propeller
100 000 LE (75 000 kW)
30 csomó (56 km/h) felett
4400 tengeri mérföld (8900 km) 20 csomó (37 km/ó) sebesség
Mk 41 típusú függőleges rakétaindító rendszer 1 x 32 és 1 x 64 cellával
(összesen 96 db rakéta)
2 db Mark 32 hármas torpedóvető cső (hat db Mk-46 vagy
Mk-50 torpedóval)
2 db SH-60 Seahawk helikopter a fedélzeten kialakított
380 fő
Keel Laid: July 7, 1996
Launched: May 3, 1997
Commissioned: December 4, 1998
Builder: Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine
Propulsion system: four General Electric LM 2500 gas
turbine engines
Propellers: two
Blades on each Propeller: five
Length: 505.25 feet (154 meters)
Beam: 67 feet (20.4 meters)
Draft: 30.5 feet (9.3 meters)
Displacement: approx. 8.300 tons full load
Speed: 30+ knots
Aircraft: None. But LAMPS 3 electronics installed on
landing deck for coordinated DDG/helicopter ASW operations.
Armament: two MK 41 VLS for Standard missiles, Tomahawk;
Harpoon missile launchers, one Mk 45 5-inch/54 caliber lightweight gun, two
Phalanx CIWS, Mk 46 torpedoes (from two triple tube mounts)
Homeport: Norfolk, VA
Crew: 23 Officers, 24 Chief Petty Officers and 291
below: NEW! HiRes! DDG side-view profile artwork for 1:700 maquette
Second US destroyer to enter Black Sea
below: DDG-75 in Constanta port (Rumania NATO member)
above: Constanta
above: MedRes! Constanta port
above: NEW! HiRes! Anchor-master - Horgonymester after porting: Joy Corrigan, showing off her body by a pool in Miami Beach. source:
The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of 2017. Playboy magazine names their Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year. ...
Joy Corrigan is a model and actress best known for her Instagram popularity.Her dream is to one day become Victoria's Secret model. She is comfortable in both fashion and glamor. Joy modeled for brands including Argento Beachwear and Liliana Montoya. She is well known for appearances in elite publications like Sports Illustrated, GQ, and Galore Magazine. ...
above: HiRes! Constanca
9 April 2014 - 9:27am
USS Donald Cook will enter the Black Sea no later than on April 10, RIA Novosti reports:White House spokesman Josh Ernest said that destroyer USS Truxton will stay in the Black Sea longer. Additional ships will be sent to the sea.
USS Donald Cook is an Arleigh Burke class destroyer based in Spain. It is armed with the Aegis missile system and carries Tomahawk missiles.
From U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs The forward deployed guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) departed the Black Sea, April 24. Donald Cook's presence was an example of the U.S. Navy's commitment to enhancing interoperability at sea, serving as a cornerstone of NATO's military strength, while demonstrating the U.S. and allied forces' capability to provide the right presence, in the right place, at the right time. While in the Black Sea, Donald Cook reassured our allies of the United States' commitment to the region, conducting a port visit and exercises at sea with CONSTANTA, Romania (April 17, 2014) - Sailors assigned to the forward-deployed Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) haul in mooring lines as the ship departs Constanta, Romania. Donald Cook, the first of four Arleigh Burke-class destroyers to be forward-deployed to Rota, Spain, is serving on a scheduled patrol in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations as part of the President's European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) to ballistic missile defense in Europe. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Edward Guttierrez III/RELEASED)
CONSTANTA, Romania (April 17, 2014) - Cmdr. Scott Jones, right, commanding officer of the forward-deployed Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG 75), and Lt.j.g. Joshua Howell, Donald Cook's navigation officer, plot a course for the ship as it departs Constanta, Romania. Donald Cook, the first of four Arleigh Burke-class destroyers to be forward-deployed to Rota, Spain, is serving on a scheduled patrol in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations as part of the President's European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) to ballistic missile defense in Europe. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Edward Guttierrez III/RELEASED) Join the conversation on Twitter follow us on Facebook and while you're at it check us out on Google+
CONSTANTA, Romania (April 17, 2014) - Sailors assigned to the
forward-deployed Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook
(DDG 75) haul in mooring lines in preparation for departing Constanta, Romania.
Donald Cook, the first of four Arleigh Burke-class destroyers to be
forward-deployed to Rota, Spain, is serving on a scheduled patrol in the U.S.
6th Fleet area of operations as part of the President's European Phased
Adaptive Approach (EPAA) to ballistic missile defense in Europe. (U.S. Navy
photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Edward Guttierrez III/RELEASED)
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Ma érkezik a konstancai kikötőbe a USS Donald Cook romboló hajó
- Nemzetközi
- 2014 Április 14
Ma érkezik a konstancai kikötőbe a USS Donald Cook romboló
Az amerikai hadihajó legénysége és a román tengerészek négy napig közös
gyakorlaton vesznek részt a román és nemzetközi felségvizeken a
Fekete-tengeren.Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok védelmi minisztériumának tájékoztatása szerint a Donald Cook jelenlétével a NATO-szövetségesek és a Fekete-tengeri térség partnereinek biztonságát szavatolja Washington. A hadihajón ma délután 2 órakor látogatást tesz Traian Băsescu államfő.
Hu. text: Az amerikaiak Aegis-e rosszul vizsgázott a
Az Egyesült Államok fokozza katonai jelenlétét Oroszország
és Ukrajna déli határa közelében: a Fekete-tengeren immár két amerikai hadihajó
tartózkodik – a torpedóromboló Donald Cook és a Taylor fregatt. Radarjaik a
Krímre vannak beállítva.
A Donald Cook torpedóromboló hajót Aegis rakétavédelmi
rendszerrel és Tomahawk rakétákkal látták el, a Taylor fregatt fedélzetén pedig
Harpoon hajók elleni robotrepülőgépek és SM-1MR Standard légvédelmi rendszer
van rendszeresítve. Az amerikai hadihajók megjelenése a Fekete-tengeren
ellentmond a Montreux-i egyezménynek, amely a Fekete-tenger térségéhez nem
tartozó országok hadihajói ottani jelenlétének jellegére és időtartamára
Az USA az Oroszországra gyakorolt gazdasági nyomást
véleménye szerint ezzel az újabb "érvvel" kívánja kiegészíteni.
Azonban nem minden ment úgy, ahogy gondolták - írja az Oroszország Hangja,
alább folytatódik a cikkük.
Április 10-én a Donald Cook a Tomahawk szárnyas rakétákkal
együtt behatolt a Fekete-tenger semleges vizeire. Oroszország erre egy
Szu-24-es repülőgépet küldött az amerikai torpedóromboló hajó körberepülésére.
Az orosz repülőgép fegyvertelen volt, azonban szakértők állítása szerint
rendelkezett legújabb orosz rádióelektronikus harci rendszerrel. Az Aegis már
távolról észlelte a Szu-24-es közeledését, harci riadót fújt. Amerikai radarok
a célponttal való közeledés irányvonalát mérték be. És egyszerre csak a
képernyők kialudtak, az Aegis megszűnt üzemelni. Közben a Szu-24-es a
torpedóromboló fedélzete felett vonult el, megfordult, és rakétatámadást
imitált. Aztán megfordult, és megismételte ezt a manővert. És ezt megtette
Vagyis amikor üzemelt a Szu-24-es fedélzeti
rádióelektronikus elnyomási rendszere, a modern Aegis rendszer üzemképtelenné
A külföldi média írja, hogy az incidenst követően a Donald Cook sürgősen betért egy romániai kikötőbe. A hajó személyzetének 27 tagja benyújtotta lemondási kérelmét. Állítják, hogy mind a 27 személy azt írta, hogy nem kívánja életét kockáztatni. Ezt közvetve megerősíti a Pentagon nyilatkozata is. Ebben olvasható, hogy az akció demoralizálta az amerikai hajó csapatát.
A külföldi média írja, hogy az incidenst követően a Donald Cook sürgősen betért egy romániai kikötőbe. A hajó személyzetének 27 tagja benyújtotta lemondási kérelmét. Állítják, hogy mind a 27 személy azt írta, hogy nem kívánja életét kockáztatni. Ezt közvetve megerősíti a Pentagon nyilatkozata is. Ebben olvasható, hogy az akció demoralizálta az amerikai hajó csapatát.
Szakemberek véleménye szerint az USA számára ez rendkívül
kellemetlen mozzanat. Az Egyesült Államok által szétbontakoztatni kívánt
rakétavédelmi rendszer óriási pénzeszközöket követel az állami költségvetésből.
És mindig bizonyítani kell, hogy erre valóban szükség van. A rakétavédelmi
rendszer szárazföldi komponensét – a silóból kilövendő ellenrakétákat – ideális
viszonyok közt tesztelték, de már akkor is bizonyságot tett alacsony
hatékonyságáról. Az Aegis rendszer adott esetben szintén demonstrálta
A rendszer, amellyel az orosz Szu-24-es sokkolta az amerikai
Donald Cookot, a Hibini nevet viseli. A Hibini egyébként egy hegygerinc a
sarkvidéki Kola-félszigeten. A Hibini az ellenfél rádióelektronikus
elnyomásának legújabb rendszere, amellyel ellátnak majd minden ígéretes orosz
repülőgépet. A közelmúltban a rendszert eredményesen kipróbálták a dél-szibériai
gyakorlóterepen. A tesztelés minden bizonnyal eredményes volt, hiszen amellett
döntöttek, hogy kipróbálják a rendszert a valóságot a lehető legnagyobb
mértékben megközelítő viszonyok közt.
DDG-75 in night with navigation - position lights
above: NEW! NoHigher! World famous fashion & photomodel: #Claudia-Schiffer on 'Bijoux' magazine cover with photolamp "Search-Light manpower" - "Keresőfényszóró munkaerő"
Claudia Maria Schiffer (German pronunciation: [ˈklaʊ̯dɪa ˈʃɪfɐ]; born 25 August 1970) is a German model, actress and fashion designer. She rose to fame in the early 1990s as one of the world's most successful models. In her early career, she was compared to Brigitte Bardot.She has appeared on more than one thousand magazine covers and holds the record for the model with the most magazine covers, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. In 2002, Forbes estimated her net worth to be around US$55 million (£38 million). ...
Deutsch text: Russland droht als Reaktion auf Entsendung eines US-Aegis-Zerstörers nach Spanien mit Aufkündigung des START-Abkommens
Die USA haben den Raketen-Zerstörer USS Donald Cook nach Spanien verlegt, um dort den Raketenabwehrschild der NATO in Europa zu verstärken. Dieser Schritt, der sich angeblich nur gegen den Iran und Nordkorea richtet, hat in Russland Diskussionen über eine Aufkündigung des START-Vertrages ausgelöst.
above: NEW! MedRes! DDG-75 in Constanca 2016.june
USA entfalten Raketenabwehrsystem in Europa
STIMME RUSSLANDS Das Pentagon hat im Rahmen des Aufbaus des adaptierten Raketenabwehrsystems mit dem Entfalten von Zerstörern in Europa begonnen, die mit dem System Aegis ausgestattet sind, berichtete der US-Verteidigungsminister Chuck Hagel bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz am Samstag.
„Am Mittag schickten wir den Zerstörer „Donald Cook“ nach Rota (Spanien)“, so Hagel. Ihm zufolge schließen sich diesem Schiff noch drei US-Zerstörer an, um Europa zu schützen. Hagel unterstrich, dass dieser Schritt eine Antwort auf die Drohung mit iranischen Fernraketen ist.
STIMME RUSSLANDS Das Pentagon hat im Rahmen des Aufbaus des adaptierten Raketenabwehrsystems mit dem Entfalten von Zerstörern in Europa begonnen, die mit dem System Aegis ausgestattet sind, berichtete der US-Verteidigungsminister Chuck Hagel bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz am Samstag.
„Am Mittag schickten wir den Zerstörer „Donald Cook“ nach Rota (Spanien)“, so Hagel. Ihm zufolge schließen sich diesem Schiff noch drei US-Zerstörer an, um Europa zu schützen. Hagel unterstrich, dass dieser Schritt eine Antwort auf die Drohung mit iranischen Fernraketen ist.
NEW! above: NoHigher! "Captain on the Bridge! - Kapitány a Hídon!" below: MedRes! DDG
above: NEW! NoHigher! USN Subitrix WO sailor in periscopic watch pose by Russel Pinups
Sukhoi Su-22M "Fencer" Fighzer-Bomber - Szuhoj Szu-24M vadászbombázó
A Russian attack plane performed multiple passes near an American warship in the Black Sea.
The aircraft, reportedly a Russian Air Force Su-24 Fencer, flew within 1,000 yards of the USS Donald Cook, the U.S. Navy destroyer currently operating in the Black Sea. According to the Associated Press, the Fencer flew at 500 feet ASL (Above Sea Level) and performed passes that the ship commander considered “provocative and inconsistent with international agreements.”The ship, that has been operating in the Black Sea since Apr. 10, issued several radio calls and warnings to the Fencer, that was unarmed and was never in real danger of coming in contact with the ship.
Noteworthy, the U.S. warship was also being shadowed by a Russian Navy frigate, but this is just routine during operations conducted in international waters east of Romania.
above: New pic! HiRes!
above: NEW! NoHigher! "The Red-Devil Sukhoi: Elsa Hosk vs. Halloween: Swedish supermodel, Elsa Hosk in "Red Devil" costume. source:
Elsa Anna Sofie Hosk (born 7 November 1988. -age 31- Stockholm-Bromma, Sweden) is a Swedish model and current Victoria's Secret Angel, who has worked for brands including Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Free People, Ungaro, H&M, Anna Sui, Lilly Pulitzer and Guess. She modeled for Victoria's Secret, appearing in the brand's annual fashion show from 2011 to 2018. She has also appeared in many of the brand's campaigns, especially for the sub-division PINK. In 2015, she was announced as one of 10 new Victoria's Secret Angels. She has also played professional basketball in Sweden. ...
above: New! The commander of SCSC (Ship Combat Situation Centre) this like take His head then she look what make the 'Fencer' with them. - Palvin Barbara world famous Hungarian photo & fashion (Victoria Secret) model -fotómodell (in navy style otcotoure jacket) - A harcvezetési központparancsnok így fogta a fejét amikor meglátta mit csinál a 'Fencer' velük.
above: Juci'bacsi's scanned repro photopaper collection from Soldat und Technik early 1980 FRG review: New pic! MedRes! Marine F-104G german 'Kormoran' antiship A-S missile method.
above: new!! HiRes! Russian Navy 2012 source: Pinterest - Infographics Ria Novosty
above: NEW! NoHigher! U.S. NAVY infographic by: Raytheon co.
above: NEW! MedRes! USS DDG-46 'Preble' photo: REUTERS
above: New pic! Torpedo or Missile target ship during impact. by: NG - National Geographic
18+above: NEW! NoHigher! After demolition on the beach: Sahara Ray boob out from red bikini. source:
above: new!! HiRes! Russian Navy 2012 source: Pinterest - Infographics Ria Novosty
above: NEW! NoHigher! U.S. NAVY infographic by: Raytheon co.
above: NEW! MedRes! USS DDG-46 'Preble' photo: REUTERS
above: New pic! Torpedo or Missile target ship during impact. by: NG - National Geographic
18+above: NEW! NoHigher! After demolition on the beach: Sahara Ray boob out from red bikini. source:
Sahara Ray (born March 10, 1993) is an Australian model and Instagram celebrities with 1.2 million followers. She has her own swimsuit line with VNTG Supply Co. ...
above: new! "By golly" - "A kutyafáját!"
above: NEW pic: 'May be they had able to only with visual signal go home ordered the ship to port of Constanta by Hilda.' - "Valószínű, hogy csak vizuális jelekkel tudták őket hazarendelni a constancai kikötőbe Hilda által." (Yoke text)
above: NEW! HiRes! Cathrine Bell from JAG
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But nit like smiling go out of board the american sailors - Hát nem ilyen vidáman léptek le a fedélzetről a Tengerészek. source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Behind the door the DDG's kitchen and Cook Simpson sailor
above: NEW! the "step-off" shoes - a "Lelépő-cipő"
above: NoHigher! Word famous photomodel & fashion demo model Candice Swanepoel as a USN sailorix best sexyiest photo & fashion model from 'Victoria Secret's' fashion firma.
above: NEW pic! HiRes! Wow! They not so thus did step-down out os board, but discharced 27 sailors imediatelly at Constanta -port. - Na nem így léptek le a fedélzetről, hanem leszerelt 27 fő tengerész a Constancai kikötőben.
above: NEW! MedRes! Alberto Vargas' sortie Pin Up Girl
Joaquin Alberto Vargas y Chávez (9 February 1896 – 30 December 1982) was a noted Peruvian painter of pin-up girls. He is often considered one of the most famous of the pin-up artists. Numerous Vargas paintings have sold and continue to sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars. ...
above: NEW! Schema MedRes!

USS Donald Cook for some time, remaining within visual distance but not coming close enough to be a security Russian Aircraft Flies Near U.S. Navy Ship in Black Sea
above map: No Higher!
attack aircraft repeatedly flew near the USS Donald Cook in international
waters in the Black Sea on April 12, a Pentagon spokesman said today.
The USS Cook was patrolling in the western Black Sea when an unarmed Russian Su-24 Fencer attack aircraft repeatedly flew near the Navy ship, Army Col. Steve Warren told reporters.
"The aircraft did not respond to multiple queries and warnings from Donald Cook, and the event ended without incident after approximately 90 minutes," Warren said. "This provocative and unprofessional Russian action is inconsistent with international protocols and previous agreements on the professional interaction between our militaries."
Two Russian aircraft were present, but only one took part in the provocative actions, Warren said. The aircraft flew from near sea level to a couple of thousand feet, he added, but never overflew the U.S. Arleigh Burke-class destroyer.
"The Russian plane made a total of 12 passes," he said.
The wingman stayed at a considerably higher altitude, Warren said.
Officials later said the aircraft approached within about 1,000 yards of the ship. The USS Cook was never in danger, Warren said.
"The Donald Cook is more than capable of defending itself against two Su-24s," the colonel said.
Warren said he does not think this is an example of a young pilot joyriding. "I would have difficulty believing that two Russian pilots, on their own, would chose to take such an action," he said. "We've seen the Russians conduct themselves unprofessionally and in violation of international norms in Ukraine for several months, and these continued acts of provocation and unprofessionalism do nothing to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine, which we called on the Russians to do."
The Cook arrived in the Black Sea on April 10. The ship is now making a port call in Constanta, Romania.
The USS Cook was patrolling in the western Black Sea when an unarmed Russian Su-24 Fencer attack aircraft repeatedly flew near the Navy ship, Army Col. Steve Warren told reporters.
"The aircraft did not respond to multiple queries and warnings from Donald Cook, and the event ended without incident after approximately 90 minutes," Warren said. "This provocative and unprofessional Russian action is inconsistent with international protocols and previous agreements on the professional interaction between our militaries."
Two Russian aircraft were present, but only one took part in the provocative actions, Warren said. The aircraft flew from near sea level to a couple of thousand feet, he added, but never overflew the U.S. Arleigh Burke-class destroyer.
"The Russian plane made a total of 12 passes," he said.
The wingman stayed at a considerably higher altitude, Warren said.
Officials later said the aircraft approached within about 1,000 yards of the ship. The USS Cook was never in danger, Warren said.
"The Donald Cook is more than capable of defending itself against two Su-24s," the colonel said.
Warren said he does not think this is an example of a young pilot joyriding. "I would have difficulty believing that two Russian pilots, on their own, would chose to take such an action," he said. "We've seen the Russians conduct themselves unprofessionally and in violation of international norms in Ukraine for several months, and these continued acts of provocation and unprofessionalism do nothing to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine, which we called on the Russians to do."
The Cook arrived in the Black Sea on April 10. The ship is now making a port call in Constanta, Romania.
above: new! HiRes! conflict site on globe

above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hollywood star actress, #Nicole Kidman before wall student map source:
En. text: Nicole Mary Kidman AC (born 20 June 1967) is an Australian actress and producer. She is the recipient of multiple awards, including an Academy Award, two Primetime Emmy Awards, five Golden Globe Awards, the Silver Bear for Best Actress, and a Cannes Film Festival special award. ...
Hu. text: Nicole Kidman, teljes nevén Nicole Mary Kidman (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 1967. június 20.) Oscar- és Golden Globe-díjas ausztrál-amerikai színésznő, modell, és énekesnő. Hazájában, Ausztráliában már ismert színésznő volt, mikor a világ megismerte a Halálos nyugalom című filmben. Ezt követően jelentősebb hollywoodi filmekben foglalkoztatták, egyre fontosabb szerepekben, mígnem mára a legkeresettebb sztárok között tartják számon.
1984-ben az Ausztrál expressz című sorozatban játszott mellékszerepet. 17 évesen vált ismertté Ausztráliában, az 1985-ös Vietnam című minisorozatban. Az 1989-es Halálos nyugalom című filmjével elnyerte az Ausztrál Filmintézet díját. Első jelentős szakmai elismerését már az Egyesült Államokban, a Majd megdöglik érte című film főszerepéért kapta. 1998-ban visszatért a színházhoz is, először a londoni West Enden, majd New Yorkban lépett fel nagy sikerrel David Hare The Blue Room című darabjában. Óriási sikert aratott továbbá a Moulin Rouge! főszerepében, melyért Golden Globe-díjat kapott, és jelölték az Oscarra is. ...
Ro. text: Nicole Kidman (n. 20 iunie 1967) este o actriță australiană de film, care are dublă cetățenie, australiană și americană. Este câștigătoare a premiului Oscar. ...
Ru. text: Нико́ль Мэ́ри Ки́дман, AC (англ. Nicole Mary Kidman; род. 20 июня 1967, Гонолулу, Гавайи, США) — австралийско-американская актриса, певица, продюсер и посол доброй воли ЮНИСЕФ. Лауреат премии «Оскар» 2003 года за роль Вирджинии Вулф в фильме «Часы» (первая актриса из Австралии, получившая эту награду в номинации «Лучшая женская роль»). Обладательница именной звезды на Голливудской «Аллее славы».
Обладательница пяти премий «Золотой глобус» (1996, 2002, 2003, 2018 — дважды), приза «Серебряный медведь» (2003), премии BAFTA (2003), двух премий «Эмми» (2017 — дважды) и премии «Сатурн» (2002).
Наиболее известные фильмы и телесериалы с участием Николь Кидман: «Билли Батгейт» (1991), «За что стоит умереть» (1995), «Бэтмен навсегда» (1995), «Мулен Руж!» (2001), «Другие» (2001), «Часы» (2002), «Холодная гора» (2003), «Рождение» (2004), «Кроличья нора» (2010), «Газетчик» (2012), «Хемингуэй и Геллхорн» (2012), «Принцесса Монако» (2014), «Лев» (2016) и «Большая маленькая ложь» (2017). ...
above: HiRes! bottom: Meditteran-sea top: Black-sea below: NEW!
NEW! above & below: NoHigher! Armaments of DDG - fegyverzete
NEW! above & below: NoHigher! Armaments of DDG - fegyverzete
To be Continue ! ABMS
above: NEW! HiRes! US Navy "Standard" Missile_(SM-3) is launched from the 'Aegis' combat system equipped 'Arleigh_Burke' class destroyer USS_"Decatur" (DDG-73)

above: No Higher! Harpoon Antiship missile
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above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hu. text. "Kalmar" Tactical Data Distribution & Tactical Information Early Control System
above: NEW! HiRes! The AN/UYK-44 computer is the standard 16-bit computer installed in U.S. Navy surface, submarine, and ground C4I platforms. The UYK-44 provides computing power for more than 40 different command, control, communications, and weapon systems. One of the most interesting applications of the UYK-44 is as the control computer of the Navy's AEGIS weapon system, which tracks and identifies targets, and controls the ship’s defensive equipment.source:
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lighthened & Sharpened!) Sailors stand watch in the CIC - Combat Information Center aboard the guided-missile destroyer 'Arleigh Burke' DDG-51
above: NEW! HiRes! USNavy Fire Contolman 3rd Class Keith Stewart monitors the primary Air Search Radar forpossible airthreats from the Combat Information Center USS "Monterey" CGabove: NEW! NoHigher! "Beluga" coming in to CIC: French fashion designer, #Alexandre #Vauthier's #haute-couture fall 2013 source: Pinterest
Fr. text: Alexandre Vauthier, né le 30 novembre 1971, est un couturier français, « Membre permanent » de la Chambre syndicale de la haute couture depuis décembre 2014.
En 2014, il a été nommé aux Globes de Cristal dans la catégorie Meilleur créateur de mode. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Warm situation on the commander bridge - Meleg helyzet a parancsnoki hídon." source:
above: NEW! HiRes! US Navy_Operations_Specialist 1st_Class Lionel Mahoney records enemy locations during a fleet synthetic training scenario.
above: NEW! HiRes! CIC's CRT specialist: Charlotte Lawrence by: Derrick Freske photoshoot for 'Euphoria' Magazine, September 2019.
Charlotte Sarah Lawrence (born June 8, 2000 -age 19- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American singer-songwriter and model. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! CIC's CRT mate: Vanessa Hudgens sexy and see through for Girls girls girls-magazine-january 2020. source:
Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988. -age 31- Salinas, California, U.S.) is an American actress and singer. After making her feature film debut in Thirteen (2003), Hudgens rose to fame portraying Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical film series (2006–2008), which brought her significant mainstream success. The success of the first film led to Hudgens' acquiring a recording contract with Hollywood Records, with whom she released two studio albums, V (2006) and Identified (2008).
Since the release of her studio albums and the High School Musical franchise, Hudgens has focused on her acting career. She has appeared in the films Bandslam (2009), Beastly (2011), Sucker Punch (2011), Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012), Spring Breakers (2013), The Princess Switch (2018), Second Act (2018), and Bad Boys for Life (2020). She played the title role in the Broadway musical Gigi in 2015, and had roles in two of Fox's live musical productions: Rizzo in Grease: Live in 2016, and Maureen Johnson in Rent: Live in 2019. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! Night Vision Task source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Echo supervisor: Supermodel, Erin Heatherton in blue light ray
Erin Heather Bubley (born March 4, 1989. -age 30.- Skokie, Illinois, U.S.), known professionally as Erin Heatherton, is an American model known for her work as a Victoria's Secret Angel from 2010 to 2013. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! monitors the status of the 5-inch gun during a live-fire training evolution aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry-DDG 52 source: www. usa_navy_00245.
above: NEW+! MedRes! "Lead Expert of Informatics Centre", #Hollywood star actress, #Kristen Bell behind the voice-mixer platform - a#hangkeverő-pult mögött source:
En. text: Kristen Anne Bell (born July 18, 1980) is an American actress. She began her acting career by starring in stage productions while attending the Tisch School of the Arts in New York. In 2001, she made her Broadway debut as Becky Thatcher in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and starred in the Broadway revival of The Crucible the following year. In 2004, she appeared in the film Spartan and won praise for her performance in Gracie's Choice. ...
Hu. text: Kristen Anne Bell (Huntington Woods, Michigan, 1980. július 18. –) amerikai színésznő, leginkább a Pulse című horrorból és a Veronica Mars című sorozatból ismert; elnyerte a Satellite Awardot és a Szaturnusz-díjat, valamint jelölték a Television Critics Association Awardra és a Teen Choice Awardra. ...
Ro. text: Kristen Anne Bell (n. 18 iulie 1980) este o actriță și cântăreață americană. Debutul în film și l-a făcut cu un rol în Polish Wedding. Până atunci a jucat în mai multe spectacole de teatru, iar în 2001 și-a făcut debutul pe Broadway ca Becky Thatcher în Aventurile lui Tom Sawyer. Mutarea sa în Los Angeles i-a adus mai multe apariții în seriale de televiziune și ca gazdă pentru mai multe show-uri, până la rolul important din filmul Spartan. Recunoașterea criticii de specialitate i-a adus-o serialul Veronica Mars, în care a jucat din 2004 până în 2007. A câștigat premiul Satellite pentru interpretare, dar a fost și nominalizată la Premiul Criticii și cel al Tinerilor. A servit ca model și voce pentru personajul Lucy Stillman din seria de jocuri Assassin's Creed. ...
above: NEW+! MedRes! #Lindsay Lohan as PC Guru in #Informatics bay under bridge
Lindsay Dee Lohan (/ˈloʊhæn/; born July 2, 1986) is an American actress, businesswoman, fashion designer, and singer. Born and raised in New York, Lohan was signed to Ford Models as a child. Having appeared as a regular on the television soap opera Another World at age 10, her breakthrough came in the Walt Disney Pictures film The Parent Trap (1998). The film's success led to appearances in a string of televised films for Disney Channel and the theatrical Freaky Friday (2003).
Lohan's work won her childhood stardom, and the sleeper hit Mean Girls (2004) affirmed her status as a teen idol. She starred in Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005), and quickly became the subject of intense media coverage following a series of personal struggles and legal trouble, as well as stints in rehabilitation facilities, which led to the loss of several roles and significantly impacted her career and public image. Thereafter, she focused on smaller, more mature roles in A Prairie Home Companion (2006), Bobby (2006), and Chapter 27 (2007). In the 2010s, she appeared in films Machete (2010), Liz & Dick (2012) and The Canyons (2013), among others. Following a highly publicized interview with Oprah Winfrey, Lohan was subject of the OWN documentary series Lindsay (2014). Between 2014 and 2015, she made her stage debut in the London West End production of Speed-the-Plow.
Lohan came to prominence in music after signing with Casablanca Records and releasing two studio albums, Speak (2004) and A Little More Personal (Raw) (2005), which were certified platinum and gold respectively in the United States and saw the commercial success of the singles "Rumors" and "Over". She has also contributed vocals to the soundtracks of her acting projects. Lohan dabbled in fashion, beginning a line of her own titled 6126 and briefly serving as artistic advisor for Emmanuel Ungaro in 2009. In 2016, she opened the Lohan Nightclub in Athens, Greece, and in 2018, two Lohan Beach Houses in the Cyclades islands. ...
above: NEW! Star Trek Into Darkness - Woman in Alice Eve Blue Bikini Underwear Bra Officer's UniformSo here's the thing about 33 different places reporting "Alice Eve admits to eating nothing but spinach to get in shape for Star Trek: Into Darkness!" But here's the thing: It isn't true.
Star Wars MF:
above: NEW! NoHigher! NAVY SEAL officer source: Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! NAVY SEAL officer source: Pinterest
above & below: NEW! Nohigher! In the second edition movie's new squadron leader cast/character; #Candice Swanepoel the word famous best sexy photo & fashion model from 'Victoria Secret's' fashion design firma.
Candice Susan Swanepoel (/ˈswɒnəpuːl/; Afrikaans: [svanɛˈpul]; born 20 October 1988. -age 31- Mooi River, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa) is a South African model and philanthropist. She is known for her work with Victoria's Secret. In 2016, she was listed 8th on the Forbes top-earning models list. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! USS DDG-67 'Cole' destroyer warship in port of Áden (Jemen) after terrorism attack - romboló kikötőjében terrortámadás után 2000. október 20-án photo: AFP/ Khaled Fazaam
above: NEW! HiRes! Boss of Radar supply management communication centre: English supermodel #Cara #Delevingne, sexy for nasty gal collaboration,autumn/winter 2019. source:
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (/ˈkɑːrə ˌdɛləˈviːn/ KAH-rə DEL-ə-VEEN; born 12 August 1992. -age 27- Hammersmith, London, England) is an English model, actress and singer. She signed with Storm Management after leaving school in 2009.[8] Delevingne won Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014.
Delevingne started her acting career with a minor role in the 2012 film adaptation of Anna Karenina. Her most notable roles include Margo Roth Spiegelman in the romantic mystery film Paper Towns (2015), the Enchantress in the comic book film Suicide Squad (2016), and Laureline in Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)....
above: NoHigher! 'Furuno' Radar LCD display
above: NEW! NoHigher! Swiss made Welder K24
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's collect from U.S.A. Va. - Virginia beach 1995.: Greeting card. 1992.: 'Virginia Naval Command in Norfolk base': Lazy commodore "Ship Shape" Saluting before flags.
above: HiRes! Vertical launher

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above: NEW+! NoHigher! CG-47 "Ticonderoga" class during launches source:
The Ticonderoga class of guided missile cruisers is a class of warshipsin the United States Navy, first ordered and authorized in the 1978 fiscal year. The class uses passive phased-array radar and was originally planned as a class of destroyers. However, the increased combat capability offered by the Aegis Combat System and the AN/SPY-1 radar system, together with space for an admiral and his staff, were used to justify the change of the classification from DDG (guided missile destroyer) to CG (guided-missile cruiser) shortly before the keels were laid down for Ticonderoga and Yorktown.
above: new!
above: NEW! NoHigher! "This defensive-umbrella should be the true!" Marilyn Monroe by Bert Reisfeld, 1953. - "Ez egy igazi védőernyő."
above - below: schema of AEGIS Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) System
above: NEW+! NoHigher! A true #deep-charge - Egy igazi #mélységi-bomba = #Beer-Barrel - #Söröshordó source: picdump
above: NEW! HiRes! 'Aegis' computer block controller photo by: RaulShoots source:
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above - below: MedRes! minimal zoom
above: NEW! NoHigher! (Crop right!) U. S. NAVY Missile Cruiser USS CGN-XX 'Ticonderoga' class and Missile Destroyers DDGs
above: NEW! NoHigher! Launch controller in shadow source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
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above: NEW! NoHigher! (Crop min.!) Morgane Dubled (born 1 July 1984 in Nice, Côte d'Azur, France) is a French model. ... sexy runway photo source: Pinterest
above: New pic! Comparison of USN & SUN Warships Armament and Magazine Storage
above: MedRes! Tpes calendar
above, below: three views Drawings No HiRes!
above: NEW! MedRes! Blasted schema of DDG
above: No Higher!

above: NEW! NoHigher! Vintage 50s style, "Bettie" Women Swimsuit in Navy Blue Red by: beautychicshop source: pinterest
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hungarian Topmodel: Miss Bódi Sylvi as USN officer in Hu. issued FHM - For Him Magazine (Férfiaknak Havonta Mindenről) magazine from 2009. Photo: Tombor Zoltán source: PPS
above: NEW! NoHigher! Lynda Carter 'Wonder Woman' in US Navy
above: new!! HiRes! Air Art Graphics Juci'bacsi's painting about USS 'Constitution' battleship. 2001. acryl on 50 x 70 cm wooden plate on aquarell paper.
above: new! The Destroyer ship DDG's crew did'nt get the awarded gift Breitling 'Superocean' chronometric marine-watch, therefore weak perform. - No a romboló hadihajó személyzete nem kapott ilyen elismerő ajándékórát a gyenge teljesítményéért.
US Marines dog
above: DDG "Cole" threat report sheet at coast of Somalia's terrorism incident
above: NEW! MedRes! DDG-51 boxart by: painter Y. Takani

above: NEW+! Left: MedRes! Right: HiRes! The new Boiler Feeder - Az új Fűtő source: Google G+ /Tumblr
18+above: NEW! HiRes! 2nd Boiler manager in machinery room
above: New! NoHigher! New Jammer beam reflecting meteal suit
above: NEW! NoHigher! Actor Steve McQueen as sailor
Terence Steven McQueen (March 24, 1930 – November 7, 1980) was an American actor. Called "The King of Cool," his "anti-hero" persona developed at the height of the counterculture of the 1960s and made him a top box-office draw of the 1960s and 1970s. McQueen received an Academy Award nomination for his role in The Sand Pebbles. His other popular films include The Cincinnati Kid, The Thomas Crown Affair, Bullitt, The Getaway, and Papillon, as well as the all-star ensemble films The Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape, and The Towering Inferno. In 1974, he became the highest-paid movie star in the world, although he did not act in films again for four years. McQueen was combative with directors and producers, but his popularity placed him in high demand and enabled him to command large salaries. ...
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