#Grumman #E-2C/D "#Hawkeye" ("#Sólyomszem") #AWACS & #Carrier #On-board #Delivery #COD #Freighter-aircraft #C-2A "#Greyhound" ('#Szürke-Kutya' #U.S.A. #Volán társaság) on #USN. #NAVY's #CVNs #anyahajón
18+Refreshed! to-119%-23.12.2020.:++++++++:++:+:++:++++
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped from left & Lightened!) "The true Hawkeye"; Radar operations inside an E-2C of VAW-115: The cockpit of an E-2C Hawkeye of United States Navy VAW-115. - This Image was released by the United States Navy. PACIFIC OCEAN (Nov. 11, 2008) Lt. j.g. Doug Fitzpatrick RO - Radar Operator, left, and Lt. Cmdr. Brian Beck ACO - Air Control Officer, from Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 115, the "Liberty Bells", assigned to Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 115, the "Liberty Bells," conduct airborne early warning and strike group coordination from an E-2C Hawkeye between various Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5 squadrons assigned to the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73). (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Clifford L. H. Davis/Released) source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! indian #Stacy#Keibler 75-Photofile Posters by: Tota-War-Center
Stacy Ann-Marie Keibler (born October 14, 1979. -age 40- Rosedale, Maryland, U.S.) is an American actress, dancer and model, as well as a former cheerleader and retired professional wrestler, specifically known for her work with World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Keibler was a contestant on Dancing with the Stars: season two, where she placed third. She has also appeared on other ABC series such as What About Brian, George Lopez, and October Road, as well as the 100th episode of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother as a bartender and on the USA Network show Psych. Keibler has also modeled, appearing in both Maxim and Stuff magazines. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stacy_Keibler
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped vertic.!) E-2D Combat Control Cabin crew: first: RO - Radar Operator, 2nd: CICO - Combat Information Centre Officer, 3rd: female ACO - Air Control Officer, from mid cooling devices space to rear section photo by: The Drive source: amazonaws.com
above: NEW! MedRes! Visitor girl in E-2C Air Combat Control Cabin, on site of ACO source: Atlas
above: NEW! HiRes! Two US Navy E-2C Hawkeyes of VAW-115 flying by Mount Fuji, Japan. Two U.S. Navy Grumman E-2C Hawkeye (BuNo 164107, 165296) assigned to Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 115 (VAW-115) "Liberty Bells" conduct a flyby of Mount Fuji in Japan on 15 February 2007. VAW-115 was assigned to Carrier Air Wing 5 (CVW-5) aboard the aircraft carrier USS 'Kitty Hawk' (CV-63). Note that the aircraft in the foreground (BuNo 165296) is already equipped with the new eight-bladed propeller system named NP2000 whereas the aircraft in the background is still equipped with the original four-bladed design. source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! La portaerei nucleare 'Charles de Gaulle' francese marine/navale with Dassault-Breguet 'Rafale-M' fighters and E-2C source: facebook/Toni Dal Fabbro
'Charles de Gaulle' R91 is the flagship of the French Navy (Marine Nationale). The ship is the tenth French aircraft carrier, the first French nuclear-powered surface vessel, and the only nuclear-powered carrier completed outside of the United States Navy. She is named after French statesman and general Charles de Gaulle. The ship carries a complement of Dassault Rafale M and E‑2C Hawkeye aircraft, EC725 Caracal and AS532 Cougar helicopters for combat search and rescue, as well as modern electronics and Aster missiles. She is a CATOBAR-type carrier that uses two 75 m C13‑3 steam catapults of a shorter version of the catapult system installed on the U.S. Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, one catapult at the bow and one across the front of the landing area. As of May 2019, Charles de Gaulle is the only non-American carrier-vessel that has a catapult launch system, which has allowed for operation of F/A-18E/F Super Hornets and C-2 Greyhounds of the US Navy. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_aircraft_carrier_Charles_de_Gaulle
above: MedRes! Hu. text: E-2C "Sólyomszem"
Légtérellenőrző Naval AWACS (Above French NAVY) a gép Airborne
Warning And Control System a földi rádiólokációs
zóna távolsági kiterjesztésére használható. Optimálisan 300-400 km a felderítési
távolsága és mint egy 93.000 km2 terület ellenőrzésére képes a rendszer az
alkalmi harci kötelék érdekében. below: HiRes! NAVY

En. text: The Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye is an American all-weather, carrier-capable tactical airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft. This twin-turboprop aircraft was designed and developed during the late 1950s and early 1960s by the Grumman Aircraft Company for the United States Navy as a replacement for the earlier, piston-engined E-1 Tracer, which was rapidly becoming obsolete. The aircraft's performance has been upgraded with the E-2B, and E-2C versions, where most of the changes were made to the radar and radio communications due to advances in electronic integrated circuits and other electronics. The fourth major version of the Hawkeye is the E-2D, which first flew in 2007. The E-2 was the first aircraft designed specifically for its role, as opposed to a modification of an existing airframe, such as the Boeing E-3 Sentry. Variants of the Hawkeye have been in continuous production since 1960, giving it the longest production run of any carrier-based aircraft.
The E-2 also received the nickname "Super Fudd" because it replaced the WF (later E-1) "Willy Fudd". In recent decades, the E-2 has been commonly referred to as the "Hummer" because of the distinctive sounds of its turboprop engines, quite unlike that of turbojet and turbofan jet engines. In addition to U.S. Navy service, smaller numbers of E-2s have been sold to the armed forces of Egypt, France, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, and Taiwan. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_E-2_Hawkeye
Hu.text: Az E–2 Hawkeye repülőgép-hordozók fedélzetéről üzemeltethető légtérellenőrző repülőgép, melyet a Grumman fejlesztett ki az 1960-as évekre és gyártott a korábbi E–1 Tracer repülőgép leváltására. Vállszárnyas, fémépítésű konstrukció, hárompontos, tricikli elrendezésű futóművel. A főfutókat a turbólégcsavaros hajtóművek szárny alatt lévő gondoláiba, az orrfutót a törzsbe húzzák be, melynek tetején helyezték el a rádiólokátor körbeforgó antennáját, mely a felhajtóerő termelésében is részt vesz. Az antenna által keltett légörvények miatt függőleges vezérsíkja szokatlan kialakítású. A repülőgépet az USN-en kívül alkalmazza a Francia Haditengerészet, az Izraeli, az Egyiptomi, a Japán és a Tajvani Légierő is. Továbbfejlesztésével alakították ki a C–2 Greyhound szállító repülőgépet. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/E%E2%80%932_Hawkeye
NEW! above: MedRes! French NAVY E-2C on CVN-69 "Eisenhower"
above: NEW! MedRes! Indian girl "Hawkeye" source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
Jo Raquel Tejada (born September 5, 1940. -age 79- Chicago, Illinois, United States), usually called Raquel Welch, is an American actress and model. She became famous during the 1960s as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. She won the Golden Globe Award in 1975. ... https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raquel_Welch
NEW! above: NoHigher! CVN-?? below: MedRes! CVN-??
Gopro tour in 'Nimitz' 2012: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXJXqW3P9Iw
above: NEW! NoHigher! Rear view from stern
above: NEW! HiRes! E-2C sunhat on a sunbathing girl source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lightened!) A US Navy E-2C of VAW-117 approaches the flight deck of USS 'John C. Stennis'; the aircraft has eight-blade propellers. A US Navy (USN) E-2C Hawkeye 2000 aircraft assigned to the "Wallbangers" of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 117 (VAW-117) approaches to land on the flight deck of the USN 'Nimitz' Class Aircraft Carrier, USS JOHN C. STENNIS (CVN 74), while the ship is underway in the Pacific Ocean, conducting carrier qualifications. (Released to Public) DoD photo by: MC3 (SW) JOHN HYDE, USN Date Shot: 13 Jul 2006. source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2D landing source: Left: Defence.blog Right: Naval Today
above: NEW+! HiRes! LSOs hold the "pickle", which controls lights on the OLS. The controller is held above the head until the landing area is clear and the arresting gear is set. US Navy Landing Signal Officers (LSOs) talk_to the pilots during their final approach on the flight deck aboard USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) source: Wikipedia
above: NEW+! Super LSO during in Night, English Hollywooder star actress, #Sophie#Turner
En. text: Sophie Turner (born 21 February 1996) is an English actress. Turner made her professional acting debut as Sansa Stark on the HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones (2011–present), which brought her international recognition.
Turner starred in the television film The Thirteenth Tale (2013) and she made her feature film debut in Another Me (2013). She starred in the action comedy Barely Lethal (2015) and portrays a young Jean Grey / Phoenix in the X-Men film series (2016–present). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Turner
Hu. text: Sophie Turner (1996. február 21.) angol színésznő. Első és egyben legismertebb filmes szerepe Sansa Stark az HBO Trónok harca című fantasy-sorozatában. A sorozatban nyújtott teljesítménye által világhírnévre tett szert, valamint a kritikusok elismerését is kiérdemelte. 2016-ban szerepelt az X-Men-sorozatok nyolcadik filmjében (X-Menː Apokalipszis), melyben Jean Grey-t játszotta. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! "Night Touch Down" positure by: actress Drew Barrymore areola slip photo source: pincelebs.net
En. text: Drew Blythe Barrymore (born February 22, 1975. -age 45- Culver City, California, U.S.) is an American actress, producer, director, author, model and entrepreneur. She is a member of the Barrymore family of actors, and the granddaughter of John Barrymore. She achieved fame as a child actress with her role in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982). She is the recipient of numerous accolades, including a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and a BAFTA nomination. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drew_Barrymore
Hu. text: Drew Blyth Barrymore (Culver City, Kalifornia, 1975. február 22. –) magyar származású amerikai színésznő. Élete: A magyar származású, németországi születésű Makó Ildikó (Ildiko Jaid Mako) és John Drew Barrymore gyermekeként látta meg a napvilágot, a kaliforniai Culver Cityben, Los Angelesben. Felmenői valódi dinasztiát alkotnak: ükszülei, dédszülei és nagyszülei egyaránt sokat foglalkoztatott színészek voltak.
Első televíziós szereplésére 11 hónaposan, egy kutyaeledel reklámfilmjében (Gainesburger Puppy Food) került sor, majd az áttörést tiszteletbeli keresztapja, Steven Spielberg rendezte E. T. – a földönkívüli (1982) című filmben játszott szerepe hozta el számára 7 évesen. Ez lett a legnagyobb bevételt hozó filmje: világszerte 178 millió dolláros összbevételt szerzett. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drew_Barrymore
above: NEW! MedRes! French Navy E-2C during rope-brake 2015 source: Mer et Marine
above: NEW! NoHigher! English #star #actress, #Rosamund#Pike before IFLOLS source: instyle.com
Rosamund Mary Ellen Pike (born 27 January 1979. -age 41- London, England) is an English actress who began her acting career by appearing in stage productions such as Romeo and Juliet and Skylight. After her screen debut in the television film A Rather English Marriage (1998) and television roles in Wives and Daughters (1999) and Love in a Cold Climate (2001), she received international recognition for her film debut as Bond girl Miranda Frost in Die Another Day (2002), for which she received the Empire Award for Best Newcomer. Following her breakthrough, she won the BIFA Award for Best Supporting Actress for The Libertine (2004) and portrayed Jane Bennet in Pride & Prejudice (2005). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosamund_Pike
above: NEW+! NoHigher! IFLOLS aboard ship source: Wikipedia
The IFLOLS, designed by engineers at NAEC Lakehurst, NJ, keeps the same basic design but improves on the FLOLS, giving a more precise indication of aircraft position on the glideslope. A prototype IFLOLS was tested on board USS George Washington (CVN-73) in 1997 and every deploying aircraft carrier since 2004 has had the system. The Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System, IFLOLS, uses a fiber optic "source" light, projected through lenses to present a sharper, crisper light. This has enabled pilots to begin to fly "the ball" further away from the ship making the transition from instrument flight to visual flight smoother. Additional improvements include better deck motion compensation due to internalization of the stabilizing mechanisms, as well as multiple sources of stabilization from gyroscopes as well as radar. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_landing_system
above: NEW+! NoHigher! American star singers #Taylor#Swift as breaking LSO
En. text: Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter. One of the world's leading contemporary recording artists, she is known for narrative songs about her personal life, which have received widespread media coverage. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift
Hu. text: Taylor Alison Swift (Reading, Pennsylvania, 1989. december 13.–) tízszeres Grammy-díjas amerikai country-pop énekesnő, dalszerző és színész.
2006-ban adta ki első kislemezét Tim McGraw címmel, melyet nemsokára követett az önmagáról elnevezett albuma, amely később többszörös platinalemez lett az Egyesült Államokban. Az erről való Our Song dala első lett a Billboard magazin country-dal listáján. 2008 novemberében megjelent második lemeze a Fearless, amellyel négy Grammy-díjat nyert köztük az "Év albuma" és "Év country albuma" címeket. A Fearless a Billboard 200 listáján tizenegyszer volt első, igaz nem egymás után. Az album két kislemeze a Love Story és a You Belong With Me pedig nemzetközi sikert értek el. 2009-ben pedig Swift a Billboard magazintól megkapta az "Év előadója" címet. 2010 októberében megjelent harmadik lemeze, a Speak Now, amiből az első héten kicsivel több, mint egymillió példányt adtak el. Az album harmadik kislemeze a Mean a "Legjobb country felvétel" és a "Legjobb country dal" Grammy díjakat hozta el Swiftnek. Negyedik lemeze, a Red 2012 októberében került a boltok polcaira. Hetedik Grammy-díját Safe & Sound című dalával nyerte a Legjobb film- és más vizuális média számára írt dal kategóriában.Ötödik lemeze,az 1989 című albuma 2014-ben jelent meg.2016-ban három Grammy díjat nyert köztük az"Év popalbuma" és az "Év Legjobb zene videó". ...
above & below: NEW+! HiRes! US Navy Landing signal officers and lookouts watch from behind the LSO platform barricade as an E-2C 'Hawkeye', from the glidepath & US Navy watch as E-2C Hawkeye assigned to the Seahawks of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron aproaches for an arrested recovery. source: Wikipedia
above: new! NoHigher! E-2C on an CVN flight board
USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH CVN 77 Flight Deck Operations
Our Mission:
USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH (CVN 77) will be ready to conduct sustained Carrier Strike Group operations and independent carrier operations and directed by command authority to support national objectives.
Our Priorities:
First and foremost, USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) is a warship designed to provide adaptable and decisive combat power to our national leadership. We have many critical non-combat capabilities and responsibilities – they are all important. We will enthusiastically embrace and excel at any assigned mission but our ultimate benchmarks will always be combat readiness and combat effectiveness.
Our Guiding Principles:
Like our namesake, we serve our country with integrity, dignity, and humility.
Mission excellence is achieved through ownership and personal responsibility.
The material condition of our ship is critical to mission effectiveness.
Sailors and their families are our most important asset.
Naval Service is a team sport.
The aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) conducts flight operations. USS George H.W. Bush is supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. Video by Mass Communications Specialist 3rd Class Travis Litke. Arabian Gulf - Shots of the recovery of several aircraft onto the flight deck of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77). F/A-18's, EA-6B Prowlers, an E2-C Hawkeye and a C2 Greyhound. Also shots of the LSO's (Landing safety Officers) who help guide pilots to a safe landing. ARABIAN GULF (Sept. 11, 2014) Sailors direct aircraft on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77). George H.W. Bush is supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. The president has authorized U.S. Central Command to conduct military operations in support of humanitarian aid deliveries and targeted airstrikes in Iraq to protect U.S. personnel and interests, in response to activities conducted by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists. (U.S. Navy video/Released).
above: NEW! MedRes! A VAW-113 E-2B after landing on USS 'Coral Sea' in 1979. A Grumman E-2B Hawkeye of carrier airborne early-warning squadron VAW-113 Black Eagles, Carrier Air Wing Fourteen (CVW-14), after landing on the aircraft carrier USS 'Coral Sea' (CV-43) in 1979. The E-2B BuNo. 150534 was one of 49 E-2A upgraded to the E-2B-standard. It was transferred to VAW-115, CVW-5, on the USS Midway (CV-41) as "NF-602" in Dec 1979. source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Hawkeye": #Hollywood star actress #Diane#Kruger on Mytheresa shoot source: Pinterest
En text: Diane Kruger (German pronunciation: [diˈa:nə ˈkru:ɡɐ]; born Diane Heidkrüger; 15 July 1976) is a German actress and former fashion model. She is known for roles such as Helen in the epic war film Troy (2004), Dr. Abigail Chase in the adventure/heist film National Treasure (2004) and its sequel (2007), Bridget von Hammersmark in Quentin Tarantino's war film Inglourious Basterds (2009), Anna in the sci-fi drama Mr. Nobody (2009), Gina in the psychological thriller film Unknown (2011), Marie Antoinette in the French-language film Farewell, My Queen (2012) and Jessie in the drama-thriller Disorder (2015). She also starred as Detective Sonya Cross in the FX crime drama series The Bridge. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_Kruger
De. text: Diane Kruger (auch Diane Krüger; * 15. Juli 1976 in Algermissen, Niedersachsen als Diane Heidkrüger) ist eine deutsche Schauspielerin. Sie tritt überwiegend in englisch- und französischsprachigen Filmen auf. Bekannt wurde sie als Helena in Troja (2004), Dr. Abigail Chase in Das Vermächtnis der Tempelritter (2004) und Das Vermächtnis des geheimen Buches (2007) sowie als Bridget von Hammersmark in Inglourious Basterds (2009).
above: NEW! NoHigher! Goiko Mitich - 80 years old. The best "Chingachgook"/"Winnetou" in the world, source: facebook/A.Bogdanov
En. text: Gojko Mitić (Serbian Cyrillic: Гојко Митић; born June 13, 1940 in Strojkovce near Leskovac, Morava Banovina, Kingdom of Yugoslavia) is a Serbian director, actor, stuntman, and author. He lives in Berlin. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gojko_Miti%C4%87
Hu. text: Gojko Mitić (szerbül: Гojкo Митић) (Leskovac, 1940. június 13.) szerb származású színész és rendező, aki az NDK-ban készült indiánfilmekből vált ismertté.
Élete: Míg földműves apja, Živojin Mitić partizánként harcolt, ő Dragan bátyjával a nagyszüleinél, egy dél-szerbiai, Morava melletti faluban nőtt fel, ahol német nevelést kapott. Húszévesen, testnevelőtanár-jelöltként alkalmi dublőr szerepeket vállalt a Belgrádban forgatott brit és olasz filmekben. 1965-ben fedezte fel és választotta A Nagymedve fiai főszerepére a Jugoszláviában forgató kelet-német DEFA filmgyár. Berlinbe költözött, és 1983-ig tucatnyi filmben alakított pozitív indián hőst. Bár folyékonyan beszélt németül, az indiánfilmekben szinkronizálták, attól tartva, hogy esetleges akcentusát a nézők diszkriminációnak tekinthetik. Jelenleg is Berlinben él, 1993-ban született lányával. 1992 óta a Bad Segebergben rendezett Karl May-fesztiválokon Winnetou-t alakítja minden évben. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gojko_Miti%C4%87
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2A of VAW-11 landing in 1966 on USS 'Coral Sea'. A Grumman E-2A Hawkeye aircraft of carrier airborne early-warning squadron VAW-11 Det. A Early Eleven is about to land on the aircraft carrier USS 'Coral Sea' (CVA-43). The carrier and embarked Attack Carrier Air Wing Two (CVW-2) were deployed to Vietnam from 29 Jul 1966 to 23 Feb 1967. source: Wikipedia
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! #World-Famous American actress, #Faye#Dunaway under the Radom Hat. source: MovieStillsDB.com/Pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! A Grumman E-2A 'Hawkeye' in flight in the early 1960s. This aircraft may be the fifth E-2A source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! MedRes! Japanese E-2C: Like the earlier E-1 Tracer, the E-2 uses the Grumman Sto-Wing folding wing system for carrier storage. source: Wikipedia
Dorothy Faye Dunaway (born January 14, 1941. -age 78- Bascom, Florida, U.S.) is an American actress. She has won an Academy Award, three Golden Globes, a BAFTA, and an Emmy, and was the first recipient of a Leopard Club Award that honors film professionals whose work has left a mark on the collective imagination. In 2011, the government of France made her an Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faye_Dunaway
"Hókáj az ájerben over the ósen"
above: NEW+! HiRes! Hollywood actres, #Sarah#Michelle#Gellar in Shooter positure
En. text: Sarah Michelle Gellar (born April 14, 1977) is an American actress, producer, and entrepreneur. After being spotted by an agent at the age of four in New York City, she made her acting debut in the made-for-television film An Invasion of Privacy (1983). Her television breakthrough came in 1993, when she originated the role of Kendall Hart on the ABC daytime soap opera All My Children, winning the 1995 Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Michelle_Gellar
Hu. text: Sarah Michelle Gellar (New York, USA, 1977. április 14. –) amerikai színésznő és producer. Nevét a Buffy, a vámpírok réme és a Kegyetlen játékok című filmekből ismerte meg a nagyközönség. 2002-ben feleségül ment Freddie Prinze Jr.-hoz, akivel többek között a Tudom, mit tettél tavaly nyáron és a Scooby-Doo című filmekben szerepelt együtt. ...
above & below: NEW+! HiRes! A "Shooter" could be a catapult officer. As such, he makes airplanes go away. Well, it could be she makes airplanes go away. That's what they do on the flight deck. When... US Navy 070517-N-8923M-165 A shooter gives the signal to a catapult operator to launch an E-2C Hawkeye, from the Sun Kings of Carrier Airborne Early ...
US Navy A shooter gives the signal to a catapult operator to launch an E-2C Hawkeye, from the Sun Kings of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 116, off the bow of Nimitz-class airc. &
Sea of Japan (Mar. 26, 2003) A "Shooter" give the signal to launch an E-2C Hawkeye assigned to the "Golden Hawks" of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron One One Two (VAW-112) to prepare for launch from one of four steam driven catapults on the flight deck of USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70). Carl Vinson and Carrier Air Wing Eleven (CVW-11) are participating in Exercise Foal Eagle, an annual joint and combined field training exercise between the U.S. and Republic of Korea armed forces. The exercise is designed to strengthen relationships and improve interoperability between both nations through real world training scenarios. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate Airman Chris M. Valdez. (RELEASED) source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Startermaster: #Rita#Ora #Nike Blazer VNTG Premium Size-#Exclusive
Rita Sahatçiu Ora (born Rita Sahatçiu; 26 November 1990. -age 29- Pristina, SFR Yugoslavia) is an English singer, songwriter and actress. She rose to prominence in February 2012 when she featured on DJ Fresh's single "Hot Right Now", which reached number one in the UK. Her debut studio album, Ora, released in August 2012, debuted at number one in the United Kingdom. The album contained the UK number-one singles, "R.I.P." and "How We Do (Party)". Ora was the artist with the most number-one singles on the UK Singles Chart in 2012, with three singles reaching the top position.
Ora's second studio album, Phoenix, was released in November 2018. The lead single, "Your Song", reached the UK top ten; and the subsequent singles, "Anywhere" and "Let You Love Me", reached the top five in the UK; the latter single made Ora the first British female solo artist to have thirteen top ten songs in the United Kingdom. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rita_Ora
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) 'Starter Woman": Sarah Dumont sexy for 'Maxim' Magazine source: pincelebs.net
Sarah Dumont (born April 10, 1990. -age 30- San Diego, California) is an American actress and model, best known for playing the lead female role in the film Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse. She also appeared in the film Don Jon and series The Royals. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Dumont
above: HiRes! The 603 E-2C before launch
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lightened!) An E-2C Hawkeye takes off from the USS 'Theodore Roosevelt' (CVN-71) in 2019. PACIFIC OCEAN (Nov. 22, 2019) An E-2C Hawkeye assigned to the Liberty Bells of Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 115 launches from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), Nov. 22, 2019. Theodore Roosevelt is conducting routine training in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Dylan Lavin/Released) 191122-N-TL141-1018 source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! HiRes! A U.S. Navy E-2C Hawkeye launches from USS 'John C. Stennis'. Pacific Ocean (Aug. 10, 2004) - An E-2C Hawkeye assigned to the "Black Eagles" of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron One One Three (VAW-113) launches from one of four steam-powered catapults off the flight deck aboard the nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS 'John C. Stennis' (CVN 74). Stennis and Carrier Air Wing Fourteen (CVW-14) are at sea on a scheduled deployment. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Mark J. Rebilas (RELEASED). source: Wikipedia.org
above Two: HiRes! Departuring E-2C
above: NEW! MedRes! After launch; FA-18 'Hornet' and E-2C source: PPS
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped Hz.& Lightened!) An E-2C 'Hawkeye' 603 , attached to the "Screwtops" of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 123, performs a fly-by for family and friends of crew members during an air power demonstration held by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65) during a three-day Tiger Cruise. Enterprise and embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1 were on a scheduled six-month deployment. source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2C source: airbase.blog
Air Base Blog: 2018. marc 19. Írta: Szórád Tamás
Hu. text: 1991. július 8-án az amerikai haditengerészet elvesztett egy E-2C légtérellenőrző repülőgépet. Ez volt az első alkalom, hogy egy Hawkeye öttagú személyzetéből mindenki sikerrel hagyta el a gépet és túlélte az esetet.
A C-2A Greyhound mellett az E-2C Hawkeye a másik olyan tengerészeti (hordozófedélzeti) repülőgép, amely nem rendelkezik katapultülésekkel. A két pilóta és a három operátor vészhelyzetben a kijárat nyitása után ejtőernyős ugrással hagyhatja el a gépet. A Hawkeye szűk kabinjából kijutni nem egyszerű. Az alábbi történetet megelőző két esemény során mindössze egyetlen hajózónak sikerült elhagyni a gépet. Az egyik eset 1978-ban történt, amikor csak két pilóta tartózkodott az E-2-esen. Akkor csak az egyik pilóta élte túl, a másik már túl alacsonyan ugrott és életét vesztette. A következő évben egy teljes öttagú Hawkeye személyzet veszett oda, amikor nem sikerült ledobniuk az ajtót és a gépben rekedtek. ... http://airbase.blog.hu/2018/03/19/steeljaw
above: NEW! HiRes! (Lightened!) The cockpit of an E-2C Hawkeye of United States Navy VAW-115. PACIFIC OCEAN (Nov. 11, 2008) Lt. j.g. Doug Fitzpatrick, left, and in Co-Pilot seat Lt. Cmdr. Brian Beck instructor from Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 115, the "Liberty Bells", assigned to Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 115, the "Liberty Bells," conduct airborne early warning and strike group coordination from an E-2C Hawkeye between various Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5 squadrons assigned to the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73). (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Clifford L. H. Davis/Released). source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! HiRes! Lisa Dergan sitting in lingerie in similar accessories corridor source: Pincelebs.net
Lisa Dergan (born August 10, 1970. -age 49- Corpus Christi, Texas) is an American model, actress, media personality, and sportscaster. She was Playboy's Playmate of the Month for July 1998.
Dergan has established a career beyond Playboy, in particular in the world of sportscasting. Her big break came in 2001, when she was hired to work a weekend sports show alongside Jim Hill at KCBS in Los Angeles. She joined Fox Sports Net in 2002. She has interviewed subjects such as Tiger Woods, John Elway, and Chuck Liddell, and has reported from such events as the Super Bowl, the Kentucky Derby, and the U.S. Open golf tournament.
She served as the co-host with Ken Ober on the USA Network game show Smush. In 2003, she hosted the reality wedding competition Race to the Altar, which featured wedding and lifestyle guru Colin Cowie.
She co-starred in the film The Arena with fellow Playmate Karen McDougal in 2001.
She was the St. Pauli Girl spokesmodel in 2003.
By appearing in the 1999 James Bond short story "Midsummer Night's Doom" by Raymond Benson (in which 007 visits the Playboy Mansion), Dergan has the distinction of being the first real person (rather than an actress playing a non-fictional character) ever to be awarded the status of Bond girl, as she has a relationship with Bond in the story. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Dergan
NEW! NoHigher! E-2C above: Avionics tunnel below: operator cabin source: airbase.blog
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's scan coll. from Hu. Haditechnika rev.: E-2C adaptive radar below: NoHigher! ACO - Air Control Officer operator in red duty red-light
above: NEW! MedRes! Flt. Major/Lt. Commander the Air Controller ACO sute
NEW! above: HiRes! Developed Digital CRT Control Board ACO below: NoHigher! French NAVY officer
above NEW Pics! HiRes! E-2D 'Hawkeye' Radar operator- Lt.j.g. during control working occasion of a Combat mission source: Wikimedia Common
above: MedRes! E-2D LCDM - Lieutenant Commander/Major XY ACO - Air Control Officer
above: NEW+! NoHigher! The new marked Maritime floating Target in "Dream-bay"
above: NEW+! The new marked Maritime statue Target on Miramar beach
above: NEW! NoHigher! #ROLEX "Milgauss" Bamford http://www.rolex.com/
above: NEW! MedRes! E-2C cockpit source: Flight Manual Online
above: NEW+! NoHigher! The great 'Invicta' "Marine" watch for E-2D operators
Invicta Watch Group is an American watch company. The company trades on the name "Invicta Watch Company" and is marketed by Clay Greenwood of Utah. Invicta was a company founded in 1837 by Raphael Picard in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland.[1] The Picard family had owned and operated the company which produced Swiss mechanical timepieces until the quartz movement revolution of the early 1970s.In 1991 the company was purchased by a United States-based investment company. The corporate headquarters were relocated to Basel, Switzerland, where the company also operates its customer service call center.
The president of the Invicta Watch Group, Eyal Lalo, is a third-generation watchmaker whose family has been involved with Invicta for many years.
Their brands include Invicta, TechnoMarine, S. Coifman, and Glycine. ... wikipedia./Invicta_Watch
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hungarian Word famous photo & runway model Miss. #Palvin#Barbara from "Victoria's Secret" as Developed version crew suit for summer condition.
Barbara Palvin (pronounced [ˈbɒrbɒrɒ ˈpɒlvin]; born 8 October 1993. -age 26- Budapest, Hungary) is a Hungarian model. She first appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2016. In 2019, she became a Victoria's Secret Angel. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Palvin
above: NEW! NoHigher! Advanced E-2D "Glass-Cockpit" system source: FlightGlobal.com
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) ONC F-2 USAF Operational Navigation Chart, scale: 1:1,000,000 revised 1981.: Italy with Roma, Napoli and Elba-island on Tyrrhenian-see & Adriatic-see (Not For Navigational Use!) source: TXU - Texas University Library, Austin
NEW! above & below: HiRes! Hungarian, modeller expert from Veszprém-city, Krenács' E-2C model scale 1:48 'Italeri' 2019. November Courtesy FREE!

NEW! above: NoHigher! Hungarian "TopGun" Mr. Krenács Péter 'Pipistrel' types, independent UL Test-Pilot from Veszprém-city. His Father was Mi-8 helicopter squadron commander at MH.87th BHHE Szentkirályszabadja Heli. Base LHSA, I.M.; below: MedRes! 'Pipistrel' ??
NEW! above: NoHigher! below: HiRes! Krenács' 'Italeri' scale 1/48 E-2C model 2019. Nov.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Katherine Heigl in Vanity Fair - Hiúság Vására January
En. text: Katherine Marie Heigl (/ˈhaɪɡəl/; born November 24, 1978) is an American actress, film producer, and former fashion model. She started her career as a child model with Wilhelmina Models before turning her attention to acting, making her film debut in That Night (1992) and later appearing in My Father the Hero (1994) as well as Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995). Heigl then landed the role of Isabel Evans on The WB television series Roswell (1999–2002), for which she received nominations for Saturn and Teen Choice Awards.
From 2005 to 2010, Heigl starred as Izzie Stevens on the ABC television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, a role that brought her significant recognition and accolades, including the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2007. Her best known film appearances include roles in Knocked Up (2007), 27 Dresses (2008), The Ugly Truth (2009), Killers (2010), Life As We Know It (2010), New Year's Eve (2011), The Big Wedding (2013), and Unforgettable (2017). Heigl has also starred in several films that have seen limited releases, including Jackie & Ryan (2014), Home Sweet Hell (2015), and Jenny's Wedding (2015). She also portrayed the lead role on the short-lived NBC television series State of Affairs from 2014 to 2015, and has lent her voice to the animated film The Nut Job (2014) and its 2017 sequel.
Additionally, Heigl has established herself as a cover model, appearing in numerous publications including Maxim, Vanity Fair and Cosmopolitan. She is married to singer Josh Kelley, with whom she has one son and two daughters. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Heigl
Hu. text: Katherine Marie Heigl (Washington, 1978. november 24. –) Emmy-díjas és többszörös Golden-Globe-ra jelölt amerikai színésznő, akit többek között a Roswell (televíziós sorozat), A Grace klinika, a 27 idegen igen és a Felkoppintva című filmes produkciókból ismerhetünk. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'klokers' "Soldat klok" source: Wrist Watch Review
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2C 'Hawkeye' on 'Kitty Hawk' graphics artwork
above: MedRes! Advanced E-2D main structure by cutaway graphics
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2C Combat-Sys Display: Figure3 by: Semantic-Scholar
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2D Combat System diagram
above: NEW! HiRes! Advanced E-2D configuration diagram source: spendergast
above: NEW! NoHigher! NAVY Air Force's '#Hawkeye' recommended Female Pilot (#F.O.-First Officer) Flight suit with 'Alpha Industry' "#Bomber-Jacket": on #Dutch #supermodel, #Romee#Strijd
Romee Strijd (/ˈroʊmeɪ ˈstraɪd/ roh-may stride; born July 19, 1995. -age 24- Zoetermeer, South Holland, Netherlands) is a Dutch model. She has been a Victoria's Secret Angel since 2015. Romee Strijd was confronted by a scout when she was 14 and turned it down as she wanted to pursue a different career. Later on she decided she wanted to give modeling a try and contacted agencies. In 2011, Strijd signed with the DNA Model Management agency. In March 2017 she announced via her Instagram that she is now represented by IMG Models Management. She has appeared in editorials for British, German, Spanish, and Dutch Vogue, French and Dutch Elle, Spanish Harper's Bazaar, Dutch Marie Claire, and French Madame Figaro. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romee_Strijd
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2C scale 1/48 by: Medunarodni aerodrom Tuzla
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2C profile with folded wings by: Ru. Wings Palette
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2C VAW-115 "Liberty bells" USS George Washington CVN 73
below: NEW! NoHigher! Profile Pin-Up Girl artwork by: Robert Alvarado
The E-2D, The Military's Highest Tech
Közzététel: 2014. okt. 29.: The Air Test and Evaluation Squadron Two Zero (VX-20) was commissioned to provide full spectrum developmental ground and flight test services. The VX-20 supports U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Fleet programs associated with research, development, test and evaluation of many different types of aircraft and...
above: NEW! HiRes! Leslie Angyal László photo CANON EOS-7D, Hu. disbanded AVIATOR International Magazin Chief-editor: Israeli AF Museum IAF's E-2C source: facebook
above: NEW! HiRes! ROCAF E-2K, the updated E-2T, at Songshan Air Force Base, 2011. 2011年8月13日空軍松山基地營區開放活動中,展示之E-2K 2505早期預警機。source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! NoHigher! Woman's Portrait source: user oldy facebook.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Three view E-2C below: NEW! HiRes! (Edited & Rotated to CCW!) E-2C three view outline drawing source: Wikipedia.org
above: HiRes! Russian text: Cutaway & cross section schematics
above: NEW! NoHigher! Comparison to E-1 Tracer between E-2C & Ru. text cutaway & cross section by: SMCars.Net - Car Blueprints Forum
NEW! HiRes! above: Three view drawing Ru. text. below: Serbian text: Cutaway
above: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect from copy: E-2C english text cutaway drawing key
Large Cutaway
NEW! above: MedRes! E-2D: Left: port-side Right: starboard-side by: H2K-Alex Stoll
NoHigher! above: E-2C FlightGlobal Image Store below: Three view E-2D
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop!) Radome sunbathing hat, fashion photo source: facebook
above: NoHigher! E-2C
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Radar Operator's Wife under a sun-hat. - Fruitvale Station Actress Melonie Diaz Will Appear on Forthcoming Girls Season-Vanity Fair source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Radar Operator's Wife under a sun-hat. - Fruitvale Station Actress Melonie Diaz Will Appear on Forthcoming Girls Season-Vanity Fair source: Pinterest.com
Melonie Diaz (born April 25, 1984. -age 35- New York City, New York, U.S.) is an American film and television actress who has appeared in many independent films, including four shown at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival. She received Independent Spirit Awards nominations for performances in films A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006) and Fruitvale Station (2013). Since 2018, she has appeared in the lead role of witch Mel Vera on the television series Charmed. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melonie_Diaz
18+above: NEW! HiRes! E-2C radom sunbathing hat by: #Ireland#Baldwin nude breasts source: Pincelebs.net
Ireland Eliesse Baldwin (born October 23, 1995. -age 24- Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American fashion model and actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland_Baldwin
above: New! HiRes! E-2C Hu. Mosonmagyaróvár Modelling Exhibition
above: NEW! HiRes! Modeller, Karmen Pedaru, for "Vanity Fair" magazine Italia december 18. 2019. source: Celebsdump.com
Karmen Pedaru (born 10 May 1990. -age 29- Kehra, Estonia) is an Estonian model. She is best known for her long-time work with Michael Kors. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karmen_Pedaru
above: NEW! NoHigher! ROCAF E-2 take-off from Chihhang Air Base. -7 August 2009- 中華民國空軍E-2K早期預警機從臺東空軍志航基地起飛。 source: Wikipedia
above: NEW+! HiRes! Coming the "Hawkeye" near Palm Springs CO photo: Ian L. Sitren U.S.A. 'Second Focus': https://www.facebook.com/SecondFocus/ source: Hungarian Google G+ Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2D Collage - Kollázs
above: NEW! NoHigher! Indian, beautiful Native American Women source: Pinterest.com
NEW! above: NoHigher! Yak/Jak-140 below: Yak-44E Upper: HiRes! Crosss section Lower: NoHigher!
above: NEW! NoHigher! Stobar mercante vs Kitty Hawk vs Emma Maersk vs Invencible vs Wasp
above: NEW! HiRes! World-wide Aircraft Carriers Comparison worlwideaircraftcarriers.com
above: NEW! MedRes! CVN-77 (Carrier Vessel Nuclear - Nukleáris meghajtású repülőgép-Hordozó Hajó - NREHH) "George Bush"
above: NEW! NoHigher! Cutaway of USS CVN-76 "Ronald Reagan" source: visualizepicture.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! The Catapulter WO sailoress by Russel Pinups
NEW! above: MedRes! Cross section of CVN below: NoHigher! method
COD - Carrier
On board Delivery aircraft - USS CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) "Deputy Starter Woman": Sophie Vlaming topless source: pincelebs.net
Sophie Vlaming is a Dutch model that has been in editorials for Grazia, Harper’s Bazaar and Marie Claire. ... Read more: http://www.fashionencyclopedia.com/wiki/sophie-vlaming#ixzz6hP0UTgSA
above: NEW! NoHigher! U.S. NAVY COD Grumman C-2A 'Greyhound' below launch source: Northrop-Grumman
above: NEW! NoHigher! C-2A 'Greyhound' during the launch source: us-navy & FlightGlobal.com
above: NEW+! NoHigher! #Hollywood star actress, #Kristen#Bell she is so smart and intelligent in new technologie Arresting Wire
Kristen Anne Bell (born July 18, 1980. -age 39- Huntington Woods, Michigan, U.S.) is an American actress, singer and director. She began her acting career by starring in stage productions while attending the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. In 2001, she made her Broadway debut as Becky Thatcher in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and starred in the Broadway revival of The Crucible the following year. In 2004, she appeared in the action thriller film Spartan and received critical praise for her performance in the television drama film Gracie's Choice.
Bell garnered critical acclaim for her first major role as the title character in the teen noir drama television series Veronica Mars (2004–2007). For her performance, she was awarded a Saturn Award for Best Actress on Television. She reprised the eponymous role in the 2014 film continuation and the 2019 revival series. During her time on Veronica Mars, Bell starred as Mary Lane in the musical film Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical (2005), a reprise of the role she had played in the New York musical upon which the film was based. From 2007 to 2008, Bell starred as Elle Bishop in the science fiction drama series Heroes. From 2007 to 2012, she voiced the titular narrator in the teen drama series Gossip Girl. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristen_Bell
NEW! HiRes! above: C-2A 'Greyhound' an interior view showing passenger seating arrangement looking from the tail. source: USNA - U.S. National Archive below: source: primeportal
above: NEW! HiRes! Close up view of the passenger seats inside the cargo compartment of a C-2A source: usna
above: NEW! NoHigher! C-2A COD - Carrier Onboard Delivery during start source: Northrop Grumman
Iran Navy showing that they can target US aircraft carrier
Iran navy Ghadir-class submarine and IRGC drone aiming at USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz Details: https://fighterjetsworld.com/2018/08/...
Iran trolled US by releasing videos of Iran military hardware aiming at US carrier:
Iranian Tasmin News media outlet has aired a short video, allegedly filmed by a Ghadir-class submarine during a maritime exercise in the Strait of Hormuz.
Ezt inkább ne tankold (Speedzone vamos Amerika S07E07)
above: NEW! HiRes! E-2D of VAW-125 over NS Norfolk Va. NORFOLK (March 20, 2014) An E-2D Hawkeye assigned to the Tiger Tails of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 125 flies over Naval Station Norfolk. VAW-125 provides airborne early warning and command and control to Carrier Air Wing 1 and is assigned aboard the aircraft carrier USS 'Theodore Roosevelt' (CVN 71). source: Wikipedia.org
Blogger's Note - Megjegyzése: I visited 3 Hungarian officers and my colleague here at the Search and Rescue Center in the summer of 1995. - Szétnéztem 3 Magyar tiszt társammal együtt itt a kikötőben meg a Kutató - Mentő központban 1995. nyarán.
above: NEW+! HiRes! USS CVB/CVA/CV-41 "Midway" Aircraft Carrier Museum - in Ca. San Diego. source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
USS Midway (CVB/CVA/CV-41) was an aircraft carrier of the United States Navy, the lead ship of her class. Commissioned a week after the end of World War II, Midway was the largest ship in the world until 1955, as well as the first U.S. aircraft carrier too big to transitthe Panama Canal. A revolutionary hull design, based on the planned Montana-classbattleship, gave her enhanced protection compared to previous carriers.[verification needed] She operated for 47 years, during which time she saw action in the Vietnam War and served as the Persian Gulf flagship in 1991's Operation Desert Storm. Decommissioned in 1992, she is now a museum ship at the USS Midway Museum, in San Diego, California, and the only remaining U.S. aircraft carrier commissioned right after World War II ended that was not an Essex-class aircraft carrier. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! December 1999, during a Christmas visit to the USO show #Christie#Brinkley with sailor by Pentagon-gov source: Wikipedia & Pinterest
Christie Brinkley (born Christie Lee Hudson; February 2, 1954. -age 65- Monroe, Michigan, U.S.) is an American model, actress and entrepreneur. Brinkley gained worldwide fame with her appearances in the late 1970s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issues, ultimately appearing on an unprecedented three consecutive covers starting in 1979. She spent twenty-five years as the face of CoverGirl, has appeared on over 500 magazine covers, and has signed contracts with major brands—both fashion and non-fashion.
Brinkley went on to work as an actress, illustrator, television personality, photographer, writer, designer, and activist for human and animal rights and the environment.
Brinkley has been married four times, most notably between 1985 and 1994 to musician Billy Joel, several of whose music videos she appeared in. Her fourth marriage, to architect Peter Cook, ended in a much-publicized 2008 divorce.
With a career spanning more than three decades, magazines such as Allure and Men's Health have named Brinkley one of the most attractive women of all time. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christie_Brinkley
above: NEW! NoHigher! USS CV-60 'Saratoga' on cover of Warship International 1987.
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop Left Hz!) 2014-es RIMPAC Ex. - hadgyakorlaton fotózkodáshoz összeállt résztvevő nemzetek hadihajói, élen a CVN 76 USS 'Ronald Reagan' source: www.HTKA.hu
above: NEW! NoHigher! Cosplay comic girl "Wonderwoman" source: HSK.hu
above: New! HiRes! E-2D during launch below: NEW! HiRes! (Lightened!) Tense attention during the launching - Feszült figyelem a kilövés közben: lieutenant Steven Lippincott E-2C pilot/commander an assigned to-carrier airborne source: USNA - U.S. National Archive
above: NEW! NoHigher! French NAVY E-2C pilots source: Pinterest.com
NEW! above:HiRes! E-2C Co-Pilot lieutenant Phillip Fauchela 2nd pilots an E-2C 'Hawkeye' assigned to carrier airborne source: U.S. National Archive below: NoHigher! (Lightened!) New track input to computer by 1st Pilot Lt.Cmdr.(Major) source: seaforces.org
above: New! HiRes! E-2C crew after mission source: Review
above: NEW! NoHigher! Advanced E-2D CICO from rear section source: Modern Weapons
above: NEW! NoHigher! E-2D VAW-125 "Tigertails" AEW, CICO source: pinterest.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Lt.j.g. Michael Greentree gives Commander, Cruiser Destroyer Group Two Rear Adm. Michael Tracy a tour of an E-2C CICO's seat source: Wikimedia Common
above: NEW! MedRes! Hawkeye's First Pilot/captain's Lt. smile source: Times Union
above: NEW! NoHigher! True Hawkeye
above: NEW+! MedRes! Out of NAVY Service 2010., Grumman EA-6B "Prowler" lands to Ca. Palm Spring AF Aviation Museum (Cropped from sky) photo: Ian L. Sitren 'Second Focus' source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! An ideal most super #COD as #Soviet made #Antonov #An-2CVN carrier onboard variant with arrested hook.
24.) Antonov An-2 (Ан-2) airplane flight instrument panel (műszerfal) in cockpit and 3 view drawing - Cutaway "Ancsa-I" - Aerotika: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/24-antonov-2-2-airplane-flight.html
above: NEW! MedRes! Flygirl beside E-2C or C-2
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Retro star actress #Lynda#Carter as Prince
Lynda Jean Cordova Carter (born July 24, 1951. -age 68- Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.) is an American actress, singer, songwriter, model, and beauty pageant titleholder, who was crowned Miss World USA 1972 and finished in the Top 15 at the Miss World 1972 pageant.
Carter is most widely known as the star of the American live-action television series Wonder Woman, in the role of Diana Prince / Wonder Woman, based on the DC comic book fictional superheroine character of the same name, which aired on ABC and later on CBS from 1975 to 1979. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynda_Carter
Grumman C-2D "Greyhound"- "Szürkekutya" COD - Carrier Onboard Delivery - hordozó fedélzeti szállító/szétosztó (Légi - "Volánbusz")
above: NEW+! Hollywood actress, #Penelope#Ann#Miller with new technol
ogy fixator rope.
Penelope Ann Miller (born Penelope Andrea Miller; January 13, 1964. -age 56- Los Angeles, California, U.S.), sometimes credited as Penelope Miller, is an American actress. She began her career on Broadway in the 1985 original production of Biloxi Blues and received a Tony Award nomination for the 1989 revival of Our Town. She has starred in several major Hollywood films, particularly in the late 1980s and early 1990s, including Adventures in Babysitting (1987), Biloxi Blues (1988), Big Top Pee-wee (1988), The Freshman (1990), Awakenings (1990), Kindergarten Cop (1990), Other People's Money (1991), Year of the Comet (1992), and Carlito's Way (1993), for which she received a Golden Globe Award nomination. She returned to Broadway in the 1995 original stage production of On the Waterfront. Her other films include a starring role in The Relic (1997) and supporting roles in Chaplin (1992), Along Came a Spider (2001), and The Artist (2011). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penelope_Ann_Miller
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped!) C-2A- with folded wings source: tested.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Prepare for C-2A with opened rear-ramp source: Google-Youtube.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Fixation the Hook of Steam Launcher to nose gear source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Hu. text: A U.S. Navy logisztikai igáslova, a repülőgép-hordozók ellátásában fontos szerepet játszó a Grumman C-2 'Greyhound' ezen példánya a USS 'Harry S. Truman' (CVN 75) repülőgép-hordozón lett megörökítve, a gőzkatapultok felé gurulás közben. source: www.htka.hu
A nice photo of a taxiing Grumman C-2 Greyhound aboard the USS 'Harry S. Truman' (CVN 75) aicrfat carrier. The type is the logistical workhorse of the U.S. Navy and plays an important role in supplying the deployed aircraft carriers.
----- Fotó info / Photo info -----
Nagy méretben / Full size: https://www.flickr.com/photos/usnavy/15284841520/
Fotós / Photographer: Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Justin R. Pacheco, U.S. Navy
Licenc / Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 - http://j.mp/CC-BY-NC-SA-2
----- Fotó info / Photo info ----- HTKA - Haditechnikai Kerekasztal
En. text: The Grumman C-2 'Greyhound' is a twin-engine, high-wing cargo aircraft, designed to carry supplies, mail, and passengers to and from aircraft carriers of the United States Navy. Its primary mission is carrier onboard delivery (COD). The aircraft provides critical logistics support to carrier strike groups. The aircraft is mainly used to transport high-priority cargo, mail, and passengers between carriers and shore bases, and can also deliver cargo like jet engines and special stores.
Prototype C-2s first flew in 1964, and production followed the next year. The initial Greyhound aircraft were overhauled in 1973. In 1984, more C-2As were ordered under designation Reprocured C-2A or C-2A(R). In 2010 all C-2A(R) aircraft received updated propellers (from four to eight blades) and navigational updates (glass cockpit). Starting in 2020, the US Navy will start to replace the remaining 27 C-2As with 38 CMV-22Bs, expecting to fully replace the C-2 fleet by 2026. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_C-2_Greyhound
Hu. text: A C–2 'Greyhound' kéthajtóműves hajófedélzeti teherszállító repülőgép, melyet az Amerikai Haditengerészet megrendelésére fejlesztett ki a Grumman az E–2 Hawkeye típusból. Elsődleges feladata a repülőgéphordozó-fedélzeti teherszállítás (COD, Carrier Onboard Delivery), mely feladatkörből a V–22 Osprey-k fogják felváltani, a CMV–22B változattal. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! C-2A maquette scale 1/48 by: "Phantom" Weiler
above: NEW! NoHigher! A U.S. Navy Grumman C-2A 'Greyhound' of fleet logistics support squadron VRC-40 Rawhides in flight on 29 October 2009. Note that the C-2 is equipped with the 8-blade Navy Propeller 2000 (NP-2000). Upgraded aircraft also receive a Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) system to reduce radio channel congestion and. Also added was a system combining Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment and an inertial navigation system, allowing flight crews to perform precise landing approaches. source: Wikipedia.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Classical 'Greyhound' source: angelfire
above: NEW! NoHigher! “Greyhound" Bus-Stop by: Depot-Metal-Wall-Decor-Shop
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop & Edit!) 1954. GM 'Scenicruiser', designed by Raymond Loewy and manufactured exclusively for 'Greyhound'. source: Wikipedia
En. text: Greyhound Lines, Inc., usually shortened to Greyhound, is an intercity bus common carrier serving over 3,800 destinations across North America. The company's first route began in Hibbing, Minnesota in 1914, and the company adopted the Greyhound name in 1929. Since October 2007, Greyhound has been a subsidiary of British transportation company FirstGroup, but continues to be based in Dallas, Texas, where it has been headquartered since 1987. Greyhound and its sister companies in FirstGroup America are the largest motorcoach operators in the United States and Canada. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greyhound_Lines
Hu. text: A Greyhound Lines Inc. (közkedvelt nevén: Greyhound) az Amerikai Egyesült Államok legnagyobb busztársasága. Több mint 3 700 megállóhelyet és állomást üzemeltet az Egyesült Államokban (valamint Kanadában és Mexikóban). A cég neve a logóján látható kutya (angol agár) angol fordításának megfelelője. A brit FirstGroup cégcsoport tagja. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! 'Greyhound' Lines Prevost X3-45 #8871 operates schedule 8531, departing the Port Authority Bus Terminal. - Greyhound általános design (képen: egy X3-45-ös a 8531-es vonalon) photo: Adam E. Moreira source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! A VRC-40 C-2A (R) after SLEP on USS 'Carl Vinson', July 2009A U.S. Navy Grumman C-2A Greyhound of fleet logistics support squadron VRC-40 Rawhides is prepared for launch from catapult 3 aboard the aircraft carrier USS 'Carl Vinson' (CVN-70) during flight deck certification off Virginia (USA) on 13 July 2009. Note that the C-2 is equipped with the 8-blade Navy Propeller 2000 (NP-2000). U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class John Shepherd/Released. (Juhász János!) source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! HiRes! "#Rear-#support #Flight-Deck #crewmember of the #exhaust blast #gas-deflector plate in #mediterranean #protection #wear- A #gáz-#elterelő-lap hátsó kitámasztó #Repülőfedélzeti #kezelője" #mediterrán #védőruhában: #January#Jones #sexy for #movie-film "#X-men" #first-class #promoshoot. source: www.CelebsDump.com
En. text: January Kristen Jones (born January 5, 1978. -age 42- Sioux Falls, South Dakota, U.S.) is an American actress and model, best known for portraying the role of Betty Draper in Mad Men (2007–2015), for which she was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards for Best Actress – Television Series Drama and a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. She portrayed Melissa Chartres in Fox's comedy television series The Last Man on Earth (2015–2018). She also starred in films American Wedding (2003), We Are Marshall (2006), The Boat That Rocked (2009), Unknown (2011), Seeking Justice (2011) and X-Men: First Class (2011). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_Jones
Hu. text: January Kristen Jones (Sioux Falls, Dél-Dakota, 1978. január 5. –) amerikai színésznő és modell. Ismertebb szerepei Betty Draper a Mad Men – Reklámőrültek televíziós sorozatból, Cadence az Amerikai pite: Az esküvőből, Elizabeth Harris az Ismeretlen férfiből, valamint Emma Frost az X-Men: Az elsők című mozifilmből. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! C-2A
above: NEW+! HiRes! (Vertically cropped!) Northrop-Grumman C-2A by www.uvmcwall.com
above: NEW! HiRes! VRC-40 C-2A multi view outline color graphics source: www.1999.co.jp
above: NEW! MedRes! C-2A three view outline graphics by: FliteTest Forum
NEW! above: MedRes! C-2A below: HiRes! E-2C source: Pinterest & Military.com
above: NEW+! Hu. retro star model, Ms. #Bíró#Ica as #Lotto advert signal officer
only Hu. text: Bíró Ica (született: Borúzs Ilona) (Budapest, 1957. május 30. –63- éves) fitnesz-szakértő, modell, színésznő, énekesnő. Kártyanaptár-királynőként említik. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%ADr%C3%B3_Ica
above: NEW! HiRes! A C-2 Greyhound launches from a carrier at sea. source: Wikipedia
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped & Lightened!) A Grumman C-2A 'Greyhound' carrier on-board delivery (COD) aircraft from fleet logistic support squadron VR-24 on 1 Jul 1988. The aircraft, which was flying in support of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69), was based at Naval Air Station, Sigonella (Sicily, Italy). - A VR–24 század egyik C–2A repülőgépe 1988. július 1-jén a Földközi-tenger térségében. source: Wikipedia.org
above: NEW! HiRes! C-2A 162175 lost on 22 November 2017, seen here landing on the USS 'Ronald Reagan' in July 2017. 170703-N-OY799-082 PACIFIC OCEAN (July 3, 2017) A C-2A Greyhound assigned the "Providers" of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30 lands on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS 'Ronald Reagan' (CVN 76). The Greyhound held the cremains of Julius H. Frey and wife, Jerry A. Frey. The cremains are scheduled for a burial-at-sea aboard Reagan July 15. Julius was a World War II veteran who fought in the Battle of Coral Sea on the aircraft carrier USS Lexington (CV 2). Ronald Reagan is the flagship of Carrier Strike Group 5, which is on patrol in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations in support of security and stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kenneth Abbate/Released) 170703-N-OY799-082 Join the conversation: www.navy.mil/viewGallery.asp www.facebook.com/USNavy www.twitter.com/USNavy navylive.dodlive.mil pinterest.com plus.google.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Onboarding passenger from E-2C crew: #Hermes' fashion '#Vogue' rwy.
En. text: Hermès International S.A., or simply Hermès (/ɛərˈmɛz/ (About this soundlisten) air-MEZ, French: [ɛʁmɛs] (About this soundlisten)), is a French high fashion luxury goods manufacturer established in 1837. It specializes in leather, lifestyle accessories, home furnishings, perfumery, jewellery, watches and ready-to-wear. Its logo, since the 1950s, is of a Duc carriage with horse. Nadège Vanhee-Cybulski is the current creative director. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herm%C3%A8s
Fr. text: Hermès Paris, anciennement Hermès International ou simplement Hermès, est une société française œuvrant dans la conception, la fabrication et la vente de produits de luxe, notamment dans les domaines de la maroquinerie, du prêt-à-porter, de la parfumerie, de l'horlogerie, de la maison, de l'art de vivre et des arts de la table. Fondée à Paris en 1837 par Thierry Hermès, l'entreprise Hermès, à l'origine une manufacture de harnais et de selles, appartient encore de nos jours majoritairement à ses héritiers. La fortune professionnelle de la famille est estimée à 39 600 millions d'euros. ...
HiRes! above: compartment: Interior view from the tail of a C-2A Greyhound assigned to Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 40 (VRC-40) on 22 Jul 2002 at the Naval Air Station Norfolk (Virginia, USA). . source: Wikipedia below: NEW! an interior view showing source: USNA
above: NEW! NoHigher! C-2's "Stuwy/Flight Attendant"
above: NEW! NoHigher! C-2 by Connierk
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! C-2 COD on the Truman's board photo: Szórád Tamás
Air Base Blog: Hu. text: author - Írta: Szórád TamásMEDITERRÁN VIZEKEN - ELSŐ NAP
A szicíliai Catania közelében lévő Sigonella tengerészeti légibázist az amerikai haditengerészet 1959 óta használja, de megfordulnak itt a légierő gépei is, tankolásra vagy pihenőre, úton a Közel-Kelet vagy Afrika felé. 2005 márciusában innen indultunk bő egynapos látogatásra a nyolcadik Nimitz-osztályú repülőgép-hordozó, a USS Harry S. Truman fedélzetére. ... http://airbase.blog.hu/2010/03/25/uss_harry_s_truman_cvn_75
above: NEW! NoHigher! Passenger eyuipped with Self-Safety Belt & Intercept-breaker net - "Majomfogó": Tennis player #Rosie#Jones in safety belted white swimsuit source: www.pincelebs.net
Rosie Jones is a British comedian from Bridlington. She has written for panel shows Harry Hill's Alien Fun Capsule, Would I Lie to You?, The Last Leg and 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, and has appeared as a guest on The Last Leg, 8 Out of 10 Cats, 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown and Hypothetical. In 2018, Jones appeared in Silent Witness. She has performed stand-up comedy at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, incorporating her cerebral palsy into her comedic style; in 2018, she was featured on Edinburgh Nights. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosie_Jones_(comedian)
above: NEW! HiRes! an C-2A interior view looking forward from the center section towards the cockpit source: usna
NEW! HiRes! above: "Rawhides" Fleet Logistic Support Squadron.VRC-40 photo by: Adam-Duffield - HD source: AeroResource below: Right Co-Pil. instrument panel source: The Avionist
above: NEW! HiRes! Instrument panel right for Co-Pilot: David Cenciotti webblog
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped bottom!) C-2A Pilot crew before start: US Navy 050515-N-4309A-224 Lt.j.g. Kevin Carter, left, and instructor Lt.Cmdr. Mark Kekeisen complete pre-flight checklists in the cockpit aboard a C-2A Greyhound, assigned to the Providers of Fleet Logistics Support Sq. source: Wikimedia Commons
above: NEW! HiRes! C-2A Greyhound cmdr. cpt. Lt. pilot source: Defense Media Network
New! YouTube:Video: C-2A Greyhound COD FS Charles de Gaulle Trap and Catapult Shot VRC-30 Providers
This video shows the break, approach, arrested landing, and catapult
shot of a US Navy C-2A Greyhound from VRC-30 DET 1 onboard the French
aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle (R91). It is a rare
opportunity/occurrence for US and French Naval Aviators to operate off
the decks of their counterpart
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop!) Formation: class is a ship class of Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA) type amphibious assault ships 'Tarawa' (LHA-1) class - osztályú USS LHA-2 "Saipan" helikopter-hordozó dokkhajó & USS 'Dwight D. Eisenhower' CVN-69 & 'Ticonderoga' (CG-47) cruise-guided missile class - osztályú rakéta-cirkáló, az USS "Anzio" CG-68 source: facebook.com

above: NEW! MedRes!
above: NEW! NoHigher! USS CVN-65 "Enterprise"
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: #USN's #USS "#Enterprise" #CVN-65 #anyahajó 1998. December 15-én Fotó: Michael W. Pendergrass source: Getty Images/index.hu
En. text: Is anything else good for USS Enterprise? source: index.hu
Author: Máté Világi March 2, 2020 11:58 index.Hu
The title question is more poetic, as Top Gun's famous aircraft carrier has already been scrapped. Even so, the idea is right, what are the billions of billions of gigantic runways good for? In the age of long-range missiles and drones, what's the point of sending 5,000 people to the center of the ocean to fly behind enemy lines? ...
Aircraft carrier used for 'Top Gun' sold for scrap
Hu. text article: Jó még bármire a USS Enterprise?
Szerző: Világi Máté 2020.03.02. 11:58 index.hu
A címben feltett kérdés inkább költői, mivel a Top Gun híres repülőgép-hordozóját már le is selejtezték. Ettől még a felvetés jogos, mire jók a dollármilliárdokba kerülő gigászi úszó kifutópályák? A nagy hatótávolságú rakéták és a drónok korában mi értelme 5000 embert kiküldeni az óceán közepére, hogy onnan repüljenek be az ellenséges vonalak mögé? ...
Aircraft carrier used for 'Top Gun' sold for scrap

above: NEW! 'Nimitz' class:MedRes! Left: USS "George Washington" CVN-73 Right: USS "Abraham-Lincoln" CVN-72
below: NEW! Left: MedRes! Toy Aircraft Carrier CVN-72 "Abraham Lincoln" 18" with 6 Fighter Jets, 2 Helicopters, 3 Sounds, Control Tower, Storage Right: MedRes!
Product Description: Our new Aircraft Carrier has arrived and is ready for action!Toy Aircraft Carrier 18" long Authentic detailing with marked runways, control tower
3 different sounds: Air Raid Siren, Anti-Aircraft Fire, Fog Horn. Comes with 6 Fighter Jets (each 1 1/2" long) and 2 Helicopters (each 2" long) Storage for the planes and helicopters in a recessed compartment right on the aircraft carrier Batteries included 3+ years
Brand new in box, great Christmas or birthday gift!
An aircraft carrier is a warship designed with a primary mission of deploying and recovering aircraft and acting as a seagoing airbase. Aircraft carriers thus allow a naval force to project air power worldwide without having to depend on local bases for staging aircraft operations. As "runways at sea," modern aircraft carriers have a flat-top deck design that serves as a flight deck for the launch of aircraft. Aircraft carriers also provide unique capabilities for disaster response and humanitarian assistance.

above: NEW! NoHigher! USS "Dwight D. Eisenhower" CVN-69
NEW! above: HiRes! The carrier ship of the desert - A sivatag anyahajója below: Gif
above: NEW! NoHigher! Navy C-2's Flight Attendant Pin-Up Girl source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Advert of Chesterfield: #Ronald#Reagan selling his brand of cancer, for Christmas. Thanks, Mr. President
above: NEW! NoHigher! A Grumman F-14A-105-GR Tomcat (BuNo 160902) on static display pedestal at Grumman Memorial Park, Town of Riverhead, Calverton, New York, in 2007. by: Dhaluza source: en.Wikipedia.org
83.) Grumman F-14D "Tomcat" ("Kandúr") cat - macska - weapons missile naval-NAVY Fighter- race with Porsche-911 Carrera cabrio - USN-CVN Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier Top-Gun movie - film with Tom Cruise celeb actor: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/05/82-grumman-f-14d-tomcat-kandur-cat.html
En. text: The Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, later Grumman Aerospace Corporation, was a leading 20th century U.S. producer of military and civilian aircraft. Founded on December 6, 1929, by Leroy Grumman and partners, it merged in 1994 with Northrop Corporation to form Northrop Grumman. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman
Hu. text: A Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, későbbi nevén Grumman Aerospace Corporation egy amerikai repülőgépgyártó és űripari vállalat, amelyet alapítója, Leroy Grumman 1929. december 6.án hozott létre. A cég az USA meghatározó repülőgépgyártója lett, elsősorban haditengerészeti repülőgépek, de civil gépek nagy számú előállításával.
A vállalat fénykora a II. világháború idején jelentkező óriási konjunktúra volt, számos legendás harci gépet köszönhetett az amerikai hadsereg a Grummannak, így például az F4F Wildcat, vagy F6F Hellcat típusokat. A hidegháború idején a sugárhajtású haditengerészeti gépekre koncentrálta erőforrásait a cég, megalkotva a kor legendás vadászgépét, az F–14 Tomcat-et, az A–6 Intruder vadászbombázót, vagy a repülőgépanyahajók AWACS felderítőjének számító E–2 Hawkeye felderítőgépet.
A hidegháború végeztével drasztikusan lecsökkent harci gépek iránti igény a cég hanyatlását okozta, így 1994-ben a Northrop felvásárolta és megalakult a cég jogutódja, a Northrop Grumman. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! NYC Long Island former Grumman Aircraft plant
above: NEW! MedRes! maps: Left: Grumman locnoplume source: DEC.NY.gov Right: Grumman-p107 by: The National Academies Press
above: NEW! NoHigher! Grumman 'Beth-page' place detail map by: TopoQuest
above: NEW! NoHigher! Aerial, Grumman-plant in Long Island by: Business News
above: NEW! MedRes! Long-Island 'Bethpage' plume site source: crop_nydecd_191028_vshu
above: NEW! NoHigher! Long-Island 'Grumman' abandoned & Little-Known Airfields
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped from West & Down!): N.Y.C. - New York City with Long Island and airfield, Aircraft plants. ('Grumman' marked with Pink!)
above: NEW! HiRes! orbital-atk-oa-5 visibility first sighting by: Orbital ATK source: NASA-Blog
above: NEW! NoHigher! #Hot#Sexy-#Stewardess for USN Grumman #C-2A "#Greyhound"#freighter
above: NEW! HiRes! VRC40's C-2A Greyhounds line photo by: Duncan Monk source: AeroResource
above: Grumman C-2A "Greyhound" COD on the upper deck. Left; MedRes! Prepare folded position , Right; MedRes! ready to catapult Take-Off.
above: NEW! HiRes! USS 'George Washington' crew unload mail from two C-2A Greyhounds in 2011. INDIAN OCEAN (July 22, 2011) Sailors move more than ten thousand pounds of mail delivered by two C-2A Greyhound aircraft assigned to Carrier Logistic Squadron VRC-30 Detachment 5 (Atsugi, Japan) aboard the aircraft carrier USS 'George Washington' (CVN 73). George Washington is participating in Exercise Talisman Sabre 2011, a bilateral exercise intended to train Australian and U.S. Forces in planning and conducting combined task force operations. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Juan Pinalez/Released). source: Wikipedia.org
above: HiRes! A C-2A taxis prior to takeoff on a flight to USS 'John F. Kennedy' in Feb 1984. This was the first Greyhound delivered in 1966. A Grumman C-2A Greyhound COD aircraft from Fleet Logistics Support Squadron VR-24 Lifting Eagles taxis prior to takeoff on a flight to the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) off the coast of Lebanon on 1 Feb 1984. The C-2A BuNo. 152786 was the first Greyhound delivered in 1966. source: Wikipedia.org

above: NoHigher! staff sgt. Giselle is COD C-2A's stewardess at photomake of ID card: photomodel #Gemma#Atkinson Who is actor #Rowan#Atkinson's (Mr. Bean) daughter. below: NEW! HiRes! G.A.
below: NEW! HiRes! Caitlin Stasey as "Hawkeye"
Caitlin Jean Stasey (born 1 May 1990. -age 29- Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) is an Australian actress. She is known for her role as Rachel Kinski in Neighbours. Previously she played Francesca Thomas in The Sleepover Club, although her breakthrough movie role came in Tomorrow, When the War Began, a 2010 movie adaptation of the teen novel of the same name in which she played lead protagonist Ellie Linton. She also played Lady Kenna in the American series Reign from 2013 to 2015 and had a recurring role in the ABC2 series Please Like Me from 2013 to 2016. In 2017 Stasey starred as Ada on the Fox television drama APB, which was cancelled after one season in May 2017. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caitlin_Stasey
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