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2014. szeptember 12., péntek

134.) MiG-29 'Fulcrum' Mikoyan - Superiority Fighter - Микоян МиГ-29 истребитель - чертежи - drawings & cutaways

#MiG-29 '#Fulcrum' #Mikoyan - #Superiority #Fighter - #Микоян #МиГ-29 #истребитель - #чертежи - #drawings & #cutaways, #Dragon-models (Google#Wikipedia)

Refreshed! to-126%-17.02.2019.-Regulated:+++++++++++++++++++:+++++:+++
above: HiRes! from Juci'bacsi's scanned collection: South Korean made 'Dragon' model/maquette

Посадка самолетов МиГ-29 и Су-25 на АУД. Взлет на боевое применение

МиГ-29 (изделие 9-12, по кодификации НАТО: Fulcrum — точка опоры) — советский и российскиймногоцелевой истребитель четвёртого поколения, разработанный в ОКБ МиГ. source:
NEWabove: HiRes! MiG-29 review    below: NoHigher! VVS decal
NEW! VVS' MiG-29 above: MedRes! in Front of   below: HiRes! (Rotated & little Crop for max 1600px) "Up to Sky"  source: facebook/Brotesser Zoltán
above: NEW! NoHigher! MiG-29 tail - svanc/farok: antistatic mandrel, RSzBN antenne

aboveNEWMedRes!  Photo: Mr. Kizmus Szabolcs ILA Berlin 2016. Junius Polish AF
above: NEW! NoHigher! Polish Photoshop Mirror  source: facebook/Defence World
 above & below Two: NEW! HiRes! Polish Air Force Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-29 GT 'Fulcrum' (4105). "Tribute to Stanisław Skalski.”  Photos: Airplanes Creative Photos source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán
En. text: Stanisław Skalski DSO DFC** (27 November 1915 – 12 November 2004) was a Polishfighter ace of the Polish Air Force in World War II, later rising to the rank of Brigadier General. Skalski was the top Polish fighter ace of the war and the first Allied fighter ace of the war, credited, according to official lists, with 18 11/12 victories and two probable. Some sources, including Skalski himself, give a number of 22 11/12 victories.  ... 

Pl. text: Stanisław Skalski (ur. 27 listopada 1915 w Kodymie, zm. 12 listopada 2004 w Warszawie) – podporucznik pilot lotnictwa wojskowego II RP, major pilot Polskich Sił Powietrznych na Zachodzie, podpułkownik (ang. wing commander) Królewskich Sił Powietrznych, generał brygady pilot Ludowego Wojska Polskiego, as myśliwski okresu II wojny światowej o najwyższej liczbie zestrzeleń wśród polskich pilotów. Odznaczony Krzyżem Złotym i Krzyżem Srebrnym Orderu Wojennego Virtuti Militari. Po 1989 polityk.  Absolwent Szkoły Podchorążych Lotnictwa w Dęblinie (XI promocja, 67 lokata). Walczył we wrześniu 1939, będąc dowódcą klucza w 142. Eskadrze Myśliwskiej. Od jesieni 1940 walczył w Anglii, uczestniczył w powietrznej bitwie o Anglię. Dowodził następnie eskadrą w dywizjonie 306i 316, dywizjonem 317, eskadrą zwaną „Cyrkiem Skalskiego” w Tunezji, brytyjskim dywizjonem 601na Malcie i w końcu 133 Polskim Skrzydłem Myśliwskim. Oficjalnie zaliczono mu zestrzelenie 18 i 11/12 samolotów oraz 2 prawdopodobnie. W roku 1947 powrócił do Polski, gdzie został przez władze stalinowskie oskarżony o zdradę i skazany na karę śmierci, po czym wyrok zamieniono na dożywocie. Został zrehabilitowany w 1956. Jest autorem wspomnień z kampanii wrześniowej pt. Czarne krzyże nad Polską.

En. text: The Mikoyan MiG-29 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-29; NATO reporting name: Fulcrum) is a twin-engine jet fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. Developed by the Mikoyandesign bureau as an air superiority fighter during the 1970s, the MiG-29, along with the larger Sukhoi Su-27, was developed to counter new American fighters such as the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, and the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. The MiG-29 entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1982.
While originally oriented towards combat against any enemy aircraft, many MiG-29s have been furnished as multirole fighters capable of performing a number of different operations, and are commonly outfitted to use a range of air-to-surface armaments and precision munitions. The MiG-29 has been manufactured in several major variants, including the multirole Mikoyan MiG-29M and the navalised Mikoyan MiG-29K; the most advanced member of the family to date is the Mikoyan MiG-35. Later models frequently feature improved engines, glass cockpits with HOTAS-compatible flight controls, modern radar and IRST sensors, and considerably increased fuel capacity; some aircraft have also been equipped for aerial refuelling.

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the militaries of a number of former Soviet republics have continued to operate the MiG-29, the largest of which is the Russian Air Force. The Russian Air Force wanted to upgrade its existing fleet to the modernised MiG-29SMT configuration, but financial difficulties have limited deliveries. The MiG-29 has also been a popular export aircraft; more than 30 nations either operate or have operated the aircraft to date, India being one of the largest export operators of the type. As of 2013, the MiG-29 is in production by Mikoyan, a subsidiary of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) since 2006.  ...

Ru. text: МиГ-29 (по кодификации НАТО: Fulcrum — «Точка опоры» или «Средство достижения цели») — советский многоцелевой истребитель четвёртого поколения, разработанный в ОКБ МиГ.

Hu. text: A MiG–29-es (oroszul: МиГ-29; NATO-kódja: Fulcrum) a Mikojan tervezőirodában (OKB–155) a szovjet honi légvédelem számára kifejlesztett kis hatótávolságú elfogó-vadászrepülőgép, amely korlátozottan földi célok támadására is alkalmas volt. A későbbi típusváltozatok már a szárazföldi célok elleni támadásra is képesek. A gép 1986-ban a finnországi Kuopio Rissala légitámaszponton, hat gép látogatásával mutatkozott be a nyilvánosság előtt.
aboveHiRes! Hu. Air Show Kecskemét HuAFB 2013. august: Slovakien AF MiG-29UB "Fulcrum"
228.) Khaki Mility style woman fashion clothes & underwears - Terepzöld katonás divatú felsőruházat, alsóneműk & cuccok:
above: NEW! HuAF 'Fulcrum' formation - kötelék  photo by: Aviation Photographer & lead flt. Doctor Dr. Toperczer "Topidoc" István  orv.alez. LHKE MH.59th TFW via:
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Puma" 'Fulcrum' in HuAF: aviat artist; Masher Róbert
above: NEW! MedRes! HuAF MiG-29B  source:
above: NEW! MedRes! HuAF MH 59th TFW's "Puma" sqn Pilot at LHKE Keskemét before departure  source: facebook/Bárdi "Gypsyí" László/akik nélkül nem lehetett volna magyar katonai repülés
above: NEW! NoHigher! HuAF MiG-29UB: left: ?? - right: Golden Winged 1st.class ret.flt.Lt.Col. Téglás László alez. Ak.I.o. in ZSj-5 helmet on LHKE 20??

above: NEW! HiRes! Best popular Hu. parody humorist, #Hofi Géza in cockpit in mid 1980's on LHKE  source: facebook/Col. Dr. Remes Péter o.ezds.

Hu. text: Péter Dr. Remes  2018.12.31.: Tegnap, 14:58
"Ez majdnem olyan jó, mint én vagyok" mondta, amikor kikászálódott az ülésből. A ROVKI-ban a pilótákat sem kellett félteni. Elhatározták, hogy Géza nem csak őket tudja megnevettetni sorozatos előadásain, "humorban mi sem vagyunk rosszabbak", és kitervelték, hogyan fogják megtréfálni. A műtőből szereztek zöld műtősköpenyt, műtős sapkát, szájmaszkot és egy beteghordó kocsit. Az egyik éjszaka (!) rárontottak nagy dérrel-dúrral a Gézára! Ébresztő művészkém! Ébresztő! Rosszat mutat a műszer, azonnal megyünk a műtőbe! (Gézán is Holter monitor volt). A halálsápadt "művészkémet" rászíjazták a beteghordó kocsira, közben a ROVKI orvosoktól eltanult halandzsát mormolták: "gyerünk, gyorsan, nagyon laposak a T hullámok" és rohantak a halálra vált Gézával a folyosón. Igen ám, de a ROVKI-ban nincs lift, így amikor a lépcsőhöz értek, már nem bírták tovább és felnevettek. Géza csak akkor vette észre, hogy átverték. Így hát az éjszakát vidáman töltötték, és másnap a barokamrában nem is bánták, hogy a kialvatlanságtól kissé sápadtabbak. 
above: NEW! HiRes! HuAF's MiG-29B dashboard - műszerfal  source: facebook/Simonrobi
aboveNEW+NoHigher! Opposit side: HuAF's 59th TFW "Szentgyörgyi Dezső"ét HuAFB LHKE, MiG-29B "Fulcrum" over Budapest area of 'Széchenyi' chain-bridge - lánchídnál in 20. august of 2009. at Roosevelt-tér-square and József Attila-utca-street, direct to East for salutation over ground formation occasion of Hu. NKE Mil officers' passing out/graduation parade on Hősök-tere-squ. - Tisztavatás  Photo by: Aerial photographer & aviator: Mr. Veres Viktor photoreporter  source: facebook/Viktor Veres
Budai vár:
above: NEW+! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's DDR made VEB PENTACON Dresden 'Praktica' FX 2. repro camera 24 x 36 mm 32 cubes capability for DDR made ORWO or Hu. FORTE dia/slide film from 1970-  with PENTACON repro mount - repróállvánnyal
aboveNEW+NoHigher!  Juci'bacsi's Dia/Slide Repro copy 'Praktica' FX.2 collect from early1980's: 'Aviation Week & Space technology'; at Hu. MoD Military Science Library of Institute & Museum of Military History in Budapest in Budaer castle - HM HIM Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum Hadtudományi Könyvtár, I. ker. Kapisztrán-tér - square 2-4.
above & below: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's orig reprophoto dia-slide copy from late 1980's
The Mikoyan MiG-29 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-29; NATO reporting name: "Fulcrum") is a twin-engine jet fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. Developed by the Mikoyan design bureau as an air superiority fighterduring the 1970s, the MiG-29, along with the larger Sukhoi Su-27, was developed to counter new American fighters such as the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, and the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. The MiG-29 entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1983.
While originally oriented towards combat against any enemy aircraft, many MiG-29s have been furnished asmultirole fighters capable of performing a number of different operations, and are commonly outfitted to use a range of air-to-surface armaments and precision munitions. The MiG-29 has been manufactured in several major variants, including the multirole Mikoyan MiG-29M and the navalised Mikoyan MiG-29K; the most advanced member of the family to date is the Mikoyan MiG-35. Later models frequently feature improved engines, glass cockpits with HOTAS-compatible flight controls, modern radar and IRST sensors, considerably increased fuel capacity; some aircraft have also been equipped for aerial refuelling.
Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the militaries of a number of former Soviet republics have continued to operate the MiG-29, the largest of which is the Russian Air Force. The Russian Air Force wanted to upgrade its existing fleet to the modernised MiG-29SMT configuration, but financial difficulties have limited deliveries. The MiG-29 has also been a popular export aircraft; more than 30 nations either operate or have operated the aircraft to date, India being one of the largest export operators of the type. As of 2013, the MiG-29 is in production by Mikoyan, a subsidiary of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) since 2006. source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! HuAF's forsage  photo: Topidoc source: facebook

NEW! above: MedRes! Operating by Night    below: MedRes! 29 shaped Night Bar Operator

Közzététel: 2014. szept. 11.
Летно-тактические учения прошли в ВВС и войсках ПВО. Летчики отработали вопросы рассредоточения авиации с использованием аэродромных участков дорог. Обновленную трассу Минск-Могилев проверили на прочность Лидские и Барановичские пилоты, шестеро из них

MiG 29 Fulcrum: Russian Mikoyan Gurevich Fighter Jet by Bulgarian Air Force   

Közzététel: 2014. nov. 8.
The Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-29 "Fulcrum" (Микояна и Гуревича МиГ-29) is a military jet fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. This is the Bulgarian Air Force MiG-29 that made a solo flight during the Sofia AirShow on October 10th, 2014.
above: HiRes! LuftWaffe MiG-29B "Fulcrum"  FSx 3D    below: New! MedRes!
Hu. text: A MiG–29-es frontvadász (oroszul: МиГ-29; NATO-kódja: Fulcrum - Forgáspont) a Mikojan tervezőirodában (OKB–155) a szovjet honi légvédelem számára kifejlesztett kis hatótávolságú elfogó-vadászrepülőgép, amely korlátozottan földi célok támadására is alkalmas volt. A későbbi típusváltozatok már a szárazföldi célok elleni támadásra is képesek. A gép 1986-ban a finnországi Kuopio Rissala légitámaszponton, hat gép látogatásával mutatkozott be a nyilvánosság előtt. source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russia, aviation museum in Pensa - Penza: Tupolev Tu-144 and MiG-29s and MiG-21 delta probe for Tu-144 flight and Su-25  source:
above: NEW! MedRes! HuAF's MiG-29B on LHKE appron  source:
 above: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect from "Reform" news 1993. október: Hu. text Article about Hu. Pilot's trainig in Krasnodar: Flt. Lt. Guba Róbert rep. fhdgy.
4,8 milliárdért elárverezik a MiG-29-eseket
above: NEW! HiRes! LHKE Kecskemét HuAF's Air Base MH59th "Dongó"-"Humble-bee" sqn.

above: NEW! MedRes! ZSh-7 (ZS-7) standartized Russian made helmet & KM-34 oxygen mask

above: NEW pic! HuAF MiG-29B cockpit of Fairford Air Tattoo' Champion
above: NEW pic: HiRes! Flt. Lt. Col. PÁL 'Schweppes' Laci former "Sky Hussars" MiG-21 Taszár AFB's Team demo pilot in HuAF MiG-29B cockpit.
NEW! NoHigherabove: Refueling at LHKE HuAFB Kecskemét   below: Ru. VVS
above: NEW! NoHigher! HUNAF Mig-29B over ?? GYR? source:ács Ferenc former 'Fulcrum' pilot
above: New pics! MedRes! MiG-29UB at HuAF LHKE   source:
above: NEW! NoHigher! HuAF's pair

above four: New Pics! MedRes! HuAF MiG-29B and MiG-29UB

Ilyen az, amikor a MiG-29-et gyorsliftként használják a mennyekbe. Nem ragozzuk túl, mert a látvány magáért beszél. A pilóta a felszállás után azonnal függőlegesbe tolja a gépet.

Spectacular vertical take off MIG 29 at RIAT 2015 

Közzététel: 2015. júl. 26.
Spectacular Vertical take off of the MIG-29 Fulcrum at the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) 2015.
29 МиГ 29 Вертикальный взлёт. Илья Соловьев.

Itt talán még látványosabb: More interesting view:
Közzététel: 2015. júl. 26.
RIAT15 Wow, What an amazing powerful takeoff. Old Bird but incredible flight display. Low pass and then this aircraft went to the sky like a rocket with a smoke trailing behind Polish Air Force

abovenewMedResAnatoly Kvochur МиГ-29 testpilot succesful ejection, after air collision to his escort by "Zvezda" K-36D ejection seat at Fairford Airshow.

above: Left: HiRes! R.: MedRes! 'Zvezda' ('Star') K-36DM ejection seat - katapultülés

 NEWs! above: NoHigher!    belowMedRes!
above: NEW! HiRes! Wreck cockpit
above: NEW! MedRes! Slovakian AF modernised MiG-29 instrument panel  photo: Mr. Kővári "Stonefort" László chief editor of  Hu. 'Aranysas'-'Golden Eagle' military aviation magazine főszerkesztő -Budapestsource:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Artwork Collector: Alexandr Ivanov
above: New pic! Juci'bacsi (Father's) photo by 'Olympos' HiRes! My son Andrew "Bubuka" (Than here16 years old) in Hungarian 'Jet Fly' MiG-29 Win PC szimulator at Veszprém MH HKNyP 3th Toborzó és Érdekvédelmi Központ "Fenyves" - Recruitment Centre. He was training for the landing to Acf. Carrier with succesful.
above: new! MedRes! Control coloumn - botkormány
above: NEW!  MedRes! Lock On
 above: NEW! NoHigher!

above: NEW! MedRes! Mrs. Miklósa Erika Word famous Hungaria Opera - Aria singer - (Kiskunhalas, 1970. június 9.) Kossuth-díjas és Liszt Ferenc-díjas magyar koloratúrszoprán opera-énekesnő; "in K-36D operating handle belt" - "katapult fogantyús" övvel a derekán
above: HiRes! drawing of the dashboard and side panels
above: Juci'bácsi scan coll.: NEW! MedRes! English c Czech text: Instrument panel
above: NEW Pics!: pink dashboard and 'Zvezda' K-36D ejection seat HiRes!
above: NEW! MedRes! Dashboard MiG-29B   source: Markotán "Kocka" facebook
above: New! HiRes! Analogue conventional Dashboard / Instrument panel - műszerfal
NEWs!above: NoHigher!   below:  MedRes! Fwd looking mirror of tutor

above: NEW! MedRes! similar jet engine's pompage impeding shutters of 29 at Lamborghini "Countach" Bertone sharpen - hasonló zsalu-rács mint a pompázsgátló lemezek-zsalu.

above: NEW! NoHigher! Rearmirror simulator  source photo: Tarasov

above: two pics NEW! left; PolAF HiRes! right; MedRes!   below: NEW! HiRes!
belowNEWNoHigher! MiG-29UB "Panther"
above: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect from Hu. Magazine ?. Photo by: Sárközy György. Courtesy FREE! Hu. CoS Army general/Lt.Gen. Végh Ferenc altbgy./vez.ezds. (former armor commander - páncélos pk.) a MH. Pk./Vezérkarfőnöke in MiG-29UB rear cabin before start in Poland in 1990's
above: NEW+! MedRes! HuAF Live Firing Exercise with R-60 Air to Air Missiles in Poland on shore of Baltic-sea - Balti-tenger partján R-60-as levegő-levegő rakétákkal lőttek.  source:
above: NEW! MedRes! MiG-29UB  De.text.
Mikojan Gurevics MiG-29B vadászrepülőgép röntgenrajza - Cutaway Drawing
NEW! above: MedRes! En. text.   below: HiRes!
above: NEW! MedRes!
above: NEW! NoHigher!
above: install of ZhUk "Fazotron" radar equipment   below: Zhuk-ME
above two & below: New Pics! bottom: ret. avn. techn. NCO-II. Simon Róbert nyá. rep. tzls. "az Ég katonái" Hagyományőrző Közhasznú Egyesület" elnöke MiG-29 radarját javítja a MH 59. "Szentgyörgyi Dezső" HuAFB-on LHKE maintenance hangar.
above & below: New! OLS - Optical Radar Station: IR seeker & sight  bottom Right: HiRes!
above: NEW+! MedRes! OLS & Stork - OLSz és Gólya   source: facebook/Ürmös István
above two: New Pics! MedRes! MiG's Design Bureau Logo and Organisation
above: new! NoHigher! evolution of  MiG-29 prototype

above Three: NEW! HiRes! Diagram of project variants   below: NEW! NoHigher!  crossing profiles
above: NEW! NoHigher! Jet-Stream channel - Szélcsatorna
above: NEW! NoHigher!  Proto Variants  source: Aviaciya Vremya 2001.
above: NEW! MedRes

above: NEW! MedRes! English & Czech text: MiG-29's antennas
 NEW! R-60 A-A Missile   above: NoHigher!   below: MedRes!
above: NEW! MedRes! GAR-3A  Long Range A-A Missile
 NEW! External Load variants:  above: MedRes!   below: MedRes!
above: NEW! MedRes! PolAF MiG-29B  photo: Mr. Kővári "Stonefort" László chief editor of  Hu. 'Aranysas'-'Golden Eagle' military aviation magazine főszerkesztő -Budapest-  source:

above: NEW Pics! left: 'Flying in the chemtrail' - Air Refueling
Advert Kecskemét Airshow 2003:
above Two & below: NEW+! HiRes! HuAF LHKE Kecskemét Air-Show 2008. "Fulcrum" Pilot: maj. Máté "Motyi" Attila őrgy.   Photo and source: ret. stgt. hel. eng. mech. Pénzes Károly ny.ftőrm. hel. SAHM mech.  facebook/akik nélkül nem lehetett volna magyar katonai repülés/Photo Pénzes
above: New! 2016.sept.18.: Correction!: This MiG-29 from Slovakian Air Force! AF 'Tiger-Meet' "Fulcrum" with digital pattern camouflge (Wrong!)
above: Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: NEW! NoHigher! LHKE Bódis Gyula alez. SCRAMBLE Alert - Keszi Riadó! "In Escape - Menekülésben" source: BLIKK Magazin  photo: Veres Viktor
above: NEW+! HiRes! HuAF's demo pilot  Flt.capt. Szabó "Topi" Zoltán rep.szds. from MH 59th TFW Kecskemét World Champion of "Air Tattoo" - Világbajnok   Photo: Veres Viktor aviator - photoreporter from   source: Juci'bacsi's scan collection

above: NEW+! NoHigher! #MAERSK - #SEALAND "#Fulcrum"

above: New! HiRes! The Szolnok Campus of NKE  study hangar - 'Kols' IR sensor 
below: New! HiRes! MiG-29B repair at LHKE

above: NEW! MedRes! Smiling Polish girl on the nose of a Polish Air Force Mig-29 "Fulcrum"   source: Hungarian Google G+ Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
above: NEW! NoHigher! Pencil artwork: Czech Air Force's MiG-29s

above: New pic! HiRes! Artisty painting of Mig-29 & F-15

above: NEW! Left: HiRes! Oil paintings; Hu. LHKE Vincze Ferenc aviation artist  Right: LowRes! Masher Róbert aviart: "Piros Vonalon".

above: NEW! HiRes! Hungarian Aviation Painter-Graphiker: Ms. Turbuk Noémi  with: crayon

Manőver Magazin 1998 nyári adás

above: NEW! MedRes! MiG-29 by night by at HDF 59th TFW at LHSK Dr. flt.Lt.Col. Toperczer "Topidoc" István orv.rep.alez. MH 59. "Szentgyörgyi Dezső" Harcászati Repülőezred - Kecskemét HuAFB vezető orvosa és légifotós aerphotgrapher.

above: NEW! MedRes! former GDR (German Democratic Republic - NDK-Német Demokratikus KöztársaságNVA's AF (National Volksarmee - Nemzeti Néphadsereg) MiG-29 after go to "GFR's. Luftwaffe.... Nowadays theese out of service.

above: NEW! Similar sharp! Left: MedRes! G-LW Right: MedRes! "Fulcrumnyica" below: MedRes!
above & below: New!
above: NEW! MedRes! MiG-35    belownew! Cross section of Radar reflection diagram.
below Two: NEW! MedRes! HuAF paint patterns
aboveNEWHiRes! HuAF's demo MiG-29B on LHKE Kecskemét AirShow in 2008. occasion of Anniversary 70th years old the HUAF - Hungarian Air Force - MLE - Magyar Légie
Re.2000, MÁVAG 'Héja':vit. Horthy István re.fhdgy., - Seversky P-35, Republic P-47:
above: NEW! NoHigher! HuAF's MiG-29UB anniversary demo paint
above: NEW! HiRes! HuAF's museal MiG-29B with Hu. pretty Girl  source: facebook
above: NEW! HiRes! MiG-144 projekt as early stelath plan

above: new! HuAF MiG-29B escorting the Grumman F-14D "Tomcat" US NAVY fighter in Hungarian airspace to bilateral 'Dogfight' Excercise to MH 59th HuAFB LHKE - Kecskemét.

above: NEW! Hungarian Masher Róbert: New Pact" - "Új Szövetség"

My Airbrush Profile Artwork;

above: NEW++! MedRes! Slovak - Czech - Polish ? "Fulcrum"  Photo by: Mr. Kizmus Szabolcs had - ILA-Berlin 2015  source: facebook/Kizmus Szabolcs
 above & below: New! MedRes! "Air Art" handmade by airbrush (Ru. 'Aerograf'-0,5 mm, Gy 'Hansa'-0,3 mm) profile artwork graphic with acryl on 90 x 50 cm wooden plate on it white plastic 0,5 mm glued cover. also FREE!
artists: ret. avn. Lt.Col. Juhász "Juci'bácsi" János & ret. rad. Lt.Col. Borsody Tibor as a famous maquette winner-champion worker. He was a little badge-logo creator. Original exhibited in HM HIM - MoD Military History Museum. Many pieces print about it. So the photo a little bit blur.

above: NEW! HiRes! Free! 'AirArt's gift sheet handmade acf. artwork printing. Juci'bácsi & ret. eng.Lt.Col. Borsody Tibi nyá.mk.alez. (Radar expert) very famous champion modeller - makettező (BorJuh) common artwork - közös munkája. He was a sheet drawer & wg., sqn. marking painter. Printing: 'Tradeorg' Balatonfűzfő

aboveNEWMedRes! Profile Memorial leaf - Emlékdíszlap "Gege"
above: NEW+! HiRes! Profile about HuAF's 29-ces photo by: Papp Zoltán (Cropped the sky)  source:árdi László/"Képek a felszabadulás utáni Magyar katonai repülésről"
aboveNEWHiRes! Juci'bácsi's 3D profile artwork HuAF types poster II., about HuAF types, size A2/A3 for HuAF HQ Veszprém 2005.  by 'Air Art Graphics': Courtesy FREE!  source: AAG
above: Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: NEWHiRes! MH.87's "Open Day" 2001. issued leporello.
above: NEW! MedRes! Moskwa - Monino: Aviation Museum  source: facebook
a MiG család:
above: NEW+NoHigher! HuAF MiG-29B  photo: Nagy Attila Károly  source:
above: NEW! In Memoriam Lt.Col. Rácz Zsolt rep.alez.  source: ret.Col. Varga Ferenc/facebook
below: NEW pic! HiRes! In Memoriam Nádas Tamás aero acrobatics champion in right intake..
aboveNEWNoHigherSushka in ZSh-5 helmet under Su-27 "Flanker" source: Pinterest

above: NEW+! MedRes! Retro: HuAF '#Fulcrum' #Fighter-Pilots on LHKE - #MiG-29 #vadászpilóták #Kecskeméten  source:

above: MedRes! - Misztérium  on the Sky - Varázslat az Égen  source: facebook
aboveNEW+HiRes! Mistery-2.nd: "Forsage into the sky - Forszázs az égbe" over lake Balaton at Lepsény area from district of Balatonalmádi in 2018. august.11. - Vihar erős villámlással   XIAOMI Smart-Phone művész-Fotó - artisty Photo by: Ms. Bártfai Mária -Veszprém city-
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian AF VVS' "Strizhi - Strizsi - Swallows - Fecskék" acrobatic team  source: facebook/Defence
above: NEW+! HiRes! Russian "Strizhy" demo Team MiG-29  Photo by: Leslie Angyal László from "Hullámzó Láthatár" Photo album book "Billow Horizon"  source: László

3 megjegyzés:

  1. picture with pretty girl on the ladder- above: New! Czeczh AF 'Tiger-Meet' "Fulcrum" with digital pattern camouflge.It is not correct because the plane is from Slovakia Air Forces.

  2. Thank You very much. I have corrected.
