FIAT-Alenia G.91R/Y "Gina" (Fabrica Italiano Automobilo Torino) Luftwaffe - Aiereni Esercito. ЧЕРТЕЖИ. Istrana IAFB 51st Stormo "Caccia" - sexy actress Gina Lollobrigida & Cicciolina-Staller Ilona (Wikipedia)
above: MedRes! Installazioni Interne
above: NEW! NoHigher! Blasted drawing
NEW! above: MedRes! North American F-86D-Sabre source: www.zona-militar below: HiRes! North American/Fiat F-86K
above: NEW! HiRes! Centrifugal Jetengine: Bristol Siddeley "Orpheus" or General Electric J85
above: Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: HiRes! FIAT G-91Y "Gina" Trainer ItAF from book of Vass Balázs
above & below: HiRes! FIAT G.91R/Y below: NEW ! Two Large three view drawings.
above: MedRes! Profile Cross section below: MedRes! Profile views outline drawings
above: NEW! HiRes! Luftwaffe paint pattern schema below: NEW! Close details
above: NEW! NoHigher! Decal set sheet - Matrica készlet-lap
above: NEW! NoHigher! Portugese Air Force colors guide
above & below: HiRes! Cyrillic text: Chertezhi - Drawing
above: MedRes! Drawing
above: NEW! NoHigher! Ejection of FIAT G.91
En. text: The Fiat G.91 is an Italian jet fighter aircraft designed and built by Fiat Aviazione, which later merged into Aeritalia. The G.91 has its origins in the NATO-organised NBMR-1 competition in 1953, which sought a light fighter-bomber "Light Weight Strike Fighter" to be adopted as standard equipment across the air forces of the various NATO nations. After reviewing multiple submissions, the G.91 was picked as the winning design of the NBMR-1 competition.
The G.91 entered into operational service with the Italian Air Force in 1961, and with the West German Luftwaffe in the following year. Various other nations adopted it, such as the Portuguese Air Force, who made extensive use of the type during the Portuguese Colonial War in Africa. The G.91 enjoyed a long service life that extended over 35 years.
The G.91 remained in production for 19 years, during which a total of 756 aircraft were completed, including the prototypes and pre-production models. The assembly lines were finally closed in 1977. The G.91 was also used as a basis for a twin-engined development: the Fiat/Aeritalia G.91Y. ...
De. text: Die Fiat G.91 (ab 1969: Aeritalia G.91) war ein zu Beginn der Produktion ein-, später zweistrahliges Kampfflugzeug der Zeit des Kalten Krieges. Die Maschine wurde von Fiat Aviazione in Italien entwickelt und sollte ursprünglich innerhalb der NATO das US-Flugzeug North American F-86 Sabre ersetzen. Das „G“ steht für den Fiat-Avio-Chefkonstrukteur Giuseppe Gabrielli (1903–1987).
Nach der Fusion von Fiat Aviazione mit anderen italienischen Flugzeugherstellern zu Aeritalia S.p.A. im Jahre 1969 änderte sich die Bezeichnung in Aeritalia G.91. ...
Hu. text: A G.91 egy olasz sugárhatású vadászbombázó repülőgép, melyet a Fiat Aviazione tervezett és gyártott.
A G.91 terve 1953-ban jött létre, válaszul a NATO egyik pályázatára, mely az Észak-atlanti Szerződés Szervezete tagállamainak gépparkját volt hivatva egységesíteni. A NATO elvileg egy robusztus, kevés karbantartást igénylő vadászbombázót akart, amely a nem tökéletes, ideiglenes felszállópályákról is képes harci feladatokat végre hajtani, és a szárazföldi csapatokat a levegőből hatékonyan támogatni. A FIAT nyerte a pályázatot, méghozzá a gyorsaságának köszönhetően, mellyel az F-86-ost alapul véve tervezett egy gépet. Ez pedig tökéletesen megfelelt az előírt követelményeknek. Azonban egyelőre csak Németország, Olaszország, később Portugália vásárolta meg, mert számos más állam inkább az amerikai típusokban bízott. A G.91R változatra alapozva egy igen jó felderítő repülőgép is készült, a G.91T. A hatvanas években tovább fejlesztették G.91Y néven, de minőségében nem tudott elődei nyomába szegődni ezért mindösszesen 67 darab készült belőle. Az utolsó G.91-el, egy T-géppel az Olasz Légierő repült 1995-ben. ...
above: MedRes! ItAF below: HiRes! Cyrillic text: Three wiew
above: NEW! HiRes! Real cutaway in Museum? below: NoHigher! Juci'bacsi's Duplex
above: NEW! HiRes! FIAT-Alenia G-91 original, basic dashboard - műszerfal
above Italian text drawing: NEW! HiRes!
En. text: Fiat Automobiles S.p.A. (UK: /ˈfiːət, -æt/, US: /-ɑːt/; originally FIAT, Italian: Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, lit. 'Italian Automobiles Factory, Turin') is an Italian automobile manufacturer, a subsidiary of FCA Italy S.p.A., which is part of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (previously Fiat S.p.A.). Fiat Automobiles was formed in January 2007 when Fiat reorganized its automobile business, and traces its history back to 1899 when the first Fiat automobile, the Fiat 4 HP, was produced.
Fiat Automobiles is the largest automobile manufacturer in Italy. During its more than century-long history, it remained the largest automobile manufacturer in Europe and the third in the world after General Motors and Ford for over twenty years, until the car industry crisis in the late 1980s. In 2013, Fiat S.p.A. was the second largest European automaker by volumes produced and the seventh in the world, while currently FCA is the world's eighth largest auto maker.
In 1970, Fiat Automobiles employed more than 100,000 in Italy when its production reached the highest number, 1.4 million cars, in that country. As of 2002, it built more than 1 million vehicles at six plants in Italy and the country accounted for more than a third of the company's revenue. Fiat has also manufactured railway engines, military vehicles, farm tractors, aircraft, and weapons such as the Fiat–Revelli Modello 1914.
Fiat-brand cars are built in several locations around the world. Outside Italy, the largest country of production is Brazil, where the Fiat brand is the market leader. The group also has factories in Argentina, Poland and Mexico (where Fiat-brand vehicles are manufactured at plants owned and operated by FCA US for export to the United States, Brazil, Italy and other markets) and a long history of licensing manufacture of its products in other countries.
Fiat Automobiles has received many international awards for its vehicles, including nine European Car of the Year awards, the most of any other manufacturer, and it ranked many times as the lowest level of CO2 emissions by vehicles sold in Europe. ...
It. text: FIAT (acronimo di Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino) è un marchio automobilistico di FCA Italy, a sua volta facente parte del gruppo industriale Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
Il marchio ha una lunga storia, essendo stato fondato l'11 luglio 1899 a Torino come casa produttrice di automobili, per poi sviluppare la propria attività in numerosi altri settori, dando vita a quello che sarebbe diventato il più importante gruppo finanziario e industriale privato italiano del XX secolo, oltreché la prima holding del Paese, e, limitatamente al settore automobilistico, la maggior casa produttrice del continente europeo e terza a livello mondiale, dopo le statunitensi General Motors Co. e Ford Motor Co., per un ventennio, fino allo scoppio della crisi dell'industria automobilistica torinese iniziata alla fine degli anni ottanta. ...
Hu. text: A Fiat Olaszország legnagyobb járműgyára; központja az észak-olaszországi Torino városában található. A cég neve a „Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino” (Olasz Autógyár Torino) kifejezésből alkotott tulajdonnévi betűszó. ...
above: Juci'bácsi's scanned coll.: NEW! NoHigher! From Top: recce - äufklarer Mikoyan MiG-21RF 'Fishbed' Egypt, Hubschrauber Aérospatiale SA-316 "Alouette"-III. Österreich HEER, Jäger English Electric/BAC "Lightning" F.6 (Großbritannien), Jagdbomber FIAT G.91R3 (BRD-Luftwaffe)
NEW! BRD's LuftWaffe above: MedRes! below: NoHigher!
above: NEW! MedRes! Hellenic Air Force - Görög Légierő
above: New! HiRes! It was other first Airfix assembly plastic model. (the back shut down A-20 'Boston') source: Juci'bácsi's collection from 1970
NEW! HiRes! Luftwaffe FIAT G.91 'Gina', last member of the Sabre family source: facebook
above: NEW! MedRes! Luftwaffe Museum source: wikipedia
Painting with arcrylic by
Air Art Juci'bacsi's painting: 2005 FRG - FIAT G-91flight over the basin Tapolca - MATASz's
gift for VdRBw-OBBG partner ret. flt. Col. Gerd Beyer'adler former LW FW cmdr. & after Bayern
president below: NEW! HiRes! Landscape Tapolcaer basin.
above: NEW! HiRes! Map of basin of Tapolca over lake-Balaton
above Two: NEW! HiRes! Angyal László Samuel Angel's photo: at Luftfahrt und Technik Museumspark Merseburg March of 2015: Luftwaffe FIAT G.91 below: NEW! MedRes!
above: NEW! HiRes! organization diagram of Italian Air Force source: wikipedia
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Juci'bácsi's scanned own photo: HiRes! at Istrana AFB |
above: HiRes! Wing commander of the 51st Stormo Col. Giuseppe CORNACCHIA
above: HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scanned photos: The CSBM team with my travelling companion flt. capt. (An-24/26 pilot) Trombitás "Trombi" Feri and commander of 51st Stormo flt. col. Giuseppe Cornacchia
above: Juci'bacsi's scanned photo at ItAF AFB Istrana 51st "Caccia" Stormo during at CSBM excursion in 1992. as a participation member
above: NEW! NoHigher! Portugal Air Force
above: MedRes! Portougese Air Force and it's "Tigeer Meet' G.91 camo paint below: NEW! NoHigher! 'Tiger Meet' maquette

above: NEW! MedRes! FIAT G.91 "Frecce Tricolori" ItAF's Aero Acrobatic Formation Team.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Airbrake parashutist Pin-Up Girl with umbrella
above: photo: ifj. Lele Béla - Juci'bacsi's scan coll.: NEW! MedRes! MÁV's probe test (Magyar Államvasutak - Hu. Goverment Railway) by Italian Eletrical Locomotive FIAT (Hu. nickname: "Cicciolina"). It did'nt win.


above: NEW! Top Left: MedRes! "Cicciolina" in early Her original -birth name was: Staller Ilona1970's. She was famous Hungarian celeb & Italian favourite pornó-star and porn-movie actress. Top Right: MedRes! Bottom Right: MedRes!
Hu. text: Cicciolina, született Staller Ilona Anna (olaszul: Elena Anna Staller) (Budapest, 1951. november 26.); magyar születésű fotómodell, majd Olaszországban (La) Cicciolina vagy Elena Mercuri néven énekesnő, színésznő és pornószínésznő. Politikai aktivista, az olasz belpolitikai élet résztvevője, 1987–1992 között (ismét polgári neve alatt) az Olasz Köztársaság parlamenti képviselője, zenei műsorok közreműködője, televíziós személyiség, környezet- és állatvédő aktivista. A kemény pornófilmes szereplést képviselői hivatali ideje alatt is folytatta. Számos, közbotrányt okozó megnyilatkozásáról is ismert. A magyar bulvársajtóban gyakran használt beceneve Husika, a maga választotta Cicciolina művésznév megfelelője. source: text: Ilona Staller, nome completo Elena Anna Staller (Budapest, 26 novembre 1951), è un'ex attrice pornografica,cantante e politica ungherese naturalizzata italiana.
Nota con lo pseudonimo di Cicciolina (ma all'inizio della carriera si è fatta chiamare anche Elena Mercury edElena Mercuri) è famosa anche per essere stata la prima attrice di film per adulti al mondo ad essere stata eletta democraticamente in un parlamento, cioè alla Camera dei deputati italiana. Personaggio all'epoca scandaloso e notissimo in tutta Europa, molto amato e alcune volte criticato, ha lavorato anche alla radio, in televisione e nel mondo della musica. ...
above: New pic! Gina Lollobrigida & major Yury Gagarin below: four New Pics! Top R.:HiRes!
Durante la sua lunga e variegata carriera ha ottenuto numerosi riconoscimenti, tra cui un Golden Globe per il film Torna a settembre, sette David di Donatello e due Nastri d'argento. ...




ITALIANA: Gina Lollobrigida the world sexy actress
above: NEW! NoHigher! She was at LHBP "Ferihegy-I" International AP Budapest - MALÉV
above: NEW! NoHigher! FIAT "Spider" 1500, 1965. source:
NoHigher! above: NEW! retro FIAT's advert from 1960's below: NEW! source: Pinterest
above: NEW! MedRes! FIAT-500 "Topolino" (1936.) on parade occasion of the 1948. May 1st in Budapest, VI. ker. Körönd, with MHSZ - Magyar Honvédelmi Szövetség - Association of the Hungarian Home Defence glider model Donor: MHSZ source:
above: NEW! HiRes! FIAT-1800 1968. Hu text: Hungaria, Budapest XIX. Wesselényi utca a Derkovits Gyula utca felé nézve source: fortepan.hu_27152
above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bácsi's scan collect from own book: (Little Edited!) FIAT-1500 on Testroute conditions in Somalia and North Europe source: eng. Liener György, Autótipusok' 1964. Budapest MK - Műszaki Könyvkiadó - Tecnics Publisher
above: NEW! HiRes! (Cropped vertic!) Hungarian FIAT-1500_1965. Hu. text: Budapest V. Vörösmarty tér, park Vigadó hátoldalánál. photo & Donor: Mr. Bauer Sándor source: fortepan.hu_126435
above: Italian retrospective feeling: With Jane Mansfield bombshell American Hollywood actress on Innocenti Lambretta scooter advertisement - robogó reklám
abolve: NEW+! NoHigher! Word famous South Africaans/Boer "Victoria Secret's" model Candice Swanepoel in made of Brake Parashute material bride clothing - Fékernyő anyagból készült esküvői/menyasszonyi ruhában
above: NEW! MedRes! Painting: Leopard-1A2 and FIAT G.91Y 'Gina' attack jets source: facebook
232.) Leopard-1A Bw. MBT & hull Combat Support & Pioneer pz.s: 'Biber', 'Büffel' Krauss-Maffei, Retro Soldat und Technik:
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