#Tank (#MBT) #modern #Fire Control System (FCS) - #Panzer #Feuerlicht - #Harckocsi #Tűzvezető Rendszerek - #Gunsight - #Irányzékok - #Прицел (Htka.hu)
above: HiRes! M1 'Abrams" Fire Control devices & optical, thermal sight.
above: HiRes! FCS' Ballistic processing Unit's Ctrl. Panel of M1
above: HiRes! : gunnery's sight -

above: two NEW Pics! Left; HiRes BiG! M1's FCS-Ballistic computer circuit box - right, Gunner's optics
NoHigher! above: NEW+! Main parts of US Army, USMC 'Chrysler'/GDLS M1 "Abrams" desert variant tank below: NEW! Colored cross section
above Two: upper: HiRes Big! Boresight control - bottom: Gun refrence-hurl optical collimator
above & below: NEW Pics! M1 gun reference hole-point and below; bore inclination adjusting crew, at IDF 'Merkava' and Bundeswehr M-60A2. glamour.com

above: new three drawings! MedRes! Schema of Fume extractor of barrel
above: NEW+! MedRes! Jucibacsi's scan collect: Hu. text: Haditechnika - Military Technics review from 1980's: M1 "Abrams"
above: HiRes! M1 gunnery station
above: NEW Pics! Juci'bacsi's dia/slide scanned collection from 1980's: M1 gunner also FREE!
above: NEW Pics! Juci'bacsi's dia/slide scanned collection from 1980's: M1 gunner also FREE!
below Five: MedRes! Mix & Power-Point Presentation slides
above: new! IR sight
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Hungarian Miss. Mihalik Enikő VS' model in "IR eyes adaptation dark-room" Eniko Mihalik for Chantelle Fall 2011 Campaign by: Camilla Akrans source: mellbimbo.eu
Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography team Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enik%C5%91_Mihalik
Hu. text: Mihalik Enikő 1987. május 11-én látta meg a napvilágot Békéscsabán, Magyarországon. Magyar modell. Már fiatal korában is nagyszerű alakkal rendelkezett, mégsem tervezte, hogy egy nap modell lesz belőle. Tizenöt éves korában, bevásárlás közben fedezték fel, majd a 2002-es Elite Model Look-versenyt meg is nyerte, a nemzetközi megmérettetésen viszont csak a negyedik helyig jutott. Azonban ez is elég volt ahhoz, hogy a Visage Management leszerződtesse. ... https://starity.hu/sztarok/mihalik-eniko/eletrajz/
above: HiRes! (Edited & Cropped!) Scan by Juci'bácsi's Book collection: Rodenstock 'Phorovist' eye inspection instrument. also Courtesy FREE!
Eyes inspection Instruments - Szemészeti Szemvizsgáló Műszerek by: Hu. DR. Bárány Nándor: Finommechanikai Kézikönyv - Fine-Mechanics Handbook for Humans' Stereoscopic views & spectacles - szemüvegek
above: Juci'bacsi's dia/slide copy-scanned coll.: NEW Pics! M1 TPCS source: Tanks book 1978.
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's ORWO Dia/Slide Repro copy DDR VEB PENTACON 'Praktica' FX.2 collect from early1980's: 'Soldat und Technik'; at Hu. MoD Military Science Library of Institute & Museum of Military History in Budapest in Budaer castle - HM HIM Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum Hadtudományi Könyvtár, (Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds. könyvtárvezető OI.M.) I. ker. Kapisztrán-tér - square 2-4. M1 commander sight
above: NEW! HiRes! American star actress, #Nina Dobrev -#Нина Добрев for #CBS Watch magazine photoshoot by: Jason Kim march-april2019. source: www.celebsdump.com
En. text: Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva (born January 9, 1989. age 30 Sofia, Bulgaria), known professionally as Nina Dobrev (/ˈdoʊbrɛf/), is a Canadian actress. Her first acting role was as Mia Jones in the drama series Degrassi: The Next Generation. She later became known for portraying Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce on The CW's supernatural drama series The Vampire Diaries.
Dobrev has also appeared in several feature films, including the 2012 coming-of-age drama The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the 2014 action comedy Let's Be Cops, the 2015 horror comedy The Final Girls, the 2017 action thriller XXX: Return of Xander Cage, and the 2017 science-fiction drama Flatliners.
She was born in Bulgaria but immigrated with her family to Canada at age two and grew up in Toronto. She studied sociology at Ryerson University, but left early to pursue her acting career. Dobrev currently lives in Los Angeles. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Dobrev
Hu. text: Nina Dobrev (születési neve Nikolina Konsztantinova Dobreva, cirill betűkkel Нина Константинова Добрева; Szófia, 1989. január 9. – ) bolgár származású kanadai színésznő. Szerepelt a Degrassi gimi című sorozatban a hatodik évadtól a kilencedik évadig, ahol Mia Jonest játszotta. Igazán híressé a Vámpírnaplók című tévésorozattal vált, ebben Elena Gilbert és Katherine Pierce szerepét játszva robbant be a köztudatba. ...
Bg. text: Нина Добрев (на английски: Nina Dobrev; родена като Николина Добрева)
Родена: 9 януари 1989 г. (30 г.) София, Българияе канадска актриса от български произход, трикратна носителка на награда „Изборът на публиката“. Най-известна е с ролите си на Мия Джоунс в „Деграси: Следващо поколение“ и Елена Гилбърт/Катрин Пиърс в американския сериал „Дневниците на вампира“. ...
NoHigher! above: NEW Pics! M1 turret gunnery's workplace. below: NEW+!
A fire-control system is a number of components working together, usually a gun data computer, a director, and radar, which is designed to assist a weapon system in hitting its target. It performs the same task as a human gunner firing a weapon, but attempts to do so faster and more accurately. ...
A main battle tank (MBT), also known as a battle tank or universal tank, is a tank that fills the armor-protected direct fire and maneuver role of many modern armies. Cold war era development of more powerful engines, better suspension systems and lightweight composite armour allowed a tank to have the firepower of a super-heavy tank, armor protection of a heavy tank, and mobility of a light tank all in a package with the weight of a medium tank. Through the 1960s, the MBT replaced almost all other tanks, leaving only some specialist roles to be filled by lighter designs or other types of armoured fighting vehicles.
Today, main battle tanks are considered a key component of modern armies. Modern MBTs seldom operate alone, as they are organized into armoured units which involve the support of infantry, who may accompany the MBTs in infantry fighting vehicles. They are also often supported by surveillance or ground-attack aircraft. ...
Today, main battle tanks are considered a key component of modern armies. Modern MBTs seldom operate alone, as they are organized into armoured units which involve the support of infantry, who may accompany the MBTs in infantry fighting vehicles. They are also often supported by surveillance or ground-attack aircraft. ...
Основной боевой танк (ОБТ) — термин в современной иностранной классификации танков, обозначающий боевую машину — многоцелевой танк, сочетающий высокую огневую мощь и хорошиезащищённость и подвижность, заменивший «среднепушечный» и «тяжёлопушечный», то есть ранниепехотные и кавалерийские танки и применяемый в пехоте (моторизированной (механизированной) пехоте) и броневых и танковых войсках (бронетанковых войсках, БТВ).
В англоязычной терминологии — Main battle tank (MBT), в бронетанковых войсках. Также в англоязычной терминологии применяются термины «battle tank» (боевой танк) и «universal tank» (универсальный танк).
В германоязычной терминологии применяется термин Kampfpanzer (сокращенно KPz), который дословно можно перевести на русский язык как «боевой танк».
В России (как и ранее в Советском Союзе) в танковых войсках (ТВ) применяется термин Основной танк ...

Rolleiflex is the name of a long-running and diverse line of high-end cameras originally made by the German companyFranke & Heidecke, and later Rollei-Werk. ...

В англоязычной терминологии — Main battle tank (MBT), в бронетанковых войсках. Также в англоязычной терминологии применяются термины «battle tank» (боевой танк) и «universal tank» (универсальный танк).
В германоязычной терминологии применяется термин Kampfpanzer (сокращенно KPz), который дословно можно перевести на русский язык как «боевой танк».
В России (как и ранее в Советском Союзе) в танковых войсках (ТВ) применяется термин Основной танк ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! Diagram of FCS
above: MedRes! Princip of "Shilelagh" ATGM control
above: diagram of M1's Gun - TurretGyro Stabilizator System
above: NoHigher! Main Control Panel of Tank M60A3
above: HiRes! M1 Main Central Control Panel of Commander - Fő kezelő Panel
above: HiRes! M1 commanders control box panel
above: M1A-2 "Abrams" below: NEW pics!: Tubarose
above: New! The Danish #Lego assembly system toy USA M1 'Abrams' Main Battle Tank
above: NEW+! NoHigher! The Pokémon's (Nintendo) Tank Pants Basic card by M1
above: NoHigher! Prinzip of horizontal stabilization
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's scan coll: gun stabilizer princip
below: NEW!: Juci'bacsi's book scanned pics: about "Tanks and Armor's troop" 'Zrínyi' kiadó 1982- publisher.

below: NEW!: Juci'bacsi's book scanned pics: about "Tanks and Armor's troop" 'Zrínyi' kiadó 1982- publisher
above: MedRes! MBT 70 model of the final design below: NoHigher! Encyclopedia of safety
De. text: Der Kampfpanzer 70 (KPz 70; englisch Main Battle Tank 70, MBT-70) war Mitte der 1960er-Jahre ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt zwischen den USA und Deutschland. Die Entwicklung endete 1971 mit der Einstellung des Vorhabens. Auf den Ergebnissen der Entwicklungsarbeit bauen die Kampfpanzer Leopard 2 und M1 Abrams auf. ... wiki/Kampfpanzer_70
above: Main Battle Tank- MBT-70 (USA - GFR common development) it was stay planned
above: NEW Pics! MedRes! MBT-70 american-germany development
above: MedRes! Interior arrangement
above: MedRes! Layout Cross section drawing of the MBT source: fprado.com
The MBT-70 (German: KPz 70) was a 1960s German-U.S. joint project to develop a new main battle tank, which was to be equipped with a number of advanced features. It utilized a newly developed hydropneumatic "kneeling" suspension and housed the entire crew in the large turret. The MBT-70 was armed with a 152mm XM150 gun/launcher, which could use conventional ammunition and the Shillelagh missile for long range combat.
By 1969 the project was well over budget and Germany withdrew from the effort. They developed a new main battle tank on their own, the Leopard 2. In the US, MBT-70 development continued for a short time, until 1971 when Congress cancelled the program. They began development of a less expensive design, which became the M1 Abrams. Although the MBT-70 failed to enter service, the Leopard 2 and M1 are the current main battle tanks of both countries. ... wiki/MBT-70
above: NoHigher! MBT- Main Battle Tank Kpz.70 - Kamfpanzer 70 scale 1:35 'Dragon' model
above: NEW! HiRes! Rangefinder objective house on WW-Two German Type:?? maquette by Plastic Invasion modeller group source: facebook/PI
above: NEW pic: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's dia/slide scanned collection: BW. M47 'Patton' cmdr's cupola with optics. 'Soldat und Technik' review from HM HIM Mil. Science - Hadtudományi Library, (Lib. Leader. was: Col Dr. Nádor Ferenc ezds. Könyvtárvezető)
above @ below: NEW: NoHigher! Moshe Dajan IDF monocular tank sniper gunner - below: MedRes! M48 'Patton' - IDF's M60 in Palestinian Gasa corridor. The press photo of the year 1990-2000s??
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hungarian movie-guru In Memoriam Andy Vajna and his wife Vajna Tímea (Palácsik Tímea) source: facebook.com
En. text: Andrew G. Vajna (born András György Vajna; 1 August 1944) is a Hungarian-American film producer. ...
Hu. text: Vajna András György, Andrew G. Vajna, Andy Vajna (Budapest, 1944. augusztus 1. –) hollywoodi producer, az etyeki Korda Filmstúdió társtulajdonosa, 2010-ig az InterCom Zrt. elnöke. 2011 januárja óta a filmipar megújításáért felelős kormánybiztos, feladata „a magyar film megőrzésére, fejlesztésére, állami támogatására és az ezzel kapcsolatos kormányzati tevékenység összehangolására irányuló stratégia kidolgozása”. 2018-ban Magyarország 14. leggazdagabb és 5. legbefolyásosabb személye. ...
Vajna Tímea (szül. Palácsik Tímea, Miskolc, 1982. november 30. –) magyar modell, közszereplő és üzletasszony. ...
above: NEW Gif pic: M60 rodeo
above: HiResBig! M60A2 with 105 mm gun
above @ below: NEW pic: Juci'bacsi's scanned collection from center of 1970's: M60A2 NoHi!
above @ below: NEW pic: Juci'bacsi's scanned collection from center of 1970's: M60A2 NoHi!
above: NEW+! MedRes! Juci'bacsi scan collect: Turkish M60A2

above: NEW: NoHigher! M60 Laser rangefinder

above: four M60A2's turret NEW Pics! HiRes!

above: NEW+! MedRes! M60 gunsight by: Deno

above: NEW Pics! M60A3's:Left: FCS processing Unit Box and right the turret direction gauge - Right: Commander's optics with common rangefinder mass
above: HiRes! M60 FCS Ballistic Computer Processing Unit Box Panel (CPU)

above two: other similar FCS panels: left: HiRes! air weapon ctr.l panel - right: HiRes! field arty M109 SPH's FCS - Ballistic Computer control panel at gunnery.
above: new! HiRes! M60A2 on Bovington Tankfest
above: new!! M-60A3 barrel - rohr adjusment by female crew - csőbeszabályozás a női személyzet által
above: NEW! NoHigher! Using of live fire camo - A tereptarka éles használata: töltényhevedernek-cartridges belt & Body-Builder armor crewmember of 'Chrysler' M60A3 "#Patton" U.S. MBT (Main Battle Tank) - FCsT (Fő Csata Tank-harckocsi - fő/alapharckocsi - Ru.: osnovnoy tank)
above: M60 MBT (Main Battle Tank) 1970-'80s mix
above: New pic! Traffic-Guide Girl in front of M60
above: NEW+! NoHigher! '#Leatherman' Tread Multi-Tool Bracelet and Watch in Black Swiss
above: two NEW pic: HiRes Big! M48 'Patton' real turret cutaway. On side the ball is objective of coincidence rangefinder
above: NEW! MedRes! M48 stereo rangefinder - sztereótávmérő
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hungarian Assault Howitzer - 10,5 centiméteres 43M 'Zrínyi' rohamtarack
En. text: Zrínyi was a Hungarian assault gun of the World War II period.
Hu. text: A Zrínyi rohamlöveg a Magyar Királyi Honvédség számára Magyarországon kifejlesztett és gyártott harcjármű a II. világháború idején.
A Zrínyi rohamlöveg-család születése
1942-ben a Magyar Királyi Honvédség vezérkarában felmerült az igény egy rohamlöveg-család fejlesztésére. Ennek a fegyvernemnek a kiválóságát a német rohamlöveg-osztályok StuG III-asai által elért eredmények is igazolták. A Honvédelmi Minisztérium két fajta önjáró lövegre adta le a rendelést: a Zrínyi I-re hosszú csövű 75 mm-es löveggel, és a Zrínyi II-re 40 M. 10,5 cm-es tarackkal felszerelve. ...
De. text: Der 43M Zrinyi (auch 40/43M Zrinyi) war ein ungarisches Sturmgeschütz, das von der ungarischen Armee während des Zweiten Weltkriegs eingesetzt wurde. Vom Zrinyi waren zwei Ausführungen geplant: eine mit einer 7,5-cm-Kanone und eine mit einer 10,5-cm-Haubitze. Nur die letztgenannte Ausführung kam in die Produktion, von welcher insgesamt 66 Stück hergestellt wurden. Der Panzer ist nach dem ungarischen Nationalhelden Miklós Zrínyi benannt. ...
Ru. text: «Зриньи» (венг. Zrínyi) — венгерская самоходная артиллерийская установка (САУ) времён Второй мировой войны, класса штурмовых орудий, средняя по массе. Создана в 1942—1943 годах на базе танка «Туран», по образцу германских САУ StuG III. В 1943—1944 годах произведено 66 «Зриньи», использовавшихся венгерскими войсками вплоть до 1945 года. После войны как минимум одна САУ этого типа использовалась в роли учебной до начала 1950-х годов. Названа в честь венгерско-хорватского национального героя Миклоша Зриньи. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hungarian Assault Howitzer - 10,5 centiméteres 43M 'Zrínyi' rohamtarack MOM irányzó távcső és 43M teljes figyelő prizma source: www.roncskutatas.hu
Below: short history of calculator

above right: Rheinmetal calculator below right: HiRes Big! mechanical calculator

above: Left: M24 "Chaffee" comander's optical system - Right: periscope theory
above: NEW+! NoHigher! The Periscopic effect demonstration "Hightower" ideal Tank-crew size & shape tallGirl

above: NEW! Left: MedRes! Periscopic Schematics Right: MedRes! Periscopic Binocular
above: optical sight's reticle
above: STRV-103 Stridsvagn gunsight reticle
above: NEW! NoHigher! English "Chieftan"s gunnery reticle
above & below: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan coll: "Chieftain" MBT's FCS from British 'Barr & Stroud': Search, Range, Fire!
above: NEW! NoHigher! English "Chieftan"s gunnery reticle
above & below: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan coll: "Chieftain" MBT's FCS from British 'Barr & Stroud': Search, Range, Fire!
above: No Higher! British "Conqueror" heavy Tank commander cupola with rangefinder objective
above: NoHigher! "Standby" cmdr's navigation sight
188.) Napórából iránytű: a Nap-iránytű - from Sun-dial to Solar Compasses for navigation - MARS vehicle Curiosity: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2016/10/188-naporabol-iranytu-nap-iranytu-from.html
above: NoHigher! "Standby" cmdr's navigation sight
188.) Napórából iránytű: a Nap-iránytű - from Sun-dial to Solar Compasses for navigation - MARS vehicle Curiosity: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2016/10/188-naporabol-iranytu-nap-iranytu-from.html
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's mix diagram of ballistic trajectory's theory
above: New: NoHigh! Soviet killed heavy tank KV-I. by solid armor piercing shells' impacts.
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Soviet Armor Piercing shells
above & below: NEW pic: 'Merkava' (Israeli) turret inside at gunnery's position
above: New: NoHigh! Soviet killed heavy tank KV-I. by solid armor piercing shells' impacts.
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Soviet Armor Piercing shells
above: NEW! NoHigher! Impact effects of shell tipes
above: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's dia/slide scanned-copy collection: shell types' impact effect. The resistance of 'Cobham' system armor. also FREE! source: Armor Magazin 1970s NEW Pics!above & below: NEW pic: 'Merkava' (Israeli) turret inside at gunnery's position
above: NEW! NoHigher! Eye inspection instrument - Szemészeti szemvizsgáló műszer
Eyes inspection Instruments - Szemészeti Szemvizsgáló Műszerek by: Hu.text DR. Bárány Nándor: Finommechanikai Kézikönyv - Fine-Mechanics Handbook & Optimechanics Instruments for Humans' Stereoscopic views & spectacles - szemüvegek:
above: NEW! NoHigher! Israeli IDF "Merkava" gunner with covered joystick
above: NEW! MedRes! also large lens from japanese 'Canon' EF Zoom lens teleobjective
above: NEW! NoHigher! World famous fashion & photomodel: #Claudia-Schiffer on 'Bijoux' magazine cover with photolamp, similar the IR-Ray-thrower/projector - az Infra sugárvetőhöz hasonló
Claudia Maria Schiffer (German pronunciation: [ˈklaʊ̯dɪa ˈʃɪfɐ]; born 25 August 1970) is a German model, actress and fashion designer. She rose to fame in the early 1990s as one of the world's most successful models. In her early career, she was compared to Brigitte Bardot.
She has appeared on more than one thousand magazine covers and holds the record for the model with the most magazine covers, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. In 2002, Forbes estimated her net worth to be around US$55 million (£38 million). ...
above: NEW! MedRes! How many Mega-Pixel the Human's eye? source: www.index.hu
Hu. text article - cikk: Nagy Attila Károly 2018.10.13. 06:54
Manapság, amikor az olcsóbb okostelefonokba is 8-10-12 megapixeles kameramodulokat szerelnek a gyártók – nem is beszélve a szélsőségekről, pl a Sony 48 megapixeles eszközéről – , még a fényképezés iránt kevés affinitással bíró emberek is képben vannak nagyjából a digitális fotók felbontását illetően. Felvetődhet a kérdés, hogy ha a telefonunk borsónyi kamerája és a mögötte lévő szenzor 12 megapixeles (tehát 12 millió képpontból álló) képeket tud rögzíteni, akkor milyen felbontású lehet a szemünk?
Az nyilvánvaló, hogy nem igazán hasonlítható össze a látásunkért felelős érzékszerv a zsebünkben megbújó telefon, vagy egy digitális fényképezőgép képalkotó rendszerével. Ennek fő oka, hogy az emberi látás nem állóképeket rögzít. A szemünk által közvetített látványt az agy folyamatosan dolgozza föl, és a szemünk is folyamatosan mozgásban van, az előttünk lévő tér különböző szeleteit úgymond letapogatva - tehát sokkal inkább lehetne egy nagy látószögű mozgásérzékelős biztonsági kamera élőben streamelt képét analógiául venni. ...
above mix: HiRes! Tank's Turret Angle Indicators. bottom: NEW! MedRes! Centurion's cutaway model.
above & below: NEW+! MedRes! TAMIYA✭✭ scale 1:25 "Centurion" MBT cutaway model

above & below: NEW+! MedRes! TAMIYA✭✭ scale 1:25 "Centurion" MBT cutaway model
above Two & below One! NEW! NoHigher! Bovington Tank Museum: Centurion turret real cutaway below: NEW! MedRes! photo: ret. Field-Miss. artillery Lt. Col. Salgó "Arty-Man" Béla nyá.alez. Rak.Táb.tü. szakértő also courtesy FREE!
above: NEW+! HiRes! Gunner on seat: #Morgan Fairchild
Morgan Fairchild (born Patsy Ann McClenny; February 3, 1950) is an American actress. She achieved prominence during the late 1970s and early 1980s with continuing roles in several television series, in which she usually conveyed a glamorous image.
Fairchild began her career on the CBS daytime soap opera Search for Tomorrow as Jennifer Pace from 1973 to 1977. In 1978, she appeared on the primetime soap opera Dallas as the first actress to portray Jenna Wade, before taking a lead role on the NBC series Flamingo Road in 1980 (for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama). In 1984, she co-starred on ABC's short-lived television drama Paper Dolls, and then appeared on Falcon Crest as attorney Jordan Roberts from 1985 to 1986. Fairchild has also performed in theater and played guest roles on television comedies, including Murphy Brown (for which she was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series), Roseanne, Cybill and Friends. She is a board member of SAG-AFTRA. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_Fairchild
above: NEW! NoHigher! Centurion rider girl source: www.mellbimbo.eu
NEW+! above NoHigher! & below: KMW & Rheinmetal Leopard-1 MBT

above: MedRes! Juci'bácsi's scan coll.: from Hu. Haditechnikai Szemle - Militrary Technic Review early 1970's
above & below: Turkish Aselsan company lisensed KMW Leopard-1T "Volcan" FCS below: MedRes! NEW!

above: Türkish Gunner in Leopard-1T "Volcan"
above: NEW+! MedRes! Leopard-1 the turret of the Leopard-1A5 absent Rangefinder optic by: Luc de Jaeger
above: NEW+! HiRes! Leopard-1 cutaway - schnitt-zeichen - röntgen metszet
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Leopard-1A2 profiles
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Richtshütze und Kommander - Gunner & Commander
above: NEW+! MedRes! Leo-1 Gunner, skytters_plass source: Scandinavian Armour - www.Haalamo.info
232.) Leopard-1A Bw. MBT & hull Combat Support & Pioneer pz.s: 'Biber', 'Büffel' Krauss-Maffei, Retro Soldat und Technik: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/07/232-leopard-1a-bw-mbt-hull-combat.html
above: New! MedRes! Real demo cutaway 105 mm Rheinmetal barrel of gun
above: NEW! NoHigher! Real #Gynoid Barrel-Gunnertrix: English supermodel, #Cara Delevigne source: Pinterest.com
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (/ˈkɑːrə ˌdɛləˈviːn/ KAH-rə DEL-ə-VEEN; born in England, Southampton, 12 August 1992) is an English model, singer and actress. She signed with Storm Model Management after leaving school in 2009. Delevingne won the "Model of the Year" award at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014 and has appeared in shows for houses including Burberry, Chanel, Mulberry, Dolce & Gabbana, and Jason Wu. She started her acting career with a minor role in the 2012 film adaptation of Anna Karenina. Her most notable roles include Margo Roth Spiegelman in the romantic mystery film Paper Towns (2015), Kath Talent in London Fields, the Enchantress in the comic book film Suicide Squad (2016), and Laureline in Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017). ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cara_Delevingne

above: NoHigher! Left: KDT optic Right: Peri R12
above & below: NEW Pics!: Leopard-1 Telescopic Gunsight, bottom: Coincidental Rangefinder
NEW! NoHigher! Schema of Coincidental Rangefinder below: 'Leica' camera coinc system
above: NEW! NoHigher! Optical princip - elvek
DSzP-30 Combat Engineer Rangefinder - ДСП-30 Дальномер САПЕРНЫЕ прибор:
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's mixture
above: New! Upper: MedRes! Turret simulator, Bottom: MedRes! Gunnery equipments: Leopard-1A5 Richtschützenplatz GNUFDL Sicherlich below: NEW+! NoHigher! NL
NEW+! NoHigher! above & below: Leopard-1 Chauffeur
227.) Leopard-2A4+Hu MBT-Alapharckocsi-Kpfw.-Tank by KM-W Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Kpfw. München/Munich & Rheinmetall L-44 KwK, Büffel & Leguan in HuDF 2020.July:
above: NoHigher! View to ahead in future: Leopard-2A4 source: Quora
above: NEW! NoHigher! "Female gunner's views to future in casual costume" source: pinterest.com

above: NEW Pics!: Left: Juci'bacsi's slide scanned coll.: richtschütze EMES - Right: TEM-2a strichbild 3it's reticle with range marker
18+above: NEW! HiRes! German World's star supermodel, Heidi Klum as TEM marker. source: pincelebs.net
Heidi Klum (German pronunciation: [ˈhaɪ̯diː ˈklʊm]; born 1 June 1973. -age 47- Bergisch Gladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany) is a German-born American model, television personality, businesswoman, fashion designer, singer, television producer, author, and actress. She appeared on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 1998 and was the first German model to become a Victoria's Secret Angel. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidi_Klum

above: four NEW Pics!: top Left: gunsight reticle - Right: Leopard-1A5 gunnery's workplace - bottom: EMES reticle.
above: NEW! NoHigher! IR gunner's right eye
above: NEW+! MedRes! Leopard-1A4 MBT
232.) Leopard-1A Bw. MBT & hull Combat Support & Pioneer pz.s: 'Biber', 'Büffel' Krauss-Maffei, Retro Soldat und Technik: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/07/232-leopard-1a-bw-mbt-hull-combat.html
above: NEW+! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's scan coll.: Italian 'Italeri' model Leopard-2A4
En. text: Italeri Incorporated is an Italian manufacturer of plastic scale models of airplanes, military vehicles, helicopters, ships, trucks, and cars. The company was founded in 1962 by Giuliano Malservisi and Gian Pietro Parmeggiani to produce accurate scale model kits with attention to detail.
It. text: La Italeri è un'azienda italiana produttrice di modellini in plastica di aeroplani, mezzi militari, elicotteri, navi, camion, automobili e action figures. ...
above & below: NEW pic!: HiRes! Österreiche Heer's KMW Leopard-2A4Ö - bottom: Juci'bacsi's slide/dia scanned collect.:
above: Hi Res Big! KMW Leopard-2 cutaway
above Two: New! Juci'bacsi's slide/dia scanned collection: HiRes! source: Wehrtecnik 1980
above: KMW Leopard-2A1 main parts
below: left: 120mm smooth barrel gun reference system's collimator

above: Hi Res Big! KMW Leopard-2 cutaway
above Two: New! Juci'bacsi's slide/dia scanned collection: HiRes! source: Wehrtecnik 1980
above: KMW Leopard-2A1 main parts
below: left: 120mm smooth barrel gun reference system's collimator

above: NEW Pics!: MedRes! Juci'bácsi's ORWO/Forte dia-slide from Wehrtechnic 1980: Rheinmetal 120 mm smooth barrel - glattrohr main weapon with inklination marker optic. also FREE!
above & below: schema of Leopard-2A1-A4 FCS below: MedRes! Ru. text A7

above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bácsi's work schematics block-diagram with additional info Courtesy FREE! My pics On Base of diagram of KMW Leopard-2A5-6 new generation FCS by: © kotsch.org - http://www.kotsch88.de/f_leopard2.htm
above: NEW: MedRes! Juci'bacsi's dia scan coll.: schema of Leopard FCS. source: Wehrtechnik late 1970s
above: MedRes! diagram of KMW Leopard-2A5-6 new generation FCS source: © www.kotsch.org

above: NEW! NoHigher! Headmirror
Hu. text: Leopard-2 Felszereltség, tűzvezetés, tájékozódás, FCS
A vezető a harckocsi orrában, a középvonaltól kissé jobbra ül.
Munkáját három periszkóp segíti, melyből a középső lecserélhető
infravörös éjjellátóval ellátott periszkópra, a vezető ülése alatt
található egy vészkijárat is. A toronyban jobb elülső oldalán foglal helyet az irányzó, mögötte és
kicsivel felette a parancsnok. A töltőkezelő pedig a lövegtől balra
foglal helyet. A küzdőtér mögött található a motortér, ahol az MTU MB 873 Ka-501
típusú 47,6 literes, V-12-es turbófeltöltős Diesel-motor található. Az
egész rendszert elektromos felügyeleti és hibaérzékelő rendszerrel is
ellátták, amely bármilyen meghibásodás esetén a sofőr előtti panelen
jelez. A korai változatok még AEG-Telefunken FLT2 analóg tűzvezető rendszert
használtak, amiket a később Krupp-Atlas EMES-15 digitális rendszerrel
váltottak fel (az első kétszáz Leopard 2 esetében ideiglenesen PZB200 –
nem infravörös, hanem fényerősítő elven működő éjjellátó – került
beépítésre, mivel akkor még nem készült el az EMES-15.). E módosítás
következtében mozgás közben, egyenetlen terepen mozgó célpontokat is
nagyobb eredményességgel támadhatnak. A pontos célzáshoz öt adat szükségeltetik: a cél távolsága és sebessége,
a saját harckocsi sebessége, dőlésszöge és a lőszer típusa. A találat
esélye egyforma mind menetben, mind álló helyzetben. Az EMES 15 mellett van egy tartalék célzóberendezést beszeretek. A
FERO-Z18, amely 8x nagyítással rendelkezik, a löveg mellett, jobbra
található. A parancsnok egy független PERI-R 17 A2 panoráma periszkópot kapott,
amely 360°-os látószöggel és 2x vagy 8x nagyítással, éjjellátó
üzemmóddal és célpont azonosító funkcióval is rendelkezik. E periszkóp,
melyet a Rheinmetall Defence Electronics és Zeiss Optronik GmbH szállít,
segítségével, szűkség esetén, a parancsnok átveheti az irányzó
feladatkörét is. A parancsnok mögött, a torony baloldali, hátsó részén helyezték el a SEM25 / 35 rádiót.

above: NEW! NoHigher! Headmirror
above: NEW! Juci'bacsi's slide coll: made of 'Leitz Wetzlar' - 'Leica' PERI from early 1980s
below: MedRes! KM-W - Münich Leopard-2A4 Peri R14 commander's sight

above: MedRes! Schema of Leopard-2 FCS
above: NEW!: NoHigh! PERI commander's panoramic and it's connect to gunsight. below: also
above: MedRes! Left: Courtesy: Eyk Neider
above: NEW+! MedRes! KM-W Leopard-2A5A1 GAS Sabot reticle in symulator game
above: four NEW Pics: Reticle vision of PERI R17. - bottom Upper: gunsight reticle HiRes! Lower: NoHigher! PERI IR mode
above: NEW! NoHigher! She is an Night IR Gunner-master source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW! Leopard-2A7 Commander Mission Position Display
above: NEW! MedRes! see OrigSize! Welder tank Gunnery's watch for NVG-FLIR
above: NEW! NoHigher! Austrian Army HEER's KMW Leopard-2A4Ö Pinterest
above: NEW! NoHigher! Photocamera: ROLLEIFLEX 2.8 GX Edition TLR - Twin Lens Reflex
MedRes! above: Leopard-2A4 Gunnery's demaged optics below: PERI-R17 commander sight
above: NoHigher! KMW Leopard-2A5 top of turret with PERI and tcmdr. / loader hatch
above & below: NEW! Juci'bacsi's scanned collection: HiRes! My early design skeetch of General Purpose Panorama Periscope by >Hungarian (MOM) made< (of' course) from 1973.
above: NEW! MedRes! Photocamera objective Zeiss 15f2_8Distagon cutaway
above: HiRes! Juci'bácsi's photo: Austrian Army's Leopard-2A4Ö in Mautern kasarne also FREE!
above: Juci'bacsi's two photos: HiRes! I was guest as a MATASz - VeMSz vice president with president ret. Col. Csatti-Kovex at Österreiche Officier Geselschaft - Nieder Ö. invitation of OG.NÖ-I group at Mautern, Österreiche Heer 3.PzGranBrig (Panzergranadier Brigade's) kaserne in summer of 2005. during the exercise.
above: Hi Res! Juci'bacsi's camera: OG-NÖ-I, prof-Dr. (Ph.D) ret. Col. Heinz Gerger vicepresident, ret. Col. Prix secretary (IM), ret. Lt. Col. György Ivánfalvy MATASz german translator, ret. Gen. major Günter Hochauer president, ret. Lt - Col. KOVÁCs "Csatti-Kovex" László - 'Laci-apánk' president of MATASz-VeMSz, and ret. avn. Lt.Col. JUHÁSz "Juci'bá' János vice president. 2005.

above: New! The Danish Lego assembly system toy Germany KMW 'Leopar-2A4 Main Battle Tank
above: NEW! MedRes! KMW Leopard-2A7

above; New! The true beautiful Germany 'Leopard-2' She is the Word famous fashion & photomodel, Heidi Klum
De. text: Heidi Klum (* 1. Juni 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach, von 2009 bis 2012 bürgerlich Heidi Samuel) ist ein deutsches Model. Seit 2008 besitzt sie auch die US-amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft. Sie arbeitet als Jurorin, Moderatorin und Produzentin der Fernsehsendungen Germany’s Next Topmodel und Project Runway sowie in den Vereinigten Staaten als Jurorin für America’s Got Talent. ... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidi_Klum
above: Arjun Indian MBT's gunsight outer objectives photo by: Kunal Biswas
above: Indian MBT 'Arjun' sight (Hi Res!) and FCS outer equipmenrs & devices below: MedRes!
The Arjun (Sanskrit: अर्जुन, pronounced [ərˈd͡ʑun] in Classical Sanskrit and pronounced [ərdʒʊn] in Hindi) is athird generation main battle tank developed by India's Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO), for the Indian Army. The tank is named after Arjun, the main protagonist, an archer prince of theIndian epic Mahabharata.above: NEW! MedRes! Cutaway graphic about French AMX-42 MBT 120 mm gun from 1984.
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bácsi's ORWO/Forte dia-slide repro-photo collection from early 1980's. source: T-72 cutaway from FRG Wehrtechnic? also Courtesy FREE!
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's ORWO/Forte dia-slide repro-photo collection from early 1980's. source: FRG 'Soldat und Technik' review: Comparison of T-64 & T-72 also Courtesy FREE!
above: new! MedRes! Soviet Tank periscope from WW Two
above three: Photo: Juci'bácsi's: HiRes Big! T-72 TKN-3B commander's sight in BHTA renovated collection also FREE!
above: NEW! NoHigher! below: NEW pic: NoHigh! T-72 commander looking through the TKN-3B
above: NEW+! NoHigher! Anne Hathaway as Catwoman with Binocular eyes cover-hole in movie "The dark Knight rises" source: Suicide Blonde via Mudwerks
Anne Jacqueline Hathaway (born November 12, 1982) is an American actress and singer. One of the world's highest-paid actresses in 2015, she has received multiple awards, including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, a British Academy Film Award, and a Primetime Emmy Award. Her films have earned $6.4 billion worldwide, and she appeared in the Forbes Celebrity 100 in 2009. ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Hathaway

above left: BMP-3 Pricel below: NoHigher! 1A43 Sight
above: No Higher! Russian SKAT commander's pricel - Прицел below: NEW! NoHigher! Gunsight 1P3-7
Hu. MOM's KM-1 D-944 PSzH Kettősműködésű irányzék - APC's Dual mode IR sight: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2018/01/209-km-1-kettosmukodesu-iranyzek-mom-41.html
above: Gunnery Simulation System
above: NEW: Periscopic Panorama Gunsight with 'Dove' prism in Soviet T-34-76B in early WW-two
above: periscope principal - below: very symple - smart Standby periscopes

above: NEW/ NoHigher! Hungarian 38M telescopic Tank Sight for 'Toldi' Hu. category light battle tank by designed Zeiss & MOM product in WW-Two source: www.roncskutatas.hu
56.) MOM (Magyar Optikai Művek - Hungarian Optical Works/Factory) Budapest _ Geodesy műszerek: Theodolite, Szintező, Levels, Tájoló, Labor műszerek, Haditechnika _ Optics, Military Technics _ MOM-Alapítvány-Foundation: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/56-mom-magyar-optikai-muvek-hungarian.html
NEW! above: NoHigher! Toldi-I on Hajmáskér exercise range (Close to city of Veszprém) 1942. summer - nyarán source: facebook/fotomveszet.net_o Toldi I kisharckocsi below: HiRes! (Crop!) Command 38M Toldi I or II with antenna - Parancsnoki harckocsi antennával - Azonosítatlan magyar harckocsibázis?? Tags: Insignia, number plate, tank, General Military Vehicle Emblem, track, aerial, automobile, Hungarian brand, military source: Wikipedia/Fortepan.hu
213.) Arty. Live Firing Exercise at Hu. Várpalota fire-range 2018.05.31. Tüzérségi éleslövészet, Kőröshegyi szektorban.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2018/06/213-arty-live-firing-exercise-at-hu.html

above: NEW! HiRes! Hungarian review of Military technics: The Toldi light tank - Haditechnika: " A Toldi könnyűharckocsi" source: www.hmzrinyi.hu
above: NEW! HiRes! Toldi tanks on square 'Oktogon' from Square of Heroes/City-park occasion of Military parade - Hősök-tere/Városliget felől in Budapest felvonuláskor source: forum.warthunder.com
above: NEW! HiRes! Budapest city-map 1930. 'Oktogon' marked with Pink
above: NEW! NoHigher! East Front, killed Hu. 38M 'Toldi' tank source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! Toldi in arm.rgt. Jászberényi pc.e. Lt. Chapó Gyula hdgy. source: facebook
above: NEW! MedRes! (Marked Sight with grey!) Ru. cyrillic text Longitudinal cross section linedrawing about 'Toldi' - Hosszmetszeti #vonalrajz a Toldiról - #Компоновкa-танкa "#Толди !"- #Schnitt#zeichnung leichte Kpfw. '#Toldi-I' source: Juci'bácsi's collect
NoHigher! above: NEW! Russian T-80 TPDK tank sight reticle with outer-base rangefinder markers: 4 = 1500m below: Stadia rangemarker source: tankograd.ru
above: HiRes! Russian T-72 gunnery's devices and Turret Direction Angle Indicator
above: new! NoHigher! T-72's turret traversal / horizontal drive device
Toronyirányszögjelző: http://szextant.blogspot.hu/2014/02/tank-torony-iranyszogkijelzo-muszer.html
above: NEW! Juci'bacsi's scanned collection: cross section of T-55 source: from 1974 my planner book
above: No Higher! T-55 turret
belov: left: HiRes Big! T-62 gunnery - right: HiRes!

above: NEW: Reticle of Ts2B telescopic gunsight of T-55 Right: NEW!
above: NEW! NoHigher! Optics schema
above: NEW! NoHigher! Pzkpfw-VI 'Tiger' TZF binocular Zielfernrohr
NEW! MedRes! above: TSh-16 below: TSh-2B gunsight T-54/55
above: NEW! NoHigher! TS zielfernrohr
above: NEW! NoHigher! Canon EOS-1 cutaway artwork
above: HiRes BiG! T-72's TPD-K1 gunsights at Hungarian MoD "Currus" Armory Maintenance Company near Budapest at Gödöllő http://www.currus.hu/
above: NoHigher! Gunnery's working view in T-72
above: New pics! NoHigher! TPD-K1 gunsight of T-72
above: NEW! HiRes! T-80U Sight & IR scope & Turret angle gauge
above: HiRes Big! Similar field arty gunsight system 2Sz1 "Gvozdhika" 122 mm SPH PG-2M at HM "Currus" - Gödöllő -near Budapest in Hu.
above: NEW Pic! No Higher! T-72 / 80 modernisated FCS

above two: Left: No Higher! Right: Normal! PG-2M Прицел SPH 152 mm MCTA (MSzTA)
above: NEW! 1PN-22M1 IR gunsight - Infra-Rot Zielfernrohr below: 1G42 Zielfernrohr-Entfernungmesser - Gunsight & Rangefinder
above: NoHigher! Gyrostabilizer electronic block
Do You understand? Modernisated 2Э42-4 in 2010 have
whorse values (twice worse...) then "old" WNA-H22 from Leopard-2A4.
Even for this one reson (two times more accurate stabilization mechanisms in Leopard-2 then in T-72BA) accuracy will be bigger in Leopard-2 then in T-72BA...
In fact accuracy in T-72Ba will be ----ed up like in polish PT-91 when FCS Drawa was placed but nobody changes stabilization mechanisms And the result was better FCS which did not affect of the accuracy becouse stabilization mechanisms was not enough accurate and can't use beter dates from new FCS.
2) FCS in both tanks:
What have "new" FCS in T-72BA and didn't have FCS from Leopard-2? In Leopard-2A4 FCS RPP-1-8 have all this function (but 25 yers elyier...)
All from that:
Установка этого комплекса повышает эффективность стрельбы за счет поправок на следующие параметры:
- боковую составляющую ветра;
- температуру воздуха;
- атмосферное давление;
- износ канала ствола;
- относительную скорость перемещения цели;
- учета индивидуальных углов вылета и баллистики всех типов и индексов снарядов. Have RPP-1-8 -of course without some details.
But T-72BA havent one very important modern FCS component - where is panoramic commander's sight : wide, moving 360 degrees, stabilized?
In fact T-72BA is not able to fighting whit Hunter-Killer mod, what now is absolutely a key determinant of tanks FCS. In fact the comander in T-72BA is just blind if he dosn't use hatches becouse he havn't panoramic commander's sight. And he can forgot about Hunter-Killer mode.
And this is modern FCS and better then RPP-1-8? Poor joke.
T-72BA also due to FCS is able to fire guided rounds with ranges up to 5km. And what? It's not useful in typical Europe terrain. Maybe on some flat desert in Asia. But not in Poland, Belarus, Germany, etc.
In Germany max. fire range is 2000m.
In Poland 96% direct fire range is 1500m
Thats reson why is lack of GLATGM's in western tanks. It's just stupid when max fire range is 2000m!
Using this all Cobra, Swir and other in Soviet tanks was an attempt to ensure guite good accuracy during moving - becouse whole stabilization mechanisms in soviet tanks not allwed to accuracy fire beyond 1000-1200m during moved.
(btw: penetration level this all Kobra and Swir in under armour protection vs HEAT provided by Leopard-2 armour. )
It is known fact that potential of gun is proportional to pressure, quadratic product of caliber and lenght. And this is dum as shit sentenses becouse L-44 in M1A2 Abrams using DU M829A3 have better perforations value then most (or even all...) longer guns using other APFSDS round. How You will explain this? Mirracle?
modernised autoloader allowing use of rounds with increased penetrator lenght comparable to DM-63 Leopard round in dimensions. It's not comparable.
whole 740mm lengt mean shorter penetrator - under 700mm (accoding to otvaga.2000 forum members). As I remember Frontanov had wrote about 680mm penetrator lenght.
Older DM-42 have ~670mm penetrator lenght whit whole 691mm lenght Dm63 is longer
ps. about autoloader:
Бронетехника из Нижнего Тагила 12
Ghur Khan post (the last) - so only since 2011 T-72Ba will
Even for this one reson (two times more accurate stabilization mechanisms in Leopard-2 then in T-72BA) accuracy will be bigger in Leopard-2 then in T-72BA...
In fact accuracy in T-72Ba will be ----ed up like in polish PT-91 when FCS Drawa was placed but nobody changes stabilization mechanisms And the result was better FCS which did not affect of the accuracy becouse stabilization mechanisms was not enough accurate and can't use beter dates from new FCS.
2) FCS in both tanks:
What have "new" FCS in T-72BA and didn't have FCS from Leopard-2? In Leopard-2A4 FCS RPP-1-8 have all this function (but 25 yers elyier...)
All from that:
Установка этого комплекса повышает эффективность стрельбы за счет поправок на следующие параметры:
- боковую составляющую ветра;
- температуру воздуха;
- атмосферное давление;
- износ канала ствола;
- относительную скорость перемещения цели;
- учета индивидуальных углов вылета и баллистики всех типов и индексов снарядов. Have RPP-1-8 -of course without some details.
But T-72BA havent one very important modern FCS component - where is panoramic commander's sight : wide, moving 360 degrees, stabilized?
In fact T-72BA is not able to fighting whit Hunter-Killer mod, what now is absolutely a key determinant of tanks FCS. In fact the comander in T-72BA is just blind if he dosn't use hatches becouse he havn't panoramic commander's sight. And he can forgot about Hunter-Killer mode.
And this is modern FCS and better then RPP-1-8? Poor joke.
T-72BA also due to FCS is able to fire guided rounds with ranges up to 5km. And what? It's not useful in typical Europe terrain. Maybe on some flat desert in Asia. But not in Poland, Belarus, Germany, etc.
In Germany max. fire range is 2000m.
In Poland 96% direct fire range is 1500m
Thats reson why is lack of GLATGM's in western tanks. It's just stupid when max fire range is 2000m!
Using this all Cobra, Swir and other in Soviet tanks was an attempt to ensure guite good accuracy during moving - becouse whole stabilization mechanisms in soviet tanks not allwed to accuracy fire beyond 1000-1200m during moved.
(btw: penetration level this all Kobra and Swir in under armour protection vs HEAT provided by Leopard-2 armour. )
It is known fact that potential of gun is proportional to pressure, quadratic product of caliber and lenght. And this is dum as shit sentenses becouse L-44 in M1A2 Abrams using DU M829A3 have better perforations value then most (or even all...) longer guns using other APFSDS round. How You will explain this? Mirracle?
modernised autoloader allowing use of rounds with increased penetrator lenght comparable to DM-63 Leopard round in dimensions. It's not comparable.
whole 740mm lengt mean shorter penetrator - under 700mm (accoding to otvaga.2000 forum members). As I remember Frontanov had wrote about 680mm penetrator lenght.
Older DM-42 have ~670mm penetrator lenght whit whole 691mm lenght Dm63 is longer
ps. about autoloader:
Бронетехника из Нижнего Тагила 12
Ghur Khan post (the last) - so only since 2011 T-72Ba will
above: HiRes! Diagram of RussianFire Control System
above: NEW! NoHigher! Side view 1G42
above: NEW! HiRes! LOMO made 1G46 sight for T-80/90 - Различные оптико-механически и оптико-электронные приборы военного назначения являются важным направлением производства и НИОКР предприятия. На фото: танковый прицел «Иртыш»
Ru. text: Трижды ордена Ленина Ленинградское оптико-механическое объединение имени В. И. Ленина (АО «ЛОМО́») — российская компания, занимающаяся производством и реализацией оптико-механических и оптико-электронных приборов. Предприятие оптико-механической промышленности Российской империи, СССР и России. Первое оптико-механическое предприятие в Российской империи. Крупнейшее советское оптико-механическое производственно-конструкторское объединение. ... https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOMO
En. text: LOMO (Leningradskoye Optiko-Mekhanicheskoye Obyedinenie, Leningrad Optical Mechanical Association), or ЛОМО́ (Ленинградское Oптико-Mеханическое Oбъединение), is a manufacturer of advanced optical instruments, medical equipment, consumer still and movie cameras, projectors, lenses, film editors, splicers, professional sound recorders for motion-picture production based in St. Petersburg, Russia. The factory is the holder of three Lenin Orders.
Its Lomo LC-A consumer camera was the inspiration for the lomography photographic movement. ...

Its Lomo LC-A consumer camera was the inspiration for the lomography photographic movement. ...
above: NEW! NoHigher! T-90 PDPN
above: MedRes! T-90 AM, T-90MS FCS
above & below: SAVAN Russian FCS
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MedRes! Ballistic Computer |
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NoHigher! Gunnery Symulator |
above: Tos-1A heavy flame thrower 220mm multiple launch rocket FCS
above: NEW! NoHigher! Hi-Tech Gunneryiess source: Pinterest.com
above: NEW: MedRes! Marilyn Monroe Hollywood superstar proffesional T-80UD boresigh t gunner-sniper. below: NEW: NoHigher! Old Timer Victorians -'Steampunk' tank gunner
above: NEW! Made in Japan: CASIO 'G-Shock' - "Multi Band 6" - "Rangeman Protection" http://www.casio.bolt.hu/
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's Adobe Photoshop artwork, only clear tools: Courtesy of "Air Art" Graphics. MOM's style Conception Construction of Juci'bá's mind: "MAM's" product Tank's Attitude & Turret moving indicators as graphic Own's exam artwork - Egy általam elképzelt MOM stílusú konstrukciók a harckocsi (T-55, T-72) Térbeli mozgáskijelző és a Toronyhelyzetjelző műszerek, mint saját vizsga grafikai alkotások 2013. februárból. FREE pics!
above & below: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bácsi's Courtesy of "Air Art" Graphics. Juci'bácsi's schematics of princip of Tank's directional control - Vázlat a harckocsik irány szerinti irányításának elméletéről. FREE!

above: most moderne and ergonomy & sophisticated FCS - Remote Control Unit otherwise calmative optical sight.
above: NEW+! NoHigher! The best new FCS from Japanese 'Nintendo' for "Pokémon" live hunting
above: NEW! NoHigher! Russian T. Eighty Milygirl source: Pinterest.com
Szovjet düh | Akció, háború | teljes film - Soviet fury | Action, War | full movie
Советская ярость | боевик, война | полный фильм
Sovetskaya yarost' | boyevik, voyna | polnyy fil'm
Hu. text: 1944-ben a Nyikolaj Ivuskin vezette orosz katonának sikerült elmenekülnie Németországból egy félig megsemmisült T-34-es harckocsi fedélzetén.
Rendező: Alekszej Sidorov Szereplők: Alexander Ptrov, Vinzenz Kiefer, Irina Starshenbaum
Műfaj akció, háború teljes film
En. text: In 1944, a Russian soldier led by Nikolai Ivuskin managed to escape from Germany aboard a half-destroyed T-34 tank.
Director: Alexey Sidorov Actors: Alexander Ptrov, Vinzenz Kiefer, Irina Starshenbaum
Genre Action, War full movie
Ru. text: В 1944 году русскому солдату во главе с Николаем Ивуськиным удалось бежать из Германии на борту полуразрушенного танка Т-34.
Режиссер: Алексей Сидоров Актеры: Александр Птров, Винценз Кифер, Ирина Старшенбаум
Жанр Боевик, Военный полный фильм
Sowjetische Wut | Aktion, Krieg | ganzer Film
De. text: 1944 gelang einem russischen Soldaten unter Führung von Nikolai Iwuskin die Flucht aus Deutschland an Bord eines halbzerstörten T-34-Panzers.
Regie: Alexey Sidorov Schauspieler: Alexander Ptrov, Vinzenz Kiefer, Irina Starshenbaum
Genre Action, Krieg ganzer Film
below: NEW! NoHigher! PzKpfw. VI. 'Tiger' original photo with binocular (stereo) TZF sight
Terence Hill (Mario Girotti 1939) - Bud Spencer 'Piedone' (Carlo Pedersoli 1929 - 2016 I.M.)
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