#Kriegsmarine #Fernglas / #Fernrohr: 80 mm portable #Naval #artillery Double #telescope Carl-Zeiss*Jena "#Asembi" #binoculars - #Német-Haditengerészeti távcső (Wikipedia)
18+Refreshed! to-110%: -23.02.2022.-Regulated:++++++:+:+:+:+
above: Kriegsmarine Unterboot commander's Captain / Kapitän cap.
above: Naval officers are using optical devices. Right: Carl Zeiss Jena "Asembi" fernglas as Luxury Exclusive Prestige Gadget.
Links to My blog NVA EDF fernglas: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/10/138-edf-7x40-german-nva-field-glasses.html
Carl Zeiss Jena "Asembi" Fernrohr as a Luxury 'toy'!
above: HiRes! 80 mm portable Kriegsmarine Naval artillery Double telescope - Német 2. Világháború haditengerészeti távcső / dupla teleszkóp
above & below: new! HiResBig! U-Boot badge
below: Günther Prien (16 January 1908 – presumed 7 March 1941) was a German U-boat ace of the first part of theSecond World War, and the first U-boat commander to receive the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (German:Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) and the first member of the Kriegsmarine to receive the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub). The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its higher grade Oak Leaves was awarded to recognise extreme battlefield bravery or successful military leadership. It was Germany's highest military decoration at the time of its presentation to Günther Prien.
Under Prien's command, the submarine U-47 sank over 30 Allied ships totaling about 200,000 gross register tons (GRT). His most famous exploit was the sinking of the British battleship HMS Royal Oak at anchor in theHome Fleet's anchorage in Scapa Flow. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=G%C3%BCnther_Prien

above: WW-II. Germany Kriegsmarine Submarine / U-Boot Type: VII C U-36 1941.
above: Cruiser - Pocket Battleship 'Scharnhorst' bridge with some optical devices
above: The 'Asembi' accurate than Swiss made U-Boot 'Doxa' service watch from Wilhelmshaven.
above: NEW! HiRes! U-Jagd Torpedo Laufzeit stopper Kriegsmarine; Junghaus, Hanhart, Guilford.
below: NEW! Left: HiRes! Swiss made 'Balmaster' U-jagd stopwatch German timer WW-Two

The time is money! because it's price will not degree only growing as prestige gadget!
above: Type XIII U-Boot towe with telescope below: new! HiRes!
above: new pic! Kriegsmarine U-Boat U-38
above: NEW! NoHigher! On September 9, 2018, at the age of 105, the last submarine/U-Boat commander awarded the Knight's Cross, Reinhard Hardegen, passed away. - 2018.06.09-én, 105. életévében elhunyt az utolsó Lovagkereszttel kitüntetett tengeralattjáró parancsnok, Reinhard Hardegen. - Am 9. Juni 2018, im Alter von 105 Jahren, verstarb der letzte U-Boot-Kommandant, der das Ritterkreuz verlieh, Reinhard Hardegen. source: facebook
above: NEW! HiRes! Maschinentelegraph and similar memorial Stb. watch
above: NEW! MedRes! U-Boot rontgen illustration - Haynes source: pinterest.com

above: MedRes! U-Boots
above & below: New pics!! plan drawing HiResBig! below: U-Boot plan VIIC

above: NEW! MedRes! Home Periscope with Housewife
above: NEW! HiRes! Ariel photo: Stefan Soell source: femjoy.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Bear" destroyer Allied Forces convoy on the North Atlantic source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! HiRes! supermodel, Caitlyn Jenner july 2015 'Vanity Fair'
Caitlyn Marie Jenner (born William Bruce Jenner; October 28, 1949. -age 71- Mount Kisco, New York, U.S.) is an American television personality and retired Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete. Jenner played college football for the Graceland Yellowjackets before incurring a knee injury that required surgery. Convinced by Olympic decathlete Jack Parker's coach, L. D. Weldon, to try the decathlon, Jenner had a six-year decathlon career, culminating in winning the men's decathlon event at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, setting a third successive world record and gaining fame as "an all-American hero". Given the unofficial title of "world's greatest athlete", Jenner established a career in television, film, writing, auto racing, business, and as a Playgirl cover model. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caitlyn_Jenner
GREYHOUND - Official Trailer (HD)
Sony Pictures Entertainment
The only thing more dangerous than the front lines was the fight to get there. Screenplay by Tom Hanks inspired by actual events, Greyhound comes to theaters June 12.
In the early days of WWII, an international convoy of 37 Allied ships, led by captain Ernest Krause (Tom Hanks) in his first command of a U.S. destroyer, crosses the treacherous North Atlantic while hotly pursued by wolf packs of Nazi U-boats.
Subscribe to Sony Pictures for exclusive content: http://bit.ly/SonyPicsSubscribe
Directed by: Aaron Schneider
Screenplay by: Tom Hanks
Based on the novel
“The Good Shepherd” by: C.S. Forester
Produced by: Gary Goetzman
Cast: Tom Hanks
Stephen Graham
Rob Morgan
and Elisabeth Shue
Hu. text article: Greyhound - előzetes és poszter
írta: szmozizok
II. világháborús vízicsata:
Tom Hanks hajóskapitány és egyben a forgatókönyv adaptálója is a Greyhound előzetesében.
II. Világháború, hajókkal az amerikaiak, a tengeralattjárókkal a nácik és mindez C.S. Forester regénye alapján Tom Hanks forgatókönyvéből. A Greyhound film megtörtént eseményeken alapszik, de már az első előzetesből is látszik, hogy némileg felpörgetett izgalmakkal teli színezetet kap.
Greyhound: Hazai bemutató dátuma: 2020. május 7.
above: NEW! NoHigher! U-331 was a Type VIIC U-boat of German Kriegsmarine during World Colorized by: Edward Dambunan source: pinterest.com
above: NEW! MedRes! Restaurated vintage Naval binocular 2011
above: NEW! Upper: MedRes! General binoculars and telescope system with 'Brashears-Hastings' erecting prism for eyepiece change of zoom.
above: HiRes! Carl Zeiss Jena Asembi Fernglas with revolver design magnification change eyepieces - revolver rendszerű nagyításváltó szemlencsékkel (okulárokkal) - source: Internet
Carl Zeiss Jena 'Asembi' Fernrohr
mm portable Kriegsmarine Naval artillery Double telescope
80 mm
portable terrestrial Double telescope. Asembi T D.F. 12,20,40x80
Kriegsmarine Asembi D.F. 12,20,40x80Nr: 13394Nr:
13867 Focal length 500mm Focal
length 500mm From 1936-1940 From 1936-1940 Unfortunately, I have no serial
number list of these models which might help out with a more accurate dating. Kriegsmarine
Naval artillery number „Artl.167“
Little bit of history regarding Carl
Zeiss, Jena factory, and particular type of Asembi;
17th November 1846, Carl Zeiss opened up
an precision optical instruments shop in Jena, the ducal capital of Thuringia.
He quickly ended up being the Court optician and was awash in orders for
binoculars and spyglasses of all types. His success was so great that his goods
were soon sold through Germany and Europe.
Carl Zeiss legacy is still in very high
standards, products starting from cellphone camera lenses to NASA spaceships
D.F. The DF designation are been used
for Army binoculars at least until the end of the Second World War.
Asembi model was introduced as an
observation binocular in circa 1912. After World War 1 there were 2 versions of
this model: The civilian Asembi and the military D.F. version (D.F. = Doppelfernrohr, always a marking of a
military model). D.F has a graticule (reticle,
Strichplatte) and this is typical of a military model and „normal“ for a
D.F Indicates Doppelfernrohr, oculars for both eyes. In this particular piece of
equipment can be used with two persons simultaneously.
Below are some old photos where you can
see Asembi in action
objective some
more details graticule (reticle,
Strichplatte) overall
Carl Zeiss Jena Asembi |
80 mm portable
Kriegsmarine Naval artillery Double telescope
80 mm portable
terrestrial Double telescope.
Asembi T D.F.
12,20,40x80 Kriegsmarine
Asembi D.F.
Nr: 13394
Nr: 13867
Focal length 500mm
Focal length 500mm
From 1936-1940
From 1936-1940
Unfortunately, I
have no serial number list of these models which might help out with a more
accurate dating.
Kriegsmarine Naval
artillery number „Artl.167“
Reticles: Yes
Reticles: No
Coated lenses: Yes
Coated lenses: No
The T coating: An additional remarkable milestone was on November 1, 1935
when employee at Zeiss (Aleksander Smakula) created and then patented
antireflective (T -Transparenz) (T-Belag or Transparenz-Belag, blue anti
reflection layer on the lenses) coatings thereby improving light transmission
exponentially over uncoated lenses in binoculars to over eighty percentage)
reducing ghost images and finding other applications for the advances of
optics in lots of additional fields. The AR coatings had been a military
secret until about 1940.
Left side markings from top:
Left side markings:
(Kriegsmarine Navy) Eagle Emblem,Capital "M" mark and artl.
Number: 167
Right side markings from top:
Right side markings from top:
Capital "T", "Carl Zeiss Jena" logo, D.F.12,20,40x80
and nr. 13394
"Carl Zeiss Jena" logo, D.F.12,20,40x80 and nr. 13867
Mount/tripod: Unknown thing, previous owner claimed that this pillar came
with binocular off the German ship, I can’t image how, it weights ca 100kg
possible even more because it has missing/broken off parts.
NOT INCLUDED IN SHIPPING, due weight and size.but can be arranged.
Mount/tripod: Missing
Transport case: Missing
Transport case: Missing
Defects:minor paint damage.
Defects: Minimal paint damage, 12X eyecup has broken chunk of eyecup is
Collector: Joonas in Estonia
Shipping: Items will
be shipped in 2 separated custom made box or one big custom made box. Average value: 7500$ (5000EUR)
have done well to say 1936-1940. One is correct the second only two years out.
Nr 13394 : Made 6/7/1939. One of 150 recorded on that date by the factory. It is one of 150 starting with Nr 13387 to 13580.
Nr 13867: Made 18/2/1942. One of 100 recorded on that date by the factory. It is one of 100 starting with nr 13823 to 13922.
above: This Addition information from Bob Western-Australia (Many thanks for You!)
below: HiRes! Eleven Big! pictures The Collector's (Joonas) 'Asembi' telescopes - teleszkópos távcső

above: HiRes! eleven pictures about Jonas'! Asembi two pcs. telescopes.
above: Carl Zeiss Jena Fernrohr Asembi Luxury things - Luxus Hobby-cikk látcső - source: Internet
above: NEW! The 'Swarovsky' Best modern spotting-scope Monocular! 2015's price; 2948-2268,-EUR
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Nicholas Brawer chrome & brass scope

above black & white five pictures collection: from My colleague, Jonas in Germany.
212.) Binoculars: TZK & ÁSzT stative Anti-Air & Arty sciccors scopes MOM 41. Bp. - Tuba Zenitnaya Komandhirovka - ТЗК: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2018/04/212-binoculars-tzk-aszt-stative-anti.html
above two: NEW! MedRes! Asembi fernrohr binchabt - in box for Wermacht
above: Original WW-two German Navy Asembi - Kriegsmarine version.
above & below: NEW! MedRes! (Cropped!) Juci'bácsi's collection: 'Revell' 1991. catalogue pics

above: New Pics! Reich Führer Adolf Hitler look in the on tripod mounted binocular he sighting the desire enemy Captain Marvel Scarlett Johansson Hollyvood Movie star
above: NEW! field marshal Erwin Rommel-The "Desert Fox", with Asembi in North Africa 1942.

above & below: The figures of Kriegsmarine U-Boot's Kapitän. Left: capt. Günther Prien cmdr. of U-47
above: WW-one Kriegsmarine sailors with binoculars
above: NEW! MedRes! Raeder and Hitler aboard the "Deutschland" with the ship's captain, Hermann von Fisch - Raeder és Hitler a "Deutschland" fedélzetén, a hajó kapitányával, Hermann von Fischel-el - Raeder und Hitler an Bord der "Deutschland" mit Schiffskapitän Hermann von Fisch

above: Sailtrix is looking through binoculars Left: new!
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Cathlin Ulrichsen ass photoshoot by Lauren Schulz source: CelebsDump.com - private: https://www.facebook.com/cathlin.ulrichsen
139.) EDF 7x40 German NVA Field glasses - Fernglas - Dienstglass Carl-Zeiss Jena binoculars - kézitávcsövek: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/139-edf-7x40-german-nva-field-glasses.html
above: NEW! MedRes! How many Mega-Pixel the Human's eye? source: www.index.hu
Hu. text article - cikk: Nagy Attila Károly 2018.10.13. 06:54
Manapság, amikor az olcsóbb okostelefonokba is 8-10-12 megapixeles kameramodulokat szerelnek a gyártók – nem is beszélve a szélsőségekről, pl a Sony 48 megapixeles eszközéről – , még a fényképezés iránt kevés affinitással bíró emberek is képben vannak nagyjából a digitális fotók felbontását illetően. Felvetődhet a kérdés, hogy ha a telefonunk borsónyi kamerája és a mögötte lévő szenzor 12 megapixeles (tehát 12 millió képpontból álló) képeket tud rögzíteni, akkor milyen felbontású lehet a szemünk?
Az nyilvánvaló, hogy nem igazán hasonlítható össze a látásunkért felelős érzékszerv a zsebünkben megbújó telefon, vagy egy digitális fényképezőgép képalkotó rendszerével. Ennek fő oka, hogy az emberi látás nem állóképeket rögzít. A szemünk által közvetített látványt az agy folyamatosan dolgozza föl, és a szemünk is folyamatosan mozgásban van, az előttünk lévő tér különböző szeleteit úgymond letapogatva - tehát sokkal inkább lehetne egy nagy látószögű mozgásérzékelős biztonsági kamera élőben streamelt képét analógiául venni. ...
above: NEW! HiRes! #German #supermodel, #Heidi#Klum #sexy #Dior & #Versace for 'Grazia'-magazine Italia december 05.2019. source: celebsdump.com
De. text: Heidi Klum (* 1. Juni 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach, bürgerlich von 2009 bis 2012 Heidi Samuel, jetzt Heidi Kaulitz) ist ein deutsches Model. Seit 2008 besitzt sie auch die US-amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Sie arbeitet als Jurorin, Moderatorin bzw. Produzentin der Fernsehsendungen Germany’s Next Topmodel, Queen of Drags und America’s Got Talent. Bis 2018 war sie bei Project Runway Mit-Produzentin, Moderatorin und Jury-Vorsitzende. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidi_Klumabove: NEW! NoHigher! KMS "Bismarck" againts HMS "Hood" during operation "Rheinübung'
NEW! Juci'bacsi's scan collection from early 1980's, Hasegawa Catalogue 1977; above: MedRes! below: NoHigher! Battle ships scale 1/450 also Courtesy FREE!
The Hasegawa Corporation (株式会社ハセガワ Kabushiki Gaisha Hasegawa) is a company that manufactures plastic model kits of a variety of vehicles, including model aircraft, model cars, model ships, model armor, model space craft and science fiction kits. Based in Shizuoka, Japan, Hasegawa competes against its neighbor, Tamiya, though it does not have as large a line of products. ...
NEW! above: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's collect: cover of japanese '#Hasegawa' #Catalogue below: HiRes! from Catalogue: #Battleships - #Csatahajók; USN - US Navy's USS (US' Ship) #BB-63 "Missouri", #Royal Navy's #HMS (Her Majestic Ship - Őfelsége hadi-Hajója) "Vanguard" - "Előhad", #Kriegsmarine's "#Tirpitz", IJN - Imperial Japanese Navy - Kyūjitai: 大日本帝國海軍 Shinjitai: 大日本帝国海軍 Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun or 日本海軍 Nippon Kaigun, "Navy of the Greater Japanese Empire") Japán Birodalmi (Császári) #Haditengerészet, "#Yamato" scale M=1:450 #models - #makettek also Courtesy FREE!
above & below: new! HiResBig! KMS Kriegsmarine 'Tirpitz' Pocket Battle-Cruiser ship / Slachtschiffe
above: NEW! NoHigher! 'Bismarck' "Bruno" tower, close up
above: new! NoHigher! in front of 'Bismarck' classe "pocket"-battleship "Tirpitz"
above: NoHigher! KMS 'Admiral Scheer' pocket battleship.
below: NoHigher! Upper: Bridge of 'Admiral Graf Spee'. - Lower: in front of 'Bismarck' classe 'Tirpitz'
above: NoHigher! Kriegsmarine Fleet badge
above: NEW! NoHigher! KMS 'Bismarck' classe "Bismarck" & "Tirpitz" painting by Stephen Barlow on DeviantArt source: pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! Otto von Bismarck, Gemälde von Franz von Lenbach, 1894 - von Lenbach festménye, 1894) by Franz von Lenbach - Villa Grisebach Auktionen source: Wikipedia
225.) Bölcseletek és jó mondások nagy katonai-vezetőktől és Politikusoktól - Philosophies /wisdoms and sayings from great military Leaders & Politicians: Colin*Powell's 15 rules - szabálya. -Tantra- Quotes of War movies: We Were Soldiers, Catch 22, Full Metal Jacket.:
NEW! Juci'bacsi's scan collection from early 1980's TAMIYA ✭✭ Catalogue 1982.: Battleships scale 1:350 RC: above: HiRes! "Bismarck", "Yamato", "Tirpitz", "Mushasi" below: NEW! MedRes! Bismarck & Tirpitz cutawaway Image by: visualizepicture.com
above: NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's collection: Cover of Catalogue - Katalógus előlapja
The metal molds were produced from plans which had the concept of being "easy to understand and build, even for beginners". Even the box art was consistent with this throughout the company. In the same vein as everybody being able to build the models, they made the parts accurate and with a high degree of detail.
The company has gained a reputation among hobbyists of producing models of outstanding quality and accurate scale detail, a philosophy reflected directly on the company's motto, "First in Quality Around the World". Tamiya Inc. has also been awarded on a regular basis each year, the prestigious Modell des Jahres (Model of the Year) award, hosted by the German magazine ModellFan (de).

above: new!
above: new! HiRes! WW-Two Germany Submarine measurement instrument Compass below: NEW! HiRes! Sextant
above: NEW! HiRes! other uniqually instrument: The Kriegsmarine Sextant: 'C-Plath Hamburg'
18.) Sextant marine instrument, coincidental angle measuring, tengerészeti helymeghatározó szögmérő műszer - szeksztáns - sailor's tool: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/18-sextant-marine-instrument.html
above: new pic! NoHigh! Kriegsmarine Chart of Port with Sextant and Binoculars - Fernrohr
18+above: NEW! HiRes! "Optical maintenance & preparation accessories" Playmate of vintage Playboy magazine from 1960's source: Google / Playboy.com
In Memoriam: Founder & Owner of '#Playboy' Men's Magazine, #Hugh #Hefner (91.) 27.09.2017. R.I.P.
Hugh Marston Hefner (April 9, 1926 – September 27, 2017) was an American magazine publisher, editor, businessman, and playboy. He was best known as the editor-in-chief and publisher of Playboy magazine, which he founded in 1953. He was also the founder and chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises, the publishing group that operates the magazine. Hefner was also a political activist and philanthropist in several causes and public issues. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Hefner
Hugh Marston Hefner (April 9, 1926 – September 27, 2017) was an American magazine publisher, editor, businessman, and playboy. He was best known as the editor-in-chief and publisher of Playboy magazine, which he founded in 1953. He was also the founder and chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises, the publishing group that operates the magazine. Hefner was also a political activist and philanthropist in several causes and public issues. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Hefner
above: new pic!! The WW-two antique Kriegsmarine Ship-board wall clock - Uhr
above: NEW! U-100 memorial ikon 24 hours dial watch J. Schepke
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Brazilian model, Barbara Di Creddo, sexy and braless for Amuse-society 2016 spring photoshoot by Brydie Mack source: celebsdump.com ... https://victoriassecret.fandom.com/wiki/Barbara_di_Creddo
above & below: Juci'bacsi's coll.: NEW! MedRes! "Soviet Export" magazine- issue1986.
above: NEW+! MedRes! Chrome design Scope

above: Luxury remembrance Hobby things - Emlékező Hobbi tárgy
above: NEW! NoHigher! Supermodel Victoria Zdrok with telescope at home source: DDGIRLS
Victoria Nika Zdrok (Ukrainian: Вікторія Здрок; born 3 March 1973. -age 47- Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union) is a Ukrainian-American pornographic actress, author, and model. She is Playboy's Playmate for October 1994. In June 2002 she became Penthouse magazine's Pet of the Month, later being chosen as their 2004 Penthouse Pet of the Year. Zdrok is also a non-practicing attorney, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Zdrok
below: NEW! MedRes! similar technic.
above: NEW++! NoHigher! Advertising photo "The A-Line skirt" with Hungarian "Victoria's Secret"s topmodel, Miss Mihalik Enikő. photo by: Matthew Gray Gubler in 'Summer Love' styled by Laura Ferrara
Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography teamInez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.
above: 18+ NEW! NoHigher! Alena Seredova topless on a yacht
above & below: NEW!
above: Telescopian Pin-Up Grirl graphics artwork
above: NEW! Captain Edward Vernon -by Francis Hayman. - Well now?
Link into My Blog: EDF Fernglas: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/10/138-edf-7x40-german-nva-field-glasses.html
above: New! True German / Deutsch Asembi spectator; Claudia Schiffer Word famous photo & fashion model with UV filtered special sunglasses.
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Lilliput" source: facebook/A. Bogdanov
Do Western propagandists understand that by banning classical female beauty, they have already lost the information war with Russia? A significant part of my foreign friends are already in the Russian network VK.com, where they find the Free World without censorship and bans. (A. Bogdanov)
above: NEW! captain Günther Prien Commander of U-Boot U-147
Eltűnt tengeralattjáró - Lost U-Boat TR-1700 submarine catastrophic mission in Argentina NAVY 2017.11.15. South-Atlantic ocean & Germany Typs-209 "Kobben" klasse - class Diesel-Electric U-Boot:
below: Kriegsmarine captain cap