#V180 - #BR.118 -DR- GDR-#NDK #VEB LOWA Diesel-#hydrodynamisch #Locomotive - ‘#Zeuke’ #Berliner #TT-Bahnen 1:120 , '#H0' #PIKO & #train #model - #modellvasút in '#Hobby'-bolt & #Sexy Bikini shape #Bordeaux painting (#Wikipedia)
above: MedRes! GDR DR V180 BR. 118 'H0' DDR 'PIKO' on rail
above: MedRes! TT V180 in the authenic classical box
above: MedRes! source: http://www.berliner-tt-bahnen.info/index.php/geschichte.html

above: NoHigher! Mikulas - Karácsony előtt főleg nagy volt a tolongás az üzletben
Merry Christmas: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2015/12/171-kellemes-karacsonyi-unnepeket-merry.html

above: MedRes! source: http://www.berliner-tt-bahnen.info/index.php/geschichte.html

above: NoHigher! Hu. text: Budapest V.ker. Deák-tér-square. Az "Anker"-ház melyben a 'TRIÁL' Játék és Sporszer Nagyker.Vállalat üzlete a "Hobby" játék és Modellbolt volt a 80-as évek közepéig. Itt vásároltam a zsebpénzemből a TT modellvasutakat és az "Airfix" 1:72 méretarányű összerakhatő műanyag játékrepülő maketteket. A TT V 180-ast Édesanyukám hozta ajándékba Kelet-Berlinből 1970-ben.
above: NEW! MedRes! Budapest, V.ker-distr. Deák F.-tér-sq. "Anker-house" as dormer 'Eastern European Insurance' building - volt 'Kelet Európai Biztosító' épülete, anno in early 1950's. Far the "Szt. István" 'Bazilika' - "St. Stephen" 'Chatedral'. The 'Hobby' Bolt - Shop will be in 1969/70 instead the sunshade shop (Arms & ... ?? - Fegyver és ...??). source: Fortepan.hu
Hu. text: Egy egészen egyedi, háromemeletes luxuslakást rejt az Anker-palota teteje. Jelenleg nem tudjuk, hogy ki lakik benne, de mikor kiadó volt, ezt írta róla a hirdető:
NEW! Hu. text article: ... és akkor jött egy mozdony, és nem adta meg az elsőbbséget :) 2020.12.21. 18:21 : Hamster
Volt már itt bejegyzés lakóövezeten áthaladó nagyvasútról, de ez most kicsit más: a jelek szerint a Bombardier bautzeni üzeméhez - az egykori bautzeni vagongyárhoz, mely a MÁV számára is épített kocsikat - vezető nagyvasúti iparvágány úgy ötszáz méteren át egy lakóházak által szegélyezett utcán halad. ...
És hogy kicsit jobban kapcsolódjunk a helyszínhez, azaz Kelet-Németországhoz: van, amikor Deutsche Reichsbahn eredetű nosztalgiamozdonyt bérelnek a szállításhoz: ez itt fent a babelsbergi Karl Marx Mozdonygyár által gyártott 118-as sorozat egy példánya, amint egy IC2 szerelvény élén küzd meg az emelkedővel. Hátul meg a V60-as tercel hozzá :) ... https://hamster.blog.hu/2020/12/21/_es_akkor_jott_egy_mozdony_es_nem_adta_meg_az_elsobbseget
Überführung eines #IC2 mit #BR118 #1185529 von #ITL und #V60D
above: MedRes! Zeuke Berliner TT Bahnen info katalog from 1970's V 180 set: Schnellzug - Gyorsvonat - Rychlik

above: NoHigher! Mikulas - Karácsony előtt főleg nagy volt a tolongás az üzletben
Merry Christmas: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2015/12/171-kellemes-karacsonyi-unnepeket-merry.html

above: NEW! NoHigher! H0 V180-BR118-714-5 'Gützold' bei-ausfahrt
above: NoHigher! Classical DDR VEB - PIKO H0 from late 1960's landscape Layout Table source: Pinterest
above: MedRes! Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-K1126-330, Kind vor Modell Eisenbahn in Weinnacht
above: NEW+! NoHigher! mobile TT-Table Top with PIKO & TT controllers source: imgrum
2018. december. 25. 12:30 Kult NEW!
HVG.hu: Hu.text article: Karácsony a Kádár-rendszerben: volt ajándék a LEGO-korszak előtt is:
A Kádár-rendszer hiánygazdaságában leginkább külföldi katalógusok képeit nézegetve álmodozhattak a gyerekek a nyugati játékokról, LEGO-ról, eredeti matchboxokról, Barbie-ról és társaikról. De azért akkor is került a fa alá a gyerekeknek kedves tárgy.;
A kisvonatok zakatoltak:
Minden karácsonyi filmben szerepel egy kisvasút, valahogy hozzátartozik az ünnep hangulatához, hogy jellegzetes zúgásával körbe-körbe menjen egy szerelvény a fa alatt. Ma már ezernyi elemmel, illetve hálózati árammal futó vasutat lehet beszerezni – különböző mozdonyokkal, kocsikkal, váltókkal, hidakkal és egyéb kiegészítőkkel. A 70-es, 80-as években azonban nagyjából kétféle szettben bízhattak a gyerekek: a szegényebbek a PIKO-ban, a gazdagabbak TT-ben (ez utóbbi elnevezése egyébként a „table top” rövidítést jelenti, a pontos méretaránya 1:120). Mindkettő NDK-s gyártmányú játék volt, de az előbbi sokkal gagyibb kivitelben. ...
above: NoHigher! Hungarian made "Tavasz - Spring" Television T4303. After watching TV was the best popular home playing the model railway-trains - TV-zés után a kisvasutazás terepasztalozás volt a legnépszerűbb otthoni játék - early 1960's www.fortepan.hu
above: NEW! HiRes! Hobby-bolt - store on Deák-tér in "Anker"-házban - house- square in 1969. source: Pinterest / FORTEPAN.hu below! MedRes! Anker-house at far 'Bazilika' chatedral
'Hobby' bolt (TRIAL)- store anno early 1970's above: Juci'bacsi's NIKON "Coolpix" photo 2014. augusztus: HiRes! House of "Anker"-ház
Lemezjátékok - Tin Toys: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/07/115-lemezjatekok-1-resz-kresz-palya.html
above: MedRes! Then wasnt there like service desk and salesgirl in V180 fashion - Akkoriban még nem ilyen kiszolgáló és pult volt a "Hobby" boltban. Pinterest
above: MedRes! Br. 118 táblán Pinterest
MedRes! above: Left: TT-Blogger Right: Juci'bá's TT mehrzweck locomotive Br 118 - V180
above: MedRes! American model: Sarah Jean Underwood: Both decoltage is beauty - Mindkettőnek szép dekoltázsa van. source: pinterest
Sara Jean Underwood (born March 26, 1983) is an American model, television host, and actress who was chosen as the Playmate of the Month for the July 2006 issue of Playboy magazine and later became Playmate of the Year in 2007. She is a former host of Attack of the Show! on G4. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sara_Jean_Underwood
above & below: NoHigher! Zeuke Berliner TT prospektus 1. 1972. below-top: The graphic Artist
source: Pineterst

above: NEW+! MedRes! TT coach collection
above: NEW! NoHigher! DR personnel coach: photo by: Eugen Nosko, photographed industrial production in the DDR between 1967 and 1984. source: pinterest.com

above: MedRes! "The MITROPA's Speisevagon Waitresses/ Stewardesses - az Étkezőkocsi pincérei
above: NoHigher! GFR made in Germany 'Adidas' rund timer digi-watch - Körmérő Digitális óra
above: NEW! NoHigher! Busty Gemma Atkinson in re conductor lingerie
Gemma Louise Atkinson (born 16 November 1984. -age 34- Bury, Greater Manchester, England, United Kingdom) is an English actress and former glamour model.
She played Lisa Hunter on Hollyoaks (2001–2005) and on three spin-off series, Hollyoaks: After Hours (2004), Hollyoaks: Let Loose (2005) and Hollyoaks: In the City (2006), Tamzin Bayle on Casualty (2011–12, 2014) and Carly Hope on Emmerdale (2015–17). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemma_Atkinson
above: NEW+! MedRes! 'Zeuke' "Berliner" TT Bahnen & VERO set
above: NEW! NoHigher! Remote Control Switch Box in Pamela Anderson's hand on tabletop
Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967) is a Canadian American actress and model. Anderson is best known for her roles on the television series Home Improvement, Baywatch and V.I.P. after rising to fame as Playmate of the Month for Playboy magazine in February 1990. Anderson had also appeared in films such as Raw Justice (1994), Barb Wire (1996) and Blonde and Blonder (2008) and was inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame in 2006.
Anderson is an activist for the animal rights movement and has conducted campaigns condemning the commercial fur industry and promoting veganism through the animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). She appeared as a guest contestant in the popular Indian controversial reality show Bigg Boss. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Anderson
above: MedRes! TT Table-Top - Terepasztal
above: MedRes! TT Gleisplan - Plan of railway of table - Terepasztal pályatervek
above: NEW+! HiRes! Zeuke TT - VERO Einzelteilpackungen "Waldau" plan
NEW+! above: MedRes! "Waldau" TT-layout - terepasztal below: MedRes! profile
above: NoHigher! In the Shiletto on the rail - Tűsarkúban a sinen source: Pinterest
above: NEW+! HiRes! Table Top TT-Girl 1:120 source: www.only-secretaries.com
above Three: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi & His son Andrew's new TT Layout 2nd. 2007 - 2016~ -> Andrew work on difficult rail net.
above: NoHigher! Herr #Werner #Zeuke, 75 yo. #Founder of Berliner TT-Bahnen in 1946.
below: MedRes! "Zum Gedenken an den TT-Pionier: Werner Zeuke; Unter den Vätern der TT-Bahn war er derjenige de Präzision, Innovation und Durchetzungs-vermögen in besonderer Weise zeigte. Wir danken dem großen Meister der TT-Bahn."
Die Zeuke & Wegwerth KG war ein Modellbahnhersteller, der zwischen 1946 und 1993 in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg überwiegend Eisenbahnmodelle der Nenngröße TT herstellte. 1972 wurde der Betrieb zum VEB Berliner TT-Bahnen (BTTB) und überlebte die Wende um wenige Jahre. Nach der Insolvenz 1993 ging das Unternehmen in der Berliner TT Bahnen Pilz GmbH & Co. KG auf. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeuke
Der Volkseigene Betrieb Berliner TT-Bahnen (VEB BTTB) entstand 1972 durch die Zwangsverstaatlichung der "Zeuke & Wegwerth KG", einem Modellbahnhersteller für die Spur TT aus Berlin Köpenick die 1968 ihr 10-jähriges Jubiläum gefeiert und ihren Standort nach Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, Storkower Straße verlegt hatte. So verschwand auch der Name "Zeuke" aus dem Logo des Herstellers Berliner TT-Bahnen. Zuerst wurde mit entsprechender Produktpalette für den Binnenmarkt produzierte, da die Produktion von "westlichen" Modellen" devisenbringende Exporte in die BRD, Belgien und Großbritannien ermöglichte, kam auch das Logo "DB" (Deutschen Bundesbahn) auf die Berliner TT-Bahnen Modelle aus Ost-Berlin. (z.B. Baureihe V 200) source: http://www.berliner-tt-bahnen.info/index.php/geschichte.html
Zeuke und Wegwerth, KG Berlin
Entstehung der TT-Bahn in den USA: Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sind das Ursprungs- und
Geburtsland der Spur TT.
Dort entwickelte der Ingenieur Harald L.(Hal) Joyce schon 1941 eine Modellbahn im Maßstab 1:120. Wegen des Kriegseintrittes der USA dauerte es noch einige Jahre bis Joyce 1945 seine Firma H.P.Products zur Herstellung seiner Bahn gründen konnte.
Im Oktober 1946 wurden dann die ersten Modelle vorgestellt und auch gleich ausgeliefert. Von Joyce stammt auch Bezeichnung "table-Top-trains" - "TT" für diese Spurweite und Baugröße. So kann er zu Recht als Vater der Spur TT angesehen werden.
Die H.P. PRODUCTS Modelle entstanden naturgemäß nach US-Vorbildern. Stromlinienloks und -reisezugwagen, Standart-Dampfloks, Vorortzüge und typische US-Güterwagen gab es (wie damals in den USA üblich) in Bausätzen. …. http://pxtr.de/tt4u/bahnfrank/viewpage.php?page_id=2
Dort entwickelte der Ingenieur Harald L.(Hal) Joyce schon 1941 eine Modellbahn im Maßstab 1:120. Wegen des Kriegseintrittes der USA dauerte es noch einige Jahre bis Joyce 1945 seine Firma H.P.Products zur Herstellung seiner Bahn gründen konnte.
Im Oktober 1946 wurden dann die ersten Modelle vorgestellt und auch gleich ausgeliefert. Von Joyce stammt auch Bezeichnung "table-Top-trains" - "TT" für diese Spurweite und Baugröße. So kann er zu Recht als Vater der Spur TT angesehen werden.
Die H.P. PRODUCTS Modelle entstanden naturgemäß nach US-Vorbildern. Stromlinienloks und -reisezugwagen, Standart-Dampfloks, Vorortzüge und typische US-Güterwagen gab es (wie damals in den USA üblich) in Bausätzen. …. http://pxtr.de/tt4u/bahnfrank/viewpage.php?page_id=2
above: NoHigher! Katalog - Catalogue www.conradantiquario.de
above: Juci'bacsi's V180 with original classical box Big-MedRes! from 1970.
HiRes! Juci'bacsi's Son: Andrew's V 180 above: Sideview below! Bogie & Engine-motorraum
above: MedRes! TT V180 chassis source: Google
above: NoHigher! Circuit of Coach light - Félvezetős Kocsivilágítás áramköre - kapcsolási rajza
above: NoHigher! Supply of Eletric energy - Elektromos energiaellátás
above: NoHigher! Old system three contactor

above: Left: MedRes! Parts of Electric Motor Right: NoHigher! Schema
above: NoHigher! Anschlussschema - Lok mit beirderseitiger Lichtschaltung
above: NoHigher! Motor & Transmission below: NoHigher! Worm-gear Outdrive - Csigakerekes Kihajtás Three: MedRes! Schneckengetriebe bottom: NoHigher! Graph of Friction Gears
above: NEW+! NoHigher! TRIX motoren shnecke source: Pinterest

above: NEW! NoHigher! Exploded view of the Movement on the Bridge side. Hamilton - Buren
source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW+++! MedRes! Germany 'Junghans' movement http://www.junghans.de/en.html
above: NEW+++! NoHigher! 'Officine Panerai': An exclusive Special Edition of great elegance Radiomir 8 Days GMT Oro Rosso 45mm -back. http://www.panerai.com/en/home.html
above: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi scan collection from legacy of VBKM works -Budapest- electric eng. R.I.P. - Rest In Peace! Miller József at II. ker. Pesthidegkút In Memoriam! Nyugodjon Békében! Austrian made EMCO-Unimat SL prospecte
Hobby Power-Tools, Carpenter Lathes & Milling machines - Barkácsesztergák és marók: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2017/10/203-barkacsezermester-esztergak-hobby.html
above: NoHigher! V 180 bogie - forgóváz http://mastertape.freeweb.hu/forgvaz.htm
above: NoHigher! PIKO H0 http://vasuttmodell.blog.hu/2013/11/03/modellbemutato_piko_v180_es_br118
above: NoHigher! H0 PIKO BR. 118 below: NEW! NoHigher! V180 bogie - forgóváz source: PPS
above: Juci'bacsi's NIKON "Coolpix" photo: HiRes! Our TT V 180 from 1970. Berlin
Blogger véleménye: Hu.Text: A volt saját -most már a Fiamnak, Andornak "Bubuka" átadott készletem egy igen megbecsült darabja volt ez a 46 éves Zeuke Berliner TT V 180-as. Új korában 1970-ben mikor édeanyám hozta ajándékba Berlinből nálunk még nem nagyon lehetett kapni. Az illata a súlya, fogása és a szép kidolgozottsága teljesen magával ragadott. Nem beszélve arról, hogy még a KM V 200-ast is lepipálva ez lett a leggyorsabb gépem a terepasztalon. Futása stabil volt indítási és vezérlési érzékenysége finomságos volt és hangja zene volt füleimnek, halk de erőt sugárzó. A mai napig tartja ezt. A rugózása is kifinomult. Mindent elvontatott a bonyolult terepasztal pályámon. A világítása nagyon kellemes és hangulatos volt ahogy a szélvédőn is átsejlett a vörösesfehér fény. Meghibásodása nem volt, csak karbnt. és mind a mai napig a legjobb állapotban lévő mozdony a készletben; MÁV NoHAB Di.3, DB KM V 200, CKD T334 kék, BR. 81 kisgőzös, E 94 ipari villany zöldben, VT 1 3 darabos motorkocsi bordóban, Tillig MÁV M 62 'Szergej", PIKO MÁV "Taurus"- A fényképezett állapota a 2014-es helyzetét ábrázolja. Még mindig a kedvencem.
En. text: My best favourite modell the V-180 was and nowadays very good condition and fine too!
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Draw-hooks/bars - Vonószemek
above: MedRes! Contactors - Kapcsolók
above: NoHigher! #Kirsten #Dunst american star actress from #Hollywood with spec. belt contactor
En. text: Kirsten Caroline Dunst (/ˈkɪərstən/; born April 30, 1982) is an American actress. She made her debut in the 1989 anthology film New York Stories, appearing in the segment Oedipus Wrecks directed by Woody Allen. At the age of twelve, Dunst gained widespread recognition as Claudia in Interview with the Vampire (1994), for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress. She appeared in Little Women the same year and in Jumanji the following year. After a recurring role on the third season of ER (1996–97), and appearances in films such as Wag the Dog (1997), Small Soldiers (1998), and The Virgin Suicides (1999), Dunst starred in a string of comedies, including Drop Dead Gorgeous, Dick (both 1999), Bring It On (2000), Get Over It and Crazy/Beautiful (both 2001). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirsten_Dunst
Hu. text: Kirsten Dunst, teljes nevén Kirsten Caroline Dunst (Point Pleasant, New Jersey, USA, 1982. április 30.) amerikai színésznő, énekesnő és modell. A gyermekmodellből lett színész olyan szerepeket tudhat magáénak gyerekként, mint a Jumanji vagy az Interjú a vámpírral szerepei, az utóbbiért még Golden Globe-díjra is jelölték. A világhírnévre a Pókember filmekben Mary Jane személyében tett szert. A 2000-es években olyan filmekben játszott, mint a Mona Lisa mosolya (2003), az Elizabethtown (2005), a Marie Antoinette (2006) vagy a Melankólia (2011) amivel kiérdemelte a cannes-i filmfesztivál legjobb női alakításáért járó díjat. 2001-ben debütált énekesként a Kihevered, haver! című film egyik betétdalával, azonban továbbra sem adja fel saját lemezről szőtt álmait. ...
above: NoHigher! The #Yaws http://go.funpic.hu below: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's V 180
above: NoHigher! The beauty sef Nigella Lawson 51 yo. also satisfied with TT V180 table top loco
Nigella Lucy Lawson (born 6 January 1960) is an English journalist, broadcaster, television personality, gourmet, and food writer. She is the daughter of Nigel Lawson, a former Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Vanessa (née Salmon) Lawson, whose family owned the J. Lyons and Co. food and catering business. After graduating from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. ... wiki/Nigella_Lawson
HiRes! Juci'bacsi's V 180 nowadays my Son Andrew manages the TT set.

MedRes! above: Left: On terrain table - Terepasztalon Right: Outer lights - Külső világítás
above: NoHigher! The passenger waits for the draging locomotive - Vár a vontató mozdonyra.
MedRes! above: TT Black backround below: TT colour: bordeaux - bordó
VEB Lokomotivbau Babelsberg: http://www.ig-hsb.de/hbp/hbp13-3/seite22.htm
above: MedRes! Zeuke TT below: MedRes! 'Zeuke-Berliner' TT-Bahnen
MedRes! above: GDR's PIKO H0 prospect from early 1970's
above: NoHigher! The special contactor Know-How! & Latex skin cover source: Pinterest.com
above: MedRes! DDR's VEB 'PIKO' H0 Modellbahn Mehrzweck Diesellokomotiven der Deutscher Reichsbahn BauReihe:118 with original box from early 1970's
above Two below One: NEW+! Seregélyes' photos 2016. aug.: HiRes! H0 scale 1:87 GDR VEB - PIKO DR BR.118 from Hu.HSR universal Locodriver & Train modeller Seregélyes "Vezérúr - Mr-Leader" András MÁV fővonali mozdonyvezetőtől a president of BHTA kur. elnökétől -Hajmáskér-ről-
above: NoHigher! PIKO H0 V 180 Dízehidraulikus (Hidrodinamikus) fővonali mozdony NDK
above: NEW! NoHigher! Similar colorissimi by Amanda Holden in celebration locodriver overall
Amanda Holden (born 16 February 1971. -age 48- Portsmouth, Hampshire, England) is an English actress, singer and presenter. She hosts Britain's Got Talent on ITV. She played Mel in the TV series Kiss Me Kate. She also played Geraldine Titley in the TV comedy-drama series The Grimleys. Furthermore, Holden appeared in Smack the Pony, EastEnders, Celeb, Hearts and Bones and Cutting It. Wikipedia
above: MedRes! H0 scale 1:87 Germany 'Gützold' V 180 BR. 118 below: MedRes! In box
above: MedRes! 'Brawa' 'N' scale 1:160

MedRes! above: Left: 'Gützold' on banhof Right: 'Brawa' Blue Infraleuna 'N' below: NoHigher! 'Gützold' H0 BR 118 DR http://vasutmodell.com/brawa-61189-dizelmozdony-v180-infral-dr-v
above: NoHigher! Gützold (PIKO) H0 http://www.guetzold.de/index.php?article_id=9
NoHigher! Side view line drawing with dimensions
above: MedRes! PIKO H0 V-180 "Turcsi 1966. below: NoHigher! Cw nose
above: MedRes! PIKO H0 V-180 'Kék Turcsi' below: HiRes! with Similar profile Modelgirl.
above: MedRes! 'PIKO' H0 'Kékturcsi' Profile
above: MedRes! Hollywood actress: #Jessica #Chastain in blue clothes. - Hu. text: A jól bevált PIKO standart csatlakozó - connecting mechanizmussal. source: Pinterest below: NoHigher! TT'sconnector device
Jessica Michelle Chastain (born March 24, 1977) is an American actress and film producer. She is known for her portrayals of strong-willed women in films with feminist themes. Chastain's accolades include a Golden Globe Award and two Academy Award nominations. Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2012.
Born and raised in Sacramento, California, Chastain developed an interest in acting from a young age. In 1998, she made her professional stage debut as Shakespeare's Juliet. After studying acting at the Juilliard School, she was signed to a talent holding deal with the television producer John Wells. She was a recurring guest star in several television shows, including Law & Order: Trial by Jury. She also took on roles in the stage productions of Anton Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard in 2004 and Oscar Wilde's tragedy Salome in 2006. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Chastain

above: NoHigher! Modernised TT BR118

above: NoHigher! Transforming - Átalakítás 'Turcsivá'
above: NoHigher! The shape of forehead #Victoria #Silvstedt - a homlokkialakítás source: pinterest
En. text: Karin Victoria Silvstedt (born 19 September 1974) is a Swedish top model, actress, singer, and television personality. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Silvstedt
Hu. text: Karin Victoria Silvstedt (Skellefteå, 1974. szeptember 19. –) svéd fotómodell, az év Playboy-Playmate-je 1997-ben, és színésznő. Rádiós és tévés műsorvezetőként, énekesként is dolgozott, valamint síelő is volt. ...

above: NoHiger! Well than "Nosy" - Kész 'Turcsi' below: NoHigher! "Victoria Secret's" model #Candice Swanepoel's bottom similar Cw. source: pinterest.com
Candice Swanepoel (/ˈswɒnəpuːl/; Afrikaans: [svanɛˈpul]; born 20 October 1988) is a South African supermodel and philanthropist. She is known for her work with Victoria's Secret. In 2016, she was listed 8th on the Forbes top-earning models list. She has been among the Top 10 earning models every year since 2010. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candice_Swanepoel
above & below: NoHigher! Left: 'Zeuke' BTTB Right: Tillig+ lenght 4mm
above: NoHigher! 'Tillig' prospect below Three: MedRes! 'Tillig' prospekte
above: NEW+++! MedRes! The white jewellery for Railway's men; Made in Germany Glashütte - NOMOS swing system: tangente datum gangreserve rot front button swing.
above: NoHigher! "Tillig's jewellery"
above: MedRes! Tillig
above: MedRes! 'Tillig' TT 1:120
below: NoHigher! bordó Tillig

above: MedRes! 'N' Brawa 'Co-Co' V180 VEB LEUNA-WERKE "Walter Ulbricht"
above: MedRes! Schnittzeichnung of 'Co-Co' BR 118

above: NEW! Left: HiRes! DR Lokomotiven buch Right: MedRes! Handbuch
Typenatlas DR-Lokomotiven und Triebwagen der DDR
Unser alter Preis 16,99 EUR, Sie sparen 7,00 EUR!
Typenatlas DR-Lokomotiven
Loks und Triebwagen der DDR 1970 bis 1989
Mit dem »Ferkeltaxi« durch die DDR
Welche Loks und Triebwagen fuhren in der DDR? Wie sahen sie aus, was waren ihre Merkmale, wo kann man sie heute noch antreffen? Die Antworten darauf und vieles mehr finden Sie in diesem Buch, das sich dem Fahrzeugbestand der Deutschen Reichsbahn von ca. 1970 bis 1989 widmet. Zusammen mit den zahlreichen Importfahrzeugen aus den »sozialistischen Bruderländern« ergab sich eine Typenvielfalt, die mittlerweile schon beginnt, in Vergessenheit zu geraten. http://www.kunstbuch-shop.de/eisenbahn/typenatlas-dr-lokomotiven-und-triebwagen-der-ddr.php
above: NEW+! MedRes! Festival 65 Who is She?
above: NoHigher! VEB LEUNA-WERKE >walter Ulbricht<
Walter Ernst Paul Ulbricht (30 June 1893 – 1 August 1973) was a German Communist politician. Ulbricht played a leading role in the creation of the Weimar-era Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and later (after spending the years of Nazi rule in exile in France and the Soviet Union) in the early development and establishment of East Germany (the German Democratic Republic). As the first secretary of the Socialist Unity Party 1950 to 1971, he was the chief decision maker in East Germany. From President Wilhelm Pieck's death in 1960, he was also the East German head of state until his own death in 1973. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_UlbrichtDe.

above: MedRes! 'Time' the weekly newsmagazine - Walter Ulbricht Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-J1231-1002-002 Neujahrsansprache
above: HiRes! Flag of East Germany below: MedRes! Map of GDR
De. text: Der Volkseigene Betrieb (VEB) war eine Rechtsform der Industrie- und Dienstleistungsbetriebe in der sowjetischen Besatzungszone und später in der DDR. Ihre Gründung, nach Vorbild ähnlicher Betriebe in der Sowjetunion, war Ergebnis des unter sowjetischer Besatzung nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges durchgeführten Prozesses der Enteignung undVerstaatlichung von Privatunternehmen. Ab 1948 waren sie die ökonomischen Basiseinheiten derZentralverwaltungswirtschaft. Formaljuristisch befanden sie sich in Volkseigentum und unterlagen der DDR-Staats- und Parteiführung. Ihr Verkauf an Privatpersonen war verboten.
En. text: The Publicly Owned Operation (German: Volkseigener Betrieb; abbreviated VEB) was the main legal form of industrial enterprise in East Germany. They were all publicly owned and were formed after mass nationalisation between 1945 and the early 1960s, and the handing back in 1954 of some 33 enterprises previously taken by the USSR as reparations.
The managing director of a VEB was called a plant or works manager (German: Werkleiter, Werkdirektor or Betriebsdirektor). He was assisted in his tasks by the first secretary of the factory party organisation (Betriebsparteiorganisation) of the SED, and the chairman of the factory trade union (Betriebsgewerkschaftsleitung). Subordinate to them were roles such as "Chief Accountant" and "Technical Director". https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkseigener_Betrieb
VEBs were initially vertically integrated into units called Associations of Publicly Owned Operations (Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe) or VVBs. A VVB existed in most major industries, to consolidate production and reduce waste. They had all been replaced by 1979 with the VEB Kombinate, or VEB Group, which integrated the VEBs much more closely than the largely administrative VVBs. Under this system, the term 'Kombinate' was frequently dropped and the term "VEB" usually implied the group rather than the individual factory. The organisation of all state enterprises was the responsibility of the State Planning Commission.
VEBs often had company sports teams, and played an important role in the promotion of sports.
In 1989, VEBs employed 79.9% of the East German workforce. After German reunification and the introduction of the market economy in 1990, the ownership of around 8000 publicly owned operations passed to Treuhand; the trust agency which oversaw the privatisation of GDR state property.
An honorary name was frequently added to the firm's actual name, for example, VEB Kombinat Chemische Werke "Walter Ulbricht" Leuna. This was an incentivetowards fulfillment and overfulfillment. Many Germans, as a form of mild protest against the nationalization of private businesses, nicknamed the VEBs Vati's ehemaliger Betrieb, which translates to "Father's old business" ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkseigener_Betrieb
The managing director of a VEB was called a plant or works manager (German: Werkleiter, Werkdirektor or Betriebsdirektor). He was assisted in his tasks by the first secretary of the factory party organisation (Betriebsparteiorganisation) of the SED, and the chairman of the factory trade union (Betriebsgewerkschaftsleitung). Subordinate to them were roles such as "Chief Accountant" and "Technical Director". https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkseigener_Betrieb
VEBs were initially vertically integrated into units called Associations of Publicly Owned Operations (Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe) or VVBs. A VVB existed in most major industries, to consolidate production and reduce waste. They had all been replaced by 1979 with the VEB Kombinate, or VEB Group, which integrated the VEBs much more closely than the largely administrative VVBs. Under this system, the term 'Kombinate' was frequently dropped and the term "VEB" usually implied the group rather than the individual factory. The organisation of all state enterprises was the responsibility of the State Planning Commission.
VEBs often had company sports teams, and played an important role in the promotion of sports.
In 1989, VEBs employed 79.9% of the East German workforce. After German reunification and the introduction of the market economy in 1990, the ownership of around 8000 publicly owned operations passed to Treuhand; the trust agency which oversaw the privatisation of GDR state property.
An honorary name was frequently added to the firm's actual name, for example, VEB Kombinat Chemische Werke "Walter Ulbricht" Leuna. This was an incentivetowards fulfillment and overfulfillment. Many Germans, as a form of mild protest against the nationalization of private businesses, nicknamed the VEBs Vati's ehemaliger Betrieb, which translates to "Father's old business" ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkseigener_Betrieb
above: NoHigher! Divide of Germany after WW-Two, Occupation Areas - Besatzungs Zones Google
above: NEW+! NoHigher! American Pin-Up Girl painting
above: MedRes! "The artist-Woman puts the model-rail on the terrain table - A Művésznő felhelyezi a kisvasutat a terepasztalra": actress Ashley Benson The scene Director of Freuekörper nudist situation - A jelenet Rendezője source: mellbimbo.eu
Ashley Victoria Benson (born December 18, 1989) is an American actress and model, known for her role as Hanna Marin on the mystery television series Pretty Little Liars. She has also portrayed Abigail Deveraux on the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives, Mia Torcoletti on the supernatural television series Eastwick, and Brit in the 2012 crime thriller film Spring Breakers. ... wiki/Ashley18+above: MedRes! Fantastic nudes model railway layout from miniature railroad club in H0 scale
18+above: NEW! MedRes! 'Miniversum' fluently exhibition, Hu. Budapest VI.ker. Andrássy út 12. H0 toaletting scene https://www.miniversum.hu/ source: facebook/miniversum
18+above: NoHigher! H0 Sexuality scene
above: NoHigher! "The Underframe - Az Alváz" source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! 'Brawa' chassis - alváz below: MedRes! Bogie - Forgózsámoly
above Two: NoHigher! Bogie Photo: Jürgen Boldt 2010.
above: MedRes! Hungarian M41 Diesel-Hydraulic loco model's track. below: felfüggesztés
above: MedRes! Rail-cleaner - finisher coach - Sínköszörű-tisztítókocsi
above: NoHigher! Tillig Spiater - chassis
above: Juci'bacsi's coll. NoHigher! 'Spedo' swimsuit-dress. below: also spido type
mehrzweck locomotive br 118
above: Top: MedRes! bottom: NoHigher! V228 H0 'CHTS - Container Terminal Halle Saale'
above: NEW! NoHigher! A Pin-Up Women waits for V180 train
above: MedRes! The Tillig's new Test-Driver photomodel #Jessica #Hart source: mellbimbo.eu
Jessica Hart (born 26 March 1986) is an Australian model who appeared in the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She was born in Sydney, Australia. She was discovered in Melbourne and has appeared on the cover of Australian Vogue. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Hart
above: MedRes! Tillig 'Bo-Bo'
above: NEW+! Seregélyes' photos: HiRes! H0 DDR VEB-PIKO DR BR.119 "U-Boot" from Hu.HSR universal Locodriver & Train modeller Seregélyes "Vezérúr - Mr-Leader" András MÁV fővonali mozdonyvezetőtől a president of BHTA kur. elnökétől -Hajmáskér-ről-
above: MedRes! BR119 "U-Boot" source: Google
above: MedRes! Kriegsmarine WW-II. U-Boot The Type VII artwork: Stefan Draminsky
above: NoHigher! 'Brawa' H0 BR 119 "U-Boot"
above: MedRes! 'Tillig' TT below: NoHigher! WSL
above: NoHigher! www.hobbyvasut.hu
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hungarian popular modernist fashion - Népies divat source: facebook
above: NoHigher! BTTB BR. 119 & Belgian SNCB's NoHAB Di3
above: Chrome wheels with friction raising ring - kerekek tapadásnövelő gyűrűvel
above: NoHigher! The Track - A Nyomtáv source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW+! MedRes! Entarnce Memorial railway wheel-shaft of Hungarian Industrial Park in former 'DiGép' the former biggest Hungarian Steel-Macine Works at Miskolc - Diósgyőr district. Products were: Rails, RW-wheels, Guns, Gun barrels, Tool machines. - A Volt Diósgyőri Gépgyár lévő Ipari Park bejárata vasúti kerék tengellyel. source: facebook
NEW! HiRes! Hungary: Miskolc Maps - Térképek
above: NEW! MedRes! Miskolc Tram lines-Map - Villamosvonaltérkép
NEW! HiRes! Hu. text: Miskolc-Diósgyőr Vasgyár - Kohó - Iron factory - foundry
Hu. text: Blogger megjegyzése: Miskolc lehetne a legfejlettebb városunk, Budapestet megelőzve, ha meghgagyják a Vasgyárat és a Diósgyőri Gépgyárat (DiGép) és annak az addig is nagy,últú és jövedelmező lövegyártási és vasúti sín és kerékgyártási profilját erősítik. (Miskolci gyökerekkel írom ezt).
Ipari nagyhatalomnak továbbra is az számít; aki képes jó minőségben, tervezni, fejleszteni és gyártani: 1. Ágyúcsövet, 2. Űrhajót, 3. Atombombát, 4. Gázturbinát, 5. Helikoptert, 6. Harckocsit, 7. Mikroelektronikát, 8. Tengeralattjárót, 9. Repülőgépet, 10. Vasúti sínt.!
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop vertic!) Erotica Belle "V" design source: www.errotica-archives.com
List of rail transport modelling scale standards
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This page lists the most relevant model railway scale standards in the world. Most standards are regional, but some have followers in other parts of the world outside their native region, most notably NEM and NMRA. While the most significant standardised dimension of a model railway scale is the gauge, a typical scale standard covers many more aspects of model railways and defines scale-specific dimensions for items like catenary, rolling stock wheels, loading gauge, curve radiiand grades for slopes, for instance.
MOROP (The European federation of national model railway associations) is a European organisation which publishes NEM-standards. NEM-standards are used by model railway industry and hobbyists in Europe. The standards are published in French and German and both versions have an official status. Unofficial translations in English from third parties exist for certain NEM-standard sheets.
Model railway scales and gauges are standardized in NEM 010, which covers several gauges for each scale. Narrow gauges are indicated by an additional letter added after the base scale as follows:
For H0 and 0 -scales, NEM uses the number zero or the letter 'O', whereas NMRA uses letter 'O' (H0 instead of HO). Regardless of whether a letter or number is used, the scale is the same.
Model railway scales and gauges are standardized in NEM 010, which covers several gauges for each scale. Narrow gauges are indicated by an additional letter added after the base scale as follows:
- no letter = standard gauge (prototype: 1,250–1,500 mm or 49.2–59.1 in)
- m = metre gauge (prototype: 850–1,250 mm or 33.5–49.2 in)
- e = narrow gauge (prototype: 650–850 mm or 25.6–33.5 in)
- i = industrial (prototype: 400–650 mm or 15.7–25.6 in)
- p = park railway (prototype: 300–400 mm or 11.8–15.7 in)
For H0 and 0 -scales, NEM uses the number zero or the letter 'O', whereas NMRA uses letter 'O' (H0 instead of HO). Regardless of whether a letter or number is used, the scale is the same.
Scale | Ratio | Standard gauge | m | e | i | p | Notes |
Z | 1:220 | 6.5 mm (0.256 in) | 4.5 mm | – | – | – | Based on Märklin factory standards. |
N | 1:160 | 9 mm (0.354 in) | 6.5 mm | 4.5 mm | – | – | Based on Arnold factory standards. |
TT | 1:120 | 12 mm (0.472 in) | 9 mm | 6.5 mm | 4.5 mm | – | – |
H0 | 1:87 | 16.5 mm (0.65 in) | 12 mm | 9 mm | 6.5 mm | 4.5 mm | "Half Zero" |
S | 1:64 | 22.5 mm (0.886 in) | 16.5 mm | 12 mm | 9 mm | 6.5 mm | – |
0 | 1:45 | 32 mm (1.26 in) | 22.5 mm | 16.5 mm | 12 mm | 9 mm | |
1 | 1:32 | 45 mm (1.772 in) | 32 mm | 22.5 mm | 16.5 mm | 12 mm | – |
II | 1:22.5 | 64 mm (2 in 1⁄2) | 45 mm | 32 mm | 22.5 mm | 16.5 mm | |
III | 1:16 | 89 mm (3 in 1⁄2) | 63.5 mm | 45 mm | 32 mm | 22.5 mm | – |
V | 1:11 | 5 in (127 mm) | 89 mm | 63.5 mm | 45 mm | 32 mm | – |
VII | 1:8 | 184 mm (7 in 1⁄4) | 127 mm | 89 mm | 63.5 mm | 45 mm | – |
X | 1:5.5 | 260 mm (10 in 1⁄4) | 184 mm | 127 mm | 89 mm | 63.5 mm | – |
Később a modellező, - fantáziájától függően - nem csak előre, erre a célra gyártott alkatrészekkel épít, hanem az adott célnak általa legmegfelelőbbnek vélt anyagokat felhasználva hozza létre ,,alkotásait".
Az építési arány és az alapméretarány hasonló fogalmak. Amig az alapméretarány egy meghatározott számérték, amely a modellpálya bizonyos méreteire vonatkozik, az építési nagyság általánosabb megjelölés. Jelöli az alapméretarányt és amodell vagy a modellpálya építésénél használt, az alapméretaránytól függő, de attól eltérő különleges méretarányokat is.
A sínszálak közötti G-vel jelölt távolságot nyomvonaltávolságnak nevezzük. Ez a nagyvasúti és a modellvasúti vágányok legfontosabb jellemzője. Méretemeghatározza a vasúti pályán lebonyolódó forgalom jellegét. A vágányokon csak olyan járművek közlekedhetnek, amelyik nyomtávolsága megegyezik a pályanyomtávolságával. A nyomtávolság elvileg tetszőleges lehet, a gyakorlatban azonban néhány bevált vagy szabványos méretet alkalmaznak mind a nagyvasúton, mind a modellvasútnál.
A NEM 020 és a NEM 010 tartalmazza a szabványokat. A NEM = rövidítés, s az Európai Modellvasúti Szabványokat jelenti.
Néhány szabványos modellvasút építési nagyság:
Hu. text: Ezeken kívül is van még több szabvány, de ezek általában nem belső helyiségekben, hanem a szabad tereken megépített modellvasutakhoz lettek megállapítva.
Néhány szabványos modellvasút építési nagyság:
Építési nagyság | Méretarány | Nyomtávolság (G) |
1" | 1:12 | 121 mm |
1/4" | 1:16 | 88,9 mm |
F | 1:20,32 | 70,62 mm |
Fn3 | 1:20,32 | - mm |
I | 1:32 | 44,85 mm |
1n3 | 1:32 | 28,6 mm |
0 | 1:45 | 31,8 mm |
0n3 | 1:45 | 19,0 mm |
0n30 | 1:45 | 16,7 mm |
0n2 | 1:45 | 12,7 mm |
S | 1:64 | 22,4 mm |
Sn3 | 1:64 | 14,3 mm |
00 | 1:76 | 19,1 mm |
H0 | 1:87 | 16,5 mm |
H0m | 1:87 | 12 mm |
H0e | 1:87 | 9 mm |
H0f | 1:87 | 6,5 mm |
H0n2 | 1:87 | 7 mm |
TT | 1:120 | 12,0 mm |
TTm | 1:120 | 9 mm |
TTe | 1:120 | 6,5 mm |
TTf (új)
| 1:120 | 4,5 mm |
TTg (új)
| 1:120 | 3 mm |
Angol N | 1:148 | 9 mm |
N | 1:160 | 9 mm |
Nm (Nn3) | 1:160 | 6,5 mm |
Ne (Nn2) | 1:160 | 4,5 mm |
Nf (új)[Feldbahn] | 1:160 | 3 mm |
Ng (új)[Gartenbahn] | 1:160 | 1 mm |
Z | 1:220 | 6,52 mm |
ZZ | 1:300 | 4,5 mm |
T | 1:450 | 3 mm |
H0-s méretarány:
A H0-s méretarány (Kiejtése: "Há-nullás") mérete 1:87. Jelenleg az egyik legnépszerűbb, legelterjedtebb méretarány. Rengeteg modell és kiegészítőt kapható, köztük számos magyar modell is. A modellek hossza néha nem 1:87, hanem 1:100. Létezik hozzá keskeny nyomtávú modellvasút is, ezeknek a jele: H0m, H0e, H0f (korábban: H0i), H0p
TT méretarány:
A TT méretarány (Kiejtése: "Té-té") mérete 1:120. Régen az egykori NDK területén igen népszerű volt. A modelleket a Berliner TT-Bahnen gyártotta. Ma már számos gyártó gyárt modelleket TT méretarányban. Létezik hozzá keskeny nyomtávú modellvasút is, ezeknek a jele: TTm, TTe, hamarosan: TTf és TTg.
N méretarány:
Az N méretarány (Kiejtése: "En") mérete 1:160. A TT-nél gyakoribb méretarány. Létezik hozzá 2015.07.14.-től keskeny nyomtávú modellsín is, (modellek még nem kaphatóak) és ezeknek a jele: Nm, Ne, Nf, Ng forrás: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vas%C3%BAtmodellek_m%C3%A9retar%C3%A1nyai
A H0-s méretarány (Kiejtése: "Há-nullás") mérete 1:87. Jelenleg az egyik legnépszerűbb, legelterjedtebb méretarány. Rengeteg modell és kiegészítőt kapható, köztük számos magyar modell is. A modellek hossza néha nem 1:87, hanem 1:100. Létezik hozzá keskeny nyomtávú modellvasút is, ezeknek a jele: H0m, H0e, H0f (korábban: H0i), H0p
TT méretarány:
A TT méretarány (Kiejtése: "Té-té") mérete 1:120. Régen az egykori NDK területén igen népszerű volt. A modelleket a Berliner TT-Bahnen gyártotta. Ma már számos gyártó gyárt modelleket TT méretarányban. Létezik hozzá keskeny nyomtávú modellvasút is, ezeknek a jele: TTm, TTe, hamarosan: TTf és TTg.
N méretarány:
Az N méretarány (Kiejtése: "En") mérete 1:160. A TT-nél gyakoribb méretarány. Létezik hozzá 2015.07.14.-től keskeny nyomtávú modellsín is, (modellek még nem kaphatóak) és ezeknek a jele: Nm, Ne, Nf, Ng forrás: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vas%C3%BAtmodellek_m%C3%A9retar%C3%A1nyai
above: NoHigher! Chapter of TT model End - Modellfejezet vége - Caller signal! source: pinterest

above: NEW+! Juci'bacsi's 'Olympus' photo 2006.: HiRes! Terepasztal kiállítás Balatonfüred
above: NEW+! Juci'bacsi's 'Olympus' photo 2006.: HiRes! Terepasztal kiállítás Balatonfüred
above: NoHigher! Mini V 180 from Dresden 1961.
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hollywood star actress, Kristen Bell as Pioneer
De. text: Kristen Anne Bell (* 18. Juli 1980 in Detroit, Michigan) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin, die vor allem durch ihre Hauptrolle in der US-Fernsehserie Veronica Mars bekannt wurde. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristen_Bell
above: NEW! Sextant scan: NoHigher! Retro: "Útitárs" szelet - Utastellátó (Kókuszos) csokoládé -chocolate "Travelling Companion" - Passenger Catering Service (with Coco) nowadays 2014. the remember of old "Utasellátó"

above & below Three: NEW+! MedRes! Juci’bácsi’s scan collect: Hu. text ‘Fiúk Évkönyve’ - 'Year Book of Young boys' 1962 'Móra Ferenc' Könyvkiadó - Publisher Budapest 1961. also Courtesy FREE! Hungarian Pioneer Railway in Budapest budaer muntain - Úttörővasút Budapesten a budai-hegyekben: Széchenyi-hegy, Csillebérc below: NoHigher! Mk48 locomotive & train on station

above: NEW+! MedRes! Juci’bácsi’s scan collect: Hu. text ‘Fiúk Évkönyve’ - 'Year Book of Young boys' 1962 'Móra Ferenc' Könyvkiadó - Publisher Budapest 1961. also Courtesy FREE! Editorial
Hu. text: Móra Könyvkiadó (1957–), alapításkor Móra Ferenc Ifjúsági Könyvkiadó; székhelye: Budapest. Az 1950-ben alapított Ifjúsági Kiadó jogutódja. Célja: elsősorban gyermek- és ifjúsági könyvek kiadása. ... https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mora-F-konyvkiado
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hungarian Popularity Fashion - Magyar Népies Divat
above: NoHigher! Hungarian Pioneer train M49 in Budapest below: HiRes! Hu. text: Úttörővasút 1960-as években készült Budapesten, a XII. kerületben, készítője ismeretlen. Magántulajdonban lévő 24x36 mm-es dia. Széchenyi-hegy végállomás. source: Fortepan.hu
below: NEW+! MedRes! M,49 From Control Tower PPS
above: NEW! NoHigher! Resti at Terminal of Pioneer Train - Úttörő vasút végállomásánál a Resti source: facebook - 80-as évek manökenjei csop. Szedres Mariann
above: MedRes! "Pioneer squad leader - Úttörő rajvezető" Hollywood actress Sarah Michelle Gellar source: google.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Loco Pool Leader": Sasha Alexander in panties and leather top
Suzana Drobnjaković (born May 17, 1973. -age 46- Los Angeles, California, U.S.), known by her stage name Sasha Alexander, is an American actress. She played Gretchen Witter on Dawson's Creek and has acted in films including Yes Man (2008) and He's Just Not That Into You (2009). Alexander played Caitlin Todd for the first two seasons of NCIS. From July 2010 through September 2016, Alexander starred as Maura Isles in the TNT series Rizzoli & Isles. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sasha_Alexander
above: NEW+++! NoHigher! Candice Swanepoel "Victoria's Secret"s topmodel in Pioneer railway style fashioned lingerie - Úttörővasutas fehérnemű bikiniben. ... Pinterest.com
Candice Susan Swanepoel (/ˈswɒnəpuːl/ swon-ə-pool; Afrikaans: [svɐnɛˈpul] born 20 October 1988) is a South African supermodel, best known for her work with Victoria's Secret. In 2012, she came in 10th on the Forbes top-earning models list. ... en.wikipedia.org/Candice_Swanepoel
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: Az Úttörővasút (Gyermekvasút) Ságvári-ligeti (Szépjuhászné) megállója: vonatindulás. 1961. április 12., Bojár Sándor felvétele source: facebook/Budapest régi képeken csoport- (MTI/ritkanlathatotortenelem.blog.hu) - MTI - Magyar Távirati Iroda Fotóarchívum - Hu. Press Agency archive
above: NEW+! HiRes! Budapest, VI.ker.-distr. Andrássy út-alley: "Miniversum" permament exhib. nowadays MÁV Mk45 2001 diesel loco of Pioneer Railway on H0 modell Layout - Terepasztalon
above: NEW+! MedRes! Kommunist Pioneer Railway - Úttörővasút ?
above: NEW! NoHigher! V.I.P. conductor on Swiss bergetrain during in summer-time

above: MedRes! Swiss bergetrain - Svájci hegyi motorvonat szerelvény source: Google
above: NoHigher! VW T10 Microbus & Jamaica bus source: Pinterest.com

above: MedRes! Left: VW T10 Californian "Camper" Right: München: 'Krauss-Maffei' KMS-125 bus source: Pinterest.com
above: NoHigher! Hollywood Star actress Jean Harlow poses in front of Her home, over cooling water "with trainer climber rood for train acrobatic." source: Pinterest.com

Jean Harlow (born Harlean Harlow Carpenter; March 3, 1911 – June 7, 1937) was an American film actress and sex symbol of the 1930s.
Harlow was signed by director Howard Hughes, and her first major appearance was in Hell's Angels (1930), followed by a series of critically unsuccessful films before she signed with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1932. Harlow became a leading lady for MGM, starring in a string of hit films, including Red Dust (1932), Dinner at Eight (1933), Reckless (1935), and Suzy (1936). Harlow's popularity rivaled and soon surpassed that of her MGM colleagues Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer. She had become one of the biggest movie stars in the world by the late 1930s, often nicknamed the "Blonde Bombshell" and the "Platinum Blonde"; she was also popular for her "Laughing Vamp" movie persona. Harlow died at age 26 during the 1937 filming of Saratoga. The film was completed using body doubles and released a little over a month after Harlow's death. The American Film Institute ranked her as the 22nd greatest female star of classic Hollywood cinema. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Harlow
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Worker in Loco-Pool": supermodel Cara Delevingne by: Pinterest
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (/ˈkɑːrə ˌdɛləˈviːn/ KAH-rə DEL-ə-VEEN; born 12 August 1992. -age 27- Hammersmith, London, England) is an English model, singer, and actress. She signed with Storm Management after leaving school in 2009. Delevingne won Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014. Delevingne started her acting career with a minor role in the 2012 film adaptation of Anna Karenina. Her most notable roles include Margo Roth Spiegelman in the romantic mystery film Paper Towns (2015), the Enchantress in the comic book film Suicide Squad (2016), and Laureline in Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cara_Delevingne
above: NEW+! MedRes! The cooling water big-tape station WAB's V180 source: Google18+above: NEW! NoHigher! "Pool-staff water supply tape - Fűtőház személyzeti víztöltő csap": #Rihanna topless but covered. source: pincelebs.net
En. text: Robyn Rihanna Fenty (/riˈænə/ ree-AN-ə; born February 20, 1988. -age 32- Saint Michael, Barbados) is a Barbadian singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman, who has been recognized for embracing various musical styles and reinventing her image throughout her career. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rihanna
Hu. text: Robyn Rihanna Fenty, művésznevén Rihanna, (Saint Michael, Barbados, 1988. február 20. –) kilencszeres Grammy-díjas barbadosi énekesnő, előadó, executive producer, divattervező, üzletasszony, filantróp, Barbados oktatási, idegenforgalmi és befektetési ügyekért felelős rendkívüli és meghatalmazott nagykövete. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! "Station heater-house/Loco pool reversing Head - Állomás fűtőházi Tolatásvezető": supermodel, Petra Nemcova "When I knew my life was going to end", it was a moment of pure bliss source: dailymail
Petra Němcová (Czech pronunciation: [ˈpɛtra ˈɲɛmtsovaː]; born 24 June 1979. -age 40- Karviná, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic)) is a Czech model, television host and philanthropist who founded the Happy Hearts Fund. In 2017, the Happy Hearts Fund merged with All Hands Volunteers to create All Hands And Hearts - Smart Response, with Němcová assuming the role of co-founder and vice chair. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petra_N%C4%9Bmcov%C3%A1
above: NEW! NoHigher! She is a new green locodriver
above: MedRes! Railroad-Layout - Vasúti terepasztal - below: MedRes! Discussion to Conductor
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Redretro - Piretró: Station Boss' Wife at home on station
above: NEW! HiRes! terminal Boss' Wife at home: Elle Fanning for Porter edit, march 2019. by: Matthew Sprout source: celebsdump.com
Mary Elle Fanning (born April 9, 1998. -age 21- Conyers, Georgia, U.S.) is an American actress, model, and singer. She is best known for her recent works in a number of independent films, and her portrayal as Aurora in the Maleficent film series.
As the younger sister of actress Dakota Fanning, she made her film debut as the younger version of her sister's character in the drama film I Am Sam (2001). As a child actress, she appeared in a string of films including Because of Winn-Dixie (2005), Babel (2006), Phoebe in Wonderland (2008), and Somewhere (2010).
Fanning's breakthrough came in 2011 with her starring role in J. J. Abrams' science-fiction film Super 8, for which her performance was praised by critics and earned her a Spotlight Award at the Hollywood Film Festival. In the wake of this success, she had leading roles in the films We Bought a Zoo (2011) and Ginger & Rosa (2012). She portrayed Princess Aurora in Maleficent (2014) and Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019).
In recent years, she has made a transition into independent cinema with lead and supporting roles in films such as 3 Generations (2015), The Neon Demon (2016), 20th Century Women (2016), Mary Shelley (2017), The Beguiled (2017), I Think We're Alone Now (2018), Galveston (2018), and Teen Spirit (2018). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elle_Fanning
above: MedRes! České dráhy, Waiting Girl in Station beforewaggon scale 1 : 1 source: mellbimbo
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Railway Station style TIMEX "Indiglo" WR 30 m: Men's T20041 Easy Reader-Brown Leather Strap "Waiting Watch". - "Váróóra" http://www.timex.com/
above: MedRes! Babelsberg Lokomotivbau 1913. source: Wikipedia
above: NoHigher! Logo of Babelsberg Lokomotive Fabrik 1913.
above: MedRes! Stadplan Potsdam Google
above: MedRes! Berlin - Potsdam 2010. Map
above: MedRes! 'S'-Bahn karte Berlin Wiki
above: MedRes! Übersichtskarte Des Reichsbahndirektionbezirks Berlin
above: NoHigher! Site of Babelsberg
above: MedRes! DDR kirsche mueller 1987 eisenbahnatlas ddr

above: Left: MedRes! DDR-streckennetz Right: MedRes! DDR-Übersichtskarte Google
above: NoHigher! Railway Atlas DDR - Eisenbahn-Reiseverkehr
Der VEB Lokomotivbau "Karl Marx" Babelsberg (LKM) war ein Hersteller von Lokomotiven in Potsdam-Babelsberg (DDR). Der ehemals Volkseigene Betrieb wurde 1992 geschlossen.Ab 1947 wurde der Lokomotivbau wiederaufgenommen, 1948 erfolgte die Umbenennung in „LOWA Lokomotivbau Karl Marx Babelsberg“ (LKM). Bis 1976 wurde der Lokomotivbau eingestellt. Parallel kam es zur grundlegenden Änderung der Produktionslinie, das Werk erhielt den neuen Namen „VEB Kombinat Luft- und Kältetechnik, Betrieb Karl Marx, Babelsberg“. Parallel dazu entstand der Maschinenbau Karl Marx Babelsberg, der im Kombinat TAKRAF eingebunden war. Er stellte auf Basis der IFA W50 Autokrane her. Heute befindet sich auf dem Industriegelände ein Gewerbepark. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babelsberg

above: MedRes! Left: MedRes! Karl Marx Right: MedRes! The Capital - A Tőke Zentralbibliothek Zürich Das Kapital Marx 1867.
En. text: Karl Marx German: [ˈkaɐ̯l ˈmaɐ̯ks]; 5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. Born in Prussia to a middle-class family, he later studied political economy and Hegelian philosophy. As an adult, Marx became stateless and spent much of his life in London, England, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and published various works, the most well-known being the 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto. His work has since influenced subsequent intellectual, economic, and political history. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx
Hu. text: "A Munkásosztály/Proletáriátus semmi mást csak a láncaikat veszítheti." K.M.
above: NoHigher! Babelsberg, Bundesarchiv_Bild: Indonesischer Praktikant Bundesarchiv
V-180 – BR.118 VEB LOWA Babelsberg
At the Spandau factory, O&K built cable-operated excavators and bucket-wheel excavators for use in the lignite coal mines of eastern Germany. Under the Aryanisation scheme of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, the Orenstein family's shares in the company were forcibly sold in 1935; Orenstein and Koppel was placed under trust administration, and the Babelsberger works were taken over and renamed in 1941. O&K existed in name only, but more commonly used the abbreviation MBA (Maschienenbau und Bahnbedarf AG).
After heavy bomb attacks on Berlin caused a fire in the company's plant-administration buildings, factory production minister Albert Speer redistributed work and factories around the country to lessen the risk from a single attack. For the remainder of World War II, no more locomotives were built in Berlin. Four hundred and twenty-one locomotives already under construction were shifted to Prague to protect the existing factories. During the war, O&K provided 400 Class 52 locomotives.
Hu. text: készült el a babelsbergi VEB Karl Marx Lokomotivbau gyárban, ...
At the Spandau factory, O&K built cable-operated excavators and bucket-wheel excavators for use in the lignite coal mines of eastern Germany. Under the Aryanisation scheme of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, the Orenstein family's shares in the company were forcibly sold in 1935; Orenstein and Koppel was placed under trust administration, and the Babelsberger works were taken over and renamed in 1941. O&K existed in name only, but more commonly used the abbreviation MBA (Maschienenbau und Bahnbedarf AG).
After heavy bomb attacks on Berlin caused a fire in the company's plant-administration buildings, factory production minister Albert Speer redistributed work and factories around the country to lessen the risk from a single attack. For the remainder of World War II, no more locomotives were built in Berlin. Four hundred and twenty-one locomotives already under construction were shifted to Prague to protect the existing factories. During the war, O&K provided 400 Class 52 locomotives.
Hu. text: készült el a babelsbergi VEB Karl Marx Lokomotivbau gyárban, ...
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/DR-Baureihe_V_180 https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/DR_V_180_sorozat

VEB Lokomotivbau Karl Marx Babelsberg, vormals Orenstein & Koppel (1976 aus dem Kombinat ausgeschieden) Neun Jahre nach ihrer Gründung als VVB LOWA wurde sie 1954 in „VVB Schienenfahrzeugbau“ umbenannt. Später wurde sie in VEB Kombinat Schienenfahrzeugbau der DDR umbenannt. In ihr wurden alle Lokomotiv- und Waggonbaufirmen der DDR vereinigt. Diese umfasste unter anderem die Werke: http://www.wikiwand.com/de/LOWA
above: NEW! NoHigher! Procesdsing of V180 hull - alvázszerelés source: PPS
above: MedRes! The first driver branch - Csoportkép az első mozdonyvezető csapattal
above: NEW! NoHigher! Track standart: Abbye "Pudgy" Stockton
Abbye "Pudgy" Stockton (August 11, 1917 – June 26, 2006) was a professional strongwoman and forerunner of present-day female bodybuilders, who became famous through her involvement with Muscle Beach in the 1940s.
Abbye Eville was born on August 11, 1917, and moved to Santa Monica, California, in 1924. She acquired the nickname "Pudgy" as a child, and the name stuck, even though she weighed approximately 115 pounds at a height of 5'2". She began dating UCLA student Les Stockton during her senior year of high school; they were married in 1941. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbye_%22Pudgy%22_Stockton
above: NEW! NoHigher! HR assistant in the plant changing room - Személyügyi ügyintéző az üzemi öltöző helyiségben source: mellbimbo.eu
above: MedRes! BR V180 Bundesarchiv_Bild_183 de.wikipedia.org/Lokomotivbau
https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/DR_V_180_sorozat below: NEW! NoHigher! Führerstand source: PPS
https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/DR_V_180_sorozat below: NEW! NoHigher! Führerstand source: PPS
18+above: NEW! NoHigher! "Tired Locodriver in seat": Bryana Holly naked shows her ass source: Pincelebs.net https://www.dreshare.com/bryana-holly/

above: Left: MedRes! Right: NoHigher!
NEW! NoHigher! above & below Three: In the Werke: Processing of Chassis source: PPS

NEW! above: MedRes! Fitting the Hydraulic gearbox in to chassis below: NoHigher! source: PPS
NEW! above: MedRes! Juci'bácsi's collect from 1970. DDR Centrum, Budapest, V. ker. Deák Tér, "BReitner" palota; DDR 'Transpress' book from 1969: Diedellok Archiv: BR (BauReihe - Gyártmány) Dc H1 1961. below: NoHigher! Text from Diesellok Archiv
above: Juci'bácsi's collect from 1970. DDR - NDK (Német Demokratikus Köztársaság) Centrum, Budapest, V. ker. Deák tér, "BReitner" palota - palace; DDR 'Transpress' book from 1969: Diedellok Archiv: BR (BauReihe - Gyártmány) Dc H1 1961.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Crossing of Bajcsy Zs. & Népköztársaság-útja - alley (Andrássy alley), backround, Engels-square with MÁVAUT long-range bus-terminal, Deák--tér with the "Breitner-palota" with DDR-Centrum early 1970's.
115.) Lemezjátékok - 1. rész: KRESz pálya retro lemezjáték - Tin Traffic Retro Toy - Budapest látképeivel és retro automobil-okkal: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/07/115-lemezjatekok-1-resz-kresz-palya.html
NEW! above: NoHigher! below: MedRes! 1965. 'Breitner'-palace in Budapest V. ker. corner of Deák F. street & square, NDK Centrum and before GAZ M21 'Volga' government car. photo - donor: Bojár András source: Fortepan.hu 179828
NEW! above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's collect Szextant-scan. De. text: The projekt source: DDR Transpress Verlag: Diesellok Archive 1970. below: NoHigher! Cover of box (Edited!)
above: NEW! NoHigher! Lokomotivbau "Karl Marx" - Die Lokschmieder der DDR in Babelsberg.
above: MedRes! On line- Vonaljáraton
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Summertime conductor - kalauz nyáridőben: Maja Krag in see through dress black-&-white image source: PinCelebs.net

above: NEW! NoHigher! "Summertime conductor - kalauz nyáridőben: Maja Krag in see through dress black-&-white image source: PinCelebs.net
Maja Krag is a famous people who is best known as a Model. Maja was born on November 30, 1995 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Her looks have been compared to Cindy Crawford. Maja Krag is a member of famous Model list. Danish model with representation from Unique Models and Wilhelmina International who has been featured by the Scandinavian company Tromborg.
On CELEBS TREND NOW, Maja's is ranked in the list of most popular celebrities. Also, ranked on the list with those people who were born on November 30. Have Position Among the list of Most popular Model. Maja Krag is 1 of the celebs with the age 22 years old. ... https://celebstrendnow.com/maja-krag-net-worth/
above: MedRes! Similar front shape the ZsR-775 BDZ(Bulgarian Dharogy Zhelesnoe) Bulgarian state railway'sT678 BR (BauReihe - Gyártmány) by Austrian, Simmering-Graz-Pauker AG Wien Dc H1 1961. 2200 Ps diesel-hydraulic 12 B'B'-Strecken-Diesellokmotiven pulling the Hu. MÁV (Magyar Államvasutak - Hu. Goverment Railways) train with M61 NoHAB Di.3 Diesel-Electric loco at Northern landscape-shore of lake Balaton - Balatongyörök railway station mov to 'Badacsony'-hill.
En. text: The Bulgarian State Railways (Bulgarian: Български държавни железници, Balgarski darzhavni zheleznitsi, abbreviated as БДЖ, BDZ or BDŽ) are Bulgaria's state railway company and the largest railway carrier in the country, established as an entity in 1885. The company's headquarters are located in the capital Sofia. Since the 1990s the BDŽ has met serious competition from automotive transport. For the period 1994 to 2010 there is significant drop in the market share in the passenger and freight services[citation needed] and the lack of competent management worsens the situation. Up to 2002 the company also owned/managed the railway infrastructure in the country, when according to EU regulations[clarification needed] a new state company, the National Railway Infrastructure Company, was founded and became the owner of the infrastructure.
Bulgaria is a member of the International Union of Railways (UIC). The UIC Country Code for Bulgaria is 52. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_State_Railways
Hu. text: A BDŽ (bolgárul Български държавни железници (ejtsd: Balgarszki darzsavni zseleznici) – БДЖ (ejtsd: BDZs)) Bulgária államvasútja. A pálya hossza 3886 km, normál nyomtávú, ebből 2800 km villamosított 25 kV 50 Hz-el.
Hozzá tartozik még 126 km hosszú kisvasút is, amely 760 mm nyomtávú, nem villamosított.
A BDŽ 2006-ban 34,65 millió utast szállított, 3%-kal többet, mint 2005-ben. Áruszállítási teljesítménye 21,3 millió tonna volt, ez 5%-kal több, mint az előző évben.
2011-ben az Európai Bizottság hozzájárult, hogy a bolgár kormány a Bolgár Államvasutak számára 174 millió amerikai dollár tőkét juttasson. A Bizottság azért támogatta a javaslatot, mivel ez csak egy hat hónapos likviditási problémát segít áthidalni, a hitelezők kifizetését, a gördülőállomány üzembetartását, és a nagyon rossz állapotban lévő pálya hálózat rekonstrukciója folytatását teszi lehetővé. A Bizottság egyetértett a BDŽ megmentésével, mivel a társaság hirtelen megszűnése az egész gazdaságot megrendítheti, jelentette ki az EC elnökhelyettese, Joaquin Almunia. 2010 decemberében a bolgár közlekedési miniszter aláírt egy memorandumot a Világbankkal, mely a BDŽ számára 460 millió Bolgár leva kölcsönt nyújt, és további 140 milliót a Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Társaság számára. A kölcsönök a BDŽ által elhatározott reformok megvalósítási ütemével összhangban kerülnek átutalásra. A BDŽ kijelentette, hogy 2010-ben az előző évhez képest csökkent a deficitje, és hasonló haladás érhető el ez évben is. A Világbank nagyon ambiciózus tervnek minősítette a BDŽ reform terveit. ...
Bg. text: „Български държавни железници“ ЕАД (известен и със съкращението БДЖ) е държавно предприятие в България, най-големият железопътен оператор в страната. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text: 1993. Berlin. Személyvonat és intercity egy másodperccel az ütközés előtt. Az IC mozdonyvezetője (szemben) túlélte. Két utas és a vétlen mozdonyvezető meghalt. (A két szerelvény a vészfékezés ellenére is 70 kilométer per órás sebességgel ütközött - Jtom)
Hu. text: A képet egy utas készítette, de ennél többet nem sikerült kideríteni róla. (Én is találtam két forrást a berlini tűzoltók weboldalán és az ARD archívumában, de sajnos egyik sem említi az ominózus fotót.- Jtom) Az IC-nek engedélyt adó forgalmi szolgálattevő és az IC mozdonyvezetőjének figyelmetlensége miatt került a két vonat egy vágányra.
En. text: The picture was taken by a passenger but could not be found out. (I also found two sources on the Berlin Firefighters website and in the ARD archive, but unfortunately none of them mention the ominous photo.- Jtom) Due to the negligence of the IC licensed traffic officer and the IC driver, the two trains were taken to a track.
De. text: Das Foto wurde von einem Passagier aufgenommen, konnte aber nicht herausgefunden werden. (Ich habe auch zwei Quellen auf der Website von Berlin Firefighters und im ARD-Archiv gefunden, aber leider erwähnt keine das ominöse Foto. - Jtom) Aufgrund der Nachlässigkeit des IC-lizensierten Verkehrsbeauftragten und des IC-Fahrers wurden die beiden Züge auf ein Gleis gebracht.
above: NEW! HiRes! (Little Crop from up!) "Train Driver": Hungarian retro: Hu. topmodel from late 1980's Ms. Szőnyi Kinga photo by: Martin Gábor fotó source: facebook/Manökenek a 60-as-70-es-80-as évekből pics from Mr. Kis Sándor https://www.facebook.com/groups/1806
below: Kinga's missing Railways wrist-Watch

above: Swiss Made 'Mondaine' watches: Official Swiss Railways CFF Watch : Left: MedRes! Right: MedRes! source: Pinterest https://www.mondaine.com/
above: NoHigher! Peronboss without 'Mondaine' watch?! source: Pinterest / www.ricchy.ch
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Swiss made: MONDAINE Railways Station Bundesbahn clock
above: NoHigher! Bundesarchiv Bild 183-F0609-0301-003, Halle, Neustadt, Bahnhof, Zug. Workers' line with two-story coaches - Munkásjárat emeletes kocsikkal source: Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Abandoned #European #Railway-Terminal during the #COVID-19 #Crown-virus outbreak - Elhagyott #Pályaudvar a COVID-19 #Korona-vírus-#járvány idején": #supermodel #Kendall #Jenner, The #World's#best#photo by: flickr source: Fiveprime
Kendall Nicole Jenner (born November 3, 1995. -age 24. Los Angeles, California, U.S.) is an American model and media personality. She is best known for her role in the reality television show Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
After working in commercial print ad campaigns and photoshoots, Jenner had breakout seasons in 2014 and 2015, walking the runways for high-fashion designers during the New York, Milan, and Paris fashion weeks. Jenner has done multiple editorials and cover shoots for LOVE and various international Vogue editions, and is a brand ambassador for Estée Lauder. Jenner made her debut at No. 16 on Forbes magazine's 2015 list of top-earning models, with an estimated annual income of US$4 million. In 2017, Jenner was named the world's highest-paid model by Forbes. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall_Jenner
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Banhof Speaker - Állomás Hangosbemondó - ikonostase #Marilyn Monroe
En. text: Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson; June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962) was an American actress, model, and singer. Famous for playing comic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and was emblematic of the era's attitudes towards sexuality. Although she was a top-billed actress for only a decade, her films grossed $200 million by the time of her unexpected death in 1962 (equivalent to $2 billion in 2017). More than half a century later, she continues to be a major popular culture icon. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe
De. text: Marilyn Monroe [ˈmæɹɪlɪn mənˈɹoʊ] (* 1. Juni 1926 in Los Angeles als Norma Jeane Mortenson, kirchlich registrierter Taufname Norma Jeane Baker; † 5. August 1962 ebenda) war eine US-amerikanische Filmschauspielerin und Sängerin, Fotomodell und Filmproduzentin. Sie wurde in den 1950er Jahren zum Weltstar, ist heute eine Filmikone und gilt als archetypisches Sexsymbol des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Marilyn Monroe wuchs als Halbwaise bei Pflegeeltern und zeitweise in einem Waisenhaus auf. 1944 wurde sie als Fotomodell entdeckt und im Laufe ihres Lebens von den namhaftesten Fotografen ihrer Zeit abgelichtet. 1946 bekam sie einen Vertrag als Nachwuchsschauspielerin. Ihre erste Hauptrolle spielte sie in dem B-Movie Ich tanze in dein Herz (1948). In dem Film noir Asphalt-Dschungel (1950) konnte sie erstmals ihr schauspielerisches Talent zeigen. Obwohl sie in vielen frühen Filmen nur kleine Nebenrollen als attraktive Blondine spielte, wurde sie zum Publikumsliebling und Erfolgsgaranten für die Studios. ...
Hu. text: Marilyn Monroe (született Norma Jeane Mortenson; Los Angeles, 1926. június 1. – Los Angeles, 1962. augusztus 5.) amerikai színész, fotómodell, énekesnő. Az 1950-es évek egyik legismertebb szexszimbóluma volt, aki „buta szöszi” filmszerepeivel szerzett hírnevet. Színésznőként körülbelül egy évtizedig volt aktív, ezalatt filmjeiből kétszázmillió dolláros bevétel folyt be. Marilyn Monroe a mai napig a popkultúra egyik legismertebb, ikonikus egyénisége. ...
above: NoHigher! "And the Bossess (Oldy Playmate) in Locopool - és A Fűtőház Főnöke"
above: NoHigher! And Her Employees - És a beosztottjai. 2013. 'Playboy' Bunnies. mellbimbo
above: NoHigher! 'Scuderia' stopwatch for Railways-fan Bunnies source: Pinterest
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Madeline Smith server of boss of station
above: NEW+! MedRes! Stepper - Stopper Girl by: Playboy.com
above: MedRes! Two colors: Silver & with Blue stripes - Két szín: Ezüst Kék csíkokkal https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/DR-Baureihe_V_180
above: MedRes! 'BRAWA' 'N' scale 1:160
above: MedRes! V 180 'BRAWA' 'N' scale below: NoHigher! Bravo Silver bikinis
above: MedRes! 'BRAWA' 'N' scale 1:160
above: NEW!! HiRes! Paint-Designer of the Loco pool: glamour-model Rhian Sugden in sexy lingerie in Her official 2018-calendar. source: celebsdump.com
Es. text: Rhian Marie Sugden (Greater Manchester, 11 de septiembre de 1986),1 más conocida como Rhian Sugden, es una modelo de glamour y actriz inglesa. Ha modelado para diversas revistas de su país, inclusive siendo una de las populares Chicas de la página tres del famoso tabloide británico The Sun. ... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhian_Sugden
Rhian Sugden was born on September 11, 1986 in Bury, Greater Manchester, England as Rhian Marie Sugden. She is an actress, known for Király! (2011), Glamour Girls (2008) and Celebrity Big Brother (2001). See full bio » https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2986808/
above: MedRes! mehrzweck locomotive br 118 Without color as nature source: Pineterest
above: NoHigher! The Primingmaster in 'Askania - Berlin' butter-yellow worker-suit - Az Alapozómester 'Askania' vajsárga munkaruhában. source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! NoHigher! Nature "V": Elisabetta Franchi source: Pincelebs.net
It. text: Elisabetta Franchi è un marchio di moda italiano di proprietà di Betty Blue S.p.A. e guidato dalla omonima stilista. ... https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabetta_Franchi
above: NoHigher! Red metal Table of VEB LOWA Lokomotivbau Karl Marx VEB babelsberg
Mit dem Kürzel LOWA wurde die 1945 gegründete Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe (VVB) des Lokomotiv- und Waggonbaus der DDR bezeichnet. Sie bestand bis zum Ende der DDR im Jahr 1990.VEB Waggonbau Ammendorf, vormals Gottfried Lindner AG
VEB Lokomotivbau Karl Marx Babelsberg, vormals Orenstein & Koppel (1976 aus dem Kombinat ausgeschieden)
VEB Waggonbau Bautzen, vormals Linke-Hofmann-Busch
VEB Waggonbau Dessau, vormals Dessauer Waggonfabrik
VEB Waggonbau Gotha, ehemals Fritz Bothmann
VEB Waggonbau Görlitz, vormals Waggon- und Maschinenbau Görlitz AG (WUMAG)
VEB Lokomotivbau Elektrotechnische Werke Hans Beimler Hennigsdorf, vormals AEG
VEB Waggonbau Niesky, vormals Christoph & Unmack
VEB Waggonbau Werdau, vormals Linke-Hofmann-Busch mit Vorgängern Sächs. Waggonbau und Wagenfabrik Schumann
VEB Schwermaschinenbau „Heinrich Rau“ Wildau
VEB Waggonausrüstungen Vetschau, jetzt TransTec Vetschau GmbH
VEB Federnwerk Zittau, jetzt Federnwerk Zittau GmbH
above: LOWA: Fotothek; Ansicht des Eingangs zur Ausstellungsfläche der Messestand der VVB
above: NoHigher! LOWA: Quelle Deutsche Fotothek; Vorder-und Seitenansicht eines Pinterest
above: NEW! HiRes! A pair of rails after a wheel traction control failure - A sínszálpár a kerék kipörgésgátló meghibásodása után - Schienenpaar nach Ausfall der Radzugkontrolle
above: NEW+! HiRes! Actress ?? in green decoltage
above: NEW+! MedRes! DB BR 228, DR V 180, BR 118 below: NEW! NoHigher! source: Pinterest
above: NEW! MedRes! Passenger in the MITROPA coach
above: NEW+! MedRes! "V" dekoltage suit on supermodel Miranda Kerr BRrrr Wow!!! version source: www.mellbimbo.eu
En. text: Miranda May Kerr (/kɜːr/; born 20 April 1983. Sydney) is an Australian model. Kerr rose to prominence in 2007 as one of the Victoria's Secret Angels. Kerr was the first Australian Victoria's Secret model and also represented the Australian department store chain David Jones. Kerr has launched her own brand of organic skincare products, KORA Organics, and has written a self-help book. Kerr began modelling in the fashion industry when she was 13, winning the 1997 Dolly magazine model search competition. Since 2008, Kerr has consistently ranked on the Forbes list of highest earning models. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miranda_Kerr
De. text: Miranda May Kerr (* 20. April 1983 in Sydney, New South Wales) ist ein australisches Model. Bekannt wurde sie als Model für die Modemarke Victoria’s Secret. ...
Hu. text: Miranda May Kerr (Sydney, 1983. április 20. –) ausztrál modell. Többek között dolgozott a Victoria’s Secretnek és a Maybelline-nek. 2007-ben ő lett az első ausztrál angyala a Victoria’s Secretnek, valamint a David Jones áruházlánc reklámarca is volt. Kerr elindította saját kozmetikai cégét a KORS Organics-ot, és önsegítő könyvet is írt. ...
Transpress publishing: Die Baureihe V 180 der Deutschen Reichsbahn (ab 1970 Baureihe 118, später DB-Baureihe 228) war die größte in der DDR gebauteDiesellok. Hersteller war der Lokomotivbau Karl Marx Babelsberg. Die V 180 sollte den Traktionswechsel bei der Deutschen Reichsbahn beschleunigen und deshalb diverse Dampflokomotivbaureihen in den Leistungsklassen oberhalb der V100 ersetzen.Hersteller: | Lokomotivbau Karl Marx Babelsberg | |||||
Anzahl: | 2+85 | Umbau aus 118.0 | 82 | 206 | Umbau aus 118.2–4 | |
Nummerierung: | V 180 001–087 118 003–087 – | – 118 503…587 228 505…586 | V 180 101–182 118 101–182 228 104…182 | V 180 201–399 118 201–406 228 203…390 | – 118 601…806 228 601…806 | |
Achsformel: | B’B’ | C’C’ | ||||
Baujahre: | 1960–1966 | 1966–1970 | ||||
Ausmusterung: | bis 1995 (bei der DB AG) | |||||
Raddurchmesser: | 1.000 mm | |||||
Dienstmasse: | 78,0 t | 79,3 t | 78,7 t | 93,6 t | 95,0 t | |
Achsfahrmasse: | 19,5 t | 19,8 t | 19,7 t | 15,5 t | 15,6 t | |
Motorentyp: | 12KVD21 A-2 | 12KVD21 A-3 | 12KVD21 AL4 | |||
Motorbauart: | 2 × 12-Zylinder-V-Motor mit Abgasturbolader | 2 × 12-Zylinder-V-Motor mit AbgasturboladerundLadeluftkühler | ||||
installierte Leistung: | 2 × 662 kW (900 PS) | 2 × 736 kW (1000 PS) | 2 × 883 kW (1224 PS) | |||
Leistungsübertragung: | hydrodynamisch | |||||
Länge über Puffer: | 19.460 mm | |||||
Höchstgeschwindigkeit: | 120 km/h | |||||
Zugheizung: | Dampfkessel Bauart „Köthen“ | |||||
Bremsen | Indirekte, einlösige, selbsttätige Einkammer-Druckluftbremse mit Hochabbremsung (Bauart Knorr) + Zusatzbremse |
above: MedRes! In green
Hu. text: A DR V 180 sorozat, és a DR 118 sorozat, később a DB 228 sorozat egy német hidraulikus meghajtású dízelmozdony-sorozat volt. A VEB Lokomotivbau „Karl Marx“ gyártotta 1960 és 1966 özött, majd 1966 és 1970 között aDR részére. A mozdonyok selejtezése 1995-ben kezdődött.
DR V 180 sorozat DR 118 sorozat DB 228 sorozat | |
Általános adatok | |
Gyártó | VEB Lokomotivbau „Karl Marx“,Babelsberg |
Gyártásban | 1960–1966 és1966–1970 |
Selejtezés | 1995-től |
Műszaki adatok | |
Tengelyelrendezés | B’B’ és C’C’ |
Nyomtávolság | 1 435 mm |
Engedélyezett legnagyobb sebesség | 120 km/h |
Üres tömeg | 78,0 t 79,3 t 78,7 t 93,6 t 95,0 t |
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Secretary of Boss of Banhof - Állomásfőnök Titkárnője painter: Gil Elvgren
Gillette Elvgren (March 15, 1914 – February 29, 1980) was an American painter of pin-up girls, advertising and illustration. Best known for his pin-up paintings for Brown & Bigelow, Elvgren studied at the American Academy of Art. He was strongly influenced by the early "pretty girl" illustrators, such as Charles Dana Gibson, Andrew Loomis, and Howard Chandler Christy. Other influences included the Brandywine School founded by Howard Pyle. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gil_Elvgren
above: HiRes! at the station source: Wikipedia
above: MedRes! Diesellok BR. 118-586 traditions bw Stassfurt
above: MedRes! The indentation - a Horpadásos http://www.ttnut.com/dr-db13-question-t2020-10.html
above: HiRes! BR. 118 Wikipedia
above: NEW! NoHigher! Word famous Hollywood actress: Susan Sarandon in "V180" gala suit
above: NEW! NoHigher! Word famous Hollywood actress: Susan Sarandon in "V180" gala suit
En. text: Susan Abigail Sarandon (/səˈrændən/; née Tomalin; born October 4, 1946) is an American actress and activist. She is an Academy Award and BAFTA Award winner who is also known for her social and political activism for a variety of causes. She was appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1999 and received the Action Against Hunger Humanitarian Award in 2006. ...
De. text: Susan Abigail Sarandon (* 4. Oktober 1946 in New York City als Susan Abigail Tomalin) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin. Für ihre Darstellung der Helen Prejean in Dead Man Walking – Sein letzter Gang gewann sie 1996 einen Oscar.
Hu. text: Susan Sarandon (született Susan Abigail Tomalin) (New York, New York, 1946. október 4. –) Oscar-díjas amerikai színésznő.
Először tv-filmekben tűnt fel, majd mozifilmekben is. Több jelölése közül a Ments meg, Uram! című filmjére kapta meg az arany szobrocskát. 1999 óta az UNICEF jószolgálati nagykövete. ...
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Demonstration of Moving Dinamics of Loco - Mozgásdinamika
above: MedRes! V180 model: Sister Sinister photo: Josefine Jonsson source: Pinterest / www.josefinejonsson.com
above: MedRes! BR. 118 578-4
above: MedRes! The Bremse-chocker in shiletto on the other side at the buffer - A Féksarus tűsarkúban a másik oldalon az ütközőbaknál source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NoHigher! Blondy Boss of Callers "Estate Agent 69"
above: NEW+! NoHigher! "The female Callers of DR; Cara & Margot Robbie kalauznők." (Blogger: a MÁV-hoz is jók lennének ebben a szerkóban.) MR's Instagram
18+above: NEW! NoHigher! Sorry! Hurrier passenger lady's ankle was sprained in the Underground passage on Railway station source: FTVGirls.com
above: MedRes! V 180 BR. 118 075-1 in Berlin - Lichtenberg
above: HiRes! 'Sport Illustrated' american magazine's Word famous photomodel Kate Upton 2014.09.03. as Driver on beach from to parking under forest BR. 118 075 - a 075-ös vezetője Napos hűs időben source: Pinterest - http://www.si.com/swimsuit
Katherine Elizabeth Upton (born June 10, 1992) is an American model and actress. Upton was named the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Rookie of the Year following her appearance in the magazine in 2011, and was the cover model for the 2012, 2013 and 2017 issues. She was also the subject of the 100th-anniversary Vanity Fair cover. Upton has also appeared in the films Tower Heist (2011), The Other Woman (2014) and The Layover (2017). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Upton
above: Left: NoHigher! Bild: from top Right: HiRes! 075 parking in the forest
above: NEW++! NoHigher! The Service master in sunbathing source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Similar streramline shape: NoHAB Di.4 Danish DSB 1423
above: HiRes! V 180 Technikmuseum Berlin wikipedia
above: HiRes! Tradition keeper On line by: flickr
above: NEW! MedRes! Celebration #Paris #Hilton from Hollywood Beverly Hills' "Amtrack Lady" source: Pinterest.com
En. text: Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American media personality, businesswoman, socialite, singer, model, and actress. She is the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton Hotels. Born in New York City and raised there and in Beverly Hills, California, Hilton began her modeling career as a teenager when she signed with New York-based modeling development agency Trump Model Management. Her lifestyle made her a feature of entertainment news and tabloid magazines, and Hilton was proclaimed "New York's leading It girl" in 2001. In 2003, a sex tape with Hilton and her then-boyfriend Rick Salomon, later released as 1 Night in Paris, was leaked to the public. Released only three weeks before the premiere of the reality television series The Simple Life, in which she starred alongside her long-time friend Nicole Richie, the sex tape became a media sensation. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_HiltonHu. text: Paris Whitney Hilton (New York, 1981. február 17.) amerikai énekesnő, színésznő.
Hírnevére a The Simple Life című valóságshow-val tett szert, s szintén ismert a 2003-ban az internetre felkerült 1 Night in Paris című szexvideóról. Sokhelyütt feltűnt azóta, s 2006 augusztusában Paris című albumával megjelent a popzenében is. ...

above: Left: MedRes! Quelle: Deutsche Fototech Right: HiRes! BR. 118 692-3
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Position for get on board - Felszállási pozitúra a fedélzetre
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Roman Railway's Legionare for GM source: facebook.com
above: NoHigher! Similar shaped & colors futurist Bus from General Motors "Parade of Voyagers"
above: NoHigher! #Hollywood star actress #Margot #Robbie is coming with preparation bag to V 180 - ~ jön a szerszámtáskájával a mozdonyhoz source: Pinterest - https://www.instagram.com/margotrobbie/
Margot Elise Robbie (/ˈmɑːrɡoʊ ˈrɒbi/ MAR-goh ROB-ee; born 2 July 1990) is an Australian actress and film producer. Time magazine named her as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2017.
Born and raised at a farm in Dalby, Queensland, Robbie studied drama at Somerset College. She began her career in Australian independent films in the late 2000s before working in the soap opera Neighbours (2008–2011), which earned her two Logie Award nominations. After moving to the United States, she starred in the short-lived ABC drama series Pan Am (2011–2012). In 2013, she had a supporting role in the romantic comedy About Time (2013), and made her breakthrough later that year by co-starring in Martin Scorsese's biographical black comedy The Wolf of Wall Street.
Born and raised at a farm in Dalby, Queensland, Robbie studied drama at Somerset College. She began her career in Australian independent films in the late 2000s before working in the soap opera Neighbours (2008–2011), which earned her two Logie Award nominations. After moving to the United States, she starred in the short-lived ABC drama series Pan Am (2011–2012). In 2013, she had a supporting role in the romantic comedy About Time (2013), and made her breakthrough later that year by co-starring in Martin Scorsese's biographical black comedy The Wolf of Wall Street.
In 2014, Robbie launched a production company named LuckyChap Entertainment. Her profile continued to grow with leading roles in the romantic drama Focus (2015), the action-adventure film The Legend of Tarzan (2016), and the superhero film Suicide Squad (2016). Robbie received critical acclaim in 2017 for playing the disgraced figure skater Tonya Harding in the biographical film I, Tonya, which she also produced. She received Best Actress nominations at the Golden Globe and BAFTA Award ceremonies for it. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie
above: MedRes! Close Up! below: MedRes! The shiletto shoes as a braker spike - féksaru cipő
above: NEW+! MedRes! V 180 LOCON 301 source: Pinterest.com

above: MedRes! Left: Br. 118 MEG 207 Right: MEG 208

above: NEW+! NoHigher! 'Pokémon' Fighter-Locodrivers for V180 source: Pinterest.com
above: MedRes! Panoramio Br.118 782-2 below: HiRes! V 180 before Locopool/Heater-house - a Fűtőház előtt flickr
NEW+! above: MedRes! Tyre profile, standart - kerékprofil - below: Bogie systems

NEW+! above: MedRes! Tyre profile, standart - kerékprofil - below: Bogie systems

above: NEW+! NoHigher! One Piece Swimsuits "also good a V-bogie - szintén egy jó V-alváz"
NEW+! above & below Two: NoHigher! The DR Team: BR 118 & E 41
above: NEW+! NoHigher! VT 18.16.03 & V 180 source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW+! NoHigher! American star singer Taylor Swift iHeart RADIO
American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift's career began with a record deal with Big Machine Records in 2005 and the release of her eponymous debut album the following year. In the United States, Taylor Swift peaked at number five on the Billboard 200 and stayed the longest on the chart during the 2000s. All of its singles—"Tim McGraw", "Teardrops on My Guitar", "Our Song", "Picture to Burn", and "Should've Said No"—charted within the top forty in the United States and were certified platinum by the RIAA. Swift followed with the release of the EPs Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection and Beautiful Eyes, which peaked at number twenty and number nine on the Billboard 200, respectively. ... en.wikipedia.org/Taylor_Swift_discography
above: NEW+! NoHigher! "V 180" Raspberry Cocktail - Málnakoktél
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hyper elegante 'Alessi' Railway Barrier & Semaphore/Signal style wristwatch - Vasúti sorompó és szemafor stílusú karóra
Alessi is a housewares and kitchen utensil company in Italy, producing everyday items from plastic and metal, created by famous designers.
From the 1990s onward, Alessi has been associated with the notion of "designer" objects — otherwise ordinary tools and objects executed as high design, particularly in a post-modern mode, from designers such as Philippe Starck. Many of the early memorable "designer kettles", "designer toothbrushes", "designer kitchenware", and so on were Alessi products,[citation needed] though competition in this product category has greatly increased since then. ... en.wikipedia./wiki/Alessi

above: MedRes! Left: The Locomotive-Pool's another loco-mechaniker in work - Mozdonyszerelő - Right: and Her older bossess
above: MedRes! Train Conductor's costume Right: MedRes! Mandy by #Dean #Yeagle...this is the coco puffs guyd. & The Study Conductor below: NoHigher! #Cosplay #Girl

above: Left: MedRes! Blue Right: MedRes! Pretty White & Blue V180
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Also pretty W & B "V" from Betty Brosmer from vintage-retro era
Betty Brosmer (born August 2, 1935), later known by her married name Betty Weider, is an American bodybuilderand physical fitness expert. During the 1950s, she was a popular commercial model and pin-up girl. After marrying entrepreneur Joe Weider in 1961, she began a lengthy career as a spokesperson and trainer in the health andbodybuilding movements. She has been a longtime magazine columnist and co-authored several books on fitness and physical exercise.
above: NoHigher! Head lamp, Windows/Windshield, Wiper - Homloklámpa, Ablakok /Szélvédő, Ablaktörlő.
above: NoHigher! DR's Driver station - Vezetőállás a "Vezérúrral" Quelle: Deutsche Fotothek
above: NoHigher! The cab lighter US actress #Alison #Doody from movie "#Indiana Jones"- ~ a fülkevilágító lámpás a "~" filmből source: Wiki
Alison Doody (born 11 November 1966) is an Irish actress and model. After making her feature film debut with a small part in Bond film A View to a Kill (1985), she went on to play Nazi-sympathising archaeologist Elsa Schneider, in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989). Other roles include Siobhan Donavan in A Prayer for the Dying (1987), Charlotte in Taffin (1988) and Rebecca Flannery in Major League II (1994). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alison_Doodybelow: NEW+! Left: MedRes! The Autometers/speedometer & tachograph Hasler AG. Bern Right: Juci'bacsi's 'Olympus' photo: HiRes! at Hu. Rácalmás, Locodriver - Car mechanic Leslie Gyöngyösi Laci mozdonyvezető és autószerelő-mester's huse museum collection. www.haslerstiftung.ch

above: NEW! HiRes! Motorpool Boss: Carmen Kass for 'Vogue'-magazine, Mexico, september 2012. source: celebsdump.com
Carmen Kass (born 14 September 1978. -age 41- Tallinn, Estonia) is an Estonian model and former political candidate. She has worked as the face of brands such as Versace, Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci, Valentino, Chanel, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Christian Dior, Céline, and, for ten consecutive years, Michael Kors. The American edition of Vogue declared her and Gisele Bündchen the two supermodels of the era in its January 2000 cover.
Outside of modeling, Kass ran for the European Parliament in 2004 and was the president of the Estonian Chess Federation from 2004 to 2011. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen_Kass
MedRes! above & below: V180 der fuehrerstand v240
above: NoHigher! Enjoying in driver seat - Ennyire élvezetes a vezetőülésében ülni source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW! MedRes! (Vert Crop!) Universal small bar-seat - Univerzális bárülőke photo by: Ulyana source: www.femjoy.com
above: HiRes! Driver Station - Vezetőállás
above: MedRes! - New Study Driver Lady - Az új tanuló mozdonyvezető-Hölgy source: Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! Double Hinge lamp earrings fashion
above One & below Two: NEW+! Seregélyes' photos: HiRes! BR.118: 2011. marc. former Locopool now Museum in Staßfurt (Near little under from Magdeburg in fromer DDR area) - Staszfurti fűtőházban készültek ami ma múzeumként funkcionál Hu.HSR universal Locodriver & Train modeller Seregélyes "Vezérúr - Mr-Leader" András MÁV fővonali mozdonyvezetőtől a president of BHTA - Bakony Hadtörténeti Alapítvány -Hajmáskér- Assoc. of Military History name "Bakony" kuratóriumi elnökétől -Hajmáskér-ről-.
above: NEW+! HiRes! Motor-Pool Inspector - Műhely Felügyelő source: www.mellbimbo.eu

above: NEW+! HiRes! Motor-Pool Inspector - Műhely Felügyelő source: www.mellbimbo.eu

above: NEW+++! Karte Left: NoHigher! Right: MedRes! Stassfurt in Magdeburg county in FRG
above: NEW! NoHigher! Creme De La Creme source: Pinterest.com
above: HiRes! "Mr. Leader" in Locodriver seat below: NEW! NoHigher! Tired Loco-driver at home - Fáradt Mozdonyvezető otthon
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Heidi Klum behind the door - az ajtó mögött ...
Heidi Klum (* 1. Juni 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach) ist ein deutsches Model. Seit 2008 besitzt sie auch die US-amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Sie ist Jurorin, Moderatorin und Produzentin der Fernsehsendungen Germany’s Next Topmodel und Project Runway. ... de.wikipedia.Heidi_Klum
above & below: HiRes! Seregélyes photo: ... & Engine room His photo from 2011. Place?
above: NEW! NoHigher! Co-Driver Girl - CDG on rotating seat
18+above: NEW+! NoHigher! Water cooling equipment - Vízhűtő felszerelés source: Pinterest.com
above: MedRes! Table blackof V 180 below: NoHigher! Linedrawing DL 118
above: NoHigher! The Young Locodriver in turkiz/"Alizarin" for summer working-dress before stair of Highloco below: NoHi!

above: MedRes! Left & Right: Green
above: NoHigher! Abroad famous Hungarian star international actress Ms. #Osvart Andrea színésznő
En. text: Andrea Klára Osvárt (born 25 April 1979) is a Hungarian actress, film producer, and former fashion model. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Osv%C3%A1rt
Hu. text: Osvárt Andrea (Budapest, 1979. április 25.) színésznő, producer...
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Oh! Wow or WAB!?

above: NEW+! HiRes! Arianna as Brakeman - Fékezőember Photo by: Alveolo album: source: Hu. Google G+ Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
above: NEW! NoHigher! Brenda Lee Strong (born March 25, 1960) is an American actress and yogainstructor. She began her career appearing in guest starring and recurring roles on television shows, include Twin Peaks, Party of Five, Seinfeld, and Sports Night, and was regular cast member in short-lived sitcoms Scorch (1992), and The Help (2004). ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brenda_Strong
above: NoHigher! Hungarian 'Ganz' Export to Egypt below: MedRes! ISR-Haifa Central 1950s from Alon Israel

above: MedRes! Left: CHTS Right: Silver V 240 Frank Feustadt
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Die hard! John McClane's Wife?: Holly Gennaro McClane - Bonnie Bedelia?
above: NEW+! HiRes! V 180 Thiel film
above: NoHigher! #Retro Fotografies by #Margot #Robbie" with 'Eastman Kodak' vintage camera
Margot Elise Robbie (/ˈmɑːrɡoʊ ˈrɒbi/; born 2 July 1990) is an Australian actress. Robbie started her career by appearing in Australian independent films in the late 2000s. She was later cast in the soap opera Neighbours (2008–2011), which earned her two Logie Award nominations. wiki/Margot
above: MedRes! Opposit "Noser" Br. 118 - "Turcsi" szembe az állomáson
18+above: NEW! NoHigher! She is alone on station withou mini skirt

above: MedRes! V 200 Left: Sammlung: Reinhard Lehmann Right: Blue - Kék
above: NoHigher! V180-203 1966.
above: NEW! NoHigher! -"Otherside Railway terminal in Paris"-. 2015. artist: Plutenko.ru
"The forsaken brides railstation" 130 x 100 cm 2015. by: Stanislav Plutenko - Опубликована новая картина: «Вокзал забытых невест». 2015. Станислав Плутенко - "Elhagyatott menyasszonyok a pályaudvaron" via: Pinterest.com/Tutt Art/Art Russia - Галерея ArtRussia: http://artrussia.ru/stanislav_plutenko/picture/1119
above: NEW+! HiRes! Alla as Watchman - Figyelőember/Bakter Photo by: Alveolo album: source: Hu. Google G+ Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
above Two: MedRes! Lover: www.vasutmodell.com Upper: LOB
above: NoHigher! "The new Librarian - Az új Könyvtáros": Hollywood superstar actress: Megan Fox in V 180 colors decoltage dress - Róka Magdi V 180 mozdonyszínű dekoltázsos cuccban. pinterest
Hu. text: Megan Denise Fox (Rockwood, Tennessee, 1986. május 16. –) amerikai színésznő, modell.above: MedRes! Manual - Handbuch: Dienstvorschrift für die Bedienung und wartung der Dieseltriebfahrzeuge. Teilheft 62. Baureihe 118.0 bis 118.1
above: MedRes! Upper long cross-section line drawing - Zeichnung: Anordung der Ausrüstung
above: NEW+! MedRes! U-Boot Type XXI general plan
above: NEW+! MedRes! De. text: HENSCHEL AG. Systematissche Ubersicht der diesel-elektrischen Lokomotiven Grundtypen: Mehrzweck & Strecken lokomotiven.
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Performance diagrams of V180 source: PPS
above: MedRes! 12 KVD 21 AL-4 Diesel engine of Br. 228 DR V 180 DR-118
above: NEW! MedRes! The diesel engine of V180 source: PPS
above: NoHigher! Princip of Four strokes - a Négyütemű motor működési elve
18+above: NEW+! MedRes! Four strokes "Otto" style Fitness Droid source: pinterest
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Two strokes loco diesel engine cutaway drawing
above: NoHigher! Cross section of Head of Cylinder - a Hengerfej keresztmetszete
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Two strokes CDED-Engine-278A opposit cross section drawing key
above: NoHigher! front cross-section - szembemetszet

above: NEW! MedRes! "Airflow filter insertion - Légszűrő betét" Fishnet fashion by Mordsithcara Dae Model Girl source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW+! HiRes! Patented Diesel engine cross section drawing

above: NEW! MedRes! "Airflow filter insertion - Légszűrő betét" Fishnet fashion by Mordsithcara Dae Model Girl source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW+! HiRes! Patented Diesel engine cross section drawing
above: NoHigher! Dugattyú - Hajtókar - Főtengely - Csapágyazás - Kenési furatok
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Piston ring bracelet - Dugattyúgyűrű karkötö
above & below: NEW+! NoHigher! Drawings keys of lorry Diesel classic engine
above: NoHigher! "An other lubricant fluid. - Egy másik kenőanyag." A tej - Got Milk? Advertisement campaign: Hollywood actress Yasmine Bleeth in white swimming dress
Yasmine Amanda Bleeth (born June 14, 1968) is an American former actress. Her television roles include Caroline Holden in the long-running series Baywatch and Lee Anne Demerest on the soap opera One Life to Live. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasmine_Bleeth
above: Left: MedRes! Ciklus Right: MedRes! Section of Industrial Engine by Norman Hadley
above: NoHigher! EMD's Governor - Vezérlő below: NoHigher! Injector - Adagoló/Befecskendező
above: NoHigher! Voith vt turbokupplung-typ-t kreislauf
above: NoHigher! The parts of Turbocharger - Turbókompresszor részei
above: NEW+! MedRes! Soviet Dieselhidronamics Teplovoz - Teplovhos - Locomotive
above: NEW+! MedRes! British Railways "Western Enterprise" Diesel Hydrodinamics Loco
above: MedRes! Br. 229 zeichnung
above: NoHigher! V 180 zeichnung - cutaway drawing below: MedRes! Cross section source: PPS
above: NEW! NoHigher! Heater steam boiler of V180 source: PPS
above & below: NEW+! MedRes! V180 C'C' Schmierplan & Entwässerungsplan
above: NEW! MedRes! V180-203 cross section source: PPS
above: NoHigher! Differential Gear for outdrive - Differenciálmű a kihajtáshoz
above: NEW+! HiRes! 90 degrees Axle drive-shaft across gearbox - 90 fokos kihajtás az áttételházon át.
above & below: NEW+! NoHigher! Schema of Diesel-Electric loco drive
The Voith Corporate Group is led by the headquarters in Heidenheim, located in the German Stateof Baden-Württemberg. Here, the headquarters serves as a management-holding, with the executive board establishing general business strategies, taking overall responsibility for the groups operations, and providing support to the group’s affiliate companies.
The Voith GmbH has around 19,045 employees worldwide, with over 7,500 working in Germany. For the business year 2016/17 , the consolidated group had a volume of sales of €4.22 billion and profits of €596 million. ...
above: NEW+! HiRes! 90 degrees Axle drive-shaft across gearbox - 90 fokos kihajtás az áttételházon át.
above & below: NEW+! NoHigher! Schema of Diesel-Electric loco drive
Below: Diesel-Hidraulics -Hydrodinamics- drive system;
The Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA, which is headquartered in Germany, is a family-owned multinational corporation in the mechanical engineering sector with worldwide operations.The Voith Corporate Group is led by the headquarters in Heidenheim, located in the German Stateof Baden-Württemberg. Here, the headquarters serves as a management-holding, with the executive board establishing general business strategies, taking overall responsibility for the groups operations, and providing support to the group’s affiliate companies.
The Voith GmbH has around 19,045 employees worldwide, with over 7,500 working in Germany. For the business year 2016/17 , the consolidated group had a volume of sales of €4.22 billion and profits of €596 million. ...
Die Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA ist ein Technikkonzern mit Stammsitz in Heidenheim an der Brenz. Auch im 150. Jahr seines Bestehens befindet er sich zu 100 % im Besitz der Nachkommen von Friedrich Voith. Weltweit zählte Voith am 30. September 2017 19.045 Beschäftigte, davon über 10.000 in Europa. Der Konzern erwirtschaftete im Geschäftsjahr 2016/2017 einen Umsatz von 4,2 Milliarden Euro bei einem Ergebnis nach Steuern von 596 Millionen Euro. Der Auftragseingang lag bei 4,4 Milliarden Euro. ...
above: NEW! MedRes! FRG Krauss Maffei -München- V200 source: PPS
NEW! above: MedRes! The nose section V180 side view below: NoHigher! Front view source: PPS

above: NEW! MedRes! V180 Hydrodynamic drive systems: Left: DDR Dresden Turbinenfabrik Right: FRG 'Voith' source: PPS
above: NEW+! MedRes! TGM-3A manlock - Diesel Hydrodinamics driving-chain

Cardan-shaft - Kardántengely -princip - elv. - below: Hu. made 'Rába' works 3D graphic model
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hu. World's Topmodel Miss. Palvin Barbara 2013. with hydrodinamics bracelet & weet Italian issur Glamour Magazine's swimsuit.
Barbara Palvin (pronounced [ˈbɒrbɒrɒ ˈpɒlvin]; born 8 October 1993) is a Hungarian model and actress. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Palvin
above: MedRes! The true hydrodinamics plate: #Hungarische "#Gulyás-leves" #goulashsup & #Receipt - Az igazi hidrodinamikus tányér: Magyar #Gulyásleves #Recept
Following the Hydrodinamic drive system
above & below: NoHigher! Schema of Hydrodinamic
above & below: NoHigher! Hydrodynamics' princip

above: MedRes! Variable

above: NoHigher! Left: Torque Converter - Nyomaték Átalakító Right: cutaway
above: MedRes! Hydraulic Converter - Hidraulikus átalakító
above: NEW! NoHigher! Sea-snail house - Tengeri-csiga háza source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW+! MedRes! VOITH substanse of Hydrodinamics parts
above: NoHigher! Torque-beat the creep + inside of a torque converter
above & below: NoHigher! Hydro princip: Vector analyse of plate
above: NoHigher! Vectors with milk driven fluid; artwork: Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz www.aurumlight.com source: mellbimbo.eu
above: NEW+! MedRes! Penthouse "Velvetere Lancelot" source: penthouse.com
above: MedRes! Our Lovely popular Hungarian actors-pair - Szeretett népszerű színművészeink: Jules Bodrogi Gyula & Agnes Voith Ági photo: Eőri Szabó Zsolt source: wiki
Voith Ági: Hu. text: Született: 1944. március 17. (Budapest, Magyarország)
1966-tól a Színművészeti Akadémia elvégzésétől 1984-ig a József Attila Színház tagja volt. 1984 óta a Thália, illetve az Arizona Színházban játszott. 1993-tól szabadfoglalkozású művésznő. Alakításaira a humor jellemző, ezért elsősorban vígjátéki szerepekben látható, de számos zenés darabban is jelentős sikert aratott. 1976-ban Jászai Mari-díjat kapott.

Hydrodynamische hydraulische Getriebe arbeiten mit niedrigem Druck und hohem Ölstrom und erlauben eine kompakte Bauform. Hydrostatische hydraulische Getriebe arbeiten mit sehr hohen Öldrücken und niedrigen Ölströmen und erlauben eine räumliche Trennung von Antrieb und Abtrieb.

1966-tól a Színművészeti Akadémia elvégzésétől 1984-ig a József Attila Színház tagja volt. 1984 óta a Thália, illetve az Arizona Színházban játszott. 1993-tól szabadfoglalkozású művésznő. Alakításaira a humor jellemző, ezért elsősorban vígjátéki szerepekben látható, de számos zenés darabban is jelentős sikert aratott. 1976-ban Jászai Mari-díjat kapott.
above: MedRes! Hungarian True Parts-Disks/Plates of Hydrodinamic transmission, gulasch
above & below: MedRes! 'Voith' Trans-page
above: NEW+! NoHigher! The control of Hydrodinamics Gearbox
VOITH DIWA-5 schnittbild: above: MedRes! below: NoHigher!
above: MedRes! VOITH DIWA-5 cutaway model - röntgen metszet
The Voith GmbH, which is headquartered in Germany, is a family-run multinational corporation in the mechanical engineering sector with worldwide operations.
The Voith Corporate Group is led by the Voith GmbH headquarters in Heidenheim, located in the German State of Baden-Württemberg. Here, the headquarters serves as a management-holding, with the executive board establishing general business strategies, taking overall responsibility for the groups operations, and providing support to the group’s affiliate companies.
The Voith GmbH has around 39,302 employees worldwide, with 14,434 working in Germany. For the 2013/14 business year, the consolidated group had revenues of €5.34 billion, profits of €41 million and a new order volume of €5.58 billion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voith
Vorderman's career took off in 1982 when she joined Channel 4 game show Countdown. She co-hosted the show most recently with Des O'Connor; before that Vorderman was co-host with Des Lynam and Richard Whiteley (from 1982 until his death in 2005). She left the show in 2008 and was replaced by Rachel Riley. Whilst appearing onCountdown, Vorderman began presenting other shows for various broadcasters including Better Homes and The Pride of Britain Awards for ITV, as well as guest hosting shows such as Have I Got News for You, The Sunday Night Projectand Lorraine.
Vorderman was a presenter of ITV's Loose Women from 2011 until 2014. ...
The Voith Corporate Group is led by the Voith GmbH headquarters in Heidenheim, located in the German State of Baden-Württemberg. Here, the headquarters serves as a management-holding, with the executive board establishing general business strategies, taking overall responsibility for the groups operations, and providing support to the group’s affiliate companies.
The Voith GmbH has around 39,302 employees worldwide, with 14,434 working in Germany. For the 2013/14 business year, the consolidated group had revenues of €5.34 billion, profits of €41 million and a new order volume of €5.58 billion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voith
above: NoHigher! Sorry! Carol Wonderman. It's bag in to Hydro-Voith - és a táskája amibe belefér a hydroturbó photo: Simon Earl / Splash News. She carries a food in her bag. - Viszi a kaját...
Carol Jean Vorderman MBE RAFVR(T) (born 24 December 1960) is a British media personality, best known for co-hosting the popular game show Countdown for 26 years from 1982 until 2008.Vorderman's career took off in 1982 when she joined Channel 4 game show Countdown. She co-hosted the show most recently with Des O'Connor; before that Vorderman was co-host with Des Lynam and Richard Whiteley (from 1982 until his death in 2005). She left the show in 2008 and was replaced by Rachel Riley. Whilst appearing onCountdown, Vorderman began presenting other shows for various broadcasters including Better Homes and The Pride of Britain Awards for ITV, as well as guest hosting shows such as Have I Got News for You, The Sunday Night Projectand Lorraine.
Vorderman was a presenter of ITV's Loose Women from 2011 until 2014. ...
above: NEW+++! MedRes! Hungarian High Performance Hidrostatic Bean-Gulaschsuppe
above: NoHigher! Multi impeller disks with #Candice #Swanepoel runway model in #lingerie

above: NEW! NoHigher! Hungarian E.U. Fitness Champion: Miss. Oláh Noémi "with micro Pumpenrad & Impeller bracelet" photoartist: Hu. Mr. Végh Zoltán source: facebook - origin: http://fitnessexposure.tumblr.com/
above: HiRes! Bauma 2007 'ZF' Getriebe. Hydrodynamische Getriebekomponente (halblinks) als Teil
eines Arbeitsmaschinenantriebsstrangs für eine Baumaschine.
Strömungsgetriebe sind hydraulische Getriebe, die zur gestuften oder stufenlosen Drehzahl-Drehmomentenwandlung eingesetzt werden. Hydrodynamische hydraulische Getriebe arbeiten mit niedrigem Druck und hohem Ölstrom und erlauben eine kompakte Bauform. Hydrostatische hydraulische Getriebe arbeiten mit sehr hohen Öldrücken und niedrigen Ölströmen und erlauben eine räumliche Trennung von Antrieb und Abtrieb.

above: NoHigher! Left: 'Voith' Turbopower transm diwa.6 messemodell. Right: 'Voith' vt turbokupplung typ t-funktionsprinzip

above: Left: MedRes! Trans page Right: HiRes! U.S. Patent below: HiRes! hydrodinamic

above Four: NEW+! HiRes! Cross section drawings - Metszetrajzok
below: NEW+! HiRes! Hu. text: Liener György: Autótipusok- Műszaki Könyvkiadó -Budapest- 1971. Hidraulikus sebességváltók: Tetején: Mercedes 280SE, - Lent: FIAT 130 Borg-Wagner Typ 35
NEW! MedRes! Liener György: Autótipusok. Műszaki Könyvkiadó Budapest; Car automatic gearboxes: above: 1964.: Opel "Kapitän" below: 1971.: renault 16,
227.) Leopard-2A4+Hu MBT-Alapharckocsi-Kpfw.-Tank by KM-W Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Kpfw. München/Munich & Rheinmetall L-44 KwK, Büffel & Leguan in HuDF 2020.July:
above: NoHigher! VOITH Turbo Hydrodymamics transmission
above: NEW+! NoHigher! VOITH Hydrodinamic D823-3E transmission
18+above: NEW+! NoHigher! Lady of Hydrodinamics' science - A Hidrodinamikai tudományok Hölgye: artist: Japanese Hajime Sorayama: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajime_Sorayama
above: MedRes! 'BRAWA'-VOITH Lokomtiven www.vasutmodell.com below: 'Bravo' Lokodriver
above: NEW! NoHigher! Vectors with milk driven fluid in "Das U-Boot" movie; artwork: Polish Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz www.aurumlight.com
above: NEW+! HiRes! "Co-Co fingers" paint by: Maxwell Coburn Whitmore source: House of Retro

Maxwell Coburn Whitmore (June 11, 1913 – October 12, 1988) was an American painter and magazine illustrator known for his Saturday Evening Post covers, and a commercial artist whose work included advertisements for Gallo Wine and other national brands. He additionally became known as a race-car designer.
Whitmore was inducted into the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame in 1978. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coby_Whitmore

above: MedRes! V 190 BR. 119
above: NEW+! HiRes! BR. 119 Contactor
above: NoHigher!
above: NEW+! NoHigher! DB BR 119 Logistic Center loco in boneyard
above: NEW+! MedRes! PIKO 47343 TT 1:120 dizel-mozdony Br.119 DR-IV-1
M62 Szergej: 11.) M-62 "Szergej" MÁV Fővonali
Dízelmozdony - Train - Diesel Locomotive - Terrain Monster & Ballistic
Missile Railway Launcher Loco _ Тепловоз серии М62 "Sergei" H0 &
TT model Roco, Tillig
V200: coming soon!
above: NEW+! HiRes! Female "U-Boot captain - locodriver" 'Leader Lady' On time of upward to surface after sweltering long trip - Nöi "U-Boat" kapitány - mozdonyvezető 'Vezérhölgy' delszínreemelkedés után egy hosszú izzasztó út után.
above: NEW! NoHigher! 50-Jährige Diesellok begeistert Bahnfans | Freie Presse - Schwarzenberg
above: NEW+! NoHigher! BTTB 1:120 BR.130 & BR.118 source: Geschichte.entdecken.com
above: MedRes! Some box My 'Zeuke' TT-kit from 1969 - 1971
Krauss-Maffei V 200 BR. 220 diesel-hydralulic loco: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2017/06/200-v-200-krauss-maffei-munchen-diesel.html
below: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's intermediate layout of railroad - Ideiglenes terepasztal 2002, 2003?
below: HiRes! Blur. Juci'bacsi then was playing with His Son Andrew 2002 at home
above: MedRes! Left; My son Andrew "Bubu" 11 yo. & his friend Mireider Dávid barátja
above: NEW! NoHigher! "She was a Baby-sitter/Children inspector - Gyerekfelügyelő"
below: NEW+! HiRes! Watching position for model railway layout - Figyelési pozíció a kisvasúti terepasztalhoz.