T-44, T-54 közepes harckocsik - MBTs az 1956-os Forradalom és Szabadságharc Szovjet páncélosai: IV. rész - 1956's Hungarian Revolution's Soviet armors: 4th part: Postwar Soviet tanks (Wikipedia)
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above: MedRes! T-54 original cyrillic cutaway
above: NEW! NoHigher! T-44 prototype ZISz-S-53 85 mm AT gun pinterest.com
above: MedRes! T-44 in Museum of Brest Fort. Beside the T-34/85
above: NoHigher! T-44
above: MedRes! T-44 in november of 1956. Revolution in Budapest Buda-side on Széna-tér-sq.
above: NoHigher! T-44 cross section below: NoHigher! T-44V

above: MedRes! T-44 armor & ammo below: MedRes!
above: NEW! HiRes! Vietnamise (North VNA?) T-54A profile artwork
above: MedRes! Soviet armors' size comparison artwork: Dirk Schoenberger
above: NEW! HiRes! Mod-1. Created by Juci'bácsi's. The Divide Diagram of Combat Armors - "Panzers" - Harci Páncélosok, Harcjárművek felosztása harc.-tech. rendszer-blokkséma also Courtesy FREE!
www.juniorgeneral.org below: MedRes!
Масса, т – 36 (36,4)
Длина с пушкой, мм – 9000 (9000)
Длина корпуса, мм – 6270 (6040)
Ширина, мм – 3150 (3270)
Высота, мм – 2400 (2400)
Клиренс, мм – 425 (425)
Вооружение – 100 мм пушка Д-10Т, 3 пулемета СГ-43, 1-н ДШК (100 мм пушка Д-10ТГ, 2 пулемета СГМТ, 1 ДШК.)
Бронирование, лоб корпуса – 120 мм (100 мм)
Борт – 80 (80)
Корма – 45 (45)
Лоб башни – 200 (200)
Крыша – 30 (30)
Днище – 20 (20)
Удельное давление, кг. см2 – 0,93 (0,81)
Запас хода, км – 330 (440)
Двигатель (520 л. с.) – В-54 (В-54)
Удельная мощность, л. с., т – 14,4 (14,3)
Ширина гусеницы, мм – 500 (580)
Радиостанция – 10-РТ-26 (Р-113)
Экипаж – 4 (4)
NEW! above: HiRes! below: NoHigher! T-54 basic version
above: NEW! NoHigher! ReMix at Budapest 2011. with T-55 from Assoc of Hungarian Reservisten - MATASZ (Magyar Tartalékosok Szövetsége) Tradition-keeper Section - Hagyományőrző Tagozat: Right: was res.arty. Sgt. Valkóczi "Baloo-Balu/Dunyhás" Balázs tart.,tü.őrm. in civilian coat.
1956's most of photo from internet FORTEPAN Hungarian retro photo collection.
above: MedRes! T-54s on "Nagykörút" - 'Bigring': Hu. text: Szent István-körút a Falk Miksa-u. (Néphadsereg-utca) felől a Honvéd-utca felé nézve. A szovjet csapatok ideiglenes kivonulása 1956. október 31-én. source: Fortepan.hu below: T-54, BTR-152, IS-3 az Oktogonnál.
above: NEW! HiRes! Hu. text: 1956. Budapest V., XIII. Szent István körút a Nyugati Marx tér felé , jobbra a Szemere utca torkolata. A szovjet csapatok ideiglenes kivonulása 1956. okt. 31. Adományozó: Nagy Gyula source: fortepan.hu
above: cross of Nagykörút "Bigring" and Rákóczi-út -street at Blaha Lujza-tér square photo from corner "Emke" below: Aerial photo about Blaha Lujza-tér-square

above: NEW! Hu. text: Left: MedRes! Károly-krt. (Tanács-krt.) Kossuth Lajos utca sarok az Astoriánál a Gyógyszertárral szemben. Right: MedRes! T-54-Kossuth Lajos utca, balra a Magyar utca torkolata az 'Astoria' szállónál (balra van nem látszik) source: pinterest.com
Budapest: above: Main conflict sites durin the Soviet attack.
above: Budapest map of main remarkable sites and buildings. Будапешт
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text: T-54-esek a Nagy Ignác utca a Szent István körút felé a Markó utcánál a Szt. István krt-ttól délre a belváros fele. source: pinterest.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Hu. text: PT-76-os (UHK) úszó - felderítő -könnyű-harckocsi és egy T-54-es közepes harckocsi, a Nyugati-téren (Marx)-tér a Nyugati-pályaudvar elől nézve/fotózva. A szovjet csapatok ideiglenes kivonulása alkalmából 956. október 31-n source: Google - Fortepan.hu
above: NEW! MedRes! T-54 on Nagykörút

above: Left: MedRes! BTR-152 APC (on ZiL-157 chassis) on "Oktogon"-square toward "Nyugati" Railway" terminal on "Nagykörút". Right: NoHigher! also "Nagykörút"
NEW! HiRes! above: Killed - Kilőtt T-54 in 1956. -LShH540 source: Google - reddit.com below: also: T-54-es harckocsi. Üllői-út 61.- source: Google - Fortepan_24430/ wikipedia

above & below: at Parlament - a Kossuth-téren -square az Országháznál

above: Soviet Armor Column (coy) Advancing in Budapest. The fourth was PT-76 amphybious tank
PT-76 swiming tank: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2015/06/159-pt-76-amphibious-light-swimming.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hu. text: T-54 és BTR-152 a József körút és a Népszínház utca sarkánál, a 'Szimpla' espresso előtt source: magyaroktober.hu

above two: MedRes! Left: Kálvin-tér -square back National Museum on Museum-ring in middle of 1960's. Right: Kálvin-square in 1956. below: Occupated T-54 by revolutioners.

above: Left: Illustration of Historian Study book. bottom; Leonhid Ilych Brezhnyev and beside Sergei Kosigin. Right: Mixed armored company with T-54s and BTR-152s on Andrássy-alley.

NEW! Hungary, Budapest 1956. Revolution. Front of Buda's Castle
![]() |
NEW! Hungary, Budapest 1956. Revolution. Front of Buda's Castle |

above: Overriding on "Margaret"-bridge from Pest-side to Buda-side.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Before Ministry of the Interior on Duna-shore Pest-side - A Belügyminisztérium BM dunaparti épülete előtt; Soviet T-54 and Hu. Csepel D-344 truck (Nowadays: Admin house of Parlament on Pest side) source: Fortepan/Index.hu
above: NEW! MedRes! T-54 on VI.-ker.-distr. Oktogon-square - (November-7-tér-square) Fortepan
above: NEW! NoHigher! Withdrawal of occupying Soviet troops at Oktogon-(November 7. tér) - A megszálló szovjet csapatok ideiglenes kivonulása 1956. október source: Pinterest.com

above: Left: Occupied BTR-40 in "Corvin"-köz at Cinema. Right: MedRes! Armored Personnel Carrier BTR-152 on very famous "Rákóczi"-square behind Nagykörút.

above: NEW! MedRes! БТР-152 советский бронетранспортёр source: @serkoff4x4.ru
En. text: The BTR-152 (also known as BTR-140) was a six-wheeled Soviet armored personnel carrier (БТР, from Бронетранспортер/Bronetransporter, literally "armored transporter"), built on the chassis and drive train of a ZiS-151 utility truck. It entered service with a number of Warsaw Pact member states beginning in 1950, and formed the mainstay of Soviet motor rifle battalions until the advent of the amphibious BTR-60 series during the 1960s.
BTR-152s were available in several marks, and were manufactured in large numbers for the Soviet military and export. Late production models utilized automotive components from the more reliable ZIL-157 truck. Three primary variants of the BTR-152 appeared between 1950 and 1959: the base armored personnel carrier with a single pintle-mounted 7.62mm or 12.7mm machine gun, an unarmed command vehicle with a higher roofline, and an anti-aircraft variant armed with a ZPU-2 mount. BTR-152s could carry a single infantry squad each, or specialist weapons teams along with their mortars and anti-tank equipment. In Soviet service, a number were also deployed as artillery tractors. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BTR-152
Ru. text: БТР-152 — советский бронетранспортёр, созданный на базе узлов и агрегатов грузового автомобиля ЗИС-151.
Принят на вооружение Вооружённых сил СССР в 1950 году. Бронированный транспортёр имел открытый сверху сварной несущий корпус. Находился в серийном производстве с 1950 по 1955 год. Производство других модификаций продолжалось до 1962 года. Всего на заводе имени Сталина и Брянском автомобильном заводе произведена 12 421 машина. Находился на вооружении Вооружённых сил России до 1993 года. ...
above: MedRes! Maquette diorama about Budapest 1956. November killed ZiL-157 truck.
above: HiRes! Map of Soviet occupation troops in November of 1956 source: http://www.historyonmaps.com/Main.html
above: NoHigher! SU-57 light assault gun on Tanács-körút -ring
above: T-54 in Sopron Transdanubian district western boundary.
above: NEW! MedRes! T-54 memento "House of Terror" museum in Budapest, Andrássy alley
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. text: "#Terror-Háza" #Shmidt Mária igazgatónő tankja
above MedRes! & below NoHigher!: NEW! T-54 1956's memorial at KEMPP Katonai EmlékPark Pákozd Memorial Park & UN Watcher Museum near Székesfehérvár over lake Velencei close to behind M7 highway.
below: NoHigher!
above: NEW! NoHigher! Antique photo about T-54
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hungarian State's Repressive Organisations & Hu./general Armed Forces divide: Forces and Arms and Special troops. Nowadays & History Also Courtesy FREE!
above: Experimental T-54 with side armor protection accessories againts cumulative shell.

above & below Two: NoHigher! river crossing accessorie - folyóátkelési kiegészítő

above: NEW! NoHigher! Rechnoy Bronyekatyer in Amur river flottilla
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian Riverine Monitor/Armored Gunboat on Far-eastern region, border river Amur beside Russian Federation and China People Republic

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! T-54 turret on Monitor Right: MedRes!
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Amur river authority in district of Khabarovsk
NEW! above: MedRes! Russian Gunboat below: NoHigher! source: facebook.com
above & below: MedRes! Original Hungarian photos about Warsaw Pact river crossing exercise. source: facebook.com
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. W.P. Army's T-54 on Várpalota Ex. Range. - A T-54 fitted with a PT-54 mine roller. This system used heavy, cast steel rollers pushed ahead of the tank. They were heavy enough that their weight would detonate any mines they rolled over, but strong enough to survive the blast. Syrian forces made use of this system as they attempted to break through Israeli defences on the Golan Heights during the Yom Kippur War of 1973. They were a priority target for Israeli tankers. source: facebook/The Tank Museum - www.tankmuseum.org

above: Left: Large! Right: MedRes! T-55 in Hungarian WP Army source: facebook.com
above: NEW! MedRes! Hungarian PA - MN T-54 on Exercise "Vltava" in Praha in 1966.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Mil Mi-4 in Liaison task to T-54 platoon
Helicopter Rotor Control: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/03/51-helicopter-rotors-control-detail.html
above: 7,62 mm PKT coaxial turret's Machine Gun. below: Left & Right: 14,5 mm KPVT M.G.

above: Jucii'bacsi's scanned collection: MedRes! also Free! (only advert links!)
above: NEW! MedRes! TSh-2
above: Gunsight TSh-2B (Pricel) below: V2 12 cylinders diesel engine. Right: NEW!

above: NoHigher! T-55 as a Panzer Train's weapon
above: NoHigher! heavy Fire-Fighting Vehicle for Oil flame mining catastrophy

above: Left: MedRes! Opposit forces in Berlin inner boundary at US Army Checkpoint. US M60 and Soviet during "Iron-curtain"
Út a T-34-től a T-55-ig
Hu. text: A T-34, valamint a T-55 a világ talán legismertebb harckocsitípusai. Ikonikus képévé váltak a második világháborúnak, valamint az azt követő hidegháborús szembenállásának is. Azonban az út mely a két típust összeköti, nem volt zökkenőmentes. Jelen írás a két masinát összekötő időszak főbb állomásait próbálja bemutatni a teljesség igénye nélkül. Az írásban felsorolt harckocsik részletes bemutatása is elmarad, inkább olyan jellegzetességek kerülnek említésre, melyek a típusok könnyebb azonosítását teszik lehetővé. Ennek legfőbb oka a hatalmas mennyiségű altípusok száma. A T-34-76, valamint a T-34-85-nek rengeteg változata létezett, melyeket önmagukban is szinte reménytelen feladat lenne bemutatni.
T-54 és T-55 harckocsik: http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/usaterror/arzenal/t54/?print
above: MedRes! from T-54 to T-80 Projects
above: NEW! NoHigher! T-44 MiniArt source: www.pinterest.com
Hidegháborús tankok: http://hadtest.mindenkilapja.hu/html/17760318/render/hideghaboru
World of tanks, T-54: http://www.wotinfo.hu/index.php/item/1741-t-54-elemzes
above: NEW! NoHigher! Cyrillic text: T-54 (2.) source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! NoHigher! T-54B four view profile
above: HiRes! Cutaway of T-55
above: MedRes! Cross section
above: NEW! MedRes! T-54A full long cross-section drawing
above: Left side; Cmdr &gunner Right seat; Loader below: Left: MedRes! Ammo loading system

below: HiRes! turret

above: NEW! NoHigher! Iraq
NEW! above: NoHigher! below: HiRes! 100 mm ammos for Tank & SP-SUs: Assault Gun

above: NEW! MedRes! APFSDS 100 mm below: NoHigher!

above: NEW! NoHigher! below: NEW! Left: HiRes! D-10, Cent: HiRes!D-10 student, Right: MedRes! M69 100 mm

above & below: NEW! NoHigher! Tablica os ammos
above: Turret traverse drive and gun stabilizer handling controller

below: HiRes! DShK 12,7 mm A-A heavy M.G.
above: NoHigher! Fire Extinghauser System
above: NEW! MedRes! Corpus - Hull - chassis - alváz

above two: MedRes! below: NEW! NoHigher!
below: NoHigher! mounted driver PKT 7,62 mm Coaxial machine-gun in head armor plate
NEW! above: MedRes! SGMT M.G. below: NoHigher! in turret right side
above: HiRes! Kalasnhikov 7,62 mm PKM, PKT study poster

above: Left: MedRes! River crossing Under-water system Right: MedRes! Prepare of terrain for river crossing.
above: HiRes! Three view of T-54B
The T-54 and T-55 tanks are a series of main battle tank introduced just as the Second World War ended. The first T-54 prototype appeared in March 1945 and entered full production in 1947. It became the main tank for armoured units of the Soviet Army, armies of the Warsaw Pact countries, and many others. T-54s and T-55s were involved in many of the world's armed conflicts during the late 20th and early 21st centuries.The T-54/55 series eventually became the most-produced tank in history. Estimated production numbers for the series range from 86,000 to 100,000. They were replaced by the T-62, T-64, T-72, T-80, and T-90 in the Soviet and Russian armies, but remain in use by up to 50 other armies worldwide, some having received sophisticated retrofitting. During the Cold War Soviet tanks never directly faced their NATO adversaries in Europe. However, the T-54/55's first appearance in the West in the 1950s spurred the United Kingdom to develop a new tank gun, the Royal Ordnance L7, and the United States to develop the M60 Patton.
T-54 first prototype: http://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Tank:R112_T54_45
above: NEW! NoHigher! No scale Comparison between T-54 & ASU-85 airborne assault gun
above: NEW! MedRes! Mix T-55 based Assault Gun Su-55T-54 variants - rohamlöveg
above: NEW! HiRes! #СУ-122-54 - Panzerjäger #SU-122-54 - SzU #páncélvadász/#rohamlöveg source: www.zhurnalko.net core article: Technics for Youths - Tehnika Molodezhi - Technika Mologyezsi/Fiataloknak- #ТЕХНИКА - #МОЛОДЕЖИ
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! SzU-122 assault gun - rohamlöveg on T-54 chassis - alvázon
above: NEW! NoHigher! driver hatch below: Left: HiRes! Right: MedRes!

above: Left: HiRes! SU-122-44 Assault Gun - Panzerjager - Rohamlöveg - Páncélvadász

above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's side-view sketch & cutaway about Sturmgeshütz - Panzer/Tankkiller also FREE!
NEW! NoHigher! PTURSz T-54 IT-1 0962 - ATGM Tank - IPTR harckocsi
above: HiRes! Hooben's Chinese RC T-54 Scale 1:16 tank plastic high detailed model below: Left: MedRes! Right: MedRes!

above & below: HiRes!

above: MedRes!

above: Left: Juci'bacsi's scan: LargeMedRes! Model of WP Hungarian tank coy. cmdr. Right: MedRes!
above: HiRes! Photos: Kaszás Csaba; Mosonmagyaróvár maquette exhib 2010: Maquette diorama of Captured Reconverted Israeli IDF T-54 or 55 below: NEW! MedRes! Syrian T-54 at Bekaa-valley
above: NEW! MedRes! Opposit armor forces Syria - Israel IDF plateau 'Golan' fennsík "Yom Kippur" War 06.october 1973.
above: NEW! MedRes! Tactical map of Golan battle of II.nd Yom Kippur War october 1973.
NEW! above: MedRes! map of border junction: Israel - Golan heigts - Lebanon - Syria below: MedRes! Relief map of War's area - domborzati térkép a körzetről source: pinterest - www.maphill.com
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi's repro slide-diafilm copy coll. HuMoD HM-HIM Military Science Library - Hadtudományi Könyvtár late 1970s: Israeli IDF captured developing T-54 transformed with L7A1 105 mm gun.
above: MedRes! Polish Military History Museum: T-54. www.venom.pl
Remark: The main speed indentification point between T-54 & 55 is the small hole on front armor of hull before driver's hatch under the wave breaker for 7,62 fixed PKT M.G.
Remark: The main speed indentification point between T-54 & 55 is the small hole on front armor of hull before driver's hatch under the wave breaker for 7,62 fixed PKT M.G.

above: MedRes! Czechoslovakien revolution in spring of 1968 Prague. back: Czech made 'Skoda' -"Karosa" citybuses and "Praha" all terrain truck.
above: communist China People Republic - Peking-Beijing Tianamnen-square protests of during revolution spring of 1989.
above & below: NEW! MedRes! Uprising of Beijing
above: NEW! HiRes! Chinese Type-80 source: Defence Talk,com
above: NEW! Juci'bacsi's scan collect: NoHigher! Croatian MARINA T-54 1991
above: NEW! NoHigher! ISIS's T-54 in Iraq
NEW! NoHigher! above: Algerian T-54 below: Iraq T-54 British "Chieftain" recovery
above & below three: HiRes! Finnish Parola Tank Museum real cutaway T-54

NEW! above Two: HiRes! Driver section with 7,62 KGT fix adjusted M.G. below: MedRes! Driver's GPK-59 gyro Compass & dashboard Clock 119CshC-M3

2.) Dashboard Clocks - Fedélzeti Órák _ Aircraft's & Land technic, Navy Clocks: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-last-very-popular-post-from-x.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! Cosplay Steampunk Watcher Girl photo: Aleksey Vododokhov source: Pinterest.com & www.vododokhov.ru
above: Left: NoHigher!100 mm ammos loading. Right: HiRes! English Armor Museum Bovington Tankfest 2012. below: LargeMedRes! Tankfest T-54

above: MedRes! Commander's hatch and Left:+ gunner Night sight NVG headmirror. Right: MedRes! NVA's commander. below: HiRes! commander cupol & hatch
above: NEW! NoHigher! TNA-2 commander periscope
above: NEW! MedRes! T-54 turret
above HiRes! & below MedRes!: TScH-2B gunner telescope sight (Pricel) - Zielfernrohr - Irányzótávcső forward section with wrist-mirror house and objective. Below: the reticle - szállemez
above: NEW! MedRes! Kazah Dhevuska source: Pinterest/AutoPro - HOM Pnier-APN

above: Left: MedRes! DShK12,7 mm Anti-Aircraft heavy machinegun at loader hatch. Right: MedRes! PKMT 7,62 mm coaxial gun.

above: UHF - URH radio station Left: MedRes! R-112 Right: MedRes! R-123
above & below: NEW! NoHigher! W.P. Hu. Army T-54 armor battalion (btn.) - hk.z.
above: NEW! MedRes! Hu. student 1st.sem. at KLKF college: Dr. (Ph.D.) Lugossy József later Col. as HM HIM deputy director od Institut & Museum of Military History of Hu.MoD

above: Left: MedRes! Hungarian WP Army; Enlisted roma Tankdriver's face and His helmet. Right: MedRes! TS-4M-L Tank crew helmet-slemafon. below: Driver NVG Upper Right: MedRes! Kopfhaube mit Beobachtungsgerät und Hochspannungblock

above: HiRes! T-55's V12 Diesel engine below: Left: MedRes! Right: HiRes!

above: MedRes! Germany Münster Armor Museum
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bacsi slidefilm copy coll: DDR-NVA's "Armee Rundschau" magazine VT-55 Bergepanzer - Recovery Armor Vehicle - Harkocsi-Mentőharcjármű also FREE!
above: NEW! HiRes! (Crop!) Overturned Turtle/Tortoise - Felborult Teknősbéka. "They are always hurry up for rodeo - Mert mindig sietve rodeóznak" source: facebook.com
En. text: Tortoises (/ˈtɔːr.təs.ɪz/) are a family, Testudinidae. Testudinidae is a Family under the order Testudines and suborder Cryptodira. There are fourteen extant families of the order Testudines, an order of reptile commonly known as turtles, tortoises, and terrapins. The suborder Cryptodira (Greek: hidden neck) is a suborder of Testudines that includes most living tortoises and turtles. Cryptodira differ from Pluerodia (side-neck turtles) in that they lower their necks and pull the heads straight back into the shells, instead of folding their necks sideways along the body under the shells' marginals. The testudines are some of the most ancient reptiles alive. Tortoises are shielded from predators by a shell. The top part of the shell is the carapace, the underside is the plastron, and the two are connected by the bridge. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortoise
Hu. text: A szárazföldi teknősfélék (Testudinidae) a hüllők (Reptilia) osztályába és a teknősök (Testudines) rendjébe tartozó család
A ma élő teknősök zöme szárazföldi. Páncéljukat elszarusodott bőrpajzsok fedik, és mell-lemezei összeérnek a szegélylemezekkel; a haspáncélon mindig 11 vagy 12 pajzs van. A többi nyakrejtőtől (Cryptodira) abban különböznek, hogy karmokkal ellátott járó- és úszólábuk van, a csontos tarkólemezről pedig hiányoznak a bordaszerű nyúlványok. A család tagjainak további közös bélyege, hogy nyakuk és fejük hátrafelé teljesen behúzható a teknők közé. Általános bélyeg az is, hogy a lábujjak ízeinek ízületei vannak és a 4 vagy 5 lábujj karomban végződik. ...

above: MedRes! T-55 accidents
above: MedRes! Iraq T-62 below: MedRes! Left: T-54B Right: T-55

above: Left: target Right: MedRes! Iraq T-55 below: Left: MedRes! Right: HiRes!

above: NEW! NoHigher! Exercise target in Hu. Várpalota fire range close Baglyas-hill photo: avb.captn. Hajner Gyula rep.szds. Mi-24 "Hind"-Pilot source: facebook
above: MedRes! Meet of Disbanded MN 1549 Kalocsa Armor Regiment - Kalocsai harckocsi ezred (hk.e.) 2013. Kalocsa. my friend is "Spiller" and "Füles - Earing"

above: MedRes! former commanders of Armor regiment. Left: Left: ret. Maj. Gen. Borszéki "Borcsa" Tivadar (after was Division cmdr.) nyá. vezérőrnagy. former president of MATASz (Magyar Tartalékosok Szövetsége - Association of Hungarian Reservisten) elnök. Right: MedRes! "The best armor knight cmdr."
above: NEW! MedRes! Photo: Kaszás Csaba; Czech SFOR VT-55 "Bull"-"Bika" CRV-Combat Recovery Vehicle -Bergepanzer - Mentő-harckocsi at Mosonmagyaróvár maqiuette exhibition 2010.
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Bull" for sale 1990's in Budapest at Budaőrsi-út and FUG, BAT
source: belsoseg.blog.hu
above: NEW! HiRes! North Vietnam museum VNA's T-54
above: NEW! NoHigher! South Vietnam, An Loc battle: T-54: Good visible the miniature hole on head armor on white letter for driver's KGT M.G. - A vezetői géppuska lyukja jól látható a homlokpáncél fehér betűjén source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! MedRes! NVA's Chinese made Type-69 in US AMY base
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Track-Watch

above: T-55's Armourix Left: MedRes! Right: MedRes!
above: NEW! HiRes! Ukrainan T-54 in Kiev photo: Mr. Seregélyes András VezérÚr BHTA
above: Upper: HiRes! T-55AM
above: HiRes! Nowadays Hungarian reconverted Hobby-Demo Tank from hull of ZSzU-57-2 "Büszke" at Tapolca on civilian Military-Technics Day
above: NEW! MedRes! Hungarian developed oil quelles burning flame thrower on T-54 hull
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